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Evaluation of Communication Materials (Things to consider)*

 Communication objectives for the whole communication campaign

- Specific changes in KSAP of stakeholders

 Material’s goal (in terms of changes i.e., increase in knowledge levels about the key message(s)
and change in attitude towards the message)

- To measure change before and after exposure to material

= Change in knowledge – pre-test and post-test on material content (a significant difference in

mean scores of primary stakeholders indicate increase in knowledge – t-test or z-test);

= Change in attitude - Likert scale to measure change in attitude

 Use of prototype pre-testing tool for actual target audience – to determine points for
improvement of material in the future (readability testing, FGD, in-depth interview, gatekeeper
review etc.)

 Cost effectiveness in terms of cost of production vis-à-vis result


- Communication objectives for the whole campaign

- Changes in behaviour e.g., increase in participation among stakeholder groups, formation of
bantay dagat group, formulation and enforcement of relevant policies, establishment of
MPAs, decrease in number of violations etc.
- Attainment of economic goals
- Attainment of ecological goals

*Different from pre-testing of prototype communication materials; usually done after exposure of stakeholders to the
materials (except for giving pre-test to determine knowledge of content prior to exposure to the communication
IEC material design - prototype
IEC material development
based on key messages and
benefits; stakeholders’
characteristics; materials’ goal

IEC material production plan

(Production Checklist)

- How will the material be shared

and used in the field?
- How will it be pre-tested and
- Is there a need for support or
reinforcement of the material?

Pre-testing of prototype IEC

material developed to measure
attractiveness, comprehension,
acceptability, self-involvement,
persuasion (call to action) using
FGDs, readability test, in
depth-interviews, theatre
testing, gatekeeper reviews,

IEC materials production based

For Evaluation Purposes
on pre-testing results
(considering material design,
Giving a pre-test on the
production plan, budget)
content of IEC materials prior
to exposing target stakeholders
to IEC materials

Determining attitude of
Use of IEC materials in the field stakeholders towards the
message prior to exposure to
IEC materials

Evaluation of IEC materials

produced to measure For Evaluation Purposes
effectiveness in terms of
communication objectives i.e., Giving a post-test on the
changes in KSAP) content of IEC materials after
exposing target stakeholders to
- Change in knowledge IEC materials
- Change in attitude
- IEC materials (using Determining attitude of
prototype pretesting tools stakeholders towards the
(interviews, FGDs, etc.) message after exposure to IEC
- Cost-effectiveness materials

Liah C. Catedrilla. Ph.D.

(with sources from: Bertrand 1978; FAO
2014; PCARRD, 1997)

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