Electronics-I Course Riphah University

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Title of the Course: ELECTRONICS-I Credit Hours: (3,0)3

Course Code: PHY 3001 Pre-requisites:Nill


The goals of this course are to give the student an understanding of the elements
of semiconductor physics and principles of semiconductor devices that constitute
the foundation of the operation and limitations of the primary electronic devices
like p-n junctions, bipolar transistors, and field effect transistor. The students will
find current knowledge of new developments in semiconductor devices and

Course Contents:

Introduction: Band Theory of Solids, Materials Used in Electronics, Current in

Semiconductors, N-Type and P-Type Semiconductors, The PN Junction.

Diodes Applications: Diode Operation, Voltage-Current (V-I) Characteristics, Diode

Models, Half-Wave Rectifiers, Full-Wave Rectifiers, Power Supply Filters and Regulators,
Diode Limiters and Clampers.
Special Purpose diode: The Zener Diode, Zener Diode Applications, The Varactor Diode,
Optical Diodes.

Bipolar Junction Transistor: Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) Structure,Basic BJT

Operation, BJT Characteristics and Parameters, The BJT as an Amplifier, The BJT as a Switch
and LED driver.

Transistor Bias Circuit: The DC Operating Point, Voltage-Divider Bias, Other Bias Methods.

BJT Amplifiers: Amplifier Operation, Transistor AC Models, The Common-Emitter

Amplifier, The Common-Collector Amplifier, The Common-Base Amplifier, Multistage
Amplifiers, The Differential Amplifier
Text Books:

1. “Electronics Devices (Conventional Current Version)” by Thomas L. Floyd,

Prentice Hall, 8th edition, (2009).

Reference Books:

1 J.D. Ryder, “Electronic Circuits and Systems”, Prentice Hall 1976.

2. Theodore F. Bogart, “Electronic Circuits”, McGraw Hill,
3. B. Grob, “Basic Electronics”, MacGraw Hill, Tch ed. 1997.
4. A. P. Malvino, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill, 7th ed. 2006.
5. James J. Brophy “Basic electronics for scientists” McGraw Hill, 5th ed.

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