PET - B1 Preliminary For Schools EXAM TRAINER 2020-Key

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7 Answer key } for Practice Tests 1-6 PRACTICE TEST ANSWER KEY Practice Test 1 Reading Part1 plo 1B Correct. Repairs will delay cyclists for 24 hours. [A There wil be delay for 24 hours, not for the whole week C The notice doesrit say that the lanes closed, 2 C Correct, Suzie asks Harry he wants to Borrow [her] notes. 1 Sucle saidit was a good history class, and she wasn Harry missed the history class because he wail 2 A Correct. Students need to complete an application {form by Thursday, B Thernotice doesnt say when the lessons store, CC Thursday refers tothe day when the applications need tabein 4B Correct. f you spend over £15, you can get afree bottle of cata or lemonade. A Only customers who spend more than E15 receive the free offer. The oferis with takeaway orders. not with orders to atin the café 5A Correct. The café has employed new talon chefs recenty There is no information about the café moving, The owner haset openecta ca in aly Part2 pid 6 E Sacha / Diamond A7 needs model that she can rely on they can completely dependon it budget i around £500: At £510, itso borgain. ‘must have a good reputation and an excellent battery fe complaints are very rare / doesnt need to be charged very often 7H Carlos /Tiger 21, ‘ant affora more than £300: on special offerthis week only or£280 wants one that locks good: ane ofthe mos stylish smartphones / looks fontastc rainy uses his phone to watch films so the screen size has to be decent: has a huge display ond a convenient ort for headphones 8 A Clara / Sunshine 123 wants abasic phone thats 9s) to use: very simple to set upond use needs good storage forall the photos she receives offers ‘enormous memory hhas £150 for her new phone: willonly cost you £149.99 9 F Sam/StormV ‘an spend between £300 and £400 on a new mobile: currency on sale for £385 thes to browse the Internet and check socal medi operate at very high speeds crazy about gaming: dlspoy is bright, making It ideo for video games 40 D Ayesha and jane / Sky OF ‘need a smartphone that costs less than £200: price tag of Just £180 prefer small phones that re east cary: ourmost lightweight smartphone listen to music, 0 good sound is essential: how powerful the internat speaters are Part3 pis 11 B Correct. Jessica was always telling jokes In class, A Jessica was funny not he friends. C Jessica annoyed the teachers, but she doesn say that she dsked them, 1 Jessica jokes were goad because she made people laugh. 12 Correct. Jessica worked in a fast food restaurant and ‘took acting classes inthe evenings. A Jessica worked ina restaurant. B Jessica took acting classes. 1 Jessie performed in theatres, 13 D Correct jessica has worked in theatres and on TV. ‘A Sometimes the audience didi laugh at jessica jokes. B Doing theatre works harder than being on TV. C Jessica frst job ater leaving school was in a fastfood restaurant. 44 B Correct. Ithelps Jessica to think, and when she returns, her head i fullof ideas. ‘A Wolking isa great way to relax, but ssica doesnt sayit rakes her laugh. Jessica says that comedy not walking takes away 1D When she has no ideas, jessica goes walking to filler mind with ideas, 15 C Correct. Jessica has had a successful career ands, always looking for new ideas. A Jessica doesnt say that she's always laughing B Jessica has time to velax and has an active fife apart ‘rom her work. D Jessica enjoys theatre work more than TV Part 4 p22 16D 17F 184 19¢ 20E Part’ p25 21 B which Special designs are objects and take the relative pronoun which. When, who and whose ar relative pronouns, but do nat refer to objects. 22 D invited Invited to means that people can choose whether to attend or not, and the event is not compulsory. Called and demanded ar used in situations where Something is necessary or compulsory, requested simply means asked. ANSWER KEY * PRACTICE TEST1 87 4188 ANSWER KEY © 23: Many ‘Many is required to agree withthe plural noun designs. Lot needs an indefinite article: alot of, Much i used with ‘uncountable nouns. Each is used before a singular noun, 24 D provide Provide completes the verb phrase provide someone with something. Produce, design and give dont form a verb phrase with the preposition within this context 25. Although Although completes the subordinate clause of contrast. ven needs though in this context (even though). So and But are used to lnk two main clauses, but cannot be used with a subordinate clause. 26 8 ended Theevent ended means that t finished. Left. done and completed would need tobe passive in ‘onder to follow the subject event. Part 6 p28 21 for 2B it 2950 30 more 31 most 32 with Writing Partt p31 Below is a model answer for Question 1 and some ‘comments on it Model answer HiTom Im looking fornard ta going camping wth you oo. chink staying ina tent isa great idea I wil be much better ‘than staying in acabn. havea big tere. Wecan both aleep Im not very goad at swimming, som afradlaar't go sang (on the lake with you. having swimming lesson bum et learning at the moment|But-we ean go walking the forest stead, lease can you tall me what need vo bring forthe camping cp? Write again son Marcos (98 words) Comments ‘Marcos has answered all parts of the question, and his answer is ofthe correctiength. He has used appropriate opening and Closing remarks in his emall and his response is well organized and easy to understand, Marcos uses different structures and appropriate vocabulary in his email and he has not made any ‘grammatical a spling errs, Part 2 p36 ‘Below isa madel answer for Question 2 and some comments oni. Model answer read books inthe evering or on the beach n eummer love reading funry books Nee books with funy storie and funy ‘characters in them because theymakeme laugh don ike scary booko, dor ike reading e-books profer reading paper back. | don want to ead ona screen: Ike toholdabock and tum the pages I's also rie to look at the cover an ee the picture fon the front. usualy get books from thelibrary or bay books from mylocsl bookshop. (95 words) ‘Comments This is avery good attempt. The writer answers the question. Her response’ wel organized and easy to understand, She uses a good range of structures (lave reading. because. I dontike. et) and vocabulary (characters, e-books, pages «over, sereen library, bookshop). There are no grammatical or spelling errors, andthe article is of the correct length. ‘Below isa model answer for Question 3 and some ‘comments ont. ‘Model answer ‘There was na ona the cagsraom when | arrived at 9.05 am ewas strange because wasnt very lite ei books an the desks ana wnting on tne backooara But where were al the ‘students? Then | took aut my phone, Theres was a ext from furtezcher but lhade't noticed it before read the massage carefully Todays class would take place in the par. realized ‘thats where everyone wae! Go rushed chere ad found my classmates sting by the ak. joie them and we had 2 \wonderfllesson in the sunshine (200 words) Comments This isa good story ofthe correct length which answers the ‘question and uses the first sentence correctly. The writer uses ifferent structures (There was no one. Then.S01.) There [savariety of appropriate vocabulary (desks blackboard, students lesson, etc), and no grammatical or spelling errors. ‘The story swell structured and easy to understand Listening Part 1 p39 4 € Correct. The boy explains thatthe anniversary ison the 17%, buthe will be traveling before that. ‘A The concertis on the 14%, B The boy is traveling with his parents on the 15%. 2. A Correct. They have enough milk and bread, so the woman only needs to buy butter B They have a lot of bread, and the man asks her not to buy any more. They have enough milk because the woman bought some the day before. 3 € Correct. The man changes his shopping plan and agrees to goto the basketball match on Saturday evening {A The man decides to go shopping that evening rather than on Saturday evening as he orginally planned, B Themanis going to the cinema that day. 4B Correct. The woman says she satin her garden on Sunday. 'A The man, not the woman, says that he went to the beach The woman went for a pinic on Saturday. 5A Correct. The man booked his holiday witha travel agent by phone, 8 The man doesnt ke using the Internet for booking thing. CC The man booked by phone: he's going tothe travel agency to pick up the tickets, 6B Correct. The exam starts at two oclock. A Its nearly one clock now. The man thinks the exam starts at four oeloc, but it Sinishes then 7B Correct. When the man says ‘Hello, he accidentally ‘drops his phone and it breaks. [A The man parks the car on the other side ofthe bridge before his phone ring. The grlon the bicycle arrives few minutes after the rman drops his phone Part 2 p43 8 C Correct. They say that they prefer her earlier songs. A They prefer her earlier songs B The man says that Kayle has a great voice 9B Correct. They ay thatthe chairs are uncomfortable and hard. [A They say that some ofthe dishes have funny names, but the staff explained wnat they al were. C They say that the staff are cheerful and pofte 10 C Correct. The grt says that she finds the hours o bit ‘much, and she struggles to stay awake until home time. {A The gt says thatthe people on her course ate very B The git says thatthe classes are interesting 11 A Correct. The gr says that she wishes he wouldn't ‘give them so much homework ona Friday. B The itl says that he explains things very well. C The gi says that he makes the lessons intersting, 12 B Correct. The boy says that he was expecting there to beabitmore action. ‘The boy says that the trailer they saw last week made thefilm look more exiting C The boy says that the Fim was funny, 13 A Correct. The gil says that they always improve the website, B The boy says that every time he gets used te using the website it changes. The ar says that the website has some cao! new eatures Part 3 p47 14 15 /fiteen 15 930 16 art room 17 Starting 18 October 19 food Part 4 p50 20 8 Correct. Alice’ business is a shop with asmall café at the back. A The businessisa shop and a café not a restaurant The business sells items from around the wort, but it isnt a travel agency. 24 C Correct. Alice wanted to be independent and work for hereof] ‘A Alice says that you cant be sure that youll make any ‘money. 8 Alice already has good experience ofthe business world. 22 A Correct. Alice got the idea when she was travelling in kenya B Alice was at a street marketin Kenya, not England Alice has travelled in India, but she has lived there, 23 B Correct. Alice looks for things that are original anda bit different. ‘A Alice chooses items that are not toe expensive and that ‘most people can afford C Alice has to send some larger items, so not everything is easy to cary. 24 B Correct, Alice will probably need more staf {A Alice isn't going to open a new shop. Ace thought about sling more food, but another shop seling food has ust opened. 25 A Correct. [Aces] warking more hours than [she's] ‘everdone and that’s probably the most dificult thing B Alice gets on wel with her customers, © Alc kes vaveling ‘ANSWER KEY + PRACTICE TEST1 129 Practice Test 2 Reading Part 4. p62 1B Correct. Girls who wish to play football are invited to ‘come tothe first training session next Monday evening. [A The message is about a new gis team, soit For gis ‘who want to play football. not watch it. There willbe a traning session, nota game, next Monday evening 2 A Correct. Passengers for destinations in Europe have ‘0 go to Terminal. B Terminal is for fights within the US only, so passengers for anyuhere ese inthe world cannot fy from here. Passengers ying to destinations in Europe, not “America, should folow the yellow signs 3B Correct. Bob left a message that he wants to arrange a new time for the next guitar lesson and Seiko needs to call him back. |A The message doesnt ay anything about canceling the lesson. C Anita snot the persan taking guitar lessons, Seiko is 4 C Correct. Hot meas wll not be served in the school cafeteria until next wee. A Iksthe hot meals service thats delayed nat the new 8 The notice is about hot meals oly, so students can stil eatin the ding area eg their owm snacks, 5. C Correct. Luca asks Fran to do some shopping and says that he has lefta lit Luca says that hell mate [them] something nice so hell othe cooking 68 Lucatalks about what hell do when he gets back from the library, but he doesiv ask Fan ta take anything back there. Part2 pod 6D José / Sunshine Café ‘near campus: a short walk from the college ‘a café witha nice terace: its outdoor seating area rTust be inexpensive and serve great sandwiches: wide choice of soups and sandwiches a very easonable prices 7G Kasia /Tl’sTea-Shop auiet café: get away from the noise of thecity / gentle classical music close to the station: between the museum and the olmoy station wile enjoying tea: choose from 20 types of tea and delicious cake; serves the best baked goods in town 8B Karland Omar / Burger Basement ‘place witha good atmosphere brillant cafés bright andexcting both enjoy loud muse: everyone sings along withthe pop ‘and rcksongs /not a quiet place abo lke cheap fastfood: low cost ofthe chips and burgers 190 ANSWER KEY « PRACTICE TEST 2 9. E Femando / Green Dreams doesnt eat meat: caféis vegetarian ‘doesnt mind paying litle more: prices are high independent café: owned and run by focal family near the beach: busy seaside café 10 C Linda and Amelia / Pancake Paradise love to eat sweet things: pancokes served with ice cream orhoney both very syish: where olthe fashionable people like to beseen want place thats really cool: everyoneistalking about it/ original arcon the wal, Part 3 p66 41 A Correct. The writer says that she has always been keen on sport, she decided to jin her local athletes club B The writer says she has always been very it The writer mentions her coach, but doesit sy that she wanted to become a coach, The writer says that she started focusing onthe long Jump because she was good att. 42 A Correct. The writer says that the 800 metres race youhave to choose the right moment to run at your ‘maximum speed, 8B The writer says that she does not rn the short distances like 100 metres, so she ist comparing the v0 stances. The writer says that you have to mix speed with strength, so they ave equally important. D Youalko have tothinkalot about how you race, so you cannot forget everything. 13 D Correct. The writer says she loves running infront of 2 crowd ~ | suppose it'sa sort of performance. 2 The writer was nervous before her fist race, but she ‘eritnervous any more because she loves running infront of acrowd and she has learned to stay cal. 2 The writer says that she enjoys running infront of ‘crowd, but she doesit say how it fees tobe in front of ‘other competitors ina race The writer says that running has helped [her] to trust in{herl own ables, ut not that she has developed 14 C Correct. The writer eats well ut does not havea special diet. | The writer describes eating more of everything because she’s so active, but she doesnt say it makes her able to run faster B The writer tris to eat and sleep well, but she doesnt say that eating helps her to sleep bette. 1 Thewritr gets plenty of variety. so she does eat different types of food. 15 B Correct At first, the writer putall [her effort into the lng jump because it washer best event. She says that she loves running, but that she ist aiming for the postion of Olympic athletes because you have togive ‘upso much ifyou wantto reach that level. 1K The writer mentions Olympic athletes but says f don't {feel thats necessary where maiming. The writar says Nove running infront ofa crowd and doesnt say that she finds training boring D The uniter trains with others, but she doesnt mention ‘competing ina team, Part 4 p68 46C 17H 188 a9F 20E Part 5 p69 21 A currently Currently is used in present continuous and it means Previously and recently are not used inthis tense, and ‘ewly has a wrong meaning 22D work Work ass used with anoun to describe someone's job. Be. earn and fee aren't used with os followed by @ noun. 23. preparing Preparing is used to mean making [the lessons] ready Inadvance, Practising and reading arent used with lessons in this may, {and thinking vould need tobe folowed by about 24 0 rather Rotheris used with than to mean instead of. Sooner means earlier”. Instead and even arent used with than, 25.0 while While\s used to introduce something happening at the same time as something else. Throughout in this sentence would need to be Followed by «a noun (throughout their studies), nota subject and verb, However and except arent correct inthis position 26 0 way Woy inthe expression inthis way means inthis kind of system or method. {Kind an type aren't used in this expression. inthis syle can mean inthis way, but doesnt fi this context for an eract plan. Part p70 21 for 28 All 29 any 30 such 31 to 32 on Writing Part p7i Below sa model answer for Question 3 and some Model answer HiSarah Imerciced about ox shopping trp toolLets met atthe bisetavon Id profer to go to the new café for nc I wll bo more exciting than having ape the river We can ceo hat ‘ood she now restaurant has. hope they have salads] ‘Yeo dike to buy abirthay present for my best frend ‘ym. wart by her ace eit. Shelves Tah, [aleo ke toby some nw earring anda magazines town. What doyou want 20 doe 22 yeu Soon ena (99 words) Comments ‘Anna has answered all parts of the question, ander answer isthe correct length. She has used appropriate opening and closing remarks inher email and her response i well organized and easy to understand. Anna uses ciferent structures and appropriate vocabulary in her email and she has not made any grammatical or spling errors. Part 2 p72 Below is a model answer for Question 2 and some comments on it. Model answer Tra huge fan of talanfoodlin my opinion. 6 cho most. elclous focdin the wort. dficut vo choose between pizza and pasta because llove them both, However my avourite's definitely pizza The reazonis that youcan put so many afferent types offoad on top ofa pizza. You can make ‘ach pizza interesting and clfferentl Fizais alco convenient because you can|ust pick t up with your hands. fun to that way! [rave pzzaoncea week wth my family and afterwards, we usualy watcha flm together (200 words) Comments This is avery good attempt. The writer answers the question. Her resporse's well organized and easy to understand, She uses a good range of structures (the most delicious. love them both, The reasons that.) and vocabulary (interesting, abfferent, canvenient. fan). There are no grammatical or spelling eros, and the article i af the correct length, Below isa model answer for Question 3 and some ‘comments on it. Model answer When she postman gave me the parcalIhad no dea what as inside. It had my name and addrosson tbe die'c recognize the writin. The parcel wae nat heavy. ard flee ‘big empty box | tk the parcelinco he kvchen and put ic lon the table took some-scissors and careful cut the paper ‘open. There was abig bor side | tock off the ld anda big red balloon came out ofthe box It eaid Happy Birchdayl ont: las very surprised bocause't- wasnt my birthday! (100 words) Comments This sa good story ofthe correct length which answers the {question and uses the first sentence corectly. The writer ses diferent structures and the corect tense (/had ~The porcelwas:net... There was... Theresa range of appropriate vocabulary (name, address, box. paper lid etc), and no ‘grammatical or speling errors. The story is well structured and, e287 to understand Listening Part p73 1B Correct. The westher forecast for tomorrow is more ofthe some, which cloudy mth afew showers. tlthough the winds wil be stronger thon today, A iewl be cloudy bu the sunnier wether inet ave Unt tomods the wectend € Theforecast was orignal for astm ad vry heavy rain, bt the forecast has changed ends fomorron weather wont be quite what wes expected ANSWER KEY « 2B Correct. The gil says that her brother Paul has. ‘shorter hair than Robbie and would never wear such smart clothes, and he's wearing sunglasses, [A The gi says that her brother Paul would never wear such smar clothes and he's wearing sunglasses. C The gt says thatthe boy with lng hairs a friend rom school. 3B Correct. The gid used to do. lot of running and ‘swimming, but she got tired ofthe jogging [running] ‘50 only does swimming now. We also know shes going ‘swimming tonight because she says she'll be out of the pool by 7.00. [A The boy. not the gil is going tothe gym, The gic says she got tre ofthe jogging (running, so she doesnt do that anymore. 4B Correct. The woman says the club a fantastic place toplay table tennis. {A There ae plans to open a café next year, but ks not ‘open now. The internet café closed last spring, and computers are not mentioned as part of what is available at the club, 5A Correct. the man says there no mouse here ether, ‘and the woman ist surprised and promises to send ‘one straight away. B The man cant find the keyboard at fist, but then he says here we are so we know he's found it. The printer has tobe ordered separately, sits not missin from this order 5 C Correct. The boy’ mother has puthis money by the front door so that he wouldn't forget it. [A Jenny took the money from the table, but te boy's is not there B The boy says the money isnot in [his] jacket pocket. 7B Correct. Susie friend found an old address book with her number in, phoned her and left a message, and Susie called [the girl back. 1 Susie lost her mabile two weeks ago.and she hasn't ‘bought anew one yet. C Susie fiend sent her an email but Susie didnt write any emails Part2 p75 8B Correct. The gil says that the storys aiicut tofellow. [A The gi says thatthe book's short, but ittook her a ong time to read it The gic says that she had to red parts ofthe book again to work out what was going on. 9 A Correct. The boy says that his uncle Isa member of a lotof local clubs. The boy says that his uncle great The boy says that is uncle doesnt travel ar all 10 A Correct. They say he's never on time. BB The woman says that he’ got an expensive watch, but he never looks ati Theman says thathe came but was very late. 11 C Correct. The boy says that they didn have enough time at the museum because it took so long to get there and back. A The boy says that there were interesting things atthe museum and he found out some useful information for his history project. 2 The boy say that tok along time to get tothe ‘museum and back. 192 ANSWER KEY * PRACTICE TEST 2 42 B Correct. The gir says thatit’s really convenient to be s0 close tothe schoo! and shops. 1 The gi says that the building makes noses and that her neighbour very friendly C The git says that ts always strange sleeping ina new place. 13 A Correct. They say that the queues are very long and the department store needs more staf. 8 They say that there good selection of stuf. They say that the prices ae lower than in other department stores. Part 3 p77 14 walking 45 600 /six hundred 16 diving 47 June 18 bus tour 19 return fights Part 4 p78 20 A Correct. Just a dozen groups played, which means 12 bands 8B The festival began in the eorly 1980s, not the year 1980 The first festival began at lunchtime and was over before it got car 21 C Correct. The festival provides a wide range of entertainment for young and old alike. 1 Ticket numbers have been reduced lightly this year, so the crowd wil be smaller, not bigger. 2B The festival is a four-day event. which i longer than & weekend 22.8 Correct. The audience will recognize people such as ‘Mark Whitfeld and Sandy Denver from TV. [A There wil be some ofthe best names in comedy, but they arent alloca, a numberof international stars wil be appearing too. C US comic Joe Reen has had to cancel his appearance, so there won't be top American entertainer. 23 C Correct. On Saturday and Sunday, you con watch videos covering the history of rock music. ‘A You can watch, nat rea, non-stop programme of music biographies. B You can watch trilers on Friday night. 24 A Correct. The presenter is particularly looking ‘forward to buying elbums you just can't find anywhere else The presenter mentions that you can buy a jacket to keep the ain of but this isnot what he is especialy looking Forward to The presenter says its possible to buy acandle fora {filend, but this is not what he is especially looking forward ta, 25 B Correct. Westbay has more food stalls from around ‘the world than any other festival. A The presenter mentions the tastes of Mexico, but doesnt say theyre vary hot Cts possible to try Australian barbecued lamb, s0 not everything i vegetarian, Practice Test 3 Reading Part p82 1B Correct. You can use a mobil A You are permitted to use a phone in reception. C You can use your mobile phone in the reception area, ‘the receptionist phone ie not mentioned. 2 C Correct. Aisha wants to know the name of the shop where David bought the book. A David has already ent a book to Aisha, but shes los it. B Aisha doesrt ask David to go into town with her 3B Correct. You take the medicine on an empty stomach, 0 you can est after you have taken the medicine. 1 You mustrt eat before taking the medicine, but it doesnt say when you should eat You should take the medicine every si hours. 4 C Correct. The changing rooms are for people having ‘tennis lessons. A You should use the main changing room f you are not having tennis lessons. The notice dassit mention the staf. 5 C Correct. The security guard doesn't turn the lights (off because people are asked to switch off the lights winen they leave. 1 The security guard wilfock he doors. B You dont need to ask the security quart for permission. You should switch off the lghts when you leave. hone inthe reception Part 2 p84 6 F Lisa /Time Museum deciding what period of history ta study: can access timelines for speciic regions with ournen software wants to visit a general history museum: Start by exploring the ancient worldof end by watching...most recent inventions: travel through time 7 © Marcus /Fun Science is interested in space: rocket simulator, 30 lm on stars ‘and planets ‘gets bored / plenty of equipment that he can use: have fun; do experiments. theifferent science fan labs 8A Ben and Erica / City Museum love leaning new things / Uke doing creative activites: dinosaur drawing fr children aged four to eight for children aged twelve we have tablets wth the new ‘museum Imagine opp Mari likes these things, too / a museum that they can allenjoy together adults pease stay you can take pat in theactvtes too 9 C Yoko / The Glass Place small museum where she can see things being made: watch a glass making demonstration wants to buy some unusual gifts: gift shop where you con buy amazing glass items, including jewellery 410 D Robert and Meg / History Museum ‘want to know about history of area grandparents: pecial exhibition ehat explores the history ofthe post one ‘hundred years ‘want to know about ordinary life: exhibition) looking at houses, schoo! shops, work and developments in anspor interviews with local people art3 p86 1B Correct Most oll he ied toingpcturesof pope | [A The text doesntt say that he took pictures of his parents. Pa Teurterasoenjojed ling pcuresotfones ees | eee eB D Thewrters pores bounhthinacaner whentewes apie g 12 B Correct. The writer had to take dull pictures of local id perce iC} [A Thewrltr dirt take pictures of people in his Fst jb. The writer worked fora local paper and didn travel far in is job 1D He had to go out ofthe ofce to take photograph. 413 D Correct. The writer thinks that people imagine that hes an unpleasant person. [A The titer thinks that people imagine that he makes ‘2 lotof money B The writer thnks that people imagine that he takes embarrassing photos of famous people The writer thinks that people imagine that he follows famous people 44 A Correct. The writer photographs people who ask him ‘to photograph them. B Some people imagine that the writers an unpleasant person who follows famous people but the writer doesnt describe the people he photographs as unpleasant. C The writer does feel annoyed sometimes. f people ‘decide that they don't want tobe photographed. 1 The rite doesnt mention this as problem, 45 C Correct. The writer works for himself and finds his Job exciting and challenging. ‘A The writer didnt enjoy his st ob B The writer prefers taking pictures of people but he doesn want to embarrass people. 1D Thewriter doesn't mention anything about wanting to be famous. Part 4 pas 16G 17C 18H 198 20€ Part 5 p89 21 A trip Tip cefers to ajourney during and return Destination means the place you'e traveling o, route refers tothe roads taken onthe journey and plan means aides or arrangement todo something nthe Future 22 B routine Routine completes the phrase daily routine. Practice, habit and custom arent correct inthis context. you visita place ANSWER KEY « PRACTICE TEST 3.193 23 B offered Offered completes the phrase tobe offered the chance t0.d0 something, Advised, recommended and suggested aren used with the object chance, 24 ¢ must ‘Must followed by the infinitive without to. ‘Ought and need require to *infritve; could indicates possibilty andisnit correct in this context. 25 A somebody Somebody refers toa person, Everyone refers to 2 lot of people, which init correctin this context: something and everything refer to thing, not people 26 B free Be free to means you can decide something yourself (pen, empty and clear arent correct inthis context. Part 6 p90 27 in 28 from 29 for 30 there 31 with 32 away Writing Part p91 Below is a model answer for Question 1 and some comments on it Model answer Hicarta, Tmreally excited about the talent show, tool ive ta ben yourbana! eve amazing! Innot a great singer: but can play the guitar Ive beenhaving lesons for tho years and know afew sons eww pve other people who canbe in our band, My Friend Anna can play the koybaard andl my fiend Dino lea great singer Tey'e good musicians. Ithirkwe shoud make cool costumes for curband and wear ‘chemin the tal show. Nhat do you tke See you son! Mana (100 words) Comments Maria has answered all parts of the question and her emails ofthe correct length. Her response fs well organized and easy tounderstand, She has used a variety of efferent structures and a good range of vocabulary in her email She has not ‘made any grammatical or spelling errors. Part2 p92 low isa model answer for Question 2 and some comments onit. Model anzwer Hove atening to music. My favourite kinds of music are pop ‘usc and rock mus ke theseknds of musle because they are 4004 to dance to. lve dancin) often sven Yo musie ‘ony own in my room, anal often ston to music and dance 9% ANSWER KEY PRACTICE TEST 3 with my frends, too Ike going to concerts, but prefer listening to music athome, Tere area ot of people outing singing and screaming at a concert, and youcan'valvays hear ‘the mesic. prefer to hear tha musie and che words ty favourite songs, (202 words) Comments This is avery good attempt. The writer answers the question Her responses wel organized and easy to understand. She uses a good range of structures (ike / ove / prefer becouse... There are.) and appropriate vocabulary (pop, rock, dance, shout sing, scream, cancer, song), Below is a model answer for Question 3 and some comments nit. Model answer Ie waa midnight when che telephone rar was asleep. | oke up and su up in my bed. elt shocked ane surprised. Why aid someone war to speak tome this tine? lent downstairs. The telephonerarg and ang l answered the hone, tut there was no ore there. Strange looked out the vindow atthe dark right. The moon was bg ana bright, There ore many, many stars, As was looking, che telephone rang ‘again turned ouicly. There were shadows on tho wall, Was ‘fightened and aids b:ow why lanenered the phone aga sald hela Wrong number’ said the wien. Somy (113 words) Comments This is avery good attempt. The storys atmospheric and well ritten. The writer has used tenses correctly (Iwas acl, 4st os ooking.. tuned quickly ete) and a goad range of. vocabulary (shocked, surprised. strange, dark, bight. shadows, etc). Listening Part p93, 1 € Correct. The gris still going todo the exam even ‘though she feels 1 The gil may goto the doctor’ surgery if her dad can arrange an appointment inthe afternoon 8B The gr wants to stay in be, but she cant because she has an important exam. 2. € Correct. The manis birthday i on Thursday. | The man wants to celebrate his birthday on Tuesday 8 The man's meeting an old schoo friend on Wednesday. 3B Correct. The gis going to go tothe park. [A The girl was ited toa house bythe seo, bt she decided not 0.90, The girl went tothe theme pork the previous week 4A Correct. There was flooding in the kitchens B There was looding in the kitchens yesterday. nota fre. There was aren one ofthe scence abs two weeks 390, 58 Correct Ben used some history magazines. [A Ben had a quick look on the internet, but he used some ‘magazines, Ben couldn't find any good booksin the Hbray. 6 C Correct. The boy put them ino small bag. [A They are bythe front door, not on the bed, 8 The boy's mum locked onthe kitchen table, but they werent there, 7 A Correct. They'e at an Italian restourant. 5 The restaurant i opposite the theatre They couldnt ge tickets fr the concert. Part 2 p95 8 A Correct. They expected to find t boring, but t wasnt, The play lasted for nearly twe hours, but ths wasnt a problem, CC The actors showed what was happening without speaking 9 A Correct. He finds dificult to type because the phone has tiny keys. 8 The phone has a good camera C The phone has al the apps the man needs 10 C Correct. The train has been cancelled. ‘A The man has already been waiting for ten minutes There has been a problem an the track 11 B Correct. The gil wanted to see the film at 6.15, but they're going at 8.30, ‘A She needs to let their friends know theyre meeting later than planned. The gir hopes the films worth staying up late for. 12 B Correct. The git says you can't believe anything on ‘that blog. ‘A The boy say est’ blog recommends coo! places The boy says that magazines seem old-fashioned. 13 € Correct. The gr says thatit was wonderful and she could relax. 'A The gi says that her friend would have been bored. B The gir says that she felt tired before the weekend, but ‘that she feels full of energy now. Part 3 p97 14 Introduction 15 questions 16 next to 17-200 / wo hundred 18 Manager 19 Tea and juice Part 4 p98 20 & Thewildite centre event is for children aged ‘between five and nine, ond parents are asked to stay. [A The speaker recommends a specific age group. The event i for children, but parents are asked to stay. 24 C The arganizers may continue the club in term time. | Young people bring their music to the club 8 This is anew club, 22 8 Drinks willbe provided. [A The children go home fo lunch, The children take their oun snacks, 23 C Children learn new steps and routines. 1 Parents see what the chiliren have learnt but dont take parcthemselves, BB The Dance Academy teaches a variety af styles, not only modern dance. 24 8 Theclubis on twice a weekin the holidays. A This isnot ferent in the holidays There wil be olf che usual actltes, nd there fit more sport than usual. 25 B There'son open day and everything is free. 1A Everything is fee soit doesn cost anything. Chilren can try everything that is available atthe ANSWER KEY + PRACTICE TEST 3 \ SET > A ) G = 4 Ea Practice Test 4 Reading Part 1 ploz 1 C Correct. The changes to the timetable relate to Information about the exams and students can get this from the office. 'K There have been some changes to the timetable sat cant be the sameasit was before. 8 There have been chonges to the timetable, but the students dont need to tell anyone about them, They should vst the office, but to get a new copy. 2 8 Correct. You don't pay for helmets ifthe booking is ‘over £15, but it's ess, is necessary to pay. A You do have to pay ithe bookings less than £15, C There is no charge for helmets if you spend over £15, so this means helmets are sometimes provided free of ‘charge. 3 C Correct. Sarah wants to meet atthe café instead of Lucia house, so shes changing thelr arrangements, {A Sarah wants to meet at the café so she is canceling their plans, she's just changing the meeting place. 8B Sarah tll wants to get together so she doesnt want to ‘postpone meeting up. 4 B Correct. The cafeterias closed which means nebody {A The cafeteria is closed for the next two weeks, soit sat possible to use it next week There’ building work inthe school coftera, which means nobody at allcan useit fr dining 5 C Correct. Tess wants to get something together on the Internet, which means she wants to share the cost of a present. ‘Tess wants to buy present with Lenny onthe Internet for thelr mum, B Tess has akady been to town and couldn't find ‘anything sa she doesn want to meet Lenny in town Part 2 plos 6 E Jake /Howlt Began enjoys watching fast-moving and entertaining fms: an ‘exciting and original story that you won't be able to stop watching held keto watch something really upto date: movie has ‘only just been released 7H Mara / Across The World: AThree-part Series ‘enoys watching intemational sport: topes which include European football South American football Interested in is history atime greats \would lke a good balance of talk and pay includes interviews: highlights of every World Cup Final so for loves listening to famous stars talking The series includes interviews wit all-time greats 8 A Harry / Changing Direction \wants to study fm is interested inthe history of film-making: watch the secrets of directors Spielberg Tarontine, Hitchcock and more how flim has developed over the years: they ‘hanged the path of filmmaking forever s8e something abou the eary film industry /the latest technology: it] compares the equipment director used. with what they use today 196 ANSWER KEY « PRACTICE TEST 4 8 Natalia / A Fascinating Story enjoys watching serious documentaries: an amazing [ook atthe secret ifeof the snow leopard / filming is excellent ‘and the narration i fascinating keen to understand more about the natural world find out ‘about the snow leopards habits, how they're threatened ‘and what is being done to save them interested in the varity of ciferent plants and animals In ciflerent regions around the world and what can be ‘one to protect them: learn about the latest conservation ‘programmes thatthe Biodiversity Trusts working on D Chan / The Best OF: What's New? kes to find out about current affairs: programme which checks people knowledge of the news ‘would prefer something light that can make him laugh; ‘an extremely funny programme: picks out the funest ‘moments Part 3 p106 Fi R a 14 8 ‘A Correct. Mark has taken photos ofall kinds of ‘amazing weather, Including tornadoes, thunderstorms ‘and hurricanes. Marks the author of several books. There's to mention of his photos being used in books. (C Mark has appeared in documentaries, but theres no mention of his photos being used in documentaries. 1D Markhas written articles about our changing weather, but thereé no mention af his photos changing over time. B Correct. Mart has also successfully appeared in documentaries on American TV to dlscuss severe weether. AA Mark has written «very popular blog about extreme weather Mark has written fascinating articles about our changing weather. 1D Markhas ogpeared in documentaries on American TV and he's a teen speaker B Correct. Maré enjoyed recording the sound effects of wether. [A Markhad a camera, but he was more interested in ‘recording the sound effects of weather. Mark never forgot seeing his fst hurricane, Theres no mention that he was afraid of severe storms. D Mark never forgot seeing his frst hurricane. There's no ‘mention of hi being hurt. 8B Correct. Mark began his careeraso writer working ‘on local newspapers and he was good at his jb. 1K Mark studied journalism and he never regretted thot he'd become a journalist C Mark wrote for local newspapers, but he dant take Photographs. 1 Mark became an artist in terms of photography, but we don't know whether he was 2 better artist than a journalist € Correct. The writer describes aspects of Marks career as photographer from bis childhood i tohis adult career. |A The writer talks about Mark’ career as @ photographer, but doesn't give advice on how to become one, 8 The writer talks about Mark’ career as a photographer, but doesn't encourage people to become one. 1 Theres no technica explanation af howto take photos inthe text.

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