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TITLE OF INVENTION...........................................................................................................................2
FIELD OF INVENTION...........................................................................................................................2
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION.....................................................................................................2
OBJECT OF INVENTION........................................................................................................................2
STATEMENT OF INVENTION.................................................................................................................2
SUMMARY OF INVENTION....................................................................................................................2
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS....................................................................................................2
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION.....................................................................................3
Indian Patent Application
A typical patent specification has the following sections:
1. Title of invention; Foldable Camera Quadrone
2. Date of filing Patent ; 2 April 2020
3. Field of invention; Technological
4. Background of invention with regard to the drawback associated with known art;
Camera and Video Recorder
5. Object of invention; To capture photos and videos from the height of 1200 feets and
360° degree full view with no noise while flying.
6. Statement of invention; It is camera which can capture and record from the height of
1200 feet it includes four cameras and one TOF Camera to capture and record 360°
Degree full view.

7. videos Mary of invention; Attached

8. A brief description of the accompanying drawing; Made on a chart describing whole
design of the Camera Quadrone

9. Detailed description of the invention with reference to drawing/examples; The

drawings which are attached gives us a brief idea of the size weight of the invention.
It is one feet long 15 inches wide and 10 inches deep weighing only 300 grams. It has
four wings attached to its upper side each wing have 3 fans of size 4 inches. In middle
of every wing there is. TOF camera attached which is 360° Degree camera. Other four
cameras are attached on the bottom part of the quadrone.
10. Claim(s); Camera Quadrone, TOF Camrea attached, Foldable Camera, Highest
altitude Camera Quadrone, No Noise Drone Camera.
Foldable Camera Quadrone

This invention is for the technological purpose. It can be used by the security forces and by
the big corporates or industrialist for there any sort of capturing images and videos.


Our invention has solved the recent problems regarding the securities and capturing of images
and videos from a height of more than 500 feet and to capture the as much area needed. It can
capture the whole area from where it will start capturing not only from one direction but from
all the axis of geometry that are x-axis y-axis and z-axis. Its TOF Camera which is a 360°
camera which can capture all the areas covering all directions which are east, west, north,
south ,top area of quadrone and bottom area of quadrone.

Object of invention should clearly reflect the advantages of the invention. It has solved the all
existing technical problems of the capturing world. The feature of capturing the all sides all
areas and all directions around the quadrone is its USP which has solved all problems of the
capturing images and videos.

Statement of invention describes the exact novel features of the invention. It clearly reflect
the inventive feature of the invention over the existing one. The novel new and unique
features of invention is TOF Camera which is a 360° Degree camera its weight size and its
new feature of folding it and it does not make any noise.

The quadrone camera is not anything which can be made by only a simply installing its a
technological achievement. The problems solved of capturing the all areas all sides and all
directions is solved easily accessible and can be carried in a small bag and it can also fold.


The drawings which are attached gives us a brief idea of the size weight of the invention. It
is one feet long 15 inches wide and 10 inches deep weighing only 300 grams. It has four
wings attached to its upper side each wing have 3 fans of size 4 inches. In middle of every
wing there is. TOF camera attached which is 360° Degree camera. Other four cameras are
attached on the bottom part of the quadrone.


1. It is a foldable Quadrone Camera
2. It can be carried in a small bag
3. It is foldable
4. Very less weight and small size
5. TOF Camera which is a 360° Degree Camera
6. All sides all areas and all directions is captured
7. Price is only that of a simple drone camera
8. Three years of warranty
9. Available in four different colours
10. It never makes a noise

Claims are the essence of a patent. The claims define the invention which the inventor holds
as his exclusive property and has the right to exclude others from making, using and selling.
The claims specify the scope of ownership in a piece of property, i.e. Intellectual Property.
These claims are of paramount importance in both patent prosecution in the Patent Office and
patent litigation in the courts. Therefore, during claim drafting the choice of words used in the
patent claims should be dealt in a great understanding and thought.


1. TOF Camera 360° Degree

2. Foldable Camera
3. No Noise Drone
4. It can capture from the height of 1200 feet

The quadrone camera invention is not just a simple camera or an ordinary drone camera
which is already existing. It is a new invention which has its unique ways of capturing images
and videos. It is a Quadrone Camera which captures images and videos through a machine
which is a drone which can fly upto the height of 1200 feet to capture all the sides all the
areas and all the directions which has to be recorded or captured. It has a new TOF Camera
which has never been used earlier in any ways. But here we are using it in a drone to capture
all the sides all the areas all the directions and too on the height upto 1200 feet.

Our invention is nothing ordinary it is a big technical achievement in the field of technology
and visual world.

It can be used for many purposes and most importantly in the field of security, industries,
cinematographic work, and for many big events to have a bigger and greater visuals.

It is the only flying or drone camera which does not make any noise not a single sound is
produced by our invention while flying foe capturing images and videos.

The TOF Camera is its USP which have a capacity to capture a area of the more than
2kmsquare from the height of 1200 feet that in a 360° Degree view it has never been done
anywhere in the world earlier and is not in existence right now it is our new novel and unique

It can also be used through mobile phones by an application which has to installed from app
store of the phone.

It has its remote which only three buttons one to capture on to speed it up and one to control
its directions.

Remote is not a new invented machine its same that of the existing drones.


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