Lesson Plan Template Post-Basic Instructor Certification Course

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Lesson Plan Template

Post-Basic Instructor Certification Course

Instructor’s Name: Maren Sibai School/Department: CALTC - CE

Class Number: (ARAB 3096) Date: 4/18/2021
Number of Students: 5 FLOs content areas: Listening, Reading, Speaking
Supervisor’s Name: Jadranka Kalenjuk Topic of Lesson: Marriages of Displaced Syrian
Proficiency Level (ILR R/L/S): (i.e. 2/2+/2) Week of Instruction: 3

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Analyze an authentic listening audio about noting marriages of displaced Syrian refugees and then
engage in a debate using the new information, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.
2. Create a pamphlet addressing a procedural challenge faced by displaced Syrian refugee.

Tim Lesson Phases and Actions Materials

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15  Students starts with watching a short video by clicking on this link: YouTube
min Please Click Me, then the instructor will tap on their prior knowledge through MS Teams
asking them to answer the following:
1. In your opinion, what is the intention of posting this video by this person?
2. Based on what you just watched, predict the content of the main video you are
about to watch.
3. Based on your cultural knowledge, is marriage in Syria a civil or a religious one?
4. For Syrians who get married outside Syria, do you think they need to note their
marriage with the Syrian government? Why or why not?
5. Complete the attached graphic organizer with the meaning of the listed
min  The instructor will introduce the new vocabulary students will encounter
through a KAHOOT interactive game to get students engaged and motivated.


min YouTube
 Based on their proficiency level, students will be divided into two groups and
MS Teams
assigned to MS Teams breakout rooms.
 Group A will watch the first half of this video for two times only (from 00:00 –
01:05), while group B will watch the second half of it (from 01:05 – 2:51).

 Group A, with higher proficiency level, will answer the following set of questions:

A. What learning strategies did you use to understand the main ideas and get the
supporting details?
B. Do you think the language used by the speaker is formal or informal? Why do you
think so? Provide examples from the listening to support your conclusion.
C. What is the background story of Mohammad? Please elaborate.
D. What was he told when he visited the consulate to register his newborn daughter?
What do you think that make him feel?
E. Compare the policy and procedure requested in Syria with those of the United
States in respect to this issue. Which ones you believe to be more complicated and
why is that?
F. Is there a difference in the type of marriage between Turkey and Syria? Please
explain in details.
G. How would you justify the initial reaction of Mohammad upon facing difficulties in
registering his marriage in Syria?

 Group B, with lower proficiency level, will answer the following set of questions:

A. Summarize what this video was about.

B. Mohammad eventually decided to note his marriage in Syria, what do you think his
motive was?
C. From the speaker’s perspective, what are the consequences of not registering the
marriage in Syria?
D. Do you think those were legitimate concerns? Please explain why.
E. Would you recommend that Syrians living abroad should update their marital status
with the Syrian government? Explain and support your opinion.
F. Based on context, provide the meaning of the following words and expressions:

# ‫الكلمات‬ ‫المعنى‬
1 ‫هللا رزقني‬  
2 ‫فسخ العقد‬  
3 ‫انتصب عليه‬
4 ‫تمم‬  
min  Students regroup in the main classroom meeting and instructor will check their
answers and provide feedback.

min Break: Class will have 10 minutes break.
min Debate:

Students will engage in a debate discussing the following topic:

In a country with such rich culture and such diverse religions, sects and ethnics, debate
whether marriage should be religious, civil, or both. In your opinion, what do you think
the pros and cons of getting rid of religious marriage in Syria are?

min Task: Opinion presentation
MS Teams
You are stationed in Jordan working with the United Nation High Commissioner for Class
Refugees (UNHCR). In observance to the World Refugees Day, the world organization is Notebook
planning to conduct a series of workshops and seminars in Al Zaatari camp for Syrian PowerPoi
refugees near the borders between Jordan and Syria. The goal of these mini sessions is nt
to raise awareness among the habitants of the refugee camp about some of the issues
pertaining to their current situation.
Being familiar with the Syrian crisis as well as with the Syrian civil law, your supervisor
tasked you to create a pamphlet in Arabic for locals that explains to the Syrian refugees
why it is important for them to note all their newly-occurring marital status changes and
other life-changing events (new born, death…etc.) with the Syrian government state
offices even though they are currently displaced outside the country.

 Students will work in pairs.

 Students will be provided with a rubric for this task.
 They will be given 20 minutes to work on their task.
 Once done, all students meet and present their final product to class.

Formative Assessment:
The instructor will provide feedback based on observation throughout the lesson and
when needed.

5 Summative Assessment:
min  The instructor will provide overall feedback on students' performance and
 Students will be asked to complete peer, self, and course assessment at the end
of class via Google Forms.

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