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1. War is the most complex of human endeavors. To lessen this complexity and
understand war better, modern mil spl divided war into four lvls i.e. Grand strat lvl, Mil
strat lvl,Op lvl and Tac lvl. This lvls of war will indicate mil comd about their inter-
relationship.This will also help them to plan well and execute them successfully. In the
fol para, diff lvls of war will be described for better understanding of the war

Grand Strat Lvl

2. Grand Strat lvl of war is the application of national resources to achieve def
policy obj. This is the highest lvl of war where most basic but consequential decisions
are made. Here a nation determines her participation or declination in a war, ident her
present or likely allies or en in future or ways and means to maint peace. Mil strat can
b dictated by this lvl of war. For example, in WWII, President FD Roosvelt, BPM WS
Churchil etc dictated the mil strat of their states opposing the German- Italian-
Japanese axis.

Mil Strat Lvl

3. Mil component of Grand strat lvl is termed as Mil strat. It is the 2 nd lvl of war.
It is the art & science of dev and emp mil forces to achieve Grand strat obj. This lvl
concerns with the overall conduct of war, approx force that will be made aval and wt of
effort in various threat. For example, decision that Germany would be defeated by
land invasion rather than air attk in WWII was strat. In our country, though there is
no jt comd, AFD con and plan the mil strat in consultation with the Govt.

Op Lvl

4. Op lvl is the 3rd lvl of war. It is primarily concerned with how to achieve the mil
strat aims with the resources or forces allotted. It is the lvl at which the maj
campaigns and op are planned. This lvl links the mil strat to tactics. The assets aval are
distr as per the priority to indl theatre of war by this lvl. Gen a theatre comd is
concerened with op as opposed to strategy. In this sense, Gen Dwight D Eisenhower,
Gen Doglus MacArthur were the op lvl comd. BAF is op lvl. For BAF, ACOC, ADOC are
the op lvl of comd from where air assets are con and distr accordingly within the
theatre. Campaign are planned depending on political,economic and mil efforts design to
achieve ops.

Tac Lvl

5. The lowest lvl of war is the tac lvl. This lvl of war focus on battle and
engagements. It is the lvl at which forces are depl ready for battle or where opposing
forces physically meet and where obj are unambiguous. Bases or sqn are considered to
be tac lvl.

6. There is nothing sacred in the div of modern war and conflict into these four
lvls. Modern war and conflict because of their ever increasing complexities are more
than what occurs at the battle fd i.e. tac lvl , the op lvl bridges the gap between tac
and strat lvl. Thinking of war and conflict as being divided into four lvls are convenient
concept for planning and a prac necessity when executing.

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