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A Classification of Factors Affecting Students’ Orientation towards

Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutes

Dear respondent,
I am MS Scholar (Management sciences) at the Institute of Management Sciences, University of
Baluchistan Quetta. Currently, I am conducting research on the factors that affecting students’
orientation towards corporate social responsibility. Filling out this questionnaire will take less than 10
minutes of your time.
From this place, I would like to express my utmost gratitude for your participation!

Kind regards,
Muhammad Bilal Khalid
* Required ​Tick (

) Mark only one number .

1. Gender * ​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​1. ​Male ​ ​ ​2. ​Female
2. Qualification * ​
1. Bachelor ​ ​2. Masters ​3. ​MS/Mphil ​4. ​PhD
3. Department *
• ---------------------------------------------------
4. Program of Study *
• ---------------------------------------------------
5. Have you ever studied a course on corporate social responsibility? * 1. Yes 2. No
6. Nature of University * 1. Public ​2. ​Private ​ ​3. ​Semi-
7. Age * ------------------------------------------
8. I prefer to do volunteer activities. * * 1. Yes 2. No
Section B: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Orientation
Appendix: Statements adopted from Smith et. al (2001) Click any one option that you seem is more
9 For you, a successful organization can be defined as one that: * ​
1. Is consistently profitable ​ 2​ . f​ ulfills its ethical and moral responsibilities
2. fulfills its legal obligations ​ 4​ . f​ ulfills its charitable responsibilities

10 It is important for an organization to perceive: *

1. Philanthropic behavior as an indicator of corporate performance
2. Consistent financial Stability as an indicator of corporate performance
3. Compliance with the law as an indicator of corporate performance
4. Compliance with the moral and ethical code as an indicator of corporate performance
11 It is important to monitor new opportunities that can enhance an organization:*
1. Moral and ethical image in society
2. Compliance with local, state, and federal statutes
3. Financial strength
4. Ability to help solve social problems
12 It is important for an organization to:
1. Support, assist, and work with minority owned businesses
2. Avoid discrimination against women and minorities
3. Pursue those opportunities which will enhance its profits
4. Prevent social norms from being compromised in order to achieve universal goals
13 It is important for an organization to:
1. Provide support to private and public educational institutions
2. Maintain a high level of operational efficiency
3. Advertise its products in an ethically fair and responsible manner
4. Respect the laws and regulations
14 It is important for an organization to: *
1. Allocate resources on their ability to improve long-term profitability
2. Comply promptly with new laws and rulings
3. Examine regularly new opportunities & programs which can improve urban & community life
4. Recognizes and respect new or evolving ethical and moral norms adopted by the society

15 It is important for an organization that: *

1. Legal responsibility are fulfilled
2. The long-term focus is a high return on investment
3. Managers & worker of the company participate in voluntary and charitable activities within
their local communities
4. When securing new contracts, only promises are made which are intended to be fulfilled
16. It is important for an organization to: * ​
1. Recognize that the ends do not always justify the means
2. Comply with various federal regulations
3. Assist the fine and performing arts
4. Maintain a strong and competitive position
17. It is important for an organization to be committed to: *
1. Being as profitable as possible
2. Voluntary and charitable activities
3. Always following laws and regulations
4. Moral and ethical behavior

18 ​It is important for an organization to: * ​

1. Pursue only those opportunities which provide the most profits
2. Provide employment opportunities to unemployed people
3. Comply fully and honestly with laws, regulations and court rulings
4. Recognize that society’s unwritten laws and codes can often be as important as the written ones.

Section C: ​ Personal Values: ​Tick (

) Mark only one number ​ ​

Rate your option in terms of your preferences.

19 ​Sense of Belongingness:
Very Unimportant ​1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Very Important

​20 ​Excitement:
Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

21 ​Warm relationship others:

Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

22 ​ Self-fulfillment:
Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

23 ​Being well respected:

Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

24 ​Fun and Enjoyment of Life * ​ ​

Very Unimportant 1 ​ ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

25 ​Security*
Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

26 ​Self-Respect*
Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

27 ​A sense of accomplishment*
Very Unimportant 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9 Very

Section D: Political Ideology Tick (

) Mark only one oval

28 ​I follow the following Political Ideology.

Conservative ​ ​ iberalism
L ​ ​

Section E: Religious Orientation Tick (

) Mark only one number

29 ​ I enjoy reading about my religion.

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
30. It is important for me to spend time in private thought and prayer. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
31. I have often had a strong sense of God's Presence. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree

32 ​I pay mainly to gain relief and protection.

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
33 I try hard to live all my life according to my religious beliefs. *
Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
34. Prayer is for peace and happiness. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree

35 ​I go to a religious place because it helps me to make friends. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree

36 ​My whole approach to life is based on religion. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree

37 ​Although I am religious I don't let it affect it my daily life. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
38. What religion offers me most is comfort in times of trouble and sorrow. *

Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree
39 ​Although I believe in my religion, many other things are more important in life.
Strongly Disagree 1 ​2 ​3 ​4 ​5 ​6 ​7 ​8 ​9
Strongly Agree

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