Final Adithya Intership Report

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Independent University, Bangladesh

Internship “Working Report on Norwest Industries Limited”

Submitted To

Mr. Suman Prosad Saha

Department of Marketing
School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh

Submitted By

Adithya Bhowmik

ID - 1620439

Date of Submission: July 24, 2019

Letter of Transmittal

July 24, 2019

Mr. Suman Prosad Saha


Department of Marketing

School of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of internship “Working Report on Norwest Industries Limited”.

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that, it is a great pleasure for me to submit the internship “Working
Report on Norwest Industries Limited” as a requirement for the completion of BBA program.

Throughout the report I have tried with the best of my capacity to accommodate as much
information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have
suggested. I have tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible.

I would like to request you to accept my internship report for further assessment and consider
the limitations of the study.


Adithya Bhowmik

ID: 1620439


In the beginning, I would like to express my gratitude to almighty God to give me the strength
to complete the report within the stipulated time.

To make this report, I have dedicated to work for the last three months. But behind my work,
there were several people who supported me a lot to make the report possible. Here, I would
like to express my gratitude to them.

I would like to thank my academic supervisor Mr. Suman Prosad Saha Sir for guiding me as
an advisor to start and complete this report successfully. Then I would like to thank my
organization supervisor Mr. Ashraful Islam (Senior Merchandise) who helped me a lot
whenever I needed. Then I would like to thank Mr. Harsh Bindra (Senior General Manager)
for supervising me in my entire internship period and providing me with the necessary
information required to prepare my report. I would also like to thank all the employees of
Norwest Industries Limited for helping me in this report.

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Company Profile ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.1.1 Mission, Vision and Objective ................................................................................................ 7
1.1.2 Corporate Division ................................................................................................................. 8
1.1.3 Details of the Products ......................................................................................................... 10
1.1.4 Operation Details ................................................................................................................. 13
1.1.5 Main Buyer ........................................................................................................................... 22
1.1.6 CSR ........................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1 Internship Experience ................................................................................................................. 24
2.2 Function of Department ......................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Finding Problem in Norwest Industries Ltd................................................................................. 27
3.2 Problems related on the Theory ............................................................................................. 27
3.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 33
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 34

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List of Figure

Figure 1: RMG Export Trend ................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: Polo T-Shirt ............................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3: Shirt ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Men & Women Jeans Pant..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5: Women Jacket ........................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Women Coat .......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Men & Women Sweater ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8: Men & Women Trousers ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 9: Swiming Wear ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 10: Operation Detail................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11: Fabric Inspection Section ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12: Washing Section................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 13: Finishing Section .................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 14: Bureaucracy Theory Model .................................................................................................. 28
Figure 15: 14 Principal of Management (Henry Fayol) Model .............................................................. 29
Figure 16: Gap Model Theory ............................................................................................................... 30

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Executive Summery

The readymade garment sector plays an important role in the economic development of
Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s RMG sector has been playing a pivotal in facilitating the country’s
export earnings, contributing 83.4% of total export, apart for generating employment to the
tune of 4.4 million, 80% of which are women. It is the biggest formal sector employer in the
country and is considered the backbone of the economy.

In my Internship report, I have provided company related information like Company Profile,
Mission, Vision, objective. I have also illustrated the departmental details, details of their
product lines, operations details and mentioned their CSR activities. During my working
period at Norwest Industries Limited I had to perform several job responsibilities that I have
mentioned in my report in details with functions of the Merchandise Department where I have
worked. During my internship period, I have also noticed several problems, faced many
challenges in the workplace. I have also related those workplace problems and challenges with
related theory. Based on my observation and experience, I have also given some
recommendations to solve the problems. I think that these recommendations will help to
Norwest Industries Limited for future improvement.

1. Introduction
Garments Industries is a very prospecting industries in Bangladesh. Our domestic garments can
be fulfilled the total demand of our garments and so also this sector is doing very well in the
sense of exporting. The main portions of our exports come from the garments industry. Even
though the major portion of the government revenue comes from this sector. Bangladesh’s
RMG sector has been playing an important role in the country’s export earnings, contributing
83.4% of total export, apart for generating employment to the tune of 4.4 million, 80% of which
are women. Considering the sector’s importance to the country’s economic stability, ensuring
steady growth for RMG export in the short to medium term, is a key policy imperative. The
garment sector’s growth has been marginal with exports growing by 0.2% and 8.7% for 2016-
17 and 2017-18 respectively in the recent past.

Figure 1: RMG Export Trend

1.1 Company Profile
The first manufacturing facility Norwest industries Ltd was established in 2003 and over the
last five years three more units have been added. Norwest industries Ltd is 100% manufacturing
industries, is specialized in manufacturing all types of wears of woven items of reputed for
international market. The company first manufacturing unit was established in 2003.

Customer is their focus. Norwest industries Ltd growth and development will be determined
by the growth of their customers. To comply with their customers requirement, they have
experienced and semiskilled machine operators. Norwest industries Ltd organizes in house
training programs for all staffs and workers to achieve quality standards and production

We are one of the largest consumer goods design, product development, sourcing, virtual
manufacturing and distribution businesses in Asia. We work with leading global retailers and
brands and specialize in delivering world class products at competitive prices.

We provide complete sourcing solutions to our global customers managing each step in the
global supply chain process for major retailers and brands.

Norwest industries Ltd promotes an entrepreneurial culture thereby attracting the best and the
brightest from the global supply chain industry. We have a diverse management team
consisting of people from various backgrounds, nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.

We hold ourselves to the highest standard of ethics and believe in complete transparency to all
stakeholders. This is central to our business and we achieve this through working with Navex
Global to allow any breaches of our policies to be reported and investigated in complete

1.1.1 Mission, Vision and Objective


Developing and promoting the ready-made apparel sector. Creating customers need through

Manufacturing and supplying quality products.


Our endeavour will continue to ensure quality and high standard in every activity whatever we
are engaged with.


➢ Create a favourable image of world as a high-quality garment’s manufacturer and

➢ Follow the Quality Within Time.
➢ To expand its business from one whole seller outlet of European, UK and USA market.
➢ Train and develop a motivated and skilled workforce considering the “Quality of life”
for the
employees. (Norwest Industries Limited, n.d.)

1.1.2 Corporate Division

Merchandising Department

The merchandise department is the main department of garments. The acts of this department
started with the search of buyers. Buyers want to import garment product from Bangladesh.
This department always try to find out new buyer to get the order of the garment product
manufacturing. After finding any buyers, this department issues an introducing letter which
consists of about company, its parameter of total activities, efficiency and effectiveness and
relationship with existing buyers. Cost of making is another vital activity of the department.
The merchandiser of the department determines what are the things required to make a unit of
product and the estimated cost of production based on accessories consumption, fabric
consumption, labour cost and other relevant costs. This department also negotiate price and
determine a final price that the buyer agrees to pay. Another major act of this department is
select supplier.

Sampling Department

Sampling department is an important department of garments. The activities are started after
getting the original sample or sketch sample from the buyer. It has an intention to testify the

Capability of Norwest Industries Ltd. The sampling man and pattern master of Norwest
Industries Ltd. contribute toward the efficiency of the sampling department.

Commercial Department

The commercial department of Norwest Industries Ltd. makes pro-forma invoice for the
respective buyer. The invoice consists of the quantity of buyer’s order, its unit price and total
price etc. The commercial department also transfer master L/C, TT on the name of selected
supplier. This department also maintain daily transaction, payroll, daily expenditures etc.

Accessory Supply Department

The Accessory Supply Department main responsibility is to the suppliers landed on the ground
of this department. For a smooth production, the production need timely delivery of fabric and
accessories otherwise is not possible to deliver product to buyers. The Accessory Supply
Department of Norwest Industries Ltd. have a good relation in different supplier, so
manufacturer doesn't need to be worried about the availability of accessories.

Production Department

The production department of Norwest Industries Ltd. convert inputs into outputs through the
stage of production process. The Production Department is including few activate such as order
receiving, sampling, cutting, sewing, washing, finishing, packing, etc. The Production
Department supervises the manufacturing process to maintain the quality and schedule progress
of the manufacturing.

Shipping Department

The Shipping Department of Norwest Industries arranging, receiving, recording, and
sending shipments of goods to buyers. This department also makes the supporting documents
for export such as bill of exchange, bill of lading, commercial invoice, certificate of origin,
packing list etc.

Laboratory Department

The laboratory Department of Norwest Industries Ltd. tasted all the essential instruments that
are mandatory for the testing like fabric and accessories. This department also test production
related chemical that mention by buyer.

Machine Maintenance

Norwest Industries Ltd. always ensure to their buyer quality product. Undesirable quality of
garments mostly results from ill-maintained machines. So, Machine maintenance department
have an important role to produce quality product. (Norwest Industries Limited, n.d.)

1.1.3 Details of the Products

Norwest Industries Ltd. produces different type of product for their customer. Norwest
Industries Ltd. export their product in different country in Europe. So, they are more concern
about product quality. Norwest Industries Ltd. basically produce three categories of products
like –

➢ Men’s Wear
➢ Women Wear
➢ Children’s Wear

Polo Shirt: Polo shirt, also known as a golf shirt and tennis shirt. It is a form of shirt with a
collar, a placket with typically two or three buttons, and an optional pocket.

Product Feature

Product Type: Polo Shirt

Main Material: Cotton

Stylish and fashionable

Gender: Men Figure 2: Polo T-Shirt

Shirt: We produced men shirt for regular use. It is made of a light, great quality cotton fabrics.
It is perfect to wear with jeans and gabardine pant. This shirt is designed to be comfortable and

Product Feature

Product Type: Shirt

Main Material: Cotton

Gender: Men

Style: Formal Figure 3: Shirt

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Jeans Pant: We make denim and blue jeans pants which gives it a distinct identity. Soft
material fabrics are used for making jeans pants. It has become more common to find with
embroidery, coloured embellishments, and tailored cuts.

Product Feature

Product Type: Jeans Pants

Main Material: Denim

Gender: Men & women.

Figure 4: Men & Women Jeans Pant

Women Jacket: We produce Ladies UnLined Jacket. It made by 55% Poly, 45% Viscose
linen, construction :10X10/44X38, F. width-130 cm. It comes with a stylish head-cover, short
or long sleeves, and an optional vertical opening (half or full) with buttons or zipper.

Product Feature

Product Type: Casual Jacket

Main Material: Mixed Fabrics

Gender: Women

Figure 5: Women Jacket

Skirt Girly Coat: We produce SKIRT GIRLY COAT. It made by fabric 87% polyester, 10%
viscose, 3% Elastane. 57/58”, Weight=380 GSM. Construction: 300D*26/2+40D 106*78.

Product Feature

Product Type: Coat

Main Material: Mixed Fabrics

Gender: Women

Figure 6: Women Coat

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Sweater: We produce men & women sweater. It made by Fabric 100% Acrylic fabric or
Acrylic cotton fabric or Interlock Stitch Knit Fabric Weight= 7.5 gauze.

Product Feature

Product Type: Sweater

Main Material: Mixed Fabric.

Gender: Men & Women.

Figure 7: Men & Women Sweater

Casual Trousers: We produce casual trousers for men & women. It made by 100 cotton fabric
or 60% cotton, 38% elasthane, 2% spandex. But most of the time we used to cooton fabric.
Weight=190 or 202 GSM.

Product Feature

Product Type: Casual Trousers.

Main Material: Mixed Fabric.

Gender: Men & Women.

Figure 8: Men & Women Trousers

Swimming Wear: We also produce swimming for men. It made by 100% polyester. Its weight
is 150 GSM.

Product Feature

Product Type: Swimming wear.

Main Material: Mixed Fabric.

Gender: Men.

Figure 9: Swiming Wear

(Norwest Industries Limited, n.d.)

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1.1.4 Operation Details

Figure 10: Operation Detail

(Norwest Industries Limited, n.d.)

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Operation Procedure

Operational produce is very important part in garments industry. Operation is consisted of

below department

➢ Store and inventory

➢ Fabric inspection section
➢ Sample and pattern
➢ Marker, spreading and cutting
➢ Sewing section
➢ Embroidery section
➢ Finishing section
➢ Washing section

Store & Inventory

Inventory systems for raw materials:

The types of inventory carried in this Industry are as follows:

Fabric storage

Supplied fabrics are first subjected to the 4-point inspection system and fabric allowance point
is 20 per 100 yards. Only those goods are stored here which are passed from the quality control
department. And defected fabrics are back to the supplier. Different types of fabric defect are
check in 4-point inspection system.

• Oil spot
• Missing yarn
• Dye defect
• Hole
• Colour yarn
• Drop pick
• Net
• Knot
• Broken yarn
• Slub yarn
• Colour shading

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Before sending the goods to the final destiny packaging materials are necessary. These
materials are needed to be purchased or ordered earlier. Therefore, they should also be stored
in suitable condition. Accessories are purchased from local market and foreign market.
Accessories are subjected to the 100% check.

Finished Goods

Finished goods are also necessary to be stored. The goods which are better in quality and can
be sent to the final destiny are stored first. Besides these, the goods which are bad in quality or
rejected from the quality control department stored for selling as wastage.

Fabric Inspection Section

The most important quality control activities

in the clothing industry are inspection this
involves the inspection of the fabric in order
to quantify the patent defect of the fabrics.
During this process other details can be
collected to minimize wasted.

Figure 11: Fabric Inspection Section

After fabric received it should be inspected to determine its acceptability from a viewpoint
otherwise extra cost in garment manufacturing may be incurred due to either the loss of the
material or time to say nothing of customer returns and dissatisfaction due to poor quality.

Importance of fabric inspection

The objective of fabric inspection is to ascertain whether the fabric received is expected of
quality or not. The main objective is detection of fabric defects and non-conformance as early
as possible. So that the time and money are not wasted in the industry is to satisfy the customer.

There is some fabric inspection. There are:

1. “4-Point” inspection system is followed in fabric inspection. The roll of fabric is uploaded
on Fabric Inspection Machines and the width of the fabric is measured in various positions
and the data is recorded. At the same time inspection is continued against the 4-point
system. To check the shade of various positions of the roll’s fabric panels are cut from

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starting end of the rolls and the different colour tones are separated for systematic
operation of the order.
2. For the inspection, a sample of minimum of 10% of the total fabric covering each colour,
all the different fabric dye lots and different width of fabric is taken.
3. The inspection is carried out as per the sample displayed. Example: Slab, Coloured yarn,
Missing yarn, etc.
4. To get the percentage of total defects in each roll separately, the following formula is

% Point for the roll = (Total penalty points\Total yardage checked)*100

5. If the sample is rejected, second sample of 10% of total fabric received are inspected in
same manner. If this sample contains points more than 20% then we go for continuous
100% inspection of the remaining fabric to identify the rejected rolls.
6. Rejected rolls are separated by putting “Rejected” sticker and are kept in.

Sample & Pattern

Photo Sample

Samples are made with colour and material to be worn by the models on the event of Shooting
for catalogue.

Size Set sample

Consists of one piece from each size colour combination.

Pre-production Sample

When materials for bulk production arrive, then the factory makes a sample with the actual
material and sends it to the customer.

Production Sample

It is a reference to the buyer that the bulk is being produced as per specifications. Buyer wants
to be assured that correct material is sourced, and line workmanship conformed to the quality

Shipping Sample

A sample is kept from every pre-shipping inspection to be referred, if required after the order
has been delivered. Usually for any disputes (e.g. claim) shipping sample is important.
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Sequence of Sampling:

Fit sample Photo Sample Sales Sample P.P Sample

Size Set
Garments test Approved Sample

Production Sample Shipping Sample


The parts which are equal and same as every parts of a garment are made with flat, hard board
paper are called patterns. Patterns are made for every different parts of garment. In other words,
patterns are representative forms of the individual parts of a garment.

Objects of pattern:

-To develop a set of patterns or templates.

-To produce a specific shape and quality of garments according to buyer demand.

-To minimize wastages and cost of garments.

-To make a large amount of production at a time.

Maker, Spreading & Cutting


Marker is a thin paper which contains all the pattern pieces of a garment. It is made just before
cutting and its purpose is to minimize the wastages. The width of a marker is equal to the width
of the fabric and it should not be greater than the width of the fabric i.e. the width of the marker
is kept less than or equal to the width of the fabric.

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The pattern pieces should be placed very carefully in such a way that it will obviously minimize
wastages. Objects of marker making:

• To reduce cost.
• To improve the quality of the garments.
• To reduce the cutting time.

Marker Efficiency

The ratio between the total areas of the pattern pieces to the total area of the maker paper is
technically termed as Marker Efficiency. It is expressed in percentage. If it is denoted by the
symbol ή then –

Marker Efficiency (ή) = (Total areas of the pattern pieces/Total area of the Marker paper) *
100. The factors which influence the Marker Efficiency

• Manufacturers of the marker.

• Size of pattern pieces.
• Length of the marker.
• Nature of the fabric.
• Method of marker making;
• Marker width;
• Kinds or design of garments.

Fabric spreading

Lay the fabric on table before cutting. It can be done two way-

• Manual spreading
• Machine spreading
• Objects of Spreading:
• To reduce cost
• To reduce the cutting time

Fabric cutting

To cut out pattern pieces of garment components as per exact dimension of the patterns from a
fabric lay is called fabric cutting. It is totally different from general cutting in which exact

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dimension is not considered. The term fabric cutting is only applicable for garments
manufacturing technology.

Requirements for fabric cutting

The following points must be fulfilled in fabric cutting-

Precision of fabric cutting

Fabric cutting should be done accurately as per exact dimension of the pattern pieces in the
marker. Accurate cutting depends on methods of cutting and marker planning. If manual cutting
method is used, then cutting accuracy depends on sharpness of knife, skill ness of operator, and
attentiveness of operator. Computer controlled cutting and die cutting have their self-cutting

Consistent cutting

Whatever the cutting method is used for fabric lay cutting, it should be ensured that the shape
of the cut components from top to bottom lay are of exact size and shape, otherwise the
garments produced will be defective.

Methods of fabric cutting

Fabric cutting methods are as follows-

Manual Method

➢ Scissor
➢ Round knife
➢ Band knife
➢ Straight knife
➢ Die cutting
➢ Notcher, and
➢ Drill

Computerized Method

➢ Knife cutting
➢ Water jet cutting
➢ Laser cutting, and
➢ Plasma torch cutting.

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In embroidery section there are two high speed (Barydan) m/c with a capacity of 22,000 stitches
per hour 9colour.

The following things are to be checked before starting bulk production.

❖ After completing 1st 20 pieces embroidery thread tension & bobbin tension &
measurement should be check.
❖ Spare parts
❖ Pattern
❖ Measurement
❖ Embroidery quality
❖ Design & speed
❖ Machine accessories
❖ Embroidery thread &Bobbin thread.

Sewing Section

The process of joining of fabrics using needle and sewing thread or by other techniques is
called sewing. The line of joining fabric is called seam. The arrangement of fabric ends at the
seam line called seam type.

Properties of seam

Properties of seam are assessed on the following aspects-


After sewing, the sewn area is observed for any defects, if present which affects outlook.
Normally it is expected that there will be no defective view of stitches, seam pucker, or
unsightly view.

Garment Washing

It is a new technology by which outlook, size, comfort ability & fashion etc properties are
changed of a Garment are called Garments Washing. The technology was first
developed in 1988. Before this washing was done in Hong Kong, Singapore & some other

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Objective of Garments Washing

1. To Develop Softness in Garments.

2. To introduce Fading effect.
3. To create new fashion.
4. To satisfy the customer.
5. To remove dirty thing from the garments.
6. To remove starch or size materials.

There is different type of Garments Washing in our country. There are:

1. Normal wash.
2. Pigment wash.
3. Bleach wash.
4. Caustic wash.
5. Acid wash.
6. Enzyme wash.
7. Enzyme wash with stone.
8. Stone wash. Figure 12: Washing Section
9. Supper whitewash.
10. Wash and over dyeing.

Finishing Section

It is the last step of garment making. All of the finishing processes are done here. Let yourself
know what kinds of work are to be carried out in this segment-a) Pressing/ Ironing, b) Packing,
c) Cartooning & d) Arranging final inspection and shipment. Organogram of garments
finishing section are given below.

Finishing Layout

1. Button Section

2. Thread Cut

3. Preliminary check/ Quality Check

Figure 13: Finishing Section
4. Thread sucking.

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5. Iron

6. Alter the garments

7. Measurement Check

8. Final Check

9. Iron

10. Get up Check

11. Poly & carton

1.1.5 Main Buyer

We have many buyers. There are:

• Allgemeine Warenvertriebs GmbH (AWG)

• E.M.P. Merchandising Handelsgesellschaft GmbH
• Gina Laura
• KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH
• Lifestyle International PVT.LTD.
• METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH
• Palacio De Hierro
• Tailor vintage

1.1.6 CSR
Disaster Management: Norwest Industries Ltd. donated to different disaster management fund
every year. Norwest Industries Ltd. donated to Rohingya refugees who came from Mayanmar.
It donates to Prime Minister’s Relief and Welfare Fund regarding relief for extreme flood
affected people, distribution of blankets to distress & cold affected people in winter.

Blood Donation: Norwest Industries Ltd. every year arrange a blood donation program.
Donors are motivated to donate blood to a person needs. Every year the organization holds a

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rally to raise awareness among the community about the importance of blood donation and to
encourage other factories to start alike programs.

Health: Norwest Industries Ltd. help poor patients for treatment of various diseases.

Sports: Norwest Industries Ltd. financially assistance to different sports association for
reaching the sports to an international level.

Education: Norwest Industries Ltd. was establishing a school at Narayanganj, only the
children who come from poor family are get chance of admission. It provides all the expenses
of this school. It’s also provided books, dresses & breakfast to the students free of costs.
Approximately 60 students are studying in this school now. This school is spreading the light
of education among the poor children of local community. Its help to meritorious student
around Narayanganj area and donated to Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust.

Others: Norwest Industries Ltd. donated to different social organization. (Norwest Industries
Limited, n.d.)

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2.1 Internship Experience
I have done my internship one of the best-renowned garments company Norwest Industries
Ltd, for three months to fulfil my academic requirement of Bachelor of Business
Administration. It was an amazing experience to work at garments industry and now I believed
that internship is linked between corporate field and theoretical knowledge of our education.
During my internship period, I have learned lots of things like corporate culture, corporate
environment and gained practical knowledge from there. My organization supervisor assigned
different work at the same time, so I have learned how to do multi works at the same time and
accurately. This work experience gave me lots of idea about garments industry. I have also
learned how to communicate with buyer etc. I had really enjoyed my internship period and
complete my tasks with full responsibility.

Job Responsibilities

During my internship period, I have worked in Merchandise Department at Norwest Industries

Ltd. under the supervisor Mr. Ashraful Islam. My supervisor gave me work and challenge to
finish the work on time. In that time, I understood the meaning of job responsibility.

➢ Internal & External Communication: To communicate with Buyer for order and
communicate with factory internal to keep the space accordingly to do the production.
➢ Sampling: Doing the fit sample then PP sample then Green seal sample.
➢ Lab dips: for the fabric colour approval, make this from fabric supplier and send this to
buyer for colour approval.
➢ Communication: To communicate with buyer and other department of garments.
➢ Accessories and Trims: To get all the trims from supplier like button zipper thread and
send to buyer for approval, after getting the approval from buyer then go production all
the trims and accessories along with packaging.
➢ Preparing Internal Order Sheets: To contain with the item like we are purchasing fabric
then here we must mention the fabric quality, colour, quantity and price. Here also must
do the list of all the trims and accessories list which need to do the order.
➢ Preparing Purchase Orders: After preparing the purchase order than send it to supplier
along with style number, item, quantity and price after getting this purchase order
supplier will start the production.
➢ Advising and Assisting Production: To communicate internal people to do the
production in time with best productivity.

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➢ Advising Quality Department: To do the internal pre-production meeting along with
fabric and trims test report that all the things are good in quality to go bulk production
and quality department must have to care about quality and handover the approved
quality sample to follow in bulk production.
➢ Mediating Production and Quality Departments: In the meantime, must have to push
production team for maximum output with the quality team. So, production team will
give us highest productivity with good quality. Quality team will be in production flow
to maintain the goods quality goods.
➢ Giving shipping instructions.
➢ Helping documentation department.
➢ Taking responsibility for inspections.
➢ Following shipment.
➢ Meeting with the fabrics and accessories supplier.
➢ Making accessories list.
➢ Meeting with the buyer and buying houses.
➢ Meeting with the production people.
➢ Meeting with the quality people and pattern master.

2.2 Function of Department

Product Development

Product development is an important work for any organization. Development of product is

the business policy of the organization which includes the development of the new designs and
styles within the organization. Merchandiser of production must keep update to buyer time to
time about the product development done by organization. Try to motivate buyer to give the
design development to the organization instead of doing themselves. When buyer visits to the
organization, the merchandiser will be present new designs developed by product development
department and present about product like colour, prints, embroidery patterns etc. They try to
convince the buyer to select the designs from presentation.


Sampling is the important stage of fashion merchandising. It is one of the main processes of
Garment manufacturing. Sampling plays an important role in attracting buyers and confirming
the order. As the buyers generally places the order once satisfied with the quality and

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responsiveness of the sampling. Sampling department makes sample based on buyer


Costing is ongoing process, and it is the most vital function performed by merchandiser. For
costing calculations, merchandiser should have some knowledge of costing. While calculating
the cost of the garment, merchandiser should keep following things in mind.

Value added services (printing, embroidery)

➢ Fabric consumption
➢ Trims
➢ Testing
➢ Currency exchange rate
➢ Transportation and logistic


It is necessary before starting any works. Merchandiser of production prepares the time and
action calendar by keeping things in mind like production capacity, lead time of buyer, holidays
etc. Based on time and action calendar, the merchandisers make a plan for production and
timely delivery within stipulated delivery date.


Coordination is one of the major acts of merchandise department. It coordinates with all the
departments within the organization and outside the organization in order to run the export
order successfully. Merchandiser must coordinate with the other departments to complete its


Garments needs to be outsourced fabric and trims are the raw material. Sourcing is basically
depending on cost efficient vendor of materials, production, or finished goods at the specified
quality and service level. It is an important part of apparel merchandiser’s responsibility.
Department of sourcing along with apparel merchandiser plays the vital role to execute and
shipment of export order successfully. Merchandiser have to make sure that all approvals

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related to fabric and trims should be coordinated in given timeframe with the sourcing

3.1 Finding Problem in Norwest Industries Ltd.

Some Problem of Merchandising Department in Norwest Industries Ltd.

It appears that merchandising management is one of the key areas of garment sectors. But
unfortunately, in Bangladesh merchandising management planning and controlling is reported
to be unsound I indicate that merchandising management planning and controlling is extremely
poor in the entire garments buying house sectors in Bangladesh, which in turns, has adversely
affected the getting order from abroad. In practice, I see some problems when I investigate
merchandising management system at Norwest Industries Ltd.

1. After conversation with merchandising manager, he agreed that sometimes workers

are failed to target quantity of the product that’s why merchandisers are not able to
do on time delivery to the buyer.
2. I am personally facing this problem they don’t pay employees for overtime duties.
3. As discussion with HR & Compliance manager, there is no specific Training and
Research department in Norwest Team development for internally develop
employees and workers.
4. As per discussion with departmental head person, there having communication gap
among these departments with foreign buyers.

3.2 Problems related on the Theory

I have faced first problem on my office. Maximum time merchandisers are not able to on time
delivery to buyer that why I asked him why product don’t reach on time to buyer. He said that
workers are not organized and maximum time they have huge mistake on time of produce in
the product and also thing one product is produced in several times. As a result, many times
are wasted to produce for one style or product. Its problem relates on the Organization by
Functional Speciality under Bureaucratic Management Theory.

Bureaucracy is an organisational structure that is characterised by many rules, standardised

processes, procedures, techniques and requirements, number of work areas, carefully division

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of labour and responsibility, clear progression and expert, almost practically impersonal
cooperation between employees. (Toolshro, n.d.)

Figure 14: Bureaucracy Theory Model

Organization by Functional Speciality means that people are specialities their work and also
organized to develop their business unit based on what they work or technically skills they
have. But our workers do not able to their skills because of they are not proper organized in
this industry. Maximum time they are not fulfilled their target of quantity on time. When a
product produces that time, they are doing huge mistakes. They don’t produce product to buyer
requirement. as a result, one style produces several times. It’s so much waste of time for this
reason merchandiser don’t shipment on time delivery to buyer requirement. Everything is
happening lack of organization and don’t have to proper function system. People are not well
skilled to their work and technically undeveloped. That’s why I relate on the Organization by
Functional Speciality. (Management Tools, n.d.)

Second problem that company don’t pay employees for overtimes duties. Its major problem for
an employee. As a result, employees are demotivated to their work. In this problem I relate on
the Remuneration under the 14 Principles of Management (Henry Fayol).

Henry Fayol’s management theory is a simple model of how management communicate with
personnel. This theory is major guideline for a business community. And how to increase
productivity in a business and how to create productively managing staff that things are
included in this theory. The management theory of Henri Fayol includes 14 principles of
management. (, n.d.)

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Figure 15: 14 Principal of Management (Henry Fayol) Model

So, Remuneration is a part of the Henry Fayol Management theory. Remuneration is included
two types things one is motivation and another one is productivity. These two things are so
close to for quickly running of an organization. But the 14 principles of management argue that
the remuneration should be to enough to keep employees motivated and productivity. There
are two types of remuneration. There are non-monetary and monetary. Non-monetary are
included a compliment, more responsibilities and credits. Monetary are included
compensation, bonus or other financial compensation. Mainly it is rewarding for the better
performance of employees. But my company do not pay for overtimes duties. As a result, an
employee is demotivated of their own work that’s why productivity is reduce day by day form
an employee. Approximately an employee works on 13 hours in daily basis. But they cannot
get any money for overtimes duties. So, company break down rules according to this theory.

Third problem is they are not providing any training section for developing their employees
and workers that’s problem I relate on the Off the Job Training.

Off the Job Training means comprises of a place specifically allotted for the training purpose
that may be near to the actual workplace, where the workers or employees are required to learn
the skill and get well equipped with the tools and techniques that are to be used at the actual
work floor.

So, Norwest cannot provide off the job training that means they don’t provide any classes for
training purpose for worker and employees. If they are giving this training, then employee’s
and workers learn to depth about their requirement and learn to their operation. As an industries

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worker learn to operations of machine and equipment. Basically, employees and workers learn
to on the job training that mean they are learned go through by the work field.

Fourth problem is common problem which is communication problem between merchandiser

and foreign buyers. This problem I relate on The Communication Gap Model under the Gap
Model of Service Quality.

Figure 16: Gap Model Theory

The customer gap is the difference between customer expectations and customer perceptions.
Customer expectation is what the customer expects according to available resources and is
influenced by cultural background, family lifestyle, personality, demographics, advertising,
experience with similar products and information available online. Customer perception is
totally subjective and is based on the customer’s interaction with the product or service.
Perception is derived from the customer’s satisfaction of the specific product or service and the
quality of service delivery. Now a day’s consumer has become increasingly demanding. They
are not only wanted high quality products, but they also expect high quality customer service.
Even manufactured products such as cars, mobile phones, RMG Products and computers
cannot gain a strategic competitive advantage through the physical products alone. (brainmates,

There are four different types of gaps under the Customer gap, the Listening Gap, The service
Design and Standards Gap, Service Performance Gap and the Communication Gap. Basically,
foreign buyers and merchandiser between with relate on the communication gap.

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The communication gap is differed between service delivery and external communication to
customers. Ineffective management of customer expectation is most function of the customer
gap. And also, thing ineffective management of customer expectation have two sub function.
There are:

 Not managing customer expectation through all forms of communication.

 Not adequately educating customer.

Our main problem is maximus buyers are Chinese, Japanese and Germanies people that’s why
they are not proper communication to the merchandiser because of they used to own native
language or inappropriate English language that’s why merchandiser cannot understand their
requirement. Therefore, sometimes merchandisers are failed to understand their proper
requirement. As a result, they are not fulfilled buyer expectation just because of
communication. That’s why this problem relate on the communication gap.

3.2 Recommendation
Though the garments sector plays a very important role to earn foreign exchange to our country,
so buying house importance is very high. A large amount of foreign money comes from the
exporting of garments product.

Norwest Industries Ltd. is very established garments exporting industries. Though a large
number of workers maintain their live on this sector. So, government should take special
nursing in garments sector. Some points are given to overcome the problems of inventory
management of this sector:

➢ Norwest Industries Ltd. should be more careful and attentive in monitoring the
production. So that production goes on schedule and any unwanted occurrence such as
short shipment may not occur due to late delivery. I think every department should be
more connect to other department. Technical skilled production manager is needed to
control the workers.
➢ Must be followed wages and salary rules and regulations of this company. Otherwise
employees should be written proposal of the higher authority.
➢ Norwest industries Ltd. should take necessary steps such as training course for their
workers and employees so that they are depth knowledge about their work. I think first
two months at least training processing by on the job and off the job process. As a result,
a fresher employees and workers are trained to practically and theoretically.

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➢ Norwest industries Ltd. used to international format for communication with buyer. But
when a buyer uses their native language that’s time, we can used different translator
software in our mobile or laptop. As a result, we can easily understand buyer
requirement. We can provide proper service for the buyer and buyer will be satisfied.

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4.1 Conclusion
Now a day’s organization demands that the Merchandising management function deliver a
valuable side of earning foreign currency and take part a vital role to communicate international
business. The experienced merchandiser always demandable in every country. For developing
garment sector merchandising management system will have to focuses on modern system.

Management of merchandising is a big job and is a complex one. The result of the study
showing that there is lot of step for Norwest Industries Ltd. to improve their merchandising
management has certain implications for the business community as well as national
merchandising planners. The study “Merchandising Management of Norwest division revealed
that Merchandiser is most valuable human resources for the progress of the organization. For
the development of these valuable resources there are many factors involved. To increase the
productivity of an organization effectively, efficient merchandiser will have to develop.
Preparation of future business managers should provide for the development of managerial
skills relating to merchandiser function. Colleges and universities offering business
administration curriculum would do well to evaluate their courses as they relate to the findings
of this study.

This direct study indicates the potential utility that could be derived from undertaking more
comprehensive investigations covering only merchandising management of Norwest Industries
Ltd. There are consequent developments of newer knowledge can definitely contribute to
increase the efficiency of business management and this, in turn, will increase the satisfaction
of all interested buyer parties, which will be the ultimate goal of business.

33 | P a g e
brainmates. (n.d.). Retrieved from brainmates:
customer-service-gap-model/ (n.d.). Retrieved from
Management Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved from Management Tools:
Norwest Industries Limited. (n.d.). Retrieved from Norwest Industries Limited:
Toolshro. (n.d.). Retrieved from Toolshro:

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