Playbook - Openran Trials W/ Vodafone Turkey

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Playbook –

OpenRAN Trials
w/ Vodafone Turkey

OpenRAN Project Group

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Vodafone Turkey OpenRAN Trials PlayBook


Glossary............................................................................................................................. 3
1 Trial Overview ......................................................................................................... 5
TIP OpenRAN Project & Deliverables ............................................................................... 6
2 Case Study............................................................................................................... 7
Project Structure and Responsibilities ............................................................................. 7
Deployment Timeline and Project Plan.......................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Governance ........................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Project Communication ......................................................................................... 15
Approach to Selecting Trial Geography ......................................................................... 16
Vendor Equipment Description and Lab Testing Baseline ............................................. 16
2.4.1 Test Plans............................................................................................................... 23
2.4.2 KPIs to Measure ..................................................................................................... 23
2.4.3 Test Setup and Test Tools...................................................................................... 23
Network Planning and Design ........................................................................................ 25
2.5.1 Radio Design and Optimization ............................................................................. 25
2.5.2 Transport Design and Capacity Planning ............................................................... 27
2.5.3 Physical Tower and Infrastructure Changes .......................................................... 27
2.5.4 Site Planning .......................................................................................................... 27
Deployment Approach for OpenRAN Sites .................................................................... 28
2.6.1 Technical Site Survey ............................................................................................. 29
2.6.2 Site Design and Planning ....................................................................................... 29
2.6.3 Equipment Installations......................................................................................... 29
2.6.4 Optimization .......................................................................................................... 29
High-Level Economic Assessment .................................................................................. 30
2.7.1 Equipment (Including Installation and Commissioning)........................................ 31
2.7.2 Estimating OPEX .................................................................................................... 32
Findings............................................................................................................................. 33
Equipment IOT and Testing Process and Challenges ..................................................... 33
Installation and Integration Process .............................................................................. 33
Design Considerations .................................................................................................... 34
2.10.1 Use Case ............................................................................................................ 34
Logistical Challenges ...................................................................................................... 34
Measurement Collection Implementation Process and Challenges (to Benefit Scale
Deployment) .................................................................................................................. 35

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OpenRAN Trials

Technical Performance Benchmarking ................................................................................ 35

Network Performance .................................................................................................... 35
Deployment KPIs (Time to Deploy, Outage Times for New Radio Sites)....................... 36
Approach to Scale Deployments with OpenRAN ................................................................. 37
Future Parallel Wireless Product Vision .............................................................................. 38

Copyright 2020 © Telecom Infra Project, Inc. Page 2

OpenRAN Trials


Term Definition
3G third-generation mobile networks
4G fourth-generation mobile networks
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line
APN access point name
CE customer edge
CWS converged wireless system
DNS domain name server
E2E End-to-End
EPC evolved packet core
GPRS general packet radio service
GTP GPRS tunneling protocol
GTP-C GPRS tunneling protocol control plane
GTP-U GPRS tunneling protocol user plane
HLD high-level design
HLR home location register
HNG HetNet Gateway
IOT interoperability testing
IP internet protocol
IPsec internet protocol security
LLD low-level design
LTE long-term evolution
extension of MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output), which essentially groups
together antennas at the transmitter and receiver to provide both better
throughput and spectrum efficiency
MME mobility management entity
NMS network management system
NOC network operations center
OAM operations & maintenance
OPCO operations company
PE provider edge
PGW packet gateway
PoC proof of concept
SGSN serving GPRS support node
SGW serving gateway
SON self-organizing network

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OpenRAN Trials

VLAN virtual local area network

VRF virtual routing & forwarding [table] local to router

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OpenRAN Trials

1 Trial Overview
Vodafone has always been at the forefront of embracing technology innovations. It has
also been open to new ways of building telecommunications networks—specifically in
the RAN space, where legacy and proprietary vendor lock-ins have been dominant to
date. Being heavily dependent upon a single vendor, the pace of innovation is tightly
linked with that of the latter’s hardware solution.
Vodafone joined the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) in 2017. At that time virtual RAN was
discussed within the industry but considered impractical to implement and deploy for
commercial grade traffic.
Today OpenRAN is an initiative with which Vodafone sees new ways to define and build
2G, 3G, and 4G RAN solutions. It’s based on general-purpose, vendor-neutral hardware
and software-defined technology that opens the door to more and faster innovations.
OpenRAN architectures eliminate proprietary lock-ins. Over time this promotes a faster
pace for software innovations; these are currently limited or time consuming due to
tight integration and coupling with existing RAN.

Figure 1 –Architecture Overview

To realize this, these are the key OpenRAN work areas and benefits:

 Open interfaces

 Leverage COTS GPP-based architectures

 Reduce dependencies on FPGA or ASICs

 Virtualize the platform to bring flexibility and efficiencies

 Enable easy market entry for new players

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OpenRAN Trials

A request for information (RFI) was issued to understand how the overall ecosystem
was developing and to determine the status of vendors. Opportunities for field trials
were seen as important for overall ecosystem development.

TIP OpenRAN Project & Deliverables

Vodafone launched a joint RFI with TIP in June, 2018, to better understand:
 which vendors were driving innovation in the OpenRAN space
 their current state of products and roadmaps
 how aligned they were with respect to telco-grade deployments
Parallel Wireless was one of the most compliant with respect to all technologies and
open solutions, as it aligned with the stated RFI requirements. This resulted in its being
selected to undertake a field trial to prove the platform and solution capabilities. Turkey
was selected as the trial location.

Figure 2 – Best performing OpenRAN RFI vendors in 2018

Based on compliance shared in the 2018 RFI, products and solutions for the trials were
based on the (GPP-based) ALL G single platform architecture proposed by Parallel

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OpenRAN Trials

2 Case Study

Project Structure and Responsibilities

Project Organization
A clear all party project organization forms the basis of any successful project. Parallel
Wireless had to execute its OpenRAN trial with Vodafone’s network support organization
in Turkey. Parallel Wireless engaged local partner to undertake equipment installation.
Its local knowledge helped solve many issues with site-related services.
The organization was very well defined at project onset (Figure 3):

Figure 3 – Project organization for Vodafone Turkey field trial

Internal Parallel Wireless Organization

As the main responsibility of carrying out this trial was with Parallel Wireless, an
effective internal organizational structure outlining roles and responsibilities was a
prerequisite. Being well defined, the team and structure were shared with Vodafone to
execute this Turkish OpenRAN initiative per Figure 4:

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OpenRAN Trials

Project Structure

Figure 4 – Vodafone internal team structure

All agreed upon the following responsibility matrix with these defined deliverables:
 Network selection and definition
 RF planning
 Project management
 Services
 IP network

Table 1 – Deliverable matrix

Responsible Party
S Parallel
No Wireless
Sites (2G – 3G – 4G)
1 Site identification R
2 Power and infrastructure provisioning R
Information gathering (input
3 R S
requirements of design/node integration)
4 Site engineering activities (site survey) R S
Install internal/external cable trays,
5 R
for ID sites if required
Provide main AC/DC power supply, including circuit
6 R
breaker according to site design

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OpenRAN Trials

Provide lightning protection

7 R
and earthing systems panels
8 RF antenna delivery at site S R
9 Equipment and installation material delivery to site R
10 Site installation R
11 RF antenna installation R S
Provide access to building and work
12 R
sites for Parallel Wireless staff
Transport readiness and bandwidth (BW)
14 R
provisioning up to EPC and EMS
Connect power, transmission
15 R S
on Parallel Wireless-supplied node
Providing test equipment (e.g.,
16 R S
dongles/mobile/USIMs) and testing support
Provide access transmission systems (bandwidth
17 provisioning, IP connectivity, outers, and switches S R
18 Site commissioning R A
19 Node configuration (according to design) R
20 Site integratation with core nodes R S
21 Test call and basic test R A
Test network elements per node acceptance test
22 R A
document (per mutually agreed format)
23 Acceptance test preparation R
RF Planning
1 Cluster identification R
2 Propagation model calibration R I/S
Coverage requirement analysis –
3 R I/S
link budget, coverage planning condition
4 Coverage planning R I/A
5 RF plan approval I R
6 Single cell function test (SCFT) R S/A
7 Drive test for eNB site installed R –
8 Report submission of drive test R –
9 Retuning of site parameters, if required R –
10 Submission of all RF design documents R A
11 Cluster optimization R S/A
1 Site survey R S
Provide space, power system, cooling, cables,
2 S R
infra per requirements
3 Installation and commissioning R
4 Integration with SNOC R S

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OpenRAN Trials

Project Management
1 Parallel Wireless' project management office R S
Project schedule, project plan, project progress,
2 R A
project management, and controlling
3 Resource planning R A
4 Workforce management R A
5 Project documentation R A
Reviews and reports (regular project
6 R S/A
progress and GAP analysis)
7 Periodic meeting (regularly per project requirement) R S
Site issue escalation of to Vodafone. Onsite issue,
8 owner lease issue, any emergency issue, local R S
authority issues
Provide proof documents for subcontractors as per
9 labor commissioner law and compliance per Turkish R
All license provisioning for riggers/technicians for
tower climbing, safety tools, and equipment for
10 outdoor/indoor activities per standard health and R
safety (H&S) guidelines/government guidelines and
Vodafone safety guidelines
Management of Parallel Wireless’ network equipment
1 delivery and related services to meet contractually R
agreed-upon goals for schedule and quality
Setting up an E2E delivery chain. Defining demand
2 R
planning and supply procedures
Planning activity for producing detailed
3 R
radio design for the modernized sites
4 Provide core network R
Provide transmission to site with
5 R
sufficient bandwidth and quality
6 Supply of antennas and installation S R
7 Possible adaptations on sites to provide power, space S R
Installation planning, installation, commissioning, and
integration of Parallel Wireless provided network
8 elements—within agreed time schedules and in R A
accordance with Parallel Wireless manuals and test
Parallel Wireless to finetune the LTE network
9 R A
to provide a high performing network
Networking Operating Center (NOC), First Line
10 R
Maintance (FLM)

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OpenRAN Trials

IP Network Requirement
1 Analyze IP network architecture R S/C
2 CRD (customer requirement document) R S/C/I
3 Naming and numbering design R S/A
4 Network topology design and routing design R S/C
5 IP network element inter-working design R S/I/A
6 HLD (high level design) document R S/I/A
7 LLD (low level design) document R S/I/A
Coordination among third-party vendors
8 R S/C
and operator for integration
9 Perform IP network integration test R S/I/A

Deployment Timeline and Project Plan

VF – FB Agreement VF – TK Agreement
and Work Packages and Work Packages

Figure 5 – Project plans and timelines

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Table 2 – Project timelines

Month Jun Jul Aug

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Cluster 1 Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5

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Site 6
Cluster 2 Site 7
Site 8
Site 9
Site 10
Site 11
Site 12
Cluster 3 Site 13
Site 14
Site 15
Site 16
Site 17
Site 18
Site 19
Cluster 4 Site 20
Site 21
Site 22
Site 23
Site 24
Site 25
= Install = Install
= Cutover = Cutover = Freeze
= Monitoring = Monitoring
= Freeze
2G 15MHz Support Full Power

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OpenRAN Trials

Project Plan Phases and WP Breakdown

Table 3 – Project plan phases and work package breakdown

Task No Task Name

Cluster Deployment – Six (6) Sites per Cluster
Work Package 1 – Site Prep
1 Staging and configuration of equipment
2 Confirm power and transmission with Vodafone
3 Confirm drive test routes with Vodafone
4 Confirm core network and ops informed by Vodafone
5 Confirm site access arranged by Vodafone
6 Confirm VF region aware of activity and cutover date
7 Transport to site
8 Predeployment drive test
9 Site set and ready for installation
Work Package 2 – Hardware Installation
1 Install CWS
2 Install antenna cabling
3 Install power and earth cabling
4 Install fiber optic cabling
5 Install site switch
6 CWS installed
Work Package 3 – Hardware Cutover
1 Connect CWS to power
2 Turn on CWS
3 Check CWS config
4 Connect Parallel Wireless site switch to transmission
5 Ensure CWS connects with HNG
6 Ensure CWS locked
7 Clear current site lockdown with VF NOC
8 Ensure VF NOC have locked down site
9 Disconnect current cables from antenna and connect CWS
10 Connect CWS antenna jumper cables to antenna
11 Unlock CWS
12 Carry out SCVT
Work Package 4 – Post-Deployment Drive Testing
1 Post-deployment drive test
2 Post-deployment drive test analysis
3 Post-deployment KPI analysis
4 Post-deployment drive test and KPI report
5 Post-deployment drive test and KPI review

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OpenRAN Trials

Work Package 5 – Post Installation Acceptance Testing

1 Monitoring period
2 Post-deployment acceptance testing
3 Post-deployment acceptance test report
4 Cluster – completed and accepted

2.2.1 Governance

Three layers of governance have been implemented:

Layer 1 – Project Management: Covered the overall project management between
Facebook, Vodafone Group, Vodafone Turkey, and the Parallel Wireless global team.
Daily calls were held as well as a weekly project review meeting. This resulted in a
weekly project status report being shared with all parties.
Layer 2 – Technical Management: Covered overall technical performance issues and
solutions management between Vodafone Group, Vodafone Turkey, and the local
Parallel Wireless team. Weekly calls were held as well as a weekly performance review
meeting. This resulted in a weekly performance status report to achieve stable KPIs.
Layer 3 – Project Execution: Daily calls and meetings were held between Vodafone
Turkey and the in-country Parallel Wireless project manager. Such local meetings were
essential to the smooth running of the project.

2.2.2 Project Communication

Regular communication was set up between TIP, Vodafone, and Parallel Wireless with
weekly/daily calls between Facebook, Vodafone Turkey and the Parallel Wireless global

Communications with Facebook and Vodafone

1. Easy to communicate day and night. Support available as 24/7. Communication was
always clear and to the point.
2. Daily calls with Vodafone PM and frequent meetings in person.
3. During rollout there were weekly calls to discuss progress and issues.
4. Issues were then fed back to Parallel Wireless in Nashua team in Nashua, New
5. Weekly calls between Vodafone and the Parallel Wireless.

Communications with partner

1. Parallel Wireless engaged a 3rd Party supplier to carry out the installation.
2. The 3rd Party supplier has been already responsible for sites before and after
3. The 3rd Party supplier carried out the drive testing.

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OpenRAN Trials

4. The 3rd Party supplier’s local knowledge helped and solved many issues was and
solved all project-related issues, such as finding extra material, supporting all with ad
hoc transport, customs, and technical expertise.
5. The 3rd Party supplier’s prevous trial experience with Vodafone (wholly different from
this one) helped planning the setup. Its expertise in drive tests and reporting has
been well accepted by Vodafone.
6. Daily calls and regular meetings helped manage the deployment.

Approach to Selecting Trial Geography

As trial cluster selection was very important, the following were considered
for OpenRAN selection criteria:
 A rural district, but also with a good mix of dense urban, suburban
and rural sites
 Sites with ready tower, power, and backhaul to minimize rollout time
 All technologies(2G/3G/4G) were targeted for testing
 Possible introduction of a newer technology layer over existing service
(and for multi-technology on the same CWS)

Going with the TIP agenda of connecting the unconnected, rural districts were
immediate considerations. And since this was more
of a technology trial, an area was sought that would be easier from an operational
standpoint. The best fit for all of this criteria was the Bozüyük district.

The district has a good mix of rural, urban, and semi-urban areas, wherein all
technologies (2G/3G/4G) over 25 sites were scoped with bands and a technology

Further challenges were added by enabling multiple technology on the same 900Mhz
band layer with co-existence of 2G and 4G on the same radio hardware.

Vendor Equipment Description and Lab Testing Baseline

Parallel Wireless Products – Radios and Solution Architecture

In support of newer communications standards such as 4G (and eventually 5G), by
virtue of their original design it’s impossible to reconfigure legacy 2G and 3G networks
using a software-based approach.
Parallel Wireless technology is designed for open interoperability through its GPP-
based baseband processing platform, radio hardware, software, and simplified business
model. Together these virtualize and automate all current and future Gs to provide
better service to end users. As with the Turkish trial, RF and digital processing happens
in a base station.

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OpenRAN Trials

Converged wireless system (CWS) components from Parallel Wireless disaggregate

hardware and software (Figure 7):

Figure 6 – Parallel Wireless CWS components

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OpenRAN Trials

CWS-3050 is its latest model in the CWS series (2×40W). Its key features are:
 Software-defined, multi-technology, multi-carrier radio unit
 clear technology evolution from 2G to 3G/4G/ 5G
 GPP-based (COTS)
 Ability to upgrade capacity by bringing a COTS-based
vBBU to use split 6 with an existing CWS
 Supports all three radio access technologies (RATs) 2G/3G/4G
in the same form factor, all software-defined
 simultaneous 2G, 3G, and 4G operation
 superior data and voice services to Vodafone customers
 Auto-configured and managed by the OpenRAN controller (HNG)
 Permits deployment and maintenance without specialized staff or training

Table 4 – Parallel Wireless CWS component specifications

High-capacity platform for cost-effective, resilient coverage

Flexibility  Self-configuring  Self-healing

 Self-optimizing  Multi-radio backhaul mesh

FDD or TDD variant

Band Combinations
Both FDD or TDD support at same time depends on frequency requirement

Air Interface ∙ 2G/GSM ∙ 3G/UMTS ∙ 4G/LTE

Supporting Operating Bands Major bands are supported

Channel Bandwidth 5, 10, 20 MHz channel bandwidths

Wi-Fi AP Support of any Wi-Fi AP via PoE connection

Software Upgrade Available

Full hardware and software redundancy, hot-swappable
standby as well as high-availability software methods
Interference Management Fully automatic via HetNet Gateway

Antenna Any preferred external antenna

Noise Sound Power Level Silent (no fans)

Operating Temperature −40 to +55C

Relative Humidity 95%, non-condensing

Protection Level (IP) IP66

 Wall mount  Pole mount  Rooftop mount

Mounting Options
(CWS can be cabinet installed if required for aesthetic requirements)

Screws Tamperproof (for security)


Venting Gore® vent or equivalent

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OpenRAN Trials

Parallel Wireless Products –

OpenRAN Controller
and Network Software
(HetNet Gateway/HNG)
The Parallel Wireless
controller and software suite
enables OpenRAN through
the complete decoupling of
hardware and software
functionality. Based on
available backhaul/fronthaul
options for 2G/3G/4G/5G,
such separation lets the
software support any
protocol split between
DUs and CUs.
Consolidation of disparate
2G/3G/4G/5G RAN
functionalities on the
platform reduce complexity.
This provides simpler, less
resource-intensive, and more
cost-effective network
Running on any COTS x86–64
servers with minimum
hardware dependencies,
the controller software helps
manage multi-vendor
networks while providing
lowest TCO.
The server hardware
specification is based on the
expected call model and
varies accordingly.

Figure 7 – Parallel Wireless software architecture

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OpenRAN Trials

Key Features to Reduce Deployment Cost and Complexity

 Open RAN architecture
 Standards-based and open interfaces between network components
 Open interoperability on the GPP-based baseband processing platform,
radio hardware, and software
 Architecture simplification and architectural unification across all Gs and Wi-Fi
 Virtualizes all G RAN and core functions on COTS (e.g., vBSC for 2G, vRNC
for 3G, small cell and core gateways for 4G)
 Self-optimizing network (SON) automation
 Easy integration of new RAN products into the network core
 Hands-free maintenance with self-optimization
 Seamless mobility on 2G/3G/4G/5G
 High availability—including geographical redundancy
 Deployed as virtual network function (VNF) or bare metal

The OpenRAN controller oversees radio connection management, mobility

management, QoS management, edge services, and interference management. Its
current release can virtualize a vBSC/2G gateway, 3G gateway/vRNC, 4G gateway/X2
gateway, Wi-Fi gateway, or any combination thereof. As 5G standards become finalized,
it can be software-upgraded to 5G controller functionality as non-standalone (NSA) and
standalone (SA).
Real-Time Controller – Real-time SON provides complete RAN orchestration—
including self-configuration, self-optimization, and self-healing. All new radio units are
self-configured by the software, thereby reducing the need for manual intervention
(essential for 5G deployments of massive MIMO and small cells for densification).
The self-optimization works across different RANs, using available data from macros,
massive MIMO, and small cells from the analytics module. In contrast to the legacy
reactive optimization approach, this predictive method optimizes resource use in
providing an improved, consistent user experience on data-intensive 5G networks.
Non-Real-Time Controller – Provides non-real-time RAN intelligent controller (RIC)
functionality for all network elements:
• configuration management • performance management
• device management • lifecycle management
• fault management
Controller functions include network slicing, security, and role-based access control.
An intelligence layer can gather telemetry data to provide timely insights into
operations. With reporting provided through a single pane of glass, this helps
operators further understand and optimize the network.

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OpenRAN Trials

Figure 8 – Hewlett Packard DL360 Gen9 server

The Parallel Wireless software can be installed on standard, Intel-based COTS servers
that meet its minimum defined CPU, memory, and interface requirements:
• HP DL360 Gen9 or equivalent 2 socket x86 servers
• Intel Xeon E5-2697v4 (18 core), 2.3 GHz
• Total processors: 2
• 128GB of RAM
• Intel X710 or 82599-based NICs
• 256GB disk space
• Hardware RAID controller
• Dual power supplies (for redundancy)
Power/Space and Cooling
• 2U rack space for HNG pair operating in redundancy
• Max 500W with 94% efficiency
• Temp 10° to 35°C at standard operation

Uni-Manage and advanced reporting

Uni-Manage and advanced reporting are part of the non-real-time controller. Uni-
Manage is a web-based element management system (EMS) application for managing
and monitoring of all Parallel Wireless network elements. It can be deployed on an
Intel-based server (per the above specifications) as well as in a virtualized environment.

Uni-Manage consolidates and displays alarms, statistics, inventory information, and

health status of managed devices. Device deployment is simplified through auto-
discovery of converged wireless systems once a real-time controller is configured.
Device grouping lets operators efficiently perform actions (e.g., upgrades) on multiple
Device Grouping
• Groups can be used to filter views across various functions, such as Network
Map, Alarm/Fault Management and upgrade management
• Standardized interfaces to raise alarms (via SNMP) and provide statistics (via
REST interface) for all managed devices
• Real-time reporting of alarms raised by all managed devices
• Email triggering to specific personnel to reduce issue resolution time
• Upgrade scheduling for groups of devices and track real-time status

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• Security group capability; multiple groups of users with varying security

privileges can access and maintain the network
• Audit capability tracks logs for each performed operation
• OSS/northbound interface support
• Browser support—latest Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Internet
Explorer versions
Uni-Manage and Advanced Reporting
Through its advanced reporting function, Uni-Manage enables operators to analyze
device statistics. Such items as KPI formula, chart type, and report structure are
completely customizable to help them immediately identify network performance
trends and potential issues. And all dashboards can be modified, exported, or imported
to enable portability and ease of maintenance.
Users can run real-time and historical reports using all of the statistics collected by Uni-
Manage from the real-time controller and its CWS—including viewing trends on
network capacity, usage, throughput, performance, and errors/issues.
For this field trial, Uni-Manage and Parallel Wireless were deployed in a virtualized
environment using a KVM-based hypervisor running on an HP DL 360 Gen 9 server.
Advanced reporting platform provided KPIs and statistics for all technologies.

• Predefined statistics/KPIs • Drill down capability

• Predefined superset
• Custom dashboards
of dashboards per technology
• Custom KPI creation • KPI Lab

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OpenRAN Trials

Solution Architecture for Parallel Wireless Solutions in the Trial

Figure 9 – Parallel Wireless solution architecture

2.4.1 Test Plans

Field trial announcements were immediately followed by lab trials for Parallel Wireless
2G/4G systems. This was successfully completed by November 2018. A 3G lab
trial commenced Q12019.

2.4.2 KPIs to Measure

Lab ATP results were for basic functional tests; performance KPI were to be monitored
in field. Key KPI and targets were defined as follows:

Table 5 – Targeted KPIs

2G KPIs Target 4G KPIs Target

Availability 99.90% Availability 99.90%
CSSR (Call Setup Success Rate) RRC Setup Success Rate
SDCCH Access Success Rate LTE ERAB Setup SR
TCH Congestion Rate 0.05% Intra HO SR 99.00%
Handin Success Rate Inter HO SR
Handout Success Rate CSFB SR

2.4.3 Test Setup and Test Tools

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OpenRAN Trials

A Parallel Wireless HetNet Gateway (HNG) is integrated into the Vodafone Turkey core
network at MTX data center. Aggregating GSM, UMTS, and LTE technologies, the HNG
has a logical interface toward Vodafone’s existing 2G, 3G, and 4G core networks. The
HNG acts as a virtualized BSC (vBSC) to 2G core, a vRNC to 3G core, and a virtual
eNodeB (veNodeB) to 4G core.

Figure 10 – Test setup and tools

The HNG orchestrates Parallel Wireless CWS 2G/3G/4G multi-carrier base stations to
provide cellular connectivity. The solution was integrated in the data center, and
acceptance tests were performed with a Parallel Wireless CWS multi-RAT solution on
2G, 3G, and 4G against Vodafone Turkey’s core network elements.

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Figures 12–14 illustrate the lab setup for 2G, 3G, and 4G acceptance tests
in the data center:

Figure 11 – Vodafone Turkey GSM/LTE multi-RAT network solution

Figure 12 – Vodafone Turkey 3G ATP network solution

Network Planning and Design

2.5.1 Radio Design and Optimization

Spectrum Allocation

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Figure 13 – Radio spectrum allocation

Table 6 – Frequency and Location

Technology GSM LTE

Frequency band 900 MHz (B8) 900 MHz (B8)

Bandwidth 7.4 MHz 5 MHz

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2.5.2 Transport Design and Capacity Planning

The same transport capacity design approach was used for the OpenRAN trials as was
done for similar technology for incumbents. Also, the current transport for backhaul
was ready with capacity for supporting new 5Mhz LTE activations onsite. All sites were
on microwave links and maximum was below 70%, thus indicating no transport
blocking for the trial areas.

2.5.3 Physical Tower and Infrastructure Changes

The selected sites had existing towers and an adequate power supply for the trials. No
new infrastructure or onsite upgrade was required to accommodate OpenRAN
equipment. Also, the Parallel Wireless CWS was lightweight, so no tower strengthening
had to be undertaken.

2.5.4 Site Planning

Each site was surveyed by the local partner. CWS positioning was based on available
space and mast loading. Documentation for this activity is held by the local partner.
A summary of each site requirement was recorded; below is an example:
Site_2 Technologies, Power and No. of CWS
• 3 sector site
• G900 and L900
– 3 Rev-C 3050 with 2G and 4G co-located (3 CWS)
– 20 W per technology
– All technologies on same subnet on CWS side (VLAN tagging off)
• Total CWS = 3
• 6 MM optical SFPs
• Antenna height is 48.6m
• HNG side VLAN 3607 (tagging enabled):
CWS traffic from 2G, 3G, and 4G carried in IPsec tunnels

Logical site topology was created and used to ensure the correct connectivity following
the installation. This information was recorded in the high-level design document.
The following diagrams depict the Dodurga trial site topology:

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Figure 14 – trial site topology

Figure 15 – Dodurga trial site topology

Deployment Approach for OpenRAN Sites

This OpenRAN deployment was achieved in the same way as for incumbent vendors.
While being the correct way for this project, there may be more efficiencies and cost

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savings to be had as OpenRAN evolves and the available range hardware and software
For this trial, Parallel Wireless engaged a local subcontractor to carry out all
deployment aspects. This is possibly the most important factor to consider; local
knowledge provides a significant advantage during surveying, equipment installation,
and optimization.
The recommendation is to always engage a local contractor familiar with the operator
and local areas. This will ensure they’re also up to date with the operator’s current
practices. And the operator will have confidence that the contractor is competent to
work on its sites.
Preplanning and adequate time should be allocated for each task of any rollout so as to
be fully successful.

2.6.1 Technical Site Survey

A comprehensive site survey should be carried out to ensure all relevant information
is available. The process is simplified when the operator maintains detailed site files
regarding what is onsite. This file should be updated when any site changes are made.
But if there is any doubt as to the accuracy of the information, then a site visit should
be arranged to undertake a survey.

2.6.2 Site Design and Planning

Once site survey data is verified, the planning team can create designs to ensure the
new equipment will either fit alongside existing equipment or can otherwise use current
site infrastructure.
If the vendor is to be involved in the design and planning process, then they should
work closely with the operator teams to ensure site design can be quickly approved.

2.6.3 Equipment Installations

The operator usually dictates procedure for equipment installation and commissioning
based on its change management policy. Using an approved contractor to take on the
work can give the operator confidence that their procedures will be followed and
unnecessary delays will be prevented.

2.6.4 Optimization

The operator should share its drive test methodology with the vendor if it’s expecting
the latter to carry out the drive testing and optimization. The vendor should carry out
its own pre- and post-drive tests.
Pre-drive test and KPI analysis must be carried out to provide relevant comparison data.
An operator will usually only accept a site when the quality of the optimized network
drive tests matches the target KPIs.

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High-Level Economic Assessment

Given its architecture, over time OpenRAN systems will yield both CAPEX and OPEX
cost efficiencies. As part of this trial, examples of high-level areas considered in TCO are
as follows:
• All in one – 0% site footprint, no separate BBU cabinet
• Reduced cable configuration
• Simple router at site and agnostic IP backhaul
• Built in GPS antenna
• Optimized software licenses, features, power output, and CEs
• Virtual core – COTs based
• Outdoor units – AC reduction
• All G core – Open RAN
• Single Operations & Maintance (O&M)

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• Consolidated core elements decrease complexity and improve cost savings
• SON – optimization savings
• Imbedded security gateway
• Reduction in site space, power leasing, and rentals
• Reduced support fees
• Local data breakout

High-Level Cost Breakdown

The majority of costs are incurred in the 7.25%
hardware CAPEX. This can be addressed
by TIP and other industry initiatives as
 Evenstar White Box DU/BBU
 Introduction of DU and CU
concept to reduce site equipment
 Neutral hosts concepts wherein Radio H/W vBBU COTS H/W
the BBU HW could be provided Total S/W Total Services
as a service
Chart 1 – Cost breakdown

Similar OPEX savings can be made by the

 Plug & play deployments
 Network automation
 RAN intelligent controller (for optimization)

2.7.1 Equipment (Including Installation and Commissioning)

The Parallel Wireless CWSs were very easy to install and commission. There was no
need for skilled manpower, as the products were simple to deploy and connections
easy to understand. Highlighted during the 2019 TIP Amsterdam Summit, this is best
summarized by the following illustration:

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Figure 18 – Installation and commissioning times

The multi-functionality HetNet gateway (a RIC) has SON features. This helps optimize
the overall services by permitting deployment and maintenance without any need for
specialized staff or training.

2.7.2 Estimating OPEX

The first CWS systems deployed for the Turkish trials are more efficient than the older
cabinet-based 2G systems. Moreover, the deployed, multi-technology 2G+4G systems
are performing well within the stated equipment specifications.
The following table shows examples of field power consumption with variable load for
2G+4G conditions:
Table 7 – Power/Load Consumption

BTS Number
Consumption in Watts)
BTS 1 444
BTS 2 608
BTS 3 793
BTS 4 728
BTS 5 551
Total Average
Power for 5 Sites

More advanced CWS in planned roadmap coupled with industry-collaborative radio

hardware are expected to yield further power efficiencies with regard to current trial-
based solutions.

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Equipment IOT and Testing Process and Challenges

i) Parallel Wireless had already carried out interoperability testing with major
vendors’ equipment; therefore deploying and interworking in trials with
Vodafone Turkey was not a challenge
ii) Testing was predominantly carried out by Parallel Wireless personnel due
to system expertise. Further training was given to VDF personnel to enable
them to perform testing. It was also ensured that vendor personnel should
be used as technical backup in the following circumstances:
(a) If an issue is found with equipment that is not related to testing
(b) If a test fails, they should perform log recording as required
by the software development team
(c) Provide technical assistance when loading bug fixes or new software
iii) Any live testing should follow the detailed analysis of current target site KPIs
 Neighbors should be properly defined, if necessary
 If trial site is a ‘coverage island,’ this must be considered when performing
drive testing and analyzing KPI
iv) Trial site selection should be agreed to ensure optimum chance of success
v) Site backhaul must be thoroughly tested before trial is started
and must be periodically checked therafter

Installation and Integration Process

Key considerations and installation/integration process approach were as follows:

i) Vodafone Turkey and Parallel Wireless had mutually agreed on an approved
partner to perform the work
ii) Detailed site surveys were to be performed before deployment. Sufficient
time should be allocated and all checklists used to avoid delays and later
iii) Power availability and requirements (e.g., AC/DC/battery) must be fully
assessed before installation process begins (site survey)
iv) Enough teams and technical support should be available to perform an
optimum number of rollouts with proper planning (e.g., if handovers are
critical then it’s best to replace all affected sites)
v) Dedicated personnel to work closely with regions during process
vi) Expert engineering resource presence in NOC and on the ground during
the site activation process

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Hardware should not be switched on unless all functionalities are fulfilled (as required by
the operator).

Design Considerations

i) A vendor solution must be theoretically capable of handling current traffic

levels for each of the existing installation technologies, as well as projected
loads for any new technology
ii) Hardware and software limitations must be considered when designing
site parameters; possible gaps should be highlighted
iii) Specific use cases must be identified early and taken into consideration
during the site design and planning process

2.10.1 Use Case

Being in an early stage, OpenRAN needs to be properly tested with the best possible,
minimal requirement considerations. An initial target use case should consider rural
markets with low capacity requirements.
Initial multi-technology deployments in the same bands, using the same radios, could
be risky in high-density urban areas having challenging load conditions. In addition,
such locations are very sensitive to customer experiences .
Accordingly, in trial locations with heavy 3G traffic, OpenRAN testing was limited to a
few rural sites with low traffic. The decision was made to focus on 2G and 4G OpenRAN
platform capabilities and performance in the remaining cluster sites.

Logistical Challenges

Disaggregation is at the center of OpenRAN, with vendors having excellent inhouse

capabilities to create software and manufacture hardware. But when it comes to an
opco-grade business model, E2E delivery capability becomes one of the most
important factors for timely site rollouts. Useful findings have come from existing trials;
Parallel Wireless kept the following in mind during this one:
i) Customs requirements must be fully understood before
dispatching equipment
ii) As many materials as possible should be locally procured
iii) A staging area/warehouse must be as close to deployment area
as possible
iv) The operator should request and vendor should provide an adequate
number of spares

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Measurement Collection Implementation Process

and Challenges (to Benefit Scale Deployment)

The current trials have successfully proven the concept of building RAN with GPP
platforms. Also, KPIs achieved in rural sites for commercial-grade traffic has boosted
confidence in the future of OpenRAN platforms. But there are some challenges that
need to be addressed—the industry needs a very active role in standardization,
vendors, operators demand on use cases to make this a success for very wide scale
deployments across large MNOs.
Further key techno-commercial areas that need work include:
 Standardizing the deployment models and split architecture for true
interworking between all GPP hardware and software vendors’ stacks to achieve
optimal costs
 E2E lifecycle management of each OpenRAN architecture component
 Hardening of GPP platforms and software for commercial-grade security
 Operational excellence with regard to interfaces with current central network
management system operators

Technical Performance Benchmarking

Network Performance

It’s relatively difficult to compare legacy and OpenRan KPI values due to site
configuration changes after OpenRAN network installation. The target KPIs
are given by Vodafone for well-optimized KPI target values to reach optimum
network quality targets.

Table 8 – 4G Network Performance KPIs

MWC KPI KPI Achieved

4G KPIs Target Threshold
Achieved April 2020
Availability >=99.9% 99.10% 99.90%

RRC Setup Success Rate 97.99% 98.73%

LTE ERAB Setup SR 97.96% 99.12%

Intra HO SR >=99% 99.99% 99.94%

Inter HO SR 99.64% 99.98%

CSFB SR 99.68% 99.48%

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Table 9 – 2G Network Performance KPIs

MWC KPI KPI Achieved

2G KPIs Target Threshold
Achieved April 2020
Availability >=99.5 99.36 99.99

CSSR (Call Setup Success Rate) 99.32 99.40

SDCCH Access Success Rate 98.27 99.01

TCH Congestion Rate <=0.05 0.00 0.00

Handin Success Rate 97.30 93.63

Handout Success Rate 95.69 93.00

The target values will be reached by the end of acceptance period through activations
of required features and optimization activities. Handin SR and HO SR KPIs are
degradated since MWC due to site location difference. Currently, most of the trial sites
are located in rural areas where site-to-site distance is approximately 8–10km.

Deployment KPIs
(Time to Deploy, Outage Times for New Radio Sites)

Various deployment activities were performed in building a Parallel Wireless network

in Vodafone Turkey’s Bozüyük region. Considering dependencies, the following table
depicts average time for each activity.

Table 10 – Average times for each deployment activity

Network Deployment Time

Dependency Ownership
Activity (hours)
Completed CIQ (parameter
information and IPs)
IP configuration on
customer Vodafone Turkey
routers and switches
Core side provisioning
Avg. CWS installation time site type 2
Avg. CWS
CIQ is completed and available 1
commissioning time

Avg. CWS integration time IP config and core side config is ready 0.5

Avg. HN-GW installation hardware available in data center, Parallel Wireless

time rack space and power is available
Avg. HN-GW
CIQ is completed and available 6
commissioning time
Avg. HN-GW integration
IP config and core side config is ready 4

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Vodafone Turkey has different site configuration types in Bozüyük. Deployment,

configuration, and integration times depend on site configuration. The next table
shows deployment time for each network configuration.

Table 11 – Bozüyük site configuration types

Cell Quantity/Layer
Vodafone Site Deployment Commissioning/
800 1800 2600
Configuration 900MHz 2100MHz Time Onsite Integration Time
Types (GSM+LTE) (LTE) (hours) (hours)
Configuration 1 8 1.5

Configuration 2 12 2.5

Configuration 3 3+3 16 3.5

Configuration 4 3 20 4
Configuration 5 3 5.5
3 24
Configuration 6 3 5

Approach to Scale Deployments with OpenRAN

OpenRAN can be described in simple terms as “virtualized software running on open
interface hardware.” An OpenRAN deployment implies simplicity and flexibility. All
software should be interchangeable and able to operate on any vendor hardware.
OpenRAN is expected to change the ways networks are built and to lower future costs
for MNOs, opening the RAN space to new vendors and encouraging innovations.
Deployment becomes more complicated at the initial stage when an MNO requires
OpenRAN technology to interface with its legacy network. Here, sufficient time must
be given to its introduction into a network. Detailed planning is essential, and a full
understanding of requisite steps when integrating with legacy equipment must be
Legacy networks will often be using proprietary interfaces, so all interoperational
aspects must be assessed. All departments of both vendor and MNO must be fully
engaged in designing and implementing a mutually agreeable solution. Without an
effective network design and project plan—as well as sufficient implementation time—
significant challenges will exist during deployment.
This trial can be termed successful, especially with respect to the TIP agenda of
“Connecting the Unconnected.” The Parallel Wireless OpenRAN solution meets
acceptable performance levels for rural environments. Further roadmapped feature
and product updates are in progress for urban testing and deployments.

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Future Parallel Wireless Product Vision

Parallel Wireless’ complete OpenRAN solution features an ecosystem of virtualized
functionality; it replaces dedicated hardware appliances with VNFs running on Intel®
Xeon® processor-based servers (they offer the performance for mission-critical and
data-demanding workloads). With a range of price/performance levels, Xeon-based
servers provide MNOs with cost-effective flexibility to deploy OpenRAN software both
in the network core and at its edge.
Intel FlexRAN permits Parallel Wireless support to be integrated on Intel SoC and split
OpenRAN architectures (see OpenRAN USE-CASES image below).
All options can be deployed based on a customer use case. The integrated option is
more applicable in rural areas having a smaller user count, and where an all-in-one
approach (digital and RF processing occurring inside the base station) is preferred. This
is what was originally deployed in Turkey.
A split architecture is applicable for capacity or coverage deployments in urban and
suburban scenarios. Here, digital processing occurs on the server, enabling more
throughput and user counts for all G. (We’re using split 6 to add servers/vBBUs to some
original sites to add more capacity.)

Figure 16 – Supported types of OpenRAN use cases

Parallel Wireless OpenRAN can support all 3GPP-compliant RAN splits. For 5G, 3GPP is
considered the split concept (DU and CU) from the onset. The gNB may consist of a
centralized unit (CU) and one or more distributed units (DUs) connected to the CU via
Fs-C and Fs-U interfaces for CP and UP, respectively. The split architecture will enable a
5G network to use a different protocol stack distribution between CU and DUs,
depending on fronthaul availability and network design criteria.

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Centralized baseband deployment is initially proposed to permit load-balancing

between disparate base stations. In most cases DU will be collocated with RRH to
conduct all computationally intense processing tasks (e.g., fast Fourier
transform/inverse fast Fourier transform (FFT/IFFT)). These are not load dependent
and exhibit no sharing gains. CU can be separate or collocated with the aggregator
depending on fronthaul availability.
We believe a dynamic, functional split between a CU and DUs will be the approach for
5G systems and beyond. While CUs will maintain BBU-like functionalities, DUs will be
more than RRH in terms of processing capacities.
In case of requirements for more delay-sensitive 5G service (including but not limited
to beamforming and configuration) and based on appropriate fronthaul availability, the
MAC-PHY split will be the preferred solution. Parallel Wireless believes the future of 5G
is not about specific split, but more about flexibility and the ability to create splits
based on disparate morphologies and deployment scenarios. Parallel Wireless’ 5G RAN
visualization will address all these requirements through its OpenRAN software suite as
an anchoring point.
We believe lower-level splits (7.x) will be the best approach going forward for
deploying future mobile networks in different environments and morphologies. While
its requirements for fronthaul are not as restricted as split 8, by using the vBBU its
solution can support traffic in a dense urban area while maintaining a less-than-perfect
backhaul to connect this local vBBU to the OpenRAN software suite.
Parallel Wireless recommends option 7.2 split of 3GPP when high throughput and low
latency fronthaul is available between vBBU and the RRH. This is a very efficient and
practical PHY split, considering IFFT/FFT are not load dependent and add no sharing
gain by accommodating it in the CU. RRH, vBBU and OpenRAN software suite products
are naturally equipped to support split 7.2
For rural areas where there is no reliable and high capacity fronthaul availability, the
local vBBU connection to RRH will use a close-to-perfect fronthaul since they are in
proximity and use less-than-perfect backhauls (e.g., satellite links) to connect the vBBU
(virtualized BBU/vBBU) to the OpenRAN software suite (it serving as a vCU,
orchestrator, and aggregator).

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Figure 17 – RAN Split options overview

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