Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris Meisin Lakoro

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State University of Gorontalo

Faculty of Education
Educational Management

Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Full Name : Meisin Lakoro

Student ID : 131418073
Topic Code and Name : English C
Day/Time of Class : Friday , April 16, 2021
Assignment Title : #4 Proposal
Due Date : Friday , April 16, 2021
If extension due date : Friday , April 16, 2021
Lecture’s Name : Zulystiawati, PhD

I hereby certify that the work submitted is entirely my own work unless otherwise acknowledged,
and it has not been submitted for any other topic.


Date : Friday , April 16, 2021

Contact Number : 0822-5913-6049
Email Address :memeyfarhan2207@gmail.com Penalty:
Zero tolerance for Plagiarism
1. Title of activity proposal “ Scout “
2. Proposal framework for activities :
- Name of activity. State the name of the planned activity clearly, concisely and
- Prelimenary. The introduction section consists of the background and objectives of
the activity.
- Fill in the proposal
- Schedule
- Commite composition
- Fund budget
- Concluding proposal
Example :
“ Title “
I. Prelimenary
A. Bacground
B. Activity Objectives
II. Fill in the proposal
A. Theme
B. Kinds of Activities
C. Participants
D. Equipment reuquired
E. Time and place of implementation
III. Schedule
IV. The composition of the commite
V. Budget funds
VI. Closing

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