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IB English A: Literature Hanthorn

Name: Andrea Yao Period: 2

Socratic Seminar: Self Assessment

This checklist is a way for you to evaluate your performance during Socratic Seminar. Reflect on your own
contributions to the class discussion and carefully evaluate yourself, providing evidence to support your claim.

English A: Literature course objectives addressed:

– Demonstrate an ability to express ideas clearly and fluently in both written and oral communication, with an
effective choice of register and style
– Demonstrate a command of terminology and concepts appropriate to the study of literature
– Demonstrate an ability to express well-organized oral and written arguments

Directions: Score yourself between 0-3 in the boxes that apply. To receive full credit (20 points), you should
have shown evidence that you participated fully and thoughtfully. Remember that your score will reflect both
your own score and the teacher evaluation of performance.

Attribute Score Evidence

Shared my position on a question with 3 Jackie asked a question about Kite Runner as a whole.
a relevant idea. May Mon, Mia, and Carina mentioned the sensitive topics
of the novel. They also talked about the Western
audience and how people might react to Afghanistan
culture and mindset. I agreed with everyone and tied
Jackie’s statement with the original question about

Asked an analytical question and/or a 0 I didn’t ask any relevant questions.

follow-up question.

Spoke clearly with volume control. 3 I tried my best to speak loud so everyone could hear me
even though it was difficult to do it with the ma on.

Expanded on someone else’s idea, or 3 I expanded on Carina’s ideas twice because I could hear
respectfully disagreed with an idea. her more clear than everyone else. I agreed with her idea
of redemption. I also agreed with Mia’s statements about
gender roles.

Showed deep analysis by making a 3 I connected the sensitive topics from Jackie’s original
connection, reflecting on author’s question and the theme of redemption. I also mentioned
choices, or debating a topic. the Afghanistan’s cultural connections to answer Kaylee’s
IB English A: Literature Hanthorn
Name: Andrea Yao Period: 2

question about women roles. 3

Attribute Score Evidence

Encouraged someone else to speak. 2 I didn’t talk over anybody in my group and let everyone
share their thoughts respectfully.

Used body language to indicate 2 It was hard to determine my peer’s body language
participation. because we wore masks. I tried to keep track of everyone
who spoke.

Stayed on-task and maintained focus, 3 I listened to everyone’s ideas/thoughts even though it was
overcame distractions. hard to understand them at one point (outside
distractions by the gym).

Took notes. 3 - Now that we’ve read the novel, is redemption an idea
that can happen? Can someone truly justify a sin?
- Ending: Amir reminds Sohrab the same thing Hassan
told him in a dream. “For you a thousand times over”.
What does this mean?
- The last sentence of the novel is “I Ran”
- Hosseini mentions why he wrote about historical events
in Afghanistan which parallels the same ideas that
happened to the characters.
- The author incorporates the theme of redemption
- Amir would do anything/everything for Sohrab. He did a
lot for Hassan but he will re-do his actions once again for
his son.
- Flashback: Hassan and Amir’s childhood
- The states of Sohrab towards the ending changes.
Hosseini decoupled the characterization fully.
- Not a completely satisfying happy ending but rather a
valuable one (ambiguity/realistic).
- Ending parallels Amir and Hassan’s childhood days.
- The ending opened a new passageway for
- Rahim Khan plays a large role in the book. He sends
Amir to a new journey to find Sohrab. Rahim Khan wants
to be alone but leaves Amir one last letter.
- Rahim Khan’s character is similar to a fatherly figure to
IB English A: Literature Hanthorn
Name: Andrea Yao Period: 2

both Amir, Hassan, and Sohrab.

- Rahim Khan supports Amir’s character towards the
ending. Rahim Khan has a similar characterization to
Baba, especially when it comes to their honesty.
- Rahim Khan’s last letter: to show forgiveness and for
Amir to start redeeming himself.
- Flashback: Amir didn’t like any of the gifts beside Rahim
- What is the purpose of the flashback when Rahim Khan
was telling Amir about everything?
- What is the purpose of the alley scene flashback when
Amir discovered Hassan’s death?
- Suggested themes: Regret and Melancholy
- Ending: Amir partially redeemed himself
- Ending: the idea of freedom and finding a way to
become good again
- Amir telling his family about everything: the new events
he learned and old events that he hid from his wife.
- Kite Runner: a story about Amir trying to redeem
himself. Amir is the Kite Runner which is connected to the
last sentence of the novel “I ran”.

Attribute Score Evidence

Reviewed chapter before seminar and 2 I didn’t share my discussion questions but I reviewed
created discussion questions. everyone’s page numbers (examples from the book).

Found relevant lines and page 3 Pages 288-292: The scene where Amir accepted Assef’s
numbers during discussion. fight. I connected this idea to the theme of redemption
because I thought Amir redeemed himself. Amir knew he
needed to stand up for himself because he never did as a

Page 38: Foreshadowing Assef’s blue eyes.

Page 179: Nangs and Namoos: pride, justice, or honor

I used the first block of quotes to expand on the gender
roles. Kite Runner heavily dealt with the theme of power
and the lack of female roles. I also mentioned Soraya’s
thoughts about becoming a teacher which is criticized in the
IB English A: Literature Hanthorn
Name: Andrea Yao Period: 2

Demonstrate subject-appropriate 3 Pages 288-292:

terminology by using academic Repetition of Bas: enough
vocabulary. The fight scene produced raw emotions.

Page 38: Foreshadowing Assef’s blue eyes; I tied this idea to

the fight scene.

Page 343:
Hyperbole: “...until I thought my throat would rip and my
chest would explode.” Sohrab’s suicide attempt in the

Attribute Score Evidence

Kept discussion relevant, literary, We were respectful of each other’s ideas/thoughts. All of
inclusive, and respectful. 3 us agreed with each other’s statements which made it
easier for me to connect different ideas.

Refrained from either Although I found it difficult to speak loud with a mask, I
over-dominating the conversation or 3 answered the main questions and related to the themes of
not contributing at all. the novel.

Took risks or showed 2 I could’ve asked a question but it was interesting to build
open-mindedness. Showed an IB different ideas. I noticed nobody mentioned the fight
Learner profile attribute. scene so it was the perfect opportunity to share my idea
with the class.
Identify a personal goal for our next Socratic Seminar:
- Ask a question about the theme of the novel or a key takeaway
- Possibly share a new idea

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