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WENT OF ry, 3° OF FICIAL 4, s RELEASED? Republic of the Philippines & ae ca = DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNM fine = DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corer Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Qupabe: hale 108 hetp:// Mog yo CIRCULAR NO. 2018-17 DATE July 5.2018 To : PNP CHIEF, PNP DIRECTORIAL STAFF / REGIONAL / PROVINCIAL/ HUC DIRECTORS, DILG REGIONAL/PROVINCIAL/HUC DIRECTORS, DILG CENTRAL / REGIONAL / PROVINCIAL/ HUC E-CLIP FOCAL PERSONS, PROVINCIAL/ HUC E-CLIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE DISPOSITION OF FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES AND AMMUNITION (FEA) OF THE FORMER REBELS (FR) AND MILITIA NG BAYAN (MB) SS REFERENCES ‘A. DILG-DND Joint Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2018-01 dated July 5, 2018 entitled: “Implementing Guidelines for the Provision of DILG-Administered Package of Assistance for Former Rebels (FRs) and Militia ng Bayan (MB)" (Annex A); B. PNP Command Memorandum Circular No. 24-2013 entitled “Guidelines and Procedures for the Demilitarization and Disposal of Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition” dated 23 July 2013 (Annex B); C. PNP Guidelines and Procedures for the Disposition of Arms of the Cordillera People’s Liberation Army (CPLA) pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) “Towards the CPLA’S Final Disposition of Arms and Forces and its Transformation into a Potent Socio-Economic Unarmed Force” (Closure Agreement)."dated 31 July 2012 (Annex C); D. Valuation Committee on Cordillera People's Liberation Army ~ Disposition of Arms and Forces Resolution No. 2 Series of 2012 (Annex D); and, E. PNP Memorandum entitled “Revised PNP Standard Cost Valuation for Issued and Loaned Firearms dated 5 June 2013 (Annex E). IL PURPOSE ‘This Circular is issued to ensure that Item VII (Benefits and Other Assistance) (A)(6) of the Implementing Guidelines for the Provision of DILG-Administered Package of Assistance for Former Rebels (FRs) and Militia ng Bayan (MB) of the DILG-DND JMC No. 2018-01, dated July 5, 2018 shall be executed accordingly. TL GUIDING PRINCIPLES A. Firearms remuneration shall serve as an additional fund to support the individual reintegration plan of the FR. Page 1of 9 Scanned with CamScanner : B. Firearms explosives and ammunition turned-in by former rebels, provided they are certified “cleared” by the PNP,! shall be demilitarized and disposed as they have been used in furtherance of rebellion. C. Transparency and accountability measures ensuring full and strict documentation of the process shall be employed to prevent the cannibalization and pilferage of turned-in firearms. SCOPE This Circular shall cover all Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition (FEA) turned-in by former regular rebels and Militia ng Bayan that have undergone the authentication and profiling processes under the program. Remuneration shall be limited to the cost valuation of firearms while explosives and ammunition will not be remunerated. DEFINITION OF TERMS All the terms defined in the PNP Command Memorandum Circular No. 24-2013, issued on 23 July 2013, entitled: “Guidelines and Procedures for the Demilitarization and Disposal of Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition,” shall be adopted for the purpose of this Circular. Other terms shall be defined as follows: ‘A. Program Beneficiary - refers to the former regular NPA member and Militia ng Bayan who hhas expressed the desire to abandon armed violence and become a productive member of the society; and, who has undergone the authentication process, profiling and needs assessment by the Local Social Welfare and Development Officer (LSWDO). B. E-CLIP Committee - refers to the mechanism created at the Provincial/ HUC level through the issuance of an Executive Order by the Provincial Governor/ HUC Mayor, who shall chair the said Committee and will be Co-chaired by the AFP commanding officer of the Brigade. It shall be composed of representatives from the LSWDO, DILG Provincial/ HUC Office, PNP and the CSO, a member of the Provincial/ HUC Peace and Order Council. C. Cost Valuation - refers to the valuated cost of the firearm based on the price ceiling set for f particular kind, make, and caliber and its condition upon turn-in, which shall be determined by the PNP Provincial/HUC Logistics Office, AFP and Provincial/HUC DILG representatives of the E-CLIP committee. D. Firearms Information Management System (FIMS) - refers to the compilation of all data and information on firearms ownership and disposition for record purposes. E. Individual Reintegration Plan - refers to the plan resulting from the individual assessment undertaken by the LSWDO with the FR. The identified needs of the FR shall be matched with the existing available resources of the province or resources that may be tapped to address the needs of the FR. F. Receiving Unit ~ refers to any of the following institutions or personalities with whom the FR feels safe and confident to surface: AFP, PNP, CSOs, Local Government Unit officials, business, church or community leaders and to any civilian individual with whom the FR feels safe and confident to surface. ion of “cleared” are given to firearms that are not material evidence to an ease, and/or firearms that have no claim presented by private legal owner. Page 2 of 9 Scanned with CamScanner G. Regular NPA Members- refers to full-time NPA members, such as those belonging to Sandatahang Yunit Pampropaganda (SYP), Platoon Gerilya (PLAGER, Sentro de Grabidad (GDG) and Regional Youth Gerilya (RYG). VI. IMPLEMENTING MECHANISMS ‘A. Receiving Unit ~ shall take primary responsibility in informing the FR of the program process and endorsing them to the Provincial/HHUC Social Welfare Development Officer (P/AUCSWDO) for profiling and processing of assistance under the E-CLIP. B. Police Regional Office Firearms, Explosives, and Ammunitions Disposal Committee (PRO FEADC) and Secretariat (created by virtue of PNP Command Memorandum Circular No. 24-2013) - shall perform the functions and responsibilities as provided in the said Circular. C. E-CUP Committee - shall task its PNP, AFP and Provincialy HUC DILG members to determine the cost valuation of firearms based on the procedures set forth in Item VII(C) of this Circular. D. PNP Regional Supply Accountable Officer (RSAO) - shall manage the repository of all the pre-demilitarized firearms. ‘VIL. PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES (See Annex F for Flowchart) ‘These processes and procedures shall be followed in relation to the Actual Surfacing and Implementation Phases of the E-CLIP (Item IX, E-CLIP JMC). ‘A. Turn-in and Turn-Over of Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition (FEA) L. The receiving unit shall immediately notify the E-CLIP Committee of FEA to be turned-in by the FRs. 2. The following are the forms that need to be accomplished by the AFP/PNP upon receipt of the firearms: a. Property Turn-in Slip (PTIS) (Annex G); b. Photo documentation (photograph of the FR with his/her FEA and a separate photograph of the FEA); and, ¢. Technical Inspection Report (TIR) (Annex H) 3, The receiving unit shall adopt the following processes accordingly: a. If the receiving unit is a civilian entity (LGU officials, church, business or community leaders, or any other civilian individual, it shall facilitate the turn-in of the FEA to the nearest AFP or PNP Unit at the soonest possible time. b. Ifthe receiving units the AFP, itshall document the firearms following its standard technical inspection procedures, The AFP shall then turn over the firearm/s together with the original copies of the accomplished documents to the nearest Provincial/HUC PNP, which will in turn issue an Acknowledgement Receipt. The [AFP shall also provide a certified true copy of the PTIS to the concerned FR. c. Ifthe receiving unit is the Provincial/HUC/Municipal PNP, it shall document the firearms following its standard technical inspection procedures. It shall then turn Page 3 0f 9 Scanned with CamScanner over the firearms together with the original copies of the accomplished documents to the Regional PNP, which will in turn issue an Acknowledgement Receipt. The PNP shall also provide a certified true copy of the PTIS to the concerned FR. 4. The Provincial/HUC/Municipal PNP shall provide a complete set of the documents to the E-CLIP Committee. 5. The receiving unit, either the AFP or PNP, shall document the explosives and ammunition following its standard technical inspection procedures. All turned-in explosives and ammunition shall be immediately turned-over to the nearest AFP or PNP Regional/Provincial Explosive Ordinance Unit in the area for proper disposition. B. Documentation and Recording of Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition (FEA) by the PRO FEADC The documentation and recording of firearms are aimed at establishing ‘ownership/possession, accounting for the number, and determining the kind, caliber and make of firearms of all E-CLIP beneficiaries and recording these information in the database. 1. The PRO FEADC shall manage the transportation and warehousing of all firearms collected from the different Provincial/HUC/Municipal Police Offices. 2. Immediately upon receipt of custody of the firearm and the supporting documents, the PRO FEADC shall designate the proper offices to conduct the following procedures: a Conduct of the forensic examination i.e. ballistics, macro etching of the FAs shall bbe done by the PNP Crime Laboratory, which shall treat the process as urgent and finish the examination within two (2) weeks, or as soon as practicable, from receipt of the firearms, To ensure compliance, augmentation of staff may be done as needed, Funding for this purpose shall also be ensured. b. Parallel with the process of forensic examination, a cross-matching of the firearm details with the Firearms Information Management System (FIMS) shall be done by the Regional Firearms Explosives Security Agency and Guard Supervisory Section (RFESAGSS) to determine ownership of the firearms in coordination with the FEO, CSG. Findings shall be indicated in the remarks portion of the TIR. If the firearm is licensed to a person other than a Former New People's Army (NPA) Rebel (FR) and if no such claim is presented within 5 years after due notification to the licensed ‘owner, the firearm shall be demilitarized in accordance with the PNP’s approved standards and procedures. c. In case the firearm examined was found to have been used in the commission of a crime, the firearm shall be turned-over to the concerned office/unit handling the case for proper disposition. The findings and action taken shall be indicated in the remarks portion of the TIR. Demilitarization of said firearm shall only be done after the issuance of court order. 4. After receipt of clearance from the PNP Crime Laboratory and RFESAGSS, pre- demilitarization of firearms shall be done by the PRO FEADC through the following procedures: = Sorting and inspection of stocked ammunition in the chamber + Itemizing and documentation of FEA = Disassembling (separating metal parts from wood and aluminum) Page 4of9 Scanned with CamScanner - Pre-demilitarization Inspection e. Repository of all the pre-demilitarized firearms shall be managed by the PNP Regional Supply Accountable Officer (RSAO) to avoid pilferage/cannibalization. This will be done within twenty four (24) hours after the issuance of the Crime Laboratory Certificate. 3. The PRO FEADC Secretariat shall maintain a record of all turned-in firearms. It shall also provide a copy of the report on its findings to the E-CLIP Committee. C. Cost Valuation and Remuneration by the E-CLIP Committee 1, Immediately upon receipt of the PTIS, photo documentation and TIR of the turned-in firearm, the E-CLIP Committee shall request the DILG Program Management Office (PMO) to countercheck the turned-in firearm details in their database to determine if these have already been turned-in for the availment of benefits under previous programs. Findings shall be indicated in the remarks portion of the TIR. If the firearm hhas already been remunerated under a previous program, it shall no longer be remunerated under the E-CLIP. ‘The PNP, AFP and P/HUC DILG representatives to the E-CLIP Committee, provided with a copy of the PTIS, TIR and photo documentation, will evaluate and determine the cost valuation of turned-in firearms which shall be given to the FR. Remuneration shall be provided to the FR regardless of whether the firearm is government owned, privately-owned, or has been involved in a crime. 3. The cost valuation shall be based on the standard price ceiling set for a particular kind, caliber and make of firearm and its condition upon turn in. 4. The price ceilings are as follows: KIND, ‘CALIBER MAKE PRICE CEILING Revolver 2 “Armscor (Ordinary LR) 12,000.00 “22 Magnum | Armscor (MRF) 15,000.00 2 ‘Smith and Wesson Magnum Jet | 34,000.00 “357 Magnum 30,000.00 44 Magnum 35,000.00 32 26,000.00 38 Colt (Foreign made) 135,000.00 38 Smith & Wesson 30,000.00 38 Ruger/D & W 18,000.00 38 Local made 12,000.00 Pistol 2 ‘Berreta 25,000.00, 2 Jennings/Phoenix 10,500.00 2 IR 16,000.00 2B Foreign made 723,600.00 32 32,000.00 380 ‘Walther 34,000.00 380 ‘Llama 18,500.00 38 Super Viper 13,500.00 Page 5 of Scanned with CamScanner ‘mm Berreta/HK MPS parabellum 44,000.00 omm Daewoo 22,500.00 ‘mm Browning 538,000.00 ‘9mm Feg 21,000.00 mm Glock, Sig-Sauer 35,000.00 ‘mm ‘Armscor model 1911 22,000.00 ‘9mm Star 10,750.00 mm Norinco (NP and Viper) 8,557.00 ‘9mm CZ75 PO7 DUTY 73,333.00 9mm Bereta Stoeger 23,000.00 mm Tanfoglio/Force Model 23,000.00 9mm Glock 17 47,000.00 am Glock 19 “47,000.00 ‘mm Jericho (Steel), Old Model 23,292.50 ‘mm Jericho (Polymer) 23,000.00 9mm Taurus 23,000.00 5 Cougar 69,412.25 5 Llama Max-1, L/F 17,760.00 4 Model 1911 (25,000.00 (Foreign made) A Armscor (1911) 16,500.00 45 “Armscor (Hi-Cap) 23,000.00 A Norinco: 17,000.00 45 ‘Colt/Swissvale/Ithaca/ Remington | 39,000.00 45 ‘Smith and Wesson Model 645 26,000.00 45 Para-Ordnance 93,000.00 40 Taurus 43,000.00 12 ga ‘Squires Bingham (local) 16,000.00 12 ga SAS 18,000.00 ge Armscor (local) 13,000.00 12 ga Winchester ‘40,000.00 12 ga Remington 35,000.00 12 ga Steven "30,000.00 128 ‘Street Sweeper 60,000.00 128 “Mossberg 720,000.00 12 ga (Foreign made) ‘35,000.00 12ga ‘M30 (Armscor) 115,000.00 12g Semi-Auto (Hatsan) 24,000.00, 12 ge ‘Semi-Auto (Escort) 19,092.00 12 ga ‘Semi-Auto (Stoeger) "21,000.00 5.56 Elisco (M16) 45,000.00 556 Bushmaster (MI6A2) "75,000.00 556 Colt (M16) 50,000.00 Page 6 of 9 Scanned with CamScanner 5.56 ‘Norinco (M16) M4 (69,400.00 al 5.56 ‘Olympic Arm 107,000.00 556 ‘Assault Rifle Bull PUP (TAVOR | 150,000.00 TAR) Rack River Arms (M16) M4 (96,728.00 MI4 60,000.00 PAK aT "58,000.00 “Aug Str 70,000.00 5s Colt (M653) {60,000.00 5 M3 28,000.00 ‘mm, Uzi 45,000.00, ‘9mm MK9 35,000.00 mm HK MP5 150,000.00 ‘mm KG-9 SMG 43,000.00 ‘Light Machine Gun | 7.62 M173 210,000.00 7.62 M160 214,000.00 30 M1919 95,000.00, 5.56 MINIMI 100,000.00 5.56 ULTIMAX 93,000.00 556 NEGEV “449,000.00 50 M2HB 388,500.00 Heavy Machine Gun _| 7.62 M73 [279,510.00 Grenade Launcher 40mm M79” 35,000.00 40mm M203 40,000.00 40mm Floro International 74,500.00 40mm FERFRANS| 89,888.00 Auto Grenade 40mm Cartdridge Shell HV LINK 2,107,416.22 Launcher Vintage Firesrm | 30 Springfield (M1903) 10,000.00 30. Enfield 10,000.00 0 US Carbine (M1) 720,000.00 [3 US Carbine (M2) 725,000.00 30 US Rifle MI Garand 30,000.00 30 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) _| 35,000.00 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) ‘95,000.00 5 “Thompson (SMGUN) 12,000.00 5 Grease Gun 12,000.00 Page 7 of 9 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Home-made “Paltik” ‘Crew Served (Any Caliber) 10,000.00 ‘Shoulder Fired (AC) 8, 000 Machine Pistols (AC) 5,000 Hand Gun (AG) oS 4 5. The following are the guidelines in the evaluation of the firearms upon turn-in which hall have a beating on the computation of the cost valuation. |, Good Condition (G) (100%) p ‘The condition in which all pats of the firearm requires no alteration or repair 19F them to function, Firearms evaluated as being in Good Condition shall have an equivalent cost valuation of 100% of the price ceiling. b. Fair Condition (F) (50%) The condition in which some parts of function. Firearms evaluated as being ia cost valuation of 50% of the price ceiling. ¢. Scrap Condition (10%) ‘The condition in which a firearm is no longer functional. Firearms evaluated as being in Scrap Condition shall have an equivalent cost valuation of 10% of the price 6. Upon determination of the cost valuation, the PNP, AFP, and DILG P/HUC E-CLIP Committee representatives shall accomplish and affix their signatures on the cost ‘valuation form (Annex). 7. Prior to the remuneration of the FA, the LSWDO shall interview the E-CLIP beneficiary relative to the fund utilization, which shall serve as additional fund to support the individual reintegration plan of the FR. 8 Payment for the valuated firearms shall be through the Provincial/HUC DILG. The P/HUC DILG shall prepare individual checks of the E-CLIP beneficiary/ies following the existing guidelines as stipulated in the E-CLIP JMC. P/HUC DILG then releases the check to the FR through the E-CLIP Committee. the firearm require repair for them to Fair Condition shall have an equivalent D. Final Demilitarization and Disposal of Firearms ‘As a general rule, all turned-in firearms by FRs shall undergo the complete ; process of demilitarization consistent with internationally accepted standards and proper auditing Procedures peren be used, recycled or re-issued. However, for those used in a crime req an appropriate court for safekeeping, disposition shall commence finality of judgment on the case. ee Demilitarization and disposal procedures for FEAs shall follow the gui guidelines and procedures set forth by the PNP in Command Memorandum Circular No. 24-2013 entitled “Guidelines and Procedures for the Demiltarzat . ; ‘Anumunition” dated 23 july 2013, a Page 8 of 9 Scanned with CamScanner Demilitarization of firearms shall be done by the PRO FEADC through the following procedures: Cutting of individual steel pieces using circular saw or blowtorch into sections — Bending and deforming each piece Deforming hammer and trigger using blowtorch. Cutting or chopping wooden parts, ‘Stamping aluminium parts ‘As far a5 practicable, demiliteriztion shall be done in the presence of the local ‘community members / media representatives. Post-Demilitarization of Firearms after they have PRO FEADC through the following procedures: = Sorting and depositing the scrap in wooden crates =. Sale of the scrap through Public Bidding ‘been destroyed shall be done by the for safekeeping/disposition ‘VU REPEALING CLAUSE A. Circular No. 2015-03, dated April 1, 2015, entitled: “Implementing Guidelines and Procedures for the Disposition of Firearms, ‘Explosives and Ammunition (FEA) of the Former New People’s Army (NPA) Rebels (FR) under the Comprehensive Local Integration ‘Program (CLIP) is hereby cancelled. B. All existing issuances issued by the DILG which are inconsistent herewith are hereby amended or rescinded accordingly. 1X EFFECTIVITY ‘This set of guidelines shall take effect immediately. X APPROVING AUTHORITY ian Officer-in-Charge. DILG i For related queries, kindly contact the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) at Tel. ‘Nos, (02) 925-0328 or (02) 925-1137, or e-mail us at Page 9 of 9 Scanned with CamScanner -uorasodsig adors 30) wun sUEUBI ansorteg ——_repunasa/ieverso ese aay Beau {na 01 ono-poun harepoul 278 Suonunanue pue sansoqing "9 6s a “Aisnoauoyjnuys auop 210 > pun g sapun sainpas0sd/s95s99044 :310N ‘uppra mara yinonnaes'@ | [—] — “pue ‘uopusodsip/Aucaayes vom ‘sonnuoy 4n3 40.0% sup suo vodes ao Adoo apwond ony yews W SWHEDHY UF uum ye yo pias « syewew 1eU62.295 OV Oud ML BES urpaum a sae enema ~ o: SER jot suas anos nue ane | SM NO ons evn Amora | (oavas-ana) (zaLumwoo anza NOUINQINWY ONY SaAISOTaXG ‘SHAUL ae NOULWUaNNINaY ONY NOLLVNTVA 1509 2 40 ONIa¥OOR GNY NOUW.NaWNDCN “a | any wouvauariwaa a LavHOMo'd (aw) NVAVa DN VLLITIN GNV' - |S1A03U WIWLOS 3H 30 * NOWISOdSIC 3HL UOs S3U env] (waa) SNOLLINNWINY ONY ‘S3N1S01492 ‘SINUVUE 20 ING2IOUd ANY SaNNaGIN ONUNSWETAWI S <=__— Scanned with CamScanner [mex] PROPERTY TURN-IN SLIP PAGE ___OF___ TO | SUPPLY CLASSIFICATION OFFICER | Voucnar number FROM | Organization/ Unit Tumn Slip Number MARKS | SYMBOL trem | stock NOMENCLATURE unit | arty | RE a Kind: TO Caliber: Wake: ‘Serial Number: BASIS: ee 7 Fane TAT ee me a) creo 2 ‘tae ave ed =) wore; LEGEND FOR REMARKS: HEREBY CERTIFY that the articels listed herein are tumed:in under the circumstances indicated therein: Unserviceable due to wear and tear Sem Somonale FOR THE COMMANDING OFFICER, RIC Unserviceable Statement RIS _Uneerviceable Report on survey EXC In Excess of Authorized Allowance ee Tanetire above pied nae) AFP/ PNP Representative: CONFIRMED BY: ‘aa above pried rare) PIDILG Representative DATE: (ORGANIZATION SUPPLY OFFICER) QUANTITIES SHOWN ABOVE IN ACTION HAVE, BEEN RECEIVED: TOATE ;) For Station Supply or Classification Officer ee —————-— ss Scanned with CamScanner ANNEX H_ TECHNICAL INSPECTION REPORT Date: DU CU NAMEOFFR: KIND CALIBER : MAKE SERIALNO. : PARTS ‘SERVICEABLE UNSERVICEABLE Condition: O 6000 O FAR Os scrap Remarks: INSPECTED BY: ‘over printed name) ‘AFPIPNP Officer NOTED BY: (Signature over printed name) AFP/ PNP COMMANDING OFFICER Scanned with CamScanner ANNEX | COST VALUATION OF INVENTORIED FIREARMS THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that the owner of the firearm described below: Kind Caliber Make ‘Serial No. with RM No. ie THAT THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED firearm has undergone inventory and technical inspection on a_i the fttowing findings: (Oate oF iraoacton) (Prce of pectin) Condition Serviceabilty Remarks, THAT UPON DUE DELIBERATION, the Valuation Committee finds the amount (amount n wore) —rt—e—Se—sSshasheiesTTertrti‘—e™hmhrhY (amount in our) DONE this. at (aamem-year) lees! Certified by: —_—— Taignature above printed name) PNP Representative ‘above printed name) DILG Representative eats above printed vamey AFP Representative Scanned with CamScanner

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