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Name: Nguyễn Ngọ c Tú

ID: 18DH710677

TOPIC: A study of some useful tips to build creative thinking among Huflit
junior students.

1. What's your name?

2. What is your gender?
o Male
o Female
3. What year are you in ?
o Freshman
o Sophomore
o Junior
o Senior
4. What is your major?
o Business English
o Pedagogy
o Translation and Interpretation
o Office Administration
o Bilingual English-Chinese
5. Do you know about creative thinking skills?
o Yes
o No
6. What subjects do you think that you can attain creative skills through ?
7. How often you apply creative thinking skills into life?
o Always
o Sometimes
o Never
8. What activities did you do to sharpen your creative thinking skills ?
o Get off the internet
o Exercise
o Mindfulness meditation
o Take a nap
o Brainstorming
o others
9. What obstacles do you think that limit your creativity ?
o Being Afraid of Failure
o Being Afraid of Rejection
o Hard to Change or Adapt to the Situation
o Others
10 Why is creative thinking important to student success ?

11 Do you have any idea to build up your creative thinking ?


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