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A Treatment for a Music Video

Endlessly (The Cab) – Music video

Blake and Chloe

Prepared by Blake Hemmings


Act 1:

In the first act of the music video we will be introduced to both the guy and girl. In the opening of
the song we will learn about their situation, and how this narrative is about forbidden love. The
video will start with the girl running out of the front door to her house, her parents were in a heated
argument with her about what they consider to be an ‘ideal man’. She runs out of the door and
slumps down on the door step, crying – then looks up into the night sky followed by the camera
panning up to see the star-filled sky and the names, ‘Blake and Chloe’ (me and my partner for this
project) before cutting to black as the song starts playing.

The screen cuts to the guy sitting on a deck chair outside staring into the darkness of night. He starts
singing but with barely any movement to show the deep torment that is holding him down, making
his whole body feel heavy. Almost given up. As he sings the camera cuts to various things around
him, a wooden frame by the side of a flower patch with two bird feeders hanging down, and wind
chime resting against a fence holding it completely still. The floor of the deck he stands on is aged,
planks of wood pointing out of the ground and old paint that has been mostly scraped off from the
weather; but despite the kinks of the area it has a certain peace to it, and its one that brings the man
calm at night.

The video then cuts to the next day and the guy is walking down the road. He is nervous as he is on
his way to request his partner’s parent’s blessing for the two of them to be together. He’s
unprepared, a mess, and a little hung over from the night before; his clothes are stained, jeans
ripped, and shoes are old and scrappy – but still he has hope. Just before he reaches the girl’s house
he clutches a bunch of flowers from out of a nearby bush, filters the grass out of the handful and
knocks on the door.

The girl sees him from her window from down the road but by the time she gets to the front door
her parents have already opened it to see him in all his… well it wasn’t glorious. The camera shows
visually that the guy gets rejected by the parents and as the door is slammed the girl is heart broken.
Act 2:

As the chorus ends the guy is leaving the house, devastated. He starts running until he reaches a
beach, his comfort place. He is sitting in the sand with his head in his hands wallowing in his own
self-pity. After the instrumental finishes he pulls a picture out of his pocket, a weathered picture
from in the past. The tide comes in a bit submerging him in the sea and he starts to cry.

We cut to inside as the guy is now in the mirror cleaning himself up. In this section of the song we
see him getting up at good times, going outside more, and picking up rubbish from the roads. There
will be one scene where we see the guy searching for a nice suit online.

Potential scene: As this part of the song is referencing him rising back up from hopelessness we could
show him watching something with the theme of phoenix’s to symbolise him rising from the ashes.

Act 3:

In the final act of the music video we see everything come together. The guy gets up at a good time
in the morning and we see him turning off his alarm. Then we see him sorting himself out in the
mirror followed by him getting dressed up ready for a big day: asking for the parents’ blessing again.
He grabs a bouquet of flowers on his way out the door and heads towards the girl’s house. On his
way down he is extremely nervous. He is constantly adjusting his sleeves and tie, his sleeves and his
shirt while walking, taking deep breathes trying not to sike himself out of it.

He reaches the front door, is about to knock but then it opens with the girl on the other side of it.
They share a look, a moment of peace which is almost instantly destroyed by the mother and she
yells at the guy telling him the two of them will never be together. In shock and sadness he just runs
away. He runs all the way to his comfort place, he takes off his blazer and tie and just keeps running
until he can’t run anymore.

He slows down and just starts stumbling, completely giving up and losing all hope. The camera
shows a close up of the guys face as all the hope drains out of his eyes.

After a few seconds of this the girl comes running after him and tackles him to the ground. She
shows him that her parents’ opinion doesn’t matter, they will always be together no matter what.

The End.

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