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Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production


Chapter · January 2013

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8_191


2 743

4 authors:

Patrik John Gustav Henriksson Nathan Pelletier

Stockholm Resilience Center / WorldFish University of British Columbia - Okanagan


Max Troell Peter Tyedmers

Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien Dalhousie University


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Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5893

Bullock KR, Vincent CA (1997) Secondary lead-acid cells. In: Vincent Co-product allocation Partitioning the input or out-
CA, Scrosati B (eds) Modern batteries, 2nd edn. University of put flows of a process or a product system between
Chicago Press, Chicago
the product system under study and one or more
Rand DAJ, Moseley PT, Garche J, Parker CD (2004) Valve-regulated
lead-acid batteries. Elsevier, Amsterdam other product systems.
Functional unit The quantified function provided by
the product system(s) under study, for use as
a reference basis in an LCA, e.g., 1,000 h of light.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) An ISO-standardized ana-
Life Cycle Assessments and Their lytical tool developed to evaluate environmental
Applications to Aquaculture performance of products and processes. It constitutes
a compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs,
Production Systems
and potential environmental impacts of a product
PATRIK J. G. HENRIKSSON1,2, NATHAN L. PELLETIER3, system throughout its life cycle; the term may refer
MAX TROELL4,5, PETER H. TYEDMERS3 to either a procedural method or a specific study.
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden System boundary Defines the inputs and outputs that
University, Leiden, The Netherlands are included in the study. System boundaries
Department of System Ecology, Stockholm University, should be set depending on what will be relevant
Stockholm, Sweden to the aim of the study.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, The Beijer
Definition of the Subject
Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Aquaculture production has grown three times faster
Stockholm, Sweden than the livestock sector since the 1970s, becoming
a major source of edible seafood and other products.
This rapid expansion has, however, had a combination
Article Outline of positive and negative environmental, social, and
economic effects. A variety of tools are available to
evaluate these impacts in an attempt to identify the
Definition of the Subject
most sustainable practices. One of the more recent
tools that has been applied to the evaluation of aqua-
LCA – The Method and Its Applicability in
culture production is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), an
ISO-standardized biophysical accounting framework
LCA in Food Production
that allows for multi-criteria environmental perfor-
Guiding the Way for More Sustainable Aquaculture
mance assessments. This chapter reviews studies that
and Alternative Farming Methods
have applied LCA to studying the environmental
dimensions of aquaculture production to date. Meth-
Future Directions
odological differences and alternative approaches are
discussed, along with their influence on research
outcomes. There is little homogeneity between the
studies when it comes to the choice of functional
Aquaculture The farming of aquatic organisms, unit, system boundaries, and basis for allocation. How-
including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic ever, several clear trends do emerge that point toward
plants. Farming implies some form of intervention imperatives for sustainable practices in aquaculture
in the rearing process to enhance production, such and considerations for sustainable development of
as regular stocking, feeding, and protection from the industry moving forward. Recommendations for
predators. Farming also implies individual or cor- further methodological development of LCA for appli-
porate ownership of the stock being cultivated. cation to seafood sustainability research are advanced.
5894 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

Introduction Aquaculture comprises an enormous diversity of

farming technologies, culture settings, and species.
Society is increasingly aware of both the drivers and
From monoculture to polyculture systems operated in
consequences of natural resource depletion and envi-
ponds, raceways, land-based tanks, along with cages,
ronmental degradation. Various analytical frameworks
pens, poles, rafts, and longlines in open water settings,
have therefore been developed for the purpose of eval-
well over 250 species are currently in culture. Produc-
uating the environmental performance of products and
tion technologies may also reflect traditional farming
processes. Finding a suitable tool for assessing sustain-
methodologies or more modern systems [3–5]. In turn,
ability in the rapidly developing aquaculture sector has
post-production processing yields a diverse range of
gained increasing profile over the past 2 decades. What
products, including salted, dried, smoked, and various
has emerged is the need for a tool that can incorporate
kinds of preserved fish. About 37% of all fish and
multiple environmental performance criteria in the
fishery products are traded internationally, with the
evaluation of diverse aquaculture production technol-
major importers being Japan, the USA, and Spain [1].
ogies. For this reason, there is increasing interest in,
and application of, life cycle assessment (LCA) as
Aquaculture and the Environment
a research framework to better understand environ-
mental performance in this sector. The interest has, It has been proposed that aquaculture represents the
however, not been coming from within the aquaculture most viable option for meeting future demands for fish,
industry itself, but rather outside. LCA is a versatile as well as providing economic and nutritional benefits
methodology that is well suited to address a broad to millions [1]. The recent rapid expansion of this
suite of resource use and emissions-related issues. Over sector has, however, been accompanied by a range of
the last decade, it has become an increasingly common environmental and social concerns, including localized
tool for characterizing an important subset of environ- nutrient enrichment or depletion, chemical pollution,
mental impacts in aquaculture and elsewhere. genetic pollution, introduction of non-indigenous spe-
cies, habitat destruction, greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
Aquaculture Development sions, depletion of wild fish stocks, inefficient energy
and biotic resource usage, and spread/amplification of
Even though global capture fisheries landings have
diseases and parasites [2, 3, 6–9]. Of these, local-scale
declined since the late 1980s, total production of
interactions have traditionally attracted the most
marine fisheries products has increased 67% between
attention. However, global scale interactions such as
1970 and 2007 (including brackish water fish). This has
greenhouse gas emissions associated with intensive
only been possible through a large increase in aquacul-
production strategies are of increasing interest. What
ture production over the last 4 decades. Aquaculture
has become clear is that each production strategy is
currently provides half of all finfish destined for human
characterized by a unique suite of environmental inter-
consumption. Seafood from all sources accounts for
actions at local, regional, and global scales. Informed
about 20% of all animal proteins consumed by humans,
decision making for improved environmental manage-
and demand continues to grow [1]. The aquaculture
ment in aquaculture, therefore, requires tools, which
industry is the fastest growing animal products’ sector,
can provide multi-criteria environmental performance
with an average annual growth rate of 6.9%. At present,
assessments and make clear the environmental
it provides almost 8 kg of seafood per capita year1
trade-offs associated with specific aquaculture technol-
globally [1]. In 2006, aquaculture accounted for
ogies and products.
more than 70% of global shrimp and prawn produc-
tion, 47% of total food fish production, and 36% of
Sustainability Tools in Aquaculture
total fish production. Mariculture of finfish dominates
production in developed countries [2]. By mass, how- Increasing aquaculture production to meet future
ever, the majority of global production is accounted demands is clearly attractive from a policy and devel-
for by carp farmed in extensive and semi-intensive opment perspective. However, a number of critical
farms in Asia. questions related to growth in this sector must be
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5895

addressed. These questions encompass complex issues cumulative environmental impacts along supply chains
associated with sustainability objectives at local, permits attention to spatially and temporally discrete
regional, and international scales. For example, impacts not typically considered in more traditional
a spectrum of negative ecological and social externali- environmental impact analyses. Impact categories
ties associated with aquaculture and other food pro- range from highly quantifiable effects, such as green-
duction systems bear careful scrutiny and must be house gas emissions or energy use, to (less frequently)
weighed against anticipated benefits [10]. Such com- more diverse social consequences, such as human
parisons need to extend beyond short-term gains and health effects [16].
localized impacts and incorporate a long-term social- The outcome of a LCA is highly influenced by the
ecological resilience perspective. This requires tools to ambition, skill, and objectives of the practitioner. Mod-
identify the most sustainable aquaculture practices, ern software with built-in inventory databases and
drawing knowledge from both new and traditional impact assessment methods has simplified the LCA
culture systems [5]. process, to the extent that an aquaculture system may
A wide range of tools/frameworks for assessing be modeled in hours. However, the rigor of such
various aspects of environmental performance have models is to a large extent dependent on data quality.
been advanced [11], some focusing especially on food While use of generic data available in many public and
production. These include techniques such as Risk commercial life cycle inventory databases may provide
Assessment, Ecological Footprint, and Energy Analysis. a starting point for scoping analyses, more context-
Frameworks more specific to assessing seafood produc- specific data is required for robust modeling of specific
tion systems are Fishprint and the Global Aquaculture production systems and technologies. Unfortunately,
Performance Index (GAPI) [10, 12, 13]. Most of these, the former (simplified analyses) are increasingly com- L
however, encompass a limited range of the environ- mon in the peer-reviewed literature, providing what
mental concerns associated with aquaculture and may be misleading signals and eroding the credibility
some suffer from a lack of methodological standardi- of the research framework, generally.
zation [10]. Moreover, the degree of scientific rigor in
both the methods and their application is also variable.
Software Tools and ISO
Data limitations and analytical scope have, therefore,
often led to misrepresentation of the environmental The rapid evolution and adoption of LCA have been
consequences of specific management decisions. accompanied by the creation of a variety of guidelines,
manuals, and dedicated software [17]. The most com-
LCA – The Method and Its Applicability in monly used LCA software platforms are GaBi and
Aquaculture SimaPro, which are commercial products. Others,
such as CMLCA and openLCA, are available free of
History of LCA
charge. There are also several life cycle inventory data-
LCA has, since its emergence in the 1970s, evolved from bases, which have been developed, with the most exten-
a tool whose primary application was waste manage- sive being the EcoInvent database (
ment and energy efficiency management to a more Such databases provide inventory data for materials
general eco-efficiency measurement framework. It has and processes common to most product systems – for
close links to energy analysis, but is unique among example, the production of materials such as concrete,
biophysical accountancy-type tools in that it has been steel, and plastic; the provision of energy carriers such
internationally standardized (ISO 14040-14044) as diesel or regionally specific electricity mixes; or
[14, 15]. An LCA typically begins at the “cradle” of transportation modes like air freight, rail freight, or
a product or service life cycle (i.e., at the point of private automobile transport. As these “background”
primary resource extraction), and extends along the data are often premised on different methods, assump-
supply chain to encompass all life cycle stages of inter- tions, and rigor, sourcing data should be done with care
est to a particular analysis. Single or multiple impact as different databases apply different methodologies.
assessment methods may be applied. Estimation of the It is therefore recommended to be consistent when
5896 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

choosing sources of background systems data and also allocation of burdens, in cases where input or output
to be aware of the methodology used before making flows involve more products or processes than the
comparisons between studies. ISO compliance does defined unit. The impacts of these results are then, in
not require that studies are comparable, only that the third phase (Life cycle impact assessment, LCIA),
they follow the same requirements. Individual studies assessed according to their contribution to the impact
also often differ in functional unit (the unit of output categories defined in the goal and scope phase. Finally,
against which impacts are quantified), system bound- the three previous phases are interpreted and commu-
aries, and allocation criteria. nicated to the anticipated audience.
A LCA study is, in accordance to ISO standards,
carried out methodically through four phases (Fig. 1).
Functional Unit
As an initial phase, the goal and scope definition will
specify the main characteristics of the study. Goal is Seafood commodities are farmed for different pur-
specified as the application, audience, and reason for poses, which complicates the choice of functional
the study, while scope outlines the product system to be unit. Most LCA studies to date have used live weight
studied, functional unit, system boundaries, allocation mass at the farmgate or mass of processed product as
procedures, impact categories, data requirements, the functional unit. Variable protein contents and edi-
assumptions, limitations, data quality, and format of ble portions between aquatic animals therefore may
the report. System boundaries specify the processes complicate direct comparisons. For example, the edible
that are to be included in the product system and are portion of an oyster is only about 18% of its wet weight,
in turn set by the cutoff criteria. This is followed by a number that in turn is subject to local variation [18]
a Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI), which involves while the edible yield from an Atlantic salmon (Salmo
the collection and calculation of data as well as salar) typically exceeds 50%. Local customs may

Life cycle assessment framework

Goal and scope


Direct applications:

- Product development
and improvement
Inventory - Strategic planning
Interpretation - Public policy making
- Marketing
- Other


Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems. Figure 1
The general methodological framework for LCA studies according to ISO 14040 (2006) and its four comprised phases
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5897

further confound the decision as certain parts of the products [25]. Examples in aquaculture include the
fish that may be discarded as inedible in one region are allocation of environmental burdens between targeted
considered good for human consumption in another catch and bycatch used in fishmeal production, the
region. Two such examples are herring roe and catfish multiple products derived from corn and other com-
stomachs; both of which are considered offal in the modity crops used in feeds, and alternative uses of fish
western world but are prized in parts of Asia [19, 20]. by-products or aquaculture wastewater used to fertilize
Ideally, the functional unit should reflect the function other crops. The ISO standards for LCA do provide
of the product system. For aquaculture products guidelines for an allocation decision hierarchy, but
intended for consumption as food, such functions leave considerable room for interpretation. According
might include the provision of caloric energy, protein, to the standard, environmental burdens are primarily
or omega fatty acids, etc. to be allocated according to an underlying physical
relationship, if subdivision is unavoidable. The stan-
Setting System Boundaries dard further states that where such relationships can-
not be established, the allocation should reflect other
System boundaries delineate those processes formally
relationships between the input system and output
included in an analysis from those that are excluded.
system. In reality, the final choice of allocation basis
There are only general requirements on how to set these
will likely reflect the goals of the study, as well as
boundaries, though they should be decided relative to
the worldview of the practitioner. Some of the more
the research objectives and include all elements having
common bases for allocation in aquaculture and their
a non-trivial influence on research results. Most LCA
characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Accessibility
studies in aquaculture limit their system boundary to
the farmgate, whereas some include processing, pack-
of the different allocation factors differs depending L
on location and situation, where regional differences
aging, marketing, and consumption phases [21–23].
will play a large role in making generalizations. Time
Thrane [24] evaluated the effects of post-harvest stages
and spatial scales will also have a great influence on
of the life cycle of seafood products and concluded that
the allocation factors that do not represent physical
they have a significant impact on the overall environ-
relationships, as these will not remain static.
mental performance of most seafood products. For
There are several things to keep in mind when
example, inclusion of the processing phase contributed
choosing a basis for allocation. The first is that nothing
an additional 10% to life cycle energy use, while inclu-
limits a study to only one allocation factor; each allo-
sion of the consumption phase resulted in an average
cation scenario may be treated differently depending
25% increase in cumulative energy demand [24].
on the circumstances. Results may also be presented
using several of the allocation factors, thus enabling
readers to interpret results according to their own
A common issue faced by many LCA practitioners is perspective or worldview. No matter how the alloca-
how to allocate environmental burdens to products tion problem is approached, it is very important to be
and materials that are co-produced with other clear in the supporting text about which methods have

Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems. Table 1 The most commonly used
bases for allocation and their characteristics
Allocation factor Accessibility Physical relationship Static Market oriented
Mass Good Yes Yes No
Value Average No No Yes
Nutritional energy content Average Yes Yes No
System expansion Poor Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes
5898 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

been used. It is, however, important to keep in mind farm, as productivity will depend on water tempera-
that the basis of allocation can influence the allocated ture, extreme weather events, algae blooms, etc., as well
burden by as an order of magnitude [26]. as on indirect variables such as oil prices and public
demand. Fisheries providing fishmeal and fish oil for
Impact Categories and Impact Assessment use in aquafeeds offer a good example of such variability,
as fuel inputs per tonne of fish landed will fluctuate with
Any quantifiable performance measure can be included
season, stock status, gear type, and skipper [30, 31].
within the LCA methodology, from emissions to the
The aquaculture sector is particularly dependant on
well-being of workers, as long as: (a) a causal relationship
annual production of the anchoveta fishery off South
between the variable of interest and the provision of the
America for both of these commodities, which in turn
functional unit can be established and (b) a defensible
is strongly influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation
impact assessment methodology is available [27]. A wide
(ENSO) events [32]. Increased use of compound feeds
variety of impact assessment methods are available for
and higher oil prices have also boosted prices of both
use in LCA, most of which have been applied to assess-
fishmeal and oil over the last decade [1]. Such fluctu-
ments of seafood production systems [27]. These
ations not only affect economic allocation but also catch
methods may describe environmental interactions that
per unit effort. It can therefore be hard to set average
have relevance at local (e.g., eutrophication), regional
fuel consumption for fishing fleets, especially since the
(e.g., acidification), or global (e.g., greenhouse gas emis-
species and status of the stocks used for fishmeal pro-
sions) scales. Generally, impact assessment methods are
duction often are unknown [33]. The situation is fur-
based on peer-reviewed, internationally accepted envi-
ther complicated in certain parts of the world where
ronmental accounting protocols. Some of these continue
low value fish are used directly as fish feed [33].
to evolve, and novel methods emerge in response to
Agricultural crops – the other major source of
newly identified issues [27, 28].
aquafeed inputs – may also experience significant
annual fluctuations, with larger variability in devel-
oped countries, for crops such as maize and wheat
Labor is rarely accounted for in LCA due to the difficulty [1, 34]. Farmgate prices will further affect the LCA as
of establishing defensible system boundaries and quan- many feed formulators and aquaculturists quickly
tifying associated environmental impacts. It can also be adjust to price trends in their choice of feed inputs or
debatable if the number of employees should be consid- cultured species in efforts to maximize profits [20, 35].
ered as a negative or positive input. It is, however, One such example is the constant push toward higher
important to keep labor in mind when comparing tra- stocking densities of shrimp in SE Asian polyculture
ditional and modern production systems. Labor can be systems, where the large profits that are to be made
presented in a number of different ways, either sepa- often outweigh the risk of white-spot disease [36].
rately or incorporated into the individual impact cate- Farming practices, as for feed composition, are also
gories [28, 29]. Several methods have been suggested on under constant change, which emphasizes the impor-
how to quantify the environmental impacts of labor. tance of considering the time scales used in LCA stud-
Suggested reference units include metabolic energy, ies. Ultimately, a balance must be struck between
calorific content of food consumed, national fuel feasibility and the goals of the study in pursuing repre-
share, or other more complex equations [29]. sentative data and models.
The relevance of such variability will, in part, be
LCA in Food Production determined by the scope of the analysis and specific
research questions of interest. Variability might be
Working with non-Static Systems
accommodated when modeling at regional scales by
The adaptation of LCA from the characterization of applying average data over specified spatial and tem-
static industrial systems to food production systems poral horizons. It is increasingly common to account
typified by significant variability has brought with it for and report such variability in published outcomes.
new challenges. Annual fluctuations occur both on the In other cases, quantifying variability might comprise
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5899

research foci – for example, understanding the influ- The choice of impact categories in aquaculture
ence of variable field-level nitrous oxide emissions on LCAs varies widely (Table 2). These include resource
the overall greenhouse gas intensity of crop production depletion and emissions-related environmental con-
at local scales. cerns, as well as toxicological potentials. The only cat-
egories almost consistently applied are global warming
potential, acidification, and eutrophication, while
LCA in Aquaculture
cumulative energy demand is also very commonly eval-
The first LCA studies focusing on aquaculture systems uated. There is an expected but imperfect correlation of
were conducted in the beginning of the new millen- cumulative energy demand and global warming poten-
nium, with an increasing application of the methodol- tial (Table 3), since much of the feed-related emissions
ogy to aquaculture issues toward the end of its first for agricultural inputs do not arise from fossil fuel
decade [37–39]. As the number of studies increased, so combustion. Rather emissions of nitrous oxide and
too did the seeming detail of analysis and possibly also methane are typically as or more important. It is only
the accuracy of the results. Most have focused on pro- in systems where ecosystem services have been replaced
duction systems in developed countries (see Table 2). to a large extent by anthropogenic processes that on-
The methodological detail used between studies does, farm energy demand has a significant impact on the
however, vary widely and makes broad comparisons total energy consumption.
between studies difficult. This includes differences in
functional unit, system boundaries, data sources and Guiding the Way for More Sustainable
quality, and choice of allocation criteria. Aquaculture and Alternative Farming Methods
A common theme that has emerged from LCA
Feed Production L
research of intensive, finfish aquaculture production
systems is the importance of feed provision in supply Improvements of feed conversion ratios (FCRs) for
chain environmental impacts [21, 22, 42–44]. For piscivorous fish in addition to an increased inclusion
example, Pelletier et al. (2009) found that feed provi- of non-fish ingredients has led to great environmental
sion accounted for, on average, 92% of quantified improvements over the last decades [46]. Additional
impacts in global salmon farming systems. Of particu- improvements are to be made by identifying and sourc-
lar importance are fisheries and livestock products, ing for the least-environmental-cost feed formulations;
which typically have higher impacts per unit mass especially for sources of fishmeal and oil [22]. In reduc-
relative to crop-derived feed inputs (Fig. 2). Also of tion fisheries, effective management will play a major
note is that on-site processes have only made role in reducing fuel consumption along with associ-
a substantial contribution in highly mechanized sys- ated environmental impacts while sustaining output
tems, where industrial energy inputs are required to from the industry [30, 50]. In many fisheries, boats
maintain water quality [3, 20, 21, 40, 44]. today have to travel further to find productive fishing
Although animal-derived feed ingredients usually grounds and invest more fishing effort to maintain
have a higher impact per unit mass compared to crop- catches. This has resulted in a sixfold increase in energy
derived inputs [22, 43, 45, 46], their inclusion may consumption for some capture fisheries over the last
support more rapid growth of the cultured organisms two decades [51]. A collapse of one of the large reduc-
and, in some cases, result in a higher quality product tion fisheries, of the scale that occurred to the ancho-
[47]. By including a larger portion of agriculturally veta fishery in the 1970s, would further drive up the
sourced materials in feeds, environmental burdens energy intensity of aquafeeds and culture products as
may be reduced. In this light, it might be anticipated well as have devastating effects on the aquaculture
that rearing herbivorous or omnivorous species is envi- industry as supply of fishmeal and oil supplies already
ronmentally preferable. However, both feed composi- are outpaced by demand [1, 52].
tion and feed conversion efficiency must be considered Decreasing fishmeal inclusion has, to a large extent,
in determining and comparing impacts between cul- been driven by increasing public awareness about “fish-
tured organisms [44]. in to fish-out” ratios, as a result of labeling and

Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems. Table 2 Overview of species, functional unit, system boundary, allocation
factor, and impact categories applied for a selection of published LCA studies on aquaculture systems. One ton at farmgate is the most prominent functional unit
while global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication are the only impact categories that are included in all studies

Functional System Allocation

Phtotochemical oxidant
Freshwater aquatic
Respiratory impacts from

Cumulative energy demand

Fossil fuel use
Biotic resource use
Abiotic depletion potential
Water dependence
Surface use
Global warming potential
Ozone depletion potential
Marine aquatic ecotoxicity
Terrestrial ecotoxicity
Human toxicity

Species Reference unit boundary factor

Blue Iribarren 1 kg of dry Post System ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
mussels et al. [23] edible consumption expansion
mussel waste
Shrimps Mungkung 1.8 kg Post Monetary ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
[70] block of consumption
frozen waste
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

Rainbow Aubin et al. 1 t live Farmgate Monetary ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

trout, sea- [21] weight
bass, and
Salmon, Ayer and 1 t live Farmgate Gross ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
different Tyedmers weight nutritional
farming [40] energy
methods content
Arctic char Ayer and 1 t live Farmgate Gross ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Tyedmers weight nutritional
[40] energy
Atlantic Pelletier and 1 t live Farmgate Gross ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
salmon, Tyedmers weight nutritional
different 2007 [43] energy
feeds content
Trout, flow d’Orbcaster 1 t live Farmgate Monetary ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
through/ et al. [41] weight
Trout Papatryphon 1 tonne Farmgate Monetary ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
et al. [37] live weight
Atlantic Ellingsen 200 g fillet Processed Mass/ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
salmon and fillets Monetary
Atlantic Pelletier 1 tonne Farmgate Gross ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
salmon et al. [22] live weight nutritional
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

5902 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems




Farm energy
60% Smolt production

50% Feed tranport

Feed, milling
Feed, livestock
Feed, fisheries
20% Feed, crop derived


Cumulative energy use, GHG emissions, kg CO2
MJ eq.

Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems. Figure 2
Cumulative Energy Use and Greenhouse gas emissions from salmon production. Feed production is by far the largest
contributor to environmental concerns, constituting 93% of the energy use and 94% of the GHG emissions. The feed
represents an average from farms in Norway, UK, Canada, and Chile with 41.8% of the ingredients derived from crops,
49.4% from fish, and 8.8% from livestock. Data from: Pelletier et al. [22]

certification initiatives [9, 46]. It has also been strongly co-product meal, and seafood processing materials
influenced by rising prices for these commodities, due [46, 55]. A variety of vegetables oils may also be par-
to increased competition from the aquaculture sector tially substitutable for fish oils. The environmental
[1]. The overall demand for fishmeal and oil in aqua- performance of systems using, e.g., agriculture alterna-
culture has, despite this, increased due to a larger share tives for fishmeal and oil needs, however, to be carefully
of farmers using compound feeds and increasing aqua- analyzed as such substitution does not guarantee
culture production over time [46, 53]. At present, in improved performance. Switching to the culture of
most aquaculture LCAs, the amount of fishmeal and oil low-trophic species is often described as a solution for
used is only reported as life cycle inventory data. more sustainable aquaculture [6]. While this would
Beyond the standard impact categories, methods to allow for great reductions in fish inclusion rates, the
account for the ecological impacts of producing these higher FCRs associated with lower quality feeds may
products are underdeveloped. To date, only a few result in only marginal improvements in GHG and
researchers have, e.g., applied a measure of biotic related life cycle impacts [44]. In contrast, a switch to
resource use in life cycle assessment, following the more energy and climate-friendly fertilizer production
methods originally advanced by Pauly and Christensen either through efficiency improvements in existing
[54]. This method quantifies the net primary productiv- fertilizer plants or the use of biological nitrogen fixa-
ity, as measured in carbon, required to support the tion in place of conventional N fertilizers could, how-
provision of a specified amount of fish-derived material, ever, offset some of the impacts associated with crop
taking into account trophic level and species-specific production [56, 57].
meal and oil yield rates. Biotic resources used can differ Improvements of feeding practices on farms can
by as much as an order of magnitude between different both reduce costs, emissions, and FCR [58]. The
sources of fishmeal and oil [22]. Alternative sources of amount of feed added is often calculated according to
proteins that could in part replace fishmeal include feeding charts or as a percentage of the fish biomass.
soy meal, wheat gluten, bone, feathers, blood, livestock These generalizations often result in inefficient feed
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5903

Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems. Table 3 Summary of the different
results for 1 t of seafood product at farmgate

Species Country Source CED (MJ) t1 GWP kg CO2-e t1

Turbot, recirculating France Aubin et al. [21] 290,986 6,017
Sea-bass, cages Greece Aubin et al. [21] 54,656 3,601
Rainbow trout, flow through France Aubin et al. [21] 78,229 2,753
Atlantic salmon, net-pen Canada Ayer and Tyedmers [40] 26,900 2,073
Atlantic salmon, Land base Canada Ayer and Tyedmers [40] 97,900 2,770
Atlantic salmon, Bag Canada Ayer and Tyedmers [40] 32,800 1,900
Atlantic char, land-based recirculating Canada Ayer and Tyedmers [40] 353,000 28,200
Trout, recirculating system Denmark d’Orbcastel et al. [41] 63,202 2,043
Trout, flow through Denmark d’Orbcastel et al. [41] 34,869 2,015
Atlantic salmon Norway Ellingsen and 65,000 N.A.
Aanondsen [39]
Blue mussels, fresh Spain Iribarren et al. [23] N.A. 472
White-legged shrimps Thailand Zimmo et al. [49] and 45,600 N.A.
Mungkung [70]
Trout, portion sized France Papatryphon et al. [37] 37,842 1,851 L
Trout, large sized France Papatryphon et al. [37] 62,774 2,499
Atlantic salmon, organic crop/25% soy meal Canada Pelletier and 9,860 690
and 100% canola oil substitute Tyedmers [43]
Atlantic salmon, organic crop ingredients/ Canada Pelletier and 26,900 1,810
fisheries by-product meals and oils Tyedmers [43]
Atlantic salmon, organic crop/conventional Canada Pelletier and 17,100 1,250
animal meals and oils Tyedmers [43]
Atlanti salmon, conventional Canada Pelletier and 18,100 1,400
Tyedmers [43]
Atlantic salmon Worldwide Pelletier et al. [22] 31,100 2,160
Tilapia, Lake Indonesia Pelletier and 18,200 1,520
Tyedmers [44]
Tilapia, Pond Indonesia Pelletier and 26,500 2,100
Tyedmers [44]
Energy use in Norwegian salmon farming reported by Ellingsen and Aanondsen [39] was calculated by assuming that 15% of total
reported energy use was used in the processing and distribution phases

utilization as it does not take factors such as species, Replacing Ecosystem Services with Anthropogenic
genetic stock, feed composition, water temperature, or Processes at Farm Site
growth rate into account [58]. In addition, feeding
Traditional extensive aquaculture systems depend, to
efficiency is also influenced by the type of farming
a large extent, on labor and natural energy inputs [3].
facility as confined bodies of water, such as raceways
Solar energy inputs promote in-situ production utilizable
or bags, allow for more efficient feeding practices and
by some farmed animals while tidal energy or other
effluent management [59].
5904 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

natural watercourse flows provide means for water large escape events of domesticated fish due to their
exchange. As for energy consumed in highly mechanized vulnerability to extreme weather events, marine mam-
production systems, such as most intensive land-based mal interactions, failing infrastructure, and manage-
systems, the energy for farm-site activities often originates ment errors. Such events can lead to the introduction
from fuel as farm-sites typically lack access to alternative of non-indigenous species as well as undermining the
sources of energy. It is therefore recommended to consider genetic fitness of wild stocks. It has been estimated that
the location characteristics of the farm-site before aquaculture is responsible for 16% of all introductions
implementing artificial services. Farms situated in areas of non-indigenous species to European coastal waters,
with high water turnover, i.e., in streams, tidal zones, or and further introductions are to be expected with
exposed coasts, may cause little or no impact on the local changing climate [63].
ecosystem. Farms situated in areas without such hydro- The use of chemicals and antibiotics on farm sites is
dynamic conditions need to treat their wastewater to still only generally covered by existing impact categories.
avoid negative impact on the environment or run as These practices can result in long-term effects such as
closed systems. It is, however, important to acknowledge antibiotic-resistant bacteria or other public health risks
that environmental impacts from farm release need to be [10]. They may also lead to contaminated water sources
analyzed from an ecosystem perspective, which implies and loss of biodiversity [10]. Shrimp farms are impli-
considering additional pollution sources and more cated most frequently for using large amounts of anti-
regional scale effects and thresholds. biotics to reduce stock losses. On several occasions, this
LCA has limited capacity to predict the actual con- has resulted in product recalls and import bans by the
sequences of many of the estimated impact potentials EU, Canada, and the USA [10]. The social conse-
[60]. It may be justifiable to have such an approach for quences of this might be direct (e.g., lower water qual-
the impact categories that are operational on a global ity) or indirect, as import bans can seriously affect the
scale, such as global warming potential or ozone deple- financial viability of many farmers [65]. Even if LCA has
tion. For more regional consequences, however, it can the potential to account for such social and economic
be highly misleading to make comparisons of the consequences, there is a lack of metrics to describe how
impacts between two localities. To address this in to include socioeconomic indicators [28]. Overcoming
a more justifiable manner, several country-specific fac- the hurdles associated with the development of such
tors, such as RECIPE, TRACI, EDIP2003, and LUCAS impact categories would allow for better estimations of
[61], have been developed and arguments have been overall sustainability, including environmental, social,
raised for similar factors on regional scales [62]. and economic variables [28]. However, it should be
Transmission of disease and parasites between wild recognized that LCA is not necessarily conducive to
and farmed stock and introduction of non-indigenous accounting for the full spectrum of sustainability con-
species are both major concerns associated with aqua- cerns. As such, it should be considered a complement to,
culture that have yet have not been addressed by LCA rather than a replacement for, other metrics.
methodology [63, 64]. Nor is the framework necessar-
ily conducive to accommodating such interactions
since it is necessary to be able to link the impact to
the production of a functional unit following a clear As the number of LCA studies describing aquaculture
and quantifiable cause-effect pathway. Both of these systems increases, so too does our understanding of
types of impacts have attracted much public attention a broader suite of the environmental costs of aquacul-
and have been major incentives for closed farming ture production. In some cases, it would appear that
facilities. Transmission of sea lice has, apart from hav- aquaculture may indeed provide an inexpensive and
ing potentially detrimental effects on wild fish stocks, sustainable source of food and other products; how-
been estimated to account for 6% of the product cost in ever, this will depend on numerous factors including
salmon farming [64]. Floating cages and net cultures cultured species, production technology, and socioeco-
allow for free movement of pathogens from farmed to nomic characteristics. To date, LCA research has helped
wild stocks [64]. They also run an increased risk of to identify those aspects of the life cycle that contribute
Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems L 5905

disproportionately to environmental degradation, should be clearly communicated and defended in the

allowing for the identification of improvements oppor- context of each analysis.
tunities. There is, however, always the danger of over- Increasing trade flows of aquatic products from
simplification where results get misinterpreted as developing to developed countries highlights the need
a result of inaccurate data or where results are not for more LCA work beyond production systems in the
put into their relevant context. LCA should therefore developed world. It also indicates that there are sub-
not be seen as an all-encompassing tool, but rather as stantial opportunities for expansion of aquaculture in
a screening tool, which allows for the mapping of good developed countries. Tyedmers et al. [2] points out that
practices. Additional environmental and socioeco- the USA only accounts for 1% of global aquaculture
nomic analyses can thereafter be applied to strengthen production, half of which is made up by channel cat-
assessment of sustainability. fish. Future developments may also to be expected
As for advancements that can be made within the within mariculture, as much recent effort has focused
sector, the major challenge will be to find good sources on the development of marine fin-fish hatcheries and
of low impact feed inputs for fed aquaculture systems, offshore cages.
especially for fish oil that currently drives the demand Impacts involved with on-site activities can more
for wild marine resources [46]. This would, of course, easily be avoided by selecting for better farm locations,
ideally be combined with further advances in feed use of renewable energy, improved utilization of
utilization by fish in culture. A shift toward organically ecosystem services, and farming of more tolerant spe-
produced crop inputs may also reduce the impacts of cies. One example of such a species is Pangasius catfish,
fed aquaculture, while bringing other benefits such as which has reached high production levels in Vietnam
biodiversity improvements and superior soil quality over the last decade. This fish does not require aeration L
[57, 66]. However, the choice of some resource inten- as it can utilize aerial respiration when the oxygen level
sive “organic” inputs can negate much of the life cycle drops. The farms also often utilize tidal floods for water
environmental benefits associated with organic crop exchange [20]. As for tilapia, the tolerance toward
production [57]. Another alternative protein source is hypoxia and changes in pH is much higher than other
offal meal from fish processing. Tilapia, for example, species normally found in western aquaculture. This
has an offal yield of about 67% of live weight [59]. This would, again, lower the inputs needed for maintaining
does, however, increase the risk of disease transmission water quality. Wastewater quality can also be improved
and/or recycling of environmental contaminants [53]. by the use of settlement ponds and/or plant production
Moreover, the environmental costs of producing these to remove nutrients. Cultivation of plants such as
materials from a life cycle perspective may be high [22]. Azolla spp. and duckweed within ponds can also
Recently, there has been increased interest in the use enhance carbon fixation and be used as feed inputs
of fish processing co-products for biofuel feedstock [48, 68]. Duckweed may further reduce GHG emis-
[67]. Conversion of high-quality protein into biofuels sions as it will shade the pond and thereby limit the
appears rather wasteful when the environmental bur- ammonia volatilization rate [49]. Some of these feed
dens associated with producing certain high protein inputs may, however, negatively influence the color and
feed inputs are taken into account. It is clearly desirable the taste of the final product, which makes them less
to identify and implement optimal uses of high-quality suitable as feed inputs [48].
protein toward the overarching sustainability objective. Converting to energy conserving practices will not
This must include, among other things, attention to the only have environmental benefits, it can also improve
environmental dimensions of alternative protein pro- the economic profitability of farms and reduce vulner-
duction and use strategies. Since our ability to make ability to peaks in the price of oil. Lower intensity
informed decisions will be strongly influenced by the systems are also less sensitive to mechanical or infra-
robustness of our models and the extent to which they structure failures, such a black outs, which otherwise
actually reflect the environmental impacts associated can cause mass mortality. This is especially important
with the products and systems of interest, methodo- in developing countries where there is less access to
logical decisions such as choice of allocation criterion spare parts and power failures are recurring events.
5906 L Life Cycle Assessments and Their Applications to Aquaculture Production Systems

Open systems are, on the other hand, more vulnerable methodological choices, as they may ultimately send
to other events such as algae blooms, pollution, and different signals to the industry and policy makers
extreme weather events, which may cause the loss of an working with sustainability issues.
entire crop. Areas ravaged by extreme storm events, A more standardized methodology within the sec-
such as typhoons, may suffer from weeks of poor tor would certainly facilitate the advancement of the
water quality as large quantities of sediments may field. This could be achieved by better communications
lead to high turbidity for long periods of time. between major practitioners or by the development of
More knowledge on the true carbon emissions asso- a manual to guide the community toward one common
ciated with aquaculture is needed as there is increasing framework. Even still, there will always be deviations
interest in its potential as a climate-friendly source for from common practice as each study serves a unique
food and biofuels [68, 69]. LCA can play an essential purpose, stressing the need for more transparency.
part in the screening for sustainable farming practices Even though ongoing initiatives for developing the
and also provide information for the implementation LCA framework exist, it is important to acknowledge
of carbon credit schemes. This need is especially critical that the present framework has limited ability to
for developing countries, as this is where the majority accommodate the other two pillars of sustainability,
of production occurs and exports are increasing. This namely, social and economic impacts [28]. Thus, even
will, however, pose a challenge as farming methods are if LCA provides a tool with great potential to guide the
highly diverse and data on farm practices are usually aquaculture industry toward more sustainable produc-
limited. tion, its framework needs to be reinforced by other
Also, some important environmental impacts from analytical tools to capture a wider range of sustainabil-
aquaculture are at present not quantifiable using the ity concerns. The need to include other tools alongside
LCA framework, such as spread of diseases and para- LCA has already been recognized and recent projects,
sites. These impacts have been attracting widespread such as the SEAT project (, include
public concerns and have influenced development of complementary tools to give a more holistic measure-
farming methods in many countries. The associated ment of sustainability. Limitations aside, however, the
consequences could, for example, be accounted for as rapid development of this sector, coupled with the
biotic resource use. Concerns associated with defores- diverse range of possible culture species and technolo-
tation to produce agricultural land should also be fur- gies, demands careful attention to environmental
ther discussed, as it is only partially covered in current effects at all relevant scales. LCA can and should play
LCA practice and literature. an important role in guiding decisions oriented toward
sustainability in aquaculture.
Future Directions
LCA provides a robust tool for dealing with an impor-
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Books and Reviews Results and Discussion

Conclusions and Future Directions
Mungkung R, Gheewala SH (2006) Use of life cycle assessment
(LCA) to compare the environmental impacts of aquaculture
and agri-food products. In: Barley DM, Brugére C, Soto D,
Gerber P, Harvey B (eds) Comparative assessment of the envi- Glossary
ronmental costs of aquaculture and other food production
sectors: methods for meaningful comparisons, FAO/WFT APCS Air pollution control systems
Expert Workshop, 24–28 April 2006, Vancouver, Canada. FAO ASCC Alaska Systems Coordinating Council
Fisheries Proceedings, no. 10, Rome, FAO, pp 87–96, 207 BOD Biological oxygen demand
Ayer N, Tyedmers P, Pelletier N, Sonesson U, Scholz A (2007) CAA Clean air act
Co-product allocation in life cycle assessments of seafood
COD Chemical oxygen demand
production systems: review of problems and strategies. Int
J Life Cycle Assess 12(7):480–487 EGU Electric generating unit
Baumann H, Tillman A-M (2004) The hitchhiker’s guide to LCA: an FRCC Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
orientation in life cycle assessment methodology and applica- HDPE High-density polyethylene
tion. ISBN 91-44-02364-2 HICC Hawaiian Islands Coordinating Council
Guinée J (ed), Gorrée M, Heijungs R, Huppes G, Kleijn R, ICE Internal combustion engine
de Koning A, van Oers L, Wegener Sleeswijk A, Suh S, Udo de
LCA Life cycle assessment
Haes H, de Bruijn J, van Duin R, Huijbregts M (2002) Handbook
on life cycle assessment: operational guide to the ISO LCI Life cycle inventory
Standards. Series: Eco-efficiency in industry and science. LFG Landfill gas
Springer, Dordrecht LFGTE Landfill gas to energy
MRO Midwest reliability organization
MSW Municipal solid waste L
NERC North American Energy Reliability Council
Life Cycle Comparison of Waste-to- NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council
OCC Old corrugated cardboard
Energy to Sanitary Landfill
ONP Old newsprint
P. OZGE KAPLAN1, JOSEPH F. DECAROLIS2 PET Polyethylene terephthalate
MORTON A. BARLAZ2 RFC Reliability first corporation
National Risk Management Research Laboratory, SERC SERC reliability corporation
Office of Research and Development, SPP Southwest power pool
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research TRE Texas Regional Entity
Triangle Park, NC, USA US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA WTE Waste-to-energy

Definition of the Subject

Article Outline
This entry provides a detailed life cycle assessment
Glossary (LCA) of combustion vs. landfilling of post-recycling
Definition of the Subject municipal solid waste (MSW). LCA can be used to
Introduction evaluate the environmental footprint of products, pro-
Background on Life Cycle Assessment cesses, and services. An LCA allows decision makers to
System Boundaries of the WTE LCI compare products and processes through systematic
Life Cycle Inventory evaluation of supply chains. LCA takes a “cradle-to-
Method to Generate Emission Factors per MWh of grave” approach, by including each stage of life for
Electricity Generated a given product or process, which includes the extrac-
Method to Generate Emission Factors for Landfill Gas tion of raw materials, transportation, manufacturing,
to Energy distribution, use, and final disposal. LCA has been

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