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Sex stories

Geethas tailor
Hi guys I’m yashwant. Now for a change geetha will narrate the story now to you

Hi, this is geetha sharing with you an experience at the tailor’s. Once yashwant had an invitation to attend an
important congregation of commercial photographers. He wanted me to look at my absolute best on that
evening which was a week away. Now, I look tempting for a 28 yr old. I am 5 ft 7”, 36c 30 38 and fair. He
wanted me to dress up for the occasion. So, I reached my friend deepa for suggestions. She mentioned about
the shailesh tailors. She said that the place was *popular* among women and strongly advised me to try it.
She finished the statement with a ‘wink’ in her eyes which confounded me a bit, but I didn’t take it serious
by then.

I decided to try this place. On a hot and sultry June afternoon I managed to find the tailor shop, after
shopping my saree and the matching blouse piece. I was sweating by the time I reached the tailor shop, so
the cool air from the air conditioning was a great relief when I entered. I was greeted by a 14 to 15 year old
boy. “hello geetha madam …please sit down, uncle is busy inside – he’ll be back in a minute “. I smiled at
him and sat in the comfortable leather chair and relaxed and was skimming through one of the many
magazines for women, particularly the one’s concerning women fashion. I was thinking to myself, ‘ very
thoughtful of the owner of the…’– my thought-train was disturbed by a “good afternoon geetha madam.” I
looked up to see a nicely dressed gentleman with a pleasant smile. I nodded and got up. He said “I am
shailesh. What can we do for you?” I told him “I need to stitch a blouse – in some modern style. I need to
wear it for a special occasion”. He looked at me appraisingly from head to toe and remarked, “we can
transform you from an angel that you are right now, to a goddess!”. I laughed at the comment. He said, ‘I
haven’t seen you here before geetha madam…”. I said ‘my friend deepa directed me here’. He said… ‘Oh
Mrs. Deepa, she is one of our special customers. I am glad ‘. And ‘winked’ at me meaningfully.

Okay, what style do you want the blouse to be?’ I looked at him blankly. He nodded assuring and walked to
his desk, brought back

A book with a variety of blouse models and told me to take my time.’ I will be around. Give me a shout
when you have made your choice’ and walked away. I was flipping through the pages of the book, clearly
overwhelmed by the number of varieties available. He sited my problem after a while, came back to me and
said ‘may be I could help’. I really needed some help. So I nodded. He took the book from me, shuffled
some pages and stopped at one and showed me a back open model tied with laces. ‘This is the best model
around in town as of today if you are willing to wear this type, it’ll accentuate your beauty’. He suddenly
stopped. ‘I suppose you are married geetha madam…, he trailed off his sentence coated with concern. Still
mesmerized by the model, I was replying absently ‘it’s the idea of my brother yashwant that I need to look
my best on one of his special occasions’. That was enough encouragement for him and he said, ‘ leave the
worrying to us and as I said, we will transform you’. He took the bag with new blouse from me with all the
right without asking me and started inspecting the blouse piece and started at my boobs for a few seconds
and remarked – ‘this one would be wonderful on you geetha madam.. Please come in. We shall take the

I stood up and noticed that he was taking a peek my navel through the pallu during that fraction of a second.
Despite being shy and all that I normally wear my saree low-hip. So he must have had a good ‘preview’ and
he was possibly dreaming about what was about to come. He got up quickly and led me to his ‘back-office’.
There was some mild classical music playing in the background and the atmosphere was nice. As I was
entering I told him about my total inexperience about stitching blouses outside and me doing it by myself till
now. ‘Oh very good. Relax geetha madam. You are at the right place’ he said. He called his cousin, the little
boy too for help and took the inch tape and came to me. I was surprised at first and asked him quite
innocently;’ don’t you have women working in your place to take measurements??’ For which he laughed
and said ‘ oh no, we have two, but unfortunately they are off at the moment’ and he continued with the same
sugar coated voice, ‘but don’t worry geetha madam. This is absolutely normal these days. Men are taking
measurements everywhere.’ I felt a bit stupid for asking that question and quickly nodded and tried a smile.

Okay, so shall we start?’ With that he came close to me and put the tape around my neck and secured it &
took my neck measurement and mumbled some numbers which Mahesh (his cousin) scribbled down in his
pad. Then , he said ‘geetha madam , now we shall lower your pallu a bit..’ and without waiting for my
permission , gently took my pallu from my shoulder and dropped it down !! – still looking straight to my
face. I was partly shocked and almost paralyzed for a few seconds. My first thoughts were, damn, why
didn’t I pin-up the pallu the way I usually do? I recovered, and was trying to reach for my pallu and was
about to bend down. He stopped me with his hands very gently on my shoulder and said – ‘relax geetha
madam … Please, how can we take measurements without lowering your pallu? ‘He was smiling at me with
full confidence and I was defeated by his thorough professionalism. I was thinking, ‘after all, he is doing his
job’ and agreed. (perhaps this was a mistake). I noticed Mahesh’s eyeballs were almost popping out looking
at my boobs and exposed navel. I was thoroughly flushed and shifted a bit. Noticing my discomfort, shailesh
sent Mahesh to bring some water… I relaxed a bit.

Shailesh stood in front of me, ‘ geetha madam please lift your hands over your head.’. I did so. He came
close to me; put the tape around me to take the base measurement. He brought the tape in front, circled it
close the base of my breasts and tightened it now securely. By then Mahesh was back with the water jug and
took his pad to take down the measurement. Shailesh uttered – ’36′ and Mahesh wrote it down. Mahesh…
Come I’ll show you this… While he was saying this his fingers were brushing against the underside of my
breasts nonchalantly. I was beginning to get worried a bit and excited a little. Mahesh came close and was
intensely looking at my breasts for a while instead of the tape and its position. Shailesh went on, ‘that’s the
way to measure the base, but geetha madam is wearing her blouse very loose for the back open model so we
need to tighten the measurements a bit more..’ and with that he inserted one finger on each breast and lifted
it up a bit gently and inserted the tape as deep as it can tightened it.. ‘See the difference? It is now 35.5?!’
Mahesh seemed to be at his learning best and was nodding furiously. Mahesh asked, “uncle. how did you
find that it’s too loose?” shailesh said ´watch it now´, and with that he inserted his fingers under the material
of the blouse. his cold fingers brushed my skin and made me shiver a bit. His fingers crept up to touch the
base of my left boob to demonstrate how loose my blouse was!! I wished I hadn’t let him do that little demo.

In spite of shamefully exposing my breasts to 2 strangers I was getting turned on a bit. My brown nipples
underneath the blouse were betraying me already. I can feel them getting erected with shailesh’s fingers
gently and subtly fondling the underside of my breast all in the pretext of shifting and re-positioning the
tapes- very professionally indeed. Mahesh asked, ‘ uncle, could I please take the next measurement then?’
Shailesh nodded to him without even looking at me. He removed the tape out and handed it to Mahesh and
said ‘ now go behind geetha madam and marking the centre of her back align the tape to the centre of her
blouse in the front side (he professionally avoided using the word breasts or any of its equivalent!!) To
measure the cup-size’. With a triumphant look of a kid that earned a candy bar, Mahesh took the inch tape
and inched closer to me. He circled it behind me while shailesh stepped aside and watched him carefully.
Mahesh’s hands were still cold from holding the jug containing cold water. When his fingers rested on my
back to place the tape I could feel the chillness reaching through my blouse to my spine. I shivered a bit. He
meticulously brought the tape around me and rested it on the centre. He was happy with the progress he
made so far and was shifting the tape slightly up & down right over my now erect nipples. I was watching
him do that to me with hands lifted above. At one point he came close to my armpit to check the tape and
smelt the mixed aroma of my sweat and perfume and sniffed a bit so openly making me feel uncomfortable.
Now shailesh told him to tighten the tape saying that the positioning is correct. He tightened it to the point of
obscenely pressing my boobs and lingered his fingers over the tape right on my pointed right nipple studying
it closely. I felt like dying out of shame right there, since, if not anything – because of all this, my nipples
were getting stiffer by the minute and both the men can clearly see this from the close range through my
translucent blouse. All I could do was shut my eyes tight which I did. I feebly said… ‘Could you finish it up
soon?’ Shailesh answered with his now trademark coolness..’ relax geetha madam, we will do a pucca &
perfect job for you..’ with that he took over from Mahesh and proceeded to take the actual measurements
saying , ‘when it comes to reading the tape – I trust my own eyes and nothing else!’ – another display of
professionalism to make me feel *better*… (instead he was succeeding in making me *wetter* down
there!).of course he hadn’t failed to caress both my nipples – first gently and then with some pressure on.

He took the tape off and told the measurement to Mahesh.’I have an idea geetha madam, Mahesh bring that
model piece back-less one from the store’. With that he sent Mahesh. He said, ‘geetha madam, you have to
try one of these models to verify the shape and size. After measuring your sizes, I just remembered that I
have something of almost the same size.’ Mahesh just came back with the blouse.’ geetha madam try this
please… ‘He handed me a nice looking silky backless blouse with lots of strings. I felt that it was a fair thing
to try that stuff to get a first hand feel about it before deciding to go for the model .’geetha madam here is
our try room’, he showed me to a small room. There were just mirrors and nothing else on all sides. When
he saw me looking at the mirrors, with a smile, he said ‘for y (our) viewing pleasure’. And turned to leave,
and absently mentioned to me – ‘oh geetha madam, to get the correct picture please try it without your
brassiere, and careful pls… The floor is wet still… Mahesh just cleaned it ‘. With that shailesh left.

When I locked the room first thing, I took my pallu off the shoulder, but realized that I couldn’t drop it on
the floor, so I bunched it up and tucked it in my hip and continued to unhook my blouse. I managed to
remove my blouse off completely and only then realized that there isn’t any place in that room to hang it. I
was first surprised then annoyed. I opened the door to peek my head out. I couldn’t find anyone. I was
wondering what to do. After a few seconds Mahesh came by and looked amused to see my head popping out
of the change room and came towards me. ‘Any problem geetha madam?’ he asked. I told him about the
lack of hangers and he replied that the carpenter had taken the hanger out with him for some repair that
morning and smiled at me. ‘I can take the blouse and hang it in the cup-board next door if u want’ he
offered. I thought about it a bit. ‘Don’t worry geetha madam … It’s only next door’, he added with an
outstretched hand. I sighed and handed him my blouse. He took and was standing still there. I looked at him
questioningly. He said ‘your brassiere too …. Geetha madam’. I thought for a bit now… I was very reluctant
to give away my brassiere, at the same time there wasn’t a place I could keep it without spoiling it and
making it wet & dirty. He told once again, ‘it is okay geetha madam and gave a big smile ‘. I told him to
wait and closed the door and unsnapped the hook at the back and took it off, opened the door covering
myself with the pallu and peeked my head out to see him standing right at the door close to me. ‘Here … I
gave him the bra and noticed that he was looking beyond me at the mirror while taking it from me. He was
getting an eyeful of the side view of my naked boob from the side through the reflection from one of the
mirrors behind me and was smiling (thinking of his fortune perhaps). I had shut the door quickly.

I lowered my pallu, wrapped it one more time around and tucked it on my hip. I started trying this model
blouse and just then noticed that I would definitely need a second pair of hands to secure all those knots at
my back. I managed to wear both the shoulders of the blouse and was thinking about what to do to tie it
from behind. About the same time, there was a knock on the door and shailesh asked from outside if
everything was fine. I said I am having a problem and opened the door to peek my head out. ‘I don’t know
how to tie these….and let the sentence trail. He nodded understandingly and pushed the door wider saying ‘
here… Let me help you. This is typical problem with backless ones’ and came in. He told me to turn around
and presumably looked engrossed in his work while trying to tie the knots on my bare back… His hands
were all over my bare back in his attempt to tie zig sag knots. He was trying to pull the last 2 strings together
and since it was too tight making me vince in pain a bit. ‘Am sorry geetha madam’. He said, ‘it is too tight.
My mistake ‘ he was undoing the knots while speaking, ‘I shall bring the next size in a min.’, but for that I
need the current size as they are almost the same ‘ and with that in one whisk he turned me around to face
him and tugged the tight choli off my shoulder in one surprisingly quick motion and it came down to my
braces in his powerful yank. He gently took the silk blouse off me leaving me standing in daze. He made no
attempt to look at my naked breasts as I shrieked and covered them up, ad stood there dumb. He left the
room before I said anything. I was confused by this and thought that he must be a true gentleman and these
must have been a part of his day to day job. He came back in a few seconds with another blouse and
knocked and entered. He smiled at me when he saw me standing with my hands covering my naked breasts
and placed the choli and on my shoulder and went out. I was in an internal turmoil of emotions by now and
my senses were shamefully in fire. I meekly called him after I wore it on my shoulders. I just noticed that
this one was sleeveless. He came in with no formalities and with a busy smile and directly walked behind
me and dutifully tied the knots. It fitted me perfectly and he told me to look at myself in the mirror on all
sides. Not to mention, the knots were clinging to my flesh and there were small folds of flesh formed on
either side of each knot. 4 of them in total in zig sag array. He stepped behind and admired his handy work.
He told me to wear the pallu over me. Till then having forgotten all about it, a new rush of shame filled in
me; I took the pallu and put it over the saree. He adjusted it a bit here and there. He said,’ you look very nice
and sexy geetha madam, you may have to expose some more in the hip region to look more appealing. ‘One
second pls’ and he started lowering my saree frills just below navel a bit more than what it was already , ‘the
frills should begin by at least an inch below navel… And you have a nice deep one to show off proudly and
make of fleet of gentlemen raise their eye-brows and women burn with envy… ‘(Like I said this guy knows
to talk.

Now, he went back2 steps and looked at me for a while… “one thing is missing geetha madam, rather in
excess” (he smiled)…. “you need to shave your armpits really smooth”. I was a bit confused and lifted my
hand and showed him… “isn’t this good enough?” he came closer and with a broad smile on his face ran his
palm along my shaven arm pit. This made me giggle a bit and more horny. He nodded negative saying that it
could compete with a 2 days unshaven stub of a guy. That remark made me flush. I found myself saying…
“but I just shaved it this morning… “and trailed the sentence. He said “I shall show you the real equipment.”
and opened the door and was back in a flash “here … Look at this geetha madam. Ultra modern tri-top razor
for women… And imported cream. As a matter of fact the whole set is imported and the ultra smoothness
lasts for days. Want to try??” He looked at me too businesslike with the offer. I was amazes at the equipment
kit and ashamed at the thought of shaving my armpit at the tailor’s. Sensing my unsteadiness shailesh kicked
in… “please turn geetha madam …” he urged, not giving me a chance to respond. Then quickly untied the
knots. I asked “what are you doing?”… Confused. He looked puzzled … “preparing you geetha madam” and
smiled… “but where is the bathroom… I shall do it there…” “oh no, this is an expensive set of equipment,
so please leave it to the master to handle it” while saying that he had managed to untie the knots completely
and was pulling the blouse off me while I stood daze stuck. He took the blouse from me while I covered
myself with pallu withy a feeling I had felt never before looked at him. He walked out of the room with the
blouse saying that he will bring some water. While he came back with the water, predictably the blouse was
missing and this time he didn’t bother knocking. I was hand inspecting my armpit and was caught off guard.
He smiled at me and came closer and took my right hand gently and lifted it over me. His face was so close
to my armpits and pallu covered boobs. Pls hold it there… He started applying some water and expertly
made the region wet. Slowly and smoothly applied the cream on my underarm area. It was a soft and
different feeling. Many a times his hands brushed on to the sides of my naked boobs. He started shaving my
right armpit and since it was just shaved in the morning it didn’t take long. But every now and then his palm
completely rested on my bade boobs and the base of his palm was pressing against my now 100% pointed
right nipple. He was done with my right armpit and wiped it dry and told me to feel it. I was feeling it with
my left hand at the same time he was coming around me to the other side and accidentally brushed against
my back and I could not only feel how nice and smooth armpit was but also could feel how rock hard his
erection was behind his baggie hidden trousers. I was in a way relieved to think that he is after all human too
and suppressed a little smile. He told me to lift the other hand and did the same to it taking his time and
using the opportunities to brush against my pallu covered naked breast.

He was just about done with his shaving and was picking up his tools while he accidentally noticed my
navel. He came close to it and bent down and was on his knees all of a sudden studying it close moving my
pallu aside. I asked him “what is the matter? ” he said “I can see a brow of hair line going down from your
navel . ” he started tracing it … ” see here ” I bent down to see what he meant and nodded. “we shall remove
that as well to make this area soft and more appealing, please come with me”. I said… ” no please that won’t
be needed…” he stared at me…” let’s make ivory skin of velvet texture geetha madam”, “your my brother
yashwant will be very proud of you. Please don’t say no… Come with me “and with that he took my hand
and took me out of the room of mirrors topless, my pallu was only partly covering my boobs and the
typically wide eyed Mahesh now had his eyes turned to globes almost as big as my melons staring at them,
while I walked by him… I did my best to retain my modesty (if there is any left by now). He took me to an
adjacent room where there was a cheap cot and told me to lie down. I was very reluctant and tried to back
out as I didn’t like the setup. The door was open and Mahesh could clearly see from his chair what would
happen here. I told him with half tone before sitting on the cot “the door…” shailesh said…”don’t worry
geetha madam no one will come” and pressed my shoulder to make me lie down. The table was looking
more like examination table to my imagination. When I turn my head to my side, I could see shailesh’s hard
on clear now close to my face. He made me lie down on my back and moved my pallu aside and bared my
tummy completely. He was rubbing his palm in the exposed region below my navel to get the feel of the

“okay we shall start geetha madam. Oh this water is dirty already Mahesh! Bring some water …” with that
his one hand rested on my saree frills while the other pressed my tummy with some pressure to create a
gap… And whiff… He pulled my saree frills as a bunch completely off my hip and out of the petticoat. I
shrieked aloud with shock and excitement. “what are you doing!!!!!?? Why did you take my saree off me??
Why do you call Mahesh?” in my confused state I didn’t know what to ask for… Since too much happened
at the same time. The next instance I could see Mahesh with the water jug by my side staring at my shapely
boobs by the side of pallu which had considerably moved off its position because of the force with which the
saree was pulled off.

“I was eaten alive with shame as 2 strangers were having a feast staring at my naked boobs in such a close
proximity and I could do nothing much. I covered my boobs with the pallu quickly once again, at the same
time shailesh’s smooth hands glibly untied my petticoat knot. For a fleeting moment I missed it until his
other hand that was pressing my navel before… Stated pushing my petticoat down my hip… I shut my eyes
tight and shouted “stoop please”… It was too late and shailesh had brought it down a bit too far and exposed
my private for a brief moment. “sorry geetha madam I didn’t realize that you were not wearing anything
inside” … And he drew the petticoat just enough to cover the region.

He started sprinkling water to the region below my navel and it was a bit cold… I shivered a bit and my eyes
still shut tight with embarrassment. I could feel the presence of Mahesh so close to my breasts while shailesh
was applying the cream now softly over the skin below my navel and the brush was reaching dangerously
low close to my pussy. I was thoroughly shaken by the events so far and almost close to my climax with all
that happened so far. My body was writhing with excitement as shailesh started to shave that area between
my petticoat and navel. I close my eyes with my hands tightly with shame and excitement. Shailesh’s hand
was resting on my navel for balance while he shaved with the other. He didn’t miss the opportunity to insert
his finger as deep as it could get in my deep navel and gently tickled it by shaking back and forth. He was
soon finished with his work there and wiped it with a clean cloth and ran his hand along there and
murmured” “feels nice” and started drawing a line from my belly downwards till he reached my petticoat.
“geetha madam from your belly till here bush (he poked to make an emphasis and made me jerk) it is very
clean… But I just noticed that you are sporting a bush below this point…”” we shall launch our lawn mover
operation “… With that he gripped the loose petticoat around my waist and began pulling it down, together
with my saree… “I had mustered all the resistance I had and said a meek …”no pls” (which even I didn’t
hear properly) and heeding to his sudden force lifted my hip slightly to bid my petticoat farewell. He
managed to pull my saree and petticoat completely off me in a matter of seconds. I felt my last stitch of
clothing travel past my thigh reach the knees and off me.

“Mahesh … Put geetha madam’s saree and petticoat together with the rest of her dresses”, I slightly opened
my eyes to see Mahesh grinning and taking my clothes away from the room and vanishing and shailesh
intently studying my pubic area. “geetha madam you have a very nice structure”. I had kept my thigh as
close and as tight as possible and lying there very conscious that I am totally nude in a broad day light in
front 2 strangers. My pussy was so dripping wet, I was ashamed to even think what would happen if it is
touched now… Shailesh gently but with some force started spreading my thigh apart and made a “cluck”
sound after looking my vagina. “geetha madam we are going to make it 10 times nicer… relax”. With that
he was in business and I lied with my hands covering my already tightly closed eyes.

“suddenly I heard another pair of footsteps… Coming close to my face (must be Mahesh), shailesh sprinkled
the water and started lathering the hair in that area extra lavishly taking time… I was thoroughly excited and
was getting turned on more by the minute. He started shaving off the hair above and the sides of the lip
region and was carefully shaving the region below. Half way through he spread the lips wider with his
fingers. “hmm nice pink flesh geetha madam”. With that he started stroking my clit just above the lips…
First gently and then with force. He kneaded it with his fingers and pinched the clit. It was too much for me
and I arched my hip on air and moaned aloud. I was at the verge of coming but felt that a pair of hands over
my head reaching over me and grabbing my bare boobs. I gasped to find that the pair of small hands pinched
my nipples. My nipples were pinched in tandem with the kneading of my clit by shailesh and let myself out
with a loud cry. With my hip held high up and my nipples and clit being treated good shailesh’s other had
using the opportunity to trace a line along my butt crevice while I was cumming. This made me go crazy and
what seemed to be an eternity I continued cumming for about a full minute and half or two I suppose.
Shailesh’s hand was very vet with my juices flowing across and he came by my side and took my hands off
my eyes. I was lying still collapsed. Please turn around geetha madam. I nodded and turned. Mahesh was
grinning wide and standing by my side. He was sporting a hard on as well which was now casually brushing
my cheeks over his half trousers. Shailesh resumed his position and spread my thighs wide again and
continued to later my butt hole. “I am going to clean this region also geetha madam and make it hair-less”
and he started applying his razor with great care to take the hair off the region and at one point he called
Mahesh for help. I was wondering what would be that… And I soon found out. Mahesh was opening my
butt cheeks and spreading it wide while shailesh applied the lotion there in the hole. It was so humiliating,
yet exciting. I felt my body responding for another session. Shailesh was slowly inserting his already wet
finger now in to my butt cheeks while I jerked and shrieked an “loops”. His finger found the spot and was
slowly moving in and Mahesh released my butt cheeks and came in front. He tried to insert his hands to
reach for my boobs, but found it a bit difficult as I decided to throw a little challenge. He seemed to think a
few seconds and dug his 10 fingers simultaneously on either side of my hip and started tickling me. At the
same time shailesh inserted his other hand into my lips deep and started moving his fingers from both hands
in and out of my butt and pussy. The tickling and fingering at the same time was too much and I yielded to
Mahesh, he reached for my boobs and cupped them. He caressed the left one while pinching the right nipple
gently, the whole set up was too much and shailesh pulled me up so I rested on my knees and my butt was in
the air. After a few minutes of persistent fingering of my butt and pussy and fondling of my big melons I
was building to another orgasm and was reaching pretty close to it. A few moments before the height if it
shailesh abruptly removed his hands and taking the cue, So did Mahesh.

I was confused and breathless. Shailesh smiled at me sitting on the table confused. He slowly started
undressing. He nodded at Mahesh and he left the room locking the door. I was in such a state at that point; I
could do anything to end that mounting climax. It was too depressing. When shailesh took off his trouser I
could see a nice thick one behind his boxers. He pushed his boxer slowly off his hip and his stiff cock sprang
out… I was mesmerized and was staring at it. He came closer to me and took my hand and let me hold it. I
ran my fingers along the shaft and glided them down towards his balls. And cupped his balls and squeezed it
gently. I ran my other hand to the tip of the shaft and started drawing circles very gently. Within seconds I
could feel my hand wet with the pre-cum. He smiled and brought my head below. I bent down to kiss it
while holding his stiff ass cheeks with my hands on wither side. He surprised me with a force and pushed
my head towards his cock and made me take ‘his’ in my mouth. I ran my tongue along it. Still in the trance.
I flicked my tongue in and around the tip of his shaft. It was thick and hard as rock. I was completely
complying with my bodily needs; he was cupping my soft melons now and resting his hands on my nipples.
He was fingering them gently and pressing my boobs while I was slowly sucking his cock in and out. After a
few minutes of this he sensed his mounting feeling and stopped me. He removed his cock from my mouth,
went to the corner of the room and came back slowly unwrapping a condom. It was strangely turning me on
to see a fully grown man butt naked walking towards me with a stiff hard on. (I had never seen my brother
yashwant that way) I was waiting with a peculiar never-had-before anticipation.

He told me to bend down and rest on all fours on the floor. “let’s do something different geetha madam”…
With that he knelt behind me and grabbed my ass cheeks and inserted my pussy from behind in doggie style.
That was another surprise to me. The mounted me with such expertise that I felt like I was doing in that
position for ages… He started humping me gently holding my butt and I was supporting myself with my
hands on the ground. After a few strokes he started doing it with force and came closer to my body from
behind and held my hanging breasts from either side and started squeezing. I started moaning aloud…. Very
loud now as I hadn’t experienced this type of feeling excitement ever before. With each hump from him I
could feel ‘it’ building inside me… Steadily.
I could hear myself shouting ‘aah’ aah aah aah aahaaah aah aaaah aah aaaah…. And him slapping my butt
chaaaap…. Chaapppp… Now and then, This was so kinky yet an incredible turn on for me and I could feel
the mounting orgasm by the minute. He squeezed my boobs with one hand and somehow managed to finger
my butt hole at the same time while he was humping… After mounting and for what seemed forever I felt
his body stiffen suddenly and he held me like a strong guerilla and humped with a high speed. I sensed him
cumming and I was at the verge as well… While he stiffened and shot in me I let out a loud moan at the
same time (this is entirely new to me) I was cumming at around the same time and I realized I was moaning
and jerking for a long moment even after he was done before collapsing. I dropped on the floor dripping in

Shailesh let me lay in the position for a little while and lifted me gently with smile on his face, he took me to
the shower annexed and let me take a hot steaming shower. I had a long relaxed steam bath and when I was
done I wiped myself dry with a towel there and opened the door. Shailesh was dressed by then and waiting
for me with my clothes. He took the towel from me and produced a camera “for my memories geetha
madam…” I was in no mood to resist now and he quickly snapped one with even a little smile on my face.
He let me dress up all the while watching me at the various stages of (un)dressing.

He told me “we shall see us next time geetha madam… Pls collect your blouse the day after tomorrow, let us
do a trial … And I hope you would have a nice time at the party with your friends “… With the he waved
me good bye… With a meaningful smile. I just left the place thinking about my friend deepa’s remark why
this place could be ** popular ** among women!! Waiting for your reply Geetha.

Sex starved women

Hi. This is sameer. I am going to write a real story of my cousin sister. Her name is Nisha (name changed).
She is about 36 years old and is married. Actually the story which I am going to narrate u is the incident
which happened to my cousin sister and she told me after doing sex with me. As I have asked her. I will tell
all u readers to read this properly as this is very interesting and I tell u to enjoy.

I was during the time of her marriage. At the age of 20 my cousin sister’s marriage was arranged with a
man. He was 25 at that time. My cousin sister was very fair and was very beautiful and the guy with whom
she was getting married was not a hand some guy and was not fair. But my cousin sister agreed for marriage
as the man with whom her marriage was fixed was her dad’s friend son and her dad forced her for marriage.
So marriage was over and the first night came.

At that night my cousin was in the bedroom waiting for her hubby (to get her pussy tear a part). Her hubby
came and sat on bed. He chatted for some time then kissed her on lips. It was my cousin first kiss. Then he
slowly started to remove her clothes. Now she was on bra and panty. He removed both bra and panty. Then
he took out his clothes and my cousin sister was laying on bed. She saw his cock but it was small. She did
not said any thing as she had never done sex nor she had seen any cock. He started to enter her pussy. After
entering her pussy he started to fuck her. With in four shot he came and slept over my cousin. But my cousin
was not satisfied at all. She wanted sex badly but she was help less. At that night thinking of that she slept.

The same process continued. But after some days her married friend met her and started to talk about their
sex. She was shocked by hearing their words, as their hubby would fuck them for long time but her hubby
can fuck her only for 2 mins. At that night she said to her hubby u has ruined my life. U r not a complete
man. U cannot satisfy me, u r a use less person, I want a divorce from u. Then her hubby pleaded not to do
so. As he has know the truth but he doesn’t want to know the world. He said I will do any thing u want but u
doesn’t give divorce to me. If u wants to do sex with any other man u can do. But don’t spoil my name. U
can get satisfied by any one, I don’t matter who he would be. But I also fuck u and u could get fucked by
any one. My cousin thought for a second then said ok. She so I can get fucked by any body is in it. He said
yes. She also said u should be my slave, should do what I tell u. He agreed. From that day my cousin got
wicked. She wanted to take revenge as well as pleasure. So she was thinking how to get fucked and by
One day her eyes felt on her hubbys sister’s hubby (sis in laws hubby) his name was s (let us call him) and
wanted to get fucked by him. As it would be pleasure and would be able to take revenge. As she was living
alone with her hubby she started to become free with S and started to wear sexy clothes. Slowly he started to
come to nishas house regularly and started to touch her boobs. It went and one day he kissed her on her lips
as she was alone and started to squeeze her. This was the day which nisha was waiting for. She also started
to answer him by sucking his tongue. Then S took her to her bedroom and said this is the bed where ur
hubby fuck u and now I will fuck u on the same bed. Saying this he started to remove her clothes. As she
was nude he started to suck her breast then her navel then her cleanly shaved pussy. Then after sucking her
pussy nisha took her lund in her hand and said ur is big. On that s said is ur hubbys small. Nisha said yes.
Saying this he started to suck it. As she was sucking the door bell rang and S started to think who could be
this. Nisha said u sit here I will go and open the door and don’t u dare to put ur clothes on ur body. By
saying this she went nude to the door as she was known who it could be. She went to the door and asked
who this is. The man who was at the door answered and it was her hubby. She opened the door. Her hubby
asked y u r naked. Nisha said a guy has came to fuck me and he is in the bedroom they have started the play
and in between u came. Saying this she said take ur food by ur own and have ur dinner and wait for me.
When it is over I will call u. Saying this she went to the bedroom. S asked who was that she did not said any
thinned took his cock in her mouth and started to suck it. As she started to suck it he also not interested to
ask who it was as he was getting pleasure.

Then after some time he said he was about to cum. She stopped and said now this is the time to u to tear my
pussy. By saying this she lied on bed. He came to her and kept his cock on entrance and started to give slow
strokes and it was like a virgin pussy to him. Nisha started to say stop it as she was getting pain but S was in
no mood to stop. After fucking for some time nishas pain got transfer in to pleasure and she also started to
enjoy. After fucking for some time S said I am going to sum. Nuisha said cum in my pussy. And he came in
her pussy. Her pussy was full of his cum and was over dripping. S got up and dressed him self and said
thanks to this wonderful night and went. As nisha hubby was in other room he had not seen neither her
hubby nor her hubby seen him. Nisha was still on bed and her pussy was over flowing with S cum. Nisha
called her hubby her hubby came in. He was naked. Nisha said suck ur wife’s freshly fucked cunt. He started
to suck it. He was getting the taste of nisha pussy juice and S cum. But he was not knowing it was S cum.
While he was sucking nisha said does u know who have fucked ur wife just now and who’s cum u r getting
taste? He says no. Niusha said it was s cock who has fucked ur wife pussy. He got shock of his life as S was
his sis hubby. But he was help less. After sucking he bucked nisha and slept.

After 5 months of marriage nisha hubby left for foreign for work and now he was able to come once in 2
years. Before going to foreign he had seen his wife encounter with S.

S also got transfer and she was alone. A man who leaves near her house made friendship with her. He was
un married let us call him z. He also started to talk with her and one night he came in her house and he also
fucked her. This incident also She has told to her hubby. As she wanted to make him jealous. Like this many
years went and she got a male child also which was of S.

Then I became the age of 18 and she was 35. I started to think of her and masturbate. Then slowly started to
touch her boobs then one day I dared and kissed her and removed her clothes and sucked her boobs her
pussy and navel and fucked her in pussy. I also fucked her in her ass hole. Let me tell u I was the first who
have fucked her ass hole. This incident also she told to her hubby on phone as he was still leaving in foreign.
We were leaving like hubby and wife in her house. She promised me that she never needs any man except
me. And from now she will get fucked only by me. Once in 2 years her hubby.

So her hubby came. She asked me to come to leave with her for 1 week, as she wants me to fuck her in front
of her hubby. I said ok and her hubby arrived on morning and I went in morning and said to nisha my
parents have not allowed me as ur hubby has came. She said ok. Tomorrow u come in morning at 8.00am
before her hubby wakes. I said ok and went at 8.00am. The door was opened and she was waiting for me. I
went in she closed the door and gave me a French kiss. And we went to her bedroom were her hubby was
sleeping. Then I removed her clothes and her min and she lied on bed and I started to suck her breast and
pussy by our sucking sound her hubby got awake and started to watch us. I fucked nisha in front of her
hubby and her hubby was seeing and making her cock up and down. I came in her pussy and slept in her
side with out a word her hubby came and sucked his wife pussy which was fucked by me and started to taste
my sum. Then he also fucked her. Then I got aroused and went to her and started to fuck her ass hole and
came in that.

Nisha hubby in foreign now and I fuck her now also and she is like my wife.

This is a true story. I have made it little sort as it is big story. This all things were told by nisha to me
(fucked by s and z)

two sisters
I met my friend around 5 yrs back v met accidentally and v talked and become friends very soon. He was a
nice chap and almost similar to my backgrounds and soon we were thick friends. His name is aby. I’m
sanjay and to say about me I have a good height and people say that I’m really cute looking. I’m 25 yrs old
now and I’m clean shaved .these all wont mean that I’m an extraordinary handsome guy I’m just a normal
guy only .

Since me and aby become very close it become a usual practice that I use to go his home daily .he has got
his parents and 2 sisters and they too were all very friendly to me .

Now to tell about his sisters. Amy and Sumy were they and they were really beautiful in their looks and also
well mannered gals. Amy 22 yrs old now and Sumy is 18. The day I met them itself I felt attracted to them
especially to Amy as since she really looked sexy. She s around 5.6 tall very fair sexy red lips and with a fig
of 34 27 34 a perfect sexy gal and the way she dress is really seducing could kill any guy around her

She always were very tight dresses and sometimes a but revealing too. She’s really fair and has got sexy red
lisp which every man loves to suck.

Now let me say what happened a few months back. I knew that both these gals liked me but I was not sure
whether this was a brotherly affection or not and more over I dint wanted to loose my friend aby. But I
always had an eye on his sisters. One night around 2 am I got a call from his house and when I picked up the
phone there was no answer and when I called back then too there was no response somebody picked up the
phone but no response. I dint talked about this to my friend but just kept watching and I came to have a
doubt that Amy was having some relation with some guy. I felt jealous of that when sometimes she never
cared for me when I went her home but some times she talked well I couldn’t understand her behavior.

One day I went to c my friend without calling him to his mobile to give him a surprise but his house seemed
to be closed. I thought his parents must have gone for work as they both were teachers and his sisters might
be gone to college. I was about to go back when suddenly it rained heavily and I decided to wait on the sit
out till the rain stops. I was waiting on the sit out reading a news paper when I heard some sounds from
inside the house it was only just for a few secs but I felt it was of Amy or sumis sound and I wondered y
they didn’t opened the door even after I ranged the bell . I got curious and I listened carefully for some
minutes there was no sound and when the rain stopped I thought like moving but since I had some doubt I
just made sounds like I move and closed the gate loud enough to hear if someone inside the house. Then I
slowly went to the back side of the house where I know is a bedroom. It’s a small house with just 3
bedrooms and 1 for my friend 1 for his parents and the other is shared by his sisters. I listed carefully to the
bedroom window where I cud hear some giggling sounds and I came to know it as that of amys I couldn’t
believe my ears and soon the sounds were confirmed like as if she were having sex…I heard she moaning
and telling aaaaahh mannuuu suck meee suckkeee and I understood that she was being sucked and my cock
went hard listening. I badly wanted to c her and somehow managed to peep thru the bath room ventilator
luckily the bathroom door was open I cud c the bed slightly from there. To my disbelief what I saw was
really sexiting… Amy was lying on the bed spreading her legs I cud only c her legs and low her thighs as the
door was not fully open and that guy was sitting down on floor and was sucking her and her legs was around
his neck….and her hips were moving up and down to meet his tong. I was really horny seeing that and
become really hard I thought of intruding in between and scolding her but later I thought I too will enjoy her

I then heard her telling mannuuuu common bee fast papa mamma will be back soon common make mee
cum… oohhhhhh suck me babbyyyyy… she was moaning and after some time she was moaning loudly n I
understood that she had an orgasm .then it was the guys turn to be sucked and ohhh guys u wont believe the
way she sucked was really like an expert. She took his cock from down licked it in a particular way that I
really felt I may come and he was moaning oohhhhh amyyyyy u r sooo great… And she continued sucking
him while I cud c her beautiful n boobs being massaged by his hands…

It was ripe and white how I wished to suck them… I was out of control then seeing my fantasy gal sucking a
cock so beautifully and her boobs being touched I could also c her back… I took my mobile then and started
recording those splendid moments in my mob camera though it was not very clear I cud record it in a way
she cud be identified.. ..and I stood their touching my cock…soon his moaning become louder and I saw
Amy sucking him faster while his hands were pushing her head more deeper to fuck deep in her throat and
finally he came…and ohh god I cant believe when he came in loads Amy just pushed her head back and
took all those sperm on her face… I really came seeing that wonderful seen… and that too was recorded in
my cam… ohhh what a marvelous sexy baby she is as soon as he came he jumped over and took his dress
and started to leave but Amy was in a mood to have it again though she feared someone to come soon…but
she gave up that and I saw him kissing her again on lips and he left the room I saw Amy going to the door to
send him off that too without any clothes on her… it was a marvelous seen. As soon as he left I came to the
main door again and rang the bell I knew she was not dressed till then and her thighs without any hairs on
them and her lovely cunt was all in my mind and I was still rock hard waiting to make her suck me… It took
some time for her to open the door as I knew she had to dress up and her face was annoyed seeing I hope she
had expected her bf back again may be for another fuck….I asked her where aby was and her reply was he’s
not at home and no body at home… I asked whether she was ok and she replied yes and I simply committed
though she looked tired she really looked great that day I saw a small smile on her face I knew she always
love to get commented on her beauty…I then managed somehow to start a conversation with her about her
studies exams and so on and finally she was comfortable talking and I was on the sofa and she too sat on the
opposite sofa while v talked…. I was still having a hard on and I some how wanted her to taste my cock too
and I was thinking how I cud do that… I feared whether I cud so it with her… and then I took my mobile.

Taking The Measurements

As the sun rose at the east, a new day presented itself with new opportunities. At 7 am, people were busy
starting their day, all over the country. At Prem Nivas too, people were slowly rising to a new morning. At
the fourth floor, Mrs. Nair was already up, and she had also done with her daily morning masturbation, and
was now busy in regular chores.

In another room, Aarushi was still asleep. She had returned late from the college yesterday. Professor
Agnihotri had held her back till late. Aarushi had told her mother, that she takes extra lessons from the
professor, where actually she just lets him fuck her. Every day, after her classes, she goes to the professor’s
room, where she then strips naked and wait for him under his table. It had become a routine – she would
start with sucking his dick, and then end with being fucked over the table. And he was rough too, but she
had started enjoying the treatment, and loved visiting him daily after the day’s class.

In another room, Sowmya was asleep too. She was with Borah yesterday, and had allowed him to fuck her
nicely. It was all due to that blackmailing email, which threatened to publish her video in social networks if
she fails to obey all its demands. And yesterday, it had asked her to have sex with Borah, and send back a
snap as evidence. She had obeyed it fully, and had sent the snap back at the night itself. Then she had waited
for a reply till midnight, and then fell asleep when there was no response.
At the third floor, Rahul was still asleep. He had a rather uneventful day yesterday, but not an uneventful life
by any chance. He was going out with the mother and the daughter – Mrs. Nair and Aarushi. Though he
started liking to be with Mrs. Nair, and the way this matured lady treated him. Yet he wanted to be with
Aarushi as much as well. Something in knowing that he was fucking both the mother and the daughter was
making him very excited. Yesterday at the night, he had text Aarushi to meet at the terrace like other nights
before. But she had replied back that she was tired and will meet him later. And so, he had no other choice
but to spend an uneventful night.

His father Mr. Sharma was already up, he was taking bath while Anita was preparing breakfast. Mr. Sharma,
the owner of a popular garment store, daily leaves for the store early. He was happy too, and last night he
had sex with Anita, his wife. Having sex with his young and sexy wife fills him with pride and satisfaction,
and he was expecting a wonderful day today.

Anita too was happy, not because of the sex last night. Mr. Sharma had never been upto her satisfaction. He
would normally last for some five minutes and then collapse and snooze to sleep. And that is what had
happened that night as well, but still Anita was happy, she was no more unsatisfied as she used to be some
months ago. She had now started enjoying daily with Reddy. That evening too, after the other girls had left,
she had stayed back and the two had taken advantage of the empty ladies room. She was now confident that
Reddy was all hers.

At the second floor, Reddy was already up and had left for the gym. He wasn’t much excited about his affair
with Anita. She was just another girl in his life. He had been with several girls, but no one excited him as
much as Kiran. But with her suddenly gone like that, he was keeping content with Anita. But it didn’t mean
that he was in love with her or anything.

Borah too was up, and was having bath. He leaves for office, daily at 8. He had a wonderful night yesterday.
Finally he was at even with that arrogant bitch, Sowmya, and also had his revenge on her mother, Mrs. Nair.
Though it would had been nice if Mrs. Nair could know what he was upto, the last evening, but anyway it
felt nice to screw the girl who screwed him once. He was humming merrily under the shower, and was also
thinking about his next move – that is, what should be Sowmya’s next task.

At the first floor, things were still quite. Kiran was in Kolkata with the baby, or normally by this time the
baby would have been awake and wailing for its morning feed. But all was so peaceful today. Gautam was
still asleep, though he opened his eyes briefly but he was in no mood to wake up. He looked at the clock and
then turned around.

Divya was lying beside him, and he put his hand around her. She had stayed over last night, and alike him,
she too was still naked. The two had fun till late in the night. They had fucked in all possible ways, and
came countless number of times before they felt exhausted and fell asleep. And Gautam wrapped his hands
around her naked body and snuggled back into sleep. Divya too didn’t protest, and held his hand lovingly
and went back to sleep.

At 9, the world had slightly changed. The lazy early morning had turned into rush hours. Everyone was
hurrying for work. Borah had already reached office. Reddy too was already at work too – assisting some
pretty girls with a set of crunches. The Nair’s was having breakfast, and at home, both Aarushi and Sowmya,
pretended to be two innocent angels who knew nothing of being a slut. Mr. Sharma too was ready and
having his breakfast.

At the ground floor, Divya and Gautam were finally awake. And after taking bath together, they were having
some breakfast. It was a wild night for both of them. Divya, after a long time, was having such a night out
and she made sure that she had made the most out of it. They had fucked in all possible ways for most of the
night before falling asleep in each other’s arms. They were naked till the morning, they woke up naked, had
bath together, washed each other’s naked bodies, sucked each other in the shower to end a memorable night
with an equally memorable day.
Half an hour later, Mr. Sharma was hurrying down the stairs, he was getting late for the stores. Gautam and
Divya too, had completed breakfast and getting out of the flat to leave for work. All of them were in a hurry
when they bumped against each other at the corridor. Mr. Sharma looked to apologize but he was surprised
to see Divya there with Gautam.

“Divya!!! Is that you?” he asked in surprise. Divya too looked back in shock, rather surprise. She too knew
Mr. Sharma, and looked at him in disbelief. She was not ready for such a coincidence. “Sorry Mr. Sharma
you are mistaken, this is my colleague from work, and we will need to leave” It was Gautam who broke the
growing silence between the others. And then not waiting for any further chance of discussion he hurried out
towards his car.

Mr. Sharma stood there in surprise for some more time and then chuckled. He knew it was Divya, and he
also knew what she could have been doing with Gautam, especially in Kiran’s absence. He too, then went
out, towards his waiting car. He had a bemused look on his face, he had seen Divya after three long years
and memories from his first meeting with Divya came flooding back to him.

Mr. Sharma still remembered the sunny afternoon from 3 years ago. Divya was just about to be married and
they were shopping from Mr. Sharma’s store. Even then, Divya had a very slutty nature and that wonderful
figure with large breasts and perfectly complimenting body. Mr. Sharma couldn’t help but ogle at her body
at times, and didn’t go un-notice too. Divya realized how Mr. Sharma was staring at her, and instead of
avoiding him, she remained around him and continued teasing.

Finally when they were done, Divya’s parents had some other work. Divya took that opportunity to have
some fun. She told her parents that she can stay back for the measurements and fittings while they can leave
for their work. Mr. Sharma who was listening from close by couldn’t yet suspect what Divya was planning.
Later when her parents were gone, Divya turned her attention towards Mr. Sharma, and started behaving
extremely slutty.

“So, where do you want to measure me?” she asked. Mr. Sharma looked at her in awe. Even though he was
ogling at her, he couldn’t believe that Divya too would show interest. “At the first floor mam, please follow
me” he led her to the first floor trial room, which was mostly used as a store room but was larger than the
other trial rooms at the ground floor.

They went inside the larger room, and Mr. Sharma closed the door. “So where would you start from?” asked
Divya. Mr. Sharma picked up a measuring tape and went behind her and smiled as he wrapped the tape
around her breasts to measure her chest area. “34” he said and started noting it down on a notepad. “Are you
sure?” asked Divya, “I think you will get a more accurate measurement if I take off my top, it’s my wedding
gown and I don’t want it to misfit” she added.

And before Mr. Sharma could blink, Divya took off her top. She was wearing a white bra beneath it, and her
34 breasts were indeed magnificent. Earlier Divya had noticed how Mr. Sharma was ogling at her when she
was downstairs choosing the clothes. And owing to her slutty nature she had already decided that she wanted
to play further with the poor old man.

“What, you haven’t seen anything like this before?” teased Divya, and Mr. Sharma immediately felt
embarrassed and blushed. He moved quickly and re-measured her, “34” he said again. Divya pretended to
look a bit astonished, “34?” she asked, “It can’t be. It’s my marriage and I need to look much better than
this. Why don’t you show me some nice padded brassieres which will make these look bigger” she said.

Mr. Sharma couldn’t believe what was going on. Praising his fate he quickly went out to grab a few designer
brassieres. And he was soon back with a few pieces with him. Divya was still standing in front of the mirror,
she was in the same attire as he had left her, and she was checking her wedding gown by putting it in front
of her on the mirror. “Here mam, I have got some nice brassieres for you” Mr. Sharma interrupted her
“Oh, these are really nice” exclaimed Divya, “Why don’t you help me put these on” she added before
undoing her own bra, letting it fall off from her body. Mr. Sharma stood frozen at his position. Though
Divya had her back turned towards him, they were both in front of the mirror and so Mr. Sharma could see
her glorious breasts even from behind her.

Divya knew the kind of effect it was having on him and she continued pretending to be the innocent little
slut seducing the poor old man. After she was done with flaunting her naked tits in front of the mirror, she
picked up one of the brassieres to try it on. She secretly glanced at Mr. Sharma – he was busy watching her
in awe. Divya smiled before she interrupted his thoughts. “Can you please help me with these, I am not able
to put it on” she pretended to be struggling with the brassieres and insisted for some help.

Mr. Sharma’s hands were trembling in excitement as he helped Divya to put on the brassiere. He helped her
to hook the straps together, after which she stood in front of the mirror appraising herself. “This looks so
good” she exclaimed, “Do you have any matching panties with these?” she asked while turning towards him.
“Y-yes s-sure” Mr. Sharma replied, “I I w-will just g-get them for y-you” he said before heading out to grab
some matching panties.

Mr. Sharma was soon back with some lace panties matching with the brassieres he had brought before. He
hurried upstairs and then to the room where Divya was waiting for him, and once inside he was speechless.
Divya had already taken off her jeans and was standing in her panties and her new bra. She was looking
absolutely stunning. Mr. Sharma was already struggling to hide his little erection but now it was almost
beyond his control.

Divya looked at her and smiled, “Wait, let me take this one off first” she said and winked at him. Mr.
Sharma almost started sweating as he looked at her intently ‘she must be joking’ – he thought. But Divya
wasn’t, she had taken the game ahead way too much. Slowly she had bent down, pushing her panties off her
waist and down through her smooth legs and then off her body. Mr. Sharma stared open mouthed as she lost
her panties. She had a very cute ass, and his hands trembled while handing her the panties to try. Soon she
put one of the matching panties on and looked at her in the mirror. Her eyes twinkle as she looked at her
own sexy body, and then glanced at the poor soul who was standing right behind her.

Suddenly Divya turned around and leaned at the mirror, “So, how do I look?” she asked, “Do you think my
husband will like me?”. Mr. Sharma had already seen more than she desired and didn’t know how to react.
He fumbled and stammered replying back to her “Y-yes w-why not… y-you look a-amazing” he managed.

“But you must have seen and measured so many girls, how do I look compared to them?” she asked back.
“W-well you, you are certainly the best” he replied back, still sweating in excitement. “No! You are lying”
Divya exclaimed, “I don’t seem to have any effect on you” she added naughtily. Mr. Sharma smiled shyly at
her, “What are you saying, you just made my day” he stammered back.

“Is it?” Divya asked and then she slowly started walking towards Mr. Sharma. She stood directly in front of
him, with her body so close to his that there was hardly any gap between them. Divya lowered her hand and
suddenly put it on his pants “Then I must have made you very excited too” she said while rubbing her hand
gently on his pants. Mr. Sharma looked back at her but could manage to nod only. Words betrayed him as
Divya continued rubbing his hands on his pants.

“So what do you think about these?” asked Divya, rubbing her other hand on her breasts, and the other was
still on his crotch. “Don’t you want to touch these?” she asked with a slutty look on her face. Mr. Sharma’s
heart was beating very fast, he was very nervous as he raised his trembling hands to touch her breasts.

“Mmmmmmmmm” she moaned as he held her breasts. “Are they soft?” she asked. “Oh yes… they are very
soft” replied Mr. Sharma. Divya smiled back – “Why don’t you take off the bra, and feel the real skin” she
insisted him further to get her bra off. With trembling hands Mr. Sharma slowly took off her brassiere. He
couldn’t believe that he was inches away from her glorious naked breasts. He dropped the bra and held her
breasts immediately. Divya was still rubbing her hand on his pants, feeling his erect cock, throbbing as he
started fondling her breasts.

He started pressing her breasts, playing with them, feeling the firmness of those white milk udders.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Divya moaned as she enjoyed how he pressed her tits. Mr. Sharma was ogling at her
breasts like a hungry wolf and was not able to keep himself in control for long. Soon after pressing her
breasts for sometimes, he started sucking one of them. “Uuuufffffffffffffffffffffffffff” Divya moaned and
started blushing as Mr. Sharma started sucking her breasts very hard.

Divya leaned against the closest wall and started moaning as Mr. Sharma leaned on her and continued
sucking her breasts. He kept his hands on her breasts too, still pressing them while he continued playing with
her nipples in his mouth. “Mmmmm…. Oohhhhhhhhhhhhh… ouchhhhhh” she continued moaning, as Mr.
Sharma took full benefit of this slut.

Mr. Sharma sucked her nipples for a long time, until he was tired and was breathing hard. Divya looked at
Mr. Sharma and then smiled at his condition. “I think it’s time to thank you for all you have done so far” she
said and then gently knelt down in front of him. Smoothly she used her two hands to unzip his pants and
take his erect cock out of it. She held it in her palm some time but soon started sucking it.

“Mmmmmhhhhhhhhh” Mr. Sharma leant back at the wall behind him and then started moaning. Divya was
still knelt in front of him and was sucking his cock passionately. The visible drool around her mouth clearly
indicated how much she liked the taste of his cock. Both were moaning loudly too, they were all clearly
aroused and horny by then.

Sexlife While Doing My Masters

Hi, lets get into the story straight away. This incident happened wen i was doing my master in uk. well
telling about me i am 5″7 normal built body with a Indian tan and have 6″ to satisfy pretty ladies. To tel you
about my girlfriend monika(name changed) she was a north Indian very pretty fair and slightly on the
plumpy look and had a feature of 38-34-34 and she was a normal girl but very sweet.

The story, me and monika had joined for our master in the same uni but were strangers from the time in saw
her in London waiting for her connecting flight and it happened so we both were on the same flight and
when we landed she was picked up by a cab and i thought my dream was over but for not long. I thought ok
its a passing cloud and carried on and same i was picked up to be dropped in my uni and things went on until
the next day when i got a call from my uni security telling me tat a girl from your country need help to get
her stuff sorted out and i took it as a responsibility to meet the grl to help sort her things out even thought i
was new to the place.Then i was given her intercom number to contact her.

I completed my work i gave her a call and told about myself and asked her if i could help her and she said
please and i asked her flat no and went to her room. i waited for her down her apartment to open the door
and i was dumb struck to see the girl whom i meet in the airport was the one who i am going to help and she
opened the door and i was casual but still a very happy person inside. then i went to her room kind of
hesitating but thought of going slow and introduced myself and shared some common information about
both of us and i came to know that she has not eating since last evening and it was next day nearly 11 in the
morning and i took her out and went to subway and had your lunch and rest of the day went to the city
centre and she got some stuff and later we had dinner and went back to our uni and days went by and we
started bond me closer and we more that friends sharing everything from food we cook and all the work.

Uni started and we had a fresher night in a pub we all things started we planned to leave for the part by 9 pm
and i was ready and she called me to her room and tats we i was blow away but the way she was dress a low
cut top with a mini skirt it was normal but to see her milk white skin in a dark blue top was killing me and
she asked how do i look and i was admiring her and she asked me a couple of time and then only i answered
to which i told u look like a angle which cannot be described of her beauty and she was so much impressed
she just hugged me and said she was happy to get me as her friend. Then we went to the party as it was
Friday the week end were free so we enjoyed ourself in the party and left by 3 in the morning and on the
way she asked me i am not feeling sleepy can we watch a movie and said ok and change my dress and went
to her room and she was in short and a vest.

Then things started and she was asking me about my life and stuff and as usual went to girlfriend topic and
said that i had no girlfriend in particular as i did not want any commitments and then asked about her and
she said the she had a bf until she came to know he was two timing her and said then he said leave it and
then she ask me about her my opinion and i said i must be the luckiest guys to get such a friend and praised
her and she got happy and hugged me and kissed me on my cheeks and i was like dumb struck for which she
was your such a vegetarian and then i said com on who will be a vegetarian wen such a fair angle is by their
side then she said so com on u must be know everything and then we both started teasing each other and
then the whole incident started where i asked her if i can kiss her and she waited for few second and said it
must be romantic

Then i said i will try and i got up from the bed and held her hand and slowly held her face and caressed her
air with my finger and started sucking her pink lips and she also responded accordingly and this went on by
kissing her eyes nose cheeks and wen i went to her earlead and suck then she could not control and started
hugging me tightly and similarly her neck was very sensitive which i understood by her reaction and i
continued to tease her by sucking her ears and neck for almost 15-20 mins and slowly put my hands on her
soft ass my started pressing it and rubbing it with my dick and then we both lied on the bed and she came on
top of me and started kiss me all over my face and neck and slowly started removing my t-shirt and then she
suck me nipples and start to tease me below my belly button and then she removed my pant and teased my
dick with her tongue over my jockey and then it was my turn in which i went on top of her and slowly kissed
her all over and then removed her vest to she had a nice and sexy red bra

I started circling her nipples over her with my tongue her breast we as white as milk and i could waiting to
see what was beneath it an i was like who wen i saw her nipples it was pink in colour and almost half inch
big and the next moment i was suck it as if they we my fav cherry and then after sometime wen lower and
teased her belly and removed her short and started lick and kissing her from toe to her pussy and she was
like i have never had such pleasure your killing me then i removed her panties and her pussy was wet and
being the first time i am seeing a pussy i just wanted to put it in but i wanted to taste it so i slowly lick her
clit and open them and started to lick inside her pussy and then she said 69 and i changed my position and
every thing happening was like heaven as it was first for me and the moment she suck my head of my dick it
was like as if i am going to cum then i couldnt control and after few minutes she said she wants it in

I slowly put it on top of her pussy and slowly pushed it in and i was like killing myself for having missed it
for some many year(we both forgot to take protect as we were out of our world) and then i was like going
for a sprint as it was new and i quickly cummed on her tummy and fell on her and we both lied in each ones
arm and then went and washed ourself and slept nude hugging each by 5:30 in the morning and got up by 1
in the afternoon and then she said she wants dirty sex and we had another round before brushing and it is
wen my master really started . From tat day one we had countless number of sex as we had not restriction
and had no one to get frightened of as we did not know anybody and we did not mingle with other Indian
who were in our neighboring uni and hall i just cannot for get those days and we roamed all of uk and also
wen for a Europe trip together as husband and wife and i must thank god for making me opt of this uni
which made it possible to me my sexy gf.

We both enjoyed ur master as loving couples for almost one and half year and shared the same from frm the
first nite til the last sadly we had to return back to india but i jus cant forget to countless number of times we
both has sex nd really lived like couple i really love her as much as she loves me i once in a couples of mnts
go nd meet her nd hav fun even thought she is about to get married.
Is Loving Other Man Is Wrong?
Hi, Iam very grate full to share my life events which happen in real life of mine. Am supriya age 35, slim
body 34 29 36 is my structure , medium color, and Medium height still am looking like a college girl even
am married. Guys in looks me at very deeply. no one guess my age is 35 last week also 1 boy propose me.
He studied college of engineering final year. Ok leave it my credibility, coming to the experience story.

I married a chap who do a business as medium level any time travelling along India, our married life is quiet
so good and enjoyable . we enjoy love daily and sleep with my hubby as nude only . he is the very
interesting person and very sex seek person, He is very much work hard in day time that time he have the
business in Chennai only, so we enjoyed lot of things in night time. Our life moving Nice with Good
romance. HE is very frank. One day we travel in auto he says hey priya see that guy looking to u very long
time he fingered the guy who in bike in traffic,

I seen that guy very charming and smart, that time iam the age of 26 old . I too like to see the young guys
and sight of good men who loves my beauty, I too saw the guy and say hi . he suddenly turned opposite side
then after few sec again looking at me, give a good smile he too give a smiles. My hubby told what priya
your are interest in the guy. I said its just nothing time pass. That day while in bed hubby asked about that
guy frequently , on the love making time. And I too explain about my thinking of the guy. He asked me Are
you crush with that guy , I said no

Here for ur convenience I gave conversation type

Ru have crush on that guy
Me : no its normal

Hub by don’t worry am frank man. If u have crush you may have the friendship of him I have no problems

ME. No no I love u only iam urs come on do a sex proper and fuck me then he make sex . but I think of the
guy and face is front f mine iam thinking that guy fucks me while Hubby love that time.

Like my life goes color fully and enjoy fully my hubby start business in north side he leave me alone in
Chennai and I moved my mother home in Chennai city, My life is boring at after shift to my mother home.
Iam alone and my mother is aged so she watch TV and simply round and make often visit to relation home ,
spending with alone in bed is very toughest after the marriage life, I like shopping so I dress in white color
long skirt and black tops and went to T Nagar shopping in Globus mall. That skirt little semi transparently
but I like the dressing. I take some dress and tops. Surprised I seen the same guy who I had seen on that day
in traffic,

I seen first and recognized he is the guy. His age may be the teen age of 20 that time iam the age of 27. I
simply do my collection in shopping . I seen the One pair selecting the dress and stand very closely and her
BF Hold the hand with her back bums. Iam impressed and feel some hot. Iam not control my feeling that
time while see the guy hand in back of the Girl friend . see very tough to manage sex live without hubby in
newly married. That’s why lot of ladies select the wrong way. I control myself and back to home

That night fully aim disappointed and call my husband and asked when u back ? he told it may take 4
months to steady the business in new branch . He have a lot of challenging to run the business and steady in
market . Iam very badly feel about the loneliness.

Iam thinking of my husband love making and feel hot in that night. Watching TV serials in day time and
romantic movies and songs in night occurs my most time in my life that period. . after four month I went to
function and came back at the time of 11 am. Day time my auto repaired and I stand in road for to catch
other auto, what a surprise when am waiting in the road same guy crossing me . . I don’t know about ? my
inner feelings are sparkled and try to make friend with that guy, he seen me in the road and stop the vehicle .
HE have a Bike which the back side is most upper position I don’t the bike name. while girls sat in the bike
they can watch the front side of the roads. All the body weight should be bare with partner only in the bike.
He asked me Hi Mam How ru,?

Am surprised ! and he says would u mind to come with me I will drop you on your place,
Very Too Hot , that vela cheery bridge No one stop the bus and vehicles , I accepted the request after long

Let I explain my dressing on that day,

I am in Blue Jeans With pink tops sleeveless and little deep front neck, No inner shimmy, Generally I can’t
wear shimmy on my tops. I sit on the bike put the legs on both side. But I can’t sit properly because the bike
seating position is slant Its automatically my body touches to his back, I adjust to sit but failed, he said no
Mam u hold my shoulder , I have no way ! I sat perfectly like college girl and My body full y load with his
back .My 34 Size breast pressed in my self-weight to his back body,. H start the bike and ride in the road at a
great speed, I like the bike riding and I like the speed. My Hubby generally not cross the 50km speed in bike
or car. I see in roads many guys with Girls ride the bike at speedy and the girls stick with in the body., That
is the first time I travel with unknown person while my full body touches in that guy back . Initialy I afraid
of speed but later am enjoying. Bcause I love the speed ridding of bike,

He ride the bike at great speed and go in small gap also I really enjoyed the bike ride and hug him tightly to
save me. My breast giggling here and there in the guy back and scroll left and right . I too feel it, . He didn’t
ask me where I go

We stopped in a signal. Many of them are seen me . That time only I know iam very much sticky with that
boy, I tried to give a little gap but failed. So I don’t mind it iam in the move to enjoy the ride of speed We
cross the said pet , I asked the guy Will u drop in Nandanm,. He said yes. But I have fear while I go in bike
any one watching ?

But I don’t care , iam frank type and my family too . So iam ready to travel with the bike. I show the way to
my Home It is a apartment type so No one care about the others Being though its Multi stored high Building,
we entered inside the compound and stop in my Apartment wing, I asked him to park the bike on C10 park
place . That is my apartment NO

Am waiting near lift for that Guy. I don’t know Why I waiting for the guy and why I Should I invite. But
iam not invite him , He park the Bike and came near to me. HE said thank you mam Shall I go Now . . I said
No . You must come to my home and take at least ! coffee. He nodded the head and open the lift Gate My
Home in 9th floor. We went to home. I forget my mom In my home that time I rang the bell Mom open the
door and we both entered and sat in sofa. Mom asked me who that boy ? Iam in confusing what to tell. ? I
suddenly says HE is Husband Distance relation which I can see in marriage function .

Mom smiled and went to kitchen for preparing the coffee. I asked the detail about the boy unfortunately
Mom Reached near to me, So I stopped in that point. I take the coffee from Mom plate and give to the boy
while I Bent down to give coffee His eyes wondered and his face is little changes. I thinking of that it why it
happen ?

His eyes can’t scroll and stand in same position. He Take coffee and drink. I sat on sofa. On the opposite
side, I think why the boy eyes stroked when am give coffee . But not cleared in mind. So I left it. After
coffee He start from home I came up to parking and say bye to him until I don’t the name. and details . He
start the bike and said Bye to me. I shake the hand for Bye until he cross my compound. Iam wondered
Without the name and detail no relationship r No friendship How I say bye to him until cross the compound
and how I invite to coffee.??
Still am confusion,
That Night am not sleep well and thinking of the unknown men bike ride and I sat in the bike like college
girl. Iam enjoy the speed bike ride and my inners heart says its happy moment. After passing some days But
my heart think of the bike ride. IDont know how to contact the boy. One fine morning He rang the bell that
time me alone. Am surprised to see that boy . Lot of butter flies flies in my body. Feelings,

I invite inside the home He sat on sofa. And I offered the coffee or drinks. He says nothing to need Just I
pass the way so thinking of to see u. Iam happy that time, and he says What college u studied ? Iam
wondered !! because he never Noticed am married lady

That time iam in skirt and tops. I said No iam not college girl iam married lady and explain my family. He
can’t believe it. Finally short notice I shown my mangal sutra ( Thali ) and put out in my tops . Then he
believe me, He wondered about me. He seems sad after I inform am married lady. I understood the feelings
of that boy, later few min chat E says He will go to ECR road MAYA JALL For the Movie. And asked
would I join with me ?

Initially I Ignored it . But I think of the bike speed ride in ECR road its my dream to travel in Bike with a
Hubby in great speed. But IT Not happen. So I agree to join with him. I asked him to wait for few min to
dressing. He says this dress is ok, He urged and says the show times is near,. Iam in long skirt and tops . so I
went to the room and fresh up then I put 1 jeans and showed him whether it is ok? He said this not good to

Then he come to my room and select the dress for me that is nice tops and leggings., White color leggings
and pink color tops with deep low neck. I just wear a small thin chain. Any time my mangalsutra inside my
tops it means inside bra so not visible. I look in mirror seems like college girl , We started from home and in
bike. I sat in bike he started I hug tightly to avoid slipping. I feels good while I hug the boy. I don’t know
how am getting courage to go movie with un known man. But I love the riding .He crossed the thiruvanmiur
and take good speed . in ECR road my dream will come true . I hug tightly and close the eye He feels well of
my breast squeezes in back,,

We go in ECR road most of them seen me how I hug tightly . I hug him without the air gap also. I feel enjoy
of body touches with un known males, We reach movies and went inside to theatre already movies stars. We
seen the movie few min after his hand touch my hand in seat. Iam not minded it So I leave it as its is. He
come closely with my shoulder and kept his head I feels some hot.

His breathing hot air touches my ear and neck I feel horny after long time my hubby left. I need the feels so I
sat freely. He again come closer and try to kiss me. I avoid it then he sit properly and watch movie. But still
our hands are join and crushed in same , He is upset few hours he asked me movie is boring so can we go
beach . I acepted and started from theatre. We go the VGP beach and we spend some time in there. I put my
hand in his shoulder like a lover. My hand automatically goes his shoulder. He put his hand on my waist. I
like his touch in my waist. I feels little hot . .Seven age is younger than me but we looks like lover ,

His hand little move upper and try to touch the breast, I avoid it, we went to the beach and play a little time,
my clothes are wet now. We both play well he pour water on me I too did same now dress complete wet, He
came near to me and push it on the water that time I catch his hand so he to slip on the water both . Now he
in my top of the body and hug it . I like the hug I too hug tightly we roll 2 to 3 times and enjoy the water.
We hug tightly and rolled top and bottom. Completely wet as lover , later we leave the water my dress are
wet and clearly show the structure and my white leggings blink on my skin pink panty and bra visible
Clearly .He watch me . That time I got a little shy

He come near me I have no idea so again I catch his hand and slip in to water now we are in the sea up to
water in breast level. We stand in water and he says why u come here. I told this jolly while water up to top
level of the hip.
Now I leave the hand of him and catch the two hand and kept with my waist. He wondered. And blink my
eyes. He touch my waist and press slightly , my face expression shows am ready for the love to him .His
hands pressed little more in my hip its all happening under the water so no one noticed it.

He now move his hands to my bottom in water my salwar tops float, so easily He reached and touched the
navel. He pressed my pussy with the dress. Iam in more happy after long time .My hubby didn’t touched like
that . He squeeze little and try to scroll down the leggings. I helped him to scroll down the leggings up to my
thighs, he touch my thighs in a chilled water. I feel it very hot. .accidentally my hand touches his phant’s , I
seen the bulge and strong rod inside the phant. I surprise I can’t seen the strong pennies in my life even my
hubby also not too strong like this. I like it the strong pennies I hold it tightly , He help to unzip the phant
and kept the pennies outside of I water .

I touch bare pennies other than my hubby first time, iam very much happy to touch the young virgin pennies
he hug me tightly that time his pennies hits my pussy nasty. The pennies search for the cave. I scroll my
panty down and guide to pennies for the pussy. Iam surprised how I get the courage to allow the guy to fuck
me and even in public in under sea water .But in my full mind is to get happy to enjoy so iam not denied
him, Now his pennies inserted in my pussy after 4 months Period I get the strong pennies to drill my pussy.
Wow iam moaning the young guy fuck me in sea water nasty and iam in heaven . He pump the pennies front
and back pull and push. Each stroke I got a heaven happy. I tightly hug him and scroll my tops and bra
above my chest. Now my bare chest touch his body with shirt , .

He pumped my pussy and take long time fuck which I never enjoying the cold water sea. Iam fully enjoyed.
He stopped suddenly , iam afraid. Why ? Then he see my face and kissed me then again start pumping. 27
age matured lady fucked by 20 age boy. In 2nd meeting. This is the first time taken sex from outside apart
from hubby. See nothing wrong it’s all time and chance availability. Iam not search for the sex the sex
comes as luckily. / Mean time due to happiness and romance we are not bother the time . Now the dark will
come sun will take rest soon. All of the couples and girls went out of beach except us . He fucked deeply and
He shows the heaven . That time I think my hubby is not even fucked me 25% ..

I seen and enjoy the fucking of full satisfaction. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww. What a happy. In my life I
missed a more than long days. I missed a good fucking that day only I knew how the fucking is !

Our head only visible in above water so my breast si hold under the hand of that guy,. That time only I asked
? And keen to know the name, He said Arjun, wow nice name , The Romantic session almost done in under
water above the one hours we stayed . finally he is in climax. I seen his eyes are closely and enjoy the
heaven suddenly I got a hot fluid inside my pussy wow I enjoy the feeling cold water surrounds but hot fluid
went to inside pussy ,. I love him more, But all the fluids come out . No chance to stay in pussy . because we
done in standing position sex. But I have to wear condoms at least , But . Situation lead the sex with bare

No worry am happy. After darkness we went out in beach remove the shirts and reach shore. Now I wear bra
and and scroll up the leggings and panty. In sea water itself I washed my pussy and pennies and give a soft
massage. .. I too remove the tops and squeeze it well. I seen both side no one in the beach. So leave the
beach without tops. With bare bra breast. He seen me the breast very clearly now.

I again squeeze the tops and wear it. Now the time to leave the beach. Security guard inform us the closing
time. So we move faster., but my leggings are bare wet clearly show the panty and structure, , he says don’t
worry we go in bike that time dress will warm up. We started the bike and sat on back of my lover. I
thinking of my activity and enjoy the heave as well ass. Now I purposely hug the boy and hold the pennies
and massage it nicely. He cant drive the bike steadily. Even though he manage and drive the bike. I enjoyed
the heaven full fucking which I can’t get it from my past in m y hubby,. this is the first time I enjoyed sex in
public beach under water in a sea . With un known
We reached the home Mom didn’t back to home still. I call and confirm Mom will not back tonight and will
arrive on morning only,

Iam very happy because Mom can’t notice this.

We enter the home and Arjun undress the phant and shirt stand in a jetty. He need to take bath sea water
itches more. I show the bath room of my bed room. He go and take bath. I entered in my bed room He take
bath without locked, I Undress mine as nude and wrap towel. And asked Arjun Ru complete the bathing. He
says No. Now only started. I told I too take bath please complete little fast. He asked me Would you like to
join. I suddenly get happy because my hub y can’t allow me in bath room So I went to the bath room door
not locked, So open the door Arjun in nude with strong pennies again ,He unwrap the towel now am in nude
with 2 object of mangalsutra and thin chain.

We take bath jointly at that time his pennies again hits me badly I told why your r pennies hits me. He says
his pennies need more. I understood that Arjun is ready for shoot me second round, I think it off and
accepted , ok come on shoot me. Same standing position he start fucking, he hug tightly and kissed me in
lips , wow wwwwwwwwwwwwwww. My mangalsutra stays in near my navel which in long gold chain of 5
sovereign, While his Hug the mangal sutra hits his stomach. HE asked to me to remove that. Aim not in
Mind to remove which the mangalsutra is married symbol ad love of my Husband . I take my mangalsutrea
and put on his neck with jointly,

While he kissed my lisp and I feel nice feelings what a taste wow ! He sip my lips like a wine. I hug tightly
and kept the pennies inside my vagina. He started the insert penis to my heavenly pussy and pull and push
pumping . I slant in the bathroom door he support me and fuck nicely . This time iam not enjoy because
speed and hardness is less. I remove the pennies and massage it softly again it come to position now start the
fucking, WOWO what a heavveeeeeeeeeen

I enjoy my life I enjoy my feminism .,He bite my shoulder here and there being their happiness. In my soft
skin lot of scratches and bitterness presence. But iam not care. My mind fully in fucking of arjun. So I fully
Cooperate with arjun fuck hardly . later He cumms .then I sat on western toilets and hold arjun pennies in
my hand . this is the first time I hold and seen the pennies. I put soap on the penis deeply and wash gently he
happy that time and same time my breast under his hold of the hand . my 2 breast are squeezed by arjun ,
and tried to peep the milk, my nipples are harder and shows the indication to need some more sex.

I complete the wash , same time arjun put his penis in my mouth I denied to hold in mouth. I just hold in
hand and give hand job,

Later he cumms in my breast I can’t say anything, He says cums give the shines of the skins, iam wondered
and I haven’t heard this , But I like it. Then we took bath and came out of the bathroom . I gave my husband
night pants he wore the same, Husbands dress is perfectly fit to arjun. I put my head in my arjun heart and
hug him gently my breast supported in arjun hand. That time iam in Towel only so I like to wear nighty. I try
to leave him, He hug closely. And unwrap the towel, Now am in nude and my body seen in clear light . iam
not ashamed to stand in nude front of arjun somehow am love with arjun so I leave the all shyness, I asked
to give the towel. He says no same without dress u will prepare the diner. . I feel that too good idea of
romancing, so iam doing the light fresh up with full body of powder and went to the kitchen. I prepare the
dosai and chatni , that time this only avail, . while am in kitchen he came back to me a hug and I feel his
pennies again hard and hit my back side. I told to arjun ,to remove the pant also like me. He suddenly
remove all dress and both re in nude now in kitchen his pennies now hits in my back . And tried find the way

He hug tightly and insert the pennies on my back side that is the first time . I never received the hubby tool
on my back side. He take the oil which it in kitchen for the dosai and pour into my back side and try to insert
it his penis go slowly smoothly after several attempt, I feels pain and same time heaven.

I prepare the dosai here he pump his pennies in my backside And fuck me very nicely. Backside is very pain
to withstand it. He smoothly pump the pennies in my back side its go little deeper .I feel pain and happiness
in my life, In a first premium day itself we done a love enjoyment of 3 times which never happen in my life
with hubby. Even though husband is good in sex,

Then later I turned and hold the pennies is on hard. I give the doasi into my arjun mouth and he to do the
same we both enjoy as a romantic couples .H take me and laid on the dining table which kept in kitchen. Iam
in nude now and laid in table am surprised why he do like that he put dosai on my 2 breast and 1 dosai on
my pussy .

He apply the jam before the dosai. Jam will creamy and stick with my breast and pussy. He ate jam with
dosai in my breast am happy and get the new experience , finally he come to pussy and eat the dosai. Dosa
get in to pussy he can’t leave the dosai and his tongue goo deeper and catch the dosai, I like it very much

Later we go to bed for sleep. But unfortunately he have a call from his Mom. So he take permission from me
and leave my home , I just wear a towel and say bye to him kiss to him, he pressed gently on my pussy and
breast. That I can’t forget it, After he leave my home my husband call me . iam not much interest to talk
with them but I cant shown it .

I slept down in bed with a towel only , I seen the mirror opposite to my bed which I laid a sexy pose . wow
what a thighs and am surprised the thighs beauty and sexy the body . This body is first time touched and
fucked and shown the heaven to me, I thanks to Arjun to put me in heaven happiness same time I thanks to
hubby because his out station only I got the chance to enjoy the life , Now iam love with arjun,

But I love my Hubby also. Dilemma mind, what can I do That Night I sleep well after 4 months . Morning I
heard the bell rang continuously. I wake up my bed and go near the door, I seen me am on the same towel. I
plan to change the dress. But calling bell continuous rang I went to near the door. And opened that is paper
boy which he come to collect the due. I saw the time it 9 am wow so I slept so tired that’s why I slept up to 9
am. I asked the boy to wait in the hall after closed the door.

I took the money and come to hall he watched me eagerly without the eyes scroll. That time I understood am
in towel its make him un comfort ability of the boy, My mangal sutra only in above the towel my breast are
try to come out if my towel knot is slipped. The towel only cover me up to a thighs it means up to 2 inch of
my pussy below. No inners. , I extended my hand to give the money that boy seems me carefully from top to
bottom his eyes stroked while passing near the breast and toughly leave from that area and start travel again
strucked in pussy area., I 3 times give the louder voice then only he comes to normal conditional. I noticed
that boy watching me fully and iam ashamed to stand in towel. The age of Boys I around 15, but his eyes
scanned my full body .

After getting the money he left the home with sadly, I call to mom. She replied she cant come today also due
the relation is not well . she will arrive on Monday only. I think Sunday is alone for me in home, So laziness
I sat on the sofa after closing the door. And watch the TV. Now the time 12 .30 am not taken breakfast also
due to tiredness and slept in sofa itself up to 12 .3o while watching TV. So iam getting angry, what can I
do ? I went to kitchen but no instant food available. So no way let we take bath ad go to hotel or prepare the
some food in home, I decide to ordered some food in hotel for home delivery, again laziness am not taking
bath same towel wear and sat in sofa. After 30 min I heard the bell rang. Think hotel man to supply. So I
decide to wear nighty, , I wear nighty without inners urgently and open the door. The man aged 43 stand in
door and give the parcel. I Noticed his eyes go through full of my body . which I wear transparent nighty
shows the full view, Wow what happen today all men and boys are seeing my beauty.

First of all I will change my dress as normal to avoid such things, But alertly my other mind says Hubby is
not there No one in home why not do some exciting fun without sex . So I decide to seduce the man. I
purposely delay the man and invite to sit on the hall. I went to inside the room and take money then went to
kitchen, seen some cool drink in fridge, I took the cool drinks in 2 glass in a tray and reach the hall the man
still in stand. I asked to sat on the sofa comfortably
First he asked the money that he in urge to go hotel for the next delivery. He says each delivery earn 25 rs . I
said No issues, you stay some time and have chilled cool drinks to better in sun heat.. He again urges me to
give the cash. Same time his eyes go through the my nighty and enjoy the watch of my visible pussy and
breast. Then he sat on sofa comfortably I give the cool drinks with complete bent down of me its easy to
show my breast to that man fully as bare,

He took the glass and sip the drinks I sat on opposite sofa and I spread my legs to give the clear view of
pussy in the transparent nighty ,that man sip the drinks and watch my clear pussy through nighty he enjoy
more I too seen his bulge in pant. Later complete the drinks I gave the 500 rs extra tips for the man. He is
happy very much And I said whenever u need any help please knock my door without hesitation.

Then I am in bathroom start brushing , recall the last day night me and arjun make love in bath room . my
pussy gets wet . am getting mood whenever go to bath room. . After brush I go to dinning in kitchen to eat,
the same dining table which he laid me and eat the dosa and jam and lick my pussy. I remembered wow
what a happy, I just simply eat the food at 1 pm . then what to do boring, I haven’t number of my arjun, I
think deeply How I missed to note the number , Then I watch the T.V and spent the time. Very boring , I
take some rest . at 4.30 . some one knock the door. I opened the door what a surprise wow Again arjun come
to my home Iam very much happy and pull him speedy in to the hall .

Then I close the door. I give the kiss to arjun continuously 5 min to overall face and body. I started the kiss
in face chin neck, and then go little lower in heart of arjun and hip . he catch my shoulder and press it gently
due to his feelings, I continue the kiss and go little lower of hip I kiss my arjun strong rod pennies and bite
gently . he gave a sound aaahhhh, , I hear the voice so again I bite it. Then go to full leg and again come top
of the face .. he lift my face and he started kiss on face lips to lips he again sip my lips like a wine as his
I hug tightly and press the back . both are now in good mood after 5 min we released the body in hugging.
And sat on sofa, now my nighty is crushed due to his hug and my left side breast come out and take the fresh
air. Arjun just tickling the breast, we both smiled and chat lillte he says Sunday boring so can we go out?
Wow iam wondered that I too bore why not sure I will ready within 5 mins. He says no problem take the
own time we go to the club?

I didn’t went to club earlier,
I asked arjun
Why ? club what we will do in that?

He says his friends are used the clubs with girlfriend taking some drinks and dance. I hate drinks .suddenly I
denied the idea , He became sad after my negative decision, I Give the idea to go for shopping. He too agree
finally, we went to the Express mall in a bike , here I must explain my dressing , I took shower pick a skirt.
Its up to a knee leather tanned so express mall is high calls mall so I wear according that. I wear panty and
bra and wear a shirts which the buttons is openly and clearly my cleavage visible, I put a light make up and
reached the shopping. We go and select some good dress for my arjun Money has no problem I have a lot
my hubby gave monthly as a amount more than 2 lac for my expense

So I spend costly dress to at arjun for dressing. We take 5 sets of dress to arjun and finally we went to the
ladies section arjun select some party wear to me. And many transparent skirts and tops to me I love all the
selection. While me and hubby went to shopping , me only select the dress he simply talking in phones
related business. Am boring in shopping with hubby , So many time I go alone only for shopping. I feel now
how arjun give the company to select the dress, . I put my hand in his shoulder and that time one of my old
friend meet me and he didn’t meet my hubby earlier being, am slim body I looking like college girl so arjun
is paired very matching as couple. My friend Anita congrats me for the smart hubby, she thinks arjun is my
husband. We maintain the same as husband and wife. Arjun smiles and put his hand on my hip. So Anita
confirmed he is my husband . she invite to visit her home now. But I denied Anita continuously pressurized
me to come home finally i agree to visit home
They have car . we follow the car in our bike. Her hubby drive the car and went to MRC Nagar near my
home just few only she stays. Iam describing the Anita, She is good in look and round ass huge breast like
the aunty in movies, even though we are the same age group after marriage she completely changed as a
matured lady house wife of 27 age+, She is looking like sexy aunty in the saree which she wore that day, she
weared the light green color saree with transparent material which shows clearly the beauty of her body, her
blouse is velvet type ready made without button or hook. But its in very small front side heavy deep
cleavage is visible and her boobs are try to tear the blouse and come out, almost bulky milk boobs, blouse
back is may be 1 inches of the strips, so almost look like is backless blouse, she have the saree at deep navel
which it possible to expose the pussy are while jerking,

Damn sexy lady looks, her husband is smart he worked in navy as a officer rank. He spend time with family
as month in year during vacation only, he is well built body with good muscles like a model and brave looks,
as a perfect man,. After we reached her home we chit chat few minutes, Anita offered drinks for us, I denied
initially iam not that type of lady . even I hate drinks, Anita convinced me and try to took it,

Anitha husband MR ram says ! supriya come on be frank, your dressing is to look like too modern,, but iam
wondered you not taken the drinks. Life is too enjoy you must have it atleast 1 time for our friendship, I
strongly reject the offer. They are not compelling further. I sat in sofa near to arjun , anitha and were in
opposite cough, Ram eyes looks straight away passed the lightening to my panty . yeaah, I wear a small skirt
which up to above of My knee. While iam in sofa my panty is clearly visible to ram, I try to cover it and fold
my legs, But, arjun put hand in my thighs , . then iam not too much mind of it, then I spread my legs little
wider to give the clear looks of my panties, Anitha bring the drinks in the tray ram share the drinks in correct
sequence and anitha distribute it. First ram have the glass, . HE poured the 4 glasses,

After Anitha came near to arjun , she bent and give the glass , at that time anitha transparent saree pallu slips
down arjun noticed the anitha big breast partly hidden in velvet blouse, she looks like a sexy , arjun take the
glass n the hand of anitha with a soft touch of her palm, and she offered the 1 glass for me, iam in confusion,
finally I accept the offer and took the glass. We make cheers , I have the glass of drink in my life as first
time, we sat comfortably anitha see the arjun phant and notice he have a god bulge. Its due to purely her
pallu slips scene only, same time I noticed ram have a same bulge in phant. ,.

I criticized my lover arjun in my inner heart . As a angel sat near to him and we enjoyed a nice sex and start
the sailing on yesterday only, but he starved anitha, what a man he is ?. So I too decide to seduce the ram,
after complete my drinks I bent down to kept the glass and show my cleavage purposely to ram, he too much
interest for watching me. Then we chat few min, Anitha clear the glasses and back to sofa , , she sat next to
arjun and gently put her hands on the arjun thighs, he reacted well and he too extent the hands to anitha hips
and get closer, I surprised to see this ! how it possible in front of husband Anita do like this ? later few min
anitha and arjun are very close to each other like lovers, her pallu slipped down and she shows the good
waist and breast of her milky boobs,

Arjun too respond anitha and squeezer thighs , Now ram stand and switch on the TV. We watch the movies,
and I think how Ram is silent while his wife comfortable with other man, But he is not showing anything
expression after seeing anitha and arjun are closely,

Now anitha change the position and sit near with me. And simply watch the TV, she very silently says in my
ear , Hey supriya, Ur Hubby is nice smart and too young, I like him very much will You share 1 day for me?

I got very angry how this ladies talked this type nasty and openly demand other man , that too in his wife ?
( lover )

How he inspired Anita in a short time?

I stand and went to balcony and breathe the fresh air in the garden side, iam not in position to digest to share
my arjun to anitha , How I will share of my lover, ?
I got too sensitive and not able to digest the word of anitha, while I thinking one hand touch my bums gently
and spread it through my hips . .I Know that is arjun only , he try to convince me, His hands spread over my
front side of navel and squeeze my belly area. Now I feel the soft touch in belly and I respond it I take hold
the hand and kept in my boobs. That hand press the my breast gently rubbed and tickle the nipple, my body
now gradually get heated, I love his pressing , and enjoying, but I can’t show it more and I act am angry ,,
So simply I stand in the same position.

I feel his tool it my back and try to find the way for inserting. HE scroll up my little skirt and down my
panty , iam not say anything, because I love it . and enjoy the feeling of hot that too in balcony fresh air,
Ram and anitha didn’t notice because in between curtain is there. HE pressed more of my boobs and insert
the pennis in my back . Now iam not with stand the feelings and like to act as angry, I moaned and bent
down n the grill and kept my back to the good position to receive the tool,, He insert hs pennis in my back
side and his hand hold my 2 breast. But how I get changed? To get sex in balcony and that too in stranger
home, But iam not care of the situation and like to enjoy the sex, He perfectly insert the pennies in my back
side. And it correctly hold ,

I have small doubt the way the hand handle me is different, but I cant turn and see his face. Arjun push his
tool and pump it very well I support my both hands in the grill and bent down for the good position like dog,
Little pain I feels , His cock is little more than long and thickness, I feel the difference of the pennies inside
my pussy on today and yesterday, But I feel belter this time fucking session and enjoyed a lot, His hand now
open my shirt and scroll my bra up and press the bare boobs. The hands with hairy is different from the arjun
hand. But my pussy and my breast are engaged tightly and can’t continue to think the difference , he fuck
me speedy now and his tool go deeper I moaned ahhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm

. HE kissed me on my neck and create a passion . and I became too hot and to receive the pennis deepr, I
enjoy more than yesterday. Finally I got climax . The way arjun handle me is quiet matured and different
way. No one escape from the climax. I really enjoyed the fucks, he cumm inside my pussy., after that also
the pennis cant lost the erection still in same erection inside my pussy. He just kiss my back of neck and
prepare fort the next round,

Milky Bhabies’ Marriage In A Sexual Way And Honey Sex

Hi this is babu again after the 3 some we had in the garden we all went into the house and took bath and ate
food .We started to prepare for the marriage .I selected the dresses the makeups and the various jewellery for
marriage .I selected a black saree for parveen with a g string blouse which was so small that only nipps was
covered and all the boobs were hanging and the pallu was put in between the 2 boobs.Vijaya was given a red
saree with a string blouse to expose all the boobs and little bit of nipps seen string bikini panty.Sunitha was
given a yellow saree with no blouse or bra only saree covering boobs thread panty.All had anklets and
jasmine flowers with open hair lipstick kajal ,toe ring nose ring earrings
Mangalsutra was a yellow thread in between the boobs.I tied a thread around the waist black one with bell
so that when i fuck ,i must hear the sound told all of them to tie saree just 2inches below navel and show the
ass crack behind.

I was nude with the cock fully in show .I lit a fire annd that was the homa for marriage.I told parveen ammi
vijayaakka and sunitha anni to stand in a line .I went near parveen and smooched her and asked her whether
she will be my wife she moaned and said i will.Then i applied sindoor on her forehead pulled her pallu down
mixed ghee with sindoor annd applied on her nipps ,in her huge navel ,cunt and ass,same thing i did with
vijaya and sunitha.I said we have to take seven rounds around the pyre in seven different ways.I said to
sunitha first step is to hold my cock in her hand and go around the pyre all three did .Second step is to put
cock in mouth and go around the pyre all did it.Third step is to put cock in cunt and move around pyre all
did it.

Fourth is to put cock in ass and go around pyre all did it.Fifth was to suck rt boob and go around pyre all did
it.Sixth was to suck lt boob and go around pyre all did it and finally seventh was to put cock in between
boobs and go around pyre all the sexy women did it.My cock was already growing.Then i tied the
mangalsutra around the neck and made them my wifes slaves whores and also the black thread around the
waist just above cunt with bell.All the three women were in ecstasy as the marriage was completed and the
only guest was parveen baby.I told them i am going to do honey moon to all 3 women in different places in
the house and threesome in the master bedroom with all.I told i will fuck vijaya in kithen,parveen in bath
room and sunitha in the balcony with open air.So the sucking of our honey sex starts with the kitchen sex
with vijaya.She was looking beautiful with the red saree and the string blouse and g string she had sindoor
on her forehead and jasmine on the hair and sindoor over her nipps navel cunt and ass.

I saw her with a glass of her boobs milk with honey in it she said this is my milk and if u drink this i am ur
slave for life.I took it and drank in a sec and put some into her from were it came i smooched her mouth
pulled out her tongue ,as our saliva was mixing my hand was already on her boobs and fingers in her
cunt.Then in a sec all her dress was on the ground and only mangalsutra was hanging in between her 42 size
boobs i bent down and sucked her nipps which were red due to my sindoor i sucked more pulled the nipple
inside and bit her she said suck my milk with ur sindoor and make me ur sexy whore.Milk started to flow
and i was drinking from it sweet milk with ghee and sindoor was being taken into my mouth same time i
was slowly massaging the other boob squeezing it pinching twisting and tweaking slowly small drops of
milk flowed down and then a gush of milk it flowed over her sexy tummy into the 1inch novel and down
below the cunt.

I sucked milk from her boobs and put some milk into her mouth and frech kissed her as i was doing this my
eyes went towards the navel and slowly i came down and put my tongue in the navel and started to suck
every bit.I inserted my index finger in her big navel.As half of navel was filled with sindoor ghee and the hot
milk it was hot.She could not control, over her body and she leaned over the platform where gas stove is

I made circles over the navel and squeezed it pinched it and turned her towards me and sucked her navel
putting my tongue in and out she was moaning mmmmmmmmmaaalllllllllllllllllammmmma i kept slurping
her for 5 mins then slowly she saw my cock which was already 10inch she sat down and took my hanging
cock in her hand and kissed it i started to moan.She put her sweety tongue over the cock and licked it slowly
then with some speed.Then she put the hot rod inside the mouth and started to suck it in a savage way she
kept pulling my cock in in and out i felt a current passing through me .

I screamed suck it my bitch ur my true wife ooooooooaaaammmmmmmmmma.She removed the skin and
was sucking the red cock like a chocolate ice cream and also was sucking my balls with her hands.I pushed
it to her throat and started to fuck my cock in her mouth then i removed my cock out of her mouth and again
kissed her navel and went down to her cunt .Her cunt was already wet with juices i licked her with the
tongue and put my tongue so deep that i was touching her uterus i kept licking and fucking her cunt with my
tongue which has become red due sindoor in there same time i was fingering her ass first 1 then 2 and last 3
fingers she was moaning ammaaaaaaaa ayoooooo put ur cock in and make me urs i cant control i might cum
due to my intense fucking her 2 holes she was talking like a whore mother fucker fuck me make ur cock to
go in make us one and put ur cum in and make me pregnant.I slowly pushed her over the platform and put
my cock into her cunt in doggy style slowly entered the gate and pushed it i n she screamed ammmmmmaaa
all the 10inch was inside her i started to hump her slowly then faster and faster same time put my fingers in
her ass and fingering and fucking her as i was humping her i could fell my cock hitting the fingers between
the thin layers she was in seventh heaven,i was tearing her pussy and ass at the same time.I was hammering
the pussy and lup lup sound was heard.

I kept on fucking her cock in her cunt fingers in her ass and milking her huge boobs with my other hand.Due
to my threesome fucking she told me i am cumming suddenly the cock became bigger in her cunt and a lot
of cum spilled inside her pussy and lot of juices from her cunt and also ass hole i fell on her with cock still
inside her and the fragrance of the jasmine flowers.With the cock inside i took her to the gas stove and
milked her into a bowl told her to put nescafe and sugar in it and boil it she did just tat as the boobs coffee
was boiling i kissed her and milked her .We drank the milk and i went to have my second honey sex with
my parveen ammi in the bathroom.
My Neighbour Aunty Kavitha
my first story my name is Sam. I live in Chennai this incident happened few years back during the incident I
was doing my engineering final year.

I had a neighbour aunty named Kavitha she was living with her husband near my house for rent. Till the
incident happened I was not seeing her in any bad mood because I thought she was a good lady she had a
great structure …

One day I heard from her that her husband is going out of station for a month due to work somewhere near
Pune. After a week he went for work that day evening we both chatted for an hour and she left to do her
household works then 3 to 4 days went normally without any problems.

Suddenly my parents had to attend a funeral of our family friend in Salem so they left without me because I
was having my semester exams. While they were going my parents informed to Kavitha aunty about the
situation and asked her to take care of me then they left for the railway station.

At 7′o clock Kavitha aunty brought me some food I took the food and gave her the vessels then she left.
I closed all the windows and I started to watch a porn movie I had so many collection so I watched one by
one without touching my dick because I don’t want to ejaculate before seeing all the movies.

Suddenly. I heard a gate opening sound in my neighbours house time was 11:30 pm so I switched of my pc
and slowly opened a window. There she was Kavitha aunty was standing near her gate I was wondering
what she is doing at that time I watched her for 10 mins suddenly a well built man came and hugged her then
she guided him in to her house.

I was very curious to see what they were going to do so I slowly jumped in to their fence and I was trying to
peep through the key hole on the door. But I can’t see properly so I moved to the other side of the house and
I noticed that her bedroom window was open.

I slowly moved near her bedroom window and the seen which I saw was astonishing because the lady who I
thought was good was cheating on her husband. She was vigorously sucking the stranger’s dick his dick
should be nearly 9 inches.

Then, he caught her by her hair and fucked her mouth very hard. She was deep throating that huge dick.
Then he undressed he when she turned to my side I was in heaven to see a gorgeous bitch fully nude my
dick was rock hard.

He lifted her in his arms and made her lie on her bed and started to lick her pussy. After few minutes
Kavitha shouted in pleasure I’m sure she was cumming. When he took his face out I was fully covered by
her love juice. The room was completely filled with sex scent I can smell it through the window he then took
his dick and pushed it hard in to her pussy. I was going easily in due to the flow of love juice he was fucking
he like a bitch in heat. She was moaning like awww ohh yeah fuck me harder.

Her boobs were bouncing like a tennis ball he was slapping her ass like beating a dog. After that he said
something in he hear I can’t hear it but she said no I can’t take it anymore. But he was not listening to her
and and entered his dick in her ass. She scolded him as you bastard it burning inside my ass. He just slapped
her ass and said shut your mouth u bitch. He was in total control with her after a few minutes; she too started
enjoying it and they were fucking like dogs on the street. Then he ejaculated inside her and they both fell on
the bed I was enjoying the scene they were kissing and cuddling.

Then suddenly someone knocked the door Kavitha couldn’t get up but she just walked near the door without
any dress and hesitation. When she opened the door there was another man standing there he was pressing
her tits and hugging her. Then he too came inside the house and closed the door.
Kavitha was too excited to see two dicks. The first man asked her who is he she said he booked her from 3′o
clock to 6 am in the morning so she was not only fucking one person but became a prostitute for her needs
and money. Then both the men looked at each other and winked. Meanwhile Kavitha was just lying on the
bed and relaxing. Then the other man to removed his dress his dick was small when compared to the first
person but it was thick.

Kavitha just sat on the bed and admired the two dicks in front of her. They both went near her and slapped
their dicks on Kavitha’s bouncy tits. Both of them sucked on those tits for some time and she just took both
their dicks in her mouth and they were just pushing their meat harder and closed her nose.

Kavitha was struggling to breath when they left her nose and took their rock hard meats outside of her
mouth. Kavitha just fell on their feet they just caught hold of her hair and lifted her and tied her both the legs
to the opposite ends with her clothes and spread her pussy she was enjoying this. And they slapped her pussy
harder with their hands.

The first person went under her and inserted his dick in her ass. The second one in her pussy they both were
fucking her like dog. She was enjoying it like a shameless creature then they exchanged their positions
several times that night at last they both cummed all over her face and tits everywhere. She also drank a few
drops and gave them a final foot job and . They asked her when will be the next session. She said that I will
call you when I’m free. Kavitha kissed both of them and they both gave Kavitha some money and left. She
closed the door and came inside her house and looked herself in the mirror and licked all those cum and the
thing which she did at last was astonishing. She just slid her middle finger in her pussy and said Sam fuck
me dear yeah fuck me harder I need your dick in me dear I couldn’t believe what I was hearing then she
slapped her pussy and fell on the bed and I too ran away from there…..!

In the next story I will explain how I fucked Kavitha and full filled my desires.

Erotic Gangbang With A 26 Year Old Housewife

I am Ravi from Wizag. I am 28 and having a and athletic body. I own a transportation and logistics (lorries
and trucks) and a travel agency. I also have many taxis. This incident happened 2 years ago . A
beautiful(probably newly married)housewife contacted me for booking tickets. She came to my office. She
was wearing a red color saree and red blouse and she was red hot. But unfortunately all the tickets were
booked to Delhi. So I suggested that I and my friends were going to a trip to Delhi she could join us. I
actually tried every possibility but couldn’t find any. So the only option was this. May be it is too important
for her she said yes. Then I said that my driver and a worker and me and she will start the very next day and
it is going to be a 5 day trip. She actually has to reach there by 2 days but she has no other options. Along
with us we also have a tailor brother . She said that she was actually going to attend her husbands brother
and that her husband already left to see the marriage arrangements. She also said that she needs to get a
blouse stitched. . While saying this she kept her hand on her breast this made me feel bit excited. So I said
ok and said that my brother is a tailor and he would also be coming with us to Delhi. She said ok and left.

The next is our day. She came to the office with a bag. She wore a sleeve t-shirt and a skirt till her toes and
high heels she was really looking amazing. I actually want to surprise my friends so I didn’t tell them that
she is coming. . They were extremely surprised. She gave a smile. And waved at them. The vehicle was a
Honda civic I and tailor sat in the back and my driver and my worker sat in the front. Ii got into the car first,
then she entered and tailor last. So she was sitting between us. The car was bit small. So we were touching
each others shoulder. Driver started the car and I opened the window. I asked him to stop songs and ac so
that we can enjoy nature. I asked her to introduce herself and said that her name was Ananya and I
introduced my friends. She was holding a cell phone and was playing with it. The cell fell down and she
bent down to pick it. Omg her cleavage was clearly visible. The driver and the worker and I saw half of the
left boob. She also saw drivers and mine face. I again tried act normal. She felt little bit discomfort able so
she took out a scarf and she covered her neck and her cleavage smiling at me. . She took out her cell sand
she was doing something and I kept quite. It was getting dark.
We stopped at a road. I came out and I could see we are far away from city and there is nothing available
here. I said that I will change my clothes in the forest. She also looked at us for a min and said that she wants
to come out of the car for changing her dress in the forest. She said ok. Then I suddenly got reminded of her
blouse issue. Then I asked her that she can ask the tailor. She asked him and he said that ok but he’ll have to
measure. She said that after she changes her clothes and she sat on the car front and took out a pair of socks
and. She was such a slut I felt to fuck her. Oh! God! Plz give me a chance. . She came out for measurement
and tailor took at the measuring tape and asked her the requirements. He firstly measure her hands and then
he said that he has also to measure the cup size. But how can she!?So he said that in the car. She said ok but
make it fast. I also went inside and he placed the measuring tape while we were all watching he pressed the
tape. She was having no reaction and he measured and he wrote. He said that he has a collection of blouses
and showed her. She saw them and said that all are good. He asked her to try. I asked her to try the red one.
It is a actually a sleeveless one. She said that she will try it in the forest but the car already started so I
insisted her to do it here.

I asked her whether she was wearing a bra or not. She looked at me angrily and said yes. Then just try it here
na! We will not stare at you. She asked for promise. We all promised. So she removed her scarf, he sleeve.
Though we pretended to close or eyes we all were staring. She wore a red bra and her cleavage was clearly
visible. She wore that blouse which has threads and hooks. She wore the hook but here half bare back was
visible. Her naval was clearly visible and she was not able to tie the knots. So she has no other options so
she called me to tie secretly. The car was moving and the tailor turned toward the window. She turned
showing her semi naked back which has a bra strap. I said ok and while tying knots I called everyone to see
the blouse.

She looked at me I said this is the only way to choose a suitable one. Everyone stared at her blouse and tailor
said that everything was perfect. He r naval was so hot. She said that she will change and asked me to loose
the knots. I loosed while losing I mistakenly harshly with my sharp nails I cut her blouse and bra. The nail
went in and started to bleed but the bra fell down and she felt pain and shouted . I said I am sorry. She held
her bra and blouse. And asked me to stop bleeding. I was checking for loath. Then the tailor turned her to
himself and sucked the blood. I was shocked. He said sorry and she said ok. She asked driver to stop the car
she has to change the dress and wear the sleeve. The tailor said that she has to wear a bra so he has a set and
he has to measure her breasts. She hesitantly said ok and showed her naked boobs with brown nipples, to all
four of us.

She was trying to cover a single book. I said that she was having a nice pair of tits so that she can feed well.
She just gave a smile. Tailor asked me to measure it properly while he checks his bag for bras. I caught her
breast and mistakenly I gain pinched her boob with my nail. She asked my to put my mouth and I kissed her
breast. Then the worker asked her to wear the sleeve or wear the saree before us. She smiled at everyone of
us and she gave a smile which obviously meant you naughty boys have seen so much and I am ready to
have fun because she has no choice though she has we’ll force her and she was helpless “ we all laughed and
she removed her socks and she threw the sleeve out. She asked everyone to stop the car and come back. She
sat on my legs I pushed the front seat and driver came from my side and sucked her boob and from other
side my worker and tailor took out their tools out. She said not to force or harm her and make it first. And
she also asked her to wear condoms which we don’t have.

We never listened to her. I was busy sucking her naval and other book and other driver the other book. He r
thighs were visible her white skirt was moved up by tailor. They were kissing her thigh and worker
vigorously kissed her moth and sucked her. Then I cut her skirt and her red panties was visible. I made her
to sleep on the entire seat I driver and tailor and worker got out of the car. She lifted her leg up and removed
her panties revealing her red hot pussy. I sucked her pussy continuously for 15 min I drank even her toilet go
she was an angel the tailor took his tool and put it in her mouth. The driver sat on the couch in a way that she
was sleeping on him and inserted his cock in her ass. From front the worker gave his tool to her hand. After
few minutes of continuous thrusting the driver came out and let me in while he started licking. She
continuously moaning. I fucked her and came out and gave a chance to tailor. I fucked her pussy and driver
gave his tool to her mouth. God her stamina is amazing. The assistant after she was tired and she begged us
to stop he fucked her vigorously but still she enjoyed it. Afterward we took our beer bottles from out bag
and and spilled it all through her body and we licked it. She asked milk he r body. We squeezed her body
like anything we ate her ass and pussy. I brought her a milk packet one day and spilled it on her body.

We fucked her like anything. We made her forget everything. Including she was a housewife. She really
enjoyed by this up and sucking us. One day we tied her up in a forest and fucked her like inserting a dildo
and liking her pussy and her butt. We took out her naked snaps. We always masturbated on her we also
enjoyed eating her pussy. We drank her juices. We fucked her in salwar kameez, bikini, shorts and saree in
that red saree. We ate her completely. She was married to all of us. She said that we are all husband and that
we can even rape her. Throughout the journey her great food was our sperm and great food was her juices
and pee. On the last day of our trip we gave her clothes and asked he to be naked before us and fucked her in
all possible way. She became slut and she was naked throughout the journey!

Gang rape of virgin

i am from Pakistan. I am a regular reader of stories on this site. This is the story of my friend, sana. She
could not get courage to to write that incident. So i am doing so on her behalf. Now read the story in her
words. I am 20 years old, graduate, 5’7″ tall, 34-22-36 figure, very light weight, very fair, medium length
black hair and blue eyes. This event occured when i was on a tour to usa few months back along with my
few friends. At that time i was virgin. It was monday when we reached usa. We spend the whole day taking
rest after a long journey. We spent few days visiting tourist spots. It was saturday when we decided to go to
a night club. I was dressed in a red sleevless top and black mini skirt. The atmosphere of the club was very
nice. Their were both whites and blacks. I heard that a lot of sex used to took place near the club. We were
enjoying the environment for sometime when 2 blacks came towards me. They were very tall and large.
They gave me a drink saying that it doesnt contain alcohol. I drank it but i started feeling uneasy. They
asked me to come out so that they can help me. When i went out with them there were 2 more blacks like
them. They forcibly took me in a van and drove away. I wasn’t able to run away as they got hold of me tight.
I didnt knew where they took me as they blindfolded me. After sometime they removed the cloth
blindfolding me and i found myself lying on a bed in a large room. The lights were dimmed. Now there were
10 blacks in that room. They all were large and looked wild. I became nervous seeing them. One of them
asked me to have sex with them but i disagreed with him. The other one warned me that if i didnt do sex
with them then they would forcibly rape me and then killed me. He even took out a pistol. Because of fear i
said ok. He said to other men lets start. They all came near me and started to kissing my whole body. I felt it
difficult doing this with 10 men. They removed my top and bra and tow of them started sucking my boobs.
Of the remaining one was kissing my lips, one kissing near my neck region, two kissing over navel, two
kissing over my back. A current was passing through my body. I was moaning. I became hot.

The other two removed my skirt and panty. I used to keep my pussy shaved. One of them inserted finger in
pussy. His finger was very thick so it pained. But soon i enjoyed his finger fucking. The other one inserted
his tongue in pussy and started moving it in and started fucking me with his tongue. It gave a very nice
feeling to me. I felt as if i was in heaven. Soon i got my first orgasm. Then they all took a break and got
themselves nude. I got shocked to see their very thick about 2 feet long cocks. They were very hard like an
iron rod. They appeared as a weapon to kill someone sexually. I really got nervous to see their cocks. One of
them told me to suck his cock and other started to kiss, suck and bite my body. His cock was going very
deep in my mouth and i was not able to take it completely in. Soon after some time he removed his cock and
other one gave his cock to suck. After sucking it for sometime he also removed it. Now came the real pain.
They all made me lie on bed. The first cock which i sucked came over me. He put head of his cock on my
pussy. I was thinking how it will enter my pussy. He started applying force but it was not getting in. After
trying alot it got about one inch in. I shouted with pain. He was thrusting it in. I was shouting very loudly
and soon blood started to come out of my pussy. Now half of his cock was inside me. He took a gap and
again thrusted it in. Now maximum of his cock was in my pussy. The second cock came and he tried to
insert it in my ass. The same case happened here. After a lot of force it got inside my ass and i was shouting
out of pain. Now the other person gave his cock in my mouth. They all started stroking my holes hard. In
begining i was shouting but after sometime i started to moan. They were doing it very fast. My whole body
was shacking. I became really hot. I got another orgasm but there were no chance of them getting any

It was about 45 minutes of fucking that they shot their load in my holes. They removed their cocks and i felt
better. I was completely exhausted by this only. But their were 7 more cocks. In same manner three more
cocks got inside me. They were also fucking me very hard and i was enjoying them too. They also lasted
about 45 minuted. Then the rest of the cocks fucked me. After completing the order of fucking they took
some rest. But this was not enough for them. They again started ramming my wholes. I was asking them to
stop but they said that they would take full advantage of me. As a result i got fucked for few more hours
without getting a break. Now it was about 5 in the morning that they stopped. They took me to the restroom
and washed my pussy and ass. They brought me back on bed. I was completely exhuasted and lost my
consciousness. After sometime i regained my consciousness and saw them lying nude over me. They all said
that they really enjoyed fucking me. They got a nice white body to fuck. I was not able to move my body.
They got dressed and even got me dressed. Then they picked up me and took me back to the club. I got a
taxi from the club and went back to my hotel. The next 2 days i remained in my hotel because i was unable
to do anything. Next week i returned back to pakistan.

Rated R fucking
Hi this is rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. to contact me read the last paragraph.
This time I don’t know what should I call this story as straight/gay/bi/a real threesome? Let me tell u abt the
two people I had this game(sex) with, they r roshan, of age 18 i.e. same as that of mine and rashmi, of age
24, both r bro-sis.

Roshan n I are good friends, right from the first day we met through chatting in yahoo, we both liked to
watch tennis, cricket, football, blue films, and also some good movies. We both used to chat for abt 3 to 4
hrs everyday ,we wanted to meet each other but couldn’t as he was in Delhi and me in Mumbai. Suddenly
for abt a week he didn’t mailed to me, I thought he was angry on me due to some reason but after abt 10
days I got a surprise mail from him that he is in Mumbai as his father was transferred to Mumbai branch. So
we decided to meet each other as now it was possible to meet each other.

So one day he came to my house then I went with him to his house on the same evening, there his family
was all waiting for me, as he had told them abt me. He introduced me to his mom(rohini; age 42), his
dad(rohan, age 45), and his sis rashmi, she is a sex-bomb with nice n round boobs and her ass was really in a
good shape all-round and firm, she is really an all-rounder. I talked to them for some time then his mom n
dad left as they had some work left for shifting, leaving us all alone. Rashmi told that she had some work in
her rooms she went to her room, and we both went to roshan`s room. He put on his pc n we started to play a
tennis game in his pc, there were all new n some old tennis player’s in it, also our fav. Sania mirza and maria
sharapova were there, we played for some time n then suddenly our topic shifted to sania n maria`s sexy
bodies, just then he told me that he has some thing special in his pc, so we closed the game n he opened a
folder where he had some gr8 pix of sania, maria, n other female tennis players in which then “camel-toe”, I
mean their chut were visible through their pants as those pants were so tight, we just then moved to other pix
of actress, models, porn stars, etc. My dick started to form tent which roshan saw , even his tent was nearly
building, then suddenly he started to show me some gay pics , I just got shocked at it and by the time I came
back to senses, I realized to see roshan naked n holding my dick. I pushed him away n told me that I’m not a
gay nor interested to be. At this he told me that he didn’t wanted me to get my ass fucked but wanted me to
fuck his ass, he means that he wanted me to create him like a girl not boy, saying this he came near me n
took my lund in his hand and started sucking it, then made me to lie on his bed and he was sucking my lund
so good that I forgot that he was a boy n thought that a girl was sucking my lund.

He then made me fully nude as he was sucking my lund just by unzipping my pant, now after I got naked he
just got mad n started to suck my whole body, then he went and brought some lotion with him n massaged
my lund with it , then told me to massage this ass bums and also his ass-hole too. I was horny at that time so
did that, wow I didn’t know that his ass so oft really he was a boy with a girl’s body… I even sucked n
bitted his ass cheeks, then he told me to stand. He then came to the doggy position, n told me to just fuck his
ass, I put my lund on his hole, n lil by lil I inserted my lund, it went easily , so I asked him that was he
fucked in his ass before me. He told me yes, many times that’s y he knew how to enjoy an ass fuck. Then I
started to fuck his ass with different speeds, I was nearly gonna cum so I told him that I was gonna cum, I
asked him shall I cum n his ass, he told “oh hell yeah !! Pls cum in my ass…” , that’s it I sprayed inside his
ass my cum. This made us feel tired so we just fell on bed with him below me and my lund still between his
ass, none of knew when we slept ……

I spoke up when I felt something wet on my lund, I thought that was roshan so just caught his head n started
to mouth-fuck him, asi was feeling very good,. My eyes were closed at that time, I had a gr8 orgasm and
then when I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see that roshan was still sleeping next to me n my lund was
covered by a mouth !!!! Just then I got another shock when I saw rashmi , whose mouth was covered with
my cum. Wow she looked who sexy. Then she came near to my and said, “y don’t u fuck me too, as u
fucked my bro !!”. I was in lil confused as what to do now. Then I saw roshan n he was sleeping so I just
made her suck my lund, n told her to make it hard. Man she was a pro. She made me hard very soon, then I
made her lay on the bed, n started licking her chut so that it becomes wet and easy to fuck. She moaned,
“ahhhh ahhhh hmmmmmm, come on, don’t stop jimmy.” And I really didn’t until it was really wet, then I
started to insert my lung into her chut but not in a go, first I tease her a lot by just rolling my lund around her
chut , then I just inserted it so fast at she jerked back . And then I started fucking her, aster sometime I lifted
her in the same position n fucked her , where I was standing on my feet n was holding her with my arms,
like a child, as I was near to climax, I made her lie again n asked her,” should I cum in ur chut or in ur
mouth or on ur boobs ?” . She said me to cum in her mouth as she wanted to taste me. N I did the same.. By
this time roshan too got awake n told us he saw the whole fucking n really enjoyed it, we all then went to the
bathroom got bath n then when to rest as we were really tired , we thought of sleeping nude on same bed,
where I slept in between them . We then woke up with the biggest shock, as their parent had returned to
home, and as they had duplicate key of the lock they might have entered after seeing that none of us opened
the door. They saw us all naked under the bed sheet, and on the same bed too.

What happened after that I’ll continue in second part, till then send me comments , and any lady (married or
unmarried), of any age even if ur a grand mom, please contact me n for guys u can too, but only if u wanna
get fucked not wanna fuck me as I only fuck not get fucked, ok

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