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Yemen ‫ا ﻟﻴﻤﻨﻴﺔ‬
There can’t be many places left in the world that could make God smile, but Yemen is
one of them.

Inhabited almost forever Yemen is, in many ways, the birthplace of all our lives. In days
past, the sons of Noah knew it as the land of milk and honey, Gilgamesh came here to search

for the secret of eternal life, wise men gathered frankincense and myrrh from its mountains
and, most famously, a woman known simply as Sheba said Yemen was her home.

Yet since the book of mythology was closed, Yemen has remained largely locked away
in a forgotten corner, oblivious to the world that was oblivious to it. Today, like a spring
tortoise emerging from hibernation, Yemen is awaking from its slumber and slowly revealing
its face. And what a face it is. Sitting at the crossroads of two continents, this country has a
little of everything. With its shades of Afghanistan, reflections of Morocco, flavours of Africa
and reminders of Arabia, Yemen is utterly unique and deeply romantic. To travel in this most
traditional of Islamic countries, surrounded by a people whom the Prophet once described
as ‘the most gentle-hearted of men’, is a privilege you will not quickly forget. But never
mind what we have to say about it, let’s leave the last word to the man who made it.

Legend tells how one day God decided to check out how his creation was fairing: London,
he decided, had changed a lot, Egypt was nothing like he remembered it, but Yemen, ‘Well’,
he smiled, ‘that hasn’t changed since the day I created it’.

 Official name Republic of Yemen
 Capital San’a
 Area 555,000 sq km
 Population 21 million
 Country code x967
 Head of State President Ali Abdullah
 Annual number of tourists
 Stereotypes Guns and qat chewers,
mountains and coffee, frankincense and
 Surprises It‘s far safer and friendlier than
wherever you are from
448 Y E M E N • • H i g h l i g h t s Y E M E N • • H i s t o r y 449

HIGHLIGHTS spotting in Suqutra (p502) or in magical in popular tourist spots. Travel during the Ottoman & British Occupation
 Old San’a (p459) Sigh over San’a’s icing- Hadramawt (p505)? month of Ramadan is not recommended, From the 15th century onwards foreign
cake houses and saunter through ancient and during the annual haj pilgrimage (as powers, including the Egyptians and Por-
alleyways created by the son of Noah and CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO well as during Ramadan), Yemenia flights tuguese, vied again for control of the Red
a mischievous bird. Climatically, Yemen can be divided into are often overbooked or cancelled. Sea coast. But it was the Ottomans (from
 Haraz Mountains (p467) Weave a trail three main zones: the Tihama (the Red Sea modern-day Turkey) who made the great-
through a tapestry of fortresses and fields coastal strip); the central highlands (includ- HISTORY est impact. Occupying parts of Yemen from
in the Haraz Mountains. ing San’a); and the desert areas of the east Sabaeans & Himyarites 1535 to 1638, and again from 1872 to 1918,
 Wadi Hadramawt (p505) Wander the sand- and the far north. Aside from legend, a shroud of mystery still they ignored, or failed to capture, the remote
castle cities of weird and wonderful Wadi The best time to visit the Tihama is envelops the early origins of southern Ara- inland areas ruled by local imams (prayer
Hadramawt where giants once roamed between November and February (sum- bia. The area now known as Yemen came leaders). During the 17th century the Qas-
and scorpions line the entrance to Hell. mertime can be suffocatingly hot). The to light during the 1st millennium BC, simi dynasty ruled over much of this region,
 Ma’rib (p494) Ponder the palace of the twice-yearly monsoons bring some rain to when a sweet-smelling substance called but its power declined with the demise of

daughter of the Devil and the lover of the region between mid-March and mid- frankincense first hit the world’s markets. coffee trading, upon which it had relied.
Solomon in surreal Ma’rib. April, and particularly July to September. Carefully controlling the production and In the middle of the 19th century a new
 Suqutra (p502) Act like a medieval knight Temperatures range from around 21°C in trade of this highly lucrative commodity power rocked up. From 1839 to 1967 the
and search for dragons and the secret of December and January to as high as 40°C were the Sabaeans, initially based in east- British occupied and controlled parts of
eternal life in stupendous Suqutra. in June. Humidity is also high. ern Yemen. southern Yemen, including the port of
The central highlands (which range from Over the ensuing centuries, the Sabaean Aden, which was declared a British pro-
ITINERARIES 1500m to 3500m) enjoy a temperate cli- Empire expanded and came to dominate tectorate. Strategically valuable to Britain’s
See the Itineraries chapter (p26) for more mate for most of the year, though it can almost all the rest of modern-day Yemen. maritime ambitions, the port soon grew
Yemen itineraries. get hot at noon and chilly at night (par- The temples and Great Dam at Ma’rib date into a major staging post.
 San’a Stopover If time is everything, don’t ticularly between October and February). from this period. Meanwhile in the north, after WWI and
waste it – get lost in the old city. Trying The monsoons are light in San’a, but heavy As Sabaean power waned, new powers the defeat of Germany (with whom the
to follow any kind of set walking tour (up to 500mm rainfall) in the southwest and empires began to rise in its wake. The Ottomans were allied), a new royal Zaydi
here is impossible so instead allow a cat- and can continue into May. San’a ranges in greatest of these was the Himyar empire. dynasty, the Hamid al-Din, rose up to take
like curiosity to lead you through alley- temperature from a minimum of 5°C (from Initially based in the central highlands, the the place of the former occupiers.
ways, up back streets and into interesting November to January) to a maximum of Himyarites’ power grew, and by the late
corners. The perfect day would involve 25°C (in July). 3rd century AD they had seized control of Civil War
stopping for tea in any of the numer- The desert regions of the east and the far nearly all the remaining country. Until 1962 central and northern Yemen had
ous teashops, having a salta (stew) lunch north are hot (particularly between June been ruled by a series of local imams. How-
at Houmald Salta (p464), stuffing your and September) and very dry, with tem- Foreign Powers & the Coming of Islam ever, on the death of the influential imam,
cheeks with qat (p462) and, to round out peratures from 25°C in December to 37°C Over the succeeding centuries Yemen was Ahmad, a dispute over succession broke
the day, watching the poetry of a San’a or more in June. The southern coastal strip invaded many times by hungry regional out, embroiling the whole region in a war
sunset from a hotel roof. is very hot and humid between May and powers looking for expansion. that dragged on for the next eight years.
 Qat Chewers’ Delight One of the proper- September. Among the powers that passed through On the one side, army officers supported
ties of qat (p453) is its ability to slow The island of Suqutra is a special case its portals – but never managed to fully by Egypt proclaimed the Yemen Arab Re-
time down. Therefore this route, which and is never really too hot or too cold. contain the country – were the Ptolemaic public (YAR), while on the other, the roy-
takes you to the finest qat regions, should Wind is the main factor here. During the dynasties, the Abyssinians and the Persians alists based in the north, and backed by
cover a fortnight but could stretch to six summer monsoon period from May to (from modern-day Egypt, Ethiopia and Britain and Saudi Arabia, were loyal to Ah-
months! Start your qat experiment in September, winds blow constantly from the Iran respectively). Today Yemenis are still mad’s son and successor. The YAR forces
the souqs of San’a (p462), before head- southwest at severe gale force with frequent proud of the fact that no foreign power eventually won.
ing south to the famous qat fields of Jibla gusts up to hurricane force. Don’t under- has ever managed to conquer the country Following the National Liberation Front’s
(p485), cross over to the Red Sea and estimate how difficult this can make even completely. victories in the guerrilla campaign against
the Friday market of Beit al-Faiqh (p480) simple tasks like standing up and walking! In the early 7th century AD there came the British, the colonialists were forced to
where the coast stocks up on its kicks. Bizarrely, the southern coast of the island a new invasion. It was to prove far more withdraw from southern Yemen in 1967.
Then climb into the Haraz Mountains and the mountainous interior have much significant than any that had come before: Three years later the People’s Democratic
(p467) to explore the numerous villages calmer wind patterns than the east, west it was the arrival of Islam. Republic of Yemen (PDRY) was born. It
here in the qat heartland. Finally, zoom and north coasts. Initially most Yemenis converted to Sun- became the first and only Marxist state in
north to Hajja (p473) and Sa’da (p475), Though the monsoons can flood wadis nism, but over the next few centuries indi- the Arab world.
home of the finest qat in Yemen. (river beds, often dry) and close roads, they vidual Shiite sects, such as the Zaydis, were In the north of the country, meanwhile,
 The Come Down After a fortnight of qat do temporarily turn parts of Yemen into born. For more information on Islam, see Field Marshall Ali Abdullah Saleh had insti-
you’ll be wanting to detox, so what better wonderfully green and fertile land. p59. During this time, various mini-states tuted a progressive rule of the YAR with his
way to do this than by going cold turkey During the peak season (20 December to grew, ruled by such dynasties as the Sulay- General People’s Congress (GPC). Conflicts
and spending your final week either bird- 10 January), you’re advised to book hotels hids and Rasulids. between tribes were contained, and the
450 Y E M E N • • H i s t o r y Y E M E N • • H i s t o r y 451

100 km
60 miles
As a result, the GPC swept into power and
Islah became the main opposition party.
SAUDI In September 1999 the country held its
Hababah Thilla Wadi
ARABIA first-ever presidential election, and Saleh
SAUDI Al-Mahwit Dhahr was re-elected as the country’s president.
At-Tawila Kawkaban
Ar-Rawda OMAN In June 2000 a border agreement was
Jabal an-Nabi SAN'A
Shu’ayb (3660m) signed with Saudi Arabia. Due to come
Khamis der
Bani Sa'd en
Bor into force in 2007, it has finally settled a
untains em
Abha Khamis Mushayt az M o –Y er decades-old dispute over the two countries

Har Bord



frontiers and, the Saudis’ hope, will prevent

Manakhah Quarter


0 20 km

Al-Khutayb the smuggling of weapons and qat.


0 12 miles




Najran Shihan


Yemen Today

Umm Layla


Suq at-Talh Al Wadi'ah Thamud Habarut Following the attacks of 11 September
Jizan Sa'da 2001, Yemen was viewed with suspicion by

Jabal Razih
(3658m) Damqawt the US. With its remote, unruly and lit-
Hawf tle-policed interior, Yemen was suspected
Shaharah Huth
al-Jawf Qabr Nabi
Allah Hud Al-Ghayda
of providing – even unwittingly – a refuge
Al-Qabi Sayun
Tarim Ghubbat for Al-Qaeda members and supporters, as
Baraqish Shibam
n i
Wadamawt Nishtun al-Qamar well as supplying a bolt-hole for militant
S-ab’ r
Amran Safir as Had Ra’s Fartak Islamists. A number of incidents encour-
Al-Mahwit t
Al-Qanawis m la
SAN'A Ma'rib
Ra Shabwa
aged this perception. In October 2000 the
Urj Wadi
US warship the USS Cole was bombed in
Bajil Daw’an
See Enlargement Qusay`ir Aden harbour, killing 17 US servicemen.
Harib Bayhan Ash-Shihr
Al-Hudayda Ma`bar
Ar-Rayyan Sharma Following this the French supertanker, the

R E D Beit al-Faqih Dhamar Ar-Rawda Al-Mukalla Beach Limburg, was bombed in 2002. There have
id Nisab A R A B I A N

S E A Wadi Z Dhafarab Yarim Rada` Habban

`Azan Burum been a number of other attempted attacks,
Bir `Ali
S E A the most recent being a foiled attack on
Hammam Al-Bayda Al-Mahfid Naqb Qana
Hanish Ibb Damt al-Hajar
Hays Jibla
Qa`taba Lawdar
oil installations in September 2006. In an
To Suqutra (50km)
Al-Janad (See Inset) effort to avoid further isolation the Yemeni
Jabal Sabir
Al-Habilayn government was very quick to sign up to
Al-Makha Yifrus (3070m) Shuqra
(Al-Hawta) Hadibu
the US’s ‘War on Terror’, and international
Assab At-Turba (Same Scale as Main Map)
fears that Yemen could become a new Af-

ERITREA ghanistan have proved largely unfounded.


Aden ’Abd al-KuriThe Brothers

Perim Yemen is one of many countries to firmly

G U L F O F A D E N oppose the current Iraq War.


Prior to the 2006 presidential elections,
Saleh announced his retirement from poli-
constitution vowed to respect both Islamic Reunification and Kuwait. This led to the expulsion of tics, though at the last moment, and under
principles and Western values, such as per- On 22 May 1990 a reunified Republic of over one million Yemeni emigrant work- pressure from his party, he opted to stand
sonal freedom and private property. Yemen was declared and in 1991 Yemen ers from Saudi Arabia and devastated the again. In an election that was seen as largely
In the PDRY, however, there was tur- made regional history. The country became economy. free and fair he was re-elected by a large
moil. Power struggles within the Yemen the very first multi-party parliamentary de- On the home front things also began to margin. The general consensus was that
Socialist Party (YSP) had led to rising ten- mocracy on the Arabian Peninsula. Saleh sour and the YSP and its members started after so many years under his rule it was
sion. Finally, in Aden in January 1986, a took the position of president and Ali Salim to feel increasingly marginalised by the a case of better the devil you know. There
two-week civil war broke out. The situation al-Bidh (the leader of YSP, the ruling party of GPC and its coalition partner Islah. was also fear that without him civil war
was aggravated by the collapse of the Soviet the former PDRY) became vice-president. Eventually tensions came to a head, and could erupt as tribal sheikhs with political
Union, previously the major benefactor of Things didn’t get off to a good start in 1994 civil war again broke out between ambitions vied for the top job.
the PDRY. As a result, the south was thrown for the new nation. During the 1990–91 the north and the south. Bidh’s attempts to On the whole the country is the most sta-
into a state of bankruptcy. Gulf War, Yemen appeared to side with secede from the north were quashed, and ble it’s been in years, though the Iraq War
Additionally, border disagreements be- Iraq (by choosing not to support UN he fled the country. and the government’s continuing coopera-
tween the two states had led to short con- economic sanctions against the country), The country was reunified shortly after- tion with the US in the ‘War on Terror’ are
flicts in 1972, 1978 and 1979. Yet, despite and in doing so managed to alienate not wards. But the path towards democracy was proving increasingly unpopular with most
the political differences, most Yemenis only the US and its allies, but also its Gulf still not smooth. In 1997 the YSP, predict- Yemenis. A more immediate thorn in the
hated having a divided country. neighbours, in particular Saudi Arabia ing vote rigging, boycotted the elections. side of the government is the bloody uprising
452 Y E M E N • • G o v e r n m e n t & P o l i t i c s Y E M E N • • S p o r t 453

Women are more ‘liberated’ than they Along the Tihama, the population is
AN EYE FOR AN EYE look. Many work and drive, but on average more closely linked to the African main-
Yemen’s tribes still wield a lot of power, sometimes more than the government, and for most still have 6.5 babies each. land. In the interior, the lighter skin of the
Yemenis tribal loyalty comes before national loyalty. Groups of tribes form bigger federations. Semitic ‘Arabs’ is visible. Bedouin tribes in-
There are three such federations in the northern part of Yemen – the Hashids, Bakils and Zara- Population habit parts of the desert region to the east.
niqs – and no government can be formed without an equal representation of these groups. In With 21 million inhabitants Yemen has one
the southern part of the country, where the government of the former PDRY did its utmost to of the largest populations on the Arabian SPORT
erode the powers of the tribes, the tribal structure is weaker, though since reunification a certain Peninsula, and one of the highest growth Yemen’s greatest stars have invariably
amount of ‘retribalisation’ has taken place. rates (3.5% annually) in the world. The trained abroad. The most famous of these
In the mountainous central regions and the Tihama each tribe has a fairly rigidly defined country’s population has increased tenfold is the boxer Naseen Hamid Kashmim (aka
‘territory’, which is still passionately defended from other tribes. This rule doesn’t apply to the in 30 years and San’a is the fastest growing Prince Naseen), born in Yemen in 1966, but
nomadic Bedouin of the desert regions. Conflict between the tribes is common in many areas. capital in the world. It is a very young coun- brought up in the UK. Nevertheless, he’s
If a person kills someone from an opposing tribe, his entire tribe will be held liable. In this way try, with nearly half its population (46%) considered very much a national hero.

blood feuds between tribes can continue for years. under 15 years old. Yemen is also still a Although the country has participated in
Every tribe is led by an elected sheikh, whose job it is to resolve conflicts or, if that is not firmly rural society, with 73% of its popula- several Olympic Games, it’s yet to return
possible, to raise a tribal army and lead the battle. tion living in the country. with a medal.

that has rumbled on since 2003 between line with the worldwide rise in oil prices. EATING THE FLOWERS OF PARADISE
the army and a Zaydi rebel group, based Yemen struggles to control corruption and The first thing every new arrival in Yemen will notice are the bulging cheeks of the qat chewer.
in Sa’da province, who are seeking to over- excessive spending and relies greatly on Qat, khat, chat or miraa are the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis. Originally from Ethiopia, the qat
throw the government and sever links with foreign aid. plant has spread across parts of East Africa and into Yemen where the afternoon qat-chewing
the West. A tentative truce was reached in In November 2006 the country secured session has become almost the pivotal point of many Yemeni lives.
2006, but a sudden return to violence oc- US$4.7 billion in development aid from Classed by the WHO as a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychic depend-
curred in early 2007, which at the time of Western and Arab donors. ence, it has been banned in most Arab and Western countries, including Saudi Arabia where
writing remained unresolved. possession is a serious offence, the US and almost all European nations except for the UK where
PEOPLE it’s currently legal (though there is talk of this changing). In late 2006 the Yemeni qat world
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS The National Psyche was given a shock when the public chewing of qat was banned in Aden. It remains to be seen
Yemen’s first constitution came into force The notion of nationality is almost com- whether any other towns will follow suit.
in 1991. Under this system, the president pletely lost on a Yemeni. First and foremost Chewing qat is an important social activity in Yemen and around 80% of the male population
is head of the executive and is elected every is clan, and men with city jobs may still are thought to be regular chewers. Women also chew but to a lesser degree and much more
seven years; the last presidential election hurry homewards if their tribe or tribal discreetly, as do an increasing number of young children. Qat plays an important part in the
was held in September 2006 (next due land comes under threat. Second comes the Yemeni economy, both good and bad. For farmers the profit on qat is five times that of crops,
2013). The president also selects the prime family. Finally, at the bottom of the chain, and these profits have done something to slow down the drift to urban areas. On the negative
minister, who in turn chooses the cabinet. comes nationality. Pervading all is Islam, side 17% of the average family’s income is spent on qat, and with each chewer often spending
The main legislative body is the Yemeni a firm fixture and focus in most Yemenis’ four hours every afternoon chewing, over 14,622,000 working hours are lost daily in Yemen.
parliament, which counts 301 members. lives (see p59). Environmentally the consequences of qat are bad news. The total amount of land given over
Parliamentary elections are held every six to qat has grown from 8000 hectares in 1970 to 103,000 in 2000. Qat is also a thirsty plant and
years (the next election is due to be held Lifestyle 55% of all the water used in Yemen goes on watering it.
in April 2009). According to UN figures, the average Yem- The effects of qat have long been debated – most Yemenis will insist that it gives an unbeat-
There are more than 12 active political eni is poor (45% of the population live able high, makes you more talkative (at least until the come down when the chewer becomes
parties, but the main ones are: the GPC below the poverty line of US$2 per day), withdrawn and quiet), suppresses hunger, prevents tiredness and increases sexual performance.
(which has the majority), Islah and the YSP. illiterate (just 50.2% are literate) and hard- Others will tell you that it gives no noticeable high, makes you lethargic, slightly depressed,
Yemen’s legal system is based on Sharia’a pressed to find a job. Certainly Yemen’s late constipated and reduces sex drive! Most Western visitors who try it report no major effects aside
(Islamic law). embrace of education has meant its busi- from a possible light buzz and an unpleasant aftertaste.
nessmen have real problems finding quali- If you’re going to chew qat (and you should try it at least once), you need to make sure the
ECONOMY fied employees to fill their posts. setting is perfect in order to enjoy the experience. Ask for the sweetest qat you can get (most
Yemen is one of the Arab world’s poorest Yemeni society is very traditional, con- Yemenis regard this as poor quality, but first-time chewers find even this very bitter) and get a
countries, though the economy grew at a servative and steeped in superstition. With good group of people together to chew with, because qat is, above all else, a social drug. Take
rate of 3.5% between 2000 and 2006. Oil is 20 doctors per 100,000 people, many Yem- yourself off to a quiet and comfortable spot (ideally a mafraj: literally ‘room with a view’), sit
Yemen’s economic mainstay and accounts enis still rely on traditional medicine for back, relax and enjoy the conversation while popping leaves individually into your mouth where
for around 70% of government revenue. medical treatment and healing. Keep an you literally just store them in one cheek gently chewing them. All going well you’ll be a qat
Nevertheless, compared to other penin- eye out for people bearing scars on their ‘addict’ by the end of the day, but remember when it comes to the end of the qat session you
sula countries, Yemen’s oil wealth is mod- head or neck, where bad spirits have been should spit the gooey mess out – only Ethiopians swallow!
est, though revenues increased in 2006 in expunged by red-hot pokers.
454 Y E M E N • • R e l i g i o n Y E M E N • • E n v i r o n m e n t 455

The Yemeni love of football soon be- Music Painting An excellent booklet on Yemen’s wildlife
comes apparent as you travel throughout Yemen’s music varies greatly from region to In the past, Yemen’s art has been restricted and where to see it is Wild Yemen – A Guide
the country. There are stadiums in the larg- region and reflects the different influences by traditional Islamic taboos, such as the to Ecotourism Sites Around San’a, published
est cities with San’a sitting consistently at of the areas. Tihama music with its frenetic prohibition on the depiction of living by the Yemen Times. It is sometimes avail-
the top of the league. beat, for example, resembles East African things. Consequently, objects were deco- able at bookshops in San’a. Otherwise try
music. The best known Yemeni singer is rated with geometrical patterns and cur- another excellent organisation, the Yemen
RELIGION Abu Baker Salem Balfaqih. vilinear forms. Examples of this include Ornithological Society (x01-207059;;
Islam is Yemen’s state religion. Most Mus- Among the most popular instruments the façades of San’a’s tower houses and the PO Box 2002, San’a).
lims are Sunnis, many of whom follow the are the oud (or lute), played by virtuosos beautifully illustrated manuscripts found
Shafa’i sect. Of the Shiites, most follow the such as Ayoub Taresh, the semsemiya (a throughout the country. ANIMALS & BIRDS
Zaydi sects and are based primarily in the far kind of five-stringed lyre) and the miz- Today galleries found in the cities exhibit Yemen is an excellent destination for
north. In some parts of Yemen (Hadramawt mar (reed or pan pipes). Look out also a wider subject matter. The biggest name twitchers. It boasts almost 400 bird species
in particular) many pre-Islamic beliefs have for the doshan, a kind of minstrel, paid is Fuad al-Futaih, director and founder of (though many are winterers or migrants),

been incorporated into daily life. today to entertain at celebrations, such as San’a’s National Art Centre (Map pp460– including the 13 ‘South Arabian endem-
The majority of the Jewish population weddings. 1), an artist whose work has been described ics’. The island of Suqutra has six endem-
emigrated to Israel in the 1950s. Emigra- For a time (under the Imam Yahya in the as ‘a wonderful beat to Yemen’s heart’. ics of its own. Good places for sightings
tion has continued, and now only a hand- 1940s), music was banned in Yemen. include verdant wadis, urban rubbish tips
ful of families are estimated to remain in Dance and spots around water. For more infor-
Yemen (largely in the north, in and round Architecture Like music, dance forms an important part mation, contact the Yemen Ornithological
Ar-Rayda and Sa’da). In early 2007 the Like Yemen’s music, its architecture varies of Yemeni social traditions. The best known Society (left).
last of the remaining Jewish families were from region to region. Building design de- is the jambiya ‘dance’, in which men per- Of the country’s 84 species of mammal,
told by Islamic fundamentalists to leave pends on available materials (such as mud, form a series of steps and hops in small many of the larger ones have disappeared,
immediately or be killed – most were tak- reeds or stone), the local climate (seen by groups brandishing their jambiya (dagger). though if you’re very lucky you may spot a
ing refuge in a Sa’da hotel at the time of thick and high walls to counter the heat or Technically, this isn’t actually a dance but fox, caracal lynx or striped hyena at night.
writing. cold) and the region’s historical links with a bond between tribal members, and each The Arabian leopard, Arabian wolf and
other regions or powers (such as Africa, region has its own variation. Women and Nubian ibex have been hunted almost to
ARTS Southeast Asia or the Ottomans). men always dance separately in public. extinction. More abundant and more vis-
For the traveller, Yemen’s arts can most As Yemen endured a war on average ible are the 86 species of reptiles, of which
easily be appreciated in the varied archi- every seven years throughout the 20th cen- ENVIRONMENT 25 are endemic, including the Yemen moni-
tecture of its towns and villages, and in its tury and a similar rate of violence for cen- The Land tor lizard. Chameleons and agamas are the
museums. Beautiful examples of ancient art turies prior to that, many rural homes are Yemen is about the size of France. Geo- most commonly seen.
can be found in the latter, as well as more perched on the highest hilltop, sometimes graphically, it can be divided into three Yemen is also home to over 40 species of
contemporary examples of artisanship. In surrounded by walls and towers for added main regions. snake and 50 species of scorpion, though
the larger towns, galleries showcase mod- defence. The Tihama in the west is the desert you’re unlikely to come across either. Look
ern works. Water has long played an important part coastal strip that borders the Red Sea, meas- out also for butterflies, dragonflies, praying
in Yemen, and some of the country’s oldest uring between 30km and 70km in width. mantises, camel spiders and centipedes.
Literature architecture also represents extraordinary The central region, which stretches Yemen’s marine life in both of its seas
Poetry – originally oral literature – has been civil-engineering feats, such as the Great roughly from Sa’da to Ta’izz, is mountain- is abundant. Divers can hope to see spiny
an important art form in Yemen since pre- Ma’rib Dam (p498). For more on Yemeni ous and rarely drops below 1500m. Jabal lobsters, rays, moray eels, octopuses, turtles
Islamic times. The most famous Yemeni town houses, see boxed text, p462. an-Nabi Shu’ayb (3660m) is found here, the and sharks. Whale sharks and dolphins are
poet by far is Al Baradouni. Novelists in- highest peak on the Arabian Peninsula. occasionally seen. See also Diving, p512.
clude author of The Hostage, Za١ïd Mutee’ In the east, the Ramlat as-Sab’atayn
Dammaj, one of the very few writers who UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES desert forms part of the Empty Quarter PLANTS
have been translated into English. Old city of San’a (p459): Inscribed in 1986 (Rub’ al-Khali), which occupies most of Yemen boasts a surprising variety of plant
and described by Unesco as one of the most southern Saudi Arabia. life – around 1750 species in total, of
Cinema remarkable urban landscapes in the world. which a high 20% of species are endemic.
Yemen’s cinematic industry is yet to get off Shibam (p505): Inscribed in 1982 and de- Wildlife The plants travellers are most likely to see
the mark, and government funding is non- scribed as one of the earliest and most per- Yemen’s big wildlife cannot be described as are the ficus (fig tree), the tamarisk and
existent. A few directors have made films in fect examples of vertical construction. abundant, but if you know where to look the ubiquitous but beautiful acacia (loved
Yemen, including Passolini (Arabian Nights, Zabid (p480): Inscribed in 1993 and added there’s plenty out there. The country con- by Yemen’s honey bees). Look out for the
1974). In 2005 Yemen’s very first feature to danger list in 2000. Described as of out- tains a remarkable diversity of habitats and ‘ilb’ tree (Ziziphus spina-christi), which is
film, a romantic drama called A New Day standing archaeological and historical inter- creatures due to its geographic isolation also known as the Crown of Thorns tree
in Old San’a, directed by Bader Ben Hirsi, est for its significant domestic and military and its position at the crossroads of three because the Bible says Christ’s crown of
was premiered at the Cannes Film Festival architecture. ‘biological regions’: Oriental, Afrotropical thorns came from it. It is quite easily seen
to positive reviews. and Western Palaearctic. on Suqutra, as are the curious-looking
456 S A N ’ A S A N ’ A • • H i s t o r y 457

bottle tree (Adenium obesum) and myrrh, tions. Apart from fool, plates of boiled or of this most mystical of Arabian countries. there, trying to navigate the winding streets
frankincense, aloe and balsam trees. Other fried vegetables, rice or a salad are usually It’s a good arrival, for this sickly, sweet cake of the old city is almost impossible.
plants include orchids, ferns and euphor- available. of a city is one of the world’s great urban
bia. Lucerne, coffee, millet, sorghum – and On the coast and in the capital, fresh centres, and its many layers, colours and Maps
of course qat – are the crops commonly fish – often cooked in a traditional clay patterns make it the most romantic, living, City maps are scarce. Your best bet is to
seen in Yemeni fields. oven – provides a treat not to be missed. breathing Islamic city you could ever hope use the inset maps of San’a on the back
Lebanese starters have made it onto many to find. of some of the country maps (see p515),
National Parks posher menus but generally international though not many are more detailed than
Suqutra has recently become a Unesco bio- cuisine is nonexistent. Meals in Yemen are HISTORY the San’a maps displayed in this book.
sphere reserve. There are also plans to des- rushed affairs with little time devoted to Though the legend surrounding the found-
ignate as national parks the forests around lingering conversations. ing of San’a may be disputed by a few bor- INFORMATION
Hawf (p511) and the Bura’a Forest in the ing old scientists and archaeologists, what Bookshops
Tihama. DRINK no-one will doubt is that it’s a very old There are very few bookshops selling Eng-

Internationally brewed, nonalcoholic beer city. lish-language publications. Your best bet
Environmental Issues (YR100) is readily available throughout Inhabited during Sabaean times, it later is the bookshop of the Taj Sheba Hotel (Map
Yemen suffers from typical 21st-century en- Yemen (normally stocked by town grocers). became the capital of the great Himyar- pp460-1; x272372; Ali Abdul Mogni St).
vironmental problems: deforestation, soil Expensive by local standards, imported ite dynasty in the early 6th century AD. It
erosion, excess hunting and desertification alcoholic beer (YR300 to YR350) can be also served as a power base for two foreign Cultural Centres
(due to salification of the soil). Sand-dune found occasionally in top-end hotels (and powers: the Abyssinians and the Persians. British Council (Map p458;x448356; www.british
encroachment is also a problem. some budget bars) in Aden, Al-Hudayda In the 7th century AD Islam arrived, al-; Algiers St) Located inside the San’a
The biggest environmental problem the and San’a. tering forever the face of the city, as early Trade Center.
country faces are rapidly dropping levels Fresh fruit juices (YR20 to YR70) are fill- mosques and minarets rose up to replace Centre Culturel Français (Map p458;x269472;
of ground water, which is only being ex- ing, healthy and delicious, but are likely to the old churches. The city was later ex-; Al-Qods St; h9am-1pm & 3.30-
acerbated by the nation’s huge population contain tap water at cheaper stalls. Shai is panded under the Ottomans. 6.30pm Sat-Wed, 9am-1pm Thu) Near Hadda St.
growth rate. normally hot, black and sweet, and often After the civil war in the 1960s, San’a
Litter is another problem – it wasn’t so spiced with mint or cardamom. For some experienced a period of rapid growth, dou- Emergency
long ago that everything in Yemen was reason the shai served in hotels is usually bling in size every four years. Historically, The following emergency numbers apply
biodegradable and recyclable and the idea dreadful. Yemeni coffee is not what you’d politically and economically, it was the ob- throughout Yemen:
that plastic, tin cans and their ilk don’t expect from the original home of mokha. vious choice for the capital of the reunited Fire Brigade (x179)
just disappear overnight has yet to catch It’s a cloudy, amber and very weak brew Yemen in 1990. Today San’a is the fastest- Police (x199)
on in Yemen. Some of the mountain slopes made from coffee husks and infused with growing capital city in the world and this Traffic Accidents (x194)
below villages are knee-deep in old cans cloves or other spices. If it’s the caffeine is creating a predictable range of social
and plastic. buzz you’re after, ask for ‘Turkish coffee’ or problems. Internet Access
buy a jar of Nescafé from any grocery store Internet cafés are mushrooming up all over
FOOD and just ask for hot water to mix it with. ORIENTATION the city centre.
Yemeni food is simple but good. Breakfast Various saccharine soft drinks are widely The old walled city was originally com- Arab Net (Map pp460-1; h24hr; per min YR2) Off
usually consists of little more than a cup of available, as is bottled mineral water. posed of separate parts – east and west – Abdul Mogni St.
shai (sweet tea) accompanied by bread and divided by present-day Ali Abdul Mogni Ebhar Net (Map pp460-1; x284138; per min YR2;
honey. Lunch is the main meal of the day
and Yemenis tuck in eagerly. A hunk of
mutton is the favoured fare, or beef, goat or
SAN’A ‫ﺻﻨﻌﺎء‬
St, today one of the principal thoroughfares
in the city.
At the crux of the division and still func-
h8am-1am Sat-Thu, 3.30pm-1am Fri) Off Abdul
Mogni St.
International Telecom Centre (Map pp460-1;
chicken. Dishes are often served with a thin x01 / pop 1,707,586 tioning as the administrative heart of the x285030; Midan at-Tahrir; per min am YR1, per min pm
but delicious broth, such as shurba wasabi San’a isn’t where it was supposed to be. city is Midan at-Tahrir, where the post of- YR2; h8am-midnight Sat-Thu, 3pm-midnight Fri)
(lamb soup), a small salad and a chapati- Shem, the son of Noah and founder of fice, telecoms and internet cafés can also
like flat bread (though over 40 mouth- San’a, had originally chosen to site his be found. The heart of the old city is Bab Laundry
watering kinds of bread exist in Yemen). new city a little further west, but just as al-Yaman. Almost all hotels offer laundry services. Tak-
The dish of choice in the highlands is he set out his guide ropes and prepared Many of the travel agencies, Yemenia ing your clothes to a laundry may save you
salta, a piping-hot stew containing meat, for some major DIY a bird dropped out of offices, upmarket shops and better restau- some cash. Bab al-Yaman (Az-Zubayri St; h7am-
lentils, beans, fenugreek (giving it its dis- the heavens, picked up the guide rope and rants can be found among the bright lights midnight) is a good one and charges YR30/40/
tinctive aroma) and coriander or other moved it further east. This, Shem knew, was of Az-Zubayri and Hadda Sts. 100 for a shirt/pair of trousers/jacket.
spices. For dinner, fasouliya (beans) or fool a sign, and so it was there, where the bird San’a’s street names are confusing. Many
(a kind of paste made from beans, toma- had dropped the guide rope, that San’a was streets have had different names at different Media
toes, onions and chilli) often suffices. born. Today most visitors to Yemen arrive, periods, some have different names for dif- Two English-language weeklies, the Yemen
Meat is a luxury for the well-off, so like that interfering bird, by air. San’a, the ferent sections and few actually have street Times and the Yemen Observer (p515), each
there’s usually a selection of vegetarian op- world’s oldest city, will be their first taste signs anyway. Unless you’ve grown up cost YR30 and are available from newspaper
458 S A N ’ A • • I n f o r m a t i o n

To Amran (47km);
To Saudi-German
Hospital (5km);

1 mile
2 km

Arabian Horizons Travel & Tourism....(see 39)
ATG....................................................... 1 B4
British Council........................................ 2 A4
US Embassy..........................................19 D1
Yemen Commercial Bank......................20 B3


S A N ’ A • • S i g h t s & A c t i v i t i e s 459

Fuji Film ...............................................33 B2
Yahsob Spice........................................ 34 B3

Sa'da (244km) 42 Airport (11km) To Ar-Rawda (4km); British Embassy.......................................3 D2 As-Saba'in Amusement Park.................21 B4 TRANSPORT

To Wadi Dhahr (10km); Ma'rib (210km) Centre Culturel Français..........................4 B4 Qat Souq............................................. 22 D2 EgyptAir................................................35 B3

t Ath-Thawrah
Hasabah qS

Shibam (44km) a Park Dutch Embassy.......................................5 B4 Yemen Language Center & Yemen Emirates Airlines....................................36 B4
-M French Embassy......................................6 B3 Center for Arab Studies.....................23 B2 Gulf Air ................................................37 B4



1 FTI Yemen..............................................7 C2 Lufthansa...........................................(see 20)

miriya Rd
Arabia German Embassy....................................8 B5 SLEEPING Minibuses to Airport (Al-Shalal
W áa al 12
Al Jam

n Rd
ad Immigration Authority............................ 9 D4 Mövenpick........................................... 24 D2 Restaurant).......................................38 C1

ha Italian Embassy.....................................10 C3 Qatar Airways.......................................39 B3


Ash-Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan
Rd 44 19 Marib Travels & Tourism...................... 11 B5 EATING Royal Jordanian Airlines........................40 B4

὇὇ ὇὇

Ministry of Tourism...............................12 C1 Al-Fanoos.............................................25 B4 Saudi Arabian Airlines...........................41 B3
38 Omani Embassy....................................13 A3 Al-Hoda Supermarket...........................26 B3 Syrian Air............................................(see 39)
W Sabafon Head Office............................ 14 A3 Al-Khima..............................................27 B4 Taxis for Amran, Hajja & Sa'da............. 42 C1
ah Cairo St (Ring Rd) Nashwan al-Himyari St Saudi Arabian Embassy.........................15 C4 Al-Shaibani Modern Taxis for Ma'rib.................................... 43 C1

rS Na Spacetel Head Office............................16 B5 Restaurant........................................28 B4 Taxis for Wadi Dhahr, Shibam,

Tunis St
t shw

University of San'a an 3 Tourism Promotion Board...................(see 12) KFC......................................................29 B4 Thilla & Al-Mahwit........................... 44 A1

὇὇ ὇὇
33 Tourist Police......................................(see 12) Mumbai Durbar................................... 30 A4 Universal Rent a Car.............................45 B4

imya ri St
24 UAE Embassy....................................... 17 C4 Pizza Hut..............................................31 C4 Yemenia............................................... 46 B3

Mo Universal Travel & Tourism...................18 B3 Zeyna Food.......................................... 32 B5 Yemenia............................................... 47 B3

2 ham
me 7
Ku w ait

Al-Wahdah Rd

Rabat St Ism'ail St

See Old San'a Map (p460)

by the Yemen Commercial Bank on Midan SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
Ring Rd

S 23


at-Tahrir. There are several ATMs at the Art Galleries & Centres

ber St Old San'a 22


airport. Foreign-exchange offices are found The Gallery Al-Bab (Map pp460–1) and the


20 Metre St r St along Az-Zubayri St. Atelier (Map pp460–1) are both found in-
h St

὇὇ ὇὇὇὇὇
a sse
bd ul N Arab Bank (Map pp460-1-00;x276585; Az-Zubayri St) side the gates of Bab al-Yaman. The Gallery
lA ri St
University ubay

ma Az-Z


of San'a Ga 34 35 Has an ATM. Al-Bab also offers the chance to clamber
Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Map pp460-1;x272801; up onto the walls of the Bab al-Yaman for

3 46 26
14 fax 274161; Qasr al-Jumhuri St) Best place for changing memorable views.

Ring Rd
St 20


Mohammed A sh Shawkani St

41 travellers cheques.
zz R
Hadda St
Amman St

ed N

To Taxi Stand for tt St Muscat St NATIONAL ART CENTRE

Nouakcho 39

Manakhah &

Al-Hudayda (500m);
Mogadishu St Khartoum
Housed in a traditional tower house, the
s St

Manakhah (91km); 47 6
10 Tahrir Post Office (Map pp460-1; x271180; Midan art centre (Map pp460-1; x296246;

Al-Hudayda (230km)
Algiers St 4 i St
Abu Dhab
Al-Qods St at-Tahrir; h8am-2pm & 3-8pm) .ye; admission free; h9am-12.30pm & 4-8pm), north
30 28
15 of the Grand Mosque, is good not just for
60 37
etr Djibo 1
40 Telephone & Fax checking out the local art scene, but also

eS uti St
t 25 re St Telephone centres can be found all over the for a spot of shopping. In addition to pieces


45 Met
n St

city centre, especially along Az-Zubayri St. by local artists there are lots of interesting
zz R

27 29
J a 31

b a 36 5 21
TeleYemen (Map pp460-1; Midan at-Tahrir; h8am- photos of San’a taken in the 1920s.

Park 9
midnight) Centrally located. Calls to Europe/USA/Australia
t cost YR200 per minute. SHEBA ART GALLERY
n Exhibited at this gallery (Map pp460-1; x281415;
i St)

60 Metre St
Tourist Information admission free; h9am-7pm Sat-Thu, 2.30-7pm Fri) are

San’a is still awaiting a much-needed tour- the paintings of local artist Ali Dahan.


Palace ist office. Tourist Information Centres were The gallery is located northeast of the


supposed to have opened at both the air- Great Mosque, on the 2nd floor of the

5 Al 8
u 16 port and in the city centre years ago, but for National Handicrafts Training Center (Map pp460-
d da
the moment you’ll continue to find nothing 1;x 281415; admission free; h 8am-8pm Sat-Thu).
but a veil of secrecy. There are currently no This former samsarah (resting/storage
To Bayt Baws (3km);
To Hadda 32 Ta'izz (251km); maps or other publications available. The house for merchants using the old incense
(3km) Aden (396km)
best place for information and maps is at one trading routes) also houses a series of other
of the local travel agencies (p520). shops selling silverware, woodwork and
sellers on Midan at-Tahrir. Old copies of the-counter service. The Saudi-German Hos- Ministry of Tourism (Map p458; x237131; Al Jamáa semiprecious stones.
Newsweek can sometimes be found in the pital x313333) is considered to be the best al Arabia St; h8am-8pm Sat-Wed)
bookshops of some of the top hotels, such by expats. Tourism Promotion Board (Map p458; x252318) Old San’a
as the Taj Sheba. Located inside the Ministry of Tourism building. All these galleries are very nice, but let’s
Money be honest, on their own they’re not worth
Medical Services Many of the main bank branches in San’a Travel Agencies traipsing halfway around the world for.
For minor problems, pharmacies (where now have ATMs, which accept international For a list of reputable travel agencies provid- However, the Unesco-protected old city
English is spoken) provide a good over- cards. There’s a freestanding ATM provided ing a range of services, see Tours (p520). of San’a is a different matter altogether. It
460 S A N ’ A • • O l d S a n ’ a S A N ’ A • • S i g h t s & A c t i v i t i e s 461

200 m
0.1 miles
would be fair to say that old San’a is one of
the most beautiful cities anywhere on Earth
A B C D E F and nothing is likely to prepare you for the
INFORMATION Gallery Al-Bab................................14 E5 SLEEPING ENTERTAINMENT moment you first pass through the gates
Arab Bank.......................................... 1 A6 Great Mosque (Al-Jamaa al-Kabir)..15 E5 Arabia Felix Tourist Hotel........... 28 C4 Arafat Lakonda..........................41 E5
Arab Net............................................ 2 A5 Hammam Abhar............................ 16 D5 Burj al Salam Hotel.................... 29 D4 Cinema Al-Ahly..........................42 F3 of the Bab al-Yaman. Most people spend
1 Crédit Agricole Indosuez.................... 3 A5 Horse Riding.................................. 17 A4 Dawood Hotel........................... 30 C4 1 days wandering without aim through this
Ebhar Net...........................................4 A5 Military Museum............................18 A5 Golden Daar Hotel..................... 31 C4 SHOPPING
International Bank of Yemen..............5 B6 Museum of Traditional Arts & Old Sana'a Palace Hotel............ 32 D5 Hope in their Hands.................(see 43) enormous work of art and that’s certainly
International Telecom Centre...........(see 8) Crafts.........................................19 B4 Sanaã Nights Tourist Hotel.........33 C4 National Women's Centre for
Development Handicrafts.......43 E4
the best way to absorb this city.
Post Office.........................................6 D5 National Art Centre........................20 E4 Say'un Hotel.............................. 34 A6
At the heart of it all is the Souq al-Milh


Radfan Agency Tours.........................7 C4 National Handicrafts Training Sultan Palace Hotel.................... 35 C5 Tariq Honey Shop......................44 E5
Tahrir Post Office...............................8 B5
Taj Sheba Hotel..................................9 B6
Center (Caravanserai)...............(see 27)
National Museum...........................21 B4
Taj Talha Hotel.......................... 36 C4
(Map pp460–1-00). Though the name in-
TeleYemen.......................................(see 8) Qat Souq........................................22 E4 EATING City Bus Station......................... 45 D6 dicates that the sole product is salt, this
City Minibus Stand.....................46 E6
Qubbat al-Bakiriyah Mosque..........23 F4
Qubbat Talha Mosque.................. 24 D4
Houmald Salta............................37 E4
Naeem........................................38 E5 City Minibus Stand.....................47 B3
is something of a misnomer. Everything
Al-'Aqil Mosque...............................10 E4 Salah ad-Din Mosque.....................25 F4 City Taxi Station......................(see 45) from mobile phones to sacks of sultanas
Europcar.....................................48 B3

Al-Italia..........................................(see 52) Sana'a Institute for Arabic DRINKING

Andad..............................................11 B5 Language...................................26 C4 Al-Asdeqa.................................. 39 A5 General Land Transport
is available here. It’s almost impossible
2 Atelier.............................................. 12 E5 Sheba Art Gallery........................... 27 E4 Coffeehouse.............................. 40 E5 Company & Madne Buses.....49 E5 2 to point to individual buildings, souqs or

Dar al Hayas a Sanania.....................13 D5 Minibuses to Bab al-Yaman....... 50 A4
Taxis to Al-Hudayda & Manakah..51 E6 sights, but the qat market, in the centre of
Taxis to Ta'izz & Aden................52 E6 the old town, is frenetically busy around
Yemenia.....................................53 B5
Bab ash-Sha'ub Yemitco..................................... 54 B6 lunchtime. The spice souq is every orien-
To Airport (15km) tal fantasy brought to life and the small
cellars where blinkered camels walk round
and round in circles crushing sesame seeds

Ὀ ὄὄὄ
48 An-Nur to make oil is a glimpse into a bygone age.

For many the abiding memory of the city

3 Al-Alami 3 is likely to be of the topsy-turvy, icing-cake

h St


Az-Zumur Al-Madrassah
houses and the dreamy mosques. Walking

Mosque Mosque

Al-Alami St
the streets of old San’a as the evening prayer




avy rain

ah S
call rings out across the rooftops is a deeply


Mosque romantic and exotic experience and some-

d after he

47 29
23 thing you’re never likely to forget.
21 Finally, a compulsory activity for tourist
Wadi (floode

25 and local alike is to climb to the top of one
26th S 10
Mosque 26
of the tower houses and relish the ravishing
4 r St 4
views over the city as the sun sinks below

a St 22 the surrounding mountains.

Talh Fortress

19 Bab
Souq (closed)
as-Sabah ulayhi St
31 30 al-Milh 37 As S
33 43

Talha St 7 36
Daud St 20
Mosques & Gardens
The mosques in San’a are open only to

l Mogni

al-Mahdi 44
Mosque Muslims, but you can often get a fleeting
er 8 15 glimpse inside through a doorway and the
Ali Abdu

ass 53
bdu 18 35 6 majestic minarets are there for all to enjoy.

Ga 32 Musa
Al-Salam Out of the 50 mosques still standing, the
5 2 4
13 5 Great Mosque (Al-Jamaa al-Kabir; Map pp460-1) north
3 16 12 14
m St of Bab al-Yaman, is the most significant. For
huri St Al-Abhar A l-Sala
Qasr al-Jum 39 Mosque
40 Bab
centuries it served as an important Islamic
38 school and centre of learning, and attached

to it is a library containing the largest and
sr St

most famous collection of manuscripts in

St Yemen.
9 51
Of the many other mosques, ones to

look out for include the small but elegant



6 6 Qubbat al-Bakiriyah Mosque, built by the Ot-



54 tomans and renovated in the 19th century;

the 17th-century Qubbat Talha Mosque (Map
1 pp460–1), with its unusual minaret; the de-
crepit mid-16th-century Al-’Aqil Mosque (Map
Old San’a
462 S A N ’ A • • S i g h t s & A c t i v i t i e s Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at S A N ’ A • • C o u r s e s 463

Hammams means that it’s the best place to stay. Unless

A CITY CAUGHT IN TIME At least 20 hammams (Turkish bathhouses) you’re a businessperson requiring form and
San’a is so perfectly preserved that it is said you can walk a square kilometre in any direction dot the city and they are among the best functionality, then it’s very hard to know
without encountering a single new building. The old city is particularly famous for its ‘tower places to mingle with locals and, should why you would opt for the soulless streets
houses’. Reaching up to six or eight storeys, they have been called ‘the world’s first skyscrapers’; you speak Arabic, catch up on the latest and hotels of the ugly new town.
San’a contains no less than 14,000 of them. gossip. Not all hammams are keen to take
Tower houses tend to follow a set design: on the ground floor are the stables and storerooms; foreigners, so ask your hotel to recommend Old City
on the 1st floor the rooms used for entertaining; the 2nd floor is usually reserved for the women one locally. Most charge around YR300 All of the following are converted tower
and children; and on the 3rd and 4th floors are the bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen. At the and are open from 6am to 7pm. Men and houses marketed as ‘palace hotels’, though
very top of the house is the manzar (attic), which contains the mafraj (literally ‘room with a women always bathe separately. In the old none were ever anything of the sort.
view’). Serving often as windows in the mafraj, are moon-shaped, stained-glass windows known city, Hammam Abhar (Map pp460-1; admission YR300;
as qamariyas. Today much qat-chewing takes place here. hMon, Wed & Thu for men, Tue, Fri & Sat for women) lies BUDGET
The ground and 1st floors of the building are generally constructed of stone, and the upper levels near the Dar al Hayas a Sanania museum. Old Sana’a Palace Hotel (Map pp460-1; x280200;

of mud brick. Considered the best insulator in the world, the mud keeps the interior cool during For a total ‘makeover’, male travellers Harat al-Abhar; s/d US$10/15) Spartan rooms and
the warmth of the day and warm during the cool of the night. Outside, the façade is whitewashed might fancy a trip to the barber, where for one thin, dirty mattress are all you get at
with lime (which protects the mud from rainwater) and decorated with geometrically patterned less than US$1 (YR100 to YR150) you’ll get this not-too-welcoming hotel. On the plus
lines. The stone foundations of some houses are thought to date back at least a thousand years a closer-than-close shave and a hair snip. side it has good views from the roof (non-
(the oldest building in the city was constructed a staggering two thousand years ago). guests YR100) and a café with a massive
The original plan and pattern of the San’a tower house is said to have come from the legendary COURSES wooden sculpture of the Bab al-Yaman.
Palace of Ghumdan, a 2nd-century masterpiece whose lights could be seen in Madinah, 1000km to Sana’a Institute for Arabic Language (Map Sultan Palace Hotel (Map pp460-1; x273766;
the north, and which was said to have been as close to heaven as you could come on earth. The pp460-1; x284330;; As-Sailah St); s/d with breakfast €12/15)
Great Mosque is thought to have been partially constructed with materials from this palace. Courses cost US$300/570/830 for three/six/nine weeks. Located close to the Qubbat al-Mahdi
Year-long courses are also offered, as are courses in Mosque in a quiet corner of the old city,
Islamic culture. this is a friendly budget hotel that is handy
pp460–1) to the north of Souq al-Milh; and stuffed lions and re-creations of the souqs Yemen Language Center & Yemen Center for Arab to the Midan at-Tahrir and new town. It’s
the Salah ad-Din Mosque (Map pp460–1), due of San’a. Studies (Map pp460-1; x270200;; the best of the budget options in the old
east of Al-’Aqil Mosque, built in the 17th 26th September St) Offers group and individual tuition town.
century. MILITARY MUSEUM from €1710 for five weeks. The centre is currently merging
Finally, the city may not look like a lush The ground floor contains Sabaean overflow with the recently formed College of Middle Eastern Studies. MIDRANGE
and green place, but while exploring old from the National Museum, which means Sanaã Nights Tourist Hotel (Map pp460-1; x482826;
San’a keep an eye peeled for the hidden this military museum (Map pp460-1; x276635; TOURS; Talha St; s/d from US$15/20)
communal vegetable gardens that once Gamal Abdul Nasser St; admission YR200; h9am-1.30pm City tours of San’a (for around US$40 to This is a welcome new addition to the ac-
made the city self-sufficient. & 3-8pm Sat-Wed, 3-7pm Thu & Fri) is more interest- US$50) are offered by local travel operators commodation scene. It shares a courtyard
ing than it sounds. After that the displays (see Tours, p520). with the Golden Daar (p464) but its wobbly
Qat Souqs revert to the standard death and guns of white roof beams, bright wall tapestries and
As well as the atmospheric old town qat military museums the world over, though SLEEPING clean, simple bedrooms are infinitely pref-
souq, there’s a bigger one further east, near this one also includes some graphic photos The old city might be cramped, noisy and erable to those of its neighbour. It includes
the ring road (Map p458), and another, of executions during the Imanic era. sometimes uncomfortable, but without any a basic free breakfast and as much help and
the Andad Souq (Map pp460–1), just to the doubt its immense character and colour advice as you can handle.
west of the dry wadi (now a road) that runs DAR AL HAYAS A SANANIA
through the western fringe of the old city. This renovated old tower house is the new-
est museum (Map pp460-1;x270734; admission free; SAN’A FOR CHILDREN
Museums h8am-noon Sat-Wed) in the city. It has been Childcare facilities are lacking in San’a, but entertainment for kids includes the following:
NATIONAL MUSEUM spruced up to reveal something of the life
 Horse riding Rides costs YR1000 for a five-minute ride around the square, and YR200 for a
Claiming to be the largest museum on the and times of a traditional San’a home. It
photograph sitting on a horse. Ask for the bright-orange horse. Its on Midan at-Tahrir, opposite
Arabian Peninsula, the National Museum (Map comes with rooftop views and a craftshop.
the Honda building.
pp460-1; x271696; Ali Abdul Mogni St; admission YR500;
h9am-12.30pm Sat-Thu) is certainly one of the MUSEUM OF TRADITIONAL ARTS &  As-Saba’in Park (70 Park; admission free) Enclosed within this 50,000-sq-metre park are shaded
best. The ground and 1st floors contain a CRAFTS areas for picnicking, as well as swings, slides and a couple of amusement centres.
breathtaking collection of statues, figurines This museum (Map pp460-1; x271648; Midan at-  As-Saba’in Amusement Park (admission free; h8.30am-12.30pm & 2.30-7pm) Located in As-Saba’in
and other artefacts from the pre-Islamic Tahrir; admission YR500; h8am-noon & 3-5.30pm Sat- Park, there are rides (about 18 types) for YR50. If you’re not travelling with children, it’s worth
Kingdoms of Saba and Hadramawt. The Wed) was closed for renovations at the time being a big kid and going anyway, as it’s a fun experience that is a real contrast to the exotic
2nd floor concentrates on the medieval Is- of research but promises to reopen soon. souqs of the old city.
lamic period while the top floor features When it does, prices and opening hours are
a slightly less rewarding mishmash of likely to remain the same as listed here.
464 S A N ’ A • • E a t i n g Book accommodation online
l o nate S A N ’ A • • D r i n k i n g 465

Taj Talha Hotel (Map pp460-1; x287130; www.taj New City done to perfection, but it’s the oven-baked ENTERTAINMENT; Talha St; s/d with telephone from US$20/25) BUDGET fish that rules the roost. San’a’s entertainment is limited to tourist-
With possibly the best stained-glass windows Say’un Hotel (Map p506; x 274838; sayunhotel@ Al-Khima (Map p458; x444705; off Hadda St; meals class restaurants putting on occasional
in San’a, stunning rooftop views and, just a; Ali Abdul Mogni St; r YR2500) The scrappy YR500-800) Its Yemeni and Lebanese food isn’t evening shows, such as Al-Fanoos (Map p458;
few metres away, the most tuneful mosque in reception and stairway leads you to fear great but it’s one of the few places where x441042; off Hadda St). The hardcore qat and
town, this has all the ingredients for a clas- the worst, but the rooms are actually much you might want to linger over a meal. Better sheesha crowd of Arafat Lakonda (Map pp460-1;
sic hotel. However, the rooms are dark and cleaner and better than you’d expect. Good than the food are the fruit-flavoured shee- near Bab al-Yaman) might appeal to some but it’s
gloomy, with bathroom plumbing that seems for couples on a budget. sha pipes and the big-screen TV showing all not for the timid (or women).
permanently clogged up. Friendly. the major sporting events. Cinema Al-Ahly (Map pp460-1; Al-Laqiya St; admis-
Golden Daar Hotel (Map pp460-1; x287220; www TOP END Al-Fanoos (Map p458; x 441042; off Hadda St; sion YR100) screens original language films; Talha St; s/d with breakfast from US$20/25) Mövenpick (Map p458; x546666; www.movenpick starters YR200, mains YR600-750) Probably the best from Egypt, India and America.
The Golden Daar has been providing sim-; Nashwan al-Himyari St; s/d from US$180/204; Western-style sit-down-and-relax restau-
ple beds to weary travellers for years. The is) This monster on the hill doing its rant in Yemen – though don’t rely on it SHOPPING

plain rooms have frayed carpets but are very utmost to ruin the San’a skyline is unde- being open, as it often only swings back Popular souvenirs include the jambiya and
clean, and the giant windows make you feel niably the best hotel in the city. It hardly the doors at weekends or when there’s a traditional jewellery. Prices are negotiable,
like you’re flying high above San’a. needs saying that the rooms and facilities group booking. The food is predominately but note that Yemenis aren’t the ardent hag-
oDawood Hotel (Map pp460-1; x287270; are of the highest calibre, but the best fea- Middle Eastern and there’s occasional live glers found in other Arab countries. Ag-; Talha St; s/d from US$20/25) tures are the tempting indoor pool and the music. gressive bartering on the part of the buyer
A brash new upstart putting every other huge views. However, you’ve got to wonder Mumbai Durbar (Map p458; Baghdad St; meals may offend.
hotel in San’a on notice and offering easily why on earth anyone felt it necessary to YR1000) Dishing out spicy subcontinental The National Women’s Centre for Development
the best value for money in town. It’s a lov- build a massive 400-room hotel in such an dishes, this is one of Yemen’s lonely Indian Handicrafts (Map pp460-1; x482454; Samsarat al-
ingly restored tower house with shiny clean obstructive place. restaurants. Halaqah; h 9.30am-12.30pm Sat-Thu) and Hope
rooms full of little extras including delight- in their Hands (x 482455; Samsarat al-Halaqah;
ful textiles, Arabian cushion seats and bun- EATING Quick Eats h9.30am-12.30pm & 3.30-7pm Sat-Thu) are two non-
dles of real and not so real antiques. The Not surprisingly San’a has the best range of Food stalls selling simple but delicious profit organisations located inside the same
beds are soft and comfortable, the views restaurants in the country, including a few fare that’s cheap as chips can be found in building with the joint aim of increasing the
memorable and the sunny courtyard over- serving international dishes. the streets immediately south and east of financial independence of Yemeni women.
looks communal vegetable gardens. The Midan at-Tahrir, such as around the junc- This is done through workshops where the
best things, though, are the warm and Restaurants tion of Ali Abdul Mogni and Qasr al-Jum- women, who are often widowed or divorced,
friendly staff that come a-knocking each oHoumald Salta (Map pp460-1; Souq al-Milh; huri Streets. If you want to see a side of learn skills such as sewing and weaving. The
evening with frankincense for your room. meals YR200; hnoon-3pm) Next to the qat mar- Yemen sitting at the polar opposite of the resulting products are then sold in the two
Try and get one of the better rooms on the ket in the heart of the old city. This salta (a tourist brochure clichés then head to the downstairs shops, which are the best places
upper floors. kind of stew and the traditional lunch dish bright lights of Hadda Street and its strip in San’a to buy souvenirs. If you’re lucky,
Arabia Felix Tourist Hotel (Map pp460-1; of the highlands) restaurant is regarded of garish Western–style fast-food outlets you might be allowed upstairs to watch the
x 287330;; s/d incl breakfast as having the best salta in San’a and is a which culminate in a Pizza Hut and KFC women at work. Even without these centres
US$22/25) This hotel’s best asset is its small pre-qat-session institution. Buy the accom- (Map p458). the building itself, a renovated caravanserai
but attractive garden. Rooms are small and panying sheets of bread from the women (a traditional lodging house for traders trav-
simple. Some include a bathroom and some standing around outdoors. Self-Catering elling the old trade routes), is worth a visit.
don’t, but the price is the same! Note that Zeyna Food (Map p458; 14th October St; meals YR250- Al-Hoda Supermarket (Map p458; Az-Zubayri St) Yemeni honey is well known – and justly
taxi drivers may know the hotel by its Ara- 500; hnoon-3pm) Run more as a hobby than This is good for provisions or picnics, or if so. Honey shops are found throughout the
bic name: Funduq al-’Arabiya as-Sa’ida. a business by an Ethiopian woman, this you’re just hankering after Western goodies, capital (including Az-Zubayri St), though it’s
incredibly popular lunchtime restaurant such as chocolate or bikkies. It also stocks not cheap: around YR2500 for 500g, YR5000
TOP END gives you the opportunity to try Ethiopia’s shampoo, sanitary towels and – usually – to YR6000 for 1kg. Beautiful honeycombs
oBurj Al Salam Hotel (Map pp460-1; x483333; national dish, injira and wat, a decidedly nappies. (conveniently packaged in sealed metal; s/d/ste US$48/84/175) A smart acquired taste! discs) cost YR2000 to YR8000 (depending
four-star hotel lost in the heart of old San’a. Naeem (Map pp460-1; x 771601473; Bab al- DRINKING on quality). A decent honey shop in the old
The Italian management ensure European Yaman; meals from YR300) This shiny white-tiled Various Turkish-style coffeehouses can be city is Tariq Honey Shop, near the Sheba Art
standards but the local staff ensure Yem- restaurant is cleaner than most and does found around Bab al-Yaman, including the Gallery, where the gift of bees is also likely to
eni fun and character. The small standard great roast chickens (YR600) and freshly coffeehouse next to the wall, immediately to come with gifts of Islamic literature.
rooms are perfectly presented with heavy squeezed fruit juices (YR1000). It’s right the left of the gate as you enter the old city Rows of shops selling gold and silver jew-
wooden furniture, stone floors and large next to the Bab al-Yaman. (look out for the awning). ellery can be found on Gamal Abdul Nasser
windows, while the suites are big enough Al-Shaibani Modern Restaurant (Map p458; Open to all are the excellent fruit-juice St. Also well worth a look (or a sniff) are the
to get thoroughly lost in. The biggest attrac- x505290; Hadda St; meals YR400-700) This is the stalls dotted around town, such as Al-Asdeqa perfume and spice shops. Yahsob Spice (Map
tion might be the arresting rooftop views restaurant that all the other restaurants in (Map pp460-1; Qasr al-Jumhuri St; juices around YR70) not p458;x294319; Az-Zubayri St) has a good collec-
and the luxurious mafraj. Yemen want to take after. All the staples are far from the Crédit Agricole Bank. tion of the latter.
466 A R O U N D S A N ’ A Book
l o n eaccommodation
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For photographic requirements, Fuji Film Hudayda (YR1000, 4½ hours, six daily). known for its distinct, adobe-based archi- picion of outsiders is largely a thing of the
(Map p458; x224983; Al-Wahdah Rd) offers prod- North to Amran (YR400, one hour, several tecture and an attractively decorated 17th- past, but what hasn’t changed one jot is the
ucts and development services. daily), Hajja (YR600, two hours, six per day) century mosque. Bayt Baws, 7km south of grandeur of the mountains and the beauty
and south to Ta’izz (YR1000, five hours, lots the San’a city centre, is a naturally fortified of their tapestry of terraced fields and for-
GETTING THERE & AWAY throughout the day). Tourists are not per- village typical of the region. tified villages, all huddled together on the
For restrictions on independent travel, see mitted to travel by taxi to Ma’rib or Sa’da. most unlikely crags. The Haraz Mountains
Travel Permits (p518). Wadi Dhahr ‫وادي ﻇﻬﺮ‬ are prime trekking territory. For those with
GETTING AROUND The most popular afternoon excursion the spirit of adventure and a little self-suf-
Air To/From the Airport from San’a is to the palace of Dar al-Hajar ficiency, it’s possible to spend days, or even
The national carrier, Yemenia (Map pp460-1 & For the airport (16km from the city centre), (admission YR500; h8am-1pm & 2-6pm) in the fer- weeks, weaving along the mule trails that
Map p458; x201822;, has vari- minibuses (YR30) depart from outside Al- tile Wadi Dhahr. Constructed as a summer link up the different villages.
ous offices around town. It offers one-way Shalal restaurant in the Al-Hasabah area. residence for Imam Yahya in the 1920s, the
flights to Aden (US$65), Al-Hudayda Contract taxis to the airport charge YR2000 palace has become something of a symbol SHIBAM ‫ﺷﺒﺎم‬

(US$50), Ar-Rayyan (Mukalla) and Sayun from the old town. of Yemen, and it’s not hard to see why – it Not to be confused with the town of the
(US$80), Suqutra (US$60), Ta’izz (US$50) erupts forth off its rock table like a giant same name in eastern Yemen, this ancient
and Al-Ghayda (US$60). Car & Motorcycle red-and-white toadstool. village lies 2300m above sea level, at the foot
San’a’s traffic is frenetic, few road rules are Inside, you will find that few of the of Jebel Kawkaban (2800m). It’s an almost
Bus enforced, little etiquette is observed and few rooms are furnished, but for most the main compulsory stop on every visitor’s Yemen
The bus company Yemitco (Map pp460-1; vehicle ‘appendages’ (such as mirrors and attractions are the great rooftop views and trip, but despite this it retains a chilled-out,
x242366; Az-Zubayri St) runs a service to Al- indicators) are used. Parking can also be a the stunning stained-glass windows throw- welcoming attitude and makes a good first
Hudayda (YR1500, five hours, two daily), problem and traffic police (issuing parking ing flecks of multicoloured light across the stop in rural Yemen. Dating from the 2nd
Aden (YR1400, six hours, five daily), Al- fines) patrol the city centre. Almost no sign- floor. Don’t miss the ancient subterranean century AD, Shibam became an important
Mukalla (YR2000, 12 hours, one daily) and posts (in Arabic or English) exist, so it may wells that go right through the rock (one is capital for the local Yafurid dynasty in the
Ta’izz (YR1250, five hours, two daily). be best to leave the car at home unless you apparently 275m deep). 9th century, when its grand mosque – one
General Land Transport Company (Map pp460-1; know the city well. Accidents are common. If you charter a taxi from San’a, your of the oldest in Yemen – was built.
x281318; Bab al-Yaman) and Madne Buses (Map driver will probably take you to one of the
pp460-1; Bab al-Yaman) have daily services to Public Transport viewpoints overlooking the wadi. Most Sights
Say’un (YR1400; 14 hours), which travel Minibuses (which operate from 6am to of the time the car park here is loaded Non-Muslims are, as normal in Yemen, for-
via Ma’rib and can, technically at least, be 1am) run all around town and are quick with touts and salesmen and is well worth bidden from entering the mosque, but even
used by foreigners as long as they don’t and cheap (around YR20). Nippier still are avoiding, but Friday often brings carloads so its exterior walls and solid minaret are
disembark at Ma’rib, which is currently the motorbike taxis, which charge YR100 to of high-spirited wedding parties out to pleasing to the eye. Other eye candy is the
site of tribal tensions. In reality, though, YR150 for hops around town. celebrate by firing their guns into the air. old town gate and the bustling little souq,
you probably won’t be allowed to travel. The palace lies around 1km north of the which is the site of a very colourful Friday
At the time of writing, there was no bus Taxi village of Wadi Dhahr (which is 14km from market (h 6.30am-1pm). Attracting people
service to Sa’da. Meters are not normally used, so fares central San’a). Shared taxis run without from all around, it’s well worth a visit if
should be negotiated in advance. Short much frequency to San’a (YR115, around you’re in the area.
Car hops around town cost YR30 in a shared 20 minutes) or you can get a seat in a shared If you’re wondering about the little ‘caves’
For car hire, Europcar (Map pp460-1; x270751; taxi, YR100 (tourists will be asked YR300 taxi to Shemlan (YR15), from where there hollowed into the mountainside, they’re old; Al-Qiyadiah St), located inside to YR500) in a contract taxi. are connections every few minutes to the tombs – an ancient local tradition. Jebel
the Sam City Hotel, rents cars/4WDs with city centre. Alternatively, you can charter a Kawkaban is also known for its birdlife, par-
limited/unlimited mileage. Similar services
(and a franchise of Hertz) are available
from Universal Rent a Car (Map p458; x447714;
AROUND SAN’A taxi for around YR1000. There are no hotels
in Wadi Dhahr, but there is a restaurant in
the palace grounds, though it rarely seems
ticularly raptors.

Sleeping & Eating; 60 Metre St; h24hr), which also x07 to be open. Hameda Hotel (x450480; per person with breakfast
has a branch at the airport. A couple of places just outside town for- & dinner YR1600) This newly built hotel about

merly made popular and pleasant excur-
sions. However, the ever-expanding capital THE HARAZ MOUNTAINS 1km out of town on the road to Kawkaban
offers clean, foreigner-friendly rooms with

‫ﺟﺒﺎل ﺣﺮاز‬
Shared taxis usually leave from spots on the has almost swallowed these once separate gorgeous window carvings, ant-sized bath-
outskirts of the city on the road leading to and tranquil villages. Nevertheless, for rooms and soft, comfortable beds. A good
their destinations (see Map p458 and Map those who have limited time but are keen breakfast and dinner is thrown in with the
pp460–1 for taxi hub locations). To reach to see something out of town, brief stops Rising abruptly off the steamy Red Sea bargain-basement price.
these departure points, take a minibus from are still worthwhile. coastal plains the sheer-sided Haraz Moun- Hanida Tourist Hotel & Restaurant (x450480;
Bab al-Yaman (YR20). Lying 8km north of the San’a city centre tains have, for centuries, acted as a cultural lunch YR1000) Lying around 200m south of
Shared taxis run west to Manakhah is the settlement of Ar-Rawda, once known fortress protecting the Yemeni heartland the taxi stop, this traditional tower-house
(YR500, three hours, many daily), and Al- for its high-quality grapes. The area is also from interfering foreigners. Today the sus- restaurant is run by the same family as the
468 T H E HA R A Z M O U N TA I N S • • K a w k a b a n Book accommodation online
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Hameda Hotel. Every afternoon its beauti- village to check out both the cisterns and THILLA (THULA) 0
200 m
0.1 miles
ful mafraj, full of colourfully carved panels the eagle’s-eye view off the edge of the es-
and glowing stained-glass windows, plays carpment down to Shibam. To Hajja (70km)
Bab al-Mayah
host to a lunchtime banquet fit for a king.
It’s best to reserve in advance. Sleeping & Eating Husn Thilla
(Fortress) Al-Mayah
Hotel Jabal Kawkaban (x733971662; per person Cistern

Getting There & Away incl breakfast & dinner YR1500) Simple dorm-style 'Ammar
Shared taxis run to Al-Mahwit (YR250, rooms full of soft cushions and a warm Nabhan
1½ hours, three to four daily), At-Tawila welcome await. The manager, who speaks Ibn 'Alwan Bab al-Mohammed
(YR150, 40 minutes, 10 daily), Kawkaban good English and French, is something Mosque Adh-Dhahiri
(YR100, 15 minutes, five to seven daily), of a one-man tourist office. Lunch costs
San’a (YR150, 30 minutes, four to five YR900.
daily) and Thilla (YR50, 15 minutes, 10 Hotel Al-Taj Tourism (Planet’s Tower Hotel;
x450170; dm incl breakfast & dinner YR1800, s/d with

daily). al-Husn
bathroom, breakfast & dinner YR2600/4000) Small and Great
Souq Tha'ala

KAWKABAN clean rooms come with larger than average Mosque
Souvenir &
Bab al-Fardha

Perched dramatically on the top of Jebel bathrooms, a strangely forlorn atmosphere Antique Shops
Wahda Taxi Station
Kawkaban and lording it over Shibam, some and a lobster and typewriter on the wall! Restaurant
350 vertical metres below, is the remarkable English speaking and friendly. Sample the
Ibn Hamdayn
village and fortified citadel of Kawkaban. lunch for YR800. Mosque Hamman
During the 15th century, it served as a cap- Kawkaban Hotel (x450154; fax 450855, s/d incl Al-Mishraq Mosque
(Bath House)

ital to the Bani Sharaf Al-Deen dynasty and breakfast & dinner YR2500/3900) It’s real luck of the
Bab Sa'id Mohammed Ibn
was once renowned for its school of music. draw here as to whether you get one of the al-Mishraq Mosque al-Hadi Tomb
In times of conflict the citizens of Shibam dark and dastardly cell like rooms or one
would scurry up here to join their broth- of the spacious and comfortable double Ja'dan
Bab as-Salam
ers and, thanks to some huge grain silos rooms. Either way the price remains fixed. Madrassa
Bab al-Hadi

and water cisterns (which can still be seen Lunch and dinner cost YR900 each. Qubba Sallal
al-Iman Sharaf
To Shibam (9km);
Hababah (10km);
today), everyone was able to continue going San'a (54km)

about their life largely unperturbed by any Getting There & Away
siege. In fact it wasn’t until the civil war of From near the Grand Mosque in Shibam, Sights Sleeping & Eating
the 1960s and the coming of air power that there is a steep footpath leading 2.5km up Thilla is one of those classic Yemeni moun- Tha’ala Hotel (x77885095; Main Sq; s/d with shared
Kawkaban was finally conquered. to Kawkaban. tain towns that appears almost organic, bathroom, breakfast & dinner YR1600/3200) This tradi-
Shared taxis use the circuitous 7km road so perfectly does it meld into its setting. tional tower house is almost the focal point
Activities to Shibam (YR100, 15 minutes, five to seven There are few formal attractions, but a walk of the village and offers tasty rooms with
The main activity in Kawkaban is hiking. daily). For taxis further afield, go to Shibam through the dusty streets is highly enjoy- soft mattresses laid out straight onto the
The manager of the Hotel Jabal Kawkaban first. able. Look out for the 25 mosques and tombs, floor. The bathrooms aren’t too pretty, but
is a good source of information and can also which dot the town (some are marked on the owner is friendly.
act as guide (or help find one) and organ- THILLA ( THULA) ‫ﺛﻼ‬ the map), including the Great Mosque (Al- Opposite the hotel is the Wahda Restau-
ise camping trips (YR1500 to YR2000 per Set against a great pillar of rock mounted Jami’a al-Kabir Mosque), with its distinctive rant, where a meal of hummus, fool and tea
person per day). Donkeys can also be hired by a fortress, the chameleon-camouflaged stone minaret. Many of the houses have comes in at YR400.
(YR3000 per day). There are no set trekking town of Thilla, about 9km north of Shibam, added a little razzmatazz to their largely
routes or facilities for foreign walkers and was once an important theological centre. grey-brown exterios by adding brilliantly Getting There & Away
for all except the hour-long hike down the Today it’s known more for its lovely archi- whitewashed stone window frames and Thilla is an easy hike from Shibam or
mountain to Shibam, you will need a guide. tecture than books of learning. An impres- heavy, carved wooden doors. The little souq Kawkaban.
It’s best to explain to your guide how long sive stone wall surrounds the town, making also brings some colour to the village. Shared taxis (which leave from in front of
and difficult you would like to make your for a memorable arrival through one of its From town, an old and beautifully con- Bab al-Fardha) run to San’a (YR250, about
hike and let him suggest something suit- seven gates. structed stone staircase leads up to Husn one hour, five to six daily) and Shibam
able. The countryside around here consists Thilla (admission YR500; hsunrise-sunset). The fort (YR70, 20 minutes, over 50 daily).
primarily of gentle plateaus interspersed Information remained unconquered by the Ottomans,
with soaring peaks and the hiking is gener- You might be assailed by kids wishing to and though the exterior is impressive, the HABABAH
ally fairly easy, though this also means that act as guides, but it’s all very low-key and interior is sadly devoid of life. There are Although similar in style and architecture to
the scenery doesn’t match places such as they are just as interested in having a chat memorable views, and inside the fort walls Thilla (and lying 10km away), Hababah has
Manakhah (p470). If the mere thought of a as making a sale. Should you want a tour are tombs, cisterns and granaries. It’s about a special feature: a large, oval water cistern,
hiking boot makes you puffed out, content of the town a guide will charge a negoti- a 45-minute uphill (very much uphill!) walk where people still come to collect water,
yourself with a leisurely stroll through the able YR500. from the village. drive their animals to drink or even have
Thilla (Thula)
470 T H E HA R A Z M O U N TA I N S • • A t -Ta w i l a & A r o u n d Book accommodation online
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a swim (it’s not a good idea for foreign- Sleeping & Eating Camping equipment (YR2000 per day per Sunday morning market, which draws in all
ers to join in). With the old tower houses Friendship Hotel (x 777728530; s/d YR750/1200) person), including tents, mattresses and all manner of characters from the surrounding
reflected in the still water, it makes for an Situated about 200m down the hill from the other necessities, can be hired through one villages. Alternatively, you can kick back in
extremely picturesque scene. There are no taxi stand and 50m off the main road (turn of the hotels. A guide and a couple of don- one of the tea shops and admire the views.
facilities for sleeping or eating. right after the bank), this well-named hotel keys to carry everything can be arranged for
Shared/contract taxis run to Shibam is OK for those on a tight budget, though YR3000 per day. As in Kawkaban, everything Sleeping & Eating
(YR50/250, 15 minutes, 10 daily). it’s a bit tatty. to do with trekking here is a bit DIY – there There are currently no restaurants in
Hotel Mahweet (x404767; fax 404591; s/d YR5500/ are no set trails, no Nepali-style mountain Manakhah, but the hotels won’t let you go
AT-TAWILA & AROUND 6500) Lying about 400m downhill from the lodges and no guarantees that everything hungry (breakfast/lunch/dinner YR400/
About halfway between Shibam and Al- taxi stop, this hotel has large, well-main- will go smoothly. However, for those who 1000/1000). Lunch boxes (YR500 to YR800)
Mahwit is the village of At-Tawila. The tained rooms with piping-hot water in the want to get to know the soul of Yemen, a few can also be prepared and further provisions
village, and its tumbling terraced fields, is bathrooms. The only real drawback is that days trekking is unbeatable. Trekking is a bought at the market.
stunningly located at the base of a series of it lacks character. The attached restaurant year-round activity, but during the summer oManakha Tourist Hotel (Manakhah Askari
Hotel; x460365; fax 460365; r per person YR800) The

rock needles, around which the afternoon (open 8am to 2pm and 3.30pm to 11pm) monsoon period it can be uncomfortably
mist and clouds play games of hide and is easily the most civilised place to eat in hot, not to mention a little damp. homely rooms are simple and pleasing and
seek. If you have the time, it’s well worth town, with hearty breakfasts (YR1000), Away from blisters and bivvy bags, at- some have epic views over the valleys and
stopping off for a walk along one of the pasta (YR350 to YR500) and chicken curry tractions in Manakhah include the lively peaks. The English-speaking owners are
many trails that lead up behind the village. (YR700).
A few kilometres back towards Shibam, Al-Waha Restaurant (meals YR500; h6am-10pm) HARAZ MOUNTAINS 0
2 km
1 mile
another village worth stopping at is Ar Along the road behind the Hotel Mahweet,
Rujum, whose old quarter consists of a bun- this place is great for lovers of all parts Bani al-Khatab Jabal Bani
To Khamis Bani Sa`d (45km); al-Khatab
dle of whitewashed houses thrown up on of the animal – liver, head, wings or just Al-Hudayda (141km)
top of a huge boulder. straight mashed-up meat with onions and Su
Should you want to stay the night then chilli. It’s better than it sounds! Wa

the Hotel Rest-Alhana (x07-456369; per person di

incl breakfast & dinner YR2000) in At-Tawila has Getting There & Away Sha
dhb Jabal
a couple of basic rooms with communal Shared taxis go to San’a (YR500, three hours,
bathrooms. It’s on the main road through four to five daily) via At-Tawila (YR200, 30
town. minutes) and Shibam (YR400, 1½ hours).
There are occasional taxis to Khamis Bani Al-Maghraba

AL-MAHWIT ‫اﻟﻤﺤﻮﻳﺖ‬ Sa’d (YR1500), where you can change for

The bustling market town of Al-Mahwit is Manakhah and so save a long backtrack. To San`a
the largest of the mountain towns to the The route, along a rough wadi bed, isn’t Jabal Jabal
west of the capital, but it has little to offer always possible after rains. Jabal Masar
Hudhar al-Jaminah
the traveller bar the beautiful 125km jour- (2760m)
ney from San’a. Al-Mahwit lies in the cen- MANAKHAH ‫ﻣﻨﺎﺧﺔ‬ Al-Tawfiq
Tourist Hotel

tre of some of the most fertile country in Husn al-Hajjara Tourist Hotel
Tourism Hotel
Yemen and the road from San’a takes you The largest commercial centre in the high Az-Zayya
past numerous fruit, coffee, tobacco and mountains, Manakhah might be a nonde- Bayt al-Qanus Kahil

qat fields. script town, but it’s the centre of Yemeni Al-`Ayn
Lakamat Lakamat
al-Mi`qab as-Sawda
Like At-Tawila, Al-Mahwit was once an trekking. From here everything from gentle al-Qadi
important coffee-collecting centre, as well hour-long rambles to serious multiday ex- Jabal
as an administrative town during the 16th- peditions fan out across the highlands. (2960m)
century Ottoman rule. There’s no bank in Manakhah, but you Bani Murra
can change US dollars and euros (cash) at a sh
Sights & Activities the foreign-exchange dealers in the market. A yy Al-Khutayb
Bani Jabal Dar
Qiyar ash-Shanasib
The old town, perched on a hilltop, marks There’s also a telephone centre. Wad
the site of the Ottoman regional capital and Al-`It Su`ut
is worth a walk, as is the town’s souq. There Sights & Activities

is good hiking potential in the attractive sur- Hikes lasting from one hour to three days

rounding countryside but a guide would or more are possible. The Manakha Tour- Bani

be required for anything more ambitious ist Hotel is a good source of information Wadi
Sina Bani
than a quick stroll – the staff at the Hotel about hiking. Al-`Urr Sayfi

Mahweet should be able to sort one out Local guides cost YR2000 per day, though
for you. they can be hired for shorter hikes, too.
Haraz Mountains
472 N O R T H E R N Y E M E N Book accommodation online
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very friendly, great cooks and full of trek- up to eight storeys) have caught the eye of to plunge constantly in and out of dispute
king information, but take our advice and visitors with mountain-walking in mind. and armed conflict. At the time of writing, STANDING GUARD
run away as soon as the musical instru- almost the entire Sa’da province was out If you’re pondering the little watchtowers
ments come out. Otherwise, they’ll have INFORMATION of bounds, though the city itself and the that dot the landscape with their cylindrical
you dancing about like a fool before you Unfortunately, Al-Hajjarah is one of the road to San’a were just about open. (The towers and slit windows, they’re standing
know it. very few places in Yemen where you’ll be situation is highly unstable and changes on guard over the hectares of qat plantations
Al-Tawfiq Tourist Hotel (x 460085; per per- assailed by guides. But they’re not exactly a daily basis.) that spread around them. Inside are armed
son with breakfast & dinner YR2200) Lying on the persistent, and once in the village proper North of Sa’da a violent uprising has owners ready to fend off thieves who may
main Manakhah–San’a road, this hotel has you’ll be left in peace. Some overnight visi- dragged on since 2003 between government come in the night!
slightly fancier rooms than the Manakha tors have reported a strange atmosphere forces and a group of Zaydi fighters call-
Tourist Hotel, but less atmosphere. They here after dark. ing themselves the ‘Believing Youth’. Led
also like you to get your dancing shoes originally by Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi for the ancient stone inscriptions around the
on, but if you choose not to you’ll be in SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES and, following his death, by his identically entrance to the town as well as on some

good company because the president didn’t Until recently, the Al-Ba’aha quarter was in- named father, this anti-Western, anti- of the house façades. The souq in the new
dance either when he came to stay. habited by Jews. Above this is the old Muslim government group is fighting to overthrow town is a riotous affair.
quarter, with its huge entrance gate. Look the Yemeni government, which they claim
Getting There & Away out for the painstakingly constructed ter- is too pro-Western. The result has been Sleeping & Eating
Shared taxis run to Al-Maghraba (YR50, races, which permit the villagers to eke out heavy casualties on both sides. The group’s Most people stop in Amran for only an
around five minutes, 10 daily), the little vil- an impossible living from the very steep support base is north of Sa’da, but areas to hour or so en route to Sa’da. There’s little
lage on the main San’a–Al-Hudayda road at slopes of the mountain. the south of the city, including towns and reason to stay overnight.
the turn-off to Manakhah, or direct to San’a If you’re interested in hiking, then English- villages on the road to San’a, also show a de- Tourist Goold More Hotel (x 604407; Sa’da
(YR500, 2½ hours, 10 daily). Al-Hajjarah is and French-speaking Ahamed Ali (x711901680) gree of support for the uprising. Therefore St; d YR1500) On the noisy main road from
just a moment up the road (YR10) or a nice is your man. He has been guiding tourists many areas, including the route to Shaha- Sa’da this hotel certainly doesn’t include
half-hour walk. round these mountains for 20-odd years and rah and anywhere further north, are cur- lots of ‘goold’, but it’s the best of a couple
For Khamis Bani Sa’d, go to Al-Maghraba can organise anything from a one-day hike rently quite tense. Though the government of ropey numbers. It’s not at all used to
first, where you can also find shared taxis to a three-week mission. Both he and other has recently reopened some areas to tour foreign guests and boasts small rooms and
to Al-Hudayda (YR500, around two hours, guides charge YR3000/5000 per 12/24 hours groups, you should consider the situation smaller bathrooms.
20 daily). with a picnic lunch included. Donkeys and carefully – there are many equally impres- Restaurant Fath Arahman (x 604285; meals
camping equipment are also available for a sive places in Yemen where the reception is YR400) Lying on the main San’a to Sa’da road,
AROUND MANAKHAH similar price to Manakhah (see p471). likely to be much warmer. this place is packed with locals who relish
Al-Khutayb (Al-Hoteib) its tasty chicken and meat-based meals.
Lying 6km south of Manakhah and perched SLEEPING & EATING AMRAN ‫ءﻣﺮان‬
on a solitary hilltop is the pilgrimage site Husn al-Hajjara Tourism Hotel (x460210; alhaj x07 Getting There & Away
of Al-Khutayb. Dedicated to a 12th-century; per person with shared bathroom, First impressions of ancient Amran, situated Shared taxis go to Hajja (YR500, 2½ hours,
preacher revered by followers of the Ismaili breakfast & dinner YR2000) Al-Hajjarah’s only hotel on an old trading route 52km northwest of 10 daily) and San’a (YR100, one hour, 20
sect, the shrine attracts pilgrims from as far is a great place in which to hide away for a San’a, aren’t good. The town appears to be daily).
afield as India, and in fact the complex has a few days and experience Yemeni mountain a rash of half-completed modern develop-
slightly Indian look and feel to it. Ask a Yem- life at its best. The rooms are clean and ments and seems to offer little reason to stop, AROUND AMRAN
eni about this place and they will no doubt comfortable with thick mattresses laid out but once past this you’ll discover a fruity and Between Amran and Hajja lies Kuhlan Affar
gleefully regale you with stories about all the on the floor and piles of heavy blankets. flavoursome old quarter with something of a and its hilltop fortress, positioned dramati-
immoral activities that take place here – very Staff can also prepare lunch (YR1000) or a wild west feel to it. The town is also known cally above the road. Admission to the for-
little of which is probably true! You can walk picnic (YR200 to YR800) for you. for the quality of its leatherwork. tress (h9am-6pm) is by donation (YR100 to
around the area, though the shrine is fenced YR200 is recommended). It’s around 15
off to non-Muslims. There’s no public trans- GETTING THERE & AWAY Sights minutes’ walk from the ‘car park’ above
port to the village, but you can hike or take Shared taxis (YR10) scuttle between Al- The quiet old town is in remarkably good town to the fort, which is one of the most
a chartered taxi from Manakhah. Hajjarah and Manakhah all day. shape and the locals do a sterling job of heavily fortified in Yemen. There’s not a
keeping the streets clean. If you’ve been in great deal to see inside, but the walk is
Lying 5km west of Manakhah, and a little
higher up the mountain, is the 11th-century
NORTHERN YEMEN Yemen for sometime, you probably won’t
think much of Amran, but if you’re new
to the game, you’ll think its proud adobe
pleasant enough.

HAJJA ‫ﺣﺠﺔ‬
village of Al-Hajjarah. The Ottomans found The rough-and-ready north has always houses and masses of excitable children x07 / pop 24,645
its strategic position useful when defending been Yemen’s hardest and proudest re- quite enchanting. The highlights of a visit Modern Hajja can’t be described as attrac-
the roads from the coast to San’a. Nowa- gion and even today its fierce tribes are re- are walking along the city walls, which tive, but the journey there – which takes
days its spectacular setting and century-old garded with trepidation and respect by the virtually surround the old quarter, and in- you over, around and along crest after crest
stone and whitewashed tower houses (some rest of the country. Parts of this area seem specting the eastern entrance gate. Look out of magnificent mountain – certainly is.
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Information SHAHARAH ‫ﺷﻬﺎرة‬ of tea in the cosy confines of your funduq and most devoted, Islamic cities. It remains
Al-Ikhwah Telecom Centre (Al-Hudayda St) Fortified mountain villages are two-a- (hotel). to this day the most conservative and tradi-
Al-Manar Internet Centre (Main Rd; per min YR2; penny in Yemen, but Shaharah is the pick tional town in Yemen. Sa’da (and its region)
h10am-10pm) Located above a pharmacy 100m west of of the crop. Incredibly inaccessible, Sha- Sleeping & Eating is known for its particular style of adobe
the main square. harah has been a thorn in the side of any There are no restaurants in Shaharah but architecture, which gives the houses the im-
Yemen Bank for Reconstruction & Development invading army and a bolthole for retreating all three hotels lay on gut-busting dinners pression of having a coat of mud tiles. The
(x220401; Main Sq) Can change US dollars and euros in imams for centuries. It wasn’t until the civil and breakfasts, which are included in the town also has some impressive fortifica-
both cash and travellers cheques. war of the ’60s that the village was finally room price. tions, including a remarkable 16th-century
conquered through the use of air power. Funduq Wazir (bed per person YR1000) A friendly, adobe wall and its original gates. Due to
Sights & Activities In addition to its defensive fame the village English-speaking woman runs this tradi- the ongoing troubles in this region, visi-
Perched on the hill overlooking town is has a long tradition of learning (dating back tional, though slightly tatty, funduq. Some tors should tread very carefully and women
the Al-Qahira fortress (admission YR100; hsunrise- to the time of the Zaydi dynasty in the 9th rooms have stunning views over the moun- would be advised to stay well covered up.
sunset), which over time both the Ottomans century). Its scholars were known through- tains but the best reason to stay here is for

and Zaydi imams have used. It’s occupied out south Arabia. the opportunity it allows to talk with a Yem-
by the army, who will do their utmost to The village lies at 2600m and overlooks eni woman. Al-Hada Exchange (x515261; h8am-10pm Fri-
wangle several hundred riyal out of you. mountainous bulging swells to the south Funduq Khaled (x 07-628133; bed per person Wed), next door to the Al-Aokhuah Hotel,
Aside from the impressive views over the and shimmering hot plains to the north. YR2000) This is a simple, well-loved funduq can change US dollars. Top Internet Café (per
town, there’s not much to see. However, by The climb up from these plains to the vil- with a stripy red-and-white interior whose min YR2; h9am-10pm) has slow connections.
hunting around, you might find the British- lage takes you through some of the most owners will keep you happy. The drivers
made WWII cannons, the water cisterns jaw-dropping scenery in the country. In ad- who bring you up the mountain will auto- Sights
that could keep the fort going in times of dition the adventure of getting to Shaharah matically drop you off here, as they get paid The journey to Sa’da from San’a, over a des-
siege and the entrance to the secret pas- is half the fun of a trip there. a commission. iccated and rock-strewn landscape, and the
sageway (opposite the tower on the eastern Most tour operators recommend a stay Shahara Bridge Tourist Hotel (x07-628097; town’s raw and wild air are as noteworthy
side), which allowed the imam a swift exit of just one night. In some ways this makes fax 07-628248; bed per person YR2500) A new hotel as its physical sights. Indeed, many people
in an emergency. good sense – aside from admiring the on the edge of town. Though lacking the find Sa’da to be just another hot and dusty
views and walking a little way back down authentic air of the other two, its sparkly old town, and something of an anticlimax.
Sleeping & Eating the mountain, there is nothing much to rooms are certainly a lot more comfortable Certainly, since tourists were banned from
Baabel Hotel Tourist (x222075; fax 220818; s/d/ do. However, on the flip side, getting to than its competitors. the legendary arms market of Suq at-Talh
tr YR2000/2500/3000) Despite a general air of Shaharah is such a mission (it’s six hours (p477) there is far less reason to traipse up
rot, the rooms at this cheap hotel are kept minimum from San’a) that when you ar- Getting There & Away here, but that doesn’t mean a visit is totally
fairly clean, and it makes a good budget rive it’s getting dark. You then leave at first Villagers won’t allow any tourist vehicles to worthless. The old town is one of the few in
bet. The Baabel is located just off the main light, which doesn’t really allow time to ap- travel up to Shaharah, so visitors are obliged Yemen that remains completely encased by
square. preciate the place. Unfortunately, there is to charter a local 4WD (often elderly, bat- a defensive wall, which you can walk along
Ghamban Hajja Hotel (x220424; fax 220423; s/d nowhere safe to stay between Amran and tered and not totally safe) for YR8000 (re- for nearly 3.5km. It boasts no less than 52
YR3500/4000) Excellent-value midrange hotel Sa’da (drivers of tourist cars don’t even like turn) per vehicle. The departure point is at defence towers, four gates, and 16 staircases
with clean, quiet and well-maintained to halt for a photo along some sections of the village of Al-Qabi, which lies around and is up to 8m high. The souqs are a lot
rooms and scorching-hot showers. Break- the road), so breaking your journey is also 10km (around 1½ hours) below Shaharah. of fun; look out for the livestock market on
fast costs YR400, while lunch and dinner not possible. The incline is very steep and the road shock- the western edge of the old town and the
cost YR1200. It lacks any character, but its ing. Be prepared for a rough journey. jambiya sellers, with rows of blades glinting
soft beds do guarantee a good night’s kip. It Sights At the time of writing independent trav- in the sun. If you’re looking for an antique
has a commanding location on a hill over- Shaharah’s very beautiful 17th-century sus- ellers were not permitted to travel to Sha- jambiya, Sa’da is a good place to buy one.
looking town. pended bridge lies around 15 minutes’ walk hara, but the situation changes frequently. The Great Mosque (Al-Hadi Mosque),
Golden Al-Nawras Restaurant and Broast (San’a from town. Constructed with limestone When allowed, you should ask any taxi or which dates to the 9th century, is consid-
St; meals YR250-500; h7am-11pm) Tasty and fill- blocks, it was commissioned by a local lord, bus on the San’a–Sa’da road to drop you off ered one of the oldest in Yemen and is the
ing portions of all your Yemeni favourites keen to connect two villages separated for at the Huth taxi stand (118km from San’a), centre of the Zaydi universe in Yemen.
are served in this highly popular streetside centuries by the deep gorge. Every kid in from which you may be able to find pick-up It’s home to valuable manuscripts and to
restaurant. town will want to show you the way. trucks going to Al-Qabi or even Shaharah. a number of important tombs, including
You can also climb up to the fort on the All tourist cars will be given a police escort that of its namesake, Al-Hadi Yahya bin al-
Getting There & Away top of the mountain beyond the bridge. The for at least some sections of the journey. Husain, founder of the Zaydi dynasty in the
Hajja makes a good backdoor route to the village, including its fat stone houses and 23 9th century. It remains an important centre
Red Sea coast if you’re coming from Yem- beautifully constructed water cisterns, turns SA’DA ‫ﺻﻌﺪة‬ of Islamic scholarship. Nonbelievers are not
en’s far north. Shared taxis make the run to on its charms in the soft light of evening x07 / pop 21,6721 allowed to enter, so you will have to con-
Hudayda (YR700, three hours, five daily) and early morning. Otherwise, Shaharah’s Ancient Sa’da was once a city of major im- tent yourself with a surreptitious glimpse
and San’a (YR700, three to 3½ hours, 20 a great place for catching up on diaries, portance on the trade routes north to Da- through the beautifully inscribed gateway.
daily), via Amran (YR500, 2½ hours). postcards and books, curled up with a cup mascus, as well as one of Arabia’s original, The city contains many other mosques,
476 N O R T H E R N Y E M E N • • S a ’ d a Book accommodation online
l o nate N O R T H E R N Y E M E N • • A r o u n d S a ’ d a 477

though aside from the minarets there is Roma Restaurant (Main St; meal YR400) Easily
nothing for non-Muslim travellers to see. the town’s hottest spot, this narrow and BOYS WITH TOYS
The large Zaydi cemetery, close to Bab as- funky restaurant has tables and chairs for The abundance of weapons in private Yemeni hands is legendary, with estimates of 60 million
Salam, is famous for its gravestones, which the civilised, and floor space for the rebel- weapons in the hands of 21 million citizens. The most visible form of gun is the Kalashnikov,
detail the lives and ‘virtues’ of the deceased lious. It serves up generous portions of all but you can also take your pick from a wide assortment of pistols, rifles, hand grenades, large
below them. It’s sometimes possible for re- the basics and there’s a beautiful mountain jeep-mounted weaponry, surface-to-air missiles and even anti-aircraft guns. While the trade in
spectful foreigners to enter. ‘backdrop’. Note that the sign is in Arabic such heavy weapons is a little more discreet, the sale of machine guns, grenades and pistols is
Sa’da is also famous for its Jewish popu- only. very open and obvious. For the average Yemeni, with his strong tribal background, guns are an
lation, distinguished by their long, curly essential of daily life. Blood feuds between tribal groups can continue for years and at times reach
side-locks. Sadly, much of this once sub- Getting There & Away levels of almost all-out warfare. These ethnic vendettas result in around 2000 deaths per year.
stantial population has left for better times For almost all the period between 2003 However, guns are more than just a means of defence: they are a status symbol in the same
in Israel, and today you’d be lucky to meet and late 2006, Sa’da was completely out of manner that souped-up cars are for young men in the West. The easy availability of weapons in
any Jews. bounds to all tourists due to the highly un- Yemen stems from the numerous wars fought in and around the country. With the never-ending

stable security situation. In early 2007 the instability in the larger region, it’s no surprise that gun running is big business here. (During the
Sleeping & Eating city, and the city alone, was reopened to 1994 Civil War, it’s thought many of the victorious northern tribal leaders got their hands on
Rahban Tourism Hotel (x512848; fax 512856; Main foreign visitors, but only to those travelling all manner of ex-Soviet equipment including tanks.) Even the Yemeni government has recently
St; s/d YR2184/3248) Smelly and stained rooms, in a tour group. Even then, the situation been caught smuggling weapons into Somalia, and Yemeni firepower has been found throughout
which aren’t exactly a bundle of laughs to was highly unstable and the town and roads eastern Africa. But it’s the Middle Eastern market that’s proving to be the real headache. The
stay in, but are still better than anything leading to it could be opened and closed on Yemeni/Saudi border has always been a fairly porous and loosely defined affair, and with the
the competition can come up with. Some a daily basis. tribes holding more power than the central government, in this region smuggling has long been a
rooms have views over the old town. Eng- Should the situation ever improve, mainstay of the economy. Though there is no way of knowing where many of these weapons end
lish speaking. shared taxis run to San’a (YR650, four up, most observers agree that Al-Qaeda can, has and will take advantage of this easy weapons
Al-Jola (Main St; mains YR300) Tasty Yemeni fa- hours, 20 to 30 daily) via Amran (YR650, supply. This has been demonstrated on a number of occasions in the past few years when the
vourites come with a smile in this brightly three hours). At the time of research, there weapons used in Al-Qaeda–backed terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere have been
decorated café full of tacky posters. The were no buses at all connecting Sa’da to found to have originated in Yemen.
café’s sign is in Arabic only. the capital. It’s partially for this reason that in early 2006 the Saudis began construction of a huge security
fence along their border with Yemen. Unfortunately, part of the planned route runs through a
0 500 m 20km stretch of disputed no-man’s-land, which has so infuriated Yemeni tribesmen that they
SA'DA 0 0.3 miles
have vowed to fight any construction work.
Al-Hada Exchange............................. 1 D3
Top Internet Café...............................2 C3 AROUND SA’DA or perhaps because of the army occupa-
1 There are many picturesque villages in tion!). It makes an enjoyable afternoon’s
Great Mosque.................................... 3 C3 the environs of Sa’da, and the area is also outing, but a bigger draw than the slightly

Livestock Market................................4 C3 known for its large number of rock draw- sorry fort is the impressive Wadi ’Abdin,

SLEEPING ings and paintings dating to the Stone Age. over which it towers. The narrow sides of
Rahban Tourism Hotel........................5 D3 Bab Narjan
However, at the time of research, and for this wadi are filled with lush green fields

(Northern Gate)
EATING several years preceding that, all the follow- and tall mud-brick houses that are in fact

Al-Jola............................................... 6 D3
Roma Restaurant................................7 D3
ing places, except As-Sinnara and parts of much more impressive than many of the
the Wadi ’Abdin, were out of bounds to houses of old Sa’da. The wadi has a pass-

Taxis to San'a.....................................8 B3 tourists. Consequently, aside from the two ing resemblance to the Wadi Hadramawt.

2 Taxis to Suq at-Talh, Razih & Umm Cemetery Bab Jur'an
places mentioned above, we have been un- You will need your own transport to get
(Eastern Gate)
Layla.............................................. 9 A3 Souqs

able to confirm any practical travel infor- out here and police will not allow you
Bab al-Mansura
To Suq-at-Talh (12km); (Western Gate) mation for the following. to walk around any of the villages of the

Umm Layla (50km)

As-Sinnara & Wadi ‘Abdin
Bab al-Yamen
Visible on a hilltop to the southeast of Suq at-Talh

9 4 3 (Southern Gate)
8 1
To San'a
7 Sa’da is the ruined 19th-century fortress The famous Suq at-Talh market, which lies

San'a St 5
(244km) Bab
6 of As-Sinnara. Built by the Ottomans and around 12km from Sa’da, is the biggest in
also used as a retreat by the imams in Yemen. It takes place just off the main road.
3 2 times of trouble, it continues its military Friday is the main market day. It’s known
tradition by providing a base for the mod- for its extensive arms market, but as the
ern state’s army. It’s often possible to visit, town is the centre of the uprising it’s highly
Office though you will still need police permis- unlikely that any foreigners will be allowed
sion (apparently it’s dangerous – despite here for some time.
478 T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • A l - H u d a y d a Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • A l - H u d a y d a 479

Umm Layla things: the export of coffee (from the 17th Asian–influenced buildings) or laze about Dream Hotel (x200381; fax 217986; off San’a St;
Lying around 50km to the northwest of century) and the export of pearls. But it with a book in one of the town’s parks. s/d YR3500/4000) A neat new hotel that comes
Sa’da is Umm Layla, the most important wasn’t until the Ottomans were looking for There are some pleasant beaches in the with clean tiled rooms and a flurry of cush-
of the castles on the pilgrims’ and incense a safe port in the southern Red Sea that Al- region, such as at Urj, 36km north of town ions and sofas to lounge about on. It’s on a
routes and, according to ancient inscrip- Hudayda was really developed. The city was on the Salif road. quiet side street just off the main square, so
tions, long the site of a settlement. largely destroyed during WWI and rebuild- you might actually get to do some dreaming
ing didn’t commence with any passion until Sleeping in this hotel. English-speaking and great
Jabal Razih after the 1994 civil war. Since then the city Hotel Darcum (x226500; San’a St; d YR2500) This value.
At 3658m, Jabal Razih is one of the high- has boomed and visitors will notice a decid- excellent budget hotel has clean and com-
est mountains in Yemen. A trip up to the edly more upbeat air to Al-Hudayda than to fortable rooms that are kept smelling fresh Eating
mountain takes you through some beauti- Aden. Today the town is the fourth largest thanks to liberal use of incense. Nana Restaurant (San’a St; meals YR300; h6am-1pm)
ful scenery and isolated mountain villages in Yemen, but the centre has managed to Al-Jazera Hotel (x201404; fax 201401; s/d with An ideal spot to chill out on one of the
often cloaked in mist. retain a quiet small-town atmosphere. fridge YR3000/4000) The best feature of this outdoor tables while feasting on the deli-

hotel, and one that makes up a lot for the cious fool.

TIHAMA Orientation
The Hadiqat ash-Sha’b (People’s Garden)
dreary rooms, are the doors that speak to
you as you enter the lobby! Centrally posi-
Al-Sindbad Broast & Restaurant (x2072720;
meals YR400; h6am-2am) Clean central restau-

(RED SEA COAST) marks the town centre and it’s here that
many of the town’s restaurants, hotels and
facilities are found.
tioned and with English-speaking staff. rant with a wide-ranging menu (in English)
0 500 m
AL-HUDAYDA 0 0.3 miles
The flat and featureless Tihama is the
chalk next to highland Yemen’s mountain- Information A B C D
ous cheese. The contrasts are more than Foreign-exchange offices are found on INFORMATION SLEEPING
just geographical. With Africa being only a San’a St. Other services include the post Arab Bank.................................... 1 A2 Al-Jazera Hotel...............................13 A3
Ring Rd Arab Net...................................... 2 B3 Dream Hotel...................................14 B3
stone’s throw away, the flamboyant influ- office and, opposite, an International Tel- 1 Bin Thabet Centre........................ 3 B3 Hotel Darcum.................................15 A3
ence of that continent seems to be present ephone Centre. Foreign Exchange Offices.............4
International Telephone Centre....5
everywhere. The clothing is so bright sun- Arab Bank (x201254; San’a St) Changes cash and Police Station............................... 6 C4 Al-Sindbad Broast & Restaurant..... 16 A3
Post Office...................................7 B3 Dream Restaurant........................(see 14)
glasses are needed to look at it, the solid travellers cheques, and has an ATM. Saba Islamic Bank........................ 8 A3 Nana Restaurant............................ 17 A3
stone houses of the mountains have turned Arab Net (per hr YR70; h9am-midnight) Good internet

Universal Travel & Tourism.......... 9 A2
into African–style mud-and-thatch huts, connections. SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Long-Distance Taxi Stand.............. 18 C4
the weekly markets are even more animated Bin Thabet Centre (per min YR2; h9am-11pm) Fast Fruit & Veg Souq....................... 10 A4 Yemenia.........................................19 A3
Meat & Fish Souq...................... 11 A4 Yemitco.........................................(see 9)
and the overall attitude is so liberal that internet connections. Souq al-Mitraq...........................12 A4
unveiled local women feel free to chat and Saba Islamic Bank (x201496) Next to the Hadiqat To Urj (34km);
Hajja (164km)
flirt with unknown men. All in all, the final ash-Sha’b. Has an ATM. 2
package is a fascinating contrast to the rest Universal Travels & Tourism (x208691; San’a St; i St

Al H
of the country – just don’t attempt to ex- h8am-12.30pm & 4-7.30pm Sat-Thu) Travel bookings 9
plore it during summer, when it becomes so and car hire. 1

hot and steamy that even the deserts of the

Empty Quarter start to seem a little chilly. Sights & Activities 16Hadiqat
As-Sha’b 17 io
The Al-Hudayda fish market (h6am-noon), (People’s icat

(‫اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺪ‬ un
AL-HUDAYDA 2km southeast of the centre of town, is a Garden) mm


Crédit Agricole 14
15 Tele
x03 / pop 298,452

slippery and smelly must-see that’s frenetic,


8 4


19 13


With its wide and clean streets, parks full of cocky and fun. Come early in the morning





shady, snooze-enticing benches and pleas- to watch the day’s catch being unloaded in


ant pavement cafés, Al-Hudayda, capital of front of a hectic, seagull-like mob of buy-



Tihama, is probably Yemen’s most Euro- ers and sellers. The daily trawl nets every- 'a S



὇὇὇ ὇὇ ὇὇὇὇὇
pean-flavoured city and is an enjoyable place thing from plump prawns and glistening
12 6
to rest up for half a day or so. However, its groupers to huge hammerhead sharks. The

὇὇὇὇὇ ὇὇὇὇὇
often-touted description of being the ‘bride traditional dhow boats are also very pho- at-Tahrir

of the Red Sea’ is a little over optimistic and togenic. The old and, it must be said, very
To Beit al-Faqih (60km);
probably says more about the state of some- decrepit Turkish quarter is another possible Great
San'a (228km);
4 Mosque Ta'izz (244km)
one’s wife than the beauty of the town. goal, as are the nearby souqs. San
'a S
Maybe the best way to pass an afternoon

History in Al-Hudayda is to do as the locals do:


R E D 11 Stadium

al L

Play To Fish
Settled originally by immigrant fishermen, buy an ice cream and stroll along the sea S E A




To Airport
Al-Hudayda later became known for two front (look out for Ottoman and Southeast

480 T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • B e i t a l - Fa q i h Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • Z a b i d 481

that includes some breaks from the chicken or Al-Makha. With the collapse of the cof- capital of Yemen, Zabid played host to over retains much of its low defensive wall and
and rice routine. fee trade, Beit al-Faqih sought to diversify – 5000 students in more than 200 colleges. also some of the original gates, includ-
Dream Restaurant (x 200381; meals YR600; today coffee makes up only a tiny fraction The last 500 years have been less kind on ing Bab as-Siham, Bab ash-Shabariq and Bab
xlunch & dinner) Located in Dream Hotel, this of the items on sale. Instead, it’s the day-to- Zabid and the town has gradually faded in an-Nakhl. Various ornate buildings, such as
restaurant is one of the few places outside day needs of the Tihama villager that form importance. Don’t feel sorry, though, be- the Nasr Palace, testify to the town’s former
of San’a where you might like to waste time the bulk of the trade. cause this is just karma paying Zabid back prestige and wealth.
over a meal. Good seafood and friendly While wandering around you might be for the pain caused to school children the Zabid boasts 86 mosques (one for every
service. A full meal of starter, main and lucky enough to come across the ‘cuppers’ world over: it was a scholar from Zabid 10 houses) and two madrassas, including
juice shouldn’t cost more than YR1000. (due to local sensibilities we won’t tell you who was responsible for that refined torture the Al-Asha’ir Mosque and the Al-Jami’a Mosque
exactly where in the market they can be called algebra! (Friday Mosque), which dates to the 16th
Getting There & Away found). This ancient form of medical treat- The walled town was declared a Unesco century. Look out, also, for the white, 13th-
The national carrier Yemenia (x201474; www ment involves bleeding the illness out of World Heritage site in 1993, and in 2000, century Al-Iskandar Mosque in the citadel on has one-way flights to San’a a patient through the use of small horns. with over 40% of the old city houses re- the edge of town. Unusually in Yemen, it’s

(US$50, four weekly). The doctors involved in this are (just about) placed with new structures, Zabid was reg- often possible for non-Muslims to quietly
The bus company Yemitco (x208668) has tolerant of respectful foreigners stopping by istered on the organisation’s ‘Danger List’, enter some of the mosques with a guide.
services to Aden (YR1300, six hours, two to watch for a few moments, but don’t over- requiring urgent funds for restoration. Formerly the citadel’s granary, the re-
daily), San’a (YR1100, five hours, two daily) stay your welcome and under no circum- Finally, as if algebra and Unesco recog- stored Zabid Granary Museum (admission YR200;
and Ta’izz (YR1000, four hours, two daily). stances should you attempt to photograph nition wasn’t enough, Zabid has another hsunrise-sunset) now serves to ‘explain the
For Al-Khawkha, go to Hays first. the proceedings. dubious claim to fame. It’s reputedly the history of Zabid’ and exhibits the finds of
Shared taxis run to Aden (YR1800, The market kicks into gear just after hottest town on earth. the archaeological mission working here
seven hours, one to four daily), Beit al- dawn every Friday morning and by lunch- since 1983. The six sections are themed
Faqih (YR250, one hour, 10 daily), San’a time everyone’s heading back home for the Sights & Activities (mainly historically) and contain a wide
(YR1000, four hours, many departures week. Try to arrive as early as possible (if The dazzling whitewashed, low-rise town range of artefacts, from cannon balls and
throughout the day) and Zabid (YR500, 1½ only to beat the heat) and give yourself at is a shy place and keeps most of its best fragments of fine pottery to Ottoman pipes
hours, 10 daily). least two hours to explore properly. Should features tucked away out of view. Without and lovely Islamic woodcarving.
you be unlucky enough to pass through on a bit of local help, a visitor will probably The Zabid Tourism Resthouse can ar-
BEIT AL-FAQIH ‫ﺑﻴﺖ اﻟﻔﻘﻴﻪ‬ a different day of the week, you could stop leave with staid impressions, having seen range camel or donkey tours (per person per day
For much of the week Beit al-Faqih lies as off to watch the town’s famous weavers at little but a series of plain exterior walls. US$75) around the old town, as well as fur-
dormant and quiet as a winter seed, but work (from 7am to 1pm and 4pm to 6pm Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of ther afield to places such as Al-Faza, a beauti-
come past early on a Friday morning and daily, except Friday). There are no hotels a friendly and generous local population. ful beach around 25km away.
you’ll think spring has sprung in the most in town, so it’s best to stay overnight at Al- Walk the sweltering streets, stopping to While exploring Zabid, you will prob-
outrageous manner possible. This is be- Hudayda (62km to the north). speak with anyone you see and an invita- ably notice that the women here seem to
cause each Friday every villager, trader and Shared taxis run to Al-Hudayda (YR250, tion for tea in somebody’s house is almost play a much greater role in public life than
farmer from miles around turns up to be one to 1½ hours, 10 to 12 daily) and Zabid a given. As soon as this happens, the hid- many other parts of Yemen, and many are
a part of the biggest, brightest and boldest (YR100, 30 minutes, one or two daily, ex- den world of Zabid opens up before you. not just unveiled but also prepared to start
weekly market in Yemen. For the average cept Fridays when there are lots). For San’a, Plain on the exterior, the interior of the conversations with foreigners of either sex.
rural Yemeni, daily life revolves around a go to Al-Hudayda and change. walls, which face onto small courtyards, are This is partly to do with the outward-look-
series of weekly markets – they’re places to nothing short of carved and sculpted works ing attitude common to people all along
stock up on supplies, catch up on gossip, ZABID ‫زﺑﻴﺪ‬ of art in a hundred different patterns and the Yemeni coast and also the strong, and
seal a deal and have a bit of fun. This is Zabid is Yemen’s third Unesco World Her- geometrical designs. If you’re lucky enough liberal, African influence.
especially true in Tihama, which has taken itage site, but unlike flirty Old San’a and to be invited into someone’s home, bear
the system of nomadic weekly markets to tarty Shibam, Zabid likes to keep her secrets in mind that it’s just that, a home, and be Sleeping & Eating
heart. As a sight it’s spectacular and as an well hidden. discreet with your camera. You should also Hotel Zabid (x341461; s/d YR2000/2500) Brand-
experience unforgettable. A morning here The countryside around Zabid has been leave a tip (YR200 for a group of two or new hotel opposite the Bab ash-Shabariq.
spent bartering over spices, clay pots and inhabited since virtually the dawn of human- three should be sufficient). An even easier The rooms are sterile and the singles have
even goats and camels will certainly be a ity, with Zabid itself built around AD 819 on way of gaining entry to some of the more common bathrooms only, but it’s more
highlight of any Yemeni adventure. the orders of Mohammed ibn’Abdullah ibn beautiful homes, as well as the mosques, is comfortable than the competition and
The famous market was first established Ziyad, the local Abbasid governor. Not con- to employ the services of one of the young you’ll get a much better night’s sleep.
in the early 18th century, when it served as tent with founding a city, he also established guides who may greet you on arrival. They Zabid Tourism Resthouse (x340270; s/d with fan
a coffee exchange, attracting merchants and the first in Zabid’s long and distinguished can also take you to weaving workshops. & shared bathroom YR2500/5000) Traditional, com-
traders from India, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, line of madrassas (Quranic schools). The Built around the central souqs, the resi- munal-style rooms are set around a shady
Constantinople and Europe. After the deals city soon became known – both inside and dential areas of the city were originally central courtyard with rope charpoy beds
were signed and sealed, the coffee beans outside Yemen – as a centre of Islamic and divided into different quarters for the dif- and walls painted with scenes of everyday
were packed up and shipped around the scientific learning, and between the 13th and ferent professional classes – merchants, Yemeni life. Popular with tour groups and
world from the nearby ports of Al-Hudayda 15th centuries, when it also served as the artisans, dignitaries and scholars. The city has a good restaurant (meals YR1000).
482 T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • A l - K h a w k h a T I HA MA ( R E D S E A C OA S T ) • • A l - M a k h a 483

500 m
0.3 miles
fact it’s missing an essential element: a The history of Al-Makha stretches way

To Beit al-Faqih (37km);
beach. Instead of soft white sand and clear back to the days before Islam (and Star-
Al-Hudayda (99km) blue seas you’ll find a vast tidal mudflat – bucks), but its heyday was during the 17th

὇὇὇ Cemetery

excellent for birding but not so good for
swimming. Book ahead.
A kilometre or so north, El Khoka Tour-
century when it became the world’s fore-
most coffee-exporting centre and had a
population of some 20,000. Nowadays it’s

὇὇὇ Bab as-Siham

ruined to
wn w
ism Village (x362779; fax 362780; s/d YR3000/3500,
with breakfast & dinner YR1800/3600) is definitely
the poor relation. It has the air of a ’50s
a forlorn and windblown town of a few
hundred hardy souls who make their bread
and butter through fishing and smuggling.
Butlins Holiday Camp and the paper-thin Africa is only a hop and a skip away and the
l walls provide no real privacy. One huge chaos in Somalia provides an endless source
n plus is that it almost, and only almost, has of income for the unscrupulous. Alcohol,
ed a beach where you can swim – though even weapons, drugs, consumer goods and, most

this involves striding 100m over rocks and disturbingly, people all enter and leave
mudflats. Yemen through this narrow back door.
In both of these camps snorkelling equip- Al-Makha won’t appeal to everyone. To
ment costs YR1500 per hour, for which you some, it’s as close as you can come to the
Al-Jami'a Mosque
(Friday Mosque) Hotel Zabid also get a boat ride out to an offshore reef gates of hell. To others, well, it’s as close as
Bab ash-Shabariq Taxis to al-Hudayda,
Ta'izz, Hays,
and island. In the past it used to be possible you can come to the gates of hell, yet it also
Beit al-Faqih to head out on diving trips to the Hanish Is- has a strangely alluring and melancholic
Bab an-Nakhl Souqs
lands by boat, but sadly the government has air. Either way, it will certainly bring back
Al-Asha'ir Zabid
recently put a halt to such fun and games memories next time you order a coffee.
Mosque Tourism
due to an ongoing dispute with Eritrea over
Restaurants ownership. Sights & Activities
Nasr Palace Al-Iskandar Mosque Reminders of past glories are few and far
Citadel Getting There & Away between. The most impressive building is
Zabid Granary Museum Nearby Hays (shared taxi YR100) is the the Masjid ash-Shadhil, a blazing white 15th-
main transport hub; shared taxis run from century mosque. Nearby is an old minaret, a
To Hays (35km); here to Zabid (YR200, 30 minutes). few piles of rubble that were once merchant
Ta'izz (167km)
villas and, miraculously, one still-standing
AL-MAKHA villa that looks as keen as mustard to join its
ed to
buddies in a heap on the ground. The newer
Ask most people what mocha means and part of town has a qat market, a beach with
ed to they’ll instantly reply, ‘coffee’ or ‘Starbucks’. a few garishly painted boats and a large fish
Bab So it’s somewhat ironic that Al-Makha, the market and a weighing room, whose floors
original coffee port, is one of the few towns are ankle-deep in thick, black squid ink.
on the planet without a branch of Starbucks
or its ilk. In fact, Al-Makha doesn’t have Sleeping & Eating
Getting There & Away rather a simple place that offers a relaxing a lot of anything these days – except flies If, for some perverse reason, you want to
Shared taxis run to Al-Hudayda (YR500, evening after exploring Zabid and the Fri- and heat. stay the night in Al-Makha, you’ll find the
1½ hours, at least every hour) and Ta’izz day market at Beit al-Faqih.
(YR1200, 2½ to three hours), Beit al-Faqih o Moka Marine Village (x 362770;
(YR100, 30 minutes, every half-hour). For; s/d YR3000/4000) is the best THE PECULIAR INCIDENT OF THE GOAT & THE BERRY
Al-Khawkha, go to Hays (YR200, 30 min- of the beach ‘resorts’ by far. Lying on the Most of us need our early-morning caffeine kick to get going, but have you ever wondered who
utes, every half-hour) and change there; for seafront around 1.5km off the Al-Khawkha– discovered coffee? Well, according to the Yemenis, it wasn’t a person at all but rather a humble
San’a, change at Al-Hudayda. Hays road, the ‘village’ consists of 10 bun- goat. It’s said that a shepherd was out in the Yemeni hills with his goats when he noticed that
galows, each with a bathroom and two one of them, having eaten some peculiar berries, started behaving strangely. Mystified by this
AL-KHAWKHA ‫اﻟﺨﻮﺧﻪ‬ double bedrooms (making them perfect sight, the old man took a bite himself and within moments felt 20 years younger. Astonished by
x03 for bickering couples), which are lovingly this discovery, he raced back to his village and spread the news. One of the people he told was
Touted with pride by Yemenis, Al-Khawkha maintained and set in a pink-and-green a poet who accompanied the shepherd back into the mountains to try them for himself. After
was once an important coffee-export- garden. The reception area has old granny swallowing a few of the berries, the poet felt so enlightened that he immediately composed a
ing port, but today it’s Yemen’s answer to sofas to lounge about on and the restaurant poem in praise of this odd shrub. It was this poem that spread the fame of coffee around the
the Maldives. Well, that’s what the tourist has a delicious menu of fresh fish (dinner world. And the goat we all have to celebrate for our morning rituals? Rumour has it that in thanks
board like to think anyway. In reality, it’s YR1000). In fact, it’d be a perfect place he was eaten for lunch the next day.
not a fully fledged beach destination but to have a real beach holiday, but for the
484 S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • I b b Book accommodation online
l o nate S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • J i b l a 485

Al-Rashid Hotel (x 4362357; shawky_nagi@yahoo has given rise to the nickname ‘the green about at the entrance to town on the San’a– Across the village from the mosque –
.com; s/d YR2500/3500) on the main road into province’. Ta’izz road is Ibb’s favourite restaurant. Its and accessible through the narrow lanes
town. It has small, well-maintained rooms The Saba Islamic Bank on the main road Yemeni standards are anything but stand- of the souq – is the solitary minaret of the
and very uninviting communal bathrooms. has an ATM, which accepts foreign cards. ard and all the ingredients are displayed in 16th-century As-Sunna Mosque. The town has
The nearby Al-Waffa Restaurant (meal YR300) a hygienic manner on an outside table. Go an incredible 48 further mosques, 30 of
serves oven-baked fish that’s way better Sights & Activities for the kebabs and hummus – it’s ace! The them for men, the remainder for women.
than its coffee, but be prepared to do battle The large and boisterous central market area restaurant’s sign is in Arabic only. Nearby is Arwa’s crumbling Dar as-Sultana
with the flies over every morsel. in Ibb is a noisy clash of colours, sounds and Palace, which was rumoured to have had 365
smells that feels more Indian than Yemeni. Getting There & Away rooms, one for every day of the year. Some
Getting There & Away It’s one of the most enjoyable markets in the Shared taxis run to Jibla (YR50, 15 min- people disagree with this statement, saying
Shared taxis run to Ta’izz (YR500, two country. Immediately behind the market is utes, 30 daily), San’a (YR800, four hours, that a woman like Queen Arwa would never
hours, twice daily). the whitewashed old quarter, which, aside three daily) and Ta’izz (YR300, 1½ hours, be so ostentatious as to have such a build-
from around the qat market, is a much more 15 daily). For Jabal Rabi and trips around ing, and that it must instead have been con-


staid but no less rewarding place to explore. town, taxis charge YR200. The taxi stand structed by one of her male predecessors.
The stone houses, designed in a style unique lies on the edge of town on the road to Whatever the truth, due to the dangerous
to Ibb, are typically four to five storeys high, Ta’izz. Ask your shared/contract taxi to state of the structure, entry is forbidden.
Yemen’s south is the richest and most de- with façades decorated with geometrical drop you off at your hotel. Close to the palace is the Queen Arwa Mu-
veloped region of the country. It’s also the friezes and circular qamiriya (usually moon- seum (x440900; admission YR500; h7am-6pm). It
greenest and most fertile and has long been shaped, stained-glass windows). JIBLA ‫ﺟﺒﻠﻪ‬ houses a fairly unexceptional collection of
considered the breadbasket of Arabia. There In the middle of the old town, Al-Jalaliya x04 items belonging to the queen and her father
is a huge amount of historical, cultural and Mosque dates to the time of the Ottomans, Situated 8km southwest of Ibb, Jibla is stun- (but look out for the lovely annotated manu-
geographic variety in this area. In the far while the gaudy nearby art centre (h9am- ningly placed at the summit of a hill. The scripts). Opening times are very flexible.
south is the run-down, sweltering port of noon Sat-Thu) and dull museum (admission fee negoti- town served as the capital for much of high- Besides the basic dormitory-style Asamit
Aden, the former British colony and old able but YR100-200 should suffice; h9am-noon & 3-7pm land Yemen under the Sulayhid dynasty in Arwa (x440021), where a mattress on the
capital of the south. Like many port towns, Sat-Thu) are much more contemporary af- the 11th and 12th centuries, and was partic- floor costs YR150, there’s no accommoda-
it’s much more liberal and relaxed than the fairs. The fortress perched on the hill nearby ularly prosperous under the benevolent and tion in Jibla. It’s best to come on a day trip
interior (symbolised perhaps by the Adeni is, sadly, closed, but you can get good views impossibly long-named Sayyida al-Hurra from Ta’izz. Shared/contract taxis run to
women who do not cover their faces, as well of the town from Jabal Rabi, around 700m Arwa bint Ahmad as-Sulayhi. Fortunately Ibb (YR50/500, 10 minutes).
as the availability of alcohol). from the town centre. Close to the market this mouthful was quickly reduced to plain
Further north, and in complete contrast, area is a small park full of fairground rides, old Queen Arwa, but by the time of her TA’IZZ ‫ﺗﻌﺰ‬
are the lush and cool highland towns of a teashop and a depressing row of monkey death at the age of 92, she had proved she x04 / pop 317,517
Ibb, Jibla and Ta’izz, where rain falls year- cages. was anything but plain. By building numer- Ibn Battuta, the great 14th-century Arab
round and Islam and scholarship are more ous schools, roads, bridges and mosques, traveller, once described Ta’izz as ‘one of
the keys to life. Overall this is the safest Sleeping & Eating her policies of investing the kingdom’s the largest and most beautiful cities’. It’s still
and easiest part of the country in which There are a couple of basic hotels in the treasury in projects for the good of the av- large – Yemen’s third-largest city – but for
to travel, particularly for those reliant on market area, one being the Al-Rabie Tourist erage person mean that she’s still remem- beauty you need to look a little harder. The
public transport. (r YR400), which are as cheap as chips. It’s much bered fondly today as a ‘Little Sheba’. city has suffered heavily from unplanned
better to stay out on the road to Ta’izz, on It was thanks to this investment in educa- urban growth, which has left it without any
IBB ‫إب‬ the edge of town, where there are a bunch of tion that the town gained a reputation as a real central soul. On a positive note, Ta’izz
x03 / pop 103,312 cleaner, quieter and far superior hotels. centre for Islamic learning, and even today is one of the most cosmopolitan centres in
Situated 194km south of San’a, Ibb boasts Saba Tourist Hotel (x418892; Al-Wdin St; s/d the annexe next to Queen Arwa’s Mosque the country, thanks no doubt to its large
a strategic position on a high hill in the YR1000/2000) This is eccentrically disorgan- serves as a madrassa. More recently, Jibla student population. It also has one of the
western foothills of the Ba’adan Mountains. ised and with a highly flexible price, but has attained local fame for its excellent qat most eccentric and interesting museums in
Settled since early Islamic times, the town it’s easily the cleanest and best-value budget market. the country, as well as an excess of friendly
grew into an important administrative cen- hotel – even if it does retain the cheap Yem- About 1.5km up from the taxi stand at people with time for a chat.
tre during the time of the Ottomans. Today eni hotel requirement of a shower placed the southern end of the village are the twin
it’s largely, and unjustifiably, ignored by directly above the toilet. minarets of the 11th-century Queen Arwa History
most travellers. This is a shame because its Al-Riyad Hotel (x419997; fax 419996; Al-Wdin Mosque (admission by donation). Non-Muslims The hills around Ta’izz have been occupied
chaotic market area and pretty old town St; s/d/ste YR2500/3000/6000) Ibb’s newest hotel can normally take a look around if accom- virtually forever, but the city itself didn’t
are a pure delight to explore, and when has a memorable reception full of plastic- panied by the gatekeeper. Take a peek at make any recorded appearance until the
combined with nearby Jibla, Ibb makes for coated chairs, fake chandeliers and garish the lovely, if rather decrepit, carved ceiling 11th century. From the 13th to 15th centu-
a perfect overnight pause on the journey wall decorations. The large and comfortable of the prayer hall and look out for the ex- ries Ta’izz attained particular prominence
between San’a and Ta’izz. rooms offer great value for money. ceptionally long string of old, amber beads. when it became the capital of the Rasulid
Ibb and its governate enjoy one of the Tihama Restaurant (Al-Wdin St; mains YR500) A Queen Arwa’s silver tomb is found inside dynasty. Much later, Imam Ahmed bin
highest rainfall levels in Yemen, which dozen or so metres from the main round- the mosque. Yahya Hamid al-Din chose the city as the
486 S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • Ta ’ i z z S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • Ta ’ i z z 487

0 200 m
TA'IZZ 0 0.1 miles

To Leyali Al-Arab
A B C Restaurant (50m) D E F G H
Main Taxi Station (2.5km); Al-Hadha Exchange Co..............1 C2 Al-Ashrafiya Mosque........................8 B3
Airport (14km); Jibla (74km);
Aden (180km); San'a (253km) Mamoon Internet...................... 2 C2 Al-Muzafar Mosque......................... 9 C3

Net Sky......................................3 C1 Fruit Souq...................................... 10 C2

At-Tahrir St

1 1

Post Office.................................4 D2 National Museum...........................11 E3

Tadhamon International Bank.... 5 C2 University.......................................12 E3

Universal Travel & Tourism........ 6 D2
Yemen Commercial Bank........... 7 B2 SLEEPING
Al-Mokhtar Hotel...........................13 C2

Al-Shreef Tourist Hotel, Suites &


Restaurant..................................14 C2


'a R
Asia Hotel.......................................15 C1


Royal Hotel Ta'izz...........................16 B2

14 Taj Shamsan Hotel..........................17 B3
r St
16 1 2 23 5 Abdul EATING

7 28
Ga Abu Khalid Cafeteria...................... 18 D2
Gamal Abdul Nasser St 25

2 Al-Shibani Restaurant.....................19 B2 2
19 26 Best Ice Cream............................... 20 D3


Hot Hut..........................................21 B2


10 18 4


To Taxi Haud al-Ashraf

Station to DRINKING
h St

Al-Hudayda 26th 6 Al-Rayan........................................ 22 C2

a di

(3.5km); Septem
ber St 26th September St 29 Unnamed Fruit Juice Stand............ 23 C2


Al-Hudayda As-Saeed
(266km) Al' 17 Hospital 24

Cemetery al-Musa 27 St
13th June Al-Esace Bus Station....................... 24 F3
City Minibuses................................25 C2

Souqs Bab 11
Minibus Stand................................ 26 C2
Sa Taxi Stand...................................... 27 C3

’i Yemenia.........................................28 E2
3 Old Town la Yemitco......................................... 29 G2 3

9 (W

Salah Rd
To Al-Mutabiya To Qalat al-Qahira (500m);
Mosque (200m) 8 Jabal Sabir (4km) Hospital

capital, and reigned here from 1948 until Universal Travel & Tourism (x252457; Gamal shot him. The results of this attack can still Bab al-Musa and Bab al-Kabir. Well worth a
his death in 1962. Much of Ta’izz is an Abdul Nasser St) Acts as a voluntary tourism service in the be seen in his bloodstained clothing on dis- wander particularly in the early evening are
entirely modern affair of drab and poorly absence of a tourist office. Also offers the usual tours. play here. Guides speak Arabic only, but the bright and brash souqs spread around
constructed buildings, which seem to start Yemen Commercial Bank (x251822; Gamal Abdul some of the signs are in English, French Bab al-Kabir. Look out for the local cow’s
collapsing before they’re even completed. Nasser St) Has an ATM. and German. cheese (little white disks laid out in rows)
The compact old quarter contains more The impressive Qalat al-Qahira is majesti- and the sacks of delicious dried dates. Be-
majestic reminders from the past, includ- Sights & Activities cally perched on a hilltop like a Lord of yond the souqs and mosques, the old town
ing a handful of beautiful mosques. Not really a museum at all, but more the the Rings fantasy castle. You can enter the architecture is unlikely to do much for you.
petrified palace of Imam Ahmed, the Na- courtyard and gasp over the views, but the Back in the newer streets there’s a large
Orientation tional Museum (x215302; 26th September St; admis- interior is undergoing renovations and is and very lively fruit souq off Gamal Abdul
Ta’izz consists basically of three streets. sion YR500; h8am-1pm Sat-Thu) preserves the life off limits. Nasser St. Ta’izz is a good place to buy tex-
Gamal Abdul Nasser St and 26th September and times of its previous and slightly pe- Ta’izz has a reputation for style when it tiles and jambiyas. Look out also for the
St run parallel to one another, east to west. culiar owner. Among the exhibits – which comes to mosque construction, and at the famous women merchants of Ta’izz, who
Bisecting both streets and running north to are intriguing, bizarre and comical in equal southern end of the old town are the twin traditionally do the buying and selling.
south is At-Tahrir St, at the end of which measure – are a large collection of gifts minarets of the beautiful Al-Ashrafiya Mosque. It’s not exactly a tourist attraction but the
lies Bab al-Kabir, the souq and old town. and purchases from Europe, including an Originally constructed in 628, it was re- university, next to the museum, always has
Etch-a-Sketch, hundreds of bottles of eau built in the 12th and 13th centuries. Other groups of students (men and women) hang-
Information de cologne (in which the imam apparently mosques include the pre-13th-century Al- ing around outside the entrance gates want-
Al-Hadha Exchange Co (Gamal Abdul Nasser St) bathed), a personal cinema (despite TV and Muzafar Mosque, southwest of Bab al-Kabir, ing to practise their English and French and
Foreign-exchange facilities. films being banned under Imamic law) and and the Turkish Al-Mutabiya Mosque, about make friends with foreigners.
Mamoon Internet (Gamal Abdul Nasser St; per min YR2; an electronic rocking bed that must be the 200m south of Al-Ashrafiya Mosque. Non-
h9am-11pm) envy of Hugh Hefner. Among his many Muslims are not permitted to enter any of Sleeping
Net Sky (At-Tahir St; per min YR2; h10am-10.30pm quirks, the imam claimed not just to have the mosques. BUDGET
Sat-Thu) magical powers that protected him from all Bab al-Kabir is the main entrance to the Asia Hotel (x254463;; At-Tahrir
Post Office (x229618) Lies just north of 26th evils, but also to be bulletproof. Interest- old town, but only parts of the original 13m- St; s/d YR1500/3000) One of the few hotels in Ta’izz
September St. ingly, he dropped this claim after someone high wall remain, including two of its gates – with any real character. The communal
488 S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • Ta ’ i z z Book accommodation online
l o nate S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • A r o u n d Ta ’ i z z 489

areas are loaded with sofas, handicrafts, Abu Khalid Cafeteria (x226113; Gamal Abdul are YR30 (just flag one down). A minibus by the Ottomans, followed by the British in
pictures and even fish tanks. The rooms, Nasser St; h 7am-11pm) Clean, peaceful and to the airport costs YR30. Shared taxis to 1839. After the opening of the Suez Canal in
which are a bit of a letdown, smell like with pleasant window seats, this is a good Al-Hudayda leave from a spot along the the middle of the 19th century, its strategic
a packet of Marlboros. English-speaking place for fruit juice and cakes and lingering Hodeida Rd, about 4km west of the town importance grew, and it soon numbered
staff. conversations. Popular with students. centre. among the largest ports in the world and as
Al-Mokhtar Hotel (x253643; As-Saifraya St; s/d Leyali Al-Arab (Arabian Nights Restaurant; x210193; one of the stars of the British Empire.
YR2000/3000) With neat and tidy rooms and a Asayfarah St; mains YR150-500) Spot-on Yemeni AROUND TA’IZZ Aden served as the capital of the PDRY
superb location not far from the old town, and Lebanese dishes that are regarded by At 3070m, Jabal Sabir is one of the high- from 1967 until reunification, when it was
the Al-Mokhtar is a great budget choice. all and sundry as the best eating experience est mountains in Yemen. A fairly good but declared a free-trade zone. Although badly
in Ta’izz. Don’t miss the homemade crème steep road leads the 4km from Ta’izz up to damaged in the 1994 War of Unity, it made
MIDRANGE caramel – it gives those of any Parisian res- its summit. Unfortunately, at the time of a brief recovery of sorts with the govern-
Al-Shreef Tourist Hotel, Suites & Restaurant taurant a run for their money. research it was only possible to drive three- ment pouring money into developing and
(x252958; At-Tahrir St; s/d YR2000/3500) A short Best Ice Cream (26th September St; per bowl YR100) quarters of the way up the mountain, as modernising the port. Just as things began

walk from the centre, this new hotel offers The dozen or so cool, fruity flavours of ice a police station had been positioned here. to look shipshape, disaster again struck
excellent value for money with disinfected cream on sale here are perfect on a hot day. Locals like to cruise up here in the after- when terrorist groups aligned to Al-Qaeda
clean rooms, colourful little windows noons to chew qat with a view. attacked the US warship the USS Cole and
above the doors, views over the town Drinking effectively scared away most international
(granted, they’re not very nice views) and Ta’izz has many excellent juice bars. Nor- ADEN ‫ءدن‬ shipping.
small, well-maintained bathrooms. Eng- mally decorated with curtains of fresh man- x02 / pop 589,419
lish-speaking. gos and oranges, these respites from the Aden is where insular Yemen puts on its Orientation
Royal Hotel Ta’izz (x250876; fax 250875; Gamal heat and chaos outside provide delicious, cosmopolitan dress and calls out to the Aden spreads around the base of an extinct
Abdul Nasser St; s/d YR3500/4200) Easily the best in healthy drinks. A couple of good ones are rest of the world to stop by. Since the year 551m-high volcano, which is joined to the
its class. The friendly and helpful English- the Al-Rayan (At-Tahrir St) and the busy, un- dot, the winter capital has been regarded mainland by an isthmus. To the west lies
speaking management have turned this into named one next to the Tadhamon Interna- as one of the world’s finest natural ports, the colonial port of At-Tawahi joined to
something of a travellers’ centre. The rooms tional Bank on Gamal Abdul Nasser St. and in the tradition of fine natural ports, it the commercial centre known as Crater
are in good nick, though the bathrooms has long had a reputation for being seedy (which lies below the volcano) by residen-
could do with a tidy. Try and get one of Getting There & Away and slutty. However, this reputation is tial Ma’alla. The airport is found in the area
the rooms on the upper floors overlooking The national carrier Yemenia (x217126; Gamal more than a little overblown – bars and known as Khormaksar to the north, with
the main road, from where you can watch Abdul Nasser St) has one-way flights to San’a prostitutes certainly aren’t two a penny the industrial region of Sheikh Othman
all the Schumacher wannabes racing about (US$50); for a return flight, double the here – but what is true is that Aden is more and all the main long-distance bus and taxi
town. fare. The airport lies around 15km from liberal than anywhere else in Yemen. For stands lying beyond.
town and a contract taxi should cost around the visitor, this is most noticeable in the
TOP END YR1500. mix of races on the streets and the visibil- Information
Taj Shamsan Hotel (x236513;; The bus company Yemitco (x 233873; ity of unveiled women. A visit to the tourist office (Map pp492-3; x202580;
s/d US$61/79; i) A sterile but eager-to-please Ring Rd) runs services to Aden (YR700, two If you are in Yemen for a while, you Al-Muhsen St) can’t be called worthwhile –
hotel with a good position very close to hours, two daily), Al-Hudayda (YR1200, shouldn’t miss out on Aden, but come at a lonely brochure will be your only joy.
the old town. Rooms are comfortable and four hours, two daily) via Zabid (YR500, the end of your trip when you’ve had time Travel agencies, such as Universal Travel &
the beds heavenly. In-house health club, three hours) and San’a (YR1200, five hours, to adapt to the rest of the country. If, how- Tourism (Map pp492–3), may offer more
restaurant and coffee shop. two daily) via Ibb (YR300, 1½ hours). ever, you were to visit nowhere else, then help and can be found on the main Ma’alla
Private buses run to most major centres you would leave Yemen with a highly lop- road.
Eating in the highlands from the Al-Esace bus sta- sided view of the country. Centre Al-Ateer (Map p491; x259683; per min YR2;
Al-Shibani Restaurant (x251759; Gamal Abdul Nasser tion. For Al-Khawkha and Al-Mukalla, take h8am-2pm & 4-10pm Sat-Thu, 4-10pm Fri) Provides
St; meals YR500) The fast-talking owner (who shared taxis. History internet access.
speaks brilliant English) will have you or- Shared taxis run to Aden (YR700, According to legend, Noah’s Ark was built Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Map pp492-3; x247403)
dering everything on the menu in no time 2½ hours, 20 to 30 daily), Al-Hudayda and launched in the area, and Cain and Abel In Ma’alla; offers the best foreign-exchange service.
at all. Don’t let this worry you – it’s all top (YR1000, four hours, 30 daily), Ibb (YR300, hung out for a while. Inscriptions dating to International Telecom Center (Map p491;
nosh, but the fish is best. 1½ hours, 20 daily), San’a (YR1000, 4½ the 6th century BC are the first concrete h7.30am-midnight) Next door to the post office.
Hot Hut (x265360; Gamal Abdul Nasser St; meals hours, five daily) and Zabid (YR700, three mentions of the town, but it’s clear that it National Bank of Yemen (Map p491; x259171;
YR700; h9am-1am) You’ll probably be craving hours, 30 daily) via Al-Makha (YR500, two has long served as an ancient trading cen- Queen Arwa Rd) Can change euros and US dollars, but not
something a little different by the time you hours, two or three daily) and Al-Khawkha tre. Since the 10th century Aden has also travellers cheques.
get to Ta’izz, in which case this new and (YR700, 2½ hours, two or three daily). The been one of Yemen’s largest towns, and by Post Office (Map p491; h8am-noon & 4-8pm Sat-Thu,
clean restaurant with burgers that aren’t a main taxi station is about 4km northeast of the 13th century its inhabitants numbered 8am-noon Fri) Off Esplanade Rd.
bad imitation of those back home should the town centre. some 80,000 people. Tahawi Net Centre (Map pp492-3; x206947; per
pass the test. Super sweet ice creams (YR120 Hops around town by contract taxi cost Initially serving as the capital of a series min YR1; h8am-midnight) In At-Tawahi. From 2pm to
to YR140) are another favourite. YR150 to YR200, while hops by minibus of local dynasties, Aden was later taken over midnight, the rate increases to YR2 per minute.
490 A D E N • • G re a t e r A d e n S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • A d e n 491

0 1 mile
2 km
Sights & Activities collection of traditional dress from across
On paper Aden appears to have plenty of the country.
The Military Museum (Map p491; x253243;

To Ta'izz (178km);
San'a (396km)
things to see, but in reality most are of very
limited interest and the city’s main attrac- Sayla St) was closed at the time of research
Bus & Taxi Terminals
tion is its liberal (for Yemen) outlook on and seemed unlikely to ever open again,
life. The boisterous streets and markets of but it’s worth cruising past and checking
Sheikh Crater are well worth a wander as are the just in case.
To Al-Mukalla
colonial throwbacks of At-Tahawi. Look Believed to date from the 1st century,
(669km) out for the bizarre façade of the legendary Aden Tanks (x251409; end of Sayla Rd; admission

Crescent Hotel and the Big Ben–style clock YR100; h8am-6pm) were designed not just to
tower on the hill above At-Tahawi; but collect precious water for the city, but also
Pans Steamer Point, the entrance and exit gate to remove water in times of flash flood-
to Britain’s colonial gem, is now nothing ing. A series of ingenious steps, arches and

more than a collection of out-of-bounds conduits channels the rainwater into a set
warehouses. of beautifully built cisterns. The 13 cisterns

wa Salt Not exactly overwhelming is the recently (all that remain of the original 53 tanks)
y Pans renovated National Museum for Antiquities (Map have a total capacity of 20 million gal-
p491; x 253161; off Al-Aidrus St; admission YR500; lons. Developed by succeeding dynasties,
h8.30am-1.30pm Sat-Wed), which has exhibits the tanks eventually fell into disuse, until
dating from prehistoric times to the early uncovered in the mid-19th century by the
Islamic period. The highlights are the won- British, who, despite their best efforts and
derful range of Sabaean relics. modern technology, never did manage to
Upstairs on the 1st floor is the Ethno- get them to work again.
graphical Museum (Map p491; admission free with The Tourist Harbour (Map pp492-3; Prince of Wales
National Museum ticket; h8.30am-1.30pm Sat-Wed), Bldg/Pier; Al-Muhsen St; admission free) and its pier is
which has a musty and poorly displayed a colourful place for a stroll, especially early

400 m
0.2 miles

Bay of Aden Khormaksar




Jazirat G U L F 16


al-’Abid O F

(Slave Island) 18

Al-Midan St 1


15 6 Bay


See Aden Map (p492) 12

Fisherman Rd

Island 17 20

At 2 Island
8 9

St 10

Steamer 7


Point At-Tawahi


Ma'alla 14 Ho


13 ay







Island dr


Crater Al

(551m) Aden Gulf Hotel............................... 11 A1
Ala'mer Hotel...................................12 A1
Holkat City Center Hotel..............................13 B2
Elephant’s Trunk Bay Rambow Tourist Hotel......................14 B2
Gold e Holkat
Mohur Bay b e 5 EATING Bay
l Al-Ryan Tourism Restaurant.............15 A1
S h a Fisherman’s SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Reem Tourist Restaurant...................16 A1
Conquest m s a n Bay Aden Minaret.....................................4 C2
Bay Al-Aidrus Mosque.............................. 5 B3 TRANSPORT
INFORMATION Main Market...................................... 6 A1 Minibuses & Taxis for At-Tawahi &
Round Centre Al-Ateer..................................1 A1 Market............................................... 7 B2 Ma'alla.........................................17 A1
Island International Telecom Center...........(see 3) Military Museum................................8 B2 Minibuses & Taxis for Sheikh
Bay National Bank of Yemen.................(see 20) National Museum for Antiquities & Othman........................................18 A1
G U L F O F A D E N National Bank of Yemen.....................2 B1 Ethnographical Museum.................9 C2 Town Taxi Stand.............................. 19 B2
Post Office.........................................3 B2 Sira Fortress..................................... 10 D2 Yemenia...........................................20 B1

Greater Aden Crater (Aden)

492 S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • A d e n Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at S O U T H E R N Y E M E N • • A d e n 493

1 km
0.5 miles

Aden Crèdit Agricole Indosuez.........................1 D1 Crescent Hotel........................................9 D4
Tahawi Net Centre................................. 2 C4 Sheraton Gold Mohur Hotel..................10 B3
Tourist Office..........................................3 D3
Universal Travel & Tourism......................4 E1 EATING
Golden Falcon Proast & Restaurant.......11 D4
Bandar 1 Clock Tower...........................................5 C4 DRINKING
at-Tawahi Ma'alla Gold Mohur Club................................... 6 B4 Sailor's Club..........................................12 C3
Point Tahawi Art Gallery..................................7 C3
Tourist Harbour......................................8 C3 TRANSPORT of
At- Minibus Stand....................................(see Aden 13)
Tawahi Taxi Stand............................................ 13 D4
See Enlargement Yemenia................................................14 E1

See Crater (Aden) Map (p491)



Shamsan (551m)

Crater Holkat
Bay of
Bandar Aden
at- Tawahi
Elephant's 12 Al-M 3
Trunk uh
10 7 se Former
n Gardens & 9
Gold 11 Field National
Mohur Bank of
Bay 2 Yemen

Conquest Bay

Aden At-

or late in the day when boats, which range hour YR6000/8000) to view Aden the way Sleeping MIDRANGE
from traditional sambuqs (local boats) to it should be seen. BUDGET City Center Hotel (Map p491; x257700; fax 251056;
giant supertankers, are coming and going Among the town’s mosques that are Aden Gulf Hotel (Map p491; x253900; fax 251710; off Az-Zafaran St; s/d/ste YR3500/4000/7000) Very
in greater numbers. Opposite the harbour worth a peek are the Al-Aidrus Mosque (Map Ghandhi St; s/d YR2500) This bog-standard hotel sterile, but possibly the friendliest hotel in
is the Tahawi Art Gallery (Map pp492-3; x204123; p491; Holkat Bay Rd), built in the mid-19th cen- has polished rooms with Qurans and prayer Aden. Rooms are as clean as a whistle and
Al-Muhsen St; admission free), which exhibits the tury on top of 600-year-old ruins, and the mats provided, and pretty San’a-style the suite is a good bet if you’re travelling
work of local artists. strange little Aden Minaret (Map p491; Holkat Bay stained-glass windows. in a group.
If you’re desperate for a dip – or a drink – Rd), which is all that remains of a mosque Rambow Tourist Hotel (Rimbaud; Map p491; Ala’mer Hotel (Al-Amer Hotel; Map p491; x250000;
the Gold Mohur Club (Map pp492-3; x204174; fax built in the 8th century. Non-Muslims x255899; Esplanade Rd; r YR2500) This could be; Al-Midan St; d with breakfast
204393; week/weekend YR1000/1500; h 8am-8pm), won’t be allowed inside either. one of the better budget hotels in Yemen but YR4500) Lacks any real zing-zang but the im-
part of the Sheraton Gold Mohur Hotel, The walk across to Sira Island is a pleas- any character it may once have possessed pressively clean rooms and friendly man-
provides refreshment in both ways on a ant one, but the 11th-century fortress (Map has vanished under a layer of rot. Even so, agement make this a firm favourite in the
private but muddy beach. Admission buys p491) is occupied by the military and out with its high ceilings, carved wooden beds midrange category.
you free use of the shower and changing of bounds. Also worth a stroll are the walls and seedy air, it’s precisely the kind of place Crescent Hotel (Map p490-1;x203471; fax 204597;
facilities, as well as access to the hotel’s res- and towers of the old city wall, also dating where you would expect to find a down-at- Steamer Point; d from US$35) This grand old hotel
taurants. You can also put your sea legs on to the 11th century, but renovated in parts heel poet like Rimbaud – who is supposed is a museum piece in the making. With
and head out in a boat (per boat half-hour/ by the British. to have made his base here. portraits of a very young-looking Queen
494 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • M a ’ r i b E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • M a ’ r i b 495

Elizabeth II, lazily spinning fans and oodles to Al-Mukalla (US$70), San’a (US$65) and rumoured to have based her capital here. though whether or not she really did grace
of character, a stay here is guaranteed to Suqutra (US$50). Quotes are for one-way The Quran relates other, equally fantastical the streets of Ma’rib is unknown. What can-
bring the days of Empire to mind. Unfor- fares; for return fares, double the cost. stories of Ma’rib, famously describing it as not be doubted is that the Sabaean capital
tunately, the rooms, which are large enough Buses and shared taxis leave from ter- a paradise on the left bank and a paradise quickly became the most important stag-
to lose a herd of elephants in, are as fading minals (Map p490) in Sheikh Othman. As on the right bank. Yet by all accounts this ing post on the frankincense trade route,
as the memories the place evokes. is normal, the private bus companies offer was a true description – the city, built on and it was during this period that the dam
the best service and their offices can be taxes from the incense trade, was impossi- was constructed (see boxed text p498). The
TOP END found around the main long-distance taxi bly wealthy and, thanks to its famous dam, good times couldn’t last, though, and with
Sheraton Gold Mohur Hotel (Map pp492-3;x204010; stand. Sample fares and times include Al- very fertile. It’s said that a person could the bursting of the dam the people of Ma’rib; Gold Mohur Bay; d US$120) Hudayda (YR1500, seven hours), Al-Mu- walk for four days in any direction and scattered across the deserts of Arabia, and
Prices vary, but considering it’s a five-star kalla (YR2000, 12 hours, one daily), San’a not leave the shade of the palm groves and the town virtually ceased to exist. It wasn’t
they’re not bad at all. Even so, it’s not one of (YR1400, seven hours, five daily) and Ta’izz orange trees. However, if you’re coming really until the modern age and the discov-
Sheraton’s better offerings. One big bonus (YR600, two hours, two daily). to Ma’rib expecting to find archaeological ery of oil that the fortunes of Ma’rib started

is the private beach where sunbathing Shared taxis go to Al-Hudayda (YR1400, sites to rival Egypt or Greece, you are going to revive – a point that has been made most
Western women won’t cause a scandal. six hours, 20 daily), Al-Mukalla (YR1800, to be sorely disappointed, as almost noth- clear with the construction of a new dam
12 hours, five daily), San’a (YR1400, 7½ ing remains from the glory days of the great and the greening of the desert. The last few
Eating hours, three daily) and Ta’izz (YR700, two queen. This doesn’t mean a visit here isn’t years haven’t been all plain sailing, though,
Reem Tourist Restaurant (Map p491; x254436; hours, around 50 daily). worthwhile, far from it. Ma’rib is a Yemeni and Ma’rib is consistently one of the most
Ghandhi St; mains YR200-800; h7am-midnight) Step highlight – it’s just that around these parts troubled places in Yemen. For a visitor this
into the noisy belly of this local institution Getting Around it’s all about atmosphere, and that’s some- is most obvious in the sheer quantity of
and you’re in for a treat. Good atmosphere, Shared taxis and minibuses link Crater, thing Ma’rib has in abundance. A visit here serious artillery visible on the streets and
smartly turned-out waiters and heavenly Ma’alla, Sheikh Othman and At-Tawahi is nothing short of surreal… a distinct undercurrent of something you
banana juices (YR150) are just some of the regularly from various stations around Note that because of tribal tension in the cannot quite put your finger on.
highlights. The kebabs (YR200) are also town. A taxi to the airport costs YR400 to area, tourists are given a compulsory police
worth a pop. YR500. From Crater, shared taxis charge escort while travelling to, around and in Sights
Golden Falcon Proast & Restaurant (Map pp492- YR30 (contract taxis YR250) to Ma’alla, the town of Ma’rib. After sunset, a curfew All sights listed here are, theoretically, open
3;x206808; Ar-Rayisi St; meals YR400-600) There are YR30 (YR240 to YR300) to Sheikh Oth- comes into force: you’re obliged to remain from sunrise to shortly before sunset.
two very good reasons to eat here. Number man, YR15 (YR150) to At-Tawahi and in your hotel until sunrise. In Ma’rib itself, a walk around the thread-

one is the superb fried fish and number YR25 (YR250) to Khormaksar. Short hops bare streets and the market is well worth-
two the chance to escape chaotic Crater and cost YR10 (YR100). History while. There is nothing much to actually
relax in the altogether more genteel sur- Ma’rib has been inhabited almost since the see, but the atmosphere will leave your head
roundings of At-Tawahi.
Al-Ryan Tourism Restaurant (Map p491; EASTERN YEMEN dawn of time and is one of the world’s old-
est towns. It is, of course, famous above
spinning for days. Note that the legendary
arms market has been shut down and the oth-
x256758; mains YR400-700; h6am-1am) It doesn’t all else for being the supposed home of ers in the region are highly dangerous and

have the Reem’s hordes of fans but those in Eastern Yemen is one of the few places the Queen of Sheba (see boxed text p496), utterly out of bounds to foreigners. You are
the know keep coming back for the Mid- left in Arabia where the desert world of
dle Eastern staples and clean kitchens. Try Thesiger still clings on, albeit with increas- MA'RIB 0
10 km
6 miles
the excellent arayesi, which is more dessert ing precariousness. Home of nomadic To San'a To Safir
than drink! It’s opposite the bus station. Bedouin tribal people, ruined cities of leg- (220km)
See Enlargement (54km)
Jabal New Ma'rib
end, startling oases and more than a hint of Balaq
al-Qibli a
Drinking danger, this massive chunk of apricot dunes Old h Mahram Bilqis

Ma'rib (Temple of Bilqis)

Sailor’s Club (Map pp492-3;x203209; Al Muhsen St; and bleak stonescapes is for many the most

admission before 11pm free, after 11pm YR2000; h8pm- romantic corner of Yemen. 'Arsh Bilqis 0 1 km
(Temple of
2am Sun-Fri) When in a seedy port, do as is New the Moon) 0 0.5 mile

done in seedy ports and come to a smoky, MA’RIB Ma'rib
seedy nightclub. This one is full of Somali x06
prostitutes and hard-drinking locals and It’s hard to imagine that this rotting desert Taxis to
is hardly representative of Yemen. But for town was ever a seat of power, but it was Ar-Rian
some travellers, a highlight of Aden is the from these very same streets that a woman t
u St
u e S h a fa za h
chance to sip a much-missed beer. Spirits of intense beauty once came forward and Republican
Rep bli c a n Palac Borg Dubei
New Ma'rib Tourism Hotel
cost YR700; beer YR1000. changed the story of Arabia. Bilqis, guard- Land of Two
ian of the frankincense trade routes, lover Bilquis
Paradises Hotel
Getting There & Away of Solomon, mother of the throne of Abys- Hotel

The national carrier Yemenia (Map p491; sinia, daughter of the devil and known to Jabal Balaq To Harib
x253969; fax 252528; Queen Arwa Rd) has flights the world simply as the Queen of Sheba is
496 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • M a ’ r i b Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • M a ’ r i b 497


The most beautiful and alluring woman ever to live had hairy legs and the cloven foot of the vow. ‘But it’s only water,’ she cried. To which Solomon replied, ‘And nothing on earth is more
devil. Her fame has lasted three thousand years, yet nobody remembers her name. She’s a player precious than water.’
in the ancient legends of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, yet no-one knows where she lived. Ethiopian tradition holds that the child that resulted from the deceitful night of passion that
She’s the most famous daughter of Yemen, mother of the throne of Ethiopia and the original followed was Menelik I, from whom the entire royal line of Ethiopia claim direct descent. Though
Jerusalem pilgrim. Even today, she remains a household name, and any girl seen to be getting all the ancient sources agree that a meeting took place between the two rulers, things become
above herself can expect to be compared to her. She is, of course, the Queen of Sheba, but she a little murky after that point. The Bible doesn’t even give Solomon’s mysterious visitor a name,
may never even have existed. Jewish legend kindly gives Sheba hairy legs and a cloven foot and Quranic accounts say that
Legend holds that the Queen of Sheba’s first public appearance was when she paid a visit Solomon heard rumours of a kingdom ruled by a queen whose subjects worshipped the sun.
to the court of King Solomon in 10th-century-BC Jerusalem. The reasons and results of her visit He commanded a jinn (spirit) to bring her to him, and when Bilqis, as she is known in the Arab
vary depending on whether you are using Jewish, Christian, Islamic or Ethiopian accounts, but world, arrived at Solomon’s crystal palace, she immediately accepted the Abrahamic tradition of
the general consensus is that it was rumours of Solomon’s wealth and wisdom that drew her worshipping one god alone.

to his court. The best-known story in the West is the Ethiopian tradition that recounts how Finding out whether Sheba existed and where her capital was located has not proved easy. The
Solomon became enraptured with her beauty and devised a plan to have his wicked way with strongest claims have come from Ethiopia, which believes that Axum was her capital, and Yemen,
her. He agreed to let her stay in his palace unmolested only on the condition that she touched which says it was Ma’rib. Both cities were important trade and cultural centres and it’s likely that
nothing of his. Shocked that he should consider her capable of such a thing, she agreed. That both were, if not ruled by the same monarch, then closely tied through trade. So far neither has
evening the king laid on a feast of spicy and salty foods, and after all had eaten well, Sheba any evidence to suggest that the Queen of Sheba ever existed. For a long time Axum had the edge,
and Solomon retired to separate beds in his sleeping quarters. In the night Sheba awoke thirsty but today most scholars believe that Yemen is the more likely candidate. Others claim she came
from all the salty food she had consumed and reached across for a glass of water. The moment from northwest Arabia or even Nigeria. Whatever the truth, the legend persists and every Yemeni
she put the glass to her lips Solomon awoke and triumphantly claimed that she had broken her will swear that Ma’rib was the home of the most beautiful cloven-footed woman to ever live.

likely to find yourself sent straight back to Lying on the Safir road, the ancient and will be able to open up the exterior gates so rooms certainly won’t remind you of the
your hotel if you attempt to walk anywhere enigmatic ‘Arsh Bilqis (Bilqis Palace/Bilqis you can get a little closer. land of milk and honey, but they’ll pass for
around Ma’rib without an escort. Throne/Temple of the Moon) is the site of Rising like a spectre from the surround- the night and it’s easily the best budget bet.
Lying 8km southwest of town is the ex- the famous five-and-a-half columns often ing landscape is the eerie silhouette of Old Be a little careful in the showers – they can
traordinary Great Ma’rib Dam (admission seen in tourist brochures. Although linked Ma’rib. Originally built long before the 1st be electrifying! It’s recently gained a new
YR100, payable to the well-armed Bedouin to the legend of the Queen of Sheba, archae- millennium BC and sitting on founda- manager, the legendary Hassan Mubarak,
kids sitting by the entrance), justly Yemen’s ologists now believe that the temple predates tions that are vastly more ancient, it suf- the best desert guide in Arabia and the man
most famous monument. The dam is be- the queen and is actually around 4000 years fered much damage from bombs during the to talk to about a safe escort to Shabwa and
lieved to date to at least the 8th century BC. old and was dedicated to the moon. 1962 civil war, but for the layperson it’s the Hadramawt. Breakfast costs YR300; lunch
It was periodically repaired; the last recorded The temple consists of a square with an most romantic of the archaeological sites. and dinner YR800.
time that major works were carried out was open courtyard, at the centre of which lies A couple of years ago the last family finally Bilquis Ma’reb Hotel (x302372; fax 302371; s/d
in the 6th century AD, after which it prob- the old sacred well. Twelve steps lead from moved out (a widow and her children who main bldg US$84/90, d budget annexe YR4800; is)
ably fell into disuse. Sadly, much of the re- the open area to the hall, and there’s a row are often to be seen wandering, ghost-like, Popular with tour groups, this huge ’70s
maining walls have been used to build the of fixed marble seats on the western side across the site) and with their departure hotel complex was built for a tourist gold
new town. Only two sluice gates (look out and a plinth on which a 6m statue of the one of the oldest inhabited towns on earth rush that never happened. Nowadays it’s
for the Sabaean inscriptions) remain. The Sabaean Holy Oxen once stood. The gates effectively ceased to exist. fading fast and is overpriced. Highlights are
vast stones, used for the dam’s foundations, are normally kept locked so you’ll need to the central courtyard pool and truly mem-
were covered in a kind of ‘waterproofing’ track down the gatekeeper in one of the Sleeping & Eating orable portraits of the president 30 years
consisting of clay and plastered with stones nearby houses. Tour guides may try and tell you that for- ago! The budget annexe is better value.
and gravel on the sides. At the tip of the dam, Around 4km further along the same road eigners are not allowed to stay anywhere The restaurant has such unlikely dishes as
two gaps in the wall channelled the water is the kidney-shaped Mahram Bilqis (Temple but the Bilquis Ma’reb Hotel out on the roast beef with Yorkshire pudding (YR700).
into the irrigation canals. Unfortunately, un- of Bilqis/Awwam Temple). It’s believed to edge of town. This is not true. You can stay There’s also a souvenir shop selling a selec-
less you have an archaeological or historical date from at least 800 BC and was dedicated anywhere you want, but wherever you stay tion of mementos and books.
background, you’ll need an awful lot of im- to the sun god. Measuring 94m by 82m, it you will not be allowed outside after dark. Ar-Rian Restaurant (meals YR300) On the main
agination to picture how things once were. is the largest of all the Sabaean temples. Borg Dubei Tourism Hotel (x 303850; s/d road into town from San’a, the Ar-Rian
The road continues to the sleek New Dam, Remains include a 9m-high wall, a hall with YR2000/3000) The brightly coloured rooms boasts tasty Ma’rib staples such as roast
built in 1986 by the President of the United columns and a row of eight, 12m-high col- are worth a look if you’re on a very tight chickens, sheep heads and plenty of friendly
Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Zayed bin umns. The temple (which was only partly budget, but they are somewhat spoilt by a tribesmen with Kalashnikovs.
Sultan an-Nahyan, who was able to trace his excavated in 1952) requires much archaeo- lack of cleaners. Remember to leave your
ancestry to here. Three times smaller than logical work and is normally closed to the guns at the reception desk. Getting There & Away
the Great Dam, it certainly throws the engi- public – though if you can find the man Land of Two Paradises Hotel (Ardh Al-Jannataun The situation changes constantly, but for
neering feat of the latter into perspective. with the key in one of the nearby houses, he Hotel; x302309; fax 302306; s/d YR2500/3500) The the past few years a police escort for all
498 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • S h a b w a Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • A l - M u k a l l a 499

for Sheba knows how long. As for an exact before going out, and before bed if you’re
THE GREAT DAM & THE IRON RAT age, nobody really knows for sure, but a staying at a cheap hotel. Added to this, Al-
Ma’rib’s great dam was enormous, measuring 720m long, 60m wide and about 35m high. It was foundation date of sometime between 1500 Mukalla is also a huge holiday destination
capable of irrigating about 70 sq km of desert and sustaining a population of between 30,000 to 1200 BC is generally accepted. for zillions of flies who carpet everything
and 50,000 people. The town was an important collection throughout daylight hours.
The ingenuity of the dam lies not just in the choice of its site (where water collects at the base point for the camel caravans traversing the
of a number of valleys), but also in its brilliant and complex construction. Aside from the dam desert. Traditionally, the caravans were Sights & Activities
there was a complex and sophisticated series of drains and channels surrounding it. obliged to pay the high priest of Shabwa Al-Mukalla’s old town and corniche are in-
However, the dam was eventually destroyed by a rat with iron teeth chewing away the base one-tenth of the total value of their load. teresting. The former is reminiscent of
of the dam (apparently the rat made its way down from Syria by jumping from hump to hump As a result, the city grew rich – rich enough Zanzibar and India, and has an exotic (but
along a huge camel caravan). One silver lining to this cataclysmic event was that with the de- to turn the surrounding desert into a 4800- incredibly dirty) feel to it. It’s not at all
struction of the dam the people of Ma’rib were turned into nomads who set off to conquer and hectare garden of trees, fields and flowers. In like an inland Yemeni town. The recently
colonise every corner of Arabia, and if some medieval texts are to be believed, they even got modern times Shabwa has been left largely redeveloped Corniche has a more Euro-

as far as Tibet. to its own devices, but not so long ago a pean flavour and makes a great place for
few Bedouin families built houses here out an evening walk and a drink overlooking
of the remains of older buildings. It’s these the boats bobbing about in the bay.
tourist cars has been compulsory on the Streaming for hours with armed Bedouin that are still just about standing today. Occupying part of the elegant former Sul-
San’a to Ma’rib road. If you are travelling escorts over cathedral-sized dunes to the Much of Shabwa awaits further excavation, tan’s Palace, the Mukalla Museum (x303001;
with a tour company, you needn’t concern ruined city of Shabwa is something that will but for the moment you can see the remains Corniche; admission YR500; h 8.30am-noon Sat-Thu)
yourself with the logistics of this. But if you live with you forever. En route, you’ll get of the old city walls, the ruins of an ancient contains displays relating to the sultan and
are travelling by public transport and are to jeep surf down the side of huge dunes temple, various storerooms and what is said to to the town’s history. Most explanations are
granted a travel permit for Ma’rib (which and stop at Bedouin encampments to take be the royal palace to the east of the site. in English, but the huge white building is
is normally not allowed), you have to pay tea under their woven, goat-hair tents. The Shabwa is in the proverbial back of be- probably more arresting than its contents.
a fee of around YR500 at every roadblock, Bedouin are currently charging US$250 per yond, and there are no hotels, restaurants or Based in the Hadhramout Hotel, Extra
for which the police will then escort you group to take you all the way to Sayun. Yes, facilities of any sort. If you want to stay, you’ll Divers (x777953153;; h8.30am-
to the next checkpoint. Whatever the case, it’s expensive but as it’s one of the most have to be completely self-sufficient and 5pm 15 Dec-30 Apr) offers diving or snorkelling
all vehicles are expected to line up punctu- exciting desert crossings in all Arabia, it’s be prepared to pay a significant additional trips. Reef/boat/night dives cost US$25/
ally at a police checkpoint to the east of worth every penny. To organise this cross- amount to your Bedouin escorts. The near- 35/40 per person. There’s a 15% discount
San’a by 9am on the day of travel. If there ing, it’s best to either go through one of est real town is ’Ataq (p501), some 100km to if you subscribe to 10 or more dives. Com-
are sufficient tourist cars, you will travel the San’a tour agencies or call Hassan Mu- the south, but it’s currently not safe to stay plete equipment hire costs US$25 per day;
onwards in a tight convoy to Ma’rib. More barak (he only speaks Arabic) at the Land there nor to travel from there to Shabwa. mask, fins and snorkel is US$15 per day.
often, though, there will only be one or two of Two Paradises Hotel. You will need to Almost all visitors content themselves with ‘Rocky Banks’ is a particularly good dive
vehicles, in which case the police will either give at least a day’s notice, and remember, a short hour-long pause on the journey over site. You can also dive a cargo boat wreck.
follow you in their own jeep or they’ll pile the above price does not include the cost of the desert from Ma’rib to Sayun. For nonguests, the Hadhramout Hotel
in beside you. a car and driver. charges a ‘water facilities admission fee’ of
Travelling eastward to Sayun you have AL-MUKALLA ‫اﻟﻤﻜﻼ‬ US$5, including use of towels, restaurant,
two possible routes – both of which are SHABWA ‫ﺷﺒﻮا‬ x05 / pop 122,359 showers and the hotel pool.
thrilling desert adventures. The easiest and Shabwa, situated on the bank of Wadi Arma, Dating from the 8th century, the shining When arriving or leaving Al-Muka-
cheapest route is along the new surfaced has been described as ‘a city forever beyond white capital of Hadramawt, Al-Mukalla, lla, look out for the 19th-century Husn al-
road, which takes you through spectacular the hills’, and it’s an appropriate descrip- is one of Yemen’s most important ports Ghuwayzi (fortress) perched on a cliff top on
scenery, past some of the Yemeni oil in- tion. Fantastically remote, the seemingly and fastest-growing cities. There’s little to the northern airport road. It was only about
stallations and up towards the Saudi bor- never-ending journey to the political, eco- encourage the traveller to stay long, but its a decade ago that this building was a fair
der. Taxis and buses run this route daily nomic and religious capital of the ancient flavour of faraway lands makes for an inter- hike out of town – Al-Mukalla is growing
(YR1400), but foreigners are unlikely to kingdom of Hadramawt is high adventure esting change of scene from the conserva- at an extraordinary rate of knots.
be granted permission to travel this way. even today. When you finally arrive – tive interior.
The only exception to this rule might be if hot, tired and thirsty – it may come as Sleeping
you take a bus direct from San’a to Sayun. something of a surprise to learn that time Information Al-Mukalla fills up quickly during the holi-
Once again, an escort is required, and these hasn’t been kind on Shabwa, and there’s The post office, several banks and foreign- days, as many Saudis like to come here to
boys don’t mess about; don’t be surprised little but a few mounds of rubble left. How- exchange offices are all found along Al-Mu- dip their toes in the sea. Book ahead at such
if you’re trailed by a couple of cannon- ever, further exploration will reveal that this kalla St. M II Internet Cafe (Corniche; per min YR2; times. Many of the cheaper hotels aren’t all
mounted jeeps full of armed soldiers. state of affairs is fortunate indeed, for there h9am-10pm) offers internet access. that keen on taking foreigners, but the fol-
The second option takes you, via Shabwa, can be few more romantic ancient ruins lowing are all tourist friendly.
straight across the middle of the Ramlat anywhere in the world, and certainly none Dangers & Annoyances Half Moon Hotel (x 302767; halfmoonhotel@
as-Sab’atayn desert. To say this is an im- where you can scramble about picking up Al-Mukalla’s mosquitos can be voracious.; Al-Ghar al-Amar St; r YR2500) Stand-
pressive journey is a major understatement. shards of pottery that have lain in the sand Give yourself a good dousing of repellent ing head and shoulders above a cluster of
500 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • A l - M u k a l l a Book accommodation online
l o nate E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • T h e S o u t h C o a s t 501

500 m
0.3 mile
Al-Khayyam Restaurant (Al-Khaiam Brost Res- ery is wild and spectacular – leaving Aden
taurant; x303552; Al-Mukalla St; meals YR500-900) A and the coastal plain, the road traverses a
A B C D noisy and chaotic restaurant that is a long- warped volcanic wasteland of searing black
To Husn al-Ghuwayzi (500m);
Ar-Rayyan; Airport (40km) standing Mukalla institution, and when you rock and volcanic cones. Beyond this the
taste its gorgeous barbecued fish, you’ll un- land becomes a little more welcoming and
1 18 derstand why. fissured gorges and gravel plains are inter-
Telecom Center
Alsafina (x 380559; mezze from YR200, mains spersed with luminous green wadis. It’s in
YR900; hnoon-11pm) Sail away on this boat- this area that the only major settlements be-
Authority shaped restaurant and enjoy its range of tween Aden and Al-Mukalla can be found.
Lebanese starters and dips and seafood The modern and uninspiring centre
INFORMATION EATING mains. If you’ve emerged from a stint in of ‘Ataq, some distance north of the main
Central Bank of Yemen................ 1 A3 Al-Khayyam Restaurant............. 11 C4 the countryside, it’s probably going to be road, is the first of these. Despite its entic-
MII Internet Café..........................2 B3 Alsafina......................................12 B4
t National Bank of Yemen...............3 B3 the first restaurant in a long time where you ing status on the map, with roads head-
ah S


10 Police Station............................... 4 A3 DRINKING might want to relax over dinner. ing northeast to Shabwa and northwest to
Wadi al

Post Office...................................5 B3 Abu Taj......................................13 B3


2 Other cheap-and-cheerful restaurants Bayhan, it’s not a place anyone is likely to

Yemen Commercial Bank............. 6 A3

Yemen Commercial Bank.........(see 17) TRANSPORT
can be found around the bus stations. either encourage or allow you to visit. The

Buses to Aden............................14 A3

20 town is generally considered unsafe and


SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Buses to San'a............................15 B3


To Aden
9 Mukalla Museum......................... 7 B3 City Minibus Station.................. 16 C4
Local Buses................................ 17 A3
Getting There & Away the roads leading northward away from
SLEEPING Short Haul Taxis.......................(see 17) The national carrier Yemenia (x303444; fax it can be plain old treacherous. Back on
Al-Salama Hotel........................... 8 C4 Taxis for Sayun & Wadi
Half Moon Hotel..........................9 A2 Hadramawt.............................18 B1 352365; Al-Ghar al-Amar St) has flights to Aden the main road is attractively placed Habban,
Ryboon City Hotel..................... 10 A2 Taxis to Aden.............................19 B3 (US$70), San’a (US$80) and Suqutra but at the time of writing it was completely
6 Yemenia.................................... 20 A2
15 (US$50). Quotes are for one-way fares; for out of bounds due to the threat of kidnap-
return fares, simply double the price. ping (a group of French tourists were held
er 2

3 Buses run to Aden (YR2000, around 10 captive here in late 2006). Next in line is


hours, one daily) and San’a (YR1800, 12 tiny fly-blown ‘Azan, whose disintegrating
1 Al-'Aydarus
hours, two daily). For Sayun, take a shared old centre police will escort you around if
alla St taxi. you ask. A few kilometres after the town of

7 Watchtower
2 5
13 C o 3
r n i Shared taxis run to Aden (YR2000, 10 ’Azan, are the impressive and rather ghostly

c h e Telephone 8 16 Ya'Kub
Office Cemetery hours, several daily), Bir ’Ali (YR500 or looking ruins of Naqb al-Hajar. Because of
Ar-Rawdah Mosque
YR3000 contract, two hours, two daily), local tension, it’s not always possible to visit

12 Old Town
h in g
and Sayun (YR1500, five hours, three daily). them; most people content themselves with
Fisr bour
Old Ha Note that for all these journeys a travel per- a photo from the roadside. When it is pos-
4 Port mit is required (and should have been ob- sible, you can usually contract a 4WD and
To Hadhramout Hotel (4km);
G U L F O F A D E N Amusement Park (6km); tained in San’a first, though if you’ve just police escort from ’Azan (YR2000 return,
Holiday Inn Mukalla (6km)
arrived from Oman you can get one at the including a half-hour or so visit).
Al-Mukalla police station here), and for the Aden and After ’Azan the road wends its way back
San’a routes a police escort. to the coast and things become less tense.
The airport (based at Ar-Rayyan) lies Just before the village of Bir ’Ali, around
nasty neighbours, this hotel offers small Friendly, English-speaking staff. A filling 40km from Al-Mukalla. Contract taxis cost 128km southwest of Al-Mukalla, you’ll
and tasty rooms that, for once, aren’t suf- breakfast is included in the price. YR1200 (and take 30 minutes), but negoti- come to a side road marked with yellow
fering from the effects of the tropical heat. Hadhramout Hotel (x303442; ate the fare before hopping in. signs that snakes to the base of a volcanic
Some rooms have views over the redevel- .ye; s/d with breakfast US$83/97; is) The over- Almost as common as the flies are the outcrop at the very edge of the sea. This is
oped waterfront. priced and sloppy rooms have crumbling minibuses, which provide a cheap form of the ancient site of Qana, the old port of the
Al-Salama Hotel (x305210; Al-Mukalla St; s/d carpets and as much style and charm as a intercity transport. Travellers might want Hadramawt. The pleasant stretch of beach
YR2500/2800) A solid old-fashioned Al-Salama rotting fish. Despite this, it remains popular to make use of them to get from the old known by tour agents as Bir ‘Ali is after the
hotel with a lot more jazz than many of with tour groups, and the location, right centre to the far end of the Corniche. Jour- nearby village.
the newer midrange places. It’s centrally beside a little cove, is good. Pool is open to neys cost YR20 and to hail one just wave For those with their own transport, it’s
located, offers excellent value for money nonguests for US$5. it down. worth resting here for the night and enjoy-
and is very friendly. The only minus point ing the rich turquoise waters and spotless
is that the staff are big Manchester United Eating THE SOUTH COAST white sands. If you are using public trans-
fans! Along the Corniche are a string of enjoy- The road between Aden and Al-Mukalla port, a stop might be more hassle than it’s
Ryboon City Hotel (x303606;; able teashops/cafés, which get lively in the is a long, hard slog taking a minimum of worth, as finding an onward ride the next
Fouah St; s/d YR4580/5235; i) Smart hotel at the evenings with locals taking in the sunset 10 hours. There are few towns in which morning will be difficult. If you have the
top of town. It offers good value for money, views. The Abu-Taj at the western end is to stop and fewer still in which a stop is energy, you can also climb to the top of
but the rooms could do with a lick of paint. one of the better ones. recommended. On the bright side the scen- the outcrop known as Husn al-Ghurab (Husn
502 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • S u q u t r a E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • S u q u t r a 503

al-Ghurfa), where you’ll find the remains of island. It’s the kind of place where people
an ancient fortification and control tower, speak a language unknown to anyone else, AN ARABIAN EDEN
which once overlooked the port. Don’t at- where the knowledge of how to make fire by The remote Suqutran archipelago has been described as an Arabian Garden of Eden and is known
tempt the climb in flip-flops, as the loose rubbing sticks together is still common and for its high level of endemic plants and animals. There are around 850 plant species, of which
scree and sheer drops make it unsafe. where the elderly recall days when money approximately 230 to 260 species are endemic. The Haggeher Mountains and the limestone
On the beach, the Qana Tourist Complex didn’t exist. plateaus contain the richest variety of endemic plants. The most famous of these is the stumpy
(x211169; per person hut/r YR1500/2000) has basic Until the construction of an airport in Dragons Blood Tree, whose red sap was for years sold as dragon’s blood. Another favourite is the
Thai-style beach huts or stuffy rooms that 2002, the island remained almost as un- Cucumber Tree, the only cucumber plant to grow in tree form. In total 52 of Suqutra’s endemic
make for an enjoyable place to stay for a known as it did in the days when adven- plants are included on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
day or so. The staff should be commended turers came here to do battle with dragons The fauna also includes a large proportion of endemics. Only seven types of terrestrial mammals
for their (successful) attempts to keep the in their search for the secret of eternal life. call the island home and most of these were introduced. Two, a bat and a shrew, are considered
beach clean. Excellent fish dinners (YR800) Today the dragons might be gone, but the endemic. The bird life is more spectacular and consists of 178 species, six of which are endemic.
can be whipped up with a little notice. trees are said to still bleed for their memory, These are the Socotra warbler, Socotra bunting, Socotra sunbird, Socotra starling, island cisticola

and the secret of eternal life remains hidden and the Socotra sparrow. The most visible bird on the island, though, is the Egyptian vulture.
SUQUTRA ‫ﺳﻘﻄﺮى‬ away in a cave somewhere on stupendous There are 24 reptile species, 21 of which are endemic.
x05 / pop 160,000 Suqutra.
The secret of eternal life shouldn’t be some-
thing that’s easy to stumble across and by Information the island (US$320 per person, minimum The best beach by far is the deserted bridal-
cleverly hiding it out on Suqutra the gods Most services are found in the capital, Had- group size two), which ensures that you white sands and blissful blues of Detwah La-
have certainly taken that thought to heart. ibu. Two excellent publications on Suqutra get the most out of your stay. Should you goon by Qalansiyah in the west of the island.
At 3650 sq km Suqutra is easily the largest are Soqotra – the Birds & Plants and Saving have anything more unusual in mind, it There’s a small and well-run camp site here
Yemeni island, as well as one of the most Socotra – The Treasure Island of Yemen. can provide guides, jeeps, camping equip- with pre-erected tents for YR1000. Not far
inaccessible. Lying 510km southeast of the Both cost US$10 and are available in Had- ment and supplies. behind on the beach stakes is Homhil, in
mainland, close to the ravaged shores of ibu and at the airport. Al-Salami Net (Hadibu; per min YR6; h9am-9pm the east of the island, where fresh and salt
Somalia, the island has developed in near The Soqotra Eco-Tourism Society (x660132; Sat-Thu) The island’s only internet connections. waters mingle beneath mountainous dunes.
total isolation from the rest of the world. was set up in early National Bank of Yemen (x660192; Hadibu; The diving (US$35 per dive with all equip-
Rumoured to have once been a refuge for 2003 with the aim of promoting and devel- h7.30am-2pm Sat-Thu) Changes US dollars and euros ment) in Suqutra is world-class, with the
dragons, it continues to provide a refuge oping tourism and infrastructure projects cash. attraction being fish rather than corals.
for all manner of extraordinary fauna and on the island in a sustainable manner for Post Office (x660298; Hadibu; h7am-1pm & 3.30- Some of these fish grow very big indeed
flora, much of which is found nowhere the benefit of all. It can advise on itinerar- 5pm Mon-Thu) and include curious schools of dolphins,
else. Because of the number of its endemic ies and help in the planning of your trip Telephone Centre (Hadibu; h6am-11pm) Calls to the comical turtles (both in the summer only)
plants and creatures, it’s been described as either by telephone or email in advance mainland/Europe cost YR20/250 per minute. and lots of very large and decidedly less
the ‘Galapagos of the Indian Ocean’. While of a visit, or in person at the Visitors In- Visitors Information Service (x660132; Main St, friendly sharks! Most of the dive sites in
this is a little optimistic, there is no denying formation Service in Hadibu (opposite). It Hadibu; h7am-1pm & 4-8pm Sat-Wed) The official HQ Suqutra are virtually unexplored. For the
that Suqutra is a unique and otherworldly also has its own excellent four-night tour of for the Soqotra Eco-Tourism Society, it has some maps and less aquatic, there’s excellent snorkelling
brochures. Ring before visiting, as its opening hours are (YR500 equipment rental), with Dihamri
50 km
30 miles
erratic. There’s a branch office at the airport, which opens Marine Protected Area, around 15km from
for flight arrivals. Hadibu, being the best place for peering
Ra’s A under the waves.
Qalansiyah Hulaf
Delesha Dihamri Marine Sights & Activities There is great hiking potential, with

Rhiy di-Bidoh
Protected Area Tourism is a new concept to the island, the green hills and granite outcrops of the
Homhil Beach
(Odaf) Mouri Roosh Ras
but in a very short space of time an ad- 1500m Haggeher Mountains providing drag-
Jabal Buzayri
Ar Rak
Homhil Irisseyl mirable range of tours and activities has ons, cave dwellers and views. Unless you’re
Shu’ab Ja
bal (1519m) become available. There’s little to see or do planning a long trans-island hike, you’ll
H a jh i r
Ra’s in Hadibu, so try to organise everything in need a vehicle to reach some of the best
(654m) Mahfirhin
Falanj advance to avoid wasting time there. With walking areas.
Di Dya’ah
Ghar Dijab
no organised public transport and, outside The following activities are much more
To 'Abd al-Kuri Ra’s Qatanan Di Seberho Bid Holeh Hadibu, no hotels or restaurants, it would specialised and will certainly require the aid
(60km) Steroh
(see inset) be very hard to explore Suqutra in a truly of an experienced tour company. Serious
independent manner. Therefore, virtually naturalists and botanists will appreciate
Al-Akhwayn everyone uses the services of either the So- the knowledge of a guide – Soqotra Eco-
(The Brothers) qotra Eco-Tourism Society or a San’a-based Tourism Society will be able to sort you
’Abd al-Kuri agency (p520). out with someone who knows where and
For most people the island highlights are what to look for even if they don’t know
the exhilarating hiking and divine beaches. too much detail. Caving is a new activity for
504 E A S T E R N Y E M E N • • S u q u t r a Book accommodation online
l o nate W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • S h i b a m 505

which Suqutra (and the Dhofar Mountains If you need to hire camping gear, the ing cash into it. One of the biggest projects way to disco greens. It’s the sort of place
around Hawf, p511) has immense potential. Summer Land Hotel and Soqotra Eco- currently under way is the construction of where stories can grow tall and magic and
The island is thought to boast one of the Tourism Society can provide all the stand- an island ring road, as well as linking trans- mystery seem to permeate the very air. It
world’s largest cave systems, though they ards for US$7 per day. island roads. Work is progressing at a rate was originally populated by a race of giants
remain almost entirely unexplored to date. In Hadibu itself there are a couple of of knots and the tarmac has already reached called ’Ad who, according to legend, were
The Dogub Cave on the south coast has huge overpriced hotels. Qalansiyah and the Dicksam plateau among given wealth unlike anyone else. But instead
stalagmites and stalactites, and is one that Al-Jazeera Hotel (x660447; fax 660443; Hadibu; d other places. By the time you read this there of thanking God for his generosity, they
everyone can enjoy. With day-in day-out YR4000) A small hotel that offers the cheapest is a good chance that the ring road will be wasted their time worshipping idols, build-
strong to gale-force winds through the May rooms in town. The rooms could do with completed. Despite this there is currently ing fabulous cities and generally running
to September monsoon season and heavy a sweep more often but otherwise they’re no public transport whatsoever, so you will about living life like it was meant to be fun.
swells, Suqutra could one day be a mas- perfectly acceptable. need to rent a jeep (US$70), which can be In retaliation for this behaviour God sent
sive name in the windsurfing world. For the Hafej Hotel (x/fax 660469; Hadibu; d YR5000) done through the Soqotra Eco-Tourism So- violent winds, tremendous sandstorms and,
moment it’s just for the hardcore. Surfers This clean and conventional 15-room ciety, Summer Land Hotel or a San’a tour according to some sources, a plague of dog-

will also find some excellent breaks hidden hotel will give you a restful night’s sleep, agency (p520). sized ants who tore the ’Adites apart limb
in the remoter reaches of the island, but the and though it lacks much character it does by limb. With a past like this, it’s hardly
same heavy winds that are such a delight for
windsurfers are anything but for surfers.
offer good value for money for those who
cannot stretch to the Summer Land. WADI HADRAMAWT surprising to learn that this magic kingdom
has skyscrapers built of mud, camels that

‫وادي ﺣﻀﺮﻣﻮت‬
However, wind-related problems will be the Summer Land Hotel (x 660350; Hadibu; s/d turn into rocks and honey that tastes of
least of a surfer’s worries. It’s the sharks that US$25/30) Run by the president’s nephew, liquid gold.
are the real problem! this travellers’ centre has been recently
A more sedate time can be spent ex- refurbished and is, perhaps not surpris- x06 / pop 1,028,556 SHIBAM ‫ﺷﺒﺎم‬
ploring the ramble of half-built streets in ingly, the biggest name in Suqutran tour- After so much sun-blasted desert, arriving As you get closer the heat haze lifts and you
Hadibu, as well as the research centre (Air- ism. It’s a reputation that’s well deserved in the vast Wadi Hadramawt, a dry river realise that what you are looking at is not re-
port Rd) 2km out of town, which contains a because its rooms, though not memorable, valley lined with lush oases, is like enter- ally a group of fossilised giraffes rearing up
small collection of specimens of Suqutran are clean and peaceful. More importantly, ing another world. In an instant, sterility is out of the palms, but something even more
flora and fauna, that includes shells, shark the staff know the island well and can sort replaced by fertility and ochre browns give improbable. It’s Shibam, a 2500-year-old
mandibles and crustaceans, and a small but you out with tours, car hire and camping
excellent herbarium. Panels (in English, equipment. WADI HADRAMAWT 0
50 km
30 miles
Italian and Arabic) provide information
on Suqutran birds, wildlife and environ- Eating
To Sayhut
mental hazards. There are few eating options in Hadibu and (230km)
none at all outside the town. Qasam
Sleeping Shaboa Restaurant (x 660515; Hadibu; meals Al-Hawta
Aynat al-'Urr
Though Hadibu has the only hotels and res- YR400; h 4am-9pm) Next door to Yemenia, Palace
Hotel Al-Ghurfa
taurants, you should aim to spend as little simple and boisterous Shaboa is the local Wa
time as possible here. preference. It serves chicken or goat with di
Sar Shibam Sayun
Camping is not permitted everywhere (so rice, as well as vegetable-only dishes. Wadi Haynin Hotel
Suna &
Al-Qatn BMC
check first). Some good, established spots Mashgha


include Wadi Dae’rho near the fresh-water Getting There & Away Haynin Al-Hawta

To Shabwa

The national carrier Yemenia (x660123; fax

pool, Nojed on the south coast, Homhil (172km)


660510; h 7am-noon & 3.30-5.30pm) flies from

and Dihamri in the east and Detwah La- Qa
sr Ghayl 'Umar

goon in the west. Facilities vary in all of Suqutra to Al-Mukalla (US$50), Aden

these ‘camp sites’ and go from a toilet and (US$50) and San’a (US$60) twice a week. Al-Mashhad
Madubum Raybun
some pre-erected tents and huts (Dihamri It’s essential to book well in advance. Wa

and Detwah Lagoon) to nothing at all. At In theory it’s possible to charter a dhow Al-Buwayriqat


i ’Amd

most of these sites someone can be found to Suqutra from Al-Mukalla, but doing so Al-Hurayda
to cook an evening meal (though not al- is hardly recommended. The weather is ajjra Al-Hajjarayn

ways, so it’s good to be prepared). Pitches unpredictable, the sea high and the dhows
a yn

cost YR1000 per person. It’s often possible often overloaded. No boats operate during Qaydun
to arrange to stay in villages, though this the summer monsoon season. `Amd Hudun
sort of thing is hard to organise in advance. Buda

If you are invited to do so, be generous Getting Around Old Road

to Bir 'Ali
with how much you donate (YR2000 per Yemenis say that Suqutra is President Al-Khurayba Huwayra

person should be sufficient – more if meals Saleh’s little baby, and he’s certainly enthu- To Al-Mukalla
Old Road to
are provided). siastically promoting the island and pump-
Wadi Hadramawt
506 W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • S h i b a m Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • S a y u n 507

city of seven- and eight-storey tower blocks very small area, it manages to pack over Al-Bait Al-Tagleedi (x 420400; admission YR300; of accommodation and a picturesque set-
built entirely out of mud and faith. It will 500 dwellings into this confined space. h8.30am-1.30pm & 3.30-5.30pm Sat-Thu). Tea or ting of adobe brick houses against a back-
leave you breathless. The exterior of the buildings tends to be coffee is included in the price. ground of hills and palm trees. Aside from
dull and featureless, but keep an eye open A bit of a tourist tradition is to climb the palace/museum there is little to see as
History for the magnificent decorative doors and the rocky hill above the ‘suburb’ of Sahil all the mosques and graveyards are closed
Shibam is thought to date from the 4th windows. It’s worth taking a late evening Shibam, opposite the town, to watch the to non-Muslims.
century BC, but was built on the ruins of stroll along the city walls, which date from sun fall behind the city.
an even older city. It was later settled by the 17th century, and out into the fields Information
citizens of old Shabwa after their city was of date palms. Other worthy sites include Sleeping & Eating There’s a telecommunications office near
destroyed. Later the town grew to boast the the Sultan’s Palace (h9am-1pm Sat-Thu), built in Shibam Motel (x420425;; s/d/tr the post office.
most important market in the region, and AD 1220, and the various mosques (none of US$25/35/45) A quiet hotel with freshly painted Abdulqadr Mahdami (x406409) For a private guide
served for centuries (right up to the 16th which are open to nonbelievers), including and well-maintained rooms that are a step to the towns of Hadramawt.
century) as an important capital for local the Sheikh ar-Rashid Mosque (also known as above most Yemeni hotels, as well as just Al-Jazirah Restaurant (per min YR2; h8am-9pm

dynasties. In 1982 the town was declared a the Al-Jami or Great Mosque), which dates a step from Shibam itself. It’s one of the Sat-Thu) Internet access.
Unesco World Heritage site. from the 10th century. At the souq next to Universal chain’s better offerings. You can National Bank of Yemen (x402142;h7am-1pm
the mosque, look out for the frankincense get breakfast for YR500, and lunch and din- Sat-Wed) It’s northwest of the cemetery.
Sights & Activities that has been sold here for centuries and ner for YR1200. Universal Travel & Tourism (x404288;
Shibam is a silent and reserved place and have a game of dominoes with the elderly o Al-Hawta Palace Hotel (x 425010;; Central Sq; h8am-noon
in the mid-afternoon heat, when every- men who gather outside the teashop every; s/d/tr US$100/130/150; & 4-7.30pm Sat-Thu) Can organise a wide variety of tours
one else is safely tucked away indoors, it evening. Bait Jarhum (x420054; h10am-noon & is) Lying around 7km from Shibam and activities in the area.
can feel a little like a museum or a library. 4-5.30pm Sat-Thu) is a traditional tower house and 12km from Sayun centre, the Al-Hawta
Don’t be mistaken, though, because away renovated by Unesco. Inside you’ll discover is probably Yemen’s best hotel. It claims Sights
from the eyes of nosey travellers the city a mediocre photo exhibition, some vague the unusual distinction of being the only Originally built as a 19th-century defensive
is alive and kicking. And thanks partially views over the town and beautiful window 1st-class hotel in the world built entirely fort, the Sultan’s Palace (x402285; Central Sq;
to tourism, it’s experiencing something and door frames. Ask for directions locally. of mud and clay. Full of domes and arches, admission YR500; h8.30am-1pm Sat-Wed) was con-
of a revival. Although Shibam covers a Nearby is the similar, but privately run, it’s beautifully designed both inside and verted into a residential palace by the Sultan
out and carefully maintained. The com- Al-Katheri in the 1920s. The Sultan wasn’t
100 m
0.1 mile
fortable rooms are sparingly decorated but a subtle man and his house, containing a
full of class, and the swimming pool com- mere 90 rooms, towers over Sayun like an
plex and gardens are simply perfect. All in exaggerated wedding cake. It now houses
Ba-Dhib all, it would be hard to imagine a better- one of the best museums in the country.
value top-class hotel anywhere, but there This treasure trove of relics will stir the
Mosque Al-Bait is a downside – the restaurant. The food imagination of even the most museum-
Al-Tagleedi Sahat Ba-Jarish Sahat
Ba Dhib Mosque al-Brahim is badly cooked and overpriced (breakfast weary and includes Bronze Age statues,
US$5; lunch and dinner US$10), and the such as the ‘sphinx’, ancient frankincense
Bait Jarhum ‘free’ breakfast will be an unexpected and jars (found buried at a nearby necropolis)
of Sheikh
none-too-cheap addition to your bill. and tablets inscribed with beautiful Him-
Mosque yarite and Semitic script (dating from as
Getting There & Away early as the 8th or 9th century BC). Most
The bus and taxi stand lies just outside the of the items on display were found in and

entrance to the village. Shared taxis run reg- around Hadramawt – proving just how
ularly to Sayun (YR100, 20 minutes, around long this area has been inhabited.
Souq Citadel 20 daily) and Tarim (YR200, one hour, five The 2nd floor of the palace is supposed to
Mosque Souvenir Sellers; to 10 daily). house changing exhibitions, though for the
Antique Shops;
Trunk Sellers past few years it’s exhibited a wonderful col-
Bin Ahmed
Mosque Tea
al-Husn Sultan's
SAYUN ‫ﺳﻴﺆن‬ lection of photographs of the region taken
(Palace Square)
x05 in the 1930s by travellers to the Hadramawt
Sayun has a distinguished history. From the (among them the intrepid British traveller
earliest days, it was developed by the local Freya Stark).
Garden Hadramawt clans and dynasties and since The 3rd floor houses the far less interest-
the 15th century has been the wadi’s capital. ing Museum of the Peoples’ Customs & Traditions,
To Al-Mukalla
Today, despite being the heart and soul of which contains staid examples of traditional
Taxi To Al-Hawta Palace
Hotel (7km); Hadramawt, dusty Sayun is a town with a Hadramawt arts and crafts. Don’t leave
W a d iTo Sahil Shibam
Sayun (19km) slow beat and lots of friendly people. For without a visit to the roof of the palace:
the traveller, Sayun offers a decent range there are great views across the town.
Old Shibam
508 W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • S a y u n Book accommodation online
l o nate Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • Ta r i m 509

200 m
0.1 mile
and larger than normal bathrooms. The The Al-Jazira Restaurant next door is were constructed by Yemenis returning to
staff think foreigners are hilarious, but you almost identical, even down to the menu their homeland after making their fortunes
A B probably won’t find the loudspeakers on design. in the far east.
the nearby mosque quite as funny. As-Sayed Omar bin Sheikh al-Kaf built
National Bank of Yemen............................... 1 B4
Rayboon Hotel (x405393; fax 402686; r YR1700) Getting There & Away the Al-Kaf Palace (‘Ish Shaa Palace; x 417500;
1 Post Office....................................................2 B4 Situated in an atmospheric old quarter this The national carrier Yemenia (x402550; fax admission YR150; h 8am-1pm), Tarim’s most
Telecommunications...................................(see 2)
Universal Travel & Tourism........................... 3 A4
new hotel has tatty rooms at a price you 404388) flies to San’a for US$80. flamboyant, apparently using a book of
can’t knock. This place is more accustomed A good highway connects Sayun to San’a different architectural styles as a template,
Al-Habshi Tomb........................................... 4 B4
to foreigners and their strange habits than (via Ma’rib). General Land Transport Com- in a kind of ‘pick-your-own’ project! The
Sultan's Palace & Museum of the Peoples' the Palace Seiyum and is therefore a little pany runs buses to San’a (YR1400, around result is an unlikely mishmash of styles –
Customs & Traditions............................... 5 A4
more welcoming. 14 hours, one daily). Foreigners are often Art Nouveau, Art Deco, baroque, South-
SLEEPING not allowed to travel this route by bus. east Asian and Hadrami. Back in its day,
Palace Seiyum Hotel..................................... 6 A4
Rayboon Hotel............................................. 7 A4 MIDRANGE Shared taxis run to Al-Mukalla (YR1500, it must have been beautiful, but now it’s
Al-Sallam Hotel (x403208; fax 403181; Tarim Rd; s/d

five hours, six daily), San’a (YR2300, eight a crumbling relic and a visit here is a lit-
Al-Jazira Restaurant...................................... 8 A4 YR1800/2400) With rooms well past their best, to 10 hours, one daily), Shibam (YR70, 20 tle sad as you think about the marvellous
Al-Oryyan Restaurant.................................. 9 A4
Al-Shaab.....................................................10 B4
Sayun’s original hotel has fallen on hard minutes, 30 daily) and Tarim (YR100, 30 lifestyle that this building once repre-
times, but the staff are friendly and eager to to 40 minutes, around 20 daily). As with sented. Inside, there is a limited display of
Al-Khaleej Transportation Company........... 11 B3
please. The ‘pool’ is as dry as a Yemeni bar. the buses, foreigners are often not allowed locally discovered antiques and a collec-
General Land Transport Company.............. 12 B4 Trade & Housing Tower Hotel (Funduq al-Burg/ to travel to San’a via Ma’rib by taxi. For in- tion of old photos recalling happier days.
Shared Taxis to Shibam...............................13 A3
Shared Taxis to Tarim...............................(see 12)
al-Borg; x403750; fax 403575; Al-’Aam St; s/d YR2100/ formation on crossing the desert to Ma’rib The highlight is probably the stained-glass
Yemenia..................................................... 14 B3 3000; s) Cheap rooms that sure ain’t cheer- via Shabwa see p497. windows, which are as dazzling as the day

To Airport (2km);
Hotel BMC (6km);
ful, but the swimming pool is the best in New roads have also been constructed they were fitted.
Shibam (18.5km) town and the towering bougainvillea plants heading eastward to Oman and it’s now Housed in the back of the Great Mosque
3 To Trade & Housing even better. The murky rooms might appeal perfectly possible to travel overland to/from (or Masjid al-Jami), Al-Ahgaf Manuscript Li-
Tower Hotel (400m);
Al-Sallam Hotel (1.75km);
Tarim (27km)
to a more refined type of backpacker. Sayun and Salalah in Oman (p247). Al-Khaleej brary (x41522; admission free; h9am-1pm Sat-Wed)
Hotel BMC (x428040; fax 428042; Al-Ghorfah St; Transportation Company (x402188; opposite the is the second-largest library in the coun-
13 14 r YR4000; s) The rooms in this well-main- Yemenia office) sends buses trundling to Salalah try and contains over 5000 manuscripts,

tained hotel a few kilometres west of town (YR5000, 16 hours) every Saturday and Tues- though most are hidden from prying eyes.

1 Cemetery
are spick-and-span and the reception- day morning. Book in advance and prepare Some of the more beautifully illustrated
9 ists bouncing with enthusiasm. There is a for a very long day. The buses use the inland manuscripts are on display in glass cabi-
5 12 small pool and a restaurant (mains YR300 border crossing at Makinat Shihan p512), nets. Unfortunately for English speakers,

6 3 New
to YR500) that isn’t such a highlight. where Omani tourist visas can be obtained all captions are in Arabic. The large and
4 Central To Samah Hotel
with little fuss for most Western nationalities dazzling-white Al-Muhdar Mosque was built

Square (2.5km)
Souq TOP END for US$21. It’s also possible to travel to Oman in 1915 and boasts the tallest minaret in

10 2 Samah Hotel (x402777;; s/d from Sayun via Al-Ghayda (p511) and the Yemen; it soars nearly 40m into the air.

Old Town
US$30/35; s) Sayun’s top hotel is 2.5km east coast using local buses and taxis.
To Al-Haddad Mosque (100m)
of the town centre. The rooms are comfort- Sleeping & Eating
able and well kept, but the dreary Soviet TARIM ‫ﺗﺮﻳﻢ‬ Tarim isn’t much of a place to spend the
Sayun is also home to a number of in- design doesn’t do it any favours. It offers x05 night. There are only a couple of very basic
teresting mosques and tombs, such as the occasional live music and a pool in which Situated 35km northeast of Sayun, the ram- funduqs with bare-bones rooms.
Al-Habshi Tomb, opposite the cemetery, and swimming is very difficult. shackle town of Tarim has served as the seat Kenya Tourist Hotel Tarim (x 417550; kenya
the 16th-century Al-Haddad Mosque, south of kings since ancient times, and was Wadi; d YR1700) At the entrance to
of the cemetery. Unfortunately, you won’t Eating Hadramawt’s capital before Sayun. It used the town, the Kenya is Tarim’s finest hotel,
be allowed to enter any of them. Also well Al-Oryyan Restaurant (x408330; meals YR80-600) to be famous as a centre of Islamic learn- but that isn’t saying much. The rooms
worth a wander are the alleyways of the old This clean and busy joint is by far the pick ing, as testified to by its library, and at one are noisy and as crumbling as the Al-Kaf
souq, where you can pick up a madhalla – of the bunch and its English-language time had a mosque for every day of the year. Palace.
the ‘witch’s hat’ worn by the Hadramawt menu makes ordering easy. The crushed During the past century many of the people Al-Kazem Restaurant (meals YR300) On the
herders, as well as bright basketry. beans with egg (YR120) is way better than of Tarim have set off to seek their fortunes road into town this is a no-frills joint, but
it sounds! abroad, and those who have succeeded have the food is tasty enough with the fried
Sleeping Al-Shaab (x402486; Central Sq; meals YR200-500; often returned to build sumptuous ‘palaces’ chicken being the star buy.
BUDGET hlunch only) Located opposite the corner of in and around the city.
Palace Seiyum Hotel (x405566; fax 402371; s/d the park, this brightly coloured restaurant Getting There & Away
YR1500/2000) Don’t be put off by the prison- has long served as the pit stop of choice Sights Shared taxis go to Sayun (YR100 to YR150,
cell doors, because the rooms are pretty at lunchtime. The menu offers no great Tarim is famous for the quantity and qual- 30 minutes, 20 daily) and Shibam (YR200,
pleasing. Some come with tiny balconies surprises ity of its mud-brick palaces, many of which one hour, 10 daily).
510 W A D I HA D R A MA W T • • A r o u n d Ta r i m Book accommodation online
l o nate Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at A L- MA H R A • • A l - G h a y d a 511

AROUND TARIM Some of the wadi’s most attractive vil- Riboun. It also has a couple of brand-new,
Nineteen kilometres east of Tarim, Aynat lages, in a north to south direction, include bright-blue rooms that make you feel as if SEX & THE HIVE
dates from the 16th century and has some Al-Mashhad, which, with the 15th-century you’re sleeping in a swimming pool. Yemen may not seem like the land of milk
lovely old tombstones set in an extensive Tomb of Hasan ibn Hasan, is a local pilgrimage and honey, but since ancient times Yemen
cemetery; it also boasts some beautifully site and a near-deserted village. Next down Getting There & Away has been famous for its honey, which you’ll
constructed houses in a style of their own. the line, and clambering up the side of a The road between Sayun and Al-Mukalla frequently be told is the best in the world.
To get there, take a taxi from Sayun (YR100, cliff, is maybe the most impressive village of via Wadi Daw’an is surfaced all the way and The top-quality honey comes from the Wadi
35 minutes, two per day). them all, Al-Hajjarayn, which is also among the in excellent condition, but currently there is Daw’an in the far east of the country, where
On the road west to Sayun, look out for oldest villages in the region. One of the big- no public transport along this route. nomadic beekeepers transport wooden
the 10th-century Tomb of Ahmed bin Eisa the gest villages in the wadi is Sif, whose pastel- hives around in search of ‘ilb flowers for
Emigrant, lying at the foot of the mountain fringed houses sprawl across the wadi bed,
the bees to feed on. Honey in Yemen is ap-
around 10km from Sayun. Its distinctive and whose old quarter sits proudly atop a preciated for more than just its taste and is
zigzag shape, leg-aching flight of steps and knuckle of rock. Al-Khurayba is the final vil- often used by tribes in order to seal a deal

bright whitewash are unmistakable. lage in the wadi and is famous for its mas- Remote even by Yemeni standards, the far as well as in traditional medical practices.
sive acid-trip ‘palace’ of rainbow-coloured eastern province of Al-Mahra is a tough When mixed with myrrh, it provides relief
WADI DAW’AN ‫وادي دوﻋﻦ‬ squares. It was built by a Saudi business- desert landscape populated by an equally from constipation and with carrot seeds sup-
x06 man with roots in the area, who is also re- tough people, many of whom continue to posedly becomes the perfect aphrodisiac!
It is hard to imagine how anywhere in the sponsible for a wave of new schools, clinics live a largely nomadic existence. The tribes
Yemeni desert could be more spectacular and roadworks. It’s sometimes possible to of this area are the original south Arabians
and mysterious than the Wadi Hadramawt, spend the night here. The village has an- and many inhabitants still speak the ancient Al-Khaleej Co Buses (x 05-611222) runs
but sitting quietly in the sidelines, there is other claim to fame that it’s a little less keen language of Mahric, a Semitic language to/from Al-Mukalla every Wednesday
one such place. The Wadi Daw’an might to promote: it’s the ancestral home of the which predates Arabic. It was also in this (YR2500) and also to Salalah in Oman
only be small, but it packs one hell of a extended Bin Laden family. region that the camel was originally do- (YR4000, Tuesday 1pm and Friday 3pm).
punch – everything you thought breath- mesticated, an event that was to transform
taking about the Wadi Hadramawt is here Sleeping & Eating Arabia forever. HAWF
in force, but unlike the camouflaged mud Riboun Hotel (x513590; Main St; r per person with Unless you’re tackling the Omani border, Sitting between high mountain and deep
villages of the main wadi, these villages breakfast & dinner YR2000) The only reliable ac- there is little reason to head to Al-Mahra. sea, the little border village of Hawf will
come in a lush patchwork of shades and commodation in the region is this hotel either be a fond farewell to Yemen or an en-
colours. located in the village of Sif. It’s English- AL-GHAYDA chanting entry. Few people stay more than
For most people Wadi Daw’an is ex- speaking and has a handful of hot and Sun-baked Al-Ghayda is the state capital, a couple of minutes and there are no ho-
perienced as a brief glimpse through the stuffy rooms. though it’s really no more than an over- tels or restaurants, just one small teashop,
windows of a car racing along the back Riboun Restaurant & Hotel (x 73300716; blown fishing village. Attractions are limited which seems to have as many camels drop
road between Sayun and Al-Mukalla, but r per person with breakfast & dinner YR2000) Excellent to a small but enjoyable fruit-and-vegetable by as tea-drinking customers. It’s a shame
it would be much more rewarding to spend three-course meals (YR850) are provided souq and the chance to splash about on the that Hawf doesn’t have more tourist facili-
a day or so here getting into the slow, agri- at this nearby, and confusingly named, res- soft white beach a few kilometres to the ties because it’s the most alluring coastal
cultural groove of the valley. taurant, which is run by relatives of the first east of town. town in Al-Mahra, with a sprinkling of
idyllic cove beaches (where those with their
Sleeping & Eating own transport can camp for a night or two)
OF PETRIFIED CAMELS & TORTURED SOULS Facilities in Al-Ghayda are very limited and close by and the fascinating western tip of
Travel half a day east of Sayun, to the Wadi Masilah, and you will come across an extraordinary it’s unlikely that you would want to spend the Dhofar Mountains rearing up behind
sight: a small town of prim and proper houses set at the foot of a tomb. This is the tomb of the more than a night here. the village. Famous for frankincense, these
Prophet Hud, and this is no ordinary town. The great-great-grandson of Noah, Hud was a giant of Gulf Hotel (x612498; fax 611466; s/d YR1500/1700) mountains hide a huge slab of forest – the
a man, the size of a palm tree according to some. He was sent by God to make the ‘Adites – the The large rooms here could definitely do only real forest in Yemen. It’s a protected
race of giants who were the original inhabitants of Hadramawt – change their immoral and lax with seeing a cleaner on a more frequent zone and access isn’t easy without your
ways. This wasn’t well received by the ‘Adites. They chased Hud and his snow-white camel up to basis, but the beds are soft and the atmos- own set of wheels. It might be possible to
the far end of the wadi, where he eluded his pursuers by riding straight into the cliff face, which phere tranquil. organise something with a driver in Hawf
parted for him and all of his camel but its hump, which was instantly turned to stone. Almost opposite the Gulf Hotel is an un- or Al-Ghayda.
It’s said that Hud is the father of all south Arabians and his tomb, where the camel’s hump named restaurant (meals YR300), where you eat
can still be seen, is the location of an annual three-day pilgrimage. Aside from these three days, straight off the floor and the food is much Getting There & Away
though, the tomb and its surrounding town is utterly deserted and lifeless, haunted it’s said better than expected. There’s no public transport to/from Hawf
only by ghosts. and most people will pass straight through
Not far away is rumoured to be the mysterious Well of Barhut, a bottomless well whose walls Getting There & Away the village on the direct Al-Ghayda–Salalah
are lined with scorpions and snakes. It’s said to be the place where fallen angels and the souls The airport (x612122) is a few kilometres bus. The border is open 24 hours and
of infidels end their days. to the west of town. There are flights from Omani tourist visas are available for most
here to San’a for US$60. Western and Arab nationalities for US$21
512 Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • A c c o m m o d a t i o n Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • B o o k s 513

on the border. If coming the other way, which offer simple but attractive and cosy In Suqutra, diving trips can be organ- war correspondent Aidan Hartley focuses
Yemeni tourist visas are available for most dormitory-style accommodation aimed ised to the unmolested, fish-infested reefs of primarily on the battles of Africa, but in-
for US$30. You don’t need a travel permit squarely at foreign tourists. In the smaller the island through either San’a-based agen- cludes many forays into Yemen and is one
or to be part of a tour group to cross over towns and villages where few eating options cies or the Summer Land Hotel (x05-660350; of the most powerful books you are ever
this border. Independent travellers can con- exist, these traditional tower houses may Hadibu) for around US$35 per dive with all likely to read. Sheba by Nicholas Clapp is
tinue on to Sayun or Al-Mukalla on public also offer half-board for YR2000. TVs are equipment. an interesting and easy-to-read account of
transport without fuss, though once you a basic amenity in Yemen and most budget his search for the origins of the myth. The
reach either of those towns, you will need to hotel rooms have them (though few offer Hiking Southern Gates of Arabia is a travel classic
register with the police and obtain onward satellite channels). Yemen’s highlands offer endless potential written by English woman Freya Stark, who
travel permits. In all of the larger towns and in many of for hiking. A popular spot is the Haraz journeyed through the Hadramawt in the
the smaller ones, there’s usually at least a Mountains, southwest of San’a, particu- early 1900s.
MAKINAT SHIHAN couple of midrange options where singles/ larly around the villages of Al-Hajjarah, A good textual and pictorial overview of
The inland border village of Makinat Shi- doubles with bathroom cost from YR2500/ Kawkaban and Manakhah. There are no of- the country is Yemen – Land and People

han is not a place to linger. Fortunately, the 4000. Cheap but clean, and occasionally ficial hiking trails or maps, so you may need by Sarah Searight. The glossy coffee-table
border is open 24 hours and procedures are well loved, they offer great value. to rely on local guides. Donkeys (for riding book Yemen: Jewel of Arabia by Charles and
identical to those at Hawf (p511). There are In the capital and one or two of the larger or as pack animals) can also be hired. Patricia Aithie whets the appetite before a
no facilities for tourists. towns, there are a few top-end options, Several San’a-based travel agencies spe- trip and serves as a good souvenir after
where rooms cost from YR8000 to just over cialise in hiking: see p520 for information. one. For those with a keener interest in art,

YEMEN DIRECTORY US$200. Some have all the four- or five-star

flourishes you’d expect, including business
and fitness centres.
Swimming & Surfing
With two coastlines on two seas, there are
Queen of Sheba – Treasure from Ancient
Yemen by St John Simpson (ed), which ac-
companied the exhibition ‘Queen of Sheba’,
More general information on the following Discounts in the low season (October to many unspoilt beaches in Yemen. Except contains 12 fascinating and well-illustrated
topics can be found in the Arabian Penin- November and February to May) are usu- for those at Aden (p489) and Al-Khawkha essays on the country’s artistic and cultural
sula Directory (p524). ally negotiable, as well as for stays of a week (p482), beach resorts are almost nonexist- heritage. For more travel literature on the
or more. Don’t be afraid to ask for them. ent, and except at Al-Mukalla (p499), very Arabian Peninsula, see p23.
ACCOMMODATION In this chapter, all the rooms listed come few coastal hotels have private beaches. The
Camping with private bathroom (and often a TV) waves generated by the summer monsoon BUSINESS HOURS
There are no established camp sites in unless otherwise stated. have started to grab the attention of a few Hours vary. Outside the central highlands,
Yemen, but it’s possible to pitch a tent in surfers – conditions are reportedly excel- where the climate is hotter, there is often
most places (bar obvious restricted areas, ACTIVITIES lent in the east of the country. For further an extended midday break (but businesses
such as near military bases). Popular Diving information on surfing in Yemen as well as open earlier and close later). Some busi-
places currently include the Haraz Moun- Decent diving can be had in both the Red occasional tours, see www.oceansurfpubli- nesses close at 1pm regardless and reopen
tains (p467) and the island of Suqutra and Arabian Seas. Although coral is less around 6pm.
(p502), where few alternative types of ac- abundant at sites in the Arabian Sea (be- Banks 8am to noon Saturday to Thursday, open only until
commodation exist. Camping equipment cause of the lower sea temperature) and BOOKS 11am on Thursday.
can be rented from the San’a-based travel visibility can be more erratic, fish life is For anyone hooked on Yemen’s ancient his- Government offices 8am to 3pm, although in practice
agencies (p520). profuse. Visibility ranges from 5m to 25m tory, Arabia Felix – An Exploration of the many close by 1pm or 1.30pm.
depending on the season and weather. The Archaeological History of Yemen by Ales- Post offices 8.30am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 7pm
Hotels best time for diving is between October and sandro de Maigret is considered the defini- Saturday to Thursday. Usually open for an hour from 7pm
Although rock-bottom places can be un- April. tive introduction to the subject. to 8pm on Friday.
earthed in all of Yemen’s towns (for YR400 Currently the only certified diving cen- J’étais Médecin au Yemen (I Was a Doc- Restaurants 7am to 11pm, although they may open
to YR600), they’re not really recommended. tre in Yemen is the German-run Extra Divers tor in Yemen) by Claude Fayein is a classic earlier and close later in larger towns.
The filthy dormitory rooms have rope beds (x350919; in Al-Mukalla and charismatic memoir of a female doc- Shops & private businesses 9am to noon and 4pm to
with no mattresses and, if you are lucky, (p499). Various diving day trips are offered tor’s experiences in Yemen in the 1950s. 8pm Saturday to Thursday. Some open on Friday as well.
rotten blankets. Qat chewers and itinerant and all diving equipment can be hired. Motoring with Mohammed by Eric Hansen Telecom & internet centres 7am to 11pm.
merchants (invariably male) are the main There are decompression chambers in Al- tells of action-packed and amusing travels Yemenia 8am to 1pm or 2pm & 5pm to 7pm or 8pm
clientele, so foreign men would raise an Mukalla and Aden. Various Yemeni-based around Yemen in the late 1980s. Award- Saturday to Wednesday, 9am to noon Friday.
eyebrow and foreign women will simply be tour companies also offer diving tours winning Yemen – Travels in Dictionary
turned away. (sometimes using the experience and boats Land by Tim Mackintosh-Smith is a mod- CHILDREN
Similar but cleaner and more accustomed of Extra Divers) to both coastlines and, ern classic: it’s a witty, erudite but very Yemenis love children, and kids of both
to travellers of both sexes are the budget increasingly, to Suqutra. Try the ATG travel wordy account of contemporary life. Eating sexes are permitted freedom and liberties
hotels, which offer singles/doubles with agency (; just off Hadda St, San’a), the Flowers of Paradise by Kevin Rushby is discouraged during adult life.
shared or sometimes private bathrooms FTI Yemen (; Al-Qiada St, a brilliant and, at times, hair-raising explo- However, facilities for children aren’t
for around YR1000/1400. Some of these San’a) or Marib Travel & Tourism (www.marib-tours ration of the world of qat in both Yemen greatly developed. There are a couple of
are converted traditional tower houses, .com; Hadda St, San’a). and Ethiopia. The Zanzibar Chest by former amusement parks (see p463) in San’a, and a
514 Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • C o u r s e s Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • H o l i d a y s 515

few small parks containing swings and slides other parts of the peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Canada (x613-729 6627; fax 613-729 6627; 54 (usually) quite good in San’a to extremely
in other towns. Other possible activities might for example) or even London. Expatriates Chamberlin Avenue, Ottawa) slow in smaller towns. Rates are very rea-
include donkey or horse riding, swimming in working for international corporations are France (x01-53238787; fax 01 47234295; 25 rue sonable, averaging YR2 per minute.
the sea or a hotel pool, and water sports at at a much higher risk than casual tourists, Georges Bizet, 75116 Paris)
some of the seaside complexes. and dangerous areas of the country are Germany (x030-897305-0; fax 030-897305-62; INTERNET RESOURCES
quickly closed to foreigners. Budapester Str 37, Berlin 10787) The following websites provide useful in-
COURSES Those arrested in the past for connection Italy (x06-44231679; fax 06-44234763; Via Antonio formation and links on Yemen:
Yemen is a great place to learn Arabic. The with terrorism have almost always turned out Bosio, 10, 00161 Rome) American-Yemeni Society ( Contains
cost of living is low, school fees are very to be foreign Arabs living in Yemen illegally. Netherlands (x70-365 3936; fax 70-356 3312; interesting cultural information about Yemen.
reasonable, the Yemeni dialect is not too Meanwhile, the Yemeni government has been Surinamestraat 9, 2585 GG, The Hague) British-Yemeni Society ( Includes
far removed from Modern Standard Arabic at pains to express its absolute condemnation UK (x020-7584 6607; fax 020-7584 3350; 57 Cromwell history and current affairs.
(MSA) and relatively few Yemenis speak of terrorism, and the Yemeni people their Rd, London SW7 2ED) TeleYemen ( Yemen’s only Internet Service
English. San’a schools (p463), which teach disgust and horror of it. The last major terror USA Washington DC (x202-965 4760; fax 202-337 2017; Provider (ISP). It acts as a kind of digital bibliography to all

both MSA and the Yemeni dialect, in partic- attack was a foiled double-suicide bombing 2319 Wyoming Ave, NW Washington DC 20008); New York the sites it serves.
ular, have a good reputation and some have of the oil installations near Ma’rib and Al- (x212-355 1730; fax 212-750 9613; Room 435, 866 US Department of State (
received glowing reports from travellers. Mukalla in September 2006. Prior to 2001, United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017) _warnings.html) Contains – somewhat alarmist – updates
it’s thought that Al-Qaeda maintained some on the security situation and current ‘hotspots’.
CUSTOMS large training camps in the country, but these Embassies & Consulates in Yemen Yemen Gateway ( An over-
Foreigners are permitted up to 2L of al- have been swiftly disbanded and anyone If you’re travelling independently, it’s not view of Yemen’s attractions, history and culture. Lots of
cohol. Note that there is a prohibition on suspected of links to terrorism is dealt with a bad idea to register with your embassy in facts and figures, numerous articles on all subjects, as well
exporting items of artistic value. Anything harshly. At least that’s the official line, but San’a and inquire about any current security as great links.
that is – or looks like – an antique or is of consistent rumours speak of government and concerns. For those countries without dip- Yemen Times ( Good for a quick
archaeological value risks confiscation. military corruption or even collusion with lomatic representation in Yemen (such as perusal of what’s hitting headlines in the country, plus a
terror groups, which has allowed suspects to Australia, Canada and Ireland) you can reg- very useful archive of past articles.
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES walk away without trial. ister at your embassy in Riyadh (see p363).
Despite salacious press reports to the con- The war in Iraq has inflamed passions Most embassies and consulates open be- LANGUAGE
trary, Yemen is probably far safer than your somewhat, and after his execution Saddam tween around 9am and 1pm from Saturday The national language of Yemen is Arabic,
own country. Petty crime, even in the big Hussein was turned into a hero. Many to Wednesday. and Yemenis are widely regarded as speak-
cities, is almost nonexistent and the chances Yemenis will ask a foreigner their opinion France (Map p458; x01-268882) Off Khartoum St. ing the dialect closest to the pure Arabic of
of being caught up in a terrorist attack are on the war and the execution, but that’s Germany (Map p458; x01-413177) Off Hadda St. the Quran. Many Yemenis working in the
highly unlikely. Despite this nobody can say normally as far as it goes. George Bush is Italy (Map p458; x01-269165; Safiah Janubia St) tourist industry speak at least a smattering
that a trip to Yemen is entirely without risk, almost universally detested in Yemen, and Netherlands (Map p458; x01-421800) Off 14th of English, French or Italian. For more, see
and Western governments currently advise if you’re a fan, it would be wise to keep October St) the language chapter (p566).
against all travel to Sa’da province and also these opinions to yourself. On the whole, Oman (Map p458; x01-208874; Al-Hoboob Corp St)
issue regular warnings about the dangers of though, Yemenis are far too laid-back and Saudi Arabia (x01-240429; Al-Quds St) MAPS
overland travel in other areas of the country hospitable to call their guests to account for UAE (Map p458; x01-248777; Circular Lane) Probably the most useful and widely avail-
(Ma’rib, Shabwa and ’Amran are the current the sins or mistakes of their governments. UK (Map p458; x01-302450; Thaher Himyari St able map is the Freytag & Berndt (www.freytag
hotspots) due to the risk of kidnap. (Nashwan al-Himyari St), East Ring Rd) road map Yemen (1:1,500,000),
Traffic Accidents USA (Map p458; x01-755 2000; Sa’wan St) which includes insets of San’a. The Reise
Mines Although traffic in Yemen is significantly Know-How Verlag map Yemen (1:850,000)
During the 1994 War of Unity, unknown quieter than in its more developed neigh- HOLIDAYS is also good.
quantities of land mines were planted. After bours, drivers should definitely deploy In addition to the main Islamic holidays In Yemen itself (and sometimes avail-
a sustained anti-mining campaign, many themselves defensively! Mirrors and in- (see the Arabian Peninsula Directory, p534), able in Europe) the best bet is the Republic
have been cleared, but mines remain, par- dicators are not used, car maintenance is Yemen observes the following holidays: of Yemen Tourist Map (1:1,2500,000) pub-
ticularly around the old North/South Yemen practically nil and most road laws, includ- May/Labour Day 1 May lished by IGN France/Yemen Survey Au-
border. Although the risk may be minimal, ing speed limits, are ignored. See also p522 National/Unity Day 22 May thority. It also has good insets of the major
hikers in little-explored regions should seek and p555. September Revolutionary/Anniversary Day 26 towns on its reverse side.
local advice before setting out. September
EMBASSIES & CONSULATES October Revolutionary/Anniversary Day 14 October MEDIA
Terrorism Yemeni Embassies & Consulates Evacuation/Independence Day 30 November Magazines & Newspapers
According to the US government, Yemen is Following are the Yemeni embassies and The English-language weeklies, Yemen
home to a significant number of sympathis- consulates in major cities around the world. INTERNET ACCESS Times and Yemen Observer (YR30 each),
ers and members of Al-Qaeda. However, For the addresses of Yemeni embassies in Internet cafés are mushrooming up over are published in San’a and make interest-
the chances of being caught up in a terror neighbouring Arabian Peninsula countries, Yemen and are found in all the larger towns. ing reading. Both are well regarded, the
attack in Yemen are considerably lower than see the relevant country chapters. However, connections vary greatly from former for its political commentary and
516 Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • M o n e y Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • P h o t o g r a p h y & V i d e o 517

regular columns, the latter (a more recent cepted for payment by Yemenia airlines, agencies recommend US$5 to US$10 per Mobile Phones
addition) for its commentary on social and some tour operators and some top-end day per group. If there are only one or The only two private suppliers of mo-
cultural issues. hotels, but you’ll incur a steep 5% to 10% two of you, this can add substantially to bile-phone networks are Spacetel (Map p458;
Day-old copies of the Saudi newspaper surcharge. the cost of your tour, and drivers can be- x01-420552;; Hadda St) and
Arab News can sometimes be found in come difficult if they don’t feel they have Sabafon (Map p458; x01-400001;;
bigger towns, as can outdated editions of Cash received a sufficient tip. For adults who Az-Zubayri St), both in San’a. Reception is good
Newsweek. Cash is by far the simplest form of carrying play tour guides or offer other services, a in most areas, though mountain valleys can
your money, and as there is little petty theft, tip of YR300 to YR500 (YR100 to YR150 be problematic.
Radio & TV carrying around big bundles of money is for children) is fair.
Yemen Radio and regional radio stations not a huge worry. US dollars and euros are Phone Codes
broadcast English-language news bulletins the currencies of choice. Travellers Cheques The country code for Yemen is x967, fol-
twice a day (usually once in the evening Banks offer slightly lower rates for cash Travellers cheques can be difficult to change lowed by the local area code (minus the
and morning, though schedules change). than foreign-exchange offices, but are more outside the largest towns. Also, changing zero), then the number. Local area codes

BBC World Service ( likely to change travellers cheques. There is them generally incurs a 3% to 5% com- are given at the start of each city or town
/psims/ScheduleSDT.cgi) can be picked up on no black market, so there’s no advantage to mission or more. If you must use cheques, section. For local inquiries, dial x118;
short-wave radio (15.57Mhz), as can Voice changing money on the street. Crédit Agricole Indosuez is the best bank for international inquiries, dial x152 or
of America (17.73Mhz). to change with. 155. The international access code (to call
The two government-run TV channels Exchange Rates abroad from Yemen) is x00.
suffer from underfunding and poor tech- Country Unit Yemeni riyal PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO
nology. To obtain access to more channels, Small memory cards are available in big- TOURIST INFORMATION
many homes subscribe to satellite TV. The Australia A$1 = YR152.06 ger towns, but they are expensive, so bring Tourist information is not Yemen’s forte.
middle and top hotels invariably receive Al- Bahrain BD1 = YR519.08 all you’ll need with you. Print film is also You’ll find dated and faded tourist bro-
Jazeera, CNN or BBC News 24. Canada C$1 = YR166.80 available in the larger towns (ISO100/200 chures in Yemeni embassies abroad, and
Euro zone €1 = YR254.44 from YR300/350), with San’a offering the little better in Yemen itself. In fact, the
MONEY Japan ¥100 = YR160.97 best selection. You can also find basic capital still awaits its own tourism office,
The unit of currency is the Yemeni riyal New Zealand NZ$1 = YR133.67 slide film there, such as Fujichrome Sen- and they’re as good as nonexistent in re-
(YR), divided into 100 fils. Banknotes come Oman OR1 = YR508.35 sia (YR900), which is very rare elsewhere. gions around the country. Some of the pri-
in denominations of YR10 (rare), YR20, Qatar QR1 = YR53.76 Don’t expect cards or films to be stored in vate travel agents (p520) do a very good
YR50, YR100, YR200, YR500 and YR1000. Saudi Arabia SR1 = YR52.17 optimum conditions. job as surrogate tourism offices in the
Each note is translated into English on one UAE Dh1 = YR53.28 major towns, but it’s best to supply your-
side. Only YR5 and YR10 coins remain, UK UK£1 = YR381.74 POST self with information and maps before you
and though both sides of these coins are in USA US$1 = YR195.70 Post offices can be found in the larger towns arrive.
Arabic only, they are of different sizes (the and villages. Services offered are fairly effi-
YR10 coin is the larger). Many people won’t Moneychangers cient and cheap: a postcard/letter to Europe VISAS
accept ripped or damaged banknotes. Numerous (and well-signposted) foreign- costs YR100, USA and Canada YR120, and Over the past couple of years, visa regu-
Some midrange hotels, all top-end ho- exchange offices are found in the cities and Australia and New Zealand YR150. lations for foreign visitors have changed
tels and most travel agencies quote in US larger towns. They offer shorter queues than several times. They may well change again;
dollars or, increasingly, in euros. Where the banks, faster service, longer opening TELEPHONE & FAX check with your embassy or consulate.
appropriate this book also quotes in these hours (usually 9am to 9pm, except Friday) The national telephone system is control- Currently everyone, except citizens of the
currencies, but payment is always accept- and almost always offer a better rate of ex- led by the government monopoly, Yemen Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) coun-
able in the Yemeni riyals equivalent. change (at least for cash). Check with a cou- Communications Company (commonly tries, requires a visa to enter Yemen. Tour-
ple first, as rates can vary slightly between known as TeleYemen). Every city and ist visas are easily obtained at San’a and
ATMs & Credit Cards offices. Commission is seldom charged, but town has a plethora of ‘telecommunication Aden international airports and all land
In the past couple of years ATMs have ar- check in advance. centres’. Local calls cost around YR30/80 borders (though in reality this means just
rived in Yemen and now most of the big- inside/outside town. The standard inter- the Yemen/Oman border) for citizens of all
ger bank branches in the large towns have Tipping national charge is about YR200 per minute European Union nations, Scandinavian na-
ATMs that accept foreign cards. Most will Although tipping is not expected in local to anywhere in Europe, North America, tions, the USA, Switzerland, Australia, New
only allow you to withdraw the equivalent restaurants, the upmarket tourist estab- Australia and New Zealand. There are no Zealand, Japan, Russia and several other
of US$200 per transaction up to a daily limit lishments often add a 10% to 15% service off-peak periods offering discounted rates. countries. The cost for all nationalities is
of US$600. Problems with foreign cards are charge. Service charges and government Phonecards costing from YR500 to YR4000 US$30 (or euro/Yemeni riyal equivalent)
very common and you shouldn’t rely sim- taxes (totalling 22% or more) are often are available. Some internet cafés in bigger and the visa is valid for three months. Ob-
ply on them. There are several ATMs at included at top-end hotels and restau- towns offer internet calling. taining the visa in this manner is fast and
San’a airport. rants, too. Porters and waiters in these es- Faxes can be sent from any telecommu- painless, but it’s still a good idea to check
Credit cards (Visa commonly, Master- tablishments will also expect tips (YR100 nications centre. Local/international faxes the latest rules with a Yemeni embassy in
Card sometimes and Amex rarely) are ac- to YR200). For drivers and guides, travel cost YR30/YR500 per page. advance.
518 Y E M E N D I R E C T O R Y • • V i s a s T R A N S P O R T I N Y E M E N • • G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 519

Everyone else should obtain visas from travel permit is required. Permits are quick gain a permit from the tourist police, you’ll from local women and children when not
an embassy or consulate beforehand. and easy to obtain in San’a and most other need the following: dressed ‘appropriately’). Conservative dress
Where there is none, you can obtain one big towns (where you should inquire in the  passport and photocopy of passport (in- is expected. Female toilets can be hard to
from an embassy/consulate in a neighbour- police station). cluding personal and visa details) find, but many restaurants have ‘family
ing country (neighbouring your country or The following table outlines which areas  itinerary (showing where you’re travel- rooms’ with toilet facilities.
neighbouring Yemen). Note that Israelis or of the country were, at the time of research, ling to, and for how long) See also the general advice for women
travellers to Israel (with an Israeli stamp in closed to all foreigners and which were  means of transport, eg air, bus, car hire travellers, p543.
their passport) will be denied a visa/entry open only to those travelling with a tour (including the name of the car-hire com-
to Yemen. Very occasionally there are prob-
lems at immigration for those with Paki-
stani or Afghani stamps in their passport.

Open to
pany or travel agency)
 names of everyone in your group
 details of your return journey home (date
There is no official rule against having these Open to Independent of departure, flight etc). GETTING THERE & AWAY
stamps, so if you do encounter problems Area Tour Groups Travellers Entering Yemen

remain polite and insist on seeing someone Take wads of photocopies of the permit Immigration is an uncomplicated proce-
higher up the chain of command. Al-Jawf no no (around seven or eight per day of travel), dure, but slow. If arriving by land, you’ll be
If you’re visiting on business or to study, Sa’da city sometimes no as you’ll have to dish them out at the check- required to do all paperwork at the border
you’ll need to apply for a special business/ & road to San’a points across the country. crossing. Proceedings can take hours, par-
student visa, and provide a letter of intro- Sa’da province sometimes no If you significantly change your itinerary, ticularly if you’re with your own vehicle.
duction from your organisation or college. Shaharah yes no you should inform the tourist police and/or
These visas must be obtained through a Hajja yes yes the travel agency within 24 hours. Alterna- Air
Yemeni embassy in advance of your arrival. Ma’rib town yes sometimes tively, obtain another permit from the near- Most international traffic arrives and de-
Take note also of the travel-permit & main roads est major police station. If it’s just a minor parts from San’a airport. A few airlines,
restrictions (below). Barraqish sometimes no change, you won’t have any problems. particularly from Middle Eastern countries,
Sirwah no no If your first point of arrival is not San’a, also use Aden. Work is currently under way
Visa Extensions Lahij yes yes try to get a travel permit through the first on a new airport for San’a, which is sched-
A one-month tourist visa can normally be Abyan main roads only main roads only major police station on your route. Alterna- uled to be completed by 2009.
extended at the Immigration Authority (Map Shabwa normally, main coastal tively, you can fly to San’a from wherever Aden Airport (x02-233999)
p458; x01-612767; fax 01-618240; Khawlan St; h8am- but not all areas road only you arrive and get a permit in the usual Al-Hudayda Airport (x03-213254)
2.30pm Sat-Wed) in San’a, where a one-month Ah-Mahra yes yes way there. Ar-Rayyan Airport (x05-354920)
extension will be granted for YR1500. A Bab al-Mandab no no Note that if you are only flying around San’a International Airport (x01-345812)
tour operator can provide this service, but Yemen (and not using overland transport), Sayun Airport (x05-842321)
you may be charged a fee. Alternatively, an Note that the situation changes very fast. you do not need travel permits. Ta’izz Airport (x05-218191)
exit visa (valid for two weeks) is usually eas- For much of 2003 to 2006, all of Sa’da prov-
ily obtained on the last working day before ince was closed, but at the start of 2007 the Police Escorts Yemen’s national carrier, Yemenia (x01-
the visa expires. city and main road to San’a were reopened At the time of writing, it was compulsory 232380;; Hadda St, San’a), flies to
For residents or workers in Yemen, longer to tour groups only. Also, for a period in to take a police escort from San’a to Ma’rib dozens of destinations across the Middle
extensions can be granted, but you’ll need 2006, everywhere in Shabwa province was and on to Sayun, and from San’a to Sa’da East, Europe (including London, Paris and
to present a letter from your employer/or- closed to all tourists. and Shahara, as well as from Aden to Al- Rome), Africa and Asia. Yemenia has a rea-
ganisation to the Ministry of Labour, which You should not attempt to visit closed Mukalla. However, this may well be relaxed sonable safety record (see
will then write a letter to the Immigration areas. Most of Yemen is very safe, but there in the future – check in advance. The police for details), though flights sometimes expe-
Authority. are a couple of regions where foreigners normally ask YR2000 to YR3000 per car for rience delays or cancellations (particularly
are not welcome at all, and to attempt to this service, though prices seem to be fairly during Ramadan and the haj pilgrimage),
Travel Permits & Closed Areas visit them would be very dangerous. Fortu- open to negotiation. so reconfirmation is essential.
Due to tribal tension and conflict in some nately, the police turn back the occasional
areas as well as problems with kidnapping, foolhardy visitor long before they can put WOMEN TRAVELLERS OTHER AIRLINES FLYING TO/FROM YEMEN
certain areas are completely out of bounds themselves and other people into serious Yemen’s attitude towards and treatment of EgyptAir (MS; Map p458; x01-275061; www.egyptair
to foreign visitors or require the services of danger. foreign (and local) women is considerably; Az-Zubayri St, San’a) Hub Cairo.
a tour company. To travel anywhere else in Yemen you more relaxed than its northern neighbour, Emirates (EK; Map p458; x01-444442; www.emirates
For several years following the Septem- require a permit, which is free and can be Saudi Arabia. Female tourists can drive .com; Hadda St, San’a) Hub Dubai.
ber 11 attacks, it was not possible to travel obtained from the Tourist Police (Map p458; rented or private vehicles, and do not have Gulf Air (GF; x01-440922;; Hadda
independently in Yemen, and all visitors x 01-250203/4; Al Jamáa al Arabia St) in San’a. to wear head coverings. In some remote St, San’a) Hub Bahrain.
were required to use the services of a tour Although officially open 24 hours, you’re areas as well as northern and eastern prov- Lufthansa (LH; Map p458; x01-213400; www
company. This has now changed and much best advised to come to the office between inces, head covering is advised, if only as a; Az-Zubayri St, San’a) Hub Frankfurt.
of the country is open to independent trav- 8am to 6pm Saturday to Wednesday, when gesture of respect (some readers have re- Qatar Airways (QR; Map p458; x01-506030; www
ellers using public transport, though a you’re more likely to get somewhere! To ported stone-throwing, spitting and glares; Hadda St, San’a) Hub Doha.
520 T R A N S P O R T I N Y E M E N • • G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y T R A N S P O R T I N Y E M E N • • G e t t i n g A r o u n d 521

Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJ; Map p458; x01- Sea See the Yemen country map (Map pp450–
446064;; Hadda St, San’a) Hub Amman. Although cargo boats sometimes connect SIGN & SOUND LANGUAGE 1) for Yemenia destinations (marked with
Saudi Arabian Airlines (SV; Map p458; x01-506574; Yemen (the ports of Aden, Al-Mukalla Few tour company drivers speak languages an airport symbol).; Az-Zubayri St, San’a) Hub Jeddah. and Al-Hudayda principally) to ports on other than Arabic. If you must have one that Note that it’s considerably cheaper to
Syrian Air (RB; Map p458; x01-506020; www.syriaair the Peninsula, as well as to Egypt, Eritrea speaks a language you can understand, buy Yemenia tickets in Yemen through a
.com; Hadda St, San’a) Hub Damascus. and Sudan, there are currently no regular request one well in advance of your trip. Yemenia office rather than through a travel
services or timetables, and finding a vessel If you don’t get one, don’t despair. Most agency. For the cheapest fares, book flights
Land willing to take a foreigner can prove very Yemeni drivers are exceptionally obliging, well in advance. Yemenia offices can be
BORDER CROSSINGS difficult. hardworking and eager to please. And found in all of Yemen’s main towns, and
Though the border with Saudi Arabia is One option is to try and persuade a sam- you’ll be amazed at how far you can get accept Yemeni riyals, US dollars, euros and
open to anyone with a visa, it’s presently buq owner to take you aboard, but again with signs and sounds! usually Amex, MasterCard and Visa credit
not possible for foreigners to cross the bor- your fate will largely be decided by the will cards.
der. This is because of major security prob- and whim of the captain. Note also that Yemenia flights are prone to both de-

lems north of Sa’da leading to the whole sambuqs do not have the best health and ian, Spanish, German and Russian can also lays and cancellations. Always reconfirm
area being closed to foreign tourists. safety records! Speaking Arabic will consid- usually be organised. flights.
There are two standard border crossings erably increase your chances. Be aware that Following is a list of some reputable
for Oman, both of which are open to foreign- voyages are generally hot, humid, uncom- agencies based in San’a. Bicycle
ers and neither of which present any major fortable and time-consuming. There are Arabian Horizons Travel & Tourism (Map p458; As longs as cyclists are reasonably fit (for
problems. Transport from Sayun tends to frequent sambuqs between Al-Makha and x01-506007;; Hadda St) mountainous terrain), self-sufficient (with
use the inland crossing at Makinat Shihan, Djibouti, but many of these are involved Branches in Aden, as well as in the USA and Canada. lots of spare parts) and able to carry plenty of
while the coastal route uses the Hawf cross- in smuggling and recently a number of ATG (formerly YATA; Map p458; x01-441260; www water, there’s no reason not to bring a bike.
ing. Whichever route you choose, the roads boats carrying Somali refugees have been; just off Hadda St) Offers all the standard Punctures are quite common, however, and
are brand new and in excellent condition attacked by the Yemeni navy, which has tours and specialises in diving (see p512). you’ll need to ride extremely defensively.
and visas are available for most on the bor- resulted in heavy loss of life. For the time FTI Yemen (Map p458; x01-253216; www.ftiyemen Yemeni drivers aren’t used to cyclists, and
der. See p511 for further information. being, this is not a safe way of arriving in .com; Al-Qiada St) A slick professional outfit that can tend to ‘bully’ smaller traffic anyway. Make
See also information on visas and travel or leaving Yemen. arrange almost any kind of tour almost anywhere in sure that your bike is registered in your
permits (p517) and additional information Yemen – including surfing tours in the remote east. passport upon arrival to avoid problems
on border crossings (p547). Tours Marib Travel & Tourism (Map p458; x01-426833/8; with customs on exiting the country.
Currently the vast majority of visitors to; Hadda St). A friendly and well-
BUS Yemen travel with a tour agency, and with regarded tour company that values customer service and Bus
For Oman, buses travel direct from Sayun the constantly changing security situation really goes out of its way to try and help. It can organise Buses travel to almost all the larger towns
to Salalah or from Al-Ghayda direct to Sala- and travel-permit regulations, this is prob- standard tours throughout the country as well as specialist (sometimes several a day), and services are
lah. Though it’s possible to make the same ably the best way to go. However, few tour trips, including diving in Suqutra, mountain hiking and pretty punctual and safe.
journey in a series of shorter hops using operators outside the country offer tours to travel for senior citizens. Highly recommended. The longest-established bus company
shared taxis and buses, it will take much Yemen. Fortunately, there are a number of Radfan Agency Tours (Map pp460-1; x01-272231; is Yemitco (Yemen International Transport Company;
longer, cost more and, with very little to see good local companies based in San’a that fax 01-272231; Talha St) Specialises in hiking off the x01-275088; h5am-8pm, in the south 9am-1pm &
en route, serve little purpose. Two buses a can help organise your trip (as much or as beaten track, including with camels. 3-8pm Sat-Thu, 4-8pm Fri), which offers comfort-
week leave Sayun (YR5000, 16 hours) and little as you want), from reserving an inter- Universal Travel & Tourism (Universal Touring Com- able seats in air-conditioned buses. In the
two a week leave from Al-Ghayda (YR4000, national flight to organising car hire and pany; Map p458; x01-272861; www.universalyemen last couple of years it seems to be losing
nine hours). For more information see p509 renting out full camping equipment. .com; off Midan at-Tahrir) The largest and oldest travel out to a multitude of newer companies and
and p511. The standard rate among travel agencies agency in Yemen, it offers all the usual tours, but specialises now generally only runs a reliable service
in San’a is US$60 per vehicle per day. This in cultural tours. It focuses its efforts on larger groups and in the most-populated central areas. The
CAR & MOTORCYCLE is for a large 4WD and also includes the there have recently been some complaints from individuals biggest of the rival companies is General
The usual documentation is required for driver’s fee, his food and accommodation, and small groups about the services they have received. Land Transport (x01-281318), which also has
border crossings and must be valid for all petrol and 230km to 250km free mileage There’s an office at the airport (open 6am to midnight). smooth, comfortable buses that are often a
countries you intend to visit. Crossing bor- per day. The rate increases to US$75 per little cheaper than Yemitco.
ders can be time-consuming (procedures day for longer trips (ie more than 250km GETTING AROUND Yemitco has just one class, but some of the
can take between one and two hours). or about six hours’ driving) and to US$100 For current travel restrictions outside the other private companies (such as General
A ‘road tax’ of around US$55 is usually per day for journeys along desert trails (eg capital, see p517. Land Transport) offer 1st- and 2nd-class
charged when crossing the Yemeni–Oman Ma’rib to Wadi Hadramawt) that involve on some services (though the difference in
border in your own vehicle. Petrol stations police escorts. Good discounts can usually Air price is usually marginal). Yemitco services
are plentiful around the borders, and spare be negotiated for longer trips. The only airline offering domestic flights work out to be YR3 to YR3.50 per kilo-
parts can normally be found. Note that un- Guides (costing from around US$30 to is the national carrier, Yemenia (x01-232380; metre. Examples of fares include San’a to
leaded petrol is unavailable in Yemen. See US$40 per day, including food and accom-; husually 8am-1.30pm & 4-7pm Sat- Aden (YR1400, six hours) and San’a to Al-
also p556 for information on road rules. modation) speaking English, French, Ital- Thu). It boasts a pretty extensive network. Hudayda (YR1100, five hours).
© Lonely Planet Publications
522 T R A N S P O R T I N Y E M E N • • G e t t i n g A r o u n d T R A N S P O R T I N Y E M E N • • G e t t i n g A r o u n d 523

You can usually buy tickets in advance, ROAD HAZARDS Some travellers (particularly women) pay for all the seats (usually six or 10), so
and on Friday and other public holidays The main hazard when driving in Yemen prefer to pay for the two front seats; you’ll to calculate the fare, multiply the prices
this is highly recommended, particularly is probably the Yemenis themselves, who be a lot more comfortable if you do. quoted for shared taxis in this book.
for longer journeys (when three days in ad- demonstrate an almost admirable disregard
vance is not too soon). for road rules, as well as for needless car ‘ac- CONTRACT TAXI MOTORCYCLE TAXI
cessories’, such as mirrors and indicators. Taxis can also be contracted between cities If you want to beat the traffic in the larger
Car & Motorcycle The lack of signposts (in any language) is and towns. The word ‘special’ is commonly towns, you can always hop on the back of
DRIVING LICENCE another problem. used by drivers to describe contracted taxis. a motorbike taxi (YR100 to YR250 depend-
An International Driving Permit is recom- Other hazards include animals wander- To contract your own taxi, you’ll need to ing on the length of the ‘hop’).
mended, though not legally required. A driv- ing onto the road and children playing on
ing licence from your country of origin is them. If you have to drive at night, be extra
normally accepted by car-hire companies. vigilant. Many vehicles have no lights.

Although fuel is fairly widely available (still Driving in Yemen is on the right side of the
consider carrying spare fuel in remote parts), road. Seat belts are strongly advised, but are
spare parts and repair shops are not. Unleaded not legally required.
petrol is unavailable. For general advice and
some tips on desert driving, see p554. Local Transport
HIRE Minibuses (which run from 6am to around
Most car-hire companies are based in San’a midnight) ply the streets of all the major
(see p466). Drivers must be over 21 (some- towns. They’re cheap (YR10 to YR30 for a
times 25 years old), and have a valid driving hop), but unless you know exactly where
licence from their own country. There’s a they’re heading, taxis are an easier, faster and
US$200 deposit payable on all cars as a guar- certainly more comfortable option.
antee. Nowhere in Yemen rents motorbikes.
There are real advantages to hiring a car Taxi
with a driver. It’s safer, cheaper, more com- In a shared taxi, short hops around town
fortable and more convenient. Addition- cost YR30 and for a cross-town contract
ally, a driver acts as navigator, mechanic, taxi you’ll need to negotiate, but Yemeni
interpreter and sometimes guide. See p520 taxi drivers are generally more honest than
for tour companies that provide car and most of the world’s cabbies! A journey
driver hire. across San’a, for example, would rarely cost
more than YR400.
Third-party insurance is mandatory and is SHARED TAXI
usually included in car-hire prices – but Connecting all the main towns and villages,
always check. Rented vehicles cannot be and operating very much like buses, are the
taken out of the country. shared taxis (known as bijou). Although
rarely more comfortable than buses, they
ROAD CONDITIONS tend to be faster, and leave at more con-
In the last five years Yemen’s road network venient times and more frequently. How-
has gone from fairly mediocre to something ever, they only leave when full, so you can
that would leave many Western nations be in for a long wait. When travelling to
green with envy. This is largely thanks to a more remote places, try and catch the first
huge upsurge in foreign investment, espe- departure.
cially from the US government, which sees Fares are fixed (and generally cost about
roads as an essential element in extending the same as the buses), and payment is
the central government’s writ to even the made before the journey. Passengers on © Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
most faraway areas. Even the furthest desert long-distance trips are often required to restricted. In return, we think it’s fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
trails are starting to get a tarmac coating, write their names and nationalities on a only. In other words, please don’t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
and as long as you stick to established passenger list (English is OK). Foreign-
routes, it’s now quite rare to need to switch ers must show their travel permit at each everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
into four-wheel drive. checkpoint. the above - ‘Do the right thing with our content.’

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