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Hello and welcome to today’s debate. I’m your host and judge, Tung Chi.

Have you ever heard of 3 gates of speech? According to this old proverb,
your words should pass through three gates before you speak them out. At
the first gate, ask yourself “is it true?”; at the second gate, “is it necessary?”,
and at the final gate “is it kind?”. I think this principle is not only applied to
everyday speech, but also to debating. So, on those notes, let’s open today’s
debate. Without further ado, I would like to introduce the motion…..

So let’s see what our debaters have to say on the matter. First up is team 1,
please appoint 1 member to start your team’s argument within 2 minutes.
You can start now.

First of all, congratulate the both team on doing a good job in the first
round. Even though I got a very clear structure of what both teams’
arguments could be on the two arguments, both of you only mentioned the
advantages of learning another second language, but not the disadvantages.
So this is a little bit lacking in your arguments.

+ With team 1, I like the way you use your voice; you start off sort of soft-
spoken and in the end it is much more charismatic. The structure of your
argument is really really well-done. I am also impressed by how you open
the case and how you set up the case, especially in the final point. You also
use some statistical evidence to strengthen your argument, which is very

+ As for the second team, you also use some outside sources to support for
your ideas, which help enhance the reliability of your argument. However, I
don’t agree with the supporting details for the first main point. Not every
language is similar to our mother tongue like Chinese, so we cannot assume
that learning another second language (apart from Chinese) doesn’t put
pressure on students. I find this point irrelevant and unconvincing

In the first round, team 1 puts across a better and stronger final reason for
me to support their side of the motion, so team 1 is the winner of round 1
And now, it’s time to start the second round. 2 teams, plz get ready for 30
seconds and then start your debates. This time, team 2 will go first.

Once again, neither of you talk about the disadvantages of your side of the

+ Team 1, the way you arrange your ideas is very effective. The ideas are
developed quite strong and convincing. You take advantage of your real
experience and problems that are happening in reality, to strengthen your
argument. I like that.

+Team 2: I like the way you express your ideas, moderate but effective. You
find solutions to the problems that team 1has posed. But you only counter
team 1’s ideas, without showing any advantages of learning another second
language in tandem with learning English. Therefore, your argument is not
relevant with the argument we are trying to put forward.

Considering your performances, I decide team 1 is the winner one more


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