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“ Kubyertos “ cutlery in English is our company’s name which means any hand implemented

used in preparing, serving and specially eating food because our objective is to enjoy any food served

together with our families, friends, colleagues and even alone . Likewise, we, the proponent, are group

of friends partnered and decided to put up this business to have a place to meet and bond during our free

time. In summary, the business name was named through the idea of enjoying food with a group of


The prospect location is within the perimeter of St. Louis Bertrand Parish Church along the

municipal road of Asingan – Binalonan Rd. The proponents decided to put up in this location since this

is a strategic place for it is located at the heart of the Municipality of Asingan and a good spot for

customer traffic.

Figure 1: A google earth

generated map of the

proposed location of the




Insert Logo Here

Figure 2: Business Logo

The Company logo will be the face of the business and one of the essential aspects of the

business. The logo portrays what will be the product of our business, which is food and drinks. Through

the logo of the proposed business alone, the customers could already know the product which the

business wishes to serve.


“To make the customer’s day and night better with a cup of coffee and milktea while providing them

with a snack at the same time.”


“To be one of the top places that people go to when they want to drink and eat.” 


Values is the core of “Kubyertos” business. It is what the business stands for, the philosophy and

the reason for their being. Values help companies determine if they are on the right path to fulfilling

their business goals.

 Adaptability – to easily adapt with the changes and challenges brought about by the

 Respect - to treat others consistently with positive intentions, humility, dignity, and

transparency; developing associates into people of sensitivity, and integrity

 Innovation and Continuous Improvement - to think out of the box, and positively find ways to

do things better and faster

 Integrity - to act honestly and ethically internally and externally

 Excellence – to “be wiser than” and “be better than” ourselves and others


 At least 50% initial investment shall be recovered in the first six months of business

 Make long-term relationships with customers

 Increase profit margin

 Increase efficiency

 Capture a bigger market share

 Provide better customer service

 Improve employee training

 Make courteous, loyal, sincere, and environmental friendly environment image in customer’s



The business will rely solely on the contributions to be given by the partners-eight

(8) partners. Each partner will contribute Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00). This will amount to a total

starting capital of Four Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱400,000.00).


The type of business ownership shall be a general partnership wherein each partners will

contribute money, skills or other resources, and will share profit and loss in accordance with the terms of

partnership agreement. In absence of such agreement, a partnership is assumed to exit where the

participants in an enterprise agree to the associated risk and reward proportionately. The proponents

have agreed that it is advantageous and beneficial to form a partnership. Complementary skills and

additional resources of each partners can lead to achievement of objectives and goals. Motivation is also

needed for the business to last longer. Here are the reasons why the proponents choose partnership:

 It is easier to form a partnership rather than a corporation

 Partnership has a separate legal and distinct personality from the partners.

 It may exist for indefinite period of time as long as the partners agreed to be partners.

 The partners are given to contribute abilities, experiences and resources.

Generally, compared to the sole proprietor and corporation partnership is more beneficial to the

business. Below are the names of partners and their respective capital contributions.

Table 1.1: Partners’ Capital Contributions


Marvin A. Gamboa ₱50,000
Jayboy Lopez ₱50,000
Arlene Gamazon ₱50,000
Kaymart Aquino ₱50,000
Noriel Ramos ₱50,000
Rocelle ₱50,000
Joyce Anne Maglunob ₱50,000
L John Castillo ₱50,000
TOTAL ₱400,000

The capital contribution of the partners are based on their financial capabilities. This capital

contribution will be used as a start- up capital of the business.


The establishment is currently vacant as seen on Figure 3 and Figure 4. Past lessee were rural

bank and a gym. Since then, the establishment has been vacant for almost two ( 2 ) years.

Figure 3: Showing the inside state of the establishment.

Figure 4: Showing the front view and side view of the establishment.
As our business is mainly for food and drinks, we would like to make the ambiance to have a

hospitable atmosphere, relaxed and friendly feeling. A time travel feeling of the past considering the

current state of the establishment with bricks covered in vines. To lessen the cost for renovation, our

company would like to preserve the state of the establishment thus renovating of the interior and fixing

the roof is our main priority. Images are provided of the proposed renovation for the purpose of this

project proposal.


The entity’s overall vision is for “ Kubyertos “To be one of the top places that people go to

when they want to eat and drink. It is about formulating long term strategies for the company to survive

amidst the heavy competition in the food industry and during this pandemic through good food.

The type of business ownership shall be a general partnership wherein each partners will

contribute money, skills or other resources, and will share profit and loss in accordance with the terms of

partnership agreement. The profits and losses shall be divided equally to the eight ( 8 ) partners. Each

partner will be required to give ₱50,000 at the commencement of the business.

Kubyertos will hire two employees- a cook and cashier. The cook prepares and makes the food

and drinks and is in charge in making sure that the raw materials are perfectly stored properly to

preserve its quality. The cashier will provide orders and collect payments likewise serve the food on a

dedicated area where the customer will get their food in compliance to social distancing and the IATF


In selecting the key personnel in the business, the management should be keen and careful as to

the qualification and selection of the applicants. There are lists of qualifications that will be the basis

for the management on the staff selection process. These will help them identify if the person is fit for

the job. In connection with this, “Kubyertos” will implement the company policies for the benefit of

the business and its employees for them to be guided in achieving the company’s goals and objectives.


Chart 1.1: Organizational Chart

Managing Partners

Cook Cashier
The organizational chart is a graphical formation that displays the important details in the

organizational structure including the major functions and their respective relationships among positions

according to authority and responsibility. The above figure shows the organizational chart of Kubyertos.

The authority and responsibilities in decision making and implementations of rules are centralized to the

managers which is also the owner of the business. The authority starts from partners/managers and

directly associated to the personnel under the lower level of organization


The world has been filled with a lot of twists nowadays and food trends are no

exemption. People today do not just value the taste of what they eat but also on how it looks and

how unique the product is. The market for food demanded a more fancy way of presenting it. As

a target market, the proponents decided to include the locals of the Municipality of Asingan and

neighbouring municipalities, particularly those whose ages are 15 years old and above, who has

the capacity to buy the proposed product and in compliance to the IATF Protocol that ages from

15 to 60 years old are only allowed outside their houses. Though the target market is broad, it

specifically aims to cater the wants and desires of the Millennials which is highly characterized

by unique products.


Using the 2015 Census of Municipality of Asingan population and the given growth rate

of 1.54%, the succeeding table of projected population is calculated using the formula:

Present=Past X (1+Growth Rate)n

where, n is equals to the number of time periods.

Table 2.1: Municipality of Asingan Projected (2021-2025) Population

Total Population of
Target Market Age Ratio
Year the Municipality of
Population (15 to 60) (15 to 60)
2021 38,069 58,567 65%
2022 38,655 59,469 65%
2023 39,233 60,385 65%
2024 39,855 61,315 65%
2025 40,469 62,260 65%

The 2015 population and annual growth rate used in this research study is obtained from

the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) office, with the rest being manually computed by the


Table 3.1: Estimated Capital Cost

Particulars Cost
Construction and Renovation 70,000
Furniture and Fixtures 50,000
Organizational Expense ( Permits ) 20,000
Advertising and Marketing 2,000
Rent for a year( 3,000 based on the historical lease ) 36,000
Utilities 2,500
Supplies 4,500
Raw Materials 35,000
Working Capital for Six ( 6 ) Months 180,000
TOTAL 400,000

1. Construction and Renovation

The design will be done by a construction firm while the construction and renovation

of the interior will be done through a “pakyawan” medthod wherein construction

workers and labourer are paid daily until the place will be presentable. The partners

decided to have this method to lessen cost until the business profit and make new


2. Furniture and Fixtures

Furniture designs were included on the firm’s payment thus the construction of tables

and chairs will also be constructed by the construction workers and carpenters who

will do the renovation of the establishment. Through this, our business will lessen the


3. Organizational Expense ( Permits )

Particular Cost
BIR Registration 500
SEC Registration and Verification 1,240
Legal Fees 450
Documentary Stam Fee 55
Mayor’s Permit 2,504
Business Permit 10,000
Barangay Clearance 500
Registration of Articles and By Laws 210
Name Registration 120
Other 2,000
Contingencies 2,421
TOTAL 20,000

4. Working Capital for Six ( 6 ) Months

Particulars Cost
Salary of two ( 2 ) Employees 15,000
Rent ( Included on the Estimated Capital )
Internet 1,500
Supplies 1,500
Water 2,000
Electricity 5,000
Total 25,000
Grand total working capital for 6 150,000
Grand total working capital for 6 180,00
months including contingencies
( 20% )


As mandated by the law every business starting should secure legal documents such as

business permits and licenses from different government agencies. These documents are

necessary in order to prove the existence and legality of the business.

1. Securities and Exchange Commission

All partnerships are required by the law to register their own business under Security

and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration is needed by filling the Article of

Partnership, an article of partnership is a document that contains all the terms and conditions

mutually agreed by the partners.

The following are the documents needed:

a. Proposed article of Partnership

b. Name verification slip

c. Bank certificate of deposit

d. Alien certificate of registration, Special Investigators Resident Visa or another proof of

Visa (in case of foreigner)

e. Proof of Inward Remittance (in case of non-resident alien)

2. Bureau of Internal Revenue

Registration is required for corporation, partnership and Government Owned and

Control Company (GOCC).

Documents required:

a. SEC Certificate of Registration (certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Co-

partnership) or License to do Business in the Philippines in case of resident foreign


b. Mayor’s permit or application for Mayor’s permit to be submitted prior to the issuance of

the BIR Certificate of Registration.

3. Business Permit

Every business should apply for a business permit and license from the

City/Municipality where the business is to be located.


a. DTI or SEC Registration

b. Mayor’s Permit

c. Certificate / Articles of Incorporation

d. Community Tax Certificate

e. Barangay Clearance

f. Location Clearance

g. Certificate of Occupancy

h. Building Permit

i. Fire Safety / Inspection Permit

j. Electrical Inspection Certificate

k. Contract of Lease

l. Picture / Sketch of the Site

m. Public Liability Insurance (for restaurants, mall, cinemas)

4. Employer Registration with PhilHealth, Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) and

Social Security System (SSS)

A. PhilHealth

As required by the new National Health Insurance Act (RA 7875 / RA 9241), all

employers are required to register their employees with PhilHealth and remit to the

agency their share of contribution. Aside from being mandatory, this is also to ensure that

employees are adequately covered by health insurance that will aid them in

hospitalization costs and other health care needs.

Document/s Required:

a. Employer data or ER1 form

b. Business permit/license to operate and/or Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC) registration.

Every applicant shall submit the above requirements to any Phil Health office.

After processing, the employer will be issued Phil Health Employer Number and the

Certificate of Registration and Phil Health Identification Number (PIN) and Member

Data Record for concerned employees.

B. Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF)

By virtue of RA 7742, SSS members earning at least 4,000 Philippine Pesos a

month must be registered with HDMF (the agency that administers the PAGIBIG Fund).

HDMF works towards providing Fund members with adequate housing through an

effective saving scheme.

Document/s Required:

 Members Data Form (HDMF M1-2) together with the checklist of requirements.

C. Social Security System (SSS)

Companies hire employees to run their business. Employers should also register

their businesses and employees with the SSS. SSS benefits include disability pension,

retirement, funeral benefit, sickness allowance, loans and other benefits.

Documents Required:

a. Employer SSS Registration or R1 and Employment Report or R-1A.

b. Submit this form together with a photocopy of Articles of Partnership.


Ghantt Chart 1.1:

Third Month
First Month



Partnership Formation    

Registration and processing of other needed

Acquisition of Materials and Installment of

Hiring and Orientation of the Employees  

Promotional Campaign  

Commencement of the Business      


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