1989 Mises Institute Round-Up

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1989 Year End Round-up

From the
Ludwig von Mises Institute
In 1989, as in our previous six years, we offered famous monetary expert, Professor David Meisel-
a wide array of programs in the academic, policy, and man. Student Amy Marshall supervises the collo
popular arenas—all to promote the thought of Lud quium at UNLV and assists Professor Murray N.
wig von Mises, the "Austrian" school of economics, Rothbard with his history of economic thought mag
the free market, private property, individual liberty, num opus; student Parth Shah runs the colloquium
and sound money. at Auburn; student Mark Hughes finished a book on
To our generous individual Members in all 50 the economics of charity to be published by the
states and 49 foreign countries, and to the farseeing Fraser Institute; and student Jeffrey A. Tucker super
foundations and businesses that join them, we say vises Fertig Center programs, and is managing editor
Thank You for making this all possible. of The Free Market. And this year we had the pleasure
of seeing our former student, George Selgin, join the
To keep faith with our ideals and with our do faculty of the University of Georgia, and another
nors, we strive to be effective and principled, and to former student, Mark Thornton, join the faculty of
do a lot with a little. If you like what you read in this Auburn University as O. P. Alford III Adjunct Assis
precis of 1989, please help as much as you can. We tant Professor of Austrian Economics, just the first
refuse to accept government funding and our uncom- of what we hope will be a number of similar profes
ince ^recUides-establishment financial sorships. Please^see page 7 for a list of just some of
backing, so we depend on those people who believe the schools whose students and teachers we helped
in individual liberty and the free market, and who this academic year.
oppose government meddling in our economy. Every
tax-deductible dollar sent to the Institute goes a long
way—as you will see:
tudents Two:

Money, Method, and the Market Process—This

One: new collection of little-known and unpublished arti
This year, Institute Members made it possible for cles by Ludwig von Mises has just rolled off the
us to aid directly 160 top free-market students. An presses. Compiled by Margit von Mises and edited
additional 2,140 students received free books and by Richard Ebeling, it is the best one-volume com
other help. The students chosen by the Institute are pendium of Mises's thought. Included are 21 essays
proven quantities, anxious to dedicate their lives to on philosophy and methodology, money and the
teaching and research in the free market. Our help business cycle, along with ringing defenses of lib
enables them to advance to their utmost potential. erty, Western civilization, free trade, and the free
These bright students will go on—as a number already market. Many of the articles shed new light on as
have—to teach others about the free market. They will pects of Mises's thought. One section, for example,
exert an influence for good for decades into the future. shows Mises's understanding of the dynamic that
Some highlights: our student Peter Klein (Uni unites pressure groups and politicians in a conspir
acy against the public.
versity of California, Berkeley) worked as an assis
tant to Professor William Bartley on the collected Human Action is Mises's masterpiece, but at 900
works of F. A. Hayek. So outstanding was his work pages it is a formidable task. There has long been a
that Professor Bartley asked him to edit one of the pressing need for a more portable collection of
forthcoming volumes! Our student Richard Hite (Vir Mises's economic theory and policy. That's the void
ginia Polytechnic) was appointed an assistant to the filled by Money, Method, and the Market Process.

Year End Round-up, 1989 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Three: scholarlyjournal devoted to the advancement of the
Nearing completion is an important collection Austrian school. Included in this year's issue are a
of essays called The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises, series of pathbreaking articles, including Murray
edited by Institute president Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Rothbard on the role of millennialist heresies in
Jr. A companion volume to the new book by Mises, Marxism, Ralph Raico on German liberalism, Joseph
it provides an overview of his thought on econom Salerno's new interpretation of Mises's theory of
ics, ethics, history, politics, sociology, and philoso economiccalculation;ThomasDiLorenzoonthe sub
phy. The volume grew out of a Mises Institute jectivism of James Buchanan; Hans-Hermann Hoppe
conference at Pace University. Contributors, among on free-market banking institutions and how govern
others, include Murray N. Rothbard, Roger W. Garri ment subverts them, and Jeffrey Rogers Hummel on
son, Israel Kirzner, Joseph Salerno, Walter Block, public goods and national defense.
Leland Yeager, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Kluwer Academic Publishers will prepare a
hardbound edition for libraries and a paperback for
Four: general distribution at a much more affordable price.
In the same status is an important book called
The Federal Reserve: History, Economics, Politics, ed Eight:
ited by Lew Rockwell. Like all of the Institute's pub The Free Market Reader is lively, informative,
lications, this book will take a non-wishy-washy and hardhitting. One student from Texas said he
position for the abolition of the Fed and the estab "devoured it like dessert." It has been praised by
lishment of a real gold standard. popular and academic audiences alike, and it was an
alternate selection of the Conservative Book Club.
Five: Richard B. Bleiberg wrote in the Laissez-Faire Re
One of Mises's most important essays is "Eco view that the Free Market Reader is a "primer on
nomic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth,'' freedom market economics in plain English! Until
written in 1920. It first showed that socialism is recently the only title worth recommending was
impossible, since it must fail to rationally allocate Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. Now, a
resources. Today, even Eastern European govern second title has arrived." It has also been adopted
ment officials recognize that Mises was right. To as a college and secondary text.
commemorate the intellectual collapse of socialism, "National Review said of the Free Market Reader
and Mises's foretelling of it, the Mises Institute will that they wished they "could describe it without
republish this essay in monograph-form, ~~ — a^n-g^fch^-R-woTdr because to say tt-*s *aJbmrt—
economics' will immediately repel some readers
Six: who assume that the subject must be boring, tech
We have been pleased by the reception for Man, nical, or beyond their ken. In fact, it is thoroughly
Economy, and Liberty, the 423-page collection of es lively, in the spirit of one of its patron saints, Henry
says celebrating the life and work of Murray N. Hazlitt. What it does unremittingly is to connect
Rothbard, published by the Ludwig von Mises Insti economics with politics and ethics."
tute this year. Even given the book's massive scope— Because of the demand, we are preparing The
economics, history, philosophy, politics—it doesn't Free Market Reader II. It will contain more of same:
touch on all of the contributions that Rothbard has fascinating, hardcore, cutting-edge articles by Mur
made, and continues to make, in these fields and ray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Joe Sobran, Doug
others. Bandow, Jim Bovard, Tom Bethell, and many others.
Said the National Review: "Ludwig von Mises
and Murray N. Rothbard are godfathers to a whole Nine:
new school of economists who not only make the Hans-Hermann Hoppe's A Theory of Socialism
dismal science sing," but who also "are doing the and Capitalism, published by Kluwer Academic
bulk of principled thinking on government today." Publishers and the Mises Institute, is being trans
Rothbard, who "makes Ayn Rand look like a Tory" lated into Korean and will be published by the
has "a free-wheeling way of exploding ideas you Economic Research Institute of the Federation of
didn't realize you held." Scholars in Europe and Latin Korean Industrialists, the biggest non-profit orga
America also hailed the book, with a scholarly jour nization in South Korea. They are convinced that it
nal in Argentina published by the free-market ESE- is just the book to refute Marxists and Keynesians
ADEgraduate school translating many of the papers. in Korea's universities and mass media.
The first edition of A Theory of Socialism and
Seven: Capitalism sold out. Kluwer is bringing out a second
The Review of Austrian Economics IV is now edition, and it will soon come out in Portuguese as well.
available. This year's volume continues to uphold (We're waiting for an East German edition, however!)
the tradition of scholarship in Austrian economics Also, six of Murray Rothbard's books are being trans
that the Review is known for, as the world's only lated into French by a major publisher.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute Year End Round-up, 1989

Ten: regulation, unions, the imperial judiciary, the eco
The Free Market newsletter is an 8-page monthly nomics of the drug war, government-subsidized
of growing influence, with its articles reprinted in arts, a constitutional amendment against flag burn
more and more newspapers. Why the success? Be ing, gun control, the S&L bailout, and many other
cause we promote ideas others won't touch. Who else controversies.
calls for shutting down the World Bank, the Interna
tional Trade Commission, NASA, the public school Fifteen:
monopoly, the Federal Reserve, government AIDS re Using library research organizations such as
search, the income tax, the drug war, the farm pro ERIC and the Business Index, the Institute will be
gram, the New Deal, the Great Society, and all "civil distributing its publications electronically to more
rights" schemes? The Free Market is unique. If you than 750 academic and public libraries. Our publica
have friends or business associates who might enjoy tions will also be available to more than 2,000 insti
a sample issue, please drop us a note. tutional subscribers to online database retrieval
We're thinking of expanding TheFree Marketinto services.
a longer newsletter, or even a magazine, so that we
can carry more articles and book reviews. What do
you think? Drop us a note with your ideas.
The Austrian Economics Newsletter is published Sixteen:
by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and edited by Mark It is difficult to say which of our programs is the
Thornton of Auburn University with help from our most important, but the highly acclaimed summer
graduate students. It can be counted on, issue after "Mises University" sponsored by our O.P. Alford III
issue, to deliver new ideas and new applications of Center surely ranks at the top. Every year at Stanford
Austrianism to method, theory, policy, and history, University we offer a comprehensive program for
plus book reviews, commentary, and news. students that teaches and advances studies in Aus
The Winter 1989 issue of the AEN included arti
trian thought. This year more than 350 students
cles by George Selgin on note issue under free bank sought to attend, but since we wanted to keep our
ing, Murray N. Rothbard on the failure of free banking student-faculty ratio at 1-10, we could only accept
in Chile. Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the European Cur 130. (Did you see our special report on the Stanford
rency Unit, and Vdfi bl book reviews (we'cali them Conference? If notj drop us-a-rrote^-Applications are
"Book Bites"). The Spring/Summer issue featured an already arriving for "Mises University 1990." Write us
article by Don Bellante on subjectivism and govern if you are interested.
ment intervention in the labor market, Leland Yeager The "Mises University" is unique in size, structure,
on the European Currency Unit, and lots of confer and content. It offers well over 50 separate classes
ence reports and book reviews. covering a range of fields within Austrian economics
including: monetary theory, the gold standard, capital
Twelve: theory, interest rates, the structure of production, the
The Mises Institute's book catalog is called The business cycle, banking theory, microeconomics, mac
Economics of Freedom because it does more than roeconomics, Keynesianism, financial markets, futures
advertise books; it also teaches economics. (We markets, neoclassical theory, philosophical foundations
never pass up an opportunity to do that!) Our new of Austrian thought, methodology, the role of theory and
catalog features more books, including F. A. Hayek history, utility and welfare theory, economic calculation,
on the business cycle, for which he received the industrial organization and antitrust, entrepreneurship,
Nobel Prize. Also included are helpful short biogra interventionism, international trade, privatization,
phies of the Austrian giants. the nature of government growth, Marxism, the role
of mathematics, and bureaucratic management. We
Thirteen: even offer writing seminars at the Mises University,
You'll soon be receiving an attractive new Institute since Austrian thinking is expressed in narrative
brochure written by Washington journalist Joseph Ben language rather than mathematics.
Mathias. If you want more copies, let us know. Says F. Obviously, no one student can take all the courses
A. Hayek: "I am heartened by the splendid work of the (26 periods is the most a student can cram into a week).
Ludwig von Mises Institute," which "imparts the ideas But the variety is there so the student can focus his or
of liberty as my great teacher did." her energies into a particular area. Since no two stu
dents of Austrian economics are at the same level of
Fourteen: advancement, we offer three levels in most fields: in
The Institute's vibrant op-ed programs sends free- troductory, intermediate, and advanced. This way we
market editorials to hundreds of newspapers on a regu can accommodate everyone from freshmen under
lar basis. Some of the subjects include government graduates to graduate students in their last year.

Year End Round-up, 1989 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

One of the most exciting aspects of the "Mises Mises Institute in Fairfax, Virginia, near George
University" is the chance to meet and learn from world- Mason University, again sponsored policy seminars
class Austrian scholars. For 1990, we will be expanding at the Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium in
the faculty and the number of classes offered. And we Washington, D.C. One journalist noted that "attend
are including special seminars in the evenings that ing a Mises Institute seminar in Washington is like
offer an in-depth treatment of a wide range of topics. hearing a Bach cantata during the intermission at a
The professors for the Mises University 1990 Fine Young Cannibals concert."
are: Murray N. Rothbard, University of Nevada, Las Constitutional scholar Dr. Edwin J. Vieira de
Vegas-, Robert Batemarco, Marymount College; Walter scribed the push for a world-central bank and global
Block, Fraser Institute; Williamson Evers, Hoover Insti inflation, and why the U.S. Constitution is the key to
tution; Roger Garrison, Auburn University; David Gor sound money; gun-control expert Dr. Stephen P.
don, Ludwig von Mises Institute; Jeffrey Herbener, Halbrook spoke on why tyrannical governments al
Washington and Jefferson College; Robert Higgs, Seat ways want to disarm the public; Joseph Sobran of
tle University; Hans-Hermann Hoppe, University of National Review discussed why "commitment to
Nevada, Las Vegas; Sheldon Richman, Institute for principle" is the key to victory; and Tom Bethell of
Humane Studies; Joseph Salerno, Pace University; the American Spectator spoke on how the supply
George Selgin, University of Georgia; Mark Skousen, siders overlooked the importance of private prop
Rollins College; Mark Thornton, Auburn University; erty. All are published in our WorkingPaper series.
and Deborah Walker, Loyola University.
The Austrian Economics Colloquium, held
"Keynes and Keynesianism" was the subject of a
weekly at Auburn University, is an active source of
conference sponsored by Dr. Mark Skousen and the
intellectual stimulation for students, faculty, and
Ludwig von Mises Institute's O.P. Alford III Center. John
local Members. Here are some of the topics and
Maynard Keynes is the founding father of the unceas
speakers that appeared at the colloquium this year:
ing federal debt, government intervention, and infla
Professor Sudha Shenoy of the University of Newcas
tion that plague us. Held at Harvard University, April tle, Australia; Professor Karl Socher of the Carl Men-
28-29, 1989, the conference attracted more than 140
ger Institute in Vienna, Austria; Professor Randall G.
participants and generated many outstanding papers
Holcombe of Florida State University; and Dr. Don
that will be collected into a book edited by Dr. Skousen. Boudreaux, formenMises fellow. nnw-inJawschoo/ at•
Dr. Skousen presented fwo papers, "A History of the University of Virginia.
Anti-Keynesian Doctrines," and "Keynes and the
Anti-Savings Mentality"; Dr. David Gordon of the Lud
wig von Mises Institute discussed "The Philosophi
cal Foundations of Keynesianism"; Professor Roger Our center at the University of Nevada, Las
Garrison of Auburn University presented "Income- Vegas, rounded out its year of interdisciplinary col-
Expenditure Analysis and the Chicago School: Why loquia with Professor Robert Higgs of Seattle Univer
Milton Friedman is a Keynesian"; Professor Don sity, author of Crisis and Leviathan and an adjunct
Bellante of the University of South Florida examined scholar of the Mises Institute, speaking on how gov
the "Post-Keynesians and Neo-Keynesians"; Profes ernment grows.
sor Hans-Hermann Hoppe of the University of Ne
vada, Las Vegas presented "Keynes vs. Mises"; Twenty-One:
Professor Jeffrey Herbener of Washington and Jeffer
Socialism is intellectually kaput. But what will
son College gave a devastating presentation of "Mod
economic life be like in the post-socialist world? If
ern Myths of Keynesian Economics"; Professor present trends continue, the West will become more
Joseph Salerno of Pace University linked bad mone
bureaucratized. That's why the Institute is planning a
tary theories and the current state of the world in conference on "Bureaucracy: Political Economy in the
"Keynesianism and World Inflation"; and Professor Post-Socialist World." No Austrian conference has been
Murray N. Rothbard asked and answered the ques organized to address the subject, even though Mises
tions "Keynes the Man: Hero or Villain?" wrote a book on it. Among the topics to be covered:
An economist in the audience said "the Institute economic calculation and bureaucracy; the rise of bu
did a remarkable job with this conference. It covered reaucracy in the U.S.; bureaucratic expansion and
lots of ground and did so thoroughly and defini growth; bureaucracy vs. the private sector; bureau
tively." An MIT student asked, "why was it so short?" cracy in corporate America; bureaucracy vs. entrepre-
A Harvard student wondered why her professors had neurship; prospects and barriers in dismantling
"not exposed me to this kind of thinking." bureaucracy; and more. And the conference will result
in a book. Ifyou agree that bureaucracy is a problem too
Eighteen: often ignored by economists, and would like to support
This year the Lawrence Fertig Center of the or attend this conference, let us hear from you.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute Year End Round-up, 1989

Twenty-two: One highlight was Rockwell's second appear
"Religion and the History of Economic Thought" ance on CNN's Crossfire with Pat Buchanan and Tom
is the subject of another planned conference. Every Braden, to debate energy policy with a Ralph Nader
major religious movement since the founding of sidekick. Pat Buchanan reports that CNN received
Christendom can find its world-view, for good or evil, more calls from that one show than any other in
reproduced in economic movements. The major fig recent memory "and they were 100% pro-Rockwell."
ures in the history of thought—the Spanish Scholas Lew also made a third Crossfire appearance and
tics, the Laissez-Faire Frenchmen, Adam Smith, Karl made many speeches including one at Jim
Marx, the Austrians, John Maynard Keynes—all were Blanchard's investment conference in October.
influenced by religious traditions. How? And what Rockwell's writings have appeared in more than
strains of theological thought have been most con 25 publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the
ducive to the economics of liberty? Washington Times, the Orange CountyRegister, Chroni
We have been warned that nothing like this has cles, The New American, Sound Money Investor, the
ever been attempted, probably because of the mod Justice Times, National Review, Personal Investing
ern tendency to belittle the role of religion in history. News, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer. And an article in
Ifyou would like to help us open a whole new field of the WSJ by Greg Kaza lauded the Mises Institute as one
study, earmark your contribution for "Religion and of the few organizations criticizing the corrupt Depart
the History of Economic Thought." ment of Housing and Urban Development before the
scandals broke.
Henry Hazlitt is one of the giants of Austrian eco Twenty-six:
nomics. His Economics in One Lesson brought sound La Figaro, France's most important and well-
economic thinking to millions and his contributions to read weekly, published a major and very lengthy
understanding the fallacies of Keynesianism are un profile of Murray Rothbard this year. It summarized
countable. Tragically, this courageous author of 25 his contributions to economics, history, politics,
books and thousands of articles is too often over and philosophy. The article is part of a series on the
looked and his creative genius underestimated. world's most important advocates of liberty, which
The Ludwig von Mises Institute would like to will be published as part of a book.
change that. To ensure his legacy will be preserved
Jorthe next generation, the.JnslituteJs_organizing^_ Twenty-seven:
major conference on his life and work. It will include Forbes Magazine published a major profile on
a look at Hazlitt as economist, philosopher, journal Rothbard and Austrian economics by Peter Brimelow.
ist, and literary critic. We hope to publish the papers It noted that he "is to the libertarian right of Milton
in a book, along with the massive bibliography of Friedman" and "his audience is growing." Forbes
Henry Hazlitt (5,500 citations!) compiled by Mises dubbed Rothbard the "Happy Warrior of American
Institute graduate student Jeff Tucker. The volume economics" and said that Austrian economics "has
would be called "Henry Hazlitt: Giant of Liberty." If been attracting increasing attention in a world grown
you agree that Henry Hazlitt deserves more recogni weary of government intervention's failures."
tion, earmark your special contribution to "The
Henry Hazlitt Fund." Twenty-eight:
Richard Band's Personal Finance, 100,000 circu
Twenty-four: lation, ran a "Salute to Lu—and to Lew": "Ludwigvon
The Institute is being certified by the Interna Mises (affectionately known to his wife, Margit, as
tional Board of Financial Planners, Inc., so that our 'Lu') was probably the century's greatest free-mar
programs will earn continuing education credits in ket economist" and "Lew Rockwell, president of the
economics for certified financial planners. Ludwig von Mises Institute, is carrying the great
man's educational mission forward. In fact, the Insti
tute deserves much of the credit for the recent
groundswell of interest in the ideas of the Austrian
M ises in the Media school of economics, to which Mises belonged."
Twenty-five: Twenty-nine:
This year Institute president Lew Rockwell took Other publications where Mises was mentioned
an even higher profile in the media, speaking on include The Economist, the Christian Science Monitor,
everything from earthquakes to socialism, from fi The New Republic, Visao (Brazil's Newsweek), and
nancial markets to unions. He made more than 350 Time Magazine. All this attention has helped gener
radio and TV appearances this year alone! And more ate an avalanche of inquiries. We have been mailing
than 20 radio stations have asked him to be a regular about 200 information packets every week. The word
commentator on economics and government. is spreading!

Year End Round-up, 1989 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

E ntrepreneur's Council A cademic Staff
Thirty-one: Thirty-two:
The Entrepreneur's Council of the Mises Insti The academic staff of the Institute contribute
tute brings together outstanding businessmen com their scholarly input to the advancement of Austrian
mitted to the principles and the practice of the free economics, under the direction of Professor
market. The members are: Rothbard. They are:

Roger Arnold Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Burton S. Blumert Robert D. Love University ofNevada, University ofNevada,
California Kansas Las Vegas Las Vegas
0. P. Alford, 01 J. J. Mahoney Dominick Armentano Edward L. Hudgins
Texas South Carolina HeritageFoundation
Deborah R. Ayers J. William MiddendorfJ Charles W. Baird Kurt Leube
Maryland ' Washington, D. C. California State Hoover Institution
Michael Baybak A. Minis, Jr., University, Hayward Tibor Machan
California Georgia Auburn University
Bruce Bartlett
James U. Blanchard, III David H. Padden U.S TreasuryDepartment Gary North
Louisiana Illinois American Bureau of
Don Bellante
F. Joseph Bradley Tyson E. Poppell Universityof'SouthFlorida Economic Research
Maryland Texas David Osterfeld
Walter Block
Douglas R. Casey Donald M. Rembert Fraser Institute St. Josephs College
Virginia Joe Cobb William Peterson
Robert T. Dofflemyer James M. Rodney U. S. Congress Campbell University
California Ralph Raico
Michigan Thomas DiLorenzo
Bert Dohmen-Ramirez State University
Catherine D. Roland Universityof Tennes
Alabama see at Chattanooga College at Buffalo
William A. Dunn Lawrence Reed
Howard J. Ruff Richard Ebeling
Florida Mackinac Center
California Hillsdale College
Kenneth J. Gerbino Sheldon Richman
California John L. Ryan Robert B. Ekelund
Institute forHumane
Indiana,_, _, ...... _Auburn University
Robert D. Kephart "' Studies
Florida Howard Segermark Williamson Evers
Joseph Salerno
Washington, D. C. Hoover Institution
Pace University
David H. Keyston
California Raleigh L. Shaklee Roger Garrison Mark Skousen
California Auburn University
H. F.Langenberg Rollins College
Missouri Mark Skousen David Gordon
Barry Smith
Florida Mises Institute
Hugh E. Ledbetter InternationalAcademy
Oklahoma Thomas Taylor Steve Hanke ofPhilosophy,
Lewis E. Lehrman Massachusetts. JohnsHopkins University Liechtenstein
New York Robert F. Hebert Thomas C. Taylor
Auburn University WakeForest University
Jeffrey Herbener Mark Thornton
Washingon and Auburn University
JeffersonCollege Leland B. Yeager
M edia Fellows Robert Higgs Auburn University
Seattle University Edwin Vieira, Jr.
Thirty: Randall G. Holcombe National Alliance for
FloridaState University Constitutional Money.
The Ludwig von Mises Institute's Media Fellows
contribute literary talents and knowledge of how ideas
can be made accessible to a wide audience. They are:
Tom Bethell,Washington editor, TheAmerican Spectator, M ore about Austrian
M. Stanton Evans, syndicated columnist;
Graeme B. Littler, financial editor, American Press Economics
Bradley Miller, head of editorial services, the Heri Thirty-three:
tage Foundation; The Boston Globe wrote that "Poles evince
William Murchison, editorial page editor, TheDallas more impassioned commitment to the logic of free
MorningNews; markets than the Westerners," and especially influ
Howard Phillips, chairman, the Conservative Caucus; ential have been "Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich
Joseph Sobran, senior editor, TheNationalReview. von Hayek."

The Ludwig von Mises Institute Year End Round-up, 1989

I nstitute Officers, Advisors, S chools Where We've
and Staff Helped
Thirty-four: Thirty-five:
Margit von Mises, chairman From a student letter: "As a student which the Mises
John V. Denson Patricia Heckman Institute has helped, Iwould like to express my gratitude
vice chairman vice president, confer for the newsletters and publications which I've received,
Burton S. Blumert ences and membership and—of course—the opportunity to hear Drs. Rothbard,
chairman, Lianne Araki
executive committee office manager Hoppe, Garrison, and Gordon at last year's MisesConfer
F. A Hayek Norma Marchman
ence has done a great deal to make me a better student of
board ofadvisors director ofpublic relations economics and—I hope—a more effective advocate of
Henry Hazlitt Mardelle Orr Austrian economics. Also, knowing that there is an active
board ofadvisors controller and growing Austrian movement is extremely encourag
Ellice McDonald Judith F. Thommesen ing to me. So I say thank you to the Mises Institute!"
board ofadvisors managing editor,
Ron Paul scholarly publications
board ofadvisors Mark Thornton
Murray N. Rothbard Auburn University
board of advisors and academic coordinator Thirty-six:
vicepresident, Jeffrey A. Tucker Here are some—but not all!—of the colleges and
academic affairs managing editor,
LlewellynH.Rockwell, Jr. The Free Market. universities where we were able to help students and
president teachers in 1989, thanks to Institute Members:

Allegheny College Bryn Mawr College University, Korea Framingham State College John Carroll University
Allentown College Bucknell University Christendom College Francis Marion College Johns Hopkins University
American International CBN University The Citadel Franklin and Marshall Juanita College
College California Institute of City College of New York College Kansas State University
American University Technology, Pasadena City University of Seattle Free University, Kennesaw College
Amherst College California State Polytechnic The Netherlands
Claremont College Kent State University
Andrews University Institute, Pomona Frostburg State College
Clark University Kenyon College
Anna Maria College California State University, George Mason University
Clearwater Christian Kobe University, Japan
-Bakeraficld- urge-Washington
^AppalachianState University" College TCutztown University
California State University, University
Arizona State University Clemson University Lake Erie College
Chico Georgetown University
Arkansas Technical Clinch Valley College Lake Forest School of
California State University, Georgia Institute of
University Colby College Management
Fresno Technology
Asbury College Colgate University Lehigh University
California State University, Georgia Southern University
Ashland College Fullerton Lehman College
College of Boca Raton Georgia State University
Assumption College California State University, Lemoyne College
College of the Holy Cross Golden Gate University
Auburn University Hayward Leyden University,
College of the Southwest Graceland College
Auburn University, California State University, The Netherlands
Montgomery Long Beach College ofWilliam and Mary Grove City College
Liberty University
Augsburg College California State University, Columbia University Hamilton College
Linfield College
Babson College Los Angeles Columbus College Hampshire College
Long Island University
Baldwin Wallace College California State University, Connecticut College Hampden-Sydney College
Northridge Louisiana State University
Bar-Dan University, Israel Cornell University Harding University
Louisiana TechnicalUniversity
California State University, Dartmouth College Harvard University
Bates College Sacramento Loyola University
Baylor University DePaul University Harvey Mudd College
California State University, LoyolaMarymount University
Belhaven College Stanislaus
Drake University Haverford College
Lund University, Sweden
Bellarmine College Cameron University Drexel University Hillsdale College
Macalester College
Bellevue College Campbell University Duke University Hobart College
Manhattanville College
Belmont Abbey College Carleton College Eastern Carolina University Hofstra University
Marine Military Academy
Benedictine College Carleton University, Canada Eastern College Howard University
Marquette University
Bennington College Carnegie Mellon University Eastern Illinois University Howard Payne University
Marsielles University,
Bethany College Case Western Reserve Eastern Oregon State Humboldt State University France
Bishop College University University Hunter College Marymount College
Bloomfield College Catholic University Elizabethtown College Huntington College Marymount University
Boise State University Centenary College Emory University Idaho State University Massachusetts Institute of
Boston College Center for Economic ESEADE, Argentina Illinois Institute ofTechnology Technology
Boston University Studies, Guatemala Felician College Illinois State University McGill University, Canada
Bowdoin College Central State University Fitchburg State College Indiana State University McNeese State University
Bowling Green State Centre College Florida Atlantic University Indiana University Memphis State University
University Cerritos College FloridaInstitute ofTechnology Indiana Wesleyan University Merced College
Brandeis University Chaminade University Florida State University ITES, Monterrey, Mexico Mercer University
Brigham Young University Chapman College Foot Hills College Ithaca College Mercyhurst College
Brown University Chonnam National Fordham University Jacksonville University Merrimack College

Year End Round-up, 1989 The Ludwig von Mises Institute

MetropolitanState University Saint Leo College Trinity College University of Indonesia University of Texas, Dallas
Miami University Saint Louis University Trinity Evangelical Divinity University of Iowa University of Toledo
Michigan Christian College Saint Mary's College, School University of Kansas University of Toronto,
Middlebury College California Trinity University University of Kentucky Canada
Millsaps College Saint Mary's College, Troy State University University of Lancaster,
Maryland University of Trier,
Mississippi State University Tufts University England West Germany
Mobile College Saint Mary's College, Tulane University University of Lowell,
Minnesota University of Tulsa
Monmouth College Tuskegee Institute Massachusetts
Saint Mary's College, Texas University of Utah
Montana State University Tyne Polytechic University, University of Maine
Saint Mary's College, England University of Manchester, University ofVermont
Montclair State College Scotland
U.S. Naval Academy England University ofVictoria,
Moscow State University, Saint Mary's University, Canada
USSR U.S. Naval Postgraduate University of Maryland
Nova Scotia
School University ofMassachusetts, University of the Virgin
Mount Holyoke College Saint Olaf College
Universidad Francisco Amherst Islands
Muhlenberg College Salem State College Marroquin, Guatemala University ofMassachusetts, University ofVirginia
New Mexico Highlands Salisbury State College Universidad Interamericana, Boston
University University ofWashington
Sam Houston State Puerto Rico University of Melbourne,
New MexicoStateUniversity University Australia
University ofWest Florida
Universiteit van Port
Newport College Samford University Elizabeth, South Africa University of Miami University ofWisconsin
New York University San Diego State University University College, Belize University of Michigan University ofWitwaterstand,
Nichols College University College, Ireland South Africa
San Jose State University University of Minnesota
Nicholls State University Santa Clara University University College, Spain University of Mississippi University ofWyoming
North Carolina State
Sarah Lawrence College University of Akron University of Missouri Utah State University
University University of Alabama
SSDS, Italy University of Montana Utica College
North Dakota State University of Alabama,
Seattle University University of Montevallo Valdosta State University
University Birmingham
Seton Hall University University of Montreal, Valparaiso University
North Texas State University ofAlaska Canada
University Siena College Vanderbilt University
University ofArizona University of Nebraska,
Northeastern University Sierra Nevada College Vassar College
University ofArkansas Omaha
Northwest College Simmons College VUlanova University
University of Birmingham, University of Nevada, Las
Northwest Missouri State Simon Fraser University, England Vegas Vincennes University
University Canada
University of Buckingham, University ofNew Hampshire Virginia Commonwealth
Northwestern University Skidmore College England University of New Mexico University
Northern Illinois University Slippery Rock State College University of California, University of New Orleans Virginia Military Institute
Northern Montana College Smith College Berkeley
University ofNorth Carolina, Virginia Polytechnic
Northwestern College South Dakota State University of California, Asheville
Northwood Institute University Davis
University ofNorth Carolina,
Southern Connecticut University ofCalifornia, La Chapel Hill Wabash College
Nyack College
State University Jolla
University ofNorth Carolina, Wake Forest University
Occidental College
Southern Illinois University University of California, Greensboro Washington University
Ohio State University Los Angeles
Southern Methodist University ofNorth Dakota Washington and Jefferson
Ohio University University of California,
University University ofNorthern Iowa College
Ohio Wesleyan University Riverside
Southeastern Massachu
Oklahoma State University University of Northern Washington and Lee
setts University University of California,
San Francisco
Texas University
Olivet Nazarene University Southeast Missouri State
University of California, University of Notre Dame Washington State University
Oral Roberts University University
Santa Barbara University of Oklahoma Wellesley College
Oregon State University Southwest Baptist
University University of California, University of Oregon
Oxford University, England Wesleyan University
Santa Cruz University ofOttawa, Canada
Pace University Southwest Missouri State West Georgia College
University University ofCentral Florida University of Paris, France
Pacific Lutheran University University ofChicago West Texas State
Spring Hill College University ofPennsylvania University
Pan Am University University ofColorado
Stanford University University of Portugal
Pepperdine University Western Illinois University
State University of New University ofConnecticut University of Richmond
Polytechnic Institute of York, Albany University of Copenhagen, Western Kentucky
New York
University of Rochester University
State University of New Denmark
Pomona College University of San Diego
York, Binghamton University of Dallas Western Maryland College
Princeton University University of Santa Clara
State University of New University of Delaware Western New England
Principia College University of Scranton College
York, Buffalo University ofDenver
Purdue University University of the South
State University of New University of Durham, Westminster College
Radford University York, Fredonia University of South Africa
England Westmont College
Ramapo College State University of New University of South
University of Edinburgh, Alabama Wheaton College
Randolph Macon College York, Old Westbury Scotland
State University of New University ofSouth Carolina Whitman College
Rensselaer Polytechic University ofFlorida
York, Stony Brook University ofSouth Florida Wichita State University
Institute University ofGeorgia
Stetson University University of Southern Williams Woods College
Rhodes College University of Hartford
Rochester Institute of Suffolk University University of Hawaii Williams College
Technology Summit University University of Southern
University of Helsinki, Mississippi WofTord College
Rollins College Syracuse University Finland
University ofTampa Yale University
Roosevelt University Temple University University of Hong Kong
University ofTennessee York College of
Rutgers University Texas A & M University University of Houston Pennsylvania
University of Tennessee,
Saint John's College Texas Christian University University ofHull, England Chattanooga Youngstown State
Saint John's University Texas Southern University University of Iceland University of Texas, University
Saint Joseph's College Texas Technical University University of Idaho Arlington Xavier University of
Saint Lawrence University Towson State University University of Illinois University ofTexas, Austin Louisiana

The Ludwig von Mises Institute Year End Round-up, 1989

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