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Conjugal love 

Conjugal love refers to love in a conjugal relationship, that is, in a marriage, since the word
"conjugal" is defined as related to the relationship between married partners.[1]
Marriage does not necessarily involve love between the partners. Christian views on
marriage involve love as being central to the marriage relationship, just as Christianity views
love as central to human life and human relationship to God (as illustration, the statement from
the New Testament that "...God is love."[2])

Metaphysical poetry
Meta” means “beyond” and “physics” means “physical nature”. Metaphysical poetry means poetry that
goes beyond the physical world of the senses and explores the spiritual world. Metaphysical poetry
began early in the Jacobean age in the last stage of the age of Shakespeare.
John Donne was the leader and founder of the metaphysical school of poetry. Dryden used this word at
first and said that Donne “affects the metaphysics”.

Three types of love

 cynical love (anti woman)
 conjugal love(married life)
 Platonic love(spiritual).


classicism is an aesthetic attitude dependent on principles based in the culture, art

and literature of ancient Greece and Rome, with the emphasis on form, simplicity, proportion,
clarity of structure, perfection, restrained emotion, as well as explicit appeal to the intellect.


a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humour.

Themes of Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

Major Themes in “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”: Love, separation, and acceptance are the

significant themes given in the poem. The poem is primarily concerned with the love of the speaker with
his significant other. Though they are going to part due to circumstances, yet their love will remain pure
and true.

themes of Rape of the Lock

Some of the major themes in The Rape of the Lock are beauty, religion and morality,
supernatural world, femininity, pride, love, pursuits, and morality of upper class

Which poem discuss conjugal love

Valediction Forbidding Mourning

A Valediction of Weeping. 

Sweetest love I donot go


Irony is a literary device in which contradictory statements or situations reveal a reality that is different
from what appears to be true


a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero


Mock-epic, also called mock-heroic, form of satire that adapts the elevated heroic style of the
classical epic poem to a trivial subject. ... More often it was used by “ancients” to point up the unheroic
character of the modern age by subjecting thinly disguised contemporary events to a heroic treatment.

theme in The Good-morrow 

The central theme in The Good-morrow is the nature and completeness of the lovers'

world. Donne takes the everyday idea that lovers live in a world of their own with little sense of
reality, and turns it right round, so that it is the outside world that is unreal.

diff between ideal and real

Irony in rape of the lock

One example of irony in this poem is Belinda's guard Ariel. On page 495 Ariel says, "Of these am I, who thy
protection claim,/ A watchful sprite, and Ariel is my name." After introducing himself as her guard who will protect
her, he proceeds to tell her about a terrible event that may happen to her. Belinda just seems to brush it off and
not paying any attention to these details. I think this example of irony helps support the message that people will
do whatever they want to do, even if someone tells them its a bad idea, or something bad is going to happen. The
people still do what they want because they don't believe anything is going to happen to them and that they will
be okay. Another example of irony Clarissa's role in the scissors. I find it ironic that Clarissa gives Baron the scissors
to chop off a lock of Belinda's hair and then gives a speech at the end about morals. Even though, the way Belinda
reacted only supported Clarissa's speech about people caring too much about appearance, it is still usually against
people's morals to commit acts that will make people be hurt. I believe this situation helps promote the idea that
many people will do just about anything to get their idea heard and their point across. Finally, a third ironic
situation is the card game situation. In the Third Canto, Pope explains the card game of trickery just like Homer and
many other ancient poets wrote about battles in epics. The language Pope used and the way he worded the
"battle" between Belinda, Baron, and the other players and their cards helps make the card game seem more like a
battle. This example of irony helps the poem seem more like an ancient epic.  The first and the second examples of
irony contribute to the overall themes of the poem, while the last examples helps demonstrate the style of Pope's

why did baron cut belinda hair

to keep them as possession/souvenir of his love for her. he had a thing of keeping things of his lover, he
had collected letters and stuff already. May be .. as this poem mocking is aristocratic it shows
their frivolous attitude

Farewell ungrateful traitor:

Women's loyalty, lack of strength,

Hidden flame:

Hidden Love is prominent🌚


Way towards God


Aisy e ho ga na... time ki qadar aisa kch🥺


Ye b God related.

An elegy is a form of poetry that typically reflects on death or loss. Traditionally, an

elegiacal poem addresses themes of mourning, sorrow, and lamentation; however, such poems can also
address redemption and solace. Overall, the artistic language of poetry allows such sentiments to be
expressed and articulated in the form of elegy.

Go and catch a falling star” Themes

The poem explores a traditional (and misogynistic) literary theme of Donne's era: women's
romantic infidelity. Using vivid images of magic and mystery, the speaker insists that a faithful
woman is so hard to find, she might as well be the stuff of legends!

heroic couplet 

A heroic couplet is a rhyming couplet, or pair of lines with end rhymes in iambic pentameter,
meaning there are five iambic 'feet' on each line. The heroic couplet traditionally appears in
long, narrative poems called epics, but it can also be used in mock epics that parody the
'heroic' tone of epic poetry.

Lapdog name

how pope represent women in rape of the lock

The rape of the lock is usually described as a satire on the affected manners and unreal sorrows of
fashionable young ladies Pope sees the women in his poem as frivolous, in constant and as one
dimensional symbols Pope manages to marginalize women, in particular Belinda, by turning this
incident-the de-locking-into a mock epic, mocking Belinda and discounting her worth.

theme of sun rising by john donne

The poem tells about the mood of self complacent love of John Donne and his beloved. ... The theme of
the poem centres around the happy and joyful union between both the lover and the beloved. It is such
a union and bond where the poet has even not allowed the sun to disturb them

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