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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No.

1, January 1991 15
Ajit Hiranandani M.S.E., P.E., Member IEEE
The Detroit Edison Company
Detroit, Michigan

Angle of Contact,DirectMutual ThermalResistance,IndirectMutual DEVELOPMENT OF TWO DIMENSIONAL FINITE DIFFERENCE
Thermal Resistance, Thermal Conductance Matrix, Transient Thermal Con- MODEL (FDM)
ductance Matrix, Transient Thermal Time Constant. Since a generalizedcable system consists of a finite number of insulated
electrical conductorsor discrete current carrying heat sources, a two dimensional
ABSTRACT finite difference (FDM) model for heat-transfer can be developed. This method
The calculation of cable ampacities has gained considerableimpor- lends itselfto theuseof digitalcomputersanditerative technique[7].Equationsare
tance in recent times due to the complexity of modem electric power systems. written in terms of temperatures,thermal resistanceand heat sourcedissipationfor
Theuseofcablesinductsand racewayshas alsoincreasedincommer- any node i connected to (N-1) other adjoining nodes j, Node i is not connected to
cia1 and industrial systems. itself, thus i is not equal to j (Fig. 1)
Standardsand codes for cable ampacitiesin raceways [ 1,3]and cable-
trays [2,3] have been created by the Insulated Cable Engineers Association
(KEA [ I f ) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA [3]). These
ampacities have been computed for standard cable configurationstraversing
raceways such as conduit or underground duct banks [1,3] and cable-trays
[2,3]. Duetothemplexityofmodem auxiliaryelectricaldistributionsystems
this informationis not adequate since the models on which these standardsare
based [4,5] are not general enough to be applied in all situations.
TheNeher-McGrath model [5] which has gained considerableaccep-
tanceby cable engineersis widely used in undergroundsystems and has proven
to be conservative. It does not however address the calculation of ampacities
of cable systems where cables are in direct contact with each other such as in FIGURE 1
cable-trays, and also it assumes that cables in the system are equally loaded.
The effect of neighbouringcablesis included in the analysisby an “interference GENERAL CONDUCTION NODE I N F I N I T E RESISTANCE MESH
factor” that is applicable principally to underground systems.
IPCEA P-54-440NC [2] Standard for ampacitiesin open-top cable- Therefore,
trayshas determinedcableampacities[4]by assuming thatthecables inthetray
comprise apacked rectangular cable-mass with uniform heat generation.This N
has led to some confusion about the conductor temperature distribution in a Qi + (Tj-Ti) = 0 (i = 1 2 , - - N)
cable-mass due to the assumptionsused in the model [4]. The model does not j=1 R..
explainthe developmentof “hot spots”or1ocaloverheatingof cablesin a cable-
mass due to temperature build-up and also is not applicable when cables are
enclosedor when severaltypes of cables are nm in the same raceway. The need Nodes without heat generation have Qi=O. Thus a thermal network is
to determine the conductor temperature of each cable in a cable-system is constructedfor a given cable configurationconsisting of a finite number of nodes
sometimesas important as knowing its ampacity since only then we can know and solved using equation (1). The simultaneous equations from equation (1)
if the cable temperaturerating has been exceeded based on the geometry of the representa finite - differencemesh. The objective of numerical analysisis to solve
system and mutual heating effects of the cables. the set of simultaneous equations. In practice the last node temperature T, is the
Theobjectiveof thispaperisthedevelopnentofageneralisedtwodimensional external ambient temperature Ta.
finite difference model (FDM) for the calculation of conductor temperatures The general form of the finite difference equation for N nodes can be
and ampacities of a cable-system with seperationbetween the cables ranging written in matrix form.
from direct contact to a finite distance.
The heat-sourcesor sinks which are the conductorsare represented in
the model as a two dimensional finite-difference thermal resistance mesh
which is solved by iteration using the digital computer. Underground systems
will not be discussed within the scope of this paper due to space limitations.
Underground systemsform a specializedarea of cable rating and have
to be dealt with seperately by including in the analysis all the thermal
resistances due to the earth in the finite difference mesh.
The effect on conductor temperature due to skin effect, eddy currents
and associatedlosses have also been included in the analysisfor completeness. N- 1
Several new terms have been developed to define heat transfer in the
cable systems. (See KEYWORDS)

9 0 SM 323-6 PbRD also 1/Rij= 1Bji where i and j = 1 to (N-I)

A p a p e r recommended a n d a p p r o v e d
b y t h e IEEE I n s u l a t e d C o n d u c t o r s Committee of t h e Ql=n,I,2Rl&(l+Yc+Ys+Yp)+Wld,...
DC (I+Yc+Ys+Yp)+ W(N-l)d
IEEE Power E n g i n e e r i n g S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t
t h e IEEE/PES 1990 Summer M e e t i n g , M i n n e a p o l i s ,
M i n n e s o t a , J u l y 15-19, 1990. M a n u s c r i p t s u b m i t t e d
F e b r u a r y 1 , 1 9 9 0 ; made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g
May 1 8 , 1990.

0885-8977/91/0100-0015$01.~0 1990 IEEE

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The simultaneousequations in equation (2a) are solved by the finite-
temperatureT,to TW-,)as long as Free convection from a vemcal cable (round),
the matrix will be defined here as
"mutual thermal umductance" the reciprocalof the mutual thermal haij = 1.42 (ATifie)OB for laminar flow
resistanceofeachcableandthel&,terms aredefinedas"selfthermalumduc-
tance" of each cable. The matrix of the reciprocals of cable thermal resistances haij = 0.95 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 0 3for
3 3tu&dent
3 flow
is defined here as the "thermal conductance matrix" of the cable system.
'Ihe simultaneousequations of the conductor tempemturein equation
(2a)are in the form
Stefan -Boltzmann's law gives
qrij = oFij (T:4 -Tj*3 Aij
Radiative thermal resistance is
grij = l/hrij Aij
whereTl.T2 ...T~-l)areunknownnodaltempera~~.
(3) to equation(2a) term by term Heat transfer is assumed to occur f r a n a downstream node Ti to an upstream
node Tj.

where ail, an, ...m-i)(wi)axe the thermal conduaances of the cables in the The GaussSiedel iteration technique can be used to solve for conductor
system. temperaturesforanygivensetofloadingconditionsQ~,Qz,..QN-i.Riji~afunaion
Hence equation (3) can be written as of temperature when convection and radiation is present as when cables are
[AI 111 = [Bl (4.) seperatd by a fluid (air). To calculate initial thermal resistancesRij solving the
s h u l t a n e m s equations by iteration starts with a first estimate of temlxrature for
Hen- to solve for conductor temperature all nodes Tj. A f e a m of the iterative method is that temperature dependent
VI = [Al-'[Bl -
thermal resistances convectionand radiationmay be successivelyrecalculated
and updated for each iteration. The flow chart is shown in Fig. 2
Hence Thus for natursl convective resistance,

(ga)ijNew = &a) ij old (pa)

ij ol
(9 where (ga)ij will depend on the shape of the nodal surface.

LW-Y 1 .
l/RnU-l)l l/Rw-i)~. l/RRJ-lmJ-l)
Jl 1
-(QN-I+T&-.I),) For radiative thermal resistance,

(pr)ij New = (gr)ijOld ( (T?4-Tj'4)/(Ti-Tj))Old

( (l'?4-T;4/(Ti-Tj))~cw
Thermal resistance Rij depends on conduction, convection and
radiation. [7]
Fourier's Law gives
Conductive thermal resistance is therefore I
gcij = (Ti-Tj) = Xij thermal dun-cm.
qij Kij Aij

Newton's equation gives

qij = haij Aij (Ti-Tj)

convective thermal resistance is given by

I -
.- F.W



gaij = 1haijAij

For free convection fran a flat plate FIGURE 2

Free convection from Horizontal cable (round)
hccij = 1.32 (ATij/d)'.= la'<GrPr < l e
The load current flowing in the conductor, the leakage and induced
for Laminar flow c-t in the insulationjacket and shield respectivelyincrease the temperatureof
and hceij = 1.24 (ATij)o.3333 GrPr >lo9 the cable -this heat producedis dissipatedto the surroundingmedium. The tem-
for turbulent flow (9b)

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perature becomes constant when the heat generated is equal to the heat When cables are in direct contact with each other the chief mode of heat-
dissipated in unit time (Fig.3). The assumptions in the analysis are: transfer is by conduction in which two cases are possible -
(1) Direct Mutual thermal resistance - as when two adjoining cables are
1) The co-ordinates of each cable are known in the two dimensionalco- in direct contact such as in a cable-tray (Fig:4) or duct.
ordinate system. (2) Indirect Mutual thermal resistance - Mutual thermal resistance be-
tween two cables not in direct contact with each other but connected to each other
2) Steady statethermalconditions existfornormalloadconditions.Heat by a path of thermal flux. (Fig.5).
transfer within a conductor is radial.
1) Direct Mutual Thermal Resistance
3) Equal currentloading is assumedin each conductorof a multiconduc- Consider a group of cables in contact with each other in a packed cable-
torcable. Theanalysisin thispaperis basedonsingle-conductorcableormulti- mass, such as in a cable-tray. The chief mode of heat transfer is by conduction.
conductor cable equivalent to a single-conductorcable. The method can be Single conductorcables will be used for this analysis, but the thermal network can
extended to any conductor configuration, or multi-coordinate system or be extended to multiconductor cables. Consider two cables in contact with each
loading pattern by using the thermal network analysis developed in this paper. other along arc ab as in Fig:4 common to both cable surfaces. The length of the
arc of contact will valy in proponion to the angle of contactin radians. The tighter
4) Heat flow through a cable-mass occurs in the up and down direction. the two cables are pressed against each other the greater the area of contact.
The thermal resistance of an element of length ‘1’. crossectionalarea ‘a’
5) Two cables in direct contact with each other do so along a finte arc and thermal resistivity ‘k’ is
of contact due to being packed against each other such as in a cable tray or duct g =- kl thermal ohm-cm (15 )
-the arc is assumed to lie along the outside diameter (O.D.) of the cable. a
(See Appendix B for calculation of thermal resistances of cables)
6) For two cables in direct contact with each other the chief mode of heat Heat flux thru’ arc ab per unit length of cable 1
transfer is by conduction. = ( O i f l x ) of total heat flux. (16)

7) In determiningthe“indirect mutual thermal resistance”between two giz = (ki/eiz) In (Rihi) thermal ohm - cm (17)
cables remote from each other all possible paths of heat transfer between the
two nodes must be considered. When a cable is far remote from the reference gzi = (kz/Ozi) In (Rzlrz) thermal ohm - cm (18)
cablenodetheindirectmutualthermalconductancemaybesmallin magnitude
due to decoupling. Cable insulation boundaries will be considered concentric Direct Mutual Thermal Resistance
to each other in the direction of heat flow for adjoining cables in contact.

term 0.0041lBb/Rb is included to account

for the surface thermal resistivity of braid if used.
THERMAL 2) Indirect Mutual Thermal Resistance
When two cables are not in direct contact with each other then the ther-
mal resistance has toincludetheinterveningmedium betweenthem. Theinterven-
ing medium may consist of current or non-current carrying cables and/or air
spaces. Fig5 shows a typical configuration. The transversethermal resistivityof
the conductor is K cond. at operating conductor temperature. Since the flux can
THERMAL RESISTANCE travel from cable 1 to cable 3 via 4 or 2.



POWER CABLES Indirect Mutual Thermal Conductance

In equation (2a) the matrix ai3 = 1/g13 = (I/gi3-Z+l/gi34) themalmhocm (23)

1/Rl2 1/RUN-1) Hence indirect mutual thermal resistance between cables 1 & 3, Ri3 = gi3 (24)
[A] = 1/R22 .. I/RYN-l) thermal ohm - cm

For a remote cable in the cable mass the indirect mutual thermal resistance is
determined by considering the effective resistance of all heat transfer paths
is called the “thermal conductance matrix“ between the two cables.
The elements of the matrix, l f i and I K j , are determined for the
cable configurationin the two dimensionalco-ordinate system. The position
of each cable within this co-ordinatesystem must be known in order that mutual
thermal resistance can be calculated. Mutual thermal resistance between
flow is by conduction, and (2) convection and radiation, when cables are
separated from each other by an air-space or void.

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Wa = PRdc Ya watts per conductor an (M)
Wp = PRdc Yp watts per conductor an

This permits a ready determinationof the losses if the individual ac/dc ratios are
known and converselythe ac/dc ratio is readily obtained afterthe valws of Yc, Ys
and Yp are calculated. It follows from the definaticm of qs and qc that

qs = (Wc+Wa)/Wc = l+Ya/(l+Yc) 01.)

R =o '(Q +a 1 *=arc o f contact
12 m- 12 21 qc = (Wc+Wa+Wp)/Wc = 1+ (Ya+Yp)/(l+Yc) QW
The factor Yc is the sum of two components Ya due to "skin effect" and Yq due
Wc = pRds(l+Ya+Ycp) watts per cm

The "skin effect" may be determined from the skin effect function
or fran Fig:1[5].

Y a = F(xi)

xa = 1.584~104 fkadc

Rdc = d.c. resistanceof mnductorin ohmsper cm and K,dependsupon conductor

construction. For solid or conventionalconductors appropriate values of Ks are
shown in Table II [5].
For a detailed analysis of proximity effect. eddy current and dielearic
WTUAL T H E W RESISTANCE BETWEEN CABLES losses the reader is referred to [5] and other literature on this subject.
When the cables are seperated as in Fig- 6 CABLES IN CABLE SYSTEM
n ~ ( d h t i o n =) 0.333 & ( ( T ~ ~ - T ~ ~watts
) x ~per
O an
~ (2s)
Consider a system of cables as shown in Fig7 in contact with each other
n W(convection)d.0132 ( (Ti-Tj)/d)o.2s watts per cm (26)
so that air voids are negligible. The XY axes of the cable system is shown sothat
cable coordinates can be located. The thermal-resistance network is shown in
Fig:7. In a general case the cables may have equal or unequal outside diameters,
Here Rij = thermal resistance of intervening space in thermal ohms between arranged symmetricallyor skewed. Heat will flow in the up and down d k t i o n .
The f~te-differenceheat transfer equations for this mesh of cables are
cable i and j. [51
Rij = AT/nW (total) (23 given in equation (2a) for the steady state.
The set of linear equations can be solved by the Gauss Seidel iteration
technique [XI.
la The iteration will converge when the matrix is "diagonally dominant"
[SI. Equation 5 is the matrix equation for the solution of conductor temperature.
Ria includes all thermal resistance between the cable and the ambient.
Fora packed cable mass the convectionand radiationheat-transfercoefficients of
a horizontalflat plate can be used, vertical orhorizontal dependingon the position
of the cable [7]. (See Section rr).
FIGURE 6 When the cables in a duct or tray are separated from each other, the ther
1 " W L RESISTANCE NETIWIK FOR CABLES SEPARATED FROU FACH O T E R mal resistancenetwork is as shown in Fig:6. Since the cables are separatedby air,
the thermal resistanceand conductancesi.e. the elements of the A matrix are tem-
V CALCULATION OF LOSSES IN ROUND CONDUCTORS perature dependent, and have to be solved by iteration of equations that may be
(CIRCULAR CROSSECTION) - SKIN, PROXIMITY EFFECT, EDDY non-hear under some conditions. The A matrix is constructed as described
CURRENT AND DIELECTRICLOSSES. An expressionfor the losses in the earlier.
conductor, sheath and conduit or pipe in terms of the components of the ac/dc
ratio of the cable system may be expressed as follows [SI:

RLJRdC = l+Yc+Ya+Yp (2s)

RdR&= (l+Yc) for conductor (29.)

RdR&= (l+Yc+Ya) at sheath or shield (2%)

RLJRdc = (l+Yc+Ya+Yp) at pipe or conduit (294 -X

The comsponding losses physically generated in the conductor, sheath and

pipe or conduit are

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EIGENVALUESOF TRANSIENTTHERMAL CONDUCTANCEMA- Fig: 7 shows three single conductor 600 Volt EPR insulated cables in
TRIX OVERLOAD AND EMERGENCY RATING contact with each other such that the angle of contact is 30”. A test to determine
1) Transient Thermal Response steady state conductor temperatures was performed using NO 20 AWG iron -
constanton thermocouplesusing single phase 60 Hz A.C. Each cable was 5 M in
length in horizontal position. The details of each cable is as follows:-
1. Cable Size = 500 KCM Copper or Aluminium
2. Insulation =EPR
3. Cable inside dia = 2.07 cm (0.8154) -Copper
Cable outside dia = 2.768 cm (1.09“) - Coppel
Thermal Resistivity of EPR = 500°C-cm/watt
6. An e of contactbetween cables 8 = 30” a rox
STATE REPRESENTATION OF CABLE THERMAL SYSTEM 7. D.Fresistance of conductor: Copper = 0 . d f x 10-5ohms per cm at
90°C. Aluminium=0,141XlO-’ ohms per cm at 90” C
8. Load current per conductor = 350 amps
The thermalnetworkof the Cable system canbe represented by state equations 9. Ta =ambienttemp = 40°C
-See Appendix A (Fig:8) 10. N = 4. (N-1) = 3 =dimension of A matrix
X(t) = AX(t)+ B’u(t) (35)

y(t) = CX(t) + Du(t) (3a)

where A’ = transient thermal conductance matrix of cable system

X = state variable of transient conductor temperature rise AT in OC

ThesolutionofXfromequation35and36canbe determinedbyusing
Laplace Transforms of the linear time invariant system. [9]

(t)= &.’(sI-A)-’ (37W

where cp (t) = state vansition matrix of the system Cond. Q, = Q =Q, Q, Q Q, = Q,

temp. Copper Alumlnum Copper Alumlnlum
X(S)= (SI-A’)’X (0) + (SI-A’).’B’u(s) (37d In’C. C.1 Mu+ C.1 Mas. C.1 H u z CaL M u r

X(t) = e 0 - W X (to) + fe*.M B’u(t-z)dz Wd) T1 59.2 625 65.1 65.0 628 65 70.9 12
to T2 59.2 61.9 65.7 64.9 54.1 51 58.5 60.1
Where U(S) is the input which can be either a step or ramp input 191. T3 59.2 620 65.1 65.2 54.1 51 58.5 60.1
TheeigenvaluesofthematrixA’determinethetransientresponse of thesystem
and can be determined by the “power series” method 181. The response of the Cal = calculated Meas. Measured
system to a given input can be simulated using software such as The experimental results shows close agreement with calculated re-
“MATLAB” sults. Ampacities for the above cable configuration were calculated using
equation 38 for TI = T, = T, = 90°C for copper and aluminium conductor and are
2) Overload Rating - The conductortemperaturesduring an overload summenzed below with ampacities from NEC Table 310-16. [3]

of long duration such that the system attains steady state can be determined
from equation (5) for a given overload current. Table 310-16 [3] was corrected for Ta=4O0C

3) -
Emergency Rating The emergency ratings for cables in systems TABLE 2: CALCULATION OF AMPACITIES
during “emergency”conditions such as fault conditions can be determinedby AMPACmY
calculating conductor temperaturesfran equation (5). Equation 37d can be COPPER ALUMINUM
used to calculate temperature rise of a cable for a step change in power. The Hlranandanl NEC 310-16 Hiranandan1 NEC 310-16
advantageof using the system approachis the abilityto use simulationsoftware
knowing the transient thermal conductance matrix A’ of the system.


Equation (2a) can be rearranged and by equating terms on both sides This configurationof three cables in Fig:7 was selected for comparisonwith Table
of the resulting equation we get:- 310-16. This shows close agreement with standard ampacities.
r-. The ampacitiescalculatedin Table 2 are conservativewhen compared to
N- 1 the values in ICEA Pub. No. P-46-426[ 11 since the latter are calculated from the

~ ,/ a 1 @1/Rlj+1 R 1a) Tl..-S-(Ta/R la+W 1d)}

J=l . Rw-~)
equation by Neher-McGrath(eqn.40)using RCA-the thermal resistancebetween
conductor and surrounding ambient only. Ampacities calculated in Table 2 are
based on eqn.38 of this paper and consider the self and mutual resistances of the
cable system as well as with respect to the ambient. The angle of the contact of 30”
is conservative - one can typically have around @=lo” for cables with insulation
having higher compression resistance.
where a 1 = 1
. niRiDc(l+Y=+Ys+Yp)

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IX COMPARISON OF AMPACITY MODELS A complete heat transfer model using the two dimensional fmite differ-
A. Rosch (1938)-[6] encemethod has been developed in h i s paper which can be appliedto any general
The fimdamental formula for the current-canying capacity of a cable system. As was stated earlier underground systems have not been covered
single-conductorrubber-insulated braided cable in conduit due to the fact that the Neher-McGrath model has been found to be conservative
enough. HowevertheFDM model describedhere can be extendedto underground
systems as well as cables with non-circular cross sections and multi dimensional
coordinate systems using the same approach. A comparisonhas been made to am-
Where pacitiesin standardsandcodes 131suchas Table310-160f theNEC and ICEAPub.
To = max. safe operating temperature in "C No. P-46-426.However the advantage of the model can be seen since both
Ta = ambient temperature in "C conductortemperaturesand ampacitiesfor any general loading. cable temperature
Rcu = effective conductor resistance in ohms/foot. rating and raceway system can be calculated using equations 5 and 38, as
Rth = thermal resistance of path from conductorto ambient air in ther summarized in Table 1 and 2. (Figure 9.10,[11])
mal ohm/foot of cable (including braid) A system approach to cable loading also provides the advantage of 1)
n =number of conductors in cable calculationof transientresponse of conductortemperaturesdue to suddenchanges
in power. 2) Simulatim of the cable system using PC computer software such as
B. Neher - Mc Grath Method (1957) [51 MATLAB, which is useful in the designing of the electrical system.
The ampacity of an insulated power cable Themodel hasthe,advantageofbeingunifiedinitsapproach,andgeneral
to include all types of cable systems overcoming the shoncomings of Neher-
McGrath [q and Stolpe [41.
The method does require the knowledge of a *map'of the cross sections
of the cables in the system and their locations in a given co-ordinate system.
Where TC = conductor temperature in "C Theavailability of PC based softwareforthe solutionof twodimensional
TA = ambient temperature in 'C heat transfer models by the finite difference mahod (FDM) provides a great
DELTA TD = dielectric loss temperature rise in OC advantage for application of this model to real systems.
RDC = d.c. resistance of conductorin microhndfoot at temperatureTC
YC = component a.c. resistance resulting from skin and proximity
RCA = effective thermal resistance between conductor and surrounding
ambient in thermal ohms/foot

C. Stolpe [4]
For an insulated power cable in a packed cable tray, of uniform cros-
section with uniform heat generation, the ampacity is given by

Where D = outside diameter of cable in inches FIGURE 9 FIGURE IO

Q = Heat intensity wattslsq inches lHERUIL RESISlANCE NElWORK
n = no. of conductors per cable F0(1 CABLES I N ]RAY FOR CABLES I N ENCLOSED WC1
R = a.c. resistance of conductor at max, operating temperature of IKKUH #ALL PENEIWTION
insulating material in tray.
D. Save & Engmann [IO]
Ampacity based on uniform heat generation (equation 53) based on In = logc
Stolpe model. The temperature distribution in the centre of cable mass = Heat flowing into node i in watts
f = Power frequency in hertz
Ti. Tj = Average Conductor temperature in "c at node i, j
gij = component thermal resistance between nodes i and j in thermal
E. Hiranandani (1990)
The-finitedifference model developedin this paper results in matrix
Ohm -
Rij =Total thermal resistancebetween nodes i and jin thermal ohm-cm.
equations for conductor temperature and apacities. Ri = Thermal Resistance between node i and ambient in thermal
T=A'B Ohm-cm.
T. = Ambient temperature in OC
N =Totalnumber of temperaturenodes including ambienttemperature
8 = Angle of contact between two adjacent cables in radians
n =number of conductors per cable
I * I I ' I
I = Load current in amperes per conductor
RDC = d.c. resistance of conductor in ohms per cm.
Yc = Factorto account for skin &proximity effect in conductorat power
frequency [SI
Ys = Factor to account for eddy and Circulating currents in cable
sheath [51
where a1 = 1
niRiDc( I+Yd-Ya+Yp) YP = Factors to account for losses in pipe, conduit 151.
4 = Heat flux between nodes in watts.
k' = Thermal conductivitybetween two nodes assumed constant in
w/cm. "C

for a generalized cable system.

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A = Crossectional area perpendicular to the direction of heat flow
between nodes in cm2. APPENDIX
X = Length of heat flow path between two nodes in cm. A.TRANSIEh'T THERMAL RESPONSE OF CABLE SYSTEM
h = Heat transfer coefficient for node surface A in W/cmz"C Equation 35 & 36 represnts the state equations of a time invariant linear system
K = Fluid Conductivity W/cmnC shown in fig%,
P =Ratioof ambientairpressureat altitude to sealevel airpressure. Equation 2a may be rewritten in matrix notation as
C = Constant dependent on nodal surface shape and orientation
relative to fluid. Q = -(AT+Q.) (A-1)
Le = Characteristic length dependent on the surface shape and ori-
entation relative to fluid, cm. for incremental changes AQ and AT, per unit time
G = gravitational constant in cm/se? AQ = -(AAT+U) (A4
AQ = InmsATdt = Idx
= Fluid density in gms/cm3
= Fluid thermal expansion coefficient 1/"C
= Fluid dynamic viscosity gms/cms. sec
AT = (dnms)
AQ = -A(X/nms) + U
AT = Temperature difference in "C. AQ = A'X + U where A' = (l/nms)A (A-5)
Pr = Prandtl Number of air (fluid)
n' = Constant depending on nodal surface shape orientation.

d l/(nl1m1lsl1R11).. l / ( n l ( n - ~ ~ m l ~ ~ ~ ) s l ( n . ~ ) R ~ ( N - l ) )
= outside diameter of cable in cm
r = radius of conductor in cm
Gr = Grashof Number of air (fluid) l / ( n ( N - ~ ) ~ m r n . ~ ) l ~ - l )1/(W-l)(N-l)m(N-I)
Ti' ,Ti' = Absolute temperature in "K. s ~ - )Rw 1)rn-l)1
( ~ - 1 ) U(N-I
Kcond = Transverse thermal resistivity of conductor in thermal ohm
-cm/cm3 Where A' = transient thermal conductance matrix, the elements of which are the
k = Thermal resistivity of material in "C - cms/watt. reciprocals of the "transient thermal time constants'' of the cable system.
F = View factor [7]
Bb = Surface resistivity of braid of cable insulation in "C, anlwatt. B.THERMAL RESISTANCE OF CABLE
cl = Stefan Boltzmann constant. POWER CABLE (FIG.ll)
m = Mass of conductor material in gm per an..
S = Specific heat of conductor material in joules/gm."C. g= In, kdx/2m = @Dx)ln(R/r)thermal ohm-cm (8-1)
Rac = eff. a.c. resistance.of wnducton in ohms per cm.
E = thermal emissivity of cable surface 2 ) THERMAL RESISTANCE OF SINGLE-CONDUCTOR CABLE WIT11
1. Power cable ampacities, volums I, Copper & Aluminium conductors, g = ! g , + $ ) = ~ n ) l n ( r , / r ~ ~ , ~thermal
~ ) ~ - t&-cm
) (9-1)
IPCEA Publication No. P-46-426, second printing, 1978.
2. Ampacities in Open Top Cable Trays - IPCEA Publication No. P-54-440/ k, = hemal msistivity of sheath in =C-cm/wan
3. N.F.P.A. National Electric Code Handbook, 1990.
4. J. Stolpe "Ampacities for cables in randomly filled Trays" IEEE Transac-
tions on Power apparature and systems, vol, PAS-90, ~962-973,1971
5. J.H.Neher, M.H. McGrath "The calculation of the Temperature Rise and
Load capability of cable systems, October 1957, pp. 752-772.
6. S.J. Rosch " n e current carrying capacity of Rubber Insulated Conductors"
AIEE Transactions on Power apparatus and systems, vol, 57, March 1938.
7. J.P. Holman "Heat Transfer" Mc Graw-hill, Fourth Edition, 1976.
8. Curtis F.Gerald/ Patrick 0.Wheatley "Applied Numerical Analysis'' Ad-
dison Wesley Publising Co., 'Ihird Edition, June 1985
9. George M.Swisher "Linear System Analysis" Matrix Publishers, 1976.
10. G.Engmann "Ampacity of Cable in Covered Tray" IEEE Transactions on
Power apparatus and systems, Vol. PAS-103, No.2, February, 1984. AT AT
11. A.Hiranandani "Rating Power Cables in Wrapped Cable Tray" IEEE
Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol. 3, Numherl, Jan.1988

AJIT HIRANANDANI (M'81) received
his B, Tech. (Hms) degree in electrical en- 9c 9b 9cl ~ C Z
gineering from The Indian Institute of FIGURE 11 FIGURE 12
Technology,Bombay,India in 1965andthe
Master of Science degree (M.S.E.)frm the
University of Michigan in 1980in electrical
& computerenginering. Hehas been doing
his PH Ddegree in Systems Engineering on
a part time basis.
He is a Staff Engineer in electrical design
with the Detroit Edison Company. IIis
interests are in the area of power cable and
equipment rating and modelling. specifica-
tions & discrete control systems. He has published papers' and discussions for
IEEEPES and is a member of IEEE Insulated Conductors Committee
He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State ofMichigan and
is an active sportsman.

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Discussion R2. Radhakrishna, H., Lau, K. C., Crawford, A. M., “Coupled Heat
and Moisture Flow Through Soils”, Journal of Geotechnical
G . J. Anders, D. J. Horrocks, and J. Motlis (Ontari Hydro, Toronto, Engineering, Vol. 110, No. 12, December 1984, pp. 1766-1784.
Canada): Computation of power cable ampacities is a subject which has R3. E. Tarasiewicz, M. A. El-Kady, G. J. Anders “Generalized Coef-
received considerable attention in recent years. Finite difference and finite ficients of External Thermal Resistance for Ampacity Evaluation of
element methods have previously been applied to find temperature distri- Underground Multiple Cable Systems,” IEEE Transactions on
butions in buried power cables [Rl-R3 and many others] and perhaps by Power Delivery, Vol. PWRD-2, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 15-20.
oversight they have not been listed in the references in the paper. The
paper proposes a new application of the finite difference method in the Manuscript received August 3, 1990.
calculation of ampacities of cables in trays. The incomplete presentation in
the paper makes it difficult to understand and apply the method. A more
rigorous presentation would have avoided these problems. As a result of Ajit Hiranandani (The Detroit Edison Co., Detroit, Michigan): The
our reading of the paper, we have a number of comments and questions, author wishes to thank Messrs. Anders, Horrocks and M o t h of Ontario
including: Hydro for their detailed comments and interest in this paper. The compu-
tation of power cable ampacities has been the focus of research engineers
1. What is the meaning of variable B appearing in equation (8)? during recent times. However most of the work has been in the area of
2. It is not clear what are the values of the constants used in several underground cable systems, including those listed by the discussers. This
equations in the paper? For example, such critical constants as n’ paper which is complete, and was judged so when presented in Minneapo-
and Le appearing in equation (8) should be carefully explained lis has provided a completely different approach to cable rating, using
since these are not general physical constants. systems techniques for the calculation of conductor temperatures and
3. Why, in equation (9a) does the condition inequality depend only on ampacities of cable systems by considering mutual thermal coupling
the Prandtl number whereas in equation (9b) it depends on the between all cables instead of a single cable as considered in [5]. It is thus
product of the Prandtl and Grashof numbers? possible to calculate actual ampacities and conductor temperatures for any
4. Equations ( l l a ) and ( l l b ) should be reviewed. The Stefan-Boltz- cable system open or covered without having to use arbitrary derating
man law (equation l l a ) represents heat loss by radiation, so the factors.
left-hand-side should have the units of watts/unit length and not The two notable contributions to cable ampacity calculation in the past
convection coefficient. Equation (1 lb) does not represent radiative have been due to Stolpe [4]and Neher-McGrath [5]. The Stolpe model
energy but rather radiative thermal resistance. assumes the cable-massin the tray to be of packed rectangular crossection
5 . How is the ratio ( ( g ~ ~ ) , ) ~ , ~ / ( ( g ~in) equation
, , ) ” ~ ~ 12 obtained? with uniform heat distribution, so that the temperature distribution is
Should this ratio as well as the ratio in equation 13 be reversed? parabolic through the tray. This obviously is limited to power circuit trays
6. For cables located in air both radiation and convection will have to with uniform loading, and falls short for partially filled trays or when a
be considered. The author does not explain how the relevant heterogeneous mix of cables is used, since uniform heat generation no
thermal resistances are connected in the thermal circuit. From the longer applies (see DISCUSSION in [5]). The Neher-McGrath (NM)
presentation in the paper the reader may get the impression that model on the other hand calculates ampacities by considering that each
only one or the other should be considered for any particular path, cable in the system is equally loaded, so that a single cable can be used for
which is incorrect. the computation. The temperature rise calculation in NM is in error when
7. In ampacity computations utilizing the equivalent thermal circuit cables are close together in a system-hence a derating factor has to be used
method, the sheath, armour and pipe losses are expressed in terms as stated in [l]. It is most suited for underground systems where cable
of conductor losses through appropriate loss factors. The location loading is generally equal with adequate spacing between cables.
of the loss sources is, however, always placed in the proper This paper develops the finite difference model (FDM) and develops the
location in the cable thermal circuit to properly represent heat flux method of calculation of thermal resistances for cables in systems in
through relevant thermal resistances. To accomplish this in the contact with each other such as cable-trays and where cable separation
finite difference approach proposed by the author, the cable should exists such as in conduit, free air, ducts. Since underground ducts involve
be represented in more detail than just a single node. If the author the calculation of earth resistances it has not been discussed here due to
were to do so, a host of questions would immediately arise; for limited space.
example: Where would the additional nodes be located? How The author would like to propose extending IEEE paper length to 10
would one go about representing the thermal path which would pages instead of 7 pages as at present, to allow for more complete
traverse several cable components with different thermal resistivi- derivations and rigorous methods. There has been the need to explain
ties?, and so on. These are nontrivial questions and the method several new concepts in this paper (see KEYWORDS), hence assuming
cannot be accepted until they are answered rigorously. the reader has knowledge of heat transfer theory, which seems to have
8. Since the author represents a cable by a single node, a question created some confusion in the minds of the discussers.
arises as to which thermal conductivity is being used in equations With this background the comments of the discussers are answered
6a and 6b, since there is usually more than one material in a typical below:
cable construction?
9. To obtain proper temperature values in the thermal circuit, the 1. Variable B is actually 6 the coefficient of thermal expansion (see
reference (ambient) temperature node. should be clearly located. nomenclature). The fluid is air when the cable system is in air.
The cable surface temperature is not equal to the ambient tempera- 2. Section I1 of the paper reviews basic methods of calculation of
ture, thus the task of locating this node is of the utmost importance. thermal resistances using general methods of heat transfer theory.
We would appreciate author’s suggestions in this regard. Please disregard typographical errors if any. Refer to ref [7].
10. There are several problems with the nomenclature used by the Equation 8 is a general equation for calculation of convective heat
author. One of the more serious one pertains to the usage of the transfer coefficient of a heated flat plate. A simpler equation may be
same letter (K, k, k’) to denote thermal conductivity and thermal used such as in Table 7-2 ref [7] which are given below:
resistivity (see paragraph leading to equation 20). The use of K as
fluid conductivity (thermal?) (see symbols on page 7) then as
resistivity (page 3) is particularly confusing.
h,, = 1.32 -
( :)O 25
for upward facing plate-

11. Equations 21, 22 and 23 are incorrect. The term ?rr2Kcond has laminar flow(A)
different units from the remaining terms in these equations.
12. How the results obtained using the presented method compare with ’AT 333
those from established methods (e.g., references 4 and 5 in the h,, = 0.61 [?) for downward facing plate-
13. Have calculated results been confirmed by field measurements? laminar and turbulent flow (B)
These comments apply only to material covered by equations 1 to 23.
From here by comparison to eqn 8 n’ = 0.25 in eqn A depending
Time did not allow us for more extensive review.
on orientation of the plate. Le is the vertical or horizontal dimen-
References sion of the plate in cm.
R1. Flatabo, N., “Transient Heat Conduction Problem in Power Cables 3. The conditional inequality equation 9a and 9b is based on the
Solved by the Finite Element Method”, IEEE Transactions on product G,P, .
Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-92, 1973, pp. 161-168. 4. In equation l l a the left hand side of the equation = qr,, the heat

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flux in watts between the nodes i and j due to thermal radiation. 10. The following symbol usage applies:
Equation (1 Ib) represents radiative thermal resistance. kcond. = transverse thermal resistivity of conductor material
This is a method for updating after each iteration. Node tempera- k, k , = thermal resistivity of referenced material.
tures can be solved using equation 5 . See ref [8]. By fluid we are referring to thermal conductivity of a given medium
g,, refers to component thermal resistance whereas R,, refers to in equation 6a.
total thermal resistance between nodes i and j . Equations 25 and 26 Please note Q , = CI:R,
are equations for radiative and convective heat transfer respectively 11. Equations 20, 21, 22 are correct by the definition of “transverse
from the cable (see Fig. 6). Hence conduction, convection and thermal resistivity” of the conductor material as defined in this
radiation are considered depending on whether the cables are in paper. The diagram below shows a view of the cylindrical conduc-
contact (Fig. 4) or separated from each other (Fig. 6). R is given tor with heat flowing through it in the transverse direction. In order
by equation (27). Where nW (total) = nW (radiation) + ‘AW (con- to simplify we can assume that a rectangular block encloses the
vection), W is component that is generated per conductor in conductor with side “d” equal to the diameter of the conductor.
Watts/cm. Hence we can define the transverse thermal resistivity with refer-
The model here has used the single conductor insulated cable as a ence to heat flux normal to the surface of the rectangular block.
basis including multiconductor cables considered equivalent to a ( n r ’ x 1) x Kcond.
single conductor cable, for the purpose of developing the appropri- (cm’ x cm) x thermal ohm - cm/cm’ = thermal ohm - cm
ate equations for ampacity and conductor temperatures. The same
method an be extended to each conductor of multiconductor cables cylindrical
by increasing the number of nodes. The location of the node for a
single conductor cable is it’s geometric center. When the sheath, Transverse direction of heat
flow through conductor.
armor and pipe losses are considered generated by currents flowing
through them then the location of respective loss sources for each
will be located at the center of it’s thickness, with the nodes of each
cable component located along a radial line from the center of the d
cable. The calculation of thermal resistance for the different layers
of the cable is shown in APPENDIX B-2. With the knowledge of
nodes and thermal resistances and heat losses at each node the
thermal mesh can be solved using eqn. 5 and 38 of this paper.
A Imv cnclo& conductor
Refer to [7] for more information. When the sheath is open-cir-
cuited the thermal resistance is given in equation B-2. Fig. 2 , Transverse thermal resistivity of cylindrical conductor with transverse
heat flow.

Equivalent length of block equal in volume to cylinder of unit

Location length of diameter “d”

using equation (15)

K,x 1 l = d
Kcond = a
U ~

A A=dX-
Fig. 1 . Location of nodes in layers of insulated cable
K, = Thermal resistivity of circular conductor material in
Ccm /Watts
An example of the calculation of thermal resistance in Fig. 1 is K x d 4K,
as follows (see Appendix-B). Kcond = = thermal ohm - cm/

dxn/4 a
Transverse thermal resistivity in thermal ohm - cm/cm3
4Kc 1
H ‘dxdxa/4
k, +
(r t , ) k, (r + t, + t2/2)
R,, = - In

( r + t , /2)
+ 27r In

(r + t,) (D)
- (3
and so on to obtain the elements of the A matrix in equation (14)
k , , k,, . . . are thermal resistivities of insulation and sheath (or Hence

[ $1
r is the radius of the conductor
Hr2 Kcond = Kcond
t i and t, are the thicknesses of insulation, sheath,. . . in SI units
R,, = thermal resistance of each node with respect to ambient
temperature T,.
The effective thermal resistance between the cable surface and
ambient nodes is the parallel combination of convection and radia-
n r 2 Kcond = (f
1 = 1.2732KCthermal ohm - cm

tion, the calculation of which is given by equation 25 through 27. in equations 20, 21, and 22
Equation 6a and 6b are as stated earlier. general equations. For 12. The results from the FDM model are compared to ampacities and
insulated power cables thermal resistance is calculated for circular conductor temperatures from [ 3 ] . Due to space limitations it was
crossections, and is a function of the thermal resistivities of the not possible to compare this to references [4] and [5] in full. I
insulation and armor or sheaths. The thermal resistances for typical expect to do this in a future paper.
power cables are derived in Appendix-B and equation C and D 13. The results of experimental values compared to calculated values is
above. shown in the sample calculation. Further field measurements will
The ambient temperature node should be determined at a point entail measurements over a period of time.
located remote from the cable such that it is not influenced by the References R I , R2 ad R3 basically apply to underground systems
heat generated by the cable. and hence do not have the same scope as this paper.

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In summary, the calculation of cable ampacities and conductor tempera- mined by calculation of the transient time constants of the cable system
tures is very useful at the design stage especially when it can be applied to from equation A-6.
any system. The calculation starts by developing a diagram as shown in I plan to present more detailed ampacity calculations in future papers,
Fig. 2 by identifying the nodes and defining heat transfer mechanisms since space is limited here. The purpose in this paper was to develop the
between them, to calculate the thermal resistances and elements of the A methodology.
matrix. Then conductor temperatures are calculated using equations 5 and
ampacities from equation 38. Transient conductor temperatures are deter- Manuscript received October 1, 1990.

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