Cse 3332

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Final Assessment
Spring 2021

 Student Name: Md. Shehab Chowdhury

 Student ID: 182-15-11396

 Section: B

 Course Code: CSE321

 Course Title: System Analysis and Design

 Teacher Initial: AS
Answer to the question no 2(b)
Currently, Facebook and Twitter are playing vital role for customer service and advertising all

over the world in Business Marketing, especially on E-Commerce Business.

I think all company should use this platform.Because

Social media marketing:

One of the key advantages of social media for businesses is that it enables us to interact with our
customers. Going through the tweets and Facebook updates that are posted by our customer base gives
us insight into what they need. This is useful for helping your company formulate marketing strategies
that address their needs.

Improve Responsiveness:

Social media eases the process of providing and receiving feedback. If our customers have concerns or
problems with what our business offers, they can let us know in a timely manner.


If our competitors are already using social media accounts for marketing and engaging their customers,
we need to ensure that you are keeping up with the digital marketing strategies that are being

Effective Marketing

The social networking nature of platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter generates interest among
followers who are more responsive to them than a blatant marketing approach. We can use social
media creatively to advertise our products and services without making your customers feel like they
are overwhelmed by our marketing campaigns.


Managing your social media accounts is a cost effective way to promote our business by using
affordable social media marketing campaigns that strengthen your company's online visibility. Social
media does not require an extensive budget, which makes it fair for small businesses that are competing
with well known brands.
These are the company best for these platforms-

Entertainment,Real Estate,Marketing,Retail,Education,Restaurants,Fashion.

Answer to the question no 3(a)

E-commerce involves transactions of Associate in Nursingy quite business done over an electronic
system. this sort of business involves transactions that come about over web. E-commerce utilizes
internal networks that interface with the globe Wide internet. the character of this sort of business,
introduces internal and external risks to each the web site and therefore the business systems to that
it's connected too. Associate in Nursing E-commerce web site will be moon-faced some security threats
that have to be compelled to be self-addressed, to avoid any losses and intrusions. per my e-commerce
web site, things are run well then again later have to be compelled to face some security threats .here
square measure a number of them.

E-commerce websites square measure at risk of fraud from internal and external sources. Fraud
incidents embody mastercard fraud, that exposes the web site to threat from shoppers and the other
external sources and internal fraud. Any deceitful transactions being entered into the system from staff.
Such transactions may be introduced into the system by hackers or Trojan Horses, that jibe the
important customers’ transactions. to stop fraud, Fraud grading should be used. it's a system of
prognosticative fraud detection models or technologies that payment processors use to spot the
highest-risk transactions in card-not-present setting that need further verification. All card-not-present
transactions should be licensed before they're processed. The authorization response can usually be
approval or decline. you ought to develop a method for handling transactions once the authorization
response has been received and apply it systematically.

A website that has been invaded by viruses and malicious software package, will come back crushing
which is able to create the web site lose the whole data inflicting losses to the e-commerce business.
this may cause the shoppers to lose trust within the business, and as a result they'll shut their accounts
on the web site. Loss of data on a web site will be devastating for each the business owner and
therefore the shopper particularly if the data wasn't protected.

One of the best threats to Associate in Nursing e-commerce is poor management. once the
management isn't committed to making sure security and doesn't support budgets for purchase of anti-
virus software package licenses, that keep internal networks sturdy can cause cause a giant security
threat. the shortage of correct anti-virus makes the e-commerce at risk of infective agent attacks. scale
back} or reduce this threat, Management ought to attempt to regular IT security audits of the e-
commerce web site to make sure that security is optimized and every one potential issues square
measure treated as shortly as they occur.
E-commerce security problems relate to internal business networks Associate in Nursingd an
interface between transactions done by the client and therefore the network. Hackers cause a threat to
the safety of the network, as a result of they'll gain access to internal systems via the e-commerce web
site. Such threats will be avoided by employing a firewall between the web site and therefore the
internal network, and by encrypting all the dealings information.

Malicious software package and laptop viruses square measure a number of the largest security
threats to any E-commerce web site. Viruses square measure commonly from external sources and may
corrupt files on web site if introduced into the interior network. Viruses will utterly destroy a ADP
system and disrupt the operations of the web site. computer virus is malicious software package that
has the flexibility to capture the clients’ data, before any coding software package will go. they'll
additionally impersonate a client and jump over dangerous and malicious codes into the server running
the web site.to avoid these viruses, Users ought to exercise cheap precautions so as to reduce the
introduction and unfold of laptop viruses onto the Rhodes networks. Virus scanning software package
ought to be accustomed check any software package downloaded from the net or obtained from any
questionable supply. Virus protection software package has got to be put in on the computer; check
ofttimes for virus signature updates; and really scan the files on the computer.

Answer to the question no(3b)

Testing required for the system. The planning of the test includes performance tests, scalability tests,
and regression tests.

Performance testing: Performance testing is a non-functional testing technique performed to determine

the system parameters in terms of responsiveness and stability under various workloads. Performance
testing measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.

Scalability Testing: Scalability Testing is a non functional testing method that measures performance of a
system or network when the number of user requests are scaled up or down. The purpose of Scalability
testing is to ensure that the system can handle projected increase in user traffic, data volume,
transaction counts frequency, etc. It tests program code change has system ability to meet the growing

Regression testing: Regression Testing is defined as a type of software testing to confirm that a recent
not adversely affected existing features. Regression Testing is nothing but a full or partial selection of
already executed test cases which are re-executed to ensure existing functionalities work fine. The users
of the Desh Clinic should contribute to the testing methods.

Test Plan: The test data can be used as measuring the effectiveness of the system. Firstly, performance
and scalability tests should be done together. They should be carried out in each method. They can
define a process that is repeatable for executing scalability tests throughout the application life cycle.
Determine the criteria for scalability shortlist the software tools required to run the load test.

• Set the testing environment and configure the hardware required to execute scalability tests plan
the test scenarios as well as scalability tests.

• Create and verify visual script .

• Create and verify the load test scenarios.

• Execute the tests, evaluate the results, generate required reports, prioritize the test cases
depending on business impact, critical & frequently used functionalities. Selection of test cases based on
priority will greatly reduce the regression test. I would vastly suggest to consider these test cases:

• Test cases which have frequent defects functionalities which are more visible to the users.

• Test cases which verify core features of the product.

• Test cases of functionalities which has undergone more and recent changes.

• Boundary value test cases A sample of Successful test cases A sample of Fadure test cares

In the above structured chart entities are shown with the help of rectangular box and flow are shown
with the help of arrow.

Answer to the question no 4

i) Research Objectives :

1. To determine the role of parents on children’s early childhood development and education.
2. To determine the role of other family members on children’s early childhood development and

3. To compare both the parents’ role on children’s early childhood development and education.

(ii) Research Questions :

1. What is the role of mother on children’s early childhood development and education?

2. What is the role of father on children’s early childhood development and education?

3. What is the role of other members of family on children’s early childhood development and

4. What are the differences between mother’s role and father’s role on children’s early childhood
development and education?

III. type of data collection?

• Quantitative

• Survey

• questionnaire survey

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