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Work Energy Power

refers to an activity is the capacity for doing is the rate of doing

involving a force and work. You must have work or the rate of
movement in the energy to accomplish using energy, which
direction of the force. work - it is like the are numerically the
A force of 20 Newtons "currency" for same. If you do 100
pushing an object 5 performing work. To do joules of work in one
metres in the direction 100 joules of work, you second (using 100
of the force does 100 must expend 100 joules joules of energy), the
joules of work. of energy. power is 100 watts.
Work, Energy & Power

Work: Work is the product of force and the amount of displacement along the line of
action of that force. Work = Force x distance, notationally W = F x d.
To calculate work done on an object, we need-
The Force
¬ The average magnitude of the force
The direction of the force
The Displacement
¬ The magnitude of the change of position
The direction of the change of position

Units: Newton•meter (Joule)

Question-1: When you carry a heavy bag of groceries from

your car to your kitchen, what does most of the work, your
arms or your legs? Explain why.
Answer is given at the end of the lecture.

Example-1: How much work is done when a force of 5 kN moves its point of
application 600mm in the direction of the force.


Example-2: Find the work done in raising 100 kg of water through a vertical
distance of 3m.
Solution: The force is the weight of the water, so

Energy: Energy can be defined as the capacity for doing work. A body which
has the capacity to do work is said to possess energy.
For example , water in a reservoir is said to possesses energy as it could be used to
drive a turbine lower down the valley. There are many forms of energy e.g. electrical,
chemical, heat, nuclear, mechanical etc.
Units:The units are the same as those for work, Joule J.
In this module only purely mechanical energy will be considered. This may be of two
kinds, potential and kinetic.

Potential Energy
Gravitational potential energy is energy an object possesses because of its position
in a gravitational field. It may be described as energy due to position relative to a
standard position (normally chosen to be he earth's surface.)
The potential energy of a body may be defined as the amount of work it would do if it
were to move from the its current position to the standard position.

Example-3: What is the potential energy of a 10kg mass-

a. 100m above the surface of the earth
b. at the bottom of a vertical mine shaft 1000m deep.
a) b)

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it
possesses because of its motion. The kinetic energy of a point mass m is given by

Work-Energy Principle

The change in the kinetic energy of an object is equal to the net work done on
the object.

Example-4: A car of mass 1000 kg travelling at 30m/s has its speed reduced to 10m/s
by a constant breaking force over a distance of 75m.
a. The cars initial kinetic energy
b. The final kinetic energy
c. The breaking force


Change in kinetic energy = 400 kJ
We know, work done = change in kinetic energy so

Power is the rate at which work is done, or the rate at which energy is used

Units: The unit for power is the watt W.

A power of 1W means that work is being done at the rate of 1J/s.
Larger units for power are the kilowatt kW (1kW = 1000 W = 103 W) and
the megawatt MW (1 MW = 1000000 W = 106 W).
If work is being done by a machine moving at speed v against a constant force, or
resistance, F, then since work doe is force times distance, work done per second is Fv,
which is the same as power.

Example: A constant force of 2kN pulls a crate along a level floor a distance of 10 m
in 50s.
What is the power used?

Example-6: A hoist operated by an electric motor has a mass of 500 kg. It raises a
load of 300 kg vertically at a steady speed of 0.2 m/s. Frictional resistance can be
taken to be constant at 1200 N.

What is the power required?


Work, Power, Energy Worksheet

1) A go cart engine applies a force of 888N and moves the cart forward 22m.
a) How much work is done?

b) What is doing the work?

c) If the driver wants to go further will the amount of work increase or decrease?
Do you need a bigger engine to go further?

d) We put on a bigger engine (1111N) but the cart still moves forward 22m.
How much work is done now?

e) Why would you put on a bigger engine if you are still moving 22m?

f) Work requires a change in energy, which engine uses more gas to go 22m?

g) Even an empty semi truck uses much more gas than a car. Why?

2) Calculate the work done by a 47 N force pushing a pencil 0.26


3) Calculate the work done by a 2.4 N force pushing a 400 g sandwich

across a table 0.75 m wide.______

4. How far can a mother push a 20.0 kg baby carriage, using a force of 62
N, if she can only do 2920 J of work? __________

6. If a small motor does 520 J of work for 10seconds, how much power is

7. A girl pushes her little brother on his sled with a force of 300 N for 750 m.
a. How much work is this? _______________
b. How much energy is used?__________
c. How much power does she use if it takes her 25s?_________
d. How much power does she use if she runs and complete the
750m in 10s?________

8. A 75.0 kg man pushes on a 500,000 kg wall for 250 s but it does not
a. How much work does he do on the wall? ____________
b. How much energy is used?__________
c. How much power is exerted?_______________

Answer-1: Your legs, because they move you and the groceries from the car to the
kitchen. Your arms only lift and hold the groceries.
The legs apply more force over a greater distance so they do more work

Sources and Forms of Energy
Forms of Energy

Solar Energy
Sun is the primary source of energy. Sunlight is a clean, renewable source of energy.
It is a sustainable resource, meaning it doesn't run out, but can be maintained because
the sun shines almost every day. Coal or gas are not sustainable or renewable: once
they are gone, there is none left. More and more people are wanting to use clean,
renewable energy such as solar, wind, geothermal steam and others. It is called
'Green Power'. It lights our houses by day, dries our clothes and agricultural
produce, keeps us warm and lots more. Its potential is however much larger

 It is a perennial, natural source and free
 It is available in plenty
 It is non-polluting
 It does not emit any green house gases.
 Solar energy offers decentralization in most (sunny) locations, meaning self-
reliant societies.
 One of the biggest advantages of solar energy is the ability to avoid the
politics and price volatility that is increasingly characterizing fossil fuel
 It doesn’t result in the destruction of forests and eco-systems that occurs with
most fossil fuel operations.
 Dependent on change in seasons / weather – hence they may not be used
 Requires high initial investments for productive use
 Solar systems doesn’t work at night directly but the battery bank, which stores
energy during day-time can be used during night.
 Solar electricity storage technology has not reached its potential yet.
 Solar panels are bulky. This is particularly true of the higher-efficiency,
traditional silicon crystalline wafer solar modules.
Technologies for productive use of solar energy
Solar energy can be used to generate electricity. Through Solar Photovoltaic (SPV)
cells, solar radiation gets converted into DC electricity directly. The generated
electricity can either be used as it is or can be stored in the battery. The stored
electrical energy can be used when solar energy is not available. SPV is nowadays
successfully used for home and street lighting and water pumping in villages. In hilly
areas, solar water heating is also being used.

Wind Energy
Wind is the natural movement of air across the land or sea. The wind when used to
turn the blades of a wind mill turns the shaft to which they are attached. This
movement of shaft through a pump or generator produces electricity. The Potential for
wind power generation for grid interaction has been estimated at about 1,02,788 MW
taking sites having wind power density greater than 200 W/sq. m at 80 m hub-height
with 2% land availability in potential areas for setting up wind farms @ 9 MW/sq.
km. India now has the 5th largest wind power installed capacity in the world which has
reached 29151.29 MW (as on Feb, 2017). The total wind power capacity added to the

country in 2016-17 (as on Feb 28, 2017) has come up to 2373.90 MW. Private
agencies own 95 % of the wind farms in India.
 It is environment friendly
 Its freely and abundantly available
 High investment requirement
 Wind speed is not uniform all the time which affects power generated

Biomass and Biofuels

What is biomass?
The plants fix solar energy through the process of photosynthesis to produce biomass.
This biomass passes through various cycles producing different forms of energy
sources. For example, fodder for animals that in turn produce dung, agricultural waste
for cooking, etc. The current availability of biomass in India is estimated at about 500
million MT per annum, with an estimated surplus biomass availability of about 120 –
150 million metric tones per annum covering agricultural and forestry residues. This
corresponds to a potential of about 18,000 MW. An additional 7000 MW power could
be generated through bagasse based cogeneration in the country’s Sugar mills.
Biomass is an important source of energy accounting for about one third of the total
fuel used in our country and in about 90% of the rural households. The widespread
use of biomass is for household cooking and heating. The types of biomass used are
agricultural waste, wood, charcoal or dried dung.
 Available locally and to some extent abundantly
 It is a relatively clean fuel when compared to fossil fuels. In a way biomass
also cleans our environment by trapping carbon- di-oxide
 Drudgery involved in collection of fuel
 During indoor cooking and in the absence of sufficient ventilation fuels such
as dung cause air pollution which is a serious health hazard
 Unsustainable and inefficient use of biomass often leads to destruction of
vegetation and hence environmental degradation.
Technologies for productive use of biomass
Technologies that enable efficient use of biomass are becoming prevalent in rural
areas.The efficiency of fuel usage is increased by:

Biofuels are predominantly produced from biomass feed stocks or as a by-product
from the industrial processing of agricultural or food products, or from the recovery
and reprocessing of products such as cooking and vegetable oil. Biofuel contains no
petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum fuel to create a biofuel
blend. It can be used in conventional healing equipment or diesel engine with no
major modification. Biofuel is simple to use, biodegradable, non-toxic and essentially
free of Sulphur and aroma.

Water and geothermal

The flowing water and the tides in the sea are sources of energy. Heavy investments
are made on large projects. In recent years, hydel energy (through mini and small
hydel power plants) is also used to reach power to remote villages which are
unelectrified. The estimated potential of Small Hydro Power is about 15,000 MW in
the country. As on February 2017, the installed capacity of Small hydro projects (upto
3MW) amounts to 4346.85 MW.
Advantages of Small Hydro Power as an energy source
 Reliable, eco-friendly, mature and proven technology.
 More suited for the sensitive mountain ecology.
 Can be exploited wherever sufficient water flows -along small streams,
medium to small rivers and also harness abundant sun-shine, wind-energy and
other bio-energy sources.
 Does not involve setting up of large dams or problems of deforestation,
submergence or rehabilitation.
 Non-polluting, entails no waste or production of toxic gases, environment
 Small capital investment and short gestation period.
 Minimal transmission losses.
 With careful planning and adoption of simplified and standardized designs,
SHP installations are becoming increasingly competitive with thermal, diesel
or gas based power generation.

Geothermal energy
Geothermal Energy is heat stored in earth crust and being used for electric generation
and also for direct heat application. Geothermal literally means heat generated by
earth. Various resource assessment carried out by various agencies established the
potential 10600 MWth /1000MWe spread over 340 hot springs across seven
Geothermal provinces/11 states.

The availability of geothermal power is most environment-friendly power, round the
year 24x7 basis, not affected by the severity of climate during 6 to 7 winter months
like hydro and like dependence on sun in solar PV.

Non Renewable energy

Coal, Oil and Natural gas are the non-renewable sources of energy. They are also
called fossil fuels as they are products of plants that lived thousands of years ago.
Fossil fuels are the predominantly used energy sources today. India is the third largest
producer of coal in the world, with estimated reserves of around 309 Billion tonnes of
Geological Resources of Coal  (as of 1.4.2016). Coal supplies more than 58% of the
country's total primary energy requirements. India consumes about 210 MT of crude
oil annually, and more than 70% of it is imported. Burning fossil fuels cause great
amount of environmental pollution.

1. Solar Energy
Solar power harvests the energy of the sun through using collector panels to create
conditions that can then be turned into a kind of power. Large solar panel fields are
often used in desert to gather enough power to charge small substations, and many
homes use solar systems to provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their
electricity. The issue with solar is that while there is plentiful amounts of sun
available, only certain geographical ranges of the world get enough of the direct
power of the sun for long enough to generate usable power from this source.

2. Wind Energy
Wind power is becoming more and more common. The new innovations that are
allowing wind farms to appear are making them a more common sight. By using large
turbines to take available wind as the power to turn, the turbine can then turn a
generator to produce electricity. While this seemed like an ideal solution to many, the
reality of the wind farms is starting to reveal an unforeseen ecological impact that
may not make it an ideal choice.

3. Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is the energy that is produced from beneath the earth. It is clean,
sustainable and environment friendly. High temperatures are produced continuously
inside the earth’s crust by the slow delay of radioactive particles. Hot rocks present
below the earth heats up the water that produces steam. The steam is then captured
that helps to move turbines. The rotating turbines then power the generators.
Geothermal energy can be used by a residential unit or on a large scale by a industrial
application. It was used during ancient times for bathing and space heating. The
biggest disadvantage with geothermal energy is that it can only be produced at
selected sites throughout the world. The largest group of geothermal power plants in
the world is located at The Geysers, a geothermal field in California, United States.

4. Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen is available with water(H2O) and is most common element available on
earth. Water contains two-thirds of hydrogen and can be found in combination with

other elements. Once it is separated, it can be used as a fuel for generating electricity.
Hydrogen is a tremendous source of energy and can be used as a source of fuel to
power ships, vehicles, homes, industries and rockets. It is completely renewable, can
be produced on demand and does not leave any toxic emissions in the atmosphere.

5. Tidal Energy
Tidal energy uses rise and fall of tides to convert kinetic energy of incoming and
outgoing tides into electrical energy. The generation of energy through tidal power is
mostly prevalent in coastal areas. Huge investment and limited availability of sites are
few of the drawbacks of tidal energy. When there is increased height of water levels
in the ocean, tides are produced which rush back and forth in the ocean. Tidal energy
is one of the renewable source of energy and produce large energy even when the
tides are at low speed.

6. Wave Energy
Wave energy is produced from the waves that are produced in the oceans. Wave
energy is renewable, environment friendly and causes no harm to atmosphere. It can
be harnessed along coastal regions of many countries and can help a country to reduce
its dependance on foreign countries for fuel. Producing wave energy can damage
marine ecosystem and can also be a source of disturbance to private and commercial
vessels. It is highly dependent on wavelength and can also be a source of visual and
noise pollution.

7. Hydroelectric Energy
What many people are not aware of is that most of the cities and towns in the world
rely on hydropower, and have for the past century. Every time you see a major dam, it
is providing hydropower to an electrical station somewhere. The power of the water is
used to turn generators to produce the electricity that is then used. The problems faced
with hydropower right now have to do with the aging of the dams. Many of them need

major restoration work to remain functional and safe, and that costs enormous sums of
money. The drain on the world’s drinkable water supply is also causing issues as
townships may wind up needing to consume the water that provides them power too.

8. Biomass Energy
Biomass energy is produced from organic material and is commonly used throughout
the world. Chlorophyll present in plants captures the sun’s energy by converting
carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground into carbohydrates through the
process of photosynthesis. When the plants are burned, the water and carbon dioxide
is again released back into the atmosphere. Biomass generally include crops, plants,
trees, yard clippings, wood chips and animal wastes. Biomass energy is used for
heating and cooking in homes and as a fuel in industrial production. This type of
energy produces large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

9. Nuclear Power
While nuclear power remains a great subject of debate as to how safe it is to use, and
whether or not it is really energy efficient when you take into account the waste it
produces – the fact is it remains one of the major renewable sources of energy
available to the world. The energy is created through a specific nuclear reaction,
which is then collected and used to power generators. While almost every country has
nuclear generators, there are moratoriums on their use or construction as scientists try
to resolve safety and disposal issues for waste.

10. Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Natural Gas)

When most people talk about the different sources of energy they list natural gas, coal
and oil as the options – these are all considered to be just one source of energy from
fossil fuels. Fossil fuels provide the power for most of the world, primarily using coal
and oil. Oil is converted into many products, the most used of which is gasoline.
Natural gas is starting to become more common, but is used mostly for heating
applications although there are more and more natural gas powered vehicles
appearing on the streets. The issue with fossil fuels is twofold. To get to the fossil fuel
and convert it to use there has to be a heavy destruction and pollution of the
environment. The fossil fuel reserves are also limited, expecting to last only another
100 years given are basic rate of consumption.


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