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Steve Roden (geb. 1964, Los Angeles) - visual and sound artist.


1986 bachelor of fine arts, otis art institute of parsons school of design, los
angeles, ca
1989 master of fine arts, art center college of design pasadena, ca

Seine werke wurden präsentiert bei:

Serpentine Gallery London, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis,
DCA Dundee Scotland, Redcat Los Angeles,
Crawford Gallery Cork Ireland,
Brazil and Japan.

In seinen Werken er verwendet konkrete Objekte, Architektur Räume und field

recordings um durch Abstrahieren possible landscapes - neue Klangräume zu
entwickeln. Sein Ästetik nennt er lower case – sound concerned with subtlety
and the quiet activity of listening.

Forms of paper

forms of paper was created for the exhibition ‘six degrees - art in the
libraries’—a group exhibition of site specific works for public libraries around
los angeles. the soundwork was created using electronically manipulated
sounds of book pages being rubbed, scraped, turned, etc. 8 speakers were
placed on a small pedestal in an atrium in a hollywood branch of the library,
along with a series of paper ‘drawings’ made from discarded library books. the
work was playing very softly within the library space continuously for one
month. — steve roden, 2001

At this time, my general composition and recording technique was to record

various short performances into an Akai mono sampler, using a mic or a
contact mic to generate 15-20 seconds of sound. I would then edit the
recording into a nice short loop, and trigger the sample via a midi keyboard so
that I could shift the pitch and speed of the loop by moving my hands along
the fake piano keyboard. these loops were then recorded into Pro Tools as if I
were simply recording on a multi-track tape deck.

Bernhard Günter (geb.1957, Neuwied) - Komponist und Improvistionsmusiker

Spielte Table, war vom Free Jazz inspiriert

Sptudierte bei Pierre Boulez an IRCAM in Paris

1995 gründete eigenes Label Trente Oiseaux

1999 Prix Ars Electronica für Komposition the ant moves / the black and
yellow carcass / a little closer

Un peu de neige salie 1988

Untitled I/92
Untitled II/92
Untitled III/92
Untitled IV/92
Untitled I/93

Richard Chartier /Pinkcourtesyphone / (geb.1971 Arlington, Virginia, USA) -

Klang- und Installationskünstler.


1993 Bachelor of Fine Arts Cum Laude in in Graphic Design and Painting an
der James Madison University / Harrisonburg, VA /

2000 recording label LINE

2001 Honorable Mention for Digital Music bei Prix Ars Electronica

My work explores the inter-relationships between the spatial nature of sound,
silence, focus, perception, and the act of listening itself. I seek to create a complex
textural field which engages via listening, as opposed to musicality.

The sometimes near-inaudible character of the sounds I utilize are the result of an
incremental and meticulous process of reduction which respects their sculptural
integrity. Compositions often explore an implied silence, finely structured and in
some cases cyclical. They are best experienced at low volumes or on headphones.
The use of extended durations push listeners into even deeper areas of attention,
concentration, and focus.

My live performances differ perhaps most significantly from my recorded

compositions by virtue of an increased audibility and activity. Performed in entirely
darkened spaces, they focus on the essence and physicality of the sounds.
Audiences often note their transportive nature, identify a distinct displacement of
their experience of time.

Series (2000) - пример

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