MMW Is It Easier To Quit

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Is It Easier To Quit?

This has been a title in limbo for a while now but not from choice. Perhaps I am more
inclined to answer yes rather than start it. So here goes, I will start with a view to a
finish: or to just see how far this will go before it gets too “Hard”.
We, each of us, have the capacity to become immobilized by fear. Fear of all sort of
things that reflect badly upon our reputation.
The truth is that often God asks us to step out believing that He knows what He is on
about. The follow on truth is that more often than not we spend more energy
convincing ourselves that it makes sense for us to do this thing God has set on our
There is only one thing harder than staring at a piece that has gone so far and then
come to an abrupt halt, and that is to stare at a blank sheet even with just a title. For
all of us this is what God asks us to accept. Maybe not a blank piece of paper but He
calls us to trust Him, and go on with Him in the reality of His will.
So what has starting got to do with my title? Well if I tell you that in the weeks
preceding my 122 blogs that have been done mostly daily I spent weeks in debate
with myself, probably God just waited, about the blog. I was fine with the blog name
but doubted whether I had the ability to write something new each day. The
secondary issue was if I did start what would happen if I ran out of ideas in a very
short period of time.
This argument was more about my reputation than God’s reputation. If God didn’t
give me the titles or, more often the inspiration, for the blog then it could have wound
up with me making a fool of myself. At least that was my argument in the beginning:
but He did.
I had to start and simply trust that He knew what was in my future. So often this is the
case we make a start on something trusting that He will get us through those times
when the going gets tough.
This is where the question of whether it is easier to quit becomes real. Often in those
tough times we get the suggestion that we are inadequate, or that no-one cares, and
even that we are just fooling ourselves. When those things happen it often does seem
easier to quit.
Look at the alternatives after all. If we stop doing what we are doing, who will be
The most immediate effect will be on those you are trying to achieve something with.
They will feel that the project may not have been vindicated. They may not, they may
simply decide that it was a good thing and worth continuing anyway.
You may decide that you were wrong in making the start and pull the plug but long
term you would find that there have been a number of assorted consequences in your
life. Often these will be more negative than positive and I do not plan to start listing
them. Suffice to say that they are particular to the individual.
If you are wondering about how definite I can be about the consequences, the reason
is that in an earlier time I did stop and learnt that way.
Free will gives us the option of quitting. Can I suggest that if you come to the point of
throwing in the towel that you be very certain that this is the right decision? If you
reach that point remember who called you to that job and rely upon Him for wisdom.

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