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Maximum-likelihood CFO Estimation for MIMO/OFDM Uplink Using

Su perimposed Trainings

Han Zhang Xianhua Dai

Dept. of Physics & Telecommunication Engineering Dept. oflnformation Science & Technology
South China Normal University SUN Vat-sen University
Guangzhou, P. R. China Guangzhou, P. R. China
zhanghan@scnu.edu.cn issdxh@zsu.edu.cn

Abstract-We address the problem of superimposed training in a MIMO-OFDM setup [7]-[12]. According to whether the
(ST)-based maximum-likelihood (ML) carrier frequency offset CFO estimators is based on the training sequences or not,
(CFO) estimation for multiple-input multiple-output/ they can be clarified as blind ones [7]-[9] and training-based
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO/OFDM) ones [10]-[12]. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimators
systems. With the specifically designed training signals, the are proposed in [7] and [8] for the channels and CFOs of the
effect due to the unknown information sequence is fully
MIMO uplink, but flat-fading channel models are assumed.
cancelled in time-domain and, the CFO estimation is
In [9], a blind kurtosis-based CFO estimator for MIMO­
performed by using one pilot sample of each distinct user. We
OFDM was developed. For training-based CFO estimators,
also present a performance analysis of the CFOs estimation
the overviews concerning the problem of training design for
and derive an approximated closed-form CFO estimation
joint CFOs and channel estimation in single carrier SISO
variance. It is shown that with the judiciously designed
training sequences, the performance of the proposed ST based­
and MIMO systems have been addressed in [10]-[11] by
ML CFO estimator approaches the Cramer-Rao bound for
minimizing the worst case as Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs).
high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scenario. Simulation results In [12], a two-step CFO estimator with the optimal training
illustrate the merits of the proposed approach. sequence design was proposed for MIMO-OFDM systems.
Although the above training-based CFOs estimates [10]-[12]
Keywords- Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing are generally reliable, extra bandwidth or time slot is
(OFDM); Carrier frequency offset (CFO); Superimposed required for transmitting known pilots.
training; Maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation. In recent years, an alternative approach, referred to as
superimposed training (ST), has been widely studied in
I. INTRODUCTION [13]-[17]. In the idea of ST, additional periodic training
sequences are arithmetically added to information sequence
The combination of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output in time- or frequency-domain prior to transmission, and thus
(MIMO) antennas and Orthogonal Frequency-Division enable higher transmission efficiency. In this scheme,
Multiplexing (OFDM) can achieve a lower error rate and/or however, the information sequences are viewed as additive
enable high-capacity wireless communication systems by interference to CFO and channel estimation. In the latest
flexibly exploiting diversity gain and/or the spatial contributions, data dependent ST (DDST) [15J represents a
multiplexing gains. Such a system, however, exhibits major improvement on the concept of ST ([13] [14]) for
sensitive to carrier frequency offsets (CFOs) between the channel estimation, where the information interference to
transmitters and the receivers due to oscillator instabilities channel estimation can be effectively removed by adding a
and/or Doppler shifts. The deviation in the carrier frequency special data-dependent sequence. Later on, DDST based
will damage the orthogonality among subcarriers and hence CFO and channel estimation for SISO block transmission, is
give rise to inter-carrier interference which degrades the presented by [17].
system performance severely [1]. Rather than that of the DDST based approach [17],
Frequency synchronization in MIMO/OFDM systems, where multiple pilot samples are exploited for frequency
compared with that of single-input single-output (SISO) tracking, in this paper, we propose a novel ST based CFOs
systems, is more crucial and challenging since different estimator for MIMO/OFDM systems, where only a single
CFOs of individual user needs to be tracked simultaneously pilot sample of each distinct user is used for ML fine
at the base station (BS). Although there have been quite a frequency tracking. Meanwhile, the information interference
few CFO estimation methods for OFDM systems [1]-[6], to CFOs estimation is fully cancelled in time-domain by
most of them are only applicable to SISO scenario [2]-[4]. distorting certain data slots associate with the pilot samples.
Most of the researches of CFO estimation for the MIMO­ With the specifically designed ST, the ML estimation
OFDM assume that only single-frequency offset exists process is greatly simplified since no approximation on the
between the transmitter and the receiver [5]-[6], which is log-likelihood function needs to be made and, a simple
unrealistic in most cases for the uplink transmission. expression for the estimator solution can be obtained
A number of approaches have dealt with CFO estimation directly. Furthermore, a closed-from expression of CFOs
978-1-4244-5849-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

estimation variance is derived. It is demonstrated by channel taps h�])(t ) remain constant in each block and thus
theoretical analysis and simulations that the estimation neglect the variable t for simplicity.
variance approaches CRB for high signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) scenario, and can be further improved by increasing III. PROPOSED ML FREQUENCY OFFSET ESTIMATION
the training power allocation. USING SUPERIMPOSED TRAINING
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II Unlike the existing ML estimators [7] [8J, where certain
presents the system models. An ML estimation based on approximations are needed for the problem of local extrema,
specifically designed ST sequences is derived in Section III, we propose a new ST-based ML approach in this section.
and the corresponding mean square error (MSE) with With the specifically designed training signals, the ML
theoretical analysis is derived accordingly. Section IV estimation process can be greatly simplified, while
reports on some simulation experiments carried out in order preserving identical performance to the CRB for high SNR
to test the validity of theoretic results, and we conclude the scenario.
paper with Section V.
Notations: The letter t represents the time-domain A. Sup erimpos ed Training Design
variable, and k is the frequency-domain variable. Bold In ST-based approaches [13]-[I7J, the pilot symbols are
letters denote the matrices and column-vectors, and the super-imposed to the information sequences as
superscripts [of and [ t represent the transpose and
Xn + Pn
= Sn ,n= I,··N

conjugate transpose operations, respectively. (4)

II. MIMOIOFDM UPLINK MODEL whereSn=[sn O( ), ..sn(B�IW andPn = [Pn(O )" ' Pn(B -:- I )f
are the B x 1 information and pilot vectors, respectIvely.
Consider a multiuser MIMO�OFDM uplink system with Compared with the FDM/TDM schemes [1OJ -[I2J , ST
N transmitters (or mobile users) that share the same time requires no additional time-slot (or bandwidth) for transmit­
and frequency band, and a receive array of M receive ting the known pilots, and thus offers a higher data rate.
antennas at the base station. At transmit terminals, an Substituting (4) into (3), we have
inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) is used as a modulator.
The modulated outputs are given by
y(m)= "" E n
.L..J m) n
H(n p (5)
X =[xn O ( ), ...xn (t), ..xn(B � I )r =F -1 nX ,n=!
� v

n = I,··N (1) desired signal for CFO(s) estimation interference to CFO(s) estimation

where B is OFDM symbol-size, Xn=[xnO ( ),··xn(k)··· From (5), we clearly see that the information sequences,
xn (B�I)t is the transmitted data symbol of the nth transmit
antenna, F - I'IS the IFFT matnx . h [F -1]k.t= e-.j2Jrkt/B
in addition to AWGN, exhibit as additive interference to
. WIt CFO(s) estimation. This is a common problem for the
and l = -1. Then, Xnis concatenated by a cyclic-prefix existing ST-based approaches [13]-[14]. On the other hand,
(CP) of length L' ( L' is larger than or at least equal to the in MIMOI OFDM system where the received signals in (5)
maximum channel delay L to cancel the inter-symbol are overlapped across different users, the training signals of
interference), propagated through the respective channels. the desired user can not be distinguished from others' for
With a carrier frequency mismatch between the user n and estimating the CFO(s).
receiver, the corresponding normalized frequency offset to In this paper, we adopt the following training scheme to
subcarrier spacing is denoted as In,n=1,'" N . At receiver, circumvent the abovementioned problems, i. e.
the received signals of m th receive antenna, discarding CP
and stacking the received signals ylm)(t ) , can be written in a Pn(t )= .JE;J (t � tn),n =1,···N (6)
vector-form as
y(m)= [ y(m)(0)"" y(m)(t),'" y(m)(B�1)r where E is the power of the pilots, tn =B� (N �n + I)L�1
is referie d to as the pilot sample. Explicitly, the training
m) n X + V(m)m=1' . .. M
signals of various users are in fact a J -sequence at the time
= ""
L...J H(n
En (2)
sample t=t n' n=1 . . . N that follows a disjoint set with an
interval L. Therefore, using the specifically designed
and the received signal y(m)(t) in (2) is given by training sequence (6), the training signals of various users
L -I
ylm)(t )=Le-j2"f,t/BLh�])(t )xn(t�I)+v(m)(t )
are decoupled. Compared to AWGN, however, the
n1� 1�0
information interference to CFO(s) and (or) channel
estimation could be more severely, especially for high SNR
where E n is the B x B diagonal matrix that composed of CFO
e1 ements, WI'th d'lag::'n {-}= [e- )2"/"xO /B ,"', e-)2"/,,( B-I)/B]T , scenario. Accordingly, the objective of this subsection is to
H(m) is the BxB matrix with the first column given
mitigate the interference due to the information
clusters sn(tn �L+I),··sn(tn +L�I),n = I,··N prior to
by"[h��) (t)," .h�1_ (t), 0lx B-L f with h�])(t ) 1= 0,'" L�1 be� ng
1 transmission.
Motivated by [ I5J and [17J, we propose to distort the
time-domain impulse response vector of the propagatmg
channel from the n th transmit to the m th receive antenna.
information clusters being viewed as interference with the
v(m)(t) is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with distortion component given by
variance 0";. Similar to [2J -[I2J [17], we assume that the


where <I> is a B xB matrix with diagonal elements

rJ> (tn ± 1) 1 0,··· L -1,n 1,···N are ones and the remaining
= =

entries are zeros. In this case, the introduced distortion in (7) However, it is difficult to derive the closed-form expression
corresponds to simply remove the information clusters of the mean square error (MSE) by (11) directly.
sn (tn- L+1),.·· sn (tn+ L -1),n=1,.··N . The transmitted Considering the approximation of arctan-1 x '" x when x is
signals (4), prior to transmission, can be thus rewritten by small, however, (11) can be rewritten by
- ,r/Bucm)(tn)/yCm)(tn)}
B 1m {e J2ll"J,,,
n- n

I I '" 2mn Re e-J21Cf"t , /BuCm)(tn)/yCm)(tn)}

where I B denotes the identity matrix of size B . As will be
shown in Section III-B, using the distorted signals (8), CFO B ,t/BUCm) (tn)Vcm) (tn)) H }
1m { e -J2 ll"f",
estimation on the pilot sample Pn (tn) could be performed ,/BUcm) (tn)VCm) (tn)) H }
27(tn Re{I UCm)(tn)12 +e -J21Cf"t ,

without any information interference, which is similar to

that of the FDM/TDM training-based schemes [10]-[12]. t/BUcm) t( n) ( VCm) t( n)) H - e J21Cr"t
B e-J21Cf",, ,,/B (UCm) t( n))H VCm) (tn)
4j7(tnRe{1 Ucm) t( n)12 +e-J27rf", ,t/BUCm) (tn) ( Vc m) t( n))ff }
Differently, the proposed ST-based approach requires no
additional time-slots (or bandwidth) for transmitting the
known pilots, and thus offers a higher data rate. On the other (12)
hand, the introduced distortion, however, may give rise to For high SNR environment, (12) can be approximated as
an error floor on symbol detection at receiver. One of the
simple ways to circumvent the distortion to symbol recovery In - in'"
B e-J27rf"t
, /BuCm)(tJ (vcm)t( n)t _e J2ll"f"t
, , /B (ucm)(tJ)H v(m)(tJ
may refer to the decision-directed iterative symbol detector
[15] (details will not be addressed here since it is beyond the
scope of this paper). 4 j7rtn I uCm)(tJ 21

B. Maximum Like lihood CFO Estimator (13)

Following by (13), the MSE of the CFO estimator is given
With the specifically designed training signals (6)-(8),
the carrier frequency offsets of MIMO/OFDM system are in
fact incorporated into a single vector, which allows us to use MSE{llln -!n112} '"
the single user ST-based approach in estimating the CFO(s)
of distinguished users. Accordingly, we have the log­ {lle -J2ll"f",
,t/Buc m) (tn) (vCm) (tn)) H _
likelihood function corresponding to the pilot sample 167(2t; I uCm)(tn)14
e J27rf"t
,/B (U(m) (tn))ff VCm) t( n)1 12
, }

where ul m)(t.) ji"";L�:� h��)et.)§e -I) is a noise-free vector.

= B2! vcm)(t,J!
87(2t; I UCm)(tn) 12 ,
j [,/B(ucm)et ))2( evlm\tn)t)2
l_Re e-J4ff/,,t
: ,
J j
To find the ML estimation of b , we differentiate (9) with �

respect to b by setting the second term of (9) to zero i:e. B2

r/B =yCm)(tn) /ucm)(tn) ' Correspondmgly,
. we readIly ' n = I,.··N (14)
obtain the CFO of the n-th user � 87( t;PNR (tJ
where we have used the approximation 1- rp '" 1 for high
SNR scenario, PNR t( n)= I uCm)t( n) 12/1 VCm)t( n) 21 is the pilot­
to-noise ratio (PNR) at the pilot sample . In the light of
the expression ( 1 4), we see that the CFO estimation
v a r i a n c e is d i r e c t l y p r o p o r t i o n a l to t h e r a t i o of
where Re {} and 1m {} denote the real and imaginary part. N 2/t;PNR (tn) . For a given system of fixed sub-carrier B,
Using the specifically designed ST, the channel impulse
the MSE of CFO estimation can be improved by increasing
response (CIR) h��),1=0,··· L -1 could be jointly estimated, either the training power Ep (which is equivalent to increase
without suffering additional interference due to the the PNR (tn) ) or the parameter tn' On the other hand, the
information sequence. With the estimated CIR, uCm)(t.) can estimation range of the proposed CFO(s) estimator, as
be obtained and, the CFO(s) estimation can be thus obtained shown in ( 1 0), is ±B/2tn ' which indicates that tn is
by (9)- (10) in one OFDM symbol interval.
inversely proportional to the frequency tracking range. That
C. CFO Estimation Ana lysis is, a trade-off is offered between the estimation range and
Note that e -J2 "
CJ,,- i,,)/B=ycm)(tn)e-J21Ct
J,",/B /Ucm)(tn)e-J27rt
J,",/B the MSE of the CFO estimator. Therefore, the pilot
and we thus have
sampletn,n=l,.··N is set as B - (N -n+1)L-lfor the
fairness of estimation. Accordingly, the range of estimation

10" t--�--�----;:====
: ::::==
:!:: ::::==
:::!: =Jl
-B Proposed Sl-based ML estimator
-*- Cramer-Rao bound

10.' L----'----
-- ---:'::------:':-
:- ---::!-:-
:: -----:-- ------;:; 10" OL--------
-:--- ---:::: 0-----:-!;:5-----:�
2 -----:�
2 5------30-;
o 10 15 20 25-;!; 30 1 1 O
Signal-la-Noise Ratio (SNR)
Signat-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

Fig. 2 CFO estimation performance against SNR with the normalized

Fig. I CFO estimation performance against SNR with the normalized
Doppler frequency J; =0.2 and J; =O.4S.
Doppler frequency J; =O.OS and J; =O.IS.

yields ±B/2(B-L-l) � ± 0.5, which is generally large IV. SIMULATION RESULTS

enough for CFO tracking.
Commonly, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) places a We assume the MIMO/OFDM system with N 2 and M =

bound on the variance of each element to be estimated, and = 4. The symbol-size is B 512 and the transmitted

it can be used as a benchmark in related works [8]-[ll]. datasn(k) is 8-PSK signals with symbol rate!, =107 / se�ond.
Herein, we derive CRB to evaluate the performance of our The channel is assumed to be L= 8 and, the coeffiCIents
estimator. Firstly, we compute the Fisher information matrix h(m) (t) are generated as low-pass, Gaussian and zero mean
by r;�dom processes and correlated in time with the correlation
functions according to Jakes' model [18]. The training
2 ay(m) (t n) e-J2ff/"t a ))H e J2ffj;t
"/B ( y(m) (t n "/B power is set as E E,. CP length is chosen to be 16 to

= avoid inter-symb�l interferences. The additive noise is a
0'; aln aIn Gaussian and white random process with a zero mean. In
47r2t : lu(m) (t n ) 12 our simulation, perfect channel state information is assumed
n=1, ,,· N . ( 15) to be known at the receiver.
B2 0'; To evaluate the proposed ST-based ML estimator, we
The CRB can be readily derived as resort to the MSE of CFO estimation to measure the
estimation performance, which is defined as

( 16)

It is seen that when the training power E at pilot sample tn Fig. 1 shows the performance of the proposed ST-based
is equal to that of the average po�er of information ML estimator with different values of carrier frequency
sequence, i.e. Ep Es' the CRB is exactly identical t� ( 14) ,
offset, i.e. J; 0.05 andJ; 0.15. It is observed from Fig. 1
= =

which means that the performance of the proposed estlmator that the MSE of the proposed estimator is unbiased as the
approaches to the CRB for high SNR scenario. SNR increases, and approaches CRB for high SNR scenario
Unlike the existing piloted aided schemes [10]-[12] [17] (when SNR :e: I5dB). According to the selection of the pilot
where multiple pilots are utilized for frequency tracking, we sample tn' n 1,'" N in Section III, the CFO tracking range

exploit a ST-based estimator where only one pilot sample is is up to ± 0.5. Therefore, we present the performance of our
exploited at each transmitter for ML CFOs estimation of estimator for large CFOs, i.e. J; 0.2 andJ; 0.45 in Fig. 2.
= =

distinct users. By using the specifically designed training From Fig. 2, we observe that the estimation performance of
signals (6)-(8), no approximation on the log-likelihood our estimation approach, similar to that of Fig. 1, becomes
function needs to be made, and thus, the ML estimation unbiased and approaches to CRB. However, it requires a
process can be simplified and, resulting in a simple higher SNR, i. e. SNR � 20dB.
expression for the estimator solution. Therefore, for the case Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are consistent with the estimation
of high SNR scenario, the proposed approach can be analysis in section III-C. That is, the proposed CFO
considered as a promising alternative instead of multiple estimation approach is unbiased and, approaches CRB as the
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We also present a performance analysis of the frequency
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the CFO estimation variance with reasonable approximation.
It is shown that the estimation variance approaches CRB for
high SNR scenario.


This work is supported by national Natural Science

Foundation (NSF) of China, Grant 60772132 and key project
of NSF of Guangdong province, Grant 825102750100001l.

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