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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The socio-cultural commercial complex is a place to

safely care for and display our rich history in

artifacts, and the many innovations of the people. A

particular group of people have called this area home for

knowledge to cope with their world and with one another,

and that are transmitted from generation to generation

through learning, encompassing language, religion,

cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The Center will

provide a place for dance groups to gather, practice and

perform and for all to celebrate the traditional and

living indigenous cultures of our region. The center will

provide our people with a facility to connect and engage

with other tribal members, visiting foreign, and anyone

interested in learning about the unique languages and

cultures of the Philippines. Cultural centers are

becoming more popular around the world. Culture includes

“every aspect of life: know how technical knowledge,

customs of food and dress, religion, mentality, values,

language, symbols, socio-political and economic behavior,

indigenous methods of taking decisions and exercising

power, methods of production and economic relations and

so on” (Verhelst, 1990)

The socio-cultural commercial complex serves to define the

culture of Filipinos and audience spaces and organize the

spaces as well as provide facilities such as theaters,

art galleries, halls, restaurants, auditorium, amenities,

mall, library for people and artist. The Cultural Center

of the Philippines is the national center for the

performing arts. It is mandated to promote excellence in

the arts through the initiation and implementation of

activities that aim to improve and elevate standards

among cultural workers, artists and audiences and to

recognize the multiplicity and differences of aesthetic

experiences and standards encompassing the arts from

grassroots to those formulated by academy-trained

artists. It houses several venues for the performing arts

as well as areas for both permanent and changing

exhibits. It serves as home for the country’s premier

performing arts groups such as the Ballet Philippines,

the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra, Tanghalang

Pilipino and others. Cultural Center of the Philippines

(2015, January 7). Resources cited to

Capiz is province where good artist and talents.

Gathering these all phenomenal diversities of a province

at one place and to spread the essence of our rich Capiz

culture. Culture has been called “the way of life for an

entire society.” As such, it includes codes of manners,

dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behaviour

and systems of belief (Jary, 1991; Bauman, 2001).

Statement of the Problem

The identified problem is that in Capiz, as concerns

the preservation and integration of culture into daily

reality, there is a lack of an appropriate space for

showcasing the diversity of the Capiz culture as

represented by various tribes that make up the city. This

study aims to evaluate how cultural center promotes and

preserve Filipino arts and culture and This proposed

development will provide a facility for the presentation

of completed projects from the development and training


Specifically, it sought answer the following questions:

1. Thus cultural center attracts locals and tourist?

2. How can architecture and design represent a nation

Theoritical Conceptual
Framework Framework

Selection of the characteristics

sustainable & ecological and architecural
innovations and elements Cultural building design
fitting to an cultural SITE SELECTION

Internation precedents
Culture is all those Local precedents
means whose forms are CULTURAL ICONIC BUILDINGS
not under direct genetic
control which serve to
adjust individuals and
groups within the Cultural artifacts
ecological communities Design patterns
(Binford 11, p 323) Traditional elements

Panay tribal and
Panay history

Figure 4. Theoritical Framework Diagram

Objectives of the Study

Generally this study aims to design a socio-cultural

commercial complex in the Province of Capiz to serve as

an alternative interaction to people and to attract

locals and tourists

Specifically it seeks to:

1. Design effective spaces so that people can easily

relate themselves to the city and its culture.

2. Preserve the culture and creating an opportunity for

people to know about it through exhibitions and


3. Design a sustainable building adopting reusable

rainwater-capturing system, constructed from

recyclable materials and geothermal heating and

solar panels.
Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to accumulate social

interaction within cultural activity to gather them in

one place where people interact to get a sense of another

culture. Culture is the deepest root of both architecture

and sustainable design, and this project is extremely

well used by the citizens of Capiz. This complex provides

a space where people can share their experiences in

culture exists to satisfy the needs of people within a

society that will help them to keep general public aware

of the latest cultural developments which they can share

their talents, art, music, photography, poetry for

culture and this would benefit:

Architecture. The project is to preserve the

history activities of the cultural center that necessary

for the community that may fulfill their functions.

Artist. The facilities is limited provision for the

private facilities for professional performing artists

which would help them build up their identity and

audience loyalty This study will regain the fading

culture of the province of Capiz.

Researcher. The study will promote arts education

and culture that can imbue young people to a sense of the

satisfaction of culture.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study encompassed historical background

of cultural center. This study also described the problem

of the study which circulates around the awareness that

the Filipino cultural character desires important as it

is respondent of being an imitation to the culture of its

once colonizers.

The proposed socio-cultural commercial complex includes

the adaptation of Panay Bukidnon architectural design

into a contemporary design approach, landscape design,

and the used of solar energy, rainwater harvesting, and

modern synthetic palm thatch for building system. The

cost analysis for the proposed project is not included in

the study.

Another limitation was the need to select few

characteristics of the main ethnic groups as the basis

for the creation of the identity design concept. This

involved the choice between traditional architecture,

artifacts, textiles, myths, handicrafts or ceremonies

meanings. One had to prevail over the others and the

seleceted construction materials were based on the

analysis of other iconic buildings and architectural

processes to achieve the proposed identity solution.

Definition of Terms

Perfomance Arts is a performance presented to an

audience within a fine art context, traditionally



Music is a form of art; an expression of emotions

through harmonic frequencies. Music is also a form of

entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that

people like, find interesting or dance to. Most music

includes people singing with their voices or playing

musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums or

violin. (

Theatre, also spelled theater, in dramatic arts, an

art concerned almost exclusively with live performances

in which the action is precisely planned to create a

coherent and significant sense of drama.


Monument is something such as a castle or bridge

which was built a very long time ago and is regarded as

an important part of a country's history.



Cinema and media studies includes a dizzying array

of subfields: film history, television studies, media

studies, critical theory, visual arts, cultural studies,

digital culture, game studies, popular culture, and the

study of the moving image.



Dagway Sigmahanon, Inc or DSI a community based theater

from Sigma, Capiz is one of the most-sought after

cultural group in Capiz and in the country in recent

years, is into advocacy on social issues through the

performing arts. (



Architectural acoustics a relationship between sound

produced in a space and its listeners, of particular

concern in the design of concert halls and auditoriums.

Adopt- to choose as a standard or required in a course


Balconies a one or more raised seating platforms

towards the rear of the auditorium. In larger theaters,

multiple levels are stacked vertically above or behind

the stalls. The first level is usually called the dress

circle or grand circle.


Tradition is a belief, principle, or way of acting

that people in a particular society or group have

continued to follow for a long time, or all of these

beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group



Green Room is a formal space area (V.I.P lounge

area) that is used by the artist to greet the public

after a performance.


Theater a setting for plays or a wide room for

dramatic presentations are performed inside the building.


Tradition is the handing down of statements, beliefs,

legends, customs, information, etc. from generation to

generation, especially by practice.





In this review of the literature for this study, the

researcher will expound further all the information that

was given the analysis and references collected to

further improve the principle design of the project.

2. Related Literature

Cultural Center

A cultural center or cultural centre is an organization,

building or complex that promotes culture and arts.

Cultural centers can be neighborhood community arts

organizations, private facilities, government-sponsored,

or activist-run.

Commercial Building

Commercial buildings are buildings that are used for

commercial purposes, and include office buildings,

warehouses, and retail buildings (e.g. convenience

stores, 'big box' stores, and shopping malls). In urban

locations, a commercial building may combine functions,

such as offices on levels 2-10, with retail on floor 1.

When space allocated to multiple functions is

significant, these buildings can be called multi-use.

Capiz is a province located in the region of Western

Visayas in the central section of the Philippines. Its

capital is the City of Roxas and is located at the

northeastern portion of Panay Island, bordering Aklan to

the north, Antique to the west, and Iloilo to the south.

Capiz faces the Sibuyan Sea to the north.

2.2 Population of Capiz

The Capiz population according to Capiz quickstat 2007

and 2015 is 781,384.

DEMOGRAPHY (Source: 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing

(CPH) 2015 2010 2007 2000
2007 and 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN))
Total population 761,384 719,685 701,664 654,156
Urban … 133,768 104,408 -
Rural … 585,917 597,256 -
Male 386,535 364,626 358,840 329,006
Female 374,849 355,059 342,824 325,150
Annual growth rate (1990-2000, 2000-2007, 2000-2010, 2010-2015) 1.08 0.96 0.97 1.14
Sex ratio (number of males for every 100 females) … 102.7 104.7 101.2
Household population 760,307 718,961 700,807 653,602
Male 385,819 364,162 358,225 328,692
Female 374,488 354,799 342,582 324,910
Number of households 180,098 159,061 144,525 128,569
Average household size 4.2 4.52 4.85 5.08
Population density (square kilometer) 293 277 270 252
Median age … 24.1 20.0 20.9
Dependency ratio … 60.9 78.2 72.4
Young dependents … 51.1 68.7 64.0
Old dependents … 9.8 9.5 8.4
Proportion by age group
0- 4 … 9.6 12.8 11.6
0 - 14 … 31.7 38.6 37.1
15 - 64 … 62.2 56.1 58.0
18 and over … 61.4 54.1 55.9
60 and over … 8.9 7.7 7.5
65 and over … 6.1 5.3 4.9
Proportion of urban population … 18.6 14.9 28.6
Proportion of persons with disabilities … 1.8 n. a. 1.3

2.3 Capiz culture

One of the culture community represent by Capiz is Dagway

Sigmahanon, Inc or DSI a theater from Sigma, Capiz is one
of the most-sought after cultural group in Capiz and in
the country in recent years, is into advocacy on social
issues through the performing arts. Performers are out-
of-school youth, students and professionals. DSI
garnered awards in promoting tourism and in cultural
presentation. The group likewise represented the Province
of Capiz in WOW! Philippines (2003,2005), Intramuros,
Manila, 2006 and 2007 Western Visayas Regional Tourism
Assembly as well as in various theater festivals in the
country. DSI is finalist in the Best Cultural Group
Category in 21st Aliw Awards.

Capizeños are of the Malayo–Indonesian ancestry with more

than 90% of the population Catholic. They speak Ilonggo
or Hiligaynon dialect, a Visayan dialect that is widely
spoken in the region; although it has a distinctive
different accent than that spoken by the Ilonggos of
Iloilo and Negros Occidental.

Catholic Others

2.4 Cultural, Design and Architectural Identity

According to Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, former

secretary general of the United Nations, headed the

independent World Commission on Culture and Development,

in an interview given in 1996. No culture can invalidate

another, though it may often be able to enrich it by new

concepts, categories and insights” This research will be

focused on addressing the need for an appropriate

architectural space in Capiz that would showcase the

city’s cultural heritage and diverse ethnic traditions.

In many parts of the world traditional urban and

architectural environments are being continuously

replaced by unfamiliar design (Saleh, 1998) point out

that iconic buildings are sometimes seen as the

contemporary equivalents of monuments and landmarks.

There is also a possibility that the interest in the

building may stimulate interest in the cultural content

showed inside.

Cultural Facilities: A Study on Their Requirements and

the Formulation of New Planning Standards and Guidelines

The study has concluded that the priority needs for new

facilities are as follows:

 Commercial cultural facilities for major

international performances which are also

significant tourist attractions

 Purpose-designed medium scale performing venues of

600 to 1,000 seats

 Private sector provision of small scale performance

studio venues with 100-300 seats; at community

level, there is a demand for space for preparatory

activities such as studios, workshops, classrooms

and small rehearsal and performance space. Whilst

the quality of the space can be modest, a high

degree of freedom in usage without rigid procedures

and restrictions is important

 Ancillary space for storage, set and prop making, a

scrap store etc.

 alternative space for non-mainstream arts activities

(contemporary art galleries, black box theatres,

workshops etc.)

 Greater use of streets and open space to encourage

interaction in the community through public arts.

Similarly wider use of shopping malls and other

public spaces should be made; and

 Showgrounds and temporary sites for short term

performances and events.

NCCA Guidelines for the Implementation of Schools of

Living Traditions

General Guidelines

1. The NCCA considers the preservation of the


of different cultural communities as vital to



2. A convergence strategy is needed to ensure the SLT’s

continuity. A co-initiative methodology or enabling

multi-stakeholder ship and participatory process on

a long term engagement must be established and must

focus but not limited to the promotion community

assets as well as recognition of communal properties

and cultural enterprise development.

3. The SLT program of the SCCTA generally aims to


a venue where a culture bearer/master, who embodies

the skills and techniques or a particular


art form, imparts to a group of interest youth the

skills and techniques of such form. At the same


it shall be resources base for cultural communities

to achieve an improved quality of life, a

reinvigorated cultural integrity, a balance eco-

system and a thriving culture of peace as well an

increase in income beyond subsistence levels.

Specific Guidelines

1. The NCCA through the SLT shall preserve

aspects/components of traditional culture and arts

considered to be important to a cultural community

and shall facilitate the transfer these

aspects/components to the youth through the masters

of the community;

2. The NCCA shall consider the Indigenous People

Organizations (IPOs), NGOs, LGUs or educational

institutions as potential implementors of the SLT

3. The NCCA shall institutionalize learning

venues/centers for the perpetuation of the


peoples’ culture

4. In coordination with the department of education and

the Commission on Higher Education, the NCCA shall

find a way to integrate the SLT in the formal

educational system for wider participation and

dissemination beyond the community;

5. The NCCA shall assist the SLT in establishing

linkage with the Local Government Unit for the

purpose of providing space for the training and/or

setting up of a community museum.

6. The NCCA through the SLT shall actively engage in


establishment of viable cultural enterprises and

vibrant cultural tourism projects that are grounded

on local engagement with other stakeholders, the


ensure the following outputs are in place:

a) Capacitated indigenous people’s councils or

cooperative are successfully managing community


b) Functional cultural community infrastructures are

in place.
c) Projects for sustainable management of the

resources and raw materials are implemented.

d) Profitable and/or create industries are

established before the end of the NCCA program


e) A multi-stakeholders approach must be generated

with other funding partners (

2.5 Case Studies

Local Studies
Case Study 1

Figure 1. Cultural
center of the Philippines

Cultural center of the Philippines (CCP) is a center for

the performing arts, focusing on the development of

theater, dance, music and production design. The case is

intended to generate discussion on the requirements of a

planning and control system and its uses in running a

complex organization such as CCP. A showcase of Filipino

artistic expression and a landmark of national

architecture beauty.

Foreign Studies
Case Study 1

Figure 2. “Les

Fuseaux“ Cultural Center

“Les Fuseaux“ Cultural Center / ANMA is designed to host

plays or complex of performance spaces, concerts, dance

performances, circus acts and special events for public

and private users. The spaces therefore needed to be

adaptable and multi-purpose and at the heart of the

building, the main auditorium occupies the three central

pods. Two balconies on either side follow the curve of

the walls, bringing the audience close to the stage. The

tapering walls and part of the false ceiling are clad in

thin horizontal wooden strips that give the space a

welcoming and intimate character.

Case Study 2
Figure 3. Faena Forum, Faena Bazaar and Park

As the cultural core of the Faena District, the Forum

provides a focal point to the neighborhood and to the

mid-Beach zone at large. The ensemble of three buildings

– the Faena Forum, Faena Bazaar and Parking—enrich

Faena’s hotel and residential components along Collins

Avenue, providing a dynamic symmetry between the

district’s cultural and commercial programming across

Miami Beach’s main thoroughfare.

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