HbA1C Dan Glukosa

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Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research


Hemoglobin A1c and Mean Glucose in

Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Analysis of data from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
continuous glucose monitoring randomized trial
JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION commonly found in patients with type 1
CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE MONITORING diabetes (5) and underestimate the ex-
STUDY GROUP* tent and frequency of nocturnal hypo-
glycemia (6).
In contrast, the recently completed
OBJECTIVE—To determine the relationship between mean sensor glucose concentrations Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values measured in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/ (JDRF)-sponsored continuous glucose
Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications laboratory at the University of Min-
nesota in a cohort of subjects with type 1 diabetes from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foun-
monitoring (CGM) trial provided data to
dation continuous glucose monitoring randomized trial. closely examine the relationship between
mean glucose concentrations, measured
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Near-continuous glucose sensor data ($4 in a near-continuous fashion for 3 months,
days/week) were collected for 3 months before a central laboratory–measured HbA1c was per- and the subsequent HbA1c values mea-
formed for 252 subjects aged 8–74 years, the majority of whom had stable HbA1c values (77% sured centrally in the DCCT/Epidemiology
within 60.4% of the patient mean). of Diabetes Interventions and Complica-
RESULTS—The slope (95% CI) for mean sensor glucose concentration (area under the curve) tions (EDIC) laboratory in patients with
versus a centrally measured HbA1c was 24.4 mg/dL (22.0–26.7) for each 1% change in HbA1c, type 1 diabetes.
with an intercept of 216.2 mg/dL (232.9 to 0.6). Although the slope did not vary with age or
sex, there was substantial individual variability, with mean sensor glucose concentrations rang- RESEARCH DESIGN AND
ing from 128 to 187 mg/dL for an HbA1c of 6.9–7.1%. The root mean square of the errors METHODS—The JDRF CGM random-
between the actual mean sensor glucose concentration versus the value calculated using the ized trial protocol has been described in
regression equation was 14.3 mg/dL, whereas the median absolute difference was 10.1 mg/dL. detail previously (7–9). Major eligibility
criteria included age .8 years, type 1 di-
CONCLUSIONS—There is substantial individual variability between the measured versus
calculated mean glucose concentrations. Consequently, estimated average glucose concentra- abetes for at least 1 year, use of either an
tions calculated from measured HbA1c values should be used with caution. insulin pump or at least three daily insulin
injections, and an HbA1c value ,10.0%.
Diabetes Care 34:540–544, 2011 Subjects were randomly assigned to
either a CGM group or a control group

that used standard home blood glucose
emoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a time- measurements have been standardized
monitoring for the first 6 months. After
honored gold standard measure of to the DCCT values via the National Gly-
6 months, both groups used CGM.
overall diabetes control, and HbA1c cohemoglobin Standardization Program.
Subjects received one of the following
values serve as the targets for diabetes man- Current HbA1c assays can be fast, precise,
CGM devices: the DexCom SEVEN
agement (1). The chemistry of glycation and accurate (4).
(DexCom, San Diego, CA), the MiniMed
predicts a straightforward relationship Determining the true relationship be-
Paradigm REAL-Time insulin pump and
between mean glucose concentrations tween mean glucose concentrations and
continuous glucose monitoring system
and HbA1c values over the average life- HbA1c values has been hampered by lim-
(Medtronic MiniMed, Northridge, CA),
span of a patient’s red cells (2). Because itations in accessing mean glucose con-
or the FreeStyle Navigator (Abbott Di-
the Diabetes Control and Complications centrations in groups of patients over a
abetes Care, Alameda, CA). Each subject
Trial (DCCT) (3) demonstrated that im- period of $3 months. Discrete glucose
was instructed to wear the sensor on a
proved glycemic control, measured as measurements obtained infrequently
continuous basis.
HbA1c, decreased the risk of long-term over the day often fail to capture the
HbA1c values were measured at the
diabetic complications, most HbA 1c true magnitude of glycemic excursions
University of Minnesota using the Tosoh
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
HbA1c 2.2 Plus Glycohemoglobin Ana-
lyzer (10). The cohort did not contain
Corresponding author: Roy W. Beck, jdrfapp@jaeb.org.
Received 3 June 2010 and accepted 17 December 2010.
enough non–white or Hispanic subjects
DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1054. Clinical trial reg. no. NCT00406133, clinicaltrials.gov. to evaluate race/ethnicity.
The article contains Supplementary Data online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.2337/
dc10-1054/-/DC1. Statistical analysis
*Members of the writing committee are listed in APPENDIX. A full listing of the members of the study group is We limited our analysis to subjects who
included in the Supplementary Data online.
© 2011 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly averaged $4 days per week of CGM use
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.org/ in the 3 months before an HbA1c mea-
licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. surement. To minimize the impact of

540 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, MARCH 2011 care.diabetesjournals.org

JDRF CGM Study Group

changing glycemic control after the intro- The slope of mean glucose concen- calculated using the regression equation
duction of CGM, we only analyzed the tration versus HbA1c value did not vary was 14.3 mg/dL, whereas the median abso-
3 months of CGM data collected before meaningfully by age, sex, or type of lute difference was 10.1 mg/dL. A total of
the 12-month (end-of-study) HbA1c mea- CGM device (Table 1). Although only 91% of subjects had mean glucose concen-
surement. An HbA1c value was obtained 42 of the 252 subjects were not insulin trations within 615% of the calculated av-
for 436 subjects who completed the 12- pump users, the mode of insulin delivery erage glucose concentrations (calculated
month visit. Of these, 252 subjects had did not materially alter the slope. Reana- from HbA1c ).
worn their CGM device for an average of lyzing the data using only the 195 sub-
$4 days per week during the prior 3 jects whose HbA 1c remained within CONCLUSIONS—The estimated slope
months and were included in these anal- 60.4% of the value obtained 3 months of the relationship between mean glucose
yses. earlier or the 138 subjects whose HbA1c concentration and HbA1c has varied from
Mean glucose concentrations were remained within 60.2% did not materi- study to study (Table 2). In studies that
calculated over the 91-day period before ally alter the slopes. used infrequent discrete blood glucose
the HbA 1c measurement, giving equal Substantial individual variability ex- testing, Hempe et al. (11) found a slope
weight to each of the 24 h of the day. isted in the relationship between HbA1c of 18.5 mg/dL for each unit (%) change in
Similar calculations were done for the and mean glucose concentration. For HbA1c, whereas Rohlfing et al. (12) and
mean glucose values during the 1-month HbA1c values between 6.9 and 7.1% (n = Makris et al. (13) found slopes of ;35
(30-day) and 2-month (61-day) intervals 46), the average sensor mean glucose con- mg/dL for each unit (%) change in
before the HbA1c measurement. Least– centrations ranged from 128 to 187 mg/dL. HbA1c, a number that was used to describe
squares regression analysis was performed For HbA1c values between 7.9 and 8.1% the relationship for a decade. These inves-
using mean glucose concentration as the (n = 16), the average sensor mean glu- tigators also found wide variability
dependent variable and HbA 1c as the cose concentrations ranged from 154 to between measured mean glucose concen-
independent variable (linear term). Fitting 223 mg/dL (Fig. 1). The root mean square trations and estimated average glucose
higher order polynomial terms showed no of the errors between the actual mean sen- values calculated using their regression
deviation from linearity. Residual values sor glucose concentration versus the value equations.
were examined to verify that they followed
an approximate normal distribution. No
outliers or overly influential data points
were identified. A plot of residuals against
predicted values showed no meaningful
deviation from the assumption of homo-

RESULTS—At the 12-month visit, the

252 subjects in analysis ranged in age
from 9 to 74 years (mean 6 SD: 32 6 17),
with 21% of subjects ,15 years, 24% be-
tween 15 and 24 years, and 55% $25
years. Median duration of diabetes was
7 years (25th to 75th percentile, 4–9) for
children, 8 years (5–10) for adolescents,
and 24 years (17–32) for adults; 54%
were female and 94% were white. HbA1c
values ranged from 5.1 to 9.6% (7.1 6
0.8%). Approximately half of subjects
had a stable HbA1c value, with 55% be-
ing within 60.2% of the HbA1c value mea-
sured 3 months prior, 21% improving
$0.3%, and 24% worsening $0.3%
over the last 3 months. In total, 346,434
h of CGM glucose values (median 1,433 h
per subject) were analyzed.
The slope (95% CI) for mean sensor
glucose concentration (area under the
curve) versus a centrally measured HbA1c
was 24.4 mg/dL (22.0–26.7) for each
1% change in HbA1c with an intercept
of 216.2 mg/dL (232.9 to 0.6) (Fig. 1
and Table 1). Using only 1 or 2 months Figure 1—Mean glucose versus HbA1c: mean glucose measured by the CGM device over 3 months
of glucose data before the HbA1c measure- (91 days) before the HbA1c measurement (n = 252). Regression line was calculated using least
ment did not alter the slope (Table 1). squares. (A high-quality color representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)

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HbA1c and glucose area under the curve

Table 1—Mean glucose versus HbA1c in subgroups we did not have a sufficient number of
non-white subjects to evaluate the rela-
Slope for mean glucose versus tionships of mean glucose concentration
HbA1c (mg/dL per 1%) versus HbA1c in other ethnic and racial
Subjects (n)* 3 months† 2 months† 1 month† It is important to note that all studies
Overall 252 24.4 6 2.3 25.4 6 2.4 25.7 6 2.9 have reported substantial variability be-
Age (years) tween the measured mean glucose con-
8–14 54 25.0 6 3.7 26.3 6 4.1 26.6 6 4.9 centrations and the estimated values
15–24 60 24.6 6 4.8 25.1 6 5.3 26.3 6 6.9 calculated from regression equations
$25 138 20.7 6 3.5 21.8 6 3.6 20.9 6 4.1 (Table 2). As an example, Nathan et al.
Treatment group (15) reported that only slightly ,90% of
Control 122 22.5 6 3.7 24.2 6 4.0 22.8 6 4.8 subjects had measured glucose concen-
RT-CGM 130 25.7 6 2.9 26.1 6 3.1 27.9 6 3.6 trations within 615% mean glucose con-
Sex centrations predicted by HbA 1c . We
Female 137 24.8 6 3.0 25.8 6 3.2 25.9 6 3.9 found a similar value in the current study
Male 115 23.5 6 3.6 24.5 6 3.8 25.0 6 4.5 (91%).
Insulin delivery CGM typically has a relative error
Multiple daily injections 42 25.8 6 6.0 26.8 6 6.1 29.3 6 8.0 ranging from 14 to 20% (18–21). Quality
Pump 210 23.5 6 2.5 24.3 6 2.7 24.0 6 3.2 control samples conducted during this
CGM device study for HbA 1c , in contrast, showed
DexCom 53 25.8 6 4.9 27.5 6 5.3 29.5 6 7.2 that 99% of repeat measurements were
Navigator 52 20.7 6 4.3 22.0 6 4.8 21.1 6 5.8 within 60.1% of the original value. This
Paradigm 147 24.8 6 3.3 25.4 6 3.4 25.4 6 3.8 result suggests that the measurement er-
Change in HbA1c over the prior 3 months ror for HbA1c is negligible compared with
Improved $0.5% 26 26.4 6 5.7 25.3 6 5.7 25.2 6 6.4 that for CGM used to calculate the mean
Within 60.4% 195 24.2 6 3.0 24.6 6 3.2 25.5 6 3.8 glucose in this analysis.
Worsened $0.5% 31 25.7 6 5.8 27.1 6 6.1 23.6 6 7.5 Although there are challenges in mea-
Data are slopes (6 margin of error for 95% CI) unless otherwise indicated. *One subject was not included in
suring mean glucose concentrations with
the 1-month analysis because of insufficient data. †Mean glucose calculated from CGM data taken over CGMS as well, the errors with these
3 months (91 days), 2 months (61 days), and 1 month (30 days) before the HbA1c measurement. To convert devices are generally unbiased, with mean
slopes to mmol/L per 1%, divide by 18. RT-CGM, real-time continuous glucose monitoring. errors typically centered around zero.
Moreover, CGMS can provide an unpre-
cedented view across time. In the current
study, we had nearly complete glycemic
In our study, the slope of the regres- the addition of a more complete 24-h data, day and night, for the entire 3 months
sion line was 24–25 mg/dL glucose for measure of glucose concentrations would of glucose concentrations before an HbA1c
every 1% change in HbA1c. This value is provide a tighter and more accurate as- measurement. Consequently, our findings
lower than values reported earlier using sessment of the relationship between glu- of considerable discrepancies between
six to seven intermittent sample blood cose concentrations and HbA1c values. actual and estimated mean glucose con-
glucose profiles (11,12) but similar to There are limitations to the determination centrations lead us to disagree with the
the results of other studies that used of the relationship between glucose and conclusions of Nathan et al. (15) that a cal-
CGM (14–16). For example, using CGM, HbA1c with the current study. However, culated mean glucose is clinically equiva-
Mazze (14) found a slope of 26.3 with we did not find any major differences in lent to a measured mean glucose. HbA1c
mean glucose concentration as the depen- the relationships between glucose con- measures are extremely precise, and there
dent variable. centrations and HbA1c values when con- are substantial individually persistent var-
Nathan et al. (15) and Borg et al. (17) sidering patients whose HbA1c was stable iations in the ratio between HbA1c and
used a combination of both intermittent and patients whose HbA1c changed over mean glucose. Thus, estimated mean glu-
discrete and intermittent CGM data from the time interval of observation. Individ- cose values calculated from measured
adults with and without diabetes. They ual biological variation in erythrocyte sur- HbA1c values should be used with caution.
found a slope of 28.7 mg/dL glucose for vival or glycation rates might contribute
every 1% change in HbA1c using CGM to the discrepancy between estimated and
data (15), which was also similar to the measured mean glucose concentrations Acknowledgments—This study was sup-
value in the current study, and a correla- in individual subjects. Future analysis ported by JDRF (Grants 22-2006-1107,
tion of 0.89 between HbA1c and mean will examine the consistency of the rela- 22-2006-1117, 22-2006-1112, 22-2006-1123,
glucose using CGM and self-monitoring tionship between glucose and HbA1c in and 01-2006-8031).
J.B. has received consulting fees from
blood glucose data combined (17). the same patient over time. Abbott Medtronic MiniMed. B.B. has received
It is not surprising that the relation- Subgroup analyses in our study consulting fees, honoraria, travel reimburse-
ship between measured glucose concen- showed that the slope of mean glucose ment, and research funds from Medtronic
trations and HbA1c differs with the use of concentration versus HbA1c value was not MiniMed and grant support from DexCom.
CGM compared with episodic blood glu- clinically or statistically different by age- I.H. has received consulting fees and travel
cose monitoring. One might expect that group, sex, or sensor type. In our study, reimbursement from Abbott Diabetes Care.

542 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, MARCH 2011 care.diabetesjournals.org

JDRF CGM Study Group

Table 2—Summary of published data
Approximate HbA1c
range (National Range of
Glycohemoglobin Method: Intercept actual mean
Type 1, type 2, Subjects Standardization Children, discrete or Curve Predict HbA1c (mg/dL) glucose at
Source nondiabetes (n) Program) adults Length CGM fit (R2) slope (95% CI) (95% CI) 6.9–7.1%†
Hempe et al. (11) Type 1 diabetes 128 6.5–18.7% Children, Up to 2.3 years Discrete Linear (0.50) 18.5* ;24.8* ;90–235
Rohlfing et al. (12) Type 1 diabetes 1,439 5.3–13.3%† Adolescents, 3–9 years Discrete 7 Linear (0.67) 35.6 277.3 ;100–250
adults point
Makris et al. (13) Type 2 diabetes 140 5.1–10.9% Adults 41–81 1 month Discrete 6 Linear (0.86) 34.7 (32.5–37.0) 279.2 ;127–207
and/or metabolic years point
syndrome 12 times in
a month
Nathan et al. (22) Type 1 and type 2 15, 7, 4.6–10.2%† Adults 3 months CGM Linear (0.79) 31.5 268.6 Too few
diabetes and and 3
Wilson et al. (16) Type 1 diabetes 48 5.8–8.8%† Children, 6 months CGM Linear 18 (14–22) +40 ;138–189
Nathan et al. (15) Type 1 and type 2 268, 159, 3.8–14.3%† Adults 3 months Intermittent Linear (0.84) 28.7 246.7 ;125–205
diabetes and and 80 CGM .7
nondiabetes days over
3 months
Mazze (14) Type 1 and type 2 124 4.9–10.4%† Adults 8–75 days CGM Linear (0.71) 26.3* 232.7* ;130–150
diabetes and
Current study Type 1 diabetes 252 5.1–9.7% Children, 3-month CGM Linear (0.63) 24.4 (22.0226.7) 216.2 128–187
adolescents, continuous

*Study originally reported slope from a model with HbA1c as the independent variable (i.e., HbA1c = slope 3 mean glucose + intercept). Values were converted to equivalent slope and intercept with mean glucose as
the dependent variable using the reported R2 value. †Estimated from graphs.
HbA1c and glucose area under the curve

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tronic MiniMed. L.L. has received consulting Study Group. 1999;45:1833–1841
fees and a speaker honorarium from Abbott 1 11. Hempe JM, Gomez R, McCarter RJ Jr,
Stanford University, Stanford, Cal-
Diabetes Care and consulting fees and research ifornia; the 2Jaeb Center for Health Re- Chalew SA. High and low hemoglobin
funding from Medtronic MiniMed. W.V.T. glycation phenotypes in type 1 diabetes:
search, Tampa, Florida; 3Atlanta Diabetes
has received consulting fees from Medtronic a challenge for interpretation of glycemic
MiniMed. No other potential conflicts of in- Associates, Atlanta, Georgia; the 4Nemours control. J Diabetes Complications 2002;
terest relevant to this article were reported. Children’s Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida; 16:313–320
D.M.W. researched data, contributed to the 5University of Washington, Seattle, 12. Rohlfing CL, Wiedmeyer HM, Little RR,
discussion, wrote the manuscript, and re- Washington; the 6Joslin Diabetes Center, England JD, Tennill A, Goldstein DE.
viewed and edited the manuscript. D.X. con- Boston, Massachusetts; the 7University of Defining the relationship between plasma
tributed to discussion, wrote the manuscript, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 8Yale glucose and HbA(1c): analysis of glucose
and reviewed and edited the manuscript. University, New Haven, Connecticut. profiles and HbA(1c) in the Diabetes Con-
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viewed and edited the manuscript. J.B. con- 2002;25:275–278
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edited the manuscript. C.K. contributed to red blood cell lifespan? Diabetes Care blood glucose: mean blood glucose versus
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uscript. L.L. researched data, contributed to 3. Diabetes Control and Complications Trial nol Ther 2008;10:s93–s101
discussion, and reviewed and edited the Research Group. The effect of intensive 15. Nathan DM, Kuenen J, Borg R, Zheng H,
manuscript. K.J.R. researched data, contrib- treatment of diabetes on the development Schoenfeld D, Heine RJ; A1c-Derived
uted to discussion, and reviewed and edited and progression of long-term complica- Average Glucose Study Group. Translating
the manuscript. M.S. researched data and re- tions in insulin-dependent diabetes mel- the A1C assay into estimated average glu-
viewed and edited manuscript. W.V.T. re- litus. N Engl J Med 1993;329:977–986 cose values. Diabetes Care 2008;31:1473–
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The study was designed and conducted by globin A1c levels assayed by DCA 2000 in Children Network (DirecNet) Study
the investigators. The writing group collec- with the DCCT/EDIC central laboratory Group. Relationship of A1C to glucose
tively wrote the manuscript and vouch for the assay: results of a Diabetes Research in concentrations in children with type 1
data. The investigators had complete auton- Children Network (DirecNet) Study. Pe- diabetes: assessments by high-frequency
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dentiality of the data between the JDRF, the Children Network Study Group. Eight- 17. Borg R, Kuenen JC, Carstensen B, et al.
authors, or their institutions. The Jaeb Center point glucose testing versus the continuous Associations between features of glucose
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Continuous glucose monitors and sensors Fernando S, Tamborlane WV. Limitations based on real-time sensor glucose values
were purchased at a bulk discount price from of conventional methods of self-monitoring alert patients to hypo- and hyperglycemia:
DexCom (San Diego, CA), Medtronic MiniMed of blood glucose: lessons learned from 3 the Guardian Continuous Monitoring
(Northridge, CA), and Abbott Diabetes Care days of continuous glucose sensing in pe- System. Diabetes Technol Ther 2004;6:
(Alameda, CA). Home glucose meters and test diatric patients with type 1 diabetes. Di- 105–113
strips were provided to the study by LifeScan abetes Care 2001;24:1858–1862 19. DexCom Inc. DexComä STSä Continu-
and Abbott Diabetes Care. The companies 7. JDRF CGM Study Group. JDRF random- ous Glucose Monitoring System User’s
had no involvement in the design, conduct, ized clinical trial to assess the efficacy of Guide. 2006, p. 86–102
or analysis of the trial or the manuscript real-time continuous glucose monitoring 20. Diabetes Research in Children Network
preparation. in the management of type 1 diabetes: (DirecNet) Study Group. The accuracy of
The JDRF CGM study group would like to research design and methods. Diabetes the Guardian RT continuous glucose
recognize the efforts of the subjects and their Technol Ther 2008;10:310–321 monitor in children with type 1 diabetes.
families and thank them for their participation. 8. Tamborlane WV, Beck RW, Bode BW, Diabetes Technol Ther 2008;10:266–
et al. Continuous glucose monitoring and 272
intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes. N 21. Diabetes Research in Children Network
APPENDIX—Co-authors: Darrell M. Engl J Med 2008;359:1464–1476 Study Group. The accuracy of the Free-
Wilson, MD1; Dongyuan Xing, MPH2; Roy 9. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Style Navigatorä Continuous Glucose
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Study Monitoring System in children with
W. Beck, MD, PHD2; Jennifer Block, RN, Group. The effect of continuous glucose type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007;30:
CDE1; Bruce Bode, MD3; Larry A. Fox, monitoring in well-controlled type 1 di- 59–64
MD4; Irl Hirsch, MD5; Craig Kollman, abetes. Diabetes Care 2009;32:1378– 22. Nathan DM, Turgeon H, Regan S. Re-
PHD2; Lori Laffel, MD, MPH6; Katrina 1383 lationship between glycated haemoglobin
J. Ruedy, MSPH2; Michael Steffes, MD, 10. Gibb I, Parnham A, Fonfrède M, Lecock levels and mean glucose levels over time.
PHD7; William V. Tamborlane, MD8, of F. Multicenter evaluation of Tosoh Diabetologia 2007;50:2239–2244

544 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 34, MARCH 2011 care.diabetesjournals.org

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