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eniors Please Check my Outline

1- Introduction
2- Energy production and Consumption portfolio sector wise
2.1- Electricity Sector
2.2- Natural Gas and Gasoline
2.3- Agricultural Sector

3- Contribution in Energy production Sources wise

3.1- Non-Renewable energy sources
3.2- Renewable energy resources

4- Causes of Energy Crises

4.1- Governmental fix purchase agreements with IPP's
4.2- Inefficient Transmission mechanisms
4.3- Huge communication Chasms between producers and consumers
4.4- Increasing dependence on Imported fuel
4.5- Fluctuation in International Oil markets
4.6- Hijacking of local market by Oil mafias
4.7- Centuries old Cultivation and harvesting practices
4.8- Dearth of Governmental Institution for proper check and balances

5- Road towards future

5.1- Revise agreements done with IPP's
5.2- Allocate fix number of energy units per month on the basis of
previous consumption record
5.3- Restructuring of national energy commission
5.4- Use locally available fossil fuels
5.5- Encourage Industries to produce their own Power
5.6- Shift towards more clean Energy production technologies
5.7- Invest in power innovation and research
5.8- Introducing Robust bureaucratic management mechanisms for
effective check and balance
5.9- Appointing more specialist professionals on competitive seats

6- Conclusion

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