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almost as long to locate and multiply by zero

Band-width :-1 Band-width :-2 8 as it does by a finite number. so that the pre-
sence of all these zeros is of no help unless we
use a banded stiffness matrix. A diagonal band
9 of coefficients is chosen to include all the
5 non-zero ones; all the coefficients outside
this band can be forgotten and will not waste
z valuable storage space.
The band-width of a structure is defined as
the greatest difference between joint numbers
z ( at the ends of any member (although the
actual band width of the stiffness matrix is
more than three times this). The way in which
the joints are numbered is therefore important
and should be chosen to make the band:width
as small as possible; so that the solution of the
equations is as quick and cheap as possible.
, .. n :;q1Nrs • j Indeed if the band-width is too large the
problem may be beyond the capacity of our
Minimizing the band-width
There is no known general method for finding
the best numbering system or of determining
the smallest possible band-width. Anyone
who could find such a method would make
himself very popular. He might even have a
branch of applied mathematics named after
Band-width :-m Band-width :-3 him.
The band-widths of the structures in Fig. 1
are more or less obvious. but it is not clear
that the plane framework shown in Fig. 2
(one-quarter of a stiffening diaphragm for a
70 ft. diameter. 600 ft. high chimney at Didcot
Power Station) with a band-width of 6 was
numbered in the best possible way.
The problem is made more complex by the
Fig. 1
possibility shown in the plane framework of
Fig. 3 that the addition of extra joints may
reduce the band- width. Joints 21. 36. 51 and
Z5 66 were not needed structurally but their
z ,f introduction reduced the band-width from
7 or 8 to 5. Without them the structure would
not fit into the program then available.
In Fig. 3 member 6- 71 represents a rib under
construction at the Sydney Opera House. This
rib is supported by needles such as 10-5.
14-19. etc. spanning from a steel erection arch
represented by member 1 -7 4 and by the exist-
ing rib assumed immovable at points 5. 19 etc.
Since the ribs and the steel arch lie in different
non-parallel planes this shows that a three-
dimensional problem can occasionally be
reduced to a plane problem.
Sizes and costs
of framework analyses
A convenient unit to use when considering the
allowable sizes of frameworks is the srini.
Strictly, a structure has a size of one srini
when the output for one load-case completely
fills a standard box. This is roughly equivalent
to a framework with 500 joints and 900
members (At srini structure would have 250
joints etc.)
The maximum size of plane or grid frameworks
that can be analysed by our own computer is
about 0.6 srini with a band-width of 15. A
greater band-width is not allowable. with
smaller band-widths larger structures would
be accepted. More complex structures of up
to 2 or 3 srini would have to be sent away to a
larger machine at Boreham Wood.
For space frameworks the maximum size is
about 0.3 srini with a maximum band-width
of 9.
The cost of analysing a plane or grid frame-
work of 0.35 srini with a band-width of 9 and
one load -case is about £33. One of half this
size would cost about £14.
Torsion in grid frameworks
A difficulty frequently met with in grid frame-
works is that the computed tor9ues are higher
than can reasonably be dealt with. It is stand-
ard practice to prevent this by using reduced
values (say 50%) for the torsional stiffnesses
Fig. 2 in the input data. The justification quoted is
10 that. in fact. high torques do not occur. they
have been reduced by some yield mechanism. moments without torques. Very often. torques suitable grid the moment-sum could represent
It is true that some plasticity effects do occur near mid-span can be neglected and those the torsion function and the shears in the
in reinforced concrete members under torsion near supports will be catered for by the members would be proportional to the tor-
but it is thought to be limited and followed by requirements of CP114 for corner steel. but sional shear stresses in the simulated section.
a sudden failure. More information seems spot checks should be made to confirm this. An additional step is required in this problem.
necessary before this practice becomes sanc- for the shears would have to be integrated in
Grid framework to solve
tified. some way to determine the applied torque.
heat transfer, torsion
Solid slabs and permeability problems. Also the moment-sum could represent the
It can be shown that the behaviour of a solid Since the deflections of a suitable grid frame- potential function to solve the problem of
slab in bending can be accurately represented work satisfy the plate equation it follows that flow of water throug h permeable strata . There
by a regular rectangular grid framework. It the moment-sum Mx + My at any point is a variety of boundary conditions that could
turns out. as might be expected. that the satisfies Laplace·s equation. This equation be reproduced on the grid but that of the
correct value of I to use is that of a width of governs many physical problems including undetermined free surface. which frequently
slab equal to the spacing of the grid members. the steady-state heat transfer problem dis- occurs. would be difficult to handle satis-
But. surprisingly. this value is also the correct cussed in *Technical Paper 4 by J. Melling factorily.
one to use for the GJ/E of the member. This and M . Johns. Plane stress problems by the finite
is true also for cellular slabs with top and Thus. the moment-sums throughout a grid element program
bottom slabs. but coffered floors without a with suitable edge conditions and unloaded Since the grid framework works so well for
bottom slab are probably more accurately (a load would imply a heat-sink or source) are solving the problem of bending of a plate. it
represented by calculating the I's and J's of proportional to the temperature distribution might be thought that the plane framework
tee-beams in the normal way. If a grid member in a section of the same shape. If there is no could be used to solve plane -stress problems.
represents several ribs the I's and J's would boundary layer then the appropriate edge i.e. that of a wall or deep beam carrying loads
be the sum of those of the individual ribs.The condition is simply-supported with an applied in its own plane. Experience has shown how-
correct treatment of the edge member in solid bending moment proportional to the boundary ever that for many cases it is not possible to
or cellular slabs is open to doubt. but good temperature. With a boundary layer. the sup - devise a framework which will give suffici-
results have been obtained by placing this port would lie outside the boundary and ently accurate results. Theoretically the best
member on the boundary and giving it section connected to the grid by a beam of suitable solution is obtained by a rather artificial
properties of one half of those for the inner stiffness. In effect. the relaxation equations of equivalent grid framework but this is difficult
members. Technical Paper 4 are being solved without to use and the allowable boundary conditions
High values will be found for the computed the labour of writing them out explicitly. are restricted.
torques in solid slabs. These will in fact occur Similarly with a prescribed edge loading on a A Finite Element Program has therefore been
and are resisted in quite a different way from written which will deal with this sort of
those occurring in beam grids. They will com- problem . The wall is divided into not more
bine with the bendirJg moments. in a way • Editorial Note Ove Arup & Partners than 10 x 10 rectangular pieces which are
precisely similar to that in which shear stresses Technical Paper 4-The determination of the handled in much the same way as the members
combine with direct stresses. to give. at some temperature variation of partially exposed in a framework program. The program has not
angle to the original axes. principal bending columns. byJ. Melling and M. R. Johns. 1967. been completely tested but appears to give
very accurate estimates of deflections. Some
care is needed. however. in the interpretation
of the stresses that are printed . It is proposed
eventually to incorporate wall-!ike elements as
allowable members in the framework programs.
Shell structures by space frameworks
Since the principal forces in shells act along the
surface it should follow from the last section
that a shell roof could not be simulated
71 properly by a space framework. However
there are differences between the two pro-
blems ; in a shell. the in-plane forces are not
the only actions and they change more slowly
than in a wall . Furthermore. a shell designer is
usually satisfied with a less rigorous solution
and is pretty thankful to get stresses which
satisfy equilibrium . At least a space framework
program will give him those.
It is probable therefore that an equivalent frame-
work can be found to represent satisfactorily
a given shell structure. Common sense seems
to be the only guide as to what stiffnesses
should be given to the equivalent members.
Research into this question was started in the
U.S.A. has apparently been dropped in
favour of the finite element approach. Even-
tually, no doubt. a finite element program for
shells will be available to us. Until then. if a
theoretical solution is not known . we can use
either an equivalent space framework or
Alistair Day's method of dynamic relaxation.
This is a general method useful for many types
of structural problem but standard programs
are not available. A new program has to be
written for each type of shell.
Grid frameworks with shear
The framework programs allow for deforma-
tions due to direct thrust as well as bending
and torsion moments, but neglect the de -
flections due to shear forces. A variant of the
grid framework program makes allowance for
shear deformation . This is not a purely aca-
demic exercise for it enables an important type
of member to be represented.
Where bridge decks are cellular but without
transverse stiffening diaphragms. lateral dis-
Fig. 3
tribution of load is effected by only the top and
bottom slabs. They can readily transfer a 11
constant bending moment for this produces analyse or design isolated elements of a Column loading
direct forces in the slabs but shears can only reinforced concrete structure. This program prints out column loads in each
be transferred by bending in the relatively thin The first two are the most useful in that they do lift of a column. allowing for live load reduction
top and bottom slabs. An equivalent member a lot of work for a small amount of data factors and for increasing the loads to cater
has to be used therefore which is very weak preparation . The last four perform rather for bending effects in the way suggested by
in shear. When the soffit slab is sloping, as it elementary operations and are not (especially the Danish Code. The considerable input data
may be near the edge of a bridge deck. two the column loading program) usually worth required includes the finish. live load, thick-
members in series have to be used but they the effort and time involved in getting the ness. length and breadth of all slabs carried by
give a rather rougher approximation to the program and data tape into the machine; the column; the length. depth and breadth of
true structure. although they may prove economical where all beams ; the length and intensity of live loads
This variant would also be worth using for a many elements are being designed together. such as partitions.
grid of latticed beams for which shear deform - The main reason for their existence is that they Column design
ations are often important. The automatic are expected to form parts. eventually. of a
This gives the optimum column size and re-
self-weight facility is not available with this bumper program designing a complete struct-
inforcement to carry a specified axial load.
program . ure. It is visualised that. for such a program. a Apart from allowable stresses. the minimum
comparatively small amount of data would be
Infinitely stiff members for shear and maximum sizes and the preferred steel
required. describing the basic characteristics
walls, folded plates and cellular boxes percentage must be fed in. If no suitable
and dimensions of the building . This could be
column of the allowable dimensions exists
In the framework analysis each member is stored permanently on magnetic tape and
with this steel then the program investigates
represented by a thin straight line. Where an amended as the architect's and other changes
other percentages of reinforcement (above
action applied at the surface of a member are made. This is a long way in the future but 0.4%) . printing out an adverse comment if
would produce a significantly different effect meanwhile some of the component parts of
more than 4% is required.
from one applied at the centre line. a rigid the program are undergoing a probationary
outrigger can be used to represent the condi- testing period . Column footing (rectangular plan
tion 'plane sections remain plane· . The rigid shape design)
Continuous beams
outrigger is a member given section properties This program finds the optimum length and
This program will calculate bending moments width of the footing given: the axial load and
so large that its movements are negligi_ble. It
can be used whenever you have a plate whose and shears (by normal elastic theory) for up the overturning moments in two directions. the
to twelve continuous spans of given rect- column size, the upper and lower limits of the
proportions are such that the ordinary beam
assumptions are valid . It is useful. for instance, angular. L or T-beams, making the 1 5% footing dimensions. and the allowable ground
where a shear wall forms part of a complete adjustment allowed by CP114. pressure. It also prints out enough information
framework as in Fig . 4. Here it would be It then prints out the required areas of tension to determine the actual ground pressure
sensible to give the outriggers the section and compression steel and of shear stirrups distribution. This is not as trivial as it sounds
properties of a storey-height of wall. at the supports. quarter-points of the span. when uplift occurs with bending in two
and at point loads. Compression steel is directions. This program will soon be extended
The same device can be used in three-dimen-
limited to one layer. The original program does to investigate the thickness and reinforcement
sional structures. particularly to represent
not treat the effect of incidental live loading requi(ed.
folded plates provided that each plate can be
rigorously so should be used with care when
satisfactorily approximated by beam theory Retaining wall
the live load is high compared with the dead
and provided that a structural model with load. A revised program will treat live loads This will design a cantilever wall to retain
connections between plates at discrete points exactly but will necessarily prove more expen- Code of Practice earth surcharged by footpath
rather than a continuous connection is
sive to run . H B or HA loadings. It will print out base and
acceptable. It obviously is when there are
Column analysis wall thicknesses. heel and toe widths and the
enough connections . Thus. a folded plate
dimensions of the downstand key (if required)
structure or a cellular box (which is a sort of This program will analyse a given reinforced so as to limit the ground pressure to a specified
folded plate) can be represented by an equi - concrete section under combined bending and value and to give a specified minimum factor
valent space framework . The resulting struct - compression and print out the stresses cal- of safety against sliding . It also yields the
ural model obviously has its drawbacks but culated by elastic theory. Any cross.section actual factors of satetyagainst overturning and
they are probably no greater than those bounded by straight lines (virtually unlimited against a shallow slip failure. and prints out
involved in the usual methods of analysis in number) can be specified so that one useful the bending moments. shears and steel areas
using Fourier series for which. anyway. there application is to bi-axial bending of rect - (elastic theory) throughout the member. It
are no computer programs available to us. angular columns. The program might also be can also be used as an analytical tool to cal-
w orth using to check simple bending of beams culate safety factors and steel areas for a given
Reinforced concrete element, analysis w ith those curiously shaped cross · sections
and design complete profile. The present program will
that one sometimes finds oneself landed with . accept a pre·determined batter of the wall-
Apart from the above programs wh ich deal A modification to this program is proposed so face and will be extended to allow stepped
with the analysis of the structural fram e as a that it will calculate the reinforcement re - thicknesses. With bridge abutments in mind
whole. six programs have been w ritten to quired for given permissible stresses. the future program will cater for vertical or
horizontal loads on the wall .
Steel masts and towers
Rigid out rig ger
These have been developed by Andre Bartak's
group and the Computer Group to allow the
rapid preparation of G.E.C.'s tenders for

microwave lines.

Analysis of guyed masts
This program analyses the effect of wind loads
on a guyed mast with pinned or fixed feet, the
mast being a single member or a three-sided
lattice truss . Apart from displacements the
output includes forces and moments for the

single member mast and stresses in the mem-
bers of the lattice truss. A special version allows
for the effect of torsion due to. say. wind
pressure on eccentric bowl aerials provided
the guys are suitably arranged. The analysis
is complex because allowance has to be made
for non-linear effects such as sag of the guys,
buckling of the mast and eccentric loads on
the mast due to sidesway.
Design of braced microwave towers
"~ .... This will calculate member sizes for towers
which may be triangular on plan with double-
angle or tubular legs or square on plan with
double-angle or equal angle legs. The geo-
metry must be pre-determined, up to three
Fig. 4 lifts with differing leg slopes are permitted,
and the number and type of bracing panels
Miscellaneous programs

t i\ +1 t Simulcaneous equauons
This will solve simultaneous linear equations
I f ~\ ~ I in up to about 100 unknowns wi th any
I+ 1 '11
+'/ I+
\j I ~I
sensible number of right-hand sides. More
unknowns might be acceptable but who is
going to write down more than 10,000
\ I I coefficien ts to find out 7
~\..../4- I / + Propercies of plane seccions
I For any given cross-section that can be split
into rectangles, triangles, circles or comple-
-f\ ...,/4- +
Centres of sltp corcles
ments of a quadrant of an ellipse (to repro-
duce fillets) this will print out the area.
direction of principal axes and the principal
moments of inertia and section moduli .
Concrece cubes
surface This will print out the mean and standard
deviation of a given set of cube-test results
after excluding those results outside a certain
range {this removes the possibility of the date
being included in error) . The program also
records the sums of cube strengths and their
squares. These can later be added to any new
test results thus avoiding the need for storing
Stratum or re-listing the original results.
Perspecttve drawing
For anyone with the hardihood to calculate
and list the co-ordinates of up to 1.000 points.
End point
this will draw on 12 in . wide paper a perspec-
tive drawing of an object from any required
level vantage point. Unfortunately, like all perspect-
tive programs, it is unable to allow for the fact
that near parts of the object may obscure
those parts further away. It is particularly
good at drawing the Durham Footbridge.
Road design package
This collection of programs prepared by
Datum Elliott's will plot a road-alignment to pass
through given points incorporating the nec-
essary transition curves. Given details of the
terrain and allowing for super-elevation, they
Fig . 5
will plot longitudinal and transverse cross-
sections and make the calculations for cut-
and-fill. etc.
must be quoted. Other input data required are approximately above the mid-point of the An additional geometry package due to Arups
the wind speed, positions and diameters of slope. calculates offsets from given chords of the
aerials. additional loads from wave-guides and Two strata of different properties can be used road centre -lin e and of the inner and outer
a series of trial member sizes. and the effect of a water-table included channels.
The program now calculates the wind loading, (stability is calculated on effective stresses). Pert
allowing for shadow effects, and determines The earth mass is divided into any sensible This program due to Elliott's performs a con-
the member forces by a pin-jointed analysis. number of vertical slices of equal width. By ventional network analysis for up to 4,000
A miniature section hand-book stored wi th specifying for each slice the heights above activities and 3,000 events and produces the
the program is then consulted, the member- some datum of the ground surface, strata usual schedule of earliest and latest start dates.
sizes adjusted accordingly and the whole interface and water-table quite complex slopes etc. This could well prove useful for the
process repeated until all the members are can be represented . Not content with this, the organisation of the design and details for a
satisfactory from a load-carrying point of program will. if required, repeat the calcula- complex project if sufficient confidence were
view. Now the rota tion and twist at the top tions for wa ter-tables lowered by specified felt in !he estimated times for the various
are calculated and the leg sizes increased as uniform draw-downs, or for different strength operations. The program includes additional
necessary to ensure that these movements are properties. sorting facilities so that for example, the
below those specified as necessary for efficient A variant of this program is suitable for clays. latest dates of the various architect's details
signal transmission. It takes the angle of friction as zero but allows could be output separately in chronological
values of cohesion varying arbitrarily with order.
Soil mechanics
depth. Elliocc library programs
These programs should be used under the
benevolent eye of an engineer from the Soil Non-circular slip A catalogue in the computer room lists the
Mechanics Group. This is not only because the large number of programs available in the
In this program the factor of safety is calculated
selection of soil strengths contains traps for Elliott library. These are not of course kept at
for an assumed slip surface which can be of
the unwary but also because where the Arups but if required could be obtained with
any shape specified by its height on each slice.
programs call for some estimate of the position a couple of days' delay. The great majority are
As for the circular slip, two strata and a vary -
of the worst slip surface an experienced guess of no interest to the structural engineer and
ing water-table can be considered. The slice
can save a lot of the machine's and the few have been converted for use on a 41 00
widths need not be constant and are best
engineer's time. series machine (although this would not be an
chosen so that the slip surface intersects the
insuperable objection if the program were of
Circular slips water-table and strata interface on the edge of
real value) . Those which might be of use to us
a slice. This is even more a program for the
This program will calculate factors of safety and could be run unmodified on our own
expert, for who else would be rash enough to
against failure of an earth slope as shown in machine deal with such topics as traverse
believe that he had chosen the worst surface.
Fig . 5 by circular slips with various centres and surveys, interpolation, the classical trans-
radii. The centres tested lie on a grid pre- Foundation settlement portation problem. statistics and the analysis
scribed by the data and for each centre the This calculates influence lines for the settle- of experiments.
radii change with given increments below a ment of the surface of a semi-infinite earth mass Elliott Program No. 33 cannot go unmentioned
maximum radius which will pass through a due to unit point load applied to the surface. for this will translate integers into English,
specified end point. From the res ults a contour It then uses these influence values to calcul- French, German. Italian or Swahili and into
diagram of safety factors can be drawn in the ate the settlement under a building applying a Roman figures. No one has yet modified this
grid of centres ; thus one can find either the given loading to the ground. Either elastic, for our computer. perhaps because of the
minimum safety factor or that one has chosen incompressible theory or consolidation theory restrictions of the program. for numbers greater
the grid in the wrong place. As a rough guide can be used. It should be noted that no than 3999 cannot be converted into Roman
the safety factor contours are very often account is taken of the stiffness of the raft or of figures while the largest number that can be
elongated vertically with the minimum lying the building itself. translated into Swahili is 999,999. 13
Have you already done Fig . 1 l llustration of
NO ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.
rough calculations 7 18 steps to be taken
YES to use t he computer
1 by accurate .___..__.Use rough calculations
NO z8 . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, .
Is there a program 10 sui1 J--t>--t Can problem be restated to t-- +-- -t Does problem justify
3 your problem 1 NO 3a fit an existing program? YES 3b a new program 7
_E_s____ NO NO

Is the program economical? o---<>--11 Do
NO 3c .__calculation
____ by _
_ __.

3d Wri 1e new program I
Do you agree that 1ha
5 program method is correc1 7

~~~ in or send to comput·er l -- - - - - - -- 1 -- - - - - - ----t Correct print out


11 c Discuss with computer gro fs input data correct 1

IYES 11•


Proo,.m number
14 . 12. 67

the machine
Charles Wymer
For our purposes the computer is usually just
!fil.ASTIC ANALYSIS OF 2 - D PLANE AND ORID P'RAME.1«)!1KS anot her way of doing sums. It is a cen tral
facility for doing sums in a way analogous to
the Detailing Group. All we need to do is to
The programs are for tbe elastic analysis of r1g1d Jointed 2- 0 frwnewor ks , describe the essen tial data of the problem (data
composed of straignt prtsr.atic niember s , subjected to small det'ornations . sheet). indicate the way in which t he problem
Oiven the physical properties ot' mellJbers together with the loading
condition, 'the programs print out the deforr:ation.s at each Joint , uie is to be solved (the program to be used) and
resultant shears , thrusts and moments at each end of every niember, pass it on to the Computer Group.
and the t:otal reaction for eaoh loadcese . '!hough the programs
essentially dea with rigid joints and straight pr isnntic members , 1t
The way to go about making use of the com-
is possible 1n oases to s.lmulat.e pin Joints at either or eaoh puter is indicated in diagram 1 and each of the
end of a meMber, and also to approximate to non- prismatic and curved steps is explained by the following notes.
members . The progra..-,,s can "1so be used for t.>ie analysis of shear When you have once made use of the computer
walls, raft foundlltions, elat and coffered slabs, etc . by
'their act.ion by an equivalent plane or grid f:t,amewor k as the oase may these steps will be self-evident and reference
be . 'lhe mx1muni ~i2.e of frftmeworka ls : to the diagram or notes will be superfluous.
Machine time is quite expensive and its use
~ ~ Bandwiclth
is not justified where a simple calculati on and
Plane frru!lework 5JJo compatible wi th no . of members 15
approximate results will do. The diagram gives
Orid framework ©a - dit.1:0 - 15 you a few questions to ask yourself. and a few
people to consult before diving into the
2. .ENO!NillUNO ME'IH'.lO A.'lD ASSUM?TIO S business of filling in data sheets .
The framework is assumed to be perfectly elastic and the members to be If you have not yet made use of t he compu ter
straight and of constant cross section between Joints . The equations it would be a valuable exercise to check each
of Joint equilibr ium are formed in terms of the joint displacements
and rotations . Those equations are solved, giving t.>is deflections and
of your structural problems against the dia-
r otations for the load case 1n guest1on . gram until you find one that is suitable. and
then use it. Suspend judgement of its value
The internal forces a.nd mo:nents are c.alcUlated from these deflections until you have made use of it for three or four
and routtons, ciaidng adjustments tor l.nitial meC'lber loads .
Because ot' the method used by the prol!:l")m 1t 1s very simple and cheap
to oltrry out severel load calculations for a given structure .

The elastic assumption is not dl.r1!ctly applicable to concret:e

str uctures and care need.a to be exercised in interpreting results,
par tlcularly the torsions when the program ts used to eimulaui a flat
slab .

~ Ee.ndwidth Loadoases Cost

179 9 1 £))
10 l .cJ.4

Fig . 2 Heading page

of the program specification
for the frameworks programs
'! 4

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