TeachersResource LODoc

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With the aim to begin working towards the objectives of National Education Policy 2020,
Central Board of Secondary Education is delighted to share ‘Teachers’ Resource for
Achieving Learning Outcomes’ . This document is a resource for teachers to help them
incorporate Learning Outcomes in their day-to-day teaching and learning with children.

The document also provides a mapping for each chapter of all core subjects from class 1st
to 10th . The mapping for each grade-subject is divided in three parts: Section I, II and
III. The Section I and Section II have been ad-verbatim taken from the NCERT Learning
Outcomes. The Section I is a list of suggested pedagogy and Section II is the list of
Learning Outcomes that a child is expected to achieve by the end of each class stage.
Further, Section III contains a mapping of each chapter from NCERT textbook and several
Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes. The Learning Objectives for each chapter
could be used by teachers to plan their lessons while keeping an eye on the expected
learning outcomes. More objectives can be developed by teachers while taking up the
chapters. We trust and hope that the teachers would find this mapping useful and would
engage with each other on the ways this can be beneficial in day-to-day teaching and

Opinions and suggestions on improving this document are welcome. These inputs would
be helpful to improve this resource material and shall be incorporated in the subsequent
editions. All possible efforts have been made to remove any technical or typing errors and
present this resource material in a form that the teachers would find it easy and
comfortable to use.


• Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’, Minister of Education, Government of India
• Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Minister of State for Education, Government of India
• Ms. Anita Karwal, IAS, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy,
Ministry of Education, Government of India

Advisory and Creative Inputs
Our gratitude to Ms. Anita Karwal, IAS, for her advisory and creative inputs for this
document during her tenure as Chairperson, Central Board of Secondary Education
Guidance and support
• Shri Manoj Ahuja, IAS, Chairman, Central Board of Secondary Education
• Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, Director (Academics), Central Board of Secondary
• Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director (Skill Education & Training), Central Board of
Secondary Education

Writing Team
• Sh. Al Hilal Ahmed, Joint Secretary,Academics , CBSE
• Dr. Jyoti Gupta,Principal, Delhi Public School, Sahibabad
• Mr. Saurabh Kumar, Central Square Foundation and the entire team

Review Team
• Dr. (Mrs.) Praggya M. Singh, Joint Secretary, Academics, CBSE
• Sh. Pramod Kumar T K, Joint Secretary,Academics,CBSE
• Dr. (Mrs.) Sweta Singh, Joint Secretary,Academics,CBSE
• Sh. Al Hilal Ahmed, Joint Secretary,Academics,CBSE
• Mrs. Ramandeep Kaur, Deputy Secretary,Academics,CBSE
• Ms. Sunila Aithley, Principal, Amity International School, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad
• Ms. Arti Chopra, Amity International School, Sec-46, Gurugram
• Mrs. Kirti Tandon, Principal, St. Xavier’s High School, G Noida (W)


Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5

िहदं ी ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
क"ा 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 12

क"ा 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 45

क"ा 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 63

क"ा 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 84

क"ा 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 124

क"ा 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 159

क"ा 7 ............................................................................................................................................ 195

क"ा 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 239

क"ा 9 ............................................................................................................................................ 280

English .............................................................................................................................................. 392
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 393
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 400
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 407
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 415
Class 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 423
Class 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 432
Class 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 471
Class 8 ........................................................................................................................................... 505
Class 9 ........................................................................................................................................... 533
Class 10 ......................................................................................................................................... 566
Mathematics .................................................................................................................................... 604
Class 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 605
Class 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 615
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 623
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 634
Class 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 644
Class 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 651
Class 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 667

Class 8 ........................................................................................................................................... 684
Class 9 ........................................................................................................................................... 700
Class 10 ......................................................................................................................................... 713
Environmental Studies .................................................................................................................. 727
Class 3 ........................................................................................................................................... 728
Class 4 ........................................................................................................................................... 744
Class 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 762
Science .............................................................................................................................................. 781
Class 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 782
Class 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 801
Class 8 ........................................................................................................................................... 825
Class 9 ........................................................................................................................................... 848
Class 10 ......................................................................................................................................... 878
Social Sciences................................................................................................................................. 907
Class 6 ........................................................................................................................................... 908
Class 7 ........................................................................................................................................... 943
Class 8 ........................................................................................................................................... 972
Class 9 ........................................................................................................................................... 988
Class 10 ....................................................................................................................................... 1014

1.1. Competency Based Education:
Competencies are the applied skills and knowledge that enable learners to successfully lead
their life and perform the work required by them in daily life. They are a way to verify that
a learner has in fact learned what has been intended. Competency Based Education or CBE
consists of six critical components as follows:

i. Lucid Learning Outcomes or LOs with reference to the skills and proficiencies
ii. Flexibility in time frame to acquire the skills meaning thereby, that the learner can
achieve each LO at his/her own pace within the given year.
iii. Selection of innovative pedagogies or instructional activities to acquire the skills
in the classroom to ensure optimal guidance to individual learner
iv. Availability of a range of engaging content for both teacher and learner
v. Criterion referenced testing /assessment of LO
vi. Certification of level of proficiency in learning based on demonstrated LOs

1.1.1 Features of Effective CBE:

An effective CBE should be able to answer the following questions:

i. What is it that the student should be able to do after he/she has undergone the
learning process? – (Ans. Learning Outcome)
ii. What is it that the student needs to learn /know in order to reach that LO? –
(Ans. Curriculum-based learning resources, not limited to textbooks)
iii. What are the kinds of classroom transactions or activities which will become the
basis for this learning? –(Ans. Experiential and Activity-based pedagogy)
iv. How will the teacher check the learning? or How will the student demonstrate that
learning? –(Ans. Through assessment)
v. How will a teacher gauge the level of proficiency of a student? – (Ans. Criterion
referenced testing )

1.2. Learning Outcomes, Learning Objectives and CBE:

Learning Outcomes are an integral part of Competency Based Education (CBE). Proper
framing of Learning Outcomes and linking them with pedagogical processes is crucial to the
success of CBE. Therefore, attention is drawn towards the following concepts:

1.2.1. Learning Outcomes (LOs):

i. These are general statements that tell us what a student is able to accomplish after
having learnt a given topic/ concept.

ii. The learning described in outcomes should encompass the essential and
significant knowledge and skills that the students would achieve.

iii. They delineate not only the cognitive achievement but also the values, life skills
and attitudes students would demonstrate at the end of a unit.
iv. The Learning Outcomes provide an opportunity for teachers to reflect on the
curriculum, context of learning, content, application and assessment to be
designed to ensure the prerequisite degree of Learning Outcomes is achieved.

Thus, LOs are an extremely important tool for students, teachers, parents,
administrators and policy makers. Teachers need to use learning outcomes as
a tool for improving education and not as a means of simply completing a

1.2.2. Writing Learning Outcomes on the basis of the framework provided by

NCERT: A complete Learning Outcome will consist of:

i. An observable behavior or an action verb along with any special condition for
displaying the outcome. Action verb denotes the intended domain in the taxonomy
of cognitive domain and focuses on cognitive processes operating on different
kinds of knowledge dimensions like factual, procedural, conceptual and meta-

ii. After the action verb comes subject content, for which the action is being taken,
followed by an explicit level of achievement (if not implicit) and condition of
performance (if required). The performance level is considered sufficient to
demonstrate mastery. Test items are prepared and matched to the LOs assembled
before initiating instructions. LOs are usually defined by the following features:

i. Clear language without any ambiguity

ii. Behavioural activity

iii. Measurable outcomes with desired performance criteria

iv. Linked to teaching and learning methods

v. Assessment and evaluation must be aligned with overall competencies mentioned
in the framework developed by NCERT

1.2.3 NCERT Learning Outcomes Document:

The Learning Outcomes Document developed by NCERT defines the learning outcomes/
competencies in all the curricular areas, linking them with the curricular expectations
and the pedagogical processes.
1.2.4. Learning Outcomes and Learning Objectives:

• Learning Objectives are statements that tell us what a student is able to do after
learning a given topic /concept.
• While an outcome gives a general statement of purpose, objectives are more
concrete and specific in how the goal will be achieved.

1.3. How to Use this Document?

This document is an attempt to create a resource for teachers. The basis of this document
is the learning Outcomes document prepared by NCERT. An attempt has been made to
frame Learning Objectives for each chapter/concept in each subject and map these with
the learning outcomes prepared by NCERT.

1.3.1. Learning outcome and Learning Objectives Sections:

The document has three Sections which are mapped with the NCERT textual content and
concepts of different classes. It must be clear to the teachers that the focus of teaching-
learning process in Competency Based Education (CBE) which should be the
achievement of Learning Outcomes by each learner, and not the completion of the
textbook, where one chapter follows another. Textbook is only a tool for achieving
Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcomes can also be achieved by other forms of learning
resources too, such as, project work, films, workbooks, worksheets, storybooks, novels,
graphic novels, nature trips, internet resources etc.

Annexure Annexure Annexure Chapter

I II III Mapping Section I: Pedagogical Process given by NCERT:

• This contains suggestions for pedagogical processes that can be undertaken by

teachers to ensure achievement of Learning Outcomes.

• The list is only illustrative and teachers are free to innovate, adopt, adapt or
undertake new pedagogies to ensure active learning.
• To an extent possible pedagogies based on experiential and activity-based
learning that integrate Arts, Sports and ICT maybe preferred. Section II :Learning Outcomes Defined by NCERT:-
• The NCERT defined Learning Outcomes (LO) for classes 1 to 10 are given in the
Section II.
• The Learning Outcomes (LO) have been slightly modified to show how they can be
measured by teachers for assessing a learner’s progress and are shown in the
column titled ‘Measuring the Learning Outcomes’. Based on the pedagogical
suggestions of NCERT, additional Learning Outcomes are also given in this
• For a typical learner studying in an English or Hindi medium school, the following
number of LOs are expected to be achieved per class:

1. English 15 38
2. I Maths 9
3. Hindi 14
4. English 12 36
5. II Maths 7
6. Hindi 17
7. English 16 57
8. Maths 12
9. EVS 15
10. Hindi 14
11. English 19 65
12. Maths 13
13. EVS 15
14. Hindi 18
15. English 19 57
16. Maths 8
17. EVS 13
18. Hindi 17
19. English 17 95
20. Maths 18
21. VI Science 14
22. Social Science 26
23. Hindi 20
24. English 21 116
25. Maths 22

26. Science 16
27. Social Science 35
28. Hindi 22
29. English 27 119
30. Maths 22
31. VIII Science 15
32. Social Science 32
33. Hindi 23
34. English 29 108
35. Maths 12
36. IX Science 19
37. Social Science 29
38. Hindi 19
39. English 36 99
40. Maths 13
41. X Science 19
42. Social Science 11
43. Hindi 20
TOTAL 790 Section III: Mapping of NCERT Textbooks to the Learning Outcomes(LOs)

and Learning Objectives(LOBs):
• The mapping of NCERT textbooks to the LOs and LOBs is depicted in this Section.
• LOs and LOBs have already been described above. However, in short, objectives
say what we want the learners to know, and competencies show how we can
be certain that the students know them.
• It may be noted that this mapping is not sacrosanct.
It may be considered as one of the possible and effective methods of mapping. There
could be several other wide-ranging and diverse ways of curriculum mapping.



क"ा 1

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी )श"ा+थ-य/ ()भ1न 3प से स"म ब8च/ स:हत) को ?यिAतगत , साम:ू हक 3प से काय-
करने के अवसर और IोJसाहन :दया जाएगा ताNक उ1हP –
अपनी भाषा मP अपनी बात कहने ,बातचीत करने (भाSषक और सांकेUतक मVयम से) के )लए
अवसर एवं IोJसाहन ह/
ब8च/ Xवारा अपनी भाषा मP कहY गई बात/ को :हंदY भाषा और अ1य भाषाओं (जो भाषाएँ
क"ा मP मौजद
ू ह^ या िजन भाषाओं के ब8चे क"ा मP ह^) मP दोहराने के अवसर उपल_ध ह/
। इससे भाषाओं को क"ा मP सम+ु चत dथान )मल सकेगा और उनका श_द भंडार,
अ)भ?यिAतय/ का भी Sवकास करने के अवसर भी )मल सकPगे ।
कहानी, कSवता आ:द को बोलकर सन
ु ने के अवसर ह/ और उस पर बातचीत करने के
अवसर ह/
:हंदY मP सन
ु े गीत, बात, कSवता, खेल गीत, कहानी आ:द को अपने तरYक़े और अपनी
भाषा मP कहने सन
ु ने के अवसर उपल_ध ह/
Iiन पछ
ू ने एवं अपनी बात जोड़ने के अवसर उपल_ध ह/
क"ा अथवा SवXयालय (पढ़ने का कोना/पd
ु तकालय) मP dतरानस
ु ार Sव)भ1न Iकार कn एवं
Sव)भ1न भाषाओं (ब8च/ कn अपनी भाषा/ऐं, :हंदY आ:द) मP रोचक सामpी qेल मP उपल_ध
हो । कमजोर rिsट वाले ब8च/ को Vयान मP रखते हुए कुछ सामpी बड़े अ"र/ मP भी छपी
हुई हो
तरह तरह कn कहाUनय/, कSवताओं को +चu/ के आधार पर अनम
ु ान लगाकर पढ़ने के अवसर
उपल_ध ह/
Sव)भ1न उXदे iय/ को Vयान मP रखते हुए पढ़ने के Sव)भ1न आयाम/ को क"ा मP उ+चत
dथान दे ने के अवसर उपल_ध ह/, जैसे Nकसी कहानी मP Nकसी जानकारY को खोजना, कहानी
मP घटY Sव)भ1न घटनाओं के xम को तय करना, उसे अनभ
ु व संसार से जोड़कर दे ख पाना
ु ी, दे खी, बात/ को अपने तरYक़े से काग़ज़ पर उतरने के अवसर ह/
ब8चे अ"र/ कn आकृUत बनाना श3
ु करते ह^ भले हY उनके Xवारा बनाए गए अ"र/ मP
सगढता न हो – इसे क"ा मP dवीकार Nकया जाए
ब8च/ Xवारा अपनी वत-नी गढ़ने कn IवUृ त को भाषा सीखने कn INxया का :हdसा समझा

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 1 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने
के :Sतफल के साथ
SवSवध उXदे iय/ के )लए अपनी भाषा अथवा/और dकूल कn भाषा का इdतेमाल करते हुए
बातचीत करते ह^, जैसे – कSवता कहानी सन
ु ाना, जानकारY के )लए Iiन पछ
ू ना, Uनजी
ु व/ को साझा करना ।
ु ी सामpी (कहानी, कSवता आ:द) के बारे मP बातचीत करते ह^, अपनी राय दे ते ह^ Iiन
ू ते ह^ ।
भाषा मP Uन:हत VवUनय/ और श_द/ के साथ खेलने का आनंद लेते ह^, जैसे – इ1ना, ~ब1ना,
Uत1ना ।
SIंट ()लखा या छापा हुआ) और गैर -SIंट सामpी (जैसे +चu या अ1य pाNफ़Aस) मP अंतर
करते ह^ ।
+चu के सÅ
ू म और IJयेक पहलओ
ु ं का बारYक अवलोकन करते ह^ ।
+चu मP या xमवार सजाए +चu/ मP घटY अलग-अलग घटनाओं,गUतSव+धय/ और पाu/ को
एक संदभ- या कहानी के सu
ू मP दे खकर समझते ह^ और सराहना करते ह^ ।
पढ़Y कहानी, कSवताओं आ:द मP )लSप +च1ह//श_द//वाAय/ आ:द को दे खकर समझते ह^ और
सराहना करते ह^ ।
संदभ- कn मदद से आस-पास मौजद
ू SIंट के अथ- और उXदे iय का अनम
ु ान लगते ह^, जैसे
– टॉफ़n के कवर पर )लखे नाम को ‘टॉफ़n ‘, ‘लॉलYपॉप’ या ‘चोAलेट ‘ बताना ।
SIंट ()लखा या छपा हुआ) मP मौजद ू अ"र, श_द और वाAय कn इकाइय/ को पहचानते
ह^, जैसे - ‘मेरा नाम Sवमला है ।’ बताओ, यह कहाँ )लखा हुआ है ?/ इसमP ‘नाम’ कहाँ )लखा
हुआ है ?/ ‘नाम’ मP - ‘म’ पर ऊँगलY रखो।
पáर+चत/अपáर+चत )लàखत सामpी ( जैसे – )मड डे मील का चाट- , अपना नाम, क"ा
का नाम, मनपसंद Nकताब का शीष-क आ:द) मP 3+च लेते ह^, बातचीत करते ह^ और अथ-
कn खोज मP SवSवध Iकार कn यिु Aतय/ का इdतेमाल करते ह^, जैसे – केवल +चu/ या +चu/
और SIंट कn मदद ठäक अनम
ु ान लगाना, अ"र-VवUन संबंध का इdतेमाल करना, श_द/
को पहचानना ,पव
ू - अनभ
ु व/ और जानकारY का इdतेमाल करते हुए अनम
ु ान लगाना ।
:हंदY के वण-माला के अ"र/ कn आकृUत और VवUन को पहचानते ह^ ।
dकूल के बाहर और dकूल के भीतर (पd
ु तक कोना/पd
ु तकालय से) अपनी पसंद कn Nकताब/
को dवयं चन
ु ते ह^ और पढ़ने कn को)शश करते ह^
)लखना )सखाने कn INxया के दौरान अपने SवकासाJमक dतर के अनस
ु ार +चu/, आड़ी -
Uतरछä रे खाओं (Nकरम काटY) , अ"र आकृUतय/ , dव – Uनयं~uत लेखन (क1वे1शनल
राइ:टंग) के माVयम से सन
ु ी हुई और अपने मन कn बात/ को अपने तरYक़े से )लखने का
Iयास करते ह^

dवयं बनाए गए +चu/ के नाम )लखते (लेबे)लंग) ह^, जैसे – हाथ के बने पंख का +चu बनाकर
उसके नीचे ‘बीजना ’ (qजभाषा,जो Nक ब8च/ के घर कn भी भाषा हो सकती है ।) )लखना

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-1- 1वषय :हंद= सी. बी. एस. ई . Cवारा अपनाए - सीखने के HIतफल
नोट – सOपण
ू R पाSयTम सीखने के HIतफल
पाठ 1 कवर Vकए गए 1वषय Wश5ण के लYय सीखने के HIतफल

4व4वध उ;दे Hय@ क^ पeू तN के fलए अपनी भाषा

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के तीन@ काAयांश@
अथवा jकूल क^ भाषा का इjतेमाल करते हुए
से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे जैसे झल
ू े
बातचीत करते हZ, (जैसे – झूले के बारे मM )
पर चढ़कर बालक Tकसे छूना चाहता है ? दस
ू रे काAयांश
जानकार` के fलए GHन पछ
ू ते हZ , अपने अनभ
ु व@
मM Tकन दो शहर@ के नाम Xदए गए हZ ? आXद | क]ा
को साझा करते हZ|
,वण वाचन कौशल का मM चचाN क^ जाएगी Tक झल
ू े पर बैठना ब_च@ को कैसा
4वकास लगता है ? झल
ू े पर बैठने क^ बार` न आए तो कैसा
पाठ-1- (झल
ू ा) महसस
ू होता है ? िजससे वाचन कौशल का 4वकास
होगा |कम से कम एक- दो सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब
जो दो तीन शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

nबना माoा वाले और आ क^ माoा वाले चार अथवा शcद@

पठन कौशल का 4वकास
को पहचानकर पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे जैसे - आज, इस,पर,
मज़ा, बड़ा, उड़कर, बरस आXद |
कलम पकड़ कर कैसे fलखा जाता है ,यह कौशल sहण
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास करM गM|ऐसा वे चार अथवा पाँच अ]र/दो शcद(आमnoक)
जैसे पर,कर ,चल- आXद fलख कर करM गM

कम से कम पाँच शcद@ के अथN बताने मM स]म होगM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
|जैसे - बड़ा, उड़कर, बरस आXद |
क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर, Xदए गए yचo मM से चीज़@
ू यांकन क^ पहचान करवाकर तथा सीखे गए नए शcद@ के ,ुतलेख
;वारा मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |
fशz]का ;वारा बराबर`, अनश
ु ासन और दस
ू र@ के बारे मM
नैeतक मw
ू य सोचना आXद नैeतक मw
ू य@ पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा

पाठ 2 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

fश]क ;वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी को 4व;याथ> बार` बार` yचo के स|
ू म और G•येक पहलु पर बार`क
पाठ 2
से क]ा मM सन
ु ाएँगे| आम तथा आम के पेड़ का yचo अवलोकन करते हZ ।
(आम क^ ,वण -वाचन कौशल का Xदखाकर क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी िजससे ,वण -वाचन
कहानी) 4वकास कौशल दोन@ का 4वकास होगा | कम से कम एक- दो
सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो दो तीन शcद@ के ह@ दे
यह पाठ एक
पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।
yचo कथा है

पठन कौशल का 4वकास yचoकथा सCबEधी आसान शcद, fश]क ;वारा fलखे
जाएँगे ,fश]क ;वारा Xदये गए TकEह` दो अथवा तीन
आसान शcद@ जैसे आम ,शाम ,हाथ को पढ़ सकेगM ।

पाठ के अंत मM कम से कम एक सरल शcद
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - आसान आXद|

पाठ के अंत मM कम से कम दो तीन शcद@ के अथN

शcद 4वकास कौशल बताने मM स]म होगM |जैसे - गुलेल,,छJा , घ@सला आXद

पाठ के अंत मM Xदये आलेखीय अÅयास@ क^ सहायता से

ू यांकन
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा दस
ू र@ क^ सहायता , पश-ु पz]य@ के
नैeतक मw
ू य
बारे मM भी सोचना आXद नैeतक मw
ू य@ पर 4वशेष बल
Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 3 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

fश]क ;वारा लया•मक Ñप मM क4वता सन
ु ाई जाएगी ,
पाठ 3
,वण -वाचन कौशल का क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत भाषा मM eनXहत Öवeनयाँ और शcद@ के साथ खेलने
(आम क^ 4वकास GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे जैसे -छोकर` Tकतने का आनंद लेते है जैसे- टोकर` , छोकर`
टोकर`) साल क^ थी ? टोकर` मM xया था ? िजससे ,वण और
वाचन कौशल दोन@ का 4वकास होगा |कम से कम एक-

दो सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो दो तीन शcद@ के
ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

fश]क ;वारा Xदये गए TकEह` दो अथवा तीन आसान

पठन कौशल का 4वकास
नए शcद@ को पढ़ सकेगM जैसे - टोकर`, चस
ू ना आXद

दो आसान शcद जैसे - आम, नाम, साल fलखने मM

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
स]म ह@गM

पाठ के अंत मM कम से कम चार नए शcद@ के अथN

शcद 4वकास कौशल बताने मM स]म होगM जैसे - टोकर` , छोकर` , चस
ू ना
आXद |

क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन

ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
ू यांकन पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Tकया जाएगा |

फल खाकर उसके eछलके कूड़ेदान मM ह` फMकने चाXहए,

नैeतक fश]ा fशz]का ;वारा इस नैeतक मw
ू य@ पर 4वशेष बल Xदया
जायेगा |

पाठ 4 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल
fश]क ;वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को 4व;याथ> Öयानपव
ू क
,वण -वाचन कौशल का
ु Mगे और पछ
ू े गए GHन@ के उJर दM गे | जैसे -
xया सभी पेड़@ क^ प4Jयाँ एक जैसी होती हZ ? क]ा मM
Tकतने Gकार क^ प4Jय@ क^ बात क^ गयी थी ? कम
से कम एक- दो सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो दो
तीन शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

fश]क क^ सहायता से 4व;याथ> तीन -चार नये शcद@

पाठ-4- (पJे ह` पठन कौशल का 4वकास
को पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - पाँच ,गोला, आXद| jवयं बनाए गए yचo@ के नाम fलखते (लेबेfलंग)
पाठ के अंत मे दो सरल शcद fलखने मM स]म ह@गे हZ, जैसे – पJ@ के yचo बनाकर उसके नीचे पJे
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखना
| जैसे - एक,दो,गोला ,द`द` आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

शcदकोश ,पाठ के अंत मM तीन -चार नए शcद@ के अथN बताने
मM स]म होगM जैसे - गोला,धड़ाम, द`द` आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाए गए पाठ का
Assessment) मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा पौधे लगाने और पौध@ क^ दे खभाल
संबंधी बोध पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 5 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

पाठ को 4व;याथ> Öयानपव
ू क
N सन
ु Mगे और पछ
ू े गए पढ़` क4वताओं आXद मM fल4प yचEह@/शcद@/वाxय@
GHन@ के उJर दM गे | जैसे - क4वता मM खाने क^ आXद को दे खकर समझते हZ और सराहना करते हZ
,वण -वाचन कौशल का
Tकस चीज़ क^ बात क^ गई है ? िजससे ,वण और ।
वाचन कौशल दोन@ का 4वकास होगा | कम से कम दो
-तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो चार अथवा पांच
पाठ 5
शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।
fश]क ;वारा Xदये गए TकEह` तीन अथवा चार
पठन कौशल का 4वकास आसान नए शcद@ को पढ़ सकेगM , जैसे-
ु आXद|

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी दो सरल शcद fलखने मM

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
स]म ह@गे | जैसे - पकौड़ी शरमाई , घबराई आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM दो -तीन नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM

स]म होगM जैसे - शरमाई , घबराई आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

पाठ के GHन तथा नए शcद@ के अथN पछ

ू कर, ,ुतलेख
4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन
लेकर पढ़ाई गए पाठ का मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी चीज़@ को fमलजल
ु कर ,बाँटकर
इjतेमाल करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 6 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@
काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN भाषा मM eनXहत Öवeनय@ और शcद@ के साथ
पाठ 6
,वण -वाचन कौशल का ह@गे जैसे - रे लगाड़ी चलने पर कैसी आवाज़ करती है खेलने का आनंद लेते हZ, जैसे – धक धक, भक
(छुक-छुक गाड़ी) ?आXद | क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी Tक रे लगाड़ी मM भक, छक छक
बैठना ब_च@ को कैसा लगता है ? िजससे वाचन
कौशल का 4वकास होगा | कम से कम दो -तीन
सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो पांच अथवा छह शcद@ के
ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

पठन कौशल का 4वकास fश]क ;वारा Xदये गए TकEह` तीन अथवा चार
आसान नए शcद@ को पढ़ सकेगM ,जैसे-
बाब,ू भैया,इंजनआXद|

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - रे लगाड़ी , छुक छुक,
इंजन आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM तीन नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
स]म होगM जैसे - ट` ट`, Xटकट आXद | िजससे
शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,त
ु लेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का
Assessment) मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

सदै व अनश
ु ासन मM रहना चाXहए, fशz]का ;वारा इस
नैeतक मw
ू य
बात पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 7 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल
क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के काAयांश@
से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे जैसे -
,वण -वाचन कौशल का माँ रसोईघर मM xया xया करती है ? क]ा मM
4वकास रसोईघर के बारे मM चचाN क^ जाएगी| िजससे ,वण
-वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -
तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो पांच अथवा छह शcद@

पाठ 7- के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

(रसोईघर ) fश]क क^ सहायता से 4व;याथ> पाठ पढ़M गे , तीन चार Xहंद` के वणNमाला के अ]र@ क^ आकृeत और
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
नए शcद पढ़ना सीखMगे जैसे- भर` भरकम, थाल`,छलनी Öवeन को पहचानते हZ ।
आXद||िजससे पठन कौशल का 4वकास होगा |

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - चकला, बेलन, फल आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM तीन नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM स]म
शcद 4वकास कौशल
होगM जैसे - छलनी , चकला, बेलन आXद | िजससे
शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी चीज़@ को fमलजल
ु कर , बाँटकर
काम करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 8 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के काAयांश@
से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , जैसे-
,वण -वाचन कौशल का रसोईघर मM कौन से बतNन@ क^ बात क^ गई है ?
पाठ 8 4वकास क]ा मM nबwल` के बारे मM चचाN क^ जाएगी? िजससे

ू @ Cयाऊँ सो ,वण -वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा| कम से कम
पढ़` कहानी, क4वताओं आXद मM fल4प
रह` है । दो -तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो पांच अथवा छह
yचEह@/शcद@/वाxय@ आXद को दे खकर समझते हZ
शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।
और सराहना करते हZ ।
पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे| जैसे- छत, पसारे , पतीले आXद|

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे| जैसे - पँछ
ू , साँस ,सँवारे आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे
,पाठ के अंत मM तीन चार नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
स]म होगM जैसे - छत, पाँव, साँस आXद |जो शcद
4वकास कौशल मM सहायक होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN पछ
ू कर,
(Differentiated ,ुतलेख ;वारा पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन Tकया
Assessment) जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा इस बात पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा

नैeतक मw
ू य
Tक पशओ
ु ं के साथ उदारतापण
ू N Aयवहार करना चाXहए |

पाठ 9 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से fलखना सीखने क^ GTõया के दौरान अपने
पाठ 9- (बEदर सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे जैसे - बंदर 4वचारा•मक jतर के अनस
ु ार yचo@ आड़ी – eतरछú
और yगलहर`) क^ पँछ
ू कैसी थी ? बंदर और yगलहर` जैसे उछल कूद रे खाओं (क^रम – काटे ), अ]र– आकृeतय@ , jवर–
,वण कौशल का 4वकास करने वाले जानवर@ पर क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी | वतNनी (इनवM टेड jपेfलंग)nबûटूऔर jवर eनयंnoत
िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा।
कम लेखन के माÖयम से सन ु ी हुई और अपने मन क^
से कम दो -तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो पांच अथवा बात@ को अपने तर`के से fलखने का Gयास करते
छह शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM । है ।

पठन कौशल का 4वकास चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे जैसे-
लCबी उछल-कूद आXद|

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - बंदर , yगलहर` , उछल
कूद आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM तीन चार नए शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - उछल कूद , ज़मीन,
अचानक आXद |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ दो पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,त
ु लेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी चीज़@ को fमलजल
ु कर , बाँटकर
काम करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 10 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

पाठ-10-(पगड़ी) ,वण कौशल का 4वकास क4वता सन

ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@ काAयांश@ प†रyचत/अप†रyचत fलaखत सामsी ( जैसे – fमड
से सCबिEधत GHन@ के क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> डे मील का चाटN , अपना नाम, क]ा का नाम,

क4वता के काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मनपसंद Tकताब का शीषNक आXद) मM Ñyच लेते
मM समथN ह@गे ,जैसे -पगड़ी कैसी थी ? क]ा मM पगड़ी हZ, बातचीत करते हZ और अथN क^ खोज मM 4व4वध
के 4वषय मM चचाN क^ जाएगी | िजससे ,वण कौशल Gकार क^ यिु xतय@ का इjतेमाल करते हZ, जैसे
का 4वकास होगा | कम से कम दो -तीन सवाल@ के – केवल yचo@ या yचo@ और 4Gंट क^ मदद ठúक
मौaखक जवाब जो पांच अथवा छह शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने अनम
ु ान लगाना, अ]र-Öवeन संबंध का इjतेमाल
मM समथN ह@गM । करना, शcद@ को पहचानना ,पव
ू N अनभ
ु व@ और
जानकार` का इjतेमाल करते हुए अनम
ु ान लगाना
पठन कौशल का 4वकास चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे मैल`-

साफ़, मोट` , तगड़ी आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - पगड़ी , मैल` आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM नए चार पांच शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - पगड़ी , मैल`, रगड़ी आXद |जो
शcद 4वकास कौशल मM सहायक होगा |

4वभेXदत मw क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन

ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN पछ
ू कर,
ू यांकन
,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन Tकया
जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी काम@ को fमलजल
ु कर करने पर
4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 11 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , पतंग उड़ती है ?
क]ा मM पतंग पर चचाN क^ जाएगी | िजससे ,वण -
,वण कौशल का 4वकास
वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -तीन
सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो छह अथवा सात शcद@ के
पाठ 11 ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।
संदभN क^ मदद से आस-पास मौजद
ू 4Gंट के अथN
(पतंग) चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे और उ;दे Hय का अनम
ु ान लगते है , जैसे -टॉफ^ के
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
पतंग,फर -फर , सैर सपाटा ,आXद कवर पर fलखे नाम को टॉफ^ , लौल`पोप या

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद fलखने चॉकलेट बताना ।
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - पतंग, सैर सपाटा , आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे,

पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
स]म होगM जैसे - सैर सपाटा , फर फर आXद | िजससे
शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN पछ
ू कर,
(Differentiated ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन Tकया
Assessment) जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी चीज़@ को fमलजल
ु कर , काम
करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 12 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> पाठ से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे |जैसे- गM द जब बwले
के पास गई तो हुआ ? क]ा मM गM द और बwले पर
पाठ 12-(गM द- सन
ु ी सामsी (कहानी, क4वता आXद) के बारे मM
,वण कौशल का 4वकास चचाN क^ जाएगी |िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का
बwला) बातचीत करते हZ, अपनी राय दे ते हZ GHन पछ
ू ते हZ
4वकास होगा

कम से कम दो -तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो
छह अथवा सात शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे ,

पठन कौशल का 4वकास
जैसे गM द, बwला, झाड़ी आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - गM द, बwला, झाड़ी

चार पांच नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN

बताये जाएँगे ,पाठ के अंत मM नए शcद@ के अथN
शcद 4वकास कौशल
बताने मM स]म होगM जैसे - गM द, बwला, झाड़ी ,
फुदकती आXद

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का
Assessment) मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा fमलजल

ु कर , बांटकर Gेमपव
ू क
N रहने
नैeतक मw
ू य
पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 13 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से
पाठ 13
सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे | जैसे - 4Gंट (fलखा या छपा हुआ) और गैर 4Gंट सामsी
(बEदर गया खेत ,वण कौशल का 4वकास बंदर ने साग कैसे तोड़ा ? क]ा मM खेत के बारे मM
(जैसे yचo या अEय sाTफxस) मM अंतर करते है ।
मM भाग) चचाN क^ जाएगी | िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का
4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक

जवाब जो छह अथवा सात शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM
समथN ह@गM ।

चार पांच नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे

पठन कौशल का 4वकास
, साग ,खेत , सप
ू आXद |

िजससे पठन कौशल का 4वकास होगा |

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी तीन नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - खेत , सप
ू आXद|

चार पांच नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये

शcद 4वकास कौशल जाएँगे , जैसे - खेत , सप
ू , ओढ़कर आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा fमलजल
ु कर , बाँटकर काम करने पर
4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 14 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल
क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे जैसे- बXु ढ़या का xया
,वण कौशल का 4वकास
नाम था ? क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी, िजससे ,वण
-वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा

छाo पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पाँच शcद@

पठन कौशल का 4वकास दोपहर` बXु ढ़या,रात,आराम,खाल` को पढ़ पाने मM स]म
पाठ 14 4Gंट (fलखा या छपा हुआ) मM मौजद ू अ]र, शcद
पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार नए सरल शcद वाxय क^ इकाइय@ को पहचानते हZ, जैसे– ‘मेरा नाम
(एक बXु ढ़या)
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - बXु ढ़या, Xदन, रात 4वमला है ।’ बताओ, यह कहाँ fलखा हआ है ?/ इसमM

आXद| ‘नाम’ कहाँ fलखा हुआ है ?/ ‘नाम’ मM मM ‘म’ पर

चार पांच नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN अंगल

ु ` रखो।
बताये जाएँगे ,पाठ के अंत मM नए शcद@ के अथN
शcद 4वकास कौशल
बताने मM स]म होगM जैसे - दोपहर`, शाम आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का

Assessment) मw
ू यांकन Tकया जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा बड़@ का आदर करने पर 4वशेष बल
नैeतक मw
ू य
Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ- 15 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> पाठ से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , बतख का ब_चा xया
बोला ? क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी , िजससे ,वण
,वण कौशल का 4वकास
-वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -
तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ
पाठ 15 शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM । भाषा मM eनXहत Öवeनय@ और शcद@ के साथ खेलने

(मZ भी....) का आनंद लेते जैसे– अंड,े बJख

पठन कौशल का 4वकास पांच छह नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे
अंड,े मग आXद|
ु >,चज़
ू ा आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - अंड,े आXद|

चार पांच नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये

शcद 4वकास कौशल जाएँगे ,पाठ के अंत मM नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM
स]म होगM जैसे - अंड,े बJख, मग
ु >, चज़
ू ा आXद |

4वभेXदत मw क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
ू यांकन
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा समय पड़ने पर मदद के fलए आगे
आने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 16 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> पाठ से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , मग
ु > के Tकतने चज़
ू े
थे? उनके नाम xया थे ? क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी
,वण कौशल का 4वकास Tक Cयाऊँ ? िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का
4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -तीन सवाल@ के मौaखक
(लालू और पील)ू jकूल के बाहर और jकूल के भीतर (पj
ु तक
जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM
ु तकालय से) अपनी पसंद क^ Tकताब@ को
समथN ह@गM ।
jवयं चन
ु ते हZ और पढ़ने क^ कोfशश करते हZ
ु त तीन अ]र वाले पांच छह नए सरल शcद
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे लालू , पीलू आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - लाल, fमचN, गुड़ आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे
,पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ क स|
ू म होगM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
जैसे - लाल, fमचN, गुड़ आXद | िजससे शcदकोश का
4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा जीव-जEतओ

ु के fलए परोपकार` बनने
नैeतक मw
ू य के fलए Gे†रत करना आXद नैeतक मw
ू य@ पर 4वशेष बल
Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 17 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , जैसे- गैया Tकसक^
भाषा मM eनXहत Öवeनय@ और शcद@ के साथ खेलने
पाठ-17-(चकई थी ? क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी, िजससे ,वण -वाचन
,वण कौशल का 4वकास का आनंद लेते हZ, जैसे – चकई चकमदम
ु , दध

के दम
ु ) कौशल का 4वकास होगा। कम से कम दो -तीन सवाल@
4पए हम तम
ु |
के मौaखक जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ शcद@ के ह@
दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

पांच छह नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
चकई ,गाँव, ¶वाले आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - कागज़, नैया, फुलवा आXद|

चार पांच नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये

जाएँगे ,पाठ के अंत मM नए शcद@ के अथN बताने मM
शcद 4वकास कौशल
स]म होगM जैसे - कागज़, नैया, गाँव आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN पछ
ू कर,
(Differentiated ,त
ु लेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन Tकया
Assessment) जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा सभी एकसमान समझने पर 4वशेष बल
Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 18 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत
yचo मM या õमवार सजाए yचo@ मM घट रह`
पाठ 18 ,वण कौशल का 4वकास GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , कौन बहुत अकड़ता
अलग-अलग घटनाओं, गeत4वyधय@ और पाo@ को
था ?क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी िजससे ,वण -वाचन

(छोट` का कौशल का 4वकास होगा |कम से कम तीन- चार एक संदभN या कहानी के सo
ू मM दे खकर समझते हZ
कमाल) सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ शcद@ और सराहना करते हZ।
के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

पठन कौशल का 4वकास छह नए सरल शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गे , जैसे पतल`,
,रjसा, मोटा , आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे -छोट`, लंबा ,तगड़ा आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - छोट`, लंबा ,तगड़ा आXद

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

बड़े से बड़ा Aयिxत छोटे से छोटा काम कर सकता

नैeतक मw
ू य है ।इसके ;वारा समानता के भाव एवं नैeतक मw
ू य
का 4वकास करना।fशz]का ;वारा 4वशेष बल Xदया
जायेगा |

पाठ 19 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल
क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता से सCबिEधत
GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN ह@गे , जैसे - पैसा होता तो
xया लाते ?क]ा मM चचाN क^ जाएगी िजससे ,वण -
,वण कौशल का 4वकास
वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा |कम से कम तीन-
चार सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ
शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

छह नए माoा-यx
ु त तीन अ]र वाले शcद पढ़ने मM
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
स]म ह@गM , -जैसे - aखलते, nबठाता आXद|
ु ी सामsी (कहानी, क4वता, आXद) के बारे मM
पाठ 19 (चार
पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी चार नए सरल शcद fलखने बातचीत करते है , अपनी राय दे ते है व GHन पछ
ू ते
चने) लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - दाँत , पीठ, चहू े आXद| है ।

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,4व;याथ> पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के
शcद 4वकास कौशल
अथN बताने मM स]म होगM जैसे - दाँत , पीठ, घोड़े
आXद |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw
ू य fशz]का ;वारा भेदभाव न करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया
जायेगा |

पाठ 20 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@
काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN
ह@गे , बXु ढ़या xया चला रह` थी ? दोने मM xया रखा था
,वण कौशल का 4वकास ? क]ा मM भगदड़ बारे मM चचाN क^ जाएगी ,
िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का 4वकास होगा।कम से
कम तीन- चार सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब जो सात
पाठ 20-(भगदड़)
अथवा आठ शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM । सन
ु ी सामsी (कहानी, क4वता, आXद) के बारे मM
बातचीत करते है , अपनी राय दे ते है व GHन पछ
ू ते
छह नए माoा-यx
ु त तीन अ]र वाले नए शcद पढ़ने
पठन कौशल का 4वकास है ।
मM स]म ह@गM ,जैसे चxक^, fमठाई ,बाँस आXद

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी पांच नए सरल शcद

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास fलखने मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - भगदड़, वषN , मxखी

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

शcद 4वकास कौशल
,पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के अथN बताने

मM स]म होगM जैसे - भगदड़, वषN , मxखी
आXद | िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw fशz]का ;वारा जीवन मM प†र,म एवं इ_छाशिxत के

ू य
मह•व को समझाते हुए इस नैeतक मw
ू य के 4वकास
पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा

पाठ 21 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@
काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN
पाठ-21 (हल`म ह@गे एक Xदन,हल`म ने xया सोचा ?क]ा मM चाँद क^
चला चांद पर) ,वण कौशल का 4वकास चचाN क^ जाएगी , िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का
4वकास होगा |कम से कम तीन- चार सवाल@ के 4Gंट (fलखा या छपा हुआ) और गैर 4Gंट सामsी
मौaखक जवाब जो सात अथवा आठ शcद@ के ह@ (जैसे, yचo या अEय sाTफxस) मM अंतर करते है ।
दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

पठन कौशल का 4वकास छह नए माoा-यx

ु त तीन अ]र वाले शcद पढ़ने मM
स]म ह@गM , जैसे हल`म, रॉकेट

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी पांच नए सरल शcद fलखने
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - हल`म, चाँद कारखाने आXद|

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - हल`म, चाँद , कारखाने
आXद | िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw fशz]का ;वारा · जीवन मM प†र,म एवं इ_छाशिxत

ू य
के मह•व को समझाते हुए इस नैeतक मw
ू य के 4वकास
करने पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा |

पाठ 22 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल

क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@
पाठ 22
काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN सन ु ी सामsी (कहानी, क4वता, आXद ) के बारे मM
(हाथी चwलम ,वण कौशल का 4वकास ह@गे , हाथी क^ दे ह कैसी होती है ? क]ा मM चचाN क^ बातचीत करते है , अपनी राय दे ते है और GHन पछ
ू ते
चwलम) जाएगी | िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का 4वकास है ।
होगा। कम से कम तीन- चार सवाल@ के मौaखक जवाब

जो सात अथवा आठ शcद@ के ह@ दे पाने मM समथN
ह@गM ।

छह नए माoा-यx
ु त चार अ]र वाले शcद पढ़ने मM
पठन कौशल का 4वकास
स]म ह@गM जैसे फ़टाफ़ट, सँड
ू ।

पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी पांच नए सरल शcद fलखने

लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
ू ,पॉव® आXद|
मM स]म ह@गे | जैसे - हाथी , सँड

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM नए चार पांच शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - ू ,पॉव®
हाथी , सँड आXद
| िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,त
ु लेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

fशz]का ;वारा 4व;याyथNय@ को क4वता के माÖयम से

नैeतक मw जीव-जEतओ
ु के fलए परोपकार` बनने के fलए Gे†रत
ू य
करना आXद नैeतक मw
ू य@ पर 4वशेष बल Xदया जायेगा

पाठ 23 4वषय कवर Tकए गए fश]ण के ल|य सीखने के Geतफल
क4वता सन
ु ने के बाद 4व;याथ> क4वता के चार@
काAयांश@ से सCबिEधत GHन@ के उJर दे ने मM समथN
ह@गे, चह
ू े क^ Tकतनी पँछ
ू थीं ? क]ा मM चह
ू े पर
,वण कौशल का 4वकास चचाN क^ जाएगी , िजससे ,वण -वाचन कौशल का
4वकास होगा। कम से कम तीन- चार सवाल@ के
मौaखक जवाब जो दस अथवा अyधक शcद@ के ह@
दे पाने मM समथN ह@गM ।

पाठ 23-(सात छह नए माoा-यx

ु त शcद पढ़ने मM स]म ह@गM जैसे ,
पठन कौशल का 4वकास संदभN क^ मदद से आस-पास मौजद
ू 4Gंट के अथN
ू का चह
ू ा) चह
ू ा, पँछ
ू , नाई आXद नए शcद पढ़ पाएँगे ,
और उ;दे Hय का अनम
ु ान लगते हZ, जैसे – टॉफ़^ के
पाठ पढ़ने के बाद पर कम-से-कम पाँच छह शcद कवर पर fलखे नाम को ‘टॉफ़^ ‘, ‘लॉल`पॉप’ या
लेखन कौशल का 4वकास
fलखने मM स]म ह@गे ‘चोxलेट ‘ बताना ।

नवीन शcद@ को रे खांTकत कर उनके अथN बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मM चार पांच नए शcद@ के अथN बताने
शcद 4वकास कौशल
मM स]म होगM जैसे - सात, पँछ
ू , कतरना आXद |
िजससे शcदकोश का 4वकास होगा |

4वभेXदत मw
ू यांकन क4वता क^ कुछ पंिxतयाँ सन
ु कर , नए शcद@ के अथN
(Differentiated पछ
ू कर, ,ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गई क4वता का मw
ू यांकन
Assessment) Tकया जाएगा |

नैeतक मw अÖयापक ;वारा जीवन मM fमठास लाने और जलन क^
ू य
भावना से दरू रहने मM भलाई है आXद नैeतक मw
ू य@ क^
fश]ा द` जाएगी।

क"ा 2

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी (श"ा*थ,य. ((भ0न 2प से स"म ब7च. स9हत) को >यि@तगत , साम9ू हक 2प से काय,
करने के अवसर और HोIसाहन 9दया जाएगा ताMक उ0हO
अपनी भाषा मO अपनी बात कहने ,बातचीत करने कQ भरपरू आज़ादT और अवसर ह. ।
9हंदT मO सन
ु ी गीत बात, कXवता, खेल गीत, कहानी आ9द को अपने तरTक़े और अपनी भाषा
मO कहने सन
ु ने/H]न पछ
ू ने एवं अपनी बात जोड़ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह.
ब7च. bवारा अपनी भाषा मO कहT गई बात. को 9हंदT भाषा और अ0य भाषाओं (जो भाषाएँ
क"ा मO मौजद
ू हg या िजन भाषाओं के ब7चे क"ा मO हg) मO दोहराने के अवसर उपल`ध ह.
। इससे भाषाओं को क"ा मO सम*ु चत iथान (मल सकेगा और उनका श`द भंडार,
अ(भ>यि@तय. का भी Xवकास करने के अवसर (मल सकOगे ।
‘पढ़ने का कोना ‘मO iतरानस
ु ार Xव(भ0न Hकार कQ और Xव(भ0न भाषाओं (ब7च. कQ अपनी
भाषा/ऐं, 9हंदT आ9द ) मO रोचक सामnी, जैसे – बाल सा9हIय बाल पqrकाएँ , पोiटर, ऑडीओ-
Xवडीओ सामnी उपल`ध हो ।
कहानी, कXवता आ9द को बोलकर सन
ु ने के अवसर ह. और उस पर बातचीत करने के अवसर
ह. ।
*चr. के आधार पर अनम
ु ान लगाकर तरह तरह कQ कहाvनय. कXवताओं को पढ़ने के अवसर
उपल`ध ह. ।
Xव(भ0न उbदे ]य. को wयान मO रखते हुए पढ़ने के Xव(भ0न आयाम. को क"ा मO उ*चत
iथान दे ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह., जैसे Mकसी कहानी मO घटT Mकसी कहानी मO Mकसी जानकारT
को खोजना, कहानी मO घटT Xव(भ0न घटनाओं के yम को तय करना, Mकसी घटना के होने
के (लए तक, दे पाना, पाr के संबंध मO घटT Xव(भ0न घटनाओं के yम को तय करना, Mकसी
घटना के होने के (लए तक, दे पाना, पाr के सzब0ध मO अपनी पसंद या नापसंद के बारे
मO बात पाना आ9द ।
कहानी, कXवता आ9द को बोलकर, पढ़कर सन
ु ाने के अवसर ह. और उस पर बातचीत करने
के अवसर ह.
ु ी, दे खी, बात. को अपने तरTक़े से काग़ज़ पर उतरने के अवसर ह. । ये *चr भी हो सकते
हg, श`द भी और वा@य भी
ब7चे अ"र. कQ आकृvत बनाने मO अपे"ाकृत सगढता का Hदश,न करते हg । इसे क"ा मO
HोIसा9हत Mकया जाए ।
ब7च. bवारा अपनी वत,नी गढ़ने कQ Hवvृ त को भाषा सीखने कQ HMyया का 9हiसा समझा
जाए ।

संदभ, bवारा अपनी वत,नी गढ़ने कQ Hवvृ त को भाषा सीखने कQ HMyया का 9हiसा समझा

संल$नक II
मन - मान @चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 2 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने
के :Sतफल के साथ
XवXवध उbदे ]य. के (लए अपनी भाषा अथवा/और iकूल कQ भाषा का इiतेमाल करते हुए
बातचीत करते हg, जैसे - जानकारT के (लए H]न पछ
ू ना, vनजी अनभ
ु व. को साझा करना,
अपना तक, दे ना आ9द ।
कहT जा रहT बात, कहानी कXवता आ9द wयान से सन
ु कर अपनी भाषा मO बताते सन
ु ाते हg

दे खी सन
ु ी बात. कहानी कXवता आ9द के बारे मO बातचीत करते हg और अपनी HvतMyया
>य@त करते हg
अपनी vनजी िज़ंदगी और प•रवेश पर आधा•रत अनभ
ु व. को सन
ु ाई जा रहT सामnी जैसे –
कXवता, कहानी, पोiटर, XवÄापन आ9द से जोड़ते हुए बातचीत मO शा(मल करते हg
भाषा मO vन9हत wवvनय. और श`द. के साथ खेलने का आनंद लेते हg, जैसे – एक था पहाड़,
उसका भाई था दहाड़, दोनो गये खेलने इIया9द ।
अपनी कÅपना से कहानी , कXवता आ9द कहते/सन
ु ते हg/आगे बढ़ते हg ।
अपने iतर और पसंद के अनस
ु ार कहानी, कXवता, *चr पोiटर आ9द को आनंद के साथ
पढ़कर अपनी HvतMyया >य@त करते हg/H]न पछ
ू ते हg ।
*चr के सÇ
ू म और HIयेक पहलओ
ु ं पर बारTक अवलोकन करते हg ।
*चr मO या yमवार सजीव *चr. मO घटT अलग अलग घटनाओं गvतXव*धय. और पाr. को
एक संदभ, या कहानी के सr
ू को दे खकर समझते हg और सराहना करते हg ।
प•र*चत/अप•र*चत (लÉखत सामnी मO 2*च दे खते हg और अथ, कQ खोज मO XवXवध Hकार कQ
यिु @तयÑ का इiतेमाल करते हg जैसे – *चr. और XHंट कQ मदद से अनम
ु ान लगाना, अ"र
wवvन सzब0ध का इiतेमाल करना श`द. को पहचानना पव
ू , अनभ
ु व. और जानकारT का
इiतेमाल करते हुए अनम
ु ान लगाना करते हुए अनम
ु ान लगाना ।
XHंट ((लखा या छपा हुआ) मO मौजदू अ"र, श`द और वा@य कQ इकाइय. कQ अवधारणा को
समझते हg, जैसे- ‘मेरा नाम Xवमला है ।’ बताओ, इस वा@य मO Mकतने श`द हg?/ ‘नाम’ श`द
मO Mकतने अ"र हg या ‘नाम’ श`द मO कौन कौन से अ"र हg
9हंदT कQ वण,माला के अ"र. कQ आकृvत और wवvन को पहचानते हg ।
iकूल के बाहर और iकूल के भीतर (पi
ु तक कोना/पi
ु तकालय से) अपनी पसंद कQ Mकताब.
को iवयं चन
ु ते हg और पढ़ने कQ को(शश करते हg

iवे7छा से या (श"क bवारा तय गvतXव*ध के अंतग,त *चr. आड़ी -vतरछà रे खाओं (कQरम
-काँटे), अ"र आकृvतय. से आगे बढ़ते हुए iव-वत,नी का उपयोग और iव-vनयंrण लेखन
(कोनवO शनल राइ9टंग) करते हg ।
ु ी हुई और अपने मन कQ बात. को अपने तरTके से और तरह तरह से *चr./श`द./वा@य.
bवारा ((लÉखत 2प से) अ(भ>य@त करते हg ।
अपनी vनजी िज़ंदगी और प•रवेश पर आधा•रत अनभ
ु व. को अपने लेखन मO शा(मल करते
हg ।
अपनी कÅपना से कहानी, कXवता आ9द आगे बढ़ाते हg ।

संल$नक III
मन-मं+च-ण (मै1पंग) क5ा 2 8ह:द< 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई. Eवारा अपनाए - सीखने के JKतफल
नोट – सQपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के JKतफल
पाठ 1 1वषय कवर Xकए गए Yश5ण के ल[य सीखने के JKतफल
क5वता सन
ु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? क5वता मे वAणBत ऊँट 5व5वध उ<दे EयF के Oलए अपनी भाषा
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
पर कम से कम पाँच DEनF का उHर दे ने मI सJम अथवा / और Wकूल कY भाषा का इWतेमाल
हFगे । करते हुए बातचीत करते है , जैसे जानकार^

ु त दो अJर वाले पाने के Oलए DEन पछ

'ऊ' , ई, चghiबgद ु और रे फ ‘रB ’ यm ू ना, `नजी अनभु वF
पठन कौशल का 5वकास का साझा करना, अपना तकB दे ना आcद ।
शoदF को पहचानने मI सJम हFगे।
(जैसे - ऊँट रे त पर आसानी से कैसे चल
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के बाद ऊँटके बारे मI कम-से-कम लेता है ?)
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
पाँच शoदF वाला एक वाmय Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

पाठ 1 छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम पाँच शoदF के अथB के

(ऊँट चला) शoद-5वकास कौशल साथ ह^ Dयm
ु त मह
ु ावरे - ऊँट sकस करवट बैठेगा का
उपयोग बताने मI सJम हFगI ।
क5वता कY कुछ पंिmतयाँ सन
ु कर, सीखे गए शoदF का
5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
उÉचत Dयोग करवा कर, -ु`तलेख Oलखवाकर तथा ऊँट
पर पाँच वाmय(दो या तीन शoद) बल
ु ावा कर मt
ू यांकन
sकया जाएगा।
अÑयापक <वारा 5वषम पÖरिWथ`तयF मI रहने, OसOमत
नै`तक मt
ू य साधनF मI संतÜु ट रहने और अपने कतBáय को Dसgनता
से `नभाने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 2 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल
अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी को छाq कJा मI
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास एक-एक कर सन
ु ाएँगे। इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन
कौशल का 5वकास होगा।

Éचqकथा से सcदB यF, मौसम, वåत, फुटबॉल आcद पांच

पठन कौशल का 5वकास छह शoद OशJक <वारा Eयामपçट पर Oलखा जायेगा
िजसे छाq पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq कम से कम तीन संयm

ु ताJरF - वåत, अåल,
पाठ 2-(भालू ने खेल^
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास बéचा, mया, जtद^ आcद को श< कह^ जा रह^ बात, कहानी, क5वता आcद
ु ध Oलखने मI सJम
फुटबॉल) हFगे . Ñयान से सन
ु कर अपनी भाषा मI बताएँगे
और सन
ु ाएंगे.
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पाँच शoदF व
शoद 5वकास कौशल ‘नौ दो èयारह होना’ मह
ु ावरे का अथB बताने मI
सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'पहले mया हुआ, sफर mया-
(Differentiated mया हुआ ?' के आधार पर छाqF का मt ू यांकन sकया
Assessment) जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा पालतू पश-ु पêJयF को परे शान न करने

नै`तक मt
ू य
आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF पर 5वशेष बल cदया जायेगा।

पाठ 3 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास क5वता सनु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? क5वता मे वAणBत

पाqF पर कम से कम पाँच DEनF का उHर दे ने मI
छाq दे खी-सन
ु ी बातF, कहानी, क5वता आcद
सJम हFगे ।
के बारे मI बातचीत करI गे और अपनी
छाq पाठ से माqा-यm
ु त तीन अJर वाले शoदF D`तsìया áयmत करI गे।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
को पहचानने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के बाद क5वता को कहानी के îप

पाठ 3 लेखन कौशल का 5वकास मI पाँच-दस वाmय(तीन या अÉधक शoदF वाले )
(íयाऊँ - íयाऊँ) Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम पाँच शoदF श<

ु ध
शoद-5वकास कौशल
îप से Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन अÑयापक <वारा पाठ के बाद cदए गए 'डरना मत'
(Differentiated के आधार पर छाqF के अÉधगम का मt
ू यांकन sकया
Assessment) जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा `नडर होने तथा भय का सामना

नै`तक मt
ू य
करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 4 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

पाठ 4-(अÉधक बलवान -वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास अÑयापक <वारा सन

ु ाई गई कहानी को छाq कJा
अपनी `नजी िज़ंदगी और पÖरवेश पर
मI एक-एक कर सन ु ाएँगे। इससे उनमI -वण और
कौन) आधाÖरत अनभ
ु वF को सन
ु ाई जा रह^ सामòी
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास होगा।

Éचqकथा से ôयादा, नज़र, फ़ायदा आcद सात जैसे – क5वता, कहानी, पोWटर, 5वúापन आcद
पठन कौशल का 5वकास शoद OशJक <वारा Eयामपçट पर Oलखा जायेगा से जोड़ते हुए बातचीत मI शाOमल करते हû
िजसे छाq पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq कम से कम तीन नå
ु ता वाले शoदF - नज़र,
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास ôयादा, ज़ोर, फ़ायदा आcद को श<
ु ध Oलखने मI
सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पांच शoदF

शoद-5वकास कौशल बहस, ताक़त, फ़ायदा का अथB बताने मI सJम

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
(Differentiated पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'हवा कY बात' के आधार
पर छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा घमंड न करने तथा सबका आदर

नै`तक मt
ू य
करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 5 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

पाठ 5 अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी कY एक-एक
घटना को को छाq कJा मI एक-एक कर
(दोWत कY मदद) -वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
ु ाएँगे। इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन कौशल
का 5वकास होगा।

छाq कथा मI आये माँद, तI दए
ु , कछुए आcद सात
पठन कौशल का 5वकास नये शoद OशJक <वारा Eयामपçट पर Oलखा
जायेगा िजसे छाq पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq चार-पाँच अJर वाले कम से कम तीन

शoदF - झाँककर, आज़माकर, भोलेपन, तरक़Yब अपने Wतर और पसंद के अनस
ु ार कहानी,
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास क5वता, Éचq पोWटर आcद को आनंद के साथ
आcद के साथ ह^ कथा एक भाग श<
ु ध Oलखने मI
सJम हFगे। पढ़कर अपनी D`तsìया áयmत करI गे और
DEन पछ
ू I गे.
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पांच शoदF
शoद-5वकास कौशल झाँककर, आज़माकर, भोलेपन, तरक़Yब का अथB
बताने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
(Differentiated पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'कहानी से' के आधार पर
छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा सदा Oमqता कY रJा करने आcद

नै`तक मt
ू य
नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 6 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

पाठ 6 क5वता सन
ु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? क5वता मे मौसम सन
ु ी, दे खी, बातF को अपनेय तर^क़े से काग़ज़
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास और sìया पर कम से कम पाँच DEनF का उHर पर उतारने के अवसर हF । ये Éचq भी हो
(बहुत हुआ) दे ने मI सJम हFगे । सकते हû, शoद भी और वाmय भी।

छाq क5वता को पढ़ने और भइया, चआ
ु , सआ

पठन कौशल का 5वकास आcद सात नये शoदF को पहचानने मI सJम

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के बाद बरसात पर पाँच

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास वाmय(चार या अÉधक शoदF वाले ) Oलखने मI
सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम तीन शoदF - चआ

ु ,
शoद-5वकास कौशल सआ
ु , दआ
ु , बोÖरयत, 5पंजरे आcद का अथB बताने
मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन अÑयापक <वारा पाठ के बाद cदए गए 'क5वता से'
(Differentiated के आधार पर छाqF के अÉधगम का मt
ू यांकन sकया
Assessment) जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा पानी के मह§व और जल-संरJण

नै`तक मt
ू य
करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 7 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी को छाq संJेप
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
पाठ 7 मI सन
ु ाएँगे। इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन कौशल Éचq मI या ìमवार सजीव ÉचqF मI घट^
(मेर^ sकताब) का 5वकास होगा। अलग अलग घटनाओं ग`त5वÉधयF और पाqF
Éचqकथा से छाq वीî और मौसी के संवाद को पढ़ने को एक संदभB या कहानी के सq
ू को दे खकर
पठन कौशल का 5वकास मI सJम हFगे। सात नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB समझते हû और सराहना करते हû ।
हFगI ।

छाq कम से कम तीन संयm
ु ताJर वाले शoदF -
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास मौसी, वीî, पgने,फुçटा आcद को श<
ु ध Oलखने मI
सJम हFगे।
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पाँच शoदF
शoद-5वकास कौशल ‘आँखI फाड़कर दे खना’ के अ`तÖरmत फुçटा, सझ
ु ाव,
बWता आcद का अथB बताने मI सJम हFगे।
5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'नाप-तौल' के आधार पर
छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा पW
ु तक और पढ़ने के मह§व आcद
नै`तक मt
ू य
नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 8 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास क5वता सन

ु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? क5वता मे `ततल^
और कल^ कY वाताB और sìया पर कम से कम
पाँच DEनF का उHर दे ने मI सJम हFगे ।
पाठ 8-(`ततल^ और
छाq क5वता का दो-तीन छं द पढ़ने तथा सg
ु दर,
कल^) cहंद^ के वणBमाला के अJरF कY आकृ`त और
ु हार^, `छटककर आcद शoदF का उéचारण करने
पठन कौशल का 5वकास Ñव`न को पहचानते (हुए क5वता का वाचन
मI सJम हFगे। सात नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB
करते) हû ।
हFगI ।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के बाद `ततल^ और कल^ पर

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास कम-से-कम तीन-तीन (चार व अÉधक शoदF वाले
)वाmय Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम तीन शoदF -
शoद-5वकास कौशल नgह^ं, भल^, संग, सार^ आcद का अथB बताने मI
सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन अÑयापक <वारा पाठ के बाद cदए गए 'क5वता से'
(Differentiated के आधार पर छाqF के अÉधगम का मt
ू यांकन sकया
Assessment) जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा दस
ू रे को Dो©साcहत करने तथा
नै`तक मt
ू य सहयोग करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^

पाठ 9 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी के आधार पर
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास छाq बल
ु बल
ु Éच´ड़या के बारे मI संJेप मI बताने मI
सJम हFगे। इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन कौशल
का 5वकास होगा। 5Dंट (Oलखा या छपा हुआ) मI मौजद
ू अJर,
पाठ 9-(बल
ु बल
ु ) शoद और वाmय कY इकाइयF कY अवधारणा
Éचqकथा से छाq दो-तीन अनé
ु छे द को पढ़ने मI
को समझते हû, जैसे- ‘मेरा नाम 5वमला है ।’
पठन कौशल का 5वकास सJम हFगे। आठ नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB
बताओ, इस वाmय मI sकतने शoद हû?/ ‘नाम’
हFगI ।
शoद मI sकतने अJर हû या ‘नाम’ शoद मI
छाq बल ु Éच´ड़या के बारे मI कम से कम पाँच कौन कौन से अJर हû ।
ु बल
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास वाmय(पांच शoदF वाले ) श<
ु ध Oलखने मI सJम

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पांच शoदF
शoद-5वकास कौशल ‘बल
ु बल
ु , Éच´ड़या, पँछ
ू , सoज़ी, घFसला आcद का
अथB बताने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
(Differentiated पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'बल
ु बल
ु और तम
ु ' के
आधार पर छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा पêJयF के स¨दयB को बताते हुए

नै`तक मt
ू य मानव के Oलए उनके मह§व आcद नै`तक मt ू यF
कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 10 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी के आधार पर
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास छाq पाठ के बारे मI संJेप मI बताने और पाठ का पाठ से या OशJक <वारा तय ग`त5वÉध के

कुछ अनé अंतगBत ÉचqF के सâ

ू म और D©येक पहलओ
ु ं
ु छे द पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे । इससे उनमI
पाठ 10-(मीठÆ सारं गी) -वण और वाचन कौशल का 5वकास होगा। पर बार^क अवलोकन करते हû ।

पाठ से छाq दो-तीन अनé Wवेéछा से या OशJक <वारा तय ग`त5वÉध

ु छे द को सह^-सह^ पढ़ने
पठन कौशल का 5वकास मI सJम हFगे। दस नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB के अंतगBत ÉचqF आड़ी -`तरछÆ रे खाओं (कYरम
हFगI । -काँटे), अJर आकृ`तयF से आगे बढ़ते हुए
Wव-वतBनी का उपयोग और Wव-`नयंqण लेखन
छाq सारं गी के बारे मI कम से कम पाँच वाmय (कोनवI शनल राइcटंग) करते हû ।
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
(पांच शoदF वाले )श<ु ध Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत 5वशेषण शoद और मह
ु ावरे
शoद-5वकास कौशल को पहचान पाने का Dयास करI गे आcद का अथB
बताने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'कहानी से' के आधार पर
छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।
अÑयापक <वारा जीवन मI Oमठास लाने और अपने
नै`तक मt
ू य से बड़F कY बातF का आदर करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF
कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 11 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

क5वता सन
ु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? कुछ Éगने जा सकने
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास वाले और कुछ नह^ं Éगने जा सकने वाले चीजF मI
अंतर समझ सकIगे तथा इस पर आधाÖरत DEनF
पाठ 11 पÖरÉचत/ अपÖरÉचत OलAखत सामòी मI ØÉच
का उHर दे ने मI सJम हFगे ।
cदखाते है और अथB कY खोज मI 5व5वध Dकार
(टे सू राजा बीच बाजार) छाq क5वता का दो-तीन छं द पढ़ने तथा झु∞ड, mय,ूँ कY यिु mतयF का इWतेमाल करता है जैसे –
पठन कौशल का 5वकास कलकHे आcद शoदF का श< ु ध उéचारण करने मI ÉचqF और 5Dंट कY मदद से अनम ु ान लगाना,
सJम हFगे। दस नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB हFगI । अJर Ñव`न का इWतेमाल करना, शoदF को

पाठ पढ़ने के बाद छाq कुछ सं±याओं को अंकF से पहचानना पव

ू B अनभ
ु वF और जानकार^ का
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास शoदF मI Oलखने मI सफल हFगे. जैसे- बीस लाख इWतेमाल करते हुए अनम ु ान लगाना ।
तेईस हज़ार, चार .(पांच शoदF वाले )

छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम तीन वWतओ
ु -ं अनार,
शoद-5वकास कौशल कíबल, भI ड़, पHी, लHे, कुHे आcद को पहचानने मI
सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन अÑयापक <वारा पाठ के बाद cदए गए ‘फेर-बदल'
(Differentiated के आधार पर छाqF के अÉधगम का मt
ू यांकन sकया
Assessment) जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा D©येक वWतु कY एक-दस

ू रे से जड़
ु ाव
नै`तक मt
ू य तथा सहयोग करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा
द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 12 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी के आधार पर

-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास छाq पाठ के कुछ अनé ु छे द को पढ़कर बाघ और

बस मI बैठे लोगF कY D`तsìया के बारे मI बताने
मI सJम हFगे । इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन
पाठ 12-(बस के नीचे
कौशल का 5वकास होगा।
अपनी कtपना से कहानी , क5वता आcद
पाठ से छाq दो-तीन अनé
ु छे द को श<
ु ध îप से
ु ते हû/आगे बढ़ते हû ।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे। दस नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI
समथB हFगI

छाq पcठत कहानी के आधार पर छोटे बाघ के

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास sìयाकलाप पर दो तीन वाmय (पांच शoदF वाले
)Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत cदशा-बोध वाले शoद-
शoद-5वकास कौशल सामने, दाएँ, बाएँ आcद का अथB बताने मI सJम

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन
(Differentiated पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'ऐसा mयF' के आधार पर
छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा `नडर बनने, पशओ

ु ं कY मानवीय
नै`तक मt
ू य Dव5ृ HयF का आदर करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY
OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 13 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास क5वता सन ु ने के बाद 5व<याथ? मनÜु य के Oलए

सरू ज का मह§व बताने मI सJम हFगे । इससे उनमI
-वण और वाचन कौशल का 5वकास होगा।

छाq क5वता का दो-तीन छं द पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे।

पाठ 13-(सरू ज जtद^ पठन कौशल का 5वकास
दस नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB हFगI Wकूल के बाहर और Wकूल के भीतर (पW
ु तक
आना जी)
ु तकालय से) अपनी पसंद कY sकताबF
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के बाद ना-ना-ना-ना-ना ना जी जैसे को Wवयं चनते हû और पढ़ने कY कोOशश करते

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास शoदF के Dयोग से एक-दो तकु ांत पंिmत(पांच शoदF हû
वाल^ ) Oलखने मI सJम हFगे।

छाq पाठ मI आए कम से कम तीन शoदF- कटोर^,

शoद-5वकास कौशल गोर^ कुहासा सीलI आcद शoदF का अथB बताने
मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन अÑयापक <वारा पाठ के बाद cदए गए ‘अगर ऐसा
(Differentiated हो' के आधार पर छाqF के अÉधगम का मt
ू यांकन
Assessment) sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा Dकृ`त का आदर करने आcद नै`तक

नै`तक मt
ू य
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 14 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी को छाq ‘चह
ू े
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास कY असीOमत इéछा’ के îप मI संJेप मI सन
ु ाएँगे।
इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन कौशल का 5वकास

Éचqकथा से छाq चह
ू े और दक
ु ानदार, दरजी, राजा
पठन कौशल का 5वकास आcद के बीच हुए संवाद को पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे।
पाठ 14-(नटखट चह
ू ा)
बारह नये शoद पढ़ पाने मI समथB हFगI

छाq कम से चह
ू े <वारा गाये गए गीत जैसा दो छं द भाषा मI `नcहत Ñव`नयF और शoदF के साथ
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
ु ध Oलखने मI सJम हFगे। खेलने का आनंद लेते हû, जैसे – एक था पहाड़,
उसका भाई था दहाड़, दोनो गये खेलने
छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पांच योजक
इ©याcद ।
शoद-5वकास कौशल Éच≥न वाले शoदF ‘सg
ु दर-सी, छोट^-सी, इधर-उधर
आcद का अथB बताने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'तí
ु हारे समझ से' के
(Differentiated आधार पर छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।


अÑयापक <वारा छाqF को शार^Öरक 5व5वधता के

नै`तक मt
ू य आधारपर भेद न करने आcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY
OशJा द^ जाएगी।

पाठ 15 5वषय कवर sकए गए OशJण के लâय सीखने के D`तफल

अÑयापक <वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी को छाq संJेप
-वण-वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
मI सन
ु ाएँगे। इससे उनमI -वण और वाचन कौशल
का 5वकास होगा।

कहानी के आधार पर छाq दोनF बहनF कY वाताB

पठन कौशल का 5वकास को पढ़ने मI सJम हFगे। बारह नये शoद पढ़
पाठ 15
पाने मI समथB हFगI
अपनी `नजी िज़ंदगी और पÖरवेश पर
(इmकY दोmकY)
छाq एmकY <वारा sकए गए कम-से-कम एक आधाÖरत अनभवF को अपने लेखन मI शाOमल
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास ु
सहयोग के कायB को श<
ु ध Oलखने मI सJम हFगे। करते हû ।

छाq पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत कम से कम पाँच शoदF-

शoद-5वकास कौशल एककेसवाल^, दोनकेसवाल^, एmकY, दोmकY आcद
का अथB बताने मI सJम हFगे।

5वभेcदत मt
ू यांकन पाठ के अंत मI cदए गए 'कहानी से' के आधार पर
(Differentiated छाqF का मt
ू यांकन sकया जायेगा।

अÑयापक <वारा छाqF को सहानभ
ु `ू त और
नै`तक मt
ू य
परोपकारआcद नै`तक मt
ू यF कY OशJा द^ जाएगी।

क"ा 3

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी %श'ा)थ+य- (%भ/न 1प से स'म ब6च- स8हत) को >यि@तगत , साम8ू हक 1प से काय+
करने के अवसर और HोIसाहन 8दया जाएगा ताMक उ/हO
अपनी भाषा मO अपनी बात कहने ,बातचीत करने कQ भरपरू आज़ादT और अवसर ह- ।
8हंदT मO सन
ु े गीत बात, कXवता, खेल गीत, कहानी आ8द को अपने तरTक़े और अपनी भाषा
मO कहने सन
ु ने/H]न पछ
ू ने एवं अपनी बात जोड़ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-
ब6च- bवारा अपनी भाषा मO कहT गई बात- को 8हंदT भाषा और अ/य भाषाओं (जो भाषाएँ
क'ा मO मौजद
ू हg या िजन भाषाओं के ब6चे क'ा मO हg) मO दोहराने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-
। इससे भाषाओं को क'ा मO सम)ु चत iथान %मल सकेगा और उनका श`द भंडार,
अ%भ>यि@तय- का भी Xवकास करने के अवसर %मल सकOगे ।
‘पढ़ने का कोना ‘मO iतरानस
ु ार Xव%भ/न Hकार कQ और Xव%भ/न भाषाओं (ब6च- कQ अपनी
भाषा/ऐं, 8हंदT आ8द ) मO रोचक सामnी, जैसे – बाल सा8हIय बाल पqrकाएँ , पोiटर, ऑडीओ-
Xवडीओ सामnी उपल`ध हो ।
तरह तरह कQ कहाvनय- कXवताओं पोiटर आ8द को )चr- और संदभ+ के आधार पर समझने
समझाने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-
Xव%भ/न उदयेश- को xयान मO रखते हुए पड़ने के Xव%भ/न आयाम- को क'ा मO उ)चत iथान
दे ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-, जैसे Mकसी कहानी मO घटT Mकसी कहानी मO Mकसी जानकारT को
खोजना, कहानी मO घटT Xव%भ/न घटनाओं के zम को तय करना, Mकसी घटना के होने के
%लए तक+ दे पाना, पाr के संबंध मO घटT Xव%भ/न घटनाओं के zम को तय करना, Mकसी
घटना के होने के %लए तक+ दे पाना, पाr के स{ब/ध मO अपनी पसंद या नापसंद के बारे मO
बात पाना आ8द ।
ु ी, दे खी, बात- को अपने तरTक़े से काग़ज़ पर उतरने के अवसर ह- । ये )चr भी हो सकते
हg, श`द भी और वा@य भी
अपनी भाषा गढ़ने (नए श`द/वा@य//अ%भ>यि@तयाँ बनाने) और उनका इiतेमाल करने के
अवसर ह- ।
संदभ+ और उbदे ]य के अनस
ु ार उपय@
ु त श`द- और वा@य- का चयन करने, उनकQ संरचना
करने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-
अपना प}रवार, Xवbयालय, मोह~ला, खेल का मैदान, गाँव कQ चौपाल जैसे Xवषय- पर अथवा
iवयं Xवषय का चन
ु ाव कर अनभ
ु व- को लेकर एक दस
ू रे से बाँटने के अवसर ह-

एक दसू रे कQ %लखी हुई रचनाओं को सन
ु ने, पढ़ने और उन पर अपनी राय दे ने, उनमO
अपनी बात को जोड़ने, बढ़ाने और अलग अलग ढं ग से %लखने के अवसर ह-

संल$नक II
मन - मान @चBण (मैFपंग) कJा 3 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने
के :Sतफल के साथ
कहT जा रहT बात, कहानी, कXवता आ8द को xयान से समझते हुए सन
ु ते और अपनी
HvतMzया >य@त करते हg
कहानी, कXवता आ8द को उपय@
ु त उतार चढ़ाव, गvत, Hवाह और सहT Hकार से सन
ु ते हg

सनु ी हुई रचनाओं कQ Xवषय वiतु घटनाओं, पाr-, शीष+क आ8द के बारे मO बातचीत करते हg,
राय बताते हg/अपने तरTके से (कहानी, कXवता आ8द) अपनी भाषा मO >य@त करते हg ।
आस पास होने वालT गvतXव)धय-/घटनाओं और Xव%भ/न िiथvतय- मO हुए अपने अनभ
ु व- के
बारे मO बताते,बातचीत करते और H]न पछ
ू ते हg।
कहानी,कXवता अथवा अ/य सामnी को समझते हुए उसमO अपनी कहानी /बात जोड़ते हg ।
तरह -तरह कQ रचनाओं/सामnी (अख़बार,बाल पqrका, होÅडÇÉस आ8द) को समझकर पढ़ने के
बाद उस पर आधा}रत H]न पछ
ू ते हg/अपनी राय दे ते हg/ %श'क एवं अपने सहपा8ठय- के
साथ चचा+ करते हg, पछ
ू े गए H]न- के उÖर (मौÜखक, सांकेvतक) दे ते हg ।
अलग-अलग तरह कQ रचनाओं/सामnी (अखबार, बाल पqrका, होÅडÇÉस आ8द ) को समझकर
पढ़ने के बाद उस पर आधा}रत H]न पछ
ू ते हg/अपनी राय दे ते हg/ %श'क एवं अपने सहपा8ठय-
के साथ चचा+ करते हg, पछ
ू े गए H]न- के उÖर (मौÜखक, सांकेvतक) दे ते हg।
अलग-अलग तरह कQ रचनाओं मO आए नए श`द- को संदभ+ मO समझकर उनका अथ+
सvु नि]चत करते हg ।
तरह-तरह कQ कहाvनय-, कXवताओं/रचनाओं कQ भाषा कQ बारTMकय- (जैसे -श`द- कQ पन
ु रावXृ Ö,
संàा, सव+नाम, Xव%भ/न Xवराम-)चâन- का Hयोग आ8द) कQ पहचान और Hयोग करते हg।
अलग-अलग तरह कQ रचनाओं/सामnी (अखबार, बाल पqrका, होÅडÇÉस आ8द ) को समझकर
पढ़ने के बाद उस पर आधा}रत H]न पछ
ू ते हg/अपनी राय दे ते हg/ %श'क एवं अपने सहपा8ठय-
के साथ चचा+ करते हg।
iवे6छा से या %श'क bवारा तय गvतXव)ध के अंतग+त )चr- आड़ी -vतरछä रे खाओं (कQरम -
काँटे), अ'र आकृvतय- से आगे बढ़ते हुए iव-वत+नी का उपयोग और iव-vनयंrण लेखन
(कनवO शनल राइ8टंग) करते हg ।
Xव%भ/न उbदे ]य- के %लये
%लखते हुए अपने लेखन मO Xवराम )च/ह-, जैसे पण
ू + Xवराम,
अ~प Xवराम, H]नवाचक )च/ह का सहT इiतेमाल करते हg ।

अलग अलग तरह कQ रचनाओं/सामnी (अख़बार, बाल पqrका, जैसे पण
ू + Xवराम, अ~प Xवराम
H]नवाचक )च/ह का सचेत इiतेमाल करते हg ।

संल$नक III
मन-मं+च-ण( मै1पंग) क5ा 3 8ह:द< 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई. Eवारा अपनाए - सीखने के JKतफल
नोट – सQपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के JKतफल
पाठ -1 1वषय कवर Xकए गए Yश5ण के ल[य सीखने के JKतफल
पाठ 1 क3वता सन
ु ने के बाद 3व9याथ< क3वता के तीन>
का?यांश> से सAबिCधत EFन> के उHर दे ने मK समथL
ह>गे जैसे कु(कू को Rकन-Rकन नाम> से बल
ु ाया जाता
था ? दस कहU जा रहU बात, कहानी, क3वता आWद
ू रे का?यांश मK कु(कू को (या पसंद नहUं
था ? आWद | कYा मK चचाL कZ जाएगी Rक को iयान से समझते हुए सन ु ते और
*वण /वाचन कौशल का जब अलग-अलग नाम से पक
ु ारा जाता है तो ब]च> अपनी EkतRlया ?य(त करते हm ।
3वकास को कैसा लगता है ? झगड़ाल,ू मोटू, गोलू जैसे नाम
से पक
ु ारने से (या Rकसी को दःु ख पहुँचता है ?
िजससे वाचन कौशल का 3वकास होगा |

परू ा पाठ धीरजपव

ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे

१० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे

3व9याथ< कम से कम 20 शhद पढ़कर क3वता के

पाr> के 3वषय मK मे बता सकेगK ।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास

क3वता को लयाtमक तरUक़े से छाr> से पढ़कर
क3वता के मल
ू भाव को 3वxभCन EFन> के माiयम
से जोड़ सकेगK ।

क3वता कZ पंि(तय> का lम बदलकर उCहK lम मK

पढ़ सकेगK ।

(या आप क(कु जैसा ब]चा बनना चाहते हो ? यWद

हाँ /नहUं तो (य> ? जैसे EFन का उHर अiया3पका
कZ सहायता के माiयम से 10 से 15 शhद> मK

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास xलख पायKगे ।

क3वता कZ Etयेक पंि(तय> मK से एक-एक शhद हटा

Wदया जाएगा। ब]चे हटे हुए शhद को xलख सकKगे

पांच छह नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL

जानना है ।जैसे - WठठोलU ,तkनक ,xमसरU

शhद 3वकास कौशल ,भ(कु,झ(कु आWद

ऊ माrा वाले पाँच शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनका

*ुतलेख 9वारा म{
ू यांकन करना ।

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन क3वता कZ कुछ पंि(तयाँ सन
ु कर, Wदए गए äचr मK
(Differentiated से चीज़> कZ पहचान करवाकर तथा सीखे गए नए

Assessment) शhद> के *त
ु लेख 9वारा म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा |

ु ासन, Eेम ,संवेदना जैसे नैkतक भाव से अवगत
करवाना ।

नैkतक म{
ू य Eेम वाले नाम और äचढ़ाने वाले नाम मK (या फ़कL
है और आप कैसा महसस
ू करते है इस Eकार के
नाम के साथ ।

पाठ -2 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल

सारांश ëहण करना और सामëी को अ]छे से
समझकर, सन
ु कर अथL ëहण करने कZ Yमता का
कहानी, क3वता आWद को उपय(
ु त उतार
3वकास करना ।संपण
ू L पाठ को तीन चरण मK बाँटकर
चढ़ाव, गkत, Eवाह और सहU पटU साथ
पाठ २ - शेखीबाज *वण /वाचन कौशल का -(आरं भ ,मiय,अंत ) कहानी का लघु नाìय îप
ु ते हm ।
म(खी 3वकास छाr> से Eïतत
ु करवाना ।
कहानी,क3वता अथवा अCय सामëी को
परू ा पाठ धीरजपव
ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे
समझते हुए उसमK अपनी कहानी /बात
१० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे जोड़ते हm ।

पाठ को पढ़वाकर 3व9याäथLय> को जानवर> कZ
पठन कौशल का 3वकास शरारत> के बारे मे बताना ।ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई
२० शhद पढ़ सकKगK

3व9याäथLय> 9वारा 3Eय जानवर> पर चचाL करके

उनके 3Eय जानवर पर चार से पाँच वा(य> मK लेख
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
xलखवाकर लेखन कौशल को बढाना ।कुल शhद
(१० -१५ )

नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL जानना |

पाठ मK Eय(
ु त अनï
ु वार और अनन
ु ाxसक जैसे शhद>
शhद 3वकास कौशल
मK अंतर कर शhद 3वकास करK गे ।चार अथवा पांच
नये शhद> का अथL जान पायKगे

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन पाठ मK आए äचr> का Eयोग äचr वणLन के îप मK
(Differentiated Rकया जाएगा तथा सीखे गए नए शhद> के *ुतलेख

Assessment) 9वारा म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा |

सामाCय उ9दे Fय वालU अCय नवीन कहानी को

ु कर घमंड जैसे भाव से पôरäचत करवाते हुए Eेम
नैkतक म{
ू य
और एकता के भाव के साथ जोड़कर नैkतक भाव का
3वकास करना ।

पाठ -3 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल
सारांश ëहण करना और सामëी को अ]छे से
समझकर, सन
ु कर अथL ëहण करने कZ Yमता का
*वण /वाचन कौशल का 3वकास करना ।
परू ा पाठ धीरजपव
ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे

१० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे

xशYक कZ सहायता से 3व9याथ< पाठ पढ़K गे ,

आस पास होने वालU
पाठ 3 िजससे पठन कौशल का 3वकास होगा | बढ़
ू U गkत3वäधय>/घटनाओं और 3वxभCन
पठन कौशल का 3वकास अAमा के साथ चॉद कZ शरारत> के बारे मK बताना
चॉद वालU अAमा िïथkतय> मK हुए अपने अनभ
ु व> के बारे

मK बताते,बातचीत करते हm|
ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २० शhद पढ़ सकKगK

जब बढ़
ू U अAमा उड़ी जा रहU थी तो उCह>ने आसमान
को हर तरह से मनाने कZ कोxशश कZ ।बताओ

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास ,उCह>ने (या -(या कहा होगा ?

१-घबराकर २- ग़ï
ु से से ३- äगड़äगड़ाकर ४-तरकZब
ू ने पर

इस Eकार लेखन कौशल का 3वकास Rकया जाएगा ।

चार से पाँच वा(य> मK लेख xलखवाकर लेखन कौशल

को बढाना ।कुल शhद (१५-२५ )

नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL जानना

शhद 3वकास कौशल जैसे -रïसाकशी ,सझ
ू ी , Wहïसा आWद |चार अथवा
पांच नये शhद> का अथL जान पायKगे

शhद> के अथL का उäचत xमलान 9वारा ,Rकसने

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन
Rकससे कहा जैसे EFन> 9वारा ,Etयेक पाr के बारे
मK 3वचार ?य(त करवाने 9वारा अäधëहण Yमता
का म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा ।

ïव]छता और कायL ïवयं करने जैसे नैkतक भाव पर

नैkतक म{
ू य चचाL करते हुए अiया3पका भाव से पôरäचत
करवाएगी ।

पाठ -4 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल
क3वता सन
ु ने के बाद सभी 3वधाथ< क3वता के
का?यांश> से संबंäधत EFन> के उHर दे ने मK समथL
ह>गK जैसे-क3व का (या (या करने का मन करता है
आWद |
कYा मK चचाL कZ जाएगी Rक सरू ज ,चंदा ,बाबा
*वण /वाचन कौशल का ,पापा ,kततलU बनकर आप (या अलग करना चाहोगे
3वकास |इस Eकार कYा चचाL करते हुए 3वधाäथLय> मK वाचन
कौशल का 3वकास होगा |क3वता के मल
ू भाव को तरह -तरह कZ रचनाओं/सामëी
समझकर 3वधाथ< अपने 3वचार रख सकKगे । (अख़बार,बाल प¢rका, हो£ड§•स आWद) को
समझकर पढ़ने के बाद उस पर
पाठ 4-मन करता है परू ा पाठ धीरजपव
ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे
आधाôरत EFन पछ
ू ते हm/अपनी राय दे ते
१० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे हm/ xशYक एवं अपने सहपाWठय> के साथ

ु ार उäचत लय और चचाL करते हm, पछ

छाr> 9वारा क3वता का lमानस ू े गए EFन> के उHर

ु ध उ]चारण 9वारा पठन (मौ¶खक, सांकेkतक) दे ते हm

ताल का iयान रखते हुए श9 ।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास
करते हुए अथL ëहण Rकया जाएगा।
ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २५ -३० नये शhद पढ़

आसान शhद> एवं अYर> को xलखवाकर तथा

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
3व9याäथLय> 9वारा उनके बचपन के Rकïस> पर चचाL

करके कZ बचपन मK उनका (या मन करता है ? इस
Eकार उनका लेखन कौशल बढ़ाया जाएगा ।

चार से पाँच वा(य> मK लेख xलखवाकर लेखन

कौशल को बढाना ।कुल शhद (१५-२५ )

नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL जानना

ु ाxसक शhद> को रे खांRकत Rकया जाएगा ।जैसे
शhद 3वकास कौशल
- Wदखाऊँ ,मँछ
ू ,लगाऊँ आWद

चार अथवा पांच नये शhद> का अथL जान पायKगे

ôर(त ïथान कZ पkू तL 9वारा अäधगम Yमता का

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा ।जैसे -मन करता है ------
(Differentiated बनकर मीठे ïवर मK गाना गाऊँ ।

Assessment) *ुतलेख 9वारा वतLनी श9

ु धता का म{
ू यांकन Rकया
जाएगा ।

लालच और इ]छा मK (या अंतर होता है इस 3वषय

नैkतक म{
ू य पर चचाL कZ जाएगी और नैkतक गुण से अवगत
करवाया जाएगा ।

Eाकृkतक और कृ¢rम से जड़
ु ी इ]छाओं मK अंतर
बताया जाएगा ।

पाठ -5 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल

3वषय पर चचाL करते हुए xश®Yका कहानी पढाते हुए
समझाएँगी व कहानी मK आए ?याकर¶णक शhद> को भी
समझाएँगी िजससे ब]च> मK *वण कौशल का 3वकास
हो सके ।
*वण /वाचन कौशल का
पाठ 3वïतार मK सहायक- पी.पी. टU, ïमाटL बोडL ।
™Fय-*?य सामëी के माiयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।
अलग-अलग तरह कZ रचनाओं मK
पाठ 5-बहादरु ¢बHो परू ा पाठ धीरजपव
ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे आए नए शhद> को संदभL मK समझकर

१० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे उनका अथL सkु निFचत करते हm ।

ू मK बैठे 3व9याथ< kनधाLôरत अंक का पाठन करK गे।
कWठन व नए शhद> क अथL समझाते हुए पाठ का वाचन
पठन कौशल का 3वकास
करवाना।ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २५ -३० नये शhद
पढ़ सकKगK

पाठ का नाम बहादरु ¢बH> (य> रखा गया है अगर
¢बH> बहादरु नहUं होती तो कहानी का नया अंत कैसा
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
होता ?इन EFन> का उHर १५ से २० शhद> मK xलख

नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL जानना। ए

,ऐ कZ माrा वाले शhद> कZ श9
ु ध वतLनी कZ और iयान
शhद 3वकास कौशल
Wदया जाएगा ।चार अथवा पांच नये शhद> का अथL जान

लघु EFन> का kनमाLण छाr अपनी समझ से ïवयं करK गे

और एक पंि(त मK ïवयं kनxमLत EFन> के उHर अपने
3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन
(Differentiated सहपाठ¨ से पछ
ू K गे ।इस Eकार सहपाठ¨ भी EFन> का
Assessment) kनमाLण करे गा।EFन kनमाLण गkत3वäध 9वारा कYा के
अäधगम ïतर का म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा ।

बहादरु U के छोटे -छोटे Rक़ïस> पर छाr> से चचाL कZ

नैkतक म{
ू य जाएगी। बहादरु U Wदखाकर लोग> कZ मदद कZ जा सकती
है इस Eकार नैkतकता का संचार Rकया जाएगा ।

पाठ -6 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल
पाठ 3वïतार मK सहायक- पी.पी.टU, ïमाटL बोडL, माँ पर
आधाôरत अCय क3वता।™Fय-*?य सामëी के माiयम
से रोचकता बनाए रखना।

*वण /वाचन कौशल का ओजिïवता पण ू L क3वता वाचन के माiयम से पव

ू L पWठत
3वकास अंश से 3व9याäथLय> को जोड़ा जायेगा।वाtस{य जीवन
कZ कWठनाइय> को अxभ?य(त कर सकKगे।

परू ा पाठ धीरजपव

ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे अलग-अलग तरह कZ
पाठ 6 १० से १५ शhद> मK EFन> का उHर कह पायKगे रचनाओं/सामëी (अखबार, बाल
प¢rका, हो£ड§•स आWद ) को समझकर
हमसे सब कहते है ।
क3वता का गायन करवाएँगे िजससे उäचत लय –ताल, पढ़ने के बाद उस पर आधाôरत EFन
पठन कौशल का 3वकास यkत-गkत का 3वकास होगा और आरोह-अवरोह Yमता पछ
ू ते हm/अपनी राय दे ते हm/ xशYक
मK व9
ृ äध होगी। शhदाथØ का ∞ान होगा। एवं अपने सहपाWठय> के साथ चचाL

ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २५ -३० नये शhद पढ़ सकKगK करते हm।

वाtस{य जीवन मK आपको Rकस Eकार कZ चन

ु ौkतय>
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास का सामना करना पड़ता है ?कोई दो चन
ु ौती अपने शhद>
मK xल¶खए ।

इस Eकार के EFन> 9वारा छाr अxभ?यि(त पर बल
Wदया जाएगा तथा लेखन कौशल को बढ़ाया जाएगा ।

छाr EFन> का उHर १५ से २० शhद> मK xलख पायेगK।

ओ और औ कZ माrा से संबंäधत कWठन व नवीन

शhद 3वकास कौशल शhदावलU से जड़
ु ी वतLनी कZ पन
ु राव3ृ H करवाना ।

चार अथवा पांच नये शhद> का अथL जान पायKगे

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन लघु EFनोHर ,ôर(त ïथान कZ पkू तL ,एवं क3वता कZ
(Differentiated पंि(तय> को lमानस
ु ार लगवाते हुए 3वषय का सतत

Assessment) म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा ।

Eकृkत से हमK Eेम करना चाWहए ,बड़> का आदर करना

चाWहए ,जीवन मK ख़xु शयाँ बाँटनी चाWहए ।
नैkतक म{
ू य
इस Eकार के EFन> पर भाव अxभ?यि(त करवाते हुए
नैkतक म{
ू य से जोड़ा जाएगा ।

पाठ -7 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल

xशYक 9वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को 3व9याथ< iयानपव
ू क
L तरह-तरह कZ कहाkनय>,
पाठ 7 *वण कौशल का 3वकास
ु Kगे और पछ
ू े गए EFन> के १० से १५ शhद> मK क3वताओं/रचनाओं कZ भाषा कZ

WटपWटपवा उHर दK गे | जैसे - कहानी मK Rकस चीज़ कZ बात कZ बारURकय> (जैसे -शhद> कZ पन
ु राव3ृ H,
गई है ? िजससे *वण और वाचन कौशल दोन> का सं∞ा, सवLनाम, 3वxभCन 3वराम-
3वकास होगा | äच≤न> का Eयोग आWद) कZ पहचान
और Eयोग करते हm।
परू ा पाठ धीरजपव
ू क
L सन
ु पायKगे

पठन कौशल का 3वकास ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २५ -३० नये शhद पढ़ सकKगK

छाr EFन> का उHर १५ से २० अपने शhद> मK xलख

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास

नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL बताये जाएँगे

,पाठ के अंत मK चार अथवा पाँच नए शhद> के अथL
शhद 3वकास कौशल
बताने मK सYम होगK जैसे - घोर , घबराई आWद
| िजससे शhदकोश का 3वकास होगा |

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन पाठ के कुछ EFन तथा नए शhद> के अथL पछ
ू कर,
(Differentiated *ुतलेख लेकर पढ़ाई गए पाठ का म{
ू यांकन Rकया
Assessment) जाएगा |

अkत का भला न बोलना अkत कZ भलU न चप

नैkतक म{
ू य अkत का भला न बरसना अkत कZ भलU न धप

ू बझ
ू से पôरिïथkत का समाधान करना चाWहए ।

पाठ -8 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल
सारांश ëहण करना और सामëी को अ]छे से समझकर,
ु कर अथL ëहण करने कZ Yमता का 3वकास करना
*वण /वाचन कौशल का ।जैसे - पाठ से संबंäधत पछे गए EFन> के उHर दे पाना

। पाठ को सन
ु ने के बाद अपने शhद> मK दो से चार
वा(य> मK मौ¶खक सारांश ?य(त कर पाना।

ु धता ,धाराEवाह ,उäचत अंत ïवे]छा से या xशYक 9वारा तय

भाषा एवं उ]चारण कZ श9
,भाव भंäगमा ,ïवर ïप¥टता का 3वकास करना । गkत3वäध के अंतगLत äचr> आड़ी -
पाठ 8 पठन कौशल का 3वकास
kतरछ¨ रे खाओं (कZरम -काँटे), अYर
जैसे - रोले µले 9वारा उपय(
ुL त xल¶खत सभी ¢बंदओ
ु ं का
बंदर-बाट आकृkतय> से आगे बढ़ते हुए ïव-
3वकास करना ।ब]चे पाठ मK आये कोई २५ -३० नये
वतLनी का उपयोग और ïव-kनयंrण
शhद पढ़ सकKगK
लेखन (कनवK शनल राइWटंग) करते हm

छाr EFन> का उHर १५ से २० अपने शhद> मK xलख ।

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास

चार अथवा पांच नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके

शhद 3वकास कौशल
अथL जानना |

जैसे -ऊ और उ कZ माrा वाले शhद> से जड़
ु ी माrाओं
कZ पन
ु राव3ृ H कZ जाएगी और *ुतलेख के xलए इन
माrाओं वाले शhद> कZ तैयारU करवाई जाएगी ।

पाँच ई कZ माrा वाले शhद> कZ *ुतलेख 9वारा श9

ु ध
3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन वतLनी का म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाएगा ।शhद सच
ू ी का kनमाLण
(Differentiated करते हुए उäचत शhद> का चयन करवाते हुए कहानी का

Assessment) सरल îप ôर(त ïथान> 9वारा पण

ू L करवाते हुए पाठ
संबंäधत अäधëहण Yमता का म{
ू यांकन Rकया जाए ।

बराबर का हक़ होना - ब]चे कैसे और कब बराबरU का

हक़ महसस
ू करते हm इस पर 3वxभCन रोमांचक घटनाओं
के 9वारा xश®Yका उदाहरण> के माiयम से कYा के
नैkतक म{
ू य समY 3वचार ?य(त कर नैkतकता का भाव उजागर करK गी
।जैसे - वोट दे ना ,WटRफ़न बाँटना ,कायL बाँटना
,3व9याäथLय> को दस
ू रे के झगड़ो को सल
ु झाने के यो•य
बनाना आWद ।

पाठ -9 3वषय xशYण के लéय सीखने के Ekतफल
अiयापक 9वारा सन
ु ाई गई कहानी के आधार पर
छाr पाठ के बारे मK संYेप मK बताने और पाठ का
कुछ अन]
ु छे द पढ़ने मK सYम ह>गे । इससे उनमK
*वण /वाचन कौशल का *वण और वाचन कौशल का 3वकास होगा। पाठ से
3वकास छाr दो-तीन अन]
ु छे द को सहU-सहU पढ़ने मK तथा
पाठ को सन
ु ने के बाद अपने शhद> मK दो से चार
वा(य> मK मौ¶खक सारांश ?य(त कर पाने मK सYम

छाr कहानी के बारे मK कम से कम पाँच वा(य(२५ अलग अलग तरह कZ रचनाओं/सामëी

पाठ 9 -कब आऊँ पठन कौशल का 3वकास
-३० शhद> वाले ) पढ़ने मK सYम ह>गे। (अख़बार, बाल प¢rका, जैसे पण
ू L 3वराम,
अ{प 3वराम EFनवाचक äचCह का सचेत
छाr EFन> का उHर १५ से २० अपने शhद> मK xलख
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास इïतेमाल करते हm ।

छाr पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत चार -पांच 3वशेषण शhद

शhद 3वकास कौशल और मह
ु ावरे आWद को पहचान पाने व इनका अथL
बताने मK सYम ह>गे।

3वभेWदत म{
ू यांकन पाठ के अंत मK Wदए गए 'कहानी से' के आधार पर
(Differentiated छाr> का म{
ू यांकन Rकया जायेगा।

अiयापक 9वारा जीवन मK xमठास लाने और जलन
नैkतक म{
ू य कZ भावना से दरू रहने मK भलाई है आWद नैkतक
ू य> कZ xशYा दU जाएगी।

पाठ -10 3वषय xशYण के लéय

*वण -वाचन कौशल का ™Fय- *?य माiयम 9वारा---

पाठ के अथL को ëहण करना और सामëी को अ]छे
से समझकर, पाठ से संबंäधत पछ ू े गए EFन> के उHर सनु ी हुई रचनाओं कZ 3वषय वïतु
दे पाना । पाठ को सन
ु ने के बाद अपने शhद> मK दो से घटनाओं, पाr>, शीषLक आWद के बारे मK
पाठ 10-(य>िजमल और
चार वा(य> मK मौ¶खक सारांश ?य(त कर पाना। बातचीत करते हm, राय बताते हm/अपने
कैसे - कैसxलया
तôरके से (कहानी, क3वता आWद) अपनी

पठन कौशल का 3वकास 3व9याäथLय> को पठन कौशल का 3वकास के अंतगLत भाषा मK ?य(त करते हm ।

पाठ मे आये 3वराम äच≤न> से पôरäचत कराना।छाr

कहानी के बारे मK कम से कम पाँच वा(य(२५ -३०
शhद> वाले ) पढ़ने मK सYम ह>गे

छाr EFन> का उHर १५ से २० अपने शhद> मK xलख
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास

शhद 3वकास कौशल चार पाँच नवीन शhद> को रे खांRकत कर उनके अथL
बता पाने मK सYम ह>गK ।

ू यांकन (Differentiated
इसका उ9दे Fय छाr> को kनधाLôरत xशYण लéय> के
आकलन पर उनके काम कZ तल
ु ना करने मK मदद
करना है ताRक वे महtवपण
ू L xशYण लéय> के अपेYा
अपनी ïवयं कZ व9
ृ äध के बारे मK अäधक जागîक हो
जाएं और सामëी के साथ अपनी सफलता बढ़ाने के
xलए आवFयक कौशल 3वकxसत कर सकK।

नैkतक म{
ू य xश®Yका 9वारा 3व9याäथLय> को पाठ के माiयम से
जीवन कZ यथाथLता से पôरäचत करना आWद नैkतक
ू य> पर 3वशेष बल Wदया जायेगा |जीवन मK (य> और
कैसे जैसे शhद> के बीच नहUं फँसना चाWहए । लोग> से
सोच समझ कर बात करनी चाWहए ।

क"ा 4

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी %श'ा)थ+य- (%भ/न 1प से स'म ब6च- स8हत) को >यि@तगत , साम8ू हक 1प से काय+
करने के अवसर और HोIसाहन 8दया जाएगा ताMक उ/हO
Pव%भ/न Pवषय-, िRथSतय-, घटनाओं म अनभ
ु व-, कहाSनय- कPवताओं आ8द को अपने तरZके
और अपनी भाषा मO कहने सन
ु ने/H\न पछ
ू ने एवं अपनी बात जोड़ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-

‘पढ़ने का कोना ‘मO Rतरानस
ु ार Pव%भ/न Hकार कe और Pव%भ/न भाषाओं (ब6च- कe अपनी
भाषा/ऐं, 8हंदZ आ8द ) मO रोचक सामgी, जैसे – बाल सा8हIय बाल पjkकाएँ , पोRटर, ऑडीओ-
Pवडीओ सामgी उपल`ध हो ।
तरह तरह कe कहाSनय- कPवताओं पोRटर आ8द को )चk- और संदभ+ के आधार पर समझने
समझाने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-
ु ी, दे खी, बात- को अपने तरZक़े से काग़ज़ पर उतरने के अवसर ह- । ये )चk भी हो सकते
हu, श`द भी और वा@य भी
अपनी भाषा गढ़ने (नए श`द/वा@य//अ%भ>यि@तयाँ बनाने) और उनका इRतेमाल करने के
अवसर ह- ।
अपना पwरवार, Pवxयालय, मोहyला, खेल का मैदान, गाँव कe चौपाल जैसे Pवषय- पर अथवा
Rवयं Pवषय का चन
ु ाव कर अनभ
ु व- को लेकर एक दस
ू रे से बाँटने के अवसर ह-
एक दसू रे कe %लखी हुई रचनाओं को सन
ु ने, पढ़ने और उन पर अपनी राय दे ने, उनमO
अपनी बात को जोड़ने, बढ़ाने और अलग अलग ढं ग से %लखने के अवसर ह-
Pव%भ/न उxदे \य- को }यान मO रखते हुए पढ़ने के Pव%भ/न आयाम- को क'ा मO उ)चत
Rथान दे ने के अवसर उपल`ध ह-, जैसे Mकसी कहानी या पाk- के संबंध मO अपनी HSतM~या,
राय, तक+ दे ना, Pव\लेषण करना आ8द ।
कहानी, कPवता आ8द को बोलकर पढ़ने सन
ु ने और सन
ु ी दे खी पढ़Z घटनाओं को अपने तरZक़े
से, अपनी भाषा मO कहने और %लखने (भाPषक और सांकेSतक मा}यम से) के अवसर एवं
HोIसाहन उपल`ध ह- ।
ज़1रत और संदभ+ के अनस
ु ार अपनी भाषा गढ़ने (नये श`द/वा@य/अ%भ>यि@तयाँ बनाने) और
उनका इRतेमाल करने के अवसर उपल`ध ह- ।
एक दसू रे को %लखी हुई रचनाओं को सन
ु ने पढ़ने और उस पर अपने राय दे ने उसमO अपने
बात को जोड़ने, बढ़ाने और अलग अलग ढं ग से %लखने के अवसर ह- ।
अपनी बात को अपने ढं ग से सज
ृ नाIमक तरZके से अ%भ>य@त (मौÅखक, %लÅखत, सांकेSतक
1प से) करने कe आज़ादZ हो ।

आस पास होने वालZ गSतPव)धय-/घटनाओं (जैसे – मेरे घर कe चैट से सरू ज @य- नहZं
8दखता? सामने वाले पेड़ पर बैठने वालZ )चÑड़याँ कहाँ चलZ गयीं?) को लेकर H\न करने,
सहपा8ठय- से बातचीत या चचा+ करने के अवसर उपल`ध ह- ।
क'ा मO अपने सा)थय- को भाषाओं पर गौर करने के अवसर ह- जैसे – आम, रोटZ, तोता
आ8द श`द- को अपनी अपनी भाषा मO कहे जाने के अवसर उपल`ध ह- ।
Pवषय वRतु के संदभ+ मO भाषा को बारZMकय- और उसकe Sनयमबxध HकृSत को समझने
और उनका Hयोग करने के अवसर ह- ।
अ/य Pवषय-, >यवसाय-, कलाओं आ8द (जैसे – गÅणत, PवÖान,सामािजक अ}ययन, नIृ यकला,
)चMकIसा आ8द) मO Hय@
ु त होने वालZ श`दावलZ को समझने और उसका संदभ+ एवं िRथSत
के अनस
ु ार इRतेमाल करने के अवसर ह- ।

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 4 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने
के :Sतफल के साथ
ू र- xवारा कहZ जा रहZ बात को }यान से सन
ु कर अपनी HSतM~या >य@त करते और H\न
ू ते हu ।
सनु ी हुई रचनाओं कe Pवषय वRतु घटनाओं, पाk-, शीष+क आ8द के बारे मO बातचीत करते हu,
राय बताते हu/अपने तरZके से (कहानी, कPवता आ8द) अपनी भाषा मO >य@त करते हu ।
कहानी,कPवता अथवा अ/य सामgी को समझते हुए उसमO अपनी कहानी /बात जोड़ते हu ।
भाषा कe बारZMकय- पर }यान दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा गढ़ते और उसका इRतेमाल करते हu ।
तरह -तरह कe रचनाओं/सामgी (अख़बार,बाल पjkका, होÑडáàस आ8द) को समझकर पढ़ने के
बाद उस पर आधाwरत H\न पछ
ू ते हu/अपनी राय दे ते हu/ %श'क एवं अपने सहपा8ठय- के
साथ चचा+ करते हu, पछ
ू े गए H\न- के उâर (मौÅखक, सांकेSतक) दे ते हu ।
PवPवध Hकार कe सामgी (जैसे – समाचार पk के मä
ु य शीष+क बाल पjkका आ8द( मO आए
HाकृSतक सामािजक एवं अ/य संवेदनशील jबंदओ
ु ं को समझते और उन पर चचा+ करते हu

पढ़Z हुई सामgी और Sनजी अनभ
ु व- को जोड़ते हुए उनसे उभरZ संवेदनाओं और Pवचार- कe
(मौÅखक / %लÅखत) अ%भ>यि@त करते हu ।
अलग अलग तरह कe रचनाओं/सामgी (अख़बार, बाल पjkका, जैसे पण
ू + Pवराम, अyप Pवराम
H\नवाचक )च/ह का सचेत इRतेमाल करते हu ।
पढने के HSत उIसक
ु रहते हu और पR
ु तक कोना/पR
ु तकालय से अपनी पसंद कe Mकताब- को
Rवयं चन
ु कर पढ़ते हu ।

पढ़Z रचनाओं कe Pवषय-वRत,ु घटनाओं, )चk-, पाk-, शीष+क आ8द के बारे मO बातचीत करते
हu/H\न पछ
ू ते हu, अपनी राय दे ते हu, अपनी बात के %लए तक+ दे ते हu ।
ु ार अ/य Pवषय-, >यवसाय-, कलाओं आ8द (जैसे – गÅणत, PवÖान, सामािजक
अ}ययन , नIृ यकला, )चMकIसा आ8द) मO Hय@
ु त होने वालZ श`दावलZ कe सराहना करते हu

भाषा कe बारZMकय- , जैसे – श`द- कe पन
ु रावPृ â, सव+नाम Pवशेषण, जOडर, वचन आ8द के
HSत सचेत रहते हुए %लखते हu ।
Mकसी Pवषय पर %लखते हुए श`द- के बारZक अंतर को समझते हुए सराहते हu और श`द-
का उ)चत Hयोग करते हुए %लखते है ।
Pव%भ/न िRथSतय- और उxदे \य- (बल
ु े8टन बोड+ पर लगाई जाने वालZ सच
ू ना, सामान कe
ू ी, कPवता, कहानी, )चãठå आ8द) के अनस
ु ार %लखते हu ।
Rवे6छा से या %श'क xवारा तय गSतPव)धय- के अंतग+त लेखन कe HM~या कe बेहतर
समझ के साथ अपने लेखन को जाँचते हu और लेखन के उxदे \य और पाठक के अनस
ु ार
लेखन मO बदलाव करते हu ।
अलग अलग तरह कe रचनाओं मO आए ने श`द- को संदभ+ मO समझकर उनका लेखन मO
इRतेमाल करते हu ।
Pव%भ/न उxदे \य- के %लए %लखते हुए अपने लेखन मO Pवराम – )च/ह-, जैसे – पण
ू + Pवराम,
अyप Pवराम, H\नवाचक )च/ह का सचेत इRतेमाल करते हu ।
अपनी कyपना से कहानी, कPवता, वण+ आ8द %लखते हुए भाषा का सज
ृ नाIमक Hयोग करते
हu ।

संल$नक III----क*ा 4

मन-मान.च0 (मै3पंग) क*ा 4 7ह9द; 3वषय सी. बी. एस. ई. Dवारा अपनाए - सीखने के IJतफल

नोट – सPपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के IJतफल

पाठ - सPपण
ू S 3वषय Wश*ण के लYय सीखने के IJतफल

पाठ 1 – 8व9या;थ=य> को ?कृAत के ?Aत अCसर करना और उनका मनोरं जन कहानी,क8वता अथवा अ4य सामCी को
मन के भोले- भाले बादल करना। समझते हुए उसमQ अपनी कहानी /बात
सरल अ4वेषण
8व9या;थ=य> को समय अनस
ु ार ?कृAत के Aनयम> कJ जानकारK जोड़ते हT ।
दे ना ।

Uवण -वाचन क8वता सन

ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY क8वता के काZयांश> से
कौशल का स[बि4धत ?^न> के मौ_खक उaर चार - पांच वाbय>, जो
8वकास लगभग २० से २५ शgद> के ह>, दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।
?कृAत कJ मानवीकरण के बारे मQ चचा= करते हुए बhचे बारK -
बारK से पाठ के अंश> को पढ़Q गे तथा jयान पवू क
= सनु कर पाठ
से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के माjयम
से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा क8वता के अथ= को Cहण करना और
सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के अथ= को
जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।
क8वता के माjयम से वषा= कJ अ;धकता के कारण बाढ से होने
वालK परे शाAनय> पर चचा= करना ।

पठन कौशल का lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे , िजससे पठन

8वकास कौशल का 8वकास होगा |
वे क8वता के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(३० से ४० शgद>
वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख

का 8वकास पायेगQ।
ु ं के 8वषय मQ lलखवा कर कmा मQ छाÅ> के लेखन कौशल
को जानना|
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी
लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे। कागज कJ नाव
बनाकर रचनाÑमक ÖÜयाकलाप कराना ।

शgद कौशल सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन

का 8वकास शgद> को जानQगे। जैसे-बादल,भोला ,शैतानी तफ
ू ानी, बाढ़ ।
सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।
जैसे-भोला--बhच> का मन बहुत भोला होता है ।

शैतानी -हमQ कभी भी शैतानी नहKं करनी चाxहए।

8वभेxदत Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन करना:
ू यांकन पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
(Differentiated कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Assessment) Uत
ु लेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को ?कृAत के ?Aत ?ेòरत करना,
उसकJ संद
ु रता और Aन^चल भाव को दशा=ना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य>
पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -2 स[पण
ू = 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से मनोरं जन कराना ।

सभी 8व9याथY भाषा कJ बारKÖकय> पर
8व9या;थ=य> को समnयाओं का सरलता से हल करना lसखाना।
jयान दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा समझते हT
पाठ 2
Uवण -वाचन और उसका इnतेमाल करते हT ।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> के मौ_खक
जैसा सवाल वैसा जवाब कौशल का
उaर चार- पांच वाbय>, जो लगभग २० से २५ शgद> के ह>,
दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

जीवन कJ समnयाओं को आसानी से हल करने के बारे मQ चचा=
करते हुए lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव
ू क
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के

माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो,
वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना और

सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के अथ= को
जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,िजससे पठन

पठन कौशल का
कौशल का 8वकास होगा |
वे क8वता के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(३० से ४० शgद> वाले
) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे ।

छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख

लेखन कौशल
का 8वकास
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी
लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन
का 8वकास शgद> को जानQगे।

ु ;धमान, 8व^वास ,कोlशश, पसंद अlभमान।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।

ु ;धमान- ब9
ु ;धमान Zयिbत सभी समnयाओं का समाधान कर
सकता है ।

अlभमान- हमQ कभी भी अlभमान नहKं करना चाxहए।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन करना:

8वभेxदत पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।

ू यांकन लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
Assessment) कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से जीवन कJ
यथाथ=ता से पòर;चत करना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल
xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -3 स[पण
ू = 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण पाठ के माjयम से खेल> से पòर;चत करना ।

सभी 8व9याथY सन
ु ी हुई रचनाओं कJ
8व9या;थ=य> को अंदर और बाहर खेले जाने वाले खेल> के बारे मQ
8वषय वnत,ु घटनाओ, ;चÅ>, पाÅ>,
बातचीत करना ।
शीष=क आxद के बारे मे बातचीत करते
है / ?^न पछ
ू ते है , अपनी राय दे ते है
Uवण -वाचन पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> के मौ_खक
तथा अपनी बात के lलए तक=दे ते है ।
कौशल का 8वकास उaर चार पांच वाbय>, जो लगभग २० से २५ शgद> के ह>,
दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

पाठ 3 ·बhच> कJ खेल के ?Aत †;च , उÑसाह और उनके अनभ

ु व के बारे
मQ चचा= करते हुए lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY
Öकरlमच कJ गQ द
jयान पवू क
= सन
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के माjयम

से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना और

सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के अथ= को
जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,नए शgद पढ़ने मQ
पठन कौशल का
समथ= ह>गे जैसे -ईमानदारK|
िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे क8वता के कम से
कम पाँच वाbय(३० से ४० शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ
सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8?य खेल के 8वषय पर lलखकर लेखन कौशल बढाना और पाठ
8वकास का अंत बदलकर lलखना और सारांश Cहण करना ।

छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख


सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh

ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी लेखन/
क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन

8वकास शgद> को जानQगे।

जैसे-बाजार ,धरती ,गQ द ईमानदारK,छत।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।

जैसे-धरती-हमारK धरती बहुत संद
ु र है ।

ईमानदारK- ईमानदारK मन°ु य का सव¢aम गुण है ।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन करना:

ू यांकन पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर

8वभेxदत मâ ।

(Differentiated लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।

Assessment) कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा बराबरK, अनश
ु ासन और दस
ू र> के बारे मQ सोचना
आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -4 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> कJ पाठ के माjयम से काय= के ?Aत xदलचnपी बढाना

पाठ 4

पापा जब बhचे थे 8व9या;थ=य> को शेख;चâलK कJ कहाAनयॉ सन
ु ाना । सभी 8व9याथY nतरानस
ु ार अ4य
8वषय>, Zयवसाय>, कलाओं आxद -
ग_णत, 8वñान, सामािजक अjययन,
Uवण -वाचन पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> के मौ_खक नÑयकला, ;चÖकÑसा आxद कJ सराहना

कौशल का 8वकास उaर चार पांच वाbय>, जो लगभग २० से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने करते है ।
मQ समथ= ह>गे।

बhच> के बाल मन के भाव और उनके nवभाव के बारे मQ चचा=

करते हुए lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान
ू क
= सनु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के माjयम

से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना और

सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के अथ= को
जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे , िजससे पठन

पठन कौशल का
कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(३०
से ४० शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे ।

लेखन कौशल का बhचे पाठ मQ आये बाल -मन के अिnथर nवभाव को jयान मQ
8वकास रखते हुए nवयं को म•
ु य चòरÅ मानकर कहानी को lलखने मQ
समथ= होगQ ।

छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख


सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh

ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी लेखन/
क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन शgद>

का 8वकास को जानQगे।

जैसे-चौकJदार, है रानी याÅा ,समnया, मिु ^कल।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।

जैसे-चौकJदार -चौकJदार हमारK सरु mा करते हT।

ु े याÅा करना पसंद है ।

8वभेxदत Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ
ू यांकन करना:
ू यांकन पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
(Differentiated लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से जीवन मQ

नैAतक मâ
ू य
आगे बढ़ने के lलए ?ेòरत करने आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष
बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -5 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को राजाओं कJ कहाAनयॉ सन

ु ाना । पाठ के माjयम सभी 8व9याथY 8वlभ4न िnथAतय> और
से पòरधान> पर चचा= करना । उ9दे ^य> (बल
ु ेxटन बोड= पर लगाई जाने
पाठ 5 वालK सच
ू ना, क8वता, कहानी आxद )
के अनस
ु ार lलखते है ।
दोnत कJ पोशाक Uवण -वाचन पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> के
कौशल का 8वकास मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० से २५ शgद>
के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

8वlभ4न ?कार कJ पोशाक> तथा उनकJ आव^यकता के बारे मQ
चचा= करते हुए lशmक पाठ को पढ़Q गे तथा 8व9याथY jयान
ू क
= सन
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के

माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो,
वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना और

सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के अथ= को
जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे , िजससे

पठन कौशल का
पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |
वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(३० से ४० शgद> वाले
) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख

लेखन कौशल का
अपने बचपन कJ 8?य पोशाक पर Öकnसे lलखकर लेखन कौशल
बढाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी
लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन

8वकास शgद> को जानQगे।

जैसे- पोशाक ,पड़ोसी, पòरचय,दोnत, मल

ु ाकात।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।

जैसे-पड़ोसी- मेरे पड़ोसी बहुत अhछे हT।

ु ाकात-मTने अपने lमÅ से मल
ु ाकात कJ।

8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ
ू यांकन करना:
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
Assessment) कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से ?ाचीनकाल
के राजाओं के गुण> 9वारा ?ोÑसाxहत करना आxद ।

नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -6 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण क8वता के माjयम से बरसात के मौसम पर चचा= करना ।

8व9या;थ=य> को बरसात के मौसम मे कागज से नाव बनाने के
बारे मे बताना।

Uवण -वाचन कौशल पाठ सन

ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> के
पाठ 6 का 8वकास मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० से २५ शgद>

नाव बनाओ नाव के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

दे श के 8वlभ4न मौसम · के बारे मQ चचा= करते हुए lश{mका सभी 8व9याथY 8व8वध ?कार कJ
पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव ू क
= सनु कर पाठ से सामCी जैसे – समाचार पÅ के म•
ु य
lशmा Cहण करQ गे। शीष=क बाल प®Åका आxद मQ आए
?ाकृAतक सामािजक एवं अ4य
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी के
संवेदनशील ®ब4दओ
ु को समझते हT
माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो,
और उन पर चचा= करते हT ।
वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा---क8वता के अथ= को Cहण करना
और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> के
अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,िजससे पठन

पठन कौशल का
कौशल का 8वकास होगा |
वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५ शgद>
वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ lलख

8वकास पायेगQ।

बरसात के मौसम के आन4द के Öकnसे lलखकर लेखन कौशल

बढाना और कागज कJ नाव बनाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh

ु छे द लेखन/ कहानी
लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच नवीन

8वकास शgद> को जानQगे।

जैसे-नाव, सागर ,भैया, घर, गुâलक।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण करQ गे।

जैसे-गुâलक-मेरK गुâलक पैस> से भरK हुई है ।

सागर -सागर मQ तेज लहरQ उठती रहती हT।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन करना:

8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।

(Differentiated लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।

Assessment) कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को क8वता के माjयम से बचपन
मQ खेले जाने वाले खेल, उनमQ xदखाया जाने वाला अपनापन व
सरलता आxद गण
ु > का 8वकास करना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर
8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -7 स[पण
ू = 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण पाठ के माjयम से दान और भीख मQ अंतर बताना । सभी 8व9याथY अलग-अलग तरह कJ
रचनाओं/सामCी अख़बार, बाल प®Åका,
से पण
ू = 8वराम, अâप 8वराम ,
Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत
?^नवाचक ;च4ह का इnतेमाल करते
8वकास ?^न> के मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग
हT ।
२० से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

ू र> कJ सहायता करने के बारे मQ चचा= करते

पाठ 7 lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव

ू क
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।
दान का xहसाब
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय
सामCी के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे-
पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा---पाठ के अथ= को Cहण

करना और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर
नवीन शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास
करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,
पठन कौशल का 8वकास
िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |

वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५

शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद>

मQ lलख पायेगQ।

Öकसी एक दानवीर का Öकnसा lलख कर लेखन

कौशल बढ़ाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh

ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे। जैसे- 8व9वान
ु ं;धत।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण

करQ गे।

जैसे-सÑकार- हम अAत;थ का सÑकार करते हT।

ु ं;धत-फूल सग
ु ं;धत होते हT।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का

8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन मâ
ू यांकन करना:
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।

कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को परोपकारK बनने के

नैAतक मâ
ू य
lलए ?ेòरत करना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल
xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -8 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

8व9या;थ=य> को क8वता के माjयम से घर मQ रहने

सरल अ4वेषण सभी 8व9याथY भाषा कJ बारKÖकय> पर
वाले जीव- जंतओ
ु ं के बारे मQ बताना तथा उनसे
jयान दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा समझते
बातचीत करना। क8वता के माjयम से घरे लू जीव-
और उसका इnतेमाल करते है ।
ु ं व चह
ू ो पर चचा= करना ।

मौ_खक पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से
Uवण -वाचन कौशल का
स[बि4धत ?^न> के उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो
लगभग २० से २५ शgद> के ह>, दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।
सभी के ?Aत परोपकारK बनने के बारे मQ चचा= करते
lशmक पाठ को पढ़Q गे तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव
ू क
पाठ 8
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।
कौन ? पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय
सामCी के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे-
पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।
q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा क8वता के अथ= को Cहण
करना और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर
नवीन शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास
करना ।

पठन कौशल का 8वकास lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,

िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |

वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५
शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद>

मQ lलख पायेगQ।
पहे lलय> को lलख कर लेखन कौशल बढाना ।
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।
जैसे-nयाहK, रnसी, अनजाने, पैसा, lमठाई।
सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण
करQ गे।
जैसे-अनजाने-हमQ अनजाने मQ भी Öकसी को गलत बात
नहKं कहनी चाxहए।
ु े lमठाई खाना बहुत पसंद है ।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
Assessment) लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को क8वता के माjयम से

ू य
ु के lलए परोपकारK बनने आxद नैAतक
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -9 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से nवतंÅता ?ािáत

के lलए Öकए गए संघषØ के बारे मQ बताना ।
पाठ के माjयम से nवत4Åता सेनाAनय> पर चचा= तरह -तरह कJ रचनाओं/सामCी
करना । (अख़बार,बाल प®Åका, होvड∞±स आxद)
को समझकर पढ़ने के बाद उस पर
पाठ 9 Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत आधाòरत ?^न पछ
ू ते हT/अपनी राय
nवतंÅता कJ ओर 8वकास ?^न> के मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग दे ते हT/ lशmक एवं अपने सहपाxठय>
२० से २५ शgद> के ह>, दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे। के साथ चचा= करते हT, पछ
ू े गए ?^न>
nवतंÅता ?ािáत के lलए Öकए गए संघषØ के बारे के उaर (मौ_खक, सांकेAतक) दे ते हT ।
मQ चचा= करते lशmक पाठ को पढ़Q गे तथा 8व9याथY
jयान पव
ू क
= सन
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय
सामCी के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे-
पी. पी. टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण

करना और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर
नवीन शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास
करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,

पठन कौशल का 8वकास
िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |

वे पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५

शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे ।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद>

मQ lलख पायेगQ।

गांधी जी कJ जीवनी को lलख कर लेखन कौशल

बढाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

शgद कौशल का 8वकास
नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।

जैसे-आUम, योजना, nवतंÅता ,खादK, रसोईघर।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय> का Aनमा=ण
करQ गे।

जैसे-nवतंÅता-nवतंÅता ?ाáत करने के lलए बहुत- से

नौजवान> ने अपना बlलदान xदया।
योजना-मTने अपना काय= पण
ू = करने कJ योजना बनाई
है ।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से
दे श से ?ेम करने के lलए ?ेòरत करना आxद नैAतक
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -10 स[पण

ू = 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से संतlु लत आहार के

बारे मQ बातचीत करना । पाठ के माjयम से संतlु लत
आहार पर चचा= करना ।

Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन पढने के ?Aत उÑसकु रहते हT और

ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न>
8वकास के मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० पn ु तक कोना/पn
ु तकालय से अपनी

से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे। पसंद कJ Öकताब> को nवयं चन

ु कर
पाठ 10 सहयोग करने कJ भावना के बारे मQ चचा= करते पढ़ते हT ।
थप रोटK थप दाल lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव
ू क
सन अलग अलग तरह कJ रचनाओं मQ
ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे।
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी आए ने शgद> को संदभ= मQ समझकर
के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. उनका लेखन मQ इnतेमाल करते हT ।
टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।
q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण
करना और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर

नवीन शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास
करना ।

पठन कौशल का 8वकास lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,

िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ
के कम से कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५ शgद> वाले
) धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद>

मQ lलख पायेगQ।
अपने 8?य भोजन के 8वषय मQ lलखवाकर लेखन
कौशल बढ़ाना ।
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।
जैसे-nवाद ,भख
ू ,अlभनय, मbखन, रोटK।
सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय का Aनमा=ण
करQ गे ।
जैसे-अlभनय-नाटक मQ ने सभी ने अhछा अlभनय
ू -मझ
ु े बहुत भख
ू लगी है ।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ
ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से
lमल बांट कर खाने और सहयोग करने कJ भावना
के lलये ?ेòरत करना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष
बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -11 स[पण

ू = 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> से पाठ के माjयम से xदमागी सझ

ू -बझ

के बारे मQ बातचीत करना । भाषा कJ बारKÖकय> , जैसे – शgद> कJ

पाठ 11 पन
ु राव8ृ a, सव=नाम 8वशेषण, जQडर,

पढbकू कJ सझ Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन

ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> वचन आxद के ?Aत सचेत रहते हुए

8वकास के मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० lलखते हT ।
से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।

ू -बझ
ू के बारे मQ चचा= करते lश{mका पाठ को Öकसी 8वषय पर lलखते हुए शgद> के

पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव

ू क
= सन
ु कर पाठ से बारKक अंतर को समझते हुए सराहते

lशmा Cहण करQ गे। हT और शgद> का उ;चत ?योग करते

हुए lलखते है ।
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी
के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी.
टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।

q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण

करना और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर
नवीन शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास
करना ।

lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे , िजससे

पठन कौशल का 8वकास
पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ के कम से
कम पाँच वाbय(४० से ४५ शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह
पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ

lलख पायेगQ।

अपने nवयं आपबीती Öकnसे पर lलखकर लेखन कौशल
बढाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh

ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।

जैसे-माlलक,Aन^चय, ñान माया ,बंद

ू ।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय Aनमा=ण करQ गे ।

जैसे-माlलक-नौकर ने माlलक कJ आñा का पालन


Aन^चय-मोहन जो Aन^चय कर लेता है उसे वह परू ा

करता है ।

8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ
ू यांकन
(Differentiated करना:
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।

लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।

कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से सझ
ू -
ू से काय= करने के lलए ?ेòरत करना आxद नैAतक
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -12 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को शारKòरक ≥प से 8वकलांग Zयिbत के

nवाlभमान से पòर;चत करवाना । पाठ के माjयम से सभी 8व9याथY पढ़K गई रचनाओं कJ
qढ़ इhछा Zयिbत पर चचा= करना । 8वषय-वnत,ु घटनाओं, ;चÅ>, पाÅ>,
शीष=क आxद के बारे मQ बातचीत करते
Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न>
पाठ 12 हT,?^न पछ
ू ते हT, अपनी राय दे ते हT तथा
8वकास के मौ_खक उaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २०
सन अपनी बात के lलए तक= दे ते हT ।
ु ीता कJ पxहया कुसY से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।
8वlभ4न उ9दे ^य> के lलए lलखते हुए
शारKòरक ≥प से 8वकलांग होने पर भी nवाlभमान बनाए
अपने लेखन मQ 8वराम – ;च4ह>, जैसे –
रखने के बारे मQ चचा= करते lश{mका पाठ को पढ़Q गी
ू = 8वराम, अâप 8वराम, ?^नवाचक
तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव
ू क
= सन
ु कर पाठ से lशmा
;च4ह का सचेत इnतेमाल करते हT ।
Cहण करQ गे।

पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी
के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी.
टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।
q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना
और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन
शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना

पठन कौशल का 8वकास lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,

िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ के
कम से कम पाँच वाbय(२० से २५ शgद> वाले )
धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ

lलख पायेगQ।
बhच> 9वारा Öकसी कJ मदद करने के 8वषय मे
lलखकर लेखन कौशल बढाना ।
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।
जैसे-कुसY ,तैयार,छु¥टK, ध4यवाद ,Zयवहार।

सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय Aनमा=ण करQ गे ।
ु ानदार का Zयवहार अhछा नहKं था।
ध4यवाद-काय= समाáत होने पर मTने राम को ध4यवाद

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन करना:
(Differentiated पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
Assessment) लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से
जीवन मे मजबत
ू ी से समnयाओं से Aनपटने के lलए
?ेòरत करना आxद नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया
जायेगा |

पाठ -13 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से प{mय> कJ कâपना

पाठ 13
के बारे मQ बातचीत करना । पाठ के माjयम से प{mय>
के आकाश µमण पर चचा= करना

Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न> सभी 8व9याथY पढ़K हुई सामCी और
8वकास के मौ_खक उaर चार- पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० Aनजी अनभ
ु व> को जोड़ते हुए उनसे
से २५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे। उभरK संवेदनाओं और 8वचार> कJ
प{mय> के nवभाव के बारे मQ चचा= करते हुए lश{mका मौ_खक, lल_खत अlभZयिbत करते हT
पाठ को पढ़Q गी तथा 8व9याथY jयान पव ू क
= सनु कर ।
पाठ से lशmा Cहण करQ गे। nवेhछा से या lशmक 9वारा तय
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी गAत8व;धय> के अंतग=त लेखन कJ
के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. ?ÖÜया कJ बेहतर समझ के साथ अपने
टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद। लेखन को जाँचते हT और लेखन के
q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना उ9दे ^य और पाठक के अनस
ु ार लेखन
और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन शgद> मQ बदलाव करते हT ।
के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना ।

पठन कौशल का 8वकास lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे ,

िजससे पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ के
कम से कम पाँच वाbय(२० से २५ शgद> वाले )
धारा?वाह पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ

lलख पायेगQ।
प{mय> के बारे मQ lलखवा कर उनका लेखन कौशल
बढ़ाना ।

सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।
जैसे-बादशाह, मदद, सलाह ,वंश ,समाáत।
सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय Aनमा=ण करQ गे ।
जैसे-बादशाह-बादशाह कJ आñा से सभी ने ?nथान
समाáत-हमQ अपना काय= समय पर समाáत करना

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन
पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।
Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से
प{mय> के nवभाव से अवगत करना ; दस
ू रे प{mय> कJ
ु ना करने मे समथ= होने के lलए ?ेòरत करना आxद
नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

पाठ -14 8वषय lशmण के लõय सीखने के ?Aतफल

सरल अ4वेषण 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से ®बना पैसे के सामान

न खरKदने के बारे मQ ?ेòरत करना। सभी 8व9याथY दस
ू र> 9वारा कहK जा
रहK बात को jयान से सन
ु कर अपनी
Uवण -वाचन कौशल का पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 8व9याथY पाठ से स[बि4धत ?^न>
?AतÖÜया Zयbत करते है और ?^न
8वकास के मौ_खकउaर चार पांच वाbय> जो लगभग २० से
ू ते है ।
२५ शgद> के ह> दे ने मQ समथ= ह>गे।
अपनी कâपना से कहानी, क8वता,
पòरUम के बल के बारे मQ चचा= करते हुए पढ़Q गे तथा
वण= आxद lलखते हुए भाषा का
8व9याथY jयान पव
ू क
= सन ु कर पाठ से lशmा Cहण
ृ नाÑमक ?योग करते हT ।
करQ गे।

पाठ 14-म∑
ु त हK म∑
ु त
पाठ 8वnतार मQ सहायक-nमाट= बोड=,q^य -UZय सामCी
के माjयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी.
टK, ऑvडयो, वीvडयो आxद।
q^य- UZय माjयम 9वारा पाठ के अथ= को Cहण करना
और सामCी को अhछे से समझकर, सन
ु कर नवीन
शgद> के अथ= को जानने कJ mमता का 8वकास करना

पठन कौशल का 8वकास lश{mका कJ सहायता से 8व9याथY पाठ पढ़Q गे , िजससे

पठन कौशल का 8वकास होगा |वे पाठ के कम से

कम पाँच वाbय(२० से २५ शgद> वाले ) धारा?वाह
पढ़ने मQ सmम ह>गे।

लेखन कौशल का 8वकास छाÅ चार ?^न> का उaर २० से २५ अपने शgद> मQ

lलख पायेगQ।
बhचो 9वारा पòरUम के बल पर वnतओ
ु ं को ?ाáत
करने जैसे Öकnसे lलखवाकर लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
सभी 8व9याथY पाठ के आधार पर अनh
ु छे द लेखन/
कहानी लेखन/ क8वता लेखन आxद काय= करQ गे।

शgद कौशल का 8वकास सभी 8व9याथY पाठ कJ समािáत पर कम से कम पांच

नवीन शgद> को जानQगे।
ू ,बाजार, वापस ,मौका,मेहनत।
सभी 8व9याथY कम से कम दो वाbय Aनमा=ण करQ गे ।
जैसे-मेहनत-मेहनत करने वाल> को सब कुछ ?ाáत होता
है ।
वापस- बीता हुआ समय कभी वापस नहKं आता।

Aन[नlल_खत माjयम से छाÅ> के ñान का मâ

ू यांकन
8वभेxदत मâ
ू यांकन करना:
(Differentiated पòरचचा= - पाठ के आधार पर ।
Assessment) लघु ?^न Aनमा=ण के माjयम से।
कmा परKmा के माjयम से ।

Uुतलेख के माjयम से।

नैAतक मâ
ू य lश{mका 9वारा 8व9या;थ=य> को पाठ के माjयम से
मेहनत 9वारा ?Ñयेक वnतु को ?ाáत करने जैसे
नैAतक मâ
ू य> पर 8वशेष बल xदया जायेगा |

क"ा 5

संल$नक I एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ

ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी )श"ा+थ-य/ ()भ1न 3प से स"म ब8च/ स:हत) को ?यिAतगत , साम:ू हक 3प से काय-
करने के अवसर और IोJसाहन :दया जाएगा ताNक उ1हP
Qव)भ1न Qवषय/, िSथTतय/, घटनाओं मP अनभ
ु व/, कहाTनय/ कQवताओं आ:द को अपने तर[के
और अपनी भाषा मP कहने सन
ु ने/I]न पछ
ू ने एवं अपनी बात जोड़ने के अवसर उपलaध ह/

ु तकालय/क"ा मP अलग अलग तरह कd कहाTनयाँ, कQवताएं अथवा/बाल सा:हJय,
ु ार सामfी, साइन-बोड- होjडkग अख़बार/ कd कतरने उनके आस पास के पmरवेश मP
उपलaध ह/ और उन पर चचा- करने के मौक़े हो ।
तरह तरह कd कहाTनय/ कQवताओं पोSटर आ:द को +चp/ और संदभ- के आधार पर समझने
समझाने के अवसर उपलaध ह/
ु ी, दे खी, बात/ को अपने तर[क़े से काग़ज़ पर उतरने के अवसर ह/ । ये +चp भी हो सकते
हu, शaद भी और वाAय भी
ज़3रत और संदभ- के अनस
ु ार अपनी भाषा गढ़ने (ने शaद/वाAय/अ)भ?यिAतयाँ बनाने) और
उनका इSतेमाल करने के अवसर उपलaध ह/ ।
एक दसू रे कd )लखी हुई रचनाओं को सन
ु ने, पढ़ने और उन पर अपनी राय दे ने, उनमP
अपनी बात को जोड़ने, बढ़ाने और अलग अलग ढं ग से )लखने के अवसर ह/
आस पास होने वाल[ गTतQव+धय//घटनाओं (जैसे – मेरे घर कd चैट से सरू ज Aय/ नह[ं
:दखता? सामने वाले पेड़ पर बैठने वाल[ +चjड़याँ कहाँ चल[ ग} ?) को लेकर I]न करने,
सहपा:ठय/ से बातचीत या चचा- करने के अवसर उपलaध ह/ ।
Qवषय वSतु के संदभ- मP भाषा को बार[Nकय/ और उसकd Tनय~ब•ध IकृTत को समझने और
उनका Iयोग करने के अवसर ह/ ।
नए शaद/ को +चp शaदकोश/शaदकोश मP दे खने के अवसर उपलaध ह/ ।
अ1य Qवषय/, ?यवसाय/, कलाओं आ:द (जैसे – गÅणत, QवÉान,सामािजक अÑययन, नJृ यकला,
+चNकJसा आ:द) मP IयA
ु त होने वाल[ शaदावल[ को समझने और उसका संदभ- एवं िSथTत
के अनस
ु ार इSतेमाल करने के अवसर ह/ ।
ु तक और उससे इतर सामfी मP आए IाकृTतक, सामािजक एवं अ1य संवेदनशील
ु द/ को समझने और उन पर चचा- करने के अवसर उपलaध ह/ ।

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 5 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने
के :Sतफल के साथ
ु ी अथवा पढ़[ रचनाओं (हाSय, साह)सक, सामािजक आ:द Qवषय/ पर आधाmरत कहानी,
कQवता आ:द ) कd Qवषय-वSतु घटनाओं, +चp/ और पाp/, शीष-क आ:द के बारे मP बातचीत
करते हu/I]न पछ
ू ते हu/TनÜकष- Tनकालते हu ।
अपने आस पास घटने वाल[ Qव)भ1न घटनाओं कd बार[Nकय/ पर Ñयान दे ते हुए उन पर
मौÅखत 3प से अपनी ITतNáया ?यAत करते हu/I]न पछ
ू ते हu ।
भाषा कd बार[Nकय/ पर Ñयान दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा गढ़ते और उसका इSतेमाल करते हu ।
QवQवध Iकार कd सामfी (जैसे – समाचार पp के मà
ु य शीष-क बाल पâpका, पोSटर आ:द)
मP आए संवेदनशील âबंदओ
ु ं पर (मौÅखक/)लÅखत) अ)भ?यिAत करते हu, जैसे – ‘ईदगाह
कहानी पढ़ने के बाद ब8चा कहता है – मu भी अपनी दाद[ कd खाना बनाने मP मदद करता
हूँ ।
Qव)भ1न िSथTतय/ और उ•दे ]य/ (बल
ु े:टन पर लगाई जाने वाल[ सच
ू ना, काय-áम कd mरपोट- ,
जानकार[ आ:द Iाãत करने के )लए) के )लए पढ़ते और )लखते हu ।
अपनी पाठयपS
ु तक से इतर सामfी (अख़बार, बाल पâpका, होjडkåस आ:द) को समझते हुए
पढ़ते और उसके बारे मP बताते हu ।
ु ी अथवा पढ़[ रचनाओं (हाSय साह)सक सामािजक आ:द Qवषय/ पर आधाmरत कहानी,
कQवता आ:द) कd Qवषय वSतु घटनाओं, +चp/ और पाp/, शीष-क आ:द के बारे मP बातचीत
करते हu/ I]न पछ
ू ते हu/ अपनी Sवतंp :टãपणी दे ते हu/अपनी बात के )लए तक- दे ते हu/TनÜकष-
Tनकालते हu।
अपmर+चत शaद/ के अथ- शaदकोश से खोजते हu ।
Sवे8छा से या )श"क •वारा तय गTतQव+ध के अंतग-त लेखन कd INáया कd बेहतर समझ
के साथ अपने लेखन को जाँचते हu और लेखन के उ•दे ]य और पाठक के अनस
ु ार लेखन को
जाँचते हu और उसमP बदलाव करते हu, जैसे – Nकसी घटना कd जानकार[ के बारे मP बताने
के )लए Sकूल कd )भQç पâpका के )लए )लखना और Nकसी दोSत को पp )लखना ।
भाषा कd बार[Nकय/, जैसे – शaद/ कd पन
ु रावQृ ç, सव-नाम Qवशेषण, जPडर, वचन आ:द के ITत
सचेत रहते हुए )लखते हu ।
भाषा कd ?याकरÅणक इकाइय/ (जैसे – कारक +च1ह, Náया, काल, Qवलोम आ:द) कd पहचान
करते हu और उनके ITत सचेत रहते हुए )लखते हu ।
Qव)भ1न उ•दे ]य/ के )लए )लखते हुए अपने लेखन मP Qवराम +च1ह, जैसे – पण
ू - Qवराम,
अलोप Qवराम, I]नवाचक +च1ह, उ•धरण +च1ह का सचेत इSतेमाल करते हu ।

ु ार अ1य Qवषय/ ?यवसाय/, कलाओं आ:द (जैसे गÅणत, QवÉान, सामािजक अÑययन,
नJृ यकला, +चNकJसा आ:द) मP IयA
ु त होने वाल[ शaदावल[ को समझते हu और संदभ- एवं
िSथTत के अनस
ु ार उनका लेखन मP इSतेमाल करते हu ।
अपने आस पास घटने वाल[ Qव)भ1न घटनाओं कd बार[Nकय/ पर Ñयान दे ते हुए उन पर
)लÅखत 3प से अपनी ITतNáया ?यAत करते हu ।
उ•दे ]य और संदभ- के अनस
ु ार शaद/, वाAय/, Qवराम – +च1ह/ का उ+चत Iयोग करते हुए
)लÅखत हu ।
ु तक और उससे इतर सामfी मP आए संवेदनशील âबंदओ
ु ं पर )लÅखत/éेल )लQप मP
अ)भ?यिAत करते हu ।
अपनी कèपना से कहानी, कQवता, वण- आ:द )लखते हu। कQवता कहानी को आगे बढ़ते हुए
)लखते हu ।

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-5 - 7ह9द; 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई . Dवारा अपनाए - सीखने के IJतफल
नोट – सPपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के IJतफल
पाठ -1 1वषय Xश5ण के लZय सीखने के IJतफल
पाठ 1 राख क) र*सी सरल अ7वेषण <व=या?थ@यA का पाठ के माCयम से लोककथा सन
ु ाते हुए Hानवध@न सन
ु ी अथवा पढ़L रचनाओं
(.त0बत क) लोक कथा) कराना । (हा*य,सामािजक,साहSसक
पाठ के माCयम से जीवन क) सfचाई से पWर?चत करना । आUद <वषयA पर आधाWरत
ु ?ध से हर सम*या का समाधान .नकाला जा सकता है , भाव कहानी,क<वता
ब= आUद )क)
को समझाना। <वषय व*तु घटनाओं ,?चZA
<व=या?थ@यA को होSशयार और चालाक का फक@ बताना। और पाZA शीष@क आUद के बारे
kवण कौशल का <वकास पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के म] बातचीत करते है /`aन
मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग २५ से ३० श0दA पछ
ू ते है /अपनी *वतंZता
के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे। Uटdपणी दे ते है /अपनी बात के
ु ?ध बल क) चचा@ करते हुए बfचे बारL बारL से पाठ के अंशA को Sलए तक@ दे ते है
ब= /.नeकष@
पढ़x गे तथा धयानपव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर भाव yहण करx गे। .नकलते है ।
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@,|aय - k}य सामyी के माCयम
से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो
वाचन कौशल का <वकास कथा वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा। <व=याथm अपने जीवन क) कोई घटना कÉा मx सन
ु ाने मx
सÉम हAगे ।

पठन कौशल का <वकास <व=या?थ@यA =वारा पाठ के भाव को समझते हुए एवं श=
ु ध
उfचारण करते हुए कम से कम आठ से दस कUठन श0दA को
पढ़ने मx सÉम होना।

पाठ के कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।
जैसे-हािज़र जवाबी ,आपबीती, धरL आUद।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास <व=या?थ@यA =वारा अपनी होSशयारL से हल क) गई सम*याओं को
Sलख कर लेखन कौशल ।
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

श0द कोश का <वकास पाठ के अंत मx कम से कम 5 से 6 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ जानना

एवं वाrय मx `योग करने मx सÉम होना। जैसे-हािज़र जवाबी
,आपबीती, धरL आUद।
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन .नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना:
पWरचचा@ - UहंदL लोक कथा और अ7य लोक कथाओं पर ।
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कÉा परLÉा के माCयम से ।
kुतलेख के माCयम से।
नै.तक मá
ू य ब=
ु ?ध से हर सम*या का समाधान .नकाला जा सकता है , भाव
को समझाना तथा नै.तक मá
ू य क) सभी का साथ दे ना चाUहए के
भाव को बढ़ाना।

पाठ -2 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को पाठ के माCयम से फ़सलA से जड़
ु े åयौहारो से
पाठ 2 फ़सलA के åयौहार सरल अ7वेषण
पWर?चत कराना ।

पाठ के माCयम से दे श के <वSभ7न `ांतA मे मनाए जाने वाले भाषा क) बारLçकयA पर Cयान
<वSभ7न åयौहार के बारे मx पWर?चत करना । दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा गढ़ते और
उसका इ*तेमाल करते ह] ।
<व=या?थ@यA को भारतीय सं*कृ.त से पWर?चत कराना।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के
मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग २५ से ३० श0दA
के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु ना तथा पछ
ू े गए
kवण कौशल का <वकास `aनA के उqर दे ना|
जैसे - बीहू का åयौहार çकस राëय मx मनाया जाता है ? आUद
पाठ के अंत मx श=ु ध उfचारण करने मx सÉम होना |
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@ |aय-.k}य सामyी के माCयम
से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना | जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
<व=याथm फ़सलA से जड़
ु े <वSभ7न åयोहारA जैसे पAगल , ओणम
, मकर सìां.त, लोहड़ी एवं अनाजA के बारे मx कÉा मx चचा@ करx गे।

पठन कौशल का <वकास <व=याथm श=

ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए कम से कम पाँच
वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।
आपके घर मे जैसी भी oखचडी बनती है उसे ले करआए और उसक)
`çìया Sलखx ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
çकसान क) Uदनचया@ क) जानकारL `ाdत करके उस पर लेखन काय@
करx गे।

छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

पांच छह नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ समझकर उनसे

वाrय .नमा@ण मx सÉम होना ।
श0द कोश का <वकास जैसे है रानी करLना बह
ु ारे स*
ु ताने फरमाइश आUद
पाठ के अंत मx कम से कम पांच श0दA के अथ@ बताने मx सÉम
हAगे |
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू याँकन करना :
पWरचचा@- अलग अलग `ांतA के फ़सलA के åयोहारA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
पाठ के माCयम से çकसान के पWरkम एवं अ7न के महîव एवं
नै.तक मá
ू य
उपयो?गता को समझने का भाव उåप7न करना।

पाठ -3 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को क<वता के माCयम से oखलौने के बारे मे पWर?चत
कराना ।
उ=दे aय और संदभ@ के अनस
ु ार
पाठ 3 oखलौने वाला – पाठ के माCयम से दे श के Sभ7न-Sभ7न `कार के oखलौने के बारे
सरल अ7वेषण श0दA, वाrयA, <वराम – ?च7हA
क<वता मे पWर?चत करना ।
का उ?चत `योग करते हुए
oखलौनA के माCयम से <व=या?थ@यA मx सकाराåमक सोच उåप7न
Sलoखत ह] ।
करना ।

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के
मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग २५ से ३० श0दA
के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को <व=याथm Cयानपव
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे और
kवण कौशल का <वकास
ू े गए `aनA के उqर दx गे |
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@ |aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम
से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
<व=याथm अपने-अपने oखलौनA के <वषय मx चचा@ करx गे।
<व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए कम से कम पाँच
पठन कौशल का <वकास वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

अपने मनपसंद oखलौने के बारे म] तथा उससे संबं?धत कोई घटना

लेखन कौशल का <वकास Sलख कर लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
पांच छह नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ समझ कर वाrय
श0द कोश का <वकास मx `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे ।जैसे - सीटL , चाबी, लोटा, धनष
ु ,
साड़ी आUद ।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू याँकन करना :-
पWरचचा@- çक7हLं दो }यवसायA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।

कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
oखलौनA के माCयम से <व=या?थ@यA मx सकाराåमक सोच उåप7न
नै.तक मá
ू य करना ।
दे श `ेम क) भावना को बढ़ाना।

पाठ -4 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को फनकार (कलाकारL मx कुशल ) श0द से पWर?चत
कराना ।
इfछाशिrत के महåव पर बल दे ना और उससे `ाdत सफलता से
पWर?चत करवाना।
पाठ के माCयम से दे श के <वSभ7न `ांतो मे क) जाने वालL ह*तकला *वेfछा से या SशÉक =वारा
के बारे मे पWर?चत कराना । तय ग.त<व?ध के अंतग@त
सरल अ7वेषण
<व=या?थ@यA को भारतीय <वSभ7न `कार क) ह*तकलाओ से पWर?चत लेखन क) `çìया क) बेहतर
कराना । समझ के साथ अपने लेखन को
सीखना एक `çìया है जो जीवन पय@7त चलती है ,के भाव को जाँचते ह] और लेखन के
पाठ 4 न7हा फनकार –
समझाना। उ=दे aय और पाठक के अनस
ु ार
बड़े से बड़ा }यिrत छोटे से छोटा काम कर सकता है ।इसके =वारा लेखन मx बदलाव करते ह], जैसे
समानता के भाव को *पeट करना। – çकसी घटना क) जानकारL के
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के बारे मx बताने के Sलए *कूल
मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग २५ से ३० श0दA क) Sभ<q पòZका के Sलए
के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे। Sलखना और çकसी दो*त को
kवण कौशल का <वकास SशÉक =वारा सन
ु ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे। पZ Sलखना ।
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना जैसे- पी.
पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद।

वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
अपने जीवन मx घUटत çकसी घटना को सन
ु ाएँगे ।
<व=याथm बारL-बारL से पाठ को पढ़x गे तथा श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए
अथ@ समझxगे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास पठन काय@ करते समय <वराम ?च7हA के महåव को Cयान मx रखा
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
अपने मनपसंद ह*तकारL?गरL के बारे म] 5 से 6 पंिrतयां Sलख
कर लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
पांच छह नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ समझ पर वाrय
श0द कोश क) <वकास
`योग करने मx सÉम हAगे। जैसे चोकोर, उकेरना, कौतह
ू ल आUद।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू याँकन करना :
पWरचचा@- ह*त कला और ?चZ कला पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
बड़े से बड़ा }यिrत छोटे से छोटा काम कर सकता है ।इसके =वारा
नै.तक मá
ू य
समानता के भाव एवं नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना।

पाठ -5 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल
● <व=या?थ@यA को जीवन मे मेहनत करना Sसखाना ।
● पाठ के माCयम से दे श के <वSभ7न `ांतA मे कपड़े पर क)
सरल अ7वेषण
जाने वालL ह*तकला के बारे मे पWर?चत कराना ।
● इfछाशिrत के महåव को समझाना ।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA
के मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग २५ से ३०
श0दA के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
kवण कौशल का <वकास
● <व=याथm अCयापक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे तथा उसके अथ@ को समझxगे।
अपने आस पास घटने वालL
● पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@
<वSभ7न घटनाओं क)
पाठ 5 जहाँ चाह वहाँ |aय- k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना ।
बारLçकयA पर Cयान दे ते हुए
राह – लेख जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद।
उन पर Sलoखत ôप से अपनी
वाचन कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को
`.तçìया }यrत करते ह] ।
जोड़ा जायेगा ।
● इfछाशिrत क) महqा के <वषय मx <व=याथm अपने <वचार
}यrत करx गे।

● <व=या?थ@यA को लेख के अनस

ु ार Sसलाई और कढ़ाई के बारे मx
जानकारL दे ते हुए श=
ु ध उfचारण एवं <वराम ?च7हA का `योग
पठन कौशल का <वकास करते हुए पठन काय@ करवाना।
● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

● लेख मे Sसलाई और कभी से संबं?धत कई श0द आए ह] उनक)
ू ी बनाकर लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।

लेखन कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ पढ़ने के पaचात अपनी सोच मx आए बदलाव को Sलoखत
ôप मx `*तत
ु करना।

● छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx

चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● कम से कम 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ जानने मx सÉम

श0द कौशल का <वकास होना ।

● जैसे लक)रx , पx गे, चन

ु ौ.तयाँ, `दश@नी आUद

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना :

● चचा@-Uद}यंगA क) सहायता पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
● `aनोqरL

● कUठन श0दA के kत
ु लेख के =वारा

● जीवन मx पWरkम एवं इfछाशिrत के महåव को समझाते हुए

नै.तक मá
ू य
इस नै.तक मáू य का <वकास करना ।

पाठ -6 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल
<व=या?थ@यA को पZ-लेखन के बारे मे बताना ।
पाठ के माCयम से `ाचीन व नवीन पZ <वतरण के बारे मे पWर?चत
सरल अ7वेषण कराना ।
<व=या?थ@यA को पZ को çकस `कार Sलखा जाता है उससे अवगत कराना

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३० से ३५ श0दA के हA दे ने
मx समथ@ हAगे।
kवण कौशल का <वकास <व<वध `कार क) सामyी (जैसे
<व=याथm SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे। – समाचार पZ के मû
ु य शीष@क
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@,|aय- k}य सामyी के माCयम से बाल पòZका, पो*टर आUद) मx
पाठ 6 ?चúठù का सफर- रोचकता बनाएँ रखना ।जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद। आए संवेदनशील òबंदओ
ु ं पर
लेख (मौoखक/Sलoखत) अSभ}यिrत
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा करते ह], जैसे – ‘ईदगाह कहानी
के माCयम से पव
जायेगा । पढ़ने के बाद बfचा कहता है
<व=याथm कÉा मx पZ भेजने के <वSभ7न माCयमA क) चचा@ करx गे। – म] भी अपनी दादL क) खाना
<व=या?थ@यA को लेख के अनस
ु ार अपने संदेशA ू रA तक पहुँचाने बनाने मx मदद करता हूँ ।
को दस
के बारे मे जानकारL दे ना ।
<व=याथm अपने =वारा Sलखे हुए पZA को कÉा मx पढ़x गे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA को श= ु ध ôप
से पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए कम
से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx
सÉम हAगे।

लेख मx पZ संnबधी सभी `कार क) जानकारL दे कर उनका लेखन
कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास <व=याथm को बधाई पZ अथवा कोई भी अ7य पZ Sलखवा कर लेखन
कौशल का <वकास करना।
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA के अथ@ उनके
श0द कोश का <वकास
वाrय `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@- पZ लेखन पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kत
ु लेख के =वारा
नवीन खोजA के साथ-साथ परु ानी चीजA के महåव को समझाते हुए
नै.तक मá
ू य
<व=या?थ@यA मx इस नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना।

पाठ -7 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को डाçकये के जीवन के बारे मे बताना । भाषा क) }याकरoणक इकाईयA
पाठ के माCयम से कॅवर Sसंह के जीवन के बारे मे पWर?चत कराना (जैसे कारक?च7ह
सरल अ7वेषण
पाठ 7 डाçकये क) ु ानी डाçकये के जीवन मे घUटत ,çìया,काल,<वलोम आUद )क)
<व=या?थ@यA को कॅवर Sसंह क) ज़ब
कहानी क°वर Sसंह क) घटनाओं से अवगत कराना । पहचान करते है और उनके
ु ानी ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक `.त सचेत रहते हुए Sलखते है
पाठ सन
kवण कौशल का <वकास
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३० से ३५ श0दA के हA दे ने ।
मx समथ@ हAगे।

<व=याथm SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे।
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@
|aय -k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । ऑÅडयो
वीÅडयो के `योग =वारा kवण Éमता मx व=
ृ ?ध क) जाएगी।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
<व=याथm डाçकए =वारा çकए जाने वाले काय£ क) चचा@ कÉा मx करx गे।
<व=या?थ@यA को लेख के अनस
ु ार डाçकये =वारा çकये जाने काय§ के बारे
मे जानकारL दे ना।
<व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए एवं <वराम ?च7ह का Cयान रखते
पठन कौशल का <वकास हुए पठन काय@ करx गे।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA को श=
ु ध ôप
से पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए कम
से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx
सÉम हAगे।
लेख के माCयम से बfचो मx संवाद कौशल पर चचा@ करके उनका लेखन
कौशल बढाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे
श0द कोश का <वकास ।
जैसे अंतद¶ शीय, Sलफाफा, तारLख, पो*टकाड@ आUद।
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन .नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना:

चचा@-आध.ु नक यग
ु व पव
ू क
@ ाल के संदेश भेजने के साधनA पर
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख के =वारा
इस पाठ के माCयम से अपने काय@ को परू L .नeठा एवं लगन के साथ
नै.तक मá
ू य पण
ू @ करना एवं `स7न रहने के भाव को समझाते हुए इस नै.तक
मáू य का <वकास करना।

पाठ -8 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को डायरL लेखन के बारे मे बताना ।
पाठ के माCयम से बीते Uदनो क) `शंसा के बारे मे पWर?चत कराना
। सन
ु ी अथवा पढ़L रचनाओं
सरल अ7वेषण
तकनीक) <वकास क) ग.त और पWरवत@न को दे खते हुए आज से डेढ (हा*य साहSसक सामािजक
सौ साल बाद के *कूलA के *वôप और SशÉा के माCयम क) ि*थ.त आUद <वषयA पर आधाWरत
के बारे मx बताना । कहानी, क<वता आUद) क)
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक <वषय व*तु
पाठ सन घटनाओं, ?चZA
पाठ 8
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३० से ३५ श0दA के हA और पाZA, शीष@क आUद के बारे
वे Uदन भी rया थे
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे। मx बातचीत करते ह]/ `aन
ू ते ह]/ अपनी *वतंZ Uटdपणी
kवण कौशल का <वकास *कूलA के बदलते *वôप और उस मx `योग होने वाले तकनीक क) दे ते ह]/अपनी बात के Sलए तक@
चचा@ करते हुए SशÉक =वारा पाठ का वाचन çकया जाएगा तथा दे ते ह]/.नeकष@ .नकालते ह]।
<व=याथm Cयान पवू क
@ उसे सन
ु xगे और उसके भाव को yहण करx गे।
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@ |aय-.k}य सामyी के माCयम
से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना एवं kवण Éमता मx व=
ृ ?ध करना।

वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
<व=याथm श0दA एवं भावA का Cयान रखते हुए अपने <वचार }यrत
करx गे।
<व=या?थ@यA को <वHान कथा के अनस
ु ार बचपन से बढ़
ु ापे तक के
सफर के बारे मx जानकारL दे ना।
पाठ के अंत तक <व=याथm कम से कम 8 से 10 श0द पढ़ने एवं
उनके अथ@ समझने मx सÉम हAगे । जैसे - सामyी ,मशीन, पदा@
पठन कौशल का <वकास
चrक) आUद
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।

लेख के माCयम से बfचA के बीते Uदनो के बारे मx Sलख कर उनका

लेखन कौशल को बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

आठ दस नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ जानने तथा वाrय

श0द कोश का <वकास
.नमा@ण मx सÉम हAगे । जैसे - सामyी ,मशीन, पदा@ चrक) आUद
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@- पढ़ाई के आध.ु नक साधनA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।

`ाचीन SशÉा `णालL को समझाते हुए आज के यग ु क) SशÉा के
नै.तक मá
ू य
अनôु प तकनीकA का `योग करना, के भाव का <वकास करना।

पाठ -9 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

माँ <वषम से <वषम पWरि*थ.तयA मx बfचA का साथ दे ती है । इस
पर बfचA के साथ चचा@ करना ।
सरल अ7वेषण क<वता के माCयम से बीते Uदनो क) खúटL मीठù यादA से पWर?चत
कराना ।
<व=या?थ@यA को माँ के `ेम से अवगत कराना ।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
ु ार अ7य <वषयA
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३० से ३५ श0दA के हA
}यवसायA, कलाओं आUद (जैसे
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
गoणत, <वHान, सामािजक
पाठ 9 एक माँ क)
kवण कौशल का <वकास अCययन, नåृ यकला, ?चçकåसा
बेबसी- क<व कुवर SशÉक =वारा सन
ु ाई गई क<वता को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर उसके भाव
आUद) मx `यr
ु त होने वालL
नारायण को समझना।
श0दावलL को समझते ह] और
क<वता <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@
संदभ@ एवं ि*थ.त के अनस
ु ार
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना । जैसे- पी
उनका लेखन मx इ*तेमाल
.पी. टL. ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद
करते ह] ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
<व=याथm सरु ,ताल एवं लय से क<वता का कÉा मx वाचन करx गे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास <व=या?थ@यA को माँ =वारा बचपन मx सन
ु ाई
गई कहा.नयो के बारे मे जानकारL दे ना।

पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।

पाठ के अंत मx कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA को पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

जैसे घबराहट, बेबसी, छटपटाहट, .नहारती, बेहतर आUद ।
क<वता के माCयम से माँ क) मीठù यादA के बारे मx Sलखx ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास माँ का जीवन मx महåव <वषय पर अनf
ु छे द लेखन करना।
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
आठ दस नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ जानना ।
श0द कोश का <वकास
जैसे घबराहट, बेबसी, छटपटाहट, .नहारती, बेहतर आUद ।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@-Uद}यांग बfचA पर
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन `aनोqरL
क<वता क) कुछ पंिrतयाँ सन
ु कर, Uदए गए ?चZ मx से चीज़A क)
पहचान करवाकर तथा सीखे गए नए श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा मá
ू यांकन
çकया जाएगा |
माँ के `.त आदर तथा सnमान का भाव रखने के नै.तक मá
ू य
नै.तक मá
ू य
का <वकास करना।

पाठ -10 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल
<व=या?थ@यA को बचपन मे बड़A जैसा जीवन जीना Sसखाना ।
पाठ के माCयम से बfचA को एक Uदन के Sलए घरे लू पWरि*थ.तयA से
सरल अ7वेषण
अवगत कराना ।
<व=या?थ@यA को िज़nमेदाWरओं से अवगत कराना ।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३० से ३५ श0दA के हA
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
kवण कौशल का <वकास

<व=याथm SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव

ू क
@ सन
ु xगे।
<वSभ7न ि*थ.तयA और
पाठ <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@
उ=दे aयA (बल
ु ेUटन पर लगाई
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना ।
पाठ 10 एक Uदन क) जाने वालL सच
ू ना, काय@ìम क)
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
बादशाहत Wरपोट@ , जानकारL आUद `ाdत
जायेगा ।
करने के Sलए) के Sलए पढ़ते
<व=याथm अपनी-अपनी इfछाओं के एवं बातA के बारे मx बताएँगे जो
और Sलखते ह] ।
पWरवार मx पण
ू @ नहLं हो पाती एवं जो आसानी से पण
ू @ हो जाती ह]|
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
पठन कौशल का <वकास कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।

यUद आपको एक Uदन का <व=यालय का मoु खया बना Uदया जाए तो

लेखन कौशल का <वकास आप rया rया बदलाव करx गx उस पर अनf
ु छे द Sलखx ।
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

नवीन श0दA को रे खांçकत कर उनके अथ@ जानना । जैसे- पाबंदL,
तकरार, तरक)ब, ज़बरद*ती आUद।
श0द कोश का <वकास
पाठ के अंत मx कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA के अथ@ सं*कृत के
वाrय मx `योग करने मx सÉम होना|
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@- मौSलक अ?धकारA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन लघ`
ु aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
पाठ के माCयम से पWरवार क) पWरि*थ.त के अनô
ु प *वयं को ढालना,
नै.तक मá
ू य
के नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना।

पाठ -11 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को बचपन के शौक परू ा करने के बारे मे बताना ।
नाटक के माCयम से चावल से <वSभ7न `कार के पकवानो से पWर?चत
सरल अ7वेषण कराना ।
<व=या?थ@यA को चावल क) रोUटयॉ खाने क) इfछा से अवगत कराना
अपनी पाठयप*
ु तक से इतर

सामyी (अख़बार, बाल पòZका,
पाठ 11 चावल क) पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
होÅड™´स आUद) को समझते हुए
रोUटयॉ- नाटक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA
पढ़ते और उसके बारे मx बताते
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
ह] ।
kवण कौशल का <वकास SशÉक =वारा पढ़े जाने वाले पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु ना एवं उसके
भाव को समझना।
नाटक <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना ।

पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
<व=याथm <वSभ7न `कार केअ7न एवं पकवानA क) कÉा मx चचा@
करx गे ।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
पठन कौशल का <वकास कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२० से २५ श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।
नाटक के माCयम से मनपसंद पकवान क) <व?ध Sलखवाकर उनका
लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।
8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx सÉम
श0द कोश का <वकास हAगे।
जैसे- खश
ु çक*मती, ऐतराज, फूलदान, करं ट, परLÉा आUद
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
पWरचचा@-<वSभ7न `ा7तA के Sभ7न-Sभ7न पकवानA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
आपस मx Sमलजल
ु कर रहना एवं Sमल बांट कर खाने के भाव को
नै.तक मá
ू य
समझाते हुए इस नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना ।

पाठ -12 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल
<व=या?थ@यA को स*ती चीजो के बारे मे बताना ।
सरल अ7वेषण क<वता के माCयम से अ7धेर नगरL चौपट राजा क) कहानी के अथ@
से पWर?चत कराना ।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA दे ने
मx समथ@ हAगे।
kवण कौशल का <वकास
SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाई गई क<वता को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु ना इसके भाव
को समझना।
क<वता <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@
|aय-k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना ।
भाषा क) बारLçकयA, जैसे –
पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
श0दA क) पन
ु राव<ृ q, सव@नाम
पाठ 12 वाचन कौशल का <वकास जायेगा ।
<वशेषण, जxडर, वचन आUद के
गुô और चेला <व=याथm गुÆ और Sशeय के मCय संबंधA के चचा@ करx गे।
`.त सचेत रहते हुए Sलखते ह]
<व=या?थ@यA को गुô और चेले के मस
ु ीबत मx फँसने क) जानकारL दे ते

हुए उनसे क<वता का पठन काय@ करवाना।
पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
पठन कौशल का <वकास कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।

जैसे- ढे ला , गगरL , ´वाSलन , करतब , 7योता , झमेला आUद ।

क<वता के माCयम से स*ती चीजA के Sमलने पर उस खश
ु ी को अपने
श0दA मे Sलख कर उनका लेखन कौशल बढाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे
श0द कोश का <वकास |
जैसे- ढे ला , गगरL , ´वाSलन , करतब , 7योता , झमेला आUद ।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@- अ7य कुछ इसी `कार क) कहा.नयA पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
`aनोqरL आया तो नहLं आ गया
संकट के समय समझदारL से एवं ब=
ु ?ध से काम करने पर हर सम*या
नै.तक मá
ू य
का समाधान .नकल सकता है | इस नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना

पाठ -13 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

<व=या?थ@यA को दादL क) कहा.नयो के आन7द के बारे मे बताना ।
कहानी के माCयम से बfचो को दादL पोते के मीठे Wरaते से पWर?चत
सरल अ7वेषण
कराना ।
<व=या?थ@यA को दादL के `ेम से अवगत कराना ।
<वSभ7न उ=दे aयA के Sलए
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
Sलखते हुए अपने लेखन मx
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA दे ने
<वराम ?च7ह, जैसे – पण
ू @
पाठ-13 मx समथ@ हAगे।
<वराम, अलोप <वराम,
*वामी क) दादL kवण कौशल का <वकास <व=याथm SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु xगे और
`aनवाचक ?च7ह, उ=धरण
उसके भाव को समझxगे ।
?च7ह का सचेत इ*तेमाल
कहानी <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@
करते ह] ।
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना
पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को जोड़ा
वाचन कौशल का <वकास जायेगा ।
<व=याथm अपनी मनपसंद कहानी कÉा मx सन
ु ाएँगे ।

पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx आए
कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले ) धारा`वाह पढ़ने
मx सÉम हAगे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास
पाठ के अंत मx कम से कम 8 से 10 श0दA के अथ@ समझ कर
वाrय मx `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे। जैसे परLÉक, चçकत , गंध ,
चेतावनी आUद ।
कहानी के माCयम से अपनी दादL के <वषय मे Sलखवा कर उनका
लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx चार
पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx सÉम हAगे

श0द कोश का <वकास ।
जैसे परLÉक, चçकत , गंध , चेतावनी आUद ।
.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá
ू यांकन करना :
चचा@- पWरवार मx बज
ु ग
ु £ के महåव पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू याँकन लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा
पाठ के माCयम से सfचाई के Sलए सव@*व 7योछावर करने क)
नै.तक मá
ू य भावना एवं नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना।
दादL के `.त `ेम एवं सnमान क) भावना का <वकास करना|

पाठ -14 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

● <व=या?थ@यA को पशओ
ु ं के जीवन के आनंद के बारे मे बताना

सरल अ7वेषण ● क<वता के माCयम से बfचA को पशओ
ु ं के पाWरवाWरक जीवन
के आनंद से पWर?चत कराना ।
● <व=या?थ@यA को पØÉयA क) कहानी से अवगत कराना ।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के
मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० पा∞यप* ु तक और संदभ@ के

पाठ-14 श0दA के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे। अनसु ार उसमे इतर सामyी मे

बाघ आया उस रात आये संवेदनशील òबंदओ

ु ं पर
kवण कौशल का <वकास Sलoखत /±ेल Sल<प मx
● SशÉक =वारा सन
ु ाई गई क<वता को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर उसके
अSभ}यिrत करते है ।
भाव को समझxगे ।
● क<वता <व*तार मx सहायक- *माट@ बोड@ एवं
|aय-.k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना एवं
kवण कौशल का <वकास करना।

पाठ वाचन के माCयम से पव

ू @ पUठत अंश से <व=या?थ@यA को
जोड़ा जायेगा ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास जंगल के <वSभ7न जानवरA क) कÉा मx चचा@ क) जाएगी।
बfचे अपने मनपसंद जानवर के <वषय मx कुछ पंिrतयां कÉा
मx सन
ु ाएंगे।

<व=या?थ@यA को पØÉयA =वारा सभी ऋतओ
ु ं के आनंद के बारे
मे जानकारL दे ना।

क<वता का भाव समझकर उसका परू े सरु ,लय एवं ताल के

पठन कौशल का <वकास साथ पठन करना।

● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=

ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

● क<वता के माCयम से पशओ

ु ं का घर मे आने के कारण
ु ेद Sलखx ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
● छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx
चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx

श0द कोश का <वकास सÉम हAगे जैसे- झरने, बा.घन, कॉलेज, पहरा, आगाह

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना :
● चचा@- पश-ु पØÉयA के जीवन पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
● `aनोqरL

● कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख के =वारा

क<वता के माCयम से खतरA से सदै व सतक@ रहने एवं दस

ू रA को सतक@
नै.तक मá
ू य
करने के नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना।

पाठ -15 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

● <व=या?थ@यA को पØÉयA के `ेम के बारे मे बताना ।

कहानी के माCयम से पØÉयA पर हुए अåयाचारA से पWर?चत
सरल अ7वेषण कराना ।
● <व=या?थ@यA को पØÉयA के `.त सहानभ
ु .ू त से अवगत कराना

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA
के मौoखक उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से
४० श0दA के हA दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
पाठ-15 भाषा क) बारLçकयA पर Cयान
kवण कौशल का <वकास
òबशन क) UदलेरL दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा गढ़ते और
● SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाई गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर उसके
उसका इ*तेमाल करते ह] ।
भाव समझना एवं yहण करना।
अपWर?चत श0दA के अथ@
श0दकोश से खोजते ह] ।
● कहानी <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@ |aय-.k}य सामyी के
माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना तथा kवण कौशल का <वकास
करना ।
● पाठ के माCयम से <व=या?थ@यA को पव
ू @ पUठत अंश से जोड़ा

वाचन कौशल का <वकास जायेगा ।

● <व=याथm कÉा मx *वयं क) साहSसक घटना का वण@न करx गे

पठन कौशल का <वकास ● <व=या?थ@यA को बेबस पØÉयA के `.त `ेम क) कहा.नयो के

बारे मे जानकारL दे ना।

● <व=याथm पाठ का श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पठन काय@
करx गे।
● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

● जैसे- क)टनाशक, .छड़काव, सीढ़Lनम
ु ा, सन
ु हरे , छलांग,
रौबदार आUद ।

● कहानी के माCयम से पØÉयA के <वषय मे Sलखवाकर उनका

लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
● छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx
चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx

सÉम हAगे ।
श0द कोश का <वकास
● जैसे- क)टनाशक, .छड़काव, सीढ़Lनम
ु ा, सन
ु हरे , छलांग,
रौबदार आUद ।

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना :
● चचा@- पशु पØÉयA से `ेम और दया

<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
● `aनोqरL

● कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा

● जानवरA के `.त `ेम एवं सहानभ
ु .ू त क) भावना एवं इस मá
ू य

नै.तक मá का <वकास करना ।

ू य
● *वयं के आनंद के Sलए दस
ू रA को कeट ना दे ने क) भावना को
<वकSसत करना।

पाठ -16 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

● <व=या?थ@यA को नUदयA के सफर के बारे मे बताना ।
सरल अ7वेषण ● लेख के माCयम से पानी के संकट से पWर?चत कराना ।
● <व=या?थ@यA को पानी क) çफ़ज़ल
ू खचm से अवगत कराना ।

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।
kवण कौशल का <वकास
● SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पाठ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर एवं
अपनी कáपना से कहानी
पाठ-16 कÉा मx क) गई चचा@ को समझ कर भाव yहण करना|
,क<वता ,पZ आUद Sलखते ह]
पानी रे पानी ● लेख <व*तार मx सहायक-*माट@ बोड@ |aय-k}य सामyी के
क<वता कहानी को आगे बढ़ते
माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना एवं kवण कौशल का <वकास
हुए Sलखते ह] ।
करना ।
● पाठ के पव
ू @ पUठत अनम
ु ान से <व=या?थ@यA को पाठ से जोड़ा

वाचन कौशल का <वकास जायेगा ।

● पानी क) आवaयकता पर कÉा मx <व=या?थ@यA के साथ चचा@
क) जाएगी एवं <व=याथm अपने <वचार `*तत
ु करx गे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास
● <व=या?थ@यA को बाढ़ और सखू े के बारे मे जानकारL दे ते हुए
पाठ का पठन काय@ कÉा मx करवाया जाएगा।

● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

● लेख के माCयम से पानी को बचाने के <वषय मx Sलखवाकर

उनका लेखन कौशल बढ़ाना ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
● छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx
चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx

सÉम हAगे।
श0द कोश का <वकास
● जैसे भग
ू ोल, जल, चì, भज
ू ल, खजाने, *टे Åडयम,
कारखाने, भंडार, जल ≥ोत आUद।

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना:
● चचा@-पानी के संचय के साधनA पर
● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● `aनोqरL

● कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख =वारा

नै.तक मá ● जल संरÉण के `.त सजगता एवं जल के çफ़ज़ल

ू खचm को
ू य
रोकने के भाव को <वकSसत करना।

पाठ -17 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल
● <व=या?थ@यA को ऋतओ
ु ं के अनस
ु ार नUदयA के *वôप के बारे
मे बताना ।
● क<वता के माCयम से नUदयA के टे ढे-मेढे जीवन से पWर?चत
सरल अ7वेषण
कराना ।
● <व=या?थ@यA को पानी मx रहने वाले जंतओ
ु ं से अवगत कराना

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA
दे ने मx समथ@ हAगे।

● SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाई गई क<वता को Cयान पव

ू क
@ सन
ु कर उसके
पाठ-17 kवण कौशल का <वकास
भावA को समझना|
छोटL सी हमारL नदL-
● क<वता <व*तार मx सहायक-, *माट@ बोड@ |aय-.k}य सामyी भाषा क) बारLçकयA पर Cयान
के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना एवं kवण कौशल का दे ते हुए अपनी भाषा गढ़ते और
<वकास करना । उसे अपने लेखन मx शाSमल
● जैसे- पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद। करते है ।

● पाठ के पव
ू @ पUठत अनम
ु ान से <व=या?थ@यA को पाठ से जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● हमारे दे श मx बहने वालL <वSभ7न नUदयA के <वषय मx चचा@
पठन कौशल का <वकास ● <व=या?थ@यA को बाढ़ और सख ू े के बारे मे जानकारL दे ते हुए
एवं परू े सरु , लय एवं ताल के साथ क<वता का पठन करवाया
जाएगा ।

● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

क<वता के माCयम से पानी को बचाने के उपाय Sलखx ।

लेखन कौशल का <वकास
छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx
चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx

सÉम हAगे ।
● जैसे बाल,ू डंगर, सघन, आषाढ़ आUद|
श0द कोश का <वकास
● क<वता मx `यr
ु त पन
ु Ærत श0द ,पया@यवाची श0द ,योजक
श0द व नr
ु ता श0द खोज कर अपनी उqर पिु *तका मx Sलखxगे
िजससे छाZA के श0द कोश मx <वकास होगा

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना:
● चचा@-अ7य क<वताओं पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
● `aनोqरL
● कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख के =वारा

● दे श क) नUदयA के घटते जल *तर के कारणA को समझते

नै.तक मá हुए उसे बचाने मx अपना योगदान दे ने क) भावना का <वकास

ू य
करना एवं इस नै.तक मá ू य को <वकSसत करना।
● जल क) çफ़ज़ल
ू खचm ना करने क) सोच को <वकSसत करना।

पाठ -18 <वषय SशÉण के लäय सीखने के `.तफल

● <व=या?थ@यA को पव@तारोहण मx आने वालL कUठनाइयA के बारे मे

बताना ।
सरल अ7वेषण ● लेख के माCयम से पव@तA के आकार के बारे मे पWर?चत कराना <वSभ7न उ=दे aयA के Sलए
। Sलखते हुए अपने लेखन मx
● <व=या?थ@यA को Uहमालय पव@त क) कहानी से अवगत कराना । <वराम ?च7ह, जैसे – पण
ू @
<वराम, अलोप <वराम,
`aनवाचक ?च7ह, उ=धरण
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व=याथm पाठ से सnबि7धत पांच `aनA के मौoखक
?च7ह का सचेत इ*तेमाल
उqर पांच छह वाrयA जो लगभग ३५ से ४० श0दA के हA दे ने
करते ह] ।
मx समथ@ हAगे।
पाठ 18
kवण कौशल का <वकास ● SशÉक =वारा पढ़ाए गए पहाड़ को Cयान पव
ू क
@ सन
ु कर समझ
ु ौती Uहमालय क)-
के भावA को yहण करना
याZा वण@न
● लेख <व*तार मx सहायक *माट@ बोड@ एवं
|aय .k}य सामyी के माCयम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना। जैसे-
पी. पी. टL, ऑÅडयो, वीÅडयो आUद।

● पाठ के पव
ू @ पUठत अनम
ु ान से <व=या?थ@यA को पाठ से जोड़ा
जायेगा ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास ● <व=याथm SशÉा मx Uहमालय से संबं?धत <वSभ7न बातA क) चचा@
करx जैसे Uहमालय से `ाdत होने वालL औष?धयाँ, Uहमालय से
बहने वालL नUदयाँ आUद।
पठन कौशल का <वकास ● <व=या?थ@यA को सभी पव@तA के बारे मे जानकारL दे ना।

● पाठ के भाव को समझते हुए एवं श0दA के श=
ु ध उfचारण करते
हुए <वराम ?च7हA का उ?चत उपयोग करते हुए <व=याथm पठन
काय@ करx गे एवं पठन कौशल <वकSसत करx गे।
● पाठ के अंत मx <व=याथm श=
ु ध उfचारण करते हुए पाठ मx
आए कम से कम पाँच वाrय(२५ से ३० श0दA वाले )
धारा`वाह पढ़ने मx सÉम हAगे।

● पव@तारोहण मx çकन çकन व*तओ

ु ं क) जôरत पड़ती है उसे
लेखन कौशल का <वकास Sलखxगे िजससे छाZA के लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा ।

छाZ पांच `aनA का उqर २० से २५ अपने श0दA मx िजसमx

चार पांच जUटल श0द भी हAगx Sलख पायेगx।

● 8 से 10 नवीन श0दA के अथ@ उनके वाrय `योग करने मx

सÉम हAगे तथा पाठ मx `यr
ु त पन
ु Ærत श0द ,पया@यवाची
श0द कोश का <वकास
श0द ,योजक श0द व नr
ु ता श0द खोज कर अपनी उqर
पिु *तका मx Sलखxगे िजससे छाZA के श0द कोश मx <वकास होगा

.नnन के माCयम से छाZA के Hान का मá

ू यांकन करना :
● चचा@- Uहमालय पर
<वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● लघु `aन .नमा@ण के माCयम से।
● `aनोqरL
● कUठन श0दA के kुतलेख के =वारा

● पाठ के माCयम से <व=याथm माग@ मx आने वालL çकसी भी

नै.तक मá
ू य कUठनाई का डटकर सामना करने क) एवं मस
ु ीबत मे Uहnमत
ना हारने क) भावना एवं नै.तक मá
ू य का <वकास करना

क"ा 6

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी )श"ा+थ-य/ ()भ1न 3प से स"म ब8च/ स:हत) को ?यिAतगत , साम:ू हक 3प से काय-
करने के अवसर और IोJसाहन :दया जाएगा ताNक उ1हP
अपनी भाषा मP बातचीत तथा चचा- करने के अवसर ह/
Iयोग कR जाने वालT भाषा कR बारTNकय/ पर चचा- के अवसर ह/
सNUय और जाग3क बनाने वालT रचनायP अख़बार पWXकाएँ Nफ़[म और ऑडीओ _वडीओ
साम`ी को दे खने सन
ु ने पढ़ने )लखने और उन पर चचा- करने के अवसर उपलdध ह/
ू मP काय- करने और एक दस
ू रे के कायf पर चचा- करने,रायलेनेदेनेIgनकरनेकRhवतंXताहो
:हंदT के साथ अपनी भाषा कR साम`ी पढ़ने )लखने कR स_ु वधा (jेल/सांकेlतक 3प मP भी)
और उन पर बातचीत कR आज़ादT हो
अपने पoरवेश समय और समाज से संबं+धत रचनाओं को पढ़ने और उन पर चचा- करने के
अवसर ह/
अपनी भाषा गढ़ते हुए )लखने संबंधी गlत_व+धयाँ आयोिजत ह/, जैसे-शdदखेल।
:हंदT भाषा मP संदभ- के अनस
ु ार भाषा _वgलेषण (?याकरण वाAय संरचना, _वराम+च1हआ:द)
करने के अवसर ह/
क[पनाशीलताऔर सज
ृ नशीलता को _वक)सत करने वालT गlत_व+धय/ जैसे-अ)भनय, रोल-uले,
क_वता, पाठ, सज
ृ नाJमकलेखन, _व)भ1न िhथlतय/ मP संवाद आ:द के आयोजन ह/ और उनकR
तैयारT से संबं+धत िhUuट लेखन और oरपोट- लेखन के अवसर ह/।
सा:हJय और सा:हिJयक तJव/ कR समझ बढ़ने के अवसर ह/
शdदकोश का Iयोग करने के )लए IोJसाहन एवं सल
ु भ पoरवेश हो
सांhकृlतक महJव के अवसर/ पर अवसरानक
ु ू ल लोकगीत/ का सं`ह करने उनकR गीतमय
Ihतlु त दे ने के अवसर ह/

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 6 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने के
:Sतफल के साथ
_व)भ1न Iकार कR yवlनय/, जैसे -बाoरश, हवा, रे ल, बस, फेरTवाला आ:द) को सन
ु ने के अनभ
ु व,
Nकसी वhतु के hवाद आ:द के अनभ
ु व को अपने ढं ग से मौ}खक/सांकेlतक भाषा मP Ihतत

करते ह~।
ु ी, दे खी गई बात/ जैसे- hथानीय सामािजक घटनाओं, काय-Uम/ और गlत_व+धय/ पर
बे}झझक बात करते ह~ और Igन करते ह~।
दे खी, सन
ु ी रचनाओं/घटनाओं/मÅ
ु द/ पर बातचीत को अपने ढं ग से आगे बढ़ाते ह~ जैसे-Nकसी
कहानी को आगे बढ़ाना।

रे Çडयो, टT-वी-, अखबार, इंटरनेट मP दे खी/सन
ु ी गई खबर/ को अपने शdद/ मP कहते ह~।
_व)भ1न अवसर//संदभf मP कहT जा रहT दस
ू र/ कR बात/ को अपने ढं ग से बताते ह~ जैसे- आँख/
से न दे ख पाने वाले साथी का याXा-अनभ
ु व।
अपने पoरवेश मP मौजद
ू लोककथाओं और लोकगीत/ के बारे मP जानते हुए चचा- करते ह~।
अपने से )भ1न भाषा, खान-पान, रहन-सहन संबंधी _व_वधताओं पर बातचीत करते ह~।
सरसरT तौर पर Nकसी पाÑयवhतु को पढ़कर उसकR _वषयवhतु का अनम
ु ान लगाते ह~।
Nकसी पाÑयवhतु कR बारT कR से जाँच करते हुए उसमP Nकसी _वशेष Wबंद ु को खोजते ह~,
अनमु ान लगाते ह~, lनÖकष- lनकालते ह~।
:हंदT भाषा मP _व)भ1न Iकार कR साम`ी (समाचार, पX-पWXका, कहानी, जानकारTपरक साम`ी,
इंटरनेट पर Iका)शत होने वालT साम`ी आ:द) को समझ कर पढ़ते ह~ और उसमP अपनी पसंद-
नापसंद, राय, :टuपणी दे ते ह~।
भाषा कR बारTNकय//?यवhथा/ढं ग पर yयान दे ते हुए उस कR सराहना करते ह~, जैसे- क_वता मP
लय-तकु , वण--आव_ृ Ü (छं द) तथा कहानी, lनबंध मP मह
ु ावरे , लोकोिAत आ:द।
_व)भ1न _वधाओं मP )लखी गई सा:हिJयक साम`ी को उपयA
ु त उतार-चढ़ाव और सहT गlत के
साथ पढ़ते ह~।
:हंदT भाषा मP _व_वध Iकार कR रचनाओं को पढ़ते ह~।
नए शdद/ के Ilत िजàासा ?यAत करते ह~ और उनके अथ- समझने के )लए शdदकोश का
Iयोग करते ह~।
_व_वधकलाओं जैसे- हhतकला, वाhतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नJृ यकला आ:द से जड़
ु ी साम`ी मP
ु त भाषा के Ilत िजàासा ?यAत करते हुए उस कR सराहना करते ह~। दस ू र/ के Åवारा
अ)भ?यAत अनभ ु व/ को ज़3रत के अनस
ु ार )लखना जैसे साव-जlनक hथान/ (जैसे-चौराह/, नल/,
बस अäडे आ:द) पर सन
ु ी गई बात/ को )लखना।
:हंदT भाषा मP _व)भ1न Iकार कR साम`ी (समाचार, पX-पWXका, कहानी, जानकारT परक साम`ी,
इंटरनेट पर Iका)शत होने वालT साम`ी आ:द) को समझकर-पढ़ते ह~ और उसमP अपनी पसंद-
नापसंद, :टuपणी को )ल}खत या jेल भाषा मP ?यAत करते ह~।
_व)भ1न _वषय/, उÅदे gय/ के )लए उपयA
ु त _वराम-+चãन/ का उपयोग करते हुए )लखते ह~।
_व)भ1न अवसर//संदभf मP कहT जा रहT दस
ू र/ कR बात/ को अपने ढं ग से )लखते ह~।
_व)भ1न संदभf मP _व)भ1न उÅदे gय/ के )लए )लखते समय शdद/, वाAय संरचनाओं, मह
ु ावरे
आ:द का उ+चत Iयोग करते ह~।

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-6- 7हंद: 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई . Cवारा अपनाए - सीखने के HIतफल
नोट – सOपण
ू R पाSयTम सीखने के HIतफल
पाठ-1 1वषय कवर Wकए गए Xश5ण के लZय सीखने के HIतफल
क7वता सन
ु ने के बाद सभी 7वधाथB क7वता के काCयांशE 7वoभgन Fकार कX pवqनयE, जैसे -
से संबं)धत FGनE के उIर दे ने मL समथM हEगL जैसे )च+ड़या बाsरश, हवा, रे ल, बस, फेर[वाला आUद)
को Pकन -Pकन चीज़E से Rयार है ?आUद | को सनु ने के अनभ ु व, Pकसी व^तु के
कWा मL चचाM कX जाएगी Pक नीले पंखE वाल[ वह छोट[ ^वाद आUद के अनभ ु व को अपने ढं ग से
सी )च+ड़या ^वभाव से कैसी है |इस Fकार कWा चचाM मौhखक/सांकेqतक भाषा मL F^तत
ु करते
0वण व वाचन कौशल का
करते हुए 7वधा)थMयE मL वाचन कौशल का 7वकास होगा हy।
|क7वता के मल
ू भाव को समझकर 7वधाथB अपने 7वचार
रख सकLगे।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत पांच
FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग
पाठ-1-वह )च+ड़या जो ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।
समहू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB माzाओं को pयान मL रखते हुए
qनधाMsरत पाठ के अंश का पठन करL गL |पाठ के अंत मL
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ मL आए कम
से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE वाले )
धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।

एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर अपने
ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

oमz के लेखन पर30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।

8 से 10 नवीन तथा कUठन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर

उनके अथM को जानLगे ।
शnद 7वकास कौशल क7वता के नए शnद जैसे -टटोलकर, गरबील[, संतोषी
आUद शnदE का दै qनक जीवन मL Fयोग करना सीखLगे
िजससे 7वधा)थMयE के शnद कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
क7वता से FाRत oशWा का वणMन करते हुए छाzE
dवारा क7वता सन
ु ाई जाएगी।
कUठन शnदE का 0ुतलेख Uदया जाएगा।जैसे -संतोषी
,उँ ड़ेल कर, 7वजन, गरबील[ आUद |
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
चचाM (पWी एवं मानव मL Pकसका जीवन बेहतर?)
बोधाâमक FGन और लघु FGन qनमाMण Pकया जाएगा
यUद तe
ु हL क7वता का कोई और शीषMक दे ना हो तो
iया शीषMक दे ना चाहोगे और iयE ? उपयi
ु त शीषMक
सोचकर oलखो ? उपयi
ुM त तर[कE से 7वdया)थMयE
का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

वह )च+ड़या साहसी है |उसे ^वयं पर गवM है |यह चचाM

कWा मL कX जा चक
ु X है | oशåWका dवारा ‘संतोष ह[
नैqतक मá
ू य
परम धन है ’ मेहनती बनो,आUद नैqतक मá
ू यE पर 7वशेष
बल Uदया जाएगा |

पाठ-2 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
● oशåWका अपने बचपन मL रहने के ढं ग
को ब|चE के साथ साझा करे गी |छाz
अपने बचपन के अनभ
ु व साझा करL गL। सन
ु ी, दे खी गई बातE जैसे- ^थानीय
0वण व वाचनकौशल का सामािजक घटनाओं, कायMÖमE और
7वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से गqत7व)धयE पर बेhझझक बात करते
सeबिgधत पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर हy और FGन करते हy।
पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग ३५ से
४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।

● छाzE मL कUठन शnदE का उ|चारण करने

का 7वकास होगा व समह
ू मL बैठे

पाठ-2- बचपन 7वdयाथB Öमानस

ु ार qनधाMsरत अंश का
पठन करL गे।
● शnदE के शd
ु ध उ|चारण पर बल Uदया
जाएगा |
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण
करते हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम
पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE वाले
) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।

● 7वराम )चëनE के Fयोग पर भी बल Uदया
पपात मL आए जाएपाठ मL आए शnद गा

● छाz “बचपन कX शरारतL एवं सीख” 7वषय पर
कWा मL oलखLगे िजसके dवारा छाzE के लेखन
कौशल का 7वकास होगा।

● oलखते समय माzाओं कX शd

ु धता पर बल Uदया
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास जाएगा

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन 30 -40 शnदE मL पर
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

8 से 10 नवीन व कUठन शnदE को रे खांPकत

कर उनके अथM को जानLगे |पाठ मL आए नवीन
शnद जैसे - कै^टर ऑयल ,खसखस ,आGवासन,
आUद शnदE के अथM को जानने मL समथM हEगे
नवीन शnदE का वाiय मL Fयोग करना जानLगे
शnद 7वकास कौशल व पाठ मL Fयi
ु त पन
ु ïiत शnद , 7वलोम शnद
,योजक शnद व नi
ु ता शnद खोज कर अपनी
उIर पिु ^तका मL oलखLगे िजससे छाzE के शnद
कोश मL 7वकास होगा |

● चचाM (वो Pफर एक Uदन बचपन का)

7वभेUदत मá ● लघु FGन qनमाMण व FGनोIर[ के माpयम से

ू यांकन
छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● लेhखका बचपन मL अपने काम ^वयं करती थी

|पाठ मL इस बात कX चचाM कX जा चक
ु X है |
नैqतक मá
ू य oशåWका dवारा छाzE को अपना काम ^वयं करने
के oलए Fेsरत करते हुए नैqतक मá
ू यE का
7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-3 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● छाz पåWयE और मनÅु य के Cयवहाsरक जीवन
के अंतर को ^पÅट करL गL |छाz अपने oमz के
साथ बचपन कX कुछ शरारतE को बता दे खी, सन
ु ी रचनाओं/घटनाओं/मd
ु दE पर
सकLगे।oशåWका भी अपने बचपन कX शरारत बातचीत को अपने ढं ग से आगे बढ़ाते हy
पाठ-3-नादान दो^त 0वण व वाचन कौशल का भर[ घटना को साझा करL गीं| जैसे-Pकसी कहानी को आगे बढ़ाना।
( कहानी ) 7वकास
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।

● छाzE मL कUठन शnदE का उ|चारण करने का
7वकास होगा व समह
ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB Öमानस
ु ार
qनधाMsरत अंश का पठन करL गे। पाठ मL आए
कUठन शnद जैसे िजñासा, झँझ
ु लाकर,उधेङबन

पठन कौशल का 7वकास ,Uह^सेदार आUद शnदE को पढ़ने मL समथM हEगे
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम
● शnदE के शd
ु ध उ|चारण पर बल Uदया जाएगा |
● 7वराम )चëनE के Fयोग पर भी बल Uदया जाएगा
● छाz ‘ oमzता’ 7वषय पर कWा मL
पाँच पंिiत oलखLगे िजसके dवारा
छाzE के लेखन कौशल मL 7वकास होगा

● oलखते समय माzाओं कX शd

ु धता पर
बल Uदया जाएगा |
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा
उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने
मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

छाz कम से कम 8 से 10 नवीन व कUठन
शnद जैसे - काqनMस , उधेङबन
ु ,Uह^सेदार
,^वीकृत ,oसटकनी आUद को रे खांPकत कर उनके
अथM को जानLगे नवीन शnदE का वाiय मL Fयोग
शnद 7वकास कौशल करना जानLगे व पाठ मL Fयi
ु त पन
ु ïiत शnद ,
7वलोम शnद ,योजक शnद, नi
ु ता ,अन^
ु वार व
ु ाoसक शnद खोज कर अपनी उIर पिु ^तका
मL oलखLगे िजससे छाzE के शnद कोश मL 7वकास
होगा |

7वभेUदत मá ● चचाM (पश-ु पåWयE का जीवन हमसे बेहतर या

ू यांकन
(Differentiated नह[ं)

Assessment) ● लघु FGन qनमाMण व बोधाâमक FGन के माpयम

से छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● केशव और Gयामा )च+ड़या के ब|चE कX रWा

करना चाहते थे परं तु केशव कX नादानी के
कारण अंडे टूट गए ,पाठ मL इस बात कX चचाM
नैqतक मá
ू य कX जा चक
ु X है | oशåWका dवारा छाzE को पåWयE
कX रWा करने के oलए Fेsरत करते हुए नैqतक
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा

पाठ 4 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
● Fâयेक छाz कWा मL पढ़ाये गए काCयांशE
के पन
ु वाMचन करL गे ।चं¶मा के घटने-बढ़ने
कX FPÖया व चाँद के बारे मL जानकार[

0वण व वाचन कौशल का साझा करL गे।

7वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से
सeबिgधत पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर
पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग ३५ से ४०
शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।
रे +डयो, ट[-वी-, अखबार, इंटरनेट मL
● समह
ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB माzाओं को pयान
दे खी/सनु ी गई खबरE को अपने शnदE मL
मL रखते हुए qनधाMsरत काCयांश का पठन
पाठ-4-चाँद से थोड़ी सी कहते हy।
करL गL| क7वता मL आए शnद जैसे -तारE -
गRपL 7वoभgन अवसरE/संदभß मL कह[ जा रह[
जड़ा , गोरा -)च®टा , बद ध
ु ू आUद शnदE
दस ू रE कX बातE को अपने ढं ग से बताते
का पठन करने मL समथM हEगL |
पठन कौशल का 7वकास हy जैसे- आँखE से न दे ख पाने वाले साथी
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd ु ध उ|चारण
का याzा-अनभ ु व।
करते हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच
वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE वाले )
धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।

● 7वराम )चëनE के Fयोग पर भी बल Uदया
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास ● कWा मL पढाई गई क7वता का सार अपने शnदE मL

● oलखते समय माzाओं कX शd
ु धता पर बल
Uदया जाएगा |

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा
उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने
मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

8 से 10 नवीन शnद जैसे -oसeत ,गोPक आUद

शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को जानेगL व
क7वता मL Fयi
ु त पन
ु ïiत शnद ,पयाMयवाची शnद
शnद 7वकास कौशल
,योजक शnद व नi
ु ता शnद खोज कर अपनी उIर
पिु ^तका मL oलखLगे िजससे छाzE के शnद कोश मL
7वकास होगा

● चचाM (चं¶©हण के कारण)

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
● लघु FGन qनमाMण व FGनोIर[ ।
● कृÅण पW व शi
ु ल पW का iया अथM होता है
Assessment) |^पÅट कXिजए |7वoभgन माpयम से छाzE के ñान
का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● ‘यUद कोई हमार[ कoमयाँ बताता है तो हमL उस

नैqतक मá बात का बरु ा नह[ं मानना चाUहए बिáक उस पर

ू य
ु ार करना चाUहए’ oशåWका dवारा छाzE मL इस
नैqतक मá
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा

पाठ-5 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
● छाz अWरE के मह´व के बारे मL iया जानते हy
|अपने -अपने 7वचार साझा करL गL |oशåWका प¨
ृ वी
पर अWरE कX उâप7I कX 7वकास याzा को
समझाती हुई अपने 7वचार साझा करL गी । इससे

0वण व वाचन कौशल का छाzE मL 0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास

7वकास होगा |

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
पाठ-5-अWरE का महâव अपने पsरवेश मL मौजद
ू लोककथाओं और
समथM हEगे।
लोकगीतE के बारे मL जानते हुए चचाM
करते हy।
● समह
ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB माzाओं को pयान
मL रखते हुए qनधाMsरत अंश का पठन
करL गL|पाठ को Cया≠याâमक पdधqत से
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
समझाया जाएगा | पाठ के अंत मL
7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ
मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से
४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL
सWम हEगे।

● शnदE के शd
ु ध उ|चारण पर बल Uदया
जाएगा |िजससे उ|चारण Wमता मL वd
ृ )ध
● 7वराम )चëनE के Fयोग पर भी बल Uदया

● अ से ñ तक सारे वणM oलखLगे।

● परु ाने ज़माने मL लोग यह iयE सोचते थे Pक

“अWर और भाषा कX खोज ईGवर ने कX थी?”
अपने शnदE oलखLगे िजसके dवारा छाzE कX
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● छाz 8 से 10 नए शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके

Fqत िजñासा रखते हुए और उनके अथM समझने
के oलए शnदकोश का Fयोग करL गे ।
शnद कोश का 7वकास
● पाठ मL आए शnद जैसे वI
ृ ,वन^पqतयE, PकरणE
,सÆय आUद शnदE का वाiय मL Fयोग करना

● वणß को oमलाकर शnदE का qनमाMण करL गे । व
पाठ मL Fयi
ु त पन
ु ïiत शnद , 7वलोम शnद
योजक शnद, नi
ु ता ,अन^
ु वार व अनन
ु ाoसक
शnद खोज कर अपनी उIर पिु ^तका मL oलखLगे
िजससे छाzE के शnद कोश मL 7वकास होगा |
● चचाM (वणMमाला का 7वकास), वणM -
7व|छे द
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
● अWरE के मह´व को जानLगे।
● पाठगत FGनोIर।
Assessment) ● अWरE का चाटM पर बनवाएँगे |7वoभgन
माpयम से छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन
Pकया जाएगा |
● िजस तरह अWरE कX खोज के साथ एक नए
ु कX शïु आत हुई उसी तरह oशåWका dवारा

नैqतक मá छाzE को Fेsरत Pकया जाएगा Pक वो भी कुछ

ू य
ऐसा खोजL Pक िजससे समाज मL सकाराâमक
बदलाव आए | oशåWका dवारा इस नैqतक
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा

पाठ 6 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● छाz एoलयन के बारे मL अपनी जानकार[ साझा
पाठ-6-पार नज़र के करL गे व वैñाqनक गqत7व)धयE के 7वषय मL अपने से oभgन भाषा, खान-पान, रहन-
0वण व वाचन कौशल का
oशåWका अपने 7वचार F^तत
ु करL गी |कWा चचाM सहन संबंधी 7व7वधताओं पर बातचीत
के माpयम से छाzE मL 0वण व वाचन कौशल करते हy।
का 7वकास होगा |

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।

● समह
ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB माzाओं को pयान मL
रखते हुए qनधाMsरत अंश का पठन करL गL|पाठ
को Cया≠याâमक पdधqत से समझाया जाएगा
| पाठ मL आए शnद जैसे - संदेहा^पद ,लािज़मी
,सतकMता ,अंतsरW आUद शnदE का पठन करने
मL समथM हEगL |
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
● शnदE के शd
ु ध उ|चारण पर बल Uदया जाएगा
|िजससे उ|चारण Wमता मL वd
ृ )ध होगी|
● तकनीकX शnदE को उ|चाsरत करने का ñान
कराया जाएगा
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम
● ज़मीन के ऊपर मंगल ©ह पर सब कुछ कैसा
होगा , इसकX कáपना करो और oलखो | इस
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
तरह छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● संñा तथा 7वशेषण शnदE को छाँटकर

● अि^तâव ,अpयW ,सqु निGचत,qनर[Wण
शnद 7वकास कौशल आUद 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत
कर उनके अथM को जानLगे |
● तकनीकX शnदE के अथM से पsर)चत हEगे

● पsरचचाM (दस
ू रे ©हE पर लोग है के नह[ं?)
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● पाठगत FGनो के उIरE को oलखLगे।
(Differentiated ● अंतsरW का )चz बना कर पाँच वाiय
oलखLगे |
● संñा तथा सवMनाम शnदE मL भेद करL गे
|qनeन तर[कE के माpयम से छाzE के
ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● िजस तरह पाठ मL चचाM कX गई Pक छोटू पढ़ -
oलख कर तकनीकX ñान FाRत करना चाहता था

नैqतक मá उसी तरह oशåWका dवारा छाzE को Fेsरत Pकया

ू य
जाएगा Pक वो भी अ|छा पढ़े और दे श का नाम
आगे करL | oशåWका dवारा इस नैqतक मá
ू यE
का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा

पाठ-7 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
● “एक अकेला थक जाएगा ,oमलकर बोझ उठाना “
सहयोग कX भावना के 7वकास पर बल दे ते हुए
कWा मL चचाM कX जाएगी |सभी छाz क7वता वाचन
करL गे | इस Fकार छाzE मL 0वण व वाचन कौशल
0वण व वाचन कौशल का का 7वकास होगा |
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।

● Pकताब से सामUू हक गीत का पठन व गायन Pकया

सरसर[ तौर पर Pकसी पा≥यव^तु को
पाठ-7-साथी हाथ बढ़ाना जाएगा | मेहनत वालE , परबत ,फ़ौलाद[ च®टानE
पढ़कर उसकX 7वषयव^तु का अनम
ु ान
आUद शnदE के शd
ु ध उ|चारण पर बल Uदया जाएगा
लगाते हy।
|िजससे उ|चारण Wमता मL वd
ृ )ध होगी|
पठन कौशल का 7वकास ● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए
पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से
४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम

● अपने आस-पास आप Pकसे साथी मानते हो और
iयE ? इस 7वषय पर अपने 7वचार oलhखए | इस
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास तरह छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर
अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● कतरा, ज़राM,राई जैसे कUठन व 8 से 10 नवीन
शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को जानLगे |
शnद 7वकास कौशल
● कUठन और नवीन शnदE का वाiय मL Fयोग करना
सीखLगे |
● चचाM (एकता मे शिiत)
● भाषा कX बात के FGनE के उIर oलखLगे।
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● पाठगत FGनोIर ।qनeन तर[के से छाzE के ñान
का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● िजस तरह पाठ मL चचाM कX गई Pक एक और एक

oमलकर µयारह होते हy , उसी तरह oशåWका dवारा
नैqतक मá
ू य
छाzE मL सहयोग कX भावना जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का
7वकास Pकया जाएगा

पाठ 8 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● नाटक के माpयम से जानना।
पाठ-8-ऐसे-ऐसे Pकसी पा≥यव^तु कX बार[ कX से जाँच
0वण व वाचन कौशल का ● नाटक के माpयम से बाल मनोभावE को उजागर करते हए उसमL Pकसी 7वशेष ∂बंद को
ु ु
7वकास करते हुए छाz ÄGय-0Cय कौशल को जानLगे व खोजते हy, अनमान लगाते हy, qनÅकषM

साथ -साथ वाचन कौशल Wमता का भी 7वकास qनकालते हy।
होगा |

● ना®यE के qनयमE को pयान मL रखते हुए पाठ का
ना®य ∑पांतरण करL गे।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।

● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd

ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से
४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम
● मान लो Pक तम
ु मोहन कX तबीयत पछ
ू ने जाते
हो |अपनी और मोहन कX बातचीत को संवाद के
∑प मL oलhखए |िजसके dवारा छाzE के लेखन
कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास ● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर
अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● कराहकर ,चरू न, धमा -चौकड़ी आUद 8 से 10 नवीन

शnद 7वकास कौशल शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को जानLगे ।
इससे उनके शnद कौशल मL वd
ृ )ध होगी |

● अoभनय के आधार पर छाzE को अंक दे कर उgहL
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन पन
ु बMलन दे ना।
(Differentiated ● पाठगत FGनोIर ।
Assessment) ● संवाद कौशल पर PÖयाâमक कायM। qनeन तर[के
से छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE मL अपना कायM समय पर

नैqतक मá परू ा करने कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá

ू यE का 7वकास
ू य
Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ 9 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● छाz अपनी मनपसंद व^तु के बारे मL कWा मL
चचाM करL गL |चोर[ करना बरु [ बात है | इस 7वषय
पर अपने 7वचार रखLगे |इस Fकार छाzE मL

0वण व वाचन कौशल का 0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |

7वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।

ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB qनधाMsरत अंश का पठन करL गे।
पाठ-9-Uटकट अलबम पठन कौशल का 7वकास
पठन के समय सभी छाz 7वराम )चëनE का Fयोग
करते हुए शd
ु ध उ|चारण के साथ पठन करL गे|इससे छाzE Uहंद[ भाषा मL 7वoभgन Fकार कX साम©ी
मL पठन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |पाठ मL आए शnद (समाचार, पz-प∂zका, कहानी,

जैसे - अगुवा , पगडं+डयE ,अनंत ,कृÅणन , इÅयाMलु आUद जानकार[परक साम©ी, इंटरनेट पर
शnदE के पठन मL समथM हEगL | Fकाoशत होने वाल[ साम©ी आUद) को
पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ समझ कर पढ़ते हy और उसमL अपनी
मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE पसंद-नापसंद, राय, UटRपणी दे ते हy।
वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।
UटकटE कX तरह ह[ ब|चे और बड़े दस
ू र[ चीजL भी जमा
करते हy | आपको iया जमा करने का शौक है | अपने
7वचार oलhखए |

oलखते समय माzाओं कX शd

ु धता पर बल Uदया जाएगा
| िजसके dवारा छाzE के लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर अपने
ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया

oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया oलख

पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके

अथM को जानLगे | पाठ मL आए कम से कम 4
शnद 7वकास कौशल कUठन शnद जैसे - पÅृ ठ , बद
ु बद
ु ाया , फूट -
फूटकर, साँकल आUद शnदE के अथM को जानने
मL समथM हEगL |

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
● पsरचचाM (झूठ बचा लेता है ?)
● पाठगत FGनोIर ।qनeन तर[कE से छाzE
Assessment) के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● oशåWका dवारा छाzE मL चोर[ जैसी गलत भावना

नैqतक मá का âयाग करने कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá

ू यE
ू य
का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-10 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● भारत के गौरवपण
ू M इqतहास के बारे मL छाz कWा
मL चचाM करL गे| झाँसी के रानी पर अपनी जानकार[
साझा करL गे।
0वण व वाचन कौशल का
7वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
पाठ-10-झाँसी कX रानी
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
भाषा कX बार[PकयE/Cयव^था/ढं ग पर
समथM हEगे।
pयान दे ते हुए उस कX सराहना करते हy,
ू मL बैठे 7वdयाथB qनधाMsरतकाCयांश का पठन जैसे- क7वता मL लय-तक
● समह ु , वणM-आव7ृ I
ु ध (छं द) तथा कहानी, qनबंध मL मह
करL गे व वीर रस का संचार होगा ।शnदE के शd ु ावरे ,
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
उ|चारण पर बल Uदया जाएगा |िजससे उ|चारण लोकोिiत आUद।
Wमता मL वd
ृ )ध होगी| पाठ मL आए शnद जैसे
- oसंहासन , भक
ृ ु ट[ , हरबोलE ,मदाMनी आUद का
पठन करने मL समथM हEगL |

● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम
● “रानी लêमी बाई के जीवन कX Pकgह[ं पाँच
7वशेषताओं” को oलhखए।इससे छाzE मL लेखन
कौशल का 7वकास
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके

अथM को जानLगे । पाठ मL आए कUठन शnद
शnद 7वकास कौशल
जैसे - मह
ु ँबोल[ , बरछπ , कृपाण , कटार[ आUद
शnदE का अथM बताने मL समथM हEगL |
● पर[Wा कX ÄिÅट से Fथम और d7वतीय काCयांश
कX Cया≠या ।
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन
● चचाM (झाँसी कX रानी का जीवन)
पाठगत FGनोIर।
Assessment) संñा तथा सवMनाम शnदE कX पहचान कXिजए
।qनeन तर[कE के माpयम से छाzE के ñान का
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को वीर बनने कX Fेरणा
नैqतक मá
ू य जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-11 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

Fकृqत व आँखE के मह´व को जानते हुए छाz आपस
मL कWा मL चचाM करL गL |

0वण व वाचन कौशल का ● पाठ सन

ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
7वकास पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
समथM हEगे।
पाठ-11-जो दे खकर भी 7वराम आUद )चëनE को pयान मL रखकर छाz पाठ का
नह[ं दे खते पठन करL गे |पाठ के मल भाव पर चचाM कर

7वoभgन 7वधाओं मL oलखी गई
सकLगे।गdयांशE के महâव को पढ़L गे। इससे सह[ उ|चारण
साUहिâयक साम©ी को उपयi
ु त उतार-
शिiत व पठन कौशल का 7वकास होगा। पाठ मL आए
चढ़ाव और सह[ गqत के साथ पढ़ते हy।
पठन कौशल का 7वकास शnद जैसे - खरु दर[ , Wमताओं , इं¶धनष
ु ी आUद शnदE
का पठन करने मL समथM हEगL |
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम

लेखन कौशल का 7वकास ● आँखE का महâव 7वषय पर कWा मL छाz oलखLगे

िजसके dवारा छाzE का लेखन कौशल 7वकoसत

होगा। पाठ मL आए कम से कम 4 शnद जैसे
- अचरज , Fकृqत , संवेदना , आशीवाMद आUद
शnदE का 0ुतलेख कार पाने मL समथM हEगL |

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन व कUठन शnदE को

रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को जानLगे |भाषा
शnद 7वकास कौशल ñान मे वd
ृ )ध होगी | भोजपz , पंख+ु ड़यE
ु ावदार आUद शnदE का अथM जानने मL
समथM हEगL |
● पाठगत FGनोIर को oलखLगे पाठ के
आधार पर
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन चचाM (एक Uदन ∂बना आँखE के)
(Differentiated आप अपनी आँखE से Fकृqत कX iया–iया
Assessment) व^तु दे खते हy उgहL oलखो। qनeन माpयम से
छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |

● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को आशावाद[ बनने व
नैqतक मá
ू य कभी Uहeमत न हारने कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ 12 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● छाz संसार व Fकृqत चÖ के संबंध पर कWा मL
चचाM कX जाएगी | Fकृqत के 7वषय मL अपने
7वचार बता पाएँगे।
0वण व वाचन कौशल का
7वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL
पाठ-12-संसार प^
ु तक है समथM हEगे।

गdयांश के अंशE का पठन Pकया जाएगा व 7वरामाUद

)चgहE को pयान मL रखते हुए पाठ का पठन करL गे|
Uहंद[ भाषा मL 7व7वध Fकार कX रचनाओं
िजससे छाzE मL भाषा साUहâय व पठन का 7वकास
पठन कौशल का 7वकास को पढ़ते हy।
होगा | पाठ मL आए शnद जैसे - सम¶ ु , oसतारे ,
नUदयाँ , खरु दरा आUद शnदE को पढने मL समथM हEगL |
पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ
मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE
वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास ● पाठ मL आए Fकृqत के शnदE को oलखLगे ।
● पाठ के आधार पर ।प¨
ृ वी के qनमाMण कX FPÖया
oलखLगे िजससे छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास

होगा | चमकXला ,)चकना , चमकदार आUद शnदE
0ुतलेख कर पाएंगL |

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके

अथM को जानLगे । पाठ मL आए कUठन शnद
शnद 7वकास कौशल
जैसे - इqतहास , Uहgद^
ु तान , पÅृ ठ, आUद शnदE
को oलख पाने मL समथM हEगL |

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● चचाM (मनÅु य Fकृqत का दGु मन)
(Differentiated नेह∑ जी पर एक लघु qनबंध oलhखए।
पाठगत FGन उIर ।qनeन माpयम से छाzE के
ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को Fकृqत Fेमी /Fकृqत के
नैqतक मá
ू य Fqत आदर कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का
7वकास Pकया जाएगा |
पाठ-13 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
0वण व वाचन कौशल का ● माता का ^नेह Pकतना अमá
ू य होता है ,
पाठ-13-मy सबसे छोट[ होऊँ
7वकास छाz कWा मL इस बात पर चचाM करL गL|

माँ के Fqत अपना Fेम अoभCयiत कर
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से
सeबिgधत पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर
पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग ३५ से
४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।

● क7वता का गायन करवाएँगे िजससे उ)चत

लय –ताल, यqत-गqत का 7वकास होगा
और आरोह-अवरोह Wमता मL वd
ृ )ध होगी।
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण
करते हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम नए शnदE के Fqत िजñासा Cयiत करते
पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE वाले ) हy और उनके अथM समझने के oलए
धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे। शnदकोश का Fयोग करते हy।

● माँ के oलए Fेम भाव Cयiत करते हुए एक पz

oलखLगे।इससे छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
होगा |पाठ के अंत मL छाz कम से कम 4 शnद
जैसे - सिªजत , hखलौने , qनभMय , ^नेह आUद
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
शnदE को oलखने मL समथM हEगL |
● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा
उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने
मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 50-60 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● oमz के लेखन 50-60 शnदE मL पर
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर

उनके अथM को जानLगL ।भाषा ñान मे
शnद 7वकास कौशल वd
ृ )ध होगी |
● qन^पह
ृ ,qनभMय , चं¶ोदय , धल
ु ा मख

आUद शnदE का 0ुतलेख कर पाएंगे |

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● पsरचचाM (माँ का जीवन मL महâव)
(Differentiated क7वता का सारांश अपने शnदE मL oलखो ।
पाठगत FGनोIर।qनeन के माpयम से छाzE के
ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE कोअपनी माँ के Fqत आदर
नैqतक मá
ू य -भाव रखने कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का
7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-14 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● छाzE लोकगीतE का समाज मL Fभाव जानते
हुए व लोकगीतE के मह´व पर कWा मL चचाM कX
करL गे |पाठ से लोकगीतE कX जानकार[ FाRत करL गे 7व7वधकलाओं जैसे- ह^तकला,
पाठ-14-लोकगीत 0वण व वाचन कौशल का
● लोकगीत सन ु ा सकLगे। इससे छाzE मL होगा | वा^तक
7वकास ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नâृ यकला आUद
0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास| से जड़
ु ी साम©ी मL Fयi ु त भाषा के Fqत

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत िजñासा Cयiत करते हुए उस कX
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE सराहना करते हy। दस
ू रE के dवारा

जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL अoभCयiत अनभ
ु वE को ज़∑रत के
समथM हEगे। अनस
ु ार oलखना जैसे सावMजqनक ^थानE
(जैसे-चौराहE, नलE, बस अºडे आUद) पर
● गdयांश के खंडE का पठन Pकया जाएगा
ु ी गई बातE को oलखना।
लोकगीतE को लय मे गया जाएगा | पाठ मL आए
शnद लोक7Fयता , शा^zीय संगीत , लोक -
साUहâय आUद शnदE का पठन करने मL समथM हEगL
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम

● सभी छाz पाठ मL आये वाdययंzो को Öमानस

ु ार
● Pकसी लोकगीत कX पाँच पंिiतयाँ oलhखए।इससे
छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा | चैता
,कजर[ , oमजाMपरु , आक7षMत आUद शnदE का
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
ु लेख करने मL समथM हEगL |

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा
उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने
मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM

शnद 7वकास कौशल को जानLगे | पील,ू सारं ग . सोरठ , ममM शnदE का
अथM जानLगे

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● चचाM (लोकगीतE का महâव) सभी छाz अपने-अपने
(Differentiated Wेz के लोक गीत को oलखLगे।पाठगत FGनोतर।
qनeन माpयम से छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन
Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को सदा खश
ु रहने कX
नैqतक मá
ू य Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया
जाएगा |

पाठ -15 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

● मानवीय समानता व सभी को एक समान
समझने कX भावना के 7वकास पर बल दे ते हुए Uहंद[ भाषा मL 7वoभgन Fकार कX साम©ी
कWा मL सभी छाz चचाM करL गे िजससे छाzE मL (समाचार, पz-प∂zका, कहानी, जानकार[
पाठ-15- नौकर
0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास होगा | परक साम©ी, इंटरनेट पर Fकाoशत होने
0वण व वाचन कौशल का
वाल[ साम©ी आUद) को समझकर-पढ़ते
7वकास ● पाठ सनु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत हy और उसमL अपनी पसंद-नापसंद,
पांच FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE UटRपणी को oलhखत या æेल भाषा मL
जो लगभग ३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL Cयiत करते हy।
समथM हEगे।

● गdयांश के खंडE का पठन Pकया जाएगा | छाz
पाठ के मल
ू भाव पर अपने 7वचार रखने मL
समथM हEगे। पाठ मL शnद जैसे - कायMकताM ,
आमतौर , आ0मवासी , कैUदयE आUद शnदE का
पठन कौशल का 7वकास
पठन कर पाएंगL |
● पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते
हुए पाठ मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४०
से ४५ शnदE वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम

● गाँधी जी के Cयिiतâव के बारे मL कWा मL

oलखLगे। िजसके dवारा छाzE कX लेखन कौशल
का 7वकास होगा।

● एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
अथवा उस पर अपने ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख
पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE
मL FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।
● oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL
FqतPÖया oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन व कUठन शnद जैसे -

शnद 7वकास कौशल घायलE , सeमाqनत ,qनमं∂zत आUद

शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को
जानLगे |भाषा ñान मे वd
ृ )ध होगी |

7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● चचाM (गाँधी एक महान आâमा)
(Differentiated 0ुत लेख , बोधाâमक FGन । qनeन तर[कE के
माpयम से छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया
जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को घर के नौकर को घर
नैqतक मá
ू य के सद^य कX तरह Cयवहार करने कX Fेरणा
जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-16 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल

राम-सीता का पsरचय व अपनE कX दे खभाल का भाव
उâपgन करते हुए कWा मL चचाM कX जाएगी |इससे छाzE

0वण व वाचन कौशल का मL 0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |

7वकास पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत पांच
FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग
३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।
पाठ-16-वन के मागM मL
7वoभgन 7वषयE, उdदे GयE के oलए
ओजि^वता पण
ू M क7वता वाचन के माpयम से पव
ू M पUठत
ु त 7वराम-)चëनE का उपयोग करते
अंशE से 7वdया)थMयE को जोड़ा जायेगा।काCयांशE को
हुए oलखते हy।
Cया≠याâमक 7व)ध से समझाया जाएगा |केqतक ,
पठन कौशल का 7वकास पणMकुट[ , लsरका आUद अgय भाषा के शnदE को पढ़
पाने मL समथM हEगे |
पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ
मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE
वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।

पाठ के आधार पर अयोpया का वणMन oलखLगे।
अgय भाषा के शnदE के अथM Uहंद[ मL oलख पाएँगे। इससे
छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा | पाठ के अंत
मL छाz कम से कम 5 शnद जैसे- |मधरु ाधर , qनकसी
,∂बलोचन, पणMकुट[ ,आतरु ता आUद शnदE को oलख पाने
मL समथM हEगL |
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास
एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर अपने
ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया

oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया oलख

पाने मL सWम हEगे।

शnद 7वकास कौशल पsरखौ ,छाँह, 7Fया0म आUद 8 से 10 नवीन शnदE

को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM को जानLगे |
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● चचाM (राम पï
ु षोIम iयE?)
(Differentiated लघु FGन qनमाMण।
पाठगत FGनोIर। qनeन के माpयम से छाzE के
ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को सदा अपने वचन
नैqतक मá
ू य qनभाने कX Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का
7वकास Pकया जाएगा |

पाठ-17 7वषय कवर Pकए गए oशWण के लêय सीखने के Fqतफल
बाँस कX दै qनक उपयोग कX व^तओ
ु ं पर कWा मL चचाM
कX जाएगी |इससे छाzE मL 0वण व वाचन कौशल का

0वण व वाचन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |

7वकास पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 7वdयाथB पाठ से सeबिgधत पांच
FGनE के मौhखक उIर पांच छह वाiयE जो लगभग
३५ से ४० शnदE के हE दे ने मL समथM हEगे।

7वoभgन संदभß मL Fयi

ु त भाषा कX बार[PकयE से अवगत
हEगे। Öमानस
ु ार पाठ का पठन करL गे |शnद उ|चारण कX
7वoभgन अवसरE/संदभß मL कह[ जा रह[
zUु टयE से अवगत हEगे।
पाठ-17-साँस-साँस मL बाँस दस
ू रE कX बातE को अपने ढं ग से oलखते
भाषा ñान मL वd
ृ )ध होगी | खासतौर , भरण -पोषण
पठन कौशल का 7वकास हy।
, समद
ु ायE ,टोकsरयE आUद शnदE का पठन करने मL
7वoभgन संदभß मL 7वoभgन उdदे GयE के
समथM हEगL |
oलए oलखते समय शnदE, वाiय
पाठ के अंत मL 7वdयाथB शd
ु ध उ|चारण करते हुए पाठ
संरचनाओं, मह ु ावरे आUद का उ)चत
मL आए कम से कम पाँच वाiय(४० से ४५ शnदE
Fयोग करते हy।
वाले ) धाराFवाह पढ़ने मL सWम हEगे।

पाठ के आधार पर बाँस के उपयोगE के 7वषय मL

oलखLगे।इससे छाzE मL लेखन कौशल का 7वकास होगा |
बाँस , सजावट[ , शंकु ,टो7पयाँ बन
ु ावट आUद शnदE को
लेखन कौशल का 7वकास oलखने मL समथM हEगL |

एक अन|
ु छे द पाठ का अथM Cयiत अथवा उस पर अपने
ÄिÅटकोण पर oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

पाठ मL आये 7वषय पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया
oलख पाने मL सWम हEगे।

oमz के लेखन पर 30 -40 शnदE मL FqतPÖया oलख

पाने मL सWम हEगे।

● तजMनी , गुडहल , उ^ताद[ , खपि|चयE आUद 8

शnद 7वकास कौशल से 10 नवीन शnदE को रे खांPकत कर उनके अथM

को जानLगL |
● शnद ñान मे वd
ृ )ध होगी |
7वभेUदत मá
ू यांकन ● चचाM (हाथ से बनी चीज़E का घटता महâव)
(Differentiated लघु FGन qनमाMण।
पाठगत FGनोIर। qनeन तर[कE के माpयम से
छाzE के ñान का मá
ू यांकन Pकया जाएगा |
● oशåWका dवारा छाzE को मेहनत करने कX
नैqतक मá
ू य Fेरणा जैसे नैqतक मá
ू यE का 7वकास Pकया
जाएगा |

क"ा 7

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
अपनी भाषा म- बातचीत तथा चचा2 करने के अवसर ह8 ।
:योग क> जाने वालA भाषा क> बारABकय8 पर चचा2 के अवसर ह8
ू म- काय2 करने और एक दस
ू रे के कायG पर चचा2 करने, राय लेने-दे ने :Jन करने क> KवतंMता हो।
NहंदA के साथ-साथ अपनी भाषा क> सामOी पढ़ने-Qलखने क> सTु वधा (Wेल/सांकेYतक Zप म-
भी) और उन पर बात चीत क> आज़ादA हो।
अपने प_रवेश, समय और समाज से समिbधत रचनाओं को पढ़ने और उनपर चचा2 करने के अवसर ह8 ।
अपनी भाषा गढ़ते हुए Qलखने सdबbधी गYतTवeधयाँ हो, जैसे –शiद खेल,अनौपचा_रक पM, तक
ु बंNदयाँ ,
पहे Qलयाँ, संKमरण आNद ।
सBlय और जागZक बनाने वालA रचनाएँ, अख़बार, पnMकाएँ, Bफ़pम और ऑडीओ-Tवडीयो सामOी को दे खने,
ु ने, पढ़ने, और Qलख कर अQभsयtत करने क> गYतTवeधयाँ ह8।
कpपनाशीलता और सज
ृ नशीलता को TवकQसत करने वालA गYतTवeधय8, जैसे – अQभनय, रोले -vले, कTवता,
पाठ, सज
ृ नाxमक लेखन, TवQभbन िKथYतय8 म- संवाद आNद के आयोजन ह8 और उनक> तैयारA सेसdबंeधत
िKlvट लेखन और _रपोट2 लेखन के अवसर ह8 ।
Tवzयालय/Tवभाग/क"ा क> पnMका QभT{ पnMका Yनकालने के Qलए :ोxसाहन हो।

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 7 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने के :Sतफल के
TवTवध :कार क> रचनाओं को पढ़कर समह
ू म- चचा2 करते ह| ।
Bकसी सामOी को पढ़ते हुए लेखक zवारा रचना के प_रपे}य म- कहे गए Tवचार को समझकरऔरअपने ढं ग
से मौÄखक/ सांकेYतक भाषा म- sयtत करते ह| ।
Bकसी eचM या ÅJय को दे खने के अनभ
ु व को अपने ढं ग से मौÄखक, /सांकेYतक भाषा म- sयtत करते ह|।
पढ़A गई सामOी पर eचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के Qलए :Jन पछ
ू ते ह|/ प_रचचा2 करते ह| ।
अपने प_रवेश म- मौजद
ू लोक-कथाओं और लोकगीत8 के बारे म- चचा2 करते ह| और उनक> सराहना करते ह|

TवTवधकलाओं , जैसे - हKतकला, वाKतक
ु ला,खेती-बाड़ी, नxृ यकलाऔर इनम- :योग होने वालA भाषा के बारे
म- िजÜासा sयtत करते ह|, उbह- समझने का :यास करते ह| ।
TवQभbन Kथानीय सामािजक एवं :ाकृYतक मz
ु द8/घटनाओं के :Yत अपनी ताBक2क :YतBlया दे ते ह|, जैसे -
बरसात के Nदन8 म- हरा भरा होना? Tवषय पर चचा2 ।
TवQभbन संवेदनशीलमु zद8/Tवषय8, जैसे - जाYत,धम2, रं ग, ज-डरे , रAYत-_रवाज के बारे म- मौÄखक Zप से
अपनी ताBक2क समझ अQभsयtत करते ह| ।
Bकसी पाâयवKतु को पढ़कर उसक> उपयोeगता के बारे म- बताते ह| ।
Bकसी पाâयवKतु क> बारA क> से जाँच करते हुए उसम- Bकसी Tवशेष nबंद ु को खोजते ह| ।

पढ़A गई सामOी पर eचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के Qलए :Jन पछ
ू ते ह| ।
TवQभbन पठन सामeOय8 म- :यt
ु त शiद8,मह
ु ावर8,लोकोिtतय8 को समझते हुए उनक> सराहना करते ह|।
कहानी ,कTवता आNद पढ़कर लेखन के TवTवध तरAक़8 और शैQलय8 को पहचानतेह|, जैसे - वणा2xमक,
भावाxमक,:कृYत, eचMण आNद ।
Bकसी पाâयवKतु को पढ़ने के दौरान समझने के Qलए ज़Zरत पड़ने पर अपने Bकसी सहपाठã या Qश"क क>
मदद लेकर उपयt
ु त संदभ2 सामOी, जैसे - शiदकोश, मानeचM, इंटनåट या अbय पK
ु तक8 क> मदद लेते ह|।
TवTवध कलाओं जैसे- हKतकला, वाKतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नxृ यकला आNद से जड़
ु ी सामOी म- :यt
ु त भाषा के
:Yत िजÜासा sयtत करते हुए उसक> सराहना करते ह|।
भाषा क> बारABकय8/sयवKथा तथा नए शiद8 का :योग करते ह|, जैसे - Bकसी कTवता म- :यt
ु त शiद Tवशेष,
पदबंध का :योग - आप बढ़ते ह| तो बढ़ते हA चले जाते ह| या जल रे ल जैसे :योग।
TवQभbन अवसर8/संदभG म- कहA जा रहA दस
ू र8 क> बात8 को अपने ढं ग से Qलखते ह|, जैसे - अपनी गाँव क>
चौपाल क> बातचीत या अपने मोहpले के Qलए तरह तरह के काय2 करने वाल8 क> बातचीत ।
NहंदA भाषा म- TवQभbन :कार क> सामOी (समाचार-पM/पnMका, कहानी, जानका_रपरक सामOी, इंटनåट
:काQशत होने वालA सामOी आNद) को समझकर पढ़ते ह| और उसम- अपनी पसंद नापसंद के प" म- QलÄखत
या Wेल भाषा म- अपने तक2 रखते ह|।
अपने अनभ
ु व8 को अपनी भाषा शैलA म- Qलखते ह|।
TवQभbन Tवषय8 और उzदे Jय8 के Qलए Qलखते समय उपयt
ु त शiद8, वाtय संरचनाओं, मह
ु ावर8, लोकोिtतय8,
Tवराम - eचbह8 एवं अbय sयाकरÄणक इकाइय8, जैसे - काल, Blया Tवशेषण, शiद यçु म आNद का :योग
करते ह|
TवQभbन संवेदनशील मz
ु द8/Tवषय8, जैसे - जाYत,धम2, रं ग, ज-डरे , रAYत_रवाज के बारे म- QलÄखत Zप से
अपनी ताBक2क समझ अQभsयtत करते ह| ।
QभT{ पnMका/पnMका आNद के Qलए तरह-तरह क> सामOी जट
ु ाते ह|, Qलखते ह| और उनका संपादन करते ह|

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-7- 7हंद: 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई . Cवारा अपनाए - सीखने के HIतफल
नोट – सOपण
ू R पाSयTम सीखने के HIतफल
पाठ –1 1वषय कवर Wकए गए Xश5ण के लZय सीखने के HIतफल
क<वता को सन
ु ने और समझने के बाद छाD उसमे बताए
गए भाव व संदेश को समझ पाएँगे।
बंधन मJ रहना Kकसी को पसंद नहMं होता।
कNा मJ चचाO कP जाएगी Kक /यS आजादM कP हवा मJ
सांस लेने को Uयाकुल पंछ+ सब सख
ु स<ु वधा छोड़ने को
5वण वाचन कौशल का
तैयार है ।
इस Zकार ना केवल वाचन होगा अ<पतु पंछ+ कP Uयथा
के मा]यम से छाDS मे क^णा के भाव जागत
ृ होगे। <व<वध Zकार कP रचनाओं को पढ़कर
पाठ-1- पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत छह समह
ू मJ चचाO करते हn । अपने पालतू
हम पंछ+ उ-म/
ु त गगन के सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह वा/यS जो पशु या पNी के साथ अपने संबंध पर
लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। चचाO कर पाएंगे।
छाDS `वारा क<वता का oमानस
ु ार उpचत लय और
ताल का ]यान रखते हुए श`ु ध उqचारण `वारा पठन
करते हुए अथO rहण Kकया जाएगा।
पठन कौशल का <वकास पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए पाठ
मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४० से ४५ शjदS
वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।

क<वता के मा]यम से क<व ने छाDS के मन मJ असहाय
ZाeणयS के Zuत संवेदना के भाव जागत
ृ करने का
Zयास Kकया है ।
पाठ के अंत मे पाठ संबंधी अपनी भावनाओं को vलखकर
Uय/त करने सNम हSगे ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस पर अपने
wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया vलख
पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया vलख
पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
पाठ के अंत मे क<वता मJ Zय/
ु त <वvभ-न नए शjदS मJ
से Kक-हM 8 से 10 शjदS का अथO व वा/य Zयोग
शjद <वकास कौशल समझाते हुए शjद भंडार मJ व`
ृ pध कP जाएगी। पंछ+ ,
ु त , <पंजर , कनक , पल ु Kकत
Kकसी सामrी को पढ़ते हुए लेखक `वारा
रचना के पÅरZेÇय मJ कहे गए <वचार
क<वता से ZाÖत vशNा का वणOन करते हुए छाDS
को समझकर और अपने-अपने अनभ
ु वS
`वारा क<वता सन
ु ाई जाएगी।
के साथ उसकP संगuत, सहमuत या
कÉठन शjदS का 5ुतलेख Éदया जाएगा।
असहमuत के स-दभO मn अपने <वचार
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन संáNÖत ZdनS के मा]यम से क<वता का मÑ
ू यांकन Kकया
अvभUय/त करते है ।
जाएगा । जैसे -
सब सख
ु स<ु वधा पाने के बाद पंछ+ Zस-न /यS नहMं है
पáNयS को पालना उpचत है या नहMं

असहाय व बेजब
ु ान पशु -पáNयS के Zuत छाDS के मन
मJ क^णा ,दया व Zेम का भाव जागत
ृ करना।
पालतू या जंगलM जानवरS के Zuत Kकसी भी Zकार कP
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
Éहंसा को बढ़ावा ना दे ना।
अपने भोजन का कुछ अंश पशु पáNयS के Zuत सम<पOत
करने का भाव जागत
ृ करना।

पाठ – 2 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● बज
ु ग
ु ã का जीवन मJ महåव समझाते हुए पाठ का
वाचन करवाया जाएगा।
● समाज के rामीण जीवन एवं म]यम वगO के
चÅरD का वणOन Kकया जाएगा ।
5वण वाचन कौशल का
<वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
पाठ 2 छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दादM माँ Kकसी pचD या wdय को दे खने के अनभव

दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।
को अपने ढं ग से मौeखक,/सांकेuतक भाषा
मJ Uय/त करते हn।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पठन
करJ गे।

पठन कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ को Uयाèयाåमक प`धuत से समझाया

● शjदS के श`
ु ध उqचारण पर बल Éदया जाएगा।
● <वराम pच-हS के Zयोग पर ]यान Éदया जाएगा।

● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०
से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

● अपने दादा या दादM के बारे मJ छाD vलखJगे

िजसके `वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल मे <वकास
● vलखते समय माDाओं कP श`
ु धता पर बल Éदया
● पाठ के अंत मJ कम से कम पांच शjदS के
अथO vलखने मJ सNम हSगे |
● जैसे - आषाढ़ , शभ
ु pचंतक , कमजोर ,
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
जलाशय आÉद
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मे पाठ मJ Zय/

ु त 8 से 10 शjदS
शjद <वकास कौशल- को समझते हुए शjद भंडार मn व`
ृ pध करने मJ
सNम हSगे ।

● जैसे- 2 पन
ु ^/त शjद अपने -अपने ,2 <वलोम
शjद रात- Éदन, 2 योजक शjद जरा- सी और
2 न/
ु ता शjद आÉद खोज कर vलखने मJ सNम
हSगे ।

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:
● अपने पाÅरवाÅरक पÅरवेश कP चचाO करJ गे

● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से
ू यांकन Kकया जाएगा ।

मÑ जैसे - 1 लेखक के जीवन मJ Zेरणा ïोत

ू यांकन
कौन थी
2 पाठ मJ Zय/
ु त ÉहंदM के महMनS
के नाम
● ZdनोfरM का आयोजन Kकया जाएगा।

● बज
ु ग
ु ã से vमलने वाले अथाह uनñवाथO Zेम कP
भावना से अवगत कराना।
● अपने बज
ु ग
ु ã को यथा योóय आदर और सbमान
दे ना ।
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
● अपने Uयñत जीवन मJ से कुछ समय उनकP
सेवा के vलए uनकालना।
● उनसे vमलने वालM सीख और íान का मÑ
ू य

पाठ – 3 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
● पाठ के मा]यम से <व`याpथOयS को Zकृuत से
जोड़ना ।
● Éहमालय पवOत व उससे uनकलने वालM प<वD
नÉदयS के बारे मJ समझाना।
● लेखक `वारा Zाकृuतक संसाधनS का
5वण वाचन कौशल का मानवीकरण Kकया गया है उसके <वषय मJ
<वकास बताना।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। अपने पÅरवेश मJ मौजद
ू लोक-कथाओं
पाठ-3-Éहमालय कP बेÉटयाँ और लोकगीतS के बारे मJ चचाO करते हn
● लेखक ने Éहमालय पवOत व नÉदयS को <पता व
और उनकP सराहना करते हn । ।
ु ी के समान Zñतत
ु Kकया है । चचाO करते हुए
पठन कौशल का <वकास पठन अôयास Kकया जाएगा।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात
वा/य(४० से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह
पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ छाD Zकृuत से vमलने वाले
संसाधनS को सरु áNत रखने हे तु Kकए जाने वाले
लेखन कौशल का <वकास उपायS पर लेखन कायO करJ गे।
● Éहमालय पवOत से uनकलने वालM Kक-हM 5 नÉदयS
कP सच
ू ी तैयार करJ गे।

● पाठ के अंत मे नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर
उनके अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ Zयोग करने मJ
सNम हSगे ।
● जैसे- रा<व , सतलज
ु , Uयास ,चनाब, झेलम
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मे 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS का

वा/य Zयोग करते हुए अôयास करJ गे और शjद
शjद कोश का <वकास भंडार मJ व`
ृ pध करने मJ सNम हSगे ।
जैसे- मस
ू लाधार , समतल, चंचल
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना

<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● चचाO लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
● पाठ के अंत मJ Éदए आलेखीय अôयासो कP
सहायता से मÑ
ू यांकन Kकया जाएगा। जैसे -

1 vसंधु और öõमपD
ु कP /या <वशेषताएं बताई गई
2 Éहमालय कP याDा मJ लेखक ने Kकन-Kकन कP
Zशंसा कP है
● Zकृuत कP अमÑ
ू य धरोहर नÉदयS को ñवqछ

नैuतक मÑ रखने का संकÑप लJगे।

ू य
● पहाड़S कP संद
ु रता और प<वDता को बनाए रखने
मJ सहयोग दे ने का Zण लJगे।

पाठ – 4 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● <व`याpथOयS को ñवाvभमान से जीने के vलए
ZेÅरत करना ।
● राजñथान के Zचvलत खेल कठपत
ु लM के मा]यम
● कहानी ,क<वता आÉद पढ़कर लेखन
से पराधीन रहने के दxु पÅरणामS से पÅरpचत
के <व<वध तरMक़S और शैvलयS को
कराते हुए वाचन अôयास कराया जाएगा।
5वण वाचन कौशल का पहचानते हn, जैसे-कलाåमक ,
पाठ 4-कठपत
ु लM भावाåमक,Zकृuत, pचDण आÉद।
<वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंक का ● <व<वध कलाओं, जैसे,हñतकला
पठन कौशल का <वकास पाठन करJ गे। वाñतक
ु ला,खेतीबाड़ी नåृ यकला आÉद

● <व`याpथOयS को क<व कP अ-य क<वताओं के से जड़
ु ी सामrी मJ Zय/
ु त भाषा के
मा]यम से जीवन कP यथाथOताओं से पÅरpचत Zuत िजíासा Uय/त करते हुए उसकP
कराना । सराहना करते हn।
● शjदS व माDाओं के श`
ु ध उqचारण पर ]यान
दे ना ।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०
से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
● राजñथान कP परbपराओं के बारे मJ कNा मJ छाD
vलखJगे िजसके `वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल को
● पाठ के अंत मे Kकसी के हाथ कP कठपत
ु लM
बनकर जीना Kकतना मिु dकल है इस <वषय पर
छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो मे vलखेगे
लेखन कौशल का <वकास , लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा|
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

शjद कोश का <वकास ● नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO जानना।

● पाठ के अंत मे वा/य Zयोग के मा]यम से 8
से 10 नए शjदS को सीखने मे सNम हSगे।
जैसे - कठपत
ु लM, धागे, पाव ,पहलM , छं द
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
● राजñथानी परbपराओं पर चचाO।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● क<वता को कंठñथ कर कNा मJ Zñतत
ु करJ गे।
● नए शjदS के अथO और 5ुतलेख vलया जाएगा।
ñवतंDता का महåव समझना और ñवतंDता सेनाuनयS
के Zuत मन मJ 5`धा और आदर के भाव जागत
ृ करते
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
हुए अपने दे श कP ñवतंDता को बनाए रखने का Zाण

पाठ – 5 <वषय vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● vशNक `वारा पढ़ाई गए पाठ को <व`याथa ]यान
ू क
O सन
ु Jगे। पाठ के नायक eखलौने वाले कP
मनोदशा पर चचाO करते हुए वाचन अôयास
करJ गे। <व<वधकलाओं , जैसे - हñतकला,
● लेखक के अनस
ु ार जीवन मJ खश
ु ी और संतोष वाñतक
ु ला,खेती-बाड़ी, नåृ यकलाऔर
पाठ 5-vमठाईवाला 5वण वाचन कौशल का
पाने के vलए पैसS कP आवdयकता नहMं होती। इनमJ Zयोग होने वालM भाषा के बारे
मJ िजíासा Uय/त करते हn, उ-हJ
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
समझने का Zयास करते हn ।
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।

पठन कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`

ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०
से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

● पाठ के अंत मे पाठ के नायक के जीवन मJ आए

कÉठन समय का धैयO पव
ू क
O सामना करने के
<वषय मJ छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो मे
ु करने मJ सNम हSगे ।
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
लेखन कौशल का <वकास पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मे 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

शjद कोश का <वकास रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ
Zयोग करने मJ सNम हSगे ।

जैसे- छùजा , चेxटा , कोलाहल ,मद

ृ ल
ु आÉद

● पाठ मJ Zय/
ु त <वvभ-न Uयाकरण <वषयS को
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:

● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।

<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन
● ZdनोfरM

● पाठ के अंत मJ Éदए <वvभ-न अôयासो के मा]यम

से मÑ
ू यांकन Kकया जाएगा।
● जीवन मJ आने वाले कÉठन समय मJ भी धैयO
और साहस के साथ सामंजñय ûबठा कर चला
जाना चाÉहए।
नैuतक मÑ
ू य दस
● ू रS कP खvु शयS मJ अपनी खvु शयS को ढूंढ कर
शांuत का अनभ
ु व ZाÖत Kकया जा सकता है ।

पाठ -6 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● vशNक `वारा र/त के उपयोग एवं उससे ZाÖत
पाठ 6-र/त और हमारा होने वालM ऊजाO के त°य से पÅरpचत करवाते हुए
शरMर पाठ को पढ़कर समझाया और कÉठन शjदS के अपने अनभवS को अपनी भाषा शैलM मJ
5वण वाचन कौशल का

<वकास अथO बताए जाएंगे।। vलखते हn।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह

वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास ● <व`याpथOयS को <वíानं से जोड़ना ।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०
से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
● पाठ के अंत मे शारMÅरक सरं चना के बारे मJ
कNा मJ छाD 40-50 शjदो मे vलखJगे िजसके
`वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मे 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

शjद कोश का <वकास रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ
Zयोग करने मJ सNम हSगे

जैसे- Öलाùमा, jलड- बnक आÉद

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
● पौिxटक आहार मJ /या-/या शाvमल Kकया जाता

<वभेÉदत मÑ है
ू यांकन
● चचाO (शारMÅरक संरचना पर) ।
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
जीवन मJ संतvु लत आहार और ñवñथ जीवन के मÑ
ू य
नैuतक मÑ
ू य को समझते हुए अपनी ÉदनचयाO को सध
ु ारने कP सलाह
दM जाएगी।

पाठ -7 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● मक
ू ZाeणयS के Uयवहार का íान पर चचाO करते
हुए पाठ को पढ़ाते और समझाते हुए कÉठन
5वण वाचन कौशल का शjदS के अथO बताए जाएंगे
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पठन
पाठ-7-पापा खो गए पठन कौशल का <वकास <वvभ-न ñथानीय सामािजक एवं
करJ गे।
Zाकृuतक म`
ु दS/घटनाओं के Zuत
● ● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
अपनी ताKकOक ZuतKoया दे ते हn, जैसे
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०

से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम - बरसात के ÉदनS मJ हरा भरा होना?
हSगे। <वषय पर चचाO ।
पाठ के अंत मे Kक-हM दो uनजaव वñतओ
ु ं कP आपस मJ
बातचीत करवाते हुए अपने <वचार संवाद के §प मJ
vलखकर Zñततु करJ गे ।
5 - 5 वा/य vलखते हुए संवाद लेखन मे सNम हSगे।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त
लेखन कौशल का <वकास अथवा उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख
पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS
मJ ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर उनके

अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ Zयोग करने मJ सNम
हSगे ।

शjद कोश का <वकास जैसे - बॉ/स , खंबा , बेहोश , दxु ट , म¶

ु ा

● नए शjदS के अथO जानकर वा/य Zयोग के

मा]यम से अôयास करJ गे।
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
● कNा मJ छाDS से अvभनय करवाना ।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● चचाO अ-य लेखक के नाटक पर ।
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।

● ZdनोfरM
uनñवाथO भाव से लोगS कP मदद करने कP सीख दे ना।
नैuतक मÑ
ू य हर Uयि/त और वñतु का अपना <वशेष महåव है इस
बात को समझना।

पाठ -8 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● क<व `वारा Zकृuत का मानवीकरण करके
ु Kकया गया है ।
● <व`याpथOयS `वारा Zकृuत के मनोभावS को
समझाते हुए Zकृuत Zेम कP भावना को जाrत

5वण कौशल का <वकास करना। <वvभ-न <वषयS और उ`दे dयS के vलए

vलखते समय उपय/
ु त शjदS, वा/य
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
पाठ-8- शाम एक Kकसान संरचनाओं, मह
ु ावरS, लोकोि/तयS, <वराम
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
pच-ह और Uयाकरण जैसे- Koया
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
<वशेषण, शjद यóु म आÉद का Zयोग
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।
करते हn ।
● ओजिñवता पण
ू O क<वता वाचन के मा]यम से पव
ू O
पÉठत अंश से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● क<वता का सñवर गायन करJ गे।

● नए शjदS के उqचारण मJ सावधानी रखना।जैसे-

साफा, pचलम , पलाश , अंगीठ+, अंधकार
पठन कौशल का <वकास
● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंक का पाठन
करJ गे।

● <व`याpथOयS को क<व कP अ-य क<वताओं के
मा]यम से जीवन कP यथाथOता से पÅरpचत
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४०
से ४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa Kकसान के जीवन व ्

Zकृuत के बारे मJ 40-50 शjदो मे अपने <वचार
कNा मJ vलखJगे िजसके `वारा छाDS के लेखन
कौशल का <वकास होगा।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

शjद कोश का <वकास ● 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर उनके

अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ Zयोग करने मJ सNम

हSगे । जैसे- दहक , vसमटा , pचलम , अंगीठ+,

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:

● Kकसान `वारा Kकए गए पÅर5म पर चचाO

<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● Kकसान का महåव Kकतना ?

● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।

● ZdनोfरM

Zकृuत के Zकोप से जझ
ू ता Kकसान पÅर5म से मंह
ु नहMं
नैuतक मÑ
ू य मोड़ता अतः उसके Zuत हमारे मन मJ सbमान और
5`धा के भाव होने चाÉहए।

पाठ -9 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● <व`याpथOयS `वारा आज़ादM के महåव को समझते
pच™ड़या कP बqची हुए आजादM को ZाÖत करने कP भावना जाrत <वvभ-न संवेदनशील म` ु दS, <वषयS,
करना। जैसे– जाuत ,धमO, रं ग, जJडर,रMuत -
5वण कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ मJ आए कÉठन शjदS का अथO बताते हुए श`
ु ध Åरवाज़S के बारे मJ मौeखक §प से अपनी
उqचारण पर बल Éदया जाएगा। ताKकOक समझ को अvभUय/त करते
● पाठ <वñतार मJ सहायक- पी.पी.टM, ñमाटO बोडO, हn।।
<पंजरे मJ बंद पNी का pचD।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● ओजिñवता पण
ू O पाठ के मा]यम से पव
ू O पÉठत अंश
से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
● 5 नए शjदो का श`
ु ध उqचारण `वारा वाचन
वाचन कौशल का <वकास कौशल करने मे सNम हSगे।
जैसे - बेखटके , असावधान , संकोच , बहुतरे M , बहार

● <व`याpथOयS को क<व कP अ-य क<वताओं के

मा]यम से जीवन कP यथाथOता से पÅरpचत कराना।
● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पठन
करJ गे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४० से
४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
● पाठ के अंत मे आज़ादM के महåव के बारे मJ कNा
मJ छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो मे vलखJगे
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
िजसके `वारा छाD अपने <वचारो को Uय/त करने
मे सNम हSगे।
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस पर
अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

शjद कोश का <वकास रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO समझकर उनसे वा/य
uनमाOण मJ सNम होना ।

जैसे - बेखटके , असावधान , संकोच , बहुतरे M , बहार

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना।
● चचाO Zकृuत के बारे मJ ।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM

नैuतक मÑ Zकृuत कP <वvभ-न वñतओ

ु ं से ñवाभा<वक अनश
ु ासन
ू य
सीखने को vमलता है । हमJ सतकO व सचेत रहने कP
आवdयकता है ।

पाठ 10 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● ÉदUयांगो कP सहायता के vलए ZेÅरत करते हुए पाठ
5वण कौशल का <वकास मJ Zय/ु त कÉठन शjदS के अथO समझाते हुए वाचन
ू O अनभ
ु व होगा।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत Kकसी पा≠य वñतु को पढ़ने के दौरान
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह समझने के vलए ज़§रत पड़ने पर अपने
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS Kकसी सहपाठ+ या vशNक कP मदद
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। लेकर उपय/
ु त संदभO सामrी जैसे
शjदकोश, मानpचD, इंटरनेट या अ-य
● पाठ कP Uयाèयाåमक प`यuत `वारा ।
ु तकS कP म`द लेते हn।
● vशNक कP सहायता से <व`याथa पाठ पढ़J गे।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास ● <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए पाठ मJ
आए कम से कम 5 से 6 नवीन शjदS व कÉठन
शjदS को पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।
● श`
ु ध व ñपxट वाचन `वारा भाषा íान मJ व`
ृ pध
मे सNम हSगे।
● जैसे - पोvलयो rñत , wढ़ uनdचय, यासकP
ू ़ चांन
पठन कौशल का <वकास ,आåमसंतिु xट
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम सात वा/य(४० से
४५ शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

लेखन कौशल का <वकास पाठ के अंत मJ पाठ मे वeणOत अ`भत
ु पाठशाला और
उसमJ पढ़ने वाले बqचS कP कहानी पर छाD अपने <वचार
40-50 शjदो मे vलखने मे सNम हSगे।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा
उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने
मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`

ु ध उqचारण करते हुए पाठ
मJ आए कम से कम 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS व कÉठन
शjद कोश का <वकास शjदS को पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।

जैसे - आमंûDत , पÅर5म, शारMÅरक, अपंगता आåमसंतिु xट

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
● चचाO अपने बचपन के अनभ
ु व ।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन
● लघZ
ु dन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
wढ़ इqछाशि/त, ब`
ु pध और पÅर5म से कुछ भी ZाÖत
नैuतक मÑ
ू य Kकया जा सकता है ।

पाठ-11 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
पाठ-11 ● रहMम के दोहS के मा]यम से छाDS को मानवीय
Uयवहार से जोड़ना ।
रहMम के दोहे
● <वषय पर चचाO करते हुए vशNक `वारा दोषS का
5वण कौशल का <वकास
अथO है रहMम दास जी ने Kकस तरह कम शjदS मJ
अpधक अथO समझाया है यह बताया जाए।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
<व<वध कलाओं जैसे- हñतकला,
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नåृ यकला आÉद
● ओजिñवता पण
ू O दोहा वाचन के मा]यम से पवू O से जड़
ु ी सामrी मJ Zय/
ु त भाषा के Zuत
वाचन कौशल का <वकास पÉठत अंश से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा। िजíासा Uय/त करते हुए उसकP सराहना
● 3 दोहS का सñवर गायन करने मे सNम हSगे।। करते हn।
● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पठन
करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa कम से कम 3 दोहो को
पढ़ कर उनके अथO करने मJ सNम हSगे।
पठन कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५० से
६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

कबीर के 4 दोहे व उनसे ZाÖत vशNा कNा मJ
छाD vलखJगे िजसके `वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल
का <वकास होगा।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने
मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ कम से कम 8 से 10 नए
शjद कोश का <वकास शjदS के अथO बताने मJ सNम होगJ जैसे- संप<f,
<वप<f . कसौटM ,त^वर , सज
ु ान
● दोहे मJ Zय/
ु त शjदS का मानक §प खोजने मे
सNम हSगे ।
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:

<वभेÉदत मÑ ● चचाO रहMम कP अ-य रचनाओं कP।

ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● दोहे कंठñथ करके कNा मJ Zñतत
ु करJ गे।
दोहS मJ uछपी vशNा को अपनाने से मनxु य मJ åयाग कP
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
भावना का <वकास होता है ।

पाठ-12 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● बाल मनोभाव के <वषय मJ चचाO करते हुए बqचS
के बालसल
ु भ Uयवहार का वणOन करना।
● कÉठन व
नए शjदS के अथO समझाते हुए पाठ
का वाचन करवाया जाएगा।
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
पांच ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह वा/यS
5वण कौशल का <वकास
जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS दे ने मJ
समथO हSगे।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह भाषा कP बारMKकयS/Uयवñथा तथा नए
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS शjदS का Zयोग करते हn, जैसे - Kकसी
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। क<वता मJ Zय/
ु त शjद <वशेष, पदबंध
का Zयोग - आप बढ़ते हn तो बढ़ते हM
● पव
ू í
O ान के आधार पर छाDS को पाठ से जोड़ा
चले जाते हn या जल रे ल जैसे Zयोग।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास ● माDाओं और <वराम pच-ह को ]यान मJ रखते हुए
पढ़ने से वाचन कौशल का <वकास होगा ।
● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पठन कौशल का <वकास पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५० से
६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

बqचS के खेल के Zuत ñवñथ wिxटकोण <वषय पर

लेखन कौशल का <वकास कNा मJ छाD40-50 शjदो मे अपने <वचार vलखJगे
िजसके `वारा छाDS के लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा ।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा
उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने
मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

पाठ के अंत मJ कम से कम 8 से 10 नए शjदS के

शjद कौशल का <वकास अथO बताने मJ सNम होगJ जैसे - /लकO, माñटर, ∞ाइवर,
pचकोटM , पोटलM

● वा/य Zयोग `वारा नहMं शjदS का अôयास करJ ।

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना

<वभेÉदत मÑ ● चचाO पव
ू O काल के खेल सामprयS पर।
ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
अपने मन को पÅरिñथuतयS के अनस
ु ार सहजता से
नैuतक मÑ
ू य पÅरवuतOत करने कP कला से पÅरpचत कराना।

पाठ 13 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
पाठ 13 छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
एक uतनका
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● कÉठन शjदS के अथO बताते हुए क<वता का सñवर

5वण कौशल का <वकास
वाचन करवाना।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
पांच ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह वा/यS ÉहंदM भाषा मJ <वvभ-न Zकार कP सामrी
जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS दे ने मJ (समाचार-पD/पûDका, कहानी,
समथO हSगे। जानकाÅरपरक सामrी, इंटन±ट Zकाvशत
होने वालM सामrी आÉद) को समझकर
● कNा मJ बqचS से क<वता का oमानस
ु ार वाचन
पढ़ते हn और उसमJ अपनी पसंद नापसंद
करवाया जाएगा िजससे उनके सहM उqचारण का
वाचन कौशल का <वकास के पN मJ vलeखत या öेल भाषा मJ
अôयास होगा 5 नए शjदो को जानने मे सNम
अपने तकO रखते हn।
होगJ ।
जैसे-घमंड , eझझक , बेचन
ै , पाव , uतनका

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।

पठन कौशल का <वकास ● vशNक कP सहायता से <व`याथa पाठ पढ़J गे , 5

नए शjद सीखJगे जैसे -घमंड , eझझक , बेचन
ै ,
आÉद |िजससे पठन कौशल का <वकास होगा

● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५० से
६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
अvभमान के दxु प
Åरणाम कNा मJ छाD vलखJगे िजसके `वारा छाDS
कP लेखन कौशल को जानना।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa अपने <वचार 40-50
शjदो मे vलखने मे सNम होगJ ।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास ● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस पर
अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर उनके

अथO vलखने मे सNम होगJ ।
शjद कोश का <वकास
जैसे- आंख , बट
ू , मंड
ु रे ,घमंड , uतनका
वा/य Zयोग `वारा नए शjदS का अôयास करे गे
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
● चचाO अvभमानी राजाओं कP कहाuनयS पर ।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM

बड़े छोटे का भेद न करते हुए सब के साथ एक समान
Uयवहार करना।
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
अपने मन मJ घमंड अहं कार कP भावना को पनपने ना
दे ना ।

पाठ 14 <वषय कवर Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल

● वतOमान खा`य Uयवñथा पर चचाO करते हुए कहानी पढ़M गई सामrी पर pचंतन करते हए
पाठ 14 ु
मJ Zय/ु त <वvभ-न भाषाओं के खा`य Uयं ज नS से बेहतर समझ के vलए Zdन पछ ू ते
खानपान कP बदलती संबंpधत शjदS का íान करवाना। है /पÅरचचाO करते हn।
5वण कौशल का <वकास ● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● आधuु नक यग
ु के खानपान से होने वाले हाuनलाभ
का वणOन कर पाठ से जोड़ा जायेगा।

वाचन कौशल का <वकास ● खानपान कP vमp5त संñकृuत और खानपान मJ

बदलाव के फायदे पर 30 शjदो मे चचाO करने
मJ सNम हSगे

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंक का पाठन

पठन कौशल का <वकास करJ गे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५० से

६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
वतOमान खा`य Uयवñथा कNा मJ छाD vलखJगे
िजसके `वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल का <वकास
करने मे सNम हSगे ।
छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो मे vलखने मे
सNम हSगे ।

लेखन कौशल का <वकास ● एक अनq

ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा
उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने
मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

शjद कोश का <वकास पाठ के अंत मJ कम से कम 8 से 10 नए शjदS के

अथO बताने मJ सNम होगJ जैसे -- फाñट फूड ,संñकृuत,
ु वfा, एथuनक आÉद

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:
● पÅरचचाO सेहतमंद रहने के उपायS कP।
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● कहानी के अंत मJ Éदए अôयास कायO के मा]यम

नैuतक मÑ
ू य अqछा ñवाñ°य और ñवñथ शरMर हM मनxु य कP सबसे
बड़ी पंज
ू ी है ।

पाठ-15 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
पाठ-15-नीलकंठ ● <व`याpथOयS `वारा पश-ु पNी के मनोभावS को
समझते हुए भाव-भंpगमा से पÅरpचत हSगे।
● पाठ का भाव और कÉठन शjदS का अथO समझते
हुए पढ़ाया व समझाया जाएगा।
5वण कौशल का <वकास
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। <वvभ-न अवसरS/संदभã मJ कहM जा रहM
ू रS कP बातS को अपने ढं ग से vलखते
● पáNयS के बारे मJ अ]या<पका <व`याpथOयS को बता
हn, जैसे - अपनी गाँव कP चौपाल कP
कर एक नए पNी कP <वशेषताओं से अवगत
वाचन कौशल का <वकास बातचीत या अपने मोहÑले के vलए तरह
करवाते हुए पाठ से जोड़ेगी ।
तरह के कायO करने वालS कP बातचीत
● राx≤Mय पNी मोर पर अपने <वचार Zñतत
ु करते ।
हुए <व`याथa अपने भाव Zñतत
ु करने मJ सNम

● <व`याpथOयS को पशु और पáNयS के बारे मे

पठन कौशल का <वकास जानकारM दे ते हुए पाठ का पठन कायO कNा मJ
करवाया जाएगा।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५०

से ६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम

अपने पालतू पशु या पNी के <वषय 40-50 शjदो मJ

ु छे द vलख कर अपने भावS कP अvभUयि/त दJ गे और
लेखन कौशल का <वकास करने मJ सNम हSगे।

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा

लेखन कौशल का <वकास उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने

मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO जानेगे ।

शjद कोश का <वकास ● जैसे- ñटे शन, आuतpथ, रोजगार , अलमारM

● वा/य Zयोग `वारा नवीन शjदS को अपनी
ÉदनचयाO मJ शाvमल करने मJ सNम हSगे।
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन
● चचाO (जीवन मJ पश-ु पáNयS कP घÉटत घटनाएँ ।)
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
असहाय और बेजब
ु ान ZाeणयS के Zuत मन मJ क^णा के
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
भाव रखने कP सीख दे ना।

पाठ -16 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
● <व`याpथOयS को Zकृuत कP स-
ु दरता से अवगत कराना।
पाठ-16- भोर और
● क<वता का सñवर वाचन करवाना और कÉठन शjदो
के अथO समझना।
5वण कौशल का <वकास
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत छह
सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह वा/यS
जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS दे ने मJ समथO

● कृxण के बचपन कP घटनाओं पर चचाO करते हुए

वाचन कौशल का <वकास vशNक `वारा छाDS को क<वता से जोड़ा जाएगा।
● कृxण के <वvभ-न नामS जैसे - का-हा , dयाम, <वvभ-न पठन सामprयS मJ Zय/ ु त
मरु लMधर आÉद पर चचाO करJ गे शjदS,मह
ु ावरS,लोकोि/तयS को समझते
हुए उनकP सराहना करते हn।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंक का पाठन करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते हुए
पठन कौशल का <वकास
पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५० से
६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।
● मीरा और कृxण के बारे मJ छाD vलखJगे िजसके `वारा
छाDS कP लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा।
लेखन कौशल का <वकास ● छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 मे vलखने मे सNम हSगे।
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस पर
अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया vलख
पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत

शjद कोश का <वकास कर उनके अथO जानने मे सNम हSगे। जैसे - ललना
, कंगना , गउवन, pगरधर , शरन
● बज
ृ भाषा के शjदS को समझने मे सNम हSगे।
uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ
ू यांकन करना:

<वभेÉदत मÑ ● चचाO मीरा कP अ-य रचनाओं

ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
नैuतक मÑ
ू य uनdछल और uनñवाथO Zेम को जीवन मJ पहचानना और
उसकP कदर करना।

पाठ 17 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
● ñवतंDता संrाम का मÑ
ू य समझाते हुए <व`याpथOयS
को ñवाvभमान से जीने के vलए के vलए ZेÅरत
करना ।
पाठ-17-वीर कंु वर vसंह Kकसी पा≠यवñतु कP बारM कP से जाँच
● oांuतकाÅरयS के बvलदान से अवगत कराना।
5वण कौशल का <वकास करते हुए उसमJ Kकसी <वशेष ûबंद ु को
● पाठ के कÉठन शjदो के अथO बताना व पाठ पढ़ाना
खोजते हn ।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह

वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● ओजिñवता पण
ू O पाठ वाचन के मा]यम से पव
ू O
पÉठत अंश से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● 5 कÉठन शjदS का श`
ु ध उqचारण करने मे सNम
जैसे - <व¶ोह, घो<षत, अåयpधक , य`
ु ध,

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंक का पाठन
करJ गे।
● <व`याpथOयS को ñवतंDता सेनाuनयS के बvलदान
के मÑ
ू य के मा]यम से ñवतंDता के महåव से
पठन कौशल का <वकास
पÅरpचत कराना।
● · पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण
करते हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस
वा/य(५० से ६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह
पढ़ने मJ सNम हSगे।

अ-य ñवतंDता सेनाuनयS के बारे मJ कNा मJ छाD

vलखJगे िजसके `वारा छाDS कP लेखन कौशल का
लेखन कौशल का <वकास <वकास होगा।
पाठ के अंत मJ ñवतंDता पर अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो
मे vलखकर Zñतत
ु करने मJ सNम हSगे

● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा
उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने
मJ सNम हSगे।
● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को रे खांKकत कर उनके

अथO समझ कर वा/य मJ Zयोग करने मJ सNम
शjद कोश का <वकास
हSगे । जैसे - ñवाvभमानी , Uयि/तåव , ñवभाव
Uयवñथा , उÑलेखनीय

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:

<वभेÉदत मÑ ● चचाO ñवतंDता संrाम पर ।

ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
ñवतंDता का मÑू य पहचानते हुए अपने दे श के ñवतंDता
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
सेनाuनयS को सbमान दे ना।

पाठ 18 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
5वण कौशल का <वकास ● राx≤Mय खेल हॉकP से जोड़ते हुए छाDS `वारा
पाठ-18 अपने जीवन मJ मनोरं जन के ïोतS का <वdलेषण
करना ।

संघषO के कारण के तन
ु क ● कÉठन व नए शjदS के अथO समझाते हुए पाठ
vमजाज़ को समझाना।

● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के
हS दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● ओजिñवता पण
ू O पाठ वाचन के मा]यम से पव
ू O
पÉठत अंश से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● अपने पसंदMदा हॉकP eखलाड़ी के <वषय पर कNा
मJ <व`याpथOयS के साथ चचाO कP जाएगी एवं
ु करने मJ सNम vभ<f पûDका/पûDका आÉद के vलए तरह-
<व`याथa अपने <वचार Zñतत
हSगे। तरह कP सामrी जट
ु ाते हn, vलखते हn
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन और उनका संपादन करते हn ।
● समह
करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
पठन कौशल का <वकास
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५०
से ६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ
सNम हSगे।

लेख के मा]यम से अ-य eखला™डयS के बारे मJ छाD

5 से 6 वा/य vलखकर अपना लेखन कौशल बढाएगे

लेखन कौशल का <वकास ● एक अनq

ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त
अथवा उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS
मJ ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ कम से कम 8 से 10 नए

शjद कोश का <वकास शjदS के अथO बताने मJ सNम होगJ

● जैसे -साNाåकार , सZ
ु vस`ध , है vसयत,
जuू नयर , राx≤Mय आÉद

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन
<वभेÉदत मÑ
ू यांकन ● मेजर ]यानचंद पर चचाO।
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
अनजाने मJ हुई भल
ू कP माफP मांग लेने मJ हM
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
समझदारM है ।

पाठ 19 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
● गाँधी जी के Kकये गये काय≥ पर चचाO करते हुए
पाठ- 19 <व`याpथOयS को गांधीजी `वारा Kकये गये
5वण कौशल का <वकास
आ5म का अनम आ5मS कP ñथापना से अवगत करवाना ।
ु ाuनत Kकसी पा≠यवñतु को पढ़कर उसकP
Uयय लेखा जोखा ● पाठ सन उपयोpगता के बारे मJ बताते हn ।
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह

वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS पढ़M गई सामrी पर pचंतन करते हुए
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे। बेहतर समझ के vलए Zdन पछ
ू ते हn ।

● ओजिñवता पण
ू O पाठ वाचन के मा]यम से पव
ू O
पÉठत अंश से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
● गाँधी जी के पव
ू í
O ान के आधार पर छाDS को
पाठ से जोड़ा जायेगा ।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● गांधी जी के जीवन पर अपने <वचार 5 से 6
वा/यो मे Zñतत
ु करने मJ सNम हSगे।

● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५०
से ६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
पठन कौशल का <वकास
● भाषा के श`
ु ध उqचारण मे सNम हSगे।
● जैसे- संभावना , Uयवñथा, सपÅरवार, औजार ,
गाँधी जी के आ-दोलन के बारे मJ छाD 6 से
7 वा/य vलखJगे िजसके मा]यम छाDS का
लेखन कौशल का <वकास होगा
लेखन कौशल का <वकास
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त
अथवा उस पर अपने wिxटकोण पर
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS
मJ ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

● पाठ के अंत मJ 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO जानना मे सNम हSगे|

शjद कौशल का <वकास जैसे- बैलगाड़ी , ñथानीय , हथकरघा , राजvमñDी

, औजार

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:
चचाO- गाँधी जी के जीवन पर लघु Zdन uनमाOण के

<वभेÉदत मÑ मा]यम से।

ू यांकन
जैसे- 1 गांधी जी का ज-म कहां हुआ था?
2 उ-हSने अपने आ5म कP ñथापना Kकस
शहर मJ कP? ZdनोfरM
नैuतक मÑ
ू य अपना कायO ñवयं करने मJ शमO नहMं गवO का अनभ
ु व
होना चाÉहए।

पाठ 20 <वषय पण
ू O Kकए गए vशNण के लÇय सीखने के Zuतफल
पाठ- 20 ● ñवाधीनता संrाम कP लड़ाई मJ जड़
ु े लोगS मJ <वvभ-न अवसरS/संदभã मJ कहM जा रहM
5वण कौशल का <वकास जोश और आåम<वdवास भरती क<वता पढ़ाई व दस
ू रS कP बातS को अपने ढं ग से vलखते
<वÖलव गायन (क<वता)
समझाई जाएगी। हn, जैसे - अपनी गाँव कP चौपाल कP

बातचीत या अपने मोहÑले के vलए तरह
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद <व`याथa पाठ से सbबि-धत
तरह के कायO करने वालS कP बातचीत ।
छह सात ZdनS के मौeखक उfर पांच छह
वा/यS जो लगभग ४० से ४५ शjदS के हS
दे ने मJ समथO हSगे।

● ओजिñवता पण
ू O क<वता वाचन के मा]यम से
ू O íान से <व`याpथOयS को जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का <वकास
● 5 से 6 कÉठन नए शjदS का श`
ु ध उqचारण
● जैसे- Éहलोर, सावधान , pचंगाÅरयां , महानाश
, §¶
● समह
ू मJ बैठे <व`याथa uनधाOÅरत अंश का पाठन
करJ गे।
● पाठ के अंत मJ <व`याथa श`
ु ध उqचारण करते
पठन कौशल का <वकास
हुए पाठ मJ आए कम से कम दस वा/य(५०
से ६० शjदS वाले ) धाराZवाह पढ़ने मJ सNम
● पाठ के अंत मJ क<व के जीवन के बारे मJ छाD
vलखJगे िजसके मा]यम छाDS का लेखन कौशल
का <वकास ।
● छाD अपने <वचार 40-50 शjदो मे Zñतत

लेखन कौशल का <वकास
करने मJ सNम हSगे।
● एक अनq
ु छे द पाठ का अथO Uय/त अथवा उस
पर अपने wिxटकोण पर vलख पाने मJ सNम

● पाठ मJ आये <वषय पर 40-50 शjदS मJ
ZuतKoया vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।
● vमD के लेखन पर 40-50 शjदS मJ ZuतKoया
vलख पाने मJ सNम हSगे।

पाठ के अंत मJ 8 से 10 नवीन शjदS को

शjद कोश का <वकास रे खांKकत कर उनके अथO जानने मJ सNम हSगे।

जैसे- Éहलोरे , pचंतामeण , pचंगाÅरयां आÉद |

uनbन के मा]यम से छाDS के íान का मÑ

ू यांकन करना:

<वभेÉदत मÑ ● चचाO-क<व के अ-य रचनाओ पर

ू यांकन
● लघु Zdन uनमाOण के मा]यम से।
● ZdनोfरM
जीवन मJ हो रहे पÅरवतOन को सहजता से ñवीकार करने
नैuतक मÑ
ू य
कP Zव<ृ f का <वकास।

क"ा 8

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
अपनी भाषा म- बातचीत तथा चचा2 करने के अवसर ह8 ।
जीवन से जोड़कर =वषय को समझने के अवसर ह8।
@योग कB जाने वालD भाषा कB बारDEकय8 पर चचा2 के अवसर ह8 ।
ू म- काय2 करने और एक दस
ू रे के कायJ पर चचा2 करने, राय लेने-दे ने, @Mन करने कB NवतंPता हो।
QहंदD के साथ-साथ अपनी भाषा कB सामRी पढ़ने-Tलखने कB स=ु वधा (Yेल/सांके[तक \प म- भी) और उन पर
बातचीत कB आज़ादD हो।
अपने पaरवेश, समय और समाज से संबंcधत रचनाओं को पढ़ने और उन पर चचा2 करने के अवसर ह8 ।
अपनी भाषा गढ़ते हुए Tलखने सeबfधी ग[त=वcधयाँ हो, जैसे –शjदखेल, अनौपचाaरक पP, तक
ु बंQदयाँ ,
पहे Tलयाँ, संNमरण आQद ।
सEmय और जाग\क बनाने वालD रचनाएँ, अख़बार, पoPकाएँ, Eफ़qम और ऑडीओ-=वडीयो सामRी को दे खने,
ु ने, पढ़ने, और Tलख कर अTभtयuत करने कB ग[त=वcधयाँ ह8।
कqपनाशीलता और सज
ृ नशीलता को =वकTसत करने वालD ग[त=वcधय8, जैसे – अTभनय, रोले -wले, क=वता,
पाठ, सज
ृ नाyमक लेखन, =वTभfन िNथ[तय8 म- संवाद आQद के आयोजन ह8 और उनकB तैयारD से संबंcधत
िNmwट लेखन और aरपोट2 लेखन के अवसर ह8 ।

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 8 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने के :Sतफल के
=वTभfन =वषय8 पर आधाaरत =व=वध @कार कB रचनाओं को पढ़कर चचा2 करते ह|, जैसे – पा}य पN
ु तक म-
Eकसी प"ी के बारे म- पढ़कर प~"य8 पर Tलखी गई साTलम अलD कB Eकताब पढ़कर चचा2 करते ह|।
QहंदD भाषा म- =वTभfन @कार कB सामRी (समाचार, पP-पoPका, कहानी, जानकाaरपरक सामRी, इंटनÅट,
jलॉग पर छपने वालD सामRी आQद) को समझकर पढ़ते ह| और उसम- अपनी पसंद – नापसंद, Qटwपणी,
राय, [नÑकष2 आQद को मौÖखक/सांके[तक भाषा म- अTभtयuत करते ह|।
पढ़D गई सामRी पर cचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के Tलए @Mन पछ
ू ते ह|/ पaरचचा2 करते ह| ।
अपने पaरवेश म- मौजद
ू लोक-कथाओं और लोकगीत8 के बारे म- चचा2 करते ह| और उनकB सराहना करते ह|

पढ़कर अपaरcचत पaरिNथ[तय8 और घटनाओं कB कqपना करते ह| और उनपर अपने मन म- बनने वालD
छ=वय8 और =वचार8 के बारे म- मौÖखक/सांके[तक भाषा म- बताते ह|।
=वTभfन संवेदनशील मá
ु द8/=वषय8 जैसे-जा[त, धम2,रं ग, ज-डर, रD[त-aरवाज8 के बारे म- अपने TमP8, अàयापक8
या पaरवार से @Mन करते ह| जैसे-अपने मोहqले के लोग8 से yयोहार मनाने के तरDके पर बातचीत करना।

Eकसी रचना को पढ़कर उसके सामािजक मq
ू य8 पर चचा2 करते ह|। उसके कारण जानने कB कोTशश करते
ह| जैसे-अपने आस-पास रहने वाले पaरवार8 और उनके रहन-सहन पर सोचते हुए @Mन करते ह|-रामू काका
कB बेटD Nकूल uय8 नहDं जाती?
=वTभfन @कार कB सामRी, जैसे कहानी, क=वता, लेख, aरपोता2ज,संNमरण,[नबंध, tयंग आQद को पढ़ते हुए
अथवा पा}यवNतु कB बारD कB से जाँच करते हुए उसका अनम ु ान लगाकर, =वMलेषण करते ह|, =वशेष oबंद ु
को खोजते ह|।
पढ़D गई सामRी पर cचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के Tलए @Mन पछ
ू ते ह| ।
=वTभfन पठन सामcRय8 म- @यu
ु त शjद8, मह
ु ावर8, लोकोिuतय8 को के अथ2 समझते हुए उनकB सराहना
करते ह|।
कहानी, क=वता आQद पढ़कर लेखन के =व=वध तरDक8 और शैTलय8 को पहचानते ह| जैसे- वण2नाyमक,
=ववरणाyमक, भावाyमक, @कृ[त cचPण आQद।
=वTभfन पठन सामcRय8 म- को पढ़ते हुए उनके Tशqप कB सराहना करते ह| और अपने Nतरानक
ु ू ल मौÖखक,
TलÖखत, Yेल/ सांके[तक \प म- उसके बारे म- अपने =वचार tयuत करते ह|।
Eकसी पा}यवNतु को पढ़ने के दौरान समझने के Tलए ज़\रत पड़ने पर अपने Eकसी सहपाठäया Tश"क कB
मदद लेकर उपयu
ु त संदभ2 सामRी जैसे – शjदकोश, मानcचP, इंटनÅटया अfय पN
ु तक8 कB मदद लेते ह| ।

अपने पाठक और Tलखने के उáदे Mय8 को àयान म- रखते हुए अपनी बात को @भावी तरDके से Tलखते ह|।

पढ़कर अपaरcचत पaरिNथ[तय8 और घटनाओं कB कqपना करते ह| और उन पर अपने मन म- बनने वालD

छ=वय8 और =वचार8 के बारे म- TलÖखत या Yेल भाषा म- अTभtयिuत करते ह|।
भाषा कB बारDEकय8/tयवNथा तथा नए शjद8 का @योग करते ह|, जैसे - Eकसी क=वता म- @यu
ु त शjद =वशेष,
पदबंध का @योग - आप बढ़ते ह| तो बढ़ते हD चले जाते ह| या जल रे ल जैसे @योग।
=वTभfन अवसर8/संदभJ म- कहD जा रहD दस
ू र8 कB बात8 को अपने ढं ग से Tलखते ह|, जैसे - अपनी गाँव कB
चौपाल कB बातचीत या अपने मोहqले के Tलए तरह तरह के काय2 करने वाल8 कB बातचीत ।
QहंदD भाषा म- =वTभfन @कार कB सामRी (समाचार-पP/पoPका, कहानी, जानकाaरपरक सामRी, इंटनÅट पर
@काTशत होने वालD सामRी आQद) को समझकर पढ़ते ह| और उसम- अपनी पसंद नापसंद के प" म- TलÖखत
या Yेल भाषा म- अपने तक2 रखते ह|।
अपने अनभ
ु व8 को अपनी भाषा शैलD म- Tलखते ह|।लेखन के =व=वध तरDक8 और शैTलय8 का @योग करते ह|
जैसे =वTभfन तरDक़8 से कहानी,क=वता, [नबंध,अनभ
ु व आQद Tलखना।
दै [नक जीवन से अलग Eकसी घटना/िNथ[त पर =वTभfन तरDक़े से सज
ृ नाyमक ढं ग से Tलखते ह|, जैसे
सोशल मीçडया पर नोéबक
ु पर या संपादक के नाम पP आQद।
=व=वधकलाओं, जैसे – हNतकला, वाNतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नyृ यकला और इनम- @योग होने वालD भाषा
(रिजNटर) का सज
ृ नाyमक @योग करते ह|, जैसे – कला के बीज बोना, मनमोहक मè
ु ाएँ, रस कB अनभ
ु [ू त।
अपने पाठक और Tलखने के उáदे Mय को àयान म- रखते हुए अपनी बात को @भावी तरDके से Tलखते ह|।
अTभtयिuत कB =व=वध शैTलय8/\पण को पहचानते ह|, Nवयं Tलखते ह|, जैसे – क=वता, कहानी, [नबंध आQद

पढ़कर अपaरcचत पaरिNथ[तय8 और घटनाओं कB कqपना करते ह| और उनपर अपने मन म- बनने वालD
छ=वय8 और =वचार8 के बारे म- TलÖखत/Yेल भाषा म- अTभtयuत करते ह|।

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-8- 7हंद: 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई . Cवारा अपनाए - सीखने के HIतफल
नोट – सOपण
ू R पाSयTम सीखने के HIतफल
पाठ – 1 1वषय पण
ू R Wकए गए Xश5ण के लZय सीखने के HIतफल
1वषय पर चचा7 करते हुए =श>?का @वारा क1वता को
पढ़कर समझाया जाएगा ।

क1वता सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK क1वता के सभी पदN से
संबंPधत RSनN के उUर दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे ।जैसे - क1व
को ऐसा 1वSवास YयN है Zक उसका अंत कभी नह\ं
+वण कौशल का 1वकास आएगा ? आ_द । पढ़\ गई सामaी पर Pचंतन करते हुए
बेहतर समझ के =लए RSन पछ
ू ते हd ।
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच
छह RSनN के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो
पाठ-1-&व(न लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7
हNगे। 1व1वध उ@दे SयN कe प(ू त7 के =लए अपनी
भाषा तथा fकूल कe भाषा का इfतेमाल
क?ा मV चचा7 कe जाएगी Zक Rकृ(त मV Zकस -Zकस
करते हुए बातचीत करते हd (जैसे -&व(न
कe &व(न आप सन
ु ते हd व उनमV Yया अंतर है ?
के बारे मV )जानकार\ के =लए RSन पछ
ू ते
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास क1व फूलN के अनंत तक 1वक=सत करने के =लए Yया हd और अपने अनभ
ु वN को साझा कराते
Rयास करता है ? िजससे वाचन कौशल का 1वकास हd ।
होगा ।

शsदाथ7 - मद
ृ ल
ु , (न_wत ,Rxयस
ु आ_द ।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
क?ा मV बyचN से क1वता का zमानस
ु ार पठन करवाया
जाएगा ,िजससे उनके सह\ उyचारण का अ{यास होगा
। पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए

पाठ मV आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७०
शsदN वाले ) अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7
ÇयYत करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने
ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए =लख पाने मV
स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास R(तZzया =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया

=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी

और =श?क कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने
मV स?म हNगे।

क1वता के अंत मV क_ठन शsदN को रे खांZकत कर उनके

अथ7 जानकर बyचे कम से कम आठ -दस शsदN के
शsद 1वकास कौशल
अथ7 बताने मV स?म हNगे ।
जैसे - तंwालय , पात ,गात आ_द

ू यांकन क1वता सन
ु कर ,दस नए शsदN का +ुतलेख @वारा
ू यांकन Zकया जाएगा ।
लालसा , fवàन , सहष7 , डा=लयाँ आ_द ।
मधरु &व(न व कक7श &व(न मV Yया अंतर महसस
ू करते
हd इस 1वषय पर क?ा मV चचा7 कe जा सकती है ।

=श>?का @वारा &व(न कe मधरु ता , मधरु &व(न से

आपसी संबंध , एक मधरु &व(न से दख
ु ी मन मV सख

नै(तक मá
ू य
को महसस
ू करना आ_द नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल
_दया जाएगा ।

जीवन मV आलfय xयागकर , आशापण

ू 7 व खश
ु ी से
जीवन जीने कe Rेरणा ।

पाठ -2 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

1ववध कलाओं, जैसे – हfतकला,

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच वाfतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी, नxृ यकला और
+वण कौशल का 1वकास छह RSनN के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो इनमV Rयोग होने वालू भाषा (रे िजfटर)
लाख कe चçू ड़याँ लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 का सëजनाxमक Rयोग करते हd, जैसे –
हNगे। कला के बीज बोना, मनमोहक मw
ु ाएँ, रस
कe अनभ
ु (ू त।

लाख Yया होती है ? 1वषय पर चचा7 करते हुए क?ा मV
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास छाÜN से zमानस
ु ार पाठ का वाचन करवाया जाएगा व
समझाया जाएगा । तxपSचात क_ठन पाँच -पाँच शsदN
के अथ7 का वाचन करवाया जाएगा ।

पाठ के वाचन के तदप

ु राmत लेखक और बदलू के संबंध
मV चचा7 करते हुए बदलते पíरवेश से अवगत कराया
जाएगा ।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ
पठन कौशल का 1वकास मV आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN
वाले ) अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7
ÇयYत करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने
ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए =लख पाने मV
स?म हNगे।
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV
R(तZzया =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया

=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी
और =श?क कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने
मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7

शsद 1वकास कौशल
जानकर उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगV

पाठ पढाने के बाद लाख कe वfतओ

ु ं का (नमा7ण Zकन
ू यांकन -Zकन राîयN मV होता है ? लाख से और कौन -कौन
सी वfतए
ु ँ बनती हd ?इस बारे मV बyचN से पछ
ू कर
ू यांकन Zकया जाएगा ।

मेहनत से काम करने का सkमान व उससे Rाàत उपहार

, एक दस
ू रे कe भावनाओं को समझना , दख
ु N को
नै(तक मá
ू य
ु व करना आ_द नै(तक मá
ू यN से Rेíरत करना है

पाठ -3 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच
छह RSनN के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो
पढ़कर अपíरPचत पíरिfथ(तयN और
लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7
घटनाओं कe कáपना करते हd और उन
पाठ-3- बस कe याÜा +वण कौशल का 1वकास पर अपने मन मV बनने वाल\ छ1वयN और
1वचारN के बारे मV मौnखक/सांके(तक भाषा
पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 ।
मV बताते हd।
ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से 1व@याथK को
जोड़ा जाएगा ।
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास =श>?का छाÜN से zमानस
ु ार वाचन करवाएँगी । Rच=लत
चार -चार शsदN का उyचारण अ{यास करवाया जाएगा
बyचे उसका अ{यास आसानी से कर सकते हd ।
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन
करV गे।1व@याPथ7यN अपनी - अपनी याÜा वण7न के
मा&यम से जीवन कe यथाथ7ता से पíरPचत कराना।

पठन कौशल का 1वकास पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@

ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ
मV आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN
वाले ) अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7
ÇयYत करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने
ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए =लख पाने मV
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV

R(तZzया =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया
=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी

और =श?क कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने
मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7

शsद 1वकास कौशल जानकर उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगV

जैसे - (न=मU , इUेफाक , ôबयाबान, अंतय

े िÑट आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

चचा7 संfमरण ;रे खाPचÜ लेखन पर

ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।जैसे - कहाँ पहुँचकर
ू यांकन टायर फटा ?

RSनोUर\ - लेखक के मन मV बस के R(त +@धा YयN

उमड़ी ?

aामीण व शहर\ संfकृ(त मV कe आवSयकता ह\ नै(तक

नै(तक मá
ू य मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल दे ना है ।
ु ीबत मV ब@
ु Pध से काम लेना ।

पाठ-4 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह
RSनN के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग
+वण कौशल का 1वकास 70 से 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।

पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7

ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना

क1वता पढ़कर लेखन के 1व1वध तर\कN

पाठ-4-द\वानN कe हfती ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश
और श=लैयN को पहचानते है जैसे –
से 1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा ।
वणा7xमक , 1ववरणाxमक, भावाxमक,
सyचे =मÜ कe कुछ अmय क1वता के मा&यम से छाÜN को
Rकृ(त PचÜण आ_द ।
पाठ से जोड़ा जाएगा ।
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास क1वता का सfवर वाचन करवाया जाएगा ।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ
मV आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN
वाले ) अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ
मV आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
वाले ) अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद
/क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy
ु छे द पाठ का अथ7
ÇयYत करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण
ÇयYत करते हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और

=श?क कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7

शsद कोश का 1वकास जानकर उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगV

जैसे- =भखमगN , उáलास , घंट

ू आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:
चचा7- =मÜता के कुछ दोहN पर ।
ू यांकन लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - क1वता मV ऐसी कौन -सी बात आपको अyछû

लगी ?

1व@याPथ7यN @वारा जीवन मV सबको खश

ु रखने के महüव
नै(तक मá
ू य - सामािजक
पíरवेश कe जानकार\ पारfपíरक सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत
कराना ह\ नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल दे ना है ।

पाठ – 5 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल
• पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच
छह RSनN के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो
+वण कौशल का 1वकास लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
• ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना
• ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश
से 1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा । क?ा के Rxयेक छाÜ
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास पाठ के एक -एक पैराaाफ का वाचन करV गे ।
• पाठ का zमानस
ु ार वाचन करV गे । 1व=भmन अवसरN/संदभ° मV कह\ जा रह\
दसरू N कe बातN को अपने ढं ग से =ल खते
पाठ-5 हd, जैसे– fकूल के Zक सी काय7zम कe
• समह
ू मV बैठे (नधा7íरत अंश का पाठन करV गे ।
Pच†_ठयN कe अनठ
ू û íरपोट7 बनाना या Zफर अपने गाँव के
• पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ
द(ु नया मेले के दक
ु ानदारN से बातचीत।
के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले )
अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद
/क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7
ÇयYत करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
ÇयYत करते हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया

=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और

=श?क कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7

शsद कौशल का 1वकास
जानकर उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगV |

जैसे - सहजते , _ठकानN , अह=मयत , हरकारे आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

क?ा चचा7 पÜ लेखन पर ।

ू यांकन
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - हमारे जीवन मV डाZकए कe भ=ू मका Yया है ?

नै(तक मá
ू य - संचार 1व@याPथ7यN @वारा पÜ संfकृ(त कe जानकार\ दे ना ।
Rणाल\ सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत कराना ह\ नै(तक मá
ू य पर
1वशेष बल दे ना है ।

मनÑु य को जीवन मfत व बेZफz होकर जीना चा_हए ।

ू रN के जीवन मV सदै व ख=ु शयाँ फैलाना ।

पाठ – 6 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ा के लåय सीखने के R(तफल
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN

+वण कौशल का 1वकास के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।

पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7।

ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 क1वता वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से

वाचन कौशल का 1वकास 1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा ।

क1वता का एक -एक पद क?ा मV Rxयेक छाÜ से वाचन करवाया 1व=भmन 1वषयN पर आधाíरत
जाएगा । 1व1वध Rकार कe रचनाओं को
पाठ-6 भगवान के
ू मV बैठे 1व@याPथ7यN से (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करवाया पढ़कर चचा7 करते हd, जैसे –
डाZकये (क1वता) पा¢यपf
ु तक मV Zकसी प?ी के बारे
जाएगा ।

पठन कौशल का 1वकास ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए मV पढ़कर प>?यN पर=लखी गई
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा सा=लम अल\ कe Zकताब पढ़कर
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द चचा7 करते हd।
वाले अनy
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने
मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे Zकंह\ चार शsदN के पया7यवाची

शsद कोश का 1वकास शsद व नवीन शsदN को रे खांZकत कर उनके अथ7 जानने मV स?म
हNगे |

जैसे - बाँचना, आँकना, पांख आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

चचा7 आध(ु नक यग
ु के संदेशN के मा&यम के बारे मV

ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।जैसे - भगवान के डाZकये कौन हd
ू यांकन

RSनोUर\ - प?ी और बादल @वारा लाई गई Pच†_ठयN को कौन -

कौन पढ़ पाता है ?

Rाकृ(तक उपादानN के मा&यम से Rेम , समानता , 1वSव -बंधxु व

नै(तक मá
ू य
, एकता और भाईचारे कe भावना ।
ज_टल अmवेषण-पया7वरण प>?यN व बादलN को भगवान का दत
ू या(न डाZकया मानना ।
कe जानकार\। बेजब
ु ानN कe भाषा समझना ।

1व@याPथ7यN @वारा भगवान को भेजे संदेश वाहकN कe जानकार\
पारfपíरक सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत कराना ह\ नै(तक मá
ू य
पर 1वशेष बल दे ना है ।

पाठ – 7 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN

+वण कौशल का 1वकास के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80

शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।

पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 _हंद\ भाषा मV 1व=भmन Rकार कe
ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना | सामaी (समाचार, पÜ-पôÜका,

ओजिfवता पण ू 7 प_ठत अंश से 1व@याPथ7यN कहानी, जानकाíरपरक सामaी,

ू 7 पाठ के मा&यम से पव
पाठ 7-Yया (नराश इंटन£ट, sलॉग पर छपने वाल\
को जोड़ा जाएगा ।
हुआ जाए वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
वाचन कौशल के 1वकास के =लए पाठ का एक -एक पैराaाफ का सामaी आ_द) को समझकर पढ़ते
वाचन करवाया जाएगा । हd और उसमV अपनी पसंद –

क?ा मV छाÜ पाठ का zमानस

ु ार वाचन करV गे । नापसंद, _टàपणी, राय, (नÑकष7

क_ठन शsदN का उyचारण करV गे । आ_द को मौnखक/सांके(तक भाषा

ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पाठन करV गे। मV अ=भÇयYत करते हd।

पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@

ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
पठन कौशल का 1वकास कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy
ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए
=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कौशल का 1वकास
अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकेगV |

धम7भी• , पदा7फ़ाश , गंतÇय आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

पíरचचा7 दे श कe राज नै(तक ग(त1वPधयN व ßÑटाचार पर

ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।जैसे- (तलक व गाँधीजी ने कैसे
ू यांकन
भारत का सपना दे खा था ?

RSनोUर\ - "झठ
ू और फरे ब का रोज़गार करनेवाले फल - फूल रहे
हd । " लेखक ने ऐसा YयN कहा ?

1व@याPथ7यN @वारा मेहनत तथा ईमानदार\ के महUा कe जानकार\
सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत कराना ह\ नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष
नै(तक मá
ू य -सकाराxमक बल दे ना है ।
समाज मV फैले ßÑटाचार को दे खकर मनÑु य को (नराश नह\ं होना
चा_हए। (नरं तर आशा का दामन थामे आगे कदम रखना चा_हए।

पाठ – 8 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN 1व=भmन संवेदनशील म@
ु दN/1वषयN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80 जैसे-जा(त, धम7,रं ग, जVडर, र\(त-
+वण कौशल का 1वकास शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे। íरवाजN के बारे मV अपने =मÜN,
अ&यापकN या पíरवार से RSन
पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 के मा&यम से
करते हd जैसे-अपने मोहáले के
पाठ 8-यह सबसे क1वता को सग
ु म बनाया जाएगा ।
लोगN से xयोहार मनाने के तर\के
क_ठन समय
ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना। पर बातचीत करना।

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
1व@याPथ7यN को वाचन कौशल 1वकास के =लए जोड़ा जाएगा।
क?ा मV zमानस
ु ार क1वता का एक -एक पद सfवर वाचन करवाया
जाएगा ।
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
क1वता पढ़ने व शsदN को उyचाíरत करने का अ{यास ।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा

लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे |

fटे शन , गंतÇय , तमाम आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

चचा7 - भारतीय संfकृ(त पर।

ू यांकन
लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।व +ुतलेख @वारा छाÜN का
ू यांकन - Pचçड़या , चNच , Rती?ा , (तनका आ_द ।

RSनोUर\ - Pचçड़या चNच मV (तनका दबाकर उड़ने कe तैयार\ मV
YयN है ?

जीवन मV आने वाले क_ठन समय को भी सहजता से fवीकार कर

नै(तक मá
ू य लेना चा_हए व उसका डटकर मक़
ु ाबला करने जैसे नै(तक मá
ू य पर
1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

पाठ -9 1वषय कवर Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

1वषय पर चचा7 करते हुए =श>?का @वारा साnखयN का अथ7 व कबीर
दास जी ने Zकस तरह कम शsदN मV ¨यादा अथ7 समझाया है , +वण
कौशल के 1वकास के =लए यह समझाया जाएगा

+वण कौशल का 1वकास पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7, कबीर के अmय दोहN
कe सीडी|
अपने पíरवेश मV मौजद
ू लोक-
कबीर कe सnखयाँ पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN के
कथाओं और लोकगीतN के बारे मV
मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80 शsदN
चचा7 करते हd और उनकe सराहना
के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
करते हd ।
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 दोहN वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा।

वाचन कौशल का 1वकास क?ा का Rxयेक छाÜ सfवर दोहN का गायन करV गे िजससे छाÜN कe
वाचन कौशल ?मता बढ़े ।
?ेÜीय भाषा पíरवत7न से वत7नी व उyचारण का अ{यास चार-चार
शsदN से करवाया जाएगा ।

पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
पठन कौशल का 1वकास कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द धाराRवाह
पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत करते
हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए =लख
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख पाने

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे |

जैसे - kयान , गार\ , दहूँ, _द=स आ_द

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá
ू यांकन करना:

चचा7 - अmय दोहN कe जाएगी ।

ू यांकन लघR
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ -'तलवार का महüव होता है kयान का नह\ं ' उदाहरण

@वारा कबीर Yया कहना चाहते हd ?

समाज मV फैल\ ßां(तयN पर Rकाश डालने जैसे नै(तक मá

ू य पर
1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।
नै(तक मá
ू य
मनÑु य को अहं कार कभी नह\ं करना चा_हए ।

हर एक छोट\ से छोट\ चीज कe एह=मयत समझना ।

पाठ – 10 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
+वण कौशल का 1वकास शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
अपने पाठक और =लखने के
पाठ- 10 कामचोर पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 उ@दे SयN को &यान मd रखते हुए
ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना। अपनी बातN को Rभावी ढं ग से
=लखते है ।
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा।
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
क?ा मV छाÜ zमानस
ु ार पाठ का एक - एक पैराaाफ का वाचन
करV गे ,छाÜN कe वाचन कौशलता बढ़े गी ।

पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
पठन कौशल का 1वकास कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे |जैसे - दबैल , तनÆवाह , दड़बा
तरकार\ आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

ू यांकन चचा7 - लेखक के जीवन व अmय रचनाओं पर ।

लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSन - घमासान य@
ु ध कहाँ हो रहा था ?

RSनोUर\ - कामचोर कहानी का Yया संदेश है ?

1व@याPथ7यN @वारा पाíरवाíरक सदfयN के काय7 कe उपयोPगता कe

ू य - योजनाब@ध तल
नै(तक मá ु नाxमक जानकार\ सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत करना।
Zzयाmवयन जीवन मV काम करने कe आवSयकता ,एकल व संयY ु त पíरवार कe
महüवता को समझाकर नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा

पाठ – 11 1वषय कवर Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
+वण कौशल का 1वकास शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।

पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 के मा&यम से अपने अनभु वN को अपनी भाषा
+वण कौशल ?मता 1वक=सत कe जाएगी । शैल\ मV =लखते हd। लेखन के
पाठ-11 जब =सनेमा
1व1वध तर\के और शै=लयN का
ने बोलना सीखा ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।
Rयोग करते हd जैसे-तर\कN से
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से (कहानी,क1वता,(नबंध आ_द) कोई
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा। अनभ
ु व =लखना ।
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास क?ा के सभी छाÜ पाठ के एक -एक पैराaाफ का वाचन करV गे

क_ठन शsदN के उyचारण @वारा वाचन कौशल अ{यास होगा ।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास समह
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।

1व@याPथ7यN को पाठ के मा&यम से जीवन कe यथाथ7ता से पíरPचत
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।
=सनेमा का उ@भव 1वकास के बारे मV छाÜ =लखVगे िजसके मा&यम
से छाÜN के लेखन कौशल का 1वकास होगा ।
पाठ के अंत मV छाÜN को पाठ मV आए पाँच -पाँच उपसग7 व Rxयय
छाँटकर =लखने को _दया जाएगा ।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे । जैसे - पटकथा , संवाद ,
Zकरदार आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá
ू यांकन करना:
क?ा मV छाÜN से अ=भनय करवाना ।
चचा7- लेखक कe अmय रचनाओं पर ।
ू यांकन लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।
जैसे - पहला बोलता =सनेमा बनाने के =लए Zफ़áमकार अद£ =शयर
एम . ईरानी को Rेरणा कहाँ से =मल\ ?

1व@याPथ7यN अपने जीवन मV मनोरं जन के ØोतN का 1वSलेषण करने

नै(तक मá
ू य - ज_टल
मV स?म हNगे ।
अmवेषण (भारतीय समािजक
कला कe महüवता समझना ।

नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

पाठ – 12 1वषय कवर Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

भाषा कe बार\ZकयN/Çयवfथा तथा
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
नए शsदN का Rयोग करते हd, जैसे
पाठ 12 सद
ु ामा +वण कौशल का 1वकास के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
- Zकसी क1वता मV RयY
ु त शsद
चíरत(क1वता) शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
1वशेष, पद बंध का Rयोग - आप
पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 ki बढ़ते हd तो बढ़ते ह\ चले जाते हd
या जल रे ल जैसे Rयोग।
ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 क1वता वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से दै (नक जीवन से अलग Zकसी
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा। घटना/िfथ(त पर 1व=भmन तर\क़े
क?ा मV छाÜN से zमानस
ु ार एक - एक पद का वाचन करवाया से सज
ृ नाxमक ढं ग से =लखते हd,
जाएगा । जैसे सोशल मीçडया पर नो†बक

पर या संपादक के नाम पÜ आ_द।
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
1व@याPथ7यN को क1व कe अmय क1वताओं के मा&यम से जीवन कe
पठन कौशल का 1वकास यथाथ7ता से पíरPचत कराना ह\ पठन कौशल का 1वकास करना है

पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।
ु ामा चíरत के दोहे क?ा मV छाÜ =लखVगे िजसके @वारा छाÜN के
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास होगा ।
पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ पाँच -पाँच Rच=लत शsदN के लेखन अ{यास
से अवगत हNगे ।

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास ● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने
मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगV |

जैसे - पगा , झँगा , आ_ह , लट\ , दप

ु ट\ @1वज आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

चचा7- क1व कe अmय रचनाओं कe ।

ू यांकन लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - सद
ु ामा कe द\न-दशा दे खकर +ीक़ृÑण जी कe Yया
मनोदशा हुई ?

1व@याPथ7यN @वारा सyचे =मÜ के Çयवहार कe मानव-जीवन मV

नै(तक मá उपयोPगता कe जानकार\ दे ते हुए छाÜN के नै(तक मá

ू य पर 1वशेष
ू य
बल _दया जाएगा ।
पारfपíरक सहभाPगता के मा&यम से Rाàत कराना।

पाठ – 13 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
+वण कौशल का 1वकास
शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।

पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7।

ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा।
पढ़कर अपíरPचत पíरिfथ(तयN
Rxयेक छाÜ से दस क_ठन शsदN का उyचारण करवाया जाएगा
पाठ 13 जहाँ प_हया और घटनाओं कe कáपना करते हd
िजससे छाÜN मV वाचन कौशल का 1वकास होगा ।
है (íरपोता7ज) और उनपर अपने मन मV बनने
पठन कौशल का 1वकास के =लए छाÜN से पाठ का एक -एक
वाल\ छ1वयN और 1वचारN के बारे
पैराaाफ पढ़वाया जाएगा ।
मV मौnखक/सांके(तक या ≤ेल भाषा
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास भाषा मV बताते हd।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

संवाद लेखन क?ा मV छाÜ =लखVगे िजसके @वारा छाÜN मV लेखन

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास कौशल का 1वकास होगा । |

पाठ के अंत मV पाठ मV आए पाँच - पाँच उपसग7 व Rxयय शsद
का लेखन अ{यास करने मV स?म हNगे ।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy
ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क कe

R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।।
पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे|

जैसे - फsती , यकeन , (घसीपीट\ आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना: |
चचा7 संfमरण,íरपोताज7 लेखन कe|
ू यांकन लघR
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।
RSनोUर\ -Rारं भ मV इस आंदोलन को चलाने मV कौन - कौन सी
बाधा आई ?
समाज मV fवयं के =लए बराबर\ का दजा7 पाने के नै(तक मá
ू य पर
1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।
नै(तक मá
ू य
म_हलाओं मV आxम(नभ7रता व आxमसkमान कe भावना नै(तक
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

पाठ – 14 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल
पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80 Zकसी रचना को पढ़कर उसके
+वण कौशल का 1वकास शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे। सामािजक मá
ू यN पर चचा7
1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 करते हd। उसके कारण जानने
कe को=शश करते हd जैसे-अपने
ÉSय +Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।
आस-पास रहने वाले पíरवारN
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से और उनके रहन-सहन पर
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा।वाचन कौशल 1वकास के =लए क?ा सोचते हुए RSन करते हd-रामू
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
मV zमानस
ु ार कहानी का एक - एक पैराaाफ का वाचन करवाया काका कe बेट\ fकूल YयN नह\ं

पाठ-14 अकबर\ जाएगा िजससे छाÜN का वाचन कौशल मV 1वकास होगा । जाती?

लोटा(कहानी) _हंद\ भाषा मV 1व=भmन Rकार

ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
कe सामaी (समाचार-
पढ़\ गई सामaी पर Pचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के =लए RSन
पठन कौशल का 1वकास पÜ/पôÜका, कहानी,
ू ते हd।
जानकाíरपरक सामaी, इंटन£ट
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
पर Rका=शत होने वाल\
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
सामaी आ_द) को समझकर
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
पढ़ते हd और उसमV अपनी
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।
पसंद नापसंद के प? मV
हाfय Çयं≥य रचना 1वषय मV क?ा मV =लnखत अनy
ु छे द @वारा छाÜN
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास =लnखत या ≤ेल भाषा मV अपने
कe लेखन कौशल को जाना जाएगा ।
तक7 रखते हd।
पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ दस क_ठन शsदN का +ुतलेख दे ने मV स?म
हNगे ।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy
ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते हुए
=लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे ।

जैसे - अदब , मँड

ु रे , ईजाद , तmमयता अmतधा7न आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना।:

मá चचा7 अकबर बीरबल कe कहा(नयN पर।

ू यांकन
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।
RSनोUर\-ôबलवासी जी ने ëपयN का Rबंध कहाँ से Zकया था ?
बौ@Pधक ?मता का 1वकास-सह\ वYत पर सह\ समझ का उपयोग

नै(तक मá Zकतना ज•र\ है ।नै(तक मá

ू य पर 1वशेष बल दे ना ।
ू य

सyचे =मÜ कe पहचान ह\ नै(तक मá

ू य पर 1वशेष बल दे ना है ।

पाठ – 15 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN अ=भÇयिYत कe 1व1वध

+वण कौशल का 1वकास के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80 शै=लयN/•पण को पहचानते हd,
शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे। fवयं =लखते हd, जैसे – क1वता,
कहानी, (नबंध आ_द ।
पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7।

ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना। 1व=भmन पठन सामPaयN मV

ु त शsदN, मह
ु ावरN,
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से 1व@याPथ7यN
लोकोिYतयN को के अथ7 समझते
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास को जोड़ा जाएगा।
हुए उनकe सराहना करते हd।
पाठ 15 –सरू के पद क?ा मV वाचन कौशल के 1वकास हे तु छाÜN से zमानस
ु ार एक -
(क1वता) एक पद का वाचन करवाया जाएगा ।

ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पढ़\ गई सामaी पर Pचंतन करते हुए बेहतर समझ के =लए एक
-एक पद का पठन करवाया जाएगा । RSन पछ ू े जाएँगे ।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास जीवन मV नै(तक मá

ू यN का महüव 1वषय पर क?ा मV छाÜN से
एक पैराaाफ =लखवाया जाएगा िजससे छाÜN मV लेखन कौशल का
1वकास होगा ।

पाठ के अंत मV -
पद मV आए चार -चार शsदN के पया7यवाची व 1वलोम शsद =लखने
मV स?म हNगे - जैसे - चंwमा , मधक
ु र , सय
ू 7
1वलोम - _दन , Sवेत ,शीत आ_द ।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे ।

जैसे -अजहूँ, काढ़त , गह

ु त पै_ठ , गोरस आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

पíरचचा7 अmय क1वता व (नबंध लेखन पर।

ू यांकन
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।जैसे - सरू दास जी ने अपने पद
मV Zकसके बालपन का वण7न Zकया है ?

RSनोUर\ - कृÑण Zकस लोभ के कारण दध
ू पीने के =लए तैयार हुए

बाल-कृÑण कe ल\लाओं @वारा बचपन कe शरारतN से पíरचय कराते

हुए - नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

नै(तक मá
ू य 1व@याPथ7यN को सरू दास जी के पद पाठ के मा&यम से जीवन कe
यथाथ7ता से पíरPचत कराते हुए नै(तक मá
ू यN से अवगत कराया

पाठ – 16 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकए गए =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
Zकसी पा¢य वfतु को पढ़ने के
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
+वण कौशल का 1वकास दौरान समझने के =लए ज•रत
शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
पड़ने पर अपने Zकसी सहपाठû या
पाठ -16 पानी कe पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 । =श?क कe मदद लेकर उपयY
ु त
कहानी संदभ7 सामaी जैसे - शsदकोश
ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।
मानPचÜ, इंटरनेट या अmय
ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 पाठ वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से पf
ु तकN कe मदद लेते हd ।
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा।िजससे वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास
होगा ।
पाठ का एक - एक पैराaाफ Rxयेक छाÜ से वाचन करवाया जाएगा अपने पाठक और =लखने के
। उ@दे Sय को &यान मV रखते हुए
जैसे - साँसत, वण7नातीत , अगुआ आ_द ।

पाँच -पाँच नए शsदN का वाचन @वारा उyचारण का अ{यास करवाया अपनी बात को Rभावी तर\के से
जाएगा । =लखते हd।
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पठन कौशल का 1वकास पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।
जल का संर?ण 1वषय पर क?ा मV छाÜ अनy
ु छे द 50 से 60
शsदN मV =लखVगे िजससे छाÜN के लेखन कौशल का 1वकास होगा
पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ
पाठ मV आए- पाँच -पाँच Zzया व कारक शsदN के उदाहरण
=लखने मV स?म हNगे ।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर उसे

शsद कोश का 1वकास अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे ।

जैसे - साँसत , वण7नातीत, ऑYसीज़न व हाइµोजन आ_द

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:
चचा7 -जल के संचय पर,जल बनाने कe RZzया पर चचा7 कर छाÜN
का मá
ू यांकन Zकया जाएगा ।
ू यांकन
लघु RSन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - लेखक को ओस कe बँद

ू कहाँ =मल\ ?
पानी कe उxप1U व संरचना से पíरचय।
जल है तो कल है - के महüव को समझना ।
नै(तक मá
ू य जल के जीवन कe क_ठनाइयN से अवगत कराना है । जल कe
महüवता को समझना ह\ - नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया
जाएगा ।

पाठ – 17 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

1व=भmन Rकार कe सामaी, जैसे

पाठ –बाज और साँप पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN
कहानी, क1वता, लेख, रे पोत7ज,
(कहानी) के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से 80
+वण कौशल का 1वकास संfमरण , (नबंध, Çयंग आ_द को
शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे।
पढ़ते हुए अथवा पा¢यवfतु कe
+वण कौशल का 1वकास होगा । पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी. बार\कe से जाँच करते हए उसका

ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 कe सहायता से , बाज़ कe उड़ते समय कe वीçडयो अनम
ु ान लगाना , 1वSलेषण करते
@वारा 1वषय को सरल बनाया जाएगा । हd, 1वशेष ôबंद ु को खोजते हd।

ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना।

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से 1व@याPथ7यN
को जोड़ा जाएगा।
वाचन कौशल का 1वकास पाठ मV आए दस - दस क_ठन शsदN को उyचारण करने का
अ{यास कर वाचन कौशल का 1वकास होगा ।

ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@
ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV आए
पठन कौशल का 1वकास
कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले ) अथवा
लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर
शsद कोश का 1वकास
उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे ।

जैसे - आzोश ,=शखर ,खोखल , =सट1पटाना आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन Zकया जाएगा ।

अmय क1वता व (नबंध लेखन पर चचा7 कर मá

ू यांकन Zकया
ू यांकन जाएगा ।

ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - बाज के =लए लहरN ने गीत YयN गया ?

कहानी के मा&यम से बताया गया है Zक Zकस तरह से हर Rाणी

अपने fवभाव के कारण अलग - अलग Çयवहार करता है ।
नै(तक मá
ू य
साहस @वारा जीवन कe क_ठनाइयN का सामना करना आ_द के
नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

पाठ – 18 1वषय पण
ू 7 Zकये गये =श?ण के लåय सीखने के R(तफल

पाठ सनु ने के बाद 1व@याथK पाठ से सkबिmधत पांच छह RSनN 1व=भmन पठन सामPaयN मV को
के मौnखक उUर पांच छह वाYयN जो लगभग 70 से पढ़ते हुए उनके =शáप कe
+वण कौशल का 1वकास 80 शsदN के हN दे ने मV समथ7 हNगे। सराहना करते हd और अपने
ु ूल मौnखक, =लnखत,
पाठ 1वfतार मV सहायक- पी.पी.ट\, fमाट7 बोड7 आ_द के मा&यम
≤ेल/ सांके(तक •प मV उसके बारे
से टोपी कहानी को सग
ु म बनाया जाएगा ।
मV अपने 1वचार ÇयYत करते हd।
ÉSय-+Çय सामaी के मा&यम से रोचकता बनाएँ रखना। +वण
कौशल का 1वकास होगा ।

ओजिfवता पण
ू 7 वाचन के मा&यम से पव
ू 7 प_ठत अंश से पढ़\ गई सामaी पर Pचंतन करते
1व@याPथ7यN को जोड़ा जाएगा। हुए बेहतर समझ के =लए RSन

वाचन कौशल का 1वकास बyचN को 1वषय पर अपने 1वचार अ=भÇयYत करने को _दया पछू ते हd ।
जाएगा ।
दस Rच=लत शsदN के Rयोग से वाचन कौशल का 1वकास - मल
ु क

, खमा , मजरू \ , मáलार आ_द ।
ू मV बैठे 1व@याथK (नधा7íरत अंश का पठन करV गे।
पाठ के अंत मV 1व@याथK श@ु ध उyचारण करते हुए पाठ मV
पठन कौशल का 1वकास आए कम से कम दस वाYय( ६० से ७० शsदN वाले )
अथवा लगभग इतने ह\ शsदN वाले अनy
ु छे द/पद /क1वता आ_द
धाराRवाह पढ़ने मV स?म हNगे।

● एक 50-60 शsदN वाला अनy

ु छे द पाठ का अथ7 ÇयYत
करते हुए अथवा उस पर अपने ÉिÑटकोण ÇयYत करते
हुए =लख पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● पाठ मV आये 1वषय पर 50-60 शsदN मV R(तZzया =लख

लेखन कौशल का 1वकास
पाने मV स?म हNगे।

● =मÜ के लेखन 50-60 शsदN मV पर R(तZzया =लख पाने

मV स?म हNगे।

● अपने लेखन को संपा_दत करने के =लए साथी और =श?क

कe R(तZzया का उपयोग कर पाने मV स?म हNगे।

पाठ के अंत मV छाÜ ,आठ दस नए शsदN का का अथ7 जानकर

शsदकोष का 1वकास
उसे अपने वाYयN मV Rयोग कर सकVगे ।

जैसे - लटजीरा, सरापा , फकत, मल
ु क
ु आ_द ।

(नkन के मा&यम से छाÜN के öान का मá

ू यांकन करना:

चचा7 अmय क1वता व (नबंध लेखन पर।

ू यांकन लघR
ु Sन (नमा7ण के मा&यम से।

RSनोUर\ - गवरइया कe टोपी पर दज़K ने पाँच फंु दने YयN जड़

_दए ।

दै (नक जीवन से संबंPधत आंतíरक भावN को समझने का Rयास

1व@याPथ7यN को टोपी कहानी के मा&यम से जीवन कe यथाथ7ता
नै(तक मá
ू य
से पíरPचत कराना।
नmह\ सी गौरै या के मा&यम से सkपण
ू 7 मानव जा(त को Rेíरत
करने के नै(तक मá
ू य पर 1वशेष बल _दया जाएगा ।

क"ा 9

संल$नक I
एन. सी. ई. आर. ट0. 1वारा सझ
ु ाई सीखने 8सखाने क9 :;<या
सभी )व+या-थ/य0 को समझते हुए सन
ु ने बोलने पढ़ने >लखने और पBरवे>शय सजगता को Fयान मG रखते
हुए HयिJतगत/सामMू हक Nप से काय/ के करने के अवसर और PोQसाहन Mदया जाए ताSक -
संगीत, लोककलाओं, Sफ़Yम, खेल आMद क[ भाषा पर पाठ पढ़ने या काय/^म के दौरान ग़ौर करने/सन
ु ने के
बाद सaबं-धत गcत)व-धयाँ क"ा मG ह0 । )व+या-थ/य0 को PेBरत Sकया जाए क[ वे आस पास के Fवcनय0
और भाषा को Fयान से सन
ु G और समझG
उgहG इस बात के अवसर >मले क[ वे रे डीयो, टे लk)वजन पर खेल Sफ़Yम संगीत आMद से संबं-धत काय/^म
दे खG और उनक[ भाषा लय आMद पर चचा/ करG
रे डीओ और टे लk)वज़न पर राnokय सामािजक चचा/ओं को सन
ु ने और सन
ु ने तथा उस पर Mटpपणी करने के
अवसर ह0
अपने आस पास के लोग0 क[ ज़Nरत0 को जानने के >लए उसके सा"ाQकार और बातचीत के अवसर ह0 ऐ
सी गcत)व-धयाँ पाsय^म का Mहtसा ह0
Mहंदk के साथ-साथ अपनी भाषा क[ सामuी पढ़ने >लखने (wेल तथा अgय संकेत भाषा मG भी) और उन पर
बातचीत क[ आज़ादk हो ।
अपने अनभ
ु व0 को tवतंy ढं ग से >लखने के अवसर ह0।
अपने पBरवेश, समय और समाज से संबं-धत रचनाओं को पढ़ने और उन पर चचा/ करने के अवसर हो।
अपनी भाषा गढ़ते हुए >लखने क[ tवतंyता हो
सS^य और जागNक बनाने वालk रचनाएँ, अख़बार, प|yकाएँ, Sफ़Yम और अgय }~य •Hय (ऑडीओ-)वडीयो)
सामuी को दे खने सन
ु ने पढ़ने और >लख कर अ>भHयJत करने सaबgधी गcत)व-धयाँ ह0
कYपनाशीलता और सज
ृ नशीलता को )वक>सत करने वालk गcत)व-धय0, जैसे अ>भनय, भ>ू म का cनवा/ह
(रोल-pले )ए क)वता पाठ, सज
ृ नाQमक लेखन, )व>भgन िtथcतय0 मG संवाद आMद के आयोजन ह0 तथा उनक[
तैयारk से संबं-धत िt^pट (पटकथा) लेखन और Bरपोट/ लेखन के अवसर सल
ु भ ह0।
अपने माहौल और समाज के बारे मG tकूल तथा )व>भgन पy प|yकाओं मG अपनी राय दे ने के अवसर ह0
क"ा मG भाषा साMहQय क[ )व)वध छ)वय0/)वधाओं के अंतर संबंध0 को समझते हुए उनके पBरवत/नशील
tवNप पर चचा/ हो जैसे आQमकथा जीवन संtमरण क)वता कहानी cनबंध आMद
भाषा साMहQय के सामािजक सांtकृcतक सÑदया/Qमक प"0 पर चचा/ )व~लेषण करने के अवसर ह0
संवेदनशील म+
ु द0 पर आलोचनाQमक )वचार )वमश/ के अवसर ह0 जैसे जाcत धम/ रkcत Bरवाज जGडर आMद।
कृ)ष लोककलाओं हtतकलाओं लघु उ+योग को दे खने और जानने के अवसर ह0 और उनसे संबं-धत शÜदावलk
को जानने और उसके उपयोग के अवसर ह0

कहानी क)वता cनबंध आMद )वधाओं मG Hयाकरण के )व)वध Pयोग0 पर चचा/ के अवसर ह0
)व+याथá को अपनी )व>भgन भाषाओं के Hयाकरण से तल
ु ना समानता दे खने के अवसर ह0
रचनाQमक-लेखन, पy-लेखन, Mटpपणी, cनबंध अनà
ु छे द आMद >लखने के अवसर ह0।

संल$नक II
मन - मान@चBण(मैFपंग) कJा 9 LहNद0 Fवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 1वारा अपनाए - सीखने के :Sतफल के
सामािजक म+
ु द0 (>लंग भेद0, जाcत भेद, )व>भgन Pकार के भेद) पर काय/^म सन
ु कर अपनी राय HयJत
करते हâ ।
जैसे- जब सब पढ़G तो पड़ोस क[ मt
ु कान Jय0 न पढ़G ? या मt
ु कान अब पाक/ मG Jय0 नहkं आती?
अपने आस-पड़ोस के लोग0, tकूलk सहायक0 या tकूलk सा-थय0 क[ आव~यकताओं को कह और >लख पाते
ु तक के अcतBरJत नई रचनाओं के बारे मG जानने को उQसक
ु हो उgहG पढ़ते हâ।
अपनी पसंद क[ अथवा Sकसी सन
ु ी हुई रचना को पt
ु तकालय या अgय tथान से ढूँढकर पढ़ने क[ को>शश
करते हâ।
समाचार पy, रे डीओ और टे >ल)वज़न पर PसाBरत होने वाले )व>भgन काय/^म0, खेल, Sफ़Yम, साMहQय
सaबgधी समी"ाओं, Bरपोट/ को सन
ु ते और पढ़ते हâ ।
दे खी-सन
ु ी, सन
ु े-समझी, पढ़k और >लखी घटनाओं/रचनाओं पर tपnट मौçखक एवं >लçखत अ>भHयिJत करते
अपने अनभ
ु व0, भाव0 और दस
ू र0 क[ राय, )वचार0 को >लखने क[ को>शश करते हâ।जैसे – आँख बंद कर के
यह दcु नया, Hहkलचेयर से खेल मैदान आMद ।
Sकसी सन
ु ी, बोलk गई कहानी, क)वता अथवा अgय रचनाओं को रोचक ढं ग से आगे बढ़ते हुए >लखते हâ।
सामािजक म+
ु द0 पर Fयान दे ते हुए पy, नोट लेखन इQयाMद कर पाते हâ।
पाsय पt
ु तक0 मG शा>मल रचनाओं के अcतBरJत जैसे क)वता कहानी, एकांक[ को पढ़ते >लखते हâ और
क)वता क[ Fवcन और लय पर Fयान दे ते हâ।
संगीत, Sफ़Yम, )वèापन0 लेख आMद क[ भाषा पर Fयान दे ते हâ।जैसे – उपयJ
ु/ त )वषय0 क[ समी"ा करते
हुए उनमG PयJ
ु त रे िजtटर0 का उपयोग करते है ।
भाषा-साMहQय क[ बारkSकय0 पर चचा/ करते हâ जैसे - )व>शnट शÜद भंडार वाJय-संरचना, मौ>लकता आMद
अपने आसपास के रोज़ाना बदलते पया/वरण पर Fयान दे ते हâ – जैसे कल तक यहाँ पेड़ था अब यहाँ इमारत
बनने लगी?
अपने सा-थय0 क[ भाषा, खान-पान,पहनावा सaबgधी िजèासा को बोलकर और >लख कर HयJत करते हâ
ु ला, खेती बाड़ी के Pcत अपना êझान HयJत करते हâ तथा इनमG PयJ
ु त होने वालk भाषा
को जानने क[ उQसक
ु ता रखते हâ।
जाcत, धम/, रkcत-Bरवाज़ , जGडर आMद म+
ु द0 पर सवाल करते हâ।
अपने पBरवेश के समtयाओं पर P~न तथा सा-थय0 से बातचीत करते हâ।
सभी )व+याथá अपनी भाषाओं क[ संरचना से Mहंदk क[ समानता और अंतर को समझते हâ।

संल$नक III
मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-9 - 7ह9द; 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई. Dवारा अपनाए - सीखने के IJतफल
नोट – सPपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के IJतफल
पाठ -2 1वषय पण
ू S Xकए गए Yश5ण के ल[य सीखने के IJतफल
● समाज के :न<न वग> एवं मAयम वग> मC DयाEत 5वसंग:तयG
पर 5वHया,थ>यG को पीपीटM/औPडयो/5वPडयो के माAयम से
Rदखाया जाएगा । छाU उन अंतर को सन
ु कर और समझकर
सामािजक मH
ु दG ( `लंगभेदG, जा:त
भावG को समझ सकCगे ।
भेद, 5व`भoन pकार के भेद ) पर
● YदालM चल-,चU के माAयम से [\य-/Dय रोचकता बनाए
काय>rम सन
ु कर अपनी राय Dयeत
रखा जाएगा।
/वण कौशल का करते हs ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को सन
ु कर
5वकास नोdस बना पायCगे। जैसे- अमीर दख
ु pकट कर सके और
पाठ 2 - दख
ु का
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय के गरMब दख
ु कह भी न सके !
पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल
सामािजक मH ु दG पर Aयान दे ते हुए
पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
पU, नोट लेखन इvयाRद कर पाते हs।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ का
औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे। पाwय पx
ु तकG मC शा`मल रचनाओं के
● eया मानवीय भावG कf अ`भDयिeत भी {कसी 5वशेष वग> अ:तkरeत जैसे क5वता कहानी, एकांकf
के `लए हM है ?- इस p\न को लेखक ने पाठ मC {कस तरह को पढ़ते `लखते हs और क5वता कf
वाचन कौशल का रखा है , इस 5वषय पर छाU अपने 5वचार pxतत
ु करC गेऔर Aव:न और लय पर Aयान दे ते हs।
5वकास उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे ।
● 5वHयाथ~ अपने अनभ
ु व के आधार पर लोगG कf समxयाओं
पर अपनी अ`भDयिeत pकट कर सकCगे ।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ :न<न एवं उ•च वग> के अंतर
और अoय 5वसंग:तयG को दशा>ते हुए अपने भावG को Dयeत
कर सकCगे ।
xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का मौcखक
साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
{कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त सस
ु ंगत मौcखक
भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से छह `मनट
तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा ले सकCगे।
पाठ 2 - दख
ु का ● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए सामाoय
अ,धकार और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे।
इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ>
और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और पढ़ते
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर
xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके 150
-200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
लेखन कौशल का
5वकास ● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर पायCगे
। `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके अपने xतर

पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3- से

4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन pकार
के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गण
ु वäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त धाराओं
सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से
बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत
टMका कर पायCगे।

● आठ –दस नवीन एवं कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके

पाठ 2 - दख
ु का
अथ> जानना |
अ,धकार शÉदकोश का 5वकास
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ बरकत, Dयवधान, क:छयारM,
ओझा, संèांत शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे ।

:न<न`लcखत के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू याँकन करना:
5वभेRदत मëू याँकन पkरचचा> (Dयिeतvव eया है ?)
(Differentiated ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● हमारे समाज मC DयाEत 5व`भoन 5वसंग:तयG 5वषय पर एक
संवाद लेखन ।
● p\नोäरM
सामािजक 5वषमताओं से ऊपर उठकर मानवीय समानताओं से
नै:तक मë
ू य अवगत कराना।

पाठ – 3 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● पाठ के अंत मC छाU पव>तारोहण के बारे मC जानCगे ।
पव>तारोहण के 5वषय मC
● 5वHया,थ>यG को कुछ मशहूर पव>तारोRहयG के जीवन के बारे
जानकारM मC बताते हुए उoहC भी साह`सक कायÑ कf ओर pेkरत करना।

● कैलाश मानसरोवर तथा केदारनाथ कf याUा के आ,धकाkरक

5वPडयो को 5वHया,थ>यG के समb pxतत
ु करना ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को सन
ु कर दे खी सन
ु ी पढ़M और `लखी
नोdस बना पायCगे।
घटनाओं/रचनाओं पर xपhट राय
/वण कौशल का ● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय के
Dयeत करते हs ।
5वकास पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल
पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
पाठ-3-एवरे xट: मेरM अपने अनभ
ु वG, भावG और दस
ू रG कf
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
`शखर याUा राय, 5वचारG को `लखने कf को`शश
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ का
करते हs। जैसे – आँख बंद करके यह
औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।
द:ु नया, DहMलचेयर से खेल मैदान
● 5वHया,थ>यG को तेनिजंग नोगß कf एवरे xट चढ़ाई याUा से आRद ।
भी अवगत कराया जाएगा ।
● सोहन लाल H5ववेदM Hवारा र,चत क5वता Rहमालय पर चचा> (अपने अनभवG एवं कëपनाओं को

करते हुए छाU अपने ल£य पर अडग रहने के संकëप को सजनाvमक ढं ग से `लखते हs । जैसे

कbा मC सभी छाUG के स<मख ु pxततु करC गे । कोई याUा वण>न, संxमरण `लखना। )
वाचन कौशल का
● शारMkरक अbमताओं के बावजद
ू चन
ु ौती झेलेने कf bमता
और मान`सक बल 5वषय पर छाU अपने 5वचार pxतत

करC गे ।
● छाU अoय p`सHध Dयिeतvव जैसे संगीतकार रवीo® जैन,
नvृ यांगना सध
ु ा चं®न, हे लेन केलर आRद के 5वषय मC अपनी
जानकारM मC 5वxतार लाएँगे ।

● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का मौcखक
साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और
उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त सस
ु ंगत
मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से छह
`मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा ले
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए सामाoय
और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे।
इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ>
और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और पढ़ते
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर
xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके 150
-200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
लेखन कौशल का
5वकास ● 'Rहमालय का महvव' 5वषय पर कbा मC लेख `लखवाकर छाUG
के लेखन कौशल को जानना|

● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर पायCगे
। `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके अपने xतर
पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3- से

4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन pकार
के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गण
ु वäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त धाराओं
सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से बाहरM
ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका कर
● आठ –दस नवीन एवं कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके
अथ> जानना |
शÉद कोश का 5वकास
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ नौसcखया, Rहम5पंड, उपxकर,
आरोहण, जायजा शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे ।
5वभेRदत मëू यांकन :न<न`लcखत के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë
ू यांकन करना:-
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (आध:ु नक यग
ु मC नारM)
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
जीवन मC साहस एवं लगन कf भ`ू मका सफलता pाEत करने कf
नै:तक मë
ू य [िhट से अvयंत महvवपण
ू > है ।

पाठ – 4 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● छाU आज कf इस उपभोeतावादM संxकृ:त मC अ:त,थ दे वो
भव:के महvव को समझ सकCगे ।
अ:त,थ कf मया>दा का
● 5वHयाथ~ pाचीनकाल व आध:ु नक काल के अ:त,थ तथा
üान कराना |
ृ xथG के Dयवहार मC अंतर कf तल
ु नाvमक जानकारM pाEत
कर पाएंगे।
● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM, xमाट> बोड>, रोल-Eले,
ु कब जाओगे अ:त,थ या अoय हाxय Dयं™य
{फëम/नाRटका कf सी. डी. को सन
ु कर /वण कौशल का
5वकास होगा ।
● [\य-/Dय साम≠ी जैसे 'अ:त,थ दे वो भव' टMवी `सkरयल के अपनी पसंद कf अथवा {कसी सन ु ी
कुछ अंश 5वHया,थ>यG के समb रखे जाएंगे । हुई रचना को पx
ु तकालय या अoय
पाठ 4-तम
ु कब जाओगे /वण कौशल का 5वकास ु कर xथान से ढूँढकर पढ़ने कf को`शश
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को सन
अ:त,थ नोdस बना पायCगे। करते हs।

● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय के (साRहvय कf Dयं™य 5वधा और उसके
पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल pभावG को जानCगे । )
पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
संगीत, {फ़ëम, 5वüापनG लेख आRद
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
कf भाषा पर Aयान दे ते हs।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ का
औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।
● शरद जोशी कf कहानी के माAयम से पkरवार मC अनचाहे

वाचन कौशल का मेहमानG के आने से आने वालM क,थत कRठनाईयG और

5वकास पkरवत>नG पर 5वHयाथ~ आपस मC एक संवाद pxतत

ु करC गे
● घर पर आए मेहमान के 5वषय मC 5वHयाथ~ अपने अनभ
ु व
को कbा मC बताएंगे ।

● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का मौcखक
साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और
उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त सस
ु ंगत
मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से छह
`मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा ले
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए सामाoय
और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे।
इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ>
और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और पढ़ते
समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके 150
-200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● उ•चारण संबंधी URु टयG और शÉद उ•चारण कf समxया को
दरू करना।

● अ:त,थ सvकार 5वषय पर कbा मC `लcखत अन•
ु छे द Hवारा
छाUG के लेखन कौशल को जानना।
● इस पाठ को पढ़ने के उपरांत छाU हरMशंकर परसाई जी कf
Dयं™य लेख शैलM और शरद जोशी जी कf pxतत
ु रचना
शैलM कf तल
ु ना 250 से 500 शÉदG मC `लखCगे ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर पायCगे
। `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके अपने xतर
पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
लेखन कौशल का
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3- से
4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन pकार
के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त धाराओं
सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से बाहरM
ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका
कर पायCगे।
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ आ:त}य, अpvया`शत, मा`म>क,
संrमण, सामीEय और अंतरं ग शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे।
शÉद कोश का 5वकास
● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके
अथ> जानना और उनका वाeय मC pयोग करना ।

5वभेRदत ू याँकन :न<न`लcखत के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

मë ू याँकन करना:
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (अ:त,थ सvकार)

Assessment) ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● बोधाvमक p\नोäरM

नै:तक मë भारतीय संxकृ:त मC 'अ:त,थ दे वो भव ' कf परं परा का पोषण हुआ

ू य
है ।

पाठ-6 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● छाU अलग अलग उदाहरणG के Hवारा कfचड़ के महvव को
पाठ 6- कfचड़ का काDय
● हमारा अoन कfचड़ कf हM उपज है अत: कfचड़ को हे य नहMं
/Hधेय समझCगे ।
● पाठ के अंत मC छाU कfचड़ और `मdटM और खेती के जाद ू
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी के
से उvपoन खाHयाoय के मह∞व को समझ पाएंगे ।
p:त अपना Yझान Dयeत करते हs तथा
● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी. टM, तथा हkरत rां:त पर
इनमC pयe
ु त होने वालM भाषा को
चचा> और 5वPडयो को सन
ु कर /वण कौशल का 5वकास होगा
जानने कf उvसक
ु ता रखते हs।

सामािजक मH ु दG पर Aयान दे ते हुए
● चल-,चU 'मेरा गाँव मेरा दे श' के कुछ [\य Rदखाकर गाँव
पU, नोट लेखन इvयाRद कर पाते हs।
कf `मdटM और दे श के p:त अपने कत>Dय पर चचा> ।
● भारत के कुछ pांतG मC कfचड़ और होलM के परxपkरक
/वण कौशल का 5वकास स<बoधG पर चचा> को सन
ु कर 5वHया,थ>यG मC 5वषय के p:त
Y,च जागत
ृ होगी और /वण कौशल का 5वकास होगा ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को सन
ु कर
नोdस बना पायCगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय के
पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल पाने
मC सbम हGगे ।

● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ का
औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।
● eया कfचड़ 'गंदगी' है ? - इस 5वषय पर छाU कbा मC एक
पkरचचा> करC गे ।
● 5वHयाथ~ उ,चत आरोह–अवरोह के साथ पाठ को rमानस
ु ार
पढ़C गे ।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का मौcखक हxतकला,वाxतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी के
साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे। p:त अपना Yझान Dयeत करते हs तथा

वाचन कौशल का 5वकास ● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और इनमC pयe
ु त होने वालM भाषा को
उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे। जानने कf उvसक
ु ता रखते हs।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त सस ु ंगत सामािजक मH ु दG पर Aयान दे ते हुए
मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे। पU, नोट लेखन इvयाRद कर पाते हs।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से छह
`मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा ले
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए सामाoय
और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ>
और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और पढ़ते
समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर
xपhट कर सकCगे ।

● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके 150
-200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● छाU कfचड़ मC पैदा होने वालM कुछ फसलG के नाम `लखCगे
जैसे - धान, गoना, कपास और केला ।
● पाठ का मल
ू भाव को अपने शÉदG मे `लखकर xपhट करना
। हxतकला,वाxतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी के
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर पायCगे । p:त अपना Yझान Dयeत करते हs तथा
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके अपने xतर पर इनमC pयe
`शbक के सध ु त होने वालM भाषा को
एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के `लए जानने कf उvसक
ु ता रखते हs।
संपाRदत कर पायCगे । सामािजक मH ु दG पर Aयान दे ते हुए
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
पU, नोट लेखन इvयाRद कर पाते हs।
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3- से 4-
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन pकार
के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त धाराओं
सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से बाहरM
ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका
कर पायCगे।

शÉद कोश का 5वकास ● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ जलाशय, `संध,ु पंकज, प}

ृ वी, शÉदG
का pयोग सीख जाएंगे ।

● अoय नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके अथ>

5वभेRदत ू यांकन :न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

मë ू यांकन करना:
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (कfचड़ का महvव)
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● बोधाvमक p\नोäरM
कfचड़ को हे य नहMं /Hधेय माना जाना चाRहए ।
नै:तक मë
ू य हमC वxतु कf बाहरM संद
ु रता के xथान पर उसके गुणG को महvव
दे ना चाRहए ।

पाठ-7 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● इस पाठ मC लेखक ने पशत
ु ा छोड़कर मनhु यता के जीवन
ू य को ≠हण करने कf `शbा दM है ।
स•चे धम> कf pेरणा
● 5वHयाथ~ धम> कf उपयो,गता को समझते हुए अनी:तयG व
कुरM:तयG का तल
ु नाvमक मë
ू यांकन xवयं कर सकCगे ।
● 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM, कुछ धम> 5वचारकG के जा:त, धम>, रM:त-kरवाज़ , जCडर आRद
5वचारG को pxतत
ु करते 5वPडयो, सी.डी., और जा:तवाद को मH
ु दG पर सवाल करते हs।
पाठ 7-धम> कf आड़ pxततु करते {कसी काय>rम को सन ु कर/दे खकर /वण
अपने पkरवेश के समxयाओं पर p\न
कौशल का 5वकास होगा ।
तथा सा,थयG से बातचीत करते हs।
/वण कौशल का 5वकास ● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को सन ु कर
नोdस बना पायCगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय के
पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल
पाने मC सbम हGगे ।

● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ का
औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।
● छाU कbा मC धम>, जा:त, रM:त-kरवाजG के 5वषय पर एक
वाद-5ववाद का आयोजन करC गे ।
● धम> कf आड़ मC होने वालM अoय कुरM:तयाँ जैसे बाल 5ववाह,
सती- pथा आRद के उoमल
ू न हे तु चलाये गए आंदोलन पर
एक पkरचचा> करC गे ।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का मौcखक

वाचन कौशल का साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।

5वकास ● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और

उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त सस
ु ंगत
मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से छह
`मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा ले
● भारत के सं5वधान ने दे श को एक धम> :नपßb /ेणी मC रखा
है । इसके बावजद
ू कुछ तvव दे श मC धा`म>क असRहhणत
ु ा
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
कf भावना को हवा दे ने मC सफल हो जाते हs । इस त}य
पर छाU अपने 5वचार pxतत
ु करC गे ।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए सामाoय
और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे।

इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ>
और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और पढ़ते
समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर
xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके 150
-200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● छाU दे श तथा समाज मC DयाEत धम> के नाम पर असRहhणत
ु ा
पर 5वचार `लखकर pxतत
ु करC गे ।
● समाज मC DयाEत अoय कुरM:तयG पर एक अन•
ु छे द `लखCगे

● लेखन URु टयG से अवगत कराना ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर पायCगे
लेखन कौशल का । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके अपने xतर
5वकास पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3- से

4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन pकार
के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गण
ु वäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त धाराओं
सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।

● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से बाहरM
ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका
कर पायCगे।
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ धमा≥ध, सौहाद> , अRहंसा, पंज
ू ीप:त,
आडंबर, शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे।
शÉद कोश का 5वकास
● अoय आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर
उनके अथ> जानना।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन करना:
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन ● पkरचचा> (अंध5व\वास)
(Differentiated ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
Assessment) ● p\नोäरM
● आशय xपhटMकरण
● मजहब नहMं `सखाता आपस मC बैर रखना।
● भारत 5व`भoनता मC एकता का एक pतीक है ।
नै:तक मë
ू य
● धम> एक Dयिeतगत भाव है , pvयेक Dयिeत को अपने धम>
को मानने का अ,धकार होना चाRहए ।

पाठ – 8 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल

काय> के p:त समप>ण को ● पाठ को पढ़कर 5वHयाथ~ शr

ु तारे के महvव को तथा समाचार पU, रे Pडयो और टे लM5वजन पर
जानना। काय> के p:त समप>ण को जानCगे। pसाkरत होने वाले 5व`भoन काय>rमG,
खेल, {फ़ëम, साRहvय स<बoधी
● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM तथा
समीbाओं, kरपोटÑ को सन
ु ते और पढ़ते
औPडयो/5वPडयो के Hवारा डांडी याUा आंदोलन को
हs ।
ु कर/दे खकर xवतंUता आंदोलन को जानCगे ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय
/वण कौशल का 5वकास
के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष>
पाठ 8 - शr
ु तारे के समान :नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ
का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।

● 5वHयाथ~ उ,चत आरोह–अवरोह के साथ पाठ को
ु ार पढ़C गे ।
● साबरमती आ/म के बारे मC जानकारM एकÖUत करके
छाU आ/म का वण>न अपने शÉदG मC करC गे ।
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास ● छाU xवतoUता आंदोलन से संबिoधत नारG का वाचन
करC गे जैसे - 'वंदे मातरम, 'तम
ु मझ
ु े खन
ू दो, मs त<
ु हC
आज़ादM दँ ग
ू ा' आRद ।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का
मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।

● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे
और उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न
कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम
हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से
छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC
Rहxसा ले सकCगे।
● गांधीजी कf आvमकथा - 'सvय के pयोग' को समाचार पU, रे Pडयो और टे लM5वजन पर
ु तकालय से लेकर पढ़ा जाएगा । pसाkरत होने वाले 5व`भoन काय>rमG,
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए खेल, {फ़ëम, साRहvय स<बoधी
सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर समीbाओं, kरपोटÑ को सनु ते और पढ़ते
जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक हs ।
RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास ● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ
कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके
150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs

● महामारM मC वैüा:नकG और डाeटरG Hवारा {कए जा
रहे शोध पर एक kरपोट> तैयार करC ।
● xवUंता सं≠ाम पर आधाkरत {कसी एक `सनेमा पर
छाU अपनी समीbा रखCगे ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर
पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके
अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे
और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद)
`लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe समाचार पU, रे Pडयो और टे लM5वजन पर
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन
pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का pसाkरत होने वाले 5व`भoन काय>rमG,
उपयोग कर पायCगे। खेल, {फ़ëम, साRहvय स<बoधी

● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त समीbाओं, kरपोटÑ को सन

ु ते और पढ़ते

धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर हs ।

● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप
से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ pमाण, मंUम™ु ध,
शÉद कोश का 5वकास साRहिvयक, पीर-बावच~-`भ\ती-खर, शÉदG का pयोग
सीख जाएंगे।

● अoय आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत
कर उनके अथ> जानना।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू याँकन करना:
5वभेRदत मë
ू याँकन
● पkरचचा> (गाँधी का राजनै:तक जीवन)
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
Assessment) ● मौcखक मë
ू यांकन
● p\नोäरM
जैसे कxतरू M कf सग
ु ंध :छपती नहMं वैसे हM गुणवान Dयिeतvव
नै:तक मë
ू य
का यश xवयं हM चारो ओर फैल जाता है ।

पाठ – 9 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ रै दास के पदG मC :नRहत ई\वर
पदG कf pासं,गकता को {कसी सन
ु ी, बोलM गई कहानी, क5वता
के p:त समप>ण कf भावना को समझने मC सbम हGगे
समझना। अथवा अoय रचनाओं को रोचक ढं ग से

आगे बढ़ाते हुए `लखते हs।
● तल
ु सी कृत राम चkरत मानस के कुछ अंश छाUG को
पाठ 9 – रै दास
औPडयो Hवारा सन
ु ाकर उoहC ई\वर और भिeत को
समझ सकCगे । अपने आस-पड़ोस के लोगG, xकूलM
/वण कौशल का 5वकास ● अoय [\य-/Dय साम≠ी ( रामायण के कुछ [\य ) के सहायकG या xकूलM सा,थयG कf
माAयम से रोचकता बनाए रखना। आव\यकताओं को कह और `लख पाते
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को हs।
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।

● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय
के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष>
:नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ
का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।

● उ,चत लय –ताल, सरु , य:त-ग:त, और ओजिxवता पण
ू >
आवाज मC क5वता का समह
ू मC गायन।
● पाठ सन
ु ने के बाद 5वHयाथ~ पाठ से स<बिoधत
p\नG के उäर दे ने मC समथ> हGगे |

● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का

मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से
छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा
ले सकCगे।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर

जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक
RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ
कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके
150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs

● पाठ मC क5व ने भeत और भगवान कf तल

ु ना {कन-
{कन उदाहरणG के Üप मC कf है , छाU इसका 5वxतार
से 5व\लेषण (उदाहरण या उपाµयानG के माAयम से)
करC गC।

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास ● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर

पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके
अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे
और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3-

से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख
सकCगे ।

● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन
pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग
कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त
धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर

● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से

बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ ,चतवत, हाkरजीउ, गरMब

:नवाज,ु छो:त, छUु शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे।
शÉद कोश का 5वकास ● अoय आठ –दस कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके
अथ> जानना। अवधी, ∂ज भाषा तथा खड़ी बोलM के
शÉदG मC सामंजxय xथा5पत कर पाएंगे ।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन करना:
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (सामािजक 5वषमता)

Assessment) ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।

● p\नोäरM
भगवान को pाEत करने के `लए बाâय आडंबर
नै:तक मë
ू य
नहMं अ5पतु पण
ू > समप>ण कf आव\यकता है ।

पाठ – 10 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● पाठ के अंत मC छाU दोहG के माAयम से मानष
ु -pेम
एवं मानव-मë
ू यG के महvव को समझ सकCगे ।
रहMमदास के नी:तपरक ● रहMमदास जी ने अपने दोहG के माAयम से परोपकार
दोहG का पkरचय। तथा कभी भी बड़G कf तल
ु ना मC छोटG कf उपेbा नहMं
करनी चाRहए के संदेश का p:तपादन {कया है ।

● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM, रहMम के ,चU

और उनके दोहG को कbा मC ओजxवी ढं ग से `शbक
Hवारा पढ़कर 5वHया,थ>यG मC /वण कौशल का 5वकास
कराना । 5वHयाथ~ अपनी भाषाओं कf संरचना से
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को RहंदM कf समानता और अंतर को
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे। समझते हs।
पाठ 10- रहMम
/वण कौशल का 5वकास ● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय
भाषा – साRहvय कf बारM{कयG पर चचा>
के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष>
करते हs जैसे 5व`शhट शÉद, वाeय शैलM,
:नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
संरचना आRद ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ
का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।

● ओजिxवता पण
ू > दोहा वाचन के माAयम से पव
ू > पRठत
अंश से 5वHया,थ>यG को जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास ● सxवर दोहG का गायन करC गे।
● दोहा अंताbरM के माAयम से वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
होगा ।

● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का
मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और
उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से
छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा
ले सकCगे।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर
जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक
RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और
पठन कौशल का 5वकास पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ
कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके
150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs

● 5वHया,थ>यG से दोहG मC :नRहताथ> मानवीय मë
ू यG को
अपनी भाषा मC `लखवाकर लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
करना ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर
पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके
अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे
और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 3-

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख
सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन
pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग
कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त
धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप से
बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।
● दोहे मC pयe
ु त शÉदG का मानक Üप खोजना ।

शÉद कोश का 5वकास ● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर

उनके अथ> जानना।
● दै :नक जीवन मC उनका pयोग।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ दMरघ, आखर, अरथ, Öबथा,
अघाय, शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन करना:
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन
● दोहे कंठxथ करके कbा मC pxतत
ु करC गे।
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
Assessment) ● दोहG के आशय xपhटMकरण के आधार पर
● p\नोäरM

नै:तक मë रहMम के दोहे मानष

ु -pेम एवं मानव-मë
ू यG के महvवG को जागत

ू य
करने कf pेरणा दे ते हs ।

पाठ – 11 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ पदG के माAयम से मनhु य
के सकाराvमक और नकाराvमक पbG से पkर,चत हGगे
मनhु य के गुण-अवगुणG ।
कf पहचान | अपने सा,थयG कf भाषा, खान-पान,
● साRहvय मC उद> ू लेखन कf एक 5वधा न∑म के 5वषय
पहनावा स<बoधी िजüासा को बोलकर
मC 5वHया,थ>यG को अवगत कराना ।
पाठ 11- आदमीनामा और `लखकर Dयeत करते हs ।
● अAया5पका उद> ू भाषा कf न∑म, शेर- शायरM और
ग़ज़ल संबंधी गीतG का औPडयो सन
ु ाएगी ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ को पाwयपx
ु तक के अ:तkरeत नई रचनाओं
/वण कौशल का 5वकास सन
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे। के बारे मC जानने को उvसक
ु हG, उoहC
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए वeतDय पढ़ते हs।
● सन
के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका :नhकष>
:नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।

● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाठ
का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।

● 5वHयाथ~ न∑म का सxवर वाचन करके उसके मल
ू भाव
को अपने शÉदG मC बताएँगे।
● ग़ा`लब और गुलजार कf उद> ू शायरM रचनाओं को
पढ़कर तल
ु नाvमक अंतर करना सीखCगे ।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का
मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे

वाचन कौशल का 5वकास और उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न

कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम
हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से
छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC
Rहxसा ले सकCगे।
● कbा मC ब•चG से क5वता का rमानस
ु ार वाचन
पठन कौशल का 5वकास करवाया जाएगा, िजससे उनके सहM उ•चारण का
अπयास होगा ।
● छाU पाठ मC Rदये तकÑ को समझ पायCगे और उनके
समथ>न मC कारण और सबत
ू पेश करC गC जैसे मनhु य

हM 5वAवंसकारM एटम बम बनाकर जीवन समाEत
करता है और साथ हM असाAय से असाAय रोगG का
इलाज़ कर नया जीवन pदान करता है ।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग मC अंतर
जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक
RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ> को समझ
कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के `लए
रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान कर
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना Yके
150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● 'मानवीय मë
ू यG कf महäा' शीष>क पर अन•
ु छे द लेखन
के Hवारा लेखन कौशल का 5वकास ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार कर
पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग करके
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत कर पायCगे
और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके

3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-150 शÉद)
`लख सकCगे ।

● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ 5व`भoन
pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग
कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और आ,/त
धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का उपयोग कर
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत Üप
से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ उद> ू शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर
उनके अथ> जानना । जैसे - मरु Mद, Rदलपजीर,
शÉद कोश का 5वकास :नयामत, अशराफ़, मफ़
ु `लस ।
● अoय आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत
कर उनके अथ> जानना।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन करना:
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (अपने अवगण
ु G को कैसे दरू करC ?)

Assessment) ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।

● p\नोäरM
मानवीय मë
ू यG कf उपिxथ:त के Öबना मानव कf /ेणी
नै:तक मë
ू य
मC शा`मल होना अथ>पण
ू > नहMं है ।

पाठ – 12 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
छुआछूत कf भावना को पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ अxप\ृ यता जैसी कुरM:त के
जानना। p:त सजग हGगे ।

● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM,

● जा:तवाद को pxतत
ु करती कुछ तxवीरC ,
● अxप\ृ यता पर आधाkरत कोई नाटक।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ
को सन
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए
/वण कौशल का 5वकास अपने अनभ
ु वG, भावG और दस
ू रG कf
वeतDय के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा
राय, 5वचारG को `लखने कf को`शश
उसका :नhकष> :नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
करते हs। जैसे–आँख बंद करके यह
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो
द:ु नया, DहMलचेयर से खेल मैदान आRद।
पाठ 12- एक फूल कf चाह सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर पाwयपx
ु तकG मC शा`मल रचनाओं के
पाठ का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे। अ:तkरeत जैसे क5वता कहानी, एकांकf

:नध>नता : एक अ`भशाप 5वषय परमC को पढ़ते `लखते हs और क5वता कf

पkरचचा>/भाषण/वाद-5ववाद से वाचन कौशल का 5वकास Aव:न और लय पर Aयान दे ते हs।
होगा ।
xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG का
मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम हGगे।
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे और
उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
{कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा असहम:त
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर पाने मC सbम हो

कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से 5 से
छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल सकCगे।
xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC Rहxसा
ले सकCगे।
`सया राम शरण गुEत कf क5वता एक फूल कf चाह
पढ़कर माखन लाल चतव
ु ßदM Hवारा र,चत क5वता एक
फूल कf चाह पढ़C गे तथा दोनG क5वताओं का तल
ु नाvमक
,चUण pxतत
ु कर सकCगे ।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते
हुए सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग
मC अंतर जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत
से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को
जान सकCगे ।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास ● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे
और पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ>
को समझ कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के
`लए रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान
कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना
Yके 150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़
सकते हs

● यह क5वता एक कथाvमक रचना है । 5वHयाथ~
इस क5वता कf कहानी को सरल भाषा मC `लखCगे
। इससे लेखन कौशल का 5वकास होगा ।
● छुआछूत कf समxया के p:त मनhु य के
सकाराvमक और नकाराvमक सोच के 5वषय मC
कbा मC `लcखत लेख Hवारा छाUG के लेखन
कौशल को बढ़ावा ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार
कर पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग
करके अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत
कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग

करके 3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-
150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ
5व`भoन pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल
वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और
आ,/त धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का
उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत
Üप से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ 5वह`सत, 5वxतीण>,
आमोRदत, :त`मर, उHवे`लत शÉदG का pयोग
सीख जाएंगे।सीखे गए अपkर,चत शÉदG से वाeय
शÉद कोश का 5वकास रचना करC गे ।

● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत

कर उनके अथ> जानना।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू याँकन करना
5वभेRदत ू याँकन :-
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (जा:तवाद एक अ`भशाप)
Assessment) ● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● p\नोäरM
नै:तक मë
ू य अxप\ृ यता जैसी कुरM:त के p:त संवेदनशीलता ।

पाठ – 14 5वषय पण
ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
संघष> हM Dयिeत को p:तभा को :नखारने के `लए संघष> अvयंत आव\यक है । पाwयपx ु तक के अ:तkरeत नई रचनाओं
ू बनाता है | पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ कRठन पkरिxथ:तयG का सामना के बारे मC जानने को उvसकु हG उoहC
करने कf bमता 5वक`सत करने मC सbम हGगे । पढ़ते हs।
पाठ 14- अि™नपथ
अि™नपथ क5वता को लेखक के पU
ु अ`मताभ कf आवाज
अपने आस-पड़ोस के लोगG, स•चे
मC सन
ु ाई गई औPडयो/5वPडयो के माAयम से क5वता कf
सहायकG या स•चे सा,थयG कf
/वण कौशल का 5वकास रोचकता को बनाए रखा जाएगा ।
आव\यकताओं को कह और `लख पाते
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक पाठ
को सन
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।

● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए
वeतDय के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने तथा
उसका :नhकष> :नकाल पाने मC सbम हGगे ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान कर
पाठ का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।
● जीवन संघष>मय है , इससे घबराकर थकना नहMं
चाRहए - इस भाव से संबिoधत अoय क5वताओं
को एकÖUत करके कbा मे एक क5व स<मेलन
का आयोजन ।
● उ,चत लय – ताल , सरु , य:त-ग:त, और
ओजिxवता पण
ू > आवाज मC क5वता का समह
ू मC

वाचन कौशल का 5वकास ● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके सहपाRठयG

का मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने मC सbम
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर सकCगे
और उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ उसका
समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा
असहम:त सस
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट कर
पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।

● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग से
5 से छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC बोल
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक बहस मC
Rहxसा ले सकCगे।
● क5वता मC आए शÉद 'मांग मत', 'कर शपथ',
'लथ-पथ' शÉदG को बार बार पढ़C गे।
इससे क5व के भाव {क हमC Yकना नहMं है , आगे
हM बढ़ते जाना है , को सीखCगे।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को पढ़ते
हुए सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ शÉद pयोग
मC अंतर जान सकCगे। इसमC pयe
ु त 80 p:तशत
से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG के अथ> और वत>नी को
जान सकCगे ।
पठन कौशल का 5वकास
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर पायCगे
और पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG के अथ>
को समझ कर अंतर xपhट कर सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने के
`लए रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग कर
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf पहचान
कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ Öबना
Yके 150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते हुए पढ़
सकते हs

● 'जीवन एक संघष>' 5वषय पर कbा मC एक अन•
ु छे द
लेखन के माAयम से छाUG के लेखन कौशल का
5वकास ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा तैयार
कर पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG का उपयोग
करके अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप को संशो,धत
कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के `लए संपाRदत कर
पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग

लेखन कौशल का 5वकास करके 3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-
150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ
5व`भoन pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल
वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और
आ,/त धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG का
उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए उ,चत
Üप से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संåbEत टMका कर पायCगे।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ लथपथ, [\य, अ/ु-

शÉद कोश का 5वकास xवेद-रeत शÉदG का pयोग सीख जाएंगे। सीखे
गए अपkर,चत शÉदG से वाeय रचना करC गे ।

● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत
कर उनके अथ> जानना।

नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को रे खां{कत कर उनके अथ>

जानना ।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (eया संघष> का एक :नि\चत xवÜप

Assessment) होता है ?)
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● p\नोäरM
नै:तक मë
ू य सफलता pाEत करने के `लए जीवन के संघषÑ का सामना
लगन व आvम5व\वास के साथ करना चाRहए।

पाठ – 15-(i) 5वषय पण

ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल

● दै :नक जीवन से संबं,धत आंतkरक भावG अपने आस-पास के रोज़ाना बदलते

आध:ु नक यग
ु कf ती∫ को समझने का pयास करना। पया>वरण पर Aयान दे ते हs।
पाठ 15- नए इलाके मC
पkरवत>नशीलता से अवगत ● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ नए इलाके मC
जैसे-कल यहाँ पेड़ था अब वहाँ इमारत
करवाना। क5वता के माAयम से जीवन कf
बनने लगी ?
यथाथ>ताऔर पkरवत>नशीलता से पkर,चत
हGगे । भाषा-साRहvय कf बारM{कयG पर चचा>
करते हs जैसे - 5व`शhट शÉद भंडार
● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक-पी.पी.टM,
/वण कौशल का 5वकास वाeय-संरचना, मौ`लकता आRद ।
समसाम:यक 5वषयG पर चचा> जैसे बढ़ते
शहरMकरण और `सकुड़ते गाँव ।

● [\य-/Dय साम≠ी जैसे शहरMकरण पर एक
ु C ºM के माAयम से रोचकता बनाए
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले
गए वeतDय के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने
तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल पाने मC
सbम हGगे ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम
हो सकCगे।
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाkरक सारांश बता

● ओजिxवता पण
ू > वाचन के माAयम से
5वHया,थ>यG को जोड़ा जायेगा।
● क5वता को वाxत5वक जीवन से जोड़कर
ू भाव कf Dयाµया।
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास ● 'आध:ु नकfकरण दे श कf pग:त मC आव\यक
है ' 5वषय पर वाद 5ववाद p:तयो,गता ।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके
सहपाRठयG का मौcखक साbाvकार कर
पाने मC सbम हGगे।

● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर
सकCगे और उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ
उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा
असहम:त सस
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट
कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग
से 5 से छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC
बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक
बहस मC Rहxसा ले सकCगे।

● पाठ पढ़ने के उपरांत छाU पाठ का कC®Mय

5वचार :नधा>kरत करने मC सbम हGगC -
5वकास या pकृ:त का 5वरोध 5वषय पर
छाU अपने `लखकर पढ़C गे ।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को
पठन कौशल का 5वकास पढ़ते हुए सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ
शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे। इसमC
ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG
के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर
पायCगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और
pvययG के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर xपhट
कर सकCगे ।

● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने
के `लए रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग
कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf
पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ
Öबना Yके 150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● पया>वरण और 5वकास 5वषय पर एक
ु छे द `लखवाकरछाUG के लेखन कौशल
5वक`सत करना ।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा
तैयार कर पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG
का उपयोग करके अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप
को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का
उपयोग करके 3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला
:नबंध (125-150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ
5व`भoन pकार के सरल, `म,/त और
जRटल वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG
और आ,/त धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन
तकनीकG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।

● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए
उ,चत Üप से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण,
सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका कर
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ ठकमकाता,
फाटक, इकमंिज़ला, अकास, शÉदG का
pयोग सीख जाएंगे। सीखे गए अपkर,चत
शÉद कोश का 5वकास शÉदG से वाeय रचना करC गे ।

● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG को

रे खां{कत कर उनके अथ> जानना।

:न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन
5वभेRदत मë
ू यांकन
(Differentiated ● पkरचचा> (eया जीवन मC कुछ xथायी होता

Assessment) है ?)
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● p\नोäरM

नै:तक मë जीवन मC कुछ भी xथायी नहMं है , यह पkरवत>नशील

ू य
है ।

पाठ – 15-(ii) 5वषय पण

ू > {कए गए `शbण के ल£य सीखने के p:तफल
● बाल मजदरू M करने के पीछे के कारण और
अपने पkरवेश के समxयाओं पर p\न
ु बू रचते हाथ बाल मजदरू M एक अ`भशाप ।
पाठ 15-(ii)- खश दे श और समाज का कत>Dय पर 5वHया,थ>यG
तथा सा,थयG से बातचीत करते हs।
मC एक सोच 5वक`सत कf जाएगी ।

● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ `शbा के महvव
को समझCगे ।
संगीत, {फ़ëम, 5वüापनG लेख आRद कf
● पाठ 5वxतार मC सहायक- पी.पी.टM, बाल भाषा पर Aयान दे ते हs।जैसे – उपयe
ु> त
मजदरू M कf कुछ तxवीरC एवं औPडयो/5वPडयो 5वषयG कf समीbा करते हुए उनमC
का सम≠ह {कया जाएगा। pयeु त रे िजxटरG का उपयोग करते है ।
● 5वHया,थ>यG को य:ू नसेफ़ Hवारा बनाए गए
औPडयो/5वPडयो को Rदखाकर इस समxया
का वैि\वक xवÜप Rदखाया जाएगा िजससे
वे इस समxया कf Dयापकता जानCगे ।
● 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले गए शैbcणक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नोdस बना पायCगे।
/वण कौशल का 5वकास
● सन
ु ते समय 5 से 8 `मनट तक बोले
गए वeतDय के पैटन> कf पहचान कर पाने
तथा उसका :नhकष> :नकाल पाने मC सbम
हGगे ।
● आलंकाkरक भाषा को पहचानने मC सbम हो
● पाठ मC एक लेखक के 5वचारG कf पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाkरक सारांश बता सकCगे।

● 5वHया,थ>यG को क5वता के ओजिxवता पण
ू >
वाचन के माAयम से जोड़ा जायेगा।
वाचन कौशल का 5वकास
● eया सामािजक वग> Dयवxथा बाल मजदरू M
को बढ़ावा दे ती है ? इस 5वषय पर कbा मC

एक वाद 5ववाद p:तयो,गता का आयोजन
{कया जाएगा ।
● कbा मC बाल Rदवस पर एक गोhठΩ
आयोिजत करके अपने 5वचार pxतत
ु करC गे।
● xव-:न`म>त p\नG का उपयोग करके
सहपाRठयG का मौcखक साbाvकार कर पाने
मC सbम हGगे।
● 5व`भoन 5वषयG पर अपना मत pकट कर
सकCगे और उदाहरण और त}यG के साथ
उसका समथ>न कर सकCगे।
● {कसी 5वषय पर अपनी सहम:त अथवा
असहम:त सस
ु ंगत मौcखक भाषा मC pकट
कर पाने मC सbम हो सकCगे।
● कbा मC सDु यविxथत और स5ु वचाkरत ढं ग
से 5 से छह `मनट तक पाठ के 5वषय मC
बोल सकCगे।
● xथानीय और वैि\वक मH
ु दG पर मौcखक
बहस मC Rहxसा ले सकCगे।
● 5वHया,थ>यG से समाज मC DयाEत गरMबी और
उसका ब•चG पर eया असर होता है 5वषय
पठन कौशल का 5वकास पर बातचीत कर उनमC एक xवयं कf सोच
5वक`सत कराना ।
● लगभग 100-150 शÉदG के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाoय और शैbcणक सoदभÑ
शÉद pयोग मC अंतर जान सकCगे। इसमC

ु त 80 p:तशत से अ,धक RहंदM शÉदG
के अथ> और वत>नी को जान सकCगे ।
● भाषा के 5व5वध pकारG कf पहचान कर
पायCगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÑ और pvययG
के अथ> को समझ कर अंतर xपhट कर
सकCगे ।
● संदभ> से शÉदावलM अथ> का अनम
ु ान लगाने
के `लए रणनी:तयG के संयोजन का उपयोग
कर सकCगे।
● एक पाठ मC साRहिvयक उपकरणG कf
पहचान कर सकCगे
● उ•च मAयवत~ xतर कf शÉदावलM के साथ
Öबना Yके 150 -200 शÉद 5व\लेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हs
● pभावी तकनीक, pासं,गक वण>नाvमक
5ववरण और अ•छΩ तरह से संर,चत
घटनाrमG का उपयोग करके छाU ' मजदरू M
से महानता तक ' 5वषय पर एक वाxत5वक
या काëप:नक अनभ
ु वG या घटनाओं को
लेखन कौशल का 5वकास
5वक`सत करने के `लए लेख `लखेगC।
● `लखने से पहले अपने लेख कf Üपरे खा
तैयार कर पायCगे । `शbक के सध
ु ार pतीकG
का उपयोग करके अपने xतर पर एक pाÜप
को संशो,धत कर पायCगे और Dयाकरण के
`लए संपाRदत कर पायCगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग
करके 3- से 4- अन•
ु छे द वाला :नबंध (125-
150 शÉद) `लख सकCगे ।
● उपयe
ु त 5वराम ,चâन, और वत>नी के साथ
5व`भoन pकार के सरल, `म,/त और जRटल
वाeयG का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● लेख कf गुणवäा हे तु सारांश वाeयांशG और
आ,/त धाराओं सRहत 5व`भoन तकनीकG
का उपयोग कर पायCगे।
● अपने 5वचारG का समथ>न करने के `लए
उ,चत Üप से बाहरM ãोतG के उHधरण,
सारांश का उपयोग और संåbEत टMका कर
● पाठ के अंत मC 5वHयाथ~ जµम, कूड़े-करकट,
ु ëले, टोले, अगरब5äयाँ शÉदG का pयोग
सीख जाएंगे। सीखे गए अपkर,चत शÉदG से
शÉद कोश का 5वकास वाeय रचना करC गे ।

● अoय आठ –दस नवीन तथा कRठन शÉदG

को रे खां{कत कर उनके अथ> जानCगे ।

5वभेRदत मë :न<न के माAयम से छाUG के üान का मë

ू यांकन
ू यांकन
(Differentiated करना:

Assessment) ● पkरचचा> (/`मक समाज कf दयनीय िxथ:त

के कारण)

● 'जीवन मC नै:तक मë
ू यG का महvव' 5वषय
पर कbा मC `लcखत अन•
ु छे द Hवारा छाUG
कf लेखन कौशल को जानना ।
● लघु p\न :नमा>ण के माAयम से।
● p\नोäरM
हम सभी का कत>Dय है {क ब•चG को 5वHयालय
नै:तक मë
ू य का राxता Rदखाएँ eयG{क बाल मजदरू M एक अपराध
है ।

क"ा 10

संल$नक I

एन. सी. ई. आर. ट/. 0वारा सझ

ु ाई सीखने 7सखाने क8 9:;या

सभी 'व)या+थ-य. को समझते हुए सन

ु ने बोलने पढ़ने <लखने और प@रवे<शय सजगता को Dयान मE रखते
हुए FयिHतगत/सामJू हक Kप से काय- के करने के अवसर और MोNसाहन Jदया जाए ताPक -

संगीत लोककलाओं, Pफ़Tम, खेल आJद कV भाषा पर पाठ पढ़ने या काय-Yम के दौरान ग़ौर करने/सन
ु ने के
बाद संबं+धत ग]त'व+धयाँ क"ा मE ह. । 'व)या+थ-य. को Mे@रत Pकया जाए कV वे आसपास के Dव]नय. और
भाषा को Dयान से सन
ु E और समझE

उaहE इस बात के अवसर <मलE कV वेरेडीयो, टे <ल'वज़न पर खेल Pफ़Tम संगीत आJद से संबं+धत काय-Yम
दे खE और उनकV भाषा लय आJद पर चचा- करE

रे डीओ और टे लg'वज़न पर राhigय सामािजक चचा-ओं को सन

ु ने और सन
ु ने तथा उस पर Jटjपणी करने के
अवसर ह.

अपने आस पास के लोग. कV ज़Kरत. को जानने के <लए उसके सा"ाNकार और बातचीत के अवसर ह. ऐसी
ग]त'व+धयाँ पाmयYम का Jहnसा ह.

Jहंदg के साथ-साथ अपनी भाषा कV सामoी पढ़ने <लखने (pेल तथा अaय संकेत भाषा मE भी) और उन पर
बातचीत कV आज़ादg हो ।

अपने अनभ
ु व. को nवतंq ढं ग से <लखने के अवसर ह.।

अपने प@रवेश, समय और समाज से संबं+धत रचनाओं को पढ़ने और उन पर चचा- करने के अवसर हो।

अपनी भाषा गढ़ते हुए <लखने कV nवतंqता हो

सPYय और जागKक बनाने वालg रचनाएँ , अख़बार, पtqकाएँ , Pफ़Tम और अaय uvय wFय (ऑडीओ-
'वडीयो) सामoी को दे खने सन
ु ने पढ़ने और <लख-कर अ<भFयHत करने सyबaधी ग]त'व+धयाँ ह.

कTपनाशीलता और सज
ृ नशीलता को 'वक<सत करने वालg ग]त'व+धय. - जैसे – अ<भनय, भ<ू मका ]नवा-ह
(रोल-jले ),क'वता पाठ, सज
ृ नाNमक लेखन, 'व<भaन िnथ]तय. मE संवाद आJद के आयोजन ह. तथा उनकV
तैयारg से संबं+धत िnYjट (पटकथा) लेखन और @रपोट- लेखन के अवसर ह.।

अपने माहौल और समाज के बारे मE nकूल तथा 'व<भaन पq पtqकाओं मE अपनी राय दे ने के अवसर ह.

क"ा मE भाषा साJहNय कV 'व'वध छ'वय./'वधाओं के अंतर संबंध. को समझते हुए उनके प@रवत-नशील
nवKप पर चचा- हो जैसे आNमकथा जीवन संnमरण क'वता कहानी ]नबंध आJद

भाषा साJहNय के सामािजक सांnकृ]तक स}दया-Nमक प". पर चचा- 'वvलेषण करने के अवसर ह.

संवेदनशील म)
ु द. पर आलोचनाNमक 'वचार 'वमश- के अवसर ह. जैसे जा]त धम- रg]त@रवाज जEडर आJद।

कृ'ष लोककलाओं हnतकलाओं लघु उ)योग को दे खने और जानने के अवसर ह. और उनसे संबं+धत
श•दावलg को जानने और उसके उपयोग के अवसर ह.

कहानी क'वता ]नबंध आJद 'वधाओं मE Fयाकरण के 'व'वध Mयोग. पर चचा- के अवसर ह.

'व)याथÄ को अपनी 'व<भaन भाषाओं के Fयाकरण से तल

ु ना समानता दे खने के अवसर ह.

रचनाNमक लेखन, पq-लेखन, Jटjपणी, अनÅछेु द— ग)य-प)य के सभी Kप. मE , ]नबंध, याqा वत
ृ ांत आJद
<लखने के अवसर ह.।

उपल•ध सामoी एवं भाषा मE Fयाकरण के Mयोग कV चचा- एवं 'वvलेषण के अवसर ह.।

दै ]नक जीवन मE भाषा के उपयोग के 'व'वध Mकार एवं प@रवेशगत/अनभ

ु व आधा@रत – रचनाNमक लेखन
के अवसर उपल•ध ह. ।

संल$नक II

मन - मान?चAण(मैEपंग) कIा 1 JहLद/ Eवषय सी. बी. एस. सी. 0वारा अपनाए - सीखने के
9Qतफल के साथ

अपने प@रवेशगत अनभ

ु व. पर अपनी nवतंq और nपhट राय FयHत करते हÇ ।

जैसे – मn
ु कान आजकल चप
ु Hय. रहती है । मn
ु कान को nकूल मE हम लाएँगE ।

अपने आस – पास और nकूलg सा+थय. कV ज़Kरत. को अपनी भाषा मE अ<भFयHत करते हÇ।जैसे – भाषण
या वाद'ववाद मE इन पर चचा- करते हÇ।

आँख. से न दे ख सकने वाले साथी कV ज़Kरत कV पाmयसामoी को उपल•ध कराने के संबंध मE

ु तकालयाDय" से बोलकर और <लख कर ]नवेदन करते हÇ।

न बोल सकने वाले साथी कV बात को समझकर अपने श•द. मE बताते हÇ ।

नई रचनायE पढ़कर उन पर सा+थय. से बातचीत करते हÇ ।

रे Öडयो, टg वी या पq-पtqकाओं व अaय wFय -uvय संचार माDयम. से Mसा@रत, Mका<शत Kप को कथा
साJहNय एवं रचनाओं पर मौÜखक एवं <लÜखत Jटjपणी 'वvलेषण करते हÇ। पtqका पर Mसा@रत/Mका<शत
'व<भaन पn
ु तक. कV समी"ा पर अपनी Jटjपणी दे ते हुए 'वvलेषण करते हÇ।

अपने अनभ
ु व. एवं कTपनाओं को सज
ृ नाNमक ढं ग से <लखते हÇ । जैसे कोई याqा वण-न, संnमरण <लखना।

क'वता या कहानी कV पन
ु च-ना कर पाते हÇ ।

जैसे – Pकसी च+च-त क'वता मE कुछ पंिHतयाँ जोड़कर नई रचना बनाते हÇ।

औपचा@रक पq जैसे – Mधानाचाय-, संपादक को अपने आसपास कV समnयाओं/म)

ु द. को Dयान मE रखकर
पq <लखते हÇ ।

रोज़मरा- के जीवन से अलग Pकसी घटना/िnथ]त 'वशेष मE भाषा का काTप]नक और सज

ृ नाNमक Mयोग
करते हुए <लखते हÇ । जैसे – Jदन मE रात, tबना बोले एक Jदन, tबना आँख. के एक Jदन आJद ।

'व'वध साJहिNयक 'वधाओं के अंतर को समझते हुए उनके nवKप का 'वvलेषण करते हÇ ।

ु तक. मE शा<मल रचनाओं के अ]त@रHत अaय क'वता,कहानी, एकांकV को पढ़ते-<लखते और मंचन
करते हÇ।

भाषा-साJहNय कV बारgPकय. पर चचा- करते हÇ, जैसे— 'व<शhट श•द-भंडार, वाHय -संरचना, शैलg के
Mयो+गक Mयोग एवं संरचना आJद ।

'व'वध साJहिNयक 'वधाओं के अंतर को समझते हुए उनके nवKप का 'वvलेषण ]नKपण करते हÇ।

'व'वध साJहिNयक 'वधाओं को पढ़ते हुए FयाकरÜणक संरचना पर चचा- करते हÇ।

Mाकृ]तक एवं सामािजक म)

ु द., घटनाओं के M]त अपनी M]तPYया को बोलकर/<लखकर FयHत करते हÇ ।

Pफ़Tम एवं 'वàापन. को दे खकर उनकV समी"ा <लखते हुए, uvय माDयम कV भाषा का Mयोग करते हÇ ।

प@रवेशगत भाषा Mयोग. पर सवाल करते हÇ । जैसे रे लवे nटे शन/एयरपोट- /बस nटÇड, iक, ऑटो@रHशा पर
<लखी कई भाषाओं मE एक हg तरह कV बात. पर Dयान दE गे।

अपने प@रवेश को बेहतर बनाने कV को<शश मE सज
ृ नाNमक लेखन करते हÇ । जैसे – Hया-Hयारg साइिHलंग
कर सकते हÇ और पेड़. को कैसे बचाएँ ।

हnतकला, वाnतक
ु ला, खेती-बाड़ी के M]त अपना âझान FयHत करते हÇ तथा इनमE MयH
ु त कलाNमक
संदभä/भा'षक Mयोग. को अपनी भाषा मE जोड़कर बोलते-<लखते हÇ।

संल$नक III

मन-मान,च. (मै1पंग) क5ा-10 -8हंद; 1वषय सी. बी. एस. ई . Dवारा अपनाए - सीखने के IJतफल

नोट – सPपण
ू S पाTयUम सीखने के IJतफल

पाठ – 2 1वषय पण
ू S Xकए गए Yश5ण के ल[य सीखने के IJतफल

मीरा के भाव6 के साथ तादा9:य <था3पत करते

हुए छाA6 को दा<य भाव कC भिEत से अवगत
कराना । क3वता का रसा<वादन करने कC
भाषा साdह9य कC बारefकय6 पर
योJयता का 3वकास । शांत रस कC अनभ
ु Mू त
चचा_ करते हg जैसे-3वYशQट शhद
करने कC योJयता का 3वकास । N9येक पंिEत
वाEय शैलe संरचना आdद ।
मO मीरा कC दा<य भाव कC भिEत PिQटगत होती
पाठ 2-मीरा के पद है - <याम :हाने चाकर राखो जी । अपने पcरवेशगत अनभ
ु व6 पर
-वण कौशल का 3वकास ● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए अपनी <वतंA और <पQट राय
शै[\णक पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना ^यEत करते हg ।
पायOगे। जैसे – म<
ु कान आजकल चप

● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12Yमनट तक Eय6 रहती है । म< ु कान को
बोले गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान <कूल मO हम लाएँगO ।
कर पाने तथा उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल
पाने मO स[म ह6गे ।
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।

● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता

● उlचत लय -ताल, आरोह-अवरोह

के साथ क3वता पाठ करने कC
योJयता का 3वकास ।
● <वयं पढ़कर क3वता के मo
ु य
भाव/अथ_ को समझने कC योJयता
का 3वकास ।
जैसे-मीरा 'हcर' fकनके Yलए
ु त कर रहe है ?

वाचन कौशल का 3वकास ● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग

करके सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक
सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म
● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत
Nकट कर सकOगे और उदाहरण
और तvय6 के साथ उसका
समथ_न कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत
अथवा असहमMत सस
ु ंगत

मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर पाने
मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और
स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से 8 से 10
Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर
मौ\खक बहस मO dह<सा ले
● का^य-सौuदय_ त9व6 का बोध -
1 वण{ ,शhद6 या पद6 कC आव3ृ } का
2 तक
ु ांत पद,छं द कC गMत ,यMत और
माAा का ~ान ।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास 3 <वर6 का आरोह-अवरोह कोमल तथा
कठोर वण_ , ओज Nसाद माधय
ु _ शhद-
शिEत का ~ान
भाव सौuदय_ तथा 3वचार सौuदय_
कC अनभ
ु Mू त और कौशल का
3वकास ।
भाव सÅदय_-इसमO ईtवर के र[क और सव_समथ_
Ñप का अ9यंत Nभावशालe वण_न हुआ है ।

● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe
शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे

● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और
N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर
<पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान
लगाने के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन
का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के
साथ äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद
3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हg

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास छाA क3वता के पद6 के साथ आ9मीकरण

<था3पत कर उनकC 3व<तत
ृ ^याoया कर पाने
मO स[म ह6गे

छोटे -छोटे Ntनो के माàयम से क3वता के
केuåeय भाव का ~ान कराना जैसे-
मीरा fकस भाव से अपने आराàय को याद करती
है ?
क3वता 3वधा कC शhदावलe और सरं चना से
पcरlचत होने कC योJयता का 3वकास । मीरा
के पद6 को गाया भी जा सकता है ।
Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार
कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग
करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत
कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर
पायOगे ।

अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग

करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-
200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।

ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
लेख कC गण
ु व}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का
उपयोग कर पायOगे।

अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत
Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
îज भाषा तथा खड़ी बोलe के शhद6 मO
सामज<य <था3पत कर पाएंगे

शhद कोश का 3वकास लया9मक शhद6 का ~ान -भीर-चीर

आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को

रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना ।

मीरा व सरू दास के पद6 का तल

ु ना9मक अàययन
करते हुए छाA6 कC ताfक_क NMतभा का 3वकास

3वभेdदत मñ ।
ू याँकन
(Differentiated अथ_£हण संबिuधत लघु Ntन जैसे -मीरा का
•दय Eय6 अधीर है ?
पद6 का स<वर वाचन ।
ु_ भिEत का अंतर <पQट करना
भाषा सौuदय_ से संबिuधत Ntन ।

भारतीय सं<कृMत,सं<कार6 का ~ान

नैMतक मñ
ू य
अàयाि9मकता कC भावना का 3वकास

पाठ – 3 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक- पी.पी.टe, <माट_ बोड_,
äबहारe के अuय दोहे सन
ु कर उनके
ृ ार,भिEत,नीMत तथा लोक-^यवहार को जान
सकOगे । क3वता का रसा<वादन करने कC
योJयता का 3वकास होगा।
10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
-वण कौशल का 3वकास ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए नई रचना™ पढ़कर उन पर
वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा साlथय6 से बातचीत करते हg।
पाठ-3-दोहे क3व- उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे ।
äबहारeदास अपने आस – पास और <कूलe
आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो
साlथय6 कC ज़Ñरत6 को अपनी
भाषा मO अYभ^यEत करते
पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर
हg।जैसे – भाषण या वाद3ववाद
पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे। ।
मO इन पर चचा_ करते हg।

छाA क3वता का पद6 के साथ आ9मीकरण

<था3पत कर उनकC 3व<तत
ृ ^याoया कर पाने
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास मO स[म ह6गे
ओजि<वता पण
ू _ वाचन के माàयम से 3वदयाथâ
क3वता के भाव6 से जड़
ु सकने मO समथ_ ह6गे।

<व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6
का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म
3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर सकOगे
और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ उसका
समथ_न कर सकOगे।
fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर
पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से
8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल
<थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस
मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।
● का^य-सौuदय_ त9व6 का बोध -
1 वण{ ,शhद6 या पद6 कC आव3ृ } का
2 साdहि9यक भाषा का ~ान ।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास 3 क3व äबहारe ने सांकेMतक भाषा का
Nयोग fकया है उसी Nकार से सांकेMतक
भाषा को शhद6 मO 3परोने मO समथ_ ह6गे।
äबहारe सतसई के दोहे सार गYभ_त तथा
नीMत संबंधी हg।

● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe
शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे

● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और
N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर
<पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान
लगाने के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन
का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के
साथ äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद
3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हg

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार

कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग
करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत

कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर
पायOगे ।

अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग

करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-
200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।

ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का
उपयोग कर पायOगे।
अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत
Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
क3वता के अंत मO अलंकार संबिuधत शhद6 का
~ान Nाìत कर सकOगे- पीत-पटु मO अनN
ु ास
अलंकार कC छटा मनोहारe है ।
शhद कोश का 3वकास
आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को रे खांfकत
कर उनके अथ_ जानना - सतसई,तपोवन

क3वता के अंत मO ‘पdठत का^याuश आधाcरत
Ntन6’ के माàयम से छाA6 का पन
ु रावलोकन
3वभेdदत मñ
ू याँकन
fकया जाएगा - दeरघ दाघ Mनदाघ का Eया अथ_
है ?
Assessment) अलंकार , रस संबिuधत Ntन6 पर चचा_ जैसे -
äबहारe के दोह6 मO fकस रस कC Nधानता है ?

● fकसी बड़ी मिु tकल के आ जाने पर

नैMतक मñ
ू य आपसी शAत
ु ा भल
ू कर उसका सामना
एक साथ Yमलकर करना चाdहए ।

पाठ – 4 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
● परोपकार तथा 3वtवबंध9ु व कC
आँख6 से न दे ख सकने वाले
भावना को आ9मसात करने मO
साथी कC बात को समझकर
स[म ह6गे। ऐसे मनQु य6 को
अपने शhद6 मO बताते हg।नई
महान मानना िजनमO मनQु यता
रचना™ पढ़कर उन पर साlथय6
के परू े -परू े ल[ण ह6।
पाठ-4-मनQु यता -वण कौशल का 3वकास से बातचीत करते हg ।
● क3वता का रसा<वादन करने कC
योJयता का 3वकास । न बोल सकने वाले साथी कC
● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले बात को समझकर अपने शhद6
गए शै[\णक पाठ को सन
ु कर मO बताते हg ।
नो]स बना पायOगे।

● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट
तक बोले गए वEत^य के पैटन_
कC पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका
MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म
ह6गे ।
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने
मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC
पहचान कर पाठ का औपचाcरक
सारांश बता सकOगे।।

● <वयं क3वता के मo
ु य भाव/अथ_
को समझने कC योJयता का
3वकास । क3वता के अंत मO
परोपकार का सहe अथ_ Eया है ,
इससे अवगत ह6गे। केवल अपने
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास बारे मO सोचकर जीवन यापन नहeं
करना चाdहए।
● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग
करके सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक
सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म

● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत
Nकट कर सकOगे और उदाहरण
और तvय6 के साथ उसका
समथ_न कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत
अथवा असहमMत सस
ु ंगत
मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर पाने
मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और
स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से 8 से 10
Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर
मौ\खक बहस मO dह<सा ले
अयोàया Yसंह उपाàयाय कC
क3वता'कम_वीर' तथा मैlथलeशरण गìु त
पठन कौशल का 3वकास कC क3वता'मनQु यता' का तल
ु ना9मक
वण_न करने मO स[म ह6गे।
पdठत पद6 के माàयम से दस
ू र6 के
dहतlचंतन को सव{पcर मानने कC भावना
का 3वकास ।

● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe
शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे

● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और
N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर
<पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान
लगाने के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन
का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के
साथ äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद
3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हg
● क3वता कC शhदावलe और सरं चना से
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास पcरlचत होने कC योJयता का 3वकास ।
● मनQु यता 3वषय पर क[ा मO लेख
Yलखवाकर छाA6 के लेखन कौशल को

Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार
कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग
करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत
कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर
पायOगे ।

अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग

करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-
200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।

ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का
उपयोग कर पायOगे।
अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत
Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
क3वता के अंत मO नवीन तथा कdठन
शhद6 को रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_
शhद कोश का 3वकास
जानना । जैसे-सम
ु 9ृ यु ,अम9य_-अंक
शhद6 का उlचत ~ान ।

Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का मñ
ू यांकन
● पcरचचा_ (<वाथâ - मानव या परोपकारe
मानव)अथ_£हण संबिuधत लघु Ntन
जैसे -
● सáचा मनQु य कौन है ?
● सारे संसार मO अखंड-भाव fकस Nकार भर
3वभेdदत मñ
ू याँकन
(Differentiated सकते हg ?

● भाषा सौuदय_ से संबिuधत Ntन

● सामाYसक शhद6 का ~ान -
● क3वता के अंत मO [ुधाथ_, कर<थ,पराथ_
, í[तीश जैसे नवीन तथा सं<कृतMनQठ
शhद6 का ~ान Nाìत कर सकOगे।
● भारतीय सं<कृMत,सं<कार6 का ~ान
नैMतक मñ
ू यांकन ● अàयाि9मकता कC भावना का 3वकास
● परोपकार कC भावना का 3वकास ।

पाठ – 17 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
धरोहर हमारe सं<कृMत कC ● क3वता Nतीक6 के माàयम से भत
ू काल मO कC
पcरचायक। गई भल
ू 6 से पcरचय करवाती है ।

● क3वता को पढ़कर छाA मo

ु य भाव को समझने
मO स[म ह6गे fक कोई भी शिEत (तोप) fकतनी अपने अनभ
ु व6 एवं
हe शिEतशालe Eय6 न हो एक न एक dदन उसका कñपनाओं को सज ृ ना9मक
अंत Mनिtचत है । ढं ग से Yलखते हg। जैसे-कोई
● 10 से 12 बोले गए शै[\णक पाठ याAा
Yमनट तक वण_न, सं<मरण

को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे। Yलखना।
● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक
बोले गए 3व3वध साdहि9यक 3वधाओं
-वण कौशल का 3वकास
पाठ-7-तोप वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका के अंतर को समझते हए

MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे । उनके <वÑप का 3वtलेषण
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो सकOगे। MनÑपण करते हg।
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर पाठ
का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे।

● <वयं पढ़कर क3वता के मo

ु य भाव/अथ_ को समझने
कC योJयता का 3वकास ।
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास
● क3वता को पढ़ने के बाद उसका गyय मO Ñपाuतरण
करने मO स[म ह6गे।

● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6 का
मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म ह6गे।
● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर सकOगे
और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ उसका समथ_न
कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा असहमMत
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर पाने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से 8
से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल सकOगे।
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस मO
dह<सा ले सकOगे।
● तोप क3वता के माàयम से समझOगे कC कोई भी
शिEत fकतनी हe 3वनाशकारe Eय6 न हो एक न
एक dदन उसका नQट होना Mनिtचत है ।
● पठन पद6 के माàयम से dहंदe भाषा मO शhद6 के

पठन कौशल का 3वकास Nयोग कC Yभuनता से पcरlचत होना। जैसे-

धरोहर, धर धरोहर का अथ_ संचय के Ñप मO हुआ
है तो धर का रखने के अथ_ मO Nयोग हुआ है ?
● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ शhद Nयोग मO
अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO NयE
ु त 80 NMतशत से

अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान
सकOगे ।
● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर पायOगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ
कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने के Yलए
रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC पहचान कर
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ äबना
ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते
● क3वता कC शhदावलe और सरं चना से पcरlचत
होने कC योJयता का 3वकास ।
● क3वता से संबिuधत कdठन शhद6 को Yलखने मO
समथ_ ह6गे। 3वरासत , घड़
ु सवारe, सरू माओं,
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
● का^याuश आधाcरत Ntन6 के उ}र Yलखने मO
स[म ह6गे िजससे लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
होगा ।
● Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार कर
पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग

करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर
पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके
4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-200 शhद)
Yलख सकOगे ।
● उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और आl-त
धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का उपयोग कर
● अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत Ñप
से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को
रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना। मह
ु ाना,
शhद कोश का 3वकास
● नए शhद6 का दै Mनक जीवन मे Nयोग- जबर

3वभेdदत ● क3वता के अंत मO Nाचीन एवं नवीन हlथयार6 मO

ू यांकन(Differentiated अंतर पर पcरचचा_ करने मO स[म ह6गे।
● 'जबर, ध≤जे इ9याdद शhद6 का Nयोग तोप क3वता
कC भाषा कC fकस 3वशेषता को बताता है ? इस

Nकार के भाषा ~ान संबिuधत Ntन6 के उ}र दे ने
मO स[म ह6गे।

● भारतीय धरोहर6 व इMतहास का ~ान

नैMतक मñ
ू य

पाठ – 8 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
दे श कC र[ा के Yलए ● अमñू य आज़ादe के NMत साहसी भाव से क3वता या कहानी कC पन
ु ः
बYलदान। पcरlचत होना। रचना कर पाते हg।

जैसे-fकसी चlच_त क3वता मO

● क3वता को गीत के Ñप मO सन
ु कर
कर कुछ पंिEतयाँ जोड़कर नई
क3वता कC लय और ताल का आनuद उठा रचना बनाते हg।
पाठ-8-कर चले सकOगे।
हम fफ़दा · * क3वता मO Mनdहत भाव को अपने दे श
के पcरवेश से जोड़ कर दे ख पाने मO स[म ह6गे । रे µडयो, टe वी या पA-
-वण कौशल का 3वकास
● 10 से 12 बोले गए शै[\णक पäAकाओं व अuय -^य -
Yमनट तक
पाठ को सन Ptय संचार माàयम6 से
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
● सन Nसाcरत, NकाYशत Ñप को
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले
गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा कथा साdह9य एवं रचनाओं
उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे । पर मौ\खक एवं Yल\खत

● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो dटìपणी 3वtलेषण करते हg।
सकOगे। पäAका पर Nसाcरत/NकाYशत
पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर पाठ 3वYभuन प<
ु तक6 कC समी[ा
का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे। पर अपनी dटìपणी दे ते हुए
● पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक- पी.पी . टe, <माट_ 3वtलेषण करते हg।
बोड_, Nमख
ु शहeद6 के lचA, कर चले हम fफ़दा
गाने कC सी.डी.के माàयम से गीत के भाव6 से
अवगत ह6गे।

● 'आज़ाद दे श कैसा होगा ' 3वषय पर दो ∏ांMतकाcरय6

के Ñप मO संवाद N<तत
ु करO गे।

● उlचत लय–ताल, सरु , यMत-गMत, और ओजि<वता

ू _ आवाज मO क3वता का समह
ू मO गायन।

वाचन कौशल का 3वकास ● क3वता के भाव को अपने शhद6 मO मख

ु cरत करने
मO स[म ह6गे।
● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6 का
मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म ह6गे।
● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर सकOगे
और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ उसका समथ_न
कर सकOगे।

● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा असहमMत
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर पाने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से 8
से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल सकOगे।
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस मO
dह<सा ले सकOगे।
दे श कC सीमा कC र[ा करने वाले सैMनक6 कC अYभलाषा
को समझना fक दे श कC र[ा के Yलए Nाण तक दे
दे ना वािज़ब है ।
पdठत पद6 के माàयम से पcरlचत दे शभिEत का भाव
ृ होना। भाषा कौशल का 3वकास।
लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ शhद Nयोग मO अंतर

पठन कौशल का 3वकास जान सकOगे। इसमO NयE

ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक
dहंदe शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।
भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर पायOगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ
कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे ।
संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने के Yलए
रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC पहचान कर

उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ äबना ãके
200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते हg
● मह
ु ावर6 का वाEय मO Nयोग करने मO स[म ह6गे।
● जैसे- कट गए सर, सर पर कफन बाँधना
● दे शभिEत से संबिuधत क3वता कC पंिEतय6 का
Mनमा_ण करने मO स[म ह6गे।
● दे श कC र[ा 3वषय पर क[ा मO Yल\खत लेख
yवारा छाA6 के लेखन कौशल को जानना ।
Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार कर
पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग करके
अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर पायOगे
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।

अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके 4-

से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-200 शhद) Yलख
सकOगे ।

ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ 3वYभuन
Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल वाEय6 का उपयोग
कर पायOगे।
लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और आl-त
धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का उपयोग कर

अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत Ñप से
बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
● क3वता के अंत मO आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन
शhद6 को रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना ।
शhद कोश का 3वकास जtन, काfफ़ले
● उद_ ू शhद6 का dहuदe अथ_ के साथ पcरचय-
मौसम, ãत

Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का मñ

ू यांकन
● 'fफñम6 का समाज पर Nभाव' 3वषय पर वाद-
3वभेdदत मñ
ू यांकन 3ववाद के माàयम से छाAो कC क3वता संबिuधत
(Differentiated जानकारe का मñ
ू यांकन करना ।
● लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से-
धरती कC तल
ु ना दñ
ु हन से Eय6 कC गई
है ?
क3वता मO fकस जtन कC बात कC गई
है ?
● दे श ^यिEतगत dहत से बढ़कर है । इस Nकार
नैMतक मñ
ू य कC भावना का 3व<तार।
● दे शभिEत कC भावना जागत
ृ करना।

पाठ – 9 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
3वYशQट Nाथ_ना गीत अपनी सहायता <वयं करने वाल6 को भगवान
कC कृपा Nाìत होती है ।
● रवीåनाथ ठाकुर yवारा रlचत 'आ9मAाण'
तथा 'इतनी शिEत हमO दे ना दाता' Nाथ_ना
गीत का ऑµडयो सन
ु कर Nाथ_ना के महºव
को जानOगे। रोज़मरा_ के जीवन से अलग
● क3वता से एक 3वधा के Ñप मO पcरlचत होना fकसी घटना/ि<थMत 3वशेष मO
और उसकC ख़ाYसयतO जानना- शhदावलe भाषा का काñपMनक और
और संरचना से पcरlचत होना । सजृ ना9मक Nयोग करते हुए
● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक Yलखते हg । जैसे – dदन मO रात,

पाठ-9-आ9मAाण -वण कौशल का 3वकास पाठ को सनु कर नो]स बना पायOगे। äबना बोले एक dदन, äबना
● सनु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए आँख6 के एक dदन आdद ।
वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा
उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे पा∫यप<
ु तक6 मO शाYमल

। रचनाओं के अMतcरEत अuय

● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो क3वता,कहानी, एकांकC को

सकOगे। पढ़ते-Yलखते और मंचन करते

● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर हg।

पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे।

वाचन कौशल का 3वकास • रवीåनाथ ठाकुर के गीत को <वयं

पढ़कर गीत के भाव6 से जड
ु ने तथा नए-

नए शhदो का ~ान Nाìत कर सकOगे।
जैसे- आ9मAाण, 3वपदाओं,वंचना ।
• क3वता के भाव को अपने शhद6 मO
ु cरत करना।
• <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके
सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर
पाने मO स[म ह6गे।
• 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट
कर सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6 के
साथ उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
• fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO
Nकट कर पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
• क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत
ढं ग से 8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय
मO बोल सकOगे।
• <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर
मौ\खक बहस मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।
• ईtवर से सम<या समाधान कC याचना न

पठन कौशल का 3वकास करना बिñक आ9मबल कC माँग करना।

• उáचारण संबंधी Adु टय6 और शhद उáचारण
कC सम<या को दरू करना।

• दै Mनक जीवन मO होने वालe सम<याओं के
Mनदान पर अपने 3वचार N<तत
ु करO गे।
• लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के
अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।
• भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6
के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे

• संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने
के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग
कर सकOगे।
• एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
• उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ
äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हg

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास • जीवन मO आने वालe सम<या का सामना fकस

Nकार fकया जा सकता है - 3वषय पर
ु छे द Yलखने मO स[म ह6गे।

• का^याuश आधाcरत Ntन6 के उ}र Yलखने मO
स[म ह6गे िजससे लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
होगा ।
• Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा
तैयार कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6
का उपयोग करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप
को संशोlधत कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के
Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।
• अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का
उपयोग करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला
Mनबंध (150-200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।
• उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और
जdटल वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
• लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6
का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
• अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए
उlचत Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण,
सारांश का उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर

● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को
शhद कोश का 3वकास रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना । Aाण,
अनdु दन, [य

Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का मñ

ू यांकन
3वभेdदत मñ
ू यांकन
(Differentiated ● ‘आ9म3वtवास’ पर एक अनá
ु छे द YलखOगे

Assessment) ● पcरचचा_ (पcर-म या fक<मत)

● लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से।
● Ntनो}रe
जीवन मO आने वालe N9येक चन
ु ौती का सामना
नैMतक मñ
ू य dह:मत से करने कC सीख ।

आ9म3वtवास बनाए रखने कC सीख।

पाठ – 10 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
खेल और Yश[ा मO 3वyयाlथ_य6 yवारा Yश[ा कC उपयोlगता समझते
समuवय। हुए Nाचीन व नवीन Yश[ा Nणालe कC
तलु ना9मक जानकारe सहभाlगता के माàयम से औपचाcरक पA जैसे –
पाठ-10-बड़े भाई
Nाìत करना। Nधानाचाय_ संपादक को अपने
● åtय--^य साम£ी जैसे Yश[ा Nाìत करने आसपास कC सम<याओं/मy ु द6
-वण कौशल का 3वकास
के Yलए महानगरो कC और N<थान करते

छाAो कC सम<याओं पर एक डाEयम
ू O æe के को àयान मO रखकर पA Yलखते
माàयम से रोचकता बनाए रखना। हg ।
● खेल और Yश[ा मO समuवय <था3पत करना
3व3वध साdहि9यक 3वधाओं को
जान सकOगे।
पढ़ते हुए ^याकर\णक संरचना
● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक
पर चचा_ करते हg।
पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले
गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने
तथा उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म
ह6गे ।
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता

● Yश[ा केवल रटने से नहeं आती-3वषय पर

वाद-3ववाद मO dह<सा लOगे।
● मह
ु ावर6 का Nयोग करते हुए पाठ वाचन
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास करO गे।
● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके
सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर
पाने मO स[म ह6गे।

● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर
सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ
उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट
कर पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग
से 8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक
बहस मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।

● परe[ा के dदनो मO समय Nबंधन पर 3वचार

● छाA6 के वाचन मO मह
ु ावरे दार भाषा का
3वकास हो सकेगा ।
● समह
ू मO बैठे 3वyयाथâ Mनधा_cरत अंश का
पठन कौशल का 3वकास
पठन करO गे।
● शy
ु ध उáचारण [मता का 3वकास ।
● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO

ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe शhद6
के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।
● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और
N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर <पQट
कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने
के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग
कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ
äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हg

● छाAावास मO रहने वाले अपने YमA को पA

Yलखकर उसकC पढ़ाई के 3वषय मO जानOगे।
● खेल के मह9व 3वषय पर क[ा मO Yल\खत
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
लेख yवारा छाA6 के लेखन कौशल को
● Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा
तैयार कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार
Nतीक6 का उपयोग करके अपने <तर पर

एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर पायOगे और
^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का
उपयोग करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला
Mनबंध (150-200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।
● उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और
जdटल वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6
का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए
उlचत Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण,
सारांश का उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर
● पाठ के अंत मO 3वyयाथâ शhद6 मह
ु ावर6 और
पदबuधो का उlचत Nयोग करना सीख
जाएँगे -तम
ु ने अपना खन
ू जलाकर कौन-सा

शhद कोश का 3वकास तीर मार Yलया।

● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को
रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना| बMु नयाद,
ु ता, <वáछं दता
● उनका वाEय मे Nयोग करना ।

● Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का
ू यांकन करना:
● पाठ के अंत मO dदए गए ‘मौ\खक’ Ntन6 के
ू यांकन(Differentiate
आधार पर ।
● पाठ मO fकताबी ~ान तथा अनभ
ु व मO से
Assessment) fकसे महºवपण
ू _ माना है ? 3वषय पर
पcरचचा_ ।

नैMतक मñ ● अपने से बड़े भाई-बहन6 का स:मान करने

ू य
के नैMतक मñ
ू य का ~ान ।

पाठ – 11 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल

डायरe 3वधा से पcरचय। • 3वyयाlथ_य6 yवारा आज़ादe के मह9व को

3व3वध साdहि9यक 3वधाओं के
समझते हुए दे शNेम कC भावना जा£त
अंतर को समझते हुए उनके
<वÑप का 3वtलेषण करते हg ।
पाठ-11-डायरe का
एक पuना fफ़ñम एवं 3व~ापन6 को दे खकर
उनकC समी[ा Yलखते हुए, Ptय
माàयम कC भाषा का Nयोग करते
हg ।

• सभाओं व उ9सव6 का N3ववेचन तैयार
करना सीख पाएंगे।
• दे खी हुई घटनाओं का वण_न करना ।
• 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
• सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले
गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने
तथा उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO
स[म ह6गे ।
-वण कौशल का 3वकास • आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।
• पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता

• पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक- पी.पी.टe,

<माट_ बोड_।
• Ptय--^य साम£ी के माàयम से रोचकता
बनाए रखना ।

वाचन कौशल का 3वकास • 3वyयाथâ पाठ का वाचन कर उसके मल

भाव को अपने शhद6 मO बताएँगे ।

• पाठ के अंत मO 3वyयाथâ आज़ादe के Yलए
fकए गए संघषÜ पर अपने 3वचार N<तत

करO गे ।
• <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके
सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर
पाने मO स[म ह6गे।
• 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर
सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ
उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
• fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट
कर पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
• क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग
से 8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO
बोल सकOगे।
• <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक
बहस मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।
• लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
पठन कौशल का 3वकास शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe शhद6
के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।

• भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और
N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर <पQट
कर सकOगे ।
• संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान
लगाने के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का
उपयोग कर सकOगे।
• एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
• उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ
äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हg
• एक गंभीर महामारe के कारण आपके
3वyयालय को lचfक9सालय मO बदल dदया
गया है । ' जनसाधारण तक जानकारe दे ने
के Yलए एक सच
ू ना तैयार कCिजए।
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
• छाA6 को <वयं कC दै Mनक dदनचया_ (डायरe
लेखन) 3वषय पर Yलखवाकर उनके लेखन
कौशल को जानना|
• Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा
तैयार कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार
Nतीक6 का उपयोग करके अपने <तर पर

एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर पायOगे और
^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।
• अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का
उपयोग करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला
Mनबंध (150-200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।
• उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के
साथ 3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और
जdटल वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
• लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6
और आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन
तकनीक6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
• अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए
उlचत Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण,
सारांश का उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर
पाठ के अंत मO 3वyयाथâ आठ –दस नवीन तथा
कdठन शhद6 को रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_
शhद कोश का 3वकास
जानने मO स[म ह6गे तथा अपcरlचत शhद6 से
वाEय Mनमा_ण कर सकOगे। चौरं गी , मोनम
ु Oट

Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का

3वभेdदत मñ
ू याँकन
ू याँकन करना:
चचा_ (परतंA एवं <वतंA भारत मे अंतर)

Assessment) लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से।
भारतीय <वतंAता सं£ाम के 3वषय मO जानना
नैMतक मñ
ू य
तथा दे श भिEत कC Nबल भावना को बढ़ाना।

पाठ – 12 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
लोककथा कC मनोरं जक 3वyयाlथ_य6 yवारा लोककथाओं कC उपयोlगता समझते
शैलe हुए उनके Nदे श व अंडमान कC लोककथाओं
तलु ना9मक जानकारe सहभाlगता के माàयम से Nाìत
• पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक -पी.पी.टe, <माट_ बोड_, पcरवेशगत भाषा Nयोग6 पर
अंडमान Mनकोबार का lचA या नEशे के सवाल करते हg । जैसे रे लवे

पाठ-12-तँतारा माàयम से अंडमान -Mनकोबार के 3वषय मO <टे शन/एयरपोट_ /बस <टgड,

वामीरो कथा जान पाएंगे। Ptय--^य साम£ी के माàयम से æक, ऑटोcरEशा पर Yलखी
रोचकता बनाए रखना। कई भाषाओं मO एक हe तरह
-वण कौशल का 3वकास • समाज कC संकCण_ Ñdढ़य6 को समय के अनस
ु ार कC बात6 पर àयान दO गे।
बदलना fकतना आवtयक है क[ा मO इस पर
चचा_ के माàयम से -वण कौशल का 3वकास
• 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।

• सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले
गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा
उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे ।
• आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो
• पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर
पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे।
• पाठ के अंत मg fकसी सन ु ी हुई लोक-कथा का
वाचन करO गे। परु ानी परं पराओं पर छाA अपनी
अYभ^यिEत कर सकOगे।
• दे खी हुई घटनाओं का वण_न करना
• <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6
का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म

वाचन कौशल का 3वकास • 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर

सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ
उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
• fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर
पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
• क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से
8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल

• <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस
मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।

• लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को पढ़ते

हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ शhद Nयोग
मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO NयEु त 80
NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के अथ_ और
वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।
• भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर पायOगे
और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6 के अथ_
पठन कौशल का 3वकास को समझ कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे ।
• संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने के
Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग कर
• एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC पहचान
कर सकOगे
• उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ
äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते हुए
पढ़ सकते हg

लेखन कौशल का 3वकास • छाA6 को <वयं कC दै Mनक dदनचया_ 3वषय पर

Yलखवाकर उनके लेखन कौशल को जानना।
• Adु टय6 का Mनवारण ।

• कdठन शhद6 का अøयास जैसे-fकंकत_^य3वमढ़
ू ,
3वêवल ,याचक आdद।
• fकसी एक लघु कथा का Mनमा_ण करO गे।
• Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार कर
पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग
करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर
पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे

• अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके
4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-200 शhद)
Yलख सकOगे ।
• उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
• लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और आl-त
धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का उपयोग कर
• अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत Ñप से
बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।

• आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को रे खांfकत
कर उनके अथ_ जानना। लोककथा , पारं पcरक ,
अuयमन<कता, रोमांlचत।
शhद कोश का 3वकास • अथÜ को आ9मसात करना ।
• मह
ु ावर6 का वाEय मO Nयोग करने मO स[म ह6गे।
• सध
ु -बध
ु खोना, बाट जोहना, खश
ु ी का dठकाना न
• पाठ मO आए पदबuधो पर चचा_ कC जाएगी िजससे
उनकC ^याकर\णक [मता का ~ान होगा।
• तताँरा को मानो कुछ होश आया । (रे खांfकत
पदबंध का नाम) Yलखने मO स[म ह6गे।
• जीवन मO पहलe बार मg इस तरह 3वचYलत हुआ हूँ।
ू यांकन(Differentiated
(Yम- वाEय मO बदYलए)
Assessment) • Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का मñ
ू यांकन
• पcरचचा_ (परु ानी परं पराओं का मह9व)
• लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से।
• Ntनो}रe

ईtवर कC दे न- Nेम का स:मान करने कC सीख

नैMतक मñ
ू य
Nेम जोड़ता है , घण
ृ ा दरू e बढ़ाती है ।

पाठ – 15 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
NकृMत संर[ण आज कC 3वyयाlथ_य6 yवारा पया_वरण के मह9व को समझते हुए
आवtयकता ^यिEतगत व दे श कC <वáछता कC भावना जा£त
● पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक- पी.पी.टe, <माट_ बोड_,
NकृMत को दशा_ती कुछ Nाचीन एवं आधMु नक
NाकृMतक एवं सामािजक
त<वीरO छाAो के -वण कौशल को बढ़ाती हg।
ु द6, घटनाओं के NMत
● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक पाठ को
अपनी NMतf∏या को
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
बोलकर/Yलखकर ^यEत
-वण कौशल का 3वकास ● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए
करते हg।
पाठ-15-अब कहाँ वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा उसका
MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे । अपने आस – पास और
ू र6 के दख
ु मO दख
ु ी
होने वाले ● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो सकOगे। सचYू ल साथीय6 कC ज़Ñरत6
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर पाठ को अपनी भाषा मO

का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे। अYभ^यEत करते हg। जैसे –

भाषण या वाद 3ववाद मO इन

● पाठ के वाचन के माàयम से पdठत अंश से पर चचा_ करते हg।

3वyयाlथ_य6 को जोड़ा जायेगा।
● आधMु नक यग
ु मO NकृMत कC दशा पर अपने 3वचार
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास अYभ^यEत कर सकOगे।
● 3वकार काय{ को पया_वरण कC PिQट पर ज़ोर दे कर
अपने भाव6 को ^यEत करO गे िजससे उनके वाचन
कौशल का 3वकास होगा।

● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6 का
मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म ह6गे।
● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर सकOगे
और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ उसका समथ_न
कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा असहमMत
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर पाने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से 8 से
10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल सकOगे।
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस मO
dह<सा ले सकOगे।
● पाठ के अंत मO 'पेड़ लगाओ पया_वरण बचाओ '
3वषय पर सामdू हक गMत3वlध मO 3व~ापन N<तत

करO गे।
● fकसी 3वषय कC वण_ना9मक तथा भावा9मक शैलe
मO अYभ^यिEत कर सकना।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास ● शhद6 का Nभावशालe Nयोग करना।
● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ शhद Nयोग मO
अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO NयE
ु त 80 NMतशत से
अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान
सकOगे ।

● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर पायOगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ
कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने के Yलए
रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC पहचान कर
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ äबना
ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते
● पश-ु पí[य6 कC भाषा को समझते हुए उनके भाव6
को शhद6 मO अYभ^यEत करना।
● NकृMत संर[ण 3वषय पर क[ा मO Yल\खत लेख
yवारा छाA6 के लेखन कौशल को जानना।
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास ● का^या9मक पंिEतय6 का सज
ृ न करने मO स[म
● Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार
कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का
उपयोग करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को
संशोlधत कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए
संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग
करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-
200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।
● उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल
वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का
उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत
Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
● पाठ के अंत मO आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन
शhद6 को रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना जैसे
- डेरा डालना , हlथयाना
शhद कोश का 3वकास ● 3वराम lचuहो का उlचत Nयोग।
● उद_ ू के शhदो कC जानकारe Nाìत कर सकOगे।

लtकर ,नह
ू , मह
ु hबत ,िज़∏

3वभेdदत मñ
ू याँकन
● fकसी घटना का वण_न करO गे जब उuहोने fकसी
पश-ु प[ी के NMत अपने संवेदना को ^यEत
Assessment) fकया हो।

● Mन:न के माàयम से छाA6 के ~ान का
ू याँकन करना:
● पdठत गदयांश आधाcरत Ntन - लेखक कC
PिQट मO धरती पर fकसका अlधकार है ?
● बढ़ती आबादe ने समå
ु को कैसे सरकाया?
● दMु नया कैसे वजद
ू मO आई? पहले Eया थी?

● मनQु य yवारा जीव माA के NMत दया व कãणा

नैMतक मñ
ू य
कC भावना बनाए रखने पर ज़ोर दे ना।

पाठ – 16 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
^यवहारवाद कC उपयोlगता ● 3वyयाlथ_य6 yवारा ^यवहारवाद कC उपयोlगता
व ^यवहारवाद कC समझते हुए आदश_वाद व ^यवहारवाद कC
ु ना9मक जानकारe तल
ु ना9मक जानकारe सहभाlगता के माàयम से अपने पcरवेश को बेहतर
Nाìत करना। तनाव के बढ़ते Nभाव के कारण6
बनाने कC कोYशश मO
पाठ-16-पतझर मO को जानकर मानYसक शांMत पाने के Nयास6 को
ृ ना9मक लेखन करते हg
टूटe प3}याँ समझना ।
। जैसे – Eया-Eयारe
ू रे दे श के सं<कृMत साइिEलंग कर सकते हg और
● अपने दे श के साथ-साथ दस
से भी पcरlचत ह6गे। पेड़6 को कैसे बचाएँ ।
-वण कौशल का 3वकास
● पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक-पी.पी.टe, <माट_ बोड_,
जापान yवारा बनी कुछ व<तए
ु ँ dदखाई जाएंगी

िजससे जापानी व<तओ
ु ं के 3वषय मO जानकारe
Nाìत होगी।
● Ptय--^य साम£ी के माàयम से रोचकता
बनाए रखने के Yलए गांधीजी के असहयोग
आंदोलन के lचA dदखाए जायंगे।
● आदश_वाdदता और ^यावहाcरकता समझाने के
Yलए lगरlगट कC कहानी से पाठ का तल
ु ना9मक
वण_न N<तत
ु fकया जाएगा।
● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए शै[\णक
पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना पायOगे।
● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले
गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान कर पाने तथा
उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल पाने मO स[म ह6गे ।
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म हो
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान कर
पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता सकOगे।
पाठ के अंत मO 3वyयाथâ तनाव मE
ु त जीवन
पर अपने 3वचार6 कC अYभ^यिEत करने मO
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास स[म ह6गे।
● पाठ के उyदे tय6 पर सामdू हक चचा_ के माàयम
से उनके भाषा ~ान मO वy
ृ lध होगी ।

● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके सहपाdठय6
का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर पाने मO स[म
● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट कर
सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6 के साथ
उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट कर
पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत ढं ग से
8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के 3वषय मO बोल
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक बहस
मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।
● समह
ू मO बैठे 3वyयाथâ उlचत आरोह–अवरोह,
उáचारण के साथ पाठन करO गे।
● गांधीजी के Yसyधांत6 पर चचा_ से छाA उनके 3वषय
मO जानOगे।
पठन कौशल का 3वकास ● गांधीजी के जीवन पर आधाcरत प<
ु तक 'स9य के
Nयोग' को पढ़ने के Yलए Nो9साdहत fकया जाएगा।
● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को पढ़ते हुए
सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ शhद Nयोग मO
अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO NयE
ु त 80 NMतशत से

अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के अथ_ और वत_नी को जान
सकOगे ।
● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर पायOगे और
पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6 के अथ_ को समझ
कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे ।
● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने के Yलए
रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC पहचान कर
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ äबना
ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते हुए पढ़ सकते
● ^यवहार 3वषय पर क[ा मO Yलखवाकर छाA6 के
लेखन कौशल को जानना।
● पाठ मO से टe-सेरेमनी पर लेख YलखOगे।
● Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार कर
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास
पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का उपयोग करके
अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को संशोlधत कर पायOगे
और ^याकरण के Yलए संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।
● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग करके
4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-200 शhद)
Yलख सकOगे ।

● उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ 3वYभuन
Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और जdटल वाEय6 का
उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और आl-त
धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6 का उपयोग कर
● अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत Ñप से
बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का उपयोग और
संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
● आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन शhद6 को रे खांfकत
कर उनके अथ_ जानना।
शhद कोश का 3वकास ● अं£ेजी तथा सं<कृत के शhद6 का ~ान।

कैरे ट सोना,टe -सेरेमनी , Yमvया

● सामाYसक शhद6 पर पcरचचा_। जैसे लाभ-हाMन,

3वभेdदत मñ
ू याँकन
ु य
● लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से।
Assessment) ● चाय पीने के बाद लेखक ने <वयं मO Eया
पcरवत_न महसस
ू fकया?
● Mन<वाथ_ भाव से मानवता कC सेवा कC भावना

नैMतक मñ संबिuधत नैMतक मñ

ू य का 3वकास होगा।
ू य
● आदशÜ को ^यावहाcरकता मO मO अपनाने मO
स[म ह6गे।

पाठ – 17 3वषय पण
ू _ fकए गए Yश[ण के ल¶य सीखने के NMतफल
सáची वीरता और दे श ● Anotherहबीब तनवीर कC एकांकC के
भिEत कC भावना । माàयम से भारतीय बहादरु बजीर अलe
के साहसी भाव से पcरlचत होते हुए
3वyयाlथ_य6 मO दे श Nेम कC भावना जा£त
करना। पाठ के अंत मO दे श-भिEत पर
आधाcरत एकांकC का मंचन करने मO
स[म ह6गे।
● नाटक और एकांकC के अंतर को पाठ के
माàयम से समझने मO स[म ह6गे। जैसे
ह<तकला, वा<तक
ु ला, खेती-
एकांकC-एक अंक मO समाìत होने वाला
बाड़ी के NMत अपना ãझान
जबfक नाटक मO कई Ptय हो सकते हg।
^यEत करते हg तथा इनमO
3वषय पर चचा_ करते हुए Yशí[का कहानी
ू NयE
ु त कला9मक संदभÜ/भा3षक
पढाते हुए समझाएँगी ।
Nयोग6 को अपनी भाषा मO
-वण कौशल का 3वकास ● दे श भिEत कC भावना से ओत-Nोत होकर
जोड़कर बोलते-Yलखते हg।
दे श के NMत अपने कत_^य को समझने
मO स[म ह6गे।
● पाठ 3व<तार मO सहायक- पी.पी. टe,
<माट_ बोड_, अं£ेज6 कC कुछ अलग-अलग
त<वीरO ।
Ptय--^य साम£ी के माàयम से
रोचकता बनाए रखना।

● 10 से 12 Yमनट तक बोले गए
शै[\णक पाठ को सन
ु कर नो]स बना
● सन
ु ते समय 10 से 12 Yमनट तक
बोले गए वEत^य के पैटन_ कC पहचान
कर पाने तथा उसका MनQकष_ Mनकाल
पाने मO स[म ह6गे ।
● आलंकाcरक भाषा को पहचानने मO स[म
हो सकOगे।
● पाठ मO एक लेखक के 3वचार6 कC पहचान
कर पाठ का औपचाcरक सारांश बता
● पाठ के अंत मO छाAो से Ntन पछ
ू े जाएँगे
जैसे- वज़ीर अलe कौन था?
● शाहे जमा कौन था?
● सआदत अलe कौन था?
वाचन कौशल का 3वकास ● अपने 3वचार6 कC अYभ^यिEत
ृ नशीलता से कर सकOगे।
● <व-MनYम_त Ntन6 का उपयोग करके
सहपाdठय6 का मौ\खक सा[ा9कार कर
पाने मO स[म ह6गे।

● 3वYभuन 3वषय6 पर अपना मत Nकट
कर सकOगे और उदाहरण और तvय6
के साथ उसका समथ_न कर सकOगे।
● fकसी 3वषय पर अपनी सहमMत अथवा
असहमMत सस
ु ंगत मौ\खक भाषा मO Nकट
कर पाने मO स[म हो सकOगे।
● क[ा मO स^ु यवि<थत और स3ु वचाcरत
ढं ग से 8 से 10 Yमनट तक पाठ के
3वषय मO बोल सकOगे।
● <थानीय और वैिtवक मy
ु द6 पर मौ\खक
बहस मO dह<सा ले सकOगे।
● समह
ू मO बैठे 3वyयाथâ Mनधा_cरत अंश का
पाठन करO गे।
● पाठ को छाA आपस मO संवाद के Ñप मO पढ़O गे
िजससे उनके पठन कौशल का 3वकास
पठन कौशल का 3वकास
● लगभग 200-250 शhद6 के एक अंश को
पढ़ते हुए सामाuय और शै[\णक सuदभÜ
शhद Nयोग मO अंतर जान सकOगे। इसमO
ु त 80 NMतशत से अlधक dहंदe शhद6 के
अथ_ और वत_नी को जान सकOगे ।
● भाषा के 3व3वध Nकार6 कC पहचान कर
पायOगे और पढ़ते समय उपसगÜ और N9यय6

के अथ_ को समझ कर अंतर <पQट कर सकOगे

● संदभ_ से शhदावलe अथ_ का अनम
ु ान लगाने
के Yलए रणनीMतय6 के संयोजन का उपयोग
कर सकOगे।
● एक पाठ मO साdहि9यक उपकरण6 कC
पहचान कर सकOगे
● उáच मàयवतâ <तर कC शhदावलe के साथ
äबना ãके 200 -250 शhद 3वtलेषण करते
हुए पढ़ सकते हg
● सáची वीरता 3वषय पर क[ा मO अनá
ु छे द
Yलखवाकर उनके लेखन कौशल को जानना।
● लेखन मO सज
ृ ना9मकता व मौYलकता का
3वकास करना ।
लेखन कौशल का 3वकास ● <वतंAता आंदोलन के समय होने वालe
सामािजक सम<याओं पर लेख Yलख सकOगे।
● Yलखने से पहले अपने लेख कC Ñपरे खा तैयार
कर पायOगे । Yश[क के सध
ु ार Nतीक6 का
उपयोग करके अपने <तर पर एक NाÑप को
संशोlधत कर पायOगे और ^याकरण के Yलए
संपाdदत कर पायOगे ।

● अलग-अलग संगठन संरचनाओं का उपयोग
करके 4- से 5- अनá
ु छे द वाला Mनबंध (150-
200 शhद) Yलख सकOगे ।
● उपयE
ु त 3वराम lचêन, और वत_नी के साथ
3वYभuन Nकार के सरल, Yमl-त और
जdटल वाEय6 का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● लेख कC गुणव}ा हे तु सारांश वाEयांश6 और
आl-त धाराओं सdहत 3वYभuन तकनीक6
का उपयोग कर पायOगे।
● अपने 3वचार6 का समथ_न करने के Yलए उlचत
Ñप से बाहरe ëोत6 के उyधरण, सारांश का
उपयोग और संí[ìत टeका कर पायOगे।
● पाठ के अंत मO आठ –दस नवीन तथा कdठन
शhद6 को रे खांfकत कर उनके अथ_ जानना।
कhज़ा, कारवाँ, कारतस

शhद कोश का 3वकास ● शhदकोश को दे खने कC योJयता का 3व<तार
● पाठ मO आए उद_ ू के शhद6 को समझ
सकOगे।तuहाई, पाक, मक
ु र_ र, नफ़रत
3वभेdदत मñ
ू यांकन ● N<तत
ु एकांकC का क[ा मO हe मंचन
(Differntiated करवाकर
● अं£ेज6 के समय मे भारत कC Eया ि<थMत

● 3वषय पर अपने 3वचार N<तत
ु करO गे।
लघु Ntन Mनमा_ण के माàयम से।

अàयापक छाA6 को वज़ीर अलe कC तरह जाँबाज

नैMतक मñ
ू य बनने के नैMतक मñ
ू य के साथ अपने ^यिEत9व
को िज़ंदाdदल बनाने के Yलए Nेcरत करO गे ।
नोट- क[ा 10 मO
नवीन प∫य∏म के
ु ार कुछ पाठ हटा
dदये गए हg '



Class 1

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs or groups / individually and encouraged
Name common objects such as– man, dog etc. when pictures are shown
Use familiar and simple words (‘bat’, ‘pen’, ‘cat’) as examples to reproduce the starting sound and letter
( /b /, /p /, /k / etc)
Develop phonemic awareness through activities focusing on different sounds, emerging from the
words in stories and texts
Sing or recite collectively songs or poems or rhymes with actions
Listen to stories, and humorous incidents and interact in English or home language
Ask simple questions like names of characters from the story, incidents that he /she likes in the story,
etc. (Ensure clear lip movement for children with hearing impairment to lip read.)
Draw or scribble pictures and images from the story as preliminary to writing
Respond in home language or English or sign language or non-verbal expressions what he /she has
understood in the story or poem
Listen to instructions and draws a picture
Use greetings like “Good morning”, “Thank you” and have polite conversations in English such as “What
is your name?”, “How are you?” etc.
Say 2-3 sentences describing familiar objects and places such as family photographs, shops, parks etc.
Give examples of common blend sounds in words like ‘brick’, ‘brother’, ‘frog’, ‘friend’ etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Associates words with pictures Associates words with pictures

Names familiar objects seen in the pictures Names familiar objects seen in pictures in
order to associate objects with pictures and
vice versa
Recognises letters and their sounds A—Z Recognizes letters and their sounds A—Z in
order to develop phonemic awareness
Differentiates between small and capital letters in Differentiates between small and capital
print or Braille letters in print or Braille
Recites poems /rhymes with actions Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order
to show understanding of words by
associating them with action
Draws, scribbles in response to poems and stories Draws, scribbles in response to poems and
stories in order to begin exploration of written

Responds orally (in any language including sign Responds orally (in any language including
language) to comprehension questions related to sign language) to comprehension questions
stories /poems related to stories /poems in order to
demonstrate understanding of language.
Identifies characters and sequence of a story and Identifies characters and sequence of a story
asks questions about the story and asks questions related to the characters
and the sequence of unfolding of the story
Carries out simple instructions such as ‘Shut the Follows simple instructions such as ‘Shut the
door’, ‘Bring me the book’, and such others door’, ‘Bring me the book’, and such others
Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of Listens to English words, greetings, polite
expression, simple sentences, and responds in forms of expression, simple sentences, and
English or the home language or ‘signing’ (using responds in English or the home language or
sign language) using sign language
Listens to instructions and draws a picture Listens to instructions and draws a picture
with own understanding
Talks about self /situations / pictures in English Talks about self /situations / pictures in
Uses nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’, and prepositions Uses nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’, and
like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, etc. prepositions like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, etc.
Produces words with common blends like “br” “fr” Gives examples of words with common blends
like ‘brother’, frog’ etc. like “br” “fr” like ‘brother’, frog’ etc. in order to
show understanding of blend of words.
Writes words simple words like fan, hen rat etc. Writes simple words like fan, hen, rat etc.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Able to comprehend; Listen with attention; Improve vocabulary; Learn spelling ; Able to
speak short sentences; Improve handwriting

Unit-1 Topic Learning Objectives:

Learning Outcome
recite the poem with rhythm and the
draw different facial expressions and name Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order to show understanding
Happy Child them. of words by associating them with action.

Marigold list names of given objects and things in the

Unit-1 story. Draws, scribbles in response to poems and stories in order to begin
Three Little
exploration of written communication
Pigs locate rhyming and opposite words in the

poem. Name objects in pictures in order to associate words with pictures
explain the story by retrieving key words. and vice versa

Unit-2 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation
describe how animals take a bath Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order to show understanding
After a Bath of words by associating them with action.
describe the different body parts and
Marigold The Bubble , objects associated with its hygiene and Identifies characters and sequence of a story and asks questions
Unit-2 the Straw manners. related to the characters and the sequence of unfolding of the story.
and the
perform an activity based on bubble Associate words with pictures
making and blowing it through straw.

identify pictures of different type of shoes
and their colours.

Unit-3 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation. Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order to show understanding
of words by associating them with action.
One Little identify and number the creatures in the Recognizes letters and their sounds A—Z in order to develop
Kitten poem by writing their number names. phonemic awareness.

Lalu and Responds orally (in any including sign language) to comprehension
name water living creatures.
Peelu questions related to stories /poems in order to demonstrate
use Articles a/an/the with nouns understanding of language.
identify objects, colours and animals.

Unit-4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
identify the parts of trees and different Differentiates between small and capital letters in print or Braille.

give examples of feeling words.
Once I saw a
recognize phonetic sounds and the
Marigold Little Bird
number names.
name/ list any five fruits with their Differentiates between small and capital letters in print or Braille.

colours that grow on trees.
Mittu and the
identify vowels a, e, i, o, u
Yellow Mango
differentiate between capital and small

Unit-5 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
verbalize their thoughts and opinions in
home language about any fair they visited Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order to show understanding
Merry Go name/ list what different objects and of words by associating them with action.
Marigold Round games they see in a fair or mall.
Unit-5 draw a picture of a house by arranging
Circle different shapes. Draws, scribbles in response to poems and stories in order to develop
recognize/ identify different shapes, preliminary skill for writing.
positions, number names

Unit-6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation
name the different colours of apple. Draws, scribbles in response to poems and stories in order to develop
If were an explain the importance of trees and preliminary skill for writing
Marigold Apple environment.
Unit-6 Responds orally (in any language including sign language) to
Our Tree make a family tree by pasting family comprehension questions related to stories /poems in order to
member pictures in it. demonstrate understanding of language.
name different objects found on tree.

Unit-7 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
demonstrate writing skills/Fine motor Responds orally (in any language including sign language) to
coordination. comprehension questions related to stories /poems in order to
A Kite
Marigold demonstrate understanding of language.
make their own kite using coloured
Sundari sheets and name it.
Listens to instructions and draws a picture with own understanding
verbalize their thoughts on their kite.

read simple words / texts and relate with
the surroundings.

Unit-8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation.
A Little Recites poems /rhymes with actions in order to show understanding
develop/display the skill of sharing.
Turtle of words by associating them with action
Marigold develop/ demonstrate Visual Skills

Unit-8 identify difference between Tiger and
The Tiger
Lion. Identifies characters and sequence of a story and asks questions about
and the
read, listen and retell story in own the story

Unit-9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Interpret the given oral instructions and Follows simple instructions such as ‘Shut the door’, ‘Bring me the
respond correctly e.g. Listen to book’, and such others.
instructions and draw a picture as per
Unit-9 Anand’s identify different types of Seasons, Uses nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’, and prepositions like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’,
Rainbow colours of Rainbow etc.

list/ tell the month names through the

text or activities

Unit-10 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
explain the different occupations. Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of expression, simple
Marigold Flying Man
perform role-play and activities on sentences, and responds in English or the home language or ‘signing’
different occupations (using sign language)

The Tailor develop imaginative thinking
and his tell and write simple words with short Writes simple words like fan, hen, rat etc.
friend sentences

Class 2

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to—
Sing or recite collectively songs or poems or rhymes with action
Listen to stories, and humorous incidents and interact in English or home language
Ask simple questions, for example, on characters, places, the sequence of events in the story, etc.
(Ensure clear lip movement for children with hearing impairment to lip read.)
Respond orally in-home language or English or sign language or non-verbal expressions
Write 2-3 simple sentences about stories or poems
Look at scripts in a print rich environment like newspapers, tickets, posters etc.
Develop phonemic awareness through activities focusing on different sounds, emerging from the
words in stories and texts
Listen to short texts from children’s section of newspapers, read out by the teacher
Listen to instructions and draw a picture
Speak and write English, talk to their peers in English, relating to festivals and events at homes and
Enrich vocabulary in English mainly through telling and re-telling stories /folk tales
Use appropriately pronouns related to gender such as ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘his’, ‘her’, and demonstrative
pronouns such as ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’; and prepositions such as ‘before’, ‘between’ etc.
Read cartoons / pictures /comic strips with or without words independently
Write 2-3 sentences describing common events using adjectives, prepositions and sight words like
“This is my dog. It is a big dog. It runs behind me.”

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Sings songs or rhymes with action Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
show understanding of new words by
associating words with relevant action

Alternate LO:
Deciphers audio / visual cues of teacher and
peer and performs in unison, thereby echoing
the emotions, rhythm and the melody
Responds to comprehension questions related Responds orally to comprehension questions
to stories and poems, in home language or related to stories and poems, in home language
English or sign language, orally and in writing or English or sign language, orally and in writing
(phrases / short sentences) (phrases / short sentences)

Identifies characters, and sequence of events in Identifies characters, and sequence of events in
a story. a story demonstrating listening and analytical
Expresses verbally her or his opinion and asks Expresses verbally her or his opinion and asks
questions about the characters, storyline, etc., in questions about the characters, storyline, etc., in
English or home language. English or home language.
Draws or writes a few words or short sentence Draws or writes a few words or short sentence
in response to poems and stories. in response to poems and stories.
Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms
of expression, and responds in English /home of expression, and responds in English /home
language like ‘How are you?’, ‘I’m fine, thank language like ‘How are you?’, ‘I’m fine, thank
you’, etc. you’, etc.
Uses simple adjectives related to size, shape, Uses simple adjectives related to size,
colour, weight, texture such as ‘big’, ‘small’, shape, color, weight, texture such as ‘big’,
‘round’, ‘pink’ ‘red’ ‘heavy’ ‘light’ ‘soft’ etc. ‘small’,‘round’,‘pink’‘red’‘heavy’‘light’‘soft’
etc. in order to associate these with places
/events /poems /stories /conversations
/characters /etc.
Listens to short texts from children’s section of Listens to short texts from children’s
newspapers, read out by the teacher section of newspapers, read out by the
Listens to instructions and draws a picture Listens to instructions and is able to draw a
picture as per instructions.
Uses pronouns related to gender like ‘his / her Uses pronouns related to gender like ‘his / her
/, ‘he /she’, ‘it’ and other pronouns like ‘this /, ‘he /she’, ‘it’ and other pronouns like ‘this
/that’, ‘here /there’ ‘these /those’ etc. /that’, ‘here /there’ ‘these /those’ etc. in order
to their show understanding of their
appropriate use in sentences.
Uses prepositions like ‘before’, ‘between’’ etc. Uses prepositions like ‘before’, ‘between’’ etc. in
order to show understanding of their
appropriate use in sentence formation.
Composes and writes simple, short sentences Uses adjectives /prepositions /sight words, to
with space between words. compose and write simple, short sentences with
space between words, in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate application
to language.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Able to comprehend; Listen with attention; Improve vocabulary;
Learn spelling; Able to speak short sentences; Improve handwriting
Unit-1 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
First day at recite the poem with proper intonation and
Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
school correct pronunciation
show understanding of new words by associating
Marigold describe their first day in school in short
words with relevant action
Unit-1 sentences.
describe any one of their adventures.
Draws or writes a few words or short sentence in
Haldi’s relate words with pictures and pictures
response to poems and stories.
Adventure with habits.

Unit-2 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
and correct pronunciation. show understanding of new words by associating
words with relevant action
infer about scale of significance of luck in
one’s life by live examples
I am lucky
read and list new words to Vocabulary
Marigold use correct pronunciation to recite poem
Unit-2 individually /in group
demonstrate understanding of the words,
I want rhythm, melody and emotions.
Responds orally to comprehension questions
add -ed to the action words to make past related to stories and poems, in home language
tense or English or sign language, orally and in writing
use HAS /HAVE; make short sentences in (phrases / short sentences).
English or home language


Unit-3 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
narrate and re-tell stories /folk tales in
English on characters and places and Identifies characters, and sequence of events in a
enrich their vocabulary story demonstrating listening and analytical skills
A Smile
recite the poem with proper intonation
and correct pronunciation.
Marigold Uses simple adjectives related to size, shape,

Unit-3 write describing words for Wind and Sun. color, weight, texture such as ‘big’, ‘small’,

The Wind and use prepositions like ‘before’, ‘between’ ‘round’, ‘pink’, ‘red’, ‘heavy’, ‘light’, ‘soft’ etc
The Sun etc. appropriately in order to show in order to associate thesewithplaces
understanding of sequencing in sentence /events /poems /stories /conversations
formation. /characters /etc.

Unit-4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation.
RAIN create paper boats and write their name on it Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
recite any poem on rain in home language show understanding of new words by associating
Marigold explain terminology and describe things words with relevant action
Unit-4 /animals /actions seen in everyday
STORM IN THE surroundings (including Picture notice Listens to short texts from children’s section of
GARDEN boards, newspaper etc.) and recognize newspapers, read out by the teacher
the context.

Unit-5 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
ZOO MANNERS retell story /poems in home language
using pictures, Draws or writes a few words or short sentence in
state facts in simple sentences response to poems and stories.

FUNNY BUNNY verbalize about any two good Zoo
write words as a decoding activity.
write words and simple sentences as a
structured writing activity (for example,
state/ give in own words answers to Responds orally to comprehension questions
questions such as, what was the name of related to stories and poems, in home language or
the village? Why does the cat follow the English or sign language, orally and in writing
mouse? (phrases / short sentences).
write 2-3 sentences on a picture or personal

Unit-6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation
and correct pronunciation
Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to

read from scripts in a print rich show understanding of new words by associating

environment like newspapers, tickets, words with relevant action

Marigold posters etc.

Unit-6 verbalize and write in English,

discuss in English with peers about
festival, days and months and at home Listens to English words, greetings, polite forms of
AND THE expression, and responds in English /home
and school
THREE BEARS language like ‘How are you?’, ‘I’m fine, thank you.
use polite and appropriate expressions
while speaking.

Unit-7 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
demonstrate phonemic awareness
through activities focusing on different
sounds, shapes, weight etc emerging
On My Uses simple adjectives related to size,
from the words in stories and texts
Blackboard I topcolor, weight, texture such as ‘big’, ‘small’,
list/ name types of boards for drawing.
Marigold Can Draw ‘round’, ‘pink’ ‘red’ ‘heavy’, ‘light’ ‘soft’ etc. in
draw their cartoon character on black
Unit-7 order to associate these with places /events
board according to shape and size.
/poems /stories /conversations /characters
read simple words / texts other than
Make It Shorter /etc.
those prescribed in the text-books to
enable linkages between school and the
world outside the school

Unit-8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation
and correct pronunciation
Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
I AM THE MUSIC retell/restate the simple words of
show understanding of new words by associating
MAN Greetings used by teachers and verbalize words with relevant action
in simple English / home language with
teacher and peer
THE MUMBAI sing any English /Hindi song of your
Listens to short texts from children’s section of
read cartoons / pictures /comic strips
newspapers, read out by the teacher
with or without words in simple
sentences by talking about classroom.

Unit-9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation
and correct pronunciation
Granny Granny perform a magic show through hide and
Please Comb My seek activity. Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to
Hair show understanding of new words by associating
Marigold interpret oral instructions given to him
words with relevant action
Unit-9 /her and respond correctly with a yes or

a no
The Magic
demonstrate in a simple Wordplay using
Porridge Pot
words or phrases that explain symbols or Listens to instructions and is able to draw a
abbreviations with the help of pictures. picture as per instructions.

Unit-10 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Sings songs or rhymes with action, in order to show
recite the poem with proper intonation. understanding of new words by associating words
with relevant action
Strange Talk Uses pronouns related to gender like ‘his / her /, ‘he
tell the opposites and gender of different /she’, ‘it’ and other pronouns like ‘this /that’, ‘here

Marigold pronouns in story. /there’ ‘these /those’ etc. in order to their show
The Story of
Unit-10 understanding of their appropriate use in sentences.
Uses adjectives /prepositions /sight words, to
and The Ant compose and write simple, short sentences with
use adjectives for Grasshopper and Ant
space between words, in order to demonstrate
while speaking and writing
understanding of their appropriate application to


Class 3

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually and
encouraged to–
Sing songs or recite poems in English with intonation
Participate in role play, enactment of skits
Read aloud short texts/ scripts on the walls, with pronunciation and pause
Listen to and communicate oral / telephonic messages
Collect books for independent reading in English and other languages/Braille with a variety of themes
(adventure, stories, fairy tales, etc.)
Read posters, tickets, labels, pamphlets, newspapers etc.
Take dictation of words/phrases/ sentences short paragraphs from known and unknown texts
Draw and write short sentences related to stories read, and speak about their drawing or writing work
Raise questions on the text read
Enrich vocabulary in English through listening to and reading stories/folk tales
Use nouns, pronouns, adjectives and prepositions in speech and writing
Use terms such as ‘add’, ‘remove’, ‘replace’, etc., that they come across in Maths, and words such as ‘rain’,
‘build’ in EVS
Identify opposites and use in communication, for example ‘tall/short’, ‘inside/outside’, ‘fat/thin’ etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Recites poems individually/ in groups Uses correct pronunciation and intonation to recite poems
with correct pronunciation and intonation. individually/in groups in order to demonstrate
understanding of the words.
Performs in events such as role play/ skit Performs in events such as role play/ skit in English with
in English with appropriate expressions appropriate expressions
Reads aloud with appropriate Reads aloud with appropriate pronunciation and pause
pronunciation and pause
Reads small texts in English with Reads small texts in English with comprehension in order
comprehension i.e., identifies main idea, to identify main idea, details and sequence in order to
details and sequence and draws draw conclusions in English
conclusions in English
Expresses orally her/his opinion/ Expresses orally her/his opinion/ understanding about
understanding about the story and the story and characters in the story, in English/home
characters in the story, in English/ home language in order to demonstrate speaking abilities.
Reads posters, labels, pamphlets, newspapers in order to
strengthen vocabulary and demonstrate inquisitiveness
about real life examples of language.
Raises questions on the text read
Responds appropriately to oral Responds appropriately to oral messages/ telephonic
messages/ telephonic communication communication
Writes/types dictation of words/phrases/ Writes/types dictation of words/phrases/ sentences from
sentences known and unknown texts

Uses meaningful short sentences in Uses a variety of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and
English, orally and in writing, uses a prepositions in context as compared to previous class, in
variety of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and order to demonstrate oral and written skills in
prepositions in context as compared to speaking/writing meaningful short sentences in English.
previous class
Distinguishes between simple past and Distinguishes between simple past and simple present
simple present tenses tenses
Identifies opposites like ‘day/night’, Identifies opposites like ‘day/night’, ‘close- open’, and
‘close-open’, and such others such others in real life situations
Uses punctuation such as question mark, Uses punctuation such as question mark, full stop and
full stop and capital letters appropriately capital letters appropriately
Reads printed scripts on the classroom Reads printed scripts on the classroom walls: poems,
walls: poems, posters, charts etc. posters, charts etc.
Writes 5-6 sentences in English on Writes 5-6 sentences in English on personal
personal experiences/events using verbal experiences/events using verbal or visual clues
or visual clues
Uses vocabulary related to subjects like Uses vocabulary related to subjects like Maths (such as
Maths, EVS, relevant to class III. ‘add’, ‘remove’, ‘replace’), EVS (such as ‘rain’, ‘build’),
relevant to class III.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Able to comprehend; Listen with attention; Improve vocabulary; Learn
spelling ; Able to speak short sentences; Improve handwriting
Unit-1 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Good read the poem aloud laying stress on certain words and Uses correct pronunciation and intonation
Morning phrases to recite poems individually/in groups in
interpret/ infer the thought and imagination contained in order to demonstrate understanding of the
poem. words.
assess the beauty of nature
list the rhyming words (sun-run) used in the poem.

identify Antonyms and Synonyms in the poem(day-night)

Uses a variety of nouns, pronouns,
describe natural scenery using Nouns, Pronouns and
Adjectives. adjectives and prepositions in context as
compared to previous class, in order to
The Magic read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation,
demonstrate oral and written skills in
Garden pause and articulation of voice.
speaking/writing meaningful short
explain the theme of the lesson i.e. The Child and Nature.
sentences in English.
recognize the proper use of parts of speech and apply it to
the given exercises.

Unit-2 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Bird Talk read the poem aloud laying stress on certain words and Uses vocabulary related to subjects like
phrases Maths (such as ‘add’, ‘remove’, ‘replace’),
state/ tell the differences between different kinds of birds, EVS (such as ‘rain’, ‘build’), relevant to class
e.g. in size, shape, colour, beaks, sounds etc. III.

identify Antonyms and Synonyms in the poem.

assess the beauty of nature

identify rhyming words(grow-know) used in the poem.
compose a short poem using rhyming words.
read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation, Reads aloud with appropriate
pause and articulation of voice. pronunciation and pause

Nina and explain the theme of the chapter :differences and disabilities
the baby in nature.
sparrow recognize the proper use of parts of speech and apply it to Writes 5-6 sentences in English on
the given exercises. personal experiences/events using verbal
research/ analyse and write a few lines on how sparrows are or visual clues
becoming fewer in cities and towns.

Unit-3 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Little by read the poem with proper, gesture and pronunciation Reads aloud with appropriate
Little pronunciation and pause
identify and write rhyming words from the poem

explain about the various stages of growth of a seed.

Distinguishes between simple past and
write the names of some common trees
simple present tense
read the text with voice modulation use of phonetics while
explain the usage of past tense.
Writes 5-6 sentences in English on
write paragraph on a given topic
personal experiences/events using verbal
explain that roots of some plants are edible that is potatoes,
or visual clues
carrot, radish, turnip, ginger etc. and some can be eaten
without cooking.

Unit-4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures. Reads aloud with appropriate
pronunciation and pause
explain about human super senses (eyes, ear, nose, skin and
tongue) and their importance in our day to day life.
Sea Song

write a short composition based on picture.

recognise the different sources of water, aquatic animals etc.
read the story with correct pronunciation and rise and fall of Expresses orally her/his opinion/
the voice. understanding about the story and
A Little Fish describe the fish using short sentences when speaking characters in the story, in English/home
Story recognise word patterns and make words and introduce the language in order to demonstrate
simple group names . speaking abilities.
develop their creative writing skills.

Unit-5 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures. Reads aloud with appropriate
identify the opposite of the given words from the poem. pronunciation and pause
The Balloon
Man explain the theme of the poem i.e. Importance of Colours and
Appreciation of Beauty.

read the story aloud with correct pronunciation , pause Uses a variety of nouns, pronouns,
assess/ value the natural beauty-sky, colours, insects etc. adjectives and prepositions in context as
The Yellow locate the describing words (Adjectives) and Prepositions compared to previous class, in order to
Butterfly demonstrate oral and written skills in
recognise insects, butterflies and their different parts speaking/writing meaningful short
sentences in English.


Unit-6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures . Reads aloud with appropriate
explain about different means of transport and terrains. pronunciation and pause
write the experiences of any train journey.
perform a scene of railway station. Students to act like porters,
Performs in events such as role play/ skit
vendors etc
in English with appropriate expressions
read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation,
pause and articulation of voice.
state what different sounds are heard like chirping of birds, Expresses orally her/his opinion/
The Story newspaper boy, vegetable seller and taps of school going understanding about the story and
of The children characters in the story, in English /home
Road use present continuous tense in their day to day life. language in order to demonstrate
compose a short poem using different sounds of animals. speaking abilities.

Unit-7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Puppy & I recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures. Reads aloud with appropriate
explain the idea in the poem that pets are our best friends. pronunciation and pause
identify Antonyms and Synonyms in the poem.
Identifies opposites like ‘day/night’,
draw their favourite animals or a scene from one of their
‘close- open’, and such others

favourite stories about animals.
read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation, Writes 5-6 sentences in English on
pause and articulation of voice. personal experiences/events using verbal
explain the theme of the chapter that we should love and save or visual clues
Little Tiger, the animals.
Big Tiger apply phonemic awareness to pronounce the words correctly
in the lesson.
verbalise about animals which are endangered these days and
now they are not able to see them.


Unit-8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
write the new words correctly
explain the concept of different means of communication. Writes 5-6 sentences in English on
apply/ use the format of writing a letter when writing a letter personal experiences/events using verbal
interprets oral instructions given to him/her and responds or visual clues
correctly e.g. Listens to instructions and is able to draw a (Writes informal letters, messages,
picture as per instructions. entries, lists, etc. with a sense of audience
My Silly make new words using suffix ‘full’ ‘ly’& ‘ish’. in order to differentiate between different
Sister verbalise on My brother forms of writing (informal letters, lists,
stories, diary entry etc.)

make a family tree with the help of photographs of your family Responds verbally/in writing in English
members. to questions based on day-to-day life
experiences, article, story or poem heard
or read)

Unit-9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
identify antonyms and synonyms. Uses vocabulary related to subjects like
recite the poem with proper intonation. Maths (such as ‘add’, ‘remove’, ‘replace’),
infer the emotions of the speaker EVS (such as ‘rain’, ‘build’), relevant to
Don’t Tell
write the full forms. locate the short forms used in the poem. class III.
explain the theme of the poem that we should respect
everyone and listen to elders
Expresses orally her/his opinion/
read the story aloud with proper pronunciation and pause
understanding about the story and
infer the theme that interpersonal relationship is what we all
How characters in the story, in English/home
have as a treasure in our life and verbalise on it
Creatures language in order to demonstrate
use the language items in proper context – i) Noun
Move speaking abilities.

(opposites) verbs (action words)
identify the opposite words from the story

Unit-10 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation, Uses correct pronunciation and intonation to
pronunciation and stress on action words. recite poems individually/in groups in order
identify rhyming words. to demonstrate understanding of the word
How Creatures
explain the theme of the poem
"Fun of different living things like birds, animals and
humans”. And
"Movement of different living things"
read aloud the story with correct pronunciation,
expression & pause.
The Ship of The explain the theme of the story "Camel is the ship of
Desert the desert “and write a composition on it. Writes 5-6 sentences in English on personal
identify the body parts of different animals experiences/events using verbal or visual

Class 4

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually and
encouraged to–
Participate in role play, enactment, dialogue and dramatization of stories read and heard
Listen to simple instructions, announcements in English made in class/school and act accordingly
Participate in classroom discussions on questions based on the day to day life and texts he/she already
read or heard
Learn English through posters, charts, etc., in addition to books and children’s literature
Read independently and silently in English/ Braille, adventure stories, travelogues, folk/ fairy tales etc.
Understand different forms of writing (informal letters, lists, stories, diary entry etc.)
Learn grammar in a contextual and integrated manner and frame grammatically correct sentences
Notice the use of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions and verbs in speech and writing and in
different language activities.
Notice categories and word clines
Enrich vocabulary in English mainly through telling and re-telling stories/folk tales
Start using dictionary to find out spelling
And meaning
Practise reading aloud with pause and intonation, with an awareness of punctuation (full stop, comma,
question mark); also use punctuation appropriately in writing
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context
Take dictation of words/phrases/sentences/ short paragraphs from known and unknown texts
Be sensitive to social and environmental issues such as gender equality, conservation of natural
resources, etc.
Look at cartoons/pictures/comic strips with or without words and interpret them
Enrich vocabulary through crossword puzzles, word chain, etc.
Appreciates verbally and in writing the variety in food, dresses and festivals as read/heard in his/her
day to day life and story book, seen in videos, films, etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Recites poems with appropriate expressions and Recites poems with appropriate expressions and
intonation. intonation in order to demonstrate an
understanding of poem/sentences/words.
Enacts different roles in short skits Enacts different roles in role plays/short
skits/dramatization of stories with dialogue and
dramatic delivery
Responds to simple instructions, announcements Responds to simple instructions,
in English made in class/ school announcements in English made in class/ school

Responds verbally/in writing in English to Responds verbally/in writing in English to
questions based on day-to-day life experiences, an questions based on day-to-day life experiences,
article, story or poem heard or read an article, story or poem heard or read

Describes briefly, orally/in writing about events, Describes briefly, orally/in writing about events,
places and/or personal experiences in English places and/or personal experiences in English in
order to demonstrate communication skills

Reads subtitles on TV, titles of books, news Reads subtitles on TV, titles of books, news
headlines, pamphlets and advertisements headlines, posters, charts, pamphlets and
advertisements, printed script on the classroom
walls, notice board, etc.
Shares riddles and tongue-twisters in Shares riddles and tongue-twisters in
English English

Solves simple crossword puzzles, builds word Solves simple crossword puzzles, builds word
chains, etc. chains, etc.

Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words from known
them in context and unknown texts by reading them in context

Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning,
in order to demonstrate research skills
Writes/types dictation of short paragraphs (7-8 Writes/types dictation of short paragraphs (7-8
sentences) sentences)
Uses punctuation marks appropriately in reading Uses punctuation marks in reading aloud with
aloud with intonations and pauses such as intonations and pauses such as question mark,
question mark, comma, and full stop comma, and full stop in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate usage
Uses punctuation marks appropriately in writing Uses punctuation marks in writing such as
such as question mark, comma, full stop and capital question mark, comma, full stop and capital
letters letters in order to demonstrate understanding of
their appropriate usage
Writes informal letters or messages with a sense Writes informal letters, messages, entries, lists,
of audience etc. with a sense of audience in order to
differentiate between different forms of writing
(informal letters, lists, stories, diary entry etc.)
Uses linkers to indicate connections between Uses linkers to indicate connections between
words and sentences such as ‘First’, ‘Next’, etc. words and sentences such as ‘First’, ‘Next’, etc. in
order to demonstrate understanding of logical
relationships between words/sentences/ideas.
Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions in Uses noun, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions,
speech and writing etc. in contextual and integrated manner in order
to frame grammatically correct sentences, both
in speech and in writing
Reads printed script on the classroom walls,
notice board, in posters and in advertisements
Reads printed script on the classroom walls,
notice board, in posters and in advertisements
Speaks briefly on a familiar issue like conservation Speaks briefly on a familiar issue like
of water; and experiences of day to day life like visit conservation of water; and experiences of day to
to a zoo; going to a mela day life like visit to a zoo; going to a mela
Presents orally and in writing the highlights of a Presents orally and in writing the highlights of a
given written text / a short speech / narration / given written text/ short speech/ narration/
video, film, pictures, photograph etc. video/ film/ picture/ photograph etc. in order
to demonstrate communication, presentation
and critical thinking skills.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Able to comprehend; Listen with attention ; Improve vocabulary; Learn spelling ; Able to speak short
sentences; Improve handwriting
Unit Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Wake Up Recites poems with appropriate expressions and intonation in
read and re-read the poem aloud laying stress on certain
order to demonstrate an understanding of
words and phrases

recognise and produce rhyming words used in the poem.

enhance the vocabulary by picking out antonyms and
synonyms in the poem.

describe natural scenery using nouns, pronouns and Uses noun, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, etc. in
adjectives. contextual and integrated manner in order to frame
1 Neha’s Alarm read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation, grammatically correct sentences, both in speech and in
Clock pause and articulation of voice. writing
relate to the theme of the lesson i.e. importance of time
recognise the proper use of parts of speech and apply it to the
given exercises.

Unit Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Noses read and re-read the poem aloud laying stress on certain Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning, in order to
words and phrases demonstrate research skills
recognise that all the body parts are very important.

enhance the vocabulary by picking out antonyms and

synonyms in the poem. Speaks briefly on a familiar issue like conservation of water;

speak about his/her friends features and physical appearance. and experiences of day to day life like visit to a zoo; going to a
compose a short poem using rhyming words. mela

The Little Fir read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation,
Tree pause and articulation of voice.
discuss feeling happy with what she/he is or has.
recognise the proper use of parts of speech and apply it to the
given exercises.

Unit Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Run recite the poem with proper, gesture and pronunciation
locate and write rhyming words from the poem Uses punctuation marks in reading aloud with intonations
and pauses such as question mark, comma, and full stop in
realize the importance of games and sports.
order to demonstrate understanding of their appropriate
Nasruddin’s read the text with voice modulation ,use of phonetics while usage
Aim speaking.

3 speak about any of their favourite events e.g. cricket.
use verb and adverb Speaks briefly on a familiar issue like conservation of water;
use new words and language items in proper context. and experiences of day to day life like visit to a zoo; going to a
write paragraph on a given topic mela
pick antonyms and synonyms of the words given in text.

Unit-4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures. Uses punctuation marks in writing such as question mark,
frame questions beginning with comma, full stop and capital letters in order to demonstrate
“why”. understanding of their appropriate usage
Why? write a short composition based on a picture

read/enact ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and other fairy tales.

4 read the story with correct pronunciation and rise and fall of
the voice.
Alice In Enacts different roles in role plays/short skits/dramatization
present short sentences on ‘fish’.
Wonderland of stories with dialogue and dramatic delivery
strengthen word building with the help of word patterns. and
introducing simple group names

Unit Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures Uses noun, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, etc. in
locate the opposite of the given words from the poem. contextual and integrated manner in order to frame
Don’t be Afraid
relate to the theme of the poem i.e. always be hopeful. keep grammatically correct sentences, both in speech and in
of the Dark
patience as happy days always come after bad situation. writing
depict the compound words with the help of illustration.
5 read the story aloud with correct pronunciation , pause
contrast their feelings when they see Uses linkers to indicate connections between words and
someone who needs help . sentences such as ‘First’, ‘Next’, etc. in order to demonstrate
Hellen Keller
value their own belongings without envying others. understanding of logical relationships between
underline the describing words (adjectives)and prepositions. words/sentences/ideas
frame simple sentences using joining words and doing words.

Unit-6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures . Uses punctuation marks in reading aloud with
express/demonstrate love for animals, especially whom they intonations and pauses such as question mark,
keep for their domestic use. comma, and full stop in order to demonstrate

understanding of their appropriate usage
recognise rhyming words used in the poem.
The Donkey
enhance the vocabulary by picking out antonyms and synonyms Write/type dictation of short paragraph.(7-8
in the poem. sentences)
read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation,
pause and articulation of voice.

write about wild life sanctuaries with the help of teacher
I had a Little
use new words in proper context
write and speak sentences using ‘can’ and ‘cannot’

Unit-7 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Hiawatha recite the poem with proper intonation and gestures . Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning, in order to
relate to the idea in the poem that animals are our best friends demonstrate research skills
enhance the vocabulary by picking out antonyms and synonyms
in the poem
identifythe features of wild animals, their behaviour and
7 habitats
read the text aloud with correct pronunciation, intonation,
pause and articulation of voice.
The Scholar’s relate to the theme of the chapter that we should love and save Responds verbally/in writing in English to questions based
Mother the animals. on day-to-day life experiences, an article, story or poem
Tongue pronounce correctly the words in the lesson. heard or read
speak 5-10 lines or short speech on animal which are
endangered these days

Unit-8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with rhyme and rhythm. Shares riddles and tongue-twisters in English
to spell the new words correctly and find their meaning to
A Watering enhance their vocabulary
Rhyme develop love and care for nature especially for trees and plants

Solves simple crossword puzzles, builds word
and speak on it.
recognise that plants and trees are important for existence of life.
chains, etc/
read the chapter aloud with proper pronunciation and pause.
8 The Giving Presents orally and in writing the highlights of a
create new words using suffix ‘full’ ‘ly’& ‘ish’.
Tree given written text/ short speech/ narration/
develop sensitivity towards environment and the journey of life.

video/ film/ picture/ photograph etc. in order to
create a family tree with the help of photographs of your family
demonstrate communication, presentation and
critical thinking skills.

Unit-9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
build their vocabulary by finding out antonyms and Uses dictionary to find out spelling and meaning, in
synonyms. order to demonstrate research skills
recite the poem with proper intonation.
relate to the emotions of the speaker
develop the habit of reading different kinds of books.
relate to the theme of the poem that books are their best
read the story aloud with proper pronunciation and Presents orally and in writing the highlights of a given
pause written text/short
discuss the books they have read and narrate a story speech/narration/video/film/picture/photograph etc.
Going to buy a Book which they like the most. in order to demonstrate communication, presentation
participate in drill of the Language items in proper and critical thinking skills.
context – i) Noun (opposites)verbs (action words)
Find the opposite words from the story

Unit Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper intonation, pronunciation and
stress on action words. Presents orally and in writing the highlights of a given
The Naughty Boy identify rhyming words. written text/short
acquire knowledge about other countries, their culture, speech/narration/video/film/picture/photograph etc.
customs buildings etc and speak on it. in order to demonstrate communication, presentation
10 read the story aloud with correct pronunciation, and critical thinking skills.
expression & pause.

relate to the theme of the story that art and craft is very
identify and describe things of Scotland

Class 5

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually and
encouraged to–
Discuss and present orally, and then write answers to text-based questions, short descriptive
Participate in activities which involve English language use, such as role play, enactment, dialogue
and dramatization of stories read and heard
Look at print-rich environment such as newspapers, signs and directions in public places, pamphlets,
and suggested websites for language learning
Prepare speech for morning assembly, group discussions, debates on selected topics, etc.
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context while reading a variety of texts
Refer to the dictionary, for spelling, meaning and to find out synonyms and antonyms
Understand the use of synonyms, such as ‘big/large’, ‘shut/ close’, and antonyms like inside/outside,
light/dark from clues in context
Relate ideas, proverbs and expressions in the stories that they have heard, to those in their mother
tongue/surroundings/cultural context
Read independently and silently in English/ Braille, adventure stories, travelogues, folk/ fairy tales
Find out different forms of writing (informal letters, lists, stories leave application, notice etc.)
Learn grammar in a context and integrated manner (such as use of nouns, adverbs; differentiates
between simple past and simple present verbs.)
Use linkers to indicate connections between words and sentences such as ‘Then’, ‘After that’, etc.
Take dictation of sort texts such as lists, paragraphs and dialogues.
Enrich vocabulary through crossword puzzles, word chain etc.
Look at cartoons/ pictures/comic strips with or without words and speak/write a few sentences
about them.
Write a ‘mini biography’ and ‘mini autobiography’

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Answers coherently in written or oral form to Answers coherently in written or oral form to
questions in English based on day-to- day life questions in English based on day-to-day life
experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or read.
Recites and shares English songs, poems, Recites and shares English songs, poems, games,
games, riddles, stories, tongue twisters etc, riddles, stories, tongue twisters etc., recites and
recites and shares with peers and family shares with peers and family members.
Acts according to instructions given in English, Acts according to instructions given in English, in
in games/sports, such as ‘hit the ball!’ ‘throw games/sports/activities, such as ‘Hit the ball!’
the ring.’ ‘run to the finish line!’ etc. ‘Throw the ring.’ ‘Run to the finish line!’ etc.

Reads independently in English storybooks, Reads independently in English storybooks, news
news items/ headlines, advertisements etc. items/ headlines, advertisements, quotes,
Talks about it, and composes short paragraphs unfamiliar text, etc. talks about it, and composes

short paragraphs in order to demonstrate
communication and critical thinking skills.
Conducts short interviews of people around Conducts short interviews of people around him e.g.
him e.g. interviewing grandparents, teachers, interviewing grandparents, teachers, school
school librarian, gardener etc. librarian, gardener etc. in order to demonstrate
information gathering skills and effective
questioning skills.
Uses meaningful grammatically correct Uses meaningful sentences to describe and narrate
sentences to describe and narrate incidents; incidents; and for framing questions in order to
and for framing questions demonstrate correctness of grammar usage.
Uses synonyms such as ‘big/large’, ‘shut/ Uses synonyms such as ‘big/large’, ‘shut/ close’, and
close’, and antonyms like inside/outside, antonyms like inside/outside, light/dark from clues
light/dark from clues in context in context in speech and writing.
Reads text with comprehension, locates details Reads familiar and unfamiliar texts - adventure
and sequence of events stories, travelogues, folk/ fairy tales etc. -, locates
details and sequence of events in order to
demonstrate comprehension skills.
Connects ideas that he/she has inferred, Connects ideas that he/she has inferred, through
through reading and interaction, with his/ her reading and interaction, with his/ her personal
personal experiences experiences in order demonstrate skills of logical
reasoning and to have a meaningful reading
Takes dictation for different purposes, such as Takes dictation for different purposes, such as lists,
lists, paragraphs, dialogues etc. paragraphs, dialogues, informal letters, stories,
leave application, notice etc.in order to differentiate
between the different forms of writing
Uses the dictionary for reference Refers to the dictionary for spelling, meaning, and
to find out synonyms and antonyms in order to
demonstrate research skills.
Uses crossword puzzles, word chain, scrabble, etc.
to demonstrate efforts to enrich vocabulary
through them.
Identifies kinds of nouns, adverbs; Uses grammar in context and in an integrated
differentiates between simple past and simple manner, by identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs;
present verbs differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs
Writes paragraphs in English from verbal, Writes paragraphs in English from verbal, visual
visual clues, with appropriate punctuation clues, such as cartoons/ pictures/comic strips with
marks and linkers or without words with appropriate punctuation
marks and linkers (such as ‘Then’, ‘After that’, etc.)
in order to demonstrate creative and appropriate
use of the language.
Writes a ‘mini biography’ and ‘mini Writes a ‘mini biography’ and ‘mini autobiography’
autobiography’ in order to distinguish between the two and
demonstrate creative usage of language.
Writes informal letters, messages and e-mails Writes informal letters, messages and e-mails in
order to distinguish between the different formats
of correspondence.
Reads print in the surroundings Reads print in the surroundings (advertisements,
(advertisements, directions, names of places directions, names of places etc), understands, raises
etc), understands and answers queries

questions and answers queries in order to
demonstrate critical reading skills.
Attempts to write creatively (stories, poems, Attempts to write stories, poems, posters, letters,
posters, etc) dialogues, etc. in order to demonstrate creativity
and individualised articulation.
Writes and speaks on peace, equality etc Writes and speaks on peace, equality etc. in order to
suggesting personal views suggest personal views
Appreciates either verbally / in writing the Appreciates verbally and in writing, the variety in
variety in food, dress, customs and festivals as food, dress, customs and festivals as read/heard in
read/heard in his/her day-to day life, in his/her day-to day life, in storybooks/ heard in
storybooks/ heard in narratives/ seen in narratives/ seen in videos, films etc.
videos, films etc.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Answers coherently in written or oral form to questions in English based on day-to-day life
experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or read
Unit-1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
recite the poem with proper rhythm and intonation Recites and shares English songs, poems, games,
Ice-cream Man identify the rhyming words riddles, stories, tongue twisters etc., recites and
name the different flavours and variety of ice-creams shares with peers and family members.

write a report on ice creams available in their area or

on food.
UNIT-1 Wonderful Waste read the passage with proper intonation, stress and Appreciates verbally and in writing, the variety
pronunciation in food, dress, customs and festivals as
read/heard in his/her day-to day life, in
discuss about the food in the different regions of india storybooks/ heard in narratives/ seen in videos,
films etc..

language - learn to use different words and phrases in

different contexts and enhance vocabulary through

UNIT-2 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Team Work learn to recite the poem with proper intonation and Answers coherently in written or oral form to
correct pronunciation. questions in English based on day-to-day life
read the second stanza of the poem and relate to the experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or read

main idea of the poem

describe about the unity and team work in their own words


Uses meaningful sentences to describe and narrate
incidents; and for framing questions in order to
UNIT-2 demonstrate an appreciation of the story through
demonstrate correctness of grammar usage.
Flying Together group discussion and written analysis.
speaking - make a speech on importance of team work

Takes dictation for different purposes, such as lists,
comprehend the text and answers questions based on paragraphs, dialogues, informal letters, stories, leave
comprehension and inference. application, notice etc.in order to differentiate
frame and write the answers on their own in the between the different forms of writing
notebooks based on the discussion

UNIT-3 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
My Shadow practice reading aloud with pause, rhythm and Uses meaningful sentences to describe and narrate
intonation incidents; and for framing questions in order to
learn about the shadow and discuss about the other demonstrate correctness of grammar usage
shadows like shadow of the trees and school building

Marigold Robinson Crusoe learn to use different words and phrases in different Uses synonyms such as ‘big/large’,shut/close’,and
UNIT-3 Discover a footprint contexts and enhance vocabulary through the exercise antonyms like inside/outside,light/dark from clues in
given in the text. context in speech and writing.

Write a story on Strange Footprint
comprehend the text and answers questions based on
Reads familiar and unfamiliar texts - adventure
comprehension and inference. Frame and write the
stories, travelogues, folk/ fairy tales etc. -, locates
answers on their own in the notebooks based on the
details and sequence of events in order to
demonstrate comprehension skills.

UNIT-4 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Crying recite the poem with proper rhythm and intonation Attempts to write stories, poems, posters, letters,
dialogues, etc. in order to demonstrate creativity
and individualised articulation
demonstrate an appreciation of the rhyme , rhythm and

style of the poem
language - learn to use different action words and phrases in
different contexts and enhance vocabulary through the
Marigold exercise given in the text.
UNIT-4 My Elder writing: recognise and produce the format of letter writing Writes informal letters, messages and e-mails in order
Brother speaking -read aloud the parts of story that show the to distinguish between the different formats of
qualities of munna’s brother correspondence.
evaluate literary works using appropriate vocabulary

develop the habit of reading books

UNIT-5 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
The Lazy Frog recite the poem with proper intonation and correct Refers to the dictionary for spelling, meaning,
pronunciation. and to find out synonyms and antonyms in order
recognise the value of time to demonstrate research skills.

use the dictionary on their own

read the second stanza of the poem and relate to the main idea of the Answers coherently in written or oral form to

poem. questions in English based on day-to-day life
Rip Van write a notice about a missing person experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or
Winkle read
comprehend the text and answers questions based on

comprehension and inference.
frame and write the answers on their own in the notebooks
based on the discussion.

UNIT-6 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Class use new words and phrases in their own language and express Uses grammar in context and in an integrated
Discussion themselves in grammatically correct language manner, by identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs;
differentiating between simple past and simple
identify that a prefix is a group of letters that comes before a root or present verbs
Marigold base word.
narrate events in simple past tense

The Talkative write one story of bravery about a child. Use meaningful sentences to describe and
Barber narrate incidents; and for framing questions in
learn word-meanings with the help of the exercises given in the text. order to demonstrate correctness of grammar

UNIT-7 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Topsy-turvy learn to recite the poem with proper intonation and correct Attempts to write stories, poems, posters, letters,
Land pronunciation. dialogues, etc. in order to demonstrate creativity and
individualised articulation.
relate to the thought and imagination contained in poem.

develop the students’ power of imagination.

Gulliver’s writing – write a paragraph on land of dwarfs Writes paragraphs in English from verbal, visual
Marigold Travels clues, such as cartoons/ pictures/comic strips with or
UNIT-7 without words with appropriate punctuation marks
language - learn to use degrees of comparison and phrases in and linkers (such as ‘Then’, ‘After that’, etc.) in order

different contexts and enhancevocabulary through the exercise given to demonstrate creative and appropriate use of the
in the text. language.

UNIT-8 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Nobody’s use correct pronunciation to recite poems individually/in Connects ideas that he/she has inferred, through
Friend groups in order to demonstrate understanding of the words, reading and interaction, with his/ her personal
rhythm, melody and the emotions. experiences in order demonstrate skills of logical
reasoning and to have a meaningful reading
use word-meanings given in the text experience
pressent a speech on the qualities you look for in your friend
Marigold Uses crossword puzzles, word chain, scrabble, etc. to
read aloud the parts of story that show the qualities of Hari
UNIT-8 The Little demonstrate efforts to enrich vocabulary through
use different words and phrases in different contexts and
Bully them.
enhance vocabulary through the exercise given in the text.
apply word-meanings given in the text.

UNIT-9 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Song of recite the poem with proper intonation and correct pronunciation Conducts short interviews of people around him e.g.
people interviewing grandparents, teachers, school librarian,
develop an understanding of how to take interview gardener etc. in order to demonstrate information
gathering skills and effective questioning skills.
UNIT-9 Day by day I demonstrate understanding of the words, rhythm, melody and the Uses meaningful sentences to describe and narrate
Float my emotions. incidents; and for framing questions in order to
Paper Boat demonstrate correctness of grammar usage.

UNIT-10 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcomes
recite the poem with proper intonation and correct Reads familiar and unfamiliar texts - adventure
Malu Bhalu pronunciation stories, travelogues, folk/ fairy tales etc. -, locates
name the different kinds of bears. details and sequence of events in order to
demonstrate comprehension skills.
write about polar bear

Who will be develop sensitivity towards the environment Writes and speaks on peace,
Marigold Ningthou? equality etc. in order to suggest personal views
UNIT-10 develop the the concept of gender equality
write a paragraph on gender equality

Class 6

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually and
encouraged to–
Become familiar with songs/poems/prose in English through input-rich environment, interaction,
classroom activities, discussion etc.
Listen to English news (TV, Radio) as a resource to develop listening comprehension
Watch/ listen to English movies, serials, educational channels with sub-titles, audio-video materials,
talking books, teacher reading out from materials and to understand and respond
Participate in individual talk viz. Introducing oneself and other persons; participate in role play /
make a speech, reproduce speeches of great speakers
Summarise orally the stories, poems and events that he/she has read or heard
Locate sequence of ideas, events and identify main idea of a story/poem through various types of
comprehension questions
Read different kinds of texts such as prose, poetry, play for understanding and appreciation and write
answers for comprehension and inferential questions
Raise questions based on their reading
Interpret tables, charts, diagrams and maps and write a short paragraph
Think critically and try to provide suggestion/ solutions to the problems raised
Read/ Use dictionary as a reference book for finding multiple meanings of a word in a variety of
Take dictation of words, phrases, simple sentences and short paragraphs
Understand the use of antonym (impolite/ polite) synonym (big/large) and homonym (tail/tale)
Understand the grammatical forms in context/ through reading e.g. Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
determiners, etc.
Understand the context for various types of writing such as messages, notices, letters, report,
biography, diary entry, travelogue etc.
Draft, revise and write in English / Braille with punctuation and with focus on appropriate beginning,
middle and end
Use ICT (Net, mobile, website, YouTube, TED talks etc) to browse for information, for projects/PPT
Look at cartoons/ pictures/comic strips with or without words, and talk/write about them
Visit a language laboratory
Write a Book Review.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Participates in activities in English like role play,
Participates in activities in English like in
group discussion, debate, etc. individual talk viz. introducing oneself and other
persons; role play, group discussion, debate, make
a speech, reproduce speeches of great speakers,
story-telling, etc. in order to demonstrate fluency
in language
Recites and shares poems, songs, jokes, riddles, Recites and shares poems, songs, jokes, riddles,
tongue twisters, etc. tongue twisters, etc. in order to demonstrate
fluency in language and communication skills.

Responds to oral messages, telephonic Responds to oral messages, telephonic
communication in English and communicates communication in English and communicates them
them in English or home language. further in English or home language.
Responds to announcements and instructions Responds to announcements and instructions
made in class, school assembly, railway station made in class, school assembly, railway station and
and in other public places in other public places
Reads a variety of texts in English / Braille and Reads a variety of texts in English / Braille and
identifies main ideas, characters, sequence of identifies main ideas, characters, sequence of ideas
ideas and events and relates with his/her and events and relates with his/her personal
personal experiences experiences in order to demonstrate reflection
Raises questions/discusses the ideas of the text in
order to analyse the text and provide solutions to
the problems raised.
Reads to seek information from notice board, Reads from notice board, newspaper, Internet,
newspaper, internet, tables, charts, diagrams tables, charts, diagrams and maps etc. in order to
and maps etc. seek information and summarise it for the
reader/listener in his/her own words
Sees cartoons/pictures/comic strips with or
without words, and talks/writes about them in
order to demonstrate,
reading/surmising/writing/comprehension skills.
Responds to a variety of questions on familiar Responds to a variety of questions on familiar and
and unfamiliar texts verbally and in writing unfamiliar texts, verbally and in writing in order to
demonstrate comprehension skills.
Reads different kinds of texts such as prose, poetry,
play for understanding, appreciation and to write
answers of questions in order to demonstrate
comprehension and inferential skills.
Writes a short paragraph on given tables, charts,
diagrams and maps in order to demonstrate
inferential skills.
Reads various types of writing such as messages,
notices, letters, report, biography, diary entry,
travelogue etc. in order to understand the context
in which they are written.
Uses synonyms, antonyms and appropriately Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces word
deduces word meanings from clues in context meanings from clues in context while reading a
while reading a variety of texts variety of texts in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate application in
Writes words / phrases / simple sentences and Writes words / phrases / simple sentences and
short paragraphs as dictated by the teacher short paragraphs as dictated by the teacher
Uses meaningful sentences to describe / narrate Uses meaningful sentences to describe/narrate
factual / imaginary situations in speech and factual/imaginary situations in speech and writing
writing in order to demonstrate communication skills in
different given situations.
Refers to dictionary to check meaning and Refers to dictionary to check multiple meanings of
spelling, and to suggested websites for word and their spellings, as well as refers to
information Thesaurus to check for multiple words for a word,

in order to display ability to group words and use
these words in context.
Refers to suggested websites and uses all forms of
ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube, TED talks, etc) to
browse for information
Writes grammatically correct sentences for a Writes grammatically correct sentences for a
variety of situations, using noun, pronoun, verb, variety of situations, in order to demonstrate
adverb, determiners, etc. appropriate usage of noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
determiners, etc.
Drafts, revises and writes short paragraphs Drafts, revises and writes short paragraphs based
based on verbal, print and visual clues on verbal, print and visual clues in order to
demonstrate editorial skills.
Writes coherently with focus on appropriate Writes coherently with focus on appropriate
beginning, middle and end in English / braille beginning, middle and end in English / Braille
Writes messages, invitations, short paragraphs Writes messages, invitations, short paragraphs and
and letters (formal and informal) and with a letters (formal and informal) and with a sense of
sense of audience audience
Visits a language laboratory Visits a language laboratory in order to polish
speech and pronunciation and learn new words.
Writes a book review. Writes a Book Review in order to learn to think
critically and objectively about what he/she has

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course:
Students will think creatively, compare ideas as well as characters, enhance their vocabulary, communicate in different
social situations, produce language with grammatical accuracy.

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives:

Learning Outcome
discuss folktales and different famous Participates in activities in English
books that have a reference to morals. like in individual talk viz.
discuss how one’s company can impact introducing oneself and other
Importance of the one’s behaviour and build a character. persons; role play, group discussion,
company one keeps discuss two good qualities of the debate, make a speech, reproduce
second bird and give reasons in speeches of great speakers,
support of your answer. storytelling, etc. in order to
demonstrate fluency in language
use new words and phrases in own Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
A Tale of Two
language and be able to express in word meanings from clues in
grammatically correct language context while reading a variety of
through the exercise given in the text. texts in order to demonstrate
use word-meanings with the help of understanding of their appropriate
The Story of the Two
the exercises given in the text. application in language.
write a descriptive paragraph --
Drafts, revises and writes short
imagine you spent a day with hermit
paragraphs based on verbal, print
(rishi) in the forest;mention any five
and visual clues in order to
things you learnt from him.;write it in
demonstrate editorial skills.
the form of a paragraph.

comprehend the text and answer
questions based on comprehension and Responds to a variety of questions
inference. on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
Comprehension Check
frame and write the answers on their verbally and in writing in order to
own in the notebooks based on the demonstrate comprehension skills.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
discuss folktales and different famous Participates in activities in English
books that have a reference to morals. like in individual talk viz.
introducing oneself and other
persons; role play, group
discussion, debate, make a speech,
discuss about the human tendency to reproduce speeches of great
jump to conclusions hurriedly and how speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
The Friendly Introduction on Indian to demonstrate fluency in language
this tendency disrupts and causes
Mongoose Folktales
disturbance in the system.
discuss on various alternative endings
that one can think of about this lesson.
Do you or your friends keep pets? Ask
them about how they feel about their
pets, and share your ideas.

use new words and phrases in their Uses synonyms/antonyms,
own language and express themselves deduces word meanings from clues
in grammatically correct language in context while reading a variety
through the exercise given in the text. of texts in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate
application in language.
comprehend the text and answers
Responds to a variety of questions
questions based on comprehension
on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
and inference. Frame and write the
Comprehension Check verbally and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the notebooks
demonstrate comprehension skills.
based on the discussion

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
discuss different famous stories that Participates in activities in English
have a reference to morals. like in individual talk viz.
Know about Iranian folktales introducing oneself and other
persons; role play, group
discuss the value of honesty and that it discussion, debate, make a speech,
The Shepherd's is always appreciated and rewarded. reproduce speeches of great
discuss various topics like: speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
• a person's pride will humiliate him to demonstrate fluency in language
but a humble spirit gains honour.
• knowing yourself is the beginning
of all wisdom.

Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
word meanings from clues in
context while reading a variety of
texts in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate
application in language.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
relate to intuition by sharing their own Participates in activities in English
incidents preceded by teachers like in individual talk viz.
introducing the word intuition. introducing oneself and other
discuss the story by sharing their persons; role play, group
own view on the story. discussion, debate, make a speech,
reproduce speeches of great
The Old Clock speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
Shop to demonstrate fluency in language
recognise and use perfect participle in Writes grammatically correct
context, with the help of the sentence sentences for a variety of
'having finished his work, ray stood up situations, in order to demonstrate
and was on his way to the back room.’ appropriate usage of noun,
pronoun, verb, adverb,
determiners, etc.

relate to the main idea and the moral Uses meaningful sentences to
of the story by reading the text. describe/narrate factual/imaginary
situations in speech and writing in
order to demonstrate
communication skills in different
given situations.
The Shop Owner's
Wisdom and Kindness
use some words in context by Reads a variety of texts in English /
imagining themselves as ray and Braille and identifies main ideas,
making a diary entry about how he characters, sequence of ideas and
dealt with the situation. events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
Responds to a variety of questions
comprehend the text and answers
on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
questions based on comprehension
verbally and in writing in order to
Comprehension Check and inference. Frame and write the
demonstrate comprehension skills.
answers on their own in the notebooks
based on the discussion

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
narrate childhood shenanigans by Participates in activities in English
Tansen Childhood Shenanigans sharing their own pranks they pulled like in individual talk viz.
off. introducing oneself and other

discuss about different singers and the persons; role play, group
struggle they went through via a group discussion, debate, make a speech,
discussion. reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language

Reads a variety of texts in English /
analyse how Tansen was in his
Braille and identifies main ideas,
childhood by reading and
Tansen's popularity as a characters, sequence of ideas and
comprehending the text
singer events and relates with his/her
analyse how Tansen grew popular, by
personal experiences in order to
reading and comprehending the text
demonstrate reflection skills.
analyse how Tansen rose to the
challenge by reading and
comprehending the text.
use ‘if’ clauses in particular cause and Writes grammatically correct
effect referring to zero conditional by sentences for a variety of
highlighting the sentence "If Raga situations, in order to demonstrate
Deepak is properly sung, it makes the appropriate usage of noun,
The Fatal Challenge air so hot that the singer is burnt to pronoun, verb, adverb,
ashes." determiners, etc.
write an anecdote on the topic, 'That's Uses meaningful sentences to
how I rose to the challenge'. describe/narrate factual/imaginary
situations in speech and writing in
order to demonstrate
communication skills in different
given situations.

Responds to a variety of questions
comprehend the text and answers on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
questions based on comprehension verbally and in writing in order to
Comprehension Check and inference. Frame and write the demonstrate comprehension skills
answers on their own in the notebooks
based on the discussion

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
discuss friendship ; what it means and Participates in activities in English
its significance in one's life in a group like in individual talk viz.
discussion about it. introducing oneself and other
evaluate why not to take their friends persons; role play, group
for granted by sharing their own discussion, debate, make a speech,
experiences. reproduce speeches of great
The Monkey and speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
form a friendship to demonstrate fluency in language
The Crocodile
Writes grammatically correct
sentences for a variety of
situations, in order to demonstrate
use the phrase 'no longer' in context,
appropriate usage of noun,
with the help of a sentence, "the
pronoun, verb, adverb,
crocodile could no longer hide his
determiners, etc.
intention". focus on its word order.

relate to the main idea and the moral of Reads a variety of texts in English /
the story by reading the text. Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
The Shop Owner's demonstrate reflection skills.
Wisdom and Kindness use some words in context and write a Uses meaningful sentences to
diary by imagining themselves as the describe/narrate factual/imaginary
monkey of the story and make a diary situations in speech and writing in
entry of the time when the monkey order to demonstrate
was made acquainted with the communication skills in different
crocodile's real intention. given situations.
comprehend the text and answer Responds to a variety of questions
questions based on comprehension on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
Comprehension Check and inference. Frame and write the verbally and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the notebooks demonstrate comprehension skills.
based on the discussion

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Participates in activities in English
participate in a discussion: What is like in individual talk viz.
Dream and Good Sleep introducing oneself and other
The Wonder Introduction& persons; role play, group
Called Sleep Discussion on Dream discussion, debate, make a speech,
dicuss the causes of dreams and why reproduce speeches of great
good sleep is necessary for good health speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language

use different words and phrases in Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
different contexts and enhance word meanings from clues in
vocabulary through the exercise given context while reading a variety of
in the text. texts in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate
application in language.
Writes messages, invitations, short
paragraphs and letters (formal and
write a paragraph on ‘the effect of good informal) and with a sense of
sleep on the body' audience
Reads various types of writing such
as messages, notices, letters, report,
read about the effects of good sleep,
biography, diary entry, travelogue
how body recovers after a good sleep
etc. in order to understand the
context in which they are written.
Refers to dictionary to check
multiple meanings of word and
their spellings, as well as refers to
recognise and use word-meanings
Thesaurus to check for multiple
given in the text.
words for a word, in order to
display ability to group words and
use these words in context
comprehend the text and answer the Responds to a variety of questions
questions based on comprehension on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the verbally and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the notebooks demonstrate comprehension skills.
based on the discussion

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcome
Participates in activities in English
conduct a group discussion on the like in individual talk viz.
importance of proper medical introducing oneself and other
Introduction: wrong treatment persons; role play, group
beliefs about medicines discussion, debate, make a speech,
Importance of proper reproduce speeches of great
medical treatment discuss about saeda's mother's speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
condition and the pact that saeda to demonstrate fluency in language
makes with sunrays

debate on age old beliefs vs medical

A Pact with the Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
Sun use different words and phrases in word meanings from clues in
different contexts and enhance context while reading a variety of
vocabulary through the exercise given texts in order to demonstrate
in the text. understanding of their appropriate
Saeda's mother and application in language.
sunrays arrange the incidents in a sequence -- Writes coherently with focus on
Saeda's mother: from bad condition to appropriate beginning, middle and
healthy. end in English / braille

Refers to dictionary to check

use words by understandingmeanings
meaning and spelling, and to
given in the text.
suggested websites for information

comprehend the text and answer the
Responds to a variety of questions
questions based on comprehension
on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the
verbally and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the notebooks
demonstrate comprehension skills.
based on the discussion

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives
Learning Outcome
Participates in activities in English
present a general talk on the
like in individual talk viz.
Introduction: importance of unity and peace
introducing oneself and other
Importance of Unity and
discuss the story of pambupatti village: persons; role play, group
its condition in the beginning and in discussion, debate, make a speech,
the end reproduce speeches of great
Pambupatti village: its speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
narrate a story on unity in diversity
condition in the to demonstrate fluency in language
What Happened beginning and in the Reads from notice board,
to the Reptiles end newspaper, Internet, tables, charts,
read the text and also search on net
diagrams and maps etc. in order to
and make a chart of the qualities of all
seek information and summaries it
the animals mentioned in the chapter
for the reader/listener in his/her
own words
Writes a Book Review in order to
read the story again and analyse it learn to think critically and
critically and write a book review objectively about what he/she has

comprehend the text and answer the
questions based on comprehension Responds to a variety of questions
and inference. frame and write the on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
answers on their own in the notebooks verbally and in writing in order to
based on the discussion demonstrate comprehension skills.
Responds to a variety of questions
write in their own words 'in what way on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
is pambupatti village different from verbally and in writing in order to
other villages?' demonstrate comprehension skills.
Comprehension Check use words by understanding meanings Refers to dictionary to check
given in the text. multiple meanings of word and
their spellings, as well as refers to
Thesaurus to check for multiple
words for a word, in order to
display ability to group words and
use these words in context

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
describe Vijay Singh and his strength EN0601: Participates in activities in
Introduction: Vijay
explain how one can defeat anyone English like in individual talk viz.
Singh and his strength
using smartness and wit. introducing oneself and other
A Strange persons; role play, group
Wrestling Match Vijay Singh and his discussion, debate, make a speech,
read aloud the parts of story that show
encounter with the reproduce speeches of great
Vijay singh’s smartness
speakers, storytelling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language

learn to use different words and Uses synonyms/antonyms,
phrases in different contexts and deduces word meanings from clues
enhance vocabulary through the in context while reading a variety
exercise given in the text. of texts in order to demonstrate
understanding of their appropriate
application in language.
Drafts, revises and writes
write a paragraph on short paragraphs based on verbal,
‘appearance can be deceptive’ print and visual clues in order to
demonstrate editorial skills.
Refers to dictionary to check
multiple meanings of word and
their spellings, as well as refers to
use words by understanding meanings
Thesaurus to check for multiple
given in the text.
words for a word, in order to
display ability to group words and
use these words in context
comprehend the text and answer the
questions based on comprehension Responds to a variety of questions
Comprehension Check and inference. Frame and write the on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
answers on their own in the notebooks verbally and in writing in order to
based on the discussion demonstrate comprehension skills.

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course:

Students think creatively, compare ideas as well as characters, enhance their vocabulary, communicate in different social
situations, produce language with grammatical accuracy.
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
discuss folklore, supernatural
Participates in activities in English
creatures and famous books that
like in individual talk viz. introducing
have a reference to elves
The elf and his world oneself and other persons; role play,
discuss the struggling phase while
group discussion, debate, make a
doing homework and positive change
speech, reproduce speeches of great
in the attitude of patrick.
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
present a speech on importance of
to demonstrate fluency in language
Who Did doing homework regularly.
Patrick's recognise and use different words
Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
Homework and phrases in different contexts and
word meanings from clues in context
Attempts to help the elf enhance vocabulary through the
while reading a variety of texts in
exercise given in the text.
order to demonstrate understanding
recognise and use word-meanings of their appropriate application in
with the help of the crossword puzzle language.
given in the text.
comprehend the text and answers
Responds to a variety of questions
questions based on comprehension
on familiar and unfamiliar texts,
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the
verbally and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the
demonstrate comprehension skills
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 1 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Recites and shares poems, songs, jokes,
recite the poem with proper intonation riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in order to
and correct pronunciation. demonstrate fluency in language and
communication skills.
describe the interior of their own house Participates in activities in English like
A House and compare it with the description in in individual talk viz. introducing
the poem. oneself and other persons; role play,
group discussion, debate, make a
speech, reproduce speeches of great
A House A speakers, story-telling, etc. in order to
Home demonstrate fluency in language
read the second stanza of the poem and Reads a variety of texts in English /
recognise the main idea of the poem. Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
identify the poetic devices used in the Identifies and appreciates significant
poem and analyseits significance in literary elements such as – metaphor,
A Home
literature. imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc.in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
write a paragraph on the topic ‘a house is Writes coherently with focus on
different from a home.’ appropriate beginning, middle and end
in English

comprehend the text and answer Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension and prose, poetry, play for understanding,
Comprehension Check inference. Frame and write the answers appreciation and to write answers of
on their own in the notebooks based on questions in order to demonstrate
the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
speaking - discuss and share their first-Participates in activities in English like
hand accounts of their experiences with in individual talk viz. introducing
their own pets. oneself and other persons; role play,
Dogs as pets
use the language of the story by group discussion, debate, make a
performing a role play of the dog in speech, reproduce speeches of great
How the Dog pursuit of several masters. speakers, story-telling, etc. in order to
Found Himself demonstrate fluency in language

A New Master! Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
identify different collective nouns in
word meanings from clues in context
connection with animals and enhance
while reading a variety of texts in order
their vocabulary with the help of the
to demonstrate understanding of their
The dog’s masters
exercise given in the text.
appropriate application in language.
write a message addressed to your father Writes messages, invitations, short
reading what the story in question is paragraphs and letters (formal and
about. informal) and with a sense of audience
comprehend the text and answer Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension and familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally

inference. frame and write the answers and in writing in order to demonstrate
Comprehension Check
on their own in the notebooks based on comprehension skills.
the discussion.

Poem 2 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Recites and shares poems, songs,
recite the poem with proper intonation jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
and correct pronunciation. order to demonstrate fluency in
language and communication skills.
recognise and use different action words Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
The Kite
and phrases in different contexts and word meanings from clues in context
enhance vocabulary through the exercise while reading a variety of texts in
given in the text. order to demonstrate understanding
of their appropriate application in

describe a kite and its journey in the sky. Participates in activities in English
like in individual talk viz. introducing
The Kite read the second stanza of the poem and oneself and other persons; role play,
analyse the main idea of the poem. group discussion, debate, make a
speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order to
demonstrate fluency in language
Kite's journey identify the poetic devices used in the Identifies and appreciates significant
poem and analyse its significance in literary elements such as – metaphor,
literature. imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and

write a paragraph. write a paragraph on Writes coherently with focus on
the topic ‘my kite’ appropriate beginning, middle and
end in English
comprehend the text and answer questions Reads different kinds of texts such as
based on comprehension and inference. prose, poetry, play for understanding,

frame and write the answers on their own appreciation and to write answers of
Comprehension Check
in the notebooks based on the discussion questions in order to demonstrate
comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
discuss japanese folktales and belief and Participates in activities in English
taro and his character like in individual talk viz. introducing
Introduction: Japanese
stories and Taro discuss about the struggling phase of taro oneself and other persons; role play,
in the beginning and change in his life group discussion, debate, make a
towards the end of the story speech, reproduce speeches of great
read the parts of story that show the speakers, storytelling, etc. in order to
qualities of taro. demonstrate fluency in language
Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
Taro’s Reward recognise and use different words and word meanings from clues in context
phrases in different contexts and enhance while reading a variety of texts in
Taro and the
vocabulary through the exercise given in order to demonstrate understanding
impact of magic on his
the text. of their appropriate application in
write a paragraph about how Taro is Drafts, revises and writes short
helped by magic. paragraphs based on verbal, print
and visual clues in order to
demonstrate editorial skills.

recognise and use word-meanings given Refers to dictionary to check multiple
in the text. meanings of word and their spellings,
as well as refers to Thesaurus to
check for multiple words for a word,
in order to display ability to group
words and use these words in
comprehend the text and answer the Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension and familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
Comprehension Check inference. Frame and write the answers and in writing in order to
on their own in the notebooks based on demonstrate comprehension skills.
the discussion

Poem 3 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Recites and shares poems, songs,
recite the poem with proper intonation jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
and correct pronunciation. order to demonstrate fluency in
language and communication skills.
describe their own recent fight/quarrel Participates in activities in English
The Quarrel The reason they had with their siblings. like in individual talk viz. introducing
oneself and other persons; role play,
group discussion, debate, make a
speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order to
demonstrate fluency in language.

read the second stanza of the poem and Reads a variety of texts in English /
understand the main idea of the poem. Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
identify the poetic devices used in the Identifies and appreciates significant
poem and understand its significance in literary elements such as – metaphor,
The ending literature. imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
write a story. write an imaginative story Writes coherently with focus on
on any kind of fight or quarrel and give a appropriate beginning, middle and e
proper ending to it. nd in English
comprehend the text and answer Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension and prose, poetry, play for understanding,

inference. frame and write the answers appreciation and to write answers of
Comprehension Check
on their own in the notebooks based on questions in order to demonstrate
the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives: Learning Outcome
discuss the world of space, to
acquaint them with space and
Participates in activities in English
spaceship and to enable them to
like in individual talk viz. introducing
understand the difference between
The World of Space oneself and other persons; role play,
an aero-plane and a spaceship.
group discussion, debate, make a
discuss about the struggling phase of
speech, reproduce speeches of great
her life while doing homework and
speakers, storytelling, etc. in order to
positive aspects that can be adapted.
demonstrate fluency in language
make a speech on any female
personality who inspires them.
recognise and use new words and Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
An Indian -
phrases in their own language and word meanings from clues in context
express themselves in grammatically while reading a variety of texts in
Woman in
correct language through the order to demonstrate understanding
exercise given in the text. of their appropriate application in
Her life story language.
Chawla recognise and use word-meanings
with the help of the exercises given in
the text.
write a paragraph saying what you
Drafts, revises and writes short
want or wish to do. Then say (in
paragraphs based on verbal, print
another paragraph) how you think
and visual clues in order to
you can make your dream come true.
demonstrate editorial skills.
Responds to a variety of questions on
comprehend the text and answer familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
Comprehension Check
questions based on comprehension and in writing in order to
and inference. Frame and write the demonstrate comprehension skills.

answers on their own in the
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 4 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
recite the poem with proper Recites and shares poems, songs,
intonation and correct pronunciation. jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
order to demonstrate fluency in
language and communication skills.
identify and use different adjectives Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
and phrases in different contexts and word meanings from clues in context
enhance vocabulary through the while reading a variety of texts in
exercise given in the text. order to demonstrate understanding
of their appropriate application in
describe 'what is beauty?' Participates in activities in English
Beauty read the second stanza of the poem like in individual talk viz. introducing
and analyse the main idea of the oneself and other persons; role play,
poem. beauty can be found in any group discussion, debate, make a
person, thing and in nature speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order to
Natural and Inner beauty demonstrate fluency in language
identify the poetic devices used in the Identifies and appreciates significant
poem and analyse its significance in literary elements such as – metaphor,
literature. imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their

significance in literature and

write a paragraph about beauty. use Writes coherently with focus on

own ideas along with the ideas in the appropriate beginning, middle and
poem. end in English
comprehend the text and answer Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension prose, poetry, play for understanding,
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the appreciation and to write answers of
answers on their own in the questions in order to demonstrate
notebooks based on the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
conduct a group discussion: what Participates in activities in English
way this school may be different like in individual talk viz. introducing
Introduction: A different
from other schools oneself and other persons; role play,
discuss various days celebrated in group discussion, debate, make a
miss beam's school speech, reproduce speeches of great
read the parts of story that show the speakers, storytelling, etc. in order to
A Different
qualities of miss beam's school demonstrate fluency in language
Kind of School
Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
recognise and use different words word meanings from clues in context
and phrases in different contexts and while reading a variety of texts in
enhance vocabulary through the order to demonstrate understanding
Special features of Miss exercise given in the text. of their appropriate application in
Beam's school language.

Drafts, revises and writes short
match the words and phrases with paragraphs based on verbal, print
their meanings and visual clues in order to
write an essay on 'my dream school'. demonstrate editorial skills.
recognise and use word-meanings Refers to dictionary to check multiple
given in the text. meanings of word and their spellings,
as well as refers to Thesaurus to
check for multiple words for a word,
in order to display ability to group
words and use these words in context
comprehend the text and answer the Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the demonstrate comprehension skills.
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 5 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
discussteachers Responds to a variety of questions on
and their school lives familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
and in writing in order to
Where Do All demonstrate comprehension skills
Teachers: Their lives in
the recite the poem with proper
school Recites and shares poems, songs,
Teachers Go? intonation and correct jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
pronunciation. order to demonstrate fluency in
language and communication skills.

identify and use different adjectives Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
and phrases in different contexts and word meanings from clues in context
enhance vocabulary through the while reading a variety of texts in
exercise given in the text. order to demonstrate understanding
of their appropriate application in
Participates in activities in English
like in individual talk viz. introducing
oneself and other persons; role play,
describe 'what does a teacher do
group discussion, debate, make a
after school?'
speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language
read the poem and relate to the main
Raises questions/discusses the ideas
idea of the poem : teachers are just
of the text in order to analyses the
Teachers from a child's like other human beings
text and provide solutions to the
point of view discuss the poetic devices of the
problems raised.
identify the poetic devices used in Identifies and appreciates significant
the poem and analyse its significance literary elements such as –
in literature. metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and

list of the questions that the small Writes coherently with focus on
child has about his teacher appropriate beginning, middle and
end in English
comprehend the text and answers Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension prose, poetry, play for understanding,

and inference. Frame and write the appreciation and to write answers of
Comprehension Check
answers on their own in the questions in order to demonstrate
notebooks based on the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
discuss diversity and argue that Participates in activities in English
everyone has something special in like in individual talk viz. introducing
him or her. everyone is unique in oneself and other persons; role play,
Unity of diversity their own way. group discussion, debate, make a
discuss about personality and speech, reproduce speeches of great
confidence building. also, how each speakers, storytelling, etc. in order to
child is different from other. demonstrate fluency in language
present a speech on how you are
Who I am unique from others.
recognise and use new words and Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
phrases in their own language and word meanings from clues in context
Different people and their
express themselves in grammatically while reading a variety of texts in
unique experiences and
correct language through the order to demonstrate understanding
exercise given in the text. of their appropriate application in
recognise and use word-meanings language.
with the help of the exercises given in
the text.

write a paragraph about yourself so
that people who read it will get to
Drafts, revises and writes short
know you better.
paragraphs based on verbal, print
(remember to give a reason or details
and visual clues in order to
of what you write about, so that
demonstrate editorial skills.
anyone reading it will understand
you better.)
comprehend the text and answers
Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension
familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
and inference. frame and write the
Comprehension Check and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the
demonstrate comprehension skills.
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 6 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Recites and shares poems, songs,
recite the poem with proper jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
intonation and correct order to demonstrate fluency in
pronunciation. language and communication skills.
The debate – without language and Participates in activities in English
The importance of words
Wonderful appropriate use of words it is almost like in individual talk viz. introducing
and language
Words impossible to imagine the beautiful oneself and other persons; role play,
world. words and the art of group discussion, debate, make a
expression help to express thoughts. speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language

read the second stanza of the poem Reads a variety of texts in English /
and analyse the main idea of the Braille and identifies main ideas,
poem. characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
write a letter. write a letter
Writes messages, invitations, short
explaining to your friend as to how
paragraphs and letters (formal and
the wonderful words helps everyone
informal) and with a sense of
Synopsis of the poem to express his/her views in different
identify the poetic devices used in Identifies and appreciates significant
the poem and analyse its significance literary elements such as –
in literature. metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
comprehend the text and answer Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension prose, poetry, play for understanding,

and inference. frame and write the appreciation and to write answers of
Comprehension Check
answers on their own in the questions in order to demonstrate
notebooks based on the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
evaluate what is right and wrong, Participates in activities in English
which is higher than friendship and like in individual talk viz. introducing
enmity. oneself and other persons; role play,
Importance of friendship
discuss about the struggling phase of group discussion, debate, make a
their life in which they were caught speech, reproduce speeches of great
between right and friendship. speakers, storytelling, etc. in order to
present a speech on the qualities you demonstrate fluency in language
look in your friend.
recognise and use new words and Uses synonyms/antonyms, deduces
phrases in their own language and word meanings from clues in context
express themselves in grammatically while reading a variety of texts in
correct language through the order to demonstrate understanding
Fair Play Respect the verdict of exercise given in the text. of their appropriate application in
judicial bodies. language.
recognise and use word-meanings
with the help of the exercises given in
the text.
writing – write a paragraph stating Drafts, revises and writes short
what you think is more important in paragraphs based on verbal, print
your life ; your values, to be right or and visual clues in order to
your friend? demonstrate editorial skills.
comprehend the text and answer
Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension
familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
and inference. frame and write the
Comprehension Check and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the
demonstrate comprehension skills.
notebooks based on the discussion

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
speaking - discuss about fairs in the Participates in activities in English
context of india by sharing their first- like in individual talk viz. introducing
hand experience of their visit to a oneself and other persons; role play,
fair. group discussion, debate, make a
argue about the significance of luck speech, reproduce speeches of great
in one's life with the help of a debate speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
on the topic 'luck has a role to play in to demonstrate fluency in language
one's success'
identify and use some words as a Writes grammatically correct
noun and verb in different contexts sentences for a variety of situations,
and enhance vocabulary through the in order to demonstrate appropriate
exercise given in the text. usage of noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
A Game of determiners, etc.
Chance practise 'there' in the beginning of
the sentence with the help of the
exercise given in the text.
relate to the inherent idea of the Reads a variety of texts in English /
The Lucky Shop story and with their personal Braille and identifies main ideas,
experience. characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
Writes messages, invitations, short
establish the importance of obeying
paragraphs and letters (formal and
elders by writing a letter addressed
informal) and with a sense of
to your young brother.

comprehend the text and answer Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
Comprehension Check and inference. frame and write the and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the demonstrate comprehension skills.
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 8 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Recites and shares poems, songs,
recite the poem with proper jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
intonation and correct order to demonstrate fluency in
pronunciation. language and communication skills.
explain if they are able to appreciate Participates in activities in English
The importance of dignity
the value of freedom. like in individual talk viz. introducing
of labour
oneself and other persons; role play,
group discussion, debate, make a
Vocation speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language
read the second stanza of the poem Reads a variety of texts in English /
and analyse the main idea of the Braille and identifies main ideas,
poem. characters, sequence of ideas and
Synopsis of the poem
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.

write a letter. write a letter
explaining to your friend that like the Writes coherently with focus on
child in the poem, you perhaps have appropriate beginning, middle and
your own wishes for yourself. write end in English
to your friend, using “i wish i were…”
identify the poetic devices used in Identifies and appreciates significant
the poem and evaluate its literary elements such as –
significance in literature. metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
comprehend the text and answer
Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension
prose, poetry, play for understanding,
and inference. Frame and write the
Comprehension Check appreciation and to write answers of
answers on their own in the
questions in order to demonstrate
notebooks based on the discussion
comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
discuss about deserts and its unique Participates in activities in English
features by carrying out a group like in individual talk viz. introducing
discussion. oneself and other persons; role play,
The Desert recognise and use superlative degree group discussion, debate, make a
in context with the help of a speaking speech, reproduce speeches of great
exercise in the text speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language

Reads a variety of texts in English /
Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
recognise and use some words and Writes grammatically correct
phrases with regard to desert in sentences for a variety of situations,
context with the help of exercise B in order to demonstrate appropriate
(Working with the language) usage of noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
Identify and use quantifiers in the determiners, etc.
beginning of the sentences with the
help of the exercise given in the text.
analyse the information in Reads a variety of texts in English /
Desert Animals connection with several desert Braille and identifies main ideas,
animals. characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
Uses meaningful sentences to
identify and use the lexical set of the
describe/narrate factual/imaginary
desert in context by writing a diary
situations in speech and writing in
on the topic 'My journey through a
order to demonstrate communication
skills in different given situations.
comprehend the text and answer Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
Comprehension Check
and inference. Frame and write the and in writing in order to
demonstrate comprehension skills.

answers on their own in the
notebooks based on the discussion

Poem 9 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
What if Fear recite the poem with proper Recites and shares poems, songs,
intonation and correct jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, etc. in
pronunciation. order to demonstrate fluency in
language and communication skills.
discuss that fear is inevitable, Participates in activities in English
however to go beyond your fear and like in individual talk viz. introducing
not to let it get the better of you is oneself and other persons; role play,
how you can overcome it by sharing group discussion, debate, make a
their personal experiences. speech, reproduce speeches of great
speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
to demonstrate fluency in language
What if read the poem and interpret the Reads a variety of texts in English /
main idea of the poem. Braille and identifies main ideas,
characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
personal experiences in order to
demonstrate reflection skills.
poetic device - identify the poetic Identifies and appreciates significant
device anaphora as the phrase 'what literary elements such as –
if' is repeated. metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile,
onomatopoeia, intention/point of
view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their

significance in literature and

write a diary diary entry on 'how Uses meaningful sentences to

you overcame the fear of exam the describe/ narrate factual/ imaginary
day before the examination' situations in speech and writing in
order to demonstrate communication
skills in different given situations.
Comprehension Check comprehend the text and answer Reads different kinds of texts such as
questions based on comprehension prose, poetry, play for understanding,
and inference. frame and write the appreciation and to write answers of
answers on their own in the questions in order to demonstrate
notebooks based on the discussion comprehension and inferential skills.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome
The Banyan Fight between the cobra discuss about the fight between the Participates in activities in English
Tree and the mongoose at large cobra and the mongoose in a group. like in individual talk viz. introducing
oneself and other persons; role play,
group discussion, debate, make a
speech, reproduce speeches of great
identify and use comparative and speakers, story-telling, etc. in order
positive degree with the help of a to demonstrate fluency in language
speaking activity in the text.

The Banyan Tree and The recognise and use some words and Writes grammatically correct
Narrator phrases with regard to trees and sentences for a variety of situations,
describing movement in context with in order to demonstrate appropriate
the help of exercises a & b (working usage of noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
with the language) determiners, etc.
practise 'could' and 'would' in
context, with the help of exercise c
(working with the language)
analyse the relationship between the Reads a variety of texts in English /
banyan tree and the narrator by Braille and identifies main ideas,
reading and comprehending the text. characters, sequence of ideas and
events and relates with his/her
The fight between the describe movement by reading and
personal experiences in order to
cobra and the mongoose, comprehending the text describing
demonstrate reflection skills.
and its result in the story. different sorts of actions in the fight.

describe a place with the help of the Writes messages, invitations, short
writing activity in the text. paragraph paragraphs and letters (formal and
writing on the topic 'my favorite informal) and with a sense of
place at my home'. audience
Comprehension Check comprehend the text and answer Responds to a variety of questions on
questions based on comprehension familiar and unfamiliar texts, verbally
and inference. frame and write the and in writing in order to
answers on their own in the demonstrate comprehension skills.
notebooks based on the discussion

Class 7

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs groups/ individually and
encouraged to–
Consciously listen to songs/poems/stories/ prose texts in English through interaction and
being exposed to print-rich environment
Participate in different events/ activities in English in the classroom, school assembly; and
organised by different Institutions
Listen to English news and debates (TV, Radio) as input for discussion and debating skills
Watch and listen to English movies, serials, educational channels with sub-titles, audio- video
materials, teacher reading out from materials and eminent speakers
Share their experiences such as journeys, visits, etc. In pairs /groups
Introduce self, converse with other persons, participate in role play / make speeches,
reproduce speeches of great speakers
Summarise orally and in writing a given text, stories, or an event
Learn vocabulary associated with various professions (e.g. Cook, cobbler, farmer, blacksmith,
doctor etc)
Read stories / plays (from books/ other sources in English / Braille) and locate details,
sequence of ideas and events and identify main idea
Use material from various sources in English and other languages to facilitate comprehension
and co-relation
Understand the rules of grammar through a variety of situations and contexts focussing on noun,
pronoun, verb, determiners, time and tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc.
Think critically on inputs based on reading and interaction and try to provide
suggestion/solutions to the problems
Raised. (the themes could be social issues, environment problems, appreciation of culture
and crafts)
Refer sources such as dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia to facilitate reading
Read text, both familiar and unfamiliar, and write answers for comprehension and inferential
Take dictation of a paragraph with a variety of sentence structures.
Draft, revise and write with appropriate beginning, middle and end, along with punctuation
Know the features of various types of writing: messages, emails, notice, letter, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc.

Use ICT (Net, mobile, website, YouTube, TED talks etc) to browse for information, for
projects/PPT discussion, debate etc.
Attempt creative writing, like stories, poems, dialogues, skits etc.
Visit a language laboratory
Write a Book Review

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Answers questions orally and in writing on a Answers questions orally and in writing on a
variety of texts variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
Reads aloud stories and recites poems with Reads aloud stories and recites poems with
appropriate pause, intonation and appropriate pause, intonation and
pronunciation pronunciation
Participates in different activities in English Participates in different activities in English
such as role play, poetry recitation, skit, such as role play, poetry recitation, skit,
drama, debate, speech, elocution, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organised by school declamation, quiz, etc., organised by school
and other such organisations and other such organisations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
Introduces self, converses with other
persons, participates in role play/makes
speeches, reproduces speeches of great
Engages in conversations in English with Engages in conversations with family,
family, friends, and people from different friends, and people from different
professions such as shopkeeper, salesperson professions such as shopkeeper, salesperson
etc. using appropriate vocabulary etc. in English by using appropriate
vocabulary and also learns vocabulary
associated with various professions (e.g.
cook, cobbler, farmer, blacksmith, doctor etc)
Responds to different kinds of instructions, Responds to different kinds of instructions,
requests, directions in varied contexts viz. and requests directions in varied contexts
School, bank, railway station viz. school, bank, railway station

Speaks about excerpts, dialogues, skits, short Reads, listens and speaks about excerpts,
films, news and debate on TV and radio, dialogues, skits, short films, news and debate

audio–video programmes on suggested on TV and radio, audio–video programmes
websites on suggested websites, etc.
Reads tables, charts, diagrams and maps, and
incorporates the information in writing in
order to interpret them.
Raises and responds to questions based on
texts (from books or other resources) in
order to demonstrate curiosity and
inquisitiveness skills.
Reads textual/non-textual materials in Reads textual/non-textual materials in
English/Braille with comprehension English/Braille with comprehension
Identifies details, characters, main idea and Identifies details, characters, main idea and
sequence of ideas and events in textual / non- sequence of ideas and events in textual/non-
textual material textual material in order to demonstrate
comprehension of text and sequencing skills.
Thinks critically, compares and contrasts Thinks critically about, characters, events,
characters, events, ideas, themes and relates ideas, themes and relates them to life in order
them to life to compare and contrast them

Reads to seek information in print / online, Reads and comprehends information in print
notice board, signboards in public places, / online, notice board, signboards in public
newspaper, hoardings etc. places, newspaper, hoardings etc. in order to
seek/gather information.
Takes notes while teacher teaches /from Takes notes while teacher teaches /from
books / from online materials. books / from online materials.
Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by Reads unfamiliar words in context in order to
reading them in context infer their meaning.
Refers dictionary, thesaurus and Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
encyclopaedia to find meanings / spelling of encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
words while reading and writing spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.
Uses appropriate grammatical forms in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing
communication (e.g. Noun, pronoun, verb, and contexts focusing on noun, pronoun, verb,
determiners, time and tense, passivation, determiners, time and tense, passivation,
adjective, adverb, etc) adjective, adverb, etc. in order to demonstrate
comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.
Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g. Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g.
Adventure stories and science fiction, fairy adventure stories and science fiction, fairy

tales, biography, autobiography, travelogue tales, biography, autobiography, travelogue
etc. (extensive reading) etc. in order to demonstrate extensive
reading skills.
Organises sentences coherently in English / Organises sentences coherently in English /
in Braille with the help of verbal and visual in Braille with the help of verbal and visual
clues and with a sense of audience clues and with a sense of audience
Refers to suggested websites and uses all
forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube, TED
talks, etc) to browse for information in order
to prepare for
Writes formal letters, personal diary, list, Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
email, SMS, etc. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.
Writes descriptions / narratives showing Writes descriptions/narratives on various
sensitivity to gender, environment and socio-cultural and current issues in order to
appreciation of cultural diversity show sensitivity to gender, environment and
appreciation of cultural diversity
Writes dialogues from a story and story from writes dialogues from a story and story from
dialogues dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.
Visits a language laboratory. Visits a language laboratory in order to polish
speech and pronunciation and learn new
Writes a Book Review. Writes a Book Review in order to learn to
think critically and objectively about what
he/she has read.


Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: demonstrate knowledge, comprehend, analyse and produce information in form of creative
writing. They will be able to communicate in English effectively and appropriately in all forums.
Chapter 1 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Tiny Teacher Ants: Intelligent Creatures use the internet, library, the text and other resources Answers questions orally and in writing
to gather and share information about the qualities, on a variety of texts – both, familiar as
habitat, their eating habits, role of different ants in a well as unfamiliar.
analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, summarize,
extract and infer answers to questions based on the
text. frame and write answers based on the
discussions and reading of the text.
present their research and information about ants in Refers to suggested websites and uses all
the form of an article. forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube,
Different kinds of ants compare and contrast the different kinds ants in the TED talks, etc.) to browse for information
and their role colony. demonstrate their knowledge through an in order to prepare for
activity- picture book: compile a small picture book projects/slides/discussions/etc.
with pictures of different ants’ and their roles in the

process information about ants and extract the main
message about the value of unity in diversity.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Bringing Up Kari Elephant as a pet recognize the importance of pets. Answers questions orally and in writing on
a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
locate the main ideas and message of the text – to unfamiliar
respect and love animals as friends.
analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, summarize,
extract and infer answers to questions based on the
text. frame and write answers based on the discussions
and reading of the text.

writing- write an essay on their personal experience Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
with animals. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.
Training of Kari describe, organize and construct the sequence of events Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
in the text. identify the need for training of pet animals encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
for communication between animals and humans. use spelling of words while reading and
vocabulary related to elephants, their training activities writing and to demonstrate research skills.
and instructions - verbal or nonverbal.
research on various animal welfare Acts, and present
their work in form of group activity.

Chapter 3 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Desert Comprehension use the internet, library, text and other resources to Answers questions orally and in writing on
gather information about the climatic conditions, a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
habitat, vegetation and life in deserts. unfamiliar

read, recall, summarize, paraphrase, infer information
from the text and answer questions based on it.
present their research findings in the form of a group Participates in different activities in English
discussion. such as role play, poetry recitation, skit,
drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
Additional activities write the difference between hot and cold deserts in Refers to suggested websites and uses all
based on the theme form of an article. forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube,
of deserts TED talks, etc) to browse for information in
order to prepare for
design and create an Encyclopaedia on Desert Life Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
consisting of relevant vocabulary, word search, and encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
information with pictures. spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.
present Desert Fables they have read and researched Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g.
before the class. adventure stories and science fiction, fairy
tales, biography, autobiography, travelogue
etc. in order to demonstrate extensive
reading skills.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Cop and the Approaching winter read and locate the main ideas of the text. interpret and Answers questions orally and in writing on
Anthem discuss how winter symbolizes change, and that a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
everyone, be it animals or human, prepares themselves unfamiliar
for seasonal change.

read, recall, summarize, paraphrase, infer, analyse
Soapy and cops information from the text and answer questions based
on it.

apply critical and creative thought in thinking of
problems in different and unusual ways, evaluate and
find new solutions, or generate new ideas.

locate the sequence of events and draw out the main

message of the text (the importance of realizing one's
mistakes, and making efforts to improve).

compose and construct dialogues pertaining to the text. Use the rules of grammar in speech and
demonstrate grasp of reported speech concepts by writing and contexts focusing on noun,
using them to frame dialogues and identifying reported pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
speech given in the text. . tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.
read the story silently and aloud with fluency, correct Participates in different activities in
pronunciation and expression. English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
speak about symbolism of seasons, and share personal declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
experience of how they prepare for seasonal change. and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.

Chapter 5 Topic Learning objectives Learning outcomes
Golu Grows a Nose Golu's big nose analyse qualities of characters, and how they shape Raises and responds to questions based on
their experiences. for e.g. - golu, a baby elephant, was texts (from books or other resources) in
full of questions and his curiosity led to dangerous order to demonstrate curiosity and
experiences. relate the character to personal life and inquisitiveness
experiences, and present/ show them or discuss those
experiences in groups.

locate central ideas of the text and describe the
sequence of events.

describe various nouns using different adjectives. Use the rules of grammar in speech and
develop their vocabulary through the exercises given
writing and contexts focusing on noun,
in the text. pronoun, verb, determiners, time and tense,
passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order
to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
use verb forms and phrasal verbs appropriately, and
of situations.
apply them to the given exercises.

Meeting the crocodile discuss the meeting of two animals. Identifies details, characters, main idea and
sequence of ideas and events in
identify the message from the text to not trust textual/non-textual material in order to
strangers and believe them blindly. demonstrate comprehension of text and
sequencing skills.
read, recall, summarize, paraphrase, infer, analyse
information from the text and answer questions based
on it.

write a character sketch of any of the characters from Thinks critically about, characters, events,
the text. ideas, themes and relates them to life in
order to compare and contrast them

compose and construct dialogues between golu and the writes dialogues from a story and story
crocodile. from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
I Want Something in Mr. Purcell's Shop identify how to analyse mood and atmosphere in a Raises and responds to questions based on
a Cage text. for .e.g - though the shop had a variety of pets but texts (from books or other resources) in
still the atmosphere of the shop was dull and order to demonstrate curiosity and
cheerless. inquisitiveness skills.

describe details provided in the text.

construct and compose dialogues pertaining to the Engages in conversations with family,
text. friends, and people from different
professions such as shopkeeper,
salesperson etc. in English by using
appropriate vocabulary and also learns
vocabulary associated with various
professions (e.g. cook, cobbler, farmer,
blacksmith, doctor etc)
A meeting with the identify sequence of events and central ideas of the Thinks critically about, characters, events,
stranger text (freedom). analyse the character of the prisoner, ideas, themes and relates them to life in
and relate human beings and animals’ desire to not be order to compare and contrast them

read, recall, summarize, paraphrase, infer, analyse
information from the text and answer questions based
on it.

express and share views on the of importance of Participates in different activities in
freedom. English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension
of the language.
Set the doves free write/ compose a story based on the outline given in Writes descriptions/narratives on various
the text. topic can be related to freedom.write an socio-cultural and current issues in order
article comparing and contrasting freedom of human to show sensitivity to gender, environment
beings, and birds and animals; and/ or the difference and appreciation of cultural diversity
between wild/ free and caged animals.

Chapter 7 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Chandni Abbu Khan's Pets read a text and locate its main ideas, sequence of Identifies details, characters, main idea and
events and character qualities and motivations. for e.g. sequence of ideas and events in
- though chandni was looked after well, she wanted textual/non-textual material in order to
something more than love; she wanted freedom, and demonstrate comprehension of text and
she was ready to pay a high price for it. sequencing skills.

recall, summarize, paraphrase, infer, analyse, and
evaluate information from the text and answer
questions based on it.

recognize the central idea of the text (the importance
of freedom) and relate it to earlier chapters with
similar message. critically evaluate and justify: “in
spite all facilities why did chandni crave for freedom?”

develop vocabulary associated with the chapter. Reads unfamiliar words in context in order
recognize how they are employed and use new words to infer their meaning.
in their own sentences.

Danger at the Hills compare, contrast, analyse, interpret, and evaluate Thinks critically about, characters, events,
information from the text and answer questions based ideas, themes and relates them to life in
on it. order to compare and contrast them.

apply critical and creative thought in thinking of
problems (text based and extrapolatory) in different
and unusual ways, evaluate and find new solutions.

The Bear Story A wild bear brought recognize the sequence of events in the text. locate Identifies details, characters, main idea and
up like a human baby. the central idea or message of a text and apply it to sequence of ideas and events in
life and personal experiences (understand the textual/non-textual material in order to
importance of love & care for the young ones, be of demonstrate comprehension of text and
any creature). sequencing skills.

compare and contrast with other chapters such as ‘i
want something in a cage’, ‘chandni’ etc to identify
and assess differences in plot and messaging.

compare and contrast with ‘the jungle book’ where
the reverse happens.

review, recall, rephrase, paraphrase, analyse,
interpret, and evaluate information from the text and
answer questions based on it.

use active and passive voice appropriately with the Writes dialogues from a story and story
help of dialogues from the text. construct dialogues from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
pertaining to the text. brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.

The incident in the recognize the sequence of events in the text, and Thinks critically about, characters, events,
forest. draw out main ideas of the text. ideas, themes and relates them to life in
order to compare and contrast them.
apply critical and creative thought to problem solving
by thinking in different and unusual ways about
problems. recognize character dilemmas, plot turns
and how they are resolved.
analyse and assess events in a text and qualities of
characters to draw conclusions. for e.g. - to stand up
for yourself or other people, and remain calm even in
the face of considerable provocation etc..

role play and dramatize selected events of the Participates in different activities in English
chapter. such as role play, poetry recitation, skit,
drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language

A Tiger in the A tiger cub brought understand that young ones of all creatures require Identifies details, characters, main idea
House up in a human love, care and attention and are basically playful and and sequence of ideas and events in
household. friendly in nature. textual/non-textual material in order to
compare and contrast with other chapters such as ‘the demonstrate comprehension of text and
bear story’, ‘i wan something in a cage’, ‘chandni’ etc to sequencing skills.
recognize and assess differences in plot and

compare and contrast with ‘the jungle book’ where the
reverse happens.

review, recall, rephrase, paraphrase, analyse,
interpret, and evaluate information from the text and
answer questions based on it.

use reported speech given in the form of bubbles in Writes dialogues from a story and story
the text. write dialogues pertaining to the text. from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.
A tiger showing its analyse and assess events in a text and qualities of Thinks critically about, characters, events,
true wild nature as it characters to draw conclusions. discuss nature vs ideas, themes and relates them to life in
grows older. nurture and recognize that every creature has an order to compare and contrast them.
inherent nature, and sooner or later it tends to act
according to it.

review, analyse, and evaluate information from the
text and answer questions based on it express and
justify opinion about ‘domesticating’ wild animals and
keeping them in zoos. debate on nature vs nurture.
write an article about freedom of wild animals.
Tiger sent to zoo and locate progression and sequence of events in the story.
the resulting assess and evaluate conditions of nurture, i. e . need
consequence. for proper care, food, love & attention required by
creatures in a zoo.
write a diary entry on or as one of the main characters. Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in

order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

An Alien Hand Life on an alien planet recognize and classify the genre of science fiction, and Identifies details, characters, main idea
its elements. identify the science fiction trope of and sequence of ideas and events in
commenting on something familiar by placing it in an textual/non-textual material in order to
unfamiliar set up. for e.g. – using the story to highlight demonstrate comprehension of text and
the importance and value of the life sustaining sequencing skills.
environment on earth. locate the central ideas and
events of the text.

review, recall, rephrase, paraphrase, analyse, interpret,
and evaluate information from the text and answer
questions based on it.

identify and analyse qualities and motivations of

transform sentences in grammatically appropriate Use the rules of grammar in speech and
ways. use the correct form of a sentence in a situation.
writing and contexts focusing on noun,
pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.
Arrival of an alien apply critical and imaginative thought to problem Thinks critically about, characters, events,
ship. solving by thinking in different and unusual ways about ideas, themes and relates them to life in
problems. recognize character dilemmas, plot turns and order to compare and contrast them.
how they are resolved.

Fiasco due to Tilloo's assess and evaluate important ideas of the text. for e.g.
carelessness. to teach discipline to children.
frame a story based on the pictures provided in the text Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
/ write a diary entry by one of the main characters. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: demonstrate knowledge, comprehend, analyse and produce information in form of creative
writing. They will be able to communicate in English effectively and appropriately in all forums.

Chapter 1 Topic Learning objectives – Students are able to Learning outcomes

Three Questions The Three questions by locate the central ideas and events of the text. Thinks critically about, characters, events,
the king recognizing qualities of a character and plot ideas, themes and relates them to life in
development order to compare and contrast them.

analyse, interpret, and evaluate information from the
text and answer questions based on it.
Helping the wounded think critically about ethical considerations: ‘to help a
enemy person in need builds strong moral character.’

recognize character dilemmas, plot turns and how they
are resolved.

analyse, interpret, and evaluate information from the
text and answer questions based on it.

Correct answers to the apply critical and imaginative thought to problem
Three questions solving by thinking in different and unusual ways about
assess and evaluate the main ideas of the text. for e.g. -
the significance of the present, the person who is
important at present and the task or work done at

analyse, interpret, and evaluate information from the
text and answer questions based on it.
develop vocabulary. use new words appropriately in Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
different context. construct sentences employing new encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
words. spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills
express an opinion and debate on ‘forgiving our Participates in different activities in
enemies is better than punishing them'. or ‘do you think English such as role play, poetry recitation,
non-violence is a sign of cowardice?’ skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language
write a diary entry related to the text and/ or students’ Answers questions orally and in writing on
personal experience. a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as

Poem 1 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Squirrel read and recite the poem with correct pronunciation Reads aloud stories and recites poems with
Reading of the poem
and intonation. appropriate pause, intonation and

use the internet, library and other resources to research Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
on different types of squirrels, their habitat and food encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
discuss in groups details of information gathered from spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.
Physical appearance develop vocabulary. use new words encountered in the
and behaviour of the poem appropriately. construct sentences employing
squirrel new words
explain, process details of of physical and behavioural Answers questions orally and in writing on
characteristics of the squirrel. a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
recall, paraphrase, analyse, interpret, and evaluate
information from the text and answer questions based
on it.

frame appropriate sentences using verbs and adjectives Use the rules of grammar in speech and
given in the text. writing and contexts focusing on noun,
compose a small song or poem on any animal of their pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
choice. tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.
Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices in the poem such as Identifies and appreciates significant
alliteration, , metaphor literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

A Gift of A pet cat use the internet, library and other resources to Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
Chappals research on the role of cats in indian history, their encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
representation in egyptian history. spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.
use the 'if clause' appropriately. write sentences with Use the rules of grammar in speech and
‘if’ clauses. writing and contexts focusing on noun,
pronoun, verb, determiners, time and tense,
passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge
of their usage through a variety of situations.
locate main ideas of the text, for e.g. - the value of pets, Identifies details, characters, main idea and
reaction to various unfamiliar situations and acts of sequence of ideas and events in textual/non-
charity. textual material in order to demonstrate
The music teacher assess qualities of characters and their motivations, comprehension of text and sequencing skills.
and write character-sketches.
The charity incident analyse situations and evaluate responses to them.
recognize the importance of empathy, and apply it in
situation based scenarios (given from the text/
extrapolatory/ group discussion)

formulate an opinion and debate on ‘how much Participates in different activities in English
generosity is good enough?’ such as role play, poetry recitation, skit,
drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.

Poem 2 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Rebel Thinking out of the box apply creative and critical thought towards problem Answers questions orally and in writing on a
solving. recognize multiple perspectives evidenced in variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
the text. analyse and respond to open-ended unfamiliar
questions from the text.
Comprehension recall, summarize, paraphrase, assess and infer
answers to questions from the text orally and in
written form.
Different reactions of locate the central message of the text, i.e. it is possible Raises and responds to questions based on
the rebel to have different opinions on the same situation. texts (from books or other resources) in
order to demonstrate curiosity and
discuss and relate multiple perspectives and reactions inquisitiveness skills.
from their personal experiences.

Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices given in the poem such Identifies and appreciates significant literary
as alliteration elements such as – metaphor, imagery,
symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in
order to demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and narratives.

Chapter-3 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Gopal and the Hilsa fish season recognize the genre of folk tales and graphic text (comic Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g.
Hilsa Fish strip). use the text, library, internet to gather adventure stories and science fiction, fairy
information about the importance of hilsa fish in eastern tales, biography, autobiography, travelogue
culture. etc. in order to demonstrate extensive
reading skills.

use the concept of reported speech given in the form of Writes dialogues from a story and story
bubbles in the text. compose dialogues pertaining to the from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
text. brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
create a story based on pictures provided in the text. creativity skills.
Challenge by the king apply creative thought towards problem solving. Thinks critically about, characters, events,
to Gopal ideas, themes and relates them to life in
Winning of the identify and assess the central ideas/ message of the order to compare and contrast them
Challenge by Gopal text, for e.g. - to stand up for yourself or other people,
and remain calm even in the face of considerable Identifies details, characters, main idea and
provocation. sequence of ideas and events in
textual/non-textual material in order to
demonstrate comprehension of text and
sequencing skills.
role play or dramatize selected events of the chapters. Participates in different activities in
English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.

Poem 3 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
eThe Shed Comprehension recognize the main ideas and mood of the poem, that is, Answers questions orally and in writing on
the fears and insecurities of a small child in the in the a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
poem. unfamiliar
develop vocabulary by searching for the words/phrases Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
related to location and the dilapidated condition of the encyclopaedia in order to find meanings /
shed; and identifying new words used in the poem. spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.

create spooky stories and write them as 'real' Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
experiences. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.
Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices in the poem. e.g.: Identifies and appreciates significant
alliteration, repetition. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 4 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Introduction to the two recognize elements of a japanese folk tale. compare with Identifies details, characters, main idea and
old couples indian folk tale studied earlier. assess important ideas sequence of ideas and events in
from the text for e.g. - the importance of good values in textual/non-textual material in order to
The Ashes That asian culture. demonstrate comprehension of text and
Made Trees sequencing skills.
Bloom recognize and locate character and plot development,
and sequence of events.

assess, analyse, infer answers to questions based on the

The dog indirectly use question words in the text, form antonyms by Writes dialogues from a story and story
helps the good couple adding prefixes and employ the correct article. compose from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
three times but does dialogues pertaining to the text. brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.

exactly opposite to the apply critical and creative thought to problem solving in Thinks critically about, characters, events,
bad couple textual and extrapolatory situations. ideas, themes and relates them to life in
The tragic end of the assess important ideas of the story, such as to stand up order to compare and contrast them
bad couple and the for yourself or other people, and remain calm even in
universal message to the face of considerable provocation.
the readers role play and dramatize selected events of the chapter. Participates in different activities in
English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
write a diary entry as one of the characters of the story. Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

Poem 4 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Chivvy locate the main ideas, events and their sequencing in the Answers questions orally and in writing on
text. draw out messages such as the importance of good a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
manners and etiquette at home and public places. recall, unfamiliar
analyse, assess, infer answers based on questions from
the text.
list down and present instructions by the children for Participates in different activities in
the elders to follow (group work). English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to

demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.

Comprehension identify and use poetic devices in the poem. e.g.: Identifies and appreciates significant
Literary Devices alliteration literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 5 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Quality locate the main ideas, plot and character development Thinks critically about, characters, events,
in the text such as the importance of 'quality' in the ideas, themes and relates them to life in
world of competition and consumerism in reference to order to compare and contrast them.
The Boot Shop the main character of the story.

The Artist's End perform a role play on what has led to his downfall
inspite of his abilities as a good bootmaker.
The Boot Shop describe various nouns using different adjectives. Use the rules of grammar in speech and
Gessler Brothers develop their vocabulary through exercises given in the writing and contexts focusing on noun,
text. pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
use verb forms and phrasal verbs appropriately, and
order to demonstrate comprehension and
apply them to the given exercises.
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations

Gessler Brothers debate on quality versus artificiality. is the art of the Participates in different activities in
artist replaced by machine? English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
write a diary entry to express the feelings of an artist. Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
writing –write a story based on the outlines given in the
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

Poem 5 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Trees Comprehension locate the main ideas and events of the text. assess its Answers questions orally and in writing on
message of the importance and uses of trees. a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
prepare their own mind-maps to recall the uses of trees. Reads tables, charts, diagrams and maps,
and incorporates the information in
writing in order to interpret them.
use phrasal verbs appropriately in their own sentences. Use the rules of grammar in speech and
writing and contexts focusing on noun,
pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.

Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices in the poem such as Identifies and appreciates significant
alliteration, anaphora etc. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 6 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Expert A suspicious character recognize the genre and elements of an indian mystery Identifies details, characters, main idea and
Detectives rouses the curiosity of story
sequence of ideas and events in
children speaking skills- role play and dramatize selected events textual/non-textual material in order to
of the chapter. demonstrate comprehension of text and
sequencing skills.
develop vocabulary, apply various meanings to the same Answers questions orally and in writing on
word, and recognize subtle differences between similar a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
words. unfamiliar
Two siblings debating apply critical and creative thought to problem solving, Thinks critically about, characters, events,
about the suspicious and generate new solutions. recognize and assess ideas, themes and relates them to life in
character character dilemmas and plot twists and how they are order to compare and contrast them.
Final judgement assess, analyse and evaluate key arguments and plot Takes notes while teacher teaches /from
regarding the developments to drive home a point. books / from online materials.
suspicious character debate on a topic related to the text . Participates in different activities in
left to readers. English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to

demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.

Poem 6 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Mystery of the Comprehension recognize and apply rhyming words and rhyme scheme Answers questions orally and in writing on
Talking Fane of the poem. a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
writing skills- create dialogues between the mechanic Refers to suggested websites and uses all
and the fan. forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube,
TED talks, etc.) to browse for information
in order to prepare for
Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices in the poem such as Identifies and appreciates significant
personification, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia etc. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 7 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Wonka-vite and the recognize genre and elements of a science fiction and Identifies details, characters, main idea and
need to invent Vita- fantasy tale. sequence of ideas and events in
The Invention of wonk locate main ideas, events and their sequencing as well as textual/non-textual material in order to
Vita-Wonk assess development of key characters.a demonstrate comprehension of text and
sequencing skills.

The various write dialogues pertaining to the text. writes dialogues from a story and story
ingredients for from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
inventing Vita-wonk brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.

apply critical and creative thought to problem solving, Thinks critically about, characters, events,
within the text and extrapolated scenarios, in terms of ideas, themes and relates them to life in
plot and character dilemmas, and assess how they are/ order to compare and contrast them
can be resolved.
The effect of Vita-wonk recognize and analyse main ideas of a tect, such as to
stand up for yourself or other people, and remain calm
even in the face of considerable provocation.
role play and dramatize selected events of the chapter. Participates in different activities in
English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
write a diary entry as one of the characters in the Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
chapter. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

Poem 7 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Dad and the Cat Comprehension recognize and analyse mood and tone of the poem. Answers questions orally and in writing on
and the Tree demonstrate appreciation of the humor by recognition a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
of poetic techniques, style and its ideas. unfamiliar


recite the poem with correct pronunciation and Reads aloud stories and recites poems with
intonation. appropriate pause, intonation and
create a poem that has humorous elements in it on the Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
topic of your choice. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.
Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices in the poem such as Identifies and appreciates significant
alliteration, repetition etc. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Fire: Friend and analyse and recognize symbolism. for e.g. - the Answers questions orally and in writing on
Foe symbolism of fire (fire is a friend and a dangerous a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
How Fire is Caused?
enemy. fire is a boon if it is kept under control but can unfamiliar
be dangerous if we are careless).
Fire is a good servant locate the main ideas of the text. evaluate the title of the
but a bad master text.
How Fire is Caused? identify the verbs in the simple present tense from the Use the rules of grammar in speech and
Fire: A friend or Foe text 'fire: friend and foe' (avoiding passive verbs). writing and contexts focusing on noun,
pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and

knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.

share ideas/views with the class on how fire is our Participates in different activities in
friend / our foe. English such as role play, poetry recitation,
skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution,
declamation, quiz, etc., organized by school
and other such organizations in order to
demonstrate fluency and comprehension of
the language.
Fire is a good servant write an article on the topic- fire: a friend or foe using Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
but a bad master information from the text and beyond. email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.

Meadow locate and relate the main ideas of the text, i.e. that Answers questions orally and in writing on
Surprises nature is an important aspect of our life. analyse and a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
assess responsibility the text places on us, i.e., it offers unfamiliar
us a lot so we need to maintain the balance.

Comprehension apply and employ phrases used in the poem in their Use the rules of grammar in speech and
Presentation - Written own sentences. writing and contexts focusing on noun,
and verbal. pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.

construct a poem on any topic of their choice. e.g. trees, writes dialogues from a story and story
flowers, wind, etc. from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.

use the internet, library and other resources to search Refers to suggested websites and uses all
for various facts/reasons on pollution and deforestation forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube,
that destroys nature, both flora and fauna. TED talks, etc.) to browse for information
speaking skills - present the research in groups.
in order to prepare for
Literary Devices identify and use poetic devices given in the poem such Identifies and appreciates significant
as alliteration, personification etc. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 9 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
A Bicycle in a relate to personal experience of riding bicycles. locate Engages in conversations with family,
The Bicycle Ride
Good Repair main ideas, events and their sequencing in a text. friends, and people from different
The bicycle Inspection speaking skills- share their experiences individually or professions such as shopkeeper,
and Repair work in groups of riding and repairing a bicycle. discuss salesperson etc. in English by using
Confusion and experience of conversations with bicycle repairmen etc. appropriate vocabulary and also learns
disability to mantle the vocabulary associated with various
bicycle back. professions (e.g. cook, cobbler, farmer,
blacksmith, doctor etc.,)

Confusion and frame a story based on the incident provided in the text. Writes formal letters, personal diary, list,
disability to mantle the email, SMS, emails, notice, report, short
bicycle back. personal/ biographical experiences etc. in
order to demonstrate knowledge of the
features of the various types of writing.
The Bicycle Ride apply the modal auxiliaries used with verbs given in the Use the rules of grammar in speech and
The bicycle Inspection text. write dialogues pertaining to the text. writing and contexts focusing on noun,
and Repair work pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in
order to demonstrate comprehension and
knowledge of their usage through a variety
of situations.
apply critical and creative thought to problem solving, Thinks critically about, characters, events,
vis-à-vis plot development and character dilemmas.. ideas, themes and relates them to life in
order to compare and contrast them
assess qualities of characters and their development in
the story, and write character sketches.
assess message of the story, i.e. to say a definitive ‘no’ to
the person who may unwittingly hurt us.

Poem 9 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
Garden Snake locate the main ideas of the poem, for e.g. - to appreciate Answers questions orally and in writing on
nature and its creatures rather than getting scared of it. a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
use library, internet and other resources to gather Organizes sentences coherently in English
information on garden snakes such as their habitat, food / in Braille with the help of verbal and
habits etc. visual clues and with a sense of audience

presentation of research in the form of a ppt.

Refers to suggested websites and uses all
forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube,
TED talks, etc.) to browse for information
in order to prepare for
compare and contrast poisonous and non-poisonous Thinks critically about, characters, events,
snakes, and express the analysis in the form of ideas, themes and relates them to life in
paragraph writing.
order to compare and contrast them
Comprehension identify and use poetic devices given in the poem such Identifies and appreciates significant
Literary Devices as alliteration, personification, inversion etc. literary elements such as – metaphor,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention/point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc.in order to demonstrate understanding
of their significance in literature and

Chapter 10 Topic Learning objectives – Learning outcomes
The Story of Detailed description of compare and contrast dimensions and description of the Thinks critically about, characters, events,
Cricket cricket equipments equipments used in ancient and modern cricket.
ideas, themes and relates them to life in
History of cricket in locate the main ideas of the text and events therein, i.e. order to compare and contrast them
India the origin (England) and growth of cricket in india.

assess and analyse the reasons for the popularity and
Media and cricket growth of cricket on indian and international grounds.

develop vocabulary by conducting a word search based Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
on cricket equipments encyclopedia in order to find meanings /


spelling of words while reading and writing
and to demonstrate research skills.

write descriptions of people related to cricket. Answers questions orally and in writing on
a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as
Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to
questions based on the text. frame and write answers on
their own based on discussions and reading of the text.

Class 8

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to–
Participate in classroom activities / school programmes such as Morning Assembly /
extempore /debate etc. By being exposed to input-rich environment
Speak about objects / events in the class / school environment and outside surroundings.
Participate in grammar games and kinaesthetic activities for language learning.
Use English news (newspaper, TV, Radio) as a resource to develop his /her listening and
reading comprehension, note-taking, summarizing etc.
Watch / listen to English movies, serials, educational channels with sub-titles, audio-video /
multi-media materials, for understanding and comprehension.
Interview people from various professions such as doctors, writers, actors, teachers,
cobblers, newspaper boy, household helps, rickshaw pullers and so on.
Use formulaic expressions / instructions such as ‘Could I give you…’ ‘Shall we have a cup of
tea?’ to develop communication skills
Participate in individual activities such as introducing personalities / guests during school
Learn vocabulary associated with various professions and use them in different situations.
Read stories / plays (from different books / newspapers in education (NIE) / children’s
section in magazines in English / Braille) and narrate them.
Locate main idea, sequence of events and co- relate ideas, themes and issues in a variety of
texts in English and other languages.
Use various sources from English and other languages to facilitate comprehension, co-
relation and critical understanding of issues.
Interpret quotations, sayings and proverbs.
Interpret photographs /sketches, tables, charts, diagrams and maps and incorporate in
Think critically, compare and contrast characters /events /ideas /themes and relate them to
life and try to give opinions about issues.
Refer sources such as dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia for meaning in context and
understanding texts.
Use grammar in context such as active and passive voice, reported speech, tenses, parts of
speech, etc.
Notice punctuation marks in a variety of texts and appropriately use in editing his / her own
Understand the context for various types of writing: messages, notice, letter, report,
biography, travelogue, diary entry etc.
Take dictation of a passage with specific attention to words pronounced, punctuation and
Attempt various types of writing: notice, letter, report, etc as well as personal / biographical
experiences and extrapolative writings.

Use ICT (Net, mobile, website, YouTube, TED talks etc) to browse for information, for projects
/PPT discussion, debate, class seminar etc.
Attempt creative writing, like stories, poems, dialogues, skits, dialogues from a story and
story from dialogues.
Visit a language laboratory.
Write a Book Review.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner–
Responds to instructions and announcements Understands and responds to instructions
in school and public places viz. Railway station, and announcements in English in school
market, airport, cinema hall, and act and public places viz. Railway station,
accordingly. market, airport, cinema hall, and act
Introduces guests in English, interviews people Introduces guests in English, interviews
by asking questions based on the work they do. people by asking questions based on the
work they do.
Engages in conversations in English with Engages in conversations in English with
people from different professions such as people from different professions such as
bank staff, railway staff, etc. Using appropriate bank staff, railway staff, etc. using
vocabulary. appropriate vocabulary.
Listens and watches suggested English
movies, serials, educational channels with
sub-titles, audio-video /multi-media
materials, and speaks /writes about it in
order to demonstrate understanding,
comprehension and reflection skills.
Uses formulaic /polite expressions to Uses formulaic /polite expressions to
communicate such as ‘May I borrow your communicate such as ‘may I borrow your
book?’, ‘I would like to differ’ etc. book?’, ‘I would like to differ’ etc.

Speaks short prepared speech in morning Speaks short prepared speech in morning
assembly. assembly / class / presentations /
extempore / debates.
Speaks about objects /events in the class Speaks about objects /events in the class
/school environment and outside /school environment and outside
surroundings. surroundings in order to demonstrate
communication and reflection skills.
Participates in grammar games and Participates in grammar games and
kinaesthetic activities for language learning. kinaesthetic activities of language learning
in order to make meaningful connections
with the subject and context.
Reads excerpts, dialogues, poems, Reads excerpts, dialogues, poems,
commentaries of sports and games speeches, commentaries of sports and games
news, debates on TV, Radio and expresses speeches, news, debates on tv, radio and
opinions about them. expresses opinions about them in speech

and writing in order to demonstrate
critical thinking ability.
Asks questions in different contexts and Asks questions in different contexts and
situations (e.g. Based on the text / beyond the situations (e.g. Based on the text /beyond
text / out of curiosity / while engaging in the text /out of curiosity /while engaging
conversation using appropriate vocabulary and in conversation using appropriate
accurate sentences) vocabulary and accurate sentences)
Participates in different events such as role Participates in different events such as role
play, poetry recitation, skit, drama, debate, play, poetry recitation, skit, drama, debate,
speech, elocution, declamation, quiz, etc., speech, elocution, declamation, quiz, etc.,
organised by school and other such organised by school and other such
organizations organizations, in order to display rational
thinking, citizenship, manners,
organization of thoughts, persuasion and
public speaking skills.
Sees photographs /sketches, tables, charts,
diagrams and maps and incorporates in
writing, in order to demonstrate
interpretation skills.
Narrates stories (real or imaginary) and real- Narrates stories (real or imaginary) and
life experiences in English. real-life experiences in English to
demonstrate creative use of and fluency in
the language and skills of public speaking.
Interprets quotations, sayings and proverbs. Interprets quotations, sayings and
Reads textual /non-textual materials in English Reads textual /non-textual materials in
/Braille with comprehension. English /braille with comprehension.
Identifies details, characters, main idea and Identifies details, characters, main idea and
Sequence of ideas and events while reading. sequence of ideas and events while reading
in order to demonstrate comprehension of
the language and sequencing skills.
Reads, compares, contrasts, thinks critically Reads, compares, contrasts, gives opinions
and relates ideas to life. and relates ideas to life in order to
demonstrate critical thinking skills.
Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by Reads unfamiliar words in context and
reading them in context. infers their meaning in order to
demonstrate comprehension.
Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g. Reads a variety of texts for pleasure e.g.
Adventure stories and science fiction, fairy Adventure stories and science fiction, fairy
tales, also non-fiction articles, narratives, tales, also non-fiction articles, narratives,
travelogues, biographies, etc. (extensive travelogues, biographies, etc. in order to
reading) demonstrate ability to read extensively.
Refers dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia Refers dictionary, thesaurus and
as reference books for meaning and spelling encyclopaedia as reference books in order
while reading and writing. to find meaning and spelling while reading
and writing.

Prepares a write up after seeking information Prepares a write up after seeking
in print / online, notice board, newspaper, etc. information in print /online, notice board,
newspaper, etc.
Communicates accurately using appropriate Communicates using grammatical forms
grammatical forms (e.g., clauses, comparison of (e.g., clauses, comparison of adjectives,
adjectives, time and tense, active passive voice, time and tense, active passive voice,
reported speech etc. reported speech etc.) in order to
demonstrate accurate and appropriate use
of grammar.
Writes a coherent and meaningful paragraph Writes a coherent and meaningful
through the process of drafting, revising, paragraph through the process of drafting,
editing and finalising. revising, editing and finalising in order to
demonstrate critical thinking, creativity
and editorial skills.
Writes short paragraphs coherently in English Writes short paragraphs coherently in
/Braille with a proper beginning, middle and English /Braille with a proper beginning,
end with appropriate punctuation marks. middle and end with appropriate
punctuation marks.
Writes answers to textual /non-textual Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions after comprehension / inference; questions after comprehension /inference;
draws character sketch, attempts extrapolative draws character sketch, attempts
writing. extrapolative writing.
Writes email, messages, notice, formal letters, Writes email, messages, notice, formal
descriptions / narratives, personal diary, letters, descriptions / narratives, personal
report, short personal / biographical diary, report, short personal / biographical
experiences etc. experiences etc.
Refers to suggested websites and uses all
forms of ICT (such as, mobile, YouTube, ted
talks, etc) to browse for information in
order to prepare for projects /slides
/discussions /etc.
Develops a skit (dialogues from a story) and story Writes dialogues from a story and story
from dialogues. from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips,
brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate
creativity skills.
Visits a language laboratory. Visits a language laboratory in order to
polish speech and pronunciation and learn
new words.
Writes a Book Review. Writes a book review in order to learn to
think critically and objectively about what
he /she has read.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Understand and express English language in speaking and writing forms, communicate ideas
creatively and construct grammatically correct sentences, apply their knowledge of the language in unfamiliar situations
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
The Best The roll-top desk locate the aesthetic and historical significance of Asks questions in different contexts and
Christmas antiques, co-relate to and give examples of more situations (e.g. Based on the text /beyond
Present in the personalized and local experiences of collection of the text /out of curiosity /while engaging
World such items.. in conversation using appropriate
A game of football evaluate consequences of war (death and vocabulary and accurate sentences)
destruction), and describe the significance of peace
and humanity even during war.

Meeting Connie perform a role play on why it is necessary to be kind

and loving to strangers.

Grammar describe various nouns using different adjectives. Communicates using grammatical forms
improve their vocabulary through practice of (e.g., clauses, comparison of adjectives,
exercises given in the text. time and tense, active passive voice,
reported speech etc.) in order to
demonstrate the proper use of verb forms and demonstrate accurate and appropriate use
phrasal verbs, and apply it to the given exercises. of grammar

speak using grammatically correct forms on

whether wars are a good way to end conflicts
between countries.

Writing and Comprehension write a diary entry and an informal letter to express Writes answers to textual /non-textual
Check feelings based on their reading of the story. questions after comprehension /inference;
draws character sketch, attempts
extrapolative writing.

design and write a story based on the outlines/

hints given in the text.
review and analyse the text to infer answers to
questions based on the text. frame and write
answers on their own based on discussions and
reading of the text.

Poem 1 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

The Ant and The Fable recognize and classify the genre of a fable (short Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
the Cricket stories, usually with animals as characters, conveying opinions and relates ideas to life in
a moral), recall and discuss familiar fables, and relate order to demonstrate critical thinking
fables to real life experiences. skills.
The Cricket; The Ant infer, deduce and analyse qualities of characters, such
as the cricket as being too lazy to work for himself
and then too scared of dying of hunger; the ant's
attitude towards work and motto of never borrowing
or lending.
The Ant and the Cricket as a
categorize the poem as a fable and describe its entire
theme and moral.

Poetry Recitation recite the poem with proper pronunciation and Participates in different events such as
desired effect. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and other
such organizations, in order to display
Speaking debate on whether it is correct to stick to one's rational thinking, citizenship, manners,
principles even when someone's life depends on it organization of thoughts, persuasion
and public speaking skills.

Narrating share some fables with others through narration of Narrates stories (real or imaginary) and
stories real-life experiences in English to
demonstrate creative use of and fluency
in the language and skills of public
Understanding poetic devices identify and classify poetic devices found in the poem Identifies and appreciates significant
like alliteration, anaphora, personification, antithesis, literary elements such as – metaphor,
metaphor etc., and use them appropriately. imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on discussions and reading of the /inference; draws character sketch,
text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
The Tsunami Andaman and Nicobar Islands study and assess the impact of natural calamities Asks questions in different contexts and
(destruction, loss of life and property). use the situations (e.g. Based on the text
internet, library and other sources to gather /beyond the text /out of curiosity
information about the tsunami and its after effects. /while engaging in conversation using
Tilly Smith evaluate qualities of a character - courage, care and appropriate vocabulary and accurate
compassion - and the theme of a story. sentences)

How the animals survived determine how giant waves killed thousands of
people and yet the animals survived.

Narrating discuss and share similar stories of courage, survival Narrates stories (real or imaginary) and
and resilience; verbalize the importance and value of real-life experiences in English to
gratitude for the life we live. demonstrate creative use of and fluency
in the language and skills of public
Writing use internet, library and other sources to understand Prepares a write up after seeking
better the concept of disaster management and relief information in print /online, notice
work and share ideas on it. board, newspaper, etc.

research online and then write a diary entry as a

volunteer for relief work, distributing food, water
and medicine to the victims. pen down the thoughts
and fortitude of the survivors in the form of a diary

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on discussions and reading of the /inference; draws character sketch,
text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Poem 2 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

Geography Theme of the poem read the poem and evaluate its central idea that the Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
Lesson poet finds the earth as one, but the people living on opinions and relates ideas to life in
this earth are divided for selfish reasons of their own. order to demonstrate critical thinking
Seeing the city from a height contrast and appraise how how a city appears from
different perspectives – how it looks planned when
the jet is in the sky, and compare with how it appears
unplanned from the ground.
understand the geographical importance of having
cities near rivers
No Reason to hate or kill locate/ conclude the message of one world, one people
after reading and understanding the poem, and
extrapolate on the importance of peace between
Poetry Recitation and memorize and recite the poem with proper Participates in different events such as
Speaking pronunciation and intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organized by school and other

discuss the disastrous effects of wars. such organizations, in order to display
rational thinking, citizenship, manners,
organization of thoughts, persuasion
and public speaking skills.

Understanding poetic devices identify and classify poetic devices like metaphor, Identifies and appreciates significant
alliteration found in the poem, and demonstrate literary elements such as – metaphor,
ability to use them effectively in other contexts. imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme,
etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on discussions and reading of the /inference; draws character sketch,
text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

Glimpses of The Company's conquests and use internet, library and other resources to familiarise Asks questions in different contexts
the Past the British Rule themselves with the theme of the chapter which is and situations (e.g. Based on the text
based on indian history. discuss and describe their /beyond the text /out of curiosity
research and share knowledge of history of british /while engaging in conversation using
rule. appropriate vocabulary and accurate
Ram Mohan Roy analyse and summarize the role that blind beliefs and sentences)
superstitions played in framing the history of india.
contrast with beliefs and superstitions still prevalent

in india. recognize key figure like ram mohan roy and
his contribution to indian society.

The Sparks, Revolt and The locate the main idea, sequence of events and co- relate
Fight for Freedom ideas, themes and issues.
justify the value of freedom and the responsibility that
comes with freedom
Oppression and Dissatisfaction locate the main idea, sequence of events and co- relate
ideas, themes and issues.
Speaking speaking - present a speech on raja ram mohan roy, Participates in different events such as
based on the events given in the text. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
speaking – play act the role of farmers who have quiz, etc., organised by school and
grievances against the policies of the government. other such organizations, in order to
display rational thinking, citizenship,
speaking – engage in a group discussion on the
manners, organization of thoughts,
significance of how history frames the background of
persuasion and public speaking skills.
the present using various examples from the past.

Writing writing - compose and construct a dialogue by Writes a coherent and meaningful
rewriting speech bubbles paragraph through the process of
drafting, revising, editing and finalising
translate illustrative genre like a comic strip into in order to demonstrate critical
dialogue form. demonstrate grasp of reported speech thinking, creativity and editorial skills.
concepts by using them to frame dialogues using the
comic strip of the text as reference.

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on discussions and reading of the /inference; draws character sketch,
text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Poem 3 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

Macavity: The About the poem and the poet identify the origin of the poem (that macavity is a Asks questions in different contexts
Mystery Cat character of the poet's book 'old possum's book of and situations (e.g. Based on the text
practical cats'; the poet, t.s. eliot’s love for cats etc) and /beyond the text /out of curiosity
locate the poet’s intention (to express his admiration /while engaging in conversation using
for sherlock holmes). appropriate vocabulary and accurate
Macavity's Appearance develop vocabulary, describe the character of sentences)
macavity, and justify descriptive terms used for the cat
like feline, highly domed head, feline, monster of
depravity etc.
The Perfect Mystery Cat assess and evaluate the quality of mystery given to the
cat through terms like ‘the hidden paw’ and ‘the master
criminal’ and how the cat manages to outwit anyone
trying to catch him.

Poetry Recitation read, memorize and recite the poem with correct Participates in different events such as
pronunciation and intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
other such organizations, in order to
display rational thinking, citizenship,
manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.
Understanding poetic identify and classify poetic devices like personification, Identifies and appreciates significant
devices metaphor, hyperbole, etc., explain their usage (e.g. – literary elements such as – metaphor,
how the actions of cat are personified etc), and use imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
such devices in other contexts. intention /point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on discussions and reading of the /inference; draws character sketch,
text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Chapter 4 Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

Bepin A shock for Bepin Discuss the chain of events leading to the realisation Asks questions in different contexts
Choudhury's Choudhury that Bepin Babu has forgotten some part of his past and situations (e.g. Based on the text
Lapse of /beyond the text /out of curiosity
Memory Share similar stories of lapses in memory and relate to /while engaging in conversation using
the chapter

Chunilal - a friend or a foe? Identify and assess Chunilal's role in the story and how appropriate vocabulary and accurate
he persuades Bepin Babu to visit Ranchi. sentences)

Realising the truth Deduce and analyse the theme of the lesson - always
help a friend in need.
Comprehending facts Compare, think critically and relate the idea of not Identifies details, characters, main idea
through reading and being able to recall someone or something in real life and sequence of ideas and events while
inference situations reading in order to demonstrate
comprehension of the language and
Start framing the sequence of events and identify the sequencing skills.
main idea of where the lapse of memory began

Draw out the sequence leading to the final conclusion.

Comprehension Check Writing - write a letter of contrition for not having Writes answers to textual /non-textual
helped at the time of need. questions after comprehension
/inference; draws character sketch,
Review and analyse the text to infer answers to attempts extrapolative writing.
questions based on the text. Frame and write answers
on their own based on discussions and reading of the

Poem 4 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

The Last About the poem and the poet read the poem. analyse the title of the poem (how a Identifies details, characters, main idea
Bargain child offering nothing can be the bargain that makes and sequence of ideas and events while
the speaker a free man). reading in order to demonstrate
Meeting the king, the old locate and identify the sequence of events which lead comprehension of the language and
man and the fair maid the speaker to the child in the end sequencing skills.

Meeting the child evaluate theme/ message of the poemthat power,
money and beautiful things cannot win us happiness;
justify how innocence and simplicity is the key to
Speaking and Poetry read, memorize and recite the poem with correct Participates in different events such as
Recitation pronunciation and intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
assess, review, verbalize in the form of a debate other such organizations, in order to
whether the speaker should have taken up the offer display rational thinking, citizenship,
made by the king, the old man and the fair maid manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.

Comprehension Check evaluate the poem’s central idea and discuss the value Writes answers to textual /non-textual
of freedom and why it is important questions after comprehension
review and analyse the text to infer answers to /inference; draws character sketch,
questions based on the text. frame and write answers attempts extrapolative writing.
on their own based on discussions and reading of the

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

The Summit Climbing Mount Everest Use internet, library and other sources to read up Asks questions in different contexts
Within information and determine the reasons for climbing and situations (e.g. Based on the text
mountains and climbing Mount Everest in particular. /beyond the text /out of curiosity
Reaching the peak Describe the odds faced while climbing the mountain. /while engaging in conversation using
Compare with

Conquering the Internal Assess and justify the title. Construct sequence of appropriate vocabulary and accurate
Summit events (realise that there is another summit to be sentences)
reached, which is higher and more difficult to achieve -
the internal summit)
Locate the central idea of the story - to face life's
ordeals with determination
Speaking Talk about Major Ahluwalia and discuss the strategies Communicates using grammatical
to be successful in life. forms (e.g., clauses, comparison of
adjectives, time and tense, active
Extrapolate from the text and communicate through passive voice, reported speech etc.) in
group discussion / speech the feelings of humility, order to demonstrate accurate and
sadness, gratitude on reaching the peak and the delight appropriate use of grammar.
faced on overcoming the obstacles during the climb.
Comprehension Check Grammar - Label, give examples of, classify noun forms Writes answers to textual /non-textual
and phrases. Attempt and solve exercises related to questions after comprehension
phrases and noun forms /inference; draws character sketch,
Write a composition describing a visit to any beautiful attempts extrapolative writing.
and inspiring place.
Review and analyse the text to infer answers to
questions based on the text. Frame and write answers
on their own based on the discussions and reading of
the text.

Poem 5 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

The School Boy About the poem and the poet use internet, library and other resources to collect Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
information about the poet, william blake. recognize opinions and relates ideas to life in
voice and perspective in the poem (blake has written

from the perspective of a young boy who doesn’t like order to demonstrate critical thinking
school). skills.

School in summer recognize and categorize the boy’s feelings while going
to school. justify his feelings (he feels sorrowful as he
wants to enjoy summer).
critique and assess the way schools impart education
(for the boy, school is like a prison which does not
allow his creativity to flourish). refer and provide
examples from the poem. relate to and contrast with
personal life and experience.
Speaking read, memorize and recite the poem with correct Participates in different events such as
pronunciation and intonation. paraphrase the ideas of role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
the poem. debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
discuss in a group about the best part of school for quiz, etc., organised by school and
students other such organizations, in order to
display rational thinking, citizenship,
prepare a speech and speak on on why the student has manners, organization of thoughts,
compared himself to a caged bird or a bud that is persuasion and public speaking skills.
nipped before it can grow.

Understanding poetic identify, classify, and discuss the various poetic devices Identifies and appreciates significant
devices like alliteration, metaphor, personification, etc. explain literary elements such as – metaphor,
how and why these poetic devices are used. use poetic imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
devices in other contexts. intention /point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on the discussions and reading of /inference; draws character sketch,
the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

This is Jody's Saving Penny Baxter Locate main ideas and sequence of events. Assess why Asks questions in different contexts
Fawn it was necessary to save the fawn after killing the doe. and situations (e.g. Based on the text
Mill Wheel and Jody Locate main ideas and sequence of events. Evaluate /beyond the text /out of curiosity
that nothing in the world comes free of cost. Relate this /while engaging in conversation using
idea to different contexts and experiences. appropriate vocabulary and accurate
The fawn Develop a sympathetic attitude towards animals, and sentences)
express it through discussions.
Speaking Share real incidents to understand the importance of Participates in different events such as
freedom and its value in life. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
Debate on whether it is right to kill an animal to save a quiz, etc., organised by school and
human life. other such organizations, in order to

Debate on whether Jody should have let Mill Wheel display rational thinking, citizenship,
accompany him till he found the fawn or left him alone. manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.

Writing Gather and share information about Prevention of Prepares a write up after seeking
Cruelty to Animals Act information in print /online, notice
board, newspaper, etc.
Comprehension Check Review and analyse the text to infer answers to Writes answers to textual /non-textual
questions based on the text. Frame and write answers questions after comprehension
on their own based on the discussions and reading of /inference; draws character sketch,
the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Poem 6 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

The Duck and About the poem and the poet recall and recognize the genre of a fable (short stories, Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
the Kangaroo usually with animals as characters, conveying a moral). opinions and relates ideas to life in
recall and discuss familiar fables, including ‘the cricket order to demonstrate critical thinking
and the ant’. relate fables to real life experiences skills.
Convincing the Kangaroo analyse and appraise the qualities of characters and
their motivations, e.g. - the duck as being too bored in
the pond and scared of never being able to know what
is beyond the pond; the duck’s willingness to adjust
himself to the kangaroo in order to explore the world
with him
Hopping away together locate sequence of events such as how the kangaroo
and the duck hop around the world.

Narrating share some fables with others through narration of Narrates stories (real or imaginary)
stories and real-life experiences in English to
demonstrate creative use of and
fluency in the language and skills of
public speaking.
Speaking and poetry recite the poem with correct pronunciation and Participates in different events such as
recitation intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
discuss some unusual activities that students want to other such organizations, in order to
do, like walking on the moon, etc. display rational thinking, citizenship,
manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.
Understanding poetic name and classify poetic devices like personification, Identifies and appreciates significant
devices hyperbole, onomatopoeia, etc. explain how and why literary elements such as – metaphor,
they are used. use devices in different contexts. imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, Writes answers to textual /non-textual
summarize and infer answers to questions based on questions after comprehension
the text. frame and write answers on their own based /inference; draws character sketch,
on the discussions and reading of the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
A Visit to Firdaus Kanga meets Stephen locate main ideas and the theme of the chapter - have Asks questions in different contexts
Cambridge Hawking faith in yourself and situations (e.g. Based on the text
Hawking's advice for the assess and analyse why stephen hawking has proved /beyond the text /out of curiosity
disabled to be an inspiration for people; evaluate his advice to /while engaging in conversation using
concentrate on what one is good at. appropriate vocabulary and accurate

Speaking describe stephen hawking using proper vocabulary Participates in different events such as
and comparisons. discuss the reason for the anguish role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
felt by stephen hawking. debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
use internet, library and other resources to gather other such organizations, in order to
information on paralympics, and share information. display rational thinking, citizenship,
debate on whether disabled people should partake in
manners, organization of thoughts,
olympics or not persuasion and public speaking skills.
use nouns , adverbs and adjectives in their own

Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, Writes answers to textual /non-textual
summarize and infer answers to questions based on questions after comprehension
the text. frame and write answers on their own based /inference; draws character sketch,
on the discussions and reading of the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Poem 7 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
When I set out About the poem and the poet use internet, library and other resources to gather Identifies details, characters, main idea
for Lyonnesse information about the poet and the time the poem and sequence of ideas and events while
was written. evaluate that the poem has an open end, reading in order to demonstrate
leaving the readers to understand what might have comprehension of the language and
changed the life of the poet forever. sequencing skills.
Returning from Lyonnesse locates sequence of events in the poem, and changing
moods and perspectives of the speaker. identify and
assess that something within the poet has changed
and that change is visible to all around him when he
Speaking and poetry recitation read and recite the poem with correct pronunciation Participates in different events such as
and intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
discuss a journey of their own, their excitement at quiz, etc., organised by school and
going to some new place. other such organizations, in order to
display rational thinking, citizenship,
manners, organization of thoughts,
discuss and debate about what could have brought
persuasion and public speaking skills.
about the change in the poet.

Comprehending difficult develop vocabulary, including old english words like Reads unfamiliar words in context and
words ‘durst’, ‘bechance’ etc used in the poem, and show infers their meaning in order to
ability to use it appropriately in other contexts, demonstrate comprehension.
making their own sentences.

Comprehension Check write a paragraph / diary entry describing a journey Writes answers to textual /non-textual
which brought about a change from something they questions after comprehension
learnt there /inference; draws character sketch,
attempts extrapolative writing.
review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase,
summarize and infer answers to questions based on
the text. frame and write answers on their own based
on the discussions and reading of the text.

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

A Short Monsoon begins Use internet, library and other resources to gather Asks questions in different contexts
Monsoon Diary information about the writer, Ruskin Bond. Share and situations (e.g. Based on the text
information about his works, his style of writing and /beyond the text /out of curiosity
his love for nature. /while engaging in conversation using
appropriate vocabulary and accurate

The Real Monsoon Locate main ideas and sequence of events. Observe
and explain how Ruskin Bond portrays the silent
miracles of nature and life's little joys and regrets
End of Monsoon Critically evaluate the use of poetry in the middle of a
prose chapter. Combine two types of writing.
Speaking Discuss and share ideas on how monsoon can be Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
enjoyed even while staying indoors opinions and relates ideas to life in

Gather, share and discuss information about a order to demonstrate critical thinking
variety of animals, birds and insects which can be skills.
seen in the monsoon.
Narrate the differences at the beginning and at the
end of monsoon
Present arguments on why people have faith in blind
beliefs and superstitions.

Comprehension Check Review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, Writes answers to textual /non-textual
summarize and infer answers to questions based on questions after comprehension
the text. Frame and write answers on their own /inference; draws character sketch,
based on the discussions and reading of the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Poem 8 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome

On the About the poem and the poet locate the main ideas of the poem. recognize and Identifies details, characters, main idea
Grasshopper analyse the poet's observation on the beauty of earth and sequence of ideas and events while
and the Cricket during summer and winter. reading in order to demonstrate
The Grasshopper work in groups of two or four and reflect on each comprehension of the language and
line. identify and analyse what the grasshopper sequencing skills.
represents. appraise beauty of the summer .
The Cricket work in groups of two or four and reflect on each
line. identify and analyse what the cricket represents.
appraise beauty of extremely cold freezing days.

Comprehending through compare and contrast the beauty found on earth as Reads, compares, contrasts, gives
reference represented by the grasshopper and by the cricket; opinions and relates ideas to life in
interpret variations of beauty represented in nature. order to demonstrate critical thinking

justify how 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder'.
paraphrase the poem.

Speaking and poetry recitation recite the poem with correct pronunciation and Participates in different events such as
intonation. role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
narrate and share incidences of 'a cold winter other such organizations, in order to
evening' display rational thinking, citizenship,
manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.

Understanding poetic devices identify and classify poetic devices in the poem like Identifies and appreciates significant
personification, alliteration, refrain and repetition. literary elements such as – metaphor,
explain how and why they are used. use them in imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
different contexts. intention /point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Writing write a diary entry on 'a hot summer day' Writes answers to textual /non-textual
Comprehension Check review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, questions after comprehension
summarize and infer answers to questions based on /inference; draws character sketch,
the text. frame and write answers on their own based attempts extrapolative writing.
on the discussions and reading of the text.

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
The Great Stone The Prophecy Define a prophecy. Relate the belief in prophecies to Asks questions in different contexts
Face - I personal or localized experiences, and share them. and situations (e.g. Based on the text
Describe the Great Stone Face and the luck that it /beyond the text /out of curiosity
brought to the people living in the village. /while engaging in conversation using
Ernest, Gathergold and Blood- Analyse the characters of Gathergold and Blood-and- appropriate vocabulary and accurate
and-Thunder Thunder. Analyse qualities of Ernest. sentences)
Locate main ideas and sequence of events, including
why Gathergold and Blood-and-Thunder were not
actually the Great Stone Face.
Narrating Share stories and real-life experiences about Narrates stories (real or imaginary)
prophecies. and real-life experiences in English to
demonstrate creative use of and
fluency in the language and skills of
public speaking.
Using Grammar Use verb forms and phrasal verbs properly, and Communicates using grammatical
apply them to the given exercises. forms (e.g., clauses, comparison of
adjectives, time and tense, active
passive voice, reported speech etc.) in
order to demonstrate accurate and
appropriate use of grammar
Comprehension Check Write a paragraph based on one of the characters of Writes answers to textual /non-textual
the chapter questions after comprehension
Review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, /inference; draws character sketch,
summarize and infer answers to questions based on attempts extrapolative writing.
the text. Frame and write answers on their own
based on the discussions and reading of the text.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives – Learning Outcome
The Great Stone Ernest meets the poet Draw connection with The Great Stone Face – I. Asks questions in different contexts
Face - II Recall, develop and analyse Ernest’s character. and situations (e.g. Based on the text
/beyond the text /out of curiosity
The Poet Delineate sequence of events. Identify qualities of /while engaging in conversation using
characters such as the poet, and why the poet is not appropriate vocabulary and accurate
the Great Stone Face. sentences)
The prophecy comes true Understand the sequence of all events, leading to the
final conclusion. Review and interpret the prophecy.

Speaking Debate on whether Ernest should have been Participates in different events such as
declared the Great Stone Face or not role play, poetry recitation, skit, drama,
debate, speech, elocution, declamation,
quiz, etc., organised by school and
other such organizations, in order to
Narrate a story thinking of yourself as the poet and
display rational thinking, citizenship,
meeting Ernest for the first time.
manners, organization of thoughts,
persuasion and public speaking skills.

Group discussion Discuss the various good values that people have or Communicates using grammatical
should have. forms (e.g., clauses, comparison of
adjectives, time and tense, active
passive voice, reported speech etc.) in
Using Grammar Use verb forms and phrases accurately, and apply order to demonstrate accurate and
them to the given exercises. appropriate use of grammar.

Comprehension Check Review and analyse the text to recall, paraphrase, Writes answers to textual /non-textual
summarize and infer answers to questions based on questions after comprehension
the text. Frame and write answers on their own /inference; draws character sketch,
based on the discussions and reading of the text. attempts extrapolative writing.

Class 9

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs / groups / individually and encouraged
Comprehend audio /video scripts, read aloud texts and answer comprehension / inferential
questions by listening.
Use English news, films, songs, dramas, role-play, talks on internet, etc. As a resource to develop
listening comprehension and understanding of the use of tone /intonation /stress, etc. In speech.
Meet people and discuss on variety of issues, or listen to record discussions with people from
different professions through face to face /electronic media.
Participate in inter and intra school activities like school exhibitions, annual day celebration, debate
competitions, discussions, etc.
Make announcements during school functions, take interviews of people / personalities by framing
questions, introduce a speaker; develop news items and present in class /school assembly.
Organise and participate in discussions, present viewpoints /arguments, express contrasts with logic
and reasoning, in the process develop problem solving and reasoning ability; and critical thinking.
Recite poems with proper stress and intonation.
Use audio-video / text materials for writing short skits, role plays, street plays and dramatize to
communicate messages.
Use /refer to dictionary, magazines and periodicals, thesaurus, encyclopaedia, electronic media, visit
library and consult various resources for improving English language proficiency.
Ask questions on the texts read in the class and during discussions; be patient and respectful while
listening to others and express their views.
Share their experiences such as journeys, visits, hobbies, etc.
Understand different registers /use of appropriate words through a variety of listening and speaking
activities on topics such as sports, cookery, music, etc.; use these registers in their day-to-day life and use
them where ever necessary.
Read and narrate stories, describe
Incidents with fluency and in sequence.
Take down dictation by listening attentively, using appropriate punctuation marks.
To improve their listening skills by taking down notes from passages read aloud, news on tv, during
discussions in the class; understand the processes on how to make notes after reading a passage /
article, etc. And then summarize.
Use map to understand directions, space and distance; look at graphs, charts and tables to know how
data has been given and interpreted.
Connect the issues in the texts they read to the world outside and think on possible solutions.
Design advertisements and invitations for celebrations, prepare weather reports, news items and
discussions by using audio-video support.
Jot down ideas, develop an outline, write the first draft, edit, revise and then finalise (for writing short
and long passages / paragraphs, notices, reports, using these processes).
Utilise the given visual input and graphs with the clues provided and write passages / paragraphs.
Edit writings of self /peers using appropriate punctuation marks such as capital letters, comma,
semicolon, inverted commas; grammar and correct spelling.
Understand and learn to encode and decode texts of different genre through individual, pair and
group reading.
Understand the functions of grammar, the usages for accuracy in language (both spoken and written)
by the processes of noticing / identifying them in use and arriving at the rules.

Familiarise with a variety of vocabulary associated with various themes using these in different
contexts through various inputs: collocations, word webs, thematic vocabulary, etc.
Be acquainted with proverbs, phrases, idioms and their usage.
Use creativity and imagination and connect the discourse with real life contexts while expressing
themselves through speech / writing.
Imagine and describe characters and situations using prompts /flash cards /verbal clues /pictures and
create stories.
Be exposed to a variety of poems like lyric, ballad, ode, limerick, elegy etc. And notice onomatopoeic
sounds, symbols, metaphors, alliteration, etc. For appreciation.
Identify comparisons, allusions, poet’s /writer’s point of view, literary devices etc.
Undertake group /individual project work of interdisciplinary nature on social, cultural and common
To work with language: collection, processing, analysing, interpreting of information and then
presenting orally and in writing.
Know and promote core values such as tolerance, appreciation of diversity and civic responsibility,
patriotism through debate, discussion and reading of biographies, stories of struggles etc.
Follow the concept of directions on a given map of a locality /town /city / country, tactile /raised
material for children with special needs.
Use / read alternative materials such as braille texts / poems, cartoons, graphic presentations, audio
tapes, video tapes, and audio visuals to speak on issues related to society.
Get familiar with sign language for using with learners with hearing impairment in an inclusive
environment in the school.
Use bilingual / multilingual ways to exchange ideas or disseminating information by taking the
help of it, ppt, role play, street play, drama, written scripts, etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner–
Listens to announcements, instructions, read Listens carefully to announcements, instructions,
aloud texts, audio /videos, for information, read aloud texts, audio /videos, for information, gist
gist and details; responds by answering and details; and responds by answering questions
questions accordingly. accordingly in order to demonstrate
comprehension and ability to infer.
Listens to and discusses literary / non- Listens to and discusses literary /non-literary
literary inputs in varied contexts to infer, inputs in varied contexts in order to infer, interpret
interpret and appreciate. and appreciate.

Communicates thoughts, ideas, views and Expresses thoughts, ideas, views and opinions,
opinions verbally and non-verbally. verbally and non-verbally, in order to demonstrate
language communication skills.
Speaks fluently with proper pronunciation, Speaks fluently with proper pronunciation,
intonation and pause, using appropriate intonation and pause, using appropriate grammar
grammar. in order to demonstrate language communication
and comprehension skills.
Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs
inputs viz. debate, speech, group discussion, viz. debate, speech, group discussion, power point
power point presentation, radio show, presentation, radio show, interview, mock
interview, mock parliament etc. parliament etc. in order to demonstrate language
comprehension and communication skills

Reads aloud and recites poems with proper Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress,
stress, pause, tone and intonation. pause, tone and intonation.

Reads with comprehension, the given text Reads with comprehension, the given text
/materials, employing strategies like /materials, employing strategies like skimming,
skimming, scanning, predicting, previewing, scanning, predicting, previewing, reviewing,
reviewing, inferring. inferring.

Reads silently with comprehension, interprets Reads silently with comprehension, interprets
layers of meaning. layers of meaning.

Writes short answers , paragraphs, reports on Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
a given theme using appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given
and grammar theme in order to demonstrate language
comprehension and communication skills along
with critical thinking skills
Writes letters, both formal and informal, Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
invitations, advertisements, notices, slogans, advertisements, notices, slogans, messages,
messages and emails etc proposals, memorandums, blogs, brochures, and
emails, etc. In order to demonstrate research skills,
correspondence skills and promotional skills for the
target audience.
Writes short dialogues and participates in role Writes short dialogues and participates in role
plays, skits, street plays (nukkadnatak) for the plays, skits, street plays (nukkadnatak) for the
promotion of social causes like beti bachao – promotion of social causes like beti bachao – beti
beti padhao, swachh bharat abhiyaan, padhao, swachh bharat abhiyaan, conservation of
conservation of environment, child labour and environment, child labour and promotion of
promotion of literacy etc. literacy etc. in order to demonstrate creativity,
sensitivity towards the cause and the ability to
experiment with language.
Uses appropriate punctuation marks, correct Uses appropriate punctuation marks, correct
spellings of words while taking down spellings of words while taking down dictation in
dictation. order to demonstrate listening, speaking, writing,
and reading skills.
Takes notes and makes notes while listening Takes notes and makes notes while listening to tv
to tv news, discussions, speech, reading aloud news, discussions, speech, reading aloud /silent
/silent reading of texts, etc. and summarizes. reading of texts, etc. and summarizes in order to
demonstrate listening, writing, and comprehension
Organizes and structures thoughts, presents Presents information and opinions in a variety of
information and opinions in a variety of oral oral and written forms for different audiences and
and written forms for different audiences and purposes, in order to demonstrate organized and
purposes. structured thoughts.

Interprets map /graph /table and speaks or Interprets map /graph /table in order to speak or
writes a paragraph based on interpretation. write a paragraph based on the interpretation.

Edits passages with appropriate Edits passages with appropriate punctuation
punctuation marks, grammar and correct marks, grammar and correct spelling in order
spelling. to demonstrate ability to interact with any
kind of English text and also to demonstrate

reasoning and critical thinking abilities.
Uses grammar items in context such as Uses grammar items in context such as reporting
reporting verbs, passive and tense, time and verbs, passive and tense, time and tense etc in order
tense etc. to demonstrate an understanding of tenses in
grammar structure.
Uses words, phrases, idioms and words Uses words, phrases, idioms and word chunks for
chunks for meaning-making in varied meaning making in contexts in order to
contexts. demonstrate ability to process the language in real-
Understands and elicits meanings of the words in Uses dictionary, thesaurus and digital facilities, etc. in
different contexts, and by using dictionary, order to understand and elicit meanings of the words in
thesaurus and digital facilities. different contexts.

Reads literary texts for enjoyment / pleasure Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and
and compares, interprets and appreciates compares, interprets and appreciates characters,
characters, themes, plots and incidents and themes, plots and incidents give an opinion with
forms an reasoning.

Explains specific features of different literary Explains specific features of different literary
genres for interpretation and literary genres in order to interpret them and for literary
appreciation. appreciation.

Identifies and appreciates significant Identifies and appreciates significant literary
literary elements such as – metaphor, elements such as – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia, simile, onomatopoeia, intention /point of view,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme etc. rhyme scheme, etc.in order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives.
Writes short stories and composes poems on Writes short stories and composes poems on the
the given theme or on their own. given theme or on their own in order to demonstrate
creative use of language along with its literary
elements, grammar, etc.
Exhibits in action and practice the values of Exhibits in action and practice the values of
honesty, cooperation, patriotism, and while honesty, cooperation, patriotism, and while
speaking and writing on a variety of topics. speaking and writing on variety of topics.

Uses bilingual /multilingual abilities to Participates in activities like translations and
comprehend a text and participates in bilingual /multilingual discourses on various
activities like translations and bilingual themes in order to demonstrate bilingual
/multilingual discourses on various themes. /multilingual abilities to comprehend a text.

Uses sign language to communicate with Uses sign language to communicate with fellow
fellow learners with hearing impairment in an learners with hearing impairment in an inclusive
inclusive set up. set up.

Reads the poems, stories, texts given in Reads the poems, stories, texts given in braille;
braille; graphs and maps given in tactile graphs and maps given in tactile /raised material;
/raised material; interprets, discusses, and interprets, discusses, and writes with the help of a
writes with the help of a scribe. scribe.

Appreciates similarities and differences across Appreciates similarities and differences across
languages in a multilingual classroom and languages in a multilingual classroom and society.

Recognises and appreciates cultural Recognises and appreciates cultural experiences /
experiences / diversity in the text and makes diversity in the text and demonstrates it by making
oral and written presentations. make oral and written presentations.

Section III


Overall Learning Outcome for the course:

The learner comprehends and communicates using the language both in written and spoken form, appreciates literary forms and texts, creatively
assimilates learning into writing and speaking and used appropriate grammatical structures. The learner can use learnt structures in unfamiliar
subjects and situations

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The student will be able to

The Fun they Had Discovery of the diary and identify a variety of genres for pleasure Listens to and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in
reading its contents specifically science fiction varied contexts in order to infer, interpret and appreciate.

answerquestions based on
comprehension and inference

use grammar items in context, like tenses Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

Schools of the past and present - listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
Debate debates, Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Mechanical and human teachers critically examine the similarities and Expresses thoughts, ideas, views and opinions, verbally and
& Diary writing difference and discusses them non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

participate in autobiographical writing in Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
the form of a diary advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals, blogs,
brochures, and emails, diary etc. In order to demonstrate
research skills, correspondence skills and promotional skills
for the target audience.

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, reports Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
using appropriate vocabulary and appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
grammar on a given theme; order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Road not taken Significance of two roads answers questions based on discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
comprehension and inference order to infer, interpret and appreciate.

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation.

Poetic devices explains specific features of the poem for Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
interpretation and literary appreciation. as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives.

Comprehension check writes short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 2 -I Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Sound of Music - Reading and analyzing the read and respond to the textual elements- Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
Part -1. Evelyn Glennie success story of a differently plot, the style of writing and the genre. interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
abled person. incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning.
analyse the characterization and other
elements of the story.

use proper grammatical structures, i.e. - Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
tense, various mechanics of writing etc. focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

The success story of different listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
eminent personalities in Speech Debates, Speech, &Declamation Debate, speech, declamation, group discussion, power point
and Declamation presentation, radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills

Article writing & Diary Entry critically examines the characters and Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
compares. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills.

learn to use correct grammatical Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
structures in expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write an article and recapitulate the form Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
of a diary entry. advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals, ,
blogs, brochures, and emails, articles, diary etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Sound of Music - Reading and analyzing the identifies the essential components of the discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
Part -2 -Bismillah success story of a Music Maestro story. order to infer, interpret and appreciate.
critically analyse the theme,

moral value imparted through the story.

use proper vocabulary with grammatical Uses words, phrases, idioms, and word chunks for meaning
accuracy for effective writing. making in contexts in order to demonstrate ability to process
the language in real-time

Learning to introduce a famous listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
personality in school function. speech, compering, introducing the Debate, speech, compering, group discussion, power point
famous celebrities. presentation, radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills

Paragraph writing & Bio-Sketch critically examine the characters and Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
compare with others in the text. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills

learn to use correct grammatical Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
structures and expression in an effective focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
way. tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write a paragraph while expanding the Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
ideas. appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Comprehension check write short answers, Comprehension Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
check questions and textual answers using appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
appropriate vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

WIND Significance of 'Wind' respond to the poem and identify the discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
difference between a translation and an order to infer, interpret and appreciate
original work in English.

discuss Subramania Bharati’s style of

writing, the title, and its layers of meaning

Rhyme and rhythm recite the poem with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices use the literary devices Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Little Girl Introduction to the protagonist co -relate the ideas and thoughts of the Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
and her life protagonist with those of their parents non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills

Kezia and her domineering evaluate the characteristics of the Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
father protagonist- a very emotional and interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
sensitive girl affected by her father’s incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning.

Grand Ma's attempt to improve interpret the feelings of elders towards

Kezia's relationship with her the children

A Night of commotion analyse the impulsive step taken by Kezia

and the punishment received

Process of Change- A Strong respond to the importance of trust

Bond towards parents and the impact of
punishments- lead to an emotional scar

Grammar: Verbs of Reporting use reporting dialogues and grammatical Uses grammar items in context such as reporting verbs,
structures accurately passive and tense, time, and tense etc. in order to
demonstrate an understanding of tenses in grammar

Has your life been difficult or express through writing; ability to relate Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
like Kezia when you were a the experience in the lesson to real life appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
child? Write a paragraph situations order to demonstrate language comprehension and
describing your experience communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Comprehension check answer both short and long questions
using appropriate vocabulary and

Poem 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Rain on the roof Reminiscences on the memory resopond to the poem. -admiring the bliss discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
of rain, wistful nostalgia and of nature in the form rain. order to infer, interpret and appreciate
feeling of loss
compare the rain with tears

respond to the concept of loss

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices discuss the specific features of the poem Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
for interpretation particularly euphemism. as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narrative

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

A truly beautiful mind Reading and analyzing the responds to and discusses a variety of discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
inspirational story of Albert genres for pleasure specifically science order to infer, interpret and appreciate
Einstein fiction

answerquestions based on comprehension

and inference

use proper grammatical structure, i.e. - Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
tense, various mechanics of writing etc. focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Relating the success story of listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
different eminent personalities debates, speech & declamation Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
in Speech and Declamation radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Article writing and Descriptive critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
writing value non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills
imparted throughthe story.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write an article and description of a Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
person advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience

Comprehension check Write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Lake isle of Significance of the place discuss the significance of adopting and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
Innisfree 'Innisfree' and the poet's observing peace and tranquility of nature order to infer, interpret and appreciate
yearning for serenity in their lives.

respond to the genre of the poem and w b

yeats’s style of writing

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices critically analyse the theme and employ Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
various figures of speech, as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Snake and the Reading and analyzing the discuss a variety of genres for pleasure Listens to and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in
mirror humorous element of the story specifically science fiction varied contexts in order to infer, interpret and appreciate

list and interpret the incidents of the story

use proper grammatical structure, i.e. - Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
tense, various mechanics of writing etc. focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Narrating a story, talking about listen to and speak on verbal inputs -story, Speaks fluently with proper pronunciation, intonation and
similar incidents pause, using appropriate grammar in order to demonstrate
language communication and comprehension skills

Story writing- with description critically examine the characters and Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
and outline sequence of incidents. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Legend of Read and comprehend discuss the culture, lifestyle, and belief of discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
Northland Narrative Poetry, legend, and the people. understanding phoebe cary’s order to infer, interpret and appreciate
folklore style of writing.

discuss the genre of a legend

relate to common symbols used in the


Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices classify the different poetic devices for Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
interpretation and analysis as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

My Childhood Reads and analyses the essence discussa variety of genres for pleasure discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
of the story and the underlying specifically autobiography. order to infer, interpret and appreciate
answer questions based on understanding
of the topic.

use proper grammatical structure, i.e. - Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
tense, various mechanics of writing etc. focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Uses appropriate vocabulary listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
and grammatical structures to debates Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
express ideas radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Article writing and paragraph critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
writing value imparted through the story. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write an article and a paragraph on a Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
given topic advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience

Comprehension check answer reference to the context tasks and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
questions appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

No men are foreign Reads and comprehends the draw the inferences, and appreciates the Listens to and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in
significance of amity, universal essence of the poem. varied contexts in order to infer, interpret and appreciate
brotherhood, and camaraderie
discuss the layers of meaning in the poem

identify the symbols in the poem

Poetic devices explain the figurative language of the Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
poem for interpretation and literary as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
appreciation. intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Comprehension check writes short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabularyand grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Packing Reads and analyses the essence identify and discuss a variety of genres for Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
of the story and the humorous pleasure specifically comedy and humor. interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
element, specially 'the idea of incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning
evaluate the plot, the style of writing and
the humorous element of the topic.

infer the word meanings from contextand Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
use them with the proper tense pattern focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Uses vocabulary and listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
grammatical structures in narration of events Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
narration radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Descriptive - Description of critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
place and event, Paragraph value imparted through the story. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
writing communication skills.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write a descriptive piece on an event or Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
place. advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience

Comprehension check answer reference to the context tasks and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
questions appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Duck and the Identifies and explains the discuss the genre of the poem and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
Kangaroo significance of essential Edward Lear’s style of writing. order to infer, interpret and appreciate
elements in the poem
analyse elements of Nonsense verse

Identify forms of literature and discuss significance of the use of animal’s Explains specific features of different literary genres in order
their characteristics poem as a fable and elements of Nonsense to interpret them and for literary appreciation

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation tone and intonation

recite poem with a humorous lilt to

accentuate the humor

Poetic devices and their usage in apply the figures of speech for the analysis Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
and appreciation of the poet. as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
the poem.
intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Chapter 8 I Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Reach for the top- Reads and draws inspiration evaluate the trials and tribulations of a Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
Santosh Yadav form the trials of Santosh young girl from a backward community interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
Yadav's life and the struggles to achieve her goals incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning

Understands the qualities infer the word meanings from contextand Uses words, phrases, idioms, and word chunks for meaning
required to climb Mt. Everest use them with the proper tense pattern making in contexts in order to demonstrate ability to process
the language in real-time

Conduct an interview and introduce a person / interview a person Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
introduce a person by framing appropriate questions based Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
on the person's background radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Write a description of a person critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
value imparted through the story non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

write a description of a person. Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience.

Comprehension check answer reference to the context tasks and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
questions appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills.

Chapter 8 II Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Reach for the top- Reads and draws inspiration evaluate the trials and tribulations of a Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
Maria Sharapova form the trials of Maria young girl living away from her mother in interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
Sharapova's life a strange land to pursue her dreams incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning.

Understands the qualities infer the word meanings from context and Uses words, phrases, idioms, and word chunks for meaning
required to become a successful use them with the proper tense pattern making in contexts in order to demonstrate ability to process
player the language in real-time

Conduct an interview and introduce a person / interview a person Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
introduce a person by framing appropriate questions based Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
on the person's background radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Write a description of a person critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
value imparted through the story. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
communication skills.

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

write a description of a person. Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience.

Comprehension check answer reference to the context tasks and , Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
questions appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills.

Poem 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

On Killing a tree Reads and comprehends the draw the inferences, and appreciates the discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
difference between cutting a essence of the poem. order to infer, interpret and appreciate.
tree and killing it
discuss the layers of meaning in the poem

identify the symbols in the poem and
interpret them

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress, pitch, and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices explain the figurative language of the Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
poem for interpretation and literary as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
appreciation. intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives.

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills.

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Bond of love Reads and analyses the essence respond to a variety of genres for pleasure Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
of the story forging bonds specifically comedy and humor. interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
between men and animals incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning.
analyse the plot, the style of writing and
the emphasis on the child like
characteristics displayed by the pet.

infer the word meanings from contextand Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
use them with the proper tense pattern focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to

demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

Presentation on the topic listen to and speak on verbal inputs - Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
'Animals also feel the pleasure narration of events Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
of love and the pain of radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
separation' based on personal demonstrate language comprehension and communication
experiences. skills.

Write a debate for or against critically analyse the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
'Pets should only kept by those value imparted through the story. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
who are committed to their care communication skills.
and understanding'
use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

learns writing a descriptive piece on an Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
event or place. advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience.

Comprehension check reference to the context, questions and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Snake Trying Reads, comprehends, and , draw the inferences, and appreciates the Listens to and discusses literary /non-literary inputs in
evaluates the significance of the essence of the poem. varied contexts in order to infer, interpret and appreciate
way man changes the
interpret the layers of meaning in the
environment of other creatures
like the snake

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress, pitch and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices explain the figurative language of the Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
poem for interpretation and literary as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
appreciation. intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
respond to the use of imagery in the poem
and narratives

Comprehension check write short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skill.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Kathmandu identify a variety of genres for pleasure

specifically comedy and humor.

Reads and analyses the respond to the descriptive style of writing Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
description of the place and the images created in the story. interprets and appreciates characters, themes, plots and
'Kathmandu' and its significance incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning

use the word meanings by expanding the Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
vocabulary with new words,
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

Uses vocabulary and listen to descriptions of shrines presented Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
grammatical structures in by other students and presents a Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
discussion and description of description radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
shrines; learns to give a demonstrate language comprehension and communication
commentary during a game skills.

Writes a travelogue using critically analyse the theme and is able to Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
appropriate grammar, structure, assimilate it in writing non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
and vocabulary communication skills

use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write description of a journey and places Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
visited advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to

demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience.

Comprehension check answer reference to the Context exercises, Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
and Questions appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and

communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Poem 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

A Slumber Did my Reads and comprehends the draw the inferences, and appreciate the discusses literary /non-literary inputs in varied contexts in
Spirit Seal language of loss and the effect it essence of the poem. order to infer, interpret and appreciate
has on the bereaved
analyse the layers of meaning in the poem

Rhyme and rhythm recite poems with proper stress, pitch, and Reads aloud and recites poems with proper stress, pause,
intonation. tone and intonation

Poetic devices explain the figurative language of the Identifies and appreciates significant literary elements such
poem for interpretation and literary as – metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, onomatopoeia,
appreciation. intention /point of view, rhyme scheme, etc.in order to
demonstrate understanding of their significance in literature
and narratives

Comprehension check Writ short answers / paragraphs, and Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
textual answers using appropriate appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
vocabulary and grammar. order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

If I were you Reads and analyses the essence respond to a variety of genres for Reads literary texts for enjoyment /pleasure and compares,
of the play and the pleasure, specifically drama and humor interprets, and appreciates characters, themes, plots, and
considerations of taking on incidents in order to give an opinion with reasoning
analyse the plot, the style of writing
someone's identity
whereby the author introduces a twist in
the tale

interpret the word meanings by Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expanding the vocabulary with new focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
words, usage of new words tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations.

Enact the play with dialogues discuss each of the characters and the Listens to and speaks on a variety of verbal inputs viz.
and props roles in the plot Debate, speech, group discussion, power point presentation,
radio show, interview, mock parliament etc. in order to
demonstrate language comprehension and communication

Character sketches of each of critically analyses the theme, and moral Expresses thoughts, ideas, views, and opinions, verbally and
the characters, Gerrard and the value imparted through the story. non-verbally, in order to demonstrate language
intruder and convert a play to communication skills.
the story
use correct grammatical structures in Use the rules of grammar in speech and writing and contexts
expression focusing on noun, pronoun, verb, determiners, time and
tense, passivation, adjective, adverb, etc. in order to
demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of their usage
through a variety of situations

write a character sketch convert a play to Writes letters both formal and informal, invitations,
a story advertisements, notices, slogans, messages, proposals,
memorandums, blogs, brochures, and emails, etc. In order to
demonstrate research skills, correspondence skills, and
promotional skills for the target audience

Comprehension check respond to Reference to the Context, Writes short answers /paragraphs /reports using
Questions andAnswers appropriate vocabulary and grammar on a given theme in
order to demonstrate language comprehension and
communication skills along with critical thinking skills

Class 10

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learners may be provided opportunities individually / in groups and encouraged
to –
Participate in interactive tasks and activities.
Take notes and respond accordingly, making use of appropriate vocabulary, and sense of
audience while listening to people around.
Engage themselves in conversation, dialogue, discussion and discourse in peer-peer mode,
and with teacher on various themes.
Participate in role play, short speech and skits; interview personalities, common people for
the purpose of collecting views on certain relevant issues, during surveys, project works, etc.
Give opinion about classroom transactions, peer feedback with clarity, and provide suggestions
for improvement.
Use / read alternative materials such as braille texts / poems, cartoons, graphic
presentations, audio tapes, video tapes, and audio visuals to speak on issues related to
Develop familiarity with workplace culture and language and terminology for different
vocational skills like carpentry, mobile repairing, tailoring, etc.
Volunteer in organizing school functions, assembly, community activities and interactions;
prepares schedules, reports, etc.
Read literature from different countries, and appreciate the ideas, issues, themes given there.
Read texts independently, comprehend, and respond to questions /ask questions on the text.
Read stories and literary texts - both fiction and nonfiction with understanding for pleasure
and enjoyment; discuss on characters, issues, situations; and if there is a problem, work on
Appreciate nuances and shades of literary meanings in a variety of poems like lyric, ballad, ode,
limerick, elegy etc. And the literary devices like onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors,
alliteration, etc. Understand comparisons, allusions, poet’s / writer’s point of view, etc.
Use subject / context / content related vocabulary to express their understanding of the texts
and tasks.
Understand writing is a process-oriented skill which requires drafting, revising, editing for
punctuation, grammatical accuracy, spelling, etc.
Understand the grammar in context, functions and usages noticing in examples and discover
Write, using symbols, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.
Contribute in building safe and stress-free environment for learning.
Collect and make use of meaningful resources generated by the learners.
Make use of their experiences and relate with their learning.
Use visual aids, and locally developed learning materials to complement and supplement the
textbook and supplementary reader.
Frame questions to assess their comprehension.
Promote core values such as tolerance, appreciation of diversity and civic responsibility
through debate, discussion, etc.

Develop critical thinking on issues related to society, family, adolescence, etc. This will lead
to develop their abilities for problem-solving, conflict resolution and work collaboratively.
Use multilingualism and translation as a strategy and resource for understanding and
learning and participating in classroom transactions.
Participate in interdisciplinary tasks /activities and projects.
Connect and apply their learning to activities, routines and functions at home and in
Maintain diary and journal for recording responses and reflections, develop rubrics with the
help of the teacher for self-assessment.
Work on the teacher and peer feedback, self-assessment to improve their performance.
Understand the concept of directions on a given map of a locality /town /city / country, tactile
/raised material for children with special needs.
Get familiarised with sign language for using with learners with hearing impairment in an
inclusive environment in the school.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Listens for information, gist and details Listens for information, gist and details and
and responds accordingly. responds to questions accordingly, in order to
demonstrate comprehension and ability to
Listens to and discusses literary / non- Listens to and discusses literary /non- literary
literary inputs in varied contexts to infer, inputs in varied contexts in order to infer,
interpret and appreciate. interpret and appreciate.

Speaks with coherence and cohesion while Speaks with coherence and cohesion while
participating in interactive tasks. participating in interactive tasks in order to
demonstrate fluency in the language.
Uses language appropriate to purposes Uses language appropriate to purposes
/perspectives. /perspectives in order to demonstrate an
understanding of the language.
Talks on key contemporary issues like Talks on key contemporary issues like social
social justice, environment, gender, etc. in justice, environment, gender, etc. in speech and
speech and writing. writing in order to demonstrate awareness and
empathy for key issues, research skills and
ability to reason.
Participates in bilingual /multilingual Participates in bilingual /multilingual
discourses on various themes. discourses on various themes to demonstrate
bilingual /multilingual abilities.
Reads, comprehends, and responds to Reads, comprehends, and responds to complex
complex texts independently. texts independently in order to demonstrate
transition from learning to read to reading to
Reads stories and literary texts - both Reads stories and literary texts - both fiction
fiction and nonfiction with understanding and nonfiction with understanding for pleasure
and enjoyment in order to demonstrate ability

for pleasure and enjoyment and discusses to discuss about these with comprehension and
these. reasoning skills.

Appreciates nuances and shades of Appreciates nuances and shades of literary
literary meanings, talks about literary meanings, talks about literary devices like
devices like onomatopoeic sounds, onomatopoeic sounds, symbols, metaphors,
symbols, metaphors, alliterations, alliterations, comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
comparisons, allusions, poet’s / writer’s writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
point of view, etc. demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and narratives.
Collects evidences and discusses in groups Collects evidences and discusses in groups for
for reading autobiographies, history and reading autobiographies, history and science
science based literary texts. based literary texts in order to demonstrate
comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Writes paragraphs, narratives, etc. by Writes paragraphs, narratives, etc. by planning
planning revising, editing, rewriting and revising, editing, rewriting and finalizing in
finalizing. order to demonstrate ability to interact with
any kind of English text and also to
demonstrate creative and critical thinking
Writes reports of functions in school, Writes reports of functions in school, family
family and community activities. and community activities in order to
demonstrate creative writing and presentation
Writes personal /official letter, business Writes personal /official letter, business letter,
letter, article, debate, paragraphs based on article, debate, paragraphs based on visual
visual /verbal clues, narratives, stories, /verbal clues, narratives, stories, poems, etc. in
poems, etc. order to demonstrate creativity, critical
thinking, correspondence and research skills.
Evaluates content presented in print Evaluates content presented in print media,
media, and in different genres / formats and in different genres /formats and presents
and presents content using symbols, content using symbols, graphs, diagrams, etc.in
graphs, diagrams, etc. order to demonstrate ability to display
relationships visually and presentation skills.
Analyses and appreciates a point of view Analyses and appreciates a point of view or
or cultural experience as reflected in the cultural experience as reflected in the text;
text; presents orally or in writing. presents orally or in writing, in order to
demonstrate reasoning ability, critical thinking
skills and presentation skills.
Draws references from books, Draws references from books, newspapers,
newspapers, internet etc., interprets using internet etc., and interprets in order to
analytical skills. demonstrate analytical skills.

Speaks /writes on a variety of themes. Speaks /writes on variety of themes in order to
demonstrate command over language, reading
and research skills, and critical thinking skills.

Consults / refers to dictionary, periodical Consults /refers to dictionary, periodical and
and book for academic and other book for academic and other purposes in order
purposes; and uses in speech and writing. to use in speech and writing.

Provides facts and background knowledge Provides facts and background knowledge in
in areas such as science and social science areas such as science and social science in
and presents viewpoints based on the order to presents viewpoints based on the
facts. facts.

Takes down dictation using appropriate Takes down dictation using appropriate
punctuation marks and correct spelling. punctuation marks, correct spelling of words
dictated in order to demonstrate listening,
speaking, writing, and reading skills.
Takes notes and makes notes while Takes notes and makes notes while listening to
listening to tv news, discussions, speech, tv news, discussions, speech, reading aloud
reading aloud /silent reading of texts, etc. /silent reading of texts, etc. And summarizes in
nd summarizes. order to demonstrate language comprehension
skills, critical thinking skills and presentation
Uses grammatical items appropriate to the Uses grammatical items in speech and writing
context in speech and writing. in order to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of its appropriate use in relation
to the context.
Uses grammatical items as cues for Uses grammatical items as cues for reading
reading comprehension such as tense, comprehension such as tense, reported speech,
reported speech, conjunctions and conjunctions and punctuation.

Uses words according to the context and Uses words according to the context and
delineates it in speech and writing. delineates it in speech and writing in order to
demonstrate vocabulary.
Uses formulaic and idiomatic expressions Uses formulaic and idiomatic expressions in
in speech and writing. speech and writing in order to demonstrate
competence in the acquisition of functional
Makes use of collocations and idioms in Makes use of collocations and idioms in speech
speech and writing. and writing in order to demonstrate
understanding of how to use vocabulary words
and idioms in a sentence correctly.
Identifies significant literary elements Identifies and appreciates significant literary
such as figurative language – metaphor, elements such as figurative language –
imagery, symbol, simile, intention / point metaphor, imagery, symbol, simile, intention /
of view, rhyme scheme, etc. point of view, rhyme scheme, etc. In order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and narratives.
Uses the figurative meaning of words and Uses the figurative meaning of words and
phrases as given in the texts read. phrases as given in the texts read in order to

demonstrate understanding of how they are
used to make both fiction and non-fiction
interesting and realistic.
Assesses own work /peers’ work based on Assesses own work /peers’ work based on
developed rubrics. developed rubrics in order to demonstrate
Develops questions for collecting data for Develops questions for collecting data for
survey on relevant issues. survey on relevant issues in order to
demonstrate understanding of how to capture
relevant data without harassing the person
/organization surveyed.
Writes scripts and participates in role play, Writes scripts and participates in role play, skit,
skit, street plays (nukkad natak) for the street plays (nuked natak) for the promotion of
promotion of social issues like beti bachao – social issues like beti bachao – beti badhao,
beti badhao, swachh bharat abhiyaan, swachh bharat abhiyaan, conservation of
conservation of environment, child labour environment, child labour and promotion of
and promotion of literacy etc. literacy etc. In order to demonstrate creativity,
sensitivity towards the cause, the ability to
experiment with language and communication
Uses bilingual / multilingual ways to Uses bilingual /multilingual ways to exchange
exchange ideas or disseminating ideas or disseminating information with the
information with the help of ICT, ppt, role help of ICT, ppt, role play, street play, drama,
play, street play, drama, written scripts, written scripts, etc. In order to demonstrate
etc. adeptness at the languages known.

Recognises and appreciates cultural Recognises and appreciates cultural
experiences given in the text in a written experiences given in the text in a written
paragraph, or in narrating the situations paragraph, or in narrating the situations and
and incidents in the class. incidents in the class in order to demonstrate
sensitivity towards and awareness of diversity.
Exhibits core values such as tolerance, Participates in debates, discussions, etc. In
appreciation of diversity and civic order to exhibit core values such as tolerance,
responsibility through debate, discussion, appreciation of diversity and civic
etc. responsibility.

Uses sign language to communicate with Uses sign language to communicate with fellow
fellow learners with hearing impairment learners with hearing impairment in an
in an inclusive set up. inclusive set up.

Reads the poems, stories, texts given in Reads the poems, stories, texts given in braille;
braille; graphs and maps given in tactile graphs and maps given in tactile /raised
/raised material; interprets, discusses, and material; interprets, discusses, and writes with
writes with the help of a scribe. the help of a scribe.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course:
The learners will use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings, develop creativity and curiosity through extensive
reading, grammatical accuracy and build competence in different aspects of English.
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The student will be able to
The Pleasure of Rain respond to the picturesque details
highlight the disappointment of Lencho as the
hailstorm destroys all the crops, through a
discussion and reasoning and empathise with Reads stories and literary texts - both
A Night of Sorrows fiction and nonfiction with
the problems faced by farmers
understanding for pleasure and
rationalise writing a letter to God for help. enjoyment in order to demonstrate
ability to discuss about these with
comprehension and reasoning skills.
discuss the postmaster’s act of charity to sustain
Faith in God
Lencho’s faith in God.
A Letter to God
Reads, comprehends, and responds to
answer questions based on comprehension and complex texts independently in order
Comprehension Check
inference via discussion.and independently to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
supply solutions to listed problems as a part of
Listening /Speaking: Have, speaking skills activity Speaks while participating in
you ever been in great
speak on inherent themes in order to interactive tasks in order to
difficulty, and felt that only
demonstrate command over language with demonstrate fluency in the language
a miracle could help you?
proper pronunciation and intonation.

How was your problem develop problem solving ability
Writing: Lencho suffered
first due to drought and
Writes personal /official letter,
then by floods. Our country
business letter, article, debate,
is also facing such develop the writing skill in students and
paragraphs based on visual /verbal
situations in recent years. sensitize students about the victims of natural
clues, narratives, stories, poems, etc. in
There is flood and there is disaster. Direct the students towards
order to demonstrate creativity, critical
drought. There is a need to understanding ironyas a literary device.
thinking, correspondence and research
save water through water
harvesting. Write a letter to

the Editor.

engage in editing, rewriting and finalizing the
Uses grammatical items in speech and
identify various clauses used in the text and writing in order to demonstrate
Grammar: Using Negatives
develop writing skill with reference to the knowledge and understanding of its
and Relative Clauses
context. appropriate use in relation to the
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
Use of figurative languages use different figurative languages especially the simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
metaphor scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Poem-1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Speaks with coherence and cohesion
Discussion- Nature- a inspect the fact that nature treats every creature while participating in interactive tasks
perennial source of Joy and object impartially in order to demonstrate fluency in the
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
Symbolism -Crow and
respond to the literary nuances simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
Hemlock tree
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Never lose hope and infer the merits of adopting an optimistic Reads, comprehends, and responds to
Dust of Snow
optimism attitude and accept that joys and sorrows are complex texts independently in order
inevitable in life. to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
Comprehension Check
infer inherent ideas
Appreciates nuances and shades of
literary meanings, talks about literary
devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
Poetic and literary devices use literary and poetic devices comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
writer’s point of view, etc. in order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and

Poem-2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Talks on key contemporary issues like
social justice, environment, gender, etc.
Discussion- How will the participate in the discussion and demonstrate In speech and writing in order to
worldend'? awareness. demonstrate awareness and empathy
for key issues, research skills and
ability to reason.
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
Symbolic significance of simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
respond to the literary nuances
'Fire' and 'Ice' scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
Fire and Ice
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
Warning for mankind to be deduce that both fiery and the cold
alert and aware of the temperaments have the power to destroy the
danger in letting lose any world Reads, comprehends, and responds to
such emotion. complex texts independently in order
Comprehension Check develop ability to infer answers to questions to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Appreciates nuances and shades of
literary meanings, talks about literary
devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
Poetic and literary devices use literary and poetic devices comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Uses the figurative meaning of words
and phrases as given in the texts read
in order to demonstrate understanding
Autobiography- A touching execute the use of expressions in the text.
of how they are used to make both
account of horrible
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
atrocities and oppression
on the blacks.
collect data and refer to history to know more Collects evidences and discusses in
about Nelson Mandela. groups for reading autobiographies,
Mandela: Long
history and science based literary texts
Walk to Adopted policy- Apartheid: inspect the system of apartheid and dvelop an in order to demonstrate
Freedom one of the harshest systems insight into the lives of freedom fighters. comprehension and critical thinking
of racial discrimination skills.

Reads, comprehends, and responds to

Formation of non-racial complex texts independently in order
discuss that the oppressed and the oppressor
democratic. to demonstrate transition from
alike are robbed of their humanities
learning to read to reading to learn.

Comprehension Check develop ability to infer answers to questions

Intext Grammar- Use of Uses grammatical items in speech and

definite articles with names writing in order to demonstrate
and Idiomatic Expression use definite articles effectively knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the
use Study idiomatic phrases and usage for better Uses formulaic and idiomatic
expression expressions in speech and writing in
order to demonstrate competence in
the acquisition of functional
Speaking: A speech on participate in short speech for the purpose of Speaks /writes on variety of themes in
“True liberty is freedom collecting views on certain relevant issues. order to demonstrate command over
from poverty, deprivation language, reading and research skills,
and forms of discrimination and critical thinking skills.

Poem-3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Pathetic sight of a tiger in a Appreciates nuances and shades of
empathise with the condition of a caged aimal
zoo literary meanings, talks about literary
Contrast between Tiger identify the actions of a tiger in jungle, devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
confined in zoo and natural symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
habitat comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
Tiger anticipates freedom writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
from restriction demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
A Tiger in the Man must let animals lead a develop a suitable opinion about the cruelty of Reads, comprehends, and responds to
Zoo natural life, in natural man towards animals complex texts independently in order
habitat to demonstrate transition from
Comprehension Check infer meaning. learning to read to reading to learn.
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
Poetic and literary devices engage with the literary and poetic devices simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Speaks with coherence and cohesion
Two Stories
Inhibition and fear of discuss and make use of experiences in order to while participating in interactive tasks
about Flying- I.
Young Seagull relate with those of learning to ride a bicycle in order to demonstrate fluency in the
His First Flight

Reads stories and literary texts - both
respond to the role of parents in preparing their
Maddened by hunger fiction and nonfiction with
children to face the challenges of the world.
understanding for pleasure and
enjoyment in order to demonstrate
analyse the message of self-reliance and strong
First maiden flight ability to discuss about these with
comprehension and reasoning skills
Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
Comprehension Check infer answers
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
Writes personal /official letter,
business letter, article, debate,
Writing: A composition on paragraphs based on visual /verbal
your initial attempts at develop writing skill clues, narratives, stories, poems, etc. in
learning a skill order to demonstrate creativity, critical
thinking, correspondence and research

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Journey of the protagonist- identify the literary features of the text. Reads, comprehends, and responds to
Two Stories An easy flight reiterate the feasibility of weather during a complex texts independently in order
about Flying- II- flight. to demonstrate transition from
The Black Engulfed in Black Storm justify that courage or grit is necessary to learning to read to reading to learn.
Aeroplane followed by mysterious overcome any obstacle.

Difficulties should be taken respond to the proverb-Where there's a will
by horns and hope should there's a wayin the context of the story and life
not be abandoned

Develop familiarity with interpret and analyse the mysterious end of the Listens to and discusses literary /non-
the words like illusion- journey. literary inputs in varied contexts in
speculation- mystery- order to infer, interpret and appreciate
divine guide /force
Comprehension Check infer answer Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Thinking about Language - Uses the figurative meaning of words

The varied ideas of the and phrases as given in the texts read
words 'Black' & 'fly' use expression and other words to enhance in order to demonstrate understanding
vocabulary of how they are used to make both
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
collect and make use of meaningful resources Consults /refers to dictionary,
through usage of dictionary periodical and book for academic and
other purposes in order to use in
speech and writing
Writing: A narrative piece- relatereal life experiences to the text and Writes paragraphs, narratives, etc. by
an experience being alone express feelings in a form of a narrative planning revising, editing, rewriting
or away from home during and finalizing in order to demonstrate
a thunderstorm. ability to interact with any kind of
English text and also to demonstrate
creative and critical thinking abilities.


Poem-4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

How to Tell Speaking: Comment on the respond to and appreciate the humorous title - a Speaks with coherence and cohesion
Wild Animals title and bring out the blend of information and wit while participating in interactive tasks
humour in order to demonstrate fluency in the
Description of animals in a respond to the humour inherent in the close Appreciates nuances and shades of
humorous manner proximity with wild animals e.g. to recognize a literary meanings, talks about literary
bear is to be tightly embraced by it, the smiling devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
face of Hyena is contrasted with a weeping face symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
of a crocodile. comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
The paradoxical statement that when there is writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
nothing on the tree, there is chameleon is full of demonstrate understanding of their
wit. significance in literature and

Poetic and literary use the literary and poetic devices Identifies and appreciates significant
devices(Humour and Irony, literary elements such as figurative
Paradox) language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to

complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Poem-5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Speaks with coherence and cohesion
Speaking- Discuss why is
while participating in interactive tasks
the boy upset on losing the respond to the humorous title
in order to demonstrate fluency in the
Ball- he can get a new one
• Grief stricken- Appreciates nuances and shades of
reason a young child’s feelings at the loss of a
helpless literary meanings, talks about literary
valuable possession and the fact that loss is
• The epistemology of devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
loss symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
One must know how to Infer the message embedded-- to move forward comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
bear the loss bravely and in life. writer’s point of view, etc. in order to
move on demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
The Ball Poem narratives.
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
The Ball is symbolised. use literary and poetic devices effectively. simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
Comprehension Check infer answers
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.


Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Talks on key contemporary issues like
social justice, environment, gender, etc.
Discussion about Anne develop familiarity with social issues and In speech and writing in order to
Frank participate in group discussion demonstrate awareness and empathy
for key issues, research skills and
ability to reason.
Anne Frank- One of the develop an understanding about Anne Frank- a Reads stories and literary texts - both
most renowned and Jewish girl witnessed horrors of Nazi rule fiction and nonfiction with
discussed, Holocaust understanding for pleasure and
victims enjoyment in order to demonstrate
Record of her relationship analyse the anxiety of students before the result ability to discuss about these with
shared by teachers and day and the various ways a teacher-student bind comprehension and reasoning skills.
From the Diary
students gets established
of Anne Frank
Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
Intext Grammar- Phrasal Use grammar in context Uses grammatical items in speech and
Verbs, Compound words writing in order to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the
Makes use of collocations and idioms in
Idioms and Expressions writea speech creatively
speech and writing in order to

Writing- A Diary- Imagine evelop writing skills in the students and demonstrate understanding of how to
yourself as Anne Frank encourage editing, rewriting and finalizing the use vocabulary words and idioms in a
context. sentence correctly.

Listening Skill- A Diary of participate in the listening skill activities Listens for information, gist and details
Samuel Pepys- about the and responds to questions accordingly,
great fire of London in order to demonstrate
comprehension and ability to infer.

Poem-6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Speaks with coherence and cohesion
Talks about Amanda’s need evaluate Amanda’s situation and suggest while participating in interactive tasks
for freedom solutions in order to demonstrate fluency in the
Appreciates nuances and shades of
literary meanings, talks about literary
devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
Develops a kind of dislike symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
Amanda! analyse the situation that leads Amanda to
for real life and escapes comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
escape into the fantasy world
into the world of dream. writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
Poetic and literary devices identify the literary and poetic devices used
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme

scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
The need of healthy bond discuss the need to narrow the generation gap Reads, comprehends, and responds to
between parents and and foster mutual respect and understanding. complex texts independently in order
children to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
Comprehension Check infer answers

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Hundred Recognises and appreciates cultural
Dresses- I experiences given in the text in a
Polish American develop awareness about the Polish American written paragraph, or in narrating the
Community Community. situations and incidents in the class in
order to demonstrate sensitivity
towards and awareness of diversity.
The Protagonist -Wanda develop awareness about bullying to Reads stories and literary texts - both
Petronski was judged by comprehend aspects of the story fiction and nonfiction with
her appearance and understanding for pleasure and
possession enjoyment in order to demonstrate
Peggie and Maddy ridiculed create sensitivity towards insensitive actions ability to discuss about these with
Wanda like mocking or jeering comprehension and reasoning skills
Wanda won the drawing use proverbs (" Don’t judge the book by its
competition cover". She was the 'richest' and 'most creative'
girl in the class) .

Comprehension check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Intext Grammar- The use 'third person' in the story and usage of Uses grammatical items in speech and
Narrative Voice and adverbs writing in order to demonstrate
adverbs knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Hundred Wanda quits school analyse the intent behind theletter Reads stories and literary texts - both
Dresses-II because she was mocked fiction and nonfiction with
for her appearance understanding for pleasure and
Reversal of attitude of identify the feeling of guilt and repentance enjoyment in order to demonstrate
Peggy and Maddie ability to discuss about these with
Children have an deduce that mutual love and respect for each comprehension and reasoning skills.
impressionable mind and other is a must.
can be easily moulded
Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Thinking about Language - use figurative expressions to enhance Uses the figurative meaning of words
The varied ideas and vocabulary and phrases as given in the texts read
expressions of the 'colour in order to demonstrate understanding
words' of how they are used to make both
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
collect and make use of meaningful resources Consults /refers to dictionary,
through usage of dictionary periodical and book for academic and
other purposes in order to use in
speech and writing
Role Play- An episode to be develop literary Writes scripts and participates in role
enacted from the text creativity with language play, skit, street plays (nukkad natak)
for the promotion of social issues like
beti bachao – beti badhao, swachh
bharat abhiyaan, conservation of
environment, child labour and
promotion of literacy etc. In order to
demonstrate creativity, sensitivity
towards the cause, the ability to
experiment with language and
communication skills.

Writing- Look again at the participate in writing as a process-oriented skill Writes personal /official letter,
letter which Wanda's father -- drafting, revising, editing for punctuation, business letter, article, debate,
writes to Miss Mason, grammatical accuracy, spelling, paragraphs based on visual /verbal
Wanda's teacher. Mr clues, narratives, stories, poems, etc. in
Petronski is not quite order to demonstrate creativity, critical
aware how to write a thinking, correspondence and research
formal letter in English. skills.
Rewrite it for him more

Poem-7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Animals Poet- An admirer of discuss aspects of animals; sense of self- Appreciates nuances and shades of
Animals contentment literary meanings, talks about literary
interpret suggested aspects of animals-- clear devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
conscience, no sense of regret, no hypocrisy, no symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
trace of discontent, free from superstition and comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
Appreciates God's creation
dogma, and equality writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
of Animal
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
Message to Human being deduce and rediscover to imbibe the virtues,
return to a state of innocence and sincerity, learn
to stay calm and contended, should shed false Reads, comprehends, and responds to
sense of respectability, refrain from practicing complex texts independently in order
any discrimination in the name of God or to demonstrate transition from
religion and stay away from the mania of owing learning to read to reading to learn.

Comprehension Check infer answers

Poetic and literary devices use literary and poetic devices Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Discussion- Can you say collect info. about Goa- churches, Goan culture, Collects evidences and discusses in
which parts of India show music, beaches and scenic beauty. groups for reading autobiographies,
French and Portuguese history and science based literary texts
influences? in order to demonstrate
comprehension and critical thinking
Glimpses of skills.
India- A Baker perform speaking skill tasks effectively Speaks /writes on variety of themes in
from Goa order to demonstrate command over
language, reading and research skills,
and critical thinking skills.
Pen- Portrait of traditional analyse the importance of the role of bakers Reads stories and literary texts - both
Goan Village fiction and nonfiction with
understanding for pleasure and

Reminiscing Childhood revisit childhood memories and connect with enjoyment in order to demonstrate
nostalgically those listed in the text- love for bread, musical ability to discuss about these with
entry with jingling thud of the bamboo, comprehension and reasoning skills.
sweetbread called bol

Appearance of bread- develop understanding about the apparel and

sellers appearance of bread-sellers

Bakery- as business interpret the importance of such a business

Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to

complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Group Discussion- Collect inculcate peer study and research work skills Collects evidences and discusses in
information on how bakers groups for reading autobiographies,
bake bread now and how history and science based literary texts
the process has changed in order to demonstrate
over time. comprehension and critical thinking
participate in listening tasks and , presentation Takes notes and makes notes while
skill activities listening to tv news, discussions,
speech, reading aloud /silent reading of
texts, etc. And summarizes in order to
demonstrate language comprehension
skills, critical thinking skills and
presentation skills.

perform speaking skill tasks effectively Speaks with coherence and cohesion
while participating in interactive tasks
in order to demonstrate fluency in the

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Coorg- a coffee country about identify details about the location and
famous for rainforests and geographical details about Coorg.
Reads stories and literary texts - both
Coorgis are fiercely describedistinct traditions and historical fiction and nonfiction with
martials with Greek or background understanding for pleasure and
Arab origin enjoyment in order to demonstrate
ability to discuss about these with
Coorgis are very hospitable comprehend specific details about the people of
comprehension and reasoning skills.
and valorous race Coorg
Glimpses of
India- Coorg
Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to
complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Thinking about language- use vocabulary and understanding of the Makes use of collocations and idioms in
Collocations collocations speech and writing in order to
demonstrate understanding of how to
use vocabulary words and idioms in a
sentence correctly.

Speaking- 'Coorg is a perform speaking skill tasks effectively Speaks with coherence and cohesion
paradise for travellers.' while participating in interactive tasks
Discuss. in order to demonstrate fluency in the

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Two friends plan to spend recognise how pleasure and scholarship can be Reads stories and literary texts - both
their summer holidays at combined to make knowledge effective and fiction and nonfiction with
Assam lasting. understanding for pleasure and
Rajvir was thrilled to see present detail about the vast stretchesspread enjoyment in order to demonstrate
the tea gardens across the landscape of Assam ability to discuss about these with
comprehension and reasoning skills.

Anecdotes related to tea appreciate the legends connected with tea and
Glimpses of its journey
India- Tea from

Mr. Barua was impressed rationalise how doing one's homework before
by the study done by Rajvir any new venture is a smart move

Comprehension Check infer answers Reads, comprehends, and responds to

complex texts independently in order
to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Intext grammar- Adjectives integrate the grammar in context, functions and Uses grammatical items in speech and
with-ing and -ed usages noticing in examples and discover rules. writing in order to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the
Group Discussion- Imagine develop and perform research to demonstrate Collects evidences and discusses in
a meeting of a tea planter, a the understanding about the text. groups for reading autobiographies,
sales agent, a tea lover, a history and science based literary texts
physician and a tea-shop in order to demonstrate
owner. Collect information comprehension and critical thinking
about tea e.g. its evolution skills.
as a drink, its beneficial practise speaking skill and critical thinking skill. Speaks /writes on variety of themes in
qualities. order to demonstrate command over
language, reading and research skills,
and critical thinking skills.
Given a picture in a form of demonstrate sensitivity towards the awareness Recognises and appreciates cultural
an article writing of three of diversity experiences given in the text in a
different regions of India, written paragraph, or in narrating the
giving an idea of how situations and incidents in the class in
varied and charming and order to demonstrate sensitivity
beautiful our country is. towards and awareness of diversity.

enhance and use critical thinking and Analyses and appreciates a point of
presentation skills view or cultural experience as reflected
in the text; presents orally or in
writing, in order to demonstrate
reasoning ability, critical thinking skills
and presentation skills.


Poem-8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Trees Discussion - Can there be a develop anawareness about the social issues and Talks on key contemporary issues like
forest without trees? gender discrimination. social justice, environment, gender, etc.
Where are the trees in the In speech and writing in order to
poem, and where do they demonstrate awareness and empathy
go? for key issues, research skills and
ability to reason.
Trees are initially indoor reiterate the importance of trees for life to Appreciates nuances and shades of
but are seeking to escape to survive literary meanings, talks about literary
freedom in the forest. devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
Trees symbolises analyse the symbolism that establishes a comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
womanhood relation between the trees and womanhood writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
Freedom of trees- Women demonstrate understanding of their
at large
significance in literature and

Poetic and literary devices use literary and poetic devices Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

Theme- the conflict deduce that trees are symbolically treated as Reads, comprehends,
between man and nature women who have been dominated, exploited and and responds to complex texts
enslaved -victim of injustice and slavery in the independently in
male-chauvinistic society. order to demonstrate
transition from learning
Comprehension Check comprehend the text to infer answers to read to reading to

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

read to appreciate the use of expressions in the Reads stories and literary texts - both
text. fiction and nonfiction with
understanding for pleasure and
enjoyment in order to demonstrate
Author's decision to keep
ability to discuss about these with
an Otter as a pet.
comprehension and reasoning skills
comprehend the progression in the story Listens for information, gist and details
and empathize with animals and responds to questions accordingly,
Mijbil the Otter
in order to demonstrate
The bond of love between learn to take care about animals and be comprehension and ability to infer.
the author and Mijbil responsible towards other life forms.

Preparing the trip to take describe the journey from bsara in iraq to Reads, comprehends, and responds to
Mij back home london and then the encounter of the otter with complex texts independently in order
the other humans including children and elders. to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.

Stimulate curiosity and engage students in
conversation about pets using appropriate

Comprehension Check infer answers

Intext Grammar- describe a repeated action in past Uses grammatical items in speech and
Describing a Repeated writing in order to demonstrate
Action in the past and Noun knowledge and understanding of its
Modifiers appropriate use in relation to the
develop familiarity with the noun modifiers and Uses formulaic and idiomatic
the phrases that indicate a particular quantity of expressions in speech and writing in
something that is not usually countable order to demonstrate competence in
the acquisition of functional
Writing Skill-Description of write a description of a person and animal using Writes paragraphs, narratives, etc. by
a person or an animal the various mechanics of writing planning revising, editing, rewriting
and finalizing in order to demonstrate
ability to interact with any kind of
English text and also to demonstrate
creative and critical thinking abilities.

Poem -9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Fog Appreciates nuances and shades of
literary meanings, talks about literary
devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
engage in creatively expressing the
comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
Understand that nature is understanding of the poem
writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
more powerful than
demonstrate understanding of their
anything that humans can
significance in literature and
classify the different types of poem (sonnet, Listens for information, gist and details
ballad, parable, Acrostic) and specifically and responds to questions accordingly,
detailing about Haiku in order to demonstrate
comprehension and ability to infer.
Understands that change is critically analysethe theme, moral value Reads, comprehends, and responds to
an unavoidable and natural imparted through the poem complex texts independently in order
process to demonstrate transition from
learning to read to reading to learn.
Enhances his vocabulary analyse the poem through appropriate
and comprehension of the inferential questions
interpret the specific features of the poem Identifies and appreciates significant
literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
Rhyme and Rhythm simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.

use poetic devices and rhyming scheme Uses the figurative meaning of words
and phrases as given in the texts read
in order to demonstrate understanding
of how they are used to make both
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
Speaking: Recitation recite the poem with proper stress and Speaks /writes on variety of themes in
intonation. order to demonstrate command over
language, reading and research skills,
and critical thinking skills.

Chapter -9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

use expressions in the text. Uses the figurative meaning of words
and phrases as given in the texts read
in order to demonstrate understanding
of how they are used to make both
About Valli and her intent
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
desire to ride the bus.
recognize the importance of being sensitive Reads stories and literary texts - both
Madam Rides towards an individual’s feelings fiction and nonfiction with
the Bus understanding for pleasure and
Valli in the bus and her evaluate the lessons and experiences through enjoyment in order to demonstrate
unforgettable moments travelling ability to discuss about these with
comprehension and reasoning skills.
extrapolate from the given text. Listens for information, gist and details
Valli's retrospection about and responds to questions accordingly,
her planning for the bus identify emotions with reference to the event in order to demonstrate
trip comprehension and ability to infer.

Comprehension Check infer answers
review new words and phrases in expression. Uses language appropriate to purposes
/perspectives in order to demonstrate
an understanding of the language.

Intext Grammar- Use of

New Words and Expression integrate idiomatic phrases in speaking and Uses formulaic and idiomatic
writing, for better expression expressions in speech and writing in
order to demonstrate competence in
the acquisition of functional
Writing: Report writing write a report on any event or relevant issues. Writes reports of functions in school,
family and community activities in
order to demonstrate creative writing
and presentation skills.

Poem -10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

The Tale of Comprehends The story of respond to the nuances in the poem Appreciates nuances and shades of
Custard the a little girl and her pets and literary meanings, talks about literary
Dragon understands the genre of devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
the poem symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
classify the different types of poems (sonnet,
comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
ballad, parable, Acrostic) and specifically
writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
detailing about Ballads
demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
Imbibes the essential respond to the poem in the context of a real life Listens for information, gist and details
Virtues as the moral situation and responds to questions accordingly,

interpret the various virtues of -being brave, in order to demonstrate
help others, not to boast, develop compassion, comprehension and ability to infer.
infer that good deeds are rewarded.

Enhances his vocabulary analyse the poem through appropriate

and comprehension of the inferential questions
Rhyme and Rhythm identify the specific features of the poem and Identifies and appreciates significant
the usage of literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate
understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
interpret poetic devices and rhyming scheme Uses the figurative meaning of words
and phrases as given in the texts read
in order to demonstrate understanding
of how they are used to make both
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
Speaking: Recitation recite the poem with proper stress and Speaks /writes on variety of themes in
intonation. order to demonstrate command over
language, reading and research skills,
and critical thinking skills.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
interpret and appreciate the use of expressions Collects evidences and discusses in
in the text. groups for reading autobiographies,
history and science based literary texts
in order to demonstrate
Gautam Buddha a Prince comprehension and critical thinking
inspect the plot, the style of writing and the Reads stories and literary texts - both
genre fiction and nonfiction with
understanding for pleasure and
World sufferings make encourage a develop a spiritual outlook. enjoyment in order to demonstrate
Gautama a beggar for ability to discuss about these with
enlightenment comprehension and reasoning skills
discuss death as the ultimate truth. Reads, comprehends, and responds to
The Sermon at complex texts independently in order
Benares Budha's first Sermon to demonstrate transition from
inspect the loss of a loved one, though natural , learning to read to reading to learn.
causes sorrow.
Comprehension Check infer answers through discussions
describe the use of semicolon and dash Uses grammatical items in speech and
writing in order to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the
Intext Grammar- Use of context.
Semi colon and Dash contrast the uses of conjunction i.e. and, but etc Uses formulaic and idiomatic
in a sentence and the Punctuation i.e. Semi colon expressions in speech and writing in
and Dash order to demonstrate competence in
the acquisition of functional

Writing Skill-Description of write a description of an event, reflective Writes paragraphs, narratives, etc. by
an event - Paragraph paragraph writing using the various mechanics planning revising, editing, rewriting
writing of writing and finalizing in order to demonstrate
ability to interact with any kind of
English text and also to demonstrate
creative and critical thinking abilities.

Poem -11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

infer the contextual meaning. Appreciates nuances and shades of
literary meanings, talks about literary
Comprehends the concern
devices like onomatopoeic sounds,
of the poet
symbols, metaphors, alliterations,
comparisons, allusions, poet’s /
The expression of 'love ' in classify of types of poems (sonnet, ballad, writer’s point of view, etc. In order to
the words of Anne Gregory parable, Acrostic) with emphasis on ballads demonstrate understanding of their
significance in literature and
For Anne The concept of Devine and analyse the poem in real life situation and infer Listens for information, gist and details
Gregory Platonic Love the essence and responds to questions accordingly,
restatedivine love and its root in inner beauty. in order to demonstrate
Enhances his vocabulary analyse the poem through appropriate comprehension and ability to infer.
and comprehension of the inferential questions
Rhyme and Rhythm identify and use poetic devices and rhyming Identifies and appreciates significant
scheme literary elements such as figurative
language – metaphor, imagery, symbol,
simile, intention / point of view, rhyme
scheme, etc. In order to demonstrate

understanding of their significance in
literature and narratives.
recognize meanings of words and use them Uses the figurative meaning of words
effectively. and phrases as given in the texts read
in order to demonstrate understanding
of how they are used to make both
fiction and non-fiction interesting and
Speaking: Recitation recite the poem with proper stress and Speaks with coherence and cohesion
intonation. while participating in interactive tasks
in order to demonstrate fluency in the

Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Lomov is received in demonstrate ability to discuss elements of Reads stories and literary texts - both
Chubukov's house with drama as a form of literature. fiction and nonfiction with understanding
the purpose of his visit. for pleasure and enjoyment in order to
demonstrate ability to discuss about these
with comprehension and reasoning skills

The talk on the ' land' and identify the different types of conflict within Listens for information, gist and details
The Proposal the sudden sprouting of the story. and responds to questions accordingly, in
arguments and conflict order to demonstrate comprehension and
between Lomov and understand the characterisation and other ability to infer.
Natalya element of the story
After the fight over petty eangage in discussions about- managing
Reads, comprehends, and responds to
issues, the story conflicts, anger management, need to control
complex texts independently in order to
culminates with the

acceptance of the the usage of language, trust, faith, demonstrate transition from learning to
marriage proposal understanding behaviour, forgiveness read to reading to learn.

participate in conversation about Russian

wedding culture with appropriate vocabulary.

Comprehension Check infer answers

Intext Grammar- Reported recall the uses of Reported Speech and write Uses grammatical items in speech and
speech effectively with appropriate expressions writing in order to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of its
appropriate use in relation to the context.
apply idiomatic expressions in speech and Uses formulaic and idiomatic expressions
writing in speech and writing in order to
demonstrate competence in the
acquisition of functional vocabulary.
Writing Skill-Dialogue compose and write a script of drama or a Writes scripts and participates in role play,
writing / Script writing dialogue writing on a given excerpt. skit, street plays (nukkad natak) for the
on a given excerpt. promotion of social issues like beti bachao
– beti badhao, swachh bharat abhiyaan,
conservation of environment, child labour
and promotion of literacy etc. In order to
demonstrate creativity, sensitivity towards
the cause, the ability to experiment with
language and communication skills.



Class 1

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Observe different contexts and situations from the immediate environment such as things
that are inside /outside the classroom They may be encouraged to use spatial vocabulary /
concepts like top-bottom, on- under, inside-outside, above-below, near- far, before-after,
thin- thick, big-small etc.
Identify and draw the things which are near- far, tall-short, thick-thin, etc.
Handle concrete materials or models and classify them. For example, objects which are round
in shape such as chapati, ball, etc and those which are not round such as pencil box.
Count objects, for instance, students may take out objects up to 9 from a given collection of
objects such as picking any 8 leaves /4 beads /6 ice-cream sticks etc, from the given box.
Take out objects up to 20 from a given collection of objects
Use words like more than, less than or equal through the strategy of one to one
correspondence in objects in two groups
Explore different strategies to add numbers up to 9 like counting on forward and using already
known addition facts
Evolve different strategies to subtract numbers up to 9 as for example, recounting after taking
out objects from a given collection
Use different strategies like aggregation, counting forward, using addition facts, etc. To
extend addition up to 20 (sum not exceeding 20)
Develop different strategies of subtraction through taking away objects / pictures
Count in groups of tens and ones for numbers more than 20 e.g. 38 has 3 groups /bundles of
ten each and 8 loose (ones)
Sort objects based on similarities and differences through their sense of touch and
Verbalise the properties of shapes /criterion used by them in sorting / classifying solids /
Use concrete play money for
Finds short lengths in their immediate environment using non-uniform units like finger, hand
span, length of a forearm, footsteps, etc.
Conduct classroom discussions on learner observations of pattern and allow them to describe
in their own language. Let children find what will come next and justify their answer
Observe and collect information from the visuals, contexts / situations such as number of

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LO
Classifies objects into groups based on a • Classifies objects into groups based on a
few physical attributes such as shape, size few physical attributes such as shape,

and other observable properties including size and other observable properties
rolling and sliding recites number names including rolling and sliding
and counts objects up to 20, concretely, • recites number names and counts
pictorially and symbolically objects up to 20, concretely, pictorially
and symbolically
Works with numbers 1 to 20 • Identifies numbers 1 to 20
Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9 • Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
Compares numbers up to 20. For example, • Compares numbers up to 20.
tells whether number of girls or number
of boys is more in the class

Applies addition and subtraction of • Applies addition and subtraction of
numbers 1 to 20 in daily life numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
• Constructs addition facts up to 9 by • constructs addition facts up to 9 by
using concrete objects. For using concrete objects.
example, to find 3+3 counts 3 steps • subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
forward from 3 and concludes that • Identifies and differentiates between
3+3=6 the process of addition and subtraction
• Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9. For
example, the child takes out 3
objects from a collection of 9
objects and counts the remaining to
conclude 9-3=6
Solves day-to-day problems related to Solves day-to-day problems related to addition
addition and subtraction of numbers up to and subtraction of numbers up to 9
Recognizes numbers up to 99 and writes Recognizes numbers up to 99 and writes
numerals numerals
Describes the physical features of various Describes the physical features of various
solids /shapes in her own language. For solids /shapes in her own language.
example- a ball rolls, a box slides etc.
Estimates and measures short lengths Estimates and measures short lengths using
using non-uniform units like a finger, non-uniform units like a finger, hand span,
hand span, length of a forearm, footsteps, length of a forearm, footsteps, etc.
Observes, extends and creates patterns Observes, extends and creates patterns of
of shapes and numbers. For example, shapes and numbers.
arrangement of shapes / objects /
numbers, etc.

For example, arrangement of
shapes / objects / numbers, etc.:-
- 1,2,3,4,5,...

- 1,3,5,…
- 2,4,6,………………
1,2,3,1,2,..., 1,…3,…………..
Collects, records (using pictures Collects, records (using pictures /numerals)
/numerals) and interprets simple and interprets simple information by looking at
information by looking at visuals. (for visuals.
example, in a picture of a garden the child
looks at different flowers and draws
inference that flowers of a certain colour
are more).
Develops the concept of zero Infer the application of zero in different
mathematical situations.
Classifies & Catagories the denomination of
commonly used coins and notes

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner
to convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter no Learning Objective Learning Outcome
Chapter 1 : Shapes Describes spatial relationships using "top-bottom, on- Describes the physical features of various solids /shapes in her
and Space under /above-below" own language.
Describes spatial relationships using "bigger-smaller,
Matches and sorts common 2D shapes by features and size
Matches common 3D objects to corresponding shapes and
classifies them based on observable features
Recognizes 'circle' and 'square' and establishes
correspondence with everyday objects
Recognizes 'rectangle' and 'triangle' and establishes
correspondence with everyday objects
Matches and sorts concrete objects and pictures based on Classifies objects into groups based on a few physical attributes
visual attributes like shape, size, colour. such as shape, size and other observable properties including
rolling and sliding recites number names and counts objects up to
20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Applies own rule(s) to sort groups of objects

Chapter 2: Numbers Establishes one-to-one correspondence between objects Classifies objects into groups based on a few physical attributes
1 to 9 and compares one collection with the other (concrete and such as shape, size and other observable properties including
pictorial) rolling and sliding recites number names and counts objects up to
20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Recites number names in standard order (1-9) and pairs Identifies numbers 1 to 20
one number name with only one object. Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
Uses cardinality in counting (concrete, pictorial) Compares numbers up to 20.
Uses ordinality in counting (concrete, pictorial)
Uses number count is independent of object arrangement
(number conservation)
Identifies and writes numbers (1-9) Identifies numbers up to 99 and writes numerals

Matches objects with correct number (1-9) and creates Works with numbers 1 to 20
groups corresponding to a given number (concrete, Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
pictorial) Compares numbers up to 20. For example, tells whether number of
Determines if one group has more / less/ same items as girls or number of boys is more in the class
the other; Creates groups with equal number of items (1-
9) (Numerically and pictorially)
Completes number sequences by counting forward and Observes, extends and creates patterns of shapes and numbers.
backward (1-9)
Sequences up to three numbers (1-9) in increasing or Works with numbers 1 to 20
decreasing order (concrete and pictorial) Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
Develops concept of zero and its symbol Compares numbers up to 20. For example, tells whether number of
girls or number of boys is more in the class
Chapter 3: Addition Uses the vocabulary and concept of addition as "putting Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
(single digit, up to a together, joining" and that the resulting quantity is more • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects.
sum of 9) than the original (Concretely and pictorially) • Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
Combines two groups and determines the total quantity
for sum not exceeding 9 (Concretely and pictorially)
Adds 1-digit numbers pictorially (sum not exceeding 9)
Represents addition symbolically (sum not exceeding 9)
Uses concept of adding zero to a number (concretely, Develops the concept of zero.
pictorially and numerically)
Uses commutative property for 1-digit numbers Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
(concretely, pictorially and numerically) • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects•
Composes numbers (up to 9) by addition of smaller Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
numbers in different combinations (concretely, pictorially
and numerically)
Chapter 4: Uses the vocabulary and concept of subtraction as "taking Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
Subtraction (single away" and "remove" and that the resulting quantity is less • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects. •
digit, up to 9) than the original (Concretely and pictorially) Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
Subtracts from and determines the resulting quantity of a
subgroup (sum of collection not exceeding 9) (Concretely
and pictorially)
Subtracts 1-digit numbers pictorially.

Subtracts 1 digit number with vertical arrangement(
symbolically with numbers not exceeding 9)

Uses the concept of subtracting zero from a number develops the concept of zero.
(concretely, pictorially and numerically)
Identifies the missing subtrahend and minuend to make Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
the two groups equal (pictorially and numerically for • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects. •
numbers 1-9) Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
Chapter 5: Numbers Groups individual objects into 10s (concrete and pictorial) • Identifies numbers 1 to 20
from 10-20 • Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
• Compares numbers up to 20.

Numerals (10-20): Recites number names in standard order • Classifies objects into groups based on a few physical attributes
and associates them with corresponding number of items such as shape, size and other observable properties including
(concrete, pictorial) and numerals rolling and sliding
• recites number names and counts objects up to 20, concretely,
pictorially and symbolically
Numerals (10-20): Identifies and writes numbers Identifies numbers 1 to 20
Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
Compares numbers up to 20
Numerals (10-20): Matches objects with correct number and Classifies objects into groups based on a few physical attributes
creates groups corresponding to a given number (concrete, such as shape, size and other observable properties including
pictorial) rolling and sliding recites number names and counts objects up to
20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Numerals (10-20): Composes and decomposes two digit .
numbers symbolically (e.g., 17=10+7), and develops
understanding of zero as a placeholder

Numerals (10-20): Explain how two digits of a two-digit

number represent amounts of tens and ones (concretely and
Solves addition using vertical algorithm for 2 digit Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
numbers (up to 20) without carry over • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects. •
Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
Numerals (10-20): Determines if one group has more / less/ Identifies numbers 1 to 20
same items as the other; Creates groups with equal number of Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
items (Numerically and pictorially) Compares numbers up to 20.

Numerals (10-20): Completes number sequences by counting Observes, extends and creates patterns of shapes and numbers
forward and backward, without skip counting
Numerals (10-20): Sequences up to three numbers in Identifies numbers 1 to 20
increasing or decreasing order. (concrete, pictorial, numerical) Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
Compares numbers up to 20.
Numerals (1-20): Estimates group size in broad ranges (e.g.
"less than 5", "more than 10") and locates approximate position
of a number on the number line.

Numerals (10-20): Expresses counting fluency (1-10)

Uses fluency in addition for 1-digit numbers (including 0) Applies addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 20 in daily life
up to a total of 10 • Constructs addition facts up to 9 by using concrete objects. •
Subtracts numbers using 1 to 9.
Solves addition using vertical algorithm for 2 digit
numbers (up to 20) with carryover

Solves addition based real life problems presented orally

(using numbers up to 20)

Uses fluency in subtraction for (1-1 digit) and (2-1 digit),

including 0

Solves subtraction using vertical algorithm for 2 digit

numbers (up to 20) without borrowing

Solves subtraction based real life problems presented

orally (sum not more than 20)

Chapter 6: Time Identifies and sequences events by time of day and knows Solves day-to-day problems related to addition and
related vocabulary subtraction of numbers up to 9
Identifies and sequences events within a given activity,
and knows related vocabulary

Names days of the week in sequence and knows related
Chapter 7: Compares length and height of objects and starts to Describes the physical features of various solids /shapes in her
Measurement measure them using non-standard units own language.

Measures, compares and orders length and heights of Estimates and measures short lengths using non-uniform units like
common objects using non-standard units a finger, hand span, length of a forearm, footsteps, etc.

Compares objects by weight and understands related Describes the physical features of various solids /shapes in her
vocabulary own language.

Chapter 8: Numbers Numerals (21-50): Recites number names in standard order Identifies numbers up to 99 and writes numerals
from 21 to 50 and associates them with corresponding number of items
(pictorial) and numerals

Numerals (10-50): Identifies and writes numbers

Numerals (21-50): Matches objects with correct number and

creates groups corresponding to a given number (pictorial)

Numerals (21-50): Completes number sequences by counting Observes, extends and creates patterns of shapes and numbers.
forward and backward

Chapter 9: Data Classifies objects into given categories and count the Collects, records (using pictures /numerals) and interprets simple
Handling numbers of objects in each category (concretely) information by looking at visuals.

Organizes, represents, and interprets simple information

(pictorially and numerically)

Chapter 10: Numerals (1-50): Skip counting forward and backwards in 10s Observes, extends and creates patterns of shapes and numbers.
Patterns & 5s
Numerals (1-50): Skip counting forward and backwards in 2s &
Observes and repeats patterns with shapes and pictures.

Chapter 11: Numerals (51-70): Recites number names in standard order Identifies numbers up to 99 and writes numerals
Numbers and associates them with corresponding number of items
(pictorial) and numerals

Numerals (71-99): Recites number names in standard order

and associates them with corresponding number of items
(pictorial) and numerals

Numerals (51-99): Recognizes and writes numbers

Numerals (51-99): Matches objects with correct number and

creates groups corresponding to a given number (pictorial)

Numerals (51-99): Completes number sequences by counting observes, extends and creates patterns
forward and backward of shapes and numbers.

Chapter 12: Money Understands the denomination of commonly used coins Solves day-to-day problems related to addition and
and notes subtraction of numbers up to 9
Adds 1- and 2-rupee coins to make a given amount

Estimates/guesses the value of everyday items

Chapter 13: How Apply the learning in various contexts Solves day-to-day problems related to addition and
many subtraction of numbers up to 9

Class 2

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Identify number naming and number writing patterns, read and write numbers up to 99
Apply the understanding of place value of numbers while grouping & recognising them
Add 2-digit numbers up to 99 by using addition facts up to 9
Develop and use alternate strategies for addition and subtraction of numbers
Explore situations in which addition and subtraction of numbers is required. For example,
combining two groups, enlarging a group by adding more objects
Develop their own contextual situations / questions based on subtraction and addition
Create situation / context in which a number has to be repeatedly added
Trace different faces of 3D objects on paper and name their corresponding 2D Shapes
Classify shapes based on their physical attributes through cut out / paper folds of different
Use observations / sense of touch to describe the shapes and their physical attributes
Add up to numerical value of Rs. 100, by using concrete play money of different
Measure different lengths / distances by using uniform but non-standard unit
Discuss and share the experiences of children while they observe different balances for
weighing objects
Construct their own balance (simple) and weigh and compare the weights of different things
around them
Compare the capacity of two or more containers
Discuss about the special day / particular day of a week when children share time and house
related work with their family members
Verbalise the unit of repeat in a pattern and make ideas about their extension
Extend patterns created by using shapes, thumb print, leaf print and numbers, etc.
Collect information from people around, record it and draw some inference from it.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
Works with two-digit numbers Works with two-digit numbers
a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up a) Reads and writes numerals for
to 99 numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing b) Uses place value in writing and
two-digit numbers. comparing two-digit numbers.
c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit c) forms the greatest and
numbers (with and without repetition of smallest two-digit numbers
given digits) (with and without repetition of
given digits)

d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations d) solves simple daily life
based on addition of two-digit numbers problems /situations based on
e) Solves daily life situations based on addition of two-digit numbers
subtraction of two-digit numbers e) solves daily life situations
Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 based on subtraction of two-
notes and coins (of same / different denominations digit numbers
of play money f) represents an amount up to Rs.
100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different
denominations of play money
Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes with their Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes
observable characteristics with their observable
a) Identifies basic 3d-shapes such as cuboid, characteristics:
cylinder, cone and sphere by their names a) identifies basic 3D-shapes such
b) Distinguishes between straight and curved as cuboid, cylinder, cone and
lines sphere by their names
Draws / represents straight lines in various b) distinguishes between straight
orientations (vertical, horizontal, slant) and curved lines

Draws / represents straight lines in
various orientations (vertical,
horizontal, slant)
Estimates and measures length /distances and Estimates and measures length
capacities of containers using uniform non- /distances and capacities of
standard units like a rod /pencil, cup / spoon containers using uniform non-
/bucket etc. standard units like a rod /pencil, cup
/ spoon /bucket etc.
Compares objects as heavier /lighter than using Compares objects as heavier /lighter
simple balance. than using simple balance.
Identifies the days of the week and months of the Identifies the days of the week and
year months of the year

Sequences the events occurring according to their
Sequences the events occurring
duration in terms of hours /days; for example, does
according to their duration in terms of
a child remain in school for a longer period than at
hours /days.
Draws inference based on the data collected such Collects data and draws inference
as the number of vehicles used in Samir’s house based on it.
is more than that in Angelina’s

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life contexts.
Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes with their observable
a) Identifies basic 3d-shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone
Chapter 1: What is Matches and sorts everyday 3D objects and common 2D shapes
and sphere by their names
Long, What is Round based on observable features
b) Distinguishes between straight and curved lines
Draws / represents straight lines in various orientations
(vertical, horizontal, slant)

Numerals (1-99): Counts (concretely, pictorially and

symbolically) and recites number names

Numerals (1-50): Recognizes and writes numerals

Works with two-digit numbers
Numerals (51-99): Recognizes and writes numerals a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
Numerals (1-50): Completes number sequences by counting c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Chapter 2: Counting in onwards and backwards and without repetition of given digits)
Groups (without skips) d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
Numerals (51-99): Completes number sequences by counting digit numbers
onwards and backwards (without skips) Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different denominations of play money

Numerals (1-99): Compares groups and numbers and

understands < and > symbols

Numerals (1-99): Sequence numbers in increasing or
decreasing order

Compares weights of everyday objects in relative terms

(concrete, pictorial)
Chapter 3: How much Compares objects as heavier/lighter than
can you carry using simple balance.
Compares and orders relative weights of everyday objects using
a simple balance

Works with two-digit numbers

Counts up to 100 by grouping in 10s a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
Composes and decomposes 2-digit numbers into 10s and numbers.
1s(concrete, pictorial) c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Chapter 4: Counting in and without repetition of given digits)
Tens Composes and decomposes 2-digit numbers into 10s and 1s d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
(numerical) addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
digit numbers
Compares 2-digit numbers using place value Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different denominations of play money

Numerals (1-100): Completes numbers sequence with skip Works with two-digit numbers
counting forward in 2s, 5s, 10s a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Numerals (1-100): Completes numbers sequence with skip and without repetition of given digits)
Chapter 5: Patterns
counting forward in 3s and 4s d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
digit numbers
Numerals (1-100): Completes numbers sequence with skip Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
counting backward in 3s and 4s (of same / different denominations of play money

Traces 2D images of 3D objects and compares the shape, size
and orientation of the images

Names and classifies common 2D shapes (circle, rectangle, square,

triangle) by their key features
Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes with their observable
Describes the key, differentiating features of common 2D a) Identifies basic 3d-shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone
shapes and draws these shapes and sphere by their names
b) Distinguishes between straight and curved lines
Identifies and counts simple 2D shapes within an image; and Draws / represents straight lines in various orientations
creates own images using 2D shapes (vertical, horizontal, slant)

Chapter 6: Footprints
Classifies 3D objects on the basis of match of the shape of their
trace with identified 2D shapes (triangle, circles, rectangle,

Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes with their observable

Recognizes common 3D-shapes by name (cuboid, cylinder) and characteristics
establishes correspondence with everyday objects a) Identifies basic 3d-shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone
and sphere by their names
b) Distinguishes between straight and curved lines
Recognizes common 3D-shapes (cone, sphere) and establishes Draws / represents straight lines in various orientations
correspondence with everyday objects (vertical, horizontal, slant)

Describes common 3D objects using key vocabulary

Measures capacities of everyday objects using nonstandard Estimates and measures length /distances and capacities of
units containers using uniform non-standard units like a rod
/pencil, cup / spoon /bucket etc.
Chapter 7: Jugs and Compares capacities of everyday objects and orders them using
Mugs nonstandard units

Appreciate the principle of volume conservation (liquids)

Estimates capacities of different everyday objects
as well as water consumption in daily activities

Works with two-digit numbers

a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Chapter 8: Tens and Represents an amount (up to Rs. 99) using 10 rupees and 1 and without repetition of given digits)
Ones rupee d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
digit numbers
Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different denominations of play money

Recognize, sequences and writes the days of the week Identifies the days of the week and months of the year

Chapter 9: My Funday Recognizes, sequences and writes months of the year

Sequences the events occurring according to their duration in
terms of hours /days.?
Compare the duration of different months

Adds 2-digit numbers horizontally without regrouping (sum Works with two-digit numbers
not exceeding 99) a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
Adds 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm without regrouping
Chapter 10: Add our c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
(sum not exceeding 99)
points (sum up to 99) and without repetition of given digits)
d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
Identifies missing addend in 2-digit addition statements addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
Adds 3 one-digit numbers and understands that addition is digit numbers
associative (pictorially and numerically)

Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
Decompose numbers into a combination of 3 one-digit numbers (of same / different denominations of play money
(sum up to 20)

Describes basic 3D and 2D shapes with their observable

Identifies and draws straight lines in different orientations characteristics
(vertical, horizontal, slanting). a) Identifies basic 3d-shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone
Chapter 11: Lines and and sphere by their names
Lines Differentiates between straight lines and curved lines and
b) Distinguishes between straight and curved lines
recognizes shapes with straight and curved lines
Draws / represents straight lines in various orientations
Creates shapes and images using straight lines and curved lines
(vertical, horizontal, slant)
(concrete, pictorial)
Works with two-digit numbers
a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Adds 2-digit numbers horizontally with regrouping (sum not and without repetition of given digits)
exceeding 99) d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
digit numbers
Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different denominations of play money
Chapter 12: Give and
Take (sum up to 99) Adds 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with regrouping Works with two-digit numbers
(sum not exceeding 99) a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
Uses addition of 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping numbers.
(sum not exceeding 99) to solve problems in day to day life. c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Subtracts 2-digit numbers horizontally without regrouping and without repetition of given digits)
d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
Subtracts 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm without addition of two-digit numbers
regrouping e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
digit numbers
Subtracts 2-digit numbers horizontally with regrouping (with Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
concrete and pictorial support) (of same / different denominations of play money

Subtracts 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with regrouping
(with concrete and pictorial support)

Uses subtraction of 2-digit numbers with and without

regrouping in solving problems in day to day life.

Measures and compares length/distance using non-standard Estimates and measures length /distances and capacities of
units containers using uniform non-standard units like a rod
Chapter 13: The Begins to appreciate that the length of objects remains the same /pencil, cup / spoon /bucket etc.
Longest Step when moved (Length Conservation)
Compares and states the difference in length/distance using
non-standard units
Adds 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with regrouping Works with two-digit numbers
without concrete and pictorial support (sum not exceeding 99) a) Reads and writes numerals for numbers up to 99
Subtracts 2-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with regrouping b) Uses place value in writing and comparing two-digit
without concrete and pictorial support numbers.
Matches real life problems to correct number statement c) Forms the greatest and smallest two-digit numbers (with
Chapter 14: Birds (addition and subtraction, 2-digit numbers). and without repetition of given digits)
Come, Birds Go Solves problems based on real-life situations using both d) Solves simple daily life problems / situations based on
addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers addition of two-digit numbers
e) Solves daily life situations based on subtraction of two-
Represents 2-digit numbers using multiple combinations of digit numbers
smaller numbers Represents an amount up to Rs. 100 using 3-4 notes and coins
(of same / different denominations of play money
Records data using tally marks, simple tables and pictographs. Draws inference based on the data collected such as the
Chapter 15: How many
Interprets data and answers questions on simple tables and number of vehicles used in Samir’s house is more than that
pictographs in Angelina’s

Class 3

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Count large number of objects from their surroundings by making groups of 100,10 and ones
Write a number (up to 999) and the other group reads it.
Apply place values for writing greatest / smallest numbers with three digits. (digits may or
may not repeat.)
Arrange concrete objects and draw different multiplication facts / combinations of a given
number, for example 6 mangoes can be arranged as
2×3 3×2


Develop multiplication facts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 using different ways e.g.,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89
And by using repeated addition
Experience equal sharing and grouping and connecting them mathematically in their own
context. For example, sharing of equal number of sweets among children
Observe various 3D shapes available in the surroundings and discussions may be held for
identification of similarities and differences with respect to their corresponding 2D. Shapes
like triangle, square, circle cut outs of cardboard
Make 2D shapes through paper folding / paper cutting activities
Describe the properties of 2D shapes in their own words /languages like number of corners,
edges on a shape, etc.
Discuss their observation regarding various shapes they observe in their surroundings— on the
floor, on the footpath, etc., to draw conclusion that all shapes do not tile
Conduct role play of seller and buyer in selling /buying situation where lots of addition and
subtraction of amounts using play money may be done
Measure the length of objects in their surroundings by using scale / tape. Students may be
encouraged to estimate the length first and then verify it by actual measurement
Use simple balance to compare and find weight of common objects in terms of non- standard
units likes small stones, packets of objects, etc.
Measure capacities of different containers and describe their experiences of doing so, e.g.,
finding how many jugs can fill a bucket or how many glasses can be filled from one jug full of
Use of vocabulary about time and calendar through discussions / story telling
Attempt to read a clock and calendar

Observe patterns both geometrical and numerical and discuss them. (presentation by the
group may be done in front of the whole class)
Collect and record data in their own way and use pictograph to represent it. For example,
flower of different colours in the school garden or the number of boys and girls present a
To interpret pictographs from magazines and newspaper which can be displayed in the

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
works with three-digit numbers Works with three-digit numbers
a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 • reads and writes numbers up to
using place value 999 using place value
b) compares numbers up to 999 for their • compares numbers up to 999 for
value based on their place value their value based on their place
c) solves simple daily life problems using value
addition and subtraction of three-digit • solves simple daily life problems
numbers with and without regrouping, using addition and subtraction of
sums not exceeding 999 three-digit numbers with and
d) constructs and uses the multiplication without regrouping, sums not
facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 in daily exceeding 999
life situation • constructs and uses the
e) analyses and applies an appropriate multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3,
number operation in the situation / 4, 5 and 10 in daily life situations
context • analyses and applies an
f) explains the meaning of division facts by appropriate number operation in
equal grouping /sharing and finds it by the situation /context
repeated subtraction. For example, 12÷3 • explains the meaning of division
can be explained as number of groups of facts by equal grouping /sharing
3 to make 12 and finds it as 4 by and finds it by repeated
repeatedly subtracting 3 from 12 subtraction.

adds and subtracts small amounts of money Adds and subtracts small amounts of
with or without regrouping money with or without regrouping

makes rate charts and simple bills Makes rate charts and simple bills

acquires understanding about 2D shapes Acquires understanding about 2D
a) identifies and makes 2D-shapes by paper shapes:
folding , paper cutting on the dot grid, • identifies and makes 2D-shapes by
using straight lines etc. paper folding, paper cutting on the
dot grid, using straight lines etc.

b) describes 2D shapes by the number of • describes 2D shapes by the
sides, corners and diagonals. For number of sides, corners and
example, the shape of the book cover has diagonals.
4 sides, 4 corners and two diagonals • fills a given region leaving no gaps
fills a given region leaving no gaps using a tile of using a tile of a given shape
a given shape

estimates and measures length and distance Estimates and measures length and
using standard units like centimeters or meters distance using standard units like
and identifies relationships centimeters or meters and identifies
weighs objects using standard units– grams and Weighs objects using standard units–
kilograms using simple balance grams and kilograms using simple balance

compares the capacity of different containers in Compares the capacity of different
terms of nonstandard units containers in terms of non-standard units
adds and subtracts measures involving grams & Solves problems by adding and
kilograms in life situations subtracting measures involving grams &
kilograms in real life situations
identifies a particular day and date on a calendar Identifies a particular day and date on a
reads the time correctly to the hour using a clock Reads the time correctly to the hour using a
/watch clock /watch

extends patterns in simple shapes Extends patterns in simple shapes and
records data using tally marks, represents Records data using tally marks and
pictorially and draws conclusions. represents pictorially in order to draw

Section III
Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner
to convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Acquires understanding about 2D shapes

a) identifies and makes 2D-shapes by paper folding , paper
Builds on a symmetrical geometric pattern
Chapter 1: Where to Look From cutting on the dot grid, using straight lines etc.
using a dot grid
b) describes 2D shapes by the number of sides, corners and

Works with three-digit numbers

Numerals 100 -500: Counts (concretely, pictorially a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
and symbolically) and recites number names b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
place value
Numerals 100-500: Identifies and write numerals/ c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
number names subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
Numerals 501 -999: Counts (pictorially and d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
Chapter 2: Fun with Numbers symbolically) and recites number names 5 and 10 in daily life situation
e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
situation / context
f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
Numerals 501 -999: Identifies and write numerals/
number names /sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.

Numbers 100-500: Completes number sequences

by counting forward and backwards without skips

Numbers 501-999: Complete number sequences by
counting forward and backwards without skips

Numbers 100-500: Complete number sequences

with skip counts forward and backward in 2s, 4s, 5s,
10s and 50s

Numbers 501-999: Complete number sequences

with skip counts forward and backward in 2s, 4s, 5s,
10s and 50s

Works with three-digit numbers

Composes and decomposes numbers into a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
hundreds, tens and ones (concrete, pictorial, b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
numerical) place value
c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
Numerals (100-999): Compares groups and
numbers using < and > symbols regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
5 and 10 in daily life situation
e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
Numerals (100-999): Sequences numbers in situation / context
increasing or decreasing order f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
/sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.

Adds 3-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with Works with three-digit numbers
regrouping (sum not exceeding 999) a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
(pictorially and numerically) b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
place value
Chapter 3: Give and Take (sum
c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
up to 999)
Solves one step real life problems involving subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
addition of 3-digit numbers with and without regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
regrouping (sum not exceeding 999) d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
5 and 10 in daily life situation

e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
Adds 3-digit numbers in vertical algorithm with situation / context
regrouping (sum not exceeding 999) f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
(numerically) /sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.

With the understanding of standard measure of

'centimeter', uses a ruler to measure length of
familiar objects in cm
With the understanding of the standard
measure of 'meter' , uses a measuring tape to
measure length of familiar objects in meters
Estimates, and compares lengths of objects in
cms and meters (Concrete and pictorial)
Chooses and uses appropriate standard unit
(between centimeter and meter) to measure Estimates and measures length and distance using standard
Chapter 4: Long and Short
different lengths/heights units like centimeters or meters and identifies relationships
Estimates and compares linear and non-linear
paths in standard units and understands the
concept of shortest distance between two

Appreciates that the length of objects remains

the same when moved (Length Conservation)
using standard units.

Identifies repeated units in a geometric pattern Acquires understanding about 2D shapes

Chapter 5: Shapes and Designs and explain features of the unit (i.e. curved, a) identifies and makes 2D-shapes by paper folding , paper
straight line etc.) cutting on the dot grid, using straight lines etc.

b) describes 2D shapes by the number of sides, corners and

Identifies the base tile making patterns and

completes the pattern leaving no gaps

Completes number sequences with skip counts

forward and backward in 2s, 4s, 5s, 10s and 50s Extends patterns in simple shapes
(3 digit numbers)
Works with three-digit numbers
Subtracts 3-digit numbers in vertical algorithm a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
with regrouping (pictorially and numerically) b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
place value
Chapter 6: Fun with Give and Solves the problems in the real life context c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
Take involving subtraction of 3-digit numbers with subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
and without regrouping (where difference is regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
unknown) d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
5 and 10 in daily life situation
Recognizes and use the inverse relationship e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
between addition and subtraction to check situation / context
calculations and solve missing number f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
problems. /sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.

Answers questions and infers information from

a calendar on months, their duration, days of Identifies a particular day and date on a calendar
the week
Chapter 7: Time Goes On...
Read the time on a clock to the hour and half-
hour through understanding the role of the Reads the time correctly to the hour using a clock /watch
hour hand and minute hand.

Draw minute and hour hand in a clock to
represent a given time (in hours and half-hour
units only)

With the understanding of standard measure

of 'kilogram', uses a weighing scale to measure
weight of familiar objects to nearest kilogram

Weighs objects using standard units– grams and kilograms

Estimates and verifies weights of everyday using simple balance
objects (less than, equal to, or greater than 1kg)
Chapter 8: Who is Heavier?

Compares weights of different objects in

standard units (nearest kilogram)

Solves simple addition and subtraction

Adds and subtracts measures involving grams & kilograms in
problems on weight involving standard units
life situations
(kilograms and grams)

Demonstrate multiplication as repeated

addition Works with three-digit numbers
a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
Represents multiplication in number statement b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
place value
Applies multiplication of one digit number in c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
day to day life. subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
Chapter 9: How Many Times?
regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
(with 1- and 2-digit numbers)
Constructs tables of 5 and 10 d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
Constructs tables of 2 and 3 5 and 10 in daily life situation
Constructs tables of 4 and 7 e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
situation / context
Constructs tables of 9
f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
Recalls and uses multiplication tables to solve /sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.
simple problems

Completes a sequence by application of
multiplication tables

Determines multiplication number families (up

to 4 instances)

Multiply 2-digit numbers with 1 digit numbers

Multiply 2-digit numbers with 2 digit numbers

Identifies the rule in a growing number

sequence and extends them

Identifies repeating unit in a geometric patterns
and complete the same
Chapter 10: Play with Patterns Extends patterns in simple shapes

Identifies rules in growing patterns and

complete the same

Decodes verbal messages involving patterns of

alphabets and numerals

With the understanding of the standard

measure of 'liter' , and uses a 1-litre unit to Works with three-digit numbers
measure the capacity of familiar objects to a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
nearest liters b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
Chapter 11: Jugs and Mugs place value
c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
Estimates, verifies and compares capacities of subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
everyday objects by using 1 liter as standard regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
(concrete) d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,

5 and 10 in daily life situation
Appreciates the principle of volume e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
conservation (liquids) situation / context
f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
Solves simple addition and subtraction based /sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.
real life problems on capacity involving
standard units (liter)

Explains division as "sharing equally"

Works with three-digit numbers
Expresses division as a statement. a) reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value
b) compares numbers up to 999 for their value based on their
place value
Solves simple real life problems involving
c) solves simple daily life problems using addition and
division (without remainder) (2 digit number)
subtraction of three-digit numbers with and without
Chapter 12: Can We Share?
regrouping, sums not exceeding 999
(with 1- and 2-digit numbers)
d) constructs and uses the multiplication facts (tables) of 2, 3, 4,
5 and 10 in daily life situation
Recognizes and uses the relationship between e) analyses and applies an appropriate number operation in the
multiplication and division to check calculations situation / context
f) explains the meaning of division facts by equal grouping
/sharing and finds it by repeated subtraction.
Identify missing number in a division statement

Records data using tally charts and numerals in

tables and answers simple questions based on
the information

Recognize patterns in recorded data, draws Records data using tally marks, represents pictorially and draws
Chapter 13: Smart Charts
inferences and classifies data based on their conclusions.
Represents data visually (pictographs and bar
charts) and draws inferences
Solves simple 2 digit addition and subtraction
Chapter 14: Rupees and Paisa Makes rate charts and simple bills
real life problems involving money

Solves 2-step addition and subtraction
Adds and subtracts measures involving grams & kilograms in
problems involving money in a practical
life situations
context, including giving change

Class 4

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Explore and write multiplication facts through various ways like skip counting, extending
patterns, etc. For example, for developingmultiplicationtableof3,children could use either
skip counting or repetitive addition or pattern
• Expand the two-digit number and multiply, e.g., 23 multiplied by 6 could be solved as
23×6 = (20+3) ×6 = 20×6+3 ×6
120+18 =138
Solve and create daily life problems using multiplication like, if a pen costs Rs. 35 what will
be the cost of 7 pens?
Discuss and evolve standard algorithm for multiplication.
Make groups for division, e.g., 24÷3 means I.e. To find how many groups of 3 can be there in
24 or how many 3’s make 24?
Create contextual questions based on mathematical statements, e.g., the statement 25 – 10
=15 may trigger different questions from different students. A student may create: “I had 25
apples. Ten were eaten. How many apples are still left?”
Create contextual problem through group activity such as dividing the class in two groups
where one group solves the problem given by the other group by using different operations
and the vice-versa.
To discuss and corelate fractional numbers like half, one fourth, three fourths with daily life
Represent the fractional numbers through activities related to pictures /paper folding
Draw circles with various lengths of radius, compasses and explores various designs with the
Discuss observation on tiling (of different shapes) which they see in their homes / on
footpaths / floors of various buildings
Make their own tiles and verify whether the tiles they created tessellate or not
Look at various objects in the classroom from different viewpoints and make a deep drawing
of the view. For example, a glass may look differently from the front. Questions like, ‘but how
it would look like from the top?’ or ‘how it would look like from below?’ may be raised
Convert rupees into paisa, e.g., how may 50 paisa coins you will get in exchange of 20 rupees
Make bills so that the students while making bills will use the four operations of addition /
subtraction / multiplication / division
Estimate the length of an object / distance first and then verify them by actually measuring
them. For example, estimating the length of their bed or distance between the school gate and
the classroom and verifying it by measuring them

Make a balance and weigh things with standard weights. In case standard weights are not
available, packages with standard weights may be used like packets of ½ kg dal, 200 gm pack
of salt, 100 gm pack of biscuits
Innovate use of weights like using two 250 gm packets instead of 500gm packet (or by using
stones of equivalent weights, etc.)
Make their own measuring vessel to measure capacities of other vessels. For example, a bottle
may have capacity for 200 ml and can be used as a measurement unit to know the amount of
water in a jug or in a container
Observe and study the calendar and come up with the number of weeks in a month / in a
year. Let children explore the pattern in the number of days in each month and how days are
associated with dates in a month, etc.
Utilise their experiences inside /outside the class having exposure to telling time / reading
clock in hours and minutes, along with peers
Discover the time lapsed in an event by counting forward or using subtraction / addition
Explore patterns / designs in their environment (using shapes and numbers) and make such
patterns and extend them
Collect information and draw meaningful results in their daily life. Using these experiences,
the children may be involved in activities focusing on data handling
Read data /bar graphs, etc., from newspapers /magazines and interpret them

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner —
Applies operations of numbers in daily life Applies operations of numbers in daily
a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers life:
b) Divides a number by another number • multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
using different methods like – • divides a number by another
pictorially (by drawing dots), equal number using different methods
grouping or repeated subtraction and like – pictorially (by drawing dots),
by using inter-relationship between equal grouping or repeated
division and multiplication subtraction and by using inter-
Creates and solves simple real-life situations / relationship between division and
problems including money, length, mass and multiplication
capacity by using the four operations • creates and solves simple real-life
situations / problems including
money, length, mass and capacity by
using the four operations
Works with fractions Works with fractions:
a) Identifies half, one-fourth, three-fourths • identifies half, one-fourth, three-
of a whole in a given picture by paper fourths of a whole in a given picture
folding and also in a collection of by paper folding and also in a
objects. collection of objects.

b) Represents the fractions as half, one- • represents the fractions as half, one
fourth and three-fourths by using fourth and three-fourths by using
numbers / numerals numbers / numerals
Shows the equivalence of a fraction with other • shows the equivalence of a fraction
fractions with other fractions
Acquires understanding about shapes around Acquires understanding about shapes
her /him around her /him:
• Identifies the centre, radius and • identifies the centre, radius and
diameter of the circle diameter of the circle
• Finds out shapes that can be used for • finds out shapes that can be used for
Tiling tiling
• Makes cube / cuboids using the given • makes cube / cuboids using the
nets given nets
• Shows through paper folding / paper • shows through paper folding /
cutting, ink blots, etc. The concept of paper cutting, ink blots, etc. the
symmetry by reflection concept of symmetry by reflection
Draws top view, front view and side view of • draws top view, front view and side
simple objects view of simple objects
Explores the area and perimeter of simple Explores the area and perimeter of simple
geometrical shapes (triangle, rectangle, geometrical shapes (triangle, rectangle,
square) in terms of given shape as a unit. For square) in terms of given shape as a unit.
example, the number of books that can
completely fill the top of a table.
Converts meter into centimeter and vice- versa Converts meter into centimeter and vice
estimates the length of an object /distance Estimates the length of an object /distance
between two locations, weight of various between two locations, weight of various
objects, volume of liquid, etc., and verifies objects, volume of liquid, etc., and verifies
them by actual measurement them by actual measurement

Solves problem involving daily life situations Applies knowledge of length, distance,
related to length, distance, weight, volume and weight, volume and time involving four
time involving four basic arithmetic operations basic arithmetic operations, in order to
solve problem involving daily life
Reads clock time in hour and minutes and Reads clock time in hour and minutes and
expresses the time in a.m. And p.m. expresses the time in a.m. and p.m.

Relates to 24 hr. clock with respect to 12 hr. Relates to 24 hr. clock with respect to 12 hr.
clock clock

Calculates time intervals / duration of familiar Uses forward or backward counting /
daily life events by using forward or backward addition and subtraction in order to
counting / addition and subtraction

calculate time intervals /duration of
familiar daily life events
Identifies the pattern in multiplication and Identifies the pattern in multiplication and
division (up to multiple of 9 division (up to multiple of 9)
Observes, identifies and extends geometrical Observes, identifies and extends
patterns based on symmetry geometrical patterns based on symmetry
Represents the collected information in tables Represents the collected information in
and bar graphs and draws inferences from tables and bar graphs in order to draw
these inferences from these

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner
to convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter name Learning Objective NCERT LO
Chapter 1: Building Observes and identifies various brick patterns in walls, Observes, identifies and extends geometrical patterns based
with bricks floors and name them on symmetry
Examines properties of a brick for a cuboid (edges, Acquires understanding about shapes around her /him
faces etc.). • Identifies the center, radius and diameter of the circle
• Finds out shapes that can be used for Tiling
• Makes cube / cuboids using the given nets
• Shows through paper folding / paper cutting, ink blots, etc.
The concept of symmetry by reflection
Draws top view, front view and side view of simple objects

Observes specific types of brick patterns in the Observes, identifies and extends geometrical patterns based
surroundings and names them. on symmetry
Solves problems based on daily life instances. Applies operations of numbers in daily life
a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
b) Divides a number by another number using different
methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
between division and multiplication
Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
four operations

Chapter 2: Long and Estimates and measures the distance (in cm) between estimates the length of an object /distance between two
Short the given objects locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
and verifies them by actual measurement

Measures the heights of different objects using a scale estimates the length of an object /distance between two
locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
and verifies them by actual measurement
Measures distance between objects (in meters and estimates the length of an object /distance between two
kilometers) locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
and verifies them by actual measurement
Converts units of length (cm, m, km) Converts meter into centimeter and vice- versa
Measures the distance and determines the nearest and estimates the length of an object /distance between two
farthest points locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
and verifies them by actual measurement
Solves simple real life problems related to length and Solves problem involving daily life situations related to
height of objects (including conversion) length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations
Solves simple real life problems related to distance Solves problem involving daily life situations related to
between objects/places (including conversion) length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations
Chapter 3: A Trip to Solves small number mathematical problems by Applies operations of numbers in daily life
Bhopal estimation and verification a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
b) Divides a number by another number using different
methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
between division and multiplication
Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
four operations

Solves real life problems based on time and distance. Solves problem involving daily life situations related to
length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations

Solves time and measurement related real life Solves problem involving daily life situations related to
problems (including conversion) length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations
Solves contextual problems involving money Applies operations of numbers in daily life
a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
b) Divides a number by another number using different
methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
between division and multiplication
Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
four operations

Performs division by equal distribution method and Applies operations of numbers in daily life
alternative methods. a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
b) Divides a number by another number using different
methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
between division and multiplication
Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
four operations

Chapter 4: Tick Tick Reads time from a 12 hour clock. Reads clock time in hour and minutes and expresses the
Tick time in a.m. And p.m.
Tells the duration (in minutes/hours/seconds) Calculates time intervals / duration of familiar daily life
between the given time stamps and vice versa events by using forward or backward counting / addition
and subtraction
Writes time in am-pm format and relate it with daily Reads clock time in hour and minutes and expresses the
life activities time in a.m. And p.m.
Writes time in 12 hour format and 24 hour format Relates to 24 hr. clock with respect to 12 hr. clock

Chapter 5: The way Observes and draws objects from different heights. Acquires understanding about shapes around her /him
the world looks • Identifies the center, radius and diameter of the circle
Observes and draws objects from different sides. • Finds out shapes that can be used for Tiling
Draws objects from different angles • Makes cube / cuboids using the given nets

• Shows through paper folding / paper cutting, ink blots, etc.
The concept of symmetry by reflection
Draws top view, front view and side view of simple objects
Chapter 6: The Junk Compares the cost and calculates the total amount paid Applies operations of numbers in daily life
Seller in real life situations a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
Solves arithmetic sums mentally b) Divides a number by another number using different
methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
Devises alternative methods to do multiplication
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
Estimates and verifies the answer for various sums between division and multiplication
involving arithmetic operations. Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
Solves real life problems related to currency (coins and including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
notes) four operations
Chapter 7: Jugs and Estimates and measures the volume of liquids in liters estimates the length of an object /distance between two
Mugs and milliliters locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
Estimates, measures and compares volume of different and verifies them by actual measurement
Solves real life problems based on volume of liquids. solves problem involving daily life situations related to
length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations
Chapter 8: Carts Constructs circles of varied sizes with different radii Acquires understanding about shapes around her /him
and Wheels • Identifies the center, radius and diameter of the circle
Measures radii of circles with the help of a • Finds out shapes that can be used for Tiling
ruler/measuring tape/thread. • Makes cube / cuboids using the given nets
• Shows through paper folding / paper cutting, ink blots, etc.
Identifies the center of the circle. The concept of symmetry by reflection
Draws top view, front view and side view of simple objects
Chapter 9: Halves Divides objects (or shapes) into two and four equal Works with fractions
and Quarters parts (concretely, pictorially and symbolically) a) Identifies half, one-fourth, three-fourths of a whole in a

Writes 3/4 symbolically and relate its meaning with given picture by paper folding and also in a collection of
the part and whole. objects.
Finds fractional part of a given natural number. b) Represents the fractions as half, one- fourth and three-
fourths by using numbers / numerals
Shows the equivalence of a fraction with other fractions
Chapter 10: Play Identifies and extends the patterns using blocks and Observes, identifies and extends geometrical patterns based
with Patterns geometrical shapes. on symmetry
Identifies and extends the patterns using numbers and
Solves magic squares and magic triangles. Identifies the pattern in multiplication and division (up to
Identifies and extends various number patterns multiple of 9
Completes the given tiling patterns observes, identifies and extends geometrical patterns based
on symmetry
Chapter 11: Tables Relates the concept of multiplication to the
and Shares arrangement of things in an array.
Solves a variety of daily life problems using Applies operations of numbers in daily life
multiplication. a) Multiplies 2- and 3-digit numbers
Solves problems based on division with large numbers b) Divides a number by another number using different
using repeated subtraction. methods like – pictorially (by drawing dots), equal grouping
or repeated subtraction and by using inter-relationship
Devises alternative method of division apart from between division and multiplication
standard algorithm Creates and solves simple real-life situations / problems
Solves daily life problems based on division including money, length, mass and capacity by using the
Multiplies or divides the given numbers. four operations
Extends the number pattern for a given situation to Identifies the pattern in multiplication and division (up to
find the unknown value multiple of 9
Identifies the pattern in multiplication and division (up
to multiple of 9)
Chapter 12: How Adds smaller values to get a sum of 1kg estimates the length of an object /distance between two
Heavy? How Light? Estimates, measures and compares the weight of locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
objects in grams and kilograms. and verifies them by actual measurement
Devises alternative methods to measure heavy objects.

Uses a variety of weights to weigh using a weighing
Solves real life problems involving weights. Solves problem involving daily life situations related to
length, distance, weight, volume and time involving four
basic arithmetic operations
Draws comparison of different objects basis on their estimates the length of an object /distance between two
weights locations, weight of various objects, volume of liquid, etc.,
and verifies them by actual measurement
Chapter 13: Fields Recognizes the total length of boundary as the Explores the area and perimeter of simple geometrical
and Fences perimeter of a plane figure and calculates perimeter of shapes (triangle, rectangle, square) in terms of given shape
simple shapes. as a unit.
Estimates and compares the perimeter of various
Solves real life problems involving perimeter of simple
Determines the size of a shape by using a smaller
shape as a unit
Determines the size (or area) of simple geometrical
shapes and irregular figures given on a square grid.
Solves real life problems based on the area of plane
Chapter 14: Smart Collects and records data in a tabular form Represents the collected information in tables and bar
Charts Reads and interprets the data recorded in a tabular graphs and draws inferences from these
Draws a strip chart to represent a given information
Reads and interprets a strip chart.
Draws a chapati chart to represent the information
given in a tabular form

Class 5

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Discuss on contexts /situations in which a need arises to go beyond the number 1000 so that
extension of number system occurs naturally. For example, number of grams in 10 kg,
number of metres in 20 km, etc.
Represents numbers beyond 1000 (up to 100000) using place value system, like extend
learning of numbers beyond 9 thousand, how to write number one more than 9999
Operate (addition and subtractions) large numbers using standard algorithm. This may be
identified as extension of algorithm for one more place
Use a variety of ways to divide numbers like equal distribution and inverse process of
Estimate the results of number operation through approximations and then verifies it
Develop the idea of multiples of a number through its multiplication facts, skip counting on a
number line and number grid
Develop the concept of factors through division of numbers and multiples
Discuss and use contexts / situations from daily life in activities to develop understanding
about fractional part of the group like, how many bananas are there in half a dozen bananas?
Compares fractions through various ways like paper folding, shading of diagram etc.
Develop the idea of equivalence of fractions through various activities.
Understand the idea of decimal fractions (1 /10 th and 1 /100 th)
Develop earlier understanding of angles and to describe it.
Observe angles in their surroundings and compare their measures. For example, whether the
angle is smaller, bigger or equal to the corner of a book which is a right angle; further, classify
the angles
Introduce protractor as a tool for measuring angles and use it to measure and draw angles
Explore symmetry by using paper folding / Paper cutting
Explore shapes so that they can find out that some shapes look the same only after one
complete rotation / part of a rotation
Plan their shopping— to make estimates of money (in different denominations) and the
balance money one would get
Conducts role play of shopkeepers / buyers in which students create bills
Measure length of different objects using a tape / metre scale.
Appreciates the need of converting bigger units to smaller units
Discuss experiences on units of capacity
Printed on water bottle, soft drink pack, etc. fill a given space by using different solid
shapes, cubes, cuboids, prisms, spheres, etc. and encourage students to decide which solid
shape is more appropriate
Measure volume by counting the number of unit cubes that can fill a given space
Explore patterns in numbers while doing various operations and to generalize them as

patterns in square numbers
Collect information and display it in a pictorial form. For example, heights of students from
their class and represent it pictorially
Collect and discuss various diagrams / bar charts from the newspapers / magazines available
in the class.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
The learner —
Works with large numbers Works with large numbers:
a) Reads and writes numbers bigger than • reads and writes numbers bigger
1000 being used in her /his surroundings than 1000 being used in her /his
b) Performs four basic arithmetic surroundings
operations on numbers beyond 1000 by • performs four basic arithmetic
understanding of place value of numbers operations on numbers beyond
c) Divides a given number by another 1000 by understanding of place
number using standard algorithms value of numbers
Estimates sum, difference, product and • divides a given number by another
quotient of numbers and verifies the same using number using standard algorithms
different strategies like using standard –– estimates sum, difference,
algorithms or breaking a number and then using product and quotient of numbers
operation. For example, to divide 9450 by 25, and verifies the same using
divide 9000 by 25, 400 by 25, and finally 50 by different strategies like using
25 and gets the answer by adding all these standard algorithms or breaking a
quotients. number and then using operation.
Acquires understanding about fractions Acquires understanding about
– finds the number corresponding to part fractions:
of a collection • finds the number corresponding to
– identifies and forms equivalent fractions part of a collection
of a given fraction • identifies and forms equivalent
– expresses a given fraction 1 /2 , 1 /4, 1 /5 fractions of a given fraction
in decimal notation and vice-versa. For • expresses a given fraction 1 /2, 1
example, in using units of length and /4, 1 /5 in decimal notation and
money– half of Rs. 10 isRs.5 vice-versa.
– converts fractions into decimals and vice • converts fractions into decimals
versa and vice-versa

Explores idea of angles and shapes Explores idea of angles and shapes:
a) Classifies angles into right angle, acute • classifies angles into right angle,
angle, obtuse angle and represents the acute angle, obtuse angle and
same by drawing and tracing represents the same by drawing
b) Identifies 2d shapes from the immediate and tracing
environment that have rotation and • identifies 2D shapes from the
immediate environment that have

reflection symmetry like alphabet and rotation and reflection symmetry
shapes like alphabet and shapes
Makes cube, cylinder and cone using nets • makes cube, cylinder and cone
designed for this purpose using nets designed for this
Relates different commonly used larger and Relates different commonly used larger
smaller units of length, weight and volume and and smaller units of length, weight and
converts larger units to smaller units and vice volume and converts larger units to
versa smaller units and vice versa
Estimates the volume of a solid body in known Estimates the volume of a solid body in
units like volume of a bucket is about 20 times known units
that of a mug
Applies the four fundamental arithmetic Applies the four fundamental arithmetic
operations in solving problems involving operations in order to solve problems
money, length, mass, capacity and time intervals involving money, length, mass, capacity
and time intervals
Identifies the pattern in triangular number and Identifies the pattern in triangular
square number number and square number
Collects data related to various daily life Collects data related to various daily life
situations, represents it in tabular form and as situations, represents it in tabular form
bar graphs and interprets it. and as bar graphs in order to interpret it.

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner
to convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter name Learning Objective NCERT LO
Chapter 1:The Fish Tale Solves simple real life problems involving measurement of length. Applies the four fundamental arithmetic
Solves simple real life problems related to speed, distance and time. operations in solving problems involving money,
Solves simple real life problems related to weight length, mass, capacity and time intervals
Identifies the numbers bigger than 1 lakh Works with large numbers
a) Reads and writes numbers bigger than 1000 being
used in her /his surroundings
b) Performs four basic arithmetic operations on
numbers beyond 1000 by understanding of place value
of numbers
c) Divides a given number by another number using
standard algorithms
Estimates sum, difference, product and quotient of
numbers and verifies the same using different
strategies like using standard algorithms or breaking a
number and then using operation.
Solves real life problems related to money Applies the four fundamental arithmetic
Solves simple real life problems related to loans, interest and savings operations in solving problems involving money,
length, mass, capacity and time intervals
Chapter 2:Shapes and Explain the meaning of an angle. Explores idea of angles and shapes
Angles Explain the relationship between the angles and the shape of a a) Classifies angles into right angle, acute angle,
polygon. obtuse angle and represents the same by drawing
Identifies and classifies different types of angles (right angle, acute and tracing
angle, obtuse angle) b) Identifies 2d shapes from the immediate
Classifies different angles found in our surroundings environment that have rotation and reflection
into acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle and represents the same by symmetry like alphabet and shapes
drawing and tracing Makes cube, cylinder and cone using nets designed
Makes a degree clock to estimate and measure angles around us. for this purpose
Estimates and measures angles using a protractor
Finds the perimeter of a given figure

Develops a sense of the concept of 'area' using the square grid
Finds the area of objects by tracing on square grids
Chapter 3:How Many
Solves simple problems based on the area of geometrical shapes
Deduces that objects having equal areas can have different perimeter.
Solves real life problems related to area of shapes
Chapter 4:Parts and Represents 1/3, 1/2,1/3,1/4,3/4 part of a collection by shading and Acquires understanding about fractions
Wholes representing symbolically – finds the number corresponding to part
Compares fractions (1/2,1/3,1/4,3/4) of a collection
– identifies and forms equivalent fractions
Finds fractional parts of the given quantities (2/5th of 100 coins)
of a given fraction
Calculates the whole by looking at the given fractional part – expresses a given fraction 1 /2 , 1 /4, 1 /5 in decimal
Recognizes equivalence in fractions notation and vice-versa.
Solves real life problems based on fractions

Chapter 5:Does it Look Checks symmetry and finds line of symmetry in various objects and Explores idea of angles and shapes
the Same? shapes a) Classifies angles into right angle, acute angle, obtuse
angle and represents the same by drawing and tracing
b) Identifies 2d shapes from the immediate
environment that have rotation and reflection
symmetry like alphabet and shapes
Makes cube, cylinder and cone using nets designed for
this purpose
Identifies rotational symmetry in 2D shapes Explores idea of angles and shapes
Identifies shapes, numbers, objects which look the same after a) Classifies angles into right angle, acute angle, obtuse
(i) half a turn; (ii) One-fourth turn; (iii) One-third turn; (iv) One- angle and represents the same by drawing and tracing
sixth turn. b) Identifies 2d shapes from the immediate
environment that have rotation and reflection
Predicts and draws the shapes how an object would look like after Half symmetry like alphabet and shapes
turn, One-fourth turn, One-third turn, One- sixth turn. Makes cube, cylinder and cone using nets designed for
this purpose
Chapter 6:Be My Identifies and defines multiples of a number.
Multiple, I'll be your Solves simple problems based on the multiples of numbers
Factor Finds out common multiple(s) of given numbers
Finds factors using factor tree and solve contextual problems related to
Finds out common factors(s) of given numbers and solve contextual
problems related to it.
Connect the concepts of LCM and HCF with real life situations

Chapter 7:Can You See Identifies and explores patterns in special numbers Identifies the pattern in triangular number and square
the Pattern? number
Chapter 8:Mapping Your Uses the concept of scale
Way Reads and interprets the given map
Draws a given picture with different scales and estimates the area
Recognizes directions in different contexts.
Chapter 9:Boxes and Makes nets for cubes and cuboids Explores idea of angles and shapes
Sketches a) Classifies angles into right angle, acute angle, obtuse
angle and represents the same by drawing and tracing
b) Identifies 2d shapes from the immediate
environment that have rotation and reflection
symmetry like alphabet and shapes
Makes cube, cylinder and cone using nets designed for
this purpose
Chapter 10:Tenths and Represents decimals into fractions and vice versa. Acquires understanding about fractions
Hundredths – finds the number corresponding to part
of a collection
– identifies and forms equivalent fractions
of a given fraction
– expresses a given fraction 1 /2 , 1 /4, 1 /5 in decimal
notation and vice-versa.

Chapter 11:Area and its Calculates area of rectangular figures through different methods
Boundary Calculates the area of square
Solves problems based on area and perimeter of a rectangle
Solves problems based on area and perimeter of a square
Solves real life problems based on area of simple shapes.
Finds the perimeter and area of irregular shapes on square grid

Chapter 12:Smart Charts Records data in tabular form Collects data related to various daily life situations,
Records and interprets data using tally marks represents it in tabular form and as bar graphs and
interprets it.
Plot data in a bar graph and interpret various bar graphs
Multiplies two or three digit numbers through standard algorithm

Solve real life problems based on multiplication.
Divides given numbers through nonstandard algorithm Works with large numbers
Divides numbers using standard algorithms a) Reads and writes numbers bigger than 1000
being used in her /his surroundings
b) Performs four basic arithmetic operations
on numbers beyond 1000 by understanding of
Solves real life problems based on multiplication and division place value of numbers
Chapter 13:Ways to
Multiply and Divide
c) Divides a given number by another number
using standard algorithms
Estimates sum, difference, product and
quotient of numbers and verifies the same
Creates and solves patterns, games, puzzles using multiplication and
using different strategies like using standard
algorithms or breaking a number and then
using operation.

Chapter 14:How Big? Guesses approximate volume of solid objects found in day to day life. Estimates the volume of a solid body in known
How Heavy? Measures and compares the volume of solids units like volume of a bucket is about 20 times that
Calculates volume of different objects in terms of other objects. of a mug
Calculates the volume of solid objects using container marked with the
standard units
Finds the volume of a cube
Finds the volume of cuboid
Solves real life problems based on volume of solids Applies the four fundamental arithmetic
operations in solving problems involving money,
length, mass, capacity and time intervals
Relates different commonly used larger and smaller units of weight and Relates different commonly used larger and
convert larger units to smaller units and vice versa. smaller units of length, weight and volume and
converts larger units to smaller units and vice
Applies the four fundamental arithmetic operations in solving a variety Applies the four fundamental arithmetic
of contextual problems involving weight. operations in solving problems involving money,
length, mass, capacity and time intervals

Class 6

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Encounter situations having numbers up to 8 digits, e.g., cost of property, total population
of different towns, etc.
Compare numbers through situations like cost of two houses, number of spectators, money
transactions, etc
Classify numbers on the basis of their properties like even, odd, etc.
Observe patterns that lead to divisibility by 2,3,4,5,6,8,10 and 11.
Create number patterns through which HCF and LCM can be discussed
Explore daily life situations to involve the use of HCF and LCM
Create and discuss daily life situations involving the use of negative numbers
Observe situations that require the representation by fractions and decimals
Use different contexts in mathematics to appreciate the necessity of representing unknowns
by variables (alphabet)
Explore and generalise the need of using variables alphabets
Describe situations involving the need for comparing quantities by taking ratio
Discuss and solves word problems that use ratios and unitary method
Explore various shapes through concrete models and pictures of different geometrical shapes
like triangles and quadrilaterals, etc.
Identify various geometrical figures and observe their characteristics in and outside the
classroom environment either individually or in groups
Make different shapes with the help of available materials like sticks, paper cutting, etc.
Observe various models and nets of 3-dimensional (3-d) shapes like cuboid, cylinder, etc. And
discuss about the elements of 3-d figures such as faces, edges and vertices
Share the concept of angles through some examples like opening the door, opening the pencil
box, etc. Students can be asked to give more such examples from the surroundings
Classify angles based on the amount of rotation

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
Solves problems involving large numbers by Applies appropriate operations
applying appropriate operations (addition, (addition, subtraction, multiplication
subtraction, multiplication and division) and division) in order to solve
problems involving large numbers
Recognises and appreciates (through patterns) the Identifies number patterns through
broad classification of numbers as even, odd, prime, factorization in order to recognise and
co-prime, etc. appreciate (through patterns) the
broad classification of numbers as
even, odd, prime, co-prime, etc.

Applies HCF or LCM in a particular situation Applies the concept of HCF or LCM in
order to solve problems in a real-life
Solves problem involving addition and subtraction Applies addition and subtraction rules
of integers. involving positive and negative
integers in order to solve real life
Uses fractions and decimals in different situations Calculates fractions and decimals in
which involve money, length, temperature etc. For different real-life situations in order to
example, 7½ metres of cloth. Distance between two identify the appropriate quantity of
places is 112.5 km etc. money, length, temperature etc.

Solves problems on daily life situations involving Calculates addition and subtraction of
addition and subtraction of fractions / decimals fractions and decimals in order to
solve daily life problems involving
quantities that measure between two
Uses variable with different operations to Involves use of variables with different
generalise a given situation. E.g., perimeter of a operations to generalise a given
rectangle with sides x units and 3 units is 2(x+3) situation in order to find a solution to
units a given problem

Compares quantities using ratios in different Represents the measurement as ratios
situations. E.g., the ratio of girls to boys in a in order to compare two quantities in
particular class in 3:2 real life

Uses unitary method in solving various word Uses unitary method in problem
problems. For example, if the cost of a dozen solving to calculate the quantity for
notebooks is given, she finds the cost of 7 notebooks one unit in order to calculate the total
by first finding the cost of 1 notebook quantity for larger quantities.

Describes geometrical ideas like line, line segment, Provides examples from surround in
open and closed figures, angle, triangle, order to describes geometrical ideas
quadrilateral, circle, etc., with the help of examples like line, line segment, open and closed
in surroundings figures, angle, triangle, quadrilateral,
circle, etc.
Demonstrates an understanding of angles by In order to demonstrate an
a) Identifying examples of angles in the understanding of angles:
surroundings a) Identifies examples of angles in
b) Classifying angles according to their the surrounding
measure b) Classifies angles according to
c) Estimating the measure of angles using 45°, their measure
90°, and 180° as reference angles

c) Estimates the measure of
angles using 45°, 90°, and 180°
as reference angles
Demonstrates an understanding of line symmetry In order to demonstrate an
by understanding of line symmetry
a) Identifying symmetrical 2-dimensional (2- a) Identifies symmetrical 2-
D) shapes which are symmetrical along one dimensional (2-D) shapes
or more lines which are symmetrical along
b) Creating symmetrical 2-d shapes one or more lines
b) Creates symmetrical 2-D
Classifies triangles into different groups / types on Classifies triangles with different
the basis of their angles and sides. For example- measurements in order to show
scalene, isosceles or equilateral on the basis of sides, different types of triangle based on
etc. their angles and sides.

Classifies quadrilaterals into different groups Classifies quadrilaterals with different
/types on the basis of their sides / angles measurements in order to show
different types of quadrilaterals based
on their sides and internal angles.
Identifies various (3-d) objects like sphere, cube, Classifies commonly found 3-d objects
cuboid, cylinder, cone from the surroundings from the surroundings in order to find
sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone
Describes and provides examples of edges, vertices Labels different parts of a 3-d objects
and faces of 3-d objects in order to explain edges, vertices and
faces of the given 3-d object
Finds out the perimeter and area of rectangular Calculates perimeter and area of
objects in the surroundings like floor of the class rectangular 2-d and 3-d objects to
room, surfaces of a chalk box etc. measure them for real life objects

Arranges given /collected information such as Finds out the perimeter and area of the
expenditure on different items in a family in the last rectangular objects in order to
six months, in the form of table, pictograph and bar calculate them for commonly found
graph and interprets them. objects from the surroundings like
floor of the class room, surfaces of a
chalk box etc.
Arranges given /collected information
such as expenditure on different items
in a family in the last six months, in the
form of table, pictograph and bar
graph in order to interpret them.

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Find the place value of the digit and list total Applies appropriate operations (addition,
numbers. subtraction, multiplication and division) in
List the total numbers which can be made from the order to solves problems involving large
given digits and know the place value of the digit numbers
in the number.
Arrange the digits of a given number and make
smaller or bigger number.
Add 1 to the greatest 1 digit,2-digit, 3-digit number
and so on and get the smallest next digit number.
Comparing Numbers Expand the given number and know the place
1. Knowing your
value of a given digit in a particular number.
Write the 6 digits number in expanded form and
write its number name.
Add and subtract one from number and find
predecessor and successor of a given number.
Add bigger digits numbers and understand the
situations dealing with larger numbers.
Use places of the digits of a particular number and
read it easily.
Large Numbers in Read the given situation and find the
Practice approximately estimated number.

Estimate the number to the nearest tens and
round off.
Estimate the outcome of a number and get a quick
round off number.
Round off the numbers and find their sum and
difference easily.
Round off the numbers and find their product
Use bracket to solve the problem and make
Using Brackets
calculation quick and to avoid confusion
Write numbers in the form of roman numerals and
represent and interpret the numbers written in a
Roman Numerals clock, timetable etc.
Apply the rules of roman numbers operations and
perform arithmetic operation on them
Use the understanding of the predecessor of one
Concept of Predecessor
and know the whole number.
Explain the whole number and know the
Whole Numbers predecessor of 1 and the subtraction of the two
same number.
Define ‘unit distance’ and construct the number
2. Whole
line -
Draw the Number line and represent the whole
The Number Line
Draw a number line and find the predecessor and
successor of a given number
Represent the Numbers on Number line and
perform number operation.

Properties of Whole Apply properties of whole number and simplify
Numbers arithmetic expression.
Represent numbers and form line, rectangle ,
Patterns in Whole triangle and a square.
Numbers Form number patterns and verbal calculation and
to understand numbers better.
Finding the factors of a Arrange the numbers in a row and determine the
given number factors of a given number.
Determine the numbers which exactly divide the
Factors and Multiples
given number and find the factors.
Identifies number patterns through
Prime and Composite Write the factors of a given number and determine
factorization in order to recognize and
Numbers prime and composite numbers .
appreciate (through patterns) the broad
Common Factors and Evaluate the factors of given two or more numbers
classification of numbers as even, odd, prime,
Common Multiples and find the common factors and multiples.
co-prime, etc.
Some More Divisibility Apply the rules of divisibility and find the factors
3. Playing with Rules of a number quickly.
Numbers Factories a number through prime factorization
Prime Factorization
and list the primes factors.
Highest Common List down the common factors of given numbers
Factor and determine their HCF.
Lowest Common List down the common multiples of given numbers
Multiple and determine their LCM. Applies the concept of HCF or LCM in order to
Apply the concept of HCF and solve related real-life solve problems in a real-life situation
Some Problems on HCF problems.
and LCM Apply the concept of LCM and solve related real-
life problems.
4. Basic About geometrical Give example(s) and explain the importance of a
Provides examples from surround in order to
Geometrical shapes point.
describes geometrical ideas like line, line
Shapes A Line Segment Give example(s) and describe a line segment.

A Line Give example(s) and describe a line. segment, open and closed figures, angle,
Examine the given lines and identify intersecting triangle, quadrilateral, circle, etc.
Intersecting Lines
lines among them.
Examine the given lines and identify parallel lines
Parallel Lines
among them.
Describe a ray and identify it from the given
Compare the given figures and identify a ray, line,
line segment among them.
Give example(s) and demonstrate an
understanding of a simple curve and a curve that is
Curves not simple.
Describe an open curve and a closed curve and
distinguish between the two.
Discuss the parts of a closed curve and determine
the position of a point with respect to it.
Examine the given curves and identify polygons
and non-polygons.
Draw rough sketch of a polygon and label and
describe its elements.
Identify the elements of an Angle (Vertex, arm,
interior and exterior angles ) for the given angles.
Give example(s) and name an angle in the given
Describe the elements of a triangle and identify it
among the given figures.
Describe the elements of a quadrilateral and
identify it among the given figures.

Describe the parts of a circle and identify them in
the given circle.
Draw a rough sketch of a circle and label and
Circles describe its elements.
Determine the parts of closed curves and identify
the position of a point with respect to a polygon
and a circle.
Measuring Line Measure the given line segments and compare
Segments them.
Angles–‘Right’ and Examine the rotation of angles and classify angles
‘Straight’ based on the amount of rotation.
Compare the given angles and classify them as a
right angle, straight angle or a complete angle.
Compare the given angles and classify them as an
acute angle, obtuse angle or a reflex angle And demonstrate an understanding of angles:
according to their measure. a) Identifies examples of angles in the
5. Understanding
Angles–‘Acute', ‘Obtuse’ Identify the different types of angles in our surrounding
and ‘Reflex’ surroundings and demonstrate an understanding b) Classifies angles according to their measure
of angles. c) Estimates the measure of angles using 45°,
Use a protractor and measure the given angle and 90°, and 180° as reference angles
classify its type.
Use a protractor and draw an angle of the given
Describe perpendicular and a perpendicular
bisector and identify the same in the given figure.
Perpendicular Lines
Give example(s) of perpendicular lines and
demonstrate an understanding of the same.

Observe the measure of sides of a triangle and
classify it into different types (scalene, isosceles,
Classifies triangles with different
Classification of equilateral) based on its sides.
measurements in order to show different types
Triangles Observe the measure of angles of a triangle and
of triangle based on their angles and sides.
classify it into different types (acute, obtuse, right)
based on its angles.
Examine the given figures and classify type
quadrilaterals based on their properties.
Classifies quadrilaterals with different
Examine the given figures and identify polygons.
measurements in order to show different types
Describe polygons and classify them based on
of quadrilaterals based on their sides and
Polygons their number of sides and angles. (Up to 8 sides)
internal angles.
Give example(s) and distinguish between regular
and irregular polygons.
Describe solid shapes and distinguish them from
flat shapes. Classifies commonly found 3-d objects from the
Examine the given solid shapes and identify their surroundings in order to find sphere, cube,
Three Dimensional type (Cubes, Cuboids, cylinder, sphere, cone, cuboid, cylinder, cone etc.
Shapes prism, pyramid)
Describe the faces, edges and vertices of a 3D Labels different parts of a 3-d objects in order
shape and discuss the various aspects of the given to explain edges, vertices and faces of the given
3D object 3-d object
Represent integers with their signs and
differentiate positive number, negative number
Applies addition and subtraction rules
I Significance of and zero from each other
6. Integers involving positive and negative integers and
Integers Denote numbers with their signs and represent
solve real life problems.
real life situations like temperature scale, credit,
debit etc.

Represent the integer on Number Line and
determine its position with respect to other
Determine one more and one less of a given
integers and find its predecessor and successor.
Determine the order of integers and represent
them on a number line and draw comparison
between them.
Represent the integers on number line and
Addition of Integer
perform arithmetic operations on them.
Subtraction of Integers
Use the rules to perform arithmetic operations on
with the help of a
Number Line
Represent a number as a part of the whole and
Concept of Fraction
determine the fraction
Determine part and whole and label numerator
A Fraction
and denominator of a fraction
Fraction on the Number Draw equal parts between the whole numbers and
Line represent fractions on a number line Calculates fractions and decimals in different
Write proper fractions and deduce that they are real-life situations in order to identify the
7. Fractions
Proper Fractions always less than one /numerator is less than appropriate quantity of money, length,
denominator temperature etc.
Write fractions where numerator is greater than
denominator and determine improper fractions
Improper and Mixed
Write the improper fraction in the form of mixed
fraction and represent it as a combination of
whole and a part

Multiply /Divide the numerator and denominator
with the same number and find equivalent
Equivalent Fractions fractions
Perform cross multiplication among two fractions
and verify their equivalence
Simplest Form of a Reduce the fraction and determine its simplest
Fraction form
Check the denominators of the fractions in order
Like Fractions
distinguish between like and unlike fractions.
Inspect the numerators of the like fractions and
determine larger and smaller fraction(s).
Comparing Fractions
Determine the LCM of the unlike fractions and
compare them.
Solve (addition /subtraction) the numerator and
retain the denominator of the like fractions and
Calculates addition and subtraction of fractions
perform addition and subtraction on the given
Addition and and decimals in order to solve daily life
Subtraction of Fractions problems involving quantities that measure
Convert the given fractions into its equivalent
between two integers
fractions and perform addition and subtraction on
Write rupees and paisa in decimal form and know
Decimal point
the meaning and relevance of dot point.
Represent number in its unit and tenth part in Calculates fractions and decimals in different
order to write it in decimal form. real-life situations in order to identify the
8. Decimals
Determine the place value of decimal numbers up appropriate quantity of money, length,
to tenth and write the number in expanded form. temperature etc.
Divide the numbers into ten equal parts and
represent decimal numbers up to tenth place

Represent number in its unit and hundredth part
and write it in decimal form.
Determine the place value of decimal numbers up
to hundredth and write the number in expanded
Hundredths Determine the part and whole of a given decimal
number and represent it in the form of fractions.
Determine the place of the digits of a decimal
number and write it in words
Compare the units and parts of the decimal
numbers and compare them as a whole
Represent /Convert the money, length and weight
Using Decimals into smaller units and represent it into decimal
Addition of Numbers Calculates addition and subtraction of fractions
with Decimals Add and subtract the whole and parts of decimal and decimals in order to solve daily life
numbers and find their sum and difference problems involving quantities that measure
Subtraction of Decimals
between two integers
Interpretation of a table Observe different tables and gather the
of data information recorded in the table of data
Group and compare raw data systematically and
Recording Data
infer the relevant information quickly Arranges given /collected information such as
Organize raw data into a table using tally marks expenditure on different items in a family in
Organization of data
9. Data Handling and organize the given data the last six months, in the form of table,
Observe and understand pictograph pictograph and bar graph in order to interpret
Pictograph representation of data and answer the question on them.
data at a glance
Interpretation of a Analyze pictograph and reason the information
Pictograph presented

Draw a pictograph and represent the given
Drawing a Pictograph
information using appropriate symbols

Observe bar graph and reason the information
A Bar Graph Choose an appropriate scale and represent a given
information in the form of a bar graph
Interpret bar graph and find the relevant
information represented by the bar graph
Give example(s) and define perimeter of closed
Deduce and apply the formula to determine the
perimeter of a rectangle.
Calculates perimeter and area of rectangular
Deduce and apply the formula to determine the
Perimeter 2-d and 3-d objects to measure them for real
perimeter of a square.
life objects
Deduce and generalize the formula to determine
the perimeter of a regular polygon
10. Mensuration
Give examples and defend that different shapes
can have the same perimeter
Count the squares and estimate the area of the
Finds out the perimeter and area of the
given closed curve in the squares grid sheet
rectangular objects in order to calculate them
Deduce and apply the formula and determine the
Area for commonly found objects from the
area of a rectangle.
surroundings like floor of the class room,
Deduce and apply the formula and determine the
surfaces of a chalk box etc.
area of a square.
Algebraic expression
Involves use of variables with different
and arithmetic Describe algebraic expressions and distinguish
11. Algebra operations to generalize a given situation and
expressions them from arithmetic expressions.
find a solution to a given problem

Examine patterns and identify relationship in
Matchstick Patterns
More Matchstick Introduce a variable and form a rule for the given
Patterns pattern.
More Examples of Use variable with different operations and
Variable generalize a given situation.
Use of Variables in Use variable(s) and express some mathematical
Common Rules rules and formulae.
Expressions with Use variable with different operations and form an
Variables algebraic expression.
Change the given algebraic expression in
Using Expressions
statements and describe the situation in ordinary
Uses unitary method in problem solving to
Explain the meaning of an equation and identify
What is an Equation? calculate the quantity for one unit in order to
equations from the given options.
calculate the total quantity for larger
Use trial and error and find the solution of the
given equation.
Solution of an Equation
Evaluate the given values of variable as possible
solution of the equation.
Represent two quantities in same unit and
Comparison of two
compare them
Compare two quantities and find their ratio
Multiply /divide numerator and denominator by
12. Ratio and Ratio Represents the measurement as ratios in
same number and find equivalent ratio.
Proportion order to compare two quantities in real life
Compare ratio and determine whether they are in
Solve the proportion and find out the missing

Solve daily life problems with the help of Unitary
Unitary Method method and compute the value of one article, given
the value of many.
Explain the meaning of symmetry and identify
Concept of Symmetry
symmetric figures in our surrounding.
Identify symmetrical 2-Dimensional shapes which
Making Symmetric
are symmetrical along one line and demonstrate
Figures: Ink-blot Devils
an understanding of the same. In order to demonstrate an understanding of
Draw line(s) of symmetry and classify the given line symmetry:
Figures with Multiple
shapes as shapes with no symmetry, one line of a) Identifies symmetrical 2-dimensional (2-D)
13. Symmetry (more than two) Lines
symmetry, two lines of symmetry or multiple lines shapes which are symmetrical along one or
of Symmetry
of symmetry more lines
Draw the mirror image of the given 2D shapes or b) Creates symmetrical 2-D shapes
objects and identify objects with reflection
Reflection and
Give example(s) and discuss the applications of
reflection symmetry in real life.
Discuss the different tools of construction and
describe their uses.
List and execute steps of construction and
The Circle
construct a circle when its radius is known.
List and execute steps of construction and
14. Practical
construct a line segment when its length is known. -
Geometry A line segment
List and execute steps of construction and
construct a copy of the given line segment.
List and execute steps of construction in order to
Perpendiculars construct a perpendicular to a line through a point
on it.

List down and execute steps of construction and
construct a perpendicular to a line through a point
not on it.
Use a protractor and ruler and construct an angle
of the given measure.
List and execute steps of construction and
construct a copy of the given angle of unknown
measure using a compass.
List and execute steps of construction and
construct the bisector of an angle and construct
angles of measures 30-degree, 45 degree and so
List and execute steps of construction and
construct angles of measures 60-degree, 90
degree and 120 degree.

Class 7

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to—
Provide contexts for exploring the rules of multiplication and division of integers. This can
be done through number line or number patterns.
Explore the multiplication / division of fractions /decimals through pictures /paper folding
activities /daily life examples.
Discuss the situations that require the use of fractional numbers in opposite direction, such
as moving 10 1 m to the right of a tree 101 m to the right of a tree and 15 3 m to its left etc.
Involve children in exploring how repeated
Multiplication of numbers can be expressed in short form. For example, 2×2×2×2×2×2= can
be expressed as 26.
Explore the possible combinations of variables and constants using different operations to
form algebraic expressions in various contexts.
Provide situations from daily life that lead to setting up of equations and choosing the
appropriate value of the variable that equate both sides.
Conduct activity of adding /subtracting number of objects of same category from daily life.
For example, number of notebooks obtained when 3 notebooks are added to a group of 5
Evolve the understanding of the concepts of ratios and percentage (equality of ratio.)
Provide daily life situations based on profit / loss and simple interest that show the use of
Explore different examples from daily life in which pair of angles are involved with a
common vertex, e.g., scissors, road junction, letter x, t, etc
Verify the properties of various pairs of angles by drawing diagram (one group can give
measure of one angle; the other group needs to give the measure of another angle.)
Visualise the relationship between various pairs of angles when `a transversal cuts two lines
(parallel and non-parallel), angles of triangle and relationship among its sides through
diagrams and upper primary mathematics kit (developed by NCERT)
Draw different types of triangles, ask them to measure angles of all triangles, and verify
Explore exterior angle property of triangles; and Pythagoras theorem
Identify symmetrical figures from their environment and which shows rotational symmetry
Visualise the symmetry through paper folding activities
Establish congruence criterion and later on verify the property by superimposing one above
the other
Demonstrate the construction of a line parallel to the given line from a point outside it
through student’s active participation
Construct the simple triangle by using ruler and compasses
Cut out different closed figures drawn on hard boards / thick papers. Trace the figures in the
given graph sheets

Count the exact number of square units occupied by the traced figure (complete, half, etc).
And find out the approximate area of these figures
Through discussion motivate them to arrive at the formula for area of a rectangle /square
Find a representative value of data i.e. Mean, mode or median of ungrouped data. Encourage
them to arrange it in a tabular form and represent it by bar graphs
Draw inferences for future events from the existing data
Discuss the situations where the term ‘chance’ can be used, for example, what are the chances
of winning today as chances of getting 6 while rolling a dice
Sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
The learner—
Multiplies /divides two integers Applies rules for multiplication and
division in order to solve problems
involving two integers with same or
different signs
Interprets the division and multiplication of Applies repeated addition and
fractions. subtraction in order to interpret the
For example, interprets - as of. division and multiplication of fractions.
Also, is interpreted as how many make?

Uses algorithms to multiply and divide fractions Applies algorithms for multiplication
/decimals. and division in order to multiply and
divide fractions /decimals.
Applies appropriate mathematical
operations on rational numbers in
order to solve problems related to daily
life situations
Solves problems related to daily life situations Applies appropriate mathematical
involving rational numbers operations on rational numbers in
order to solve problems related to daily
life situations
Uses exponential form of numbers to simplify Applies properties of exponential
problems involving multiplication and division of numbers in order to simplify problems
large numbers. involving multiplication and division of
large numbers
Represents daily life situations in the form of a Translates a real-life situation in the
simple equation and solves it form of a simple algebraic equation in
order to arrive at a generalized
problem and solution for the situation
Adds /subtracts algebraic expressions Applies algebraic properties in order to
add /subtract two algebraic expressions

Distinguishes quantities that are in proportion.
Calculates the simple form of a fraction
For example, tells that 15, 45, 40, 120 are in
in order to distinguish quantities that
proportion as is the same as
are in proportion.

Solves problems related to conversion of
Expresses a fraction as percentages and
percentage to fraction and decimal and vice versa
decimals in order to solve daily life


Calculates profit /loss percent and rate percent in Applies algorithm to calculate
simple interest percentages in order to calculate profits,
loss and rate of interest in simple
interest calculation
Classifies pairs of angles based on their properties Classifies pairs of angles based on their
as linear, supplementary, complementary, properties in order describe linear,
adjacent and vertically opposite and finds value of supplementary, complementary,
the one when the other is given. adjacent and vertically opposite angles

Verifies the properties of various pairs of angles Applies the properties of linear,
formed when a transversal cuts two lines supplementary, complementary etc.
Angle in order to find the value of one
angle when the other one is given.
Verifies the properties of various pairs of
angles formed when a transversal cuts
two lines in order demonstrate the
properties of angles when two lines are
Finds unknown angle of a triangle when its two Applies angle sum property of a triangle
angles are known to calculate unknown angles of a triangle
when its two angles are known
Explains congruency of triangles on the basis of Applies the similarity rules in order to
the information given about them like (SSS, SAS, explains the congruency of triangles on
ASA, RHS) the basis of the information given about
them like (SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS)
Using ruler and a pair of compasses constructs, a Uses ruler and a pair of compasses in
line parallel to a given line from a point outside it order to construct a line parallel to a
and triangles given line from a point outside the line
and the triangles
Finds out approximate area of closed shapes by Uses unit square grid /graph sheet in
using unit square grid / graph sheet order to approximate the area of a closed
Calculates areas of the regions enclosed in a Applies properties of simple shape in
rectangle and a square order to calculate the areas of the

regions enclosed in a rectangle and a
Finds various representative values for simple Calculates mean, median and mode in
data from her /his daily life contexts like mean, order to find various representative
median and mode values for simple data from her /his daily
Recognises variability in real life situation such as, Calculates the variability in real life
variations in the height of students in her class situation in order to appreciate the
and uncertainty in happening of events like variation observed in real life situations
throwing a coin
Interprets data using bar graph such as Represents data pictorially in order to
consumption of electricity is more in winters than interpret data using bar graph
summer, runs scored by a team in first 10 overs

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Differentiate between whole numbers and integers and give concrete
Whole Numbers and examples.
Integers Represent numbers with positive and negative signs and apply to various
Representation of
Represent integers on a number line and perform operations and verify
Integers on Number
properties of integers

Properties of Applies rules for

Addition and Apply properties of addition and subtraction of integers and simplify multiplication and
subtraction of arithmetic expressions. division in order to solve
1. Integers integers problems involving two
integers with same or
Multiplication of Apply rules of multiplication of integers and solve various arithmetic different signs
integers expressions and contextual problems

Properties of
Apply properties of multiplication of integers and simplify arithmetic
multiplication of

Apply properties of addition, subtraction and multiplication of integers and
devise methods for easier calculation and solve problems based on real life
related to integers
Infer division of integers as inverse operation of multiplication and write
Division of integers
multiplication statement into corresponding division statement
Properties of division
Apply properties of division of integers and simplify arithmetic expressions
of Integers
Applies repeated
addition and subtraction
in order to interpret the
Define proper, improper and mixed fractions and distinguish between them division and
multiplication of

Multiply (or divide) numerator and denominator with the same number and Expresses a fraction as
write equivalent fractions percentages and decimals
in order to solve daily life
2. Fractions Convert unlike fractions into like fractions and compare them. problems.
and Decimals
Extend concept of multiplication as repetitive addition for fraction and Applies algorithms for
multiply a fraction and a whole number. multiplication and
Multiplication of Multiply fractions involving the term ‘of’ division in order to
fractions Multiply fractions and calculate the total number of parts multiply and divide
Multiply fractions and compare the value of the product with the original fractions /decimals.
Applies appropriate
Division of fractions Invert a given fraction and find its reciprocal mathematical operations
on rational numbers in

order to solve problems
Divide two fractions and find the smaller parts of the fraction related to daily life
recall and apply concept of decimal representation and expansion and
Decimal Numbers
perform mathematical operations on decimal
Multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and infer right shift in
Multiplication of decimal point Calculates the simple
Decimal numbers Find the intersection of 2 decimal numbers on the grid and represent their form of a fraction in
product order to distinguish
Divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and infer left shift in decimal quantities that are in
point proportion.
Division of decimal Divide decimal number by a whole number and solve real life problems
numbers related to decimals
Convert decimals into fractions and divide decimal number by another
decimal number
Collection and
Collect, record and present data and organize experiences or information
Representation of
and draw inferences from them
data Represents data
Organizing data Organize raw data into tabular form and make data easier to interpret pictorially in order to
Representative interpret data using bar
Calculate average and represent the central tendency of the data
3. Data Values graph
handling Calculate arithmetic mean and find its position in the data
Arithmetic Mean
Calculate range of the data and know the spread of the data
Calculate mode of the data and find the observation that occurs most often
Mode Calculates mean, median
in the data set
and mode in order to find
Calculate median of the data and find the observation that lies in the middle
Median various representative
of the data set

Represent data in a bar graph using appropriate scale and represent given values for simple data
Use of bar graphs
information in form of a bar graph from her /his daily life
with a different
Represent data using double bar graph and compare and discuss two
collection of data at a glance
Calculates the variability
in real life situation and
Chance and Calculate probability and find the chance of occurring /not-occurring of the
appreciate the variation
Probability event/s
observed in real life
Setting up of an Use number and variable with different operations and express a real-life
equation situation in the form of a simple linear equation.
Review of what we
Convert the given equation in words and express it in statement form. Translates a real-life
situation in the form of a
What is an equation? Use trial and error method and determine the solution of a simple equation.
simple algebraic
4. Simple Explain the first step to be taken and separate the variable while solving the
equation in order to
equations More equations given equation.
arrive at a generalized
Create a strategy and solve the given simple equation.
problem and solution for
Solution to equation Use the given solution and construct equations from it. the situation
Applications of
Construct simple equations and solve them for the given problems /puzzles
simple equations to
in the familiar or unfamiliar contexts .
practical solutions
Concepts of line, line Recall the concept of line, line segment and angles and identify them in the Classifies pairs of angles
segment and given figure(s). based on their
5. Lines and Examine different angles and identify complementary angles. properties in order
angles Examine different angles and identify supplementary angles. describe linear,
Related Angles
Examine different angles and determine the measure of their complement supplementary,
and supplement. complementary,

Describe adjacent angles and identify a pair of adjacent angles in the given adjacent and vertically
angles opposite angles
Examine different angles and identify linear pair.
Describe vertically opposite angles and their property and identify them in
the given figure.
Identify different types of angles and determine the measure of unknown
angles in the given figure.
Applies the properties of
linear, supplementary,
Compare the given lines and distinguish between intersecting and parallel complementary etc.
lines. Angle in order to find the
value of one angle when
Pairs of Lines
the other one is given.
Discuss the different angles made by a transversal and intersecting lines and Verifies the properties of
identify them in the given figure. various pairs of angles
Use the properties of angles made by a transversal of parallel lines and formed when a
determine the measure of unknown angles. transversal cuts two lines
in order demonstrate the
Checking for Parallel properties of angles
Create a strategy and determine whether the given lines are parallel or not.
lines when two lines are
Compare different triangles and classify them on the basis of their sides and
Types of triangles angles
Applies angle sum
Recall the parts of a triangle and describe it for the given triangle.
6. The property of a triangle to
Medians of a triangle Describe median of a triangle and identify it for the given triangle
triangle and calculate unknown
Altitude of a triangle Describe altitude of a triangle and identify it for the given triangle
its properties angles of a triangle when
Exterior angle of a
Apply the exterior angle property of a triangle and find the measure of the its two angles are known
triangle and its
unknown angle in the given triangle

Angle sum property Apply the angle sum property of a triangle and find the measure of unknown
of a triangle angle.
Use appropriate property and determine the measure of the unknown
Measure of angle
angle(s) in the given figure.
Sum of lengths of 2 Apply the property of lengths of sides of a triangle and determine whether a
sides of a triangle triangle is possible for the given side lengths or not.
Apply the Pythagoras property and verify whether the triangle for the given

side lengths will be right angled triangle or not.
Right angles triangle
Apply the Pythagoras property and fine the length of the unknown side in a
and Pythagoras
right-angled triangle.
Use appropriate properties and defend whether the given triangle is

possible or not.
Congruence of plane Experiment superposition of different figures and verify congruence of two
figures figures
Congruence among Experiment superposition of different lengths and understand congruence
line segments of two-line segments and vice versa
Applies the similarity
Experiment superposition of different angles and understand congruence of
Congruence of angles rules in order to explains
two angles and vice versa
the congruency of
7. Congruence Congruence of Give example(s) and discuss the congruence of triangles and its
triangles on the basis of
of triangles triangles corresponding parts under a given correspondence.
the information given
Use SSS Congruence criterion and examine whether the given triangles are
about them (like SSS,
congruent or not.
Criteria for SAS, ASA, RHS)
Use SAS Congruence criterion and examine whether the given triangles are
congruence of
congruent or not.
Use ASA Congruence criterion and examine whether the given triangles are
congruent or not.

Apply RHS congruence criterion and check the congruence of given right
Congruence among Use any appropriate criterion of congruency and check whether the given
right angles triangle triangles are congruent or not.
Compare quantities and represent them as ratio
Concept of ratio
Compare the units of the quantities and represent them in ratio
Convert ratios into like fractions and compare them and identify equivalent
Equivalent ratios
Equate ratios and represent them in proportion
Represent equal ratios in proportion and find missing term(s)
Convert denominators of fractions into 100 and represent them in
Convert fractional numbers to percentage and make comparing of
Comparing quantities easier Applies algorithm to
Quantities using Convert decimal numbers to percentage and make comparing of quantities calculate percentages in
8. Comparing percentage easier order to calculate
quantities Convert percentages to fractions or decimals and solve real life problems profits, loss and rate of
Represent shaded part of a figure in the form of percentage and estimate interest in simple
the part of an area interest calculation
Interpret percentage given in a statement and infer meaning of the
Convert percentage into number and know how many of a given situation
Use of Percentages
Convert ratios to percentages and solve problems based on real life
Calculate increase or decrease in quantity as percentage and examine
change in quantity based on real life problems
Prices related to an
item or buying Calculate cost and selling price and determine profit /loss percentage

Charge given on Understand the concept of simple interest and interpret real life problems
borrowed money or
Make use of percentage and calculate simple interest for multiple years
simple interest
Define rational numbers and classify a number as a rational number
Represent integers in the form of numerator /denominator where
What are rational
denominator is non-zero and define rational numbers
Multiply numerator and denominator by same non-zero integer and find
equivalent rational numbers
Positive and negative Define positive and negative rational numbers and classify a number as
rational numbers either of them
Rational numbers on Applies appropriate
Construct a number line and represent rational numbers on it
a number line mathematical operations
9. Rational Rational numbers in Simplify rational number such that there is no common factor between on rational numbers in
Numbers standard form numerator and denominator and represent the number in standard form order to solve problems
Comparison of related to daily life
Determine the distance of a rational number from 0 and compare them
rational numbers situations
Rational number Calculate and find rational numbers between any two rational numbers and
between two rational infer that there are infinite rational numbers between any two given rational
numbers numbers

Operations on Apply the rules of rational numbers operations and simplify arithmetic
rational numbers operations

Construction of line Uses ruler and a pair of

10. Practical parallel to given line, Use a ruler and compass and construct a line parallel to another line compasses in order to
geometry though a point not on through a point not on the line construct a line parallel
the line to a given line from a

Constructing a point outside the line
triangle when length List and execute steps and construct a triangle given the measures of its and the triangles
of 3 sides are known three sides.
(SSS criterion)
Constructing a
triangle when the
lengths of two sides List and execute steps and construct a triangle when any of its two lengths
and measure of angle and an angle between them is given.
between them are
known (SAS)
Construct triangle
when measure of 2 List and execute steps and construct a triangle when any of its two angles
angles and one side and the side included between them is given.
are known (ASA)
Construct a right-
angled triangle when
List and execute steps and construct a right-angled triangle when the length
length of one leg and
of one leg and its hypotenuse are given.
hypotenuse are
known (RHS)
Examine the given information and determine if construction of a triangle

from it is possible or not.
Describe the area and perimeter of plane figures and find the same for
square and rectangle
Concepts of Area and Give example(s) and explain that increase in perimeter of a plane figure Uses unit square grid
11. Perimeter Perimeter does not always mean that area will also increase /graph sheet in order to
and area Use unit square grid sheets and determine the perimeter and area square approximate the area of
and rectangles a closed shape
Squares and Develop and apply a formula and determine the area of triangle as half of the
rectangles area of a rectangle.

Recall the concept of congruent figures and generalize the area of congruent
parts of rectangles.
Use unit square grid sheets and find the perimeter and estimate the area of
Area of a
Develop and apply a formula and determine the area of a parallelogram.
Compare the area of a triangle and its corresponding parallelogram and
Area of triangle
discuss their relation.
Use direct or indirect measurements and describe the relationships among
radius, diameter, and circumference of circles
Investigate different circumference of circles and compare them with their
respective diameter and relate circumference to Pi.
Use direct or indirect methods to find the circumference of circle, semicircle.
Develop and apply the formula and find the area of a circle and semicircle.
Conversion of units Convert units and measure area or perimeter in other units.
Applies properties of
simple shape in order to
Examine area and perimeter of different figures and find solution for real life
Applications calculate the areas of the
regions enclosed in a
rectangle and a square
Difference between
Translates a real-life
algebraic expressions Describe algebraic expressions and distinguish them from arithmetic
situation in the form of a
and arithmetic expressions.
simple algebraic
12. Algebraic expressions
equation in order to
expressions Formation of Combine variables and constants in order to form an algebraic expression for
arrive at a generalized
expressions the given statement.
problem and solution for
Terms of an Examine the given algebraic expression and determine its terms and their
the situation
expression factors

Examine the given algebraic expressions and distinguish between the terms
which are constants and those which are not.
Examine the given algebraic expression and determine the numerical
coefficient of the given variable.
Like and unlike Examine the algebraic factors of the given terms and distinguish between
terms like and unlike terms.
Examine the given algebraic expressions and classify them as monomial,
binomials, trinomials
binomial, trinomial, polynomial.
and polynomials
Combine like terms and simplify the given algebraic expression.
Add and subtract
Add algebraic expressions and determine their sum.
algebraic expressions
Subtract the given algebraic expressions and determine their difference.
Applies algebraic
Finding value of an
Use the given value of variable(s) and evaluate the algebraic expression. properties in order to
add /subtract two
Use the given algebraic expression and complete the table of number
algebraic expressions
Using algebraic patterns or find its nth term.
formulas and rules Examine the pattern and verify whether the given algebraic expression
satisfies the shown pattern or not.
Describe exponential form of numbers and express numbers in exponential
Applies properties of
Examine the exponential form of the given number and identify its base and
exponential numbers in
Exponents order to simplify
13. Exponents Examine the numbers given in exponential form and compare and
problems involving
and powers represent them in an order.
multiplication and
Find prime factors of numbers and express them as the product of powers
division of large
of prime factors
Laws of Exponents Apply laws of exponents and simplify a given expression

examples of laws of
Write numbers using powers of 10 and express them in standard form
Decimal Number Expand the given number using powers of 10 and express it in the exponent
system form.
Expressing large
Represent large numbers in exponential form and read, understand and
numbers in standard
compare them easily.
Symmetrical figures Give examples and non-examples and describe symmetrical figures.
Determine lines of symmetry for the given figures and classify them on the
basis of number of lines of symmetry.
Lines of symmetry
Examine regular polygons and determine their lines of symmetry.
for regular polygons
Complete the mirror reflection of the given figure(s) along the mirror line
(i.e., the line of symmetry) and identify the figure
14. Symmetry -
Give example(s) for rotational symmetry and describe their center of
rotation and the direction of rotation.
Rotational symmetry
Examine the given figure and determine its angle of rotation.
Examine the given figure and determine its order of rotation.
Line symmetry and Examine the given figures and identify figures which have both line
rotational symmetry symmetry as well as rotational symmetry.
15. Introduction to
Discuss and give examples and differentiate between plane figures and solid
Visualizing Plane figures and -
solid shapes solid shapes

Faces, edges and Examine different solid shapes and identify and count their number of faces,
vertices edges and vertices
Nets for building 3D
Build nets of 3D shapes and understand their properties
Examine oblique sketches and visualize all the faces of a solid shape
Drawing solids on a Use isometric dot sheet and draw isometric sketches of a 3D shape.
flat surface Draw 3D objects in 2D and visualize solid objects from different
Examine cross sections of different solid shapes and interpret and visualize
different planes.
Viewing different Examine the different figures formed by changing the angle of shadows
sections of a solid formed and visualize solid figures
Examine solid figures from different angles and view different sections of

Class 8

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to
Explore examples of rational numbers with all the operations and explore patterns in these
Use generalised form of numbers up to 3 digits and uses her understanding of algebra to
derive the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4 …. Done earlier by observing patterns on them
Explore patterns in square numbers, square roots, cubes and cube roots of numbers and form
rules for exponents as integer
Observe situations that lead to simple equations and solve them using suitable processes
Multiply two algebraic expressions and different polynomials based on previous knowledge
of distributive property of numbers and generalise various algebraic identities using
concrete examples
Factorise algebraic expressions using relevant activities based on previous knowledge of
factorising two numbers
Observe contexts that involve the use of percentages like discount, profit & loss, vat, simple
and compound interest, etc.

Generalise the formula of compound interests through repeated use of simple interest
Observe situations where one quantity depends on the other. The quantities increase
together, or in which while one increases the other decreases. For example, as the speed of a
vehicle increases the time taken by it to cover the distance decreases.
Measure the angles and sides of different quadrilaterals and identify patterns in the
relationship among them, make hypothesis on the basis of generalisation of the patterns and
later on verify through examples
Verify the properties of parallelograms and apply reasoning by doing activities such as
constructing parallelograms, drawing their diagonals and measuring their sides and angles
Express /represent a 3-d shape into its 2-d form from their daily life like, drawing a box on a
plane surface, showing bottles on paper, board or wall etc.
Make nets of various shapes like cuboids, cubes, pyramids, prisms, etc. And from nets make
the shapes and establish relationship among vertices, edges and surfaces
Demonstrate the construction of various quadrilaterals using geometric kit
Sketch the figure of trapezium and other polygons in the given graph paper and asked student
to estimate their areas using counting of unit square
Derive the formula for calculating area of trapezium using the areas of triangle and rectangle
Identify that surfaces of various 3-d objects like cubes, cuboids and cylinder
Derive formulae for surface area of cubes and cuboids using the formulae for areas of
rectangles, squares and circles
Demonstrate to find volume of a given cube and cuboid using unit cubes
Collect data, organise it into groups and represent it into bar graphs / pie chart

Conduct activities related to throwing a large number of identical dice /coins together and
aggregating the result of the throws to get a large number of individual events and make
assumptions for future events on the basis of the above data.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Generalises properties of addition, subtraction, Explores patterns in operations in order
multiplication and division of rational numbers to generalise properties of addition,
through patterns subtraction, multiplication and division
for rational numbers
Finds out as many rational numbers as possible Calculates rational numbers between any
between two given rational numbers. two given rational numbers in order to
prove that there are infinite rational
numbers between two rational numbers
Proves divisibility rules of 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 9 and 11 Observes patterns and use algebraic
operations in order to derive the
divisibility rules of 2,3,4,5,6,9 & 11
Finds squares, cubes and square roots and cube Applies different methods in order to find
roots of numbers using different methods. the squares, cubes, square roots and cube
roots of a given number
Solves problems with integral exponents. Applies rules of exponents in order to
solve problems with integral exponents
Solves puzzles and daily life problems using Uses variables in order to solve puzzles
variables. and daily life problems

Multiplies algebraic expressions. E.g. Expands Applies distributive property in order to
(2x-5) (3x2+7). multiply two algebraic identities

Uses various algebraic identities in solving Uses various algebraic identities in order
problems of daily life to solve problems of daily life

Applies the concept of per cent in profit and loss Observes a given context in order to
situation in finding discount, vat and compound apply the concepts of profit and loss,
interest. E.g., calculates discount per cent when discount, vat, simple and compound
marked price and actual discount are given or interest
finds profit per cent when cost price and profit in
a transaction are given.

Solves problems based on direct and inverse Solves problems based on direct or
proportions inverse proportions in order to establish
how one quantity depends on other
Solves problems related to angles of a Uses angle sum property in order to solve
quadrilateral using angle sum property problems related to angles of
Verifies properties of parallelograms and Applies reasoning through activities such
establishes the relationship between them as constructing parallelograms, drawing
through reasoning. their diagonals and measuring their sides
and angles in order to verify properties of
Represents 3D shapes on a plane surface such as Visualizes 3-D shapes in order to
sheet of paper, black board etc. represent them in a plane surface such as
sheet of paper, black board, etc.
Verifies Euler’s relation through pattern Analyses patterns in order to verify
Euler’s relation
Constructs different quadrilaterals using Uses compasses and straight edge in
compasses and straight edge. order to construct a given quadrilateral

Estimates the area of shapes like trapezium and Uses square grid /graph sheet in order to
other polygons by using square grid / graph estimate the areas of various polygons
sheet and verifies using formulas.
Finds the area of a polygon. Uses appropriate methods to find the
area of a polygon
Finds surface area and volume of cuboidal and Uses appropriate formulae in order to
cylindrical object. find surface area and volume of cuboidal
and cylindrical object
Draws and interprets bar charts and pie charts. Draws and interpret bar graphs and pie
charts in order to answer a variety of
questions based on them
Makes hypotheses on chances of future events on Conducts activities in order to makes
the basis of its earlier occurrences or available hypotheses on chances of future events
data like, after repeated throws of dice and coins on the basis of its earlier occurrences or
available data like, after repeated throws
of dice and coins

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Define rational number in order to identify whether the
given number is a rational number or not
Apply the properties of natural numbers, whole
numbers and integers with respect to all the arithmetic
operations and extend them for rational numbers
Introduction to Define the additive and multiplicative identity of
Rational rational numbers using prior knowledge.
Explores patterns in arithmetic operations in
Numbers Define the additive and multiplicative inverse of rational
order to generalize properties of addition,
numbers using prior knowledge of integers and
subtraction, multiplication and division for
rational numbers
1. Rational Apply Distributive property of multiplication over
Numbers addition for rational numbers and simplify a given
Representation of
Rational Extend the concepts of number line and represent
Numbers on the rational number on the number line
Number Line
Calculate and find rational numbers between any two Calculate rational numbers between any two
rational numbers and prove that there are infinite given rational numbers in order to prove that
between Two
rational numbers between any two given rational there are infinite rational numbers between two
numbers rational numbers

Identify the variable(s) and the highest power of the
Meaning of
variable in a given algebraic equation and distinguish
Linear Equation
whether it is a linear equation in one variable or not
in one variable
and its solution Substitute the given values of variable and verify
whether it is the solution of the equation or not
Solving Equations
which have
Linear Transpose terms to the other side and solve linear
Expressions equations which have linear expression on one side and
on one Side and numbers on the other side
Numbers on the
2. Linear
other Side Use variables in order to solve puzzles and daily
Equations in one
Applications of life problems
variable Write simple contextual problems as linear equations in
Linear Equations
one variable and find its solution
with one variable
Solving Equations
having the Transpose terms to the other side and solve linear
Variable on equations in one variable which have
both Sides
Simplify the given linear equation in one variable and
Equations to
solve them
Simpler Form
Use cross multiplication and reduce certain equations
Reducible to the
into their linear form
Linear Form
Classification of List the properties of a polygon and classify the given Use angle sum property in order to solve
Polygons figures as a polygon problems related to angles of quadrilateral

List the properties of different types of polygons and
classify them as regular or irregular, concave or convex
Recall the angle sum property of triangle and extend it
for quadrilaterals
Angle sum
Relate the angle sum property of triangle and
property of
quadrilateral and extend it for an n-sided polygon
Apply angle sum property of a quadrilateral and find the
measure of the unknown angle in a given quadrilateral
Sum of the
Measures of the Apply exterior angle property of a polygon and find the
3. Exterior Angles of measure of the unknown angle in a given figure
Understanding a Polygon
Quadrilaterals Kind of List the properties of quadrilaterals and classify them as
Quadrilaterals trapezium, kite and parallelogram
Discuss the properties of a parallelogram in order
describe the relation between its opposite sides, angles
Apply reasoning through activities such as
and diagonals.
constructing parallelograms, drawing their
Discuss the properties of a rhombus and classify it as
Some special diagonals and measuring their sides and angles
special case of kite and parallelogram
Parallelograms in order to verify properties of parallelograms
Discuss the properties of a rectangle and show that it is
a special case of parallelogram
Discuss the properties of a square and show it as special
case of parallelogram, rhombus and rectangle
Discuss and list the minimum number of elements
required and construct a unique quadrilateral
4. Practical Constructing a Use compasses and straight edge in order to
List and execute steps of construction and construct a
Geometry Quadrilateral construct a given quadrilateral
quadrilateral length if its four sides and a diagonal are

List and execute steps of construction and construct a
quadrilateral given the length of its three sides and two
List and execute steps of construction and construct a
quadrilateral if length of two adjacent sides and
measures of three angles are known
List and execute steps of construction and construct a
quadrilateral given the length of three sides and
measures of two included angles are known
Some Special Identify the minimum number of elements required and
Cases construct special cases of quadrilaterals
Represent the given data using the most suitable
representation and interpret them applying the
Looking for
knowledge of different types of graphical representation
(namely pictograph, bar graph and double bar graph) of
Organizing raw Use tally marks and organize the given raw data in a
data frequency distribution table Draw and interpret bar graphs and pie charts in
Use tally marks and prepare a grouped frequency order to answer a variety of questions based on
5. Data Handling distribution table for large ungrouped data them
Construct histogram and represent the given grouped
Grouping data
Explain the elements of the given histogram and
interpret it
Circle graph or Construct a circle graph with the given data
Pie Chart Infer a variety of information from a given circle graph
Chance and List all the possible outcomes of an experiment and Conduct activities in order to makes hypotheses
Probability define the equally likely outcomes on chances of future events on the basis of its

List all the possible outcomes of an event and calculate earlier occurrences or available data like, after
the probability of a given event repeated throws of dice and coins
Define perfect squares and classify the given numbers
as perfect squares or non-perfect squares
Observe the number and find the unit place of its square
Observe different number pattern and deduce square
Properties of
Square Numbers
Use the rule that there are exactly 2n non-perfect square
numbers between the squares of the number n and
(n+1) and find how many numbers, lie between the
squares of the given two consecutive numbers
Use the rule that a perfect square number (n^2) can be
Finding the written as the sum of first n odd natural numbers and
Square of a distinguish between square and non-square numbers
Apply different methods in order to find the
6. Squares and Number Use Pythagoras theorem and find the Pythagorean
squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of
Square roots triplet
a given number
Apply inverse operations on a given perfect square and
deduce square root of this number
Use method of repeated subtraction and find the square
root of the given square number
Use prime factorization method and find the square root
of the given perfect square
Square Roots
Use prime factorization method and determine whether
the given number is a perfect square or not
Use prime factorization method and find the smallest
number to be operated (all the four arithmetic
operations) on given number to get a perfect square and
then find the square root of the new number

Use long division method and find the square root of the
given perfect square number
Use long division method and find the smallest number
to be operated (all the four arithmetic operations) on
given number to get a perfect square and then find the
square root of the new number
Square Roots of Use long division method and find the square root of the
Decimals given decimal number
Estimating Use estimation and approximate the value of the square
Square Root root of the given number to the nearest whole
Define perfect cube /cube number and classify the given
numbers as cube numbers or non-cube numbers
Observe the pattern of cube of even numbers and
generalize that cubes of even numbers are even
Observe the pattern of cube of numbers with one's digit
as 1, 2, 3, 4… etc. and explore the one's digit of their
perfect cubes and comment on it
Cubes Add n consecutive odd numbers and get the sum equal Apply different methods in order to find the
7. Cubes and
to n3 squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots of
cube roots
Use prime factorization and rule out a number as a a given number
perfect cube
Use prime factorization on the given number and find
the smallest number to be operated (all the four
arithmetic operations) on given number to get a perfect
Use prime factorization and find the cube root of a given
Cube Roots

Use estimation and find the cube root of a given perfect
Recalling Ratios Convert ratios to percentage and solve the given
and Percentages questions
Apply the formula for discount and discount percentage
and solve the given problem on discount
Discount, Profit,
Calculate the discount in given situations and comment
whether the seller has made a profit /loss in the given
Define and compare simple interest and compound
Simple Interest interest and comment on the situations where either of
and Compound the two are applied
Interest Calculate the simple interest and find the total amount
to be paid by the debtor
Observe a given context in order to apply the
8. Comparing Deducing a Use formula of simple interest and deduce the formula
concepts of profit and loss, discount, VAT,
Quantities Formula for to calculate the compound interest
simple and compound interest
Compound Calculate the compound interest and find the total
Interest amount to be paid by the debtor
Compounded Define the terms 'compounded annually', 'compounded
Annually or Half half yearly' and 'compounded quarterly' and give
Yearly (Semi examples and differentiate between the three
Use formula of compound interest and solve problems
Applications of related to increase (or decrease) in population
Compound Use formula of compound interest and solve problems
Interest Formula related to increase (or decrease) in the price of an item
in intermediate years

Monomials, Count the number of terms in an algebraic expression
Binomials and and classify them as monomial, binomial, trinomial or
Polynomials polynomial in general
Addition and
Subtraction of Identify like and unlike terms in algebraic expressions
Algebraic and add or subtract the given algebraic expressions
Use rules of exponents and powers and multiply a
Multiplying a
monomial by a monomial
Monomial by a
Extend the multiplication of monomial by a monomial
and obtain the product of any number of monomials
Apply distributive property in order to multiply
Use distributive property of multiplication over addition
two algebraic expressions
9. Algebraic and subtraction and obtain the product of a monomial
Multiplying a
Expressions and and a binomial
Monomial by a
Identities Use distributive property of multiplication over addition
and subtraction and obtain the product of a monomial
and a trinomial
Simplify the algebraic expressions and find the value of
expression for the given value of the variable
Multiplying a
Use distributive law of multiplication and obtain the
Polynomial by a
product of two binomials
Use distributive law of multiplication and obtain the
product of a binomial and a trinomial
What is an Define and compare equation and identity and classify a
Identity? given question into either of the two Use various algebraic identities in order to solve
Standard Use multiplication of binomials and explore and verify problems of daily life
Identities the standard identities for squares of binomials

Use identities and simplify the given algebraic
Use identities and find the product of the given numbers
Compare 2D shapes and 3D shapes and classify a given
shape into either
Identify different shapes in nested objects and match
Views of 3D- the object with its shape
Shapes Visualize 3D objects and draw them from different
Discuss the given front, top and side view of an object
Visualize 3-D shapes in order to represent them
and identify the object
in a plane surface such as sheet of paper, black
10. Visualizing Discuss the elements in a map and differentiate between
board, etc.
solid shapes a map and a picture
Mapping Space Read and interpret simple map and answer questions
Around Us based on them
Choose appropriate scale and use symbols to denote
landmarks and draw a simple map
Identify faces, edges and vertices in a given solid and
Faces, Edges and classify it as a polyhedron or a non-polyhedron
Vertices Count vertices, edges and faces in 3D figures with flat Analyze patterns in order to verify Euler’s
faces and verify Euler’s formula relation
Calculate area and perimeter of circle, square, rectangle,
Adjoint figures triangle and calculate area and perimeter of adjoint
shapes Use square grid /graph sheet in order to
11. Mensuration
Breakdown a given trapezium into known figures estimate the areas of various polygons
Area of
(triangles, squares, rectangles) and derive the formula
for the area of a trapezium

Calculate the area of a given polygon after breaking down
Uses appropriate methods to find the area of a
Area of a Polygon the polygon in multiple ways and compare the values
and comment on it
Illustrate 2-D representation of a cuboid, cube and
Surface Area of cylinder and compute the surface areas by breaking
Cube, Cuboid and them in to areas of known figures
Cylinder Calculate the surface area of a cube, cuboid and cylinder
to determine the cost of painting /covering their surface
Calculate the volume of a given cube, cuboid, cylinder and
Use appropriate formulae in order to find
infer the quantity of any substance it can hold
surface area and volume of cuboidal and
Modify the values of l, b, h and examine the effect it has
cylindrical object
Volume of Cube, on the value of the surface area /volume of a cuboid
Cuboid and Modify the values of r, h and examine the effect it has on
Cylinder the value of the surface area /volume of a cylinder
Calculate the volume of a given cuboid, cylinder and
determine the time taken to fill it with a liquid at a given
Powers with
Simplify powers with negative exponents and calculate
the multiplicative inverse of a number

12. Exponents Apply the first law of exponents and principles of Apply rules of exponents in order to solve
and Powers negative exponents and derive the rest of the laws of problems with integral exponents
Laws of
Apply laws of exponents and simplify a given
expression. Give different examples of application of the

Use of Exponents
to Express Small Express very large and very small numbers in the
Numbers in standard form and compare and estimate quantities
Standard Form
Observe the relationship between the given two
quantities and solve to find constant of proportionality
Examine situations and decide whether two quantities
are proportional to each other or not
Complete a given table showing two proportional
quantities and answer questions based on them
13. Direct and Direct proportion Solve problems based on direct or inverse
Convert the given statement on relationship (directly or
Inverse and Inverse proportions in order to establish how one
inversely proportional) between two quantities into a
proportions proportion quantity depends on other
table and identify the missing quantity and solve for its
Observe the table and determine which pair of variables
are inversely proportional
Create a scale using a suitable proportionality constant
and draw a given figure with large dimensions
Factors of
Express each term as a product of irreducible factors
and find the common factors of the given terms
Method of Use the method of common factors and factorize the
common factors given algebraic expression
Factorization by Regroup the terms and factorize the given algebraic
regrouping terms expressions
Factorization Apply the standard algebraic identities and factorize the
using identities given algebraic expressions (for perfect squares)

Factors of the Factorize algebraic expressions in the form and express
form it as a product of its irreducible factors of the form
Use the common factor method and divide a monomial
by a monomial
Use the common factor method and divide a polynomial
Division of
by a monomial
Divide each term in the numerator by the denominator
and divide a polynomial by a monomial
Use the common factor method and divide a polynomial
by a polynomial
Check the given mathematical statements and find and
Find the Error
give reasons for the possible errors in them
Draw a line graph and represent the given data that
changes continuously over periods of time
A line graph
Interpret the given line graph and answer the given
Plot a point on the graph and describe its coordinates
Linear graph and
15. Introduction Plot the given points on the graph and verify if they lie
Location of a
to Graphs on the same line or not
Choose an appropriate scale and plot a graph for the
given data
Construct the line graph and discuss the relationship
between independent and dependent variable in a given
mathematical or a real life situation
Numbers in Use the concepts of place value and express the given
Observe patterns using algebraic operations in
16. Playing with General Form numbers in their generalized form
order to derive the divisibility rules of
numbers Games with Apply the divisibility rule of 11 and check whether a
2,3,4,5,6,9 & 11
Numbers given number is divisible by 11 or not

Add or subtract a two-digit number and its reverse and
check whether it is divisible by 9 or not
Subtract a three-digit number and its reverse and verify
that it is divisible by 99
Form all possible three-digit numbers using the given 3
digits and verify that the sum of these numbers will be
divisible by 37
Use addition and multiplication and find the values of the
Letters for Digits
letters in the given puzzles
Apply the divisibility rule of 10 and check whether a
given number is divisible by 10 or not
Apply the divisibility rule of 5 and check whether a
given number is divisible by 5 or not
Tests of Apply the divisibility rule of 2 and check whether a
Divisibility given number is divisible by 2 or not
Apply the divisibility rule of 3 and 9 and check whether
a given number is divisible by them
Apply the divisibility rule of 2,5 and 10 and check
whether a given number is divisible by all of them or not.

Class 9

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learners may be provided with opportunities individually /in groups and
encouraged to
Work with real numbers and consolidate and the concepts of numbers learnt in earlier
classes. Some such opportunities could be,
a) To observe and discuss real numbers.
b) To recall and observe the processes involved in different mathematical concepts
studied earlier and find situations in which they come across irrational numbers. For
example, finding the length of the diagonal of a square with side, say, 2 units or area of a
circle with a given radius etc.
c) To observe properties of different types of numbers, such as the denseness of the
numbers, by devising different methods based on the knowledge of numbers gained in
earlier classes. One of them could be by representing them on the number line.
d) To facilitate
i) In making mental estimations in different situations such as arranging numbers
like 2, 2^1 /2, 2^3 /2, 2^5 /2, etc. In ascending (or descending) order in a given
time frame or telling between which two numbers like, √17, √23, √59, - √2, etc.
ii) Discussion about how the polynomials are different from algebraic expressions.
Discuss proofs of mathematical statements using axioms and postulates.
Encourage to play the following games related to geometry.
a) If one group says, if equals are added to equals, then the results are equal. The other
group may be encouraged to provide example such as, if a=b, then a+3=b+3, another
group may extend it further as a+3+5= b+3+5 and so on.
b) By observing different objects in the surroundings one group may find the similarities
and the other group finds differences with reference to different geometrical shapes -
lines, rays, angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, congruent shapes, non-
congruent shapes etc. And justify their findings logically.
Discuss in groups about the properties of triangles and construction of geometrical shapes
such as triangles, line segment and its bisector, angle and its bisector under different
Find and discuss ways to fix position of a point in a plane and different properties related to
Engage in a survey and discuss about different ways to represent data pictorially such as bar
graphs, histograms (with varying base lengths) and frequency polygons.
Collect data from their surroundings and calculate central tendencies such as mean, mode or
Explore the features of solid objects from daily life situations to identify them as cubes,
cuboids, cylinders etc.
Play games involving throwing a dice, tossing a coin etc. And find their chance of happening.
Do a project of collecting situations for different numbers representing probabilities


Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Applies logical reasoning in classifying Applies logical reasoning in classifying real
real numbers, proving their properties numbers in order to prove their properties and
and using them in different situations. use them in different situations
Identifies /classifies polynomials among Identifies /classifies polynomials among
algebraic expressions and factorises them algebraic expressions in order to apply
by applying appropriate algebraic appropriate algebraic identities to factorise
identities. them

Relates the algebraic and graphical Relates the algebraic and graphical
representations of a linear equation in one representations of a linear equation in one
/two variables and applies the concepts to /two variables in order to apply the concepts to
daily life situations. daily life situations

Identifies similarities and differences Identifies similarities and differences in order
among different geometrical shapes. to differentiate between various geometrical
Derives proofs of mathematical statements Applies axiomatic approach and derives proofs
particularly related to geometrical of mathematical statements particularly
concepts, like parallel lines, triangles, related to geometrical concepts, like parallel
quadrilaterals, circles etc. by applying lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
axiomatic approach and solves problems order to solve problems using them
using them.
Finds areas of all types of triangles by Applies appropriate formulae in order to find
applying appropriate formulae. areas of all types of triangles

Constructs different geometrical shapes Constructs different geometrical shapes like
like bisectors of line segments, angles, and bisectors of line segments, angles, and triangles
triangles under given conditions and under given conditions in order to analyse and
provides reasons for the processes of such provide reasons for the processes of such
constructions. constructions
Develops strategies to locate points in a Develops strategies from understanding of
cartesian plane. coordinate geometry in order to locate points
in a cartesian plane
Identifies and classifies the daily life Identifies daily life situations in order to
situations in which mean, median and classify them as situations where mean, median
mode can be used. and mode can be used

Analyses data by representing it in Represents given data in different forms like,
different forms like, tabular form (grouped tabular form (grouped or ungrouped), bar
or ungrouped), bar graph, histogram (with graph, histogram (with equal and varying

equal and varying width and length), and width and length), and frequency polygon in
frequency polygon. order to analyse given data
Calculates empirical probability through Conducts experiments and analyses data in
experiments. order to calculate empirical probability
Derives formulas for surface areas and Derives formulas for surface areas and volumes
volumes of different solid objects like, of different solid objects like, cubes, cuboids,
cubes, cuboids, right circular cylinders / right circular cylinders / cones, spheres and
cones, spheres and hemispheres and hemispheres in order to apply them to objects
applies them to objects found in the found in the surroundings
Solves problems that are not in familiar context
of the child using above learning. These
problems should include the situations about
which child is not exposed earlier.

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter 1 Content Area/Concept Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Introduction to number Recall natural numbers, whole numbers, integers and Rational
system numbers and classify a given number as either of them

Represent a given number in the form p /q in order to show whether

the given number is rational or not
Calculate and find rational numbers between any two rational
Irrational Numbers numbers in order to prove that there are infinite rational numbers
between any two given rational numbers Applies logical reasoning in
Modify a given non-terminating decimal number in the form of p /q classifying real numbers,
and comment whether this number is irrational and proving their
Use Pythagoras' theorem and create a Pythagorean triplet and properties in order to use
Real Numbers and their construct the length equivalent to root of a given number them in different situations
Decimal Expansions Deduce the value of a given fraction in its decimal form and infer if
the decimal number is terminating or non-terminating
Representing Real
Use successive magnification and represent a given decimal number
Numbers on the Number
on a number line
Use the commutative, associative and distributive laws for addition
Operations on Real and multiplication for irrational numbers and determine whether
Numbers the sum, difference, quotients and products of irrational numbers
are irrational or not

Rationalize the denominator of a given expression with a square
root term in the denominator and convert it to an equivalent
expression whose denominator is a rational number
Laws of Exponents for
Extend the laws of exponents and simplify a given expression
Real Numbers
Recognize variables and their degree in a given algebraic expression
and differentiate whether given expression is a polynomial in one
variable or not.
Introduction to
Polynomials Express real life situations into a polynomial.

Identify the degree of a given polynomial and classify an expression

as zero, linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials
Polynomials in one Substitute the value of 'a' in a given expression p(x) and find the
Identifies /Classifies
variable value of polynomial at 'a' i.e. p(a)
polynomials among
Use given values for the variable 'x' in a polynomial p(x) and identify algebraic expressions in
2. Polynomials Zeroes of a Polynomial
if the given value is a zero of the polynomials order to apply appropriate
Using Remainder Theorem, calculate division of p(x) by a linear algebraic identities to
Remainder Theorem polynomial 'x – a' and find that the remainder is p(a) and verify using factories them
long division method.
Apply factor theorem and determine if a linear polynomial 'x-a' is a
factor of the given polynomial P(x)
Apply factor theorem and determine the value of an unknown
Factorization of constant 'k' in Polynomial P(x) when a linear polynomial ‘x-a’ is a
Polynomials known factor of P(x)
Apply factor theorem and factories a given polynomial
Factories a given polynomial using splitting middle-term method
and factor theorem and compare the results of the two

Point out to an algebraic identity that can be used and factorize a
given expression
Algebraic Identities
Select appropriate algebraic identities and evaluate the values of
given expressions
Introduction to Determine the x & y co-ordinate of a point from a graph and write
Coordinate Geometry the co-ordinates of the point as an ordered pair
Plot a point on the Cartesian plane and determine QUADRANT of the Develops strategies from
Cartesian System
point understanding of
3. Co-ordinate
Plotting a Point in the coordinate geometry in
Plane if its Coordinates Observe a given ordered pair and comment on its location order to locate points in a
are given Cartesian plane
Application of Apply concepts of coordinate geometry and simplify given real life
Coordinate Geometry problems
Construction of Linear Recall concepts of coefficients and variables and construct a linear
equations equation from a given statement
Compare a given linear equation to the standard form ax+ by + c + 0
Linear Equations Relates the algebraic and
and deduce the values of a, b and c
graphical representations
4. Linear Solutions of Linear Use substitution method and deduce whether the ordered pair is
of a linear equation in one
Equations in two Equations solution to a given linear equation
variables Plot the points on a graph and represent a linear equation in two /two variables in order to
Graph of Linear variables apply the concepts to daily
Equations Solve an equation and represent it on a number line and a Cartesian life situations
Applications of Linear Using principles of linear equations, formulate and solve variety of
Equations problems in real life situations
5. Introduction to Applies axiomatic approach
Theorems, Postulates Give examples of theorems, postulates and axioms and differentiate
Euclid's and derives proofs of
and Axioms between them with examples
Geometry mathematical statements

Reproduce Euclid's axioms in your own words and give examples particularly related to
for each geometrical concepts, like
List Euclid's five postulates and visualize and illustrate them parallel lines, triangles,
Euclid’s Definitions, through a diagram quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
Axioms and Postulates Analyze given statements /postulates and determine if they are order to solve problems
extensions of Euclid's postulates using them
Apply Euclid's postulates and prove basic geometrical concepts
about lines, points, planes, shapes, etc.
Equivalent Versions of Illustrate the equivalent of Euclid’s fifth postulate through a diagram
Euclid’s Fifth Postulate and list conditions for two lines to be parallel
Define segment, ray, collinear points, non-collinear points, acute
Basic Terms and angle, right angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, reflex angle,
Definitions complementary angles, Supplementary angles and identify them in
a given figure
Label angles created by two intersecting lines and identify vertically
Applies axiomatic approach
opposite pairs, adjacent angles, linear pairs, complementary
and derives proofs of
/supplementary pairs of angles
Pairs of Angles mathematical statements
Apply the concepts of linear pairs of angles and vertically opposite
particularly related to
6. Lines and angles and establish relationships between the angles in a given
geometrical concepts, like
Angles figure and solve for missing values
parallel lines, triangles,
Label angles created by a transversal intersecting two parallel lines
Parallel Lines and a quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
and identify corresponding angles, alternate angles, interior angles
Transversal order to solve problems
and define relationship between these angles
using them
Lines Parallel to the Find out the unknown angles created by a transversal in a given
same Line figure and infer if the lines are parallel or not
Define relationship between angles formed when a triangle is placed
Angle Sum Property of a
between two parallel lines and prove that exterior angle of a triangle
is the sum of the two opposite interior angles

Observe the angles and sides of the given figures and find out
whether they are congruent or not congruent

Congruence of Triangles Apply concepts of linear pairs of angles, vertically opposite angles,
corresponding angles, alternate angles, transversal angles & Applies axiomatic approach
exterior angles of a triangle and prove congruence between two and derives proofs of
triangles in a given figure mathematical statements
Illustrate the criteria of congruencies of triangles through diagrams particularly related to
Criteria for Congruence
7. Triangles (ASA, SAS, SSS. RHS) and prove relationships between given angles, geometrical concepts, like
of Triangles
sides and triangles of a given figure parallel lines, triangles,
Apply criteria for congruence in a triangle with two congruent sides quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
Some Properties of a
and prove that the angle opposite to the sides are equal and apply it order to solve problems
Triangle using them
in a given figure to solve for the measure of an angle
Some More Criteria for Examine given triangles that satisfy AAA or SSA criteria and
Congruence of Triangles comment whether they are congruent
Using properties of inequalities in triangles prove the relationship
Inequalities in a Triangle
between any given sides or angles in a given figure

Angle sum property of a Apply angle sum property of quadrilateral and find the value of the Applies axiomatic approach
Quadrilateral unknown angle and derives proofs of
mathematical statements
List the properties of quadrilaterals and classify real life objects into
Types of Quadrilaterals particularly related to
different types of Quadrilaterals
8. Quadrilaterals geometrical concepts, like
Properties of List the properties of parallelogram and identify if a given parallel lines, triangles,
Parallelogram quadrilateral is a parallelogram quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
Another Condition for a
Apply properties of parallelogram and find a) an unknown angle b) order to solve problems
Quadrilateral to be a using them
an unknown side

Prove the midpoint theorem of triangles using concepts of
The Mid-point Theorem congruency and transversal angles and extend the application to

Identify the planar region and area associated and show that area
Figures on the same
of non-overlapping planar region formed is the sum of their areas
Base and Between the
same Parallels Identify if given figures lie on the same base and between the same
parallels and write the common base and the two parallels
Parallelograms on the Extend the understanding of congruency of triangle and prove that:
same Base and between Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are
the same Parallels equal in area Applies appropriate
9. Areas of
Triangle & Extend prior knowledge from this chapter and prove that when a formulae in order to find
Parallelogram on the triangle and a parallelogram are on the same base and between the areas of all types of
and triangles
same Base and between same parallels, the area of the triangle is equal to half the area of the triangles
the same parallels parallelogram
Extend prior knowledge and prove that Two triangles on the same
base (or equal bases) and between the same parallels are equal in
Triangles on the same
Base and between the
Extend prior knowledge to prove that Two triangles having the
same parallels
same base (or equal bases) and equal areas lie between the same
Construct a circle of a given radius and verify that the length of
Applies axiomatic approach
multiple segments drawn from the center of the circle to the
and derives proofs of
Circles and its Related circumference is equal
mathematical statements
Terms: A Review Define radius, chord, diameter, segment (major and minor), arc
10. Circles particularly related to
(major and minor), interior or exterior of a circle and illustrate and
geometrical concepts, like
label them on a given circle
parallel lines, triangles,
Angle Subtended by a Apply theorems regarding angle subtended by a chord in a circle and
quadrilaterals, circles etc. in
Chord at a Point find the measure of an angle in the given figure

Perpendicular from the Apply the property of perpendicular from the center to the chord and order to solve problems
Centre to a Chord solve for the missing values (lengths and angles) in a given figure using them
Construct circle passing through 1, 2 & 3 non-collinear points and
Circle through Three
comment on how many circles can be constructed passing through
Equal Chords and their
Use the value of radius and perpendicular to the chord and compute
Distances from the
the length of a chord
Angle subtended by arc Interpret and apply theorems on the angles subtended by arcs of a
of the circle circle and solve for unknown values in given examples
Apply the relation between angles of a cyclic quadrilateral and solve
Cyclic Quadrilaterals
for the value of a given angle

List and execute steps of construction and bisect a given angle.

Basic Constructions List and execute steps of construction and draw the perpendicular Constructs different
bisector of a given line segment. geometrical shapes like
List and execute steps of construction and construct an angle of any bisectors of line segments,
given measurement angles, and triangles under
11. Constructions
List and execute steps of construction and construct a triangle given given conditions in order to
its base, a base angle and the sum of the other two sides. provide reasons for the
Some Constructions of List and execute steps of construction and construct a triangle given processes of such
Triangles its base, a base angle and the difference of the other two sides constructions
List and execute steps of construction and construct a triangle given
its perimeter and its two base angles
Standard formula of a Calculate area of a given triangle to state the limitation of the Applies appropriate
12. Heron's triangle Standard formula (Area of Triangle = ½ b.h) formulae in order to find
formula Area of a Triangle by areas of all types of
Apply Heron's formula and calculate the area of a Triangle
Heron's formula triangles

Application of Heron’s
Breakdown a given polygon into triangles and find the area of a
Formula in finding Areas
given polygon as a sum of areas of those triangles
of Quadrilateral
Visualize a cube and cuboid in its 2-D form and calculate the surface
Surface Area of a Cuboid area
and a Cube
Calculate the surface area (lateral and total) of the cube or cuboid
and determine the cost of painting /covering the given surface
Visualize a cylinder in its 2-D form and calculate the curved surface
Surface Area of a Right area and total surface area
Circular Cylinder Calculate the surface area (curved and total) of a cylinder to
determine the cost of painting /covering the given surface Derives formulas for
Visualize a right circular cone in 2-D and calculate the surface area surface areas and volumes
Surface Area of a Right (curved and total) of different solid objects
Circular Cone Calculate the surface area (curved and total) of a cone to determine like, cubes, cuboids, right
13. Surface areas
the cost of painting /covering the given surface circular cylinders / cones,
and volumes
Calculate the surface area of a sphere /hemisphere to determine the spheres and hemispheres in
Surface Area of a Sphere
cost of painting /covering the given surface of a sphere /hemisphere order to apply them to
Calculate the volume of a given cube and infer the quantity of any objects found in the
Volume of a Cube
substance it can hold surroundings
Calculate the volume of a given cuboid and infer the quantity of any
Volume of a Cuboid
substance it can hold
Calculate the volume of a given cylinder and infer the quantity of any
Volume of a Cylinder
substance it can hold
Calculate the volume of a given cone and infer the quantity of any
Volume of a Cone
substance it can hold
Calculate the volume of a given sphere and infer the quantity of any
Volume of a sphere
substance it can hold

Calculate the volume of a given hemisphere and infer the quantity of
Volume of a hemisphere
any substance it can hold

Frequency Table Record and label a given data set and create a frequency table

Identify an appropriate scale and labels and represent given data Represents given data in
through a bar graph different forms like, tabular
Bar Graph
Read a given bar graph and infer a variety of information from it form (grouped or
Compare the values and corelate two data points from the graph ungrouped), bar graph,
Read the given data and create a histogram for continuous and histogram (with equal and
Histogram discontinuous data sets varying width and length),
Read a given histogram and infer a variety of information from it and frequency polygon in
14. Statistics Read the given data and create a frequency polygon for given data order to analyses given data
Frequency Polygon
Read a given frequency polygon and infer a variety of information
from it
Differentiate between mean, median and mode with examples and
understand most effective measure of central tendency in various Identifies daily life
cases situations in order to classify
Mean, Median and Mode Apply appropriate formula and calculate the mean and median of them as situations where
even and odd number of data points mean, median and mode can
Recall and use the formula for mean in order find the value of a be used
missing observation
With the formula for Empirical probability, calculate the
Conducts experiments and
Calculation of Empirical probability for a simple event
analyses data in order to
15. Probability Probability in various
Create a flow chart of all the terms related to random experiments calculate empirical
(coins, dice, cards) and calculate the total number of trials of a given probability
experiment and calculate the Empirical Probability

Compute the total number of trials and trials for a given event E
represent in various forms (table, histogram, pie-charts, etc.) to
solve for the value of Empirical Probability P(E)
Calculate empirical probability of a situation and predict the
likelihood of an event
Arrange events from least likely to most likely and predict
outcomes in a given experiment
Calculate the sum of probabilities of all events and prove that the
sum of the probability of all events in a single experiment is 1

Class 10

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learners may be provided with opportunities individually /in groups and
encouraged to
Extend the methods of finding LCM and HCF of large numbers learnt earlier to general form.
Discuss different aspects of polynomials, such as - their degree, type (linear, quadratic, cubic),
zeroes etc., relationship between their visual representation and their zeroes.
Play a game which may involve a series of acts of factorising a polynomial and using one of
its factors to form a new one. For example, one group factorising says, (x3 – 2x2 – x – 2) and
using one of its factor x-1 to construct another polynomial which is further factorised by
another group to continue the process.
Discuss different aspects of linear equations by engaging students in the activities of the
following nature:
A) One group may ask another to form linear equation in two variables with coefficients
from a particular number system i.e. Natural numbers / numbers that are not integers
B) Graphically representing a linear equation in 1d or 2 d and try to explain the difference
in their nature.
C) Encouraging students to observe identities & equations and segregate them.
Use graphical ways to visualise different aspects of linear equations such as visualising linear
equations in two variables or to find their solution.
Observe and analyse patterns in their daily life situations to check if they form an arithmetic
progression and, if so, find rule for getting their nth term and sum of n terms. The situations
could be - our savings / pocket money, games such as playing cards and snakes & ladders, etc.
Analyse and compare different geometrical shapes, charts, models made using paper folding
and tell about their similarity and congruence.
Discuss in groups different situations such as constructing maps etc. In which the concepts of
trigonometry are used.
Work in projects related to heights and distances, that may include situations in which
methods have to be devised for measuring the angle of inclination of the top of a building and
their own distance from the building.
Device ways to find values of different trigonometric ratios for a given value of a
trigonometric ratio.
Observe shapes in the surroundings that are a combination of shapes studied so far such as
cone, cylinder, cube, cuboid, sphere, hemisphere etc. They may work in groups and may
provide formulas for different aspects of these combined shapes.
To determine areas of various materials, objects, designs around them. For e.g. Design on a
handkerchief, design of tiles on the floor, geometry box etc.
Discuss and analyse situations related to surface areas and volumes of different objects such
as, (a) given two boxes of a certain shape with different dimensions, if one box is to be
changed exactly like another box, which attribute will change, surface area or volume? (b) by

what percent will each of the dimensions of one box have to be changed to make it exactly of
the same size as the other box?
Discuss and analyse the chance of happening of different events through simple activities like
tossing a coin, throwing two dice simultaneously, picking up a card from a deck of 52 playing
cards etc.
Generalise the formulas of mean, median and mode read in the earlier classes by providing
situations for these central tendencies.
To draw tangents to a circle from a point which lies outside and a point which lies inside the
circle. They may be motivated to evolve different ways to verify the properties of such

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
The learner-
Generalises properties of numbers and relations Generalises properties of numbers and
among them studied earlier to evolve results, such relations among them studied earlier,
as, Euclid’s division algorithm, fundamental to evolve results, such as, Euclid’s
theorem of arithmetic, and applies them to solve division algorithm, fundamental
problems related to real life contexts. theorem of arithmetic in order to
apply them to solve problems related
to real life contexts
Develop a relationship between algebraic and Uses algebraic and graphical method
graphical methods of finding the zeroes of a of finding zeroes of a polynomial in
polynomial. order to establish a relationship
between them
Finds solutions of pairs of linear equations in two Uses graphical and other methods in
variables using graphical and different algebraic order to finds solutions of pairs of
methods. linear equations in two variables

Demonstrates strategies of finding roots and Demonstrates knowledge of
determining the nature of roots of a quadratic application of various strategies in
equation. order to find roots and determine the
nature of roots of a given equation
Develops strategies to apply the concept of AP to Develops strategies in order to apply
daily life situations. the concept of AP to daily life
Works out ways to differentiate between Uses reasoning in order to
congruent and similar figures. differentiate between congruent and
similar figures
Establishes properties for similarity of two Uses different geometric criteria
triangles logically using different geometric criteria established earlier such as basic

established earlier such as basic proportionality proportionality theorem etc. in order
theorem etc. to establish properties for similarity of
two triangles
Derives formulae to establish relations for Derives formulae to establish relations
geometrical shapes in the context of a coordinate for geometrical shapes in the context
plane, such as finding the distance between two of a coordinate plane, such as finding
given points, to determine coordinates of a point the distance between two given points,
between any two given points, to find area of a in order to determine coordinates of a
triangle etc. point between any two given points, to
find area of a triangle etc.
Determines all trigonometric ratios with respect to Determines all trigonometric ratios
a given acute angle (of a right triangle) and uses with respect to a given acute angle (of
them in solving problems in daily life contexts like a right triangle) in order to use them in
finding heights of different structures or distances solving problems in daily life contexts
from them. like finding heights of different
structures or distances from them.
Constructs Examines each step and reasons out
A) A triangle similar to a given triangle as per a each step, in order to:
given scale factor. A) Construct a triangle similar to a
B) A pair of tangents from an external point to given triangle as per a given
a circle and justify procedures. scale factor.
Examines the steps of geometrical constructions B) Construct a pair of tangents
and reason out each step from an external point to a
circle and justify procedures
Finds surface areas and volumes of objects in the Visualizes objects in surrounding as a
surroundings by visualising them as a combination combination of different solids like
of different solids like cylinder and a cone, cylinder cylinder and a cone, cylinder and a
and a hemisphere, combination of different cubes hemisphere, combination of different
etc. cubes etc.in order to find their surface
areas and volumes
Calculates mean, median and mode for different Calculates mean, median and mode in
sets of data related with real life contexts. order to apply them to real life
Determines the probability of an event. Calculates in order to determine the
probability of a given event

Important Note: It must be ensured by the teachers that learners are able to use mathematical learning in day to day life and unfamiliar
contexts/ situations about which they are not exposed earlier. Learning Objectives should also focus on enhancing the ability of the learner to
convert a real life problem into a mathematical problem and the ability to interpret and evaluate mathematical results in the real life
Chapter Content Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
1. Real Numbers Euclid's Division Apply Euclid Division Algorithm and obtain HCF Generalises properties of numbers and
of two positive integers in the context of the relations among them studied earlier, to
given problem evolve results, such as, Euclid’s division
algorithm, fundamental theorem of
Apply Euclid Division Algorithm and prove
arithmetic in order to apply them to solve
results of positive integers in the form of ax+b
problems related to real life contexts
where a and b are constants
Fundamental Use the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Theorem of and calculate HCF and LCM of the given
Arithmetic numbers in the context of the given problem
Irrational Numbers Recall the properties of irrational number and
prove that whether the sum /difference
/product /quotient of two numbers is irrational
or not
Apply theorems of irrational number and prove
whether a given number is irrational or not
Decimal Apply theorems of rational numbers and find
Representation of out about the nature of their decimal
Irrational Numbers representation and their factors

2. Polynomials Geometrical meaning Recall degree of polynomial and find the Uses algebraic and graphical method of
of Zeroes of a number of zeroes of polynomial finding zeroes of a polynomial in order to
Polynomial establish a relationship between them
Analyse the graph of the polynomials and find
the number of zeroes of polynomial
Relationship Compute zeroes of the polynomials and verify
between Zeroes and the relationship between zeroes and the
Coefficients of a coefficients
Compute the sum and product of zeroes of the
polynomial and find the quadratic polynomial
Division Algorithm Divide the two given polynomials and verify the
for Polynomials division algorithm
Divide the given polynomial with its known zero
and find all the other zeroes of that polynomial
3. Pair of Linear Introduction and State the properties of linear equation and Uses graphical and other methods in order
equations in two Properties of Linear classify the given equations as linear or non- to finds solutions of pairs of linear
variables equations and non- linear equations in two variables
linear equations
Graphical Method of Interpret the concepts of linear equations and
Solution of a Pair of represent any given situation algebraically and
Linear Equations graphically
Plot the lines corresponding to the given two
linear equations and comment on the nature
/behaviour of the lines representing the linear
Algebraic method for Use different algebraic methods and solve a pair

solving Linear of linear equations
Use the most appropriate algebraic method and
solve the given pair of linear equations
Use the concepts of pair of linear equations in
two variables and represent any given situation
algebraically and find its solution
Calculate the ratio of coefficients of linear
equations and discuss the nature of pair of
linear equations
Equations Reducible Rewrite the given equations (using substitution
to a Pair of Linear method) which are reducible to a pair of linear
Equations in Two equations and find the solution of those
Variables equations
4. Quadratic Equations Introduction to In the form of Quadratic Equation represent the Demonstrates knowledge of application of
Quadratic Equations given situation algebraically various strategies and find roots and
determine the nature of roots of a given
Rewrite the given equations in the standard
form and check whether they are quadratic or
Factorization Method Solve quadratic equations through factorization
and find its roots
Solve quadratic equations through middle term
splitting and find its roots
Completing Square Solve quadratic equations by completing the
Method square and find its roots
Solving a Quadratic Use the quadratic formula and find the roots of

Equation quadratic equation
Roots of a Quadratic Substitute the value of the roots of a given
Equation quadratic equation and verify them.
Nature of Roots Examine the discriminant of quadratic equation
and find out the nature of its roots
Describe the nature of the roots of a quadratic
equation and determine that whether a given
situation is possible or not
5. Arithmetic Introduction to Produce patterns and observe that succeeding Develops strategies in order to apply the
Progression Arithmetic terms are obtained by adding a fixed number to concept of AP to daily life situations
Progressions- the preceding terms.
Distinguish between finite and infinite AP and
determine the nature and write the last term of
the given AP
nth term of AP Calculate the nth term of a given AP and find its
terms and their nature
nth term of AP Calculate the nth term of a given AP and solve
Sum of an AP real-life word problems
Calculate the sum of a given AP and get the
solution of real-life word problems
Sum of an AP Calculate the sum of a given AP and solve
Last term of an AP contextual problems
Calculate the last term of the given AP and find
solution real-life word problems

Last term of an AP Use appropriate formula to calculate the last
term of the given AP
6. Triangles Similar figures Distinguish between congruency and similarity Uses reasoning in order to differentiate
and understand the concept of similar figures between congruent and similar figures
Compute the angles and ratio of sides of Uses different geometric criteria
polygons and determine their similarity established earlier such as basic
proportionality theorem etc. in order to
Similarity of triangles Compute the angles and ratio of sides of
establish properties for similarity of two
triangles and determine their similarity
Apply basic proportionality theorem and its
converse and determine the ratio of sides in the
given triangle(s)
Criteria for similarity Apply various criteria of similarity and prove
of Triangles whether given triangles are similar or not
Show similarity of triangles and solve real life
Areas of Similar Compute the square of the ratio of the
Triangles corresponding sides of triangles and find the
area of similar triangles
Compute the area of similar triangles and find
the relation between their sides, medians, mid
points of the triangles
Pythagoras Theorem Apply the theorem that if a perpendicular is
drawn from the vertex of the right angle of a
right triangle to the hypotenuse then triangles
on both sides of the perpendicular are similar to

the whole triangle and prove Pythagoras
Prove Pythagoras theorem and its converse and
solve real life problems
Apply Pythagoras theorem and its converse and
determine that whether a given triangle is a
right-angled triangle or not
7. Co-ordinate Geometry Basics of Graphs Identify x and y coordinate and plot points on Derives formulae to establish relations for
the graph geometrical shapes in the context of a
coordinate plane, such as finding the
Distance Formula Apply and derive distance formula and
distance between two given points, in
determine the distance between two
order to determine coordinates of a point
coordinates on the graph
between any two given points, to find area
Apply distance formula and solve various of a triangle etc.
mathematical and real-life problems graphically
Section Formula Apply and derive section formula and divide the
line segment in a given ratio
Apply distance and section formula and
determine the vertices /diagonals /mid points of
given geometrical shapes
Area of a Triangle Apply and derive the formula of area of triangle
geometrically and determine the area of
quadrilateral /triangle
8. Introduction to Trigonometric Ratios Describe trigonometry and study the Determines all trigonometric ratios with
Trigonometry relationship between side and angle of a triangle respect to a given acute angle (of a right
triangle) in order to use them in solving
Define and distinguish various trigonometric

ratios and describe and verify sine, cosine, problems in daily life contexts like finding
tangent, cosecant, secant, cotangent of an angle heights of different structures or distances
from them
Use given trigonometric ratio(s) and find and
verify other trigonometric ratios /angles of the
Trigonometric Ratios Compute the trigonometric ratio 0o,30 o,45o,60o
of Some Specific and 90o and use these for different angles
Trigonometric Ratios Compute the trigonometric ratio of
of Complementary complimentary angles and apply the values in
Angles solving contextual problems
Trigonometric Compute and apply trigonometric identities and
Identities simplify and solve mathematical problems
9. Some applications of Heights and Identify line of sight and determine angle of Determines all trigonometric ratios with
Trigonometry Distances elevation and angle of depression respect to a given acute angle (of a right
triangle) in order to use them in solving
Apply trigonometric ratios (of specific angles)
problems in daily life contexts like finding
and determine heights and distances of the
heights of different structures or distances
objects in the real-life context.
from them.
10. Circles Tangent to a Circle Draw, identify and differentiate between secant -
and tangent of a circle and prove and apply
various theorems related to circles
Number of Tangents Prove and apply theorems related to tangent of a
from a Point on a circle and determine number of tangents from
Circle the given point(s)
Prove and apply theorem related to tangent of a

circle and determine length of the tangent
11. Constructions Division of a Line List and execute steps of construction and divide Examines each step and reasons out each
Segment a line segment in a given ratio step, in order to:
A) Construct a triangle similar to a given
Construction of a List and execute steps of construction and
triangle as per a given scale factor.
similar triangle construct a similar triangle as per a given scale
B) Construct a pair of tangents from an
external point to a circle and justify
Construction of List and execute steps of construction and procedures
Tangents to a Circle construct tangent(s) to a given circle
12. Areas related to Perimeter and Area Describe the relationship between -
circles of a Circle — A circumference and diameter of a circle and
Review define Π
Apply the concepts of circumference and area of
and solve in for various circular objects in real
Areas of Sector and Describe sector and segment of a circle and
Segment of a Circle differentiate between the two
Describe minor and major sector of a circle and
differentiate between the two
Describe minor and major segment of a circle
and differentiate between the two
Apply the formula of area of sector and segment
of a circle, and compute the area of a specified
Calculate the length of an arc of a circle and
comment whether it is the major arc or minor

Areas of Calculate the area of various combinations of
Combinations of plane figures and apply the concepts of circles,
Plane Figures quadrilaterals and triangles
13. Surface areas and Surface Area of a Apply formulae of surface area of different 3D Visualizes objects in surrounding as a
volumes Combination of solids and derive the surface area of combination of different solids like
Solids combination of these solid objects cylinder and a cone, cylinder and a
hemisphere, combination of different
Volume of a Apply formulae of volume of different 3D solids
cubes etc.in order to find their surface
Combination of and derive the volume of the combination of
areas and volumes
Solids these solid objects
Conversion of Solid Combine different solid shapes to create a new
from One Shape to solid form
Frustum of a Cone Apply the formula of surface area of a cone and
derive the total surface area of the frustum
Apply the formula of volume of a cone and
derive the volume of the frustum
Applications of Use concepts of surface areas and volumes for
surface areas and variety of 3-D objects and apply them into real
volumes life situations
14. Statistics Mean of Grouped Apply direct method and calculate the mean of Calculates mean, median and mode in
Data the grouped data order to apply them to real life contexts
Apply assumed mean method and calculate the
mean for a grouped data
Mode of Grouped Compute the mean and mode of the given data

Data and interpret these two measures of central
Median of Grouped Apply formula for the median of a given grouped
Data data and calculate missing values of frequency
Mean, median and Differentiate between mean, median and mode
mode with examples and use most effective measure
of central tendency in various cases
Graphical Derive the co-ordinates to plot a graph and
Representation of represent the two ogives
Graph both ogives for the data obtained and
determine the median of the given grouped data
15. Probability Probability — A Differentiate between Empirical Probability and Calculates and determine the probability
Theoretical Theoretical Probability and find the two for a of a given event
Approach variety of cases
Calculate the probability of given events in an
experiment and comment whether they are
Complementary Events /Sure Events
/Impossible Events
Represent using organized lists, tables, or tree
diagrams and list the sample space for
compound events
Calculate the probability of various events and
rank them from most to least probable events.




Class 3

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to
Observe and explore the immediate surroundings, i.e., home, school and neighbourhood for
different objects /plants / animals /birds for their concrete / simple observable physical
features (diversity, appearance, movement, places of living / found, habits, needs, behaviour
Observe, explore their home /family for the people whom they live with, what works they do,
the relations and their physical features and habits and share the experiences in different
Explore the neighbourhood for the means of transport, communication and what works
people do
Observe their home /school kitchen for food items, vessels, stoves, fuels and cooking
Discuss with elders and find out from where we /birds /animals get water, food (plants /
animals, which part of the plant we eat etc.), who works in the kitchen, who eats what, who
eats last
Visit different places in the neighbourhood, e.g., market to observe the process of buying
/selling, journey of a letter from post office to home, local water bodies etc.
Ask and frame questions and respond to the peers and elders without any fear or hesitation
Share their experiences /observations through drawing / symbols /tracing / gestures /
verbally in a few words /simple sentences in their own language
Compare objects /entities based on differences / similarities for observable features and sort
them into different categories
Discuss with the parents /guardians / grandparents /elders in the neighbourhood and
compare their lives in past with that of now for the things of daily use such as clothes, vessels,
works done by people around, games
Collect and arrange the objects such as, pebbles, beads, fallen leaves, feathers, pictures, etc., of
their finds from their surroundings and arrange in an innovative manner, e.g., heaps, pouches
and packets
Critically think to guess /estimate and predict about the happenings, situations, events and
the possible ways to check, verify, test them., for example, which directions (left /right /front
/back) to be followed to reach a nearby object or place; which vessel (of same volume)
contains more water; how many spoons of water to fill a mug or a bucket etc.
Perform simple activities and experiments to observe, smell, taste, feel, hear using different
senses as per their abilities to identify, classify, differentiate between objects, features,
entities etc.
Collect observations and experiences on the experiments and activities and shares that orally
/gestures /sketches /tables /writing in simple sentences

Manipulate local and waste material, fallen dry leaves /flowers, clay, fabrics, pebbles, colours
to create or improvise drawings, models, designs, collage etc. For example, using clay to make
pots /vessels, animals, birds, vehicles, furniture from empty matchboxes, cardboard, etc.
Share experiences of their relationships with pets and domestic animals or other birds and
animals in surroundings
Participate actively and undertake initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by working
together in groups, e.g., in different indoor /outdoor /local / contemporary activities and
games, carry out projects such as taking care of a plant(s), feed birds /animals, things around
Question, discuss, critically think and reflect on their experiences related to situations at
home, school, neighbourhood for stereotypes or discrimination, such as, roles of male /female
members, access to food, health, going to school, needs of elders and the differently abled etc.
Explore and read pictures, posters, signboards, books, audio-videos, tactile /raised material /
newspaper clippings, stories /poems, web resources, documentaries, library and use other
resources besides textbook.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner —
Identifies simple observable features (e.g., Identifies simple observable features of
shape, colour, texture, aroma) of leaves, trunk leaves, trunk and bark of plants in
and bark of plants in immediate surroundings immediate surroundings

Identifies simple features (e.g., movement, at Identifies simple features of animals and
places found /kept, eating habits, sounds) of birds in the immediate surroundings
animals and birds) in the immediate

Identifies relationships with and among family Identifies relationships with and among
members family members, what work they do, their
physical characteristics and habits, and
shares the experiences in order to
demonstrate ability to express in different
Identifies objects, signs (vessels, stoves, Identifies objects, signs /signboards, means
transport, means of communication, of communication and transport, places,
transport, signboards etc.); places (types of activities at home /school / neighbourhood
houses /shelters, bus stand, petrol pump etc.)
Activities (works people do, cooking
processes, etc.) At home /school /
Describes need of food for people of different Describes need of food for people of
age groups; animals and birds, availability of different age groups; animals and birds,

food and water and use of water at home and availability of food and water, and use of
surroundings water at home and surroundings
Describes roles of family members, family Describes roles of family members, family
influences (traits / features /habits / influences (traits / features /habits /
practices), need for living together, through practices), need for living together, through
oral / written /other ways oral / written /other ways
Groups objects, birds, animals, features, Groups objects, birds, animals, features,
activities according to differences / activities according to differences /
similarities using different senses. (e.g., similarities using different senses.
appearance /place of living / food / movement
/ likes-dislikes / any other features) using
different senses.
Differentiates between objects and activities Collects information, records it, and
of present and past (at time of the elders). (e.g., differentiates between objects and activities
clothes /vessels /games played / work done of present and past, that is, in the early years
by people) of the elders in the family
Identifies directions, location of objects / Uses signs /symbols /verbal skills in order
places in simple maps (of home / classroom / to identify directions, location of objects /
school) using signs /symbols /verbally places in simple maps, shortest routes (of
home / classroom / school)
Guesses properties, estimates quantities; of Guesses properties, estimates quantities; of
materials /activities in daily life and verifies materials /activities in daily life and verifies
using symbols /non-standard units (hand using symbols /non-standard units in order
spans, spoon /mugs, etc.) to demonstrate critical thinking.

Records observations, experiences, Observes, records observations,
information on objects /activities /places experiences, information on objects
visited in different ways and predicts patterns /activities /places visited in different ways
(e.g., shapes of moon, seasons) in order to predict patterns

Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models,
front, side views of objects, simple maps (of top, front, side views of objects, simple maps
classroom, sections of home / school, etc.) And (of classroom, sections of home / school,
slogans, poems, etc. etc.) and slogans, poems, etc.

Observes rules in games (local, indoor, Observes rules in games and other collective
outdoor) and other collective tasks /group tasks and undertake initiatives of
care, share empathy, leadership
Voices opinion on good /bad touch; Voices opinion on good /bad touch;
stereotypes for tasks /play /food in family / stereotypes for tasks /play /food /caste
w.r.t gender /misuse /wastage of food and /age /economic condition /gender in family
water in family and school and also w.r.t misuse /wastage of food and
water in family and school

Shows sensitivity for plants, animals, the Shows sensitivity for plants, animals, the
elderly, differently abled and diverse family elderly, differently abled and diverse family
set ups in surroundings. (for the diversity in set ups in surroundings.
appearance, abilities, choices – likes / dislikes,
and access to basic needs such as food, shelter,
Explores and reads pictures, posters,
signboards, books, audio-videos, tactile
/raised material / newspaper clippings,
stories /poems, web resources,
documentaries, library and use other
resources besides textbook, and
demonstrates curiosity for the written
Identifies various pests living in our
surrounding and explores ways to prevent
them from entering our home.
Describes skilled workers, such as, potter,
weaver, their skills, tools used by them, their
inheritance (from elders)
Describes the interdependence among
plants, animals and humans in the
environment for food, shelter and
appreciate their co-existence.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Environmental Studies (EVS) envisages exposing children to the real situations in their
surroundings to help them connect, be aware of, appreciate and be sensitized towards the prevailing environmental issues (natural,
physical, social and cultural).
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Poonam’s Day Exploring nature and Observe the diversity of animals around Identifies simple features of animals and birds in the
Out children’s notion about them. immediate surroundings
Classification of Classify animals based on their size Groups objects, birds, animals, features, activities
animals based on: size, according to differences / similarities using different
movement, habitats, Differentiate animals on the basis of their senses.
eating and other habits habitat (land, water, air; wild, domestic).
and sound they Distinguish between domestic and wild
produce animals. Identify body parts used for
movement in different animals.
Identify body parts used for movement in
different animals.
Practice drawing of Draw pictures of animals using various
pictures of animals techniques.
Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The Plant Fairy Familiarity with variety Identify and name common plants growing
in growing in their in their surroundings. Identifies simple observable features of leaves, trunk
surroundings and bark of plants in immediate surroundings
Recognition of Distinguish between trees on the basis of
differences in tree thickness of trunks and its texture
trunks, thickness and
Awareness of variety in Recognize differences in size, shape, colour
leaves of plants-size, smell, texture and margin of leaves of
different plants.

shape, colour, smell,
texture and margins
Skill of drawing leaves Draw and colour different leaves and take
and taking rubbing of rubbing of tree trunk leaves
leaves and tree trunks
Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Water O’ Water Uses of Water Identify the importance and uses of water in Explores and reads pictures, posters, signboards,
our daily life. books, audio-videos, tactile /raised material /
Sources of Water Recognize different sources of water newspaper clippings, stories /poems, web resources,
documentaries, library and use other resources
besides textbook, and demonstrates curiosity for the
written word.
Storage of Water Identify the sources of water supply in their Guesses properties, estimates quantities; of materials
homes /activities in daily life and verifies using symbols
/non-standard units in order to demonstrate critical
Relating shapes and Compare size and shape of containers to Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, front,
size of storage determine the quality of water side views of objects, simple maps (of classroom,
containers to sections of home / school, etc.) and slogans, poems,
volume/capacity etc.
Exploration into ways Explore ways to conserve waters in their
of conserving water daily living
Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Our First School Family & its importance Identify different relationships in a family Describes roles of family members, family influences
and nature of these relationship (traits / features /habits / practices), need for living
Family practice and Describe unique practices and rituals together, through oral / written /other ways.
values including cleaning during celebration and
their importance
Name different works that the families are
engaged with.

Work of different Relate the importance of sharing work in a
family family.
Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Chhotu’s House Importance of house Recognize the need and importance of a Uses signs /symbols /verbal skills in order to identify
and its parts house directions, location of objects / places in simple maps,
Identify different parts of a houses and shortest routes (of home / classroom / school)
associated uses
Invited and uninvited Name invited and uninvited animals living in Identifies various pests living in our surroundings
guest in a house a house (relate poems and draw pictures) and explore ways to prevent them from entering our
Cleanliness and Demonstrate proper use of toilet by Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, front,
decoration of a house observing desired practices side views of objects, simple maps (of classroom,
Recognize the importance of cleanliness and sections of home / school, etc.) and slogans, poems,
familiarity with ways to keep house clean etc.
Suggest various ways to decorate/beautify
their houses.
Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Food We Eat Variety in food items Identify different food items eaten by people Describes need of food for people of different age
we eat groups; animals and birds, availability of food and
Nature of foods Infer the reasons for different foods water, and use of water at home and surroundings
consumed by different consumed by children, young and old people.
age groups
Food habits in different State reasons for people’s choice of foods Shows sensitivity for the elderly, and diverse family
parts of India and other they eat set ups in surroundings. abilities, choices – likes /
countries like Hong Describe different expressions and mudras dislikes, and access to basic needs such as food
Kong and their meanings
Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Saying without Expressing thoughts Become familiar with different expressions Shows sensitivity for the elderly, differently abled and
speaking without speaking and mudras and their meanings. diverse family set ups in surroundings.
Express emotions and thoughts using
different sense organs and body parts

People with special Know that different people have different
needs talents
Become sensitize to the needs of people with
different needs
Chapter 8 Topic Learning Outcomes Learning Outcome
Flying High Specific characteristics Observe birds and identify them on the basis Identifies simple features of birds in the immediate
seen in different birds of their special features surroundings
Habitats of birds Classify birds based on their habitat as Groups birds, features, activities according to
following: birds living on ground, in water, on differences / similarities using different senses.
trees, in house
Beaks of birds Know about different types of bird beaks
Correlate the shape and structure of bird’s
beak with their food habits
Sounds of birds Identify sound produced by different birds
Importance of feathers Explore the shape, size , colour and use of
bird feathers
Learn about the animals other than birds
that can fly
Draw birds and their beaks
Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
It’s Raining Scene of the rainy day Relate the importance of rain water for plants Observes, records observations, experiences,
and animals information on objects /activities /places visited in
Observe the changes in the sky and different ways in order to predict patterns
surroundings on a rainy day
Relate and report activities done on a rainy
Clouds Explore the things seen in sky during the Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, front,
rainy season like rainbow, black clouds etc. side views of objects, simple maps and slogans,
explained in the poem poems, etc.
Recognize the good and bad effects of rain
Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

What Is Cooking? Introduction to cooking List different utensils used in cooking Collects information, records it, and differentiates
utensils between objects and activities of present and past,
Methods of Cooking Know from elders about the utensils used in that is, in the early years of the elders in the family
Identify food items prepared using different
methods of cooking
Fuels used in cooking Identify the fuels used for cooking
Relate the effect of a particular fuel on
Make and state steps in preparing foods they
can make
Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Means of transport Enlist the different modes of transport and Identifies objects, signs /signboards, means of
From Here to reasons for choosing them for travel. communication and transport, places, activities at
There Become familiar with safety precautions and home /school / neighborhood
rules to be observed during travel.
Uses of different Classify vehicles on the basis of number of
vehicles wheels
Identify vehicles on the Identify fuels used by different vehicles to Collects information, records it, and differentiates
basis of sounds key run between objects and modes of transport of
produce Relate different uses of various vehicles present and past, that is, in the early years of the
elders in the family
Identify vehicles used for emergency service

Vehicles in present and Explore change in modes of transport

past through dialogue with elders
Use different material like match boxes to
make toy train and other means of transport.
Chapter 12 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Work We Do Different occupation Comprehend the given picture to know about Identifies among our neighborhood what work
the different works done by people different people do, the special skills /

Enlist various occupations your parents and qualification required for various work and
neighbors are engaged in shares their experiences in different ways.
Importance of school • Students identify various occupations Voices opinion on good /bad touch; stereotypes for
for all children children are involved in tasks /play /food /caste /age /economic condition
• Students articulate advantages of /gender in family and also w.r.t misuse /wastage of
attending school over working food and water in family and school
Work in a family Students list down different activities/chores Describes roles of family members, family influences
done in the school and at home /habits / practices, need for living together, through
List the activities done by different family oral / written /other ways.
Relate the importance of different types of
Locate discriminatory practices, if any, in
roles performed by different members in
their families
Chapter 13 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Sharing Our Taking care of Identify the problems and needs of old Shows sensitivity for the elderly, differently abled
Feeling’s grandparents people and diverse family set ups in surroundings.
Describe various ways to assist and help
elderly people
Special people Observe and identify people who are
physically challenged
Recognize Braille as a special way of reading
and writing for people who cannot see
Develop sensitivity towards old and
physically challenged people
Chapter 14 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The Story of Distribution of work in Identify the tasks done by various members Voices opinion on good /bad touch; stereotypes for
Food a family in different families. tasks /play /food /caste /age /economic condition
/gender in family and also w.r.t misuse /wastage of
food and water in family and school

Relate the roles of various member in Identifies relationships with and among family
different families and identify stereotypes members, what works they do, habits and shares the
experiences in different ways.
Sources of food Identify and enlist various sources of food as Observes, records observations, experiences,
obtained from plant and animal information on objects /activities /places visited in
Edible parts of a plant Identify and state the medicinal value of different ways in order to predict patterns
used as sources of food common plants
Recollect various home remedies used by
their mother for cure of common ailments
Enlist various parts of plants that are edible
Chapter 15 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Pottery Appreciate the ancient art of making pots Describes skilled workers, namely potters, their
Making Pots and realize its importance. skills, tools used by them, their inheritance (from
Become familiar with required materials elders)
different steps of making pots
Relate the use of baking pots and bricks in a
Methods of making pots Describe the different methods of making Collects information, records it, and differentiates
- Pinched and coil clay pots. between objects and activities of present and past,
method that is, at time of the elders in the family (e.g., vessels
used /
Make small pots using suggested procedures
Uses of Pots State different uses of pots in daily life
Chapter 16 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Games We Play Games played by List traditional games played by family Collects information, records it, and differentiates
different family members and their local names between activities of present and past, that is, in the
members Know the reason for less availability of time early years of the elders in the family (e.g., games
for children to play now a days played, activities done in leisure time by people)
Identify the activities done during leisure

Outdoor and indoor Differentiate between outdoor and indoor
games games
List few outdoor and indoor games

Number of players and Know about number of player and things Observes rules in games and other collective /group
things used in different used in different games tasks and undertake initiatives of care, share
games Relate the importance of rules to be followed empathy, leadership
in a particular game

Famous sports person Identify famous sports personalities
associated with various games
Chapter 17 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Here Comes a Journey of a letter Enlist various steps involved in the journey Identifies objects, signs /signboards, means of
Letter of letter from sender to receiver communication and transport, places, activities at
Realize the importance of a post office home /school / neighborhood
Describe a post office and its working
Different types of Name various other means of communication
letters like, mobile phones, e-mail, fax etc. which are
faster and effective than the conventional
Address on a letter Know the sequence and importance of Observes, records observations, experiences,
details written on the letter as address information on objects /activities /places visited in
Other modes of Name various other means of communication different ways in order to predict patterns /central
communication like, mobile phones, e-mail, fax etc. which are messages
faster and effective than the conventional
Chapter 18 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A House Like Kinds of houses Become familiar with the diversity in houses Identifies objects, places (types of houses /shelters,
This! Relate the structure of houses to the climatic in our neighborhood, different parts of the country
conditions of the place.

Special houses Describe the special types of houses found in Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, front,
Assam, Rajasthan, Dal Lake and Rajasthan side views of objects, simple maps and slogans,
Houses in cities Know about the features of a multi-story poems, etc.
Become aware regarding the problems faced
by homeless people in cities and places they
live (slums)
Materials used to build Enlist the materials used to build their house
houses (Pucca house)
Chapter 19 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Our Friends - Caring for animals Develop a concern for animals Identifies simple features of animals in the immediate
Animal State the joys of keeping pets surroundings

Comprehend our responsibilities to our pets

and other domestic animals
Different food habits of Enlist various types of food that partial Groups animals according to differences /
animals animals eat similarities using different senses.
Describe the types of food and ways of
feeding domestic / pet animals.
Interdependence Analyze the relationships between humans Describes need of food for animals’ availability of
between animals and and animals food and their dependence on humans.
human beings State various ways of interdependence
between animals and human beings
Compare and contrast the usefulness of
having animals in the ecosystem in order to
describe the importance of balance in the
Chapter 20 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Drop By Drop Know about the difficulties faced by people Describes the need of water for people of different
living in some areas for getting or fetching age groups; availability of water, and use of water at
water home and the problems faced by people living in
some parts of the country.


Scarcity of water

Become familiar with ways of Voices opinion on good /bad touch; stereotypes for
collecting/getting water and subtle gender tasks /play /food /caste /age /economic condition
bias in this activity. /gender in family and also w.r.t misuse /wastage of
food and water in family and school
Measure the volume of water in non- Estimates quantities;
standard units such as bucket, pots, spoon, of materials / activities in daily life and verifies using
mug etc. non-standard units in order to demonstrate critical
Estimate the quantity of water used for thinking.
different domestic activities
Collection of water Understand the concept of rain water Explores and reads pictures, posters, signboards,
collection in olden days in tanka (tanks) – books, audio-videos, tactile /raised material /
Rain water harvesting newspaper clippings, stories /poems, web resources,
Ways to save water Create a story describing a day without water documentaries, library and use other resources
in order to realize the importance of saving besides textbook, and demonstrates curiosity for the
water written word.
Know various methods of saving water at
home /school / any other place
Find out the means to reduce wastage of
water at home / school
Gather information about the ways to re-use
water at home and adopt these practice
Chapter 21 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Families Can Be Nature and types of Relate the importance of family and role of Describes roles of family members, family influences
Different families different family members (traits / features /habits / practices), need for living
Recognize that families can be of different together, through oral / written /other ways

Recall about small, joint and nuclear
families and identify the type of family they
belong to
Appreciate difficulties faced in particular
families and know about the ways to
accommodate them/adjust
Family tree Gather information about their family and Identifies relationships with and among family
compile it in the form of a family tree members, what works they do, their physical features
Characteristics of Identify and appreciate the similarity and and habits and shares the experiences in different
families differences among the family members and ways
Highlight the important features of a family Shows sensitivity for the elderly, and recognition of
diverse family set ups in our surroundings.
Chapter 22 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Left - Right Use of directions - left, Name the things present on left, right, front Uses signs /symbols /verbal skills in order to identify
right, front, behind, up and behind of an object / place etc. directions, location of objects / places in simple maps,
and down to locate Read map/sketch of an area in order to shortest routes (of home / classroom / school)
places locate various objects
Symbols and Sign Recognize the need for symbols and signs
List different signs/symbols and their
locations in order to describe the purpose of
putting the sign/symbols
Read symbols and signs in a sketch/map and Creates drawings, designs, sketch , top, front, side
locate place and objects views of objects, simple maps
Draw / make their own signs and symbols
and use a key to describe them in a
Draw a simple sketch/map of a place using
designed symbols and signs
Locate a place in the route map using given
directions and symbols

Chapter 23 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A Beautiful Cloth Variety in cloths Recognize the differences in clothes with Creates drawings, designs, motifs, models, top, front,
reference to their texture, colour and design. side views of objects, simple maps and slogans,
Visualize various uses of a particular cloth or poems, etc.
Weaving Explain technique of weaving and
demonstrate it using paper strips
Printing on cloth Gain knowledge of different techniques used
to make different patterns on clothes
Develop skills of vegetable printing and other
traditional arts to create different patterns
Chapter 24 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Interdependence Appreciate the interdependence of Describes the interdependence among plants, animals
Web of Life between living and organisms on each other and things and humans in the environment for food, shelter and
non-living things in appreciate their co-existence.
nature Identify various things they need in life to Identifies simple features of animals and birds in the
live immediate surroundings
Recognize food chain and food web existing
in nature
Realize the need to protect nature for Shows sensitivity for plants, animals and humans in
existence of mankind the surroundings.


Class 4

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learners may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to
Observe and explore the immediate surroundings, i.e., home, school and neighbourhood for
different objects /flowers / plants /animals /birds for their simple observable physical
features (diversity, appearance, movement, places of living, food habits, needs, nesting,
group behaviour, etc.)
Ask questions and discuss with family members /elders as to why some family members
stay together and others are away, interact with relatives, friends etc. who stay at far off
places, about the houses / transport and life in their place of residence.
Visit community / home kitchen / mandi / museum / wildlife sanctuaries / farms / natural
sources of water / bridges / construction sites / local industries / distant relatives, friends
/places famous for making special things such as paintings, carpets, handicrafts, etc.
Interact with people (vegetable sellers, flower sellers, beekeepers, gardeners, farmers,
drivers, health and defence personnel, etc.) And share experiences about their work, their
skills and tools used by them
Discuss with elders, the situations about changes in family with time, roles of different family
members, share their experiences and views on stereotypes / discrimination /unfair
treatment to people / animals /birds /plants in their home /school
Ask and frame questions and reflect on experiences without any fear or hesitation
Share their experiences and observations through drawing /symbols /tracing / gestures /
verbally and writing in some sentences and para in simple language
Compare objects and entities based on differences or similarities in the observable features
and sorts them into different categories
Discuss with the parents /guardians / grandparents /elders in the neighbourhood and
compare the life style of past and present (clothes, vessels, nature of work, games); inclusion
of children with special needs
Collect objects and material from their surroundings such as fallen flowers, roots, spices,
seeds, pulses, feathers, newspapers, magazine articles, advertisements, pictures, coins,
stamps and arrange them, etc. In an innovative manner
Perform simple activities and experiments to observe /smell /taste /feel /hear using
different senses as per their abilities e.g., to test solubility of different substances in water,
separate salt and sugar from water, and observe how fast a piece of wet cloth dries up (in
sun, in a room, rolled, flattened, with /without fan) blow hot, blow cold
Observe and share experiences of the phenomena, happenings, situations in daily life such
as how root, flowers grow, lifting of weight with /without a pulley etc. And use ways to check
/verify /test the observations through simple experiments and activities
Read train / bus tickets and time table, currency notes, directions to locate places on the
map, signboards
Manipulate local /waste material to create / improvise patterns, drawings, models, motifs,
collage, poem /story /slogans using variety of material. For example, using clay to make pots

/vessels, animals, birds, vehicles, making train, furniture from empty matchboxes,
cardboard, waste material etc.
Participate in different cultural /national / environmental festivals /occasions organised in
/at home /school /community, e.g., morning or special assembly / exhibition / Diwali, Oman,
earth day, Eid etc. In events of celebrations, dance, drama, theatre, creative writing etc. (e.g.,
Diya /rangoli /kite making / models of buildings /bridges etc. And sharing experiences
through stories, poems, slogans, reports about the events narration /creative writing (poem
/story) or any other creative tasks
Explore /read books, newspaper clippings, audio, stories, /poems, pictures /videos / tactile
/raised material /web resources / library and any other resources besides textbooks.
Enquire from parents, teachers, peers and elders at home /community, discuss, critically
think and reflect on experiences of children related to situations at home, school,
neighbourhood on reuse and reduction of waste, proper use and care of the public property,
care of different animals, water pollution and wastage, health, and hygiene
Enquire /care about participation of female members in stereotypical activities for play
/work, limited /restricted access of some children /persons /families (differently abled,
castes, the aged) to common places / resources, etc.
Participate actively and undertake initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by working
together in groups e.g., in different indoor /outdoor /local /contemporary activities and
games, carry out projects / role play for taking care of a plant(s), feed birds /animals, things
/elderly /differently abled around them.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
Identifies simple features (e.g., shape, Observes and explores the immediate
colour, aroma, where they grow /any surroundings, i.e., home, school and
other) of flowers, roots and fruits in neighbourhood for different objects /flowers /
immediate surroundings. plants, and identifies simple features of objects,
flowers, roots and fruits in immediate
Identifies different features (beaks Observes and explores the immediate
/teeth, claws, ears, hair, nests surroundings, i.e., home, school and
/shelters, etc.) of birds and animals. neighbourhood for different animals /birds and
identifies different features of birds and animals
Identifies relationship with and among Identifies relationship with and among family
family members in extended family. members in extended family.
Explains the herd /group behaviour in Explains the herd /group behaviour in animals,
animals (ants, bees, elephants), birds birds; changes in family
(building nests); changes in family
(e.g., due to birth, marriage, transfer,
Describes different skilled work Describes different skilled work (farming,
(farming, construction, art /craft, etc.); construction, art /craft, etc.); their skills, tools
their inheritance (from elders) and used by them, their inheritance (from elders) and
training (role of institutions) in daily training (role of institutions) in daily life

Explains the process of producing and Explains the process of producing and procuring
procuring daily needs (e.g., food, daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from
water, clothes) i.e., from source to source to home.
home. (e.g., crops from field to mandi
and home, water from local source and
ways of its purification at home /
Differentiates between objects and Explores and analyses objects and activities of past
activities of past and present. (e.g., and present in order to differentiate between
transport, currency, houses, materials, them.
tools, skills- farming, construction,
Groups the animals, birds, plants, Groups the animals, birds, plants, objects, waste
objects, waste material for observable material, places for observable features in order to
features. (e.g., on appearance (ears, compare based on differences or similarities and
hair, beaks, teeth, texture of skin sorts them into different categories.
/surface), instincts (domestic /wild,
fruit / vegetable / pulses / spices and
their shelf life) uses (edibility,
medicinal, decoration, any other,
reuse), traits (smell-taste, likes, etc.)
Guesses (properties, conditions of Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena),
phenomena), estimates spatial observes and shares experiences of the
quantities (distance, weight, time, phenomena, happenings, situations in daily life
duration) in standard /local units (kilo, (such as, how root, flowers grow, lifting of weight
gaz, pav etc.) and verifies using simple with /without a pulley etc.) and demonstrates
tools /setups to establish relation ways to check /verify /test the observations
between cause and effect. (e.g., through simple experiments and activities
evaporation, condensation,
dissolution, absorption; for places–
near / far, objects– size and growth;
shelf life of flower, fruit, vegetables)
Uses different senses as per their abilities to
observe /smell /taste /feel /hear while
performing simple activities and experiments
Estimates spatial quantities (distance, weight,
time, duration) in standard /local units (kilo, gaz,
pav etc.) and verifies using simple tools /set-ups
Establishes relation between cause and effect.
Records her observations Records her observations /experiences /
/experiences / information for objects, information for objects, activities, phenomena,
activities, phenomena, places visited places visited in different ways and predicts
(mela, festival, historical place) in patterns in activities /phenomena.
different ways and predicts patterns in
activities /phenomena.

Identifies signs, location of objects Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects
/places and guides for the directions /places and guides for the directions w.r.t a
w.r.t a landmark in school landmark in school /neighbourhood etc.
/neighbourhood using maps etc.

Uses the information on signboards, Uses the information on signboards, posters,
posters, currency (notes /coins), currency (notes /coins), railway ticket /time table.
railway ticket /time table.

Creates collage, designs, models, Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters,
rangolis, posters, albums, and simple albums, simple maps, flow diagrams, etc. using
maps (of school /neighbourhood, flow available material or local /waste material.
diagrams, etc.) using local /waste

Voices opinion on issues observed / Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced
experienced in, family / school / in, family / school / neighbourhood, e.g., on
neighbourhood, e.g., on stereotypes stereotypes (making choices / decision making
(making choices / decision making /solving problems), discriminatory practices on
/solving problems), discriminatory the basis of castes in use of public places, water,
practices on caste in use of public MDM / community eating, child rights (schooling,
places, water, mdm / community child abuse, punishment, labour)
eating, child rights (schooling, child
abuse, punishment, labour).
Suggests ways for hygiene, reduce, Suggests ways for personal and community
reuse, recycle and takes care of hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of
different living beings (plants, animals, different living beings (plants, animals, and the
and the elderly, differently abled elderly, differently abled people), and resources
people), resources (food, water, and (food, water, and public property).
public property).

Participates in different indoor /outdoor /local
/contemporary activities and games, carries out
projects / role play for taking care of a plant(s),
feed birds /animals, taking care of things /elderly
/differently abled in order to demonstrate
initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by
working together in groups.


Section III
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Going to school Mode of transport used Know about the ways children of different Explores and analyses objects and activities of past
by Children to reach parts of the country go to school and and present in order to differentiate between them.
School problems faced by them.
Identify different modes of transport used in
different regions
Relate the mode of transport to different land
forms viz. rocky path, dense forests, snow,
mountain etc.
Bridges Realize the importance of a bridge.
Identify various material used for
constructing different kinds of bridges.

Jugad Explain ‘Jugad’ in your own words with


Appreciate its usefulness in the Indian
No punishment in Reinforce the message of no punishment in Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in,
school school. family / school / neighborhood

Be self-disciplined.
Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Ear to Ear Animal ears Recognize animals by the nature of ears that Observes and explores the immediate
they have. surroundings, i.e., home, school and neighborhood
Name animals with external ears (we can see) for different animals /birds and identifies different
and with internal ears (we cannot see) features of birds and animals
Skin-Body covering Identify animals by the patterns of their skin. Groups the animals, birds, for observable features
Distinguish animals on basis of hairs / in order to compare based on differences or
feathers on their skin

similarities and sorts them into different
Egg laying Identify and differentiate between animals
animals/Giving birth to who lay eggs or give birth to young ones.
General Be sensitized to the extinction of animals
from our surroundings.
Draw animals, their ears and for make
animals using paper or other material.
Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A Day with Nandu Group behavior of Define a herd and give examples of animals Explains the herd /group behavior in animals, birds
animal that live in herds. and changes in family
Know important characteristic behavior of
animals/elephant living in a herd
Animal-human Give examples of animals that can be used for Participates in taking care of a plant(s), feed birds
interface riding or carrying loads. /animals, in order to demonstrate initiatives of
Relate to feelings of caged animals. care, share empathy, leadership by working
together in groups.
Develop love and sensitivity towards animals.
Draw and paint animal pictures.
Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The story of Amrita’s friend- A tree Be sensitized regarding trees / forests in Observes and explores the immediate
Amrita particular in Rajasthan surroundings, i.e., home, neighborhood for
different objects /flowers / plants, and identifies
simple features of objects, flowers, roots and fruits
in immediate surroundings
Importance of trees and Realize the importance of forest (plants) and Suggests ways for personal and community
animals animals hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of
Give reasons for decline in number of birds. different living beings (plants, animals, and the
elderly, differently abled people), and resources
Develop a concern of care for plants and
(food, water, and public property).

Adopt practices to protect plants and animals.
Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Anita and the Dream of a School Realize the importance of education and Explains the herd /group behavior in animals
honey bees equal opportunity to all
Know about Right to Education- RTE Act
Becoming Bee - Keeper Know about insects that live in groups and Describes different skilled work (farming, their
division of labor amongst them. skills, tools used by them and training (role of
Gain knowledge about bees and their institutions) in daily life
Become familiar with steps in bee keeping.
Appreciate and imbibe the value of being
independent and taking responsibility.
Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Omana’s Diary Dairy Reading Comprehend the story of train journey from Records her observations /experiences /
Gandhi Dham to Kerala from description. information for objects, activities, phenomena,
Know about various persons like ticket places visited in different ways and predicts
checker, guard, coolie, driver etc. and their patterns in activities /phenomena.
Describe a platform scene.
Become familiar with steps in booking of a
railway ticket.
Map reading skill Read map and get an idea about distance Uses maps and identifies signs, location of objects
between places. /places and guides for the directions w.r.t a
landmark in school /neighborhood etc.
Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
From the window Train journey Relate the difference to outside scenes while Records her observations /experiences /
continues… on a train journey in relation to climatic information for objects, activities, phenomena,
conditions of the region. places visited in different ways and predicts
Bridges and Tunnels Realize the importance of building bridges patterns in activities /phenomena.
and Level Crossing and tunnels en-route train journey.

State reasons for high smoke and loud noise
at level crossings.
Become aware of safety precautions at level
Various culture Become familiar with diversity in languages,
clothes, food and landforms of different
states of India.
Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Reaching Different modes of Know about different modes of transport Uses the information on signboards, currency
Grandmother’s transport and their uses (notes /coins), railway ticket /time table
house Rail Ticket Read a train-ticket and find out train
number, date of journey, tax, birth and coach
numbers distance etc.
Railway Time-Table Know the use of railway time table
Can read timetable and calculate distance
and travel time between places.
Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Changing Families Changing nature of Accept that changes are a part of life.
family. Explains the changes in family (e.g., due to birth,
Give reasons for change in family viz. birth of marriage, transfer, etc.)
a new baby, transfer of a working member, a
wedding in the family etc.
Relate to changes/adjustments as a
consequence of these changes and adapt to
Become familiar with special food, clothes,
songs and dances performed during wedding
in different families.
My family- Yesterday, Identify changes in their own family as a
Today and Tomorrow result of education and use of technology.

Empathize with the children who drop out of
school for various reasons
Relates age of marriage as per Law on Child
Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu Game of kabaddi Develop sportsmanship Participates in different indoor /outdoor /local
Tu Know the rules of the game kabaddi. /contemporary activities and games, carries out
Know different names of this native games in projects for taking care of things share empathy,
different parts of India leadership by working together in groups

Playing together Recognize the need to follow the rules of the


Name other games in which one has to touch

a person, thing or colour.

Discrimination and Recognize discrimination in games, on the Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in,
Biases basis of gender, caste and class family / school / neighborhood.
Advocate and observe equal opportunity in
all in sports.
Name some sportspersons who won medals
in Olympic games.

Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The Valley Of The world of flowers Appreciate the beauty and importance of Observes and explores the immediate
Flowers flowers surroundings, i.e., home, school and neighborhood
Become aware in variety in colors shape, for different flowers / plants, and identifies simple
hues, shapes, size aroma of flowers and features of , parts of flowers, roots and fruits in
group them accordingly. immediate surroundings

Recognize Madhubani as folk art form of
Blooming buds Draw, identify and understand the parts of a
Identify flowers which on trees bushes,
water creepers.
Identify flowers by their scents.
Differentiate between a bud and flowers.
Uses of flowers Recognize the different uses of flower. Creates collage, designs, models, rangolis, posters,
Name flowers which are used for making albums, simple maps, flow diagrams, etc. using
medicine. available material or local /waste material.
List scents/perfumes.
List flowers used on special occasions and
Name flowers which are used for making
List the different ways flowers are sold.
Map reading skill Locate Uttarakhand, U.P. Maharashtra and
Kerala on the map of India, the places famous
for flowers
Miscellaneous Know the technique to dry flowers and use it
to make pretty cards.
Become familiar with flowers associated with
songs/poems that are sung on different
Chapter 12 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Changing Times A big move Relate to freedom struggle partition of India Differentiates between objects and activities of past
and displacement of persons. and present.
Changing Houses Identify the different types of houses and
materials used of constructing them with
charging times.

Enlist the difference in the nature of toilets
instructed in the past and present.
Sensitize them to concerns of people who
clean toilets.
Recognize the differences in Kitchen
construction in the past and present.
Imagine future houses and materials used for
their construction.
Construction of houses Name the persons and tools used by them for
construction of a house. Suggests ways for personal and community
hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of
Become aware of the approximate cost of different living beings (plants, animals, and the
construction materials. elderly, differently abled people), and resources
(food, water, and public property).
Make model of houses using different waste- Creates, designs, models, using available material
materials. or local /waste material.
Chapter 13 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A River’s Tale Journey of river Trace the journey of a river from mountain to Explains the process of producing and procuring
sea. daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from
Recognize colour changes and other changes source to home.
in water through picture reading.
Become aware of plants, trees animals and
birds found in and around water bodies.
How does water Locate reasons responsible of making water Establishes relation between cause and effect. (e.g.,
become dirty? dirty. evaporation, condensation, dissolution, absorption,
Demonstrate extent of solubility of different etc.)
substances in water.
Suggest ways to keep rivers clean.

Predict the effect of seasons on water bodies.

Ways of cleaning water Gain knowledge of the methods of making Uses different senses as per their abilities to
water safe for drinking observe /smell /taste /feel /hear while performing
simple activities and experiments.
Chapter 14 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Basva’s Farm Growing a crops Recognize the variety in nature of crops Describes different skilled work (farming,
grown in different regions/areas. construction, etc.); their skills, tools used by them,
Describe different steps in cultivating a crop. their inheritance (from elders) and training (role of
Recognize the importance of removing institutions) in daily life
Reason out the need for involvement of all
farming members at various steps during
State measures to ensure good yield and
return for the farmer.
Agriculture tools Identify different agricultural tools, their
local names and purposes.
Chapter 15 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Daily routine of a Narrate the daily routine of vegetable sellers. Explains the process of producing and procuring
vegetable seller Relate the importance of starting the day daily needs (e.g., food, water, clothes) i.e., from
early and working long hours. source to home.
Appreciate the importance of all family
members in sorting of fruits and vegetables.
From Market to Ways of keeping Enlist different ways to keep vegetables and
Home vegetables fresh fruits fresh for a longer time

Identification of fruits Differentiation and classify fruits and Groups the plants for observable features in order
and vegetables vegetables on the basis of season, colour, size, to compare based on differences or similarities and
shape, texture, seeds, smell etc. sorts them into different categories.

Identify fruits and vegetable that spoil quickly
and those that can stay for some days.

Weighing & selling of Know the measures used for selling Estimates spatial quantities (weight) in standard
fruits and vegetables vegetables and fruits like dozen, kilograms /local units (kilo, gaz, pav etc.) and verifies using
etc. simple tools /set-ups

Chapter 16 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

World of animals and Identify animals that live on land, in water Observes and explores the immediate
birds and on trees surroundings, i.e., home, school and neighborhood
Bird’s and nests Become familiar with variety of nests and for different birds and identifies different features
A Busy Month materials used in their making . of birds.
Know the reasons for making of nests by the
Becomes acquainted with the how and what
mother birds feed to their young ones.
Name the enemies of birds and bird’s eggs.
Variety in Beaks and Identify the nature of different kinds of Groups the animals, birds for observable features in
feet of birds bird’s feet and their purpose. order to compare based on differences or
Identify variety in beaks and relate nature of similarities and sorts them into different
beak to the kind of food they eat. categories.
Animal Teeth Recognize variety in nature of teeth in
different animals and relate to the kind of
food consumed by them.
Become familiar with the different kinds of
human teeth
Miscellaneous Draw birds, bird’s nests, animals, birds beak
Chapter 17 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Life in rural and urban Differentiate between ways of living in rural Suggests ways for personal and community
India and urban areas. hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of
Compare the size and nature of houses in different living beings (the elderly people), and
Nandita in Mumbai rural, and urban areas (both slums and high- resources (food, water, and public property).
rise buildings)

Make a comparative list of facilities available
in rural and urban areas.
Water and sanitation Compare water and toilet facilities in rural
slum and high-rise buildings.

Check the availability of electricity in

different kinds of homes.

Life in slums Identify the problems of people living in Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in,
slums like shortage of water family /neighborhood,
Chapter 18 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Relate the harmful effects of drinking dirty Suggests ways for personal and community
Polluted Water unclean water. hygiene, reduce, reuse, recycle and takes care of
Too Much Water Name some water based diseases and their different living beings (plants, animals, and the
Too Little Water symptoms. elderly, differently abled people), and resources.
Uneven distribution of Become sensitized to uneven distribution of
water. water and consequent water shortage.
Purification of water Gain knowledge of methods of purification of Explains the process of producing and procuring
water daily needs (e.g., water) i.e., from source to home.
Miscellaneous Conduct a water survey and find out ways to
stop wastage of water.
Chapter 19 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Roots & its function Recognize different kinds of roots. Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena),
Abdul in the Recognize the importance of water for plants. observes and shares experiences of the
Garden Postulate the ways plants get water if nobody phenomena, happenings, situations in daily life
waters them. (such as, how root, flowers grow etc.) and
Recognize unusual roots and their functions. demonstrates ways to check /verify /test the
Growing a plant. Conduct an activity to grow seeds and record observations through simple experiments and
their observations. activities
Become aware of laws against cutting trees.
Make a list of other things that grow including
human beings.

Chapter 20 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Eating Together Community eating Imbibe the virtue/value of sharing and doing Records her observations /experiences /
things together information for objects, activities, phenomena,
Bihu -Festival of Assam Explore the narrative to find out places visited (mela, festival) in different ways and
- Special food prepared predicts patterns in activities /phenomena.
- Special dresses worn
- Temporary shed for feasting together
- Bhela Ghar
Mid-Day Meal Collect necessary information regarding Mid- Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in,
Day Mean Scheme and their right to complain, family / neighborhood,
if unhappy with the quality of food or other
Chapter 21 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Food and Fun Visit to Gurudwara Relate the importance of Langar in a Records her observations /experiences /
Gurudwara information for objects, activities, places visited
Community Kitchen Know various tasks and appreciate the (religious places) in different ways and predicts
participation of different members in patterns in activities /
community in various ways.
Food in a boarding Discover the facts about life in boarding
school schools
Get acquainted with food prepared and
served regularly on festive occasions.
Chapter 22 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Relationship and Relate the importance of caring and concern Identifies relationship with and among family
decision making in a for different interests of family members. members in extended family.
family Know about various decisions taken in a
family and persons who take them.
The World in My Gender Discrimination Become sensitized to gender discriminatory Voices opinion on issues observed / experienced in,
Home practices in a family. family / school / neighborhood.

Family Values Appreciate the importance of values
exhibited by elders in the family and acquire
Caste and religious Become sensitized to discriminatory
practices practices on the basis of caste and religion in

Good and Bad touch Become sensitized to good and bad touch
and other abuses.
Chapter 23 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Pochampalli Pochampalli- Art of Know about traditional art of weaving Describes different skilled work (, art /craft, etc.);
weaving Pochampalli sarees and carpet weaving in their skills, tools used by them, their inheritance
different parts of India (from elders) and training (role of institutions) in
Become sensitized about reasons for daily life.
extinction of traditional handicrafts
Process of weaving Know the steps involved in weaving- From
thread to cloth
Appreciate and realize the role of all
members of the family in the process
Traditional occupation Recognize various traditional occupations
and jobs are learnt from elders in a family
Chapter 24 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Home and Abroad Kerala and its Know about Kerala and Abu Dhabi’s climate, Uses the information on signboards, currency
landforms houses, trees and plants, food, clothes (notes /coins)
people, language and currency.
Compare Kerala and Abu Dhabi on various
Comparison of Describe the salient features of the two Groups the plants, objects, places for observable
Kerala and Abu Dhabi travel destinations : people ,culture, food features in order to compare based on differences
habits ,weather conditions and currencies of or similarities and sorts them into different
Abu Dhabi (UAE)and Kerala (India) categories.
Chapter 25 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Spicy Riddles Importance & use of Identify various spices by touch and smell Observes and explores the immediate
spices Recognize the importance of spices in food surroundings, i.e., flowers / plants, and identifies
and cooking. simple features of flowers, roots and fruits in
Know the medicinal value of various species immediate surroundings
Name the places in India where maximum
spices are grown
Uses of spices Understand that spices add flavor to food
and also have medicinal value
Garam masala Enlist spices for making garam masala Groups the plants for observable features in order
to compare based on differences or similarities and
sorts them into different categories.
Miscellaneous Prepare some simple dishes like chat

Make riddles for different spices

Chapter 26 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Defense Officer : Girl child education Recognize difficulties faced by girls to get Describes different skilled work defense services
Wahida education in Indian Villages their skills and training (role of institutions) in
Inspire children to dream big and develop a daily life
resolve to become an achiever.
Defense services Enlist three defense forces of India and their
State various jobs and ranks in defense
Contribution of women’ Appreciate women achievers and their
in society contribution in today’s world
Chapter 27 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Chuskit Goes to Chuskits Dream to go to Relate to the problems faced by special Participates in different indoor /outdoor /local
School school people in hilly areas. activities, carries out projects / role play for taking

Get motivation to help others and work in a care of differently abled in order to demonstrate
group initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by
Special people Develop sensitivity to the needs of differently working together in groups.
abled people.
Recognize the importance of equipment and
special facilities like wheelchair and ramp
for special people at.


Class 5

Section I
Pedagogical processes suggested by NCERT
The learners may be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to
Observe and explore the animals for the unique and unusual sense of sight, smell, hear, sleep,
and their response to light, heat, sound etc.
Explore the sources of water in their neighbourhood, and how fruit, vegetables, grains, water,
reach their home and kind of processes /techniques employed to convert grain to flour and
flour to roti, purification of water etc.
Share experiences and discuss about the information collected or places visited with peers,
teachers and elders
Prepare guide routes to reach from one place to another
Collect information from pictures / elders / books / newspapers / magazines /web re-
sources / museums etc. About animals which have very sharp sense of hearing, smell and
vision, different landforms such as plain area, hilly area, deserts, etc. And the varieties of flora-
fauna, lives of people in such places
Discuss with teachers and elders and use pictures, paintings, visit museums and collect
information related to the lives for food, shelter, availability of water, means of livelihood,
practices, customs, techniques, of different regions and different time periods
Visit petrol pumps, nature centres, science parks, water treatment plant, bank, health centre,
wildlife sanctuaries, cooperative, monument, museum and if possible, far off places with
different landforms, lifestyles and livelihoods, etc. To observe and interact with people living
there and share experiences in different ways
Observe and share experiences for different phenomena such as how water evaporates,
condenses, and dissolves different substances under different conditions, and how food gets
spoilt, how seeds germinate and the direction in which roots, shoot grow and conduct simple
experiments and activities to find out the same
Conduct activities and simple experiments to check the properties / features of different
objects / seeds / water /waste materials, etc.
Observe, explore surroundings and critically think how seeds reach from one place to another,
how the plants and trees grow at places where no one plants them e.g., forests, who waters
them and who owns them
Visit the night shelters, people living in camps, old age homes, in surroundings and interact
with old and /or differently abled and who change their means of earning to find out where
do people belong to and why they left their places, where their ancestors had been living for
ages, migration of people and debate on various such issues in the surroundings
Enquire from parents, teachers, peers and elders at home /community to critically think and
discuss to reflect on experiences of children related to situations at home, school,
Discuss freely with peers, teachers and elders about the biases, prejudices, and stereotypes by
providing counter examples to one another

Visit departments / bodies in the surroundings e.g., bank, jal board, and hospital and disaster
management body and interact with related people and interpret different documents related
to them
Watch videos on different types of landforms and the variety of life forms found in such places,
different institutions which cater to the need of societies, behaviour of animals, water scarcity,
etc. Followed by meaningful discussions and debates on occupations that derive from the
peculiar geographical characteristics of different regions
Perform simple activities, record the observations in the form of table / sketch / bar graph /
pie chart / oral / written form, etc. Interpret and present their findings
Discuss issues of living beings (plants and animals) as rightful inhabitants of earth, animal
rights and ethical treatment to animals
Share experiences of people who work selflessly for common good and what motivates them
Participate actively and undertake initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by working
together in groups e.g., in different indoor /outdoor /local /contemporary activities, games,
dance, fine art, carry out projects /role play for taking care of a plant(s), feed birds /animals,
things / elderly /differently abled around them
Conduct mock drills for emergency and disaster preparedness.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner —
Explains the super senses and unusual Explains the unique super senses and unusual
features (sight, smell, hear, sleep, sound, features of animals and their responses to light,
etc.) Of animals and their responses to light, sound, food etc.
sound, food etc.
Explains the use of technology and the Explains the use of technology and the process
process of accessing basic needs (food, of accessing basic needs (food, water etc.) in
water etc.) In our daily life. (e.g., farm our daily life. (
produce to kitchen; grains to roti,
preservation techniques, storage and
tracking of water source)
Describes the interdependence among Describes the interdependence among animals,
animals, plants and humans. (e.g., plants and humans.
communities earning livelihood from
animals, dispersal of seeds etc.)
Explains the role and functions of different Explores and explains the role and functions of
institutions in daily life. (bank, panchayat, different institutions in daily life.
cooperatives, police station, etc.)
Establishes linkages among terrain, climate, Establishes linkages among terrain, climate,
resources (food, water, shelter, livelihood) resources (food, water, shelter, livelihood) and
and cultural life. (e.g., life in distant /difficult cultural life.
areas like hot /cold deserts)
Groups objects, materials, activities for Groups objects, materials, activities for
features and properties such as– shape, features and properties such as– shape, taste,
taste, colour, texture, sound, traits etc. colour, texture, sound, traits etc.

Traces the changes in practices, customs, Traces the changes in practices, customs,
techniques of past and present through techniques of past and present through coins,
coins, paintings, monuments, museum etc. paintings, monuments, museum etc. and
And interacting with elders. (e.g., interacting with elders.
cultivation, conservation, festivals, clothes,
transport, materials or tools, occupations,
buildings and houses, practices activities
like cooking, eating, working)
Guesses (properties, conditions of Guesses (properties, conditions of
phenomena), estimates spatial quantities phenomena), estimates spatial quantities
(distance, area, volume, weight etc.) And (distance, area, volume, weight etc.) and time,
time in simple standard units and verifies in simple standard units, and verifies using
using simple tools /set ups. (e.g., floating / simple tools /set ups.
sinking / mixing /evaporation
/germination /spoilage /breathing /taste)
Observes and shares experiences for different
phenomena and conducts simple experiments
and activities to find out more about the same.
Records observations and experiences; Uses tables /sketches /bar graphs /pie charts
information in an organised manner (e.g., in to record and interpret observations,
tables / sketches / bar graphs / pie charts) experiences and information in an organised
and predicts patterns in activities / manner and predicts patterns in activities /
phenomena (e.g., floating, sinking, mixing, phenomena to establish relation between
evaporation, germination, spoilage) to cause and effect.
establish relation between cause and effect.
Identifies signs, directions, location of Identifies signs, directions, location of different
different objects /landmarks of a locality / objects /landmarks of a locality /place visited
place visited in maps and predicts directions in maps, and predicts directions in context of
in context of positions at different places for positions at different places for a location
a location
Creates posters, designs, models , set ups, Creates posters, designs, models, set ups, local
local dishes, sketches, maps (of dishes, sketches, maps (of neighbourhood
neighbourhood / different places visited) /different places visited) using a variety of local
using a variety of local /waste material and /waste material and writes poems / slogans
writes poems / slogans /travelogue etc. /travelogues etc. in in order to demonstrate
creativity and reflection skills.
Voices opinions on issues observed / Voices opinions on issues observed
experienced and relates practices / /experienced and relates practices
happenings to larger issues of society. (e.g., /happenings to larger issues of society.
discrimination for access /ownership of
resources, migration / displacement /
exclusion, child rights)
Suggests ways for hygiene, health, managing Suggests ways for hygiene, sanitation, health,
waste, disaster /emergency situations and managing waste, disaster /emergency
protecting /saving resources (land, fuels, situations and protecting /saving resources
forests, etc.) And shows sensitivity for the (land, fuels, forests, etc.) and shows sensitivity
disadvantaged /deprived. for the disadvantaged /deprived.

Participates in different group activities -
(indoor /outdoor /local /contemporary
activities, games, dance, fine art), and carries
out projects /role play for taking care of a
plant(s), feed birds /animals, things / elderly
/differently-abled to demonstrate initiatives of
care, share empathy, leadership, etc.


Section III
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Super senses Sense organs of different Identify sense organs of different animals like Explains the unique super senses and unusual
animals. ants, bees, birds, snakes, dogs, tigers etc. features (sight, smell, hear, sleep, sound, etc.) of
Know about the special senses of different animals and their responses to light, sound,
animals and the functions enabled through food etc.
Compare the vision of birds and animals with
human beings
Identify various ways birds and animals
Relate the importance of special sounds made
by various animals
Sleeping & waking Compare the sleeping and waking pattern of
patterns of animals. some animals
Protection of animals Identify various threats to animals Describes the interdependence among animals,
plants and humans.
Name some national parks and sanctuaries
Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A Snake Charmer’s Life Style of Kalbeliyas Describe the life style of people of Kalbeliya Describes the interdependence among animals,
Story tribe plants and humans.
Suggest possible works/occupations for
Snake and Snake Describe a day in the life of a snake charmer
Charmer Name some poisonous snakes
Interdependence of Become familiar with the ways snakes help
snakes/animals and humans/farmers
humans Explore the feelings of caged animals and
develop empathy towards them

Miscellaneous Collect information regarding other animals
which people keep for their livelihood
Know the foods, eating habits, care and other
things about these animals
Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
From Tasting to Different tastes Identify different foods through taste and Groups objects, materials, activities for features
Digesting smell and properties
Locate different taste zones on the tongue
Recognize the importance of proper chewing of
Digestion of Food Approximate the major steps in digestion Observes and shares experiences for different
process and organs involved phenomena and conducts simple experiments
Infer that different food items take different and activities to find out more about the same.
time for digestion.
Recognize glucose as an instant energy giving
Importance of proper Visualize the feelings of being hungry
food every child’s right Relate the importance of proper food for
Become sensitized to disparities in access of
food to different sections of society
Advocate/support for every child’s right to
proper food
Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Mangoes Round the Spoilage of food Identify various reasons for spoilage of Explains the use of technology and the process
Year different food items of accessing basic needs (food, water etc.) in our
Relate effect of season to spoilage of food daily life.
List simple methods by which food items could
be kept fresh.
Methods of Food Perform a simple activity to demonstrate
Preservation various changes in food items due to spoilage

State the steps in making of Maidi Tandra i.e.
Aam Papd
Know the different techniques of preservation
of food and develop relevant skills
State the reason for drying of glass jars and
bottles before filling them with pickles

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Seeds and Seeds Germination of seeds. Know the different stages in the germination of Observes and shares experiences for different
seed. phenomena and conducts simple experiments
State the conditions necessary for a seed to and activities to find out more about the same.
Observe to infer the requirements of the plant
for its growth
Identify seeds which grow fast and those which
take time to grow
Name plants that grow without seeds
Classify seeds into various categories viz.
small/big; light/heavy; flats/rounds;
fruits/vegetables/spices etc.
Dispersal of seeds. Identify various ways seeds that travel from Describes the interdependence among animals,
one place to another plants and humans.
Miscellaneous Name plant(s) which gathers food by hunting
List plants that have come from other countries
to India
Appraise the incident that lead to the
discovery of Velcro.
Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Every Drop Counts Water sources and Observe and identify different sources of
strong in olden days water.

Identify traditional sources of water storage Traces the changes in practices, customs, and
and convention viz step wells, lake, well etc. techniques of past and present through
Recognize various pots used to store water in monuments and interacting with elders.
earlier days
Reason out why the old structure systems of
water collection are dysfunctional
Customs related to Know about various customs and festivals
water related to water.
Ways of getting water at List different ways people get water in their
homes houses
Becomes sensitized to related to unequal access
of water to people
Miscellaneous Become familiar with the ways traditional Voices opinions on issues observed
water bodies can be restored. /experienced and relates practices /happenings
Read a water bill and calculate the rate to larger issues of society.
Appreciate the contribution of Al-Birani’s book
to know past

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Experiments with Water floats List the things that float and sink in water Guesses (properties, conditions of phenomena),
Water State the reason for floating and sinking of estimates spatial quantities (, volume, weight
objects etc.) and verifies using simple tools / set ups.
Relate the reason or floating of objects in Dead
Solubility of different Perform an activity to identify objects and Observes and shares experiences for different
objects things that are soluble and insoluble in water phenomena and conducts simple experiments
Realize that some substances can be separated and activities to find out the same.
after getting dissolved in water
Where did the water go Relate the processes of drying things in sun and
reduction in quantity of water on heating (

State the process of salt making
Appreciate the significance of Dandi March
during freedom struggle to indigenous
preparation of salt

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

A Treat for Mosquitoes and diseases Know that malaria spreads only by the disease Suggests ways for hygiene, sanitation, health,
Mosquitoes caused by them carrying mosquitoes. managing waste and shows sensitivity for the
State the symptoms of malaria. disadvantaged /deprived.
Know the ways to cure and prevent malaria.
Identify important stages in the life cycle of a
Name other diseases caused by mosquitos
Blood test- clinical Relate the importance of blood test for
pathology report diagnosis of diseases like malaria and anemia
Read a blood test report to identify presence of
malaria and hemoglobin levels
Anemia Become sensitized to the extent of prevalence
of anemia
State reasons for the occurrence of anemia
Identify major symptoms of anemia
Relate the importance of eating green leaves,
vegetables to cure anemia
Miscellaneous Relate the importance of conducting a Creates posters, designs, models, set ups, local
systematic investigation by Ronald Ross to dishes, sketches, maps (of neighborhood
discover that mosquitos cause malaria /different places visited) using a variety of local
Conduct a survey to find out water collection /waste material and writes poems / slogans
in their neighborhoods with a view to check /travelogues etc. in in order to demonstrate
spread of malaria creativity and reflection skills.
Design a poster on prevention of malaria
Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Up You Go! Adventure in Describe and draw a mountain path Establishes linkages among terrain, climate,
mountaineering List the things which mountaineers carry with resources and cultural life.
State the steps in putting a tent up on the
Name tools used in climbing
Narrate the experience of author while crossing
the river
Recognizing challenges during mountaineering
Leader’s role Know the responsibilities of a leaders
Appreciate the diversity of Language in India
Be encouraged to learn other languages for
better communication
Landmarks in Name the first women to reach the peak of
mountaineering Mount Everest
State the journey of Bachhendri Pal
Miscellaneous Name other adventure activities
Narrate and write about their personal
adventurous journey
Draw a national flag
Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Walls Tell Golconda fort Name the king who constructed the Golconda Traces the changes in practices, customs,
Stories fort techniques of past and present through coins,
Visualize the efforts required to bring paintings, monuments, museum etc. materials
materials from different places or tools, occupations, buildings and houses
Name features which ensured safety of the fort
Identify the arrangements made for air, light &
water in the fort
Appreciate craftsmanship’s and carvings
List tools used for carving

Relate features of the fort which helped
residents to see things at adjacent and in many
State the reasons for war between kings
Name weapons used in wars in earlier times
Identify materials of weapons used
Relate the historical significance of fort
Monuments as a source Recognize monuments and museums as a Identifies signs, directions, location of different
of knowledge about our source of knowledge about past objects /landmarks of a locality /place visited in
past Relate various other courses of history maps, and predicts directions in context of
Identify various items kept in a museum and positions at different places for a location.
their significance

Miscellaneous Read map and find directions

Imagine the life of people in earlier times – food
habits, clothes worn, recreational activities etc.
and express it in different ways viz. writing,
acting and drawing
Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Sunita in Space Our Universe-Sun, Get an accurate idea about the shape Establishes linkages among terrain, climate,
moon, earth & other Recognize different objects in the universe resources
planets Approximate the size, shape and colour of
satellite, stars, moons etc.
Observe night sky and identify stars, satellites
and other objects
Identify different phases of the moon
Name festivals related to the moon
Look at the globe and identify different
countries, oceans, seas etc.
Identify different states on a map of India

Infer that lines drawn on globe and maps are
not real
Give reasons for why do we see stars only at
Relate why in a slide we slide down and not go
Spaceship Describe the way different activities happen in
Relate journey of Sunita William and Kalpana
Chawla and encouraged to do best
Chapter 12 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
What if it Finishes? Vehicles and Fuels Name different types of vehicles and the fuel Suggests ways for protecting /saving resources
they used fuels) and shows sensitivity for the usage of
Identify vehicles which emit smoke and natural resources.
produce noise
Become aware of the problems as a
consequence of smoke and noise produced by
Limited Resource Petrol Know the way petrol and diesel are obtained
and Diesel Identify the ways petrol and diesel are used
Name states having oil-fields
Recognize the need to save oils
Identify other minerals obtained from earth
State the reasons for increase in price of petrol
& diesel
Suggest practices and ways to save diesel and
petrol/use petrol and diesel judiciously
Use of Wood Recognize the use of wood as a fuel by 2/3rd of
Indian families and its harmful effects

Miscellaneous Interpret a bar chart showing changes in full Uses bar graphs to record and interpret
use over 20 years observations, experiences and information in an
Imagine the nature of fuels that would be used organized manner and predicts patterns in
in future activities to establish relation between cause and
Make a poster/write a slogan with a message effect.
on saving fuel
Chapter 13 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A Shelter so High Cold desert Define a cold desert and distinguish it from a Establishes linkages among terrain, climate,
hot and dry desert resources (food, water, shelter, livelihood) and
Differentiate between types of houses in cultural life.
plains, hills and cold desert
Know the life style of the people of Leh
Relate the reason for difficulty in breathing at
hilly places
The Changpa Tribe State the meaning of Changpa

Kashmir Identify the characteristic features of Changpa
tribe livelihood, kind of house etc.
Recognize the variety of houses found in Sri
Nagar and Jammu and their characteristic
Relate the type of houses to climate and needs
of people
Miscellaneous Identify various states and their capitals en-
route Mumbai to Manali
Relate the experience of living in a tent
Know the characteristic features of a Pashmina

Identify different materials used for making
various kinds of houses
Chapter 14 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
When the Earth Disaster Define a ‘Disaster.’ Suggests ways for managing disaster
Shook Recognize various natural disasters- /emergency situations and protecting /saving
earthquake, famine and draughts flood etc. resources (land, forests, etc.) and shows
Know the effects of earthquake and other sensitivity for the disadvantaged /deprived.
Protection Know various ways to help one another during
a calamity
Become acquainted with the ways to protect
like building safe houses with special designs
Relief Agencies Appreciate the role of Government and
voluntary agencies which help and provide
relief during disasters
Name some voluntary agencies and
government bodies that assist
Miscellaneous Make a list of emergency services with their
addresses and phone numbers
Identify the works of an engineer and an
Write a report about disaster
Chapter 15 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Blow Hot Blow Cold Air we breathe in and Recognize that air we breathe out can be hot or Uses tables to record and interpret
out cold compared to temperature outside and can observations, experiences and information in an
be used for different purposes organized manner and predicts patterns in
Cite different examples to demonstrate use of activities to establish relation between cause
hot and cold air and effect.
Observe the changes in the size of chest while

Relate the difference in rate of breathing to
different activities
Name musical instruments which are played by
blowing air into them
The clock inside Recognize a stethoscope and its function
Listen to the heart beat and count it
Flow of Air Locate the direction of air flow using paper
snake Groups objects, materials, activities for features
and properties such sound, etc.

Chapter 16 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Who will do this Different types of jobs Recognize various jobs people do Suggests ways for hygiene, sanitation, health,
Work Differentiate between jobs people like and managing waste, and shows sensitivity for the
dislike to do and relate the reasons disadvantaged /deprived.
Cleanliness job Recognize the importance of cleanliness in our
Appreciate the work done by different people
and develop an attitude of respect and dignity
towards them
Become sensitive to issue of untouchability
and discrimination
Gandhiji & Social reform Get acquainted with the work of Gandhiji to
end discriminatory practices
Miscellaneous Analyze practices in today’s living to develop Explores and explains the role of social
sensitivity reformers and functions of different institutions
in daily life.
Chapter 17 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Across the Wall Games for Girls and Name various games boys and girls play Participates in different group activities -
Boys List reasons for discouragement of girls to play outdoor local activities, games to demonstrate
some games initiatives leadership .

Recognize problems faced by girls during play

A good player and team Recognize the ability to play well and
perseverance as important characteristics of a
good player
Recognize that cooperation among team
members is a strength of a team
Miscellaneous Develop sensitivity towards gender
discriminatory practice
Identify women achievement in different fields Voices opinions on issues observed
/experienced and relates practices /happenings
to larger issues of society.
Chapter 18 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
No Place for us Village life Describe the living of people in a village Voices opinions on issues observed
Know different things children learn from /experienced and relates practices /happenings
elders in a village to larger issues of society.
Migration/displacement State various reasons for migration of people
from one place to another
Identify the difficulties and problems faced by Suggests ways for managing /protecting/saving
people when they shift to a new place resources hygiene, sanitation, and shows
Relate to various adjustments people have to sensitivity for the disadvantaged /deprived.
make when they shift.
Chapter 19 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
A Seed Tells a Traditional /modern Compare the changes in agricultural practices Explains the use of technology and the process
Farmer’s Story methods of farming over the year nature of crops, tools, procedure of accessing basic needs
State the reasons for these changes

Relate the advantages and disadvantages of
modern farming practice
State the reason for people choosing other jobs
instead of than faming

Foods and Festivals Observe and report changes in foods we eat in
earlier times and now
Relate the journey of a seed: from seed to plant
Name special foods cooked on different Traces the changes in practices, techniques of
occasions past and present
Name festivals celebrated related to farming in
different seasons in different States
Develop of clear concept of technology and
Do a survey of farming practices Voices opinions on issues observed
/experienced and relates practices
/happenings to larger issues
Chapter 20 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Whose Forest? Forests Define a forest and relate to its importance Describes the interdependence among plants
Describe the lives of forest dwellers and humans’ animals
State the reasons for disappearing of forests
and people moving away to cities

Know about ‘Right to Forest Act, 2007’ and its
Recognize forest as collective bank/wealth and
dangers of its extinction
Become aware of problems associated with
building, dame, roads, mining etc.
Become inspired by Suryamani’s Tarang for
conservation of songsm music, language etc.
Farming in Mizoram Relate the uniqueness of farming practices in Suggests ways for protecting /saving resources
Mizoram /forests /etc. and shows sensitivity for the
Become familiar with interesting jhoom tribal community.
farming followed to Mizoram.
Miscellaneous Suggest ways to save forests

Chapter 21 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Like Father, Like Inheritance Trace physical traits, features and habits that Groups individuals, features and properties
Daughter are common between children, parents and such as – colour, sound, traits etc.
Identify the similarities and differences
between siblings and twins
Infer that these resemblances between parents
and children are inherited
Relate to Gregor Medal’s experiments for
clarity of inheritance of traits
Environmental Recognize that skills and things learnt are due
to environmental differences
Name ailments like polio, skills and abilities
that we acquire from the environment
Miscellaneous Do survey in class about family to trace Observes and shares experiences for different
similarities and differences of traits in different phenomena and conducts simple experiments
people and activities to find out more about the same.
Chapter 22 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
On the Move Again Handless farmers Know the problems faced by landless farmers Voices opinions on issues observed
Recognize their need for borrowing money and /experienced and relates practices /happenings
taking loan from money lenders to larger issues of society.
Know who is Makadem?
Become aware of consequences of borrowing

Explores and explains the role and functions of

Education of children of Infer the reason for discontinuing of education different institutions in daily life.
landless farmers for children of landless farmers
Know and suggest ways for continuity of
education of landless farmers

Farming practice Name the crop which can be grown in areas
where there is no rain
Become acquainted with various methods of
Compare the farming practices of different
kinds of farmers
Miscellaneous Know the meaning of loans, debt and agent
Know of various works/jobs for which people
need to stay away from families




Class 6

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner is to be provided with opportunities in pairs /groups / individually in
an inclusive setup and encouraged to—
Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. Seeing, touching, tasting,
smelling, hearing
Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing
appropriate activities, role plays, debates, use of ICT, etc.
Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference / make generalisations and share
findings with peers and adults
Exhibit creativity presenting novel ideas, new designs /patterns, improvisation, etc.
Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest reporting,
judicious use of resources, etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The Learners
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, Examines observable features, i.e.,
plant fibres, flowers, on the basis of observable appearance, texture, function, aroma, etc. in
features, i.e., appearance, texture, function, order to identify materials and organisms
aroma, etc.

Differentiates materials and organisms, such Examines and explains properties, structure
as, fibre and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; and functions of materials and organisms, in
electrical conductors and insulators; on the order to differentiate them
basis of their properties, structure and

Classifies materials, organisms and processes Uses observable properties, in order to
based on observable properties, e.g., materials classify materials, organisms and processes
as soluble, insoluble, transparent, translucent
and opaque; changes as can be reversed and
cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs,
trees, creeper, climbers; components of habitat
as biotic and abiotic; motion as rectilinear,
circular, periodic etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek Conducts simple investigations on his /her
answers to queries, e.g., what are the food own in order to seek answers to queries
nutrients present in animal fodder? Can all
physical changes be reversed? Does a freely
suspended magnet align in a particular


Relates processes and phenomenon with Examines and explains processes and
causes, e.g., deficiency diseases with diet; phenomenon in order to relate them with
adaptations of animals and plants with their causes
habitats; quality of air with pollutants, etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., Explains processes and phenomena in order
processing of plant fibres; movements in to relate to science behind the phenomena
plants and animals; formation of shadows; /processes and develop scientific thinking
reflection of light from plane mirror; variations skills.
in composition of air; preparation of
vermicompost, etc.
Measures physical quantities and expresses in Measures physical quantities in order to
SI units, e.g., length express the measurement in SI units,

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of Draws labelled diagrams /flow charts of
organisms and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; organisms and processes in order to
joints; filtration; water cycle, etc. demonstrate knowledge of structure
/processes /relationships.
Constructs models using materials from Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g., surroundings and explains their working in
pinhole camera, periscope, electric torch, etc. order to demonstrate scientific knowledge
and understanding of how it works

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- Applies learning of scientific concepts in
to-day life, e.g., selecting food items for a daily life /real life situations in order to
balanced diet; separating materials; selecting solve problems /give solutions /take
season appropriate fabrics; using compass preventive measures /etc.
needle for finding directions; suggesting ways
to cope with heavy rain / drought, etc.
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., Makes efforts to apply to daily life the
minimising wastage of food, water, electricity understanding of environment and steps to
and generation of waste; spreading awareness conserve it, in order to contribute to the
to adopt rain water harvesting; care for plants, protection of the environment:
Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, Designs, plans, makes use of available
making use of available resources, etc. resources, etc. in order to exhibit creativity.
Exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, Designs, plans, makes use of available
cooperation, freedom from fear and prejudices. resources, etc.in order to exhibit values of
honesty, objectivity, cooperation, freedom
from fear and prejudices.


Section III
Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Analyze the food items in order to Identify the Identifies materials and organisms, such as, plant fibres, flowers,
1) Food: Where does it ingredients used in different food items. on the basis of observable features, i.e., appearance, texture,
come from? Identify the sources of ingredients which are used to function, aroma, etc.
prepare food items.
Observe different food ingredients in order to Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., minimising wastage
recognize if their origin is from the part of the plant of food, water, electricity and generation of waste; spreading
and recognize the respective part awareness to adopt rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.
List the animal products in order to understand how
we depend on them for our food.
Categorize organisms into Herbivores, carnivores & Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
omnivores based on their food habits or nutrition observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be reversed
and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper,
climbers; components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion as
rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Improvise an activity to test the nutrients present in the given queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
food items & critique their utility in adequate, inadequate & animal fodder? Can all physical changes be
excess proportions. reversed? Does a freely suspended magnet align in
2) Components of food a particular direction?

Explain the function of each nutrients in order to discuss the Relates processes and phenomenon with causes,
importance of nutrients in good health. e.g., deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of
Hypothesize consequences of eliminating any one major animals and plants with their habitats; quality of
nutrients in order to make a healthy food choice. air with pollutants, etc.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-
day life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced
Design a balance diet plan in order to provide body sufficient diet; separating materials; selecting season
nutrients it need to function properly. appropriate fabrics; using compass needle for
finding directions; suggesting ways to cope with
heavy rain / drought, etc.
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
Improvise an activity to test the nutrients present in the given
minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and
food items & critique their utility in adequate, inadequate &
generation of waste; spreading awareness to
excess proportions.
adopt rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre and yarn;
Examine various fabrics in order to predict what tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors and insulators; on the
they are made up of. basis of their properties, structure and functions

Classify the given fabrics as Natural or Synthetic Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
based on their source. observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be
Describe the processing of cotton and jute fibres
reversed and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs, trees,
into yarn in order to conclude the required
creeper, climbers; components of habitat as biotic and abiotic;
conditions to grow them.
3) Fibre to Fabric motion as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing of plant
Explain the various processes of making yarn from fibres; movements in plants and animals; formation of shadows;
fibres in order to create the fabric. reflection of light from plane mirror; variations in composition
of air; preparation of vermicompost, etc.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life, e.g.,
selecting food items for a balanced diet; separating materials;
Outline the history of textile industry in our
selecting season appropriate fabrics; using compass needle for
finding directions; suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain /
drought, etc.


Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, plant fibres,
List the objects around us in order to analyse flowers, on the basis of observable features, i.e., appearance,
the materials they are made up of. texture, function, aroma, etc.

Observe the appearance of the materials in

order to differentiate them as lustre and non- Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre and
lustre material. yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors and
Plan and conduct an investigation in order to insulators; on the basis of their properties, structure and
classify different kinds of materials by their functions
observable properties.
Examine the materials by compressing or
scratching them in order to categorize them as
hard and soft material.
4) Sorting materials into groups Observe the change in the shape of object added Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
to water in order to categorize them as soluble
transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be
and insoluble materials.
reversed and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs,
Plan and conduct an investigation for various
trees, creeper, climbers; components of habitat as biotic and
objects to classify them based on whether the
abiotic; motion as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
object sink or float in water
See through the objects in order to classify them
into opaque, transparent and translucent.
Plan and conduct an investigation in order to
classify different kinds of materials by their Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
observable properties. e.g., what are the food nutrients present in animal fodder? Can
Plan and conduct an investigation for various all physical changes be reversed? Does a freely suspended
objects to classify them based on whether the magnet align in a particular direction?
object sink or float in water

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Identify properties of given items and select a Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
property that would help them easily separate the observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
items from each other. transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be
Arrives at logical conclusion that certain specific reversed and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs, trees,
methods can be employed to separate solid creeper, climbers; components of habitat as biotic and abiotic;
mixtures based on the size, colour or weight of the motion as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Examine the solubility of salt in water in certain Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries, e.g.,
conditions in order differentiate the solution as what are the food nutrients present in animal fodder? Can all
saturated and unsaturated. physical changes be reversed? Does a freely suspended magnet
align in a particular direction?

Outlines methods that can be adapted in everyday Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing of plant
life situations such as separation of husk from fibres; movements in plants and animals; formation of
5) Separation of substances grains, separation of fine sand from coarse sand shadows; reflection of light from plane mirror; variations in
Carries out some of the improvised procedures of composition of air; preparation of vermicompost, etc.
separation of insoluble solids from liquids in a
given situation
Explains how multiple processes can be employed
when the mixture has a soluble and insoluble
Outlines methods that can be adapted in everyday Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life, e.g.,
life situations such as separation of husk from selecting food items for a balanced diet; separating materials;
grains, separation of fine sand from coarse sand selecting season appropriate fabrics; using compass needle for
Arrives at logical conclusion that certain specific finding directions; suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain /
methods can be employed to separate solid drought, etc.
mixtures based on the size, colour or weight of the

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
Classifies these changes based on interpretations transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be
into reversible and irreversible changes reversed and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs, trees,
creeper, climbers; components of habitat as biotic and abiotic;
motion as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
6) Changes around us
Organizes the observation to make generalizations
about various changes Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries, e.g.,
Illustrates with examples of changes to find out the what are the food nutrients present in animal fodder? Can all
factors that can bring about specific changes physical changes be reversed? Does a freely suspended magnet
Checks the effect of various factors on materials align in a particular direction?
with the help of simple activities

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre and yarn;
Compare the roots of different plants in order to tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors and insulators; on the
classify them into tap roots and fibrous roots. basis of their properties, structure and functions

Compare the features of Herbs, Shrubs & Trees in

order to classify them considering their physical
features / appearance
Analyze the parts of a plant and their function to in Classifies materials, organisms and processes based on
7) Getting to know plants order to classify them into root and shoot system observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble, insoluble,
List the characteristics of plants with weak stems transparent, translucent and opaque; changes as can be
in order to classify them into creepers and reversed and cannot be reversed; plants as herbs, shrubs, trees,
climbers. creeper, climbers; components of habitat as biotic and abiotic;
Recognize patterns on leaves of different plants in motion as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
order to classify them into reticulate venation and
parallel venation.
Compare the roots of different plants in order to
classify them into tap roots and fibrous roots.

Examine the stems of different plants and design an
activity to demonstrate water conduction through Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries, e.g.,
stem (from roots). what are the food nutrients present in animal fodder? Can all
Deduce the relation between leaf venation and the physical changes be reversed? Does a freely suspended magnet
types of roots in a plant in order to identify the align in a particular direction?
types of roots without pulling it out.
Examine the stems of different plants and design an
activity to demonstrate water conduction through
stem (from roots).
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing of plant
Demonstrate the process of transpiration in order
fibres; movements in plants and animals; formation of shadows;
to describe the functions of the leaf.
reflection of light from plane mirror; variations in composition
Explain the process of photosynthesis in order to
of air; preparation of vermicompost, etc.
describe the functions of the leaf.
Outline / list the functions of root in the plant with
the help activities.
Apply knowledge of parts of plants to decipher
features of plants / specimens provided
Identify the different parts of the leaf in order to
draw a labelled diagram.
Recognize patterns on leaves of different plants in Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of organisms and
order to classify them into reticulate venation and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; joints; filtration; water cycle, etc.
parallel venation.
Compare the roots of different plants in order to
classify them into tap roots and fibrous roots.
Illustrate the structure of a (typical) flower with at
least 6 labelling & elaborate on each (Labelling)
Examine the stems of different plants and design an Constructs models using materials from surroundings and
activity to demonstrate water conduction through explains their working, e.g., pinhole camera, periscope, electric
stem (from roots). torch, etc.

Apply knowledge of parts of plants to decipher Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life, e.g.,
features of plants / specimens provided selecting food items for a balanced diet; separating materials;
selecting season appropriate fabrics; using compass needle for
Outline / list the functions of root in the plant with
finding directions; suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain /
the help activities.
drought, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, plant
Identify the type of joints in human body & their extent of fibres, flowers, on the basis of observable features, i.e.,
movement /motion appearance, texture, function, aroma, etc.

Classifies materials, organisms and processes based

on observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble,
insoluble, transparent, translucent and opaque;
Predict the classes that different organisms belong based on
changes as can be reversed and cannot be reversed;
their movement
plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper, climbers;
components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion as
rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
8) Body movements Compare the characteristics features of body movements of Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
various organisms deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of animals
and plants with their habitats; quality of air with
Predict the possible reasons for animals showing different gaits
pollutants, etc.
Compare and contrast between bones in different parts of Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of organisms
human body and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; joints; filtration;
Identify the structure and function of skeletal system. water cycle, etc.

Constructs models using materials from surroundings

Demonstrate how muscles work in order to explain its functions, and explains their working, e.g., pinhole camera,
periscope, electric torch, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre
Differentiate between the terrestrial & aquatic habitats based on and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors
their abiotic factors. and insulators; on the basis of their properties,
structure and functions

Classifies materials, organisms and processes based

on observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble,
insoluble, transparent, translucent and opaque;
Summarize the key features of living organisms that contribute
changes as can be reversed and cannot be reversed;
to their survival in their habitats
plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper, climbers;
components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion
as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
9)The living organisms- Devise an experiment to show the importance of abiotic factors
animal fodder? Can all physical changes be reversed?
Characteristics and for the growth & sustenance of life on earth Does a freely suspended magnet align in a particular

Summarize the key features of living organisms that contribute

to their survival in their habitats
Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
Infer reasons for effects produced on inhabitants, as an
deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of animals
extension of their features meant for survival in their habitats
and plants with their habitats; quality of air with
Critique the idea that the absence of any one feature
pollutants, etc.
characteristic of a habitat, might not affect the balance of the
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing
Structure evidence of features contributing towards diversity of of plant fibres; movements in plants and animals;
life within a single habitat, into one note, taking into formation of shadows; reflection of light from plane
consideration specific habitats mirror; variations in composition of air; preparation
of vermicompost, etc.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Apply knowledge of life processes in studying a specimen for separating materials; selecting season appropriate
signs of life fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
10) Motion and Compare the measurement of length for an object using a
measurement of scientific instrument and an unscientific instrument in order to Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre
distances differentiate between standard and non-standard units of and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors
measurement and insulators; on the basis of their properties,
Distinguish between rest and motion in order to classify objects as structure and functions
in motion or at rest.
Classifies materials, organisms and processes based
on observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble,
insoluble, transparent, translucent and opaque;
Distinguish between rest and motion in order to classify objects as
changes as can be reversed and cannot be reversed;
in motion or at rest.
plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper, climbers;
components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion as
rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Check out the procedures to find the errors associated with
queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
finding measurements using standard measurement devices
animal fodder? Can all physical changes be reversed?

Does a freely suspended magnet align in a particular

Hypothesize reasons for utilisation /usage of Standard units of

Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
Explain the distortion in the size of continents when represented
deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of animals
on a world map in order to explain the effect of projection from a
and plants with their habitats; quality of air with
3D shape to a 2D plane
pollutants, etc.
Find out the similarities and differences between the two objects
10) Motion and
based on the types of motion
measurement of
Construct a device by choosing appropriate materials in-order to
measure length of given objects

Summarize the rules associated with the measurement of length.

Check out the procedures to find the errors associated with
Measures physical quantities and expresses in SI units,
finding measurements using standard measurement devices
e.g., length
Compare the measurement of length for an object using a

scientific instrument and an unscientific instrument in order to

differentiate between standard and non-standard units of


Apply scientific inquiry to measure the length of an object in order

to approximate the length of a curved line

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Sequence different modes of transport from earliest to the most
separating materials; selecting season appropriate
recent in order to suggest possible modification required in
fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
current scenario.
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
Sequence different modes of transport from earliest to the most
minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and
recent in order to suggest possible modification required in
generation of waste; spreading awareness to adopt
current scenario.
rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.


Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Distinguishes objects based on the following features- emission of Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre
light by them and visibility through them. and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors
and insulators; on the basis of their properties,
Distinguish between shadows & reflections. structure and functions

Concludes that there should be a source of light, opaque object

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing
and a surface for shadows to form.
of plant fibres; movements in plants and animals;
Summarizes the characteristics of image formed by a pinhole
formation of shadows; reflection of light from plane
mirror; variations in composition of air; preparation
Makes conclusion about the nature of reflection shown by a plane
11) Light, shadows of vermicompost, etc.
and reflections
Represents working of a pinhole camera diagrammatically Constructs models using materials from surroundings
and explains their working, e.g., pinhole camera,
Makes conclusion about the nature of reflection shown by a plane periscope, electric torch, etc.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Evaluates criteria for formation of shadows and makes judgment
separating materials; selecting season appropriate
about situations like, shadow of an airplane flying at a higher
fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
altitude and shadow of a bird flying nearer to the ground,
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre
Distinguish between complete and incomplete circuit with a well and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors
labelled figure and insulators; on the basis of their properties,
12) Electricity and circuits structure and functions

Test items to classify them as conductor and insulator in order to Classifies materials, organisms and processes based
examine the role of conductors and insulators in day-to-day life. on observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble,

insoluble, transparent, translucent and opaque;
changes as can be reversed and cannot be reversed;
plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper, climbers;
components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion
as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Analyze the flow of current in a simple electric circuit with queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
battery, bulb and wires to identify necessary condition to ensure animal fodder? Can all physical changes be reversed?
flow of current. Does a freely suspended magnet align in a particular

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., processing

of plant fibres; movements in plants and animals;
Describe the structure and function of the electric cell formation of shadows; reflection of light from plane
mirror; variations in composition of air; preparation
of vermicompost, etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of organisms
Distinguish between complete and incomplete circuit with a well and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; joints; filtration;
labelled figure water cycle, etc.

Analyze the flow of current in a simple electric circuit with

battery, bulb and wires to identify necessary condition to ensure Constructs models using materials from surroundings
flow of current. and explains their working, e.g., pinhole camera,
Make a simple working model of an electric switch with easily periscope, electric torch, etc.
available materials
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Infer why metals like copper and aluminium are used for making separating materials; selecting season appropriate
wires for domestic & industrial purposes fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,
Infer why metals like copper and aluminium are used for making Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
wires for domestic & industrial purposes minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and

generation of waste; spreading awareness to adopt
rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Classifies materials, organisms and processes based
on observable properties, e.g., materials as soluble,
insoluble, transparent, translucent and opaque;
Classify the given substances as magnetic & nonmagnetic based
changes as can be reversed and cannot be reversed;
on their ability to be attracted by magnets along with examples.
plants as herbs, shrubs, trees, creeper, climbers;
components of habitat as biotic and abiotic; motion
as rectilinear, circular, periodic etc.
Outline the events responsible for the discovery of natural Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
magnets. queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
Suggest an activity to determine the poles of a magnet animal fodder? Can all physical changes be reversed?
Analyze what happens when two magnets are placed together in Does a freely suspended magnet align in a particular
13) Fun with magnets direction?
order to conclude the property of magnet.

Create a direction finder in order to find the direction. Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g.,
Make a magnet in order to demonstrate how artificial magnets pinhole camera, periscope, electric torch, etc.
can be created.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
separating materials; selecting season appropriate
Create a direction finder in order to find the direction.
fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, plant
List down all the sources of water in order to conclude the major fibres, flowers, on the basis of observable features,
14) Water
source of water. i.e., appearance, texture, function, aroma, etc.

Attribute the natural calamities like drought & floods to Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
disturbance in water cycle deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of animals
Predict what will happen if rain doesn't happen in order to and plants with their habitats; quality of air with
explain the significance of rain. pollutants, etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
processing of plant fibres; movements in plants and
Argue the important role played by trees /plants in water cycle animals; formation of shadows; reflection of light
from plane mirror; variations in composition of air;
preparation of vermicompost, etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of organisms
Create a model of the water cycle in order to explain the and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; joints; filtration;
processes that take place during water cycle. water cycle, etc.

Constructs models using materials from

Create a model of the water cycle in order to explain the surroundings and explains their working, e.g.,
processes that take place during water cycle. pinhole camera, periscope, electric torch, etc.

Compute the amount of water required per person annually

Attribute the natural calamities like drought & floods to Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
disturbance in water cycle life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Infer the problems may arise due to heavy rainfall in order to separating materials; selecting season appropriate
suggest possible measures that can be taken. fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
Predict what will happen if rain doesn't happen in order to suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,
explain the significance of rain. etc.
Evaluate the consequences of mismanagement of water or
excessive usage of ground water.
Infer the problems may arise due to heavy rainfall in order to Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
suggest possible measures that can be taken. minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and
Evaluate the consequences of mismanagement of water or generation of waste; spreading awareness to adopt
excessive usage of ground water. rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.

Devise the possible strategies for individual / community level
Rain water Harvesting techniques.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Conduct experiments in order to prove the presence of air around
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
queries, e.g., what are the food nutrients present in
Execute an improvised plan to test the presence of CO2, oxygen,
animal fodder? Can all physical changes be reversed?
water vapour, nitrogen, dust and smoke in air.
Does a freely suspended magnet align in a particular
Prove the presence of air in water and soil in order to explain how direction?
oxygen becomes available to animals and plants.
Relates processes and phenomenon with causes,
e.g., deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of
Outline the causes & effects of Air pollution
animals and plants with their habitats; quality of air
with pollutants, etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
processing of plant fibres; movements in plants and
Prove the presence of air in water and soil in order to explain how
animals; formation of shadows; reflection of light
15) Air around us oxygen becomes available to animals and plants.
from plane mirror; variations in composition of air;
preparation of vermicompost, etc.
Depict the composition of air using pie chart Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts of organisms
and processes, e.g., parts of flowers; joints; filtration;
Illustrate Oxygen cycle using well labelled figure water cycle, etc.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day

life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
separating materials; selecting season appropriate
Critique the importance of air for the sustenance of life on earth
fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
Critique the importance of air for the sustenance of life on earth
minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and

generation of waste; spreading awareness to adopt
rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, fibre
Compare distinguishing features between compostable and yarn; tap and fibrous roots; electrical conductors
waste and non-compostable waste, in connection with and insulators; on the basis of their properties,
properties of the end product structure and functions

Hypothesize on the reasons for layering the composting pit Relates processes and phenomenon with causes,
with different types of materials e.g., deficiency diseases with diet; adaptations of
Infer reasons for success or failure of vermicomposting, animals and plants with their habitats; quality of air
considering steps involved and resultant products, etc. with pollutants, etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
processing of plant fibres; movements in plants and
Infer reasons for success or failure of vermicomposting,
animals; formation of shadows; reflection of light
considering steps involved and resultant products, etc.
from plane mirror; variations in composition of air;
16) Garbage in, Garbage out preparation of vermicompost, etc.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day
life, e.g., selecting food items for a balanced diet;
Discuss the waste management system in your community in
separating materials; selecting season appropriate
order to explain the process of garbage disposal by 'Safai
fabrics; using compass needle for finding directions;
suggesting ways to cope with heavy rain / drought,
Investigate their own trash consumption in order to
formulate alternatives to offset trash production in their Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g.,
household. minimising wastage of food, water, electricity and
Design a method to ensure effective disposal of garbage, in generation of waste; spreading awareness to adopt
connection with knowledge of different types of wastes, rain water harvesting; care for plants, etc.
their properties, etc.

Outline possible means of dealing with a specific type of
Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, making
waste (Plastics), in connection with composting, reuse,
use of available resources, etc.
recycle, reduce etc


Class 7

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner is to be provided with opportunities in pairs /groups / individually in
an inclusive setup and encouraged to —
Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. Seeing, touching, tasting,
smelling, hearing
Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing
appropriate activities, role plays, debates, use of ICT, etc.
Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference / make generalisations and share
findings with peers and adults
Exhibit creativity presenting novel ideas, new designs /patterns, improvisation, etc.
Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest reporting,
judicious use of resources, etc.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learners -
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, Examines observable features, i.e.,
animal fibres; types of teeth; mirrors and appearance, texture, function, aroma, etc. in
lenses, on the basis of observable features, i.e., order to identify materials and organisms
appearance, texture, functions, etc.
Differentiates materials and organisms such Examines and explains properties,
as, digestion in different organisms; unisexual structure and functions of materials and
and bisexual flowers; conductors and organisms, in order to differentiate them
insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
substances; images formed by mirrors and
lenses, etc., on the basis of their properties,
structure and function
Classifies materials and organisms based on Explains properties /characteristics of
properties /characteristics, e.g., plant and materials and organisms in order to classify
animal fibres; physical and chemical changes them
Conducts simple investigations to seek Conducts simple investigations on his /her
answers to queries, e.g., can extract of coloured own in order to seek answers to queries
flowers be used as acid-base indicator? Do
leaves other than green also carry out
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of
many colours?
Relates processes and phenomena with Examines and explains processes and
causes, e.g., wind speed with air pressure; phenomenon in order to relate them with
crops grown with types of soil; depletion of causes
water table with human activities, etc.

Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., Explains processes and phenomena in order
processing of animal fibres; modes of transfer to relate to science behind the phenomena
of heat; organs and systems in human and /processes and develop scientific thinking
plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric skills
current, etc.
Writes word equation for chemical reactions, Writes word equation in order to express
e.g., acid-base reactions; corrosion; chemical reactions
photosynthesis; respiration, etc.
Measures and calculates e.g., temperature; Measures and calculates in order to
pulse rate; speed of moving objects; time demonstrate understanding of
period of a simple pendulum, etc. measurability of various scientific
processes /phenomena
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., Draws labelled diagrams /flow charts of
organ systems in human and plants; electric organisms /structures /processes in order
circuits; experimental set ups; life cycle of silk to demonstrate knowledge of structure
moth, etc. /processes /relationships
Plots and interprets graphs e.g., distance- time Plots graphs on the basis of given data, in
graph order to interpret it
Constructs models using materials from Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g., surroundings and explains their working in
stethoscope; anemometer; electromagnets; order to demonstrate scientific knowledge
newton’s colour disc ,etc. and understanding of how it works
Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific Discusses stories of scientific discoveries
discoveries /inventions, both orally and in writing, in
order to critically appreciate them.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to- Applies learning of scientific concepts in
day life, e.g., dealing with acidity; testing and daily life /real life situations in order to
treating soil; taking measures to prevent solve problems /give solutions /take
corrosion; cultivation by vegetative preventive measures /etc
propagation; connecting two or more electric
cells in proper order in devices; taking
measures during and after disasters; suggesting
methods for treatment of polluted water for
reuse, etc.
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., Makes efforts to apply to daily life the
following good practices for sanitation at understanding of environment and steps to
public places; minimising generation of conserve it, in order to contribute to the
pollutants; planting trees to avoid soil protection of the environment.
erosion; sensitising others with the
consequences of excessive consumption of
natural resources, etc.
Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, Designs, plans, makes use of available
making use of available resources, etc. resources, etc.in order to exhibit creativity.
Exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, Designs, plans, makes use of available
cooperation, freedom from fear and prejudices resources, etc.in order to exhibit values of
honesty, objectivity, cooperation, freedom
from fear and prejudices

Section III
Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in

Examine different methods of nutrition in order to different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
differentiate between autotrophic and conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
heterotrophic nutrition substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the
basis of their properties, structure and function

Evaluate other plants in their surroundings &
classify them as autotrophs, heterotrophs, Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
saprotrophs, parasitic or symbiotic based on their /characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and
nutritional requirements chemical changes
1. Nutrition in Plants

Categorize features of insectivores, saprophytes and Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
symbionts, based on their similarities.
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
Evaluate if leaves that are red, purple/colours other
e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
than green might show lesser photosynthetic
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
activity than green leaves
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?

Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
Construct the cause & effect model of plant rotation
speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
done by farmers
depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
Recall details/definitions specific to autotrophic
mode of nutrition in plants / photosynthesis / Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal
detection of photosynthetic activity of fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in
plants/nutrients other than carbohydrates, in plants human and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric
Define Nutrition & its importance to living current, etc.

Elaborate the photosynthetic process in plants
List the nutrients and sunlight requirements in
plants in order to explain how these are fulfilled

through enquiry activity

Relate the nutritional requirements of different
organisms (plants & animals) to the environment or
surroundings for survival
1. Nutrition in Plants
Describe the process of photosynthesis with the Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base
help of word/chemical equation reactions; corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc.

Draw a schematic diagram of a section through a

leaf in order to pictorially represent photosynthesis Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ systems in
human and plants; electric circuits; experimental set ups; life
cycle of silk moth, etc.

Establish the relationship between Rhizobium

bacteria & leguminous plants

Chapter no Learning Goals Learning Outcomes
2.Nutrition in animals
Illustrate human digestive system with the help of a Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal fibres; types
well labelled diagram & elaborate the process & of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis of observable features,
function of each part i.e., appearance, texture, functions, etc.

Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in
different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers; conductors
Compare & contrast the features of digestive system of
grass-eating animals with those of humans.
and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral substances;
images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the basis of their
properties, structure and function

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
Classifies animals based on their modes of feeding. /characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and

chemical changes

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries, e.g.,

Perform the starch test on raw and chewed food in can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base indicator?
order to infer the role of saliva. Do leaves other than green also carry out photosynthesis? Is
white light composed of many colours?

Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal

Recall details pertaining different modes of acquiring
fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in human
and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric current, etc.

Summarize the functions of Human digestive system.

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ systems in
Recall details pertaining to nutrition in amoeba
human and plants; electric circuits; experimental set ups; life
Illustrate human digestive system with the help of a cycle of silk moth, etc.
well labelled diagram & elaborate the process &
function of each part

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Examine selective breeding process for obtaining

special characters in the offspring, e.g. soft under Classifies materials and organisms based on properties

hair in sheep /characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and
chemical changes
Compare coarse beard hair & soft under hair of
animals based on their utility
Examine selective breeding process for obtaining Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
special characters in the offspring, e.g. soft under speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
3. Fibre to Fabric hair in sheep depletion of water table with human activities, etc.

Outline the steps involved in processing of fibres Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal
into wool fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in
Outline the steps involved in obtaining silk from human and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric
current, etc.

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ systems in
Describe and illustrate diagrammatically the life
human and plants; electric circuits; experimental set ups; life
cycle of silk moth
cycle of silk moth, etc.

Critique the risk factors associated with wool
3. Fibre to Fabric industry & appreciate the efforts of people involved
in it

Explain the significance of silk in textile industry Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific discoveries

Evaluate the contribution of silk in Indian Economy

and appreciate our weavers for the intricate &
dedicated efforts

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in
different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
Distinguish the Clinical thermometer from Laboratory
thermometer (range, least count, units of measurement)
conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the
basis of their properties, structure and function

List precautions while using a clinal and laboratory
4. Heat thermometer in order to identify the role of a kink.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
Devise an activity or elaborate a situation to show the
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?
rate of thermal conduction, convection & radiation


Devise an activity to show that woolen clothes are
insulators/ poor conductors of heat

Critique the need for Laboratory thermometer while
doing experiments in the laboratories

Explain why a substance remains in the same Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
temperature in a Thermos flask or vacuum bottle speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;

depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
Corelate the modes of transfer of heat to the usage of
different clothes in different parts of the world (Polar,
temperature, tropical, etc.)

Observe the heating and cooling of objects in order to
4. Heat Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal
describe conduction
fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in
Apply the concept of convection to heating of land and
water in order to predict the description of land and sea
human and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric
breeze current, etc.
Categorize a given substance as hot & cold by a reliable
measure (using temperature without touching)
Measures and calculates e.g., temperature; pulse rate; speed
Distinguish the Clinical thermometer from Laboratory of moving objects; time period of a simple pendulum, etc.
thermometer (range, least count, units of measurement)

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Examine the common substance used at home based on Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in
taste and touch and classify them as acidic or basic different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
Summarizes observations with respect to behavior of
indicators in acidic and basic solutions substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the
5. Acids, Bases and Salts basis of their properties, structure and function
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
Identify neutralization reactions and its characteristics
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?


Summarizes observations with respect to behavior of
indicators in acidic and basic solutions

Identify neutralization reactions and its characteristics Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base
5. Acids, Bases and Salts
reactions; corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc.
Illustrates neutralization reactions seen in everyday life
Evaluate the effectiveness of certain neutralization
reactions employed in everyday life, based on observed Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific discoveries

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Infer the effects which help you to identify a physical

Summarize various features accompanying chemical
change Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal fibres;
1. Physical and types of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis of observable
Evaluate a given set of changes (in everyday life) on features, i.e., appearance, texture, functions, etc.
chemical changes attributes of physical or chemical changes to distinguish
between them
Defend why rusting of iron is a chemical change
Differentiates physical changes from other changes Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
(periodic changes etc) in order to characterize the /characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and
common feature of physical changes chemical changes

Design an experiment to prevent rusting by eliminating/
controlling a particular condition for rusting
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
Illustrate the usage of crystallization in purification of
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?
various salts

Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
Judge why better crystallization occurs at lower
speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
depletion of water table with human activities, etc.

6. Physical and chemical Extrapolate the understanding of chemical change to new
changes term Chemical Reaction & Chemical Bonding
Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base
Illustrates chemical change with specific examples reactions; corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Compare different types of soils in connections with properties
shared along with contrasting features.

Determine the percolation of given soil using the time of

percolation. Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in
different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
Examine different soil samples in order to infer that moisture conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
is contained in soil. substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the
basis of their properties, structure and function
2. Soil Examine different soil samples in order to calculate the
percentage of water absorbed and assess moisture absorbing
property of soil

Classify soil into different categories based on its properties.
Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
/characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and
Describe all the layers in the soil profile in order to classify

chemical changes
them into A-, B-, C- horizon and bedrock.
Determine the percolation of given soil using the time of

Examine different soil samples in order to infer that moisture Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
is contained in soil. e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
Examine different soil samples in order to calculate the photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?
percentage of water absorbed and assess moisture absorbing
property of soil

Evaluate the characteristics of soil that will support a
particular type of crop with reasons Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
life on earth.

Predict the consequences of absence of soil on life on earth.

7. Soil Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific discoveries
Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on
life on earth.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life, e.g.,

dealing with acidity; testing and treating soil; taking measures
Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on to prevent corrosion; cultivation by vegetative propagation;
life on earth. connecting two or more electric cells in proper order in
devices; taking measures during and after disasters; suggesting
methods for treatment of polluted water for reuse, etc.

Chapter no Learning Goals Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate an experiment in order to conclude that high
speed winds are accompanied by low air pressure by the
method of scientific inquiry. Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,

e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base
Demonstrate an experiment in order to conclude that air moves indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure. photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?

Demonstrate an experiment in order to conclude that air
expands on heating.

Apply the knowledge that air exerts pressure in order to
explain phenomenon of cyclones.
Attribute the direction of movement of wind currents to the
uneven heating of atmosphere at various regions of earth &

rotation of earth.
8. Winds, storms and Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
cyclones Recall the concept of land breeze and sea breeze in order to
speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
describe monsoon winds.
depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
Suggest the possible reasons for absence of
cyclones/thunderstorms in certain areas where as their
abundance in others.

Describe the structure of a cyclone in order to list factors that

contribute to its development and explain the damage it causes.

Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal
fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in
Recall details pertaining to air & effects of air pressure.
human and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric

current, etc.

Recall details about safety measure & precautions against
Cyclones, Thunderstorms & Tornadoes
Implement knowledge of storms/cyclones/tornados and safety Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific discoveries
measure and precautions against them in order to devise new

safety measures and precautions.


Summarize the consequences of absence of precautionary
measures against storms/cyclones/tornados, etc.
8. Winds, storms and

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Compare different types of soils in connections with properties
shared along with contrasting features.

Determine the percolation of given soil using the time of

percolation. Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in
different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
Examine different soil samples in order to infer that moisture conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
is contained in soil. substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the
basis of their properties, structure and function
9. Soil Examine different soil samples in order to calculate the
percentage of water absorbed and assess moisture absorbing
property of soil

Classify soil into different categories based on its properties.
Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
/characteristics, e.g., plant and animal fibres; physical and
Describe all the layers in the soil profile in order to classify
chemical changes
them into A-, B-, C- horizon and bedrock.

Determine the percolation of given soil using the time of


Examine different soil samples in order to infer that moisture Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
is contained in soil. e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base

indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
Examine different soil samples in order to calculate the photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?
percentage of water absorbed and assess moisture absorbing
property of soil

Evaluate the characteristics of soil that will support a
particular type of crop with reasons Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;

Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
life on earth.

Predict the consequences of absence of soil on life on earth.
9. Soil
Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific discoveries
Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on
life on earth.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life, e.g.,

dealing with acidity; testing and treating soil; taking measures
Construct a cause & effect model of effects of soil pollution on to prevent corrosion; cultivation by vegetative propagation;
life on earth. connecting two or more electric cells in proper order in devices;
taking measures during and after disasters; suggesting methods
for treatment of polluted water for reuse, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms such as, digestion in

different organisms; unisexual and bisexual flowers;
Define cellular respiration in order to differentiate between conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic and neutral
aerobic and anaerobic respiration. substances; images formed by mirrors and lenses, etc., on the

basis of their properties, structure and function

Examine inhalation, exhalation and breathing rate in own body Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to queries,
in order to analyse the effect of various activities on breathing e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as acid-base

rate. indicator? Do leaves other than green also carry out
photosynthesis? Is white light composed of many colours?
Observe the reaction of exhaled air with lime water in order to
infer the gas exhaled.

Examine inhalation, exhalation and breathing rate in own body Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g., wind
in order to analyse the effect of various activities on breathing speed with air pressure; crops grown with types of soil;
rate depletion of water table with human activities, etc.
Construct a cause and effect model of respiratory processes in
animals and plants, as an extension of available resources and
respiratory organs/features.

List the functions performed by a cell in order to infer the need Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of animal
10. Respiration on of energy for various processes fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and systems in
Recall details/definitions of terminology related to respiration human and plants; heating and magnetic effects of electric
in humans. current, etc.
Describe the process of breathing in humans in order to explain
the role of nostrils (hair and mucus), trachea, lungs, ribs and

Describe the process of respiration in cockroach, earthworm,
fish and plants in order to predict consequences of absence of
respiratory organs/features, in animals or plants.

Select distinguishing features and categorize them as belonging

to respiratory systems in plants and human beings (stomata &

Define cellular respiration in order to differentiate between Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base
aerobic and anaerobic respiration. reactions; corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc.

Examine inhalation, exhalation and breathing rate in own body
in order to analyse the effect of various activities on breathing
rate. Measures and calculates e.g., temperature; pulse rate; speed
of moving objects; time period of a simple pendulum, etc.

Describe the process of breathing in humans in order to explain
the role of nostrils (hair and mucus), trachea, lungs, ribs and
diaphragm. Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ systems in

human and plants; electric circuits; experimental set ups; life
cycle of silk moth, etc.

10. Respiration on

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials and organisms such as,
digestion in different organisms; unisexual and bisexual
1. Transportation in
Draw a contrast between the functions of arteries and veins, in flowers; conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic
Animals and Plants
the functioning of the circulatory system. and neutral substances; images formed by mirrors and

lenses, etc., on the basis of their properties, structure
and function
Analyse the implications of intermixing of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood in order to explain the existence of four Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,
chambers in the heart. wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,
Interpret reasons for discrepancies in the process of urine etc.
formation and expulsion.

Predict reasons for decreased absorption of water by plants.

Outline functions carried out by parts of the circulatory

system as being contributory to proper circulation of oxygen.

Describe the function of blood and its constituents.

Describe the location and function of the heart.
Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of
Recall details/functions of parts of the excretory system animal fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and
systems in human and plants; heating and magnetic
11. Transportation in Animals Explain the process of transport of water, minerals and food in effects of electric current, etc.
and Plants plants in order to differentiate between xylem and phloem.
Explain the process of transpiration in order to infer its
Study excretion in other organisms.


Examine own pulse in order to infer the pulse rate and define
Measures and calculates e.g., temperature; pulse rate;

Define heartbeat in order to design a model of a stethoscope speed of moving objects; time period of a simple
to measure it. pendulum, etc.
Observe own heartbeat and pulse rate after different activities
in order to draw a relationship between them.

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ

Describe the location and function of the heart. systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
Recall details/functions of parts of the excretory system Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g.,
Define heartbeat in order to design a model of a stethoscope stethoscope; anemometer; electromagnets; newton’s
to measure it. colour disc ,etc.

Compare situations of effective and ineffective functioning of

the excretory system, in connection with functions of the parts
11. Transportation in Animals of the system
and Plants
Attribute reasons for ineffective transportation of materials in
plants, to functions of their parts. Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
Explain the importance and need for blood donations.

Analyse the condition of kidney failure in order to explain the

process of dialysis.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal

fibres; types of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis of
Infer the mode of reproduction from the features of a plant
observable features, i.e., appearance, texture, functions,

Observe and recall how different types of plants grow new
ones in order to differentiate between asexual and sexual Differentiates materials and organisms such as,
modes of reproduction digestion in different organisms; unisexual and bisexual
flowers; conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic
Distinguish between any two modes of asexual reproduction, and neutral substances; images formed by mirrors and
in connection with parts involved, etc.
lenses, etc., on the basis of their properties, structure
Compare the outcomes of sexual reproduction in unisexual and function
plants with those in bisexual plants

Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,

wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
Define reproduction in order to identify its need
of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,
12. Reproduction in plants etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ
Recall details/definitions pertaining to sexual mode of
reproduction in plants
systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
Critique the idea that any one of the categories of seeds might
disperse better than another category, in connection with
reference to their features Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
Draw a contrast between any two modes of asexual
reproduction, in connection with parts involved, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Paraphrase the to and fro motion of simple queries, e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as
pendulum/metallic bob suspended by a string is known as acid-base indicator? Do leaves other than green also
oscillatory motion carry out photosynthesis? Is white light composed of
many colours?
13. Motion and time
Recall change in position of the body with respect to Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of
surroundings as motion. animal fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and

Identify repetition of natural events at definite/regular systems in human and plants; heating and magnetic
intervals of time/fraction of second in order to describe effects of electric current, etc.
Infer from the given data that time taken to complete one
oscillation as time period of simple pendulum.

Paraphrase the to and fro motion of simple

pendulum/metallic bob suspended by a string is known as
oscillatory motion
Recall the definition of speed (average speed) as distance
13. Motion and time covered in unit time.
Recall the instrument used to measure speed.
Derive the mathematical formula to calculate speed in order to Measures and calculates e.g., temperature; pulse rate;
compare the speeds of various moving objects (uniform and
speed of moving objects; time period of a simple
non-uniform motion).
pendulum, etc.
Calculate speed or distance or time taken if any two of these
three are quantitates are provided
Utilize data given in odometer to measure distance travelled,
average speed for a given time.
Record data for distance covered in fixed intervals of time for
a moving object in order to plot a distance-time graph and Plots and interprets graphs e.g., distance- time graph
interpret the shape.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Examine how that an electric current can be used as a magnet Explains processes and phenomena, e.g., processing of
in order to list its uses.
animal fibres; modes of transfer of heat; organs and
Outline the constriction and uses of electromagnets and systems in human and plants; heating and magnetic
electric bell. effects of electric current, etc.

14. Electric current and its
Translate a circuit with actual components into a circuit
diagram. Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ
systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
Observe heating effect of current in order to enlist its uses and
compare it for conductors of different material, length and Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g.,
Perform a simple activity to demonstrate the magnetic effect stethoscope; anemometer; electromagnets; newton’s
of an electric current. colour disc ,etc.
Recall the precautions to be observed while working with
Summarize the benefits of using CFLs over ordinary electric
Evaluate the role of a fuse wire and MCBs provide for Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
electrical safety in a circuit. discoveries

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Recall reflection as change in direction of light by polished Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal
surfaces/mirrors. fibres; types of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis of

Observe and describe image formed by a plane mirror in order observable features, i.e., appearance, texture, functions,
15. Light to enlist its uses. (image/object, erect/inverted, virtual/real, etc.
distance from the mirror)

Conclude from observations that concave mirror forms real,

inverted image at all places except when the object is too close
whereas convex mirror is erect, virtual & smaller size than the

Differentiates materials and organisms such as,

digestion in different organisms; unisexual and bisexual
Differentiate between convex and concave lenses based on the flowers; conductors and insulators of heat; acidic, basic
image formed when object is placed at different positions. and neutral substances; images formed by mirrors and
lenses, etc., on the basis of their properties, structure
and function

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
queries, e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as
Explain the formation of a rainbow. acid-base indicator? Do leaves other than green also
carry out photosynthesis? Is white light composed of
many colours?
15. Light
Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,
Analyze why virtual image cannot be obtained on the screen wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
but still can be photographed. of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,

Constructs models using materials from
surroundings and explains their working, e.g.,
Explain the formation of a rainbow.
stethoscope; anemometer; electromagnets; newton’s
colour disc ,etc.

Analyze the reason behind ‘AMBULANCE’ written as its mirror Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
image on the hospital vehicles/ambulances. discoveries
Attribute to the type of image formed by convex mirror for its
utility as rear-view mirror in the vehicles
Outline the important uses of spherical mirrors & lenses.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal

Recall process that generate waste water that goes down the fibres; types of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis
drains from sinks, showers, toilets, laundries etc. of observable features, i.e., appearance, texture,
functions, etc.

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to

queries, e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used as
Examine the role of plants in water management acid-base indicator? Do leaves other than green also
16. Water: A precious resource carry out photosynthesis? Is white light composed of
many colours?

List the means of access to water in order to trace their origin Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,
to the water cycle. wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,
Describe infiltration i.e. seepage of water into the ground in
order to define the water table and aquifer etc.

Construct a cause & effect model of depletion of ground water


Analyse the rainfall map of India in order to attribute reasons

and factors leading to shortage and excess of water in major
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ
systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
Recall the water cycle in order to describe the processes experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
encompassed by it

16. Water: A precious resource Suggest some (of his/her own) methods for recharging ground Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
water table discoveries
Suggest the steps for efficient water management at
individual/community level.

Elaborate the steps to be taken by the public/private

authorities for improved water supply

Visualize the percentage of freshwater available on the Earth

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life,
in order to conclude the need for water conservation. e.g., dealing with acidity; testing and treating soil; taking
Suggest some (of his/her own) methods for recharging ground measures to prevent corrosion; cultivation by vegetative
water table propagation; connecting two or more electric cells in

Suggest the steps for efficient water management at proper order in devices; taking measures during and
individual/community level. after disasters; suggesting methods for treatment of
Elaborate the steps to be taken by the public/private polluted water for reuse, etc.
authorities for improved water supply/debate on steps
taken/to be taken by the Government for the supply of clean
drinking water to people

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
17. Forests: Our Lifeline Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,
Infer reasons for the aerial appearance of forests (as shown in wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
the chapter), in connection with types of trees/shapes of trees. of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ

systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
Create a flowchart of the food web, taking into consideration experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
some examples of living beings, used in the chapter

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life,

e.g., dealing with acidity; testing and treating soil;
Outline features of forests that are responsible for sustenance
taking measures to prevent corrosion; cultivation by
of life.
vegetative propagation; connecting two or more
electric cells in proper order in devices; taking
measures during and after disasters; suggesting
Design a forest ecosystem by considering a few plants and
methods for treatment of polluted water for reuse, etc.
animals and explaining how they support one another.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Identifies materials and organisms, such as, animal

Recall the journey of used water as waste water/ water that fibres; types of teeth; mirrors and lenses, on the basis
goes down the drains from sinks, showers, toilets, laundries of observable features, i.e., appearance, texture,
functions, etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Perform various processes related to treatment of wastewater queries, e.g., can extract of coloured flowers be used
in order to describe processes inside a Wastewater Treatment as acid-base indicator? Do leaves other than green
Plant also carry out photosynthesis? Is white light
composed of many colours?

List the uses of water in everyday life in order to identify Relates processes and phenomena with causes, e.g.,
various source of contamination wind speed with air pressure; crops grown with types
18. Wastewater story of soil; depletion of water table with human activities,
Define sewage and list its components in order to identify
their points of origin etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts e.g., organ
systems in human and plants; electric circuits;
Make a flow chart/line diagram of sewage route from all the experimental set ups; life cycle of silk moth, etc.
various sources of generation to the treatment plant

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day-to-day life,
e.g., dealing with acidity; testing and treating soil;
taking measures to prevent corrosion; cultivation by
Outline factors responsible for scarcity of clean water and list
some waterborne diseases in order to suggest methods of
vegetative propagation; connecting two or more
their prevention electric cells in proper order in devices; taking
measures during and after disasters; suggesting

methods for treatment of polluted water for reuse, etc.

Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., following
Conduct a water contamination survey in order to devise a good practices for sanitation at public places;

plan for good sanitation practices and avoidance of contagious minimising generation of pollutants; planting trees
diseases to avoid soil erosion; sensitising others with the

Devise and execute a step wise plan for treatment of waste consequences of excessive consumption of natural
18. Wastewater story water resources, etc.

Class 8

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner is to be provided with opportunities in pairs /groups / individually in an
inclusive setup and encouraged to —

Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. Seeing, touching,
tasting, smelling, hearing.
Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing
appropriate activities, role plays, debates, use of ICT, etc.
Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference / make generalisations and share
findings with peers and adults
Exhibit creativity presenting novel ideas, new designs /patterns, improvisation, etc.
Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest
reporting, judicious use of resources, etc

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learners -
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, Examines and explains properties,
natural and human made fibres; contact and non- structure and functions of materials
contact forces; liquids as electrical conductors and organisms, in order to
and insulators; plant and animal cells; viviparous differentiate them.
and oviparous animals, on the basis of their
properties, structure and functions.
Classifies materials and organisms based on Explains properties /characteristics of
properties / characteristics, e.g., metals and non- materials and organisms in order to
metals; kharif and rabi crops; useful and harmful classify them.
microorganisms; sexual and asexual
reproduction; celestial objects; exhaustible and
inexhaustible natural resources, etc.
Conducts simple investigations to seek answers Conducts simple investigations on his
to queries, e.g., what are the conditions required /her own in order to seek answers to
for combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in queries.
pickles and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal
pressure at the same depth?
Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, Examines and explains processes and
e.g., smog formation with the presence of phenomenon in order to relate them
pollutants in air; deterioration of monuments with causes.
with acid rain, etc.
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g., Explains processes and phenomena in
reproduction in human and animals; production order to relate to science behind the
and propagation of sound; chemical effects of phenomena /processes and develop
scientific thinking skills.

electric current; formation of multiple images;
structure of flame, etc.
Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g., Writes word equation in order to
reactions of metals and non-metals with air, express chemical reactions.
water and acids, etc.
Measures angles of incidence and reflection, etc. Measures angles of incidence and
reflection, etc.

Prepares slides of microorganisms; onion peel, Prepares slides of microorganisms and
human cheek cells, etc., and describes their describes their microscopic features.
microscopic features
Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., Draws labelled diagrams /flow charts
structure of cell, eye, human reproductive organs; of organisms /structures /processes in
experimental set ups, etc. order to demonstrate knowledge of
structure /processes /relationships.
Constructs models using materials from Constructs models using materials
surroundings and explains their working, e.g., from surroundings and explains their
ektara, electroscope, fire extinguisher, etc. working in order to demonstrate
scientific knowledge and
understanding of how it works.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to- Applies learning of scientific concepts
day life, e.g., purifying water; segregating in daily life /real life situations in
biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes; order to solve problems /give
increasing crop production; using appropriate solutions /take preventive measures
metals and non-metals for various purposes; /etc.
increasing / reducing friction; challenging myths
and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.
Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific Discusses stories of scientific
discoveries discoveries /inventions, both orally
and in writing, in order to critically
appreciate them.
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using Makes efforts to apply to daily life the
resources judiciously; making controlled use of understanding of environment and
fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope steps to conserve it, in order to
with environmental hazards, etc. contribute to the protection of the
Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, making Designs, plans, makes use of available
use of available resources, etc. resources, etc.in order to exhibit
Exhibits values of honesty, objectivity, Designs, plans, makes use of available
cooperation, freedom from fear and prejudices resources, etc.in order to exhibit
values of honesty, objectivity,
cooperation, freedom from fear and

Section III
Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Compare the advantages of three major tools used for tilling
and ploughing to justify the variety of agricultural practices

Analyse the quality of seeds with respect to their


Compare the advantages of two major tools used for sowing Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

to justify the variety of agricultural practices used in the and human made fibres; contact and non-contact forces;
country liquids as electrical conductors and insulators; plant and
animal cells; viviparous and oviparous animals, on the
Distinguish between manure and fertilisers to identify ways
basis of their properties, structure and functions.
in which nutrients in soil is replenished

Evaluate how weeds adversely affects the growth of the

plants in order to justify their removal and control
1. Crop Production &
Management Identify commonly known food items based on their sources
to define animal husbandry

Classify the major crops based on the time they are sown in
the field to explain the months Kharif and Rabi crops are
Classifies materials and organisms based on properties /
characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif and
Sequence the tasks involved in cultivating the crop to list rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms; sexual
major steps of agricultural practices and asexual reproduction; celestial objects; exhaustible
and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.
Describe the process of crop rotation to explain ways in
which nutrients in soil is replenished
Explain why it is important to loosen the soil before sowing
in order to elaborate the effect of loose soil in plant's growth Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day life,

e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
Elaborate the process of harvesting to justify the reasons for
non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
employing combine and winnowing machine in the process
of agriculture using appropriate metals and non-metals for various

Distinguish between the practices of large scale and small- purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
scale storage of food in order to conclude that stored grains myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.

need protection from pests and microorganisms

Compare and analyse the traditional and modern methods of
1. Crop Production & irrigation based on cost and efficiency in order to predict Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using
Management suitable irrigation method in real life situations resources judiciously; making controlled use of
fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
Describe the process of crop rotation to explain ways in environmental hazards, etc.
which nutrients in soil is replenished

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

and human made fibres; contact and non-contact forces;
Differentiate between microorganisms and viruses to
liquids as electrical conductors and insulators; plant
establish that viruses reproduce only in the host body
and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous animals, on
the basis of their properties, structure and functions.

Recall four major categories of microorganisms (bacteria,

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
fungi, protozoa, algae)
2. Microorganisms- Friend and / characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif and
foe rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms; sexual
Define pathogens to list the class of harmful microorganisms and asexual reproduction; celestial objects; exhaustible

and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.

Elucidate the reason for increasing volume when yeast is Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
added to dough in baking industry to explain fermentation queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for

combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
Describe how mosquitoes spread malaria and dengue to
and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
explain the role of carriers in spreading communicable
same depth?

List examples of diseases in humans, plants and animal Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
caused by microorganisms in order to explain the harmful smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;

effects of microorganisms deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.

Explain the role of antibiotics in order to demonstrate the
medicinal uses of microorganisms
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
Explain the role of vaccinations in fighting with diseases in reproduction in human and animals; production and

order to appreciate the medicinal uses of microorganisms propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
current; formation of multiple images; structure of
Explain microorganisms role in decomposing to describe flame, etc.
2. Microorganisms- Friend and
Explain how microorganism help in increasing the nitrogen
in soil to the agricultural uses of microorganisms Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of
cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
Illustrate the process of fixing the nitrogen back in the soil to
ups, etc.
explain the role of microorganisms in increasing the fertility
of soil

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day life,

e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
List various methods of preserving food in order to non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
demonstrate the restriction of growth of microorganism using appropriate metals and non-metals for various
purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Distinguish between Synthetic & Natural fibres based on their

properties Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

and human made fibres; contact and non-contact
List characteristics of plastic’s ability to bend to differentiate
forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;
between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics
plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous

Differentiate between plastics based on their ability to animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and
decompose in order to explain why plastics are a threat to the functions.

Enlist different types of synthetic fibres and their Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
characteristics in order to explain their specific uses life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable
3. Synthetic fibres and plastics
and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
Examine suggest the characteristics of plastic to explain its for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;
suitability in a variety of applications. challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,
Distinguish between Synthetic & Natural fibres based on their
Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
Enlist different types of synthetic fibres and their discoveries
characteristics in order to explain their specific uses

Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using

Differentiate between plastics based on their ability to
resources judiciously; making controlled use of
decompose in order to explain why plastics are a threat to the
fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
environmental hazards, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Elaborate the chemical reactions of metals and non-metals

with oxygen, water, acids and bases in order to distinguish Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

between them. and human made fibres; contact and non-contact

Differentiate between the commonly known materials based forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;
on their ability to be bent and formed into sheets, be drawn plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous
into wires, ability to produce ringing sound, ability to conduct animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and
electricity, ability to conduct heat in order to define various functions.
properties of metal

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties

/ characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif
Categorize the commonly known materials as Metals & Non-
and rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms;
metals in order to explain their physical properties.
sexual and asexual reproduction; celestial objects;
exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to

Apply the concept of reactivity of a metal to predict if a given queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for

metal will displace other metal or not in a displacement combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
4. Materials : Metals and Non- reaction and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
metals same depth?
Elaborate the chemical reactions of metals and non-metals
with oxygen, water, acids and bases in order to distinguish

between them.
Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g.,
Apply the concept of reactivity of a metal to predict if a given
metal will displace other metal or not in a displacement reactions of metals and non-metals with air, water and
reaction acids, etc.

Apply the concept of reactivity of a metal to predict if a given
metal will displace another metal in a displacement reaction

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable
Predict the utility of a given material for a specific task to and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
reinforce the physical and chemical properties of metals and production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;
4. Materials : Metals and Non- challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,
metals etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Classify natural resources based on their ability to replenish Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural
in order to distinguish between inexhaustible and and human made fibres; contact and non-contact

exhaustible natural resources forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;

plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous

animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
Classify natural resources based on their ability to replenish
in order to distinguish between inexhaustible and / characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif
exhaustible natural resources and rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms;
sexual and asexual reproduction; celestial objects;

Classify different constituents of petroleum according to exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.
5. Coal and petroleum their use in daily life in order to deserve various by products
besides fuel of petroleum that there is a large number of

products obtained from petroleum other than fuel

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
Infer why gas, oil and water found in this particular
queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for
sequence in location where petroleum is found in order to
combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
explain that gas, oil their densities and ability to mix with
each other and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
same depth?
Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
Discuss the process of formation of coal to explain why coal
smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;
is an exhaustible natural resource
deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.

Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using

List the useful by products after processing coal to explain resources judiciously; making controlled use of
that natural resources can be used to obtain useful products fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
other than fuel environmental hazards, etc.
5. Coal and petroleum

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

Differentiate between the type of combustion taking place and human made fibres; contact and non-contact
in gas stove, burning of phosphorus and bursting of forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;
firecrackers to assess rapid combustion, spontaneous plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous
combustion and explosion animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and


Compile and list the commonly known inflammable Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
substances to explain that certain substance catch fire than queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for
6. Combustion and flame others. combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
Explain the process of combustion in order to describe the same depth?
role of fuel and oxygen in the process as necessary
conditions for combustion to take place

List harmful by-products of burning fuel to be aware of its Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
harmful effects on individuals and environment such as smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;
global warming and acid rains deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.
Compare the calorific value of commonly used fuel to
examine fuel efficiency

Define ignition temperature to explain why minimum Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
temperature is required for a substance to catch fire. reproduction in human and animals; production and
propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
Explain the different parts of flame in order to explain why current; formation of multiple images; structure of
goldsmiths blow the outermost zone of a flame to melt gold flame, etc.
6. Combustion and flame and silver

Constructs models using materials from surroundings

List the conditions necessary for producing fire to discover
and explains their working, e.g., ektara, electroscope,
how combustible materials can be prevented from catching
the fire.
fire extinguisher, etc.


Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

List causes of deforestation to reflect on its rampant
existence despite forest being essential to life

Describe how droughts are caused to elaborate the
consequence of deforestation Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;
7. Conservation of plants and Describe the process of desertification to explain the deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.
animals consequence of deforestation

Interpret the importance of Red Data Book to explain why
keeping a track of endangered species is important

List the flora and fauna in surroundings to establish the Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day

term used for locally found plants and animals life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable
and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
List the flora and fauna exclusive to a particular region to for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;

describe the term endemic species challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,

7. Conservation of plants and List some famous biosphere and wildlife sanctuaries to
animals describe different mechanisms through which governments
protect and conserve forest and wildlife
Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using
resources judiciously; making controlled use of
List famous animal reserve e.g. Satpura Tiger Reserve to fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
describe measures taken by government in protecting
environmental hazards, etc.
endangered animals

Explain reforestation to describe ways to reduce it

Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, making use
Explain recycling to describe ways to reduce deforestation
of available resources, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties

/ characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif
Classify animals based on their cell number, shape and size
and rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms;
in order to describe unicellular and multicellular animals
sexual and asexual reproduction; celestial objects;
exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.

Prepares slides of microorganisms; onion peel, human

List the different parts and functions of a typical cell in
order to appreciate the unit structure in an organism cheek cells, etc., and describes their microscopic
8. Cell - structure and functions
Distinguish between plant and animal cells to explain the
function of cell wall

Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of

List the different parts and functions of a typical cell in
order to appreciate the unit structure in an organism cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
ups, etc.
Distinguish between plant and animal cells to explain the
function of cell wall

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

9. Reproduction in animals Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction
Differentiates materials and organisms, such as,
in order to list two modes of reproduction
natural and human made fibres; contact and non-
Differentiate between sex cells corresponding to
contact forces; liquids as electrical conductors and
parent in order to explain male and female gamete
insulators; plant and animal cells; viviparous and
Differentiate between internal and external
oviparous animals, on the basis of their properties,
fertilization in order to describe two modes of
structure and functions.
fertilization in animals

Classify animals based on their ability to give birth or
lay eggs to differentiate between viviparous and
oviparous animals
Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
Classify animals based on their ability to give birth or / characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif
lay eggs to differentiate between viviparous and and rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms;
oviparous animals sexual and asexual reproduction; celestial objects;
9. Reproduction in animals exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.
Describe the process of fertilization in order to explain
zygote formation
Describe the process of embryo and foetus formation Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
to explain how an individual is formed inside mother's reproduction in human and animals; production and
womb propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
Describe the life cycle of frogs from eggs to adult frogs current; formation of multiple images; structure of
in order to explain metamorphosis flame, etc.
Describe the process of reproduction in hydra in order
to explain the process of asexual reproduction
Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of
in order to describe two modes of reproduction in cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
animals ups, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to

Identify the consequences of taking drugs in order to queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for
explain why drugs are not a solution to confused and combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
10. Reaching the age of insecure feeling during adolescent and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
adolescence same depth?
Enumerate different variations that take place in body at Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
puberty to explain the effect of adolescence on changing reproduction in human and animals; production and
human body propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric

Summarize the functions of sex and other hormones to current; formation of multiple images; structure of
establish their role secondary sexual characteristics flame, etc.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
Define adolescence and adolescent age in order to explain
changes at puberty life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable
and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
Enumerate different variations that take place in body at
production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
puberty to explain the effect of adolescence on changing for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;

human body challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,
Explain the effects of hormones in the development of
secondary sexual characteristics in order to illustrate
10. Reaching the age of growth during puberty
Elaborate the functions of hormones secreted by endocrine
glands in order to explain the growth in male and female
body at puberty

Describe mensuration , menarche and menopause to

explain the reproductive phases of life in humans

Illustrate the procedure for the determining the sex of a

baby in order to establish that the gender of the child is
decided by the chromosome from male sperm

Elucidate the need for a balanced diet in order to explain

the nutritional needs of adolescents

Identify the harmful consequences of taking drugs in order

to explain why drugs are not solution to confused and
insecure feeling during adolescence

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
/ characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif and
Classify common actions involving motion of object as push
rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms; sexual
or pull in order to define the term force
and asexual reproduction; celestial objects; exhaustible
11. Force and pressure and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.

Provide examples where force is being applied in order to

explain that two objects must interact for a force to come
into play

Analyse motion of an object when force is applied in the
same and opposite direction in order to conclude that
forces in same direction add while forces in opposite Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
directions subtract queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for

combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
Discover the direction of pressure applied by liquid when and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
11. Force and pressure put in a container to conclude that liquids exert pressure same depth?
on the walls of the container

Demonstrate and calculate the atmospheric pressure

exerted due to the air column above a given area in order
to establish that great atmospheric pressure is exerted
without us realizing it

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,

Derive the formula and calculate pressure for given force reproduction in human and animals; production and
applied on a given area in order to explain common daily propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
phenomenon requirement of sharp knife etc. current; formation of multiple images; structure of
flame, etc.
Predict the motion of an object when force is applied viz-a- Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day life,
viz force is not applied in order to explain that a force may e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
bring a change in the state of motion of an object non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
Predict the changes when force is applied to a body that is using appropriate metals and non-metals for various
not free to move in order to explain that force can cause purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
change in shape of objects myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.

Cite examples from daily life where an action causes
change in movement or shape due to the contact between
two objects in order to define contact forces

Illustrate with examples from daily life an action that

causes change in movement or shape without contact
between two objects in order to define non-contact forces.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

Differentiate between rolling friction and sliding friction in and human made fibres; contact and non-contact forces;
order to explain why ball bearings are employed in liquids as electrical conductors and insulators; plant
machines e.g. bicycle wheels and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous animals, on
the basis of their properties, structure and functions.

Analyse situations where resistance is felt while applying

force to move a body in order to explain friction force Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
where acts inopposite direction queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for
combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
Analyse and identifynumber of bodies interacting and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
whenfriction force is felt in order to establish that friction same depth?
is a contact force.

Discover the factors that cause friction when two bodies
12. Friction moving relatively in order to explain why it is easier to
move an object on a smooth surface compared to a rough Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day life,

surface e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
Provide advantages and disadvantages of friction in order
to justify friction as necessary evil
using appropriate metals and non-metals for various
purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
Differentiate between rolling friction and sliding friction in myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.
order to explain the use of different friction reducing

Explain why the engine of an airplane is needed when
flying in order to explain drag caused by air (friction
caused by fluids)

Identify factors causing friction in order to come up with Exhibits creativity in designing, planning, making use of
formulate strategies to reduce available resources, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as,

natural and human made fibres; contact and non-
Differentiate between frequency and amplitude in order to
contact forces; liquids as electrical conductors and
describe factors responsible for loudness and pitch of the
insulators; plant and animal cells; viviparous and
oviparous animals, on the basis of their properties,
structure and functions.

Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
Provide examples where sound travels from one point to
smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;
another in order to establish that sound needs a medium to
propagate deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.
13. Sound
List examples of body moving in to and fro motion in order to
Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
explain vibration reproduction in human and animals; production and
Provide examples where sound travels from one point to propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
another in order to establish that sound needs a medium to current; formation of multiple images; structure of
propagate flame, etc.

Recall the audible range of sound for humans in order to

explain why certain sounds cannot be heard by humans

Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of

cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
Describe the structure and function of an eardrum in order
ups, etc.
to explain how humans hear sound

Constructs models using materials from surroundings
List commonly known musical instrument and identify
and explains their working, e.g., ektara, electroscope,
parts that vibrate in order to explain that vibration
produces sound
fire extinguisher, etc.

List commonly known musical instrument and identify Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
parts that vibrate in order to explain that vibration life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable
13. Sound
produces sound and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
List and identify functions of parts of human body that for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;
produces sound in order to explain the process of sound challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,
production etc.

Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using

resources judiciously; making controlled use of
List the harmful effects of noise pollution in order to
fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
mitigate it
environmental hazards, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

and human made fibres; contact and non-contact
Distinguish between good and poor conductors of
forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;
electricity in order to explain that various materials can
plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous
conduct electricity under certain conditions
animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
reproduction in human and animals; production and
List commonly known chemical effects of electricity in
propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
order to establish that electricity causes chemical reactions
current; formation of multiple images; structure of
flame, etc.

14. Chemical effects of electric

current Describe the process of electroplating in order to explain Constructs models using materials from surroundings
the application of chemical effects of electricity on metals and explains their working, e.g., ektara, electroscope,

fire extinguisher, etc.

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day

life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable

Describe the process of electroplating in order to explain
and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
the application of chemical effects of electricity on metals production; using appropriate metals and non-metals

for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;
challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,

Identify and explain seismic zones around earth to explain

smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;
why some areas are more affected by earthquakes than
deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,
Analyse if two charged objects attract or repel each other in
order to establish that similar charge repel each other while reproduction in human and animals; production and
opposite charge attract each other propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric

current; formation of multiple images; structure of
Examine the sequence of lightening occurring in clouds in flame, etc.
order to explain the process of electric discharge in nature

Justify the phenomenon of earthquake in order to explain
15. Some natural phenomenon that the ground beneath us is not static

Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of

cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
Illustrate with a diagram the movement of earth in order to
ups, etc.
explain how earthquakes cause tsunami

Constructs models using materials from surroundings
Examine the working of electroscope to detect if an object is
and explains their working, e.g., ektara, electroscope,
charged or not in order to apply the concept of similar
charge objects repel each other
fire extinguisher, etc.

Recall examples of visible sparks in order to explain the Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
phenomenon of lightning life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable

and non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop
Investigate the process of earthing in order to assess the production; using appropriate metals and non-metals
process of transferring charge from a charged object to
for various purposes; increasing / reducing friction;
earth in order to explain the advantages of earthing of
challenging myths and taboos regarding adolescence,
electric circuits in households
Predict how lightning travels from the cloud to the ground
15. Some natural phenomenon in order to describe the measures that must be taken during

Examine the sequence of lightening occurring in clouds in Discusses and appreciates stories of scientific
order to explain the process of electric discharge in nature discoveries

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

and human made fibres; contact and non-contact
Distinguish between reflection from a rough and a smooth
forces; liquids as electrical conductors and insulators;
reflecting surface in order to differentiate between diffused
and regular reflection
plant and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous
animals, on the basis of their properties, structure and

Conducts simple investigations to seek answers to
16. Light Compare and contrast between blind spot and field of view queries, e.g., what are the conditions required for
in order to explain how humans see object in the presence combustion? Why do we add salt and sugar in pickles
of light and murabbas? Do liquids exert equal pressure at the
same depth?

Explains processes and phenomenon, e.g.,

Conclude the law of reflection and represent it by drawing reproduction in human and animals; production and

a ray diagram identifying incident ray, reflected ray and the propagation of sound; chemical effects of electric
normal current; formation of multiple images; structure of
flame, etc.

Identify and calculate the angles of incidence and reflection Measures angles of incidence and reflection, etc.

of a ray of light to illustrate the laws of reflection in real

Conclude the law of reflection and represent it by drawing

a ray diagram identifying incident ray, reflected ray and the


Illustrate with a line diagram how images invert when Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of
16. Light reflecting from a mirror in order to see the applications of cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set
the laws of reflection ups, etc.
Describe various parts of human eye and identify their
functions in order to explain how humans see object in
presence of light

Constructs models using materials from surroundings

Establish that light can reflect multiple time with a set of
and explains their working, e.g., ektara, electroscope,
mirrors by constructing a kaleidoscope
fire extinguisher, etc.
Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
Recommend different measures for protecting eyes when a
life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
problem is felt in order to establish the importance of eye
care non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
using appropriate metals and non-metals for various

purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
Describe the braille system in order to explain how people
with visual impairment manage to read and write myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Differentiates materials and organisms, such as, natural

and human made fibres; contact and non-contact forces;
Differentiate between asteroids, comet and meteor in order
liquids as electrical conductors and insulators; plant
identify the celestial body.
and animal cells; viviparous and oviparous animals, on
the basis of their properties, structure and functions.

List commonly seen objects in the sky as celestial objects Classifies materials and organisms based on properties
are / characteristics, e.g., metals and non-metals; kharif and

Categorize the name of commonly known group of stars in rabi crops; useful and harmful microorganisms; sexual
order to explain that constellations are a group of stars with and asexual reproduction; celestial objects; exhaustible
recognisable shape and inexhaustible natural resources, etc.

Draws labelled diagram / flow charts, e.g., structure of
Explain with diagram the different phases of moon in order
to explain that moon rotates around earth cell, eye, human reproductive organs; experimental set

ups, etc.
17. Stars and the solar system
Categorize the name of commonly known group of stars in
order to explain that constellations are a group of stars with
recognisable shape

Outline and illustrate the planets of the solar system in
order to correctly identify them

Identify the name of different celestial bodies in the solar

system in order to explain the constituting bodies of a solar

Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day

life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
Describe artificial satellites in order correctly classify them non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;
as man-made celestial body using appropriate metals and non-metals for various
purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Analyse the problem of air pollution in order to explain why Relates processes and phenomenon with causes, e.g.,
it is a threat to human beings. smog formation with the presence of pollutants in air;

Elaborate the formation and effects of acid rain in order to deterioration of monuments with acid rain, etc.

explain the reasons for discolouration of the marble of
monuments (Taj Mahal)

Explain the effect of greenhouse gases on the planet in

order to explain potential reason for rising temperature of
the planet.
Describe water pollution in order to assess it as a threat to
human beings.

18. Pollution of air and water Elaborate the formation and effects of acid rain in order to Writes word equation for chemical reactions, e.g.,
explain the reasons for discolouration of the marble of reactions of metals and non-metals with air, water and

monuments (Taj Mahal) acids, etc.

Enumerate steps that can be taken to clean water for Applies learning of scientific concepts in day- to-day
drinking in order to explain how water can be made safe for life, e.g., purifying water; segregating biodegradable and
drinking i.e. portable water non-biodegradable wastes; increasing crop production;

Explain how reducing, reusing and recycling industrial using appropriate metals and non-metals for various
waste helps in reducing the water pollutants in order to purposes; increasing / reducing friction; challenging
explore measures for dealing with water pollution myths and taboos regarding adolescence, etc.
Identify commonly known air pollutants in order to Makes efforts to protect environment, e.g., using
examine their harmful effects resources judiciously; making controlled use of
Suggest alternate mechanism to lower carbon emission in fertilisers and pesticides; suggesting ways to cope with
order to suggest steps to curb the air pollution. environmental hazards, etc.

Cite steps taken to prevent water pollution in major river(s)

in order to explain measures to deal with water pollutants

Class 9

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learners maybe provided with opportunities individually /in groups and
encouraged to -
Observe, group / classify materials, such as mixtures, based on their properties, viz.
Solubility, passage of light, etc. By performing various activities. Based on the observations,
a discussion may be facilitated to help arrive at the appropriate conclusions. Students with
visual impairment or low vision may be motivated to observe solubility of the materials by
Design and carry out activities, for example, “tug of war” to understand balanced and
unbalanced forces. They may be encouraged to experiment by applying forces (equal and
unequal) on an object in same and opposite direction, followed by peer group discussion
to generalise.
Study the daily life experience, such as the cause behind cooling of water in earthen pots.
They may be encouraged to measure and compare the temperatures of water both in
earthen pot and metal containers, thereby helping them to relate process of evaporation
with cooling effect. Students with visual impairment or low vision may be encouraged to
feel the difference in temperature by touching the surfaces of the containers
Conduct survey to understand the process of spread of diseases. They may be encouraged
to visit hospitals / dispensaries, collect data from doctors and nurses about various
diseases. They can prepare a report on spread, causes, prevention and cure of diseases.
They may share their findings with the community through role plays / skits and also
campaign for prevention.
Discuss their observations / ideas / learning through flow charts / concept maps / graphs.
Gather data for calculating different physical quantities, such as distance, displacement,
velocity, which can be shared and discussed in groups /with peers. Rubrics can be used to
assess the conversion of units and reporting results.
Collect and analyse wide variety of graphs from newspapers, magazines or internet. They
may be encouraged to draw, analyse and interpret the graphs (for example, distance-time,
speed-time or acceleration-time graphs of motion of a vehicle on straight road)
Write formulae of simple compounds, chemical equations, etc. Using play way methods
such as a game of cards.
Select and use appropriate devices for measuring physical quantities. They may be
encouraged to find the minimum and maximum value that can be measured by an
instrument and note down the readings correctly.
Collect information from books, e-books, magazines, internet, etc. To appreciate the efforts
of scientists made over the time, for example various models of atoms, discovery of
microscope and showcase it in the form of a project / role play.
Observe various technological devices / innovative exhibits such as waste management
kits, water filtration system, using low-cost / no-cost eco- friendly materials, develop them
and showcase it in science exhibitions / clubs / parent-teacher meets.
Share / discuss their beliefs and views regarding myths / taboos / superstitions by
initiating an open-ended debate, leading to the alignment of their beliefs to the
scientifically proven facts. They may also be involved in awareness campaigns in


Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
The learner -
Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / Explains properties /characteristics in order
phenomena / processes, based on such as prokaryote to differentiate materials /objects
and eukaryote, plant cell and animal cell, diffusion and /organisms /phenomena /processes
osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance and
displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced
forces, element, compound and mixture, solution,
suspension and colloid, isobars and isotopes, etc.
Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / Describes and interprets properties
processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as /characteristics in order to classify materials
classification of plants, animals under various hierarchical /objects /organisms / phenomena /
sub-groups, natural resources, classification of matter based processes
on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and composition (element
/ compound / mixture), etc.
Plans and conducts investigations / experiments Plans and conducts investigations
to arrive at and verify the facts / principles / /experiments on their own, in order to
phenomena or to seek answers to queries on their arrive at facts and in order to verify the
own, such as how does speed of an object change? How principles /phenomena, or in order to
objects float / sink when placed on surface of liquid? Is seek answers to queries.
there any change in mass when chemical reaction
takes place? What is the effect of heat on state of
substances? What is the effect of compression on
different states of matter? Where are stomata present
in different types of leaves? Where are growing tissues
present in plants?
Relates processes and phenomena with causes / Examines and explains processes and
effects, such as symptoms with diseases / causal agents, phenomena in order to relate them with
tissues with their functions, production with use of causes and effects.
fertilizers, process of evaporation with cooling effect,
various processes of separation with the physical and
chemical properties of the substances, production of
sound with vibrations of source, etc.
Explains processes and phenomena, such as Explains processes and phenomena in
function of different organelles, spread of diseases and order to relate to science behind the
their prevention, effect of force on the state of motion phenomena /processes and develop a
of objects, action and reaction, revolution of planets keen interest in the science in daily life.
and satellites, conservation laws, principle of
separation of different gases from air, melting / boiling
/ freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Calculates using the data given, such as distance, Calculates using the data given, in order
velocity, speed, frequency, work done, number of to show measurability of scientific
moles in a given mass of substance, concentration

of solution in terms of mass by mass percentage of postulates and applications of scientific
substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin scale measurement units.
and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from
atomic number and mass number, speed of sound,
kinetic and potential energies of an object, boiling
points of liquids to predict the order of their
separation from the mixture, etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept Draws labelled diagrams /flow charts
map /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell /concept map /graphs to demonstrate
organelles and tissues, human ear, distance-time and knowledge of how the process /structure
speed-time graphs, distribution of electrons in /relationship works and also to
different orbits, process of distillation / sublimation, demonstrate the application of different
etc. forms of illustrations.
Analyses and interprets graphs / figures etc., such Analyses graphs /figures /etc. in order to
as distance-time and velocity-time graphs, computing interpret them.
distance / speed / acceleration of objects in motion,
properties of components of a mixture to identify the
appropriate method of separation, crop yield after
application of fertilizers, etc.
Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations Uses scientific conventions / symbols
to represent various quantities / elements /units, /equations in order to represent various
such as SI units, symbols of elements, formulae of quantities /elements /units.
simple compounds, chemical equations, etc.
Measures physical quantities using appropriate Selects and uses appropriate apparatus
apparatus /instruments / devices, such as weight /instruments / devices in order to
and mass of an object using spring balance, mass using measure physical quantities.
a physical balance, time period of a simple pendulum,
volume of liquid using measuring cylinder,
temperature using thermometer, etc.
Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as Applies learning to given hypothetical
weight of an object at moon, weight of an object at situations in order to solve problems
equator and poles, life on other planets, etc. /give possible solutions.
Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving Applies learning of scientific concepts in
problems, such as separation of mixtures, uses safety daily life /real life situations in order to
belts in automobiles, covers walls of large rooms with solve problems /give solutions /take
sound absorbent materials, follows intercropping and preventive measures /etc.
crop rotation, takes preventive measures to control
disease causing agents, etc.
Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as Derives formulae /equations /laws in
mathematical expression for second law of motion, order to demonstrate mathematical
law of conservation of momentum, expression for thinking and understanding of scientific
force of gravity, equations of motion from velocity- laws /concepts.
time graphs, etc.
Draws conclusion, such as classification of life forms Analyses interdependencies in order to
is related to evolution, deficiency of nutrients affects draw conclusions.
physiological processes in plants, matter is made up of
particles, elements combine chemically in a fixed ratio

to form compounds, action and reaction act on two
different bodies, etc.
Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as Describes scientific discoveries
discovery of various atomic models, discovery of cell /inventions in order to compare, contrast,
with invention of microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and evaluate their usefulness, particularly
and Priestley, beliefs regarding motion, discovery of real in context of the age in which it was
cause for peptic ulcers, Archimedes principle, discovered /invented and its relevance
classification of living things, etc. today.
Designs models using eco-friendly resources, such Uses eco-friendly resources in order to
as 3-d model of a cell, water purification system, design models.
stethoscope, etc.
Records & reports experimental data objectively Records & reports experimental data
and honestly. Exhibits values of honesty / objectively and honestly, in order to
objectivity / rational thinking / freedom from myths exhibit values of honesty /objectivity
/superstitious beliefs while taking decisions, /rational thinking /respect for life and
respect for life, etc., such as records and reports freedom from myths /superstitious
experimental data exactly, sexually transmitted /beliefs /etc. while taking decisions.
diseases are not spread by casual physical contact,
vaccination is important for prevention of diseases, etc.
Communicates the findings and conclusions Uses appropriate figures / tables /graphs
effectively, such as those of experiment / activity /
/digital form, etc. and records findings of
project orally and in written form using appropriate
experiment / activity /project in order to
figures / tables / graphs / digital form, etc. communicate, both orally and in written
form, the findings and conclusions
Applies the interdependency and Applies the interdependency and
interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic factors interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic
of environment to promote conservation of factors of environment in order to
environment, such as organic farming, waste promote conservation of environment.
management, etc.

Section III
Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Describe the physical properties of solids and illustrate Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
their molecular arrangements. processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and

animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
Identify the distinguishing characteristics of liquids. element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid, isobars

and isotopes, etc.

Classify matter into solids, liquids and gases based on Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / processes,
characteristic properties of the particles in them. based on, properties / characteristics, such as classification of plants,
animals under various hierarchical sub-groups, natural resources,
Identify the various processes during change of classification of matter based on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and
composition (element / compound / mixture), etc.
substances from one physical state to another and
classify substances on this basis.
1. Matter in Our
Demonstrate that matter is made up of tiny particles.

Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
Conclude that particles of matter continuously move
during interaction between various forms and change in object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of
liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
temperature changes the kinetic energy of particles.
place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is the
effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are
Identify the characteristic features of gases and compare stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
the three states of matter. tissues present in plants?
Describe the effect of change in temperature on the state
of matter to explain why ice melts when heated

Make inferences about the effect of temperature on the
states of matter.

Postulate the reason for constancy of temperature

during the change in states of matter.

Provide explanation for life situations that demonstrate
effects of evaporation.

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as

symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
1. Matter in Our
Surroundings Infer that intermolecular space between particles of production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with cooling
solids makes diffusion possible between matter. effect, various processes of separation with the physical and chemical
properties of the substances, production of sound with vibrations of
source, etc.

Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of different

Provide scientific explanation for diffusion in examples
of gases and liquids witnessed in real life.
organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention, effect of force

on the state of motion of objects, action and reaction, revolution of
planets and satellites, conservation laws, principle of separation of
Explain situations that demonstrate factors affecting different gases from air, melting / boiling / freezing, how bats use
evaporation. ultrasound to catch prey, etc.

Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity, speed,
Explain the effect of change in temperature on states of
frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin scale
and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic number
Relate the effect of pressure on different states of matter and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential energies of

and its applications. an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the order of their

separation from the mixture, etc.

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
Conclude that particles of mater attract each other and
such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and tissues, human
depict the molecular arrangement of particles in the
three states of matter, i.e., solids, liquids and gases.
ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs, distribution of electrons
in different orbits, process of distillation / sublimation, etc.


Measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus
/instruments / devices, such as weight and mass of an object
Hypothesize why the temperature remains same during
using spring balance, mass using a physical balance, time period of
the change in state
a simple pendulum, volume of liquid using measuring cylinder,
1. Matter in Our temperature using thermometer, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous

mixtures to classify types of mixtures based on their

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
Classify homogenous and heterogenous mixtures into
2. Is Matter around Us solutions, suspensions and colloids. processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Pure? animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
Classify substances into elements and compounds.
and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,

Differentiate between distillation and fractional element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
distillation procedures. isobars and isotopes, etc.
Differentiate between elements and compounds to
classify different materials based on their physical and

chemical properties.

Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / processes,
mixtures. based on, properties / characteristics, such as classification of plants,
animals under various hierarchical sub-groups, natural resources,
Classify different substances based on their physical classification of matter based on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and
properties as metals, non-metals and metalloids. composition (element / compound / mixture), etc.
2. Is Matter around Us
Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
Determine the effect of concentration of solution on its answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
physical properties. object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of

liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is the

effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are

stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
tissues present in plants?

Identify different processes to separate mixtures and Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as

apply them to separate various mixtures. symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with cooling
Examine the process of crystallization to separate effect, various processes of separation with the physical and chemical
(explain how) mixtures of solid and liquid properties of the substances, production of sound with vibrations of
source, etc.
Identify mixtures from your surroundings based on their
characteristic properties.

Identify the processes to separate various mixtures

State the underlying principle behind centrifugation

process and locate its use.

Deduce the process of chromatography and identify Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
2. Is Matter around Us mixtures that can be separated by the use of this different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention, effect
Pure? procedure. of force on the state of motion of objects, action and reaction,
Explain the principle of chromatography and identify revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws, principle of
mixtures that can be separated through this process. separation of different gases from air, melting / boiling / freezing,
how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Elaborate the technique of fractional distillation to
separate homogeneous (or miscible) liquids.

Explain the basis for use of separating funnel to separate

miscible liquids.

Describe the process of using fractional distillation to

explain its use in separating gases from the air.

Deduce/ determine the concentration of solution to Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity, speed,
predict the colour of the solution formed by colouring frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance and the solvent substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin

scale and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic

number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential
energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the order
of their separation from the mixture, etc.
Recognize the basis of distillation and identify mixtures
that can be separated through this.

Elaborate the technique of fractional distillation to Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
explain the process of separation of homogeneous (or /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
2. Is Matter around Us miscible) liquid solution tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
Explain the basis for use of separating funnel to separate distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation /
miscible liquids. sublimation, etc.
Describe the process of using fractional distillation to
explain its use in separating gases from the air.

Explain the process of crystallization Analyses and interprets graphs / figures etc., such as distance-
time and velocity-time graphs, computing distance / speed /
acceleration of objects in motion, properties of components of a

Recognize the basis of distillation and identify mixtures mixture to identify the appropriate method of separation, crop
that can be separated through this. yield after application of fertilizers, etc.

Become conversant with the basis for separation and
suggest procedures to separate mixtures of solids in real
life situations.
Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,
Suggest procedures to separate mixtures of solids and such as separation of mixtures, uses safety belts in automobiles,
liquids. covers walls of large rooms with sound absorbent materials,

follows intercropping and crop rotation, takes preventive
Identify situations where basic principle of evaporation measures to control disease causing agents, etc.
is used to separate solids from liquids.

Identify suitable processes of separation to separate

mixtures in real life situations.

Draws conclusion, such as classification of life forms is related to
Differentiate between elements and compounds to evolution, deficiency of nutrients affects physiological processes in
classify different materials based on their physical and plants, matter is made up of particles, elements combine
2. Is Matter around Us chemical properties. chemically in a fixed ratio to form compounds, action and reaction
Pure? act on two different bodies, etc.
Elaborate the technique of fractional distillation to Designs models using eco-friendly resources, such as 3-d
separate homogeneous (or miscible) liquids. model of a cell, water purification system, stethoscope, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Identify ionic compounds whose formula unit mass can animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
3. Atoms and Molecules be calculated. and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
isobars and isotopes, etc.

Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to determine the Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
mass of elements in a mixture. and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of

liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
Calculate the mass ratio of atoms in a molecule to place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is
validate law of constant proportions
the effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are
stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
tissues present in plants?

Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
Correlate the fact of invisibility of atoms to the size of effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
atoms. reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,
3. Atoms and Molecules principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.

Determine the number of atoms present in an element on
Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity,
the basis of their atomicity.
speed, frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
Apply the law of constant proportions to calculate the substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
mass ratio of atoms in a molecule. percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin
Calculate the relative molecular mass of commonly scale and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic
known chemical compounds. number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential

energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the
Calculate the number of moles, mass, atoms and
order of their separation from the mixture, etc.
molecules using Avogadro’s number.

List atomic symbols of commonly known elements as per
IUPAC Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations to
represent various quantities / elements /units, such as SI
Recognise that different elements have different atomic
units, symbols of elements, formulae of simple compounds,
chemical equations, etc.
Write chemical formulae using symbols & valences.

Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as mathematical
Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to determine the expression for second law of motion, law of conservation of
mass of elements in a mixture. momentum, expression for force of gravity, equations of motion
from velocity-time graphs, etc.
Apply the Law of Constant Proportions to estimate the
amount of elements required in a chemical substance and Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery
identify postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory. of various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs
Recall atomic masses of a few elements to reinforce the regarding motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers,
idea of different atomic mass for different elements Archimedes principle, classification of living things, etc.


Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Know the different constituents of an atom and animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
4. Structure of the Atom differentiate between electrons and protons. and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
isobars and isotopes, etc.

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as

symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
Identify isobars on the basis of scientific notation of their production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with
atoms. cooling effect, various processes of separation with the physical and

chemical properties of the substances, production of sound with
vibrations of source, etc.
Find the valency of elements on the basis of their
electronic configuration and relate inertness and

reactivity of elements.

Calculate the number of electrons distributed in different
4. Structure of the Atom orbits(shells) according to Bohr and Bury rules and find
Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity, speed,
out valence electrons for different elements. frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin scale
and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic number
Postulate the reason for different atomic numbers for
isotopes of an element.
and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential energies of
an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the order of their
separation from the mixture, etc.

Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map

Enlist Bohr & Bury’s rules for electronic configuration to /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
show the distribution of electrons in elements from tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
atomic number 1 to 20 distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation

/ sublimation, etc.

Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations to
Write the scientific notations of atoms of commonly

represent various quantities / elements /units, such as SI
known elements and calculate their atomic mass and
atomic number.
units, symbols of elements, formulae of simple compounds,
chemical equations, etc.
Explain Thomson’s model of an atom and its incoherent Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery
features with the results of other experiments. of various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
Draw logical conclusions from Rutherford's experiment microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs

to understand the structure of an atom. regarding motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers,
Archimedes principle, classification of living things, etc.
Compare Rutherford’s model with Thomson’s atomic
model and state their relative advantages and limitations
Highlight the limitations of Rutherford’s model
4. Structure of the Atom State the postulates of Neils Bohr’s model of an atom and
their significance.

Get conversant with the Bohr and Bury rules for

distribution of electrons into different orbits.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Compare a Prokaryotic and an Eukaryotic cell Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Demonstrate the difference between animal and plant
animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
cells with appropriate experiments.
and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,

5. The Fundamental Unit element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
of Life isobars and isotopes, etc.
Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an

object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of
Demonstrate the difference between animal and plant
liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
cells with appropriate experiments.
place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is

the effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are
stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing

tissues present in plants?

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as

symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with
Compare a Prokaryotic and an Eukaryotic cell
cooling effect, various processes of separation with the physical and
chemical properties of the substances, production of sound with
5. The Fundamental Unit
vibrations of source, etc.
of Life
Differentiate between types of endoplasmic reticulum

and identify their functions.

Name the cell organelle responsible for storage,
modification and packaging of products in a cell
Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
Explain the functioning of Mitochondria in a cell. different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
Relate the functions of Lysosomes in a cell
reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,
Locate the cell organelle that helps cells prepare their principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
food boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.

Elaborate the role of chromosomes during cell division.

Relate the role of vacuoles in a cell.

Cognize the variety in shape and size of cells in different Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
organisms and infer that cells are functionally similar /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
5. The Fundamental Unit
despite structural differences. tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
of Life
Locate different cell organelles in a plant cell and state distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation
/ sublimation, etc.
their functions.

Cognize the variety in shape and size of cells in different Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery
organisms and infer that cells are functionally similar of various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
despite structural differences. microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs
regarding motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers,
Compare a Prokaryotic and an Eukaryotic cell Archimedes principle, classification of living things, etc.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Classify the meristematic tissue based on their location in Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / processes,
the plant body. based on, properties / characteristics, such as classification of plants,
animals under various hierarchical sub-groups, natural resources,
Classify different animal tissues based on their functions classification of matter based on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and
in the body composition (element / compound / mixture), etc.
6. Tissues
Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at

and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of
Describe the locations and function of meristematic
liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
tissue plants.
place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is
the effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are
stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
tissues present in plants?

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
Describe the locations and function of meristematic symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
tissue plants. production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with
cooling effect, various processes of separation with the physical and

chemical properties of the substances, production of sound with

vibrations of source, etc.

Identify the type of simple permanent tissues and their

functions in a plant.

Identify the type of complex permanent and their role in
a plant.
Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
Corelate the structure of epithelial tissues to their different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
functions in an organism. effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
6. Tissues
Describe different types of connective tissues and relate reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,

their structure to specific functions. principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Compare the structure of different types of muscular
tissues and relate it to their functions.
Describe the structure of a neuron and explain the
functioning of nervous tissue.

Corelate the structure of epithelial tissues to their

functions in an organism.

Describe different types of connective tissues and relate Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
their structure to specific functions. /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
Compare the structure of different types of muscular distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation
tissues and relate it to their functions. / sublimation, etc.

Describe the structure of a neuron and explain the

functioning of nervous tissue.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Identify the characteristic features of different animal
animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
groups and distinguish between them. (cyclostomata,
pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia)
and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
isobars and isotopes, etc.

Examine the characteristic criterion between the five
kingdoms (monera, protista , fungi, plantae and animalia)
7. Diversity in and categorise species into a particular kingdom on this
Living Organisms basis.
Identify the characteristic differences in order to
categorise living organisms into two biggest kingdoms,
i.e., plantae and animalia kingdom.
Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / processes,
Acquire the skill of classifying a plant species into based on, properties / characteristics, such as classification of plants,
different groups on the basis of their characteristic animals under various hierarchical sub-groups, natural resources,
classification of matter based on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and
Classify plants into different groups based on composition (element / compound / mixture), etc.

characteristic features of body design and presence of
vascular tissues.
Classify plants into different groups based on their ability
to bear seed and the nature of seeds.

Acquire the skill of classifying animals into different

groups on the basis of their body design.

Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
Identify the characteristic difference between earlier effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
evolved and later evolved living beings. reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,
principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
7. Diversity in Living boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Examine the characteristic criterion between the five
kingdoms (monera, protista , fungi, plantae and animalia)

and categorise species into a particular kingdom on this Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
basis. /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
Identify the characteristic differences in order to tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
categorise living organisms into two biggest kingdoms, distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation
i.e., plantae and animalia kingdom. / sublimation, etc.

Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations to

Identify the basis for classification of organisms into represent various quantities / elements /units, such as SI
kingdoms and name the various levels in a kingdom. units, symbols of elements, formulae of simple compounds,
chemical equations, etc.
Identify the characteristic difference between earlier Draws conclusion, such as classification of life forms is related to
evolved and later evolved living beings. evolution, deficiency of nutrients affects physiological processes
Identify the characteristic differences in order to in plants, matter is made up of particles, elements combine
categorise living organisms into two biggest kingdoms, chemically in a fixed ratio to form compounds, action and reaction
i.e., plantae and animalia kingdom. act on two different bodies, etc.

Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery

Examine the characteristic criterion between the five
of various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
kingdoms (monera, protista , fungi, plantae and animalia)
microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs
and categorise species into a particular kingdom on this
basis. regarding motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers,
Archimedes principle, classification of living things, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiate between the distance and displacement and Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
calculate them in real situations. processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
Calculate and compare speed of an object at different and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,

intervals of time and differentiate between uniform and element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
3. Motion non-uniform motion. isobars and isotopes, etc.


Calculate average speed of an object.

Calculate and compare speed of an object at different
intervals of time and differentiate between uniform and Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity,

non-uniform motion. speed, frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
Calculate average speed of an object. percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin

Distinguish between speed and velocity and calculate scale and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic
average velocity. number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential
energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the
Define accelerated motion and compute the change in
order of their separation from the mixture, etc.
velocity of a moving object in a non-uniform motion.

Plot distance-time graph for a moving object and Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
determine its speed, velocity, acceleration. /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
8. Motion tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
Construct velocity-time graphs and interpret them to distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation

determine speed, velocity, acceleration. / sublimation, etc.

Plot distance-time graph for a moving object and
Analyses and interprets graphs / figures etc., such as distance-
determine its speed, velocity, acceleration.
time and velocity-time graphs, computing distance / speed /
Construct velocity-time graphs and interpret them to
acceleration of objects in motion, properties of components of a
determine speed, velocity, acceleration.
mixture to identify the appropriate method of separation, crop
Extrapolate velocity-time graphs to derive velocity-time, yield after application of fertilizers, etc.
position-time & position-velocity relations.

Extrapolate velocity-time graphs to derive velocity-time,
Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as mathematical
position-time & position-velocity relations.
expression for second law of motion, law of conservation of
Calculate speed of an object traveling in a uniform momentum, expression for force of gravity, equations of motion
circular motion. from velocity-time graphs, etc.


Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Interpret data to identify uniform and non-uniform Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
motion of an object. processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and

animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
Examine forces acting on a body in order to determine and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
change in body's motion as a consequence of resultant element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
isobars and isotopes, etc.
4. Force & Laws of
Motion Determine the impact of frictional force on the motion of
an object.
Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of

different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
Identify examples and situations that illustrate the use of effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
Newton’s first Law of motion and Inertia. reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,

principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Illustrate Newton's Third Law of Motion.

Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity,
Calculate the momentum of objects when two bodies
speed, frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin
scale and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic
Calculate momentum of bodies before and after a
collision (when no external force is applied), and thus number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential
apply and derive law of conservation of momentum energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the

order of their separation from the mixture, etc.

Analyses and interprets graphs / figures etc., such as distance-
time and velocity-time graphs, computing distance / speed /
Calculate the momentum of objects when two bodies
acceleration of objects in motion, properties of components of a
mixture to identify the appropriate method of separation, crop
yield after application of fertilizers, etc.

Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations to
Interpret SI unit of force and use formulas to calculate represent various quantities / elements /units, such as SI
mass of an object. units, symbols of elements, formulae of simple compounds,
chemical equations, etc.

Apply Newton's Second Law of Motion and calculate rate Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,
of change of momentum in objects. such as separation of mixtures, uses safety belts in automobiles,
covers walls of large rooms with sound absorbent materials,
9. Force & Laws of
Motion Identify situations that demonstrate the application of follows intercropping and crop rotation, takes preventive
Newton’s third Law of Motion. measures to control disease causing agents, etc.

Interpret SI unit of force and use formulas to calculate

mass of an object. Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as mathematical
expression for second law of motion, law of conservation of
Calculate momentum of bodies before and after a momentum, expression for force of gravity, equations of motion
collision (when no external force is applied), and thus from velocity-time graphs, etc.
apply and derive law of conservation of momentum

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
Differentiate between thrust and pressure.
and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
5. Gravitation element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid, isobars
and isotopes, etc.

Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at

and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
Examine the impact of buoyant force to determine if an answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
object will sink or float in water. object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of
liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes

place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is the

effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are

stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
tissues present in plants?

Explain the role of centripetal force in life situations. Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with cooling
Relate Newton’s third law of motion and gravitational effect, various processes of separation with the physical and chemical
force to explain the motion of bodies. properties of the substances, production of sound with vibrations of
10. Gravitation source, etc.
Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity, speed,
Calculate gravitational force and its impact on objects. frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
Estimate the acceleration due to gravity acting on a
percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin scale
body. and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic
number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential
Calculate buoyant force acting on a body and determine energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the order
its impact. of their separation from the mixture, etc.
Relate change in acceleration due to gravity to Earth's
shape and weight of objects. Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as weight of an
object at moon, weight of an object at equator and poles, life on
Assess the force of gravitation exerted and compute other planets, etc.
mass of an object on earth and moon.

Calculate the magnitude of acceleration at different Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as mathematical
points on the path when the object is in motion. expression for second law of motion, law of conservation of
Interpret the relation between universal constant and momentum, expression for force of gravity, equations of motion
acceleration due to gravity. from velocity-time graphs, etc.

Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery of

various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
Demonstrate a clear understanding of gravitational
microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs regarding
motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers, Archimedes
principle, classification of living things, etc.


Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Calculate the total work done on an object when force is

applied in varied directions and determine its nature

Generalise the law of conservation of energy to Calculates using the data given, such as distance, velocity, speed,

situations of energy transfer and calculate the total frequency, work done, number of moles in a given mass of
energy of an object substance, concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass
Calculate power and assess the efficiency of work done percentage of substances, conversion of Celsius scale to kelvin
scale and vice versa, number of neutrons in an atom from atomic
Get conversant with commercial unit of energy number and mass number, speed of sound, kinetic and potential
Calculate total energy consumption and determine total energies of an object, boiling points of liquids to predict the order
cost in households and industries of their separation from the mixture, etc.

Comprehend energy and calculate the amount of work

an object is capable of doing
6. Work and
Energy Calculate power and assess the efficiency of work done Uses scientific conventions /symbols / equations to represent
various quantities / elements /units, such as SI units, symbols of
Get conversant with commercial unit of energy elements, formulae of simple compounds, chemical equations, etc.

Relate potential energy to position and calculate Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as mathematical
potential energy possessed by the objects expression for second law of motion, law of conservation of
momentum, expression for force of gravity, equations of motion
Comprehend energy transfer and write an expression for from velocity-time graphs, etc.
the kinetic energy of an object

Judge situations to identify where work is done Draws conclusion, such as classification of life forms is related to
according to scientific conception and calculate the evolution, deficiency of nutrients affects physiological processes in
magnitude of work
plants, matter is made up of particles, elements combine

chemically in a fixed ratio to form compounds, action and reaction
Comprehend energy and calculate the amount of work
an object is capable of doing
act on two different bodies, etc.

Relate kinetic energy to motion and calculate kinetic

energy possessed by the objects

Relate potential energy to position and calculate

potential energy possessed by the objects

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /

processes, based on such as prokaryote and eukaryote, plant cell and
Generalise that sound travels as successive animal cell, diffusion and osmosis, simple and complex tissues, distance
compressions and rarefactions in the medium. and displacement, speed and velocity, balanced and unbalanced forces,
element, compound and mixture, solution, suspension and colloid,
isobars and isotopes, etc.

Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at

and verify the facts / principles / phenomena or to seek
7. Sound answers to queries on their own, such as how does speed of an
object change? How objects float / sink when placed on surface of
Examine the paths of reflection of sound on different
liquid? Is there any change in mass when chemical reaction takes
place? What is the effect of heat on state of substances? What is the
effect of compression on different states of matter? Where are
stomata present in different types of leaves? Where are growing
tissues present in plants?

Infer and demonstrate that sound is produced due to Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
vibration of different objects. symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,

production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with cooling
Relate frequency, amplitude and speed of a sound wave effect, various processes of separation with the physical and chemical
to determine its loudness and frequency. properties of the substances, production of sound with vibrations of
source, etc.
Relate properties of the medium through which sound
travels to its speed.

explain propagation of sound in a medium based on their

knowledge of echo and reverberation.

Classify audible range of sounds of different organisms Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
into ultra and infra sounds. different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention, effect
of force on the state of motion of objects, action and reaction,
revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws, principle of
Explain the process of hearing in human beings. separation of different gases from air, melting / boiling / freezing,
how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
12. Sound /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
Explain the process of hearing in human beings. tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation /
sublimation, etc.

Analyses and interprets graphs / figures etc., such as distance-

time and velocity-time graphs, computing distance / speed /
Interpret the graphical representation of sound waves to
acceleration of objects in motion, properties of components of a
determine its frequency, amplitude, and speed.
mixture to identify the appropriate method of separation, crop
yield after application of fertilizers, etc.

Demonstrate an understanding of application of Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,
ultrasound waves in medical, defence and other fields. such as separation of mixtures, uses safety belts in automobiles,

covers walls of large rooms with sound absorbent materials,

follows intercropping and crop rotation, takes preventive

measures to control disease causing agents, etc.
explain propagation of sound in a medium based on their

knowledge of echo and reverberation.

12. Sound

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Understand the requirements for being 'healthy', and

thus differentiate between healthy, unhealthy & disease-

free human body Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
Infer 'symptoms' and 'signs' of falling ill, in order to
identify a disease production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with
cooling effect, various processes of separation with the physical and
Identify acute and chronic diseases, in order to develop a chemical properties of the substances, production of sound with
better plan for recovery
8. Why do We Fall vibrations of source, etc.
Ill? Identify different causes/ agents for the diseases in
order to prevent & cure them

Predict how a disease (communicable) spreads in order Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
to prevent it from affecting others
different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
Identify causes of a disease, and use adequate medicines effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and

for cure reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,
principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
Tabulate different ways of prevent diseases, in order to
stay healthy boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.

Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,

such as separation of mixtures, uses safety belts in automobiles,
Identify different causes/ agents for the diseases in
covers walls of large rooms with sound absorbent materials,
order to prevent & cure them
follows intercropping and crop rotation, takes preventive
measures to control disease causing agents, etc.

Describes scientific discoveries / inventions, such as discovery
of various atomic models, discovery of cell with invention of
Identify causes of a disease, and use adequate medicines
microscope, experiments of Lavoisier and Priestley, beliefs
for cure
regarding motion, discovery of real cause for peptic ulcers,
Archimedes principle, classification of living things, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena / processes,

based on, properties / characteristics, such as classification of plants,
Understand and Classify the resources present on Earth
animals under various hierarchical sub-groups, natural resources,
and ways to save them in order to protect our planet
classification of matter based on their states (solid / liquid / gas) and
composition (element / compound / mixture), etc.

Describe movement of water particles and heating of

14. Natural Resources land & water in order to explain process of raining

Enlist reasons for air pollution in order to prevent them Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
and keep air clean
symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their functions,
Explain ways of soil formation in order to understand production with use of fertilizers, process of evaporation with
diversity of life cooling effect, various processes of separation with the physical and
chemical properties of the substances, production of sound with
Explore reasons for soil erosion, in order to prevent
them and thus improve flora
vibrations of source, etc.

Elaborate the importance of ozone layer and draw

conclusions on causes for its depletion, and measures to
prevent its depletion

Tabulate the composition of air around us & their role,
Explains processes and phenomena, such as function of
in order to understand role of atmosphere in climate
different organelles, spread of diseases and their prevention,
effect of force on the state of motion of objects, action and
Comprehend how air moves, in order to explain winds reaction, revolution of planets and satellites, conservation laws,

List down uses & distribution of water, in order to principle of separation of different gases from air, melting /
efficiently use it around the world boiling / freezing, how bats use ultrasound to catch prey, etc.
14. Natural Resources
List down reasons for water pollution in order to

prevent them and keep air clean

Elaborate components of soil and their significance in
order to improve biodiversity of an area

Describe & draw water cycle, and thus explain how

water replenishes

Describe & draw nitrogen cycle, in order to realize

presence of different forms of nitrogen in our Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
surroundings /graphs, such as biogeochemical cycles, cell organelles and
Describe & draw carbon cycle, in order to realize tissues, human ear, distance-time and speed-time graphs,
presence of different forms of carbon in our distribution of electrons in different orbits, process of distillation
14. Natural Resources surroundings and reduce greenhouse effect / sublimation, etc.
Describe & draw oxygen cycle, in order to realize
presence of different forms of oxygen in our

Elaborate the importance of ozone layer and draw Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as weight of
conclusions on causes for its depletion, and measures to an object at moon, weight of an object at equator and poles, life on
prevent its depletion other planets, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Recognize growth needs of different crops like temperature,

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such
in order to produce them effectively
as symptoms with diseases / causal agents, tissues with their
Analyse ways/ combinations of growing crops in order to functions, production with use of fertilizers, process of

maximize yield evaporation with cooling effect, various processes of separation
with the physical and chemical properties of the substances,
Develop better storage strategies for crops, in order to
minimize storage losses production of sound with vibrations of source, etc.

15. Improvement in Food Discover ways of breeding a better variety of seeds, in order
Resources to improve quality of crops
Enlist various ways of enriching the soil in order to increase
crop yield

List down ways of irrigating a piece of land, in order to

provide adequate water to all crops

List down some characteristics local and Foreign breeds of

cattle, in order to develop cattle with desired qualities Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving
problems, such as separation of mixtures, uses safety belts in
Outline food requirements and common diseases of cattle, in automobiles, covers walls of large rooms with sound absorbent

order to protect them better materials, follows intercropping and crop rotation, takes
preventive measures to control disease causing agents, etc.
Analyse desirable traits in poultry in order to maximize egg
production and chicken meat
Identify housing, nutritional & environmental requirements
of poultry in order to prevent and control diseases
15. Improvement in Food
Resources Analyse the process of catching fish from seawater and fresh
water, in order to maximize yield

Name different varieties of bees and examine their traits, in

order to maximize output

List down some characteristics local and Foreign breeds of

cattle, in order to develop cattle with desired qualities

Outline food requirements and common diseases of cattle, in Draws conclusion, such as classification of life forms is related
order to protect them better to evolution, deficiency of nutrients affects physiological
processes in plants, matter is made up of particles, elements
Analyse desirable traits in poultry in order to maximize egg combine chemically in a fixed ratio to form compounds, action
production and chicken meat and reaction act on two different bodies, etc.
Identify housing, nutritional & environmental requirements
of poultry in order to prevent and control diseases

Analyse the process of catching fish from seawater and fresh
water, in order to maximize yield

Name different varieties of bees and examine their traits, in

order to maximize output

Applies the interdependency and interrelationship in the

Describe ways/ organisms by which crops get affected, in
biotic and abiotic factors of environment to promote
order to develop a solution to prevent them from attacking
conservation of environment, such as organic farming, waste
management, etc.

Class 10

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learners maybe provided with opportunities individually / in groups and
encouraged to -
Recognize the difference between reactions, such as exothermic and endothermic.
Observes to understand the difference in the temperatures in both the reactions using
laboratory thermometer.
Investigate the ways of segregation of waste materials on the basis of their degradation
property. They may be encouraged to practice the segregation of waste before disposal
at home, school and public places.
Explore the relationship between two physical quantities, such as between potential
difference across a conductor and the current through it. Design, conduct and share the
findings of an activity
Find out ‘why’ and ‘how’ of processes / phenomena, such as transportation in plants and
animals, extraction of metals from ores, with the help of activities / experiments
/demonstration. The learners may be encouraged to discuss, relate, conclude and explain
to process /phenomena to their peers.
Observe diagrams, such as of digestive tract, and names given to various parts. The
learners may be motivated to make poster of digestive tract for displaying in school. They
may also be provided opportunities to use ICT tools for drawing.
Collect wide variety of graphs from newspapers, magazines, or internet, with a view to
understand the information contained therein. The learners may be facilitated to draw a
graph, such as v-I graph for analysing the relationship between the potential difference
across a conductor and the current through it.
Study how chemical equations are balanced using simple mathematical skills. Discussion
may be conducted on the significance of balancing of chemical equations.
Get familiar with new cartesian sign convention using illustrated cards and may be given
ample opportunities to apply the sign convention in various situations of reflection by
spherical mirrors.
Perform a role-play on ecosystem on a hypothetical situation, such as what will happen
if all herbivores suddenly vanish from earth. This may be followed by a discussion about
how the loss of biodiversity disrupts the food chain hereby adversely affecting the energy
flow in an ecosystem.
Derive equations, formulae, laws, etc., for example the derivation for formula of the
equivalent resistance of resistors in series (or parallel). They should be encouraged to
practice the derivation till they are confident.
Study the features inherited through genes, such as attached or free earlobes. They may
be encouraged to observe and compare the earlobes of their friends with the ear lobes
of their parents and grandparents to arrive at the conclusion that characters or traits are
inherited in off-springs from their parents.
Collect print and non-print materials by exploring library and internet about scientists
and their findings to appreciate how concepts evolved with time. They may be motivated
to share their findings by preparing posters and performing role play / skits.

Collect eco-friendly / commonly available materials to design and develop technological
devices / innovative exhibits, such as electric motor, soda acid fire extinguisher,
respiratory system. They may be motivated to display their exhibits / models in science
exhibitions, science club, class- rooms, during parent–teacher meet and to respond to the
queries raised during interaction.
Visit classrooms, laboratories, library, toilets, playground, etc. To identify places where
wastage of electricity and water may be occurring. Discussion may be held on
importance of natural resources and their conservation, leading to the conviction for
adoption of good habits in their day to day life. The learners may also organize a
sensitization programme on such issues.
Share their findings of the activities / projects / experiments, such as extraction of metals
from ores, working of electric motor and generator, formation of rainbow, etc. In oral
and written forms. Report writing may be facilitated to share their findings by using
appropriate technical terms / figures / tables / graphs, etc. They may be encouraged to
draw conclusions on the basis of their observations.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los
The learner -
Differentiates materials / objects / Explains properties /characteristics in
organisms / phenomena / processes, order to differentiate materials / objects
based on, properties / characteristics, /organisms /phenomena /processes.
such as autotrophic and heterotrophic
nutrition, biodegradable and non-
biodegradable substances, various types of
reactions, strong and weak acids and bases,
acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and
virtual images, etc.
Classifies materials / objects / Describes and interprets properties
organisms / phenomena / processes, /characteristics in order to classify
based on, properties / characteristics, materials /objects /organisms /
such as metals and non-metals on the basis phenomena / processes.
of their physical and chemical properties,
acids and bases on the basis of their
chemical properties, etc.
Plans and conducts investigations / Plans and conducts investigations
experiments to arrive at and verify the /experiments on their own, in order to
facts, principles, phenomena or to seek arrive at facts and in order to verify the
answers to queries on their own, such as principles /phenomena, or in order to
investigates conditions necessary for seek answers to queries.
rusting, tests the conductivity of various
solutions, compares the foaming capacity
of different types of soap samples, verifies
laws of reflection and refraction of light,
ohm’s law, do variegated leaves perform
photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved

during fermentation? Why plants shoot
moves towards light?
Relates processes and phenomena with Examines and explains processes and
causes / effects, such as hormones with phenomena in order to relate them with
their functions, tooth decay with pH of causes and effects.
saliva, growth of plants with pH of the soil,
survival of aquatic life with pH of water, blue
colour of sky with scattering of light,
deflection of compass needle due to
magnetic effect of electric current, etc.
Explains processes and phenomena, Explains processes and phenomena in
such as nutrition in human beings and order to relate to science behind the
plants, transportation in plants and plants, phenomena /processes and develop a
transportation in plants and animals, keen interest in the science in daily life.
extraction of metals from ores, placement
of elements in modern periodic table,
displacement of metals from their salt
solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
working of electric motor and generator,
twinkling of stars, advance sunrise and
delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / Draws labelled diagrams /flow charts
concept map /graphs, such as digestive, /concept map /graphs to demonstrate
respiratory, circulatory, excretory and knowledge of how the process
reproductive systems, electrolysis of /structure /relationship works and also
water, electron dot structure of atoms and to demonstrate the application of
molecules, flow chart for extraction of different forms of illustrations.
metals from ores, ray diagrams, magnetic
field lines, etc.
Analyses and interprets data / graph / Analyses data /graph /figures in order
figure, such as melting and boiling points to interpret them.
of substances to differentiate between
covalent and ionic compounds, pH of
solutions to predict the nature of
substances, v-i graphs, ray diagrams, etc.
Calculates using the data given, such as Calculates using the data given, in order
number of atoms in reactants and products to show measurability of scientific
to balance a chemical equation, resistance postulates and applications of scientific
of a system of resistors, power of a lens, measurement units.
electric power, etc.
Uses scientific conventions to represent Uses scientific conventions in order to
units of various quantities / symbols / represent units of various quantities /
formulae / equations, such as balanced symbols /formulae /equations.
chemical equation by using symbols and
physical states of substances, sign
convention in optics, si units, etc.

Measures physical quantities using Selects and uses appropriate apparatus
appropriate apparatus / instruments /instruments / devices in order to
/devices, such as ph of substances using measure physical quantities.
different indicators, electric current and
potential difference using ammeter and
voltmeter, etc.
Applies learning to hypothetical Applies learning to given hypothetical
situations, such as what happens if all situations in order to solve problems
herbivores removed from an ecosystem? /give possible solutions.
What will happen if all non-renewable
sources of energy are exhausted?
Applies scientific concepts in daily life Applies learning of scientific concepts in
and solving problems, such as takes daily life in order to solve problems.
precautions to prevent sexually transmitted
infections, uses appropriate electrical plugs
(5 /15a) for different electrical devices, uses
vegetative propagation to develop saplings in
gardening, performs exercise to keep in good
health, avoids using appliances responsible
for ozone layer depletion, applies concept of
decomposition reaction of baking soda to
make spongy cakes, etc.
Derives formulae / equations / laws, Derives formulae /equations /laws in
such as equivalent resistance of resistors in order to demonstrate mathematical
series and parallel, etc. thinking skills and understanding of
scientific laws /concepts.
Draws conclusion, such as traits / Analyses interdependencies in order to
features are inherited through genes draw conclusions.
present on chromosomes, a new species
originates through evolutionary processes,
water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen,
properties of elements vary periodically
along the groups and periods in periodic
table, potential difference across a metal
conductor is proportional to the electric
current through it, etc.
Takes initiative to know about scientific Takes initiative to know about and
discoveries / inventions, such as describes scientific discoveries
Mendel’s contribution in understanding /inventions in order to compare,
the concept of inheritance, Dobereiner for contrast, and evaluate their usefulness,
discovering triads of elements, Mendeleev particularly in context of the age in which
for the development of the periodic table it was discovered /invented and its
of elements, Oersted discovery that relevance today.
electricity and magnetism are related,
discovery of relation between potential
difference across a metal conductor and
the electric current through it by ohm, etc.

Exhibits creativity in designing models Designs models using eco-friendly
using eco-friendly resources, such as resources in order to exhibit creativity.
working model of respiratory, digestive
and excretory systems, soda acid fire
extinguisher, periodic table, micelles
formation, diamond / graphite /
Buckminster fullerene, human eye, electric
motor and generator, etc.
Exhibits values of honesty / objectivity / Records & reports experimental data
rational thinking / freedom from myth / objectively and honestly, in order to
superstitious beliefs while taking exhibit values of honesty /objectivity
decisions, respect for life, etc. Such as /rational thinking /respect for life and
reports and records experimental data freedom from myths /superstitious
accurately, says no to consumption of /beliefs /etc. while taking decisions.
alcohol and sensitizes others about its
effect on physical and mental health,
motivates for organ donation, prevents
pre-natal sex determination, etc.
Communicates the findings and Uses appropriate figures / tables /graphs
conclusions effectively, such as those of /digital form /etc. and records findings of
experiment / activity / project orally and in experiment / activity /project in order to
written form using appropriate figures / communicate effectively, both orally and
tables / graphs / digital form, etc. in written form, the findings and
Makes efforts to conserve environment Realises the interdependency and
realizing the inter- dependency and interrelationship in the biotic and
interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic factors of environment and
abiotic factors of environment, such as applies it in order to make efforts to
appreciates and promotes segregation of promote conservation of environment.
biodegradable and non - biodegradable
wastes, takes steps to promote sustainable
management of resources in day to day
life, advocates use of fuels which produces
less pollutants, uses energy efficient
electric devices, uses fossil fuels
judiciously, etc.


Section III
Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcomes adapted by CBSE
Chapter No. Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Draws conclusion, such as traits / features are inherited

through genes present on chromosomes, a new species
Compare the characteristics of initial & final originates through evolutionary processes, water is made up of
substances in order to check whether the hydrogen and oxygen, properties of elements vary periodically
change is physical or chemical. along the groups and periods in periodic table, potential
difference across a metal conductor is proportional to the
electric current through it, etc.

Relate the substances taking part in the Uses scientific conventions to represent units of various
chemical reaction & substances formed in the quantities / symbols / formulae / equations, such as
chemical reaction in order to classify them as balanced chemical equation by using symbols and physical
reactants & products. states of substances, sign convention in optics, si units, etc.

Use chemical symbols & chemical formulae

Calculates using the data given, such as number of atoms in
1. Chemical Reactions and Equations correctly in order to acquire the skill of writing
chemical equations. reactants and products to balance a chemical equation,
resistance of a system of resistors, power of a lens, electric
Apply Law of Conservation of Mass in order to power, etc.
balance chemical equations.

Categorize the given reactions as (combination /

decomposition) based on the reactants &
products of a chemical reaction. Differentiates materials / objects / organisms /
phenomena / processes, based on, properties /
characteristics, such as autotrophic and heterotrophic
Classify the given reaction as displacement or nutrition, biodegradable and non- biodegradable substances,
double displacement based on the type of various types of reactions, strong and weak acids and bases,
reactants used & products formed.
acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and virtual images, etc.
Predict the reaction as Oxidation or Reduction
based on the addition/ removal of oxygen/

hydrogen/ electrons to the reactants to form

Observe colour change in iron, copper and silver Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving
articles over time in order to outline the effects problems, such as takes precautions to prevent sexually
of corrosion in our surroundings (real life transmitted infections, uses appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a)
situations, stating any two). for different electrical devices, uses vegetative propagation to
develop saplings in gardening, performs exercise to keep in good
Detect changes in smell, colour, taste of food health, avoids using appliances responsible for ozone layer
items overtime, in order to explain effects of
depletion, applies concept of decomposition reaction of baking
oxidation on food items
soda to make spongy cakes, etc.

Chapter No. Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Write down the ions present in aqueous solution Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
of an acid or a base, in order to explain why processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as
aqueous acid/ base conduct electricity autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, biodegradable and non-
Identify the positive and negative radicals present biodegradable substances, various types of reactions, strong and
in a salt, in order to predict a salt's family and pH weak acids and bases, acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and virtual
images, etc.

Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
Recall the tastes of acids and bases in order to processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as metals
point out if given food items contain an acid or a and non-metals on the basis of their physical and chemical
2. Acids, Bases and Salts base. properties, acids and bases on the basis of their chemical properties,
Observe the action of given substances with
various indicators, in order to categorize them as Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
acids or bases and verify the facts, principles, phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as investigates conditions
Detect the formation of hydrogen gas when a
necessary for rusting, tests the conductivity of various solutions,
metal reacts with an acid or a base, in order to
compares the foaming capacity of different types of soap samples,
confirm the presence of an acid/ base given an
verifies laws of reflection and refraction of light, ohm’s law, do
unknown compound

Detect the formation of carbon dioxide when a variegated leaves perform photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved
during fermentation? Why plants shoot moves towards light?
metal carbonate/ bicarbonate reacts with acid, in

order to detect the presence of acid given an
unknown compound
Demonstrate the activity of heating copper
sulphate crystals and change in colour, in order to

detect the presence of water of crystallisation

Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
Explain the effect of pH change in animals, plants hormones with their functions, tooth decay with pH of saliva, growth
2. Acids, Bases and Salts and environment in order to learn suitable pH of plants with pH of the soil, survival of aquatic life with pH of water,
range for survival blue colour of sky with scattering of light, deflection of compass
needle due to magnetic effect of electric current, etc.
Outline the process of formation of sodium
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
hydroxide in order to explain its manufacture
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
using common salt
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,
List the properties & explain the preparation/
placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
manufacture some important compounds of
metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
Sodium. (bleaching powder, baking soda and
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
washing soda) in order to explain their
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
manufacture using common salt
Analyses and interprets data / graph / figure, such as melting
Detect the strength of given substances based on and boiling points of substances to differentiate between covalent
their position in the pH scale. and ionic compounds, pH of solutions to predict the nature of
substances, v-i graphs, ray diagrams, etc.
Measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus /
Analyse the reaction taking place between an acid instruments
and a base (alkalis, metal oxides) using an /devices, such as ph of substances using different indicators,
indicator. electric current and potential difference using ammeter and
voltmeter, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Observe various substances and their physical
properties in order to classify them as metals or non- Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as metals
and non-metals on the basis of their physical and chemical
Predict the products when metals & non-metals react properties, acids and bases on the basis of their chemical
with oxygen, water, dilute acids in order to write a
properties, etc.
balanced chemical equation.
3. Metals and Non-metals
Identify the product formed when a metal reacts with a
metal salt, in order to list the metals in order of their
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
Analyse the process of getting metals from their oxides, beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
sulphides, carbonates in order to extract them from transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from
their ores ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
Explain the process of electrolytic refining in order to of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
assess how to obtain pure metals from impure samples working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Observe corrosion in metal articles & its process in
order to develop ways to prevent corrosion by forming
alloys, painting, galvanising
Discuss the process of how metals react with non-
metals, in order to explain formation & properties of
ionic compounds Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
Analyse the process of getting metals from their oxides, of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
sulphides, carbonates in order to extract them from ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.
their ores

3. Metals and Non-metals
Analyses and interprets data / graph / figure, such as melting
Discuss the process of how metals react with non-
and boiling points of substances to differentiate between covalent
metals, in order to explain formation & properties of
ionic compounds
and ionic compounds, pH of solutions to predict the nature of
substances, v-i graphs, ray diagrams, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Classify carbon compounds in homologous series in

order to predict their properties

Illustrate the chemical properties of carbon compounds
Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
(like combustion, oxidation, addition & substitution)
4. Carbon and its along with balanced chemical reaction. processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as
Compounds autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, biodegradable and non-
Identify how carbon compounds react with hydrogen biodegradable substances, various types of reactions, strong and
in the presence of nickel catalyst, in order to write a weak acids and bases, acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and virtual
balanced chemical reaction
images, etc.
Identify how carbon compounds react with chlorine in

the presence of sunlight, in order to write a balanced
chemical reaction

Observe how carbon compounds burn in oxygen, in Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
order to classify them as saturated or unsaturated and verify the facts, principles, phenomena or to seek

Perform physical and chemical tests in order to answers to queries on their own, such as investigates conditions
distinguish between Ethanol & Ethanoic acid based on necessary for rusting, tests the conductivity of various solutions,
their properties (reaction with other substances) compares the foaming capacity of different types of soap samples,

verifies laws of reflection and refraction of light, ohm’s law, do
Describe the process of micelle formation in order to variegated leaves perform photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved
understand how soaps work during fermentation? Why plants shoot moves towards light?
4. Carbon and its
Compounds Draw structures of carbon compounds and show types
of bonds (single/ double/ triple) in order to classify
them as alkanes/ alkenes/ alkynes
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
Draw structures of carbon compounds with functional
such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
groups, in order to predict their properties due to
reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
functional groups and type of bonding present
of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
Write down electron shell configuration of carbon in ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.
order to predict formulae of carbon compounds and
illustrate the structure of molecules of carbon
compounds with chain, branched & ring structure.

Draw structures of carbon compounds in order to
classify them as saturated or unsaturated

Uses scientific conventions to represent units of various

Identify the functional group, type of bonding, number
quantities / symbols / formulae / equations, such as balanced
of C atoms present in a carbon compound, in order to
correctly name them
chemical equation by using symbols and physical states of
substances, sign convention in optics, si units, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Interpret the arrangement of elements in the MPT. Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,

Analyse the usefulness of MPT in studying the chemical placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
5. Periodic Classification behaviour of elements. metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
of Elements working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.

Arrange the elements on the basis of their properties

like oxides and hydrides, in order to form Mendeleev's
Periodic Table

Compute the group and period number of an element Draws conclusion, such as traits / features are inherited through
given its atomic number, in order to determine its genes present on chromosomes, a new species originates through
place in MPT evolutionary processes, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen,
properties of elements vary periodically along the groups and
Compute the number of shells & valence electrons of periods in periodic table, potential difference across a metal
an element given its position in MPT, in order to
conductor is proportional to the electric current through it, etc.
determine its properties

Predict the position of elements in the MPT in order to

explain the trends in groups and periods.

Predict the trend of atomic size across the period and
down the group, in order to explain arrangement of
elements in MPT

Calculate the average atomic mass given masses of

different elements, in order to identify Dobereiner's Takes initiative to know about scientific discoveries /
Triads inventions, such as Mendel’s contribution in understanding
the concept of inheritance, Dobereiner for discovering triads of
Arrange elements in order of increasing atomic
elements, Mendeleev for the development of the periodic table of
masses, in order to form Newlands' Octaves
elements, Oersted discovery that electricity and magnetism are
Identify the achievements and limitations in related, discovery of relation between potential difference across a
Mendeleev’s periodic table with respect to metal conductor and the electric current through it by ohm, etc.
arrangement of elements.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
List and explain the strategies employed by processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as
heterotrophs to take up food, in order to autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, biodegradable and non-
6. Life Processes understand how heterotrophs obtain nutrition and biodegradable substances, various types of reactions, strong and

diffrentiate it from autotrophic nutrition. weak acids and bases, acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and virtual
images, etc.


Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at
and verify the facts, principles, phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as investigates conditions
Explain the process of absorption of CO2 & H2O, in
necessary for rusting, tests the conductivity of various solutions,
order to understand how autotrophs obtain
compares the foaming capacity of different types of soap samples,
substances necessary for nutrition

verifies laws of reflection and refraction of light, ohm’s law, do
variegated leaves perform photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved
during fermentation? Why plants shoot moves towards light?

Explain the process of conversion of CO2 & H2O

into carbohydrates, in order to understand how
autotrophs obtain nutrition
Illustrate the process involved in human digestive

system, in order to explain how humans obtain
nutrients from food Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
6. Life Processes List the enzymes & their functions involved in beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
human digestive system, in order to understand transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from
ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
breakdown of food in humans
Outline and explain the ways of breakdown of of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
glucose by various pathways, in order to explain working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
how energy is obtained in organisms
Illustrate the process involved in human
respiratory system, in order to explain how
humans take in oxygen and expel CO2
Illustrate the process of transport of oxygenated &
de-oxygenated blood by human heart, in order to
explain how oxygen is transported to cells

Outline the process of double circulation of blood
in fishes, in order to explain how oxygenated &

deoxygenated blood is compartmentalized
Describe the function of blood vessels, arteries,
platelets & lymph in human body, in order to

understand how human transportation system
Explain the function of xylem (vessels and
tracheids) in plants, in order to explain how plants
take up water forms soil
Explain the function of transpiration in order to
explain how water travels up in plants

Explain the function of phloem & ATP, in order to
explain how food is transported in plants

Illustrate the process involved in human excretory
system, in order to explain how waste is
transported out of humans' body

Describe transpiration and other ways in which

plants shed extra wastes, in order to explain
excretion in plants
List and explain the strategies employed by
heterotrophs to take up food, in order to
6. Life Processes understand how heterotrophs obtain nutrition and
diffrentiate it from autotrophic nutrition.
Illustrate the process involved in human digestive Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
system, in order to explain how humans obtain such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
nutrients from food reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
Illustrate the process involved in human of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
respiratory system, in order to explain how ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.

humans take in oxygen and expel CO2
Illustrate the process of transport of oxygenated &
de-oxygenated blood by human heart, in order to
explain how oxygen is transported to cells

Illustrate the process involved in human excretory
system, in order to explain how waste is

transported out of humans' body
Illustrate the process involved in human digestive
system, in order to explain how humans obtain

nutrients from food
Illustrate the process involved in human
respiratory system, in order to explain how
humans take in oxygen and expel CO2 Exhibits creativity in designing models using eco-friendly
6. Life Processes resources, such as working model of respiratory, digestive and
excretory systems, soda acid fire extinguisher, periodic table,

Illustrate the process of transport of oxygenated &
micelles formation, diamond / graphite / Buckminster fullerene,
de-oxygenated blood by human heart, in order to
human eye, electric motor and generator, etc.
explain how oxygen is transported to cells

Illustrate the process involved in human excretory

system, in order to explain how waste is
transported out of humans' body

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Outline the working of a reflex arc, in order to
explain how reflex actions take place in humans

Examine tropic movements in plants, in order to
understand how plants respond to environmental Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
triggers like light, gravity, water hormones with their functions, tooth decay with pH of saliva, growth
of plants with pH of the soil, survival of aquatic life with pH of water,
Discuss limitations of electrical impulses, in order
to outline the importance and use of hormones blue colour of sky with scattering of light, deflection of compass
7. Control and
needle due to magnetic effect of electric current, etc.
Coordination Illustrate the function of endocrine glands in
human body, in order to understand functioning of

Draw the structure & explain the functioning of a Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
neuron, in order to explain how electrical signals beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
travel in human body transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from

ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
Illustrate the location and functions of different of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
parts of human brain, in order to understand working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
working of human brain sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Draw the structure & explain the functioning of a
neuron, in order to explain how electrical signals Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
travel in human body such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
Outline the working of a reflex arc, in order to of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
explain how reflex actions take place in humans ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
Describe the changes taking place in female body hormones with their functions, tooth decay with pH of saliva, growth
after/ without fertilization, in order to understand of plants with pH of the soil, survival of aquatic life with pH of water,
human reproduction blue colour of sky with scattering of light, deflection of compass

needle due to magnetic effect of electric current, etc.

Illustrate the process of fission in amoeba,
8. How Do Organisms leishmania & plasmodium, in order to understand
how unicellular organisms divide Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
Illustrate the process of fragmentation in
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from
Spirogyra & spore formation in Rhizopus, in order
ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
to understand how multicellular organisms with
of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
simple body design divide
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
Illustrate the process of regeneration in Planaria, sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
in order to understand how fully differentiated
multicellular organisms divide

Illustrate the process of budding in Hydra, in order
to understand how fully differentiated multi-
cellular organisms use regenerative cells to divide
Illustrate the process of vegetative propagation in

plants like sugarcane, roses, grapes in order to

understand how plants reproduce without seeds
Label the different parts of a flower and explain
their functions, in order to understand how
flowers reproduce to form fruit
8. How Do Organisms List down the changes occuring in male and female
Reproduce? body in teenage years, in order to understand
effects of puberty

Illustrate the male reproductive system, in order
to understand its function in reproduction
Illustrate the female reproductive system, in order
to understand its function in reproduction
Illustrate the process of fission in amoeba,
leishmania & plasmodium, in order to understand
how unicellular organisms divide

Illustrate the process of fragmentation in

Spirogyra & spore formation in Rhizopus, in order
to understand how multicellular organisms with
simple body design divide
Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
Illustrate the process of regeneration in Planaria, such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
in order to understand how fully differentiated reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
8. How Do Organisms multicellular organisms divide of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
Reproduce? ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.

Illustrate the process of budding in Hydra, in order
to understand how fully differentiated multi-
cellular organisms use regenerative cells to divide

Illustrate the process of vegetative propagation in
plants like sugarcane, roses, grapes in order to
understand how plants reproduce without seeds

Illustrate the male reproductive system, in order
to understand its function in reproduction
Illustrate the female reproductive system, in order
to understand its function in reproduction

Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,

such as takes precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections,
List down the ways to avoid fertilization, in order uses appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a) for different electrical
to avoid pregnancy and maintain reproductive devices, uses vegetative propagation to develop saplings in gardening,
health performs exercise to keep in good health, avoids using appliances
responsible for ozone layer depletion, applies concept of
decomposition reaction of baking soda to make spongy cakes, etc.
Draws conclusion, such as traits / features are inherited through
genes present on chromosomes, a new species originates through
List down the reasons for changes in DNA copying
evolutionary processes, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen,
and their effect on ecosystem, in order to
properties of elements vary periodically along the groups and
understand importance of variations
periods in periodic table, potential difference across a metal
conductor is proportional to the electric current through it, etc.

Chapter No. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human

beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,

Explain the combination of sex chromosomes, in transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from
order to understand how sex is determined in ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
9. Heredity and Evolution humans of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Explain the combination of sex chromosomes, in
order to understand how sex is determined in Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
humans such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
State and explain Mendel's traits of inheritance, in
of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
order to understand how traits are inherited from
ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.
one generation to next

Classify the given traits as inherited or acquired, in
order to understand which traits cause a change in


Explain how changes in DNA can lead to stronger/
better species, or formation of new species
altogether, in order to understand natural
Draws conclusion, such as traits / features are inherited through
selection & speciation genes present on chromosomes, a new species originates through

Identify if a given pair of organs is analogous or evolutionary processes, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen,
homologous, in order to find relationship between properties of elements vary periodically along the groups and
species periods in periodic table, potential difference across a metal
conductor is proportional to the electric current through it, etc.
Observe different fossils and identify the
differences and similarities, in order to understand
the timeline of evolution
State and explain Mendel's traits of inheritance, in
order to understand how traits are inherited from

one generation to next

Takes initiative to know about scientific discoveries /
9. Heredity and Evolution
inventions, such as Mendel’s contribution in understanding
State and explain Mendel's traits of inheritance, in the concept of inheritance, Dobereiner for discovering triads of
order to understand how traits are inherited from elements, Mendeleev for the development of the periodic table of
one generation to next elements, Oersted discovery that electricity and magnetism are
related, discovery of relation between potential difference across a
metal conductor and the electric current through it by ohm, etc.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the path of light when it travels Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to
through a rectangular glass slab, in order to arrive at and verify the facts, principles, phenomena or
formulate laws of refraction of light. to seek answers to queries on their own, such as

Outline the rule of image formation by investigates conditions necessary for rusting, tests the
spherical mirrors in order to complete the conductivity of various solutions, compares the foaming

ray diagrams by drawing reflected rays. capacity of different types of soap samples, verifies laws of
Represent the path of incident & reflected reflection and refraction of light, ohm’s law, do variegated
leaves perform photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved during
10. Light – Reflection and Rarefaction light rays from a concave lens, in order
decipher the position and nature of image fermentation? Why plants shoot moves towards light?
Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects,
such as hormones with their functions, tooth decay with pH of
Compare speed of light in one medium with
saliva, growth of plants with pH of the soil, survival of aquatic
another in order to calculate refractive

life with pH of water, blue colour of sky with scattering of light,
deflection of compass needle due to magnetic effect of electric
current, etc.
State the laws of reflection of light, in order Explains processes and phenomena in order to relate to

to understand how light travels in a medium science behind the phenomena/ processes and develop a
when it encounters another object keen interest in the science in daily life: (such as nutrition

Represent the path of incident ray and in human beings and plants, transportation in plants and
reflected ray in order to decipher the plants, transportation in plants and animals, extraction of
position and nature of image formed. metals from ores, placement of elements in modern periodic
Illustrate the path of incident & reflected table, displacement of metals from their salt solutions on the

light rays from a convex lens, in order basis of reactivity series, working of electric motor and
decipher the position and nature of image generator, twinkling of stars, advance sunrise and delayed
formed. sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.)

Outline the rule of image formation by
spherical mirrors in order to complete the
ray diagrams by drawing reflected rays. Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map
Represent the path of incident ray and /graphs, such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory

reflected ray in order to decipher the and reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot
position and nature of image formed. structure of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of
Demonstrate the path of light when it travels metals from ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.
through a rectangular glass slab, in order to
formulate laws of refraction of light.

Represent the path of incident & reflected
light rays from a concave lens, in order

decipher the position and nature of image
Illustrate the path of incident & reflected

light rays from a convex lens, in order
decipher the position and nature of image
10. Light – Reflection and Rarefaction
Outline the rule of image formation by

spherical mirrors in order to complete the
Analyses and interprets data / graph / figure, such as
ray diagrams by drawing reflected rays.
melting and boiling points of substances to differentiate
Represent the path of incident & reflected between covalent and ionic compounds, pH of solutions to
light rays from a concave lens, in order predict the nature of substances, v-i graphs, ray diagrams, etc.

decipher the position and nature of image
Express u, v, f in the mirror formula in order
to apply sign convention in solving word
problems to find the unknown variable.
Deduce the nature and size of image by
magnification in order to relate height of
object with height of image.
Compare speed of light in one medium with Calculates using the data given, such as number of atoms
another in order to calculate refractive in reactants and products to balance a chemical equation,
index. resistance of a system of resistors, power of a lens, electric
Construct the lens formula for a lens relating power, etc.
v, u, f; in order to find an unknown variable
given the other two.
10. Light – Reflection and Rarefaction State the magnification for a lens, in order to
relate height of object with height of image
Calculate the power of a lens, in order to
determine its power to converge or diverge

Express u, v, f in the mirror formula in order
to apply sign convention in solving word Uses scientific conventions to represent units of various
problems to find the unknown variable. quantities / symbols / formulae / equations, such as
balanced chemical equation by using symbols and physical
Construct the lens formula for a lens relating states of substances, sign convention in optics, si units, etc.
v, u, f; in order to find an unknown variable
given the other two.

Chapter no. Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from
Relate changes in focal length of eye lens to vision
ores, placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement
of distant and nearby objects
of metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.

Relate changes in focal length of eye lens to vision Draws labelled diagrams / flow charts / concept map /graphs,
11. Human Eye and of distant and nearby objects such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
the Colourful World reproductive systems, electrolysis of water, electron dot structure
of atoms and molecules, flow chart for extraction of metals from
Describe the structure of an eye and functions of
various parts that help humans to see. ores, ray diagrams, magnetic field lines, etc.

Identify the causes of defects of vision in human
eye and suggest correction procedures.
Draws conclusion, such as traits / features are inherited through
Examine the path of light rays through a prism and genes present on chromosomes, a new species originates through
evolutionary processes, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen,
identify various rays and angles formed
properties of elements vary periodically along the groups and

periods in periodic table, potential difference across a metal
Demonstrate that white light is dispersed into conductor is proportional to the electric current through it, etc.
seven colours by a prism and explain the reasons
11. Human Eye and for the same.
the Colourful World

Provide scientific explanation for twinkling of
stars, advanced sunrise and delayed sunset.

Describe the structure of an eye and functions of

various parts that help humans to see.

Describe the structure of an eye and functions of Takes initiative to know about scientific discoveries /
various parts that help humans to see. inventions, such as Mendel’s contribution in understanding
the concept of inheritance, Dobereiner for discovering triads of
elements, Mendeleev for the development of the periodic table of
Relate scattering of light to Tyndall effect, blue elements, Oersted discovery that electricity and magnetism are
colour of sky and red colour of sun at sunrise and related, discovery of relation between potential difference across a
sunset. metal conductor and the electric current through it by ohm, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Plans and conducts investigations / experiments to arrive at

12. Electricity
and verify the facts, principles, phenomena or to seek
answers to queries on their own, such as investigates conditions
Plot a graph between voltage and current, in order to necessary for rusting, tests the conductivity of various solutions,
prove ohm's law & find resistance compares the foaming capacity of different types of soap samples,
verifies laws of reflection and refraction of light, ohm’s law, do
variegated leaves perform photosynthesis? Which gas is evolved
during fermentation? Why plants shoot moves towards light?

Define resistivity and its range for different materials,

in order to classify substances as conductors, alloys
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
and insulators beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,

placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
Explain and calculate the heating effect of electric metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
current, in order to learn working of appliances like
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
heater, iron and fuse.
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.

Evaluate the charge flowing through a conductor in a
given time, in order to calculate current flowing

through it
Calculates using the data given, such as number of atoms in
Determine work done in moving a charge across two
reactants and products to balance a chemical equation, resistance of
points, in order to calculate potential difference
between two points a system of resistors, power of a lens, electric power, etc.

Calculate power, in order to represent electric
12. Electricity consumption in domestic circuits
Evaluate the charge flowing through a conductor in a
given time, in order to calculate current flowing
through it

Determine work done in moving a charge across two Uses scientific conventions to represent units of various
points, in order to calculate potential difference quantities / symbols / formulae / equations, such as balanced
between two points chemical equation by using symbols and physical states of
Plot a graph between voltage and current, in order to substances, sign convention in optics, si units, etc.
prove ohm's law & find resistance

Calculate power, in order to represent electric
consumption in domestic circuits
Measures physical quantities using appropriate apparatus /
Identify the electrical components and their functions, instruments /devices, such as ph of substances using different
in order to build a functioning circuit indicators, electric current and potential difference using ammeter

and voltmeter, etc.

Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,
such as takes precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections,
12. Electricity Explain and calculate the heating effect of electric uses appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a) for different electrical
current, in order to learn working of appliances like devices, uses vegetative propagation to develop saplings in gardening,
heater, iron and fuse. performs exercise to keep in good health, avoids using appliances
responsible for ozone layer depletion, applies concept of
decomposition reaction of baking soda to make spongy cakes, etc.

Determine the resultant resistance in a series and a
Derives formulae / equations / laws, such as equivalent resistance
parallel combination, in order to identify the suitable
combination like house, etc
of resistors in series and parallel, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Draw magnetic field lines for a bar magnet, in order
to identify the magnetic field strength at different
points around a magnet
Represent magnetic field lines for a straight current
carrying conductor, in order to identify the

magnetic field strength at different points around

it. Relates processes and phenomena with causes / effects, such as
Draw magnetic field lines for at current carrying hormones with their functions, tooth decay with pH of saliva, growth
circular loop, in order to identify the magnetic field of plants with pH of the soil, survival of aquatic life with pH of water,
13. Magnetic Effects of strength at different points around it blue colour of sky with scattering of light, deflection of compass
Electric Current Outline magnetic field lines for at current carrying needle due to magnetic effect of electric current, etc.
solenoid, in order to identify the magnetic field
strength at different points around it.

Discuss electromagnetic induction, in order to
understand how a moving magnet can be used to
generate electric currents.

State Fleming's Left-Hand rule, in order to Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
understand the working of an electric motor beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,
placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
Explain Fleming's right hand rule, in order to
metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
understand the working of an electric generator
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance

sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Uses scientific conventions to represent units of various
Analyse the significance of neutral, earth and live
quantities / symbols / formulae / equations, such as balanced
wire, in order to understand formation of a
chemical equation by using symbols and physical states of
domestic electrical circuit
substances, sign convention in optics, si units, etc.

Takes initiative to know about scientific discoveries /
inventions, such as Mendel’s contribution in understanding
Represent magnetic field lines for a straight current
the concept of inheritance, Dobereiner for discovering triads of
carrying conductor, in order to identify the
elements, Mendeleev for the development of the periodic table of
magnetic field strength at different points around
elements, Oersted discovery that electricity and magnetism are

related, discovery of relation between potential difference across a
13. Magnetic Effects of metal conductor and the electric current through it by ohm, etc.
Electric Current State Fleming's Left-Hand rule, in order to
understand the working of an electric motor
Exhibits creativity in designing models using eco-friendly
resources, such as working model of respiratory, digestive and
excretory systems, soda acid fire extinguisher, periodic table,
Explain Fleming's right hand rule, in order to
micelles formation, diamond / graphite / Buckminster fullerene,
understand the working of an electric generator
human eye, electric motor and generator, etc.

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Classifies materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
Classify difference sources of energy on the basis processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as metals
of accessibility, cost, transportation and storage, and non-metals on the basis of their physical and chemical
in order to identify a 'good' source of energy properties, acids and bases on the basis of their chemical
properties, etc.
Understand the process of extracting energy from
fossil fuels, in order to develop its efficiency Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
Compare the process of energy consumption transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,
through thermal and hydro power plants, in placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
order to classify them as 'good' or 'bad' sources metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
of energy.

Explain the formation of biomass, in order to working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
14. Sources of Energy classify it as 'good' or 'bad' sources of energy sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.

Outline the process of extracting energy from
wind, in order to assess it as a conventional
source of energy

Describe the process of extracting energy from

sun's rays, in order to assess it as a non-
conventional source of energy
Infer the process of extracting energy from the
sea (tidal, wave, ocean thermal), in order to
assess it as a non-conventional source of energy

Elaborate the process of extracting geothermal
and nuclear energy, in order to assess it as a non-
conventional source of energy

Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as what
Understand the process of extracting energy from
happens if all herbivores removed from an ecosystem? What will
fossil fuels, in order to develop its efficiency
happen if all non-renewable sources of energy are exhausted?

Describe the process of extracting energy from
sun's rays, in order to assess it as a non-
Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems,
conventional source of energy such as takes precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections,
14. Sources of Energy
Infer the process of extracting energy from the uses appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a) for different electrical
sea (tidal, wave, ocean thermal), in order to devices, uses vegetative propagation to develop saplings in gardening,
assess it as a non-conventional source of energy performs exercise to keep in good health, avoids using appliances
Elaborate the process of extracting geothermal responsible for ozone layer depletion, applies concept of
and nuclear energy, in order to assess it as a non- decomposition reaction of baking soda to make spongy cakes, etc.
conventional source of energy

Makes efforts to conserve environment realizing the inter-
Classify difference sources of energy on the basis
dependency and interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic
of accessibility, cost, transportation and storage,
in order to identify a 'good' source of energy factors of environment, such as appreciates and promotes
segregation of biodegradable and non - biodegradable wastes,
takes steps to promote sustainable management of resources in day
Understand the process of extracting energy from
to day life, advocates use of fuels which produces less pollutants,
fossil fuels, in order to develop its efficiency uses energy efficient electric devices, uses fossil fuels judiciously,

Chapter no Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Differentiates materials / objects / organisms / phenomena /
processes, based on, properties / characteristics, such as
Classify different waste products as
autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, biodegradable and non-
biodegradable or non-biodegradable, in order to
biodegradable substances, various types of reactions, strong and
assess their effect on environment
weak acids and bases, acidic, basic and neutral salts, real and virtual
images, etc.
Tabulate the organisms feeding on one another
Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as what
(producers, consumers, decomposers) and
happens if all herbivores removed from an ecosystem? What will
energy transfer between them, in order to form a
happen if all non-renewable sources of energy are exhausted?
food chain or a food web
Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems, such
as takes precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections, uses
Describe the formation & properties of ozone, in appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a) for different electrical devices,
order to identify ways to protect it from uses vegetative propagation to develop saplings in gardening, performs
depletion exercise to keep in good health, avoids using appliances responsible for
ozone layer depletion, applies concept of decomposition reaction of
baking soda to make spongy cakes, etc.
Classify biotic and abiotic components and their Makes efforts to conserve environment realizing the inter-

interaction with each other, in order to describe dependency and interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic

an ecosystem factors of environment, such as appreciates and promotes
15. Our Environment segregation of biodegradable and non - biodegradable wastes,
Tabulate the organisms feeding on one another
takes steps to promote sustainable management of resources in day
(producers, consumers, decomposers) and
to day life, advocates use of fuels which produces less pollutants,
energy transfer between them, in order to form a
uses energy efficient electric devices, uses fossil fuels judiciously,
food chain or a food web


Chapter No Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes
Explains processes and phenomena, such as nutrition in human
beings and plants, transportation in plants and plants,
Explain the construction and use of dams and transportation in plants and animals, extraction of metals from ores,
water harvesting, in order to devise an efficient placement of elements in modern periodic table, displacement of
plan to conserve water metals from their salt solutions on the basis of reactivity series,
working of electric motor and generator, twinkling of stars, advance
sunrise and delayed sunset, formation of rainbow, etc.
Explain sustainable development, in order to
conserve natural resources for future
Applies learning to hypothetical situations, such as what
happens if all herbivores removed from an ecosystem? What will
List down the disadvantages of using coal and
happen if all non-renewable sources of energy are exhausted?
petroleum as energy sources, in order to develop
a better plan of generating energy

Applies scientific concepts in daily life and solving problems, such
as takes precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections, uses
16. Sustainable Identify the 5 R's (refuse, reduce, resue,
Management of Natural
appropriate electrical plugs (5 /15a) for different electrical devices,
repurpose, recycle), in order to employ one of
Resources uses vegetative propagation to develop saplings in gardening, performs
these methods to make environment-friendly
exercise to keep in good health, avoids using appliances responsible for
ozone layer depletion, applies concept of decomposition reaction of
baking soda to make spongy cakes, etc.

Makes efforts to conserve environment realizing the inter-
dependency and interrelationship in the biotic and abiotic
factors of environment, such as appreciates and promotes
Identify different stakeholders involved in a
segregation of biodegradable and non - biodegradable wastes,
forest, in order to prepare a conservation plan
takes steps to promote sustainable management of resources in day
16. Sustainable for forests
to day life, advocates use of fuels which produces less pollutants,
Management of Natural uses energy efficient electric devices, uses fossil fuels judiciously,
Resources etc.


Social Sciences


Class 6

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to -
Use diagrams, models and audio-visual materials to understand motions of the earth
Observe stars, planets, satellite (Moon), eclipse under the guidance of parents / teacher
/elders, etc. To understand astronomical phenomena.
Use globe for understanding latitudes and longitudes.
Use diagrams for understanding lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
Explore maps for locating continents, oceans, seas, States /UTs of India, India and its
neighbouring countries, physical feature of India such as mountains, plateaus, plains,
deserts, rivers, etc.
Discuss myths linked to eclipses.
Use pictures, drawings of different types of sources to read, explain, discuss these to
understand how historians have interpreted these to reconstruct history of ancient India.
Undertake map activity: for locating important places, sites of hunter-gatherers; food
producers, Harappan civilisation, janapadas, mahajanapadas, empires, places related to
events in the life of the Buddha and Mahavira; centres of art and architecture-areas outside
India with which India had contacts.
Explore epics, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Silappadikaram, Manimekalai or some important
works by Kalidas etc.
Discuss basic ideas and central values of Buddhism, Jainism and other systems of thought–
relevance of their teachings today– development of art and architecture in ancient India–
India’s contribution in the area of culture and science.
Role play on various historical themes like change of Ashoka after Kalinga War–one of the
events, incidents from literary works of the time etc.
Undertake projects on the evolution of state- working of ganas or sanghas– contributions of
kingdoms, dynasties in the field of culture– India’s contact with areas outside India
highlighting the impact of these contacts and classroom discussion on projects
Visit museums to see the material remains of early human settlements– Harappan and
discuss the continuity and change between these cultures
Participate in discussions on the concepts of diversity, discrimination, government, and
Observe examples of fair /unfair treatments to people meted out in the family, school,
society, etc.
Study from the text and directly observe of functioning of a Gram Panchayat or a
municipality /corporation (according to the place a student lives)
Understand the role of governance in society, and the difference between affairs of a family
and those of a village /city.
Describe case studies of nearby localities / villages in respect of occupations.


Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT – adapted by CBSE
The learner —
Distinguishes between stars, planets and satellites Describes different characteristics and motions,
e.g., sun, earth and moon etc. of stars, planets and satellites e.g., sun, earth
and moon in order to distinguish between them.
Draws and understands diagrams in order to
understand lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere.
Recognises that the earth is a unique celestial body Describes existence of life, zones of the earth
due to existence of life, zones of the earth with with special reference to biosphere in order to
special reference to biosphere recognise that the earth is a unique celestial
Demonstrates day and night; and seasons Demonstrates day and night; and seasons
through oral discussions /in writing /through
models and other formats.
Locates directions on the flat surface; and Locates directions on the flat surface; and
continents and oceans on the world map continents and oceans on the world map
Identifies latitudes and longitudes, e.g., poles, Identifies latitudes and longitudes, e.g., poles,
equator, tropics, States /UTs of India and other equator, tropics, states /UTs of India and other
neighbouring countries on globe and the world neighbouring countries on globe and the world
map map
Locates physical features of India such as– Locates physical features of India such as–
mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, desert, etc. on mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, desert, etc.
the map of India on the map of India in order to compare and
describe them.
Draws a neighbourhood map showing scale, Draws a neighbourhood map showing scale,
direction, and features with the help of direction, and features with the help of
conventional symbols conventional symbols
Examines critically the superstitions related to Critically examines the superstitions and myths
eclipses related to eclipses
Identifies different types of sources Identifies different types of sources
(archaeological, literary etc.) and describes their (archaeological, literary etc.) In order to
use in reconstruction of history of this period. understand and describe how historians use
them in reconstruction of history of this period.
Locates important historical sites, places on an Locates important historical sites, places on an
outline map of India outline map of India in order to discuss
significance /cultural value for the present
Recognises distinctive features of early human Recognises distinctive features of early human
cultures and explains their growth cultures in order to explain their growth

Lists out significant contributions of important Lists out significant contributions of important
kingdoms, dynasties with examples viz., Ashokan kingdoms, dynasties with examples
inscriptions, Gupta coins, Ratha temples by
Pallavas etc.
Explains broad developments during the ancient Explains broad developments during the ancient
period, e.g., hunting–gathering stage, the period, and relates the developments occurring
beginning of agriculture, the first cities on the in one place with another
Indus etc. and relates the developments occurring
in one place with another
Describes issues, events, personalities mentioned Describes issues, events, personalities
in literary works of the time mentioned in literary works of the time in order
to demonstrate understanding of how issues
were different and people have existed, acted,
thought in a particular historical period.
Describes the implications of India’s contacts with Describes the implications of India’s contacts
regions outside India in the fields of religion, art, with regions outside India in the fields of
architecture, etc. religion, art, architecture, etc.
Outlines India’s significant contributions in Outlines India’s significant contributions in
culture and science viz. Astronomy, medicine, culture and science viz. Astronomy, medicine,
mathematics, and knowledge of metals, etc. mathematics, and knowledge of metals, etc.
Synthesises information related to various Synthesizes information related to various
historical development historical developments in order to distinguish
historical facts and interpretations.
Analyses basic ideas and values of various Analyses basic ideas and values of various
religions and systems of thought during ancient religions and systems of thought during ancient
period period in order to understand the historical,
social and cultural contexts.
Describes various forms of human diversity Describes various forms of human diversity
around her /him. around her /him.
Develops a healthy attitude towards various kinds Develops a healthy attitude towards various
of diversity around her /him kinds of diversity around her /him
Recognises various forms of discrimination and Recognises various forms of discrimination and
understands the nature and sources of understands the nature and sources of
discrimination. discrimination.
Differentiates between equality and inequality in Differentiates between equality and inequality
various forms to treat them in a healthy way in various forms to treat them in a healthy way
Describes the role of government, especially at the Describes the role of government, especially at
local level. the local level in order to understand its
Identifies various levels of the government— Identifies various levels of the government—
local, state and union local, state and union
Names present heads of government at the
national, state and district level.
Names various states, rivers, mountain ranges,
etc. in the country, the districts in her state and
the district and block that she belongs to in order
to reflect upon and explore own background.

Describes the functioning of rural and urban
local government bodies in sectors like health
and education
Describes factors responsible for availability of
different occupations undertaken in rural and
urban areas.

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course:
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
explore their knowledge about universe, galaxy, stars, solar
system and planets with the help of diagrams.
Critically analyses about various celestial bodies
compare planets and dwarf planets
The Solar system define phases of the moon like full moon and new moon.

Explore and describe unique place of the Earth in the Solar
System, which provides ideal conditions for all forms of life, Describes different characteristics
including human beings. and motions, etc. of stars, planets
To enable the students to list the planets according to the and satellites e.g., sun, earth and
distance from the sun. moon in order to distinguish
The Sense of Appreciate the importance of Sun, Planets, Pole star between them.
Collective collaboratively
To enable the students to distinguish between asteroids and
Enable the students to develop various dimensions of
learning like critical thinking, analytical, comparative,
creative etc.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
understand Latitudes and Longitudes, Heat Zones of the Identifies latitudes and longitudes,
GLOBE: LATITUDES parallels of
earth and the relationship between time and longitude e.g., poles, equator, tropics, states
/UTs of India and other neighboring
To Critically analyses heat zones on the basis of Latitudes.

countries on globe and the world
Collaboratively locate places on globe with the help of map
Heat zones of the
latitudes and longitudes.
To identify relationship between longitude and time.

Why do we have To clarify difference between the standard time and local
standard time? time.
Appreciate the relationship between longitude and time.

The Sense of Map and Globe Activity.
Collective Involving the Competencies –
Belonging - Creative thinking
- Collaboration
- Communication

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Student will be able to understand the concept of day and
Rotation and
Critically analyses the concept of day and night.
Enable the students to describe the terms – Orbital plane, Demonstrates day and night; and
MOTION OF THE Axis, Rotation, Equinox, etc. collaboratively seasons through oral discussions /in
EARTH writing /through models and other
Critical thinking on what would happen if the Earth did not
The Sense of rotate?
Collective Will able to enhance their communication skill when
Belonging Discuss the importance of rotation and revolution,
Importance of longitudes in our daily life.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
locate different places and points in the local map.

understand function and concept of map
Different types of
know about the importance of map with the help of globe.
know about classification of map.

understand the different types of direction.

Direction Develop their analyzing skills using their understanding of
MAPS Draws a neighborhood map showing
Design Creative methods to make a plan of their own scale, direction, and features with
house or school the help of conventional symbols

The Sense of Appreciate the importance of Maps over Globe

Collective collaboratively
Belonging To develop basic skills of map reading.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits of
mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be aware of the importance of
Draws and understands diagrams in order to
Critically analyses the seven major continents
understand lithosphere, hydrosphere,
MAJOR DOMAINS OF and the four major Oceans of The World
Lithosphere atmosphere and biosphere.
THE EARTH collaboratively.

To enable the students to differentiate between

lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere. Locates directions on the flat surface; and
continents and oceans on the world map.

Able to collect the information about oceans and
they are the major part of the hydrosphere
Critical analysis of the layers of atmosphere.
Know about water cycle.
Understand about global warming.
Draws and understands diagrams in order to
Locates directions on the flat surface; and
understand lithosphere, hydrosphere,
continents and oceans on the world map
atmosphere and biosphere.
Enhance their communication skills by discussing
The Sense of
on different continents in the world.
Belonging Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Critically analyse various landforms. What is the difference
between them?
Enhance their knowledge about oldest plateau.
Plateaus Understand the importance of plateaus that how useful they Locates physical features of India
are. such as– mountains, plateaus,
plains, rivers, desert, etc. on the
THE EARTH Plains Aware of the importance of various landforms. map of India in order to compare
Appreciate the diversity in relief features of the Earth. and describe them.
The Sense of
Collective Students would be able to Present in front of the class the
Belonging refined knowledge about mountains and plateaus amongst
themselves by discussing /communicating.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits of
mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

explore their knowledge about Indian standard time and its
Location Setting
India’s Neighbours Critically analyse various geographical fact about India
locates important historical
OUR COUNTRY INDIA Political and know more about India in terms of locational setting, sites, places on an outline map
administrative neighbours, all the major physical features and how they are of India
division complementary to each other.

The Sense of Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking, analytical,

Collective comparative, creative etc. will develop habits of mind an
Belonging ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will able to discuss the importance of change in
Weather climate.
Appreciate the need of it.
Recognises that the earth is a
INDIA:CLIMATE, Why are forest unique celestial body due to
BE Aware of the importance of forests in our life.
VEGETATION AND necessary existence of life, zones of the
WILDLIFE earth with special reference to
Discuss the importance of preservation of animals. Why
do birds migrate and its importance?
Wild Life
Locate different Wild Life Sanctuaries on the map of


Explore the reasons for reduced bird migration in our
country e.g. Saras, Cranes or Flemingoes
Appreciate the diversity of weather, forests, plant,
animals etc.
The Sense of Collective
Belonging Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
What does diversity Students will appreciate that how diversity enhances their
add to our lives? life.

Critical analyzation of the different kind of features of

Diversity in India
the diversity like geographical, historical, cultural etc
Develops a healthy attitude
Describe the incidents that took place at Jaliawala Bagh
towards various kinds of diversity
around her /him.
Unity in Diversity
Appreciate the contribution of the people irrespective
of their different background they were together in the
freedom movement.
Appreciate, accept and adopt that Diversity adds value Recognises various forms of
The Sense of Collective in your life. discrimination and understands

Belonging Enhance their communication skills by discussing on the nature and sources of
diversity in India. discrimination.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Difference And Critical analysation on difference and Prejudice

Prejudice To learn about caste discrimination in India.

Able to know the several reasons of inequalities and

discrimination. Recognises various forms of
discrimination and understands
Inequality and Case study of Dr. Baba saheb. the nature and sources of
discrimination discrimination.
Now students will able to realise the situation of
DIVERSITY AND discriminated people after reading the case study of
DISCRIMINATION Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

Striving of Equality To learn about different kind of fundamental rights.

The Sense of Collective Build capability, awareness, and acceptability.

Belonging Awareness, respect others and acceptance Differentiates between equality
and inequality in various forms to
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
treat them in a healthy way
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

understand meaning of government. Why it is necessary and Identifies various levels of the
GOVERNMENT Levels of Government
how it work at different level? government local, state and union

understand types of government. Will able to
Types of Government differentiate between Democratic, Monarchy and
Dictatorship Government.

Critical analyzation on that, why democracy is the best form

of government.
Government gain knowledge about the democratic functioning of
government. Will able to explain about Women’s Suffrage

Capability, awareness, and acceptability.

Enhance their communication skills by discussing on
The Sense of Collective right to vote for all women
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will able to explain about racial discrimination in
South Africa.

Appreciate the efforts done by The African National locates physical features of India
KEY ELEMENTS OF Participation
Congress. such as–mountains, plateaus,
Critically analyze how democratic government ensure plains, rivers, desert ,etc. on the
participation of people in the government processes. map of India

know people participation can be through election and

public opinion.

Other ways of Students can critically analyze that conflict occurs when
participating people of different cultures, religion, regions or economic
background do not get along with each other or some other
feel they are being discriminated.
Need to resolve conflict Examine Case study of Kaveri river water dispute.

know about their rights like right to vote and about our
Equality and Justice
Appreciate, accept and adopt the value of Constitution
in your life.
The Sense of Collective
Belonging Enhance their communication skills by discussing on
diversity in India.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,

analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

know the importance of Gram Sabha, that it is the key factor

Gram Sabha
in making the Gram Panchayat.

Students can critically analyze the task of Gram Panchayat to

implement development programmes for all villages that Describes the role of government,
PANCHAYATI RAJ come under. especially at the local level in order
The Gram Panchayat
to understand its complexity.
Able to know the different sources of funds for Gram

Three levels of Critical thinking of peoples participation in the

Panchayat Panchayati Raj system at different level.

Analyze performance of different panchayats in your
Appreciate, accept and adopt the value of Panchayati
Raj system.
The Sense of Collective
Belonging Enhance their communication skills by discussing on
by different levels of Panchayati Raj system.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,

analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Area of the Police Understand the functioning and responsibility of police
Station: The work at circles and the officials responsible for a peaceful
the Police Station environment at all levels.

Know that lack of education makes record keeping very

important to safeguard the ignorant from exploitation of
Maintenance of land landlords, money lenders, and middlemen.
record Critically analysis the role of patwari. He / She is
responsible for the maintenance of land records and the Describes the functioning of rural
RURAL collection of land revenue local government body in sectors
Analysis of the governmental action in securing like health and education
A new law
equality of women by passing laws.

Appreciate the rural administration makes the life of

villagers organized and systematic
The Sense of
Collective Belonging Will enhance their creativity and knowledge. Make a
list on different public services in the village collect

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will develop collaboration by taking part in
the discussion the issues and problems faced by the
people living in urban areas.
The ward councilor Functions performed by Municipal Corporation.
and administrative
staff Election of ward councillors and Mayor by the citizens.

The meaning of sub-contracting and why it is

important in today’s scenario.
How does the Describes the functioning of urban
URBAN Municipal Students will able to know the different sources of local government body in sectors
ADMINISTRATION Corporation get its money of Municipal corporation. like health and education.
learn civic sense and need of different ways to protest
A community protest
for unjust (citizenship)
Knowledge about Role and responsibilities of ward
councilor and Mayor, Elected and administrative staff
The Sense of of municipal Corporation.

Collective Belonging Students will develop collaboration by taking part in
the doing a role play to show the role of municipal
corporation in cities.

Students would be able to enhance their
communication skills by discussing and presenting
the role play.
It will offer students opportunities to show their speak
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will develop collaboration by taking part in
the discussion understand various types of occupation
prevailing in rural areas.
Difference between farming and non-farming activities.
Kalpattu village Describe the working conditions of landless farmers
Thulasi like Thulasi
Analyze the working conditions of small farmers like
Describes factors responsible for
availability of different occupations
Students would be able to enhance their creativity by undertaken in rural and urban
creating mind map for entire chapter areas.

Analyze the situation that how the miserable condition

On being in debt
of farmers when caught in debt trap.
Ramalingam and working conditions of large-scale farmers like
KLaruthamma Ramalingam

The Sense of Collective Collaboratively discuss the miserable condition in

Belonging which rural people have to earn their livelihood..

Critically think to suggest the measures to improve
the conditions of rural people

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Collaboratively Understand various types of
Working on the street occupation prevailing in urban areas and challenges
faced by the street hawkers in the city.
In the market
Analyse the situation that how the miserable factory
In the factory workers are being exploited
workshop area
* Develop collaboration by taking part in the
In the office area discussion on difference between permanent and Describes factors responsible for
temporary job. availability of different occupations
undertaken in rural and urban
Students would be able to enhance their creativity by
creating mind map for entire chapter.

Students will develop civic sense (Citizenship) by
The Sense of understanding the role of Government in providing
Collective Belonging facilities to the street hawkers in promoting
employment opportunities with 90%accuracy.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Finding about what To understand the importance of archaeological sources to
happened? reconstruct history

Students would be able to mark the important places

on the where first-time crops were grown.
Locate the Ganges and its tributaries on the map
To understand the importance of maps while studying
Finding about the past past.
differentiate between manuscripts and inscriptions.
analyse importance of manuscripts and inscriptions for
the kings and common man. Identifies different types of sources
(archaeological, literary etc.) and
WHAT WHERE HOW Students would be able to understand the concept of
describes their use in
AND WHEN A.D. and B.C.
What do dates mean? reconstruction of history of this
Learning dates with the events for better period.
Appreciate, accept and adopt that history and
geography are interconnected, the movement of the
people and the creation of states are related to
The Sense of Collective geography.
gain knowledge about timeline.

gain knowledge about the various sources of
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill


Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Critically analyse various activities of early humans
Why did hunter– Appreciate the things which ancients used to do which
gatherers move from actually served for the betterment of the society as a
place to place, whole
difficulties faced by
them and skills and Assess and evaluate the skills and knowledge that early
knowledge early humans had.
humans had. Various reasons why hunter gatherers moved from
place to place.
Student will be able to learn about the major habitation
sites during which Stone Age people lived in India
Caves and shelters and Build character amongst themselves by discussing
ON THE TRAIN OF THE Important Habitation /communicating the importance of stone tools. Locates important historical sites,
EARLIEST PEOPLE sites places on an outline map of India
Understand that the early humans chose the places
where they could get all the resources for making tools
(factory sites).
Stone tools and
Student will be able to understand the importance of
stone tools and techniques used to make stone tools.

Critically analyse the journey of early humans from
Facing a Changing
hunter gatherers to herders-farmers
Environment -
Herding and Rearing Communicate clearly the early humans adaptation to
animals the environment
The Sense of Collective Appreciate the skills and knowledge of hunter and
Belonging gatherers.

Identify stone art facts as archaeological evidence,
making education from them.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able to explain the start of settlement
at one place
Beginning of farming Relate he origin of farming and domestication
and herding
Critically analyze how farming and domestication have
changed over a period of time. Appreciate the diversity
of early domestication

FROM GATHERING TO Explains broad developments

A New Way of Life
GROWING FOOD Student will be able to learn about the diversification during the ancient period, and
from growing food to
of life skills (farming, pottery, weaving, etc.) relates the developments occurring
storing food
in one place with another
Student will be able to understand the factors that led
to settled life - use of tools, making of houses, clay pots.
Towards a Settled Life
The student will be able to understand the settled life

with the help of the case study – Mehargarh and Daojali

A closer look of know and understand
Mehrgarh and Daojali
important remains of houses, potteries, animal bones and
burial sites which helped the archaeologist to study this
the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to permanent settlement
affected social structure, Burial practices & beliefs

Build character amongst themselves by discussing the

diverse life skills of early farmers and herders .
The Sense of Collective
Identify diverse life skills which helped them lead an
improved life

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Critically analyse how the Harappan cities were
In The Earliest Cities: Develop the idea of citizenship by making them visualize
The story of Harappa how the people of Indus Valley Civilization took good care of
the cities, drainage system, architecture etc the different
What was special about parts of the city like The Great Bath .
IN THE EARLIEST these cities
CITIES Appreciate the planning of the Indus Valley civilzation locates important historical sites,
places on an outline map of India
Discuss the importance of Great Bath

Student will be able to understand life of the people.
Life of the Harappan
people: Houses, drains Different kind of people.
and streets
How the houses ,streets and drains were constructed

Students will know and understand and discuss the
construction style of houses. Appreciate the planning of
the Indus
Appreciate the planning of the Indus
Understand the town planning of Harappans
Student will be able to understand the difference
New crafts in the city between citadel and lower town.

In search of raw Critically analyse various metals were used in making

material tools and ornaments. Appreciate the work of craft
persons collaboratively

Discuss the importance features of Dholavira and
Lothal. Appreciate the planning of these cities .
Harappan towns in Critically analyse how the location of these places
Gujarat helped the cities to become important centres for

Built character amongst themselves by discussing
/communicating the importance of early cities and
The Sense of Collective their life styles.

Belonging develop citizenship by sensitizing the students
towards cleanliness and planned as people of Harappan
civilization were.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Critically analyse the social, religious and economic
background of Rig Veda civilization
Assess and evaluate why are Vedas the foundation of
modern Indian culture and religion.
Important Vedas and
its types growth and composition of early Sanskrit literature
like the Vedas, importance of the Vedic rituals on social
and religious life of people.
Develop character by learning that Vedas are the most
ancient texts which define truth for Hindus.
Understand the social conditions and different social
groups during early historic period
Acquire knowledge about social category that had
Varna System grown during the early period. Describes issues, events,
What Books and
Social structure during personalities mentioned in literary
Burials Tell Us Know the role of the people belonging to different
early historic period works of the time

Know the categories of people in that existed in early
Student will be able to understand the social and
Importance of religious life of the people of ancient times,the use of
Megaliths and Social megaliths in their life.
Able to explain-
Important burial sites
1. Different types of occupations of that time
found in Inamgaon
2. People of that time had sense of arithmetical
Occupation of the calculation / geometrical design of the body
people living in 3. Kinds of animals that were hunted by people for
Inamgaon food
4. Kinds of crops, fruits, grains that were used as

5. the beliefs, rituals of Brahmins that existed
during that period

Critically analyse the belief system and rituals that

existed during that period.
Creatively generate ideas and present the religious,
economic and political condition of the people
Appreciate that different developments were taking
place in different parts of the subcontinent
The Sense of Collective simultaneously.

Belonging Develop communication skills by debating on how
different social groups perform different work in the
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Student will be able to understand and appreciate the
freedom to choose rulers of today and how the system
differed in those times. Describes the implications of India’s
KINGDOM, KING AND How men became contacts with regions outside India
Critically analyse the money involved in performing
EARLY REPUBLIC rulers in the fields of religion, art,
these yajnas. Example -Ashvamedha Yajna
architecture, etc.
Collaboratively they will realize how varna system
restricted shudras to be part of any yajnas.

Given the content (topic) discuss the yajnas performed
by the rulers to show how rich and powerful they were.

Collaboratively they will understand the procedure of
performing Ashvamedha yajnas
Ashvamedha yajna and
varna system Importance of performing yajnas by the kings /rulers
to show how rich and powerful they were.
Know the various ways of ruling in those times
Types of yajnas performed .

Know the important janapadas and mahajanapadas.

Students will know the about the life of people living in
Janapadas and
janapadas and maha janapadas.
Critical think and figure out the factors that change
janapadas into mahajanapadas.
Given the content (topic) understand various political
and religious conflicts with respect to ruler of those
Taxes, a closer look to times and current times
Magadha and Vajji
Critically think the difference in the kingdom , Magadha
and vajji

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,

The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
NEW QUESTIONS AND Given the content (topic) understand the importance of
The story of Buddha
IDEAS religion Buddhism, its concept and life of Buddha

discuss the importance of teachings of Buddha.
Built Character and citizenship to discussing
/communicating the importance of Buddha s
Given the content (topic) explain the importance of
Upanishads, what it literally means.
Students will know and be aware of the importance of
Upanishads and upnishads
language used to
compose Vedas Students would be able to Acquire information about
the recording of the thoughts in those times in

Why atman and Brahman were one?(Critical thinking)
Given the content (topic) understand the importance of Analyses basic ideas and values of
religion Jainism, its concept and life of Mahavira. various religions and systems of
thought during ancient period
Discuss the importance of teachings of Mahavira
Built Character and citizenship to discussing
/communicating the importance of Mahavira’ s

To knowing about book Vinaya Pitaka and the term

used for men and women who lives in sangha
The sangha Debate on that why men and women live separately in

sangha? (critical thinking)
Become aware of the importance of sangha
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill


Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Student will be able to understand and appreciate the
freedom to choose rulers of today and how the system
differed in those times.

How are empire Discuss the difference in kingdom and empire
different from Examples of some of the kingdoms and empires.
Critically analyse the hierarchy of various dynasties.
Appreciate the importance of this hierarchy and some of
the most famous and powerful rulers in the History
Student will be able to understand and appreciate the
the kind of ruler Ashoka was and his transformation as
Lists out significant contributions of
a human being.
ASHOKA, THE important kingdoms, dynasties with
EMPEROR WHO GAVE Discuss the importance of having a ruler like Ashoka examples viz., Ashokan inscriptions,
UP WAR now Gupta coins, Ratha temples by
Pallavas etc.
Appreciate the need for putting a Ban on War and no
How was Ashoka a violence society.
unique Ruler , Kalinga’s
War Critically analyse various issues that led to war of
Kalinga and its outcomes .
Attitudes and beliefs-
Develop Character by visualizing and observing the
given scenario in day to day lives and how can we put
an end to war and put Ashoka’s beliefs in our lives and
present it in form of a skit to sensitize others
What was Ashoka’s Student will be able to understand why the lions are
Dhamma ? shown on our currency notes.

Students will know and understand
1. Discuss the importance of having a ruler like
Ashoka now
2. Knowing about the Mughal empire and Mauryan
3. Collecting the tribute from the people.
Critically analyse various information on Mughal
empire and Mauryan officials
Student will be able to understand the inscriptions that
Inscriptions declared his declaration.
describing Kalinga’s
War Critically analyse various information on Mughal
empire and Mauryan officials

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,

The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Explain the increased use of iron tools for the benefit of
Use of iron tools Different irrigation practices for intensification of
Outlines India’s significant
Irrigation methods agricultural yield.
contributions in culture and science
VITAL VILLAGES, and transplantation Students will be able to: viz. astronomy, medicine,
THRIVING TOWNS of paddy for mathematics, and knowledge of
intensification of 1) discuss the benefit of iron tools metals, etc.
production. 2) Analyze the methods adopted by people to
increase agricultural production
Critically analyse various uses of iron

Appreciate the efforts made by people to increase the
Assess and evaluate why expansion of agriculture was
important in term of revenue generation
develop citizenship by visualizing and observing the
need to use iron tools along with adoption of different
irrigation methods for expansion of agriculture .
Student will be able to understand the Social structure
in Indian villages .

know the categories of people in Indian villages.
Know the role of the people belonging to different
Life of people in
Built character amongst themselves by discussing
Social structure of
/communicating the importance of categorizing people
villages of North and
based on different roles..
South India
Answer knowledge, understanding, application and skill
based questions based on the topic.

Appreciate the fact that village were the source centres
of food for cities.
Students will know and understand
Life of people in cities
about 2500 years ago growth of cities about 2500 years ago.
reveled through
Built character amongst themselves by discussing
Jatakas and accounts
/communicating the importance of categorizing people
of travelers, remains
based on different roles..
of ancient buildings .
Answer knowledge, understanding, application and

skill based questions based on the topic.

Appreciate the fact that village were the source centres
of food for cities.

Student will be able to understand the crafts, craftsmen

Crafts, craftsmen and trade that existed during that period.
,trade and trading
centres Critically analyse the development of road and water
transport to facilitate trade .

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Given the content (chapter) the learners will be able to
Introduce the idea of different contexts of contact
between distant land.
Students would be able to learn about

Finding out about 1. creatively generate idea to connect the Sangam

trade and traders texts and long distance exchange. Analyses basic ideas and values of
Traders ,Kings and 2. Critically analyse trade relations with Rome. various religions and systems of
Pilgrims 3. collaboratively find out the need for traders to thought during ancient period
explore the sea routes.
Critically make judgements and decisions regarding
evidences found from archeological sites related to
trade of items.
New Kingdoms along Discuss and explain trade along the coastline and the
the coasts role of ruling families of southern India.

Students will know and understand
1. New kingdoms along the coast
2. Goods traded and exchanges
3. Ruling families of south
4. Satvahanas as lords of Dakshinapath
Compare and contrast the role muvendar and Satvahanas

Students would be able to learn about

1. Use and manage information to communicate
and create a script for roleplay for the topic.
2. effectively interact with others in collaboration
to communicate the facilitation of trade

Students would be able to learn about the use and

manage information to communicate and create a script
for roleplay for the topic.

Students would be able to effectively interact with

others in collaboration to communicate the facilitation
of trade
Learners will be able to
1. Understand the significance of the name ‘ Silk
2. Locate silk route in the map
Students would be able to learn about

The story of silk route 1. Creatively generate ideas on why kings tried to
control silk route.
2. communicate effectively about Kushanas as
rulers who controlled silk route
Critically make judgements and decisions regarding
advantages and problems in transporting silk by sea.

understand the spread of Buddhism and its relation to
silk route and Kushana dynasty.

Critically reason out why Buddhism spread far and

The spread of Communicate clearly about difference between old and
Buddhism new form of Buddhism.
Develop character by participating in GO activity for
compare and contrast chart related to two forms of
Working in close collaboration to find out meaning of
important terms in the lesson like Bodhisattva
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 11 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
To know about Gupta dynasty
New empires and Students will know and understand synthesises information related to
Gupta Dynasty
kingdoms various historical developments
1. What are Prashastis and what they tell us.
2. Samudra Gupta’s Prashasti

3. Accounts of Gupta dynasty from description by
Students would be able to
1. Critically use system thinking and generate ideas
from various sources like literary and
archeological to derive information about Gupta
2. Communicate through information literacy tools
about Genealogies of Kingdoms as mentioned in
3. Critically differentiate the treatment of
Samudragupta towards the rulers defeated by
him (Rulers of Aryavarta, Dakshinapath, Rulers
of Assam, Bengal,Nepal and few Ganasanghas
and the descendants of Kushanas , Sakas and
To comprehend and explain the life of Harshvardhan.
Discuss and Explain the The Prashasti of Ruling kings of
south India.
Students will know and understand
1. What are Prashastis and what they tell us.
2. Life and extent of kingdom of Harhasvardhan
Harshvardhana and through Harshacharita
the important ruling 3. the life and expeditions of the Pallavas,
dynasties in south Chalukyas and Pulakesin
India 4. Describe the events indicating towards the
expansion in international trade, art,
architecture and their contribution to the Indian
Students would be able to critically use system thinking
and generate ideas from various sources like literary
and archeological to derive information about

Students would be able to communicate through
information literacy tools about Genealogies of
Kingdoms as mentioned in Prashastis.

Learners would be able to explain the development of

different administrative systems and a new kind of

Students will know and understand

1. List all the important designations
2. to compare and contrast their administrative
systems from the earlier ones.
Development of 3. Distinguish the key features that made the army
administrative system new and different from earlier ones
A new kind of army
Students would be able to think creatively, develop,
implement and communicate new ideas about
administration and army to others effectively.

Works in collaboration for the activity to comprehend

the key features of administration and the designations.
and also, revenue collection for maintenance of army.

Critically analyse the distinguishing features between

the assembly of brahmins and non-Brahmins.
Assemblies in the Collaborates with others to critically make judgement
southern kingdom. and decision regarding the rightful condition of
Life of ordinary common people.

people Develop citizenship by voicing opinion about how
condition of common people is better in modern times
as compared to earlier times.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
The Sense of
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop habits
Collective Belonging
of mind an ultimate and essential life skill


Class 7

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to —
Engage with key concepts like ecosystem, atmosphere, disasters, weather, climate,
climatic regions, etc., using meaningful explanations and appropriate resources
Discuss and share their observations and experiences regarding various aspects of the
environment, e.g., components of natural and human made environments, flora and
fauna in different ecosystems / climatic regions, kinds of pollution, sources of fresh water
in their surroundings, etc.
Explore globe and maps for identifying historical places /kingdoms, climatic regions, and
other resources
Use diagrams / models /visuals /audio- visual materials for understanding interior of
the earth, formation of different types of landforms, movements of water in the ocean,
Prepare models to display different types of landforms
Collect samples and identify different types of rocks from the vicinity
Participate in mock drill for earthquakes or other disasters
Discuss factors, both natural and human- made that cause disasters like tsunamis, floods,
earthquakes, etc.
Discuss similarities and differences in the life of people in different climatic regions of
the world, including India
Identify different sources of history available in books /local environment e.g., extracts
from manuscripts / maps / illustrations / painting /historical monuments /films,
biographical dramas, tele-serials, folk dramas and interpret these to understand the
Familiarise with the emergence of new dynasties and prepare a timeline to trace
important developments during this time
Enact /dramatise key events of a given historical period /personality like, Razia Sultan,
Akbar etc.
Reflect on the changes in society during medieval period and compare it with present
day time
Prepare projects: on dynasties /kingdoms / administrative reforms and architectural
specialties of a period, e.g., Khaljis, Mughals etc.
Engage with factors contributing to the emergence of new religious ideas and
movements through the use of poems of saints /bhajans, kirtans or qawwalis / visits to
nearby dargah / gurudwara / temple associated with bhakti or sufi saints and discuss
the basic tenets of different religions
Participate in a discussion on the concepts of democracy, equality, State Government,
gender, media and advertising
Prepare posters with drawings and pictures on the significance of the Constitution,
Preamble, right to equality
And struggles for equality

Observe assembly constituency map of State /UTs
Organise a mock election and youth assembly
Debate about the role of media
Perform a role play with songs and poems about issues such as equality in democracy,
discrimination faced by girls etc.
Express views, through descriptive and critical writing, about standards of living of girls
and women in rural and urban areas.
Make oral and written presentations about women who worked for a better society
Prepare newspaper collages about the work being done by the State government on
select issues (e.g., health, food, agriculture, roads) and some public works undertaken by
the MLA of one’s own constituency
Do projects (solo, pair or group) about types of advertisements and create
advertisements about the need to save water and energy organise awareness drives in
one’s own locality about sanitation, public health and road safety
Visit any office under the state government
/ UT Administration (e.g., electricity bill office) in one’s own locality to observe its
functioning and prepare a brief report
Undertake case studies and projects about local markets and shopping complexes
through field visits.

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT – adapted by CBSE
The learner — LO Code
Identifies major layers of the earth’s Identifies major layers of the earth’s interior
interior, rock types, layers of the and their characteristics in order to construct
atmosphere in a diagram. a scientific explanation for the changes that
take place on the surface of earth.
Locates distribution and extent of Locates distribution and extent of different
different climatic regions on the world climatic regions on the world map or globe to
map or globe. understand the differences in climatic pattern
in different countries.
Explains preventive actions to be Explains preventive actions to be undertaken
undertaken in the event of disasters, in the event of disasters, e.g., earthquake,
e.g., earthquake, floods, droughts. floods, droughts in order to have knowledge of
appropriate strategies to save lives and to
appreciate the challenges faced during such
Describes formation of landforms due Describes formation and characteristics of
to various factors. landforms due to various factors in order to
understand the topography of various places
on the earth.
Explains composition and structure of Explains composition and structure of the
the atmosphere. atmosphere in order to show understanding
of the characteristics of the different layers.

Describes different components of the Describes different components of the
environment and the interrelationship environment in order to show understanding
between them. of the interrelationship between them.
Analyses factors contributing to Analyses factors contributing to pollution in
pollution in their surroundings and lists their surroundings and lists measures to
measures to prevent it. prevent it in order to understand how to
protect and conserve the environment.
Reasons and factors leading to diversity Reasons and factors leading to diversity in
in flora and fauna, e.g., climate, flora and fauna, e.g., climate, landforms, etc. in
landforms, etc. order to understand the need for sustainable
practices in food production, wildlife
conservation, etc.
Reflects on the factors leading to Reflects on the factors leading to disasters and
disasters and calamities. calamities in order to understand the
consequences of various human actions.
Shows sensitivity to the need for Shows sensitivity to the need for conservation
conservation of natural resources– air, of natural resources– air, water, energy, flora
water, energy, flora and fauna and fauna - in order to describe how to protect
and conserve the environment.
Draws interrelationship between Describes and analyses climatic regions and
climatic regions and life of people living human habitations and life of people living in
in different climatic regions of the different climatic regions of the world,
world, including India including India, in order to draw
interrelationship between them and compare
and contrast them.
Analyses factors that impact Analyses factors that impact development of
development of specific regions specific regions

Provides examples of sources used to Identifies and provides examples of sources
study various periods in history used to study various periods in history

From books /local environment e.g., extracts
from manuscripts / maps / illustrations /
painting /historical monuments /films,
biographical dramas, tele-serials, folk dramas
in order to interpret these to understand the
Relates key historical developments Relates key historical developments during
during medieval period occurring in medieval period occurring in one place with
one place with another. another and describes them in order to reflect
on the changes in society during medieval
period and compare it with present day time.
Explains the relationship between Describes, compares and contrasts the
livelihood patterns and the livelihood patterns and the geographical
geographical condition of the area condition of the area inhabited, e.g., tribes,
inhabited, e.g., tribes, nomadic nomadic pastoralists and banjaras. In order to
pastoralists and banjaras.

explain the relationship between livelihood
pattern and geography.
Analyses socio-political and economic Analyses socio-political and economic
changes during medieval period changes during medieval period in order to
compare it with present day time.
Analyses administrative measures and Analyses administrative measures and
strategies for military control adopted strategies for military control adopted by
by different kingdoms, e.g., the Khaljis, different kingdoms, e.g., the Khiljis, and
and Tughluqs, Mughals, etc. Tughluqs, Mughals, etc.in order to compare
and contrast them.
Draws comparisons between policies of Draws comparisons between policies of
different rulers different rulers in order to demonstrate
evaluation skills.
Describes distinctive developments in Describes distinctive developments in style
style and technology used for and technology used for construction of
construction of temples, tombs and temples, tombs and mosques with examples in
mosques with examples. order to analyse it in own vocabulary.
Analyses factors which led to the Analyses factors which led to the emergence
emergence of new religious ideas and of new religious ideas and movements (bhakti
movements (bhakti and sufi) and sufi)
Draws inferences from poetry of bhakti Examines the poetry of bhakti and Sufi saints
and Sufi saints about existing social in order to draw inferences from them about
order existing social order.

Explains the significance of equality in Explains the significance of equality in
democracy democracy

Distinguishes between political Explains the characteristics of political
equality, economic equality, and social equality, economic equality, and social
equality equality in order to distinguish between them
Interprets social, political and economic Interprets social, political and economic
issues in one’s own region with issues in one’s own region with reference to
reference to the right to equality the right to equality

Differentiates between local Explains the roles, functions, salient features
government and state government. of local government and state government in
order to differentiate between the two.
Describes the process of election to the Describes the process of election to the
legislative assembly legislative assembly
Locates one’s own constituency on Locates one’s own constituency on assembly
assembly constituency map of State constituency map of state /UTs and names
/UTs and names local MLA local MLA
Analyses the causes and consequences Analyses the causes and consequences of
of disadvantages faced by women of disadvantages faced by women of different
different sections of the society. sections of the society.

Identifies women achievers in different Identifies women achievers and their
fields from various regions of India achievements in different fields from various
regions of India
Illustrates contribution of women to Illustrates contribution of women to different
different fields with appropriate fields with appropriate examples
Explains the functioning of media with Examines various forms, etc. Of media -
appropriate examples from newspapers /TV /electronic media, etc. – in
newspapers. order to explain the functioning of media with
appropriate examples.
Creates an advertisement Creates an advertisement
Differentiates between different kinds Traces how goods travel through various
of markets; Traces how goods travel market places in order to differentiate
through various market places. between different kinds of markets

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Our Environment
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Environment Students will be able:
Natural environment • To understand the different components of
Natural environment.
• To understand various measures of
Describes different components of the
maintaining natural environment.
environment in order to show
Students will be able:
understanding of the interrelationship
• To know about the problems of human
between them.
Human environment environment
• To Understand the solutions of the
problems that are faced by human

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To understand the layered structure of the
• To draw and label diagram of earth’s layers.
Identifies major layers of the earth’s
Interior of the earth: • To familiarize with the names of different
interior and their characteristics in
Rocks and minerals types of rocks and their uses.
Inside our earth order to construct a scientific
• To understand the differences between
explanation for the changes that take
types of rocks by referring to their
place on the surface of earth.
properties and methods of formation
• To understand the arrangement of the steps
involved in the formation of rock in a
sequential manner


Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:

• To familiarize with the basics of lithospheric
plates and plate tectonics.
Explains preventive actions to be
• To understand the difference between
Earth movements undertaken in the event of disasters.
endogenic forces and exogenic forces.
Our changing Earth.
• To understand the structure and cause of
volcanoes and earthquakes.
• To understand the landforms caused by
agents of denudation like: River, Sea waves,
Glacier and Wind.

Students will be able:

• To understand the landforms caused by
agents of denudation like: River, Sea waves,
Glacier and Wind.
• To understand the flood plains broad, flat
and fertile plain formed due to river
Describes formation of landforms due to
deposition due to flooding
various factors.
• To understand loops created due to twisting,
Major landforms
turning and bending of rivers over broad
level plains is called meanders.
• To understand moraines are small pieces of
rock, sand and silt debris deposited by
glacier where melts.
• To understand that a cut-off lake left behind
when river breaks away from the bends of
meanders is called as oxbolake.


Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:
Explains composition and structure of
Composition of air in • To understand the importance of
the atmosphere in order to show
atmosphere atmosphere
understanding of the characteristics of
• To understand that earth is surrounded by a
the different layers.
thick layer of gases called the atmosphere
Locates distribution and extent of
different climatic regions on the world
Students will be able:
map or globe to understand the
• To understand the lower layer of the
differences in climatic pattern in
Structure of atmosphere atmosphere as water vapor and dust
different countries.
Shows sensitivity to the need for
• To familiarize that the atmosphere is divide
conservation of natural resources– air,
into five concentric layers – troposphere,
water, energy, flora and fauna - in
stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
order to describe how to protect and
Air and exosphere
conserve the environment.
Students will be able:
• To understand the phenomena of cloud, fog, Analyses factors contributing to
wind, rain, etc. occur in the troposphere pollution in their surroundings and
• To understand the lower part of lists measures to prevent it in order to
stratosphere has concentration of ozone, understand how to protect and
which absorb ultra violet radiation of the conserve the environment.
• To understand that mesosphere is the
coldest layer in this layer temperature
Weather and climate decreases with height.
• To understand the exosphere is the
uppermost layer and gradually merges into
outer space.

• Weather is hour to hour day to day
condition the atmosphere
• To understand typical weather condition of
an area over a long period of time are its
• To understand that wind is horizontally
moving air near the surface of the earth

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To understand the classification and
distribution of major water bodies.
Distribution of water • To understand the cause behind the origin
Water. bodies of waves tides ocean currents and their
• To understand the continuous circulation of
water among the hydrosphere, atmosphere
and lithosphere called hydrological cycles. Shows sensitivity to the need for
• To understand how waves are formed in the conservation of natural resources– air,
ocean or seas when wind blows across the water water, energy, flora and fauna - in
surface. order to describe how to protect and
• To understand amount of salt present in the sea conserve the environment.
water is Salinity.
Ocean circulation: Tides. • To understand when the rain water is soaked by

ground is called ground water.
• To understand that enormous sea waves caused
due to undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption
which cause tremendous destruction in coastal
• To realize the importance of water conservation.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:

Forests: • To understand the factors that influences Reasons and factors leading to diversity
• Tropical evergreen the natural vegetation of a place. in flora and fauna, e.g., climate,
forest • To identify the location where different landforms, etc. In order to understand
• Tropical deciduous types of natural vegetation flourish. the need for sustainable practices in
forest • To understand the difference between food production, wildlife conservation,
Natural vegetation • Temperate evergreen various rainforests and their related etc.
and wildlife. forest features.
• Temperate deciduous
forests. Students will be able:
• Mediterranean • To understand the grasslands and other Shows the sensitivity to the need for
vegetation vegetation of the world. conservation of natural resources-flora
• Coniferous forests • To understand the difference between and fauna.
various rainforests and their related
• Tropical
grasslands • To understand the grasslands and other

• Temperate vegetation of the world.
• Thorny bushes

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Settlement understand our dwellings and their types. Reflects on the factors leading to
disasters and calamities in order to
environment- Students will be able
Transport and understand the consequences of various
Settlement, • To understand the different modes of
communications. human actions.
transport and transport and their importance
• To understand various types of Analyses factors contributing to
communication mediums. pollution in their surroundings and lists

measures to prevent it in order to
understand how to protect and conserve
the environment.

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Life in the amazon
• To understand by tropical and sub-tropical
areas and the features of both regions. Draw interrelationship between climatic
• Climate
• To understand the real life connects with regions and life of people living in
• Rainforests
tropical and sub-tropical regions. different climatic regions of the world,
Human • People of the
• To understand about amazon basin and including India.
environment rainforests
wildlife around that.

Tropical and sub- • To understand lifestyle, flora and fauna,
tropical regions. people’s occupation in and around Ganga-
Analyses factors contributing to
Life in the ganga- Brahmaputra region.
pollution in their surroundings and lists
Brahmaputra basin. • Analyze how these regions are same and
measures to prevent it.
different from each other in different

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Shows sensitivity to the need for
Students will be able
conservation of natural resources-air,
• To understand about prairies region of
water, energy, flora and fauna.
The Prairies: North America.
Life in the • Flora and fauna • To understand about surplus region,
temperate • Climate (Granaries of the world)
grasslands • People • Due to surplus of wheat production in Analyses factors that impact
North America’s prairies region. development of specific regions
• To understand real lives, connect with
grasslands region.

• To understand about the feature of two
grasslands region- Prairies of North
America and Velds of South Africa

• To understand lifestyle, flora-fauna,

The Velds:
people’s occupation I and around Velds’
• Flora and fauna
• Climate
• To understand economical advantage of
• People Analyses factors that impact
minerals like- Gold and diamonds of Velds’
development of specific regions

• To understand and analyze how these

regions are same and different from each

other in different perspectives.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able: Describes and analyses climatic regions
The hot desert – Sahara: • To understand about the features of two desert and human habitations and life of
• Climate regions-The Sahara Desert of Africa and people living in different climatic
• Flora and fauna Ladakh of India. regions of the world, including India, in
• People • To familiarize with the desert region with order to draw interrelationship between
illustrations. them and compare and contrast them.
Life in the desert • To understand and analyze how these regions
are same and different from each other in
different perspectives.
Analyses factors that impact
The cold desert: Ladakh
Students will be able: development of specific regions
• Flora and fauna
• To understand about lifestyle, flora and fauna,
• Climate
people’s occupation around Ladakh region.
• People

• To familiarize with the goods that re produced
in summer Ladakh and exported all over the

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Social and Political life
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Explains the significance of equality in
Students will be able:
• To understand the concept of equality and
challenges of a democratic country. Explains the characteristics of political
• To familiarize the concept of Adult equality, economic equality, and social
Franchise- above the age of 18 every citizen equality in order to distinguish between
can vote. them
Concepts of Equality: • To understand, religion, caste, gender
inequality also becomes the reason of
On Equality Challenges of a discrimination.
Democratic Country • To understand that the Government also
ensures that every citizen is treated equally.
• To acquaintance with the Constitution of
Interprets social, political and economic
India has also made provision to enforce
issues in one’s own region with
reference to the right to equality.
• To understand Government Initiatives like
mid-day meal an effort in bringing about

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Role of government What is health: Explains the roles, functions, salient
Students will be able:
in health • Healthcare in India features of local government and state

• To understand that health not only refers to government in order to differentiate
physical health but also the mental and between the two.
social health.
• To familiarize with the various aspects of
healthcare in India.
• To understand, that to prevent and treat
illness appropriate healthcare facilities such
as health centers hospitals laboratories for
testing, ambulance services blood banks are
• To familiarize with the public health
services are the chain of health centers and
hospitals run by the government.
• To understand that the right to life of every
Public and person to be ensured by the government as
Private its duty.
Healthcare • To familiarize that besides the government
services: private health facilities are also helping the
• Healthcare and government in every corner of the country.
Equality • To understand that all the 3333classes of
• What can be done society having equal rights to avail public
• The Kerala healthcare services as well as private
experience healthcare services
• To understand that various factors besides
the cost are to be solved for availing proper
healthcare services.

The Costa Rican understand the approach of another countries to

approach issues of health


Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Explains the roles, functions, salient
Students will be able: features of local government and state
• To understand the organization of the state government in order to differentiate
Government includes the Governor, The between the two.
State Legislature and the state Council of
• To understand the Governor of the state is
How State Government the nominal head of the executive.
functions. • The duration of the legislative assembly is 5
years. Each state is divided into different
Describes the process of election to the
areas or constituencies.
legislative assembly
• To understand the political party that has
majority is called a ruling party.
How the State
• To understand the chief minister and other
Government works
ministers have the responsibility of running
various government departments.

Students will be able:

• To understand how chief minister and
various ministers have to take-action and

they do so through various departments like
What is the role of Locates one’s own constituency on
public work department, health
Government in making assembly constituency map of state
department, education department.
and implementing /UTs and names local MLA
• To understand issues connected with the
working of their state government like an
education programme, any issuance of law
and order, mid-day meal etc.


Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To understand that gender roles refer to Analyses the causes and consequences
how an individual adopts himself to the role of disadvantages faced by women of
prescribed for his or her sex by the society. different sections of the society.
• Explain the difference between patriarchal
Concept of Gender and matriarchal society.
• Values of boys • The gender roles have created disparity
Growing up as Girls and girls. everywhere. Men and women are not
and Boys. • Necessity for treated equally in most of the societies.
equality between • In the 19th century, changes begin to take
Identifies women achievers and their
man and woman. place as women also fought for their rights.
achievements in different fields from
• Several women have broken the convention
various regions of India
and entered into areas dominated by men.
• To understand poverty, early marriage,
family responsibilities are some of the
sectors that prevent the education women.

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Fewer opportunities and Identifies women achievers and their
Women change the
rigid expectations. Students will be able: achievements in different fields from
various regions of India


To understand the inequality and injustice
faced by females.
• To familiarize with the various roles played
by women in the society.
• Several women have broken the convention
and entered into areas dominated by men.
• To understand poverty, early marriage,
family responsibilities are some of the
sectors that prevent the education women.
Students will be able:
Learning For change • To understand the need for upliftment, and Illustrates contribution of women to
educating the women different fields with appropriate
• To familiarize with the various biographies examples
of great women.
Students will be able:
• To analyze the school going percentage in
Schooling and education primary elementary and secondary classes
today of SC, ST, Adivasi, Dalit, Muslim (all girls).
• To understand the Gender discrimination in
Students will be able:
Women’s movement • To understand campaigns to fight
discrimination and violence against women

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To understand what is media, what is print

media, electronic media and the
Understanding Media
comparisons of all media.

• To understand and recognize the role of big
business in the media coverage of events.
Media. Media and Technology.
• To understand the strong links between

media and technology, media and big

Media and Money
• To understand how mass media is constantly
thinking of ways to make money
Students will be able: Examines various forms, etc. Of media -
• To understand how media plays a very newspapers /TV /electronic media, etc.
important role in providing News and – in order to explain the functioning of
Media and democracy discussing events taking place in the country media with appropriate examples.

and world.
• To understand how the media influences our
thoughts, feelings and actions and bring
those issues to our attention.
Students will be able:
• Students would be able to identify how the
media sets the agenda through influencing
Setting Agendas our perceptions of issues.
• To understand the significance influence of
media that plays in our lives and in shaping
our thoughts.

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Understanding Building Brands and
Brand Values. Students will be able: Creates an advertisement

• To understand that advertising is all about
building Brands. Branding means stamping a
product with a particular name or sign.
• To understand that social advertisements
refer to advertisements made by the state or
private agencies that have a larger message
for society.
• Advertising makes us believe that things that
are packages are better than things that do
not come in packets.
Brand values and social Students will be able:
values • The brand values are conveyed through the
use of visuals and words to give us an overall
image that appeals to us.
How does an
advertisement get understand that advertisings are an important part
made? of our social and cultural life today and it creates a

Advertising and Analyse advertising tends to promote a certain lack
democracy of respect for the poor.

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:
• Weekly Market.
• To understand the markets around us. Traces how goods travel through
• Shops in the
• To understand the chain of markets i.e. various market places in order to
Markets around us.
formed before goods can reach us. differentiate between different kinds of
• Chain of Markets.
• To understand about different kinds of markets


Students will be able:
Markets everywhere. • To understand how the goods that are sold
reach to buyers.
understand that who these were buyers are and
Markets and Equality. who these sellers are and the sorts of problems they

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To be able to know about that in markets
A cotton farmer in opportunities are highly unequal.
Kurnool • To learn about some ways such as
cooperative marketing, which can provide
better return to the producers?
Traces how goods travel through
The cloth market of Students will be able: various market places in order to
A shirt in the Market Erode: The shirt in the • To understand the various problems faced by differentiate between different kinds
United States. the buyers and sellers. of markets

• To recognize the significance of weavers’
Who are the gainers in
the market? Market and appraise the significance of buying and selling which
equality. takes place in diverse ways?

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
Explains the characteristics of
• To Understand the true meaning of equality
political equality, economic equality,
Struggles for Equality • To make aware of the idea of democracy.
Struggles for Equality and social equality in order to
• To understand how people, struggle for
distinguish between them

Students will be able:
Tawa Matsya Sangh • To understand, the various problems faced by
different types of people. Interprets social, political and
The Indian constitution Students will be able: economic issues in one’s own region
as a living document • To familiarize that what are the other basis of with reference to the right to
inequality apart from caste and religion equality

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Our past – II
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
New and old Students will be able: to understand power struggles
terminologies among Rajput, pala’s, pratiharas, rashtrakutas and

Historians and their Students will be able:
Relates key historical developments
resources • To know that calligraphy and the cartography during medieval period occurring in
are also developed during medieval period one place with another and describes
New social and political Students will be able: them in order to reflect on the
groups • To understand new social and political changes in society during medieval
groups emerged such as Rajput’s, Sikhs and period and compare it with present
Tracing changes jatts day time.
through a thousand
Students will be able:
years Region and empire • To establishment of Delhi sultans and Mughal

Students will be able:
• To understand changes in Hinduism were
Old and new religions worship of new deities, the construction the
Thinking about time and temples and growing importance of
historical periods Brahmans
• To know about the appearance of Islam in


Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The emergence of new understand about many new dynasties that emerged
dynasties: after 17th century.
Administration in the
understand about the titles adopted by new kings.
Prashastis and land understand about the resources of finance of king’s
grants establishment.
understand about the role of Brahmins in the role of
administration. Analyses socio-political and economic
New Kings and understand about the various authors who wrote changes during medieval period in
Kingdom long Sanskrit poems, inscriptions, documents, order to compare it with present day
eyewitness containing the history of kings. time.
understand that Kalhana, unlike the writers of
Warfare for wealth
Prashastis often critical about rulers
understand that the afghan warrior (Sultan
Mahmoud of Ghazni) raided the sub-continent foe
wealth and wealthy temples.
understand about the other kings who engaged in
The Cholas understand how did the cholas rise to power.
understand the Cholas’ temples were to only places Describes, compares and contrasts
From Uraiyur to the livelihood patterns and the
of worship; they were the hub of economic, social and
Thanjavur geographical condition of the area
cultural life as well
Splendid temples and inhabited, e.g., tribes, nomadic
bronze sculptors pastoralists and banjaras. In order to
understand the administration of Chola government. explain the relationship between
The administration of
livelihood pattern and geography.
the empire

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To understand that the transformation of Delhi
into a capital that controlled vast areas of the sub-
• To understand various inscriptions, coins and
architecture provide a lot of information to the
Analyses administratives measures
Finding out about the • To understand that authors advised rulers on the
and strategies for military control
Delhi sultans: need to preserve an ideal social order based on
adopted by different kingdoms, e.g.
• The expansion of birthright and gender distinctions.
the khaljis, Tughluqs and Mughals etc.
Delhi sultanate • To understand that in the early 13th century the

control of Delhi sultans rarely went beyond
heavily fortified towns occupied by garrisons.
• To understand military expeditions into southern
The Delhi sultans India started during the reign of Alauddin Khilji
and culminated with Muhammad Tughluq.
• To understand that Delhi sultans demonstrated
their claims to be protectors of Islam and Muslims

• To understand that early Delhi sultans favored

their special slaves called Bandagan and continued
to use them to understand that slaves and clients
Administration and
were more loyal to their masters as a result the
consolidation under the Draws comparisons between policies
accession of a new monarch often saw conflict
Khaljis and Tughlaqs of different rulers.
between the old and the new nobility.

• To understand the three types of taxes and the
revenue collectors (old chieftains and landlords)

The sultanate in the 15th

Students will be able:
and 16th century

• To understand the establishment of state after the
emergence of new ruling groups like the Afghans
and Rajputs.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Analyses administrative measures
Who were the Mughals: • Mughals their ancestors and successors.
and strategies for military control
• Mughal military • To understand various campaigns of Mughal
adopted by different kingdoms, e.g.,
campaigns military.
the Khiljis, and Tughluqs, Mughals,
• Mughal traditions • To understand the Mansabdars position, ranks and
etc.in order to compare and contrast
of successions responsibilities

• Mughal relations • To understand the relations of Mughals with
with other rulers other rulers (Rajput, Sisodia).
• To understand the consequence of insulting
The Mughal Empire
Shivaji by Aurangzeb.
Mansabdars and Draws comparisons between policies
Jagirdars. understand the main source of income, the revenue of different rulers in order to
(i) Zabt and system of Mughals (Zabt). demonstrate evaluation skills.
understand the policies of Akbar as discussed by
Akbar policies
Abul Fazal in his book Akbar-Nama.
understand the administrative and military efficiency
The Mughal Empire in
of the Mughal Empire that lead to a great economy
17th Century and after.
and commercial prosperity.

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• Engineering skills Describes distinctive developments
Rulers and buildings. • To understand the super structures and their
and construction. in style and technology used for
technologies of construction.

Students will be able: construction of temples, tombs and
• To understand that building temples, mosque mosque with examples.

• Building temples,
and tanks meant to demonstrate the power.
mosque and tanks.
• To understand that destruction of temples was
(i) Why were temple
due to the display of rulers their political
might and military success.
(ii) Gardens, tombs and
• To understand the several important
architectural innovations during Akbar’s reign.

Students will be able:
• To understand the traditions of one region adopted
by another.
Region and Empire • To understand the creation of large empires that
brought different regions under their rule help in
this cross fertilization of artistic forms and
architectural styles.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
• To be able to examine the difference between
founded towns and those that grow as a result
Towns, Traders and centres:
of trade.
crafts persons. • Temple, towns and
• To understand that there were many kinds of Describes distinctive developments
pilgrimage centres
traders. Several traders specially horse traders in style and technology used for
formed association with headman. construction of temples, tombs and
A network of small mosques with examples in order to
towns: analyse it in own vocabulary.
• Traders – big and be able to examine the difference between founded

small towns and those that grow as a result of trade.
• Crafts in towns

Students will be able:
A closer look: Hampi,
• To understand that Surat was the emporium of
Masulipatnam, Surat:
western trade
• The architectural
• To understand about the crafts persons of
splendour of
Bidar famous for their inlay work called Bidari
• To understand Hampi was the nucleus of
• A gateway to the
Vijayanagar Empire and its architecture was
west: Surat
Fishing in troubled
waters: • To understand about the town Masulipatnam
Masulipatnam that was under the control of Dutch and
• New towns and English East India company

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
Tribal Societies. • To understand the societies in the sub-continent
which did not follow the social rules and rituals
(i) Who are tribal prescribed by the Brahmans called tribal.
people? • To understand that tribal people were found almost
(ii) How nomads and Describes, compares and contrasts
every region of sub-continent. Only their area and
mobile people live? the livelihood patterns and the
influence of tribe varied at different point of times.
geographical condition of the area
Tribes, nomads and • To understand the nomadic pastoralists moved over
inhabited, e.g., tribes, nomadic
settled communities long distance with their animals and also known as
pastoralists and banjaras. In order to
explain the relationship between
• To understand the various castes and in the society
livelihood pattern and geography.
given them the status of Jaatis as per their economic
• New castes and activities like carpenters, smiths, masons etc.
hierarchies • To understand the tribes, the gonds from Gondwana
region and the ahoms migrated to Brahmaputra
valley from Myanmar


Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The idea of Supreme
Students will be able:
• To understand the idea of a supreme god.
• A new kind of
• To be familiar with the emergence of religious
Bhakti in South
movements led by Nayanars (Saints devoted to
India- Nayanars &
Shiva) and Alvars (Saints devoted to Vishnu)

Philosophy of
understand the philosophies of Shankara (Kerala) and
Bhakti: Basavanna’s
Ramanuja (Tamil Nadu)
Analyses factors which led to the
Devotional paths to The
get acquaintance with the Marathi Saints, Poets emergence of new religious ideas
the Divine Saints of Maharashtra:
(Eknath, Janeshwar, Naamdev, Tukaram, Sakkubai and and movements (bhakti and sufi)
• Nathpanthis,
the family of ChokhaMela)
Siddhas and Yogis
Islam and Sufism
understand the Islam and Sufi saints

New religious
developments in North
analyze the new philosophies which reject all
orthodox religion by Kabir and Guru Nanak
• Kabir
• Guru Nanak

Chapter 9 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
The Cheras and the Analyses administrative measures
The making of development of understand the Chera kingdom of Mahodyapuram and strategies for military control
regional cultures Malayalam adopted by different kingdoms, e.g.,

Rulers and religious Students will be able: the Khiljis, and Tughluqs, Mughals,
traditions: • To understand regional cultures that grew etc.in order to compare and contrast
• The Jagannatha cult around religious traditions like Jagannatha them.
• The Rajputs and (Literary Lord of the World, a name for Vishnu
traditions of in Orissa).
Heroism • To understand the Rajputana traditions often
recognized as contributing to the distinctive
culture of Rajasthan
Beyond regional
Students will be able to familiarize with the history of
dance of Kathak
The story of Kathak
Students will be able to understand the tradition that
Painting for Patrons:
developed in different ways was that of miniature
The Tradition of

Students will be able
• To understand the growth of regional language
Bengali, which is derived from Sanskrit?
• To understand the rich culture of East Bengal
where Mughals set up mosques that served as
• The growth of
centers for religious transformation in these
regional language
• Pirs and Temples
• To understand the migrated West Bengal to
• Fish as food
South East Bengal merged their with the local
• To familiarize with the traditional food habits
of Bengali people.

Chapter 10 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:

The crisis of the empire • To understand that the Later Mughals were
and the later Mughals: puppets in the hands of either one or other
• Emergence of new Powerful groups.
states • To understand how the Mughal gradually
18th century Political
• The old Mughal fragmented into a number of regional states.
provinces • To understand and to know about the old
Mughal- Hyderabad, Awadh & Bengal.

Students will be able to know about various Rajput

The Watan jaghirs of the
kings belonging to Amber and Jodhpur had served
under the Mughals with distinction. Draws comparisons between
Students will be able: policies of different rulers in order
• To understand the emergence of Khalsa by to demonstrate evaluation skills.
Guru Gobind Singh.
• To understand the Sikhs inspired by Khalsa
The ceasing beliefs declared their sovereign rule.
Independence: • To know about Shivaji who carved out a stable
• The Sikhs empire with the support of powerful warrior
• The Marathas families.
• The Jaats • To understand the endless military campaigns
by the Marathas.
• To know about the Jaats who were prosperous
agriculturists developed the kingdom of


Class 8

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learner be provided opportunities in pairs /groups / individually and
encouraged to
Collect information about distribution of various natural resources like land, soil, water,
natural vegetation, wildlife, minerals, power resources, types of industries in their
environs and relate it with India and the world.
Explore various farming practices carried out in the neighbourhood / district / state and
interact with farmers.
Use pictures /news clippings / videos to be familiar with the availability of natural
resources and their protection, various agricultural practices in other states / countries.
Develop projects on conservation of natural and human made resources
Discuss with peers about forest fire, landslide, industrial disasters, natural and human
reasons for their occurrence and control measures.
Use atlas /maps for locating major agricultural areas of the world, industrial countries
/regions, understanding spatial distribution of population.
Read stories of lived experiences of individuals and communities of the period.
Discuss events and processes in groups and as a whole in the classroom situation.
Raise questions on different issues and events like, ‘why the English east India company
felt it necessary to involve itself in feuds amongst Indian rulers?’.
Visit places of historical importance particularly those associated with centres of colonial
administration and Indian national movement.
Undertake ‘projects’ and ‘activities’ like (a) writing an essay on “Gandhiji’s idea of non-
violence and its impact on India’s national movement’, (b) drawing up a timeline on
‘significant events of India’s national movement’, (c) enacting a role play on ‘the chauri
chaura incident,’ and (d) locating on an outline map of India the ‘regions most effected by
commercial crop cultivation during the colonial period’.
Familiarise with sources like vernacular and British accounts, autobiographies,
biographies, novels, paintings, photographs, contemporary writings, documents,
newspaper reports, films, documentaries and also recent writings to understand and
reconstruct histories of various movements.
Expose to pedagogically innovative and criterion-referenced questions for self-
assessment like ‘what were the reasons for the battle of Plassey?’
Participate in a discussion on the concepts of constitution, parliament, judiciary and
Prepare posters with drawings and pictures and make oral and written presentations on
the significance of the constitution of India, preamble, parliamentary government,
separation of powers, federalism
Debate how the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are being practised in
classroom / school / home / society
Do projects (solo, pair or group) about the fundamental rights and fundamental duties
Screen and discuss the Rajya Sabha tv series, Samvidhan and movies such as Sandhi,
Sardar, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Observe parliamentary constituency map of state /UTs
Organise a mock election with model code of conduct and youth parliament (bal sansad)
Prepare a list of registered voters in one’s own neighbourhood.
Carry out an awareness campaign in one’s own locality about significance of voting
Find out some public works undertaken by the MP of one’s own constituency
Examine contents of a first information report (fir) form.
Express views, through descriptive and critical writing, about the role of judges in the
delivery of justice to the litigants
Conduct focus group discussions on violation, protection and promotion of human rights,
especially of women, SCs, STs, religious / linguistic minorities, persons with disabilities,
children with special needs, sanitation workers, and other disadvantaged sections
Screen and discuss the movie, I am kalam (Hindi, 2011)
Perform a role play about child labour, child rights, and the criminal justice system in India
Visit any office under the union government (e.g., post office) in one’s own locality to
observe its functioning and prepare a brief report
Share experiences with peers on public facilities and reasons for the disparity in
availability of water, sanitation, electricity
Organise a debate why government be responsible for providing public facilities
Case studies or newspaper clippings can be provided to learners as an example of the
negligence in enforcement of the laws and compensation
Group discussion on role of government in regulating economic activities, e.g., analysing
the reasons of ‘Bhopal gas tragedy’

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT – adapted by CBSE
The learner —
Classifies different types of industries Classifies different types of industries based on
based on raw materials, size and raw materials, size and ownership

Describes major crops, types of farming Describes major crops, types of farming and
and agricultural practices in her /his agricultural practices in her /his own area /
own area / state state

Interprets the world map for uneven Interprets the world map in order to
distribution of population demonstrate understanding of uneven
distribution of population
Describes causes of forest fire, landslide, Describes causes of forest fire, landslide,
industrial disasters and their risk industrial disasters and their control and risk
reduction measures reduction measures
Locates distribution of important Locates distribution of important minerals on
minerals, e.g., coal and mineral oil on the the world map in order to list countries that are
world map mineral rich or mineral poor.

Analyses uneven distribution of natural Analyses uneven distribution of natural and
and human made resources on the earth human made resources on the earth in order to
understand its impact on the country.
Justifies judicious use of natural Justifies judicious use of natural resources in
resources such as water, soil, forest, etc. order to maintain developments in all areas
To maintain developments in all areas
Analyses the factors due to which some Analyses the factors due to which some
countries are known for production of countries are known for production of major
major crops, e.g., wheat, rice, cotton, crops and locates these countries on the world
jute, etc., and locates these countries on map
the world map
Draws interrelationship between types Explains types of farming and development in
of farming and development in different order to draw interrelationship between the
regions of the world two in different regions of the world
Draws bar diagram to show population Draws bar diagram in order to show population
of different countries /India /states of different countries /India /states
Distinguishes the ‘modern period’ from Uses sources, nomenclatures used for various
the ‘medieval’ and the ‘ancient’ periods regions of the Indian sub- continent, and the
through the use of sources, broad developments of the time in order to
nomenclatures used for various regions distinguish the ‘modern period’ from the
of the Indian sub- continent and the ‘medieval’ and the ‘ancient’ periods.
broad developments

Explains how the English East India Explains the reasons how the English East India
Company became the most dominant company became the most dominant power

Explains the differences in the impact of Examines the differences in the colonial
colonial agrarian policies in different agrarian policies in different regions of the
regions of the country like the ‘indigo
country, in order to explain the different impact
rebellion’ of these policies on different regions
Describes the forms of different tribal Describes the forms of different tribal societies
societies in the 19th century and their
in the 19th century, and their relationship of
relationship with the environment. each of these tribal societies with the
Explains the policies of the colonial Explains the policies of the colonial
administration towards the tribal administration towards the tribal communities

Explains the origin, nature and spread of Explains the origin, nature and spread of the
the revolt of 1857 and the lessons revolt of 1857 in order to infer the lessons
learned from it learned from it.
Analyses the decline of pre-existing Analyses the reasons and context of decline of
urban centres and handicraft industries pre-existing urban centres and handicraft
and the development of new urban industries, and the development of new urban
centres and industries in India during centres and industries in India during the
the colonial period colonial period.

Explains the institutionalisation of the Traces the historical developments in the
new education system in India education system in order to explain the
institutionalisation of the new education
system in India
Analyses the issues related to caste, Analyses the laws and policies of colonial
women, widow remarriage, child administration towards issues related to caste,
marriage, social reforms and the laws women, widow remarriage, child marriage,
and policies of colonial administration social reforms.
towards these issues
Outlines major developments that Outlines major developments that occurred
occurred during the modern period in during the modern period in the field of arts
the field of arts
Outlines the course of the Indian Outlines the course of the Indian national
national movement from the 1870s till movement from the 1870s till independence
Analyses the significant developments Analyses the significant developments in the
in the process of nation building process of nation building
Interprets social and political issues in Interprets social and political issues in one’s
one’s own region with reference to the own region with reference to the constitution of
constitution of India illustrates the India
fundamental rights and the fundamental
duties with appropriate examples
Applies the knowledge of the Applies the knowledge of the fundamental
fundamental rights to find out about rights in order to find out about their violation,
their violation, protection and protection and promotion in a given situation
promotion in a given situation (e.g., child
Differentiates between state Differentiates between state government and
government and union government union government in order to compare and
contrast their roles /functions /responsibilities
/mandate, etc.
Describes the process of election to the Describes the process of election to the Lok
Lok Sabha Sabha

Locates one’s own constituency on Locates one’s own constituency on
parliamentary constituency map of state parliamentary constituency map of state / UT
/UT and names local MP and names local MP
Describes the process of making a law. Describes the process of making a law. (e.g.,
(e.g., domestic violence act, RTI Act, RTE domestic violence act, RTI act, RTE act)
Describes the functioning of the judicial Describes the functioning of the judicial system
system in India by citing some landmark in India by citing some landmark cases
Demonstrates how to file a First Demonstrates how to file a First Information
Information Report (FIR) Report (FIR)

Analyses the causes and consequences Analyses the causes and consequences of
of marginalisation faced by marginalisation faced by disadvantaged
disadvantaged sections of one’s own sections of one’s own region
Identifies the role of government in Identifies the role of government in providing
providing public facilities such as water, public facilities such as water, sanitation, road,
sanitation, road, electricity etc., and electricity etc., in order to recognise their
recognises their availability availability and the tasks that government
Describes the role of government in Describes the role of government in regulating
regulating economic activities. economic activities.

Classifies different types of industries Explains the importance of dates in history and
based on raw materials, size and why do we divide history into different periods.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Resources and Development
Chapter Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Comprehend the meaning of resources in Analyses uneven distribution

terms of utility and value of natural and human made
resources on the earth in order
Types of resources Undertakes research in order to Classify to understand its impact on the
different types of resources like natural, country.
human made and human resource
1. Resources Justifies judicious use of
Respect and care for all-natural resources
natural resources in order to
Inspire others and self towards sustainable maintain developments in all
use of human, human made and natural areas

Students will be able:
Justifies judicious use of
• Explain the physical factors such as
natural resources in order to
topography, soil, climate, minerals
Land maintain developments in all
and availability of water for the land
use pattern and its classification.
• Analyze the need for the conservation
of Land Resource

Understand the process of soil formation, Analyses uneven distribution

analyses the causes of soil degradation and of natural and human made
construct remediation towards conservation resources on the earth in order

measures. to understand its impact on the

Locate the climatic zones that are most
susceptible to water scarcity through case

study and execute problem solving skills by

stipulating methods for conservation of
water resources across the globe.

2. Land, Soil, Water, Natural
Vegetation and Wildlife Resources •
Enumerate factors for distribution Describes causes of forest fire,
of Natural Vegetation and wildlife. landslide, industrial disasters
Natural Vegetation • Construct views on conservation and their risk reduction
and Wildlife of Natural Vegetation and Wildlife measures.
to balance the ecology on planet

3. Mineral and Survey the distribution of minerals across
Power Resources the globe and in India, locate the distribution
of important minerals, e.g., coal and mineral
oil on the world map in order to list
Types of Minerals countries that are mineral rich or mineral
Understand the uses of minerals and their Locates distribution of
conservation for sustainable development important minerals on the
world map
Examines the vital role played by energy in

our lives, critically analyses the reasons

associated with the environmental pollution

Power Resources in reference to the usage of conventional

sources and the benefits associated with the

usage of non-conventional sources of energy

Critically analyse the factors due to which
Describes major crops, types of
4. Agriculture Farm System some countries are known for production of
farming and agricultural
major crops, e.g., wheat, rice, cotton, jute,

etc., and locate these countries on the world practices in her /his own area /
map. state

Comparative Case studies of the farms in Analyses the factors due to

India and USA under various parameters which some countries are
Agricultural will enable the learner to frame known for production of major
Development developmental goals in the field of crops and locates these
agriculture countries on the world map.

Categorize different types of industries

based on raw materials, size and ownership,
Classification of examine different factors affecting location
Industries of industries, studies industrial System and
Classifies different types of
enlist industrial regions across the world.
industries based on raw
5. Industries
Distribution of Major Understanding Case studies of Iron and Steel materials, size and ownership
Industries and Cotton and Textile Industries will help
the learner to develop his analytical and
decision-making skills

Identify and recognize the factors affecting Interprets the world map in
distribution of population in different areas order to demonstrate
of the world understanding of uneven
Evaluates the impact of Population Change distribution of population
analysis causes and patterns of Population
6. Human Resources
Density of Population Change globally.
Draws bar diagram in order to
Estimates the importance of different show population of different
Population Composition (age groups) and countries /India /states
their contribution the national economy


Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Resources and Development
Chapter Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Familiarize with constitutive rules with the help of Interprets social and political
Why Does a Country the case study of Nepal, learn very basic issues in one’s own region with
Need a Constitution? understanding of the significance of these features reference to the constitution of
within the working of democracy India

1. The Indian Constitution Develop concerns of diversity, unity, socio-

Applies the knowledge of the
economic reform and Representation, understand
The Indian Fundamental Rights to find out
the ways in which a balance was created between
Constitution: Key about their violation, protection
the then existing concerns and the commitment to
Features and promotion in a given situation
transform independent India into a strong and
(e.g., Child Rights).
democratic society

Learns the concept of peaceful co-existence where

What is Secularism? all the religions are same in the eyes of the law
Differentiates between state
Why is it Important
Avoids conflicts of interests and feeling of a subject government and union government
2. Understanding Secularism to Separate religion
by accepting that the two have different identities in order to compare and contrast
from the State?
their roles /functions

/responsibilities /mandate, etc.
What is Indian Sense of equality prevails and all religions enjoy
Secularism? equal freedom

Understand the relation between the ideas of

3. Why Do We Need a Why should People participation in decision-making and the need for Describes the process of election to
Parliament? Decide? all democratic governments to have the consent of the Lok Sabha.
their citizens.

The Role of the Enables citizens of India to participate in decision • Locates one’s own
Parliament making and control the government constituency on
parliamentary constituency
Appreciates the reflection of society in the map of State / UT and names
Who are the People Parliament in form of presence of people from
in Parliament? local MP.
different backgrounds

Understand the in-discriminatory basis of law and

it integral value in the society
Do Laws Apply to All?
Describes the process of making a
4. Understanding Laws law. (e.g., domestic violence act,
How Do New Laws Become sensitive to the problems faced by people RTI act, RTE act)
Come About?
Unpopular and Raise voice against the repressive laws framed by
Controversial Laws the Parliament and get it corrected

Appreciate the significant role played by Indian

What is the Role of judiciary in upholding the principles enshrined in
the Judiciary? the Constitution

What is an Attach significance to the judicial system in

Independent upholding the rule of law
Describes the functioning of the
5. Judiciary What is the Structure Explain three different levels of courts in our judicial system in India by citing
of Courts in India? country and only one apex court.
some landmark cases
What are the Understand civil law and criminal laws with the
Different Branches of help of case studies
the Legal System?
Recognize greatly simplified justice system and
Does Everyone Have access to justice by common people through public
Access to the Courts? interest litigation

Understand that the role played by the police is to
Role of the Police in arrest the person, every individual charged of a
Investigating a Crime crime has to be given a fair trial

Examines the Prosecutor’s role in conducting the

6. Understanding Our Criminal Role of the Public Demonstrates how to file a First
prosecution on behalf of the State and the role of
Justice System Prosecutor and a Information Report (FIR)
the judge in conducting the trial impartially in an
Judge open court

Ensures execution of all legal procedures during

Fair Trial the trial

Identify various Indian communities the original

Who are Adivasis inhabitant who lived in close association with
forests. Learn about their beliefs and traditions
Analyses the causes and
Break the stereotypical semblance about their
7. Understanding consequences of marginalisation
Stereotyping and looks, costumes, dances etc.Cement the
Marginalization faced by disadvantaged sections of
development interconnectedness between the economic and
one’s own region
social dimensions of the tribal life

Minorities and Address marginalization of minorities through

Marginalization various struggles

Invoking Acquire understanding about Article 15 that has

been used by Dalits to seek equality Identifies the role of government in
Fundamental Rights
providing public facilities such as
Laws for the Promote Social Justice through understanding of water, sanitation, road, electricity
8. Confronting Marginalization specific laws and policies
Marginalized etc., in order to recognise their
Protecting the Rights availability and the tasks that
Raise voice against the practice of ostracism by the
of Dalits and government performs.
powerful castes in the village

Understand the act of 1989 and take seriously the
Adivasi Demands and ill treatment and humiliation Dalits and tribal
the 1989 Act groups

Water and the People Diagnose importance of equal availability,

of Chennai affordability and quality of water for all through
case study of Chennai
Identifies the role of government in
Water as Part of the Identify the right to water as being a part of the providing public facilities such as
Fundamental Right Right to Life under Article 21 or universal access to water, sanitation, road, electricity
9. Public Facilities water
to Life etc., in order to recognise their
Recognize crucial role of the government in availability and the tasks that
Public Facilities providing public facilities government performs.

In Search of Critically analyze the situation and find out the

Alternatives most suitable options to exterminate the problem

Compare between UC’s safety system in Bhopal and

Bhopal gas tragedy - its other plant in the US in order to analyze the
What is a Worker’s
causes of the tragedy and to combat injustice
Worth against the workers Describes the role of government
in regulating economic activities.
10. Law and Social Justice Learns about the right to Life guaranteed under
Enforcement of Article 21 of the Constitution and need for strict
Safety Laws adherence

New Laws to Protect Demand stronger laws protecting workers’

the Environment interests and environment etc.

Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Resources and Development
Chapter Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Understand the notions of the time, associate
How Important are history with a string of dates, give some
Dates? coherence to each era of history Explains the importance of dates
1. How, When and Where Learns about divisions of history into Hindu, in history and why do we divide
Muslim and British based on administrative history into different periods.
How do We Know? records. Acquires knowledge about the
practice of surveying under colonial rule

Describes the emergence of the British on the

East India Company political horizon of India, initially it came as a
Comes East trading company
Explains the reasons how the
analyze the process of annexation of Indian
English East India company
2. From Trade to Territory Company Rule Expands states by the East India Company using various became the most dominant
Recognize coming up of three presidencies,
Setting up a New setting up of new judicial system, massive
Administration increase military strength

Analyses critically the company’s strategy to

The Company Becomes
become the chief financial
the Diwan
administrator of the territory under its control Examines the differences in the
Learns about the strategy to yield revenue colonial agrarian policies in
3. Ruling the Countryside Crops for Europe from countryside British expanded the different regions of the country,
cultivation of opium and indigo in order to explain the different
Raises questions about Rebellion by riots in impact of these policies on
The “Blue Rebellion”
Bengal and repressive measures adopted by different regions
and After
the British.
How Did Tribal Groups Explain the disappearing tribal livelihoods,
Describes the forms of different
4. Tribals, Dikus and the Live? threat to life, danger to jhum cultivation
tribal societies in the 19th
Vision of a Golden Age How Did Colonial rule Understand the breaking of tribal social order
century, and their relationship of
affect tribal and traditional functions due to forest laws

Lives? each of these tribal societies with
the environment.
Evaluate the rebellion by the tribal groups in Explains the policies of the
A Closer Look different parts of the country against the colonial administration towards
changes in laws the tribal communities

Examine the reasons for the loss of the powers

Policies and the People of Nawabs, unrest of sepoys and peasants,
introduction of religious and cultural reforms

Through the Eyes of the Learn about the biggest collective uprising
Explain the origin, nature and
People - against the British rule in the nineteenth spread of the revolt of 1857 in
5. When People Rebel A Mutiny Becomes a century – mutiny 1857 order to infer the lessons learned
Popular Rebellion
from it
The Company Fights Describe the repressive measure used by the
Back British against the Indians

Observer transfer of the powers of the East

Aftermath India Company to the British Crown

Indian Textiles and the Study about the exquisite Indian Analyses the reasons and context
World Market craftsmanship famous all over the world of decline of pre-existing urban
centres and handicraft
6. Weavers, Iron Smelters industries, and the development
and Factory Owners The sword of Tipu Learns about the Indian Wootz steel and of new urban centres and
Sultan and reasons of setting up of Indian steel industry industries in India during the
Wootz steel
colonial period.

Comprehend the strategic moves of the British Traces the historical

7. Civilising the “Native”, How the British saw to “civilize the natives” they changed the developments in the education
Educating the Nation Education education policy to create “good subjects” system in order to explain the

Flexible pathshalas run by Indian gurus were institutionalisation of the new
What Happened to discouraged by regulations set by the British education system in India
the Local Schools? government

Learn about the need for a wider spread of

The Agenda for a education propounded by Indian thinker and
National Education the government

Working Towards Apprehend the gender and caste differences Analyses the laws and policies of
Change prevailing in the society. colonial administration towards
8. Women, Caste and issues related to caste, women,
Appreciate the contribution of Indian thinkers
Reform widow remarriage, child
Caste and Social Reform in bringing the social reforms to uplift the
society. marriage, social reforms.

The Emergence of Feel part of the modern consciousness or

Nationalism nationalism

The Growth of Mass Describe the emergence of freedom fighters

Nationalism and struggle against the Foreign rule

Learn the method of peaceful defiance against Outlines major developments

the government’s monopoly on manufacturing that occurred during the modern
of the salt period in the field of arts

The March to Dandi Outlines the course of the Indian

national movement from the
9. The Making of the National Emergence of Gandhi on the Indian political
1870s till independence
Movement: 1870s--1947 scenario His contribution to the attaining the

Appreciate the nationwide demand of the

Quit India and Later freedom fighters to leave India and Muslim
league’s demand for partition

A New and Divided Understand the challenges in making India a
Nation nation-state
A Constitution is Learn significance of the lengthiest constitution
Written of new India
How were States to be Attach significance to the linguistic basis of the Analyses the significant
10. India After Independence Formed? formation of states developments in the process of
Understand the setting up of a Planning nation building
Planning for
Commission to help design and execute
suitable policies for economic development
The Nation, Sixty Years Feel proud of the continual achievements of
On India like still united and still democratic.


Class 9

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learners may be provided with opportunities individually /in groups and
encouraged to -
Observe political map of India or on school bhuvan portal ncert, mark with reference to
location, extent, shape, size, etc. Of states /UTs

Discuss and verify the information about states and UTs from other sources, like website of
other states, textbooks, atlas, models, etc
Engage in projects to collect information about states /UTs in terms of languages, food,
dress, cultural traditions etc.
Select the works of eminent thinkers like jean–paul marat, jean jacques rousseau and others
influence of their works on the outbreak of French revolution
Take part in discussion of the important political terms and concepts such as martial law,
a coup, a veto, and referendum to recognise democracy as well as dictatorship.
Discuss the details of (a) the time when universal adult franchise was first provided to the
citizens and (b) how the end of colonialism took place
Collect information and discuss the process of making of the Indian constitution
Collect the details of different factors of production like land, capital and human resources
from their surroundings
Choose a nearby ration shop and compare the prices of items available with the local
market and discuss the reasons for the differences
Analyse the role of cooperative in food security
Explore various resources including the e-content on poverty, food security, human
resource development
Discuss that how poverty line is estimated especially from the view point of social scientists
Gather information about physical features in the surroundings discuss about these
features with the peers; visuals related to other physiographic divisions may be shown and
their features may be explained to them
Shown different physiographic divisions / data to look out for the similarities and
Use tactile maps /models to classify physical features of India
Collates the views from different secondary sources of desmoulin and Robespierre to know
how each one of them understands the use of state force. What does Robespierre mean by
“the war of liberty against tyranny?” How does Desmoulins perceive liberty?
Gather information about constitutional monarchy of France, from different sources
Discuss different monarchies of contemporary times like u.k., Nepal and Bhutan
Develop timeline on significant events related to outbreak of the French and Russian revolution.
In connection with France some events that can be displayed in the timeline are: constitutional
monarchy, declaration of right of man, on becoming a republic and the reign of terror. The
students can add more information in this timeline on the French revolution
Study features of different type of government and discuss
Design a group project on social exclusion as well as poverty.

Interview vendors such as vegetables, newspaper, milkman, laundress (at least ten people).
They may be guided to develop simple questions and raw inference from it.
Explore various rivers, find details of their origin, course of river, major cities, industries on
the banks of a river; discuss how river affects the life of people in cities leading to pollution of
Work on group projects in which they can collect information from various sources such as
books, magazines, newspapers, internet, elders and plot the river and associated findings
on a map and prepare a report
Work with tactile maps particularly by the children with special needs (cwsn)
Identify social, economic and political causes that Russian revolution in 1905; use a variety
of teaching aids like a flow chart, power point presentation, newspaper clippings belonging
to that period (1905)
Participate in a discussion on fall of monarchy in February 1917, workers strike, refusal of
peasants to pay rent and activities of different political parties such as liberals, social
democrats and social revolutionaries
Discussion may be initiated on the concepts of revolution and social change.
Elucidate the idea that some revolutions like the French and Russian are a result of blood-
Discuss peaceful revolutions such as industrial revolution; green, white and the blue
revolutions in India
Collect current statements from media and from other sources and discuss the measure of
success of democracy
Collect and discuss information about democratic countries of the world and their history
of establishment, conditions under which those governments got established
Discuss democracy as a government of the people, by the people, for the people by engaging
with some examples
Discussion may be held on the newspaper clipping or the teacher may provide data from
government report on poverty, food security.
Familiarise with major climatic controls – latitude, altitude, pressure and wind systems and
distance from the sea and discuss how they affect the climate of various geographical
Discuss how the climate of hilly regions is significantly different from the plains
Look for and use a variety of primary and secondary sources, such as written records, oral
accounts to investigate themes like - factors responsible for deforestation in the past in
different regions of the world including India, during the colonial rule
Discuss different forest acts in India – forest act-1865, its amendment in 1878 and 1927
and its impact on forest dwellers and the village community
Collect visuals, newspaper clippings, posters, leaflets, videos and speeches of Hitler on the
rise of Nazism and discussion how Nazism led to the genocidal war that resulted in the
killing of innocent civilians like the Jews, gypsies and polish civilians
Organise mock parliament and court proceedings in which various democratic rights can
be the subjects
Show visuals associated with famines and present omt (one-minute talk)
Correlate different maps e.g. Physical features and drainage, physical features and

Opportunities may be provided to explore and overlay various maps on school bhuvan
ncert portal
Use atlas maps for understanding various concepts
Demonstrate skills of locating places associated with different revolutions like French and
the Russian.
Explain the changes of geographical boundaries of places in the past and present and the
reasons that have led to it. You may link this with the theme in the syllabus /textbooks
Study various symbols that depict road, railways, buildings, monuments, rivers etc on an
outline map of India and the world. This may be used as per the theme under study
Interpret information from an orthophoto map and compare it with reality
Use India’s political map to demarcate states and parliamentary constituencies
Use India’s map of the states to identify and colour the following(I) high and low poverty
(ii)levels of literacy (iii) production of food grains and interpret in terms of reasons for
above differences amongst states
Choose photographs of persons engaged in different occupations in rural and urban areas
and categorise into three sectors of the economy
Compile data from their surroundings and government reports on (I) unemployment
existing in urban and rural areas (ii) poverty existing in different states
Use tables to represent data on literacy rates, production of food grains and food insecurity with
respect to population and interpret them in terms of well-being of masses
Construct and convert tables into bar and pie diagrams
Explain from the newspaper clippings or the teacher may provide data from government report
on poverty, food security, social exclusion and vulnerability, their causes and impact on society
Develop bar /pie diagrams and also be able to plot the data in the diagram, e.g. Population data,
natural vegetation etc.
Correlate topics with other disciplines for e.g. How various passes in the north and seaports
in the south have provided passages to the travellers and how these passages have
contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times
Discuss on deforestation in the colonial period and their impact on lives of forest dwellers;
link deforestation with geographical aspects such as the extent of land covered under forest
in the colonial and contemporary times
Discuss how the forest acts in the past and in the present influence various tribal
communities including women
Study a few political developments and government decisions and look at them from
geographical importance and electoral constituencies
Read history of democratic movements in various countries by underlining the geopolitical
importance of countries
Study historical events of 1940s and the constitution making in India during 1946-49
Focus on the issues of land and agriculture as part of resources in geography with topics
such as factors of production and food security as a component of agriculture
See linkages with political dimensions to highlight citizens right in a democracy and human
beings as an asset for the economy
Show a short documentary on like 3 shades, mirch masala, manthan and link it with low
incomes and poverty which can then be followed by discussion in classroom on conflict
between economic development and environmental conservation
Read the national population policy 2000 and discuss its content related to adolescence

Use historical sources to comprehend the difference between fact and fiction when they
read the literary works of difference authors.
Assess novels, biography and poems composed at different points of our historical past
Use pictures, cartoons and newspaper clippings to find out and discuss assumptions, biases
and prejudices of various people. Teachers may guide learners to recognize the difference
between facts and opinions using illustrative examples from socio, political and economic
Explore and construct the holistic picture of the period under study using other sources such as
archaeological remains, official records, oral accounts. Discussion may be initiated on the
following questions: What is the source about? Who is the author? What message can be
extracted? Is it relevant / useful? Does it explain the event in totality?
Develop understanding that historical recorder is not free from subjectivity.
Dramatize from the examples of French revolution on olympede gouges on her protest
against excluding women from the declaration of right of man and citizen highlighting the
bias that existed in this historic document
Watch and note down the statements of politicians appearing regularly on tv or the
newspaper articles on various issues and incidents. Teachers may also provide examples,
and may also take students’ own views on an issue to point out assumptions, biases,
prejudices and stereotypes.
List the details of wages paid to the males and females engaged in their area and discuss
whether differences exist, if any, reasons may be provided.
Analyse different government schemes to ensure food security, employment generation,
promotion of health and education in their area
Ask questions to understand the mechanism of monsoon for e.g. How effect of differential
heating of land and water, shifting of inter tropical convergence zone (itcz), el nino and jet
streams influence monsoon
Use enquiry skills to collect a variety of primary and secondary sources and print and digital
materials to know how the ideals of freedom, equality, liberty and fraternity motivated
political movements in France, in the rest of Europe and various anti-colonial struggles;
projects, posters and models can be prepared on this area in groups.
Collect the details on various topical, political, social or local issues from different
newspapers, magazines and books. Compare different views about the same issues.
Explain a particular economic problem showing vulnerability faced by the disadvantage
Analyse materials on green revolution.
Find out the details from data / experiences e.g. (a) how the relief of a place affects the
population distribution; (b) how climatic conditions of a region affect the natural vegetation
of a place?
Get engaged in a role play on topics such as project tiger and protection of rivers and discuss
the relevance of tiger protection in India.
Record or gather (from internet /YouTube) the interviews of living legends who have
experienced trials and tribulations of Nazism.
Show e-content and analyse case studies related to the quality of population
Gather information related to weather and population, from different sources such as daily
newspapers and analyse recorded data / information

Design a role play on the French revolution and play the role of clergy, nobility, merchants, the
peasants and the artisans; concluding remarks drawing assumptions of the feelings of each
class can be given by facilitators of each group.
Collect information on the famines in India. Explore the causes behind the famines in the
colonial period.
Discuss what would have happened if such famines can reoccur in post independent India.
Also discuss the preventive measures.
Identify the factors causing a problem and decide creatively and critically to arrive at a
solution(s) relating to river pollution, population growth, protection of flora and fauna etc
Engage in a class debate on the topic: whether the use of violence for addressing different
forms of human right violation is appropriate approach or not
Plan and participate in extra-curricular activities, daily chores in the school, sports, cultural
programmes which require problem solving and decision-making skills.

Collect newspapers and magazines to show the impact of the concentration of resources in
the hands of few
Illustrate the cause and impact of inequality in terms of distribution of resources between the
rich and the poor.
Participate in group projects to recognise the values of flora and fauna and in disaster
preparedness and waste management projects
Participate in activities that require conservation of environment (plants, water bodies etc.), water
disputes – interstate and across the border and promote nature-human sustainable relationship
Raise questions to secure health care, education and job security for its citizens; people
from community be invited to make presentation on improving these issues
Collect and compile variety of resources such as films, audio visuals, and photocopy of
records, private papers, and press clippings from the archives including original speeches
of leaders associated with different historical events.
Construct projects on themes like Nazism and tribal uprisings
Discuss the strategy of satyagraha and non-violence adopted by Gandhiji in achieving
independence of India; discuss different movement in the freedom struggle where
satyagraha was adopted by the leaders to recognise the immense strength and courage it
requires to internalise characteristics of satyagraha and non-violence to resolve conflicts
Explore and examine the published records of the lived experiences of the survivor of
Study the constitutional provisions available to improve conditions of disadvantaged
groups, minorities; promotion of patriotism, unity of the country, equality of people,
respect for all human beings, and doing one’s duties, etc.
Engage in role play / short drama to highlight the problem faced by poor as well as food
insecure population followed by discussion
Identify the chain of ration shops established in your nearby area to ensure the supply of
essential commodities for the targeted population
Compose a short speech on gender equality and dignity for all (marginalised as well as group
with special needs)

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the Los

Recognizes and retrieves facts, Locates on map /describes features
figures and narrate processes e.g., /defines /lists /recalls /classifies
• Locates places, states, union territories /compares /distinguishes, in order to
and other physical features on the map demonstrate skills of recognizing and
of India retrieving facts, figures and
• Recognises and describe different narrating processes
physical features, types of forests,
seasons etc.
• Describes in important terms in geography
such as standard meridian, drainage basin,
water divide, monsoon, weather, climate,
flora, fauna, population density, etc.
• Estimates annual growth rate
• Defines simple economic terms such as
poverty, literacy, unemployment, head
count ratio, food security, exports and
• Lists various factors of production
• Recalls names, places, years, some
important socio, political and economic
events that changed India and the world
such as American revolution, French
revolution, Russian revolution and
freedom struggle in India
• Locates places of historical importance
on maps
• Describes economies and livelihoods
various social groups
• Describes political terms and concepts
associated with democracy and
• Classifies physical features in the
surroundings and compare them with
physical features of other places;
• Compares different data such as
population, rainfall
• Compares the course of events leading
to important revolutions in the world
such as French and Russian
• Distinguishes different types of
governments operating across the
• Compares levels of poverty and
unemployment across Indian states

• compares different monarchies of
contemporary times like UK, Nepal and

Explains cause and effect relationship Describes phenomena, events and
between phenomena, events and their their occurrence in order to explain
occurrence e.g., cause and effect relationship
• Examines factors causing pollution and between them
their impact on people’s lives;
• Explains factors affecting course of a
river, climate, population distribution,
flora and fauna of a region
• Explains the causes and effects of
various revolutions
• Illustrates how different social groups
coped with changes in the contemporary
world and describe these changes
• Explains the difference between
revolution and social change
• Outlines the formation of democratic
governance in different countries of the
• Explains the process of change in
• Identifies the democratic rights of
Indian citizens
• Explains causes and impacts of economic
issues such as poverty, landlessness,
food insecurity
Analyses the impact of social exclusion and
Analysis and evaluates information e.g., Examines given information in order
• Analyses different types of climate to analyze and evaluate it
found in different regions of India /world

• Examines factors leading to

• Outlines or assesses the working of
Indian parliament and judiciary

• Analyses historical trends in important
developmental indicators such as literacy and


• Assesses the impact of important
government welfare programmes which
aimed at (a) poverty alleviation; (b) ensure
food security; (c) generate self- employment;
(d) provide health care facilities

Interprets e.g., Examines and evaluates the
• Maps of river systems in information given in any of the
India, physiography, population several formats, both known and
distribution unknown, in order to interpret it
• Maps of movement of goods and
people from India to rest of the world
• Texts
• Symbols which stand for liberty,
equality and fraternity
• Diagrams such as pie and bar
• Cartoons and their contexts
• Photographs
• Posters
• Newspaper clipping related to socio-
political issues
• Draws and interprets pie and bar
diagrams of data related to agricultural
production, literacy, poverty and

Draws inter-linkages within social science Refers to all the learnings in order to
Explains interrelationship between various draw inter-linkages within social
passes and sea ports in India for trade and science.
communication since historical times

Examines the geographical importance of
electoral constituencies

Analyses food security as a component of

Analyses the linkages between population
distribution and food security

Explain interrelationships among livelihood

patterns of various social groups including
forest dwellers, economic development and
environmental conservation

Identifies assumptions / biases / Examines and evaluates the given
prejudices / stereotypes e.g., known or unknown given texts
• Texts /visuals /political analysis /etc. in
• Visuals order to identify assumptions /biases
/prejudice /stereotypes.
• Political analysis
• Identifies assumptions about the social
• Issues through news items
• People in different geographical
regions of india
• examines the assumption behind
important government welfare

Demonstrates skills of inquisitiveness Poses questions and undertakes
/enquiry i.e. Pose questions related to e.g., research in order to demonstrates
• Geographical events such as the skills of inquisitiveness /enquiry.
mechanism of monsoon and causes of
natural disasters
• Impact of green revolution in India /
their own area
Legacy of French revolution in India and the
Constructs views / arguments / ideas on Examines and evaluates collected
the basis of collected / given information /given information in order to
e.g. construct views /arguments /ideas
on its basis.
• People and their adaptation with
different climatic conditions;
• Oral and written accounts of living
historical legend makers;
• People as a resource

Extrapolates and predict events and Extrapolates in order to predict events
phenomena e.g. and phenomena
• Weather phenomena
• Pollution and diseases
• Famine and poverty

Illustrates decision making / problem Evaluates and presents the best
solving skills e.g., options with reasoning in order to
• Mitigating the impact of water pollution illustrate decision making /problem
• Conservation of resources solving skills
• Problem of food shortage
• Avoid hunger and famines in India
Deciding on the appropriateness of resources
in historical events and developments
Shows sensitivity and appreciation skills Recognizes diferences /different
e.g., perspectives /different situations,
• Empathises with differently abled and etc. in order to demonstrate
other marginal sections of the society sensitivity and appreciation skills.
such as scheduled tribes
• Appreciates political diversity
• Appreciates cultural diversity
• Appreciates religious diversity
• Recognises language diversity
• Recognises social diversity
• Emphathizes with the people who were
affected by wars, holocaust, natural and
human-made disasters
Recognise how physical and mental violence
leads to immense suffering of human beings

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Economics
Chapter 1
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Familiarize themselves with the basic concepts like:
Overview of
resources, production activity, distribution of land
village Palampur.
in the village, etc.

Acquaintance with the basic concepts like factors of

Organisation of Locates on map /describes features /defines
production, yield, surplus.
production. /lists /recalls /classifies /compares
The story of Understand the importance of factors of production.
/distinguishes, in order to demonstrate skills
of recognizing and retrieving facts, figures and
Classify main occupation in a village into farming narrating processes.
Farming in and non-farming activities.
Palampur Understand the disparity in distribution of
agriculture land.
Non-farm activities Study of non-farm activities like diary, small scale
in palampur manufacturing, traders, transport.

Chapter 2
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Investment in Familiarize themselves with the basic concepts like Examines given information in order to
Human Capital. human capital, Gross National Product. analyze and evaluate it.

People as
Acquaintance with the virtuous cycle and vicious
Investment in cycle of poverty.
education and Visualisation of increasing efficiency of the people
health. on which investment in education and health is

Economic Activities
by Men and
Classify the activities into three sectors of economy.
Understand the economic activities performed by
(i) Education and
men and women.
Understand two parts of economic activities.
determinants of
Quality of
population Understand types of population and how-to build-
(i) Education up quality population.
(ii) Health
Unemployment Analyse and examine nature of employment in India
(i) Nature of (Seasonal, Disguise, and Educated Unemployment).
employment in
Acquaintance with the effects of Unemployment and
labour absorbing sectors of economy (Territory
(ii) Effects of
sector, Small Scale manufacturing Sector).

(iii) Labour
Create a report on the migrant labourers from all
sectors and unemployed post Covid 19 data can be
sectors of
shown on a Bar Graph

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Two typical cases
of poverty Familiarize themselves with basic concepts like
(i) Urban case poverty in urban and rural cases.
(ii) Rural case
Poverty as a Examines given information in order to
Acquaintance with the concepts of social exclusion,
Challenge analyze and evaluate it.
Poverty Line vulnerability and the poverty line estimation in
Poverty trends in Analyse the poverty estimate of the country and
India. even globally.

(i) Groups Understanding poverty measures and the trends in
vulnerable to India.
(ii) Interstate
(iii) Global
Causes of poverty Understand the causes of poverty and anti-poverty
and anti-poverty measures (promotion of economic growth, targeted
measures. anti-poverty programmes).
Challenges to Understand the role of Government of India in

poverty reduction removing Poverty.

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Acquaintance with the meaning of food security
Meaning and (availability, accessibility, affordability of food).

necessity of food
Understand necessity of food security (Effect of natural
calamity, feminine and starvation).
Food Insecure
Acquaintance with the national health and family survey.
Food security in Familiarise with the basic concept like feminine, Examines given information in order to
India dimensions of food security, buffer stock, public analyze and evaluate it.
Food security in
distribution system (PDS), and integrated child
development services (ICDS), food for work (FFW)

Analyse how food security affected during a calamity.
Understand the importance of public distribution system,
Role of
buffer stock, food corporation of India and cooperatives

Cooperatives in for food security in India (Mother diary, Amul, various
food security. NGO’s and Grain Banks)

Understand the role of Govt. of India in food security in


Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Contemporary India
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine the relation between longitude and time,
Locates on map /describes features /defines
latitude and amount of radiation received by the earth.

India Location /lists /recalls /classifies /compares
Understand the concept of Local time and Standard
Size and /distinguishes, in order to demonstrate
Location skills of recognizing and retrieving facts,
India and the Acquaintance with the position of India and their
figures and narrating processes.

relationship with the neighbouring countries.

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Theory of Acquaintance with the physiographical divisions of

Plate Tectonics India.

Analyse how the geological process involved in the Examines and evaluates the information
Physical formation of different physical features. given in any of the several formats, both
India’s Landmass

features of India Analyse and understand the concept of Plate tectonics, known and unknown, in order to interpret
continental drift and all related movements it.
Enhance the understanding of the process of formation
of different physiographic divisions.

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

How climate, topology, slope affect the river, three
Drainage systems in
major stages of the river system and various erosional
and depositional land forms created by the river.

The Himalayan Acquaintance with Himalayan drainage system and

major rivers and lakes from Himalaya
Examines and evaluates the information
given in any of the several formats, both
Acquaintance with peninsular drainage System Rivers known and unknown, in order to interpret
The peninsular
and lakes.
various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
Importance and
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
role of rivers in the
habits of mind and ultimate essential life skill to
develop the role of rivers in the economy
Analyse and examine the report of national river
River pollution conservation plan (NRCP)

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Regional Climatic Acquaintance with the various factors influencing the
variation in India climate.
Examines and evaluates the information
Analyse climatic variations of our country and its
Climatic controls. given in any of the several formats, both
impact on the life of the people.
known and unknown, in order to interpret
Factors affecting Examine the physical factors which shape the climate of
Climate India’s Climate. a place.

The Indian
Understand the mechanism of Monsoon.
The onset of the

monsoon and Analyse the onset and withdrawal of monsoon in India.

Examine and develop understanding the seasons of
The seasons
Distribution of Acquaintance with the distribution of rainfall in Indian
rainfall Region.
Enhance the understanding of the uniformity of laws of
Monsoon as a
atmospheric science and at the same time unique
unifying bond
results of such combination.

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Factors affecting
Acquaintance of various factors affecting diversity in
(i) Relief
(ii) Climate
(iii) Ecosystem
Types of Vegetation. Locates on map /describes features
(i) Tropical /defines /lists /recalls /classifies
Natural evergreen forest. /compares /distinguishes, in order
Vegetation (ii) Tropical to demonstrate skills of recognizing
and Wildlife.
deciduous forest. Enhance knowledge about number of species of plants and retrieving facts, figures and
(iii) Tropical thorn and animals in India. narrating processes.
forest and scrubs.
(iv) Montane
(v) Mangrove forests.
How climate, topography, slope affect the growth of
Wild life.
natural vegetation and wildlife.

Need of
conservation. Analyse the importance of Ecosystem.
(i) Governmental steps
for protection.

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Population size and • Acquaintance of distribution and size of the

Distribution. population in India.

Population growth and

• Analyse population growth and processes of
processes of population
population change during 1951-2011.

Characteristics or qualities
of the population.
(i) Age composition.

(ii) Sex ratio.
Examines and evaluates the
(iii) Literacy rate. • Understand the occupational structure and
information given in any of the several
(iv) Occupational various demographic indicators in India.
formats, both known and unknown, in
order to interpret it.
(v) Health.
(vi) Adolescent
• Acquaintance of National Population policy (NPP)
National Population Policy 2000 and identifying the protections provided to

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course:

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
With this useful definition of democracy student will
be able to separate democracy from forms of
government that are clearly not democratic·
By understanding each word in this definition
What is Democracy carefully the student will be spelling out the features
of a democratic government
Appreciate democracy after knowing that ills of
democracy can be cured by more democracy.

Comparative analysis of the case of Pakistan when
Parvez Musharraf issued a legal Framework order
Features of democracy build their critical thinking skills
WHAT IS Analyse the situation when Elected representatives Recognizes differences /different
DEMOCRACY AND are not really the rulers. perspectives /different situations, etc.
WHY DEMOCRACY Enhance decision making with critical thinking In order to demonstrate sensitivity.
Features of Democracy will be able to enhance the
actual difference between democratic and non-
democratic government.
Features of democracy. Critical analysis of the merits and demerits of
Why democracy? democracy.
Examine the case studies of China ,Pakistan and
Appreciate, accept and adopt that in Indian
government people get equal participation.
The Sense of Collective
Enhance their communication skills by debating on
merits and demerits of democracy.

Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine the case studies of struggle against
apartheid system in South Africa.
Democratic Realisation of the condition of the people those
constitution in South were facing apartheid system.
Appreciate the efforts done by the Nelson Mndela.

Comparative analysis of the case of South Africa that
why do we need and what constitution do?

Why do we need a build their critical thinking skills
constitution? Will able to know the value of constitution after
knowing that countries that have constitutions are
not necessarily democratic. But all countries that Locates on map /describes features
are democratic will have constitution. /defines /lists /recalls /classifies
Enhance decision making with critical thinking /compares /distinguishes, in order to
Able to analyse the different circumstances while demonstrate skills of recognizing and
leaders were framing the constitution. retrieving facts, figures and
Making of the Indian Appreciate the manners in which the Constituent narrating processes.
constitution Assembly worked gives sanctity to the constitution.
Critical thinking that how constitution does not
reflects the views of the members alone.
The Sense of Collective Appreciate, accept and adopt the Indian constitution
Belonging in daily life.

Enhance their communication skills by discussing
about the Preamble.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Critical analyzation that why elections considered


Able to understand the process which makes

Why elections?
elections democratic.

Able to understand that no other way selecting

representatives without election.

Comparative analysis of the countries that how non

democratic countries are also holding the elections. Recognizes differences /different
ELECTORAL What is our system of build their critical thinking skills perspectives /different situations, etc.
POLITICS elections? Will able to understand the one vote one value and In order to demonstrate sensitivity and
accordingly our Indian constituencies has divided. appreciation skills.
Able to inculcate the value of reserved
constituencies so the Parliament and Assemblies
would not be deprived of the voice of a significant
section of our population.
Develop a sense of citizenship.
Respect the value of Independent Election
What makes elections Commission.
in India democratic? Will able to examine the challenges of free and fair

Appreciate, accept and adopt the electoral system
Enhance their communication skills by discussing
The Sense of Collective on electoral system of India.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Critical analyzation of each institution those are

taking the decisions.
How is the major
Able to understand need and importance of all the
policy decision
political institutions for ensuring the security of the
citizens and providing facilities.
Appreciate the institution that how their delays and
complications are also useful.
Critical thinking on why do we need a parliament?
Parliament build their critical thinking skills Examines and evaluates the given
Political and Able to differentiate between political and permanent known or unknown given texts /visuals
permanent executives. /political analysis /etc. in order to
executive Understand in democracy the political executives identify assumptions /biases
have more power than the permanent. /prejudice /stereotypes.
Will able to get the importance of independent
Critical analysis of role of Judiciary in democratic
Appreciate that the judiciary of India is the most
powerful in the world.
The Sense of Appreciate and accept that how all these institutions
Collective Belonging together carry on the work of government.

Enhance their communication skills by discussing on
how the Institutions are important in a country.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine the case studies of Prison in Guantanamo
Ethnic massacre in Kosovo.
Life without Rights Citizens’ rights in Saudi ARABIA
Analyzation of the situations where people were
deprived of their rights.
Develop a respect towards the every people.
Appreciate democracy that how it gives the rights to
its citizens. Recognizes differences /different
Critical thinking that how rights are reasonable perspectives /different situations, etc.
Rights in democracy claims. In order to demonstrate sensitivity and
Analyse the situation when rights have placed higher appreciation skills:
than the institutions. For example, the learner.

Enhance decision making with critical thinking
Understand and Appreciate fundamental rights.
Rights in the Indian Critical thinking towards securing these rights..
constitution. Critical Analysation on the role of National Human
Right Commission
Appreciate that our constitution and law offers a
The Sense of
wider range of rights.
Collective Belonging
Scope of rights has expanded.

Enhance their communication skills on debating on
fundamental rights should be absolute or not.
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill
Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Examine the case studies of the French Society of

three Estates and subsistence crisis.

Poses questions and undertakes research in order to
French Society
demonstrate skills of inquisitiveness / enquiry for
During the Late
Legacy of French revolution in India and the world
Eighteenth Century
and weave the story /concept of French revolution.
Appreciate / recognize the efforts of the third estate Recognizes and retrieves facts, figures
in bringing end to the privileges of the first estate and and narrate processes.
value the social equality that they enjoy today.
Extrapolates in order to predict events and
THE FRENCH phenomena, such as outbreak of revolution
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.will help
them build and carry on with the ideas of unity in
The Outbreak of the
diversity in contemporary societies

Acquaintance with the writings and ideals of different
political groups and individuals will empower them
to take designed political decisions Explains cause and effect relationship
between phenomena, events and their
Examines and evaluates the information given in any
France Abolishes occurrence.
of the several formats, both known and unknown, in
Monarchy and
order to interpret Symbols which, stand for liberty,
Becomes a Republic
equality and fraternity

Describes phenomena, events and their occurrence in
order to explain cause and effect of the shift from a
Monarchy to a Republic

Did Women have a Recognises social diversity and perseverance shown

Revolution by the women to get right to equality /vote
Various dimensions of learning like critical thinking,
analytical, comparative, creative etc. will develop
habits of mind an ultimate and essential life skill
Construct views on the basis of written accounts of
historical legend makers
Understand the birth of different ideologies like
Liberalism, Radicalism and Conservatism that re –
structured the society
Influence of the ideas of thinkers like Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels
Impact of socialism on the polity of different nations
The Age of Social in Europe
Change Understand the importance of St Petersburg and
Socialism in Europe
Moscow as industrial pockets and witness rise of Recognizes and retrieves facts, figures
and the Russian
Vladimir Lenin in the Tsarist Russia and narrate processes.
Discern the causes, events and Political results of the
1905 Revolution
Evaluate the circumstances that led to the division of
the World in two warring groups European alliances
and the Central powers.
Describe political upheaval witnessed by different
The February
social groups (women, workers and soldiers) in
Revolution in
formation of Petrograd Soviet and bringing down of
the monarchy by February Revolution 1917

Discuss the formation Communist Party from the
Bolshevik Party and the Lenin’s fear of dictatorship
and The Revolution of October 1917
Notifies the following changes:
What Changed after Concept of nationalized industries and banks and one
October? party state
Capitalist world v /s socialism
The Global
Influence of the Transformation of the socialism into a global face.
Russian Socialism became an internationally accepted concept
Revolution and the and reached different nations in different forms.
Evaluates and learns problem solving skills by
understanding events like the defeat of Imperial
Birth of the Weimar
Germany, the abdication of the emperor, Devastating
worldwide economic crises and proletarianization,
threat to the very concept of Democracy
Examines Hitler’s strategically crafted conspiracies to
Hitler’s Rise to seize the power and initiate second world war to
Power avenge Germany’s defeat in first world war

Nazism and the Rise Recognizes and retrieves facts, figures
Learn about the two - fold injustice committed by the
of Hitler and narrate processes.
Nazis a. Racial Hierarchy, concept of Lebensraum to
The Nazi Worldview
justify Nazi’s act of revenge
Mass murder of ‘undesirables with in Germany
Youth in Nazi Survey the strategically designed ideological training,
Germany segregation of undesirables and violent nationalism.
Gauge the dreaded - special treatment, final solution
Ordinary People
(for the Jews) euthanasia (for the disabled), selection
and the Crimes
and disinfections. ‘Evacuation of the undesirables and
Against Humanity

Comprehend about the colonial exploitation of forest
Why Deforestation? resources for their industries, railways etc by the
imperial nations.
The Rise of
Learns about the impact of the Forest laws on the
people of the forest villages Draws inter-linkages within Social
Forest Society and Forestry
Colonialism Rebellion in the Understand the causes of the rebellion by the

Forest villagers against beggar and forest reservations
Case study of woodcutters of Java will enable learners
to understand international dynamics of the Colonial
Transformations in
exploitation of forest resources including the war
Identify and recognise the importance of Nomadism
Pastoral Nomads and historical significance of pastoral culture.
and their
Movements Recognize banjaras as a trading community
Draws inter-linkages within Social
Pastoralists in the
Evaluates the impact of reduced grazing lands into Science
Modern World Colonial Rule and
cultivated farms, waste land act and loss of traditional
Pastoral Life
occupation and deterioration of animal stock
Construct views on reduced pasturelands due to
Pastoralism in
reserves and boarder restrictions, prohibited
movement out of the reserved area

Class 10

Section I
Suggested pedagogical process
The learners may be provided with opportunities individually /in groups and
encouraged to -
Collect different soil samples from surroundings; recognise them with the help of their
colour, texture and composition; relate them with the geographical areas of India shown
on the map; study the process of formation of these soils

On different types of maps of India such as political, physical and outline map, wall map,
atlas, list and label places / areas where different agricultural crops, minerals, etc. Are
Tactile maps may be used for students with visual impairments.
Find meaning of resources, subsistence agriculture, plantation, etc. From dictionary of
Read different sources and discover the course of the Indian national movement till India’s
Get familiarize with the concepts of nation and nationalism
Acquaint with the writings and ideals of different social, political groups and individuals
Collect the details of social groups which joined the non-cooperation movement of 1921
Draw a timeline on significant events of India’s national movement
Collect the details of major languages of India and the number of persons speak those
languages from latest reports of census of India and discuss
Read the Indian constitution and discuss various parts in it
Collect a variety of resources e.g. Forests, water, minerals, etc. And use a variety of criteria
to group and display in the class
Relate different cropping patterns in India and their impact on economic development and
discuss in the class
Use internet to study interactive thematic maps e.g. Agriculture, minerals, energy,
industry, etc. On school bhuvan-ncert portal
Discuss the relationship / difference between European nationalism and anti-colonial
Discuss industrialization in the imperial country and in a colony,
Study globalization in different contexts.
Find out about the anti-colonial movement in any one country in south America and
compare with India’s national movement based on certain parameters
Collect the details of how globalization is experienced differently by different social groups
using goods and services used by people in their daily lives such as television, mobile
phones, home appliances, and others and discuss.
Study different types of governments in the world - democratic, communist, theocratic,
military dictatorships, etc. Within democracies also various forms of governments, such as
federal and unitary, republican and monarchy, etc., can also be studied.
Read the functioning of state governments ruled by different parties or coalitions; examine
their specific features such as their slogans, agenda, symbols, and characteristics of their

Study the distinctive features of different political parties
Collect the details of economic details of states and countries. For example, based on the
human development index, they can classify a few countries. They can also group or
categorize countries on the basis of gross domestic product (states on the basis of state
domestic product), life expectancy and infant mortality rates etc
Collect the details of economic activities / jobs / occupations in their neighbourhood and
group them using a few criteria. Example, organised and unorganised / formal and
informal / primary-secondary-tertiary
Collect data on sources of credit from their neighbourhood – from where people borrow
and group them into formal and informal
Overlay thematic layers of maps on school bhuvan ncert portal e.g. Distribution of rice in
India and overlay layers of soils, annual rainfall, relief features and swipe these layers to
establish cause and effect relationship
Classify different types of industries based on raw materials, locate them on the map and
relate them with pollution in nearby areas.
Find out about the changes in print technology in the last 100 years. Discuss the changes,
why they have taken place and their consequences.
Read various provisions of the Indian constitution as causes, and the resulting political
scenario as its effects. For example, the independent status of the judiciary effected in
smooth functioning of federalism
Discuss (a) why a large section of India’s population depends on primary sector;(b) what
contributed to rapid increase in service sector output
Conduct a survey among neighbourhood, households and collect the reasons for their
dependence on formal or informal sources of credit. Teachers can then organise debate on
whether or not banks contribute to needy borrowers living in rural areas in the class
Collect stories of communities involved in environmental conservation from different
parts of India and study them from geographical perspective
Collect and discuss the details of people’s participation in environmental conservation
movements and their impact on socio-cultural life of the region e.g. Chipko and appiko
Collect data from economic survey of India, newspaper, magazines related to gross
domestic product, per capita income, availability of credit for various households, land use,
cropping pattern and distribution of minerals in India, production of cereals for different
years and convert them into pie or bar graphs and study the pattern and display in the
Familiarize with pictures, photographs, cartoons, extracts from a variety of original
sources — eye witness accounts, travel literature, newspapers /journals, statements of
leaders, official reports, terms of treaties, declarations by parties, and in some cases
contemporary stories, autobiographies, diaries, popular literature, oral traditions to
understand and reconstruct histories of important historical events and issues of India and
contemporary world
Observe and read different types of sources; think of what these say, and why a thing is
represented in a particular way. Raise questions on different aspects of pictures and
extracts to allow a critical engagement with these i.e. Visuals of cloth labels from
Manchester and India; carefully observe these and answer questions like: what do they see
in these pictures? What information do they get from these labels? Why images of gods
and goddesses or important figures are shown in these labels? Did British and Indian

industrialists use these figures for the same purpose? What are the similarities or
differences between these two labels?
Study and discuss different perspectives on diversification of print and printing
Critically examine the implementation of government schemes based on learners or their
family’s experiences such as mid-day meal scheme, loan waiver schemes for farmers;
scholarships through cash transfer to students; schemes to provide liquid petroleum gas
to low income families: life insurance scheme for low income families / scheme of financial
support for house construction, mudra etc. They may be guided to supplement with data
/ news clippings as evidences.
Overlay maps showing distribution of resources e.g. Minerals, industries on the map of
India and relate it with physical features of India and climate by overlaying the layers on
school bhuvan ncert portal and analyse the maps
Elaborate relationship between different thematic maps using atlas
Locate places, people, regions (affected by various treaties such as treaty of Versailles,
economic activities etc)
Find and draw interconnections among various regions and the difference in
nomenclatures of places used for various regions and places during this period and
present day i.e. Learner can be asked to find and draw the sea and land links of the textile
trade from India to central Asia, west Asia and southeast Asia on a map of Asia
Study the political maps of the world and India to recognise a country’s importance and
role in world politics
Examine political maps of states, consider their size and location and discuss their
importance in nation
Locate the places in which important multinational corporations set up their offices and
factories on the India map and discuss the reasons behind the choice of location and its
implication on people’s livelihood
Read cartoons, messages conveyed in sketches, photographs associated with political
events and participate in discussions.
Read demographic data, data related to political party preferences and social diversity.
Collect news clippings / texts from popular magazines and journals pertaining to
developmental issues, globalisation and sustainable development and synthesize the details
and present in the class.
Convert tables relating to GDP, and employment, in primary, secondary and tertiary
sectors into pie, bar and line diagrams.
Interpret charts using a few parameters and describe the patterns and differences. They
can refer to books, economic survey of India for the latest year and newspapers.
Locate production of raw materials on the map of India and relate them with economic
activities and development of that area e.g. Coal, iron ore, cotton, sugarcane, etc
Collect information about the development of different areas of India since independence

Find out the linkages among various subjects through examples and do group projects on
some topics; e.g. Group project on ‘globalization’. Teachers may raise questions like, is it a new
phenomenon or does it have a long history? When does this process started and why? What
are the impacts of globalization on primary, secondary and tertiary activities? Does it lead to
inequality in the world? What is the importance of global institutions? Do these institutions
play a major role in globalization? How do they influence the developed countries on the role

of these institutions? What do you mean by global economy? Is economic globalization a new
phenomenon? Are environmental problems global problems or local problems? How can
globalization potentially contribute to better environment?
Study the rate of and features of economic growth in democracies and under dictatorship.
Examine time series data on GDP and other economic aspects since 1950s;
Debate on (a) how India’s freedom struggle was related to India’s economy? (b)why India
did not go for privatisation of manufacturing activities after 1947? (c) why developed
nations depend on countries such as India for leather and textile goods more now and not
earlier; (d) why multinational corporations from developed nations set up their
production and assembly units in developing countries and not in their countries and its
impact on employment in their own countries
Discuss on why manufacturing sector multinational companies (Gurugram in Haryana)
and service sector multinational companies (Bengaluru in Karnataka) are located in
specific places – the relevance of geographic factors
Collect information regarding religion, food habits, dress, colour complexion, hair,
language, pronunciation, etc. Of people living in different geographical regions of India.
List biases /prejudices, stereotypes against people living in different geographical regions
and discuss about these in the classroom
Raise questions on developments that are seen as symbolising modernity i.e. Globalization,
industrialization and see the many sides of the history of these developments i.e. Learner
can be asked: give two examples where modern development that is associated with
progress has led to problems. Think of areas related to environmental issues, nuclear
weapons or disease
Read the statement of leaders or political parties in newspapers and television narratives
to examine truth, bias and prejudices. Similarly, various demands of political parties from
time to time may also be analysed
Reflect on why popular prejudices / stereotypes prevail about low income families, illiterates
and person with low literacy levels, disabled, person belonging to certain socio, religious and
biological categories. Teachers may facilitate learners to discuss their origin and review
Discuss the probable assumptions behind the (a) promotion of sustainable development
practices; (b) enactment of few national level acts such as consumer protection act 1986;
right to information act 2005; mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee act
2005 and the right of children to free and compulsory education act 2009. Students may
need to get the details of situation in the years when these laws were enacted from elderly
persons, parents and teachers
Show industrial regions on map and relate it with infrastructure development of that
region. Why are industries located nearby rivers, railways, highways, raw material
producing areas, market, etc.?
Show water scarcity in visuals such as snow-covered areas of Kashmir, dry regions of
Gujarat and flood prone areas of west Bengal; learners may be asked to investigate reasons
of water scarcity of each region located in different climatic areas and prepare report or
Answer questions like ‘why did various classes and groups of Indians participate in the
civil disobedience movement?’ or ‘how did the Indian national congress respond to the
partition of Bengal and why? And point out to them the need to look for supplementary
literature on issues, events, personalities in which they may express an interest to know

Participate in teacher-guided debates on the advantages and drawbacks of democracy
Choose one example from economics related with developmental issues and collect
economic information and come out with solutions e.g. (a) employment (is India
generating employment opportunities sufficiently?) (b) GDP (why only service sector is
able to increase its share much more than other sectors? (c) financial issues (how to
improve credit access to low income families?)
Challenge assumptions and motivated to come out with creative solutions to specific
social, economic or political issue in their area, region or state
Examine maps of India- (physical and political), latitudinal and longitudinal extent of
India, relief features, etc. And come out with ideas about the impact of these on cultural
diversities of the regions
Display different themes of history through creatively designed activities and role play on
any event or personality of their liking
Engage in debates on interpreting different events both from historical and contemporary
Help them prepare digital, print as well as audio –visual materials which can be converted
in to braille
Participate in group discussions on changes within rural economies in the contemporary
/modern times
Find information from elders, newspapers /t.v. Reports about pollution in water bodies
such as rivers /lakes /wells / ground water, etc. And foresee health issues in their
neighbourhood. For example, the effect of arsenic in the groundwater in west Bengal.
Discuss impact of deforestation in soil erosion in hilly areas of north east region and relate
them with floods and landslides.
Imagine a conversation between two persons participating in freedom struggle in India.
Learners answer questions such as what kind of images, fiction, folklore and songs, popular
prints and symbols would they want to highlight with which people can identify the nation
and what do all these mean to them.
Gather information with the help of teacher / parents / peers on exports and imports,
current employment situation, details of schools and hospitals to see the trends.
Collect problems related to agriculture in his /her own area and come out with remedial
Imagine a conversation between a British industrialist and an Indian industrialist, who is
being persuaded to set up new industry. Learners in such a role play answer questions
such as (a) what reasons would the British industrialist give to persuade the Indian
industrialist and (b) what opportunities and benefits the Indian industrialist is looking for.
Conduct extra-curricular activities, daily chores in the school, sports, cultural programmes
by students to help decision making and problem-solving skills
Describe their goals in life and how they are going to achieve;
Review sources of credit and their impact. They can be encouraged to discuss various
solutions for easy access to credit with low interest rates;
Come out with new ways of generating employment / create new jobs;

Submit group projects suggesting the steps to be followed in their daily life promoting
sustainable development practices

Discuss the work done by peer / differently abled persons and the need to cooperate with
each other
Provide illustrative examples of conflicts on several issues such as river water / dam /
land- industry / forestland and forest dwellers, etc. Through textbooks, newspapers, etc.
They may be guided to debate these issues in groups and come out with creative solutions
Read stories of lived experiences of individuals and communities of the period i.e. Learner
can imagine him / her as an indentured Indian labourer working in the Caribbean. Based
on details collected from the library or through internet, learner can be encouraged to
write a letter to family describing his /her life and feelings
Prepare posters with drawings and pictures and make oral and written presentation on
the significance of the non-violent struggle for swaraj
Discuss the life around their place of living and the school locality. Select available local
examples apart from the relevant lessons in the textbook, to teach sensitivity and peaceful
resolution of contentious issues
Participate in role play on (a) challenges faced by low income families, disabled / elderly
persons, people suffering from pollution; (b) different ways through which consumers are
denied their rights and challenges consumers face to get their grievances addressed
Discuss the impact of wars and conflicts on daily lives of people including schooling in
different Indian states
Collect details of countries in which wars and conflicts took place recently but were able
to and grow economically and organize discussion

Section II
Learning Outcomes of NCERT Measuring the LOs
Learns -
Recognizes and retrieves facts, figures and Locates on map /describes
narrate processes e.g. features /defines /lists /recalls
/classifies /compares
• Identifies different types of soil, minerals, /distinguishes, in order to
energy resources, renewable energy demonstrate skills of
resources recognizing and retrieving
• Locates areas / regions known for facts, figures and narrating
production of coal, iron ore, petroleum, rice, processes.
wheat, tea, coffee, rubber, cotton textile on
the map of India.
• Defines important terms in geography such
as resource, renewable and non- renewable
resources, subsistence agriculture,
plantation, shifting agriculture
• Defines economic terms such as sustainable
development, gross domestic product, per
capita income, human development index,
multinational company, foreign investment
• Lists different forms of money and sources

of credit, rights of consumers
• Recalls names, places, dates, people
associated with some important historical
events and developments such as French
revolution, nationalism, industrialisation,
globalisation, and urbanization
• Defines terms and concepts such as
nationalism, colonialism, orientalism,
democracy, satyagraha, and liberty.
• Defines important terms such as federalism,
diversity, religion, political party

Classifies and compares events, facts, data and Examines and evaluates events,
figures e.g., facts, data and figures in order
• Classifies types of resources, minerals, to classify and compare them.
farming e.g. Subsistence and commercial
• Compares areas growing rice and wheat on
the map of India
• Compares visuals such as the image of
Bharat Mata with the image of Germania
• Compares European nationalism with anti-
colonial nationalism in countries such as
I ndia, S outh A merica, K enya, Indo China
• Compares per capita incomes of some
important countries
• Differentiates consumer’ rights
• Classifies occupations and economic
• Activities into sectors using criteria
• Compares the powers and functions of state
and central government in India
• Classifies national and regional political
parties in India
Explains the terms used in political discussions
and their meaning e.g., Gandhian, communist,
secularist, feminist, casteist, communalist, etc.
Explains cause and effect relationship between Examines phenomena, events
phenomena, events and their occurrence e.g., and their occurrence in order to
• Explains factors responsible for production explain cause and effect
of different crops in India relationship between them.
• Explains industries and their impact on
• Explains the cause and effect between
different historical events and

developments such as the impact of print
culture on the growth of nationalism in
• Examines the impact of technology on food
• Assesses the impact of the global transfer of
disease in the pre-modern world in
different regions of the world e.g. In the
colonisation of America
• Analyses the impact of overuse of natural
resources such as ground water and crude
• Analyses the change in sectoral composition
of gross domestic product
• Analyses the consequences of dependence
on different sources of credit
Explains the policies and programmes of different
political parties in the states of India

Analyzes and evaluates information e.g., Examines given information, in
• Assesses the impact of conservation of order to analyze and evaluate it.
natural resources on the life of people in
any area in view of sustainable
• Analyses indigenous / modern methods of
conservation of water / forests / wildlife
/ soil
• Explains victories and defeats of political
parties in general elections
• Evaluates various suggestions to reform
democracy in India
• Analyses texts and visuals such as how
symbols of nationalism in countries outside
Europe are different from European
• Assesses the impact of MNREGA, role of
banks as a source of credit
• Assesses the impact of globalisation in
their area / region / local economy
Analyses the contribution of different sectors to
output and employment
Interprets e.g., Examines and evaluates given
• Maps text /visual, both known and
• Texts unknown, such as maps /texts
/symbols /diagrams /pie

• Symbols diagram /bar diagram /cartoons
• Diagrams such as pie and bar /photos /posters /newspaper
clippings /etc. in order to
• Cartoons
interpret them.
• Photographs

• Posters
• Newspaper clipping
• Water scarcity in different
• Areas / climatic regions
• Changes in maps brought out by various
treaties in Europe
• Draws the sea and land links of the trade
from India to west Asia, south east Asia and
other parts of the world
Draws and interpret pie and bar diagrams of data
related to gross domestic product, production in
different sectors and industries, employment and
population in India
Draws inter-linkages within social science Refers to all the learnings in
• Analyses changes in cropping pattern, trade order to draw inter-linkages
and culture within social science.
• Explains why some regions of India are
• Analyses the impact of trade on culture

Identifies assumptions /biases /prejudices Examines and evaluates the
/stereotypes about various aspects e.g., given known or unknown given
• Region texts /visuals /political analysis
• Rural and urban areas /etc. in order to identify
• Food habits assumptions /biases /prejudice
• Gender
• Language
• Idea of development
• Voting behaviour
• Caste
• Religion
• Democracy
• Political parties
• Marginalised and differently abled groups
• Identifies many sides of various
developments such as globalisation and

• Critiques the notion of progress and

Demonstrates skills of inquisitiveness Poses questions and undertakes
/enquiry e.g., pose questions related to research in order to
• Concentration of industries in certain areas demonstrates skills of
• Scarcity of potable water inquisitiveness /enquiry.
• Role of women in the nationalist struggles of
different countries
• Issues related to various aspects of
• Financial literacy
• Working of democracy from local to national

Constructs views /arguments /ideas on the Examines and evaluates
basis of collected or given information e.g. collected /given information in
• Cultural diversity of any region order to construct views
• Historical events and personalities /arguments /ideas on its basis.
• Economic issues such as economic
development and globalisation
• Critically examine
(i) definitions commonly available in
textbooks for various economic concepts;
(ii) methodology used to estimate gross
domestic product, poverty, money supply,
and size of the organised /unorganised

Extrapolates and predicts events and Extrapolates in order to predicts
Phenomena e.g. events and phenomena.
• Predicts the impact of pollution of water,
air, land and noise on human health.
• Predicts natural disasters due to
• Infers and extrapolates from situations such
as how artists and writers nurture
nationalist sensibilities through art,
literature, songs and tales.
• Come out with answers creatively if (a) India
stops importing petroleum crude oil; (b)
multinational companies are closed; (c) the
nature of employment in India in 2050; (d)

what would happen if all schools and
hospitals in India are privatised.

Illustrates decision making / problem Evaluates and presents the best
Solving skills e.g., options with reasoning in order
• Comes out with solutions to the following to illustrate decision making
issues in his or her own area /problem solving skills.
• Problems related to agriculture and
• Generate employment opportunities
• Improve access to credit for low income
• assesses how certain developments in
colonial India were useful for both
colonisers as well as nationalists in
different fields such as literature,
transportation and industries

Recognizes differences
Shows sensitivity and appreciation
/different perspectives
Skills e.g.,
/different situations, etc. in
• Empathises with differently abled and other order to demonstrate sensitivity
marginal sections of the society such as and appreciation skills.
forest dwellers, refugees, unorganised
sector workers
• Appreciates political diversity appreciates
cultural diversity appreciates religious
• Recognises social diversity

Emphathizes with the people who were affected by
displacement, extremism and natural and human-
made disasters, Indian indentured labourers
working in different countries such as Caribbean
and Fiji.
To enhance their creativity by

writing their views on the
importance of transport and
communication in India and their
contribution in the Economy and
will do it in group enhancing their
collaborative work skills.

To think critically about the

efficient means of transport are
prerequisites for fast development.
To enhance their communication
skills by presenting their views in
front of the class about the role of
trade in the economic development
of the country.

Section III
Note: Overall Learning Objectives mapped with Learning Outcome adapted by CBSE for the course: Economics
Chapter 1
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Development promises:
Familiarization of some macro- Examines and
Different people and different
economic concept. evaluates collected
/given information in
Understanding the traditional notion of order to construct
Income and other goals development, national income and per views /arguments
(i) National development capita income. /ideas on its basis:
Familiarising the children about the For example, the
income and other goals. learner examines for
Comparison of countries or constructing views
states. /ideas /arguments
Acquaintance with national income and
Development (i) Comparison through
per capita income and growth of
national income.
national income.
(ii) Comparison through
per capita income. Recognizes differences
Analyse the national development in a /different perspectives
Income and other criteria
vision of income and other criteria /different situations,
etc. in order to
Analysing the public facilities, human
Public facilities demonstrate sensitivity
development report.
(i) Public distribution and appreciation skills
Understanding the need for health and
educational development, human
(ii) Body mass index (BMI)
development indicators.
Analysing the need of sustainability of
Sustainability of development

(i) Environmental degradation
list UN’s Goals for Sustainable
and sustainable
Development and explain its impact on
their life

Chapter 2
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Sectors of Economic Activities:
understand the sectors of economic
Primary, Secondary and
Territory sector
analyse how primary, secondary and
Economic Interdependence Territory sectors are interdependent to Extrapolates in order to
Sectors of the Indian each other. predicts events and
Comparing the three sectors. • Familiarisation concepts of sectors
(i) Gross Domestic Product of the Indian economy (primary
(GDP). sector, secondary sector, territory
(ii) Historical change in sector sector), their comparison on their
contribution in the GDP.

• To understand the historical change
in sectors.
Primary, Secondary and
Territory sector in India

(i) Where are the most of
• To make aware of a major
the people employed?
employment generating sector.
(ii) How to create more
• To understand how to create more
(a) Technical and
• To analyse various government
schemes to create employment like
(b) Improvement in
rural infrastructure.
• To analyse the division of sectors-
Division of sectors as Organised organised and unorganised and

and Unorganised protective measures for unorganised
sector worker.
• To understand the sectors of the
economy on the basis of ownership:
Sectors in terms of Ownership:
public sector and private sector.
Public and Private Sectors.
• To understand the role of
Governments investment.

Chapter 3
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Students will be able:
• To familiarize the concept of money
Barter system of exchange and
as an economic concept (medium of
modern forms of money.
exchange, storage, deferred
Students will be able:
Loan activities of bank:
(i) Two different credit • To understand the loan activities of
situations. bank, their terms of credit and other
(ii) Terms of credit. conditions. Examines and
(iii) Variety of credit • To understand formal and informal evaluates collected
Money and credit. arrangement. financial institution for saving and /given information in
credit. order to construct
familiarize self-help groups for the views /arguments
Self-help groups for the poor
poor and their functions. (For e.g. /ideas on its basis

Through case study of Barefoot College

at Tilonia run by Dr. Roy)
Students will be able:

• To understand the sectors of the

Sectors in terms of Ownership: economy on the basis of ownership:
Public and Private Sectors. public sector and private sector.
• To understand the role of
Governments investment.

Chapter 4
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Production across Countries:
(i) Interlinking familiarize the concepts of production
production across across countries.
Foreign trade and integration of Students will be able:
markets. • To familiarise foreign trade and
• Globalisation. integration of markets. Examines and evaluates
• Factors that have enabled • To understand globalisation and the collected /given
Globalisation and the globalisation. factors of globalisation. information in order to
Indian Economy Students will be able: construct views
• To understand trade practices, steps /arguments /ideas on its
World trade organisation (WTO). to attract foreign investment. basis
(i) Impact of globalisation • To understand world trade
in India. organisation, the impact of
(ii) To struggle for a fair globalisation.
globalisation. • To familiarise with the various
debate outcomes for fair

Chapter 5
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able:
The consumer in the market Evaluates and presents
• To familiarize with the concepts of
Consumer rights place. the best options with
consumer in the market place and
(i) Consumer movement. reasoning in order to
consumers movement.

• To familiarize with the consumer illustrate decision
forum and Consumer Protection Act making /problem solving
1986. skills
Students will be able:
Consumer Rights. • To familiarise with the consumer
(i) Redressal agencies rights.
under Consumer • Acquaintance with the Redressal
Protection Act. agencies under Consumer Protection
Learning to become well-
familiarise the legal measures
informed consumers.
available to protect from being
(i) Taking the consumer
exploited in markets.
movement forward.

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: Contemporary India
Chapter 1
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Resources and familiarize with types of resources on the
Resources Locates on map /describes
Development. basis of Origin, Ownership and status of
(i) Types of resources features /defines /lists

(ii) Development of /recalls /classifies
resources. /compares /distinguishes, in
order to demonstrate skills of
Land resources and utilisation recognizing and retrieving
(i) Land use pattern in facts, figures and narrating
understand land as a resource and its
India. processes
utilisation and use pattern in India.
(ii) Land degradation and
conservation measures.
Students will be able :
Soil as a resource:
• To understand the types of soil (alluvial
(i) Classification of soil.
soil, black soil, red and yellow soil, laterite
(ii) Soil erosion and soil
soil, arid soil) and distribution.
• Acquaintance with the changing land use

pattern, land degradation and conservation


Chapter 2
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
familiarize the bio diversity existence in
Flora and fauna in India. Examines phenomena,
events and their
Forest and Wildlife Categorisation of Species. understand the categories of species
occurrence in order to
Resources. (i) Vanishing Forest. (flora and fauna)
explain cause and effect
Students will be able:
relationship between
Depletion of flora and fauna • To analyse the factors responsible for
depletion of forest and wildlife.

• Factors responsible for • To understand the effects of depletion
depletion of forest and of forest resources.
Conservation of forest and Students will be able:
wildlife in India. • To familiarise with Wildlife Protection
(i) Methods of Acts.
conservation. • To understand the establishment of
(ii) Types of distribution reserves.
of forest and wildlife • To understand the types of distribution
resources. of forest and wildlife resources.
• To understand and recognise as the
forests are also home to many
traditional communities.
Community and Conservation
• To understand the joint forest
management programmes of state

Chapter 3
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Water Resources understand the importance of water and Examines and evaluates
Water: some facts and Figures.
the facts given by United Nation. given text /visual, both

Students will be able: known and unknown,
such as maps /texts
• To understand sources, distribution,
Water scarcity: /symbols /diagrams /pie
multi-purpose projects on water
(i) Causes of water diagram /bar diagram
scarcity. /cartoons /photos
• To understand water scarcity and its
(ii) Managing the water /posters /newspaper
need for conservation and
resources. clippings /etc. in order to
(iii) Multi-purpose river interpret them
• To understand rain water harvesting
through case studies.
(iv) Rain water • To describe the system of water
harvesting. management in Jodhpur, Bharuch and
Surat in ancient times

Depletion of flora and fauna Students will be able:
• Factors responsible for • To analyse the factors responsible for
depletion of forest and depletion of forest and wildlife.
wildlife • To understand the effects of depletion
of forest resources.

Chapter 4
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Types of Farming:
(i) Primitive subsistence
farming. understand various farming systems
(ii) Intensive subsistence practiced in India.
(iii) Commercial farming

Cropping Pattern: Students will be able to familiarise about Examines phenomena,

(i) Cropping seasons in three cropping seasons in India (Rabi, events and their
India. Kharif and Zaid). occurrence in order to
Agriculture explain cause and effect
understand the major crops (grains and relationship between
Major Crop leguminous crops, food crops and non- them
food crops) in India
Agricultural Reforms: understand the institutional and
(i) Institutional technological reforms which become
Reforms. necessity for revolution in agricultural
(ii) Technological sector.
Contribution of Agriculture to Students will be able:
the National Economy: • To understand the impact of
(i) Food Security. institutional and technological reforms.

(ii) Impact of • To get acquaintance with the
globalisation on contribution of agriculture to National
agriculture. Economy- Employment and Output.
(iii) Gene Revolution • To understand the impact of
• To understand how bio-technology is
helpful in the Gene Revolution.

Chapter 5
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Minerals: understand the term minerals, formation Locates on map /describes
(i) Mode of Occurrence of minerals (physical and chemical features /defines /lists
of minerals. conditions) and their mode of occurrence. /recalls /classifies
Familiarise with the minerals classified /compares /distinguishes,
Classification of Minerals into the heads metallic, non-metallic and in order to demonstrate
energy minerals. skills of recognizing and
retrieving facts,
Minerals and Conservation of Minerals understand the need to conserve our
figures and narrating
Energy Resources mineral resources judiciously.
understand the energy resources
Energy Resources (conventional and non-conventional
Students will be able:
Conservation of Energy
• To have sustainable development
understanding the need to promote
energy conservation by avoiding
wastage, besides increasing the use of
renewable energy sources.
• To understand the slogan “Energy
saved is energy produced”.

Chapter 6
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able: Examines and evaluates
• To understand manufacturing sector as given text /visual, both
the backbone of development. known and unknown,
Importance of Manufacturing: • To familiarize with the Government’s such as maps /texts
(i) Contribution of different policies for manufacturing /symbols /diagrams /pie

Industry to National industries. diagram /bar diagram

Economy • To understand the industrial location, /cartoons /photos

industrial activity followed by /posters /newspaper

urbanization and industry-market clippings /etc. In order to

linkage. interpret them

Classification of Industries: Students will be able: Examines and evaluates

(i) Agro-based • To understand the types of spatial given text /visual, both

Industries. distribution (Through Map). known and unknown,
(ii) Mineral-based • To familiarise with contribution of such as maps /texts
Industries. Industries to the National Economy. /symbols /diagrams /pie
(iii) Miscellaneous • To understand the types of industries diagram /bar diagram
Industries on the basis of material used. /cartoons /photos

Chapter 6
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Students will be able: /posters /newspaper
clippings /etc. In order to
• To understand the industrial pollution
interpret them
Industrial Pollution and and degradation of environment, its

Environmental Degradation measures to control environmental
• To understand the way shown by NTPC
of sustainable development.

Chapter 7
Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
understand that transport is essential for
Transport the movement of goods and services from
manufacturers to consumers. To enhance their creativity
by writing their views on the
Transport in India: importance of transport and
Students will be able:
(i) Roadways. communication in India and

(ii) Railways. • To understand the different modes of their contribution in the
Lifelines of National
(iii) Pipelines. transport due to different types of Economy and will do it in
(iv) Waterways. land forms in India. group enhancing their
(v) Airways. • To understand road transport, collaborative work skills.
railways, airways through Map.

Communication : Students will be able: To think critically about the

(i) International Trade. efficient means of transport

• To understand the importance of are prerequisites for fast
means of communication and development.
transportation in ever shrinking world. To enhance their
• To understand the role of trade and communication skills by
tourism in the economic development presenting their views in
of a country. front of the class about the
role of trade in the economic
development of the country.

Note: Overall Learning Outcome for the course: India and the Contemporary World – II
Chapter Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine the case studies of the first World war,
The First World War, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation

Khilafat and Non- weave the story /concept of Indian Nationalism.
Cooperation Appreciate the efforts done by freedom fighters
and value the freedom that they enjoy today.
Examines and evaluates
Comparative analysis of diverse social movements
events, facts, data and
NATIONALISM IN of the time will help them build and carry on with
figures in order to
INDIA the ideas of unity in diversity in contemporary
classify and compare
Differing Strands within society
the Movement build their critical thinking skills them
Acquaintance with the writings and ideals of
different political groups and individuals will
empower them to take designed political

Enhance decision making with critical thinking
Analyse how the advent of mahatma Gandhi
turned around the political movement in India

Towards Civil Develop clarity on the status of Indians from the
Disobedience British subject to citizen and then to free citizens
after 1947. Instil the sense of pride with India’s
Appreciate, accept and adopt the ideas promoting
Pan Indian belongingness and pluralism

Enhance their communication skills by debating
The Sense of Collective on how common mass of people contribute to the
Belonging growth of nationalism and patriotism
Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill
The French Revolution Identify and comprehend the forms in which
and the Idea of the nationalism developed along with the formation Examines given
The Rise of
Nation of nation states in Europe in the post-1830 period information, in order to
Nationalism in
Discuss the relationship / difference between analyze and evaluate it.
Europe The Making of
European nationalism and anti-colonial
Nationalism in Europe

Evaluates and presents the process of
The Age of Revolutions:
industrialization in the imperial country and
making of colonies
The role of Army as an architect of a Nation,
The Making of Germany cementing of political fragmentation in Italy,
and Italy British long-drawn-out process to become a
nation state.
Acquire abstract idea of the female figure become
Visualizing the Nation
an allegory of the nation.
Nationalism and Evaluates increasingly intolerance in the
Imperialism nationalists and its alignment with imperialism
Learns about the earliest form of globalization –
The Pre-modern World Silk Routes, food connect and causes of Conquest,
Disease and Trade across the world
Understands the systems of World Economy, role
Examines phenomena,
of technology in spread of Colonialism
LIVELIHOODS, The Nineteenth Century events and their
Questions about the Migration of Indentured
ECONOMIES AND (1815-1914) occurrence in order to
Labor from India, Indian global trade during
SOCIETIES explain cause and effect
Colonial time.
The Making of a relationship between
Recognize and critically analyze wartime
Global World them.
The Inter-war Economy transformations and evaluate post war recovery

and rise of Mass Production and Consumption.
Rebuilding a World
Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-war Era,
Economy: The Post-war
decolonization and independence

Before the Industrial Familiarize with the Pro- to-Industrial phase and
Locates on map
Revolution Early – factory system
/describes features
Hand Labor and Steam Familiarize with the process of industrialization
/defines /lists /recalls
Power and its impact on labour class.
/classifies /compares
Analyze the journey of India’s dominance in the
Industrialization in the /distinguishes, in order
The Age of international market in textiles to loss of its own
Colonies to demonstrate skills of
Industrialization markets.
recognizing and
Find and draw interconnections among various retrieving facts,
The Peculiarities of
regions and the difference in nomenclatures of figures and narrating
Industrial Growth
places used for various regions and places during processes.
Market for Goods
this period and present day
Learn about the first print technology in China,
Japan and Korea and its journey from bureaucracy
The First Printed Books to different social sections and subjects
Examines phenomena,
Evaluates and presents the changes in print
EVERYDAY LIFE, events and their
technology in the last 100 years.
CULTURE AND occurrence in order to
Trace the journey of paper technology from east
POLITICS explain cause and effect
Print Comes to Europe to west and then of the print technology from
Print Culture and relationship between
west to east.
the Modern World them.
Witness and illustrate flooding of the markets

The Print Revolution and with the variety of books resulting in major social
Its Impact changes and relates print revolution to debate
and discussions for religious reforms

Reviews writings of thinkers’, ideas about science,
reason and rationality that found their way into
The Reading Mania
popular literature that paved the way to French
Explain a. the primary mandatory education
system, b. circulation of novels and culture of
The Nineteenth Century
libraries, c. growth of new printing and marketing
Learns about the change of Oral culture to print
India and the World of
culture, from manuscripts to books and from
vernacular books to English books
Understands the emerged New ideas through the
Religious Reform and clashes of opinions and religious fears about the
Public Debates printed material
Unifying factor, creating pan-Indian identities
Tiff between liberal and Conservative schools for
New Forms of women education, changes in the traditional
Publication family roles propagate the message of nationalism
and social reforms in India
Print and Censorship press laws resulting in widespread protests

Chapter 1 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
POWER SHARING Belgium and Sri Lanka Examine the case studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka

Majoritarianism in Sri Analysis of the situation faced by the minorities in
Lanka Tamil.
Accommodation in
Appreciate the efforts done by Belgium
government to unite the country.

Comparative analysis of the difference between
Prudential and moral reason behind power
Examines and evaluates
Why power sharing is Able to develop their view towards power sharing given text /visual, both
that how it reduced the conflicts in Belgium. known and unknown,
Realisation of mutually acceptable arrangements such as maps /texts
done by the Belgium. /symbols /diagrams
Enhance decision making with critical thinking /pie diagram /bar
Will learn the importance of power sharing that it diagram /cartoons
should be distributed among as many citizens. /photos /posters
Enhance decision making power. /newspaper clippings
Forms of power sharing
Will able to understand that in modern /etc. in order to
democracies, power sharing arrangements can interpret them.
take many forms.
Appreciate that how Power sharing can reduce the
conflicts and fulfil our expectations in real life.
The Sense of Collective
Belonging Enhance their communication skills by debating on
Power should be reside in on person or a group or
it should be shared.

Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 2 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Will able to enhance their knowledge to explore
What is Federalism?
about the other federal political countries all over

the world.
What makes India a federal
understand the independent powers of the level of
the government.

know that the Indian Union is based on the

principles of federalism.
Comparative analysis of creation of the states in Examines and evaluates
India on the basis of languages.
events, facts, data and
FEDERELISM Students will Appreciate the spirit of federalism, figures in order to
How is federalism respect for diversity and desire for living together classify and compare
became shared ideals in our country them.
Will appreciate that how formation of linguistic
states has actually made the country, more united.
Enhance decision making with critical thinking
Will learn the importance of power third tier of
Decentralization in India
Will able to understand that people have better
knowledge of problems their localities

Student will critically analyse the constitutional
status for local government has helped to deepen
democracy in our country simultaneously still
most state government have not transferred the
Appreciate that how federalism can reduce the
Enhance their communication skills by debating on
The Sense of Collective unitary government and federal government.
Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 3 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

Examine the case studies of the Civil right

movements in United states.
Poses questions and
concept of Indian caste system. undertakes research in
DEMOCRACY AND A story from Mexico
Some dalit groups decided to participate in the order to demonstrates
UN conference against Racism in Durban in 2001 skills of inquisitiveness
Appreciate the efforts done by African- American /enquiry.
tried to draw international attention to racial


Comparative analysis of diverse social movements

like athletes responded to social divisions and
social inequalities.

build their critical thinking skills

Differences, similarities,
Analyse the situation when situation of this kind
produce social divisions, when one kind of social
difference become more important than the other,
and the people start feeling that they belong to
different community.
Enhance decision making with critical thinking
Analyse how the combination of politics and social
division is very dangerous and explosive.

At the same time they will learn every expression
of social division in politics does not lead to such
Politics of Social division disaster.

In still the sense of pride with India’s past that

democracy is the best way to fight for recognition
and also to accommodate diversity.

Appreciate, accept and adopt that in Democracy,
political expression of social divisions is very
normal and can be healthy.

Enhance their communication skills by debating
The Sense of Collective on how common mass of people contribute to the
Belonging growth of nationalism and patriotism
Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 4 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Critical thinking that in the society how gender
division is not based on biology but on social
expectation and stereotype.
Examines and evaluates
Gender and politics Critical thinking on the reports of harassment,
the given known or
exploitation and violence against women.
unknown given texts
Appreciate the women’s movements aimed at
GENDER RELIGION /visuals /political
equality in personal and family life as well.
AND CASTE analysis /etc. in order to
Will able to understand that problem begins when
identify assumptions
religion is seen as the basis of the nation.
/biases /prejudice
Religion, Communalism build their critical thinking skills

and politics Appreciate the quote of Gandhi ji politics must be
guided by ethics drawn from religion.
Enhance decision making with critical thinking

Appreciate the political leaders and social
reformers like Jyotiba Phule, Dr. B. R Ambedkar
and Periyar
Critical analyse that still untouchability has not
Caste and politics
ended completely, despite constitution
Enhance their knowledge on that the sometimes
elections are all about caste system???
Will able to understand that if the politics is based
on caste then it will divert the attention from very
The Sense of Collective important issues like poverty development and
Belonging corruption.
Enhance their communication skills by debating
on caste system.
Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will

develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 5 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine the case studies of Movement for
Popular struggle Popular struggle in Nepal Examines and evaluates
democracy in Nepal.

and movements and Bolivia events, facts, data and
Bolvia’s water war

Appreciate the efforts done by the people of figures in order to
Nepal. classify and compare
The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of them.
inspiration to democrats all over the world.
Comparative analysis of both the countries and
will able to get in democracy several different
kinds of organisations work behind any big
Mobilization and struggle.
organization build their critical thinking skills
Analyse the situation when situation democratic
conflict resolved through mass mobilisation.
Enhance decision making with critical thinking
Critical analysation that how pressure group and
movements exert influence on politics in a variety
of ways.

Enhance their communication skills by discussing
on that pressure groups do not look power of
Pressure groups and
political office for themselves, but do seek to
influence the decisions made by those who do not
hold this political power.
Analysation of the situations when social
movements and pressure groups try to mobilise
citizens in many way.

Appreciate, accept and adopt that in Democracy,
political expression of social divisions is very
normal and can be healthy.

Knowledge skills will enhance when they will
The Sense of Collective search about various movements and pressure
Belonging groups.
Various dimensions of learning like critical
thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 6 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Will able to understand the importance of the Examines given
political parties that it is the part of the society information, in order to
and thus involve partisanship. analyze and evaluate it.

Why do we need political

parties? identify the work of political parties.
Appreciate the functions done by the political

How many parties should Comparative analysis of one party system and (
we have? at least ) two party system.

Critically analysis of merits and demerits of
multiparty system. It can be very messy as well as
allows a variety of interest.

Evaluation of the situations that no system is

ideal for all the countries and situations.

Enhance decision making with critical thinking

Will able to know that in federal system tend to

have two kinds of political parties: Parties that
are present in only one of the federal units and
National and political parties that are present in several or all units of
parties the federation.
And challenges to political At the same time they will learn about coalition of
parties the government.

Examine the situations when the parties are

facing the challenges.

Appreciate, accept and adopt that how political

The Sense of Collective parties as vehicle of federal sharing of political
Belonging power and as negotiators of social divisions in the
arena of democratic politics.

Enhance their communication skills by debating
on one party or multiparty system.

Various dimensions of learning like critical

thinking, analytical, comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate and essential
life skill

Chapter 7 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine some of the things we can Examines
How do we assess democracy’s reasonably expect from democracy phenomena, events
outcomes? and examine the record of democracy and their occurrence
And in order to explain
DEMOCRACY Will able to understand the
Accountable, responsive cause and effect
importance of people in decision
legitimate government
relationship between

Appreciate the form of the
government which is always account
table to the people.

Comparative analysis of the other

forms of the government and find
democracy has better outcomes.

Economic growth and build their critical thinking skills

development. Critically examine the role of
Reduction of inequality and democratic government in
poverty distribution of goods and

Enhance decision making with critical


Able to appreciate that democracy in

India has strengthened the case of the
Dignity and freedom of the disadvantaged and discriminated
citizens castes for equal status and equal

Able to understand that every
individual wants to receive respect
and it is possible with democracy.

Analysis that freedom of dignity is

also there.

Appreciate that how democracy fulfil

our expectations in real life.

Enhance their communication skills
The Sense of Collective Belonging
by debating on democracy is
successful in reducing in any

Various dimensions of learning like

critical thinking, analytical,
comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate
and essential life skill

Chapter 8 Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcome
Examine some of the challenges in Examines given
Challenges to democracy Thinking about challenges democracy. information, in order

Will able to analysis that different to analyze and
countries have different kind of evaluate it.

Appreciate the form of the

government which is always account
table to the people.

Comparative analysis of the reforms

between three levels central state and

Able to develop their view towards

democracy after participating in
decision making.
Thinking about political reforms
Critically examine the role of
democratic government sometimes
result may be counter-productive.

Enhance decision making with critical


Able to differentiate between

Redefining democracy democratic and non-democratic

Enhance decision making power.

Invite you to think on your own and

come up with your own reading of
the challenges.

Appreciate that how democracy fulfil

our expectations in real life.

Enhance their communication skills
by debating on democratic
government and politics.
The Sense of Collective Belonging
Various dimensions of learning like
critical thinking, analytical,
comparative, creative etc. will
develop habits of mind an ultimate
and essential life skill


1. NCERT Learning Outcomes Elementary (accessed on 1st September 2019):
2. NCERT Learning Outcomes Elementary (accessed on 1st September 2019):
3. NCERT Textbooks (accessed on 1st September 2019):

Review Work done by the following educators is also deeply acknowledged:
• Dr. Girish Choudhary, Retired Associate Professor, Lady Irwin College, New
• Ms. Kalpana Chaudhary, Director Emeritus, N.H.Goel World School, Raipur
• Shri Arindam Roy Choudhury, Principal , G.D.Goenka Public School, Jammu
• Ms.Ruchi Sengar , ELT Consultant, Teacher-Trainer and CBSE Resource
• Ms.Susmita Roy Choudhury,Dean Academics,GD Goenka Public School,
• Ms.Jamila Maryam,Lecturer (English),Ahlcon Public School ,Mayur Vihar,
Phase 1,Delhi
• Ms.Gayatri Gopalan,Doctoral student, Curriculum Studies,University of
British Columbia
• The teachers from Amity International School, Sector-6, Vasundhara,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh:
§ Ms. Basuprada
§ Ms. Ruchi Jadoun
§ Ms. Alpna Wilson
§ Ms. Ankita Mahajan
§ Ms. Swati Pandey
§ Ms. Tanushree Batra
§ Ms. Hina Mukherjee
§ Ms. Shweta Tomar
• The teachers from Delhi Public School, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh:
§ Ms.Swati Ranjan
§ Ms.Hemlata
§ Ms.Pratima Jha
§ Ms. Yogita Kapil
§ Ms. Ritu Goel
§ Mr. Jayant Arora
§ Ms. Pratima Jha
§ Ms. Vandana
§ Ms. Poornima Dubey
§ Ms. Swati Saxena
• The teachers of Hindi Department of Amity International School, Sec-46,
Gurugram, Haryana
• The teachers of Science, Maths and English Department of DPS Bopal,
§ Mr. Surender Pal Sachdeva (Principal)
§ Ms. Meena Bhatt
§ Ms. Anju Pachchigar
§ Ms. Ayushi Kaul
§ Ms. Kanchan Bawa
§ Ms. Swati Patel
§ Ms. Deepa Mody
§ Ms. Saminder kaur Guliani
§ Ms. Pratima Chopra


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