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Employee Self-Assessment

Instructions: Read and consider each question carefully before checking the corresponding
box. Leave any comments you feel pertain directly to the question. The form needs to be turned
in to the livestock production managers by the end of the week. When you submit the form,
make an appointment to complete the evaluation process.

Don't Somewhat Strongly

Question Agree Comments
Agree Agree Agree
Do you have a strong
understanding of your
purpose during working
I usually arrive at the start
of my shift, but I don't
Do you arrive on time and
always start when I
go straight to work at the X
should. I should be better
start of your shift?
about being ready to work
as soon as my shift begins.
I need to work on my
When working in a team to
communication skills.
complete a project, do you
X When working in a team, I
communicate well with
don't always articulate my
your teammates?
ideas or frustrations.
Do you feel properly
qualified to run farm X
Are you qualified to work
with the hogs?
Do you feel that you
contribute when you are
working with a team to
complete a task?
Do you prefer to do
something different every X
I stay at work until I've
completed all the tasks on
Do you feel that you time. Sometimes I have to
perform all of your X stay late because I was
responsibilities properly? goofing off with a friend
and didn't work as hard as
I probably should have.
Are you comfortable
working with hogs?
Do you feel you provide
the hogs with the best X
possible care?
I know I'm not supposed
Do you understand the to talk to the media, but I
farm's policies for dealing X can't remember who I
with the media? send the media to if they
have any questions.
Do you understand farm
policy regarding posting
photos and videos on the X
internet of the hogs and
the rest of the operation?
I'm not sure what my long
Do you see yourself
X term plans are at this
working here in the future?
Do you think you're the
type of employee we
X At this point, no.
would one day want as a
shift manager?
Would you be interested in
advancement should an X Most definitely!
opportunity arise?
Do you feel like your
status as an employee
improves the overall
quality of the farm?
Ernie, the hog production
Do you know how to manager, does an
identify and care for a sick X excellent job making sure
animal? everyone knows what
healthy hogs look like.
Do you think you work well
with the livestock?
Are you familiar with all
emergency phone
numbers, including the
Are you happy working for
X Most days I enjoy my job.
this farm?
I have to work on my
ability to stay on task and
What do you think you
to communicate with
need to improve?
others. I'd like to work on
my patience.
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