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Since 1991, they have sold over 200 million

copies in Britain alone (as they eventually It was only sold on the street by
become worldwide and gained recognition in vendors (people who are
countries such as Japan and Australia) homeless themselves so they
can make their living) – and it
In 2016, they launched still is 30 years later
their online shop “The Big
Issue shop” for companies In 1995, “The Big
(such as bookmakers, Issue Foundation”
fashion brands, soap was launched to
makers) who trade for a work with the Big
social purpose Issue vendors
allowing them to
form a social
In the past 25 years,
vendors have earned In 1991, Lord network, rebuild
John Bird and their lives and
£115 million
determine their
Gordon Roddick
3700 new own pathways to
set up a magazine a better future
vendors walk
through their
with a
doors every difference:
In 2005, “Big Issue
Invest” was founded and
Vendors buy The Big Issue it extends The Big Issue’s
magazine for £1.50 and mission to dismantle
sell for £3 poverty through
creating opportunity by
financing the growth of
Each seller is a micro-entrepreneur who sustainable social
is working, not begging. Therefore, it is The magazine has
enterprises and charities
brand ambassadors
vitally important that buyers take their across the UK - it
who are helping to
copy of the magazine when they pay for currently
get the word out
it manages/advises on
about the vital
work they do and £150 million of social
the stories of the funds
Big Issue vendors

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