Test Elementary English Grammar VII

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1 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Look out of the window. It’s snowing/snow/snowed.
1 What’s that noise? It’s lightning/lightening/thunder.
2 I think it’s going to rain. Look at those cloud/clouds/cloudy.
3 The weather tomorrow will be hot and sun/sunny/sunshine.
4 The weather is frozen/wind/cold in the winter.
5 Take an umbrella. It’s rain/raining/rains.
6 I think we’ll have a wet/little/shower of rain.
7 A lot of houses were damaged in the storm/stormy/storming.
8 If you sit in the sun for too long, you’ll get sunburning/sunburn/sunned.
9 It’s very windy/wind/winding today. Let’s fly our kites.
10 Look at that tree! It’s been hit by lightning/snow/rain.

2 Read the descriptions and complete the words.

0 Mont Blanc is the highest one in Europe. mountain
1 The Pacific is the largest one in the world. o____
2 It flies and carries passengers. p____
3 The place where trains stop. s______
4 Crete, Ireland and Iceland are all ... i______
5 It sails across the sea. s___
6 A place where many trees grow. f_____
7 It has got two wheels and no engine. b______
8 People love sunbathing on this. b____
9 Planes take off and land here. a______
10 The Nile, the Amazon and the Thames are ... r_____

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