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S2 blood Brain barrier- protection of the blood from harmful substances

S3 dura mater- double layered that surrounds the brain

The layers are used together except in 3 areas where they separate to enclose
dural sinuses that collect venous blood.

S4 Arachnoid membrane – threadlike extensions extends to the inner membrane

Subarachnoid space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid

S5 choroid plexuses are clusters of capillaries hanging from the “roof” of the brain’s

S8 blood brain barrier is important to disallow the brain from reacting from chemical
changes and uncontrolled neural activity. Sodium and potassium are ions involved
in initiating nerve impulses and some amino acids serve as neurotransmitters.
Exposure of which may affect the necessary transmission of impulses.

Fat soluble molecules diffuse easily through all plasma membranes. Which is why
bloodborne alcohol affects the brain

S9 approximately 17 inches or 42cm long, ------continuation of the brain stem------

provides two way conduction path to and from the brain-------In humans, 31 pairs
of spinal nerves

S11 dorsal horns contain association neurons or interneurons

Ventral horns contain cell bodies of motor neurons of the somatic nervous system

The dorsal and ventral roots fuse to form the spinal nerves

S17 they are numbered in order and in most cases their name reveal important structures
they control

S19 immediately after being formed each spinal nerve divides into dorsal and ventral
rami which contain both motor and sensory nerves.

Thus damage to a spinal nerve or either of its rami results both in loss of sensation
and flaccid paralysis of the area of the body served

S23 autonomic nervous system known as the involuntary nervous system is a motor
subdivision of the PNS that controls body activities automatically.
S26 the sympathetic division mobilizes the body during extreme situations such as
fear exercise and rage whereas the parasympathetic division allows us to unwind
and conserve energy.

S31 the sympathetic division generates a head steam that enables the body to cope
rapidly and vigorously with situations that threaten homeostasis.

Its function is to provide the best conditions for responding to some threat,
whether the beast response is to run to see better or to think more carefully.

S35 over the next 60 years or so neurons are damaged and die and our store of
neurons continually decreases. However, an unlimited number of neutral
pathways are always available and ready to be developed. We never run out of
recording tape and can continue to learn throughout life

page 254

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Cerebrospinal fluid composition change may be a sign of


Tumors blocks drainage of csf movement, it could create hydrocephalus

Multiple sclerosis

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