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1. He delights in playing with children

2. Subway means an underground path
3. It is wise to adhere the rules of your parents
4. Sui generis means Unique
5. Restitutio ad integrum means restoration to the original condition
6. Hobson's choice means giving no choice at all
7. Laissez Faire means non-interference of Government in economic affairs
8. “Our sweetest songs are those that tell us of saddest thoughts” P.B Shelly
9. De facto means actual, as a fact
10. Carte blanche means full discretionary powers
11. Corrigendum means things to be corrected
12. Faux pas means false or incorrect step
13. Fifth column refers to treachery
14. Amicus Curie, a person invited to advise a lower court on a matter of law in a case
15. When the stock market is falling down it is called bearish
16. When the stock market is rising up it is called bullish
17. Holocaust means killing of Jews by Nazis during world war II
18. English poet John Keats died at young age
19. Kindergarten refers to nursery school
20. Cock and bull story means an unbelievable tale
21. Rule of thumb means an easily applied procedure for making a determination
22. One who is capable of dealing with many subjects is called versatile
23. A person who is unable to pay his debt is called insolvent
24. “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”. John Milton
25. Jingoism is extreme nationalism and patriotism
26. I don’t like dogs
27. Bootlegging means Smuggling
28. “ to be or not to be that is the question” are lines of Shakespeare’s book Hamlet
29. There is a limit to everything in life
30. Contraband, articles banned by government
31. Sine die means without fixing a date
32. Superintendent
33. Saleem said, “I don’t eat mangoes”. Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes
34. Antonym of inert is active
35. He said, ‘Hurrah! We have won the match”. He exclaimed with joy that they had won the
36. A large procession was taken out against rising prices
37. “ Best things come in small packages”
38. Cortege means a funeral procession
39. Cross your bridges when you come to them
40. Faisalabad is as famous city as Lahore
41. I requested her to help me kindly
42. “ Too many cooks spoil the broth”
43. Swim is to fish as walk is to man
44. Appreciation is to reward as crime is to punishment
45. Stone is to hard as feather is to soft
46. Cat is to kitten as dog is to puppy
47. Condemnation: Disapproval ; Blasphemy: Irreverence
48. Rehearsal: Performance ; Engagement: Marriage
49. Graceful: Movement ; Humorous: Laughter
50. Atom: Microscope ; Planet: Telescope
51. Telescope: Eye ; Stethoscope: Ear
52. Ounce: Weight ; Acre: Area
53. Honesty is the best policy
54. Capital punishment means death sentence
55. She felt nervous when she went on stage
56. The horseman pulled the reins of the horse
57. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” John Keats
58. An above board person means trustworthy
59. Beautiful is adjective
60. Do you see the blue sky?
61. The man is poor but honest
62. Will you wait till I return?
63. She has been unconscious since four o' clock
64. Honest men speak the truth
65. He jumped off the bus while it was moving
66. Euphonious is opposite of cacophonic
67. Look! There is a big spider on the ceiling
68. I am worried about the exams
69. Reptile is to lizard as flower is to Daisy
70. He would enjoy this, if he was present
71. The report concludes sadly that very few students have some knowledge of physics
72. Amicus Curie, friend of the court and disinterested advisor
73. “Sit down, Ali”, he said. He asked Ali to sit down
74. He asked us, “Have you been shopping”? he asked us if we had been shopping
75. After surviving this ordeal, the trapper felt relieved
76. Ring is to finger as watch is wrist
77. Hedonism is to gain maximum pleasure
78. Obey is to defy as work is to rest
79. Tall is to short as treachery is to loyalty
80. He asked me, “Did you see the cricket match last night”? he asked me if I had seen the
cricket match the previous night
81. A person whose attitude is eat drink and be merry is called an epicurean
83. Please send letter to my address
84. The filed was safe enough, wasn’t it?
85. Antonym of frugal is spend thrift
86. Anything which is prohibited by law is called illegal
87. It is ten O clock by my watch
88. He agreed to my proposal
89. The old man is blind in one eye
90. Sub judice means under judicial condition
91. Pros and cons means for and against
92. Quickly is adverb
93. Beautiful is adjective
94. He is very particular about his clothes
95. Do not shout to me, I am not deaf
96. He is an M.A History
97. I thanked him, for showing me the way to the post office
98. The defeated Army fled from the battlefield
99. They learnt to cook from their mothers
100. He was in such a hurry that he forgot his keys
101. The fire was finally brought under control
102. The policeman’s story conflicts with that of the accused
103. The debate adjourned to the following week
104. De jure means by law
105. A young police officer was charged with the tasks of transporting the prisoners
106. There has been a complete break-down of law and order in the country
107. The police must collect enough evidence to ensure his conviction
108. Justice delayed is justice denied
109. A place where leather is tanned is called tannery
110. Alumni means an ex-student of an institution
111. Alma mater means one’s University or college
112. A fair weather friend means false friend
113. Respectful means showing respect
114. The car in front is slowing down
115. Shakespeare’s Hamlet is the play for all ages
116. I was angry about the way they reacted
117. Truth is stranger than fiction
118. To talk through one’s hat means to talk nonsense
119. A penny for your thoughts
120. Actions speak louder than words
121. Bite more than you can chew
122. It takes two to tango
123. Let sleeping dogs lie
124. I am intent on winning
125. If I had worked hard, I would’ve succeeded
126. The new law came into effect last month
127. It became apparent that he was going to die
128. I do not have any confidence to share my secrets
129. My brother is weak in mathematics
130. I am not concerned with his affairs
131. He has the reputation for being a good teacher
132. Only six hundred people live in this city
133. Alcohol is injurious to health
134. What is the route to London by air?
135. Synonym of disparate is different
136. Synonym of emancipate to set free from restraints
137. Zoo is to animals as Aquarium is to fish
138. Salma was ill with fever
139. Blow out the candle when you go to bed
140. You must stick to your promise
141. People say that honesty is the best policy but they seldom act upon it. Honesty is said to
be the best policy but it is seldom acted upon
142. A pipe dream means an impracticable wish
143. Circumstances will oblige me to go. I shall be obliged to go by circumstances
144. Myopic is near sighted
145. He became addicted to drugs at quite an early age
146. He was meditating on the problem
147. To cast pearl before a swine means to offer a person a thing which he cannot appreciate
148. To have an axe to grind means to have a personal interest in the matter
149. To cool one’s heels means to be kept waiting
150. In a jiffy means without any delay
151. I am confident to win
152. I will meet him when he comes
153. In camera means not in public
154. Per se means by itself
155. Last night the thief broke into his house and stole a TV set
156. Don’t judge book by its cover
157. The noun form of the verb excite is excitement
158. She resembles her cousin
159. I will be ready by the time you go there
160. Ex officio means by virtue of one’s office
161. Indite means put into writing
162. A driver should always be mentally alert. He is likely to cause disaster if he indulges in a
brown study
163. It is reassuring to have friends enquire after you when you are ill
164. Mark used to resume a scattered subject is dash
165. Comma is generally used before certain coordinating conjunctions
166. I was young once. Once is adverb
167. He is jealous of my fame
168. She is repenting for her past
169. My brother is good at mathematics
170. Sargodha is famous for producing best quality oranges
171. Do in Rome as Romans do
172. You cannot go because it is raining heavily
173. I was reading a novel when they came to see me
174. The book was published two years ago
175. He will go to Karachi tomorrow morning
176. We had had our dinner when it started raining last night
177. The warrior was pleased with his new sword
178. She said, “I shall be taking the test.” She said that she would be taking the test
179. I don’t have as much time for reading as I would like to
180. Gift of the gab means fluency of speech
181. Sycophant means one who flatters
182. The man who has once been bitten by the snake fears every piece of rope
183. He was indignant at me for no reason
184. To clip the wings means put limits
185. Kith and kin means blood relations
186. New legislation was introduced in the assembly but it was not accepted by many
187. Abdul wants to be a doctor
188. Khalid is as tall as , if not taller than Naveed
189. Have you laughed at them?
190. He said, “let us wait for the award.” He suggested that they should wait for the award
191. To face the music means to bear the consequences
192. The train went through the tunnel
193. A piece of cake means easy task/easy to do
194. Fortune favors the brave/bold
195. Kill two birds with one stone
196. A friend in need is a friend indeed
197. Every cloud has a silver lining
198. Hundreds of people die when epidemics break out
199. She is the sole survivor of the tragedy
200. She is kind to me
201. His silent is tantamount to refusal
202. She was dressed in black
203. He runs faster than his brother
204. Hide one’s light under a bushel means to conceal one’s talent
205. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Everyone regardless of differences
deserves equal treatment
206. To lionize a person. To treat a person as a celebrity
207. To gather orange blossoms to get a bride
208. Keep one’s own counsel means to preserve a discreet silence
209. Fair weather friends means persons who cease to be friends when one is in trouble
210. Leading questions means question suggesting an answer
211. Scavengers means who look food in rubbish
212. Somnam bulism means walk in sleep
213. Chauvinism means strong belief that your country is important
214. Bonanza situation where large profits are made
215. Resume is a pause in an act short statement
216. Portmanteau means large box
217. Nom de plume means an assumed name used by writer/pen-name
218. Suo Moto means on its own motion
219. Opposite of utopia is reality
220. To flex ones muscles means to show strength/authority
221. You should refrain from hurting her feelings
222. A house divided against itself cannot stand
223. Some of the dust stays on the furniture
224. Aslam has given up smoking
225. You ought to abide by this decision
226. The jug is full of milk
227. He is fully content with his life
228. He is not eligible for this post
229. De Novo means New
230. The rainy season begins in July
232. To answer accurately is more important than to finish quickly
233. I have engaged him to act as my counsel
234. Although he was a novice and new at the game Asad knew the others were playing
235. I am sick of your lies
236. RSVP is written at the end of invitation card it is used in French language
237. He did not pay heed to his brother’s advice
238. The manager acknowledged receipt of my letter promptly
239. Let us make up our differences
240. I was amazed at his behavior
241. He has great lust for wealth
242. Cul de sac means a passage with one outlet
243. Prima facie means at first view
244. Status quo means the same state as before
245. Sine dine means indefinitely
246. Ahmad always sets good example for other people
247. The defeated Army fled from the battlefield
248. The property was divided between Aslam and amjad
249. The fire was finally brought under control
250. That color will not suit your complexion
251. There aren’t many people here
252. I went to the shop for buying some chocolate
253. Forgery means fraudulent alteration of writing
254. Be precise in your language
255. There was so much smoke in the room that I could hardly breathe
256. Could you sharpen the pencil for me?
257. He went in the direction of the post office
258. He is interested in coin collection
259. Smoking is injurious to health
260. This work is beyond his capacity
261. Make hay while the sun shines
262. The cake was shared between Amjad and Shakeel
263. The teacher asked the students to complete their assignment by Monday
264. An accomplice means any person who is a guilty associate or a partner in crime
265. To call a spade a spade means to speak in plain terms
266. To bury the hatchet means to make peace
267. To bear the brunt of means to endure the main force or shock
268. To fish in troubled waters means to make a personal profit out of a disturbance
269. His father passed away last night
270. Mr. Allan was immediately promoted when his boss saw how assiduous he was
271. We had a beautiful view of the valley through the window
272. That was an abridged edition of the book
273. His reply was such as I expected him to give
274. She never wrote to him in the past
275. He is grateful to his friends
276. I take much delight in reading poetry
277. I can see through your game
278. I shall take this exam next year
279. He was knocking at the door
280. A person who is made to bear the misdeeds of another is called a scapegoat
281. To turn around one’s heel is to turn around quickly
282. To be at arm’s length means at a distance
283. After doing it daily the task soon became a leisurely routine
284. When she saw the thief , she rushed to her room and closed the door
285. Water is indispensable for life
286. Many factors are responsible for the occurrence
287. He refused to join the army because it was against his convictions
288. Some of the villagers believe in the existence of ghosts
289. Diamond cut diamond means retaliation
290. To make amend for means to compensate for damage
291. En route means on the way
292. Inter-alia in between
293. All that glitters is not gold
294. Where there is a will there is a way
295. Promptly means acting quickly
296. A speech delivered without preparation is extempore
297. He keeps himself to himself means preferred to talk to no body
298. He rejoiced at your prosperity
299. To cut the cake means celebrate birthday
300. Mixed feelings means not clear feelings
301. Alter ego means close friend
302. He took time to read the draft for he wanted to go through it carefully
303. Obstacles are placed in the path of life not to be boggled at but to be surmounted
304. Proletarian means a member of labour class
305. A person who looks at the brighter side of things is an optimist
306. To make a clean breast of something is to confess
307. Ins and outs-all details
308. At sixes and sevens-bewildered/Confused
309. Blue eyed boy-favorite person
310. My house is at the end of the street
311. The film was different from what I had been expecting
312. I could not find a solution to the problem
313. She cares about the environment
314. He was accused of theft
315. Whatever he does is always contrary to my wishes
316. To set free means to release someone
317. To put one’s hand to plough means to take a difficult task
318. They’ve walked over the bridge
319. A bad workman always quarrels with his tools
320. He suggested that the meeting be postponed
321. Abdul grabbed the boy and rolled him on the ground to smother the flames
322. Flowers have grown all over the field. The field has all over been grown with flowers.
323. A sleeping Fox catches no poultry
324. The more things change the more they stay the same
325. To rob Peter to pay Paul
326. Comma represents the shortest pause in the sentence
327. They live in a flat over the shop
328. She said to him, “Go downstairs”. She told him to go downstairs
329. A Trojan horse means an agent in disguise used against, or by the enemy.
330. Our lives are being spent in expectation. We are spending our lives in expectation
331. Time is a great healer
332. We are exhausted by the end of journey
333. I was astonished at his behavior
334. Pleasure seeker is an epicurean not a stoic
335. The study revealed that the largest group of street children in Lahore work as coolies
336. I have known him for a long time
337. Alia parted from her parents in tears
338. I had the privilege of knowing him intimately
339. Time has expunged from his memory
340. We have absolute trust in you
341. Keep tabs on means to keep under observation
342. Let us see which way the wind blows
343. Who will kill the cat?
344. Did he has good health?
345. He told that he could do it easily
346. Two and two make four
347. Salma was ill with fever
348. He has lust for knowledge
349. He was meditating on the problem
350. He is ignorant of his demerits
351. He is mindful of his status
352. Ahmad aimed at the crow and fired
353. I prefer banana to mango
354. He took me by surprise
355. He held me by my neck
356. A Gordian knot means a difficult or complex problem
357. He complained of chest pain and went to doctor
358. My friend asked me, “Has Saima talked to Sonia “? My friend asked me if saima had
talked to Sonia.
359. Hell hath no fury like a scorned women
360. They have no one to blame for the trouble except themselves
361. All agreed to what I proposed. What I proposed was agreed by all.
362. To break the ice means to start a conversation
363. Prophylactic is opposite of causing decease
364. Did you hear about the accident last night?
365. I am annoyed with the students
366. The teacher said, “Allah is one and Muhammad (PBUH) is His messenger”. The teacher
told that Allah is one and Muhammad PBUH is His messenger.
367. She said to me, “Tell the truth”. She advised me to tell the truth.
368. She says, “Ali, do you prefer tea or coffee”? She asks Ali if he prefers tea or coffee.
369. He says, “Do not make so much noise”. He asks us not to make so much noise.
370. She said, “Be careful, Babur”. She told Babur to be careful.
371. You should lay with some money for our future
372. Jeans were not permitted in the college
373. One who cannot be changed or reformed is incorrigible
374. The jury acquitted him of murder
375. Terrorism will die down in the course of time
376. The medicine can be used even by children. Both adult and children can use this
377. Stalemate is noun and verb
378. To have one’s hands full is to be completely occupied or have a difficult task
379. A plan which fails to achieve its purpose is abortive
380. As fresh as Daisy
381. To make clean breast of something is to confess
382. He entitled to inherit his father
383. No sooner is always followed by than
384. The husband ruled by his wife is called henpecked
385. He brushed aside my argument
386. Eye wash means deceit
387. To play into another’s hand is to put oneself under another’s control
388. Lingua Franca means a common language
389. To smell a rat means to detect something wrong
390. When a person is killed by brother is called fratricide
391. The child chose the hat. The hat was chosen by the child.
392. Who teaches you English? By whom are you taught English.
393. Compound nouns are made up of two or more words
394. Spick and span means Clean and fresh
395. A writ issued by a high court to order the production of a person in illegal confinement is
Habeas Corpus
396. The girl is riding the horse. The horse is being ridden by the girl.
397. His voice gets on my nerves
398. The merchant deals in silk goods.
399. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink
400. He is interested in coin collection
401. A blind man’s wife needs no paint
402. Deportment means how to sit and walk properly
403. This story is replete with interesting incidents
404. It started to rain while we were playing cricket
405. Hassan acted according to his father’s advice
406. He is senior to me
407. He was charged with murder
408. She said that she was running fast.
409. He has gone to the hospital
410. Faster you walk better it will be
411. Fleming died in 1920
412. The boat sailed under water
413. He used to live in comfort
414. She felt nervous when she went on stage
415. We must respect the views of opponents in this matter, even though we cannot agree with
416. Let me teach you a new way to learn English punctuation
417. I am so bored with my class that I want to quit
418. They have put speed bumps on the road to prevent accidents
419. By this time next year, I will have taken all my exams
420. Despite being the better team, we lost the match
421. They would not agree to my proposal. My proposal would not be agreed by them
422. He asked me if I could drive a car. I was asked if I could drive a car/ he asked me if a car
could be driven by me
423. We will go there on foot
424. Spill the beans means to reveal secrets
425. They laughed at the beggar
426. In for a penny in for a pound
427. We have been waiting here for two hours
428. We visited them yesterday
429. See that you come for the meeting in time
430. They will come if we ask them
431. He was deaf to all over requests
432. Regular exercise is beneficial to health
433. Are you conscious of your responsibility in this matter
434. We regret that we cannot comply with your request
435. The Ph. D degree was conferred on him at the convocation
436. Ex post facto means with retrospective action or force
437. Just good enough means good for circumstances
438. Burn the midnight oil means stay awake or study late into the night
439. There is an eraser at the end of my pencil
440. She was at the top of the rollercoaster looking down she was made feel sick. Looking
down from the top of the rollercoaster made her feel sick
441. A man’s meat is another man’s poison
442. The bridge goes over the river
443. He did not get the job because his knowledge of its was found to be inadequate
444. To pay off old scores is to get one’s revenge
445. One who never takes strong drinks is called a teetotalism
446. If one does a duty with heart and soul it is done enthusiastically
447. Air head means a stupid person
448. He has shown good performance. Good performance has been shown by him
449. She will invite me. I shall be invited by her
450. Everybody blamed him for the accident.
451. Never never land means an ideal place
452. A slap on the wrist means warning or small punishment
453. To hit the road means start journey
454. To carry the day means to win victory
455. To be green eyed means jealous
456. His bark is worse than his bite means he sounds dangerous but is not
457. There is no smoke without a fire means there is no truth in a rumor
458. He was robbed of all valuable possessions
459. I am looking forward to our picnic scheduled in next month
460. The presence of armed guards prevented us from doing anything disruptive
461. My uncle Ahmad is wiser than my siblings because he is older than them
462. The words in my summary are so ambiguous to understand easily
463. He showed me how to fix a car and change a wheel
464. The snake was killed by the farmer
465. Amina went on bicycle to meet saira
466. It is delightful to hear her speak/speech as she speaks softly
467. He ran as fast as he could
468. Please do exactly as you are directed
469. Our flight was diverted from Lahore to Islamabad
470. He died of serious disease
471. It is better for you to comply with your parent’s wishes
472. He lives in model town at Lahore
473. Finally, he was absolved from all the charges
474. Has he ever been to America?
475. The lecture delivered yesterday was really impressive
476. He would enjoy this, if he had been present
477. After the concert everyone raised and clapped
478. Tadpole. Frog. Caterpillar. Butterfly
479. A frog in a well knows nothing of the ocean
480. An early bird catches the worm
481. He travels in taxi or on foot towards his destination
482. He put forward his son as new candidate for election
483. They will be back by the end of the month
484. To take with a pinch of salt means to take with some reservation
485. To run amuck means to run about in frenzy
486. To pull strings means to tease someone
487. Saleem said, “I do not eat mangoes”. Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes.
488. The teacher asked, “Why are you so late”? The teacher asked that why he was so late
489. He said, “She has finished her work “. He said that she had finished her work
490. Alas! His father has died
491. Magnum opus means best work of an artist
492. Even homer sometimes nodes
493. He turned a deaf ear to my advice means he did not listen
494. She has promised to be back by five o' clock
495. A wise man profits with his experience
496. He has been ill since Monday
497. Here is a cup of tea to drink for
498. He is afraid of elephant
499. Her parents strongly object to her travelling
500. He was indifferent to all good counsels of his parents and got into troubles
501. The boy said, “Sir, I am not guilty”. The boy pleaded that he was not guilty
502. They showed the visitors the historical monuments of Lahore. The visitors were shown
the historical monuments of Lahore
503. Kiran said to Sana, “let us go out for a walk”. Kiran proposed that we should go out for
504. The sun emerged from behind the clouds
505. My father works in a bank in Frankfurt
506. Best things come in small packages
507. He is the author who spoke at the bookstore
508. Chocolate, which is devoured by some people with a sweet tooth. Some people with a
sweet tooth devour chocolate
509. The mundane party was boring but impulsive Sarah did her best to liven it up with her
trademark spontaneity
510. Although he was a novice and new at the game Asad knew the others were playing
511. Nida is a meticulous student. She reads every page of her textbooks and studies for hours
before every test
512. The students who had the flu had a legitimate reason for missing school. They normally
have perfect attendance, and their absence that day was a aberration
513. The fever will soon abate
514. The ship was plundered in high seas
515. He is proud of his wealth
516. We are answerable to God
517. How long have you been learning English
518. India attacked Pakistan in 1965
519. Honest poverty is better than dishonest riches
520. Keep body and soul together
521. One should do one’s duty honestly
522. The atmosphere was quite pleasant
523. Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness
524. A policeman was killed and forty labourers wounded in the fight between a band of
strikers and police yesterday
525. He cannot stop you from coming here
526. Advertisement will boost your sale
527. He lives on small income
528. Students are advised to write their names in ink
529. He is Rajput by caste
530. A monkey is not capable of flying in the air
531. I said to Hamid, “Always speak the truth”. I advised Hamid to speak the truth always
532. You should respect your parents and teachers
533. There is no room in the compartment
534. He is one of my best friends
535. The scenery of Kashmir is very beautiful
536. I insisted on having my fee paid
537. I don’t know how to value your qualities
538. Her voice is as sweet as that of the Nightingale
539. Health is preferable to riches
540. One who cannot die is immortal
541. Please speak in plain English
542. Every student is familiar with the name of Muhammad Ali Jinnah
543. It is cool in May
544. This is a matter of little importance
545. The burglar jumped over compound wall
546. The child has been missing since yesterday
547. He suspicious of all his neighbors
548. We have lived here since early 1990
549. Maria is not only pretty but kind and friendly too
550. Do you think Aslam is capable of passing his driving test at his first attempt
551. You can go to your friend’s house as long as you return by 9:00 p.m.
552. Have you replied to Amjad's letter?
553. When you buy new shoes make sure they are the right size
554. Modus operandi means plan of action
555. Beat about the bush means to avoid the main topic
556. On the fence means undecided
557. He has resigned and will hand over charge of his post today
558. To husband one’s resources means to manage one’s means with frugality
559. He was sorry for his failure
560. When I told my mom I would come home at 1am , she had a cow means my mom was
really upset
561. Unless you are not thinking out of the box you wouldn’t survive in this job means you
have to use your creativity to think differently
562. If you have a finger in the pie, you are involved in something
563. Once in a blue moon means it happens rarely
564. To hit below the belt means to fight unfairly
565. He is carrying on a trade in computer equipment
566. The government should care for the victims of the recent floods
567. Wapda has cut off his electricity supply due to non-payment of dues
568. One of the runners dropped out to an accident
569. He appealed to the court for mercy
570. To hit the nail on the head means to say just the right thing
571. Has he taken the examination? Has the examination been taken by him?
572. To pass by means to over look
573. I will have finished that book. That book will have been finished by me
574. He asked me, “Did you see that car”? He asked me if I had seen that car
575. Akbar will look after my work in my absence
576. I always have lunch at my office
577. Are they chasing the thieves? Are the thieves being chased by them
578. They argue about everything till the bitter end
579. All and sundry means everyone
580. Out of sight out of mind
581. Paw. Cat. Hoof. Horse
582. Coolness. Night. Warmth. Day
583. The terrorists have been setting bombs in trains
584. I had hoped that they would fix my locker while I was away but they did not. I had hoped
that my locker would be fixed while I was away but it wasn’t
585. Shahid's brother said to him, “Please wait for me.” Shahid’s brother requested him to
wait for him.
586. She was watching a film. A film was being watched by her
587. Industry has destroyed the livelihood of many artisans
588. People say that democracy is a better form of government. Democracy is said to be a
better form of government
589. It is awful to be afflicted with a sense of inferiority
590. To make amend for means to compensate for damage
591. Put the car among the pigeons means to say or do something that makes a lot of people
592. A picture is worth a thousand words
593. Hospital. Healing. Court. Justice
594. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched
595. A drowning man will catch a straw
596. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
597. One who talk too much known as loquacious /chatty/grabby
598. A queer fish means a strange person
599. We arrived at the station an hour late
600. A bull in a China shop means aggressive and clumsy in a situation
601. A baby live on milk
602. Much of what he said was very sensible
603. Do not meddle in my affairs
604. The students in the small room were packed like sardines
605. She inquired after my health
606. Abdul is a good driver; moreover, he is a very friendly one.
607. Are there any apples in the kitchen
608. It is the worst film that I have ever seen
609. Abdul knew the conditions in England like the back of his hand
610. He succeeded to the throne after his father’s death
611. The Amazon in Brazil is the longest river in south America
612. The weather this winter has been windy, wet and unpredictable
613. The old woman lived alone, with no one to look after her
614. Fender bender means a small car accident
615. Turn heads means attract a lot of attention
616. She cares about the environment
617. What was the cause of problem
618. By leaps and bounds means very fast
619. Up to the marks means standard
620. By hook or by crook means by any means
621. Every trick in the book means try every possible way
622. He advised us, “Do not be late”. He advised us not to be late
623. He asked, “Do I have to do it”? He asked if he had to do it
624. She said, “Stop staring at me”. She told him to stop staring at her
625. I finished this exercise in an hour yesterday
626. They always come back home late
627. She is speaking English now
628. It began to rain an hour ago
629. She has posted the letter
630. The oxen are walking slowly
631. The work can be done in two days
632. It takes two to quarrel
633. We are ready to die for our country
634. You are not aware of my difficulties
635. They agree with you in this matter
636. He was guilty of stealing a pen
637. I am inclined to help him
638. This table is made of wood
639. What has happened to him?
640. Exercise is to gym as eating is to restaurant
641. Cobbler. Shoe. Contractor. Building
642. They do nothing except complain all the time
643. I paid the fees at the end of the course
644. Early to bed and early to rise make you healthy, wealthy and wise
645. Better late than never
646. A judge should deal with equal justice to all
647. How many people are there in your family
648. Indus river is the longest river in South Asia
649. My father works in Frankfurt bank
650. They said that we take exercise every day
651. “I had hoped” my door would lock by them but they didn’t. I had hoped that my door
would be locked by them but it wasn’t
652. A strange man is standing at the door
653. I like mangoes. Mangoes are liked by me.
654. I sit on the grass in the garden
655. I did not like the/? Mangoes.
656. Have you ridden on the/a camel?
657. Please close the window
658. The hotel which is in center of the town is beautiful
659. You would better go to sleep the plane departs at 7:00pm.
660. By whom letter was sent?
661. Swimmer is noun
662. Reflection is noun
663. We are going to buy a new car next week
664. An orphanage is a place where children who have no parents can live and be looked after
665. I eat an egg for breakfast everyday
666. If he doesn’t start working harder, he will fail the course
667. They said, “Madam, time is over”. They said respectfully that the time was over.
668. The students whose test grades were low had to come back after school for an extra hour
669. I didn’t realize I had forgotten my passport until I reached the airport. Which was very
670. Would you like an apple? No, thanks, I am not hungry
671. I have many posters on the wall above my bed
672. I will not allow you to use your dictionary in the test. You will not be allowed to use your
dictionary in the test.
673. She said, “I visited Oxford University yesterday”. She told that she had visited Oxford
University the previous day.
674. I came to work by bus today
675. Does Aslam know about the dinner next week? I am not sure. I will ask him when I see
676. Please write your name on the top of the page
677. The examination will start at 9:30. Don’t be late
678. Right now someone is cooking school lunch in the cafeteria. Right now school lunch is
being cooked by someone in the cafeteria
679. Don’t call me until about 7:30; I will not be finishing my homework until then.
680. I didn’t enjoy the meal. The cook had cooked the vegetables too long. I didn’t enjoy the
meal. The vegetables had been cooked by the cook too long.
681. She got up and ran to the door
682. Don’t forget to buy the / article not required flowers on your way home
683. She said to him, “Consult a doctor”. She advised him to consult a doctor
684. The horse which was hit by the car was only slightly hurt
685. The wind blew our big oak tree down last night. Our big oak was blown down by wind
last night.
686. I have a pet turtle named Speedy. Speedy is noun.
687. She asked me if I wanted to go to the theatre , but I had been working in the garden the
whole day and all I wanted to do was go to bed
688. He said to me, “not to smoke”. He forbade me to smoke.
689. He said to me, “you should work hard to pass the exam”. He advised me that I should
work hard to pass the exam.
690. Will they pay you for your work? Will you be paid for your work
691. It was a beautiful day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
692. Make away with means depart in haste to steal
693. Eye wash means misleading statement
694. Helter shelter means in disorderly confusions
695. Heat up means angry and agitated
696. Mr. Fareed comes from the Punjab, as do his supporters
697. He would starve to death rather than ask a loan
698. She was so shy as to refuse all invitations
699. One can’t always be the best.
700. There is no reason why anyone should behave so cruelly
701. I have no desire for name or fame
702. What did your mother sent to you
703. Saima looks after her father
704. He goes to school on foot.
705. Interrogative. Her baby has been crying since midnight. Has her baby been crying since
706. Negative. We have bought this cow. We have not bought this cow.
707. We obey our parents. Our parents are obeyed by us.
708. I was laughed at by them. They laughed at me
709. This material is different from the one we had last time
710. The Holy Quran is sacred to the Muslims
711. The person who is looking for sympathy talks is called plaintively
712. The passenger ran to the bus.
713. Waseem was born to poor parents
714. Pour the tea into cup
715. The train stops at this particular station.
716. The thief jumped over the wall.
717. The path to success is very difficult.
718. Turncoat means one who abandons his principles
719. As the crow flies means directly
720. To give one the sack means to dismiss a person
721. I did not go to the hospital yesterday
722. He asked me where I was going
723. The Muslims believe in one God.
724. We should help the poor.
725. I would have helped him if he had come to me
726. I returned your books last Friday
727. He has been taking exercise since morning
728. A black sheep spoils the whole flock
729. Work hard lest you should fail.
730. Money makes the mare go.
731. Naïve is to cheat as gullible is to duped
732. Deportment means the way a person stands and walks
733. The police sprayed tear gas indiscriminately on the protestors
734. Clouds are scattered in the sky
735. I am so bored with my class that I want to quit.
736. If the cap fits, wear it.
737. Anwar was late for work again.
738. She asked me, “How do you know that”? She asked me how I knew that.
739. To plough the sand means to work in vain
740. Torque means a force that tends to cause rotation
741. He did not repair this pen. This pen was not repaired by him
742. I am well acquainted with her family
743. With open arms means warmly
744. He was presented with the keys of the city
745. Out of question means impossible
746. You must apply to the judge for pardon
747. You must attend to the lecture
748. By fits and starts means irregularly
749. The manager likes to be in control
750. I am envious of them
751. Tie the knot means getting married
752. Feel blue means feel sad
753. To cut long story short means come to the point
754. Get your goat means to irritate someone
755. His reply was such as expected him to give
756. I cannot make out the meaning of this lesson
757. Diet. Weight. Drug. Pain
758. Please close the window as there is a draught
759. To understand is one thing, to teach it is quite another
760. The beggar said to me, “may you go to hell”. The beggar cursed that I might go to hell.
761. A small change in demand can lead to large price crises
762. The best thing in life is free.
763. She said, “Goodbye friend”. She bade goodbye to her friends.
764. Somebody has slept in my bed. My bed has been slept in.
765. We are not in a position to do all we promised to do
766. Ten years ago, I worked in sahiwal
767. Trains are getting faster and more comfortable
768. Houses in the area are very much sought after
769. When she found out that she had passed her examination; she was filled with elation
770. Deliberately going against truth or reason or against someone’s known wishes is perverse
771. To lose heart means discouraged
772. A person who is made to bear the misdeeds of another is called a scapegoat
773. You cannot have your cake and eat it.
774. Abdul said, “It is four O'clock now”. Abdul said that it was four O'clock then.
775. It is better to keep away from artificial persons
776. Both parties must adhere to the terms of the contract.
777. She said to him, “Don’t touch it”. She told him not to touch it.
778. He said, “Do not be angry with me”. He asked her not to be angry with him.
779. The shop is open from 7am until 6pm
780. You have to be over 18 to see this film
781. She will be staying at the hotel until Saturday
782. She told us, “Take off your shoes”. She told us to take off our shoes
783. Be finished by Friday afternoon.
784. She deprived her husband of all he had.
785. Amir has been blessed with a son.
786. You can go to your friend’s house as long as you return by 9:00pm
787. There were over 10,000 persons at the concert.
788. To have a clear image, stars should be observed with a telescope
789. Flow is to River as Stagnant is to Pool
790. A person is called ambidextrous when he is able to use right and left hand equally
791. To give up smoking means to stop smoking/Quit smoking
1. Antonym of Entice is Repulse
2. Antonym of Perilous is Safe
3. Synonym of Bristle is Rise
4. Synonym of Gambol is Jump/Rise
5. Antonym of amicable is friendly
6. Synonym of cheeky is impudent
7. Synonym of devilish is satanic
8. Synonym of radiant is glowing
9. Synonym of infinitesimal is miniscule
10. Synonym of rookie is a new recruit
11. Synonym of incessant is continuous
12. Synonym of fictitious is false
13. Synonym of adhere is stick
14. Synonym of fanatical is obsessive
15. Synonym of pledge is promise
16. Antonym of obscure is explicit
17. Antonym of clarity is confusion
18. Antonym of relinquish is assume
19. Synonym of adjacent is contiguous
20. Synonym of engrossed is absorbed
21. Synonym of feasible is practicable
22. Synonym of ponder is think over
23. Antonym of denounce is defend
24. Antonym of deplete is replenish
25. Antonym of impound is release
26. Antonym of profane is respectful
27. Catastrophe means disaster
28. Antonym of guilty is innocent
29. Antonym of Vindictive is forgiving
30. Synonym of carnivore is meat eater
31. Synonym of bewilder is confuse
32. Synonym of serene is calm and peaceful
33. Enervate means weaken
34. Confess is the opposite of refuse
35. Opposite of contract is expand
36. Eminent means famous
37. Opposite of deteriorate is improve
38. Opposite of hostile is friendly
39. Opposite of continuous is capture
40. Ambiguous means unclear
41. Abase means degrade
42. Cataclysm means upheaval
43. Valour is the opposite of cowardice
44. Expedite means hasten
45. Restive is the opposite of placid
46. Magisterial means authoritative
47. Exonerate is the opposite of accuse
48. Zealot means fanatic
49. Commodious is the opposite of limited
50. Euphonious is the opposite of strident
51. Industrious means diligent
52. Frightened means afraid
53. Alter means modify
54. Opposite of pardon is punish
55. Just means fair
56. Opposite of democracy is dictatorship
57. Synonym of nonchalant is dispassionate
58. The synonym of conjecture is to guess
59. Antonym of economy is extravagance
60. Synonym of enigmatic is puzzling
61. Synonym of infallible is authentic
62. Synonym of transient is fleeting
63. Adversity means hardship
64. Opposite of abbreviate is expand
65. Opposite of absurd is rational
66. Opposite of active is passive
67. Opposite of sublime is low
68. Opposite of vilify is commend
69. The opposite of perish is survive
70. Opposite of amateur is professional
71. Benevolent means generous
72. Anonymous means nameless
73. Synonym of canny is clever
74. Opposite of miscellaneous is similar
75. Synonym of lurid is Gory
76. Synonym of notion is belief
77. Craving means desire
78. Flimsy means fragile
79. Heterogeneous means diverse
80. Antonym of incline is ascend
81. Gorgeous means magnificent
82. Antonym of profane is pious/holy
83. Synonym of detestable is abhorrent
84. Synonym of assimilate is absorb
85. Mendicants means beggars
86. Immense means vast
87. Luminous means bright
88. Reckless means rash
89. Reluctant means hesitant
90. Whip means beat
91. Vigilant means careful
92. Hush means silence
93. Conceited means proud
94. Craze means trend
95. Synonym of contraband is illicit
96. Antonym of filthy is clean
97. Paucity means scarcity
98. Synonym of accuse is blame
99. Antonym of obnoxious is pleasant
100. Determinism is the opposite of free will
101. Synonym of indigenous means native
102. Synonym of queer is unusual
103. Synonym of desiccated is dried
104. Antonym of Felicity is sadness
105. Synonym of infringe is breach
106. Antonym of credulous is suspicious
107. Synonym of grisly is horrible
108. Antonym of haughty is humble
109. Synonym of pragmatic is practical
110. Antonym of virtue is vice
111. Synonym of frugal is economical
112. Synonym of imminent is upcoming
113. Antonym of paucity is abundance
114. Synonym of talent is ability
115. Delible means a writing that can be effaced
116. Inexplicable means that which cannot be explained
117. Zealot means fanatic
118. Instill. To introduce ideas
119. Infra. Less than
120. Deface. To disfigure
121. Demur. To hesitate
122. Disaster. A terrible, sudden accident
123. Antonym of fugitive is captive
124. Infringe means violate
125. Zest means pleasure
126. Insipid means stupid
127. Rescind means cancel
128. Tacit means silent
129. Garb means dress
130. Synonym of brazen is shameless
131. Synonym of exemplify is illustrate
132. Sacrosanct means sacred
133. Acrimonious means bitter
134. Demise means death
135. Turpitude means repulsiveness
136. Nebulous means not clear
137. Nostalgic means home sick
138. Opposite of gradual is sudden
139. Opposite of contract is expand
140. Apparel means clothes
141. Advice means guidance
142. Sluggish means slow
143. Climb means ascend
144. Hamper means impede
145. Approachable is opposite of inaccessible
146. Opposite of tranquil is noisy
147. Opposite of coincidence is deliberate
148. Opposite of combat is support
149. Opposite of factual is fictitious
150. Synonym of arrogance is haughtiness
151. Synonym of annihilate is efface
152. Synonym of cumbersome is awkward
153. Exemplify means illustrate
154. Antonym of capricious is unchanging
155. Antonym of Entice is repel
156. Antonym of frantic is sane
157. Antonym of melancholy is cheerfulness
158. Antonym of ominous is promising
159. Antonym of mettle is cowardly
160. Audacious means courageous
161. Inquisitive synonym curious
162. Calligraphy-handwriting
163. Touchstone-criterion
164. Concord-variance
165. Hypocrisy-uprightness
166. Fluid-frozen
167. Onerous-light
168. Gregarious-lonesome
169. To wipe out-eradicate
170. Abscond-escape
171. Chaos-disorder
172. Corpus-body
173. Dictate-impose
174. Jeopardize-put at risk
175. Opposite of dearth is abundance
176. Enervate-weaken
177. Subsequent-prior
178. Coagulate-solidity
179. Enormous means huge
180. Commence means begins
181. Synonym of malice is hatred
182. Synonym of hypothetical is speculative
183. Synonym of ruins is disintegration
184. Banish means expel
185. Antonym of indolent is energetic
186. Synonym of impede is obstruct
187. Synonym of scanty is meagre
188. Dormant means inert
189. Nonchalant means cool
190. Outcast means vagabond
191. Antonym of cryptic is candid
192. Synonym of diffidence is timidity
193. Eschew means to avoid
194. Rudimentary means developed
195. Embellish means adorn
196. Ripple-wobble
197. Proliferate-multiply
198. Hastened-quickened
199. Respites-short interval
200. Sepulchral-mourning
201. Realm-empire
202. Anxious means worried
203. Synonym of melancholy is sadness
204. Servile is the opposite of haughty
205. Tentative-experimental
206. Accumulate-collect
207. Celebrity-superstar
208. Collision-clash
209. Detrimental-harmful
210. Strenuous-tiring
211. Antonym of robust is frail
212. Impediment-obstacle
213. Stimulus-deterrent
214. Nefarious-evil
215. Malady means decease
216. Antonym of clear is murky
217. Chair-Seat
218. Marvelous-astounding
219. Jargon-terminology
220. Incongruous-harmonious
221. Proscribe-prohibit
222. Antonym of Pacific is aggressive
223. Benediction-blessing
224. Trespass-intrude
225. Deplete-replenish
226. Malafide means in bad faith
227. Rescind-revoke
228. Perpetual-eternal
229. Arrival-departure
230. Economize-waste
231. Intentional-accidental
232. Bizarre-unusual
233. Cogent-persuasive
234. Assiduous-diligent
235. Fuss-excitement
236. Placid-Calm
237. Naïve-Simple
238. Immaculate-flawless
239. Prosperity-adversity
240. Conscientious-care free
241. Scant-slender
242. Tender-cruel
243. Commence-end
244. Amiable-friendly
245. Dubious-doubtful
246. Audacity-courage
247. Lurid-dull
248. Magniloquent-bombastic
249. Magnitude-enormity
250. Malevolent-kindly
251. Malign-eulogize
252. Manifest-obscure
253. Flamboyant-old fashioned
254. Fiasco-success
255. Elusive-Evasive
256. Parable-allegory
257. Sobriety-inebriety
258. Tenacious-holding fast
259. Untenable-tremulous
260. Antithesis-similarity
261. Affable-rude
262. Bizarre-normal
263. Cacophony-applause
264. Disparity-difference
265. Dogmatic-arbitrary
266. Homogenous-similar
267. Coarse-delicate
268. Viable-reasonable
269. Despair-misery
270. Cowardice-valour
271. Degrade-abase
272. Buoyant-placid
273. Majestic-regel
274. Expedite-hasten
275. Acquit-exonerate
276. Vitality-affluent
277. Commodious-limited
278. Parallel-divergent
279. Modicum-great amount
280. Imperious-proud
281. Luxuriant-abundant
282. Memorable-Worth remembering
283. Dainty-delicate
284. Icon-symbol
285. Sumptuous-restrained
286. Abhorrence means extreme hatred
287. Lack luster-vibrant
288. Lassitude-tiredness
289. Adversary is an opponent of friendly
290. Shove-A strong push
291. Emblematic-Gorgeous
292. Ditto-the same
293. Animosity-love
294. Clear-indistinct
295. Detrimental-harmful
296. Rancor-resentment
297. Rapid-quick
298. Zest-great enjoyment
299. Caricature-parody
300. Fallacious-misleading
301. Invincible-indomitable
302. Abstruse-obscure
303. Succinct-concise
304. Consensus-disagreement
305. Covert-overt
306. Inveigh-remonstrate
307. Defiant-disobedient
308. Partisan-supporter/ biased
309. Antonym Partisan- neutral / unbiased
310. Inane-absurd
311. Exquisite-of great beauty
312. Impromptu-prepared
313. Incriminate-exonerate
314. Plethora-dearth
315. Assert-abandon
316. Undermine-unearth
317. Affinity-liking
318. Envisage-visualize
319. Mesh-to combine
320. Ominous-threaten
321. Laudable-commendable
322. Necessary-essential
323. Feeble-weak
324. Foil-shield
325. Garrulous-talkative
326. Integrate-unite
327. Arid-barren
328. Endemic-prevalent
329. Parity-equivalence
330. Censure-disapprove
331. Sonorous-resonant
332. Nascent-emerging
333. Standing-reputation
334. Imperious-proud
335. Venerate means respect
336. Stringent-lenient
337. Tranquil-turbulent
338. Exorbitant-extortionate
339. Fulsome-exuberant
340. Denigrate-disparage
341. Incendiary-causing fire
342. Prerogative-privilege
343. Gregarious-lonesome
344. Assent-disagree
345. Onerous-light
346. Concord-variance
347. Reconcile-adjust
348. Wisdom-sagacity
349. Amnesty-pardon
350. Optimistic-hopeful
351. Prohibit-Permit
352. Cavity-a hole
353. Imbecile-idiotic
354. Pristine-impure
355. Vilify-to praise
356. Extrovert-introvert
357. Obsolescent-fashionable
358. Celibate-married
359. Beverage-drinking
360. Indolent-lazy
361. Zenith-highest point
362. Grotesque-bizarre
363. Deviation-conformity
364. Anomaly-aberration
365. Abdicate-abandon
366. Decipher-clear
367. Apathy-care
368. Hoodwink-delude
369. Obsession-delusion
370. Presumptive-haughty
371. Ignoble-vile
372. Obliterate-destroy
373. Vulgar-coarse
374. Ally-partner
375. Synonym Susceptible- vulnerable
376. Barren-infertile
377. Calamity-disaster
378. Incongruous-contracting
379. Nutritions-unwholesome
380. Fine-coarse
381. Conspicuous-obscure
382. Ebb-receding
383. Manage-Administer
384. Stupendous-very big
385. Humorous-facetious
386. Devoid-lacking
387. Acumen-sharpness
388. Lenient-easy way
389. Asylum means refuge
390. Notion means idea
391. Bliss-agony
392. Valiant-brave
393. Tacit-implicit
394. Complex-complicated
395. Remarkable-inconsequential

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