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Mises Memo News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute Summer 2004

so is the broader moral point. A

Why Economic Education? society that respects propertv
rights and is unmanaged by die
This summer, students from in economics, history, philosophy, central state is the essential condi
all over the United States and and law. Others will be in journal tion for the flourishing of human
many countries around die world ism or perhaps the ministry. But ity and civilization. It is this lib
have come to the campus of the whatever path they choose, they erty—stemming from private
Mises Institute to learn about the will be prepared to offer the property and reliant on peace—
economics of human liberty. They strongest possible defense of the that has brought such blessings to
have been chosen from among idea of freedom. the world. And vet it is endan
many applicants to benefit from the Among the great offerings this gered by states that interfere with
unique economics education avail summer are two complete sessions the operations of the market econ
able from the faculty we have gath of die Mises University widi its omy. That idea is die central lesson
ered. tamed faculty, a mil week of lectures of history, and the main message
widi Hans-Hermann Hoppe, a full of economic science.
In the Mises campus, with its
large and specialized library, its week with tax historian Charles
Adams, an ongoing student collo • Antigapitalism
advanced technology and an out
standing learning environment, quium, evening seminars and films, Everyone, apart from a few
these students have discovered an and daily interaction on the Rill socialist fanatics, believes in free
idealized setting that will leave range of topics within die social sci enterprise. Right? Surely there is
their intellectual lives forever ences. no real need to give people spe
affected. Most intend academic Technical economics is an cialized training in a subject about
careers of teaching and researching essential part of the program but which there is little dispute.
That's what we are told. But if
you look more closely, you find a
very different picture. Political
campaigns have been reduced to a
competition over who can offer
the most prizes to special interests
at the expense of the taxpayer.
Alternatively, it is a tight over
which set of producers is going to
benefit at the expense of con
sumers and through what means.
Whatever happens, the result is an
attack on liberty and property.
(This is explained beautifully in
Ralph Raico's taped courscwork:
Histon: The Strugglefir Liberty.)
It sets worse. Thumbing
through any day's stories from the
business press turns up fallacies
Faculty andstudents attending Mises University galore. Here we find calls for
l " t LUC.7IS VON Vl.l •„ r.oIIIUIL PfcEaLNIS
from all disciplines. It seems that
everyone has a bone to pick with All books and tapes
HISTORY the market economy. These same featured here can be ordered
JT^J* people have an unlimited faidi in online at, or with
the state (despite all experience) to the enclosed order form, or
A Seminar with Ralph Raico by calling 800-636-4737.
perform better than the market
economy (despite all experience).
We are talking about intractable
error of the sort that requires deep for students, complete with foot
study and understanding to dis notes at the bottom of the page
lodge. and a long introduction based on
the archives.
As much as people talk about
die triumph of capitalism, it is clear We have been extremely
national planning, new health-care that basic truths of economics can pleased with the reaction. As sev
mandates, higher taxes to fund no longer be taken for granted. For eral Amazon reviewers have men
public schools (and private schools example, the environmental move tioned, this edition is worth own
through vouchers), higher mini ment and various religious move ing even if you have the other two
mum wages, environmental plan ments deer)' the idea that economic books. The added features are
ning, antitrust policy, intervention growth should be celebrated. They essential, and seeing them as a
by the Federal Reserve, bailouts of say that this degrades people and whole—theory united with prac
industry, protectionism, zoning harms non-human living things. tice—provides an entirely different
controls, price controls on prod Just as absurdly, unions around the perspective on the meaning of the
ucts, government funding of country are mobilizing to keep busi project.
research, work-time regulations,
nesses like Wal-Mart from locating Those who have revisited the
forced association at the work book in recent days have com
in poor areas, on the claim that this
place, world central planning, and would destroy "community." mented that it should be a priority
war as development policy, among of the Austrian movement to
a thousand other bad ideas. Thus do wesecthe relationship
encourage wide readership and
between intellectual error and
study of this book. It is as clear in
• The Root of Bad Ideas impoverishment. What is taught in
its exposition as it is rigorous in its
the classrooms at colleges and uni
Each of these topics is dealt theory. It prepares students to deal
versities eventually comes to have
widi in the coursework, publica with the barrage of fallacies they
tions, and books of the Mises
an effect on the lives of real people, encounter in graduate school, and
for good or ill. On the bright side, makes it possible for professional
Institute, not just as piecemeal
topics but as part of an overall
there is also a relationship between economists to spot errors easily.
the ideas of freedom and prosper
framework of economic theory. Nothing shapes the mind like an
Even students who come to us—
ity. The goal of the Mises Institute integrated treatise, and Rothbard's
already sympathetic toward capi in setting up a different sort of accomplishes this task brilliantly.
talism—find themselves enlight learning is to have an impact on
the ideas of the future. •
ened and even amazed at die ideas
they discover in our programs.
It is not by accident that the Man, Economy, and State
same fallacies appear in college Man,
Many people have written to
textbooks, not just from econom
ics and business ethics classes but
ask how sales and distribu Economy,
tion of Man, Economy, and State
with Power and Market are going. State
The Mises Memo is published quarterly This great treatise by Murray N.
by the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Vol Rothbard has been given new life AND
ume 10, No. 2. Copyright © 2004 by the
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 518 West
in the Mises Institute edition that Market

Magnolia Ave., Auburn, Alabama 36832- combines the two books into the
4528; 334-321-2100; fax 334-321-2119;;
one they were meant to be, and
presents them in an edition perfect

News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute SUMMl-.K 2004

Our goal is to make the book's relations between peoples insofar
contents as widely available as pos as it impacts on dieir material
sible. To this end, we have put the well-being. This is why the Miscs
entire text online, in several for Institute has never shied away
mats. As with Mises's books, we from dealing with topics of war
have found that doing this and peace. Immediately after the
increases interest and encourages attacks on 9-11, we warned
sales. Most important from the against new and cosdy wars that
point of view of the Institute, it create new enemies and do noth
accomplishes the goal of global ing to bring about justice.
economic education toward free It was Mises who first saw the
dom and prosperity. • connection between socialism and
war—they are mutually reinforc
ing in every respect. War ends up
Inflationist Ideology
putting the central planners in
It was no great shock that Bush charge, as Robert Higgs points out
appointed Alan Greenspan to in a wonderful series of lectures we
another term. What has provided attack on the idea of die gold stan have made available in a tape set
a shock to many has been the dard. If the prospect were not a for individual or classroom use:
resurgence of die old beast of price threat, why bother? Crisis and Liberty: The Expansion of
inflation. That's not to say it ever Government Power.
Incidentally, Murray Roth-
went away. Even at rates of 2-4
bard's great book America's Great
percent, the dollar's value has Depression has just appeared in
eroded by half since Reagan's first Chinese, from the Century Pub
term. The best way out is the gold lishing Group of Shanghai. It is a
standard, which would prevent the very beautiful edition. Meanwhile,
currencv from being inflated to ^Jtw (^yxvanJion cfQtVM-nmtnt
Rothbard's neglected revisionist
fund the government's pet proj work on Edmund Burke has been
ects. The great irony is that Alan A Seminar with Robert Higgs
published in Polish. •
Greenspan himself wrote up a very
Misesian defense of the gold stan
dard back in 1966. This is a good War and
reminder that more than technical Central Planning
knowledge is needed to restore lib The scope of economics is far
erty; courage is also essential. vaster than what is called
In support of the gold stan "economic policy." It extends to all
dard, we are preparing a new edi
tion of WJjat has Government Done
Just as the welfare statists and
to Our Money? by Murray Roth- regulators live with illusions about
bard, and working constantly to What Has society and business, U.S. planners
make all of his writings on this
Government went into Iraq with incredible illu
topic available. The Mises Insti sions about what war and occupa
Done to Our
tute has been the leading sup tion could accomplish for a coun
porter of the gold standard since Money?
try. To put the best spin on it, the
our founding. People observe that idea was that replacing a despot
there seems to be little chance of
with a U.S.-led government would
seeing gold restored anytime soon. jumpstart the country toward
Perhaps so, but we would be much democracy and freedom, and this
worse off if no one were even talk
example would spread throughout
ing about the issue. the region until all the Middle East
One great sign: the Financial Murray N. Rothbard and Gulf region embraced the U.S.
Times recently ran a hysterical model.

Summer 2004 • News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute

Had they read what the Aus The newest book goes even fur times. During the conference, our
trian School has written about ther to examine private alterna campus was packed with smart,
war, they never would have fallen tives: The Myth of National productive, and confident profes
for this nonsense, the Bush admin Defense, edited bv Hans-Hermann sors and students who consider
istration would have avoided a Hoppe. themselves students of Ludwig von
quagmire, tens of thousands of If liberty is to have a future, it Mises and Murray N. Rothbard, all
lives would have been saved, and will come through die fundamen gathered in Auburn for three days
the world would be safer.
tal rethinking of die very idea of to present and hear a host of origi
"War," wrote Mises in 1922, the welfare-warfare state. In the nal papers, share new and old
"is harmful, not only to the con end, it will be ideas that will ideas, and plot a future of freedom
quered but to the conqueror. Soci encourage the flowering of a new from state planning.
ety has arisen out of the works of post-imperial American freedom. • Most of our visitors were from
peace; the essence of society is the United States, but 20 other
peacemaking. Peace and not war is countries were also represented.
Tin-: Austrian Scholars
the father of all things. Only eco Though our visitors are studving
nomic action has created the different areas of economics, his
wealth around us; labor, not the T h e Austrian Scholars Confer tory, and philosophy, they are
profession of arms, brings happi ence this year was the usual united in a consistent intellectual
ness. Peace builds, war destroys." nightmare for socialist intellectu vision of free markets, peace, indi
The Mises Institute has been
als. The forces of history were sup vidual liberty, and decentralized,
on the forefront in the study of posed to have flattened the Aus smaller government. Their goal is
government, war, and peace. In trian School and the free market to teach and promote the case
1997, there was the pioneering more than a century ago. Soviet against all forms of state control, to
volume The Costs ofWar, edited by writers were calling Mises a reconstruct the teaching of history
John V Denson, which drew dinosaur in the 1940s, while to reflect this vision, and to work
attention to this much neglected Rothbard was dismissed as a has- to bring about a world without
been when his 1962 treatise tyranny.
topic. In 1998, there was Secession,
State, and Liberty, edited by David appeared. Our named lecturers this year
Gordon, which examined the As this year showed, not only included Sean Corrigan, Joseph
alternative to the large nation-state are the Austrians alive; they are Stromberg, Thomas Woods,
and the violent means of conflict thriving and growing and on the Richard Ebeling, and Tobv Baxen-
suppression. In 2001, there was cutting edge of scholarship in a dale. All their talks became avail
extended analysis of the domestic world where the government and able for the world online and in
consequences of war: Reassessing its minions, no matter how print. Of the 80 or so presenta
the Presidency, edited by Denson. numerous, are always behind the tions, many will appear in journals


State & _1 1
osts Liberty;
rvn Sw


\ JI John V. I naii ' 1
mii'i' m w


News from the Ludwig von Misks Institute • Summer 2004

tradition of the great Austrian
School intellectuals.
Cash prizes of $500, $750,

and $1,000 will be awarded for
the top three papers, as judged by
a select panel of Grove City College
faculty. Hotel accommodations
AUSTRIAN STUDENT SCHOLARS CONFERENCE will be provided to all students
who travel to the ASSC to present
NOVEMBER 5-6, 2004 • GROVE CITY, PENNSYLVANIA their papers. Limited stipends are
available for travel expenses. Stu
dents should submit their propos
als to Dr. Jeffrey Herbener (jmher-
or become books or otherwise that otherwise might not have, director of the
been written, many of which will conference, by September 15. •
enter the world of ideas.

Such meetings are not become books. It galvanizes an

entire movement for intellectual
unprecedented. In the late nine The Classroom
teenth century, the Marxists were a battle. It gives all of us hope of
The Mises Institute's online
truly international movement that surviving and thriving in the
classroom gathers ever more
world of ideas. •
burned with a passionate desire to tools and resources. In addition to
remake the world. And they did, study guides, archives, lesson
with terrifying destruction. For Students Too plans, online books, and a full
100 years, the Austrians stood Grove City College and the blown syllabus project that offers
alone in always and completely Mises Institute are pleased to the syllabi from many Austrian
opposing their plots. The Austri announce the Austrian Student classrooms, we have now added
ans gathered to fight in interwar Scholars Conference. The first dissertations to the mix. It was
Vienna and in New York City in meeting is November 5-6, 2004, once the case that dissertations
the 1970s.
at Grove City College, Grove City, with Austrian themes would lan
Today, the center of the Aus Pennsylvania. Open to current guish in the libraries of the host
trian movement of free-market undergraduates, the ASSC will ing university. Now we make
thought is Auburn, Alabama, and bring together students from col them available to the world. With
it thrives as never before. It's the leges and universities across the so many young people now com
Austrians who have the passion, country to present their own pleting their studies, there is a
die momentum, the international research papers written in the wonderful advantage for everyone
flair and appeal, and it is the Aus
trians who are writing the papers,
publishing the books, appealing to
the young, and making the case
for a radical vision of liberty all
over the world.

We are often asked whether

these conferences pay for them
selves. The answer is, of course,
no. Our donors make it possible
for students to attend at a minimal
fee, and subsidize most everything
else as well. In financial terms, the
conference shouldn't exist. In
terms of the intellectual benefits,
however, it is hugely worth it.
What it produces are many papers

Summer 2004 News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute

in being able to do this. Congrat showing that conventional eco
ulations, for example, go to Paul nomic models are theoretically THE
Cwik, whose dissertation on unsound? Quarterly
interest rates and yield curves is Thank goodness for the Jour Journal
now available at nal of Libertarian Studies and the ofAustrian
studvguide.asp. • Quarterly Journal of Austrian Eco economics
nomics. These journals stimulate
research, recruit new young peo After the Age of Inflation JBrtr»y I
Before and After the Euro
ple, and intensify communication Re<evan;e as a Virtue tn Economics
Do Free*MarVet Economists Practice

and cooperation. Their ideas make What They Twch?

The 1866 False Money Debate tn trie

their way into libraries and class )owiwl dci lronom/stes

The Case Against Currency Boards Nifcol-y (

rooms, and recruit a new genera A Theory of Interest

the Rebirth of Austrian Economtcs-In
j«0 Cmmjo ^

Light of Austrian Economics ioM»h t

tion of students.

Yes, both journals take risks.

But this is necessary to break the
stranglehold that the state exer
cises over academic opinion, and large-scale audio sales. The prob
to attract the young. They provide lem is now solved with the Mises
a rare zone of freedom where out Media Server. It includes hundreds
standing scholars can publish real of files of audio lectures which are
research and new ideas. No won now made available at no charge.
Mises Fellow Paul Cwik der their audience is so broad and Listeners love it: "Fantastic!
dedicated. We are dedicated to Excellent! This is extremely nifty,
making sure there are scholarly and even the name is catchy
The Journals
journals to hold high the flame of (Mises Media). It looks like HI
liberty in dark times. • have to send out another dona
The scholarly journal, properly
tion." "Bliss was it in that dawn to
conceived, serves an essential
be alive, to be able to click any
purpose in allowing new research The Media Server
where on this Mises Media server
to be published and made known, W e were troubled for vears
and hear a lecture on Austrian eco
and in building a community of about all the recordings of nomics, anytime, anvwhere."
scholars. The journals of the eigh great lectures we own but could
teenth and nineteenth centuries As an example, Walter Block
not make available to people; it
seem fearless by comparison to debated Richard Epstein at the
was never reallv viable for a small
the current crop. Far from curry Universitv of Chicago on property
institute like ours to throw our
ing favor with power, the best of rights and eminent domain. The
selves into the riskv waters of
them took it on, and dealt with place was packed. Thanks to the
Mises Media server, the whole-
fundamental questions, regardless
world had the chance to hear the
of official displeasure.
debate without having been in
Where today can scholars con Chicago. People listened at no
sider such questions as the mean charge from Atlanta to London to
ing of property rights, the correct Shanghai. •
relationship between the individ
ual and the state, the violent
nature of economic planning, and Conservatives

how history is scarred by wars, Need Rockwell

taxes, and other government pro A t a recent meeting of conser
grams? Where are the articles that vatives where the president
can completely overturn conven spoke, the attendees cheered and
tional wisdom, and expose stomped with joy over the biggest
received opinion as false? Where spender of the last half century. It
are the truly scientific studies just goes to show vou how badly

News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute Summer 2004

these people need to read that the best means to achieve the
Llewellyn Rockwell's Speaking of goal of liberty is not working
Liberty, as published by the Mises Speaking within the structure of govern
ment or even seeking to educate
Institute. The reviews have been
fabulous so far, and the book is of Liberty existing office holders and bureau
achieving excellent sales. Thank crats, but rather public education
goodness too that die Conserva generally
tive Book Club has made SOL a We seek to use every medium
featured selection. • we can to advance our ideas, from
the smallest newsletter to the
largest website. Change never hap
Working for Liberty
pens automatically. It requires
The intellectual guidance of tremendous effort and creativity to
humanity," wrote Ludwig von bring about change. The effect of
Mises, "belongs to the very few ideas on a civilization is like waves
who think for themselves." This is on water. By the time they reach
why he, and his student Murray the shore, no one remembers or
Rothbard, were hopeful about the and libertarian political philoso knows for sure where they came
prospects for liberty. Socialist and phy. The Institute publishes jour from. Our job is to stick to die
statist ideologies dominated their nals and books, holds internation task. We should use every means at
age and ours, and yet statism can ally renowned teaching con our disposal to get die ideas out
not triumph in the long run so ferences, assists faculty and stu there; what happens after that is as
long as independent thinkers who dents with research services, and unpredictable as the future always
believe in liberty arc willing to administers one of the most heav
throw themselves into the intellec ily trafficked institutional websites
in the world (with voluminous The key to our success is that
tual struggle.
the Mises Institute is all about
resources used by millions),
We are not talking about a being attached to principle and
among a huge range of other proj
niche idea that is important in one truth before anything else. We've
ects. •
area of life but no other, like a never traded short-term attention
small insight in the natural sci for building for the long term.
ences, however important that Supporting the Mises did not and he paid a per
may be. No, Mises and Rothbard Mises Institute sonal price. But his ideas are
were thinking about something far W e do not seek nor would we changing the world. We must all
larger: diey saw that the idea of ever accept government follow his lead, never giving in,
human liberty itself is the mother support. We exist solely on the never giving up, fighting for truth
of all progress that mankind has voluntary contributions of the nat
ever made, in science, health, and ural elites who understand and
human well-being generally. value the work of freedom. We
The Mises Institute was have a small and dedicated staff, a
founded as a research center based vast network of students, faculty,
on the classical liberalism that has and volunteers around the world, LudwigwnMises
always been under fire: the ideas and depend entirely on the finan
of Mises and the tradition of cial support of people who share
thought he represents. The goal of our ideals. Working with and
*•" • " B3uroecis<; (•
the Mises Institute is to facilitate through the Miscs Institute is a LQUALH YgJ
these revolutionary ideas through wonderful way for people who 25 =»
every form of education and pub believe in liberty to make a differ "SS ECONOMICS^.
lication. In the spirit of Mises, we ence.
-/ • • • ' • • • • •h-
strive to be the world's leading We have the testimony of ^Distribution
provider of scholarly support serv many giants in our history—EA. ownership
ices for the Austrian School of Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Henry
economics, free-market theory, Hazlitt, Murray N. Rothbard—

Summer 2004 News from the Ludwig von Mises Institute

until our last breath. We have die Recurring Donations Massachusetts Maritime Academy-
passion and energy Most impor T h e Mises Institute now makes He was a retired executive of the
tantly, we have truth on our side. • it possible to give to the work U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office,
and a Charter Member of the Insti
of liberty every month, automati
The Work of Liberty cally, by setting up a recurring tute (1983). Dr. RobertM. Hansen
credit card charge. It is a great way of Palm Desert, California was a
A t the Mises Institute, we have
to make sure that your support is Charter Member (1983) and a gen
done the work of liberty for
ongoing without having to set up erous Patron of Institute publica
22 years in hundreds of seminars
complicated financial arrange tions.
and lectures. In fact, we do it
around the clock every day for an ments. As one donor told us: "this We also mourn the passing of
international audience. Hardly a is estate planning for the rest of Institute benefactors: Mr. Sidney
day goes by when we do not us." We hope you take advantage D. Bell of Albany, California,
receive an email from some stu
of the opportunity by authorizing Member since 1988; Mr. Myron I.
dent somewhere who credits our
a mondily donation. You can do it Dickey, Jr., of Mount Enterprise,
work with changing the way he online at, or call us at Texas, Member since 1985; Mr.
looks at the world.
800-636-4737 and let us set it up Raymond V Shawstad of Mar-
for you. • shalltown, Iowa, a Member since
Does it matter that one stu
2002; and Mr. Richard E. Six of
dent's mind is changed? Yes, it
Requiesgat in Page Alexandria, Virginia, a Member
matters. It matters for that one
since 1987.
person and it matters for the his e mourn the deaths of these
tory of liberty itself. If we work w;heroes of freedom: May these great men rest in
every day to sponsor scholarship Mr. George Conncll of Para peace. In their spirit and in their
and education that backs the idea chute, Colorado, had been a Mem memory, we will work to protect
of freedom, and we work harder ber of die Institute since 1987. A
and enhance die ideals in which
and smarter dian the other side, Purdue University graduate who they believed, and for which they
and we do not become discour sacrificed. •
worked as a civil engineer through
aged or allow ourselves to be out the world, he established the
intimidated, someday we will turn Murray N. Rothbard Medal of
around to discover diat we have Freedom to be awarded annually
made a revolution. We may never for a lifetime of dedication to lib
get credit, but that is not what we erty, which certainly describes Mr.
seek. We are in this business
Connell, who personally chose the
because we believe. We have faith, first two recipients, Burton S.
which is the evidence of things Blumert in 2003 and Gary North
unseen. What is unseen in our
in 2004.
country and world right now is a
free society that we know would be Mr. Robert D. Love, a Mem
productive, peaceful, and moral. ber of the Institute since 1984,
was board chairman of the Love
What the friends of freedom George Connell
Box Company in Wichita, Kansas,
need more than anything else
and an advocate of Christian busi
today is die personal stamina that
ness principles. He also founded
conies with moral conviction. The
the Wichita Collegiate School, a
cause needs you more now than
bastion of classical education,
ever. A time for liberty will come
Christianity, and libertarianism.
when we realize that history is
nothing more than the working Dr. Eberhard F. Besemann of
out of what we think and believe. Signal Mountain, Tennessee, was a
By choosing to pursue education Charter Member (1983) of the
as the means to revolution, you Institute, and a faithful supporter
have seized on the most workable of Mises University. Mr. Myron
means to save civilization itself. It W Chamberlin of Portsmouth,
is an awesome responsibility • Virginia, was a graduate of the Robert D. Love

News from the Ludwig vox Mises Institute Summer 2004

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