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3/2/2021 Glogster EDU - Interactive multimedia posters

Tr n p a i
1886: The Car
1783: The Hoverboards or Self
Balancing Scooters

Hot Air As the birth year of the

modern car when German
had invented in the
year 2013. However,

Pilatre De Rozier, a
scientist, launched the first 1817: The inventor Karl Benz
patented his Benz Patent-
after its invention, the
device has become a
Motorwagen. Cars became
hot air balloon called subject issue for the
'Aerostat Reveillon'. The Scooter widely available in the
early 20th century. One of
the first cars accessible to
patent rights. More,
the manufacturing had
passengers were a sheep,
the masses was the 1908 started in China.
a duck and a rooster and Model T, an American car
Scooters were invented manufactured by the Ford
the balloon stayed in the in Germany in 1817. In Motor Company.
air for a grand total of 15 the United States,
minutes before crashing
back to the ground.
scooters first enjoyed
wide popularity during 2013: The
the Great Depression,

1900 BC: when many children

built their own scooters
from recycled wood.
Hoarse and
Buggy 1817: The
The earliest recorded
Bike 1853: The Wilbur and Orville
Wright made four
was the chariot, reaching
Mesopotamia as early as
German Inventor Karl
von Drais is credited
Train brief flights at Kitty
Hawk with their first
1900 BC. Used typically with developing the powered aircraft.
for warfare by Egyptians, first bicycle. His The history of Indian
The Wright brothers
machine, known as Railways dates back to
the Near Easterners and over 160 years ago. On had invented the
the "swiftwalker," hit
Europeans, it was a two- the road in 1817. This
16th April 1853, the first first successful
passenger train ran
wheeled light basin early bicycle had no between Bori Bunder airplane.
carrying one or two pedals, and its frame (Bombay) and Thane, a
distance of 34 km. It was
passengers, drawn by was a wooden beam.
operated by three
one to two horses. locomotives, named Sahib,
Sultan and Sindh, and had
thirteen carriages.
1903: The

Made by
Transportation Timeline_Thomas 1/1

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