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CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Charlemagne James P. Ramos R.C., J.D./Review Files/Alpha House 2015


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only the answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet


1. Mr. Tibon passed the criminologist licensures examination last

October 2015 at the age of 29 years old. he apply as police
officer 1 on the said year of December. On June 24, 2016 Mr.
Tibon celebrate his 30th birthday, a lucky birthday gift for Mr.
Tibon because on June 30, 2016 the time that Mr. Tibon take oath
as police officer to the office of the PNP; with regard to his
age, is Mr. Tibon still qualified?
a. Yes, Mr. Tibon’s bday wish granted
b. Yes, under the law not less than 21 but not more than 30 yrs
c. No, Mr. Tibon is too old
d. No, under the law; say, less than 30 yrs old, meaning 29 yrs
old below

2. The graduates of the PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the

initial rank of ______.
a. Not less than SPO4 but not more than inspector
b. Inspector
c. Senior inspector
d. Defending upon from your merits/awards

3. The three types of surveillance according to intensity and

sensitivity are; discreet, close and loose. Question what is
a. Subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under
b. Subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each
c. Applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation
varied on each occasion
d. Remaining outdoors and posing who would normally conduct his
business in such an area, i.e., laborer, carpenter street
vendor, etc.

4. Headed by a director with the rank of chief superintendent, the

__________ shall perform all police functions over the Philippine
territorial waters and river?
a. Communications unit
b. Aviation security unit
c. Maritime police unit
d. Civil relations unit

5. It is the more economical alternative patrol system, which has an

objective approach against criminality as much s practicable. It
addresses crime at its very root before it is able to develop
into felonious act?
a. Reactive patrol
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b. Proactive patrol
c. Police omnipresence
d. Participative law enforcement

6. Relief and drainage system, vegetation, surface material, man-

made features. There are military aspects of __________ which
includes cover and concealment, obstacle, critical key terrain
features, observation and field of fire, and avenues of approach?
a. People
b. Enemy
c. Terrain
d. Weather

7. Is a form of clandestine investigation, which consist of keeping

persons, place or other targets under physical observation in
order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to an
a. Tailing or shadowing
b. Surveillance
c. Casing or reconnaissance
d. Roping

8. General Assembly means;

a. Compose of delegates appointed by the government of member
countries. As interpol’s supreme governing body, it meets once
year and takes all the major decisions affecting general
policy. The resources needed for international cooperation,
working methods, finances and program of activities.
b. The executive committee is interpol’s select deliberate organ
which meets three times a year, usually in march, July and
immediately before the general assembly.
c. Is a package of transnational flows of people, production,
investment, information, ideas, and authority and is growing
inter-penetration of states, markets, communications and
ideas. It is one of the leading characteristics of the
contemporary world.
d. The world’s largest international police organization, with
188 member countries, created in 1923, it facilitates cross
border police co-operation, and supports and assists all
organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to
prevent or combat international crime

9. A fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for

duty, such as a designated desk or office or an intersection or
cross walk from traffic duty. It is spot location for general
guard duty?
a. Post
b. Unit
c. Section
d. Division

10. Length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is

also called “LINE BEAT”
a. Bureau
b. Beat
c. Patrol
d. Route

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11. Is the maximum number of subordinates at a given position
that superior can supervise effectively?
a. Span of control
b. Scalar principle
c. Unity of command
d. Command responsibility

12. Shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which

defines an unbroken chain of units from top to button describing
explicitly the flow of authority?
a. Span of control
b. Scalar principle
c. Unity of command
d. Command responsibility

13. A-2;
a. Completely reliable; truth cannot be judged
b. Unreliable; doubtfully true
c. Not usually reliable; confirmed by others
d. Completely reliable; probably true

14. This is observation of place usually book stall, a gambling

joint, a residence where illegal activities are going on fixed
a. Observation
b. Technical
c. Moving
d. Stationary

15. POSDCORB is an acronym developed by early management

theorist Luther Gulick, this acronym supposed to define all
duties of an administration or manager and this stand for?
a. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating,
reporting and balancing
b. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, cooperating,
reporting and budgeting
c. Planning, organizing, supervision, directing, cooperating,
reporting and budgeting
d. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating,
reporting and budgeting

16. Unity of command means?

a. Command should come from one superior only
b. Conferring of an amount of authority by a superior position by
a subordinate
c. Shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization
d. Organization is effective if it enables the individual

17. All original appointment of commissioned officers in the

PNP shall commence with the rank of inspector; except,
a. Engineers
b. Optometrists
c. Forensic sciences
d. Chaplains

18. Refers to any physical structure whether natural or man-

made capable or restricting, deterring, delaying or preventing
illegal and unauthorized access to an installation?

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a. Fences
b. Personnel
c. Barriers
d. Walls

19. No person shall be licensed s security officer unless he

has the following qualification; except,
I. Filipino citizen
II. High school graduate
III. Physically and mentally fit
IV. Has graduated from security officers training course or
its equivalent
V. Holder of baccalaureate degree

a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,2,3,5
c. 1,3,4,5
d. 2,3,4,5

20. In the Philippines national police, the heart of the

organization is investigation, while the nervous?
a. Operation
b. Administration
c. Record
d. Communication

21. A plan established the as required according to type of

personnel, and the general and specific instructions of
a. Surveillance plan
b. Pre-surveillance conference
c. Undercover man
d. Liaison program

22. Headed by a director with the rank of chief superintendent,

__________ shall function as a mobile strike force or reaction
unit to augment regional, provincial municipal and city police
forces for civil disturbance control, counterinsurgency, hostage-
taking rescue operations and other special action.
a. Operation
b. Administration
d. SAF

23. Is the conferring of an amount of authority by a superior

onto a lower-level position? The person to whom authority is
delegated becomes responsible to the superior for doing the
assigned job. However, the delegators remain accountable for
accomplishment of the job within the guidelines and quality
standards of the agency?
a. Delegation of authority
b. Unity of command
c. Ranking officer
d. Superior strength

24. Is the crime repression activity of the police which is

accomplished by making their presence known in such a way that
even if they are longer present in a certain location, would be

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criminals would still have the impression that they are still
around and would therefore refrain from committing an offense?
a. Crime prevention
b. Crime suppression
c. Police omnipresence
d. Police visibility

25. Any person is a convenient, secure and unsuspecting place

where police undercover men meet for debriefing or reporting
a. Lost
b. Drop
c. Convoy
d. Contact

26. Surveillance follows the subject from the place to place to

maintain continuous watch of his activities?
a. Technical
b. Moving
c. Stationary
d. Rabbit

27. This is surveillance by the use of communications and

electronic hardware’s, gudgets, system and equipments?
a. Technical
b. Moving
c. Stationary
d. Rabbit

28. The following are the basic preparations in surveillance;

I. Study the subject
II. Knowledge of the area and terrain
III. Subversive organization
IV. Prepared utilities
V. Cover study
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 1,2,3,5
c. 1,3,4,5
d. 2,3,4,5

29. It includes bodies of water, mountains, marshes, ravines,

deserts or other terrain that re difficult to traverse?
a. Natural barriers
b. Inherent barriers
c. Nature barriers
d. Given barriers

30. DILG in the Philippines is equivalent in NPA in Japan which

a. national police agency
b. national policing commission agency
c. national police commission agency
d. national policing agency

31. What is the minimum rank in Japan?

a. Keishie
b. Junsa
c. Patroller

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d. Constable

32. Implies that system of varied functions arrange into a

workable pattern?
a. Functional type
b. Functional principle
c. Line and staff
d. Functional arrangement

33. Reliability cannot be judge; truth cannot be judge.

a. C-2
b. F-6
c. B-2
d. A-3

34. All that goes of budgeting in the form of fiscal planning,

accounting and control?
a. Allowances
b. Saving
c. Financial
d. Budgeting

35. Is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible

informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping
himself and his subordinates informed through records research
and inspection?
a. Recording
b. Reporting
c. Response
d. Receive

36. All important duty of interrelating the various parts of

the work?
a. Cooperation
b. Coordinating
c. Unity
d. Division of work

37. Task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and

instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise?
a. Directing
b. Boss
c. Leader
d. Management

38. Personnel function of bringing in and out training the

staff the favorable conditions of work filing the organization
with the right people and right position.
a. Efficiency
b. Effectiveness
c. Discipline
d. Staffing

39. Establishment of the formal structure of authority through

which work subdivisions are arranged, defined and coordinated for
the define objective.
a. Organizing
b. Division of work

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c. Coordinating
d. Efficiency

40. Working out in broad outline the things that need to be

done and methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for
the enterprise.
a. Objective
b. Mission
c. Planning
d. Task

41. Responsible for the direct accomplishment of the

a. Law enforcement
b. Line
c. Staff
d. Investigator

42. Responsible for support, advisory, or facilitative

a. Law enforcement
b. Staff
c. Logistic
d. Line

43. An area containing two or more beats, routes or posts?

a. Beat
b. Route
c. Post
d. Sector

44. A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes,

usually with its own station?
a. Venue
b. Territorial
c. Location
d. District

45. A section or territorial division of a large city each

comprised of designated districts?
a. Sector
b. Territorial
c. District
d. Area

46. Refer to the regular tour made by a guard in a place in

order to protect it or to maintain order
a. Security
b. Patrol
c. Tour guard
d. Law enforcement

47. It is an intelligence data that are not of an immediate

value. It is usually descriptive in nature, accumulation of
physical description of personalities, modus operandi. It does
not have immediate operational value but rather long that may
become relevant to future police operations?
a. Strategic intelligence

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b. Line intelligence
c. Counter intelligence
d. Intelligence

48. Mr. Zapanta was born on June 6, 1985 and wants to enter the
police service before the end of 2010. Considering his age, can
he be appointed as police officer 1?
a. No, he is too young to be a police officer
b. No, his age exceeded the age requirements
c. Yes, he will file an age waiver
d. Yes, his age is within the age requirements

49. The oversight body of the prefectural police in Japan is

a. National police agency
b. National police bureau
c. National police safety commission
d. National police commission

50. Reliability rating of intelligence is A to F. if A is very

completely reliable, B stand for?
a. Unreliable
b. Fairly reliable
c. Not usually reliable
d. Usually reliable

51. The “blue army” that is being referred to?

a. SWAT personnel of the PNP
b. Boys scouts of the Philippines
c. Government security guards
d. Private security guards

52. A surveillant becomes __________ when he/she discards

his/her identity, changes his/her name and/or his/her appearance
and get into contact with his subject.
a. Undercover agent
b. Asset
c. Rabbit
d. Secret agent

53. The fitness and potential of n applicant to the PNP to

determine by whom?
a. Recruitment and appointment system
b. Personnel management system
c. Appointment and performance system
d. Recruitment and selection system

54. Perimeter barriers, protective lighting and guarding system

are classified as __________.
a. Protection security
b. Assets protection
c. Personnel security
d. Physical security

55. A clear zone of _____ ft. or more should exist between the
perimeter barrier and exterior structure, parking areas and
natural or man-made barriers.
a. 40

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b. 30
c. 20
d. 50

56. The __________ does not get paid for the information he
gives to the police intelligence officer.
a. Informer
b. Aide
c. asset
d. informant

57. The localization of the recruitment of the policemen shall

ensure that they are familiar with the ____________ of the patrol
a. Projects
c. Casing
d. Terrain

58. Provides the fastest response to the police assistance?

a. Helicopter patrol
b. Sub-marine patrol
c. Mobile patrol
d. T.V patrol

59. The 2003 memorandum of understanding between the government

of Australia and the Philippines provides for cooperating in the
prevention and investigation of transnational crimes, including
the following; except
a. Trafficking in persons and human smuggling
b. Inciting to rebellion
c. Terrorism in all its forms
d. Piracy in the high seas

60. The greatest advantage of the foot patrol over motorized

patrol is __________.
a. The greater police authority in job performance
b. The quicker response time
c. The increased police citizen interaction
d. The more resources utilized in the job

61. SPO Ricardo Tulito is the patrol supervisor for the morning
shift. He was few men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the
following is best recommended for him to implement?
a. Assign all patrol officers to roving mobile patrols
b. Assign foot patrol in busy and congested areas and roving
patrol to cover the other beats
c. Maintain all patrol officers at the station and just wait for
calls for police assistance
d. Assign mobile patrol in busy areas and leave the rest of the
patrol officers at the station.

62. The most important factors in formulating an effective

patrol strategy?
a. Adequacy of resources of the police station
b. Training of patrol officers and members
c. Salary rates of patrol officers
d. Rank of patrol supervisor

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63. Pertains to the utilization of available resources in an
a. Administration
b. Organization
c. Management
d. Utilization

64. What year is known as the birth year of INTERPOL?

a. 1923
b. 1847
c. 1987
d. 1932

65. INTERPOL stand for;

a. International criminal police organization
b. International police
c. Inter-police organizational network
d. International policing system

66. ASEANPOL stand for;

a. Sian police organization
b. Association of national police forces of the Asean region
c. Asean chief of national police
d. Association of national police force

67. In Cambodia, military police are also known as?

a. Constable patrol
b. Police officer
c. Gendarmerie
d. Private

68. The headquarters of the police forces in Cambodia is

located in_________?
a. Jakarta
b. Myanmar
c. Phnom penh
d. Cali

69. In the Philippines, we have Philippine national police

(PNP), while in Colombia they have ________?
a. Police department of Colombia
b. Metropolitan police department of Colombia
c. Royal police department of Colombia
d. Colombia national police

70. 10-33 stand for;

a. Need backup
b. Emergency/urgent
c. Over speed
d. Hot pursuit

71. a.k.a 1-24/7. It serves the police of member countries of

the INTERPOL via secure communication.
A. Secure global police communication services
B. Operational data services and databases for police
C. Operational police support services
D. Police training and development

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72. At the INTERPOL, which one of these gives developmentequipping
activities for member countries in fighting transnational crimes?
A.Secure global police communication services
B.Operational data services and databases for police
C.Operational police support services
D.Police training and development

73. While covering his beat, PO1 Juan chased upon a pickpocket. What
will be his first action?
A. Arrest the pickpocket
B. Call for a criminal investigation
C. Bring the pickpocket to the police department
D. Just continue his beat

74. At the INTERPOL, the Secretary General is appointed by the General

Assembly for the term of office of __.
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years

75. The final modification of the INTERPOL flag was made in __.
A. 1923
B. 1973
C. 1953
D. 1983

76. The principal responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level

of discipline in a unit rests with the:
A. Immediate line supervisor
B. First line senior police officers (sergeants)
C. Middle-level supervisor
D. Chief of Police

77. Before a PNP member can join the Internal Affairs Service, one
must have a five(5) year law enforcement experience and no derogatory
records. Application for appointment is _____.
A. Voluntary C. Optional
B. Mandatory D. Compulsory

78. Who should be dispatched be dispatched by the police to the crime

scene to search for physical evidence?
A. evidence technician C. legal officer
B. criminal investigator D. foot patrol

79. Which of the following is inseparable from the principle of

A. Training C. Role Modeling
B. Development Of Subordinate D. Order Giving

80. The coordination of the efforts of patrol officers on several

beats on the same shift is called ___
A. Coordination of the platoon
B. Coordination of geographical units
C. Coordination of functional units
D. Coordination of the force

81. In Intelligence work, an information is evaluated to determine

A. Reliability C. Feasibility
B. Effectiveness D. Efficiency

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82. The cadetship program for the police, fire and jail service is
conducted at:
A. Napolcom
B. PNP Directorate for Human Resources and doctrine Development
C. Philippine National Police Academy
D. PNP Training Command

83. Which of the following is NOT a patrol function?

A. Suppression of criminal activity
B. Prevention of crime
C. Apprehension of criminals
D. Fingerprint identification

84. What shall private security personnel with the strikers in their
A. Assist management in smuggling scabs
B. Avoid direct contact
C. Prevent strikers from conducting peaceful pickets
D. Confront the strikers directly

85. The detection, prevention and neutralization of any activity

inimical to the best interest of the organization.
A. Intelligence C. Line Intelligence
B. Counter-Intelligence D. Subversive Intelligence

86. The following statements are on employee morale. Which one is the
most correct?
I. Praising an employee for my job done is important
II. Morale depends on personal relationships and working conditions
III. A fair and impartial supervisor is a positive impetus toward
high morale
A. Statements I and II C. Statements II and III
B. Statements I and III D. All statements

87. Which of the following is the least considered in determining

patrol deployment?
A. Arrests made C. Crimes committed
B. Fund support D. Complaints logged

88. A patrol officer must employ what technique in order to recall

events which happened while he was patrolling his beat.
A. He communicate events to his buddy
B. He memorizes and mentally records events
C. He records events in his notebook
D. He telephones events to dispatcher

89. While searching for a suspect in a house during the night, how
should your flashlight be held?
A. Close to the weapon as possible
B. Close to the body as possible
C. Away from your body and preferably with your weak hand
D. Away from your body and preferably with your strong hand

90. The “Blue Army” that is being referred to are the ___.
A. SWAT personnel of the PNP
B. Boys Scouts of the Philippines
C. Government security guards
D. Private security guards

91. After recognizing the need to plan, a police officer must identify
and formulate the _______.
A. financial requirement of the plan
B. objectives of the plan
C. manpower requirements of the plan
D. linkages and coordinating units
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92. Which of the following ensures that patrol officers are on their
A. Have an effective patrol supervision
B. Have greater police authority
C. Deploy 50% more patrol officers
D. Require them to present a report after duty

93. When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the

investigator is conducting a surveillance on him, the latter is:
A. get out C. sold out
B. burnt out D. cut out

94. Withholding of privileges, suspension or forfeiture of salary or

any combination of these maybe imposed by the People’s Law Enforcement
Board (PLEB) on a PNP member guilty of less grave offense for a
minimum period of:
A. 16 to 30 days C. 40 to 60 days
B. 45 to 60 days D. 31 to 45 days

95. A surveillant becomes an ___ when he/she discards his/her

identity, changes his/her name and/or his/her appearance and gets into
contact with his subject.
A. Undercover agent C. Informant
B. Informer D. Asset

96. To what rank are graduates of the Philippine National Police

Academy appointed to
A. Inspector C. Superintendent
B. Senior Inspector D. Senior Superintendent

97. The fitness and potential of an applicant to the PNP is determined

A. Recruitment and appointment system
B. Personnel management system
C. Appointment and performance system
D. Recruitment and selection system

98. Which of the following is NOT a staff function?

A. planning C. criminal investigation
B. personnel management D. inspection

99. Mr. Pedro de mesa was born on June 6, 1985 and wants to enter the
police service before the end of 2010. Considering his age, can he be
appointed as police officer I?
A. No, he is too young to be a police officer
B. No, his age exceeded the age requirement
C. Yes, he will file an age waiver
D. Yes, his age is within the age requirement

100. The ___ of the plan must be considered thus the need to look into
the personal competence, morale, interest and enthusiasm; leadership
quality and style; availability of resources.
A. responsiveness C. effectiveness
B. cost-efficiency D. functionality

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This Opuscule was conceptualized as a sort of review and guidance, thus putting everything needed to the
reader’s hands. The Authors purpose was to endeavour and encourage the readers to enhance and
persevere in studying Criminology, to have a broad understanding of what criminology really is. Law
Enforcement Administration Review Questions is only a Piecemeal that could not stand and needed to be
amplified. As time goes by the authors hope that this opus would not be an end of the studying process
and will continue though in scripted. “Remember That Anything Pays To Enrich, Learn To Maintain
Patience And Always Keep A Step Backward”. May this work be a humble piece in enlightening minds.
More importantly this work may never be done without the help of ALMIGHTY MAKER. MABUHAY

The Questions and Answers imputed are mere review guide. Previous Board exam Questions are
added in this review material is intended for the enlightenment and guidance. The readers are
strongly advised to seek other information.

Charlemagne James P. Ramos R.C., J.D.
October 8, 2015

Answer Key

Law Enforcement Administration 2015


1. B 26. B 51. D 76. A

2. B 27. A 52. A 77. A
3. C 28. B 53. D 78. B
4. C 29. A 54. D 79. D
5. B 30. A 55. C 80. C
6. C 31. B 56. D 81. A
7. B 32. C 57. D 82. C
8. A 33. B 58. C 83. D
9. A 34. D 59. B 84. B
10. C 35. B 60. C 85. B
11. A 36. B 61. B 86. C
12. B 37. A 62. B 87. B
13. D 38. D 63. C 88. C
14. D 39. A 64. A 89. C
15. D 40. C 65. A 90. D
16. A 41. B 66. C 91. B
17. D 42. B 67. C 92. A
18. C 43. D 68. C 93. B
19. C 44. D 69. B 94. D
20. D 45. D 70. B 95. A
21. A 46. B 71. A 96. A
22. D 47. A 72. D 97. D
23. A 48. D 73. A 98. C
24. C 49. A 74. C 99. D
25. B 50. D 75. B 100. C

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