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PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology

CHAPTER 3 – EXERCISE (Neuroscience and Behavior)

Name: ________________ Student ID: ____________

PART A. Fill in the Blanks and Multiple Choice Questions

1) Endorphins or dopamine are kinds of ___________________, the chemical “messengers”

between neurons.

2) The central nervous system is composed of the ___________ and the ___________.

3) The ___________ is the fundamental element of the nervous system.

4) Nonverbal realms, such as emotions and music, are controlled primarily by the
_____________ hemisphere of the brain, whereas the ____________ hemisphere is more
responsible for speaking and reading.

5) What are the differences between the nervous system and the endocrine system?

a) The nervous system is a chemical communication network, whereas the endocrine

system is an electrical communication network
b) The endocrine system takes longer to show its effects as compared to the nervous
c) The effects of the nervous system last longer as compared to the endocrine system
d) Whereas the nervous system is controlled by the brain, the endocrine system is only
controlled by the pituitary gland
e) b and c
f) a, b, and d
g) all of the above

6) Merve accidentally put her hand on a red-hot piece of metal, and then she immediately
pulled her hand away. Which of the following(s) was (were) involved in this whole

a) Brain
b) Spinal cord
c) Peripheral nervous system
d) a and b
e) b and c
f) all of the above
PART B. Matching Questions

1) Please match the name of brain part with the appropriate description:

a. The Central Core ___ 1. is the most primitive portion of our brain.
b. The Limbic System ___ 2. is responsible for higher-order functioning.
c. The Cerebral ___ 3. controls aggression, self-preservation, and
Cortex experience of pleasure.

PART C. Short Answer


1) How might psychiatrics use drugs that mimic the effects of neurotransmitters to treat
psychological disorders?

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