WeeklyAssignmentOfOT SyechaMaulanaAbadillah 2016051023

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Sprthe Mhawlana Abadiliah 2w\oOTLB = Ballin ant a 1. Spann oF Comitel Can he duytned 4S the total number v4 direct cubordinatas that a Manager Can Control oF Manag, ‘he number 8 subordinates Manogrd vy a Manager Varins dupendng on the Comply oF Aha werk. fxnmple , ® Manager Crm Menagt 4-6 Cubordtnates whin-the Nature ue want IS Gm way, Whats tht number CAN AO UD tp \F-20 SUbordinnits tive oF ae ai gr ropa ped a control 1s oa fore yes A Spon ry RAS eon A L Advantonrs jh ae ut ii hin Tick te $_clon_fupnvinen_f_Clom Contot 4 Fubuednaies _4 gash conmunrartion __atsndvont Fee wach nis + Many bri Monagemant x We betas distance ‘bien © Uwe a and me ea be. wide Span of che as mf a _4_ Mon abiagron A poalegrant Mana qos & OMICS he aii Seek J oveindsd Suprvers 5} Damept — paar __F wloce mn atcision, MM 3. ' Use of + _Cemmumcntion Audanology pa pesiten 04 Ar _orygnisairen eee _ Charity” aa ‘and Plena L a te Rubvrdanatty * ae nee ee on “Caniretankon - Le ah Ach evang, Unidority % Ah ee _ cr Avdao room: L of At ag sibs ined Landay = Commrnrcntran = Feeney! foe eee = 4 Depa og uatos urate 5. flunomg_and aa procedunss cd Ke PAPERLINE :Conbratventton tn. on_0F pr ovis {uation - “manng c na avbrlity tn 2 the Wnands 0}. Management te “Umplras that all prwer , Authur ae ud athe >most level.” Docentmtr An tn orgqrnraton tnvolves Aacisien maring 4 Cybabrirty ah dL Momooument of leyar Mancgs ment. iy hy Dea een ee Gan j C. ¥advantages | On Oniralreatron F Atpodvaniagns Cendtalrgatroh | t fonda hadron oy precadune hind aystons (-_dasheys 5 Individual Weert i 1a fails. Waluahon 2. Say biirdtn Og MW Tonnes. F. Glows dou Ane OpEAHDs i Co-Ordmotion of NKViTTES A, Métance perm customers a Advantages o4 deantiguzctton FD map speomantatton cae, : Crdace tno burdgn on top Dacor vas Sanson “lhanhaleto® nertchaaes divaragn 1. Ua rm owes net gored i 2 “ft proved pnyduct ond mareh — ay Ga Eada puede 4. Qpucutpor” spent 7 : inanerat bun GW pevmetst_th jn eh Sugaiice fe tra genial. oes i ¢ Congtret aul 4. gemini pete fe proctss 1m Which Manages Sqon (venta), rocedurty, Tuves ANd respenstfycudTes For the (ndrvadual date mys: Srganitahonon nts, group: PS, Laas ana the organttetion ac a wholt, which ods ‘to-4he A valop Morr a natnsbns and opt rng ProwAutes ar h orto Wire: 1S mort Systematre And Sinoeth b. Directing the ndhamant oF of ganankena | ieee Non Guenapping work. A: monty Covrdinert Ton petwarn Parts Bett Organreatnen Crating Chath 4 mand 4, {cus Aste Om Work : $+ Schon} Alt Prquretments 9 pues, proud oeons 3} tranny Tue Pitas ie ei ee eo 4. In Sonal | Sasners quench oh ‘Commurcrat €0. laboratrrits $y , brendan, Spann ng 15.9 berm to divertbe Undividuale vattlen_an_UnnvicaAirn se whe bare) or adopt Xo Talo tanking Aha aaa (nitmal Apberts bth Utne prweye fy pore {penal stracur xing gtd ¥ Aig rfetamg Virival Hang : edd’ emy ere oe awk a oka ib a ub and Os oe

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