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Steel Design 4th stage 2019/2020 Tension member design Lecture 7 Dr Majid Muttashar Civil Eng, Dept. University of Thi_Qar -— TS | Design of Fension men bers ae @ The designer has He Predow Ip Ha selection, however ) He resulting oN ey tI Dea Followins properties e Compactness ! | | D Dimensions thar Pit into the strcture with veasonable Yelabowte the Amensions cf ote members oP the strnchare | Gnnections as many parts Ate sections as possible ss manimize Shear leg The choice of member type is offen otfeched by ts type ct comechidK used. ~ TAS on monbere Consisting of angles, channels, W or S shopes will probably be used whentle connectinas are mode wy Hh bolhs _ Plate, channels and strechure tees might be Used Re welded sbnctwes Nete: Lt is important te vealize thet very often welded members may hove holes Punched intern Por bemporan beltiny Anrinsy Beld evection bebye Phe permanent Rield wads are proc. OEE — St ~ Lt is important also to check tHe slendemnes ratio, of amember jn the oles gn POcess Te Pope cf’ Suelx Limnittobt ene Por torsion members is to ensue He Use of sections with st Phaess subPcrend te prevent Undessrable Jateral deblecHor or uibrabians ~ Khés shod be cansidereal because stess reversal Moy) occur durins shigpinsy and evechion andl perh ops Aur be wind ovenrtlguake foods. Design process 1- Calculate Ay fer Feasile yielding ey min Ag = Pal LRED OF S&S minAy SER pen ay 2- Calculate Ay Br tensile yuphe ry. rnin Ae Po ZRFO Ph and Sma Ae= UAn Re abolhed mem ber minimuwn Val - \ ‘a of Anis . nin An - MAC Py PFaV Thar dhe min Ay is zinin Ang estimated ararcf be hts J e / mindy es ee + estimoded oven? ho les ASD “ 2- Colewlate Ky. Poe selenderness vabie rey | Z | WF & See | from As anol Choose a sechio From th Manvod Back. checle ol Re Possible Failure modec EK. Sdleck azo Pe Jony Woe Section of AW? a Support a tensile Sewice dead Joad PR - eon ARMS Sew cg live Joad P = Mole. As Shown Te Member is hs hove two lines of boths iwea ch Ploneg for = Im bolhs Cat beast three in al me dp ron Combe) Solu. RFD k R. Ah4D zh4xX/%u = 182 Poa IUD 4h6L Fb2XIFO4 NEKO 2 382k ASD faz Dtl =/s04 Ne a” 2 24 = ‘oO. c Gnpule Ay - Po. BF2 Lg i G- min Ag a5 “6.9xSe cecal TL] - fa 2- min Ay 24 1 estwngded hele een c 2 fu Assume V20.85 Famtble?2, Case, assune thah Plinge thickness 1s abot o750 ak ho Jookins at We: 20.55 was assumed! sin cg | PR op Pees te bee bess thar %/y of mw Ay 2 S32 7 2 Se eae tH (Prb) ove = 753] 3- minre G2 (2072 2 oY Fon Poo try Waxts (As FIOR WS da/2.5% bp. 656 tp 20-S%) way = %G=1.54) ao Cheeleins @ Gress section yrds 5 Pei dg = Box Joe s sig Ler PR.~ 09% 952463. 5> 73 2 TS re a Ta ASD @ .SIS> , soe. p 248 67 EB Tensile ruptave KX Porhal? Wyse thabis Were 2h3 Leary = Ss Vir ae a84 From T&ble 2.2, CaseT Ur0-85, Since bp = 6.5% <éd = &33 An 2/002 - 4(B+h e.e2 =< 8.22 Jez 085x822 = £99 Puckx Ae 285x699 = syck PR = ©75XIS#2 = 390.7 > FBZ OK CRED 452 <= n oom 2 27/ KL 2te Mok | | Cc Slendevness vatio LZ. l2k8e Tse 7 2543 OK :. LRFD, vse Waysc Aso, vse Waxy [ | TS working Ex: Designa dq tt Single - angle tension member to Support a deadtlood of sok and alive tensile workirs lood dob. , The maclno is to be connected #2 one. ley only with If bolts Cat least Poarinahine 3 on Center). Assume that only one loolb is to be located af any one aoss Section Use Ar 6 Sheol with Fy = 36S Fis SBKSS- Selw, ZRED Row h2 Kt0 4h 6x Ho = Jook ia min Acy 2 Pa FF = HO2 e B0F je 29x36 2- Assume Us0.68 T&ble 3.2 min Anz Pa, lee DU 07¢x58x0.5 2 2.87in minAs «2.874 bolt holearen 22874 (Z +a) 3- Minre Le Soo = J2x4d 2.3 Cin Foo ASD Par Soto =70ok A Angle Avene one @ Ss arty lightest angle @ to: Fen toolt larger fC , hale 3) Available : and SING os/2 7/3 ©K On (B22-€1,721.19) 3/9 e305 3.25 6x3k xB (423-44, 0. 0763) Wb oo. YF 13 = 4K (A: 23 ,f20.777) Z (A331, % 0.644) Vs . z x3 X76 = atte ila $e ah (Ads, 2 ot) s/s 262s 3-5 4xtxZ (Avda), 0651) Che cking G@ Gress Section yieloling Pa = F5 Ag = POARZ TUHTGA ZRFO AsD PPro 0 NEE Pa, MBE 2 Tk >TO OK = 106-49 Joo 1K Se aT @ Tensile raphure Strength An-32.2-! (Z) 28k ine Uztn XZ wy We. Dt gee BT U Fam Table 7-2 20.8 Aez UAns 0.57% 286 2 2.49 » fas Ride = sex 249 = 449% ZRFO ASP GPa OTS KM Pr 4.4 . kK ve 2 2108-3*S foo OK 272d> 70 Oe ». For LRFO ASO Use Lyxyxt Use “ane ee Built-up tension mom bud | 12 When a member is built-up Prom elements in continuons Contact | nit EE each othn— such as aplate and a shape, or two plates. Longitudinod sParcinsy Sb 2H He thickness of He thinnn plahe or 12” she member is to be painted ow not subjecked te Corresive Condi ions 2- LP tle, member is unpainted and subjected to corresive Condh'brons Spaciry 3 14 the thickness of He Fhinnee plake or i 5 Spree The distunce Pom thy couter of a) balks te thy -ec Neaset edge ef ta Comneched pavt under consi dorakon ray nob be lave thon 12 Himes Me tivelrness of the councched parkoré ge Z — a Wanted PTE Pee oe | “x: The tive Gentes Shown hare bean selected es a deod tensile tor king load of /20* and a 2Wok Ive tens Jl Workin food. Te mambe jis goth bons , Consist fh. Aze i Ard hos one fine of thize L’ belts ta each channel Planse x On Center USiey AISC Speci ticakion, deborming wlan 2 Mora be J's satishactory and Aesign the necessary tie plate - Assume Counters of bolt hole are hIS Bam He backs f the channels . Solu, Grexey ¢ AQ > 8 Sl In? tp 26.0)” Tn 162 int Ly 2 512 5n Y-axis 0674 Prom bacleckC 52 0-762 ° ° Length LREO ASD ; ot [pues Pan 12x 120 #)-6X 24 Pas 120 +2e = Sagk 2 260% G Gass yreldry | 2260 | 2 PR-F Ay = 2K 2x88) = 634.9% oa a 45 760 PR, 6343 2 379.8 Phat oF 684.3 ; ar” CT oF = 570-4 K per ok ®D Tense Yap bare Anz ele Bl = 20h tee 501) ] = 15.62 in® a a aad e674 . 5. 54 axte Poe KOUAw + 58 x15-62 K08F 2 Boe-3 Kk CRFO AsO | Ohm cores Bote Lu. £263 2 47) > 36 a 647K Ser0K Se zm Stlendorness rakis Lys oxier 2 324 u Ly = 205420 prcEElx $226 <2 Slo in" * 839 Creo CK Design of tie plate Distance between Knesef bolfe = 12-20 2) - 2 &s Simum lenoth of tre plates = EXE 25. Say Bi M ~ Minimum tyckness of plates = ch x %.5 = el? sey aa Minimv en widthe tie plates = BTH Sth IS Soy 2% Maximum p rh eralole Spacing ot tie plakes Least y oR ont C 20.762 or. J Max, £. Poo Lz 8762x350 . /4.05Pb 42 =<) IS USE 6x 12x% “te plate is tt on Corte

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