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KH2025_IB_Receiver_UK 01.04.

2004 11:39 Uhr Seite 2

Kompernaß Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Burgstraße 21 · D-44867 Bochum
ID-Nr.: KH 2025/2026-03/04

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KH2025_IB_Receiver_UK 01.04.2004 11:40 Uhr Seite 3

KH 2025

 Digitaler Weltempfänger


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KH2025_IB_Receiver_UK 01.04.2004 11:40 Uhr Seite 4

KH 2025

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KH2025_IB_Receiver_UK 01.04.2004 11:40 Uhr Seite 5



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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 3

Digital World Receiver
e-bench KH 2025 / KH 2026
Keep this manual for future reference –
and also pass it on with the device to any future owners.

Contents 1. Intended Use

1. Intended Use .................................... 3 This device is intended for the reception of
2. Technical Data ................................ 5 generally approved radio transmissions in
all countries (world receiver) and only for
3. Safety Instructions .......................... 6
household use.
4. Power Supply .................................. 7
It is not intended for the reception of sta-
5. Switching On / Off .......................... 8 tions that are not generally approved, for
6. Reception ..........................................9 use as part of safety radio systems, such
7. Memory .......................................... 10 as on board sport boats, or for use in com-
mercial or industrial environments. It is also
8. Time and Timer ..............................13
not intended for climate zones outside of
9. Miscellaneous ................................ 18 the ranges specified under Technical Data.
10. Self-Help ........................................ 19
11. Disposal ........................................ 20

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 4

The information in parantheses refers to the sections of this manual.

 Starting the Memory Scan (7c) External Power Supply, 4b

 Saving Memory Positions (7a) Connecting Headphones
Loading Memory Positions (7b) Switching the Medium Wave Range (6c)
 Saving Stations (7a)  Setting the Device at an Incline (9)
Locking the Buttons (9)
 Switching Off the Device (5b)
 Short Wave Sensitivity (6e) Activating/Deactivationg Daylight
 Searching for Stations (6d) Savings Time (8f)
Setting Times, Dates (8a, 8b, 8g) Resetting the Alarm by 9 Minutes (8h)
 Selecting the Reception Band (6b)  Selecting a Memory Block (7a, 7b)
 Changing the Type of Time Display (9)  Daylight Savings Time (8f)
 Setting the Volume (6b)  The batteries are almost empty –
Setting Alarm Times 1/2 (8g) replace!
Resetting the Alarm Time (8h)  Station Memory: Block PAGE and
Switching On the Device (5a) memory position MEM (7a)
Switching Off With a Time Delay (5c)

Setting the Time + Date (8a, 8b)

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 5

2. Technical Data Tuning range ......: USW 50 KHz
MW Europe 9 KHz
a) Environmental limits MW USA 10 KHz
Temperatures ....: -5 – +40 °C SW 5 KHz / 1 KHz
Relative humidity: 20 – 80% RMH LW 1 KHz
Sensitivity ..........: SW 2 levels selectable
b) Reception ranges
USW (FM) ..........: 87.5 – 108.5 MHz c) Other
MW Europe........: 522 – 1656 KHz Memory positions: 160 stations
MW USA ............: 520 – 1710 KHz Timer..................: 2 alarm times
9 min. snooze timer
SW ....................: 5.85 – 15.6 MHz
Date-specific Timer
LW ....................: 144 – 281 KHz 90 min. Sleep timer
This information only describes the techni- Output................: Connection for stereo
cal capabilities of the device. headphones 3.5 mm
Different contries can have deviating legal
Power supply ....: Connection for
regulations regarding the freely receivable
external power supply
frequency range. Please note that reception
DC 6 V – 7.5 V
outside of these regulations can therefore
be illegal and punishable. Batteries ............: 4 x 1.5 V type "AA"

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 6

3. Safety Instructions Transportable devices are particularly at
risk to accidental damage. You can reduce
Transportable world receivers are used in a this risk by observing the following:
wide range of climate zones. Particularly
when outdoors, make certain that ... • Protect the device against heavy stres-
ses, such as impacts and falls.
• the environmental limits are not excee-
ded (see Section 2). • Select a location in your travel luggage
where it cannot be damaged or swit-
• Electronic devices can be damaged by ched on by other hard objects.
• When in areas with elevated security
• Extremely dry air can cause static char- requirements (e.g. airplanes), it is best
ges that can lead to faulty functions. to transport the device without the bat-
• Excessive temperatures (e.g. direct sun- teries inserted because it cannot be
light) or very low temperatures (e.g. out- completely switched off (clock, timer
doors in winter) can permanently darken functions, ...).
the liquid crystal display.

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 7

4. Power Supply b) External Power Supply

Important: Make certain that the polarity is Connect an external power supply of
correct – both for the batteries as well as DC 6...7.5V / 300 mA to the power sup-
for the external power supply. If the polarity ply jack, as seen in the picture.
is reversed, the device will be damaged. Note: The station memory described in
a) About the Batteries Section 7 will be deleted if the device is
without power for longer than about 30
• Open the battery compartment on the seconds.
back side of the device and insert four
batteries of type "1.5V AA" according to You should therefore leave an external
the labels in the battery compartment. power supply connected while you change
the batteries – or finish changing them wit-
Note: Used batteries may not be dispo- hin 30 seconds!
sed of in household waste. Return these
to your retailer or to an appropriate col-
lection site for disposal.

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 8

5. Switching On / Off c) Switching Off with Time Delay

With this device, you can only switch the If you would like to listen to the radio for a
reception operation on and off. The clock while longer, for instance before falling
for time and date as well as the timer conti- asleep, but would like the device to switch
nue to function as long as the device is off automatically after a certain amount of
supplied with power. time (10...90 minutes), ...
press the button RADIO ON / SLEEP
a) Switching On only enough times until the desired
To switch on the device, briefly press number of minutes is shown in the
the button RADIO ON / SLEEP once. display ("10 ... 90").
"ON" appears initially in the display, follo-
wed by the tuned frequency. The countdown begins immediately with
the first press of this button. If you do not
b) Switching Off Immediately alter the remaining time, the display will
 To switch the the device off, press the switch back to the tuned frequency. You
button SNOOZE / Radio off , or ... can check the remaining time or reduce it
by pressing the ...
the button RADIO ON / SLEEP repea-
tedly until "OFF" appears in the display. button RADIO ON / SLEEP again.

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 9

6. Receive Mode c) Changing the Medium Wave Rage

As soon as the device is switched on as The frequency range and tuning intervals of
described under 5., it is already in receive MW vary by region:
mode. Set the sliding switch to

a) Setting the Volume - up in the region "USA"

 Press the buttons ▼ VOLUME ▲ to - down in the region "Europe".

adjust the volume. d) Searching for Stations
b) Selecting the Reception Range (Band)  Press briefly on one of the two TUNING
 Select the desired reception range with buttons to search upward or downward
the sliding switch: in steps.

- USW = Ultra Short Wave  Hold one of the TUNING buttons pres-
sed to start a scan. The device stops as
- MW = Medium Wave soon as a sufficiently strong station is
- SW = Short Wave found. Pressing the button again will
- LW = Long Wave continue the scan.

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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 10

e) Short Wave (SW) Sensitivity 7. Memory
If the the scan process frequently lasts too A total of 160 memory positions are availa-
long, for instance because too many sig- ble – specifically ...
nals are received in the evening, the sensiti- - 5 blocks of 10 positions each for USW
vity can be reduced to short wave (local
reception). - 5 blocks of 10 positions each for MW
 Set the sensitiviy switch to - 5 blocks of 10 positions each for SW
- RX for local reception - 1 block with 10 positions for LW.
- LX for long-range reception. The blocks are also designated as "pages".
This division into blocks is useful to allow
f) Sensitivity and Antennas the stations to be saved according to a
The telescoping antenna is responsible for meaningful organisation principle. For
USW and short wave (SW). You can alter instance ...
the reception strength by adjusting the - by type: music, news, sports
length, inclination and direction of the
antenna. - by location: local stations or frequently
visited travel destinations
A ferrite antenna is built into the device for
medium wave (MW) and long wave (LW) - by person: if multiple family members
reception. Turn the entire device to alter the use the device
reception strength.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 11

a) Saving Stations Once you have selected the desired block
When you have found a station that you (page), ...
would like to save:  then press one of the buttons
 Press the button MEMORY. M0/5 M1/6 M2/7 M3/8 M4/9
to select the memory position 0...9.
 Two small windows then appear in the
display: The number associated with the memo-
ry position then appears in the small
- PAGE containing the numbers 1...5
window MEM.
- MEM containing an empty field.
Note: These buttons each have two
Make your selection within the next 10 assignments. Each press switches bet-
seconds, otherwise this display disappears ween the two assignments (e.g between
and you must start this step again. 0 and 5).
 Press the button PAGE until the small When you have selected the desired
window PAGE contains the number for memory position, ...
the block 1...5 to which you would like
 press the button MEMORY again. The
to save the station.
station is now saved.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 12

b) Loading Saved Stations c) Memory Scanning
If you would like to load a saved station: If you have saved multiple stations:
 First select the band (reception range).  First select the band (reception range).
 Press the button PAGE until the small  Press the button PAGE until the small
window PAGE contains the number for window PAGE contains the number for
the block 1...5 from which you would the block 1...5 in which you would like
like to load the station. to start the scan.
 Then press one of the buttons  Then press the button MEMORY
M0/5 M1/6 M2/7 M3/8 M4/9 SCAN once briefly. Now all memory
until the number of the desired memory positions are accessed in about 5
position appears in the second small second steps.
window MEM. If no station is saved at a memory position,
Note: These buttons each have two only static is heard.
assignments. Each press switches bet- Pressing any button (except for the volume
ween the two assignments (e.g between buttons) ends the memory scan.
0 and 5).


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 13

8. Clock and Timer b) Setting the Date

The device can be used as a radio alarm Press the button MODE until the
with two alarm times and one date alarm. date blinks in the display.
An alarm tone is also available in place of  Press one of the TUNING buttons
the radio alarm function. briefly to set the date by day.
a) Setting the Time  Hold one of the TUNING buttons
When the device is switched off, and the pressed to change the date in 10-day
date and time appear in the display in alter- steps.
nation: c) Accepting the Time / Date

Press the button MODE . You do not have to do anything to accept
The time now blinks in the display. the time and date – the newly set time or
 Press one of the TUNING buttons date is accepted immediately after making
briefly to set the time by minute. the setting.
 Hold one of the TUNING buttons
pressed to change the time in
10-minute steps.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 14

d) Setting the Home Time Region DAC Dacca / Bangladesh .................. 6
Set the time region here in which you BKK Bangkok / Thailand .................... 7
typically reside: SIN Singapore .................................. 8

Press the button MODE until HKG Hongkong .................................. 8
LOCAL CITY appears in the display. PEK Peking / China ............................ 8
TYO Tokyo / Japan ............................ 9
 Use the TUNING buttons to
SYD Sydney / Australia .................... 10
select your home time region:
NOU Noumea / New Caledonia ........ 11
Code Applies to Time Region Difference AKL Auckland / New Zealand .......... 12
to UTC HNL Honolulu / USA ...................... - 10
ANC Anchorage / USA .................... - 9
UTC Universal Coordinated Time ...... 0
YVR Vancouver / Canada ................ - 8
LON London / England ...................... 0
LAX Los Angeles ............................ - 8
MUN Munich / Germany .................... 1
DEN Denver ...................................... - 7
FRA Frankfurt / Germany .................. 1
CHI Chicago .................................... - 6
PAR Paris / France ............................ 1
MEX Mexico .................................... - 6
ROM Rome / Italy ................................ 1
NYC New York ................................ - 5
CAI Cairo / Egypt .............................. 2
YYZ Toronto / Canada .................... - 5
IST Istanbul / Turkey ........................ 2
YUL Montreal / Canada .................. - 5
MOW Moscow / Russia ...................... 3
CCS Caracas / Venezuela ................ - 4
KWI Kuwait ........................................ 3
RIO Rio De Janeiro / Brazil ............ - 3
DXB Dubai / Saudi Arabia .................. 4
BUE Buenos Aires / Argentina ..........- 3
KHI Karachi / Pakistan ...................... 5


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 15

e) Setting Travel Destination Time f) Setting Daylight Savings Time
Regions Set this first for the normal clock display:
Once you have selected a home time
Press the button MODE until LOCAL CITY
region as described under d): appears in the display along with the

Press the button MODE until only code for your home time region, as set
CITY appears in the display. under d).
 Use the TUNING buttons to select the  Then press the SNOOZE button to
travel destination from the same table, activate daylight savings time and press
as used previously under d). it again to deactivate it.
The device now shows the time difference  When the symbol for daylight savings
between the travel destination region and time appears in the display, the time is
your home time region. shown minus one hour.
After approx. 15 seconds, the device Simply repeat this step for the configured
returns to the normal time display. travel destination regions if you want to
Note: Section 9 describes how you can apply the daylight savings time to those as
have the time difference configured here well.
displayed in alternation with your home
time region.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 16

g) Setting Alarm Times 1 / 2 Now specify whether the alarm function
When the device is switched off, and the should function every day or whether the
date and time appear in the display in alter- weekend should be excluded:
nation:  Press the SNOOZE button if you want
 First select which of the two alarm times to exclude weekends from the alarm
should be set. Press the button ... function.
- ALARM 1 for alarm time 1  With every press of this button, the
display will switch between:
- ALARM 2 for alarm time 2
- all days of the week or
Once the respectively selected alarm time
- only work days, in other words without
blinks in the display:
Saturday and Sunday.
 Press one of the TUNING buttons
briefly to set the alarm time by minute. This is useful for working people who do
not want to reset the alarm times after
 Hold one of the TUNING buttons
every weekend.
pressed to change the alarm time in
10-minute steps.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 17

In conclusion, select the type of alarm: h) When the Alarm Goes Off
 Press the ALARM button for the selec- When the alarm tone or the activation of
ted alarm time until the display indicates the radio function is triggered at the alarm
... time, you can ...
- ALM: This means that an alarm tone  reset the alarm by 9 minutes (snooze
(beep) will sound for approx. 10 function) by pressing the SNOOZE
minutes. button,
- RAD: This means that the radio will  or press the respective ALARM button
be switched on at the alarm time for to reset the alarm to the next day.
about 60 minutes. If you would like to completely deactivate
- Both codes disappear: This means the alarm function, this can only be done
that the alarm function is deactivated. as follows.
If you would like to be woken by the radio, Note: The configured alarm and clock
you should select the desired station and times are lost if the device is without power
volume level before going to sleep. for longer than 30 seconds, for instance
You can then simply switch off the device. while changing the batteries. Be sure to
check all configured times afterward!


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 18

i) Date Alarm (SDA) Once an SDA alarm has been programmed,
You can program a reminder alarm to go off you can only deactivate it by repeating the
on a specific date. On this day, an alarm configuration steps and programming in a
will go off for about 10 minutes on every date that is long past.
hour starting at 8:00 a.m. until you press 9. Miscellaneous
any button.
 To lock the buttons against accidental
When the device is switched off and the
operation, hold the button KEY-LOCK
date and time appear in the display in alter-
pressed for 5 seconds until KEY LOCK
appears in the display.

Press the button MODE until the date
 If you hold down the button again, the
blinks in alternation with SDA in the
lock is removed.
 Fold out the prop to set the device at
 Press one of the TUNING buttons brie-
an incline.
fly to set the SDA date by day.
 Hold one of the TUNING buttons pres-
sed to change the SDA date in 10-day


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 19

When the device is switched off, and the 10. Self-Help
date and time appear in the display in alter-
nation: Do not open the housing of the device –
there are no operating elements contained
 Press the button Alt. Display until the inside.
display shows ...
a) Cleaning
- the symbol :
When the device is switched off, only Only clean the device with a soft, dry cloth.
the time will be displayed. Do not use any cleansers or abrasive
agents, these could scratch the housing
- DATE and : and in particular the display window.
When the device is switched off, the
time and date will be displayed in b) If Something Does Not Function
alternation. Remove all batteries for 2-3 minutes and
- CITY and DATE and : unplug any external power supply connec-
When the device is switched off, the ted to the device if it does not react as des-
time and date as well as the travel cribed in this manual. Now it should func-
destination time region will be display- tion properly again.
ed in alternation.


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KH2025-2026_IB_UK 01.04.2004 11:29 Uhr Seite 20

c) Additional Problems?
If the device still does not function as des-
cribed above, a defect may be present. In
this case, contact the customer service.
11. Disposal
If you want to dispose of the device, first
remove the batteries. Used batteries may
not be disposed of in household waste.
Return these to your retailer or to an appro-
priate collection site for disposal.
Tip: Care for the environment. If you want
to dispose of the device, return it to a col-
lection site for recycling of electronics.


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