CBP Intel Bulletin

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UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE MEU UOT Meee emcnae (oy Nee cl Nel ee a 16 April 2021 (U) Reporting Notice: This product was prepared by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Intelligence and the United States Border Patrol. (U//LES) Increasing Large Groups Apprehensions along the Southwest Border (U//LES) Large group apprehensions, defined by CBP as at least 100 illegal aliens (1A), continue to rise along the Southwest border (SBO) with the majority occurring in the Laredo (LRT) and Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sectors. A trend assessed to be largely attributable to perceptions of U.S. immigration policy changes, economic opportunities, elevated violence and reduced COVID-19 travel restrictions. Apprehending large groups, many of which comprise primarily unaccompanied alien children and family units and some of which, with more than 400 migrants, are taxing capacities and posing safety concerns to USBP personnel, placing, additional strain on USBP station and sector operations. Frontline personnel are focused on humanitarian efforts, drawing resources away from frontline enforcement, and effectively placing border security at risk. — (U//LES) Fiscal year to date, USBP has encountered 61 large groups totaling 7,587 IAs. ‘The make of the groups is primary other than Mexicans (OTM) accounting for 87 percent of the apprehensions. OTMs primarily originate from Northern Triangle countries, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Family Unit Aliens (FMUA) account for 56 percent of the apprehend IAs and unaccompanied alien children (UAC) account for 18 percent. — (U//LES) April 2021 to date, USBP has encountered 11 large groups, eight in Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV), two in Tucson Sector (TCA), and one in Del Rio Sector (DRT), totaling 1,377 IAs. Of which OTMss account for 99 percent of the apprehended IAs. FMUAS account for 65 percent of apprehensions and UAC account for 24 percent. — (U//LES) Laredo Sector (LRT) large groups are typically encountered in tractor trailer smuggling cases and stash houses and are mostly comprised of single adults. In contrast, ‘the remaining sectors mostly encounter large groups in between ports of entry, often in remote areas. {U) Woring: The information contained herein romain under the contol ofthe Departmen of Homeland Security (OHS), through US. ‘Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Italsseminated fr authorized low enforcement purposes oly. {U) This document contains information thot s UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ULES. f contains Information tht moy be ‘exempt fam public release under the Freedom of formation Ac (SUC. § 332). tito be controlled, stored, handled transite, ‘lseibuted and dsposed of tn accovdance with DHS poly relating to FOUO information ands nto be released to the publi, the media, oF ‘other personnel who do net have valid need o-know without prior approval of n cuthorzed CBP ofl UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CBP Office of Intelligence (U//LES) CBP NIW notes the use of IAs as a diversion for transnational criminal organizations (TCO) operations is a known tactic on the SBO. It is possible the continued large group encounters are a reemerging trend and could indicate increased TCO coordination/approval for 1A movements and other smuggling operations through heavily controlled TCOs areas of operation, to include smuggling routes.*7* FYTD LARGE GROUP ENCOUNTERS (100+) tua Cane ate At 6 31 Ss (UILES) FYTD Large Group Encounters Bordersst (U) Feedback: For general comments or questions related to the dissemination of this document, please e-mail the CBP National Intelligence Watch inbox at: WatchCBPintel@cbp.dhs.gov or call 202-325-9100. * [CRP | INB-SIA-21-2274046 | 14 April 2021 | (U//FOUO} TCOs: Criminal Actors use Migrant Groups to Dstract Law Enforcement | (U//FOUO) | (U//FOUO]] 2 {cap | FIR-MCS.21-2273125 | 31 March 2021 | (U//LES) legal Alien Groups Used to Distract Law Enforcement | (U//LES) | (ufitesy, 3 {{CBP | FIR-DRT-21-2272477 | 29 March 2021 | (UV/LES) Large IA group apprehensions in CAR creating diversion for narcotic smugglers | (U//LES) | (U//LES)L UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Page 2 of2

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