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Dacera’s companions have been bashed all over the internet with hatred and

overreacted without knowing the real story or entire situation. We should be careful
that everything we see on social media is not the entire situation happen or fake news,
it’s not helpful to bashed, curse and judge someone because there is no clear evidence
to accuse her friends that they raped her.

Everyone deserve to lived without hatred and pain. According to sixth to ten
commandments in the Bible says “don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t give false testimony and
don’t covet your neighbor house. We all know that people have their own analysis
about the case if she real victim or she is been reckless when drunk. However, I learned
in this case that as a woman you should always remember your limitations when it
comes to this kind of situation, you need to respect yourself so that people show more
respect to you because we don’t know what is running into their minds.

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