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1. Present the writer answering the questions about his life.

1. What period of time did he live and create his works?

He was born on the eleventh of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-two and he died on the fifth of
June nineteen hundred and ten.

2. What family was he born?

He was born into a doctor's family. But his mother died when the boy was 3 years old and he was raised
by an aunt.

3. Where was he educated?

He went to his aunt's private school

4. When did he start his literary career?

He began writing for Newspapers and magazines when he worked as a draftsman from 1887.

5. What factors influenced his outlook?

6. What brought him his first success?

The novel «Kings and cabbage» was published in 1900

7. What ideas did he develop in his works?

The characters in O. Henry's works are often cheerful little scammers. At the same time, they are kind
and even noble. But, born in poor families, they are doomed to a miserable existence, from which they
try to escape with all their might, and usually-unsuccessfully. Their attempts to be happy, as a rule, are
futile and turn into only new troubles, sometimes sad and funny.

8. What does his literary inheritage include?

In total, O. Henry wrote about 600 short stories, the complete collection of his works is 18 volumes.

2. Match English and Russian variants. Choose the suitable word combinations to describe
O’Henry’s stories

1) A brilliant writer of stories and novels; - h)великолепный писатель рассказов и романов;

2) to provide a background for stories and novels; e)послужить основой для;
3) to show courage in the face of danger; f)проявить смелость перед лицом опасности
4) to be one of the best –selling author in the world; b)один из лучших в мире авторов;
5) to develop a style of his own; k)создать свой собственный стиль;
6)to combine clever plots with exellent character drawing; m)сочетать продуманный сюжет с
великолепным описанием персонажей;
7) to combine a keen sense of humour with great powers of observation; c)сочетать тонкое
чувство юмора с наблюдательностью
8) to be a masterpiece; a)Шедевр;
9) the plots mislead the reader; i)сюжет вводит в заблуждение;;
10)to keep the reader in suspense; l)держать читателя в напряжении;
11)a lean/laconic style; d)скупой(без излишеств) стиль
12) a simple language; - p)простой язык
13)to become a complete failure/success; r)провалиться/ принести успех;
14)dull and clumsy plot; - o)скучный и нелепый сюжет
15) to be (not) as brilliant as critics say; j)роман не так великолепен, как говорят критики
16)to read and enjoy the book; q)читать и наслаждаться книгой
17)never fail to amaze the reader; s)не переставать удивлять читателя
18)to describe the nature in poetic/clear/ emotional language; g)описывать природу
поэтическим/ ясным /эмоциональным языком
19)expressive and colourful style - n)выразительный и красочный стиль

II. Learn the new words

- ability – способность// a man of ability- cпособный, умный, талантливый человек
- to award-награждать ч/л., присуждать ч/л// to be awarded the Nobel Prize for smth –
быть удостоенным Нобелевской премии за что-л.
- to care for – интересоваться ч/л
- charactrer- действующее лицо, персонаж, тип, образ, герой// the main charactrer-
главный герой
-сomplexity – сложность
- contemporary - современный
- to be credited for – получить признание за ч/л.
- to depict smth-изображать, описывать, обрисовывать
- empathy – сопереживание, сочувствие
- ending – окончание, конец, развязка
- an epic picture of - эпическая картина
- to examine smth. through political, military, romantic, and civilian lenses.- тщательно
исследовать все стороны жизни
- to fail - не удаваться
- to impress- производить впечатление //to be under the impression of smth.- быть под
впечатлением от чего-л.
- to include satire on - использовать сатиру
- to influence smb./ to have some influence on smb. - оказывать влияние на кого-л
- inner world - внутренний мир
- inventive - изобретательный
- to penetrate into- проникнуть в
- plot - фабула, сюжет
- predict – предсказывать
- to strike smb.–задевать, затрагивать к/л.
- throughout – все время/ по всей стране
- well-known – известны чего-л;й, популярный// to be well-known for smth.
I think that O. Henry is a brilliant writer of stories. He writes his works in an
expressive and colorful style. His simple language and interesting plot make
readers enjoy the book. The author’s ability to keep the reader in suspense never
fail to amaze. O. Henry combines clever plots with excellent character drawing.
Also the ability to combine a keen sense of humour with great powers of
observation never ceases to amaze. I like his stories very much. And I am always
under the impression of unexpected endings in them.

O. Henry is one of the best-selling author in the world. In honor of him, O. Henry
award was even established, which is awarded annually for the best story.

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