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Technologies & Services

A Digital Transformation Company

Encourage Growth & Achieve Excellence
Group # 2


Group # 2


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL……………………………………………………...……1

COVER LETTER……………………………………………………………………...….2


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………..……………………………………………………...4

COMPANY PROFILE AND INTRO…………………………………………………….6

HIERARCHY AT ROYAL CYBER……………………………………………………...7

DIVERSITY AT ROYAL CYBER…………………………………………….................8


DIGITAL MEDIA AND TOOLS………………………………………………………..11

EMPLOYEE MORALE AND REVIEWS…………………………….………………...12

HIRING PROCESS…………………………...…………………………………………14

MAJOR COMPETITORS….………………...………………………………………….16





Group # 2

Group # 2


Date: 29th November 2020

Dr. Talat Davis,

Institute of Business Administration,

KU Circular Road,

University of Karachi – 75270.

Dear Dr. Davis,

As per the course requirement, we observed the communication process at Royal Cyber Pakistan. I along

with my team members chose the Digital and Technology sector of Pakistan because it is the fastest

growing industry and it is heavily linked to our career prospects.

In making of this report, we learned importance of diversity and its advantages to a global company such

as Royal Cyber. We also got a chance to look at the technology stack the company uses to communicate

within and externally. It especially helped us understand the role of digital media and how it was the key

to communicate effectively while the world fought against the virus.

Group # 2

We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to study and analyze the software industry this

closely. With our research we now understand how the theory we learned in class is put to practical work

in the industry.

Yours Sincerely,

Mustafa Shabbir Karimi (Leader Group 2)


Date: 29th November 2020

Dr. Talat Davis

Institute of Business Administration

KU Circular Road

University of Karachi– 75270

Dear Dr. Davis,

We hope this report finds you well. Following is the complete report requested, formulated to our utmost

capabilities. We have chosen to investigate and discuss the aspects which seemed most interesting, yet

Group # 2

crucial to gain a deeper insight to the organization and industry we’ve chosen, in relevance with business


The report elaborates on the ways in which communication is linked with employee behavior, which

consequently sets a certain culture in the work environment. We have focused on employee diversity, role

of digital media, and employee morale. We also researched the dynamics of communication within the

business, amongst the workforce, and with the customers. Finally, we look and discuss the hiring process,

and take a look at their competitors both within Pakistan and Naperville, USA.

It has been an immense pleasure to work on this report under your thorough supervision and guidance.

We would appreciate your feedback.


Mustafa Shabbir Karimi (Leader Group 2)


We would like to show our sincere gratitude towards all those who have contributed in making this term

project a successful endeavor. A special gratitude we present to our professor, Dr Talat Davis, for her

unending support, cooperation and teachings that we incorporated leading to the finalization and

Group # 2

completion of our report. I would also like to mention our Teacher’s Assistant, Ayesha Owais Lodhi, who

has been a source of inspiration and improvement in our project, helping us in her capacity as much as

was possible while providing us with valuable insight into the workings of a term report.

It is with great respect that we must present our gratitude to COO Royal Cyber Pakistan Mr. Juzer

Shujauddin for making this project a success through his resilience, unending patience and determination

in helping our out. He really provided us with key insights about the communication atmosphere, and

challenges the company faces in effective

Lastly, I would like to thank our team, without which this term project would not have been possible.

Each and every member of our team has put in their very best, going through huge company files,

conducting interviews, or, in the case of some, investing their precious time in the research, formatting,

and building of this term report. For all their efforts, we are extremely grateful.

Executive Summary

Royal Cyber Inc. is an IT Consulting & Digital Transformation Company specializing in IT Services,

Solutions, and Software. The company was founded in 2002 by Mr. Mustafa Qutubuddin along with Mrs.

Munira as the president. Royal Cyber has offices in 9 different countries worldwide, having more than

Group # 2

1000 employees who contribute immensely to its highly diverse environment. It has more than 90 clients

who are in the Fortune 500.

The report further discusses the advantages of its diverse workforce. High diversity meant that a broader

range of views and ideas were available, and a better understanding of diverse, fragmented markets could

be done. By having a presence worldwide, they have a broader pool of talent from which to recruit.

Additionally, their medium of communication was investigated. Employees at Royal Cyber preferred

using email, WhatsApp, and Zoom video conferencing software for communicating internally within their

organization. For external communication, they utilize email, Website, and Social Media platform to

communicate with the client.

An anonymous survey was conducted to get further insight into the organization through its employees.

There was a total of 42 responses. On compiling and analyzing the results it was found that the majority

reviews indicated a positive outlook of the company, and the gender statistics revealed that most of the

workforce was young and energetic and in the age range of 18-34. Also, their hiring process was

discussed in great detail. Some of the prominent characteristics they look for in a candidate are leadership

skill, technical skills, and their thinking process.

Royal Cyber is competing with some of the best IT companies in Pakistan. Some of them are 10 Perl,

Afiniti, Venture Drive, and Vertex. In-depth comparison of Royal Cyber with 10 Perl was drawn. While

Royal Cyber had offices in 9 countries, 10 Perl was mainly based in the US and Pakistan. The Annual

revenue of Royal Cyber was estimated to be around 25 to 50 million USD while 10 Perl was around 5 to

25 million USD.

After gathering the information, it was found that there were some areas in which Royal Cyber could

improve. The employee reviews revealed that there was a high workload when handling large scale

projects. To solve this, they can streamline the hiring process so that talented individuals could be hired

Group # 2

on time and reduce the workload on other team members. Moreover, they can use software for graphical

stories that enable them to view the requirements of the clients visually.


Royal Cyber Inc. is an IT Consulting & Digital Transformation Company, specializing in Services,

Solutions and Software, and was founded in 2002 by Mr. Mustafa Qutubuddin.

Group # 2

Innovating since 2002, Royal Cyber has successfully completed 1500+ projects for 600+ happy clients

worldwide including USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East & KSA.

Royal Cyber is recognized and acknowledged by customers and partners worldwide, including Fortune

500 companies. Annual revenue of 2019 is $1.82 million USD. Total estimated revenue of all

branches equals $25 to $50 million (USD)

Through its offices in USA and 9 countries across the globe, Royal Cyber provides reliable and high-

performing Commerce, Cloud, Analytics, Mobile, AI and Middleware solutions & services.

Hierarchy AT Royal Cyber

Group # 2

Mr. Mustafa

Mrs. Munira

(Principal HR)


Abdul Ibrahim
Wahab(Dev Shabbir(Marketing
Team Head) Team Head)

Mr. Mustafa is the CEO and founder of the company who resides in Naperville, Illinois where the

company headquarters is situated. He along with his wife look over 9 company branches spread across

five continents. Mr. Vijayan looks over as the principal HR also from Naperville.

At branch level each branch is managed by chief operating officer (COO) who manages all development

and marketing team. In Royal Cyber Karachi things are managed by COO Mr. Juzer Shujauddin. Under

him Mr. Abdul Wahab and Mr. Ibrahim Shabbir manage their respective teams. Each COO reports

directly to Mr. Mustafa and Mrs. Munira, all major changes to company policy come from Naperville.

Diversity AT Royal Cyber

Group # 2

Royal Cyber is a Global Tech giant that has more than 1000 employees working in more than 9 offices,

spread in about 5 continents. As every company should, Royal Cyber take employee diversity very

seriously. There is zero discrimination based on gender, beliefs, ethnicity, and age. Strict HR policies

ensure no employee feels discriminated against, there is no bias when it comes to hiring and promotions

so employees know that this is earned.

What impressed me a lot was that Mr. Shujauddin mentioned that they hold zero tolerance for

discrimination (in wages and opportunities) and harassment against women in the workplace. More and

more training opportunities for women are being worked on so more women become a part of this digital

revolution and become independent.

After hearing such inspiring words, I expected the representation

of women to be higher than the numbers show. Women are 29.3%

of Royal Cyber Pakistan’s workforce. We also saw that nearly all

management positions were mostly men too. What makes us

hopeful is that if we compare the new hired positions, women

make up 40.1% of newly hired employees (permanent and intern)

which shows a significant improvement.

The diversity of today’s workforce brings distinct advantages

to Royal Cyber company:

• A broader range of views and ideas, employees around the globe collaborate and come together while

working on an important project.

• A better understanding of diverse, fragmented markets (understanding high-context and low-context

cultures and their business practices).

• A broader pool of talent from which to recruit. (especially from their companies in Pakistan and India).

Group # 2


Communication is important in every kind of business environment, but it is of greater importance in

software companies. The software that a client wants can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars up

to several hundreds of thousands of dollars. To be able to make a software that the client is satisfied with,

the company had to make sure that they would be able to communication with the clients in whichever

way the clients finds the most comfortable. A complex software can take more than a year to create, and

the teams working on the software have to always be in touch with the client. Previously, emails were

used to communicate (in case the client cannot come physically), but with the introduction of new modes

of communication the number of ways to communicate have increased. This communication with the

client comes under “external communication”, after which we have “internal communication” which talks

about communication between employees of the company.

Starting with external communication, we have already established how important it is. In our meeting,

we were told that Royal Cyber made sure that there would never be a communication-related problem

with a client. The Company did this by making sure that there were aware of every possible software that

may be used by a client. Before any of this though, the Company has to make sure that they have a

presence on the web, meaning that their name should come up every time a software-related search is

defined on a search engine like Google. For this, they made their website which contains all the

information a client needs to decide whether or not to contact this company for the software they want.

That’s not all though because the presence on the web also means that a company has posted information

about itself of social media websites like Facebook. Royal Cyber has firm presence in multiple social

media websites, to make it very easy for any client to find them.

Moving on to internal communication. Once a client has provided the details for the software that has to

be designed, it is the company’s responsibility to make sure that the software is completed in the time

frame provided and that it is exactly (or as close as possible) as the client envisioned. For this, proper

Group # 2

communication must exist between the teams that work on the project. A software project has several

teams working on it. Depending on the complexity of a software, the number of teams may range from 5

to well over 15. Each team has a different task, some of them being; designing, coding, debugging,

analyzing and testing. To ensure maximum efficiency, several software are used to make sure that the

communication and collaboration never stops, even if one of the software goes down.

Group # 2

Digital Media and Tools

As discussed earlier, Royal Cyber makes sure that they have people proficient in every communication

software that is available in the market. One question that many people want to know the answer to is

whether Royal Cyber faced issues due to COVID-19. The answer we got was that the company had been

using tools for online communication for a long time, due to which the sudden shift that the world had to

make from physical interaction to long distance communication wasn’t something that they found

particularly difficult to adapt to. They have continued to stay in touch with the clients using the software

suggested by the clients. E-mail is the most common way of communication when it comes to text. For

long audio/video enabled meetings there are software like Discord, Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams.

GitHub is a platform that allows different teams to work on the same project at the same time. Other than

that, we have podcasts and the Royal Cyber’s official website.

Group # 2

Employee morale and reviews

We conducted an anonymous survey at the Royal Cyber through google forms. The employees' names

and IDs were not being recorded so that the employees could express themselves without any fear. There

were 206 employees in the Karachi office, out of which 43 participated in our survey. There was around

20% response rate, but we gathered enough reviews to draw some meaningful conclusions about the


So first considering the positives and negatives about the organization, around 33 reviews indicated that

there are Flexible work timings, top cooperative management, work from the home facility but here we

have to consider that they allowed work from home even before the pandemic started; also, there are

many Learning opportunities and Friendly Environment. The Salary packages are lucrative and with great

benefits. Although we avoided asking about their salary in the survey, we did inquire Mr. Juzer about the

average salary at Royal Cyber, and he told us that the average salary was at around 80,000 PKR / month

for middle and low-level management.

When we consider the negatives of Royal Cyber around 8 reviews indicated that work-life balance was

not good and they are short-staffed, so when they have a big project at their hands, then they have to work

overtime. Furthermore, some of them complained about micro-level management and less freedom at

work. Some of them even showed concerns regarding their HR policies as well.

Group # 2

35 Reviews
Positive Negative Neutral

In the graph, we can see around 33 positive reviews, eight negative reviews, and the other two reviews we

could not classify into either positive or negative, so they are considered neutral.

We asked them about their preferred mode of communication internally within the organization and

externally with their clients. Most of them preferred to communicate through WhatsApp and email

internally with their colleagues and use Zoom for meetings.

For external communication, they use emails, and for client meetings, they use Zoom. When we asked

Mr. Juzer, he told us that they prefer to have an in-person meeting with their clients, but due to the present

situation, they conduct meetings with their clients through Zoom.

Age diversity
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54

10% 2%


Group # 2

Hiring process

We asked Mr. Juzer about what they are looking for in the candidate when hiring a new employee. He

said that first, he looks for leadership skills in a candidate because he needs to make sure that the

candidate has the potential to be in a management position in the future and lead others. Next comes their

technical skills; a problem scenario is given to the candidates during the interview. The candidates are

asked to explain their thinking process throughout the problem-solving process. They judge the candidate

throughout the process and evaluate whether he will be a good fit for the company. Now looking at their

actual hiring process, we have seven steps:

1. In the first step They first identify the need for a new employee. They set the frame for the position and

a profile of required competencies and skills for the new hire. A part of the preparation process is also to

put together a job ad and choosing the proper communication channels to spread the message. The hiring

manager is expected to manage this step.

2. They use an ATS (application tracking system, also known as a recruitment system) for next phase of

the recruitment process. Applicants are expected to apply through ATS. Collecting and organizing

applications as well as sending automated replies is done through ATS.

3. They now start the selection process of the recruitment. The selection process can in turn be divided

into several smaller steps, where each stage eliminates further candidates who are not suited for the

position. A first selection is done to eliminate unqualified applicants who don’t meet the basic

requirements for the position.

By conducting a technical test as part of the application process, they need to know if the applicant meets

the requirement or not, they can quickly discern who does and does not meet the basic requirements. They

Group # 2

get in touch with these applicants to inform them that they have not made it through to the next round,

preferably making it clear that it’s because they don’t meet the basic requirements.

4. The next step of the selection process is to figure out which applicants should be asked to come to an

interview. In other words, they rank the candidates. The rating should be based on how well the candidate

fits the profile of requirements and skills needed for the position.

This is one of the most time-consuming steps where they spend most of their time reading through

resumes and cover letters.

Depending on the number of applicants or how many applicants suit the profile, they may want to meet

all remaining candidates, or just chose few at the top of the list.

5. Now they initiate the interview process where the current team heads at Royal Cyber interview the

shortlisted candidates and get to know them, depending on the position, the candidate could be asked to

solve a technical problem and candidates are expected to explain their thought process along the process.

The candidates are judged on the basis of their problem-solving skill and thinking process.

6. The Last Panel interview is conducted where four top-management personnel interview the candidate

asking him general questions and evaluating his responses.

7. The top candidate gets an offer, and once all papers have been signed the recruitment process ends. All

candidates are informed that they were not chosen for the position and that the position has been filled.

So, this was their overall hiring process. Thanks to Mr. Juzer who explained us their hiring process


Group # 2


There are many software companies that compete with Royal Cyber, some of which are mentioned above.

To compare the companies, we went to their websites and picked the statistical information to show the

data in the form of a graph.

Based on our findings we added two graphs, the first one compares the work force between the

companies while the second one compares the revenue of the companies.

20 After carefully analyzing the
Royal Optime
Royal Optime 10 Pearls Thatcher
Afiniti afiniti Addnode communication method of Royal Cyber,
Cyber Consulting
Cyber Consulting Group group

Number of employees
we now understand the complexity of
Revenue in million dollars

communication in any organization, be it

Group # 2

externally or internally. The communication in Royal Cyber mostly consists of e-mail and instant

messaging through WhatsApp. The use of digital devices has transformed the very notion of

communication. Royal Cyber has been making use of digital and collaborating tools long before the

pandemic situation. They offered work-from-home services and remote work before the world was

compelled to.

We also carefully analyzed the hiring process, employee morale and the diversity in the workplace. We

compared their major competitors and their revenues by using statistical information from each, the

results of which we presented using graphs.

We would once again like to thank our contact, Mr. Juzer Shujauddin for his time and help in completing

this report and making this project a success.


Usually there is high level of cultural diversity in tech companies, therefore language barrier is a very big

problem for the companies. To help reduce this a lot of companies use software like Jira which helps

Group # 2

them to communicate through graphical images. Graphical images show us exactly how a how a software

component is created and designed and what it is going to look like (tentatively). This also helps the

clients understand exactly what he is getting.

Many responses in surveys and reviews mentioned that the work load is quite high, so we recommend

that employees should be given more paid leaves so that they can manage the stress level that comes with

this job as employee health should be the company’s first priority.

Some reviews also mentioned employees being overburdened because the hiring process spans over a few

weeks. Employees feel they are understaffed and to remedy this the management should streamline the

prolonged hiring process. This will not only help the current employees but the company may also receive

some new insights from the fresh talent.

Survey Questions:

Q) What are 3 things you love about working at Royal Cyber?

Group # 2

(This was not a MCQ based question rather employees were asked to provide reasons they liked working

here. We thought not limiting the options to choose from would help us receive new responses)

Ans: As expected, we saw flexible work timings, top cooperative management, work from the home

facility great benefits and handsome salary packages.

Q) Do you see yourself working here in the next 10 years?

(This was a simple yes/no/maybe question)

Ans: We received an overwhelmingly positive review here. Almost everyone saw themselves working

here in future. This shows that the company really does take care of its employees.

Q) What is one thing you would like to change/improve about the company?

(Here we also wanted different responses so we didn’t limit them to a few choices.)

Ans: A lot of employees here mentioned one common thing work/life balance and being overworked. A

handful mentioned being short staffed and few mentioned more leave days. One thing is clear that

employees do feel a little over worked and would need a rest every now and then.

Q) How would you rate the learning experience that comes with job?

(just trying to gain perspective)

Ans: Mostly, employees said that there were countless learning opportunities working for such an

esteemed company, they regularly kept workshops and encouraged their employees to attend Tech


Few Questions extracted from our interview with Mr. Juzer Shujauddin.

Q) How does the day-to-day communication work in royal cyber?

Group # 2

Ans: Within the company each employee has a company domain email for formal communication. Teams

informally communicate using WhatsApp group messages, all business dealings are strictly email.

Q) How do you keep employee morale high?

Ans: The development and marketing teams have to really put in the hours when a project is due but to

make it up to them, we keep employee lunches and dinners. We also have a custom here in Karachi that

on every last day of the month, we bring out a huge cake and celebrate birthdays of all employees that

have their date in that month. It’s an employee favorite and really lightens things up before closing hours.

Q) Can you describe the hiring process and things you look for in candidates?

Ans: This is explained in the report in much more detail

Q) what is the role digital media in your day-to-day operations?

Ans: This Tech company depends on digital tools to get the any work done. Teams from different

branches collaborate together on online collaboration tools such as GitHub, meetings and presentations

are held on zoom and Microsoft meet. Instant messaging and WhatsApp keep our employees up to date

with the projects and work.


Interviewee: Mr. Juzer Shujaddin

Group # 2

Designation: Chief Operating Officer, Royal Cyber, Karachi

Type of interview: Informal

Website that we used:






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