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11th International Conference

on Greek Linguistics
(Rhodes, 26-29 September 2013)

Selected Papers / Πρακτικά

Edited by
G. Kotzoglou, K. Nikolou, E. Karantzola,
K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou,
V. Kourti-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou, E. Vlachou

Selected Papers of the
11th International Conference
on Greek Linguistics

11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics
Rhodes, 26-29 September 2013

Organizing committee
K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou, E. Karantzola, G. Kotzoglou,
K. Nikolou, V. Kourti-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou, E. Vlachou

Secretariat support
M. Fesopoulos, A. Antonakis, F. Bilali, I. Danaki, K. Daraviga, A. Drobaniku,
P. Eldachan-Apergi, M. Iliopoulou, D. Kallas, A. Kallianos, M.R. Kapetanaki,
K. Kefalopoulou, S. Kotzampougiouki, V. Kyprioti, M.-M. Makri, Ch. Pagoni,
N. Polia, M. Stella, K. Tsafa, M. Fotopoulou

Τext editing
M. Fesopoulos


ISBN 978-960-87197-9-8

© Rhodes 2014
Εργαστήριο Γλωσσολογίας ΝΑ Μεσογείου
Τμήμα Μεσογειακών Σπουδών, Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου

Laboratory of Linguistics of the SE Mediterranean

Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean

11th International Conference

on Greek Linguistics
Selected Papers / Πρακτικά

Edited by
G. Kotzoglou, K. Nikolou, E. Karantzola,
K. Frantzi, I. Galantomos, M. Georgalidou,
V. Kourti-Kazoullis, Ch. Papadopoulou, E. Vlachou

Laboratory of Linguistics
of THE SOUTHEASTERN Mediterranean
Table of Contents

Preface .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Plenary Papers ............................................................................................................................................................................................. [5-61]

Brian D. Joseph
Language and sustainability in the Greek context ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Μαριάνθη Μακρή-Τσιλιπάκου
Πρακτικές κοινωνι(ογλωσσι)κής κατηγοριοποίησης: Κατηγορίες μέλους ....................................................................................... 19
Angela Ralli
Morphological variation in Modern Greek and its dialects ................................................................................................................ 46

PAPErs from the main session and the workshops ....................................................................................................... [65-1868]
Ζωή Αλεξοπούλου, Σοφία Μαντζανίδου & Ουρανία Μήλιου
Μελετώντας Γλώσσα και Περιβάλλον: Μία πρόταση διδακτικής εφαρμογής
στη Μελέτη Περιβάλλοντος της Δ΄Δημοτικού .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Μανώλης Αμβροσιάδης & Κατερίνα Φραντζή
Φύλο και χρήση επιθέτων στον κοινοβουλευτικό λόγο ............................................................................................................................ 80
Άννα Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη
Νέο Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών για τη Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα στην υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση ........................................................... 93
Άννα Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη, Ελευθερία Ζάγκα & Μαρίνα Ματθαιουδάκη
Συνδυαστικές προσεγγίσεις στη γλωσσική διδασκαλία: Η περίπτωση του CLIL ......................................................................... 102
Μαρία Αντωνίου
Μεταφράζοντας τίτλους άρθρων εφημερίδων: Η περίπτωση της Monde Diplomatique ....................................................... 114
Βενετία Αποστολίδου, Νικολίνα Κουντουρά & Ελένη Χοντολίδου
Το νέο Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών για το μάθημα της Λογοτεχνίας στην υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση .............................................. 125
Αργύρης Αρχάκης
Φωνές αντίστασης σε μαθητικά κείμενα μεταναστών ............................................................................................................................ 138
Φρειδερίκος Βαλετόπουλος & Ελένη Μότσιου
Φόβος και έκπληξη: Ορισμός και περιγραφή ............................................................................................................................................ 151
Maria Barouni
Disambiguating concessive at least .............................................................................................................................................................. 166
Ευαγγελία Βλάχου, Χρυσούλα Παπαδοπούλου, Σταματία Στελλά & Μάριος Φεσόπουλος
Η έννοια της ποσοδεικτικότητας διαγλωσσικά: Συγκριτική μελέτη ελληνικών-εβραϊκών ...................................................... 179
Μαριάνθη Γεωργαλίδου & Βεράνα Κυπριώτη
Αφήγηση και ταυτότητα: Η περίπτωση των δίγλωσσων στα ελληνικά
και τουρκικά μουσουλμάνων της Ρόδου ...................................................................................................................................................... 196
Μιχάλης Γεωργιαφέντης
Ποικιλία στη σειρά των προτασιακών όρων στις αναιτιατικές και
ανεργαστικές δομές της ελληνικής .................................................................................................................................................................. 210
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
Polydefinites in Modern Greek: The missing LINK . . ............................................................................................................................. 218
Valentina Christodoulou
The construction of membership identities in a Greek-Cypriot student society:
Forms of participation and language choices ......................................................................................................................................... 237

[ v ]
Katerina Christopoulou & George J. Xydopoulos
Η μεταφορά και η μετωνυμία στο περιθωριακό λεξιλόγιο της ΝΕ .................................................................................................... 248
Μαρία Γιάγκου, Βίκυ Κάντζου & Σπυριδούλα Σταμούλη
Ο γραπτός αφηγηματικός λόγος των αλλόφωνων μαθητών: Μελέτη των γλωσσικών
χαρακτηριστικών που διακρίνουν επίπεδα γλωσσομάθειας ................................................................................................................. 261
Έφη Γκαρέλη, Έφη Καπούλα, Στέλα Νεστοράτου, Ευαγγελία Πρίτση,
Νίκος Ρουμπής & Γεωργία Συκαρά
Η διδασκαλία της νέας ελληνικής σε τμήματα φοιτητών Erasmus:
Προβληματισμοί και διδακτικές προτάσεις ................................................................................................................................................. 277
Μαριάννα Γκιουλέκα
Δηλώνοντας μορφολογικά την οριστικότητα: Δεδομένα από την ποντιακή
και την καππαδοκική ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 294
Διονύσης Γούτσος & Γιώργος Πολυμενέας
Η ταυτότητα ως συνάρτηση του τόπου στον λόγο του κινήματος των πλατειών .......................................................................... 306
Διονύσης Γούτσος & Γεωργία Φραγκάκη
Πρόσφατη γλωσσική αλλαγή στα ελληνικά: Σχεδιασμός του διαχρονικού σώματος
ελληνικών κειμένων του 20ού αιώνα ............................................................................................................................................................ 318
Δήμητρα Δελλή
Η πολυσημία του ρήματος (επι)νέμω και των παραγώγων του στις διαλέκτους
της αρχαίας ελληνικής: Το παράδειγμα της αρχαίας Μεσσήνης ......................................................................................................... 330
Μαρία Δημάση & Παρασκευή Σαχινίδου
Η συγκειμενική διακειμενικότητα της κατανόησης και παραγωγής λόγου στα πλαίσια
του γλωσσικού μαθήματος: Δείκτης γλωσσικής αξιολόγησης και κειμενοποίηση
της ταυτότητας του υποκειμένου ...................................................................................................................................................................... 347
Ειρήνη Δημητροπούλου
«Παλαβολέξης» στη Χορτιάτη: Οι νεολογισμοί και οι λειτουργίες τους ......................................................................................... 361
Angeliki Efthymiou, Georgia Fragaki & Angelos Markos
Aspects of productivity of the Modern Greek prefix iper-: A corpus-based study .................................................................... 373
Alexis Evangeliou
The morphosyntactic structure of the Greek past/passive participle ............................................................................................. 384
Ελευθερία Ζάγκα, Μαρία Μητσιάκη & Μαρία Τζεβελέκου
Η διδασκαλία της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας (Γ2) στο νέο Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών
για τη Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα .............................................................................................................................................................................. 403
Μαρία Ζέρβα
Πώς η κουβέντα γίνεται εθνική αφήγηση .................................................................................................................................................... 416
Valantis Fyndanis, Michaela Nerantzini, Irini Choudala & Eva Maria Tsapakis
Production of functional categories in agrammatic aphasia and task-related
processing demands: The role of ±distant cues ....................................................................................................................................... 428
Alejandro García-Aragón
Knowledge acquisition by means of etymological reasoning: The Environment
seen through the Modern Greek lens ........................................................................................................................................................... 439
Alejandro García Aragón & Miguel Sánchez Ibáñez
The lexical paradox of Boomerang terms: Terminological dependency of Modern
Greek in the environmental domain ............................................................................................................................................................. 451
Zoe Gavriilidou
Intensifying prefixes in Greek .......................................................................................................................................................................... 468
Zoe Gavriilidou, Kostandinos Petrogiannis, Achilles Bardos,
Penelope Kambakis-Vougiouklis, Lydia Mitits & Nursen Molla
Translation and cultural adaptation of the SILL into Western Thracian Turkish
for measuring strategy use in Muslim students learning Greek as a second language ......................................................... 479

[ vi ]
Chiara Gianollo & Nikolaos Lavidas
Greek cognate datives: From modification to focus .............................................................................................................................. 488
Voula Giouli & Aggeliki Fotopoulou
Developing language resources for sentiment analysis in Greek .................................................................................................... 501
Δήμητρα Θεοφανοπούλου-Κοντού
Προτασιακές συγκριτικές δομές της νέας ελληνικής: Οι δείκτες απ’ όσο(ς), απ’ ό,τι ............................................................... 512
Ευαγγελία Θωμαδάκη
Πληθυντικός και περιληπτικά ..................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 524
Ευαγγελία Θωμαδάκη & Χριστίνα Μάρκου
Εκφράζοντας έκπληξη: Γλωσσικά μέσα στην ελληνική και στη βουλγαρική γλώσσα ................................................................ 537
Παρασκευή Θώμου
Αφαιρετικά σχήματα (patterns) σε ένα λεξικό πολυλεκτικών λεξικών μονάδων
(multi-word units) της ΝΕ ................................................................................................................................................................................. 549
Παρασκευή Θώμου & Aσπασία Χατζηδάκη
Διδασκαλία πολυλεκτικών λεξικών μονάδων (multi-word units) της νέας ελληνικής
ως δεύτερης γλώσσας σε ηλεκτρονικό περιβάλλον μάθησης ............................................................................................................... 560
Evia Kainada
F0 alignment and scaling as markers of prosodic constituency ...................................................................................................... 580
Evia Kainada & Mary Baltazani
The vocalic system of the dialect of Ipiros ................................................................................................................................................. 591
Konstantinos Kakarikos
Gender agreement and nominal inflection in Ancient Greek ............................................................................................................. 603
Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli
“Translating” Modern Greek to a computational language ............................................................................................................. 616
Μαρία Καμηλάκη
Γλωσσικές αναπαραστάσεις γυναικών και έμφυλα στερεότυπα στον σύγχρονο
ελληνικό κινηματογράφο: H περίπτωση της κωμωδίας ......................................................................................................................... 632
Πηνελόπη Καμπάκη-Βουγιουκλή & Άγγελος Μάρκος
Aυτοαξιολόγηση της γνώσης διαλέκτων/ιδιωμάτων από φοιτητές της φιλολογίας
με τη χρήση της ράβδου ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 645
Αφροδίτη Καποθανάση
Η διδασκαλία του φαινομένου της ομοηχίας στην υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση:
Η περίπτωση των εγχειριδίων Γραμματικής του Γυμνασίου ............................................................................................................... 658
Ioanna Kappa
Epenthetic consonants in the Western Cretan dialect ........................................................................................................................... 674
Ελένη Καραντζόλα & Μαρία Χαλβατζιδάκη
Πρώιμη κρητική σε αφηγηματικά και νοταριακά κείμενα (16ος αι.) ............................................................................................... 689
Βασιλική Καρκαντζού & Σταματία Κουτσουλέλου
Μάνα δεν είναι μόνο μία: Η ανίχνευση της ταυτότητας της «μάνας» μέσα
από χρήση συμπλεγμάτων σε σώματα θεατρικού λόγου ........................................................................................................................ 703
Kalliopi Katsika & Shanley Allen
Processing subject and object relative clauses in a flexible word order language:
Evidence from Greek ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 715
Γεωργία Κατσούδα & Μαρία Βραχιονίδου
Η μητρωνυμία στα νεοελληνικά ιδιώματα και διαλέκτους ................................................................................................................... 727
Σύλα Κλειδή & Αγγελική Τσόκογλου
Υπό έλεγχο ή εκτός ελέγχου; ............................................................................................................................................................................. 738

[ vii ]
Μαρία Κολιοπούλου, Θεόδωρος Μαρκόπουλος & Νικόλαος Παντελίδης
Πόντος, Καππαδοκία, Αϊβαλί: Προκλήσεις ενός ψηφιακού σώματος γραπτού υλικού ............................................................. 750
Βασιλεία Κούρτη-Καζούλλη, Γιάννης Σπαντιδάκης & Άσπα Χατζηδάκη
Η εκμάθηση της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης/ξένης γλώσσας μέσα από το πρόγραμμα κοινοτήτων
μάθησης του διαδικτυακού μαθησιακού περιβάλλοντος για τη διασπορά ...................................................................................... 760
Δημήτρης Κουτσογιάννης, Βασιλική Αδάμπα, Σταυρούλα Αντωνοπούλου,
Μαρία Παυλίδου & Ιωάννα Χατζηκυριάκου
Όψεις της διαλογικότητας στις διδακτικές πρακτικές διδάσκοντος την ελληνική γλώσσα ...................................................... 775
Σταματία Κουτσουλέλου
Φύλο και γλωσσικές επιλογές: Μια προσέγγιση μέσα από σώματα θεατρικού λόγου ............................................................... 788
Μαρία Κουφάκη
Οι υπαρκτικές δομές στα νέα ελληνικά .. ....................................................................................................................................................... 800
Σπύρος Κρουσταλάκης
Από τη θεωρία στην πράξη: Διδάσκοντας γλώσσα με αφορμή την ιστορική γνώση
στην Α’ Γυμνασίου ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 820
Μαγδαληνή Κ. Κωνσταντινίδου
Στοιχεία για το ιδίωμα της επαρχίας Άργους (Δυτική Αργολίδα) ...................................................................................................... 830
Μαρία Κωνσταντίνου & Fabienne Baider
Εννοιολογικές μεταφορές και αρνητικά συναισθήματα στον εξτρεμιστικό λόγο της Χρυσής Αυγής .................................... 843
Chryssoula Lascaratou
From metaphor to empathy: Conceptual vs. experiential understanding of pain ................................................................... 855
Angelos Lengeris & Katerina Nicolaidis
Greek consonant confusions by native listeners in quiet and noise .............................................................................................. 866
Angelos Lengeris, Ioanna Kappa, Nitsa Paracheraki & Kostandinos Sipitanos
On the phonetics of retroflexion in the (western) Cretan Dialect ................................................................................................... 874
Nikos Liosis
Language varieties of the Peloponnese: Contact in diachrony ....................................................................................................... 884
Nikos Liosis & Eirini Kriki
Towards a typology of relative clauses in late Medieval Greek ...................................................................................................... 895
Ευγενία Γ. Μαγουλά
Φωνολογία και εκπαιδευτική γλωσσολογία ............................................................................................................................................... 909
Βασιλική Μακρή, Μάριος Ανδρέου & Νίκος Κουτσούκος
Ενσωμάτωση δάνειων λέξεων: Απόδοση γένους στα ουσιαστικά της κατωιταλικής ................................................................ 920
Angeliki Malikouti-Drachman & Gaberell Drachman
On the status of the foot in Greek phonology .......................................................................................................................................... 933
Ευάγγελος Μαλμέν
Το γνωστικό αντικείμενο της Λογοτεχνίας ως έρεισμα για τη διδασκαλία γλώσσας:
Διδακτική εφαρμογή ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 941
Ειρήνη Μανιού, Μαριάννα Κονδύλη & Λίζα Παΐζη
Γραμματικά σύνδρομα της ονοματοποίησης στην ελληνική ................................................................................................................ 953
Έλενα Μάντζαρη & Μαβίνα Πανταζάρα
Γενικά και ειδικά ηλεκτρονικά λεξικά της νέας ελληνικής .................................................................................................................. 968
Stella Markantonatou, Antonis Anastasopoulos & Yanis Maistros
Using object noun and clitic frequencies in the study of transitivity and
verb polysemy in Modern Greek ................................................................................................................................................................... 987
Χριστίνα Μάρκου
Φρασεολογικές μονάδες δηλωτικές χρώματος στην ελληνική, τη ρωσική
και τη βουλγαρική ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 998

[ viii ]
Maria Martzoukou
Prosodic cues in sentence comprehension: Evidence from subject/object
ambiguities in Greek ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1013
Κατερίνα Μαρωνίτη & Αναστασία Στάμου
Κοινωνιογλωσσικές αναπαραστάσεις του φύλου σε κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας για παιδιά:
Η περίπτωση των κινουμένων σχεδίων ................................................................................................................................................... 1027
Maria Mastropavlou
The status of grammatical gender in the lexicon: Exploring the role of suffixes in online
gender processing and lexical access in Greek ................................................................................................................................... 1040
Nikos Mathioudakis
The fuzzy areas of guessing or inferencing the idiosyncractic vocabulary
of Kazantzakis’ Odys(s)ey ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1054
Nikos Mathioudakis & Athanasios Karasimos
Dialectic and idiomatic aspects in Odys(s)ey by Nikos Kazantzakis ........................................................................................ 1070
Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou
Dialect fieldwork evidence of the Ionian Sea islands and the notion of word
identification in Modern Greek ................................................................................................................................................................... 1089
Dionysios Mertyris
Deflexion in Northern Greek: The loss of the genitive ..................................................................................................................... 1100
Milena Milenova
The acquisition of new and similar sounds: Εvidence from bulgarian learners of Modern Greek ............................... 1113
Lydia Mitits
Language learning strategy use in Greek as a second versus English as a foreign language ....................................... 1122
Ricardo Moreno-Briseño
Is Greek viewpoint aspect translatable into English and Spanish? ............................................................................................ 1135
Ιφιγένεια Μουλίνου
Δραστικότητα και ευθύνη στο δίκαιο των ανηλίκων ........................................................................................................................... 1144
Israel Muñoz Gallarte
The Greek-Spanish dictionary of the New Testament (DGENT): Contextual factors
and some practical examples ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1152
Thanassis Nakas & Georgia Katsouda
Lexical blending: A new typology ............................................................................................................................................................. 1165
Στέλα Νεστοράτου
Γλωσσικός σεξισμός στη διδασκαλία των ονομάτων της ελληνικής
ως δεύτερης ή ξένης γλώσσας ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1177
Katerina Nicolaidis & Mary Baltazani
An investigation of acoustic and articulatory variability during rhotic
production in Greek ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1192
Καλομοίρα Νικολού, Μαρία Ξεφτέρη, Παναγιώτα Γκουτζηγιάννη
& Μαρία Παπουτσάκη
Η σύνθεση στα κυκλαδικά ιδιώματα: Μια πρώτη προσέγγιση ........................................................................................................ 1208
Νικόλαος Ντάγκας
Φωνολογική περιγραφή του ιδιώματος των Βεντζίων Γρεβενών .................................................................................................. 1226
Θεόδωρος Ξιoύφης
H κωδικοποίηση της συναισθηματικής αιτιότητας μέσω των προθέσεων
της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1239
Μαριάνθη Οικονομάκου & Μανόλης Σοφός
Γλωσσικά «λάθη», γλωσσική ιδεολογία και διδασκαλία της γλώσσας:
Μια έρευνα πεδίου ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1250

[ ix ]
Ευγενία Δ. Παγκουρέλια & Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου
Πτυχές της τροπικότητας στον επιχειρηματολογικό λόγο: Πόσο συνειδητά επιχειρηματολογούν
οι μαθητές στα γραπτά τους; ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1263
Ιωάννης Παπαγιαννόπουλος & Μαριάννα Κονδύλη
Συμπύκνωση και σύνδεση της εμπειρίας:  Γλωσσική ανάλυση των σχολικών κειμενικών
ειδών της Ιστορίας και της Βιολογίας στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση ........................................................................................ 1275
Ασπασία Παπαδήμα & Ευάγγελος Κουρδής
Yποτιτλίζοντας κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας σε κυπριακή διάλεκτο ............................................................................................ 1289
Δέσποινα Παπαδοπούλου, Αλέξανδρος Τάντος, Maja Pejčić & Σωτήρης Τάντος
Η προτεραιότητα του φορέα εμπειρίας: Θεματικοί ρόλοι και σειρά όρων στα ελληνικά ..................................................... 1301
Lena Papadopoulou
“My deepest condolences”: Greek pragmatemes [in a funeral] ................................................................................................. 1315
Lena Papadopoulou & Elina Chadjipapa
The semantic class <material> of Greek adjectives: Lexicographical treatment and
applications on machine translation (GR-ES) and learning Greek ............................................................................................. 1325
Αικατερίνη Πάππου-Ζουραβλιόβα
Ουρανικοποίηση/ουράνωση στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους της πρώην Σοβιετικής Ένωσης,
σε σύγκριση με τα ελληνικά ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1333
Αικατερίνη Πάππου-Ζουραβλιόβα & Κλειώ Μάρκου
Συγκριτική μελέτη του συστήματος τονισμού της ρωσικής και ελληνικής
(στο πλαίσιο της διδασκαλίας της ρωσικής σε ελληνόφωνους) ...................................................................................................... 1347
Anna Piata
Emotion and time conceptualization in poetic discourse ................................................................................................................ 1361
Περικλής Πολίτης & Ευάγγελος Κουρδής
Η χρήση γεωγραφικών διαλέκτων σε τηλεοπτικές διαφημίσεις: Μια πρόταση
για τη διδακτική τους αξιοποίηση ............................................................................................................................................................... 1377
Maria Pontiki, Zoe Angelou & Haris Papageorgiou
Sentiment analysis: Building bilingual lexical resources ............................................................................................................... 1390
Apostolos Poulios
Transporting age identities across situations: The case of the elderly ..................................................................................... 1401
Προκόπης Προκοπίδης, Αλεξάνδρα Μπέλλος, Χάρης Παπαγεωργίου
& Γιώργος Μαρκόπουλος
Δεδομένα και πειράματα για την αυτόματη συντακτική ανάλυση ελληνικών κειμένων ........................................................ 1412
Αθηνά Προύντζου & Γιώργος Ι. Ξυδόπουλος
Μια πρώτη περιγραφή του διαλεκτικού λεξιλογίου περιοχών της ορεινής
και πεδινής Ηλείας ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1424
Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey, Areti-Maria Sougari, Eleni Agathopoulou
& Thomaï Alexiou
The role of age, gender and L1 strategies in the L2 strategies of primary
school children in Greece ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1436
Βαρβάρα Πυρομάλη
Παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη χρήση γαλλικών δάνειων λέξεων στη νέα
ελληνική γλώσσα: Μια έρευνα στις ψευδόφιλες μονάδες ................................................................................................................. 1449
Anka Rađenović & Ivana Milojević
Multiple choice tests: Guessing or knowing? ...................................................................................................................................... 1462

[ x ]
Ανθή Ρεβυθιάδου, Βασιλεία Κούρτη-Καζούλλη, Αμαλία Ρόντου-Γκόρου,
Τάνια Ζουράβλεβα, Ιωάννης Σπαντιδάκης, Μαίρη Σουκαλοπούλου,
Κωνσταντίνος Κωνσταντουδάκης, Χρήστος Ζάρρας, Αλέξης Νικολαΐδης
& Νέστορας Πελεσόγλου
Τα 7 κλειδιά του δράκου: Ένα ηλεκτρονικό μαθησιακό περιβάλλον για την αλβανική
και τη ρωσική ως γλώσσες κληρονομιάς ................................................................................................................................................. 1471
Antonio Puigdollers Revuelta
(In)equality comparison in Modern Greek .......... .................................................................................................................................. 1483
Dámaris González Romero
The influence of the contextual factor in the New Testament adjectives .................................................................................. 1495
Θεοδώρα Σαλτίδου, Αναστασία Γ. Στάμου & Τριαντάφυλλος Η. Κωτόπουλος
Η «γλώσσα των νέων» ως υφολογικός πόρος όλων των ηλικιών στον τηλεοπτικό λόγο:
Το παράδειγμα των ελληνικών σειρών ................... .................................................................................................................................. 1504
Ειρήνη Σανουδάκη
Επίσημα συμφωνικά συμπλέγματα στην ελληνική παιδική γλώσσα:
Δεδομένα μιας δοκιμασίας επανάληψης ψευδολέξεων ...................................................................................................................... 1520
Matthew J.C. Scarborough
On the phonology and orthography of the Thessalian mid-long vowels .................................................................................. 1535
Δήμητρα Σερακιώτη
Σκιαγράφηση προσώπου μέσα από θεατρικό κείμενο βάσει των γλωσσικών επιλογών ...................................................... 1549
Μαρία Σηφιανού & Αγγελική Τζάννε
Σύντομες επαγγελματικές συνδιαλλαγές ................................................................................................................................................... 1561
Ελπίδα Σκλήκα
Εξέταση των λημμάτων αποτέλεσμα, συνέπεια, επίπτωση, επίδραση σε ηλεκτρονικά
σώματα κειμένων ............................................................ .................................................................................................................................. 1574
Ελένη Σκούρτου, Πολυξένη Λάμπρου & Μάνος Δεληγιαννάκης
Ημερολόγια και κείμενα ταυτότητας παιδιών Ρομά στην Ελλάδα: Ζητήματα ταυτότητας,
γραμματισμού και γλωσσικής ποικιλομορφίας ...................................................................................................................................... 1587
Eleni Staraki
Imperatives and deontic modality ............................................................................................................................................................. 1593
Pepi Stavropoulou, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos & Georgios Kouroupetroglou
Where Greek text to speech fails: Requirements for speech synthesis in spoken dialogue systems ............................. 1604
Vojkan Stojičić, Predrag Mutavdžić & Πολύδωρος Γκοράνης
Περί ελληνικών φρασεολογισμών και των αντίστοιχών τους σερβικών ..................................................................................... 1621
Γεωργία Στύλου
Η σύνθεση σε δίγλωσσους μαθητές στη Γερμανία ............................................................................................................................... 1632
George Tambouratzis, Marina Vassiliou & Sokratis Sofianopoulos
PRESEMT: A hybrid machine translation system based on large monolingual corpora ................................................... 1642
Alexandros Tantos, Despina Papadopoulou & Andreas Charatzidis
Discourse and grammatical effects on pronoun resolution in Greek ......................................................................................... 1655
Anne Temme & Elisabeth Verhoeven
Clitic-left dislocation vs. scrambling: Comparing the linearization properties of German
and Greek experiencer verbs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1668
Δημήτριος Τζιμώκας
Ηλεκτρονικό σώμα κειμένων (ΗΣΚ) εκμάθησης της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας:
Προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις .................................................................................................................................................................... 1679
Larisa V. Topka
Certainty and uncertainty in terms of prototypical situation ........................................................................................................ 1695

[ xi ]
Radoslava Trnavac & Maite Taboada
Discourse relations and affective content in the expression of opinion in texts .................................................................... 1705
Βάσια Τσάμη, Αργύρης Αρχάκης, Σοφία Λαμπροπούλου & Βίλλυ Τσάκωνα
H αναπαράσταση της γλωσσικής ποικιλότητας σε τηλεοπτικά κείμενα μαζικής κουλτούρας ............................................. 1716
Ianthi M. Tsimpli, Maria Andreou, Eleni Agathopoulou & Elvira Masoura
Narrative production, bilingualism and working memory capacity: Α study
of Greek-German bilingual children ........................................................................................................................................................ 1730
Marina Tzakosta & Aristea Kalantzi
How loose are loose compounds? Evidence from experimental data ....................................................................................... 1743
Marina Tzakosta & Efrosini Stavroulaki
Variable phonological patterns in morphologically complex and morphologically
simple Greek pseudowords: Εvidence from (a)typically developing children ....................................................................... 1759
Katerina Tzortzi & Stella Markantonatou
The ‘medical event’ in a conceptually organized lexicon ............................................................................................................... 1774
Άννα Φτερνιάτη
Δεξιότητες γραμματισμού μαθητών του δημοτικού σχολείου και ισχύον διδακτικό υλικό .................................................. 1786
Michael Vereno
The bagpipe in antiquity – A Greek instrument? ................................................................................................................................ 1803
Christos Vlachos
Remarks on (Modern Greek) gapping ..................................................................................................................................................... 1813
Ουρανία Χατζηδάκη & Ιωάννα Κ. Λεκέα
Η ρητορική στρατηγική της αυτοαπαλλαγής από την ευθύνη για τον θάνατο
του Αθ. Αξαρλιάν στις προκηρύξεις της «επαναστατικής οργάνωσης 17 Νοέμβρη» .............................................................. 1827
Ιωάννα Χατζηκυριάκου
Εφαρμόζοντας κριτική ανάλυση λόγου στην τάξη: Το γλωσσικό μάθημα .................................................................................. 1839
Αναστασία Χριστοφίδου, Αθανάσιος Καρασίμος & Βασιλική Αφεντουλίδου
Έλεγχος, παρακολούθηση και ταξινόμηση νεολογισμών με το ηλεκτρονικό πρόγραμμα
ΝεοΔημία: Η προσέγγιση των νέων δανείων ......................................................................................................................................... 1850

[ xii ]
Nikos Mathioudakis1 & Athanasios Karasimos2
Democritus University of Thrace & Kazantzakis Publications
Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms, Academy of Athens,

The present study deals with the dialectal and idiomatic peculiarities of Kazantzakis’s
literary language, which is revealed as an original production, as well as identifying the
linguistic elements which characterize the Odys(s)ey, and generally marked the
unknown and neological words that compose the epic. Many words, such as
“αθαλώνω”, “γελοχαχαρίζω”, “λοξοτηρώ”, “μαχαιροφράζω”, “πρεπίζω”, “ριζοσκελώ-
νω”, “σουρίζω” constitute a particular challenge to the discovery of their positions on
the dialectal and idiomatic map of Koine Greek. Also, is examined how author’s lexical
choices define his own peculiar poetic grammar which reveals the ways in which the
uniqueness of literary identity affects the process of conception and formation of poetic
meaning, and are predominantly highlight important information for morphological
processes of composition and production.

Keywords: Poetic grammars neologisms, undictionaried words, dialects, idioms,

morphological processes, Odys(s)ey, Kazantzakis

1. Introduction

Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey1 constitutes a contemporary epic creation, which is

basically the sequel of Homer’s Odyssey. This poem reveals the writer’s agony and all
his efforts to create an epos equivalent to Homer’s work. After thirteen years of hard
work, Kazantzakis, having endorsed his idea seven times, published his monumental
work, which has 24 rhapsodies and 33333 verses.
Kazantzakis's Odys(s)ey is written in Demotic with significant deviations from the
prevailing language of that time, while it is the first Greek book which was published
in the monotonic system (Chatzopoulou 2007:81).
The basis on which was built the language of the Odys(s)ey is the Cretan dialect,
despite the emergence of data from the entire Greek territory, but the fact remains that
he does not reject the claim of the author to the perpetual effort to create a common
Greek language code, a Pan-hellenic language (Giakoumaki 1982, 2007, 2010).
Kazantzakis was revealed as a wordhunter (in Greek: λεξιθήρας), an amateur
linguist (in Greek: λαϊκός γλωσσολόγος), who is constantly seeking the vernacular press
as more intensely expressive. In addition, the words in Kazantzakian Odys(s)ey is a true
revelation of undictionaried words that obsess every reader at poetic, mental, emotional

The title of the poem is written Odys(s)ey, in proportion to the original title of Kazantzakis’s epic
ΟΔΥΣΕΙΑ issued in majuscule script with an “Σ” in the first edition (1938). Researchers adopt
proportionally similar script and in English, by one as mark of respect author’s will and the other as a
distinct point to avoid confusion with the title of the famous epic of Homer's Οδύσσεια (in English:
Odyssey), which is written with two “σ”. In this study we use a later version of the poem (1967), such as
that released by Kazantzakis Publications until today.

In G. Kotzoglou et al. (eds), 2014, Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics,
15-25. Rhodes: University of the Aegean.
s e l e c t e d pa p e r s / π ρα κτ ι κ α

and mental level and are capable enough to challenge their imagination and logic.
(Mathioudakis 2012c).

2. Neologisms and literature

Bally (1951) categorized the neologisms into literature neologisms and scientific/
technical neologisms. Bally’s theory is more on the way toward codification and typical
grammar than the neologisms of literature authors and poets, but the style affectif may
be expected to lead toward linguistic innovation of a more daring character. And very
often what was once a daring innovation has become in the course of time codified, or
grammaticized (Spitzer 2000:70)
On the other hand, Guiraud (as a comment in Riffaterre 1973:328) characterizes
neologisms as functionalist, poetic/literary and hapax (legomena). By learning the
history of words we can see how words relate to its original ideas and institutions
(Guiraud, 1979:17).
Guilbert (1973) distinguishes four types of neologisms in French which correspond
to the four possible sources of new words in any language. First type are semantic
neologisms, or the assignment of novel meanings to existing lexical items; second type
is borrowing. This ‘excludes’ phonological and morpho-syntactic neologisms.
According to him the former is relatively unimportant, and will be outlined only briefly:
our main topic here is the creation of morpho-syntactic neologisms by analogical
extension of productive rules of the derivational morphology, including compounding.
We are not concerned here with the inflectional morphology, since neologisms are new
lexemes, or independent words with their own dictionary entries; inflectional processes
typically create only new word-forms of existing lexemes.
Guilbert (1975) notes that all neologism except the semantic type involves
phonology, since each introduces new lexical items, or new combinations of phonemes,
into the language. However, borrowing and morpho-syntactic neologisms are affected
by the phonology only insofar as new words must conform to the phonotactic rules of
the language concerned.
Riffaterre (1973) supports that they are neologisms created for literature texts and
for main language or during spontaneous speech. He separates these formations into
literature neologisms and linguistic neologisms and underlines that their differences are
important and in deep structure. Another characteristic that is specific to poetic
language is the poetic neologism. In everyday language, neologisms, or lexical
inventions, are essentially used to designate new realities that have not yet received
names. However, the literary neologism is an anomaly, and this aspect of verbal
creation is precisely what authors are after. The anomaly is, in fact, an
ungrammaticality, the function of literary neologisms being to “condense the dominant
characteristics of the text” (Riffaterre 1983:74). This function implies that the word is
created specifically for the text; but from this standpoint, the primary advantage of
neologisms is that they can generally be used to condense the ungrammaticality into a
single term. This unusual condensation attracts the reader's attention, since poetic
neologisms do not refer to reality, as do words in their everyday usage, but rather to
their own structure, as well as the structure of the text from which they are derived.
There are two kinds of neological derivation:
(a) Implicit derivation: this kind of neologism distorts or condenses terms that are
outside the text, but present in the mind of the reader. (The term from outside the text

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1 1 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n G r e e k Li n g u i s t ic s

might originate from a cliché or a descriptive system familiar to the reader, for
(b) Explicit derivation: this kind of neologism is created from terms already present
in the text. Explicit derivation can function in two different ways: The neologism can
be derived synonymously from a group of words that overdetermines a specific seme.
The neologism can be created by opposition with another term with which it maintains
a dialectic relationship (for example, in Victor Hugo: “les extorqués faisant cortège aux
extorqueurs” [“the extortionees dancing attendance on the extortioners”].
Anastasiadi-Simeonidi (1986) provides an extensive description and presentation of
Greek neologisms; she suggests several groups and categorizations excluding from her
research any neologism created in the literature ‘sphere’.
In the contrary, Christofidou (1990, 2001) analyses the majority of Greek
neologisms and separated them into poetic neologisms and general/ specific.
Neologisms created during the process of poetic formations are considered as new
representations that have a direct correlation with the context. Additionally, she defines
as context neologisms, the non-categorized morphological formations, which are
formatted ad hoc, based on the needs and the constraints of context and co-text or
communication circumstances; she notes that the relation between the context
neologisms and the context is bidirectional.

3. Dialectology meets Literature

3.1 Poetic Dialectology

Dialects have been accounted for sporadically and rather unsystematically, since
modern linguistic theories are mainly oriented towards the standard form of languages.
As a result, a considerable number of literature texts in spoken dialects of various
languages has been left out of consideration and analysis, and thus overlooked in
dialectological studies. Literature texts have always played an important role in
language change; however, certain features do not reflect natural change, but rather
more or less arbitrary changes created by authors’ imagination, which are imposed by
In this paper, we argue that a closer look at dialectal literature is profitable from
several points of view. First, research from literature text of spoken dialects is crucial
from the dialectological point of view: it shows that dialectal literature can enhance
dialectological approaches, since literature data offer a rich corpus of synchronic and
diachronic dialectal ground. Secondly, literature texts help to provide a clearer picture
of dialectal use, idiomatic phrases and morphological changes.
Unfortunately, very few linguists have studied Poetic (and Literature) Dialectology,
since poetic/ artistic license was usually the excuse to denote the distortion of fact,
alteration of the conventions of grammar or language or dialect, or rewording of pre-
existing text made by an artist to improve a piece of art; therefore author’s data are not
reliable for concrete linguistic analysis.
Charalambakis (2001) argues that a national language or norm is formatted by Poetry
and Literature, where many dialectal types can be found. Nonetheless, he emphasizes
the difficulty to locate true dialectal types in literature novels and poems due to the
existence of many dialectal neologisms, pseudodialectisms (in Greek: ψευδοδιαλεκτι-
σμοί) and parlances. Based on the criterion of dialectal use he separates Modern Greek
Literature and authors into the following categories:

[ 1072 ]
s e l e c t e d pa p e r s / π ρα κτ ι κ α

o No use of dialectal data.

o Occasional and selected use of dialectal data from more than one dialects
(e.g. Solomos, Palamas, Gryparis, Mavilis, Sikelianos, etc.).
o Limited use of dialectal words and attempt to linguistically simplify dialectal
terms and phenomena (e.g. Papadiamantis, Kondylakis, etc.).
o Dialectal data (vocabulary, phonological and morphological phenomena) are
a major part of the text (e.g. Theotokis, Krystallis, Kazantzakis2, Prevelakis,
o Overuse and surfeit of dialectisms and dialectal data (e.g. Psycharis and
mainly Pallis).
o Literature texts and poems written in a dialect.

Nakas (2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2004) and Katsouda & Nakas (2013) argue in favour of
poetic expressions as special “language type”, which are described and analysed in all
their levels. Their purpose is to reveal the strong bond between the literary fabric of the
text and its language. They support that poets and authors recruit any necessary mean
to refresh, evolve and change their language; usually these means include the
techniques of metaphor and simile and, also, specific lexical items, such as dialectal
words, idioms, neologisms, literary words and jargon.

3.2 Dialectical Kazantzakis

For our paper we use as our testing field, an oeuvre full of dialectal data such as
Odys(s)ey by Kazantzakis. Philippaki-Warburton (1978) states that Odys(s)ey is the
most linguistic rich work of Modern Greek literature. Mathioudakis (2012c) underlines
that the tradition of Homer’s Odyssey continues in Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey, where
Kazantzakis –with the joy of a simple lexicographer– collected vernacular and dialectal
words and tried to put them with metric, rhythmic, poetic and meticulous attention in
the proper rhyme and verse.
The first and main research by Giakoumaki (1982) presents an analytic and
polymorphic linguistic map of this epic poem. She categorizes its words into three
categories: (a.) the idiolects, (b.) the Cretan dialectal items and (c.) the dialectal and
idiomatic items from various Modern Greek dialects and areas, such as Mani, Naxos,
Rhodes, Cyprus, Epirus, Chios and the wider region of Pontus, Thessaly, Macedonia).
She strongly supports that the language of Odys(s)ey is the Cretan dialect; we disagree
with this opinion as we believe that the data of Odys(s)ey are mainly based on Koine
Greek and the dialectal words are spread throughout the work. Additionally,
Giakoumaki (1982) bases her analysis on compounding, since mostly one of the two /
three components are borrowed from Modern Greek Dialects (mainly from Cretan
dialect). In this way Kazantzakis enriches his linguistic data with fuzzy and opaque
lexical items that are characterized basically as “Cretan hybrid words” and “Cretan-like
Detorakis (2002) supports that Kazantzakis sought out continuously Cretan dialectal
material along with other Cretan cultural and idiosyncratic information. He argues that
the vocabulary of Odys(s)ey includes a huge set of Cretan dialectal and idiomatic words,
which are not well-known among most of the speakers, since Kazantzakis himself

More information about the grammar of poetry (poetic grammar), especially in the style of Kazantzakis,
see in Mathioudakis (2012a, 2012b, 2012c). Also the style of Kazantzakis studied highly linguistically
in Mathioudakis (2009) and Mathioudakis & Kambakis-Vougiouklis (2011).

[ 1073 ]
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seems to misuse some of them. These words have usually a very specific, special and
‘colorful’ meaning and they are undictionaried words. The Cretan dialectal layer of the
language of Odys(s)ey is based on words of everyday life, vivid characters, Cretan
tradition and customs; furthermore, Kazantzakis uses words from Cretan folk songs,
mantinades3 and proverbs.
We suggest that Odys(s)ey was written in Koine, which is supported by lots of
dialectal words (main from Cretan dialect), idiomatisms and neologisms. The author
categorizes the words into notepads and takes under consideration all the important
lexica of his era, such as the Historical Lexicon of Modern Greek by Academy of
Athens (Mathioudakis & Papadopoulou 2012).

Image 1: Page sample of his

notepad of words (Letter A)
that were derived from
Historical Lexicon

4. Research

4.1. Rational and Purpose

(a) A dominant word formation (compounding)
(b) Balancing word formation among the basic POS
(c) Specific patterns and constraints of word formation
(d) Build a case against the theoretical opinion that Odys(s)ey was written in Cretan

Mantinada (μαντινάδα) is the art of musical declamation (recitative) in form of a narrative or dialogue,
sung in the rhythm of accompanying music. It is prominent in several parts of Greece, especially on the
island of Crete where mantinades are performed in accompaniment of the Cretan lyra and Cretan laouto
(a stringed instrument resembling lute).

[ 1074 ]
s e l e c t e d pa p e r s / π ρα κτ ι κ α

4.2 Typology of Neologism

The basic principles for the creation of this typology are main two; they are perfectly
touching in our research interests while simultaneously describe our theoretical
considerations regarding the categorization processes neological words:

Criterion I
The distinction of neological poetic words into categories becomes in accordance with
the different ways to create words, referring to the processes of the language to create
new lexical formations; the specific identification of categories into three groups, such
as productivity, borrowing and onomatopoeia (ονοματοποιία), consistent with basic
lexikogenetic strategies (λεξικογενετικές στρατηγικές).

Criterion II
The overall assessment about the treatment and the perception of words or lexical units.
Consistent with the Guiraud (1967), who points out that the language does not consist
of words but of word classes, each of which is composed of the group of words with
similar characteristics, the classification of cases (or types) of undictionaried poetic
words of Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey was based on morphological and
lexikogenetic criteria. This was intended to yield a possible more user-friendly, yet
scientific typology of poetic neological words or potential poetic neologisms, that
applies perfectly in this poem, but having the ability and flexibility to cover other
literary creations.
Specifically, the Typology of Neologisms –which classified into three categories
Productivity, Compounding and Onomatopoeia– shows as below figure:

Figure 1: Typology for poetic neological undictionaried words

of Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey

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1 1 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n G r e e k Li n g u i s t ic s

4.3. Corpus Undictionaried Words (CUWo)

4.3.1 Micro- and Macro- Structure

The Corpus Undictionaried Words (CUWo) [in Greek: Σώμα Αθησαύριστων Λέξεων
(ΣΑΛ)] of Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey is one of the basic tools of research approach
of this poetic epic.
The Macrostructure, or else the general structure of CUWo contains 5415 lemmas,
which are classified in strict alphabetical order. The total number of entries consists of
four main categories4: (a) verb forms (b) noun types, (c) adverbs and (d) adjectives.
The Microstructure or else the structure of each lemma of the CUWo contains a detailed
description of the lexical information of each lemma, which are divided into six main
parts: (a) lemma, (b) form of the word, (c) part of speech, (d) rhapsody, (e) verse and
(f) context.

Figure 2: Conventional imaging of the microstructure of the CUWo

4.3.2 Description and Selection criteria

The selection of lemmas for the creation of the final and definitive form of the CUWo
of Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey was five (5) consecutive phases:

 First phase: Reading & Collection (Ανάγνωση & Συλλογή)

Reading Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey, during which they were recording every word,
which at first glance seemed unknown in form and meaning or departed from KNE or
create difficulty in the interpretation of process-understanding of the meaning of a
passage of the epic poem.

 Second phase: Listing (Καταγραφή)

Recording all types of words that were collected during the reading with the following
organizational structure: word type-rhapsody-verse and where necessary, the context.
Each type of word was noted only once per rhapsody, making it possible to have same
types of words in different rhapsodies but not in the same.

 Third phase: Lexical Check (Λεξικογραφικός έλεγχος)

Checking the list of word types, word by word, in four dictionaries of Modern Greek:
in Λεξικόν της Νέας Ελληνικής Γλώσσης by Proias (1933), in Μέγα λεξικόν όλης της
Ελληνικής Γλώσσης by Dimitrakos (1964), in Λεξικό της κοινής νεοελληνικής by
Institute of Modern Greek Studies (1998-2002), and in Λεξικό της Νέας Ελληνικής
Γλώσσας by Babiniotis (2005). The selection of dictionaries was made available to
cover the synchronic and diachronic lexical check; so selected two dictionaries

The determination of the lexical types for those parts of speech was made according to their function
within the literary environment in which they are located.

[ 1076 ]
s e l e c t e d pa p e r s / π ρα κτ ι κ α

contemporaneous of the author’s period, which could have access, and two dictionaries
of the modern period.

 Fourth phase: Specified (Καθορισμός)

Determining the semifinal list of lemmas, according primary rules and conventions
elimination of certain word types, which is not possible poetic neologisms, despite the
fact that they are not encoded in any of the main dictionaries, and finally became a
selection of examples with the basic information of each lemma (see for more
information, Mathioudakis 2012c:Appendix II). At this point, it is worth noting that the
CUWo includes only morphological potential poetic neologisms, which are
undictionaried words in the basic dictionaries of KNE.

 Fifth phase: Definitive Selection (Οριστική επιλογή)

Selecting the final list of lemmas and completing microstructural informations of
CUWo of Nikos Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey. Each lemma is entered only once in the list
as the most representative example in the epic poem.

Table 1: Examples microstructure of the list of entries of the CUWo

5 Data

5.1 Data Presentation

On the basis of Odys(s)ey’s dictionary, Mathioudakis (2012c) created CUWo that

contains 5415 undictionaried words. These words are divided into three major
categories: (a.) compounding, (b.) derivation and (c.) inflection based on Ralli’s (2005)
morphological theory. The most productive word formation process is by far

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compounding5. This tendency is expected as pointed out by Ralli (2007, 2009);

compounding is a word-formation process which is very productive in Modern Greek
and definitely in Modern Greek Dialects. There are compounds of all types and
categories, the most peculiar of which are those of the nominal type. It is impressive
the percentage balance of [NComp vs VComp vs AdjComp] and [NDrv vs VDrv vs AdjDrv]

Table 2: Word processes in the CUWo

Whole Adj Adv N V

Compounding 4221 1068 51 1754 1348
Derivation 1110 310 73 352 375
Inflection 72 16 0 42 16

Figure 3: Statistical pie chart of Word processes (CUWo)



Figure 4: Statistical bar chart of Word processes (CUWo)

N Inflection

Adv Derivation


According to the Neologisms Database ΝΕΟΔΗΜΙΑ of the Center of Scientific Terms and Neologisms
of the Academy of Athens (Christofidou et al., in process), most of the neologisms of Modern Greek are

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s e l e c t e d pa p e r s / π ρα κτ ι κ α

5.1.1 Derivational Prefixes

The prefixes are class suffixes placed before a subject / root / word and never change
the grammatical category of the base. They are bound morphemes. Following up Ralli
(2002a, 2004) and Karasimos (2011), we integrate Ancient Greek prepositions in the
category of prefixes and thus their word formations are part of derivation, although they
were free morphemes in earlier period of the language. As it is shown in the following
chart, the most productive prefixes is by far ξε-6, and in a close range ανα- and συ(ν)-.
Most of these three prefixe formations are verbs and past participles. On the other hand,
it is impressive that the very productive prefix μετα- does not participate in any
neologism formation7.
(N.B. We decide not to present the data of derivational suffixes8 in this paper, but only
the suffixes changes, see 5.2.1)

Figure 5: Numerical analysis of Prefixes (COWo)

5.1.2 Compounds

As it was presented in previous part of this chapter, compounds9 are the majority of the
neologisms in Odys(s)ey. Most of them are nominal compounds with an impressive
number of verbal compounds. Definitely the latter include the more complex cases that
are analyzed in the next session.
At this point, it is very interesting to screen some systematic first constituents of all the
neologistic compounds. Most of the these constituents belong to a large semantic
domain of nature that can be found as opposites or pair, such as νυχτ(ο)-/ φεγγαρ(ο)-/

Further studies about prefixes ξε- and από-, see Efthymiou (2001a, 2002)· see also Ralli (2002b, 2003).
About the other prefixes in chart 5 there are enough studies· referring to the following: for προ- see
Efthymiou (2001b)· for κατα- and παρα- see Efthymiou (2003)· for παρα- see also Ralli (2002b, 2003)·
for αντί- see Efthymiou (2014).
Regarding the relationship between prefixes and suffixes see Efthymiou (2014/forth.)
About composition, see also Anastasiadi-Symeonidi (1996).

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φωτ(ο)-, δροσ(ο)-/ χιον(ο)-, νεκρ(ο)-/ χαρ(ο)-, βαρ[υ:ι]-/ χοντρ(ο)-/ γοργ(ο)- etc. This
decision was definitely not made intentionally by Kazantzakis. As Andriotis (1959)
suggests some of these compounds belong to the temporal compounds (χρονικά
σύνθετα) which explain when ‘someone does something’. These compounds were
popular in Ancient Greek, but he underlines that they are not common in Modern Greek
and are characterized as idiosyncratic. Additionally, some stems or candidate prefixoids
(ακρο-, γοργο-, κρουφο-, see Dimela 2010) are a common ground among the Greek
dialects and, hence, the author chose them very often to create new compounds10.

Figure 6: Spider-web of most popular first components of Compounds (CUWo)

5.1.3 Dialectic Words

Giakoumaki (1982) and Detorakis (2005) support that Odys(s)ey is written in Cretan
dialect; as aforementioned, we disagree with this opinion. However, our data show that
Cretan dialect plays a dominant role at Odys(s)ey, and therefore lots of Cretan dialectal
words (1) or Cretan-like dialectal words/ Cretan-origin neologisms (2) can be found in
this text. Additionally, he uses lots of dialectal words (3) from all areas of Greece, since
he tried to save every possible colorful and rare word of Modern Greek dialects (see
Mathioudakis, in process).

About the first components of compounds in chart 6 there are enough studies· referring to the
following: for ολο-, θεο- see Efthymiou (2003)· for θεο- see also Anastasiadi-Symeonidi (2008)· for
πολυ- see Gavriilidou & Efthymiou (2003)· for πετρο- see Anastasiadi-Symeonidi (2005).

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(1) Some Cretan dialectal words:

ξεμανταλώνω, αναντρανίζω, αντρίστικος, γελοχαχαρίζω, σπήλιος, πρεπίζω,
αποκαμαρώνω, γυρογυάλι, λιγομαριάζω, παρακατσεύω, ακραγγίζω, κρασαποπιοτίδια

(2) Cretan-like words or Cretan-origin neologisms

ακρογυαλοχαράκι, χρουσάγανες, νυχοσυρομαδείεμαι, σουσουροκουβεντιάζω,
χρουσοκοντιλιάζω, αψηλοξεκορφίζω, χωνοφάραγγο, ανεμαζώνω

(3) Words of various Modern Greek dialects

αποκαψίδια, τρογύρω, ανεμοκαύκαλο, βουτσί, παραγώνι, αθαλώνω, ντηρειέμαι,

5.2 Data Analysis

5.2.1Inflection and Derivation

On the basis of Odys(s)ey’s derivational words, various researchers (Laourdas 1943,
Andriotis 1959, Giakoumaki 1982, Sideras 1983, Mandilaras 1987, Apostolakis 1999,
Detorakis 2005, Mathioudakis & Kambakis-Vougiouklis 2011, Mathioudakis 2012c)
have observed that, with some exceptions, Kazantzakis tends to make some changes of
derivational suffixes. He usually changes the nominal inflectional classes via
inflectional suffixes switching by keeping the genre (4) or even changes the genre of
the derived nouns (5). The Modern Greek dialects do not only corroborate this
observation, but help us to formulate a plausible hypothesis about a possible account of
it. A considerable amount of dialectal examples show that verbal and nominal
derivational suffixes of Modern Greek words are substituted by other suffixes to create
different forms of dialectal words (see Andriotis 1960, Ralli 2009). This tendency is a
common ground of Modern Greek dialects since some derivational suffixes or
inflectional classes are more productive and popular, and therefore the dialect-speakers
prefer these types and change the morphological structure by substituting suffixes.
Inflectional and Derivational suffixes substitution:

(4) Nouns (no-genre change)

masculine: –ας instead of –ης OR –ος, –φας instead of –φάγος OR –φαγάς,
–ος instead of –ας etc.
female: –α instead of –η, –η instead of –α, –ω instead of –η etc.
neutral: –ι instead of –μα OR –ο OR –ος, –ο instead of –ι OR –μα OR
–ος, –ος instead of –μα etc.

(5) Nouns (genre change)

masculine < neutral (–ας instead of –ι, –ος instead of –ι, –ο OR –μα)
masculine < female (–ος instead of –α OR –η)

female < masculine (–α OR –η instead of –ος)

female < neutral (–α OR –η instead of –μα, –ο OR –ος)

neutral < masculine (–ι instead of –ος)

neutral < female (–ι OR –ο instead of –α)

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Analyzing the changes of adjectival derivational suffixes, we observe that adjectives

are not subject of a specific changing pattern. It seems that adjective do not bear any
suffix change pair and it is not possible to predict any suffix pair. Nevertheless, there is
a systematic presence of some “favorite” derivational suffixes (6) that are dominating
other adjectival derivational suffixes.

(6) Adjectives
into –άτος, –ερός, –ης, –τος OR
into –ινός, –ικός, –ίκιος, –ίσιος, –ος, –ιάρος, –άρος OR
into –ού

We see in (7) and (8) that the verbs and adverbs present minor suffix changes and
there are predictable. On one hand, this pattern is obvious for adverbs, since there are
very few adverbial suffixes of Modern Greek dialects, and therefore the suffix change
pairs are even fewer. On the other hand, verb suffixes also belong to a small group, but
display a variety of systematic change pattern (7). Ralli (2009) discusses about a
systematic pattern of an undergoing verbal inflectional reconstruction that occurs due
to inflectional paradigms shifting or changing and on underlying stem allomorphy.
However, Kazantzakis avoids following this kind of dialectal pattern and prefers to
replace some verbal derivational suffixes with other more productive in Modern Greek
dialects. Moreover, it is notable that there is a strong dominance of the verbal
derivational –ίζ(ω).

(7) Verbs
–άζ(ω) OR ιάζ(ω)>–ά(ω),
–εύ(ω)>–αίν(ω) OR –άρ(ω),
–ιάζ(ω)> –ίζ(ω),
–ών(ω)>–ακίζ(ω) OR –ακών(ω)

(8) Adverbs
–ου instead of –α, –ίς, –ω
–ίς instead of–α,
–ός OR –ος instead of –α, –ίς

5.2.2. Compounding

On the basis of SMG compounding, Ralli & Karasimos (2009) have discussed a
constraint that applies usually on verbal coordinative compounds, which shows a
considerable productivity in Modern Greek. They have observed that, with some
specific and expectable exceptions, the first constituent of the constructions under
consideration “misses” its derivational suffix. A considerable amount of dialectal
examples (for an extensive catalog, see Andriotis 1960) shows that verbal derivative
stems participating as first constituents of coordinative compound structures are
stripped of their derivational suffixes. Ralli & Karasimos (2009) have proposed the
Bare-stem constraint according to which the form of Greek compounds is affected by a

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morphological constraint, which is responsible for the non-overt realization of the

derivational suffix and the stems appearing as first constituents of compound words
must be as bare as possible. There are some examples of this constraint in Odys(s)ey’s
CUWo (9). It is obvious that Bare-stem constraint applies not only to verbal and
adjectival cooperative compounds, but also to nominal subordinate compounds.

ροδογαλάζιους ρόδ-ιν(ος) + γαλάζι(ος)
ασημοκλείδι ασημ-ένι(ο) + κλειδί
πετρογόνατα πέτρ-ιν(ος) + γόνατ-ο
ανηφοκατηφορίζω ανηφορ-ίζ(ω) + κατηφορ-ίζ(ω)
περφανοκαυκιέμαι περφαν-εύ(ω) + καυκι(έμαι)
τρομολαχταρίζω τρομ-άζ(ω) + λαχταρ-ίζ(ω)

On the other hand, Odys(s)ey’s dictionary includes an extremely rare group of

compounds which have a structure of derivational second constituent with a prefix (10).
The Bare-stem constraint cannot apply in this category of compounds, since they are
out of its range. This constraint is responsible for the deletion of derivational suffixes
and not prefixes inside of a compounding structure. If the Bare-stem constraint had been
applied in these compounds and the derivational prefixes of the second constituents had
been deleted, then the meaning of the second constituent and consequently of the
compound would be compromised and misinterpretable. Therefore, we maintain that
Stem-Prefix+Stem|Word Compounds are not exceptions of the Bare-stem constraint.

(10) Stem-Prefix+Stem|Word Compounds

αιματοξεφυτρώνω αίμα + ξε-φυτρώνω
ακροπαρακατσεύω ακρη + παρα-κατσεύω
αργοξεπουλιάζω αργά + ξε-πουλιάζω
αχνοκατασταλάζω αχνά + κατα-σταλάζω
κλειδοκαταχτυπιώ κλειδί + κατα-χτυπιώ
κρουφοσυλλογίζομαι κρουφά + συλ-λογίζομαι
πικραποχαιρετώ πικρά + από-χαιρετώ

In verbal coordinative compounds, we do not know usually which act of the two
verbs precedes and which follows. Therefore, the two verbal components participate
with their basic stem and their actions can happen simultaneously or in parallel or
repeatedly or in any order (11). Karasimos (2001, 2011) supports that this hypothesis
is based on pragmatic criteria and not morphological.

μπαινοβγαίνω μπαίν-ω + βγαίν-ω
κλωτσοχτυπώ κλωτσ-ώ + χτυπ-ώ
ανοιγοκλείνω ανοίγ-ω + κλείν-ω
τρωγοπίνω τρώ-ω + πίν-ω
παιζογελώ παίζ-ω + γελ-ώ

Karasimos (2001) points out that there are some verbal coordinative compounds that
have the first constituent with a “past” stem for specific purpose; there are some verbal
compounds with first constituent in past form or in ‘past’ allomorph. On the contrary
of the latter compounds, the compounds of example (12) use their ‘past’ stem without

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the properties of aspect. It happens for pragmatic reason, since in these cases the action
of the first verb precedes the action of the second verb; therefore, it is necessary that
chronological order of action be overt in morphological ground. Additionally, in other
cases, the actions of both verbs happen once and not repeatedly. For a more detailed
discussion about it, see Karasimos (2001, 2011).

αλλαξαφεντιά αλλαξ- + αφεντιά
αλλαξοδερματίζω αλλαξ- + δερματ-ίζ(ω)
αλλαξομουρίζω αλλαξ- + μουρ-ίζ(ω)
καψαπαντέχω καψ- + απαντέχ(ω)
καψοκαρδίζω καψ- + καρδ-ίζ(ω)
καψοχαίρομαι καψ- + χαίρ(ομαι)
κλαψοσαλιαρίζω, κλαψ- + σαλιαρ-ίζ(ω)
κλεισαχείλης κλεισ- + χείλ-ης
χαλασοκοσμοπλάστρης χαλασ- + κοσμ- + πλάστ-ρη(ς)
κλεισοσπίτης κλεισ- + σπίτ-ης

In Andriotis (1960) data, there are very few compounds with three constituents and
most of them are VVV coordinative compounds. He underlines that literature authors
use or create rarely three-constituent compounds, since these compounds are
uncommon in Modern Greek; however, this kind of compounding structure can be
found more often in Modern Greek dialects. Kazantzakis follows this pattern and uses,
re-synthensizes and creates three-constituent compounds. His dictionary has many
three-constituent compounds (13), but oddly enough he has not any VVV compound.
These compounds do not have a specific structure pattern and many possible and
acceptable combinations of N, V, Adj and Adv can be found.

(13) Three-constituents compounds

ακροκοντοζυγώνω, ακρογιαλοχορεύω, αλαργοκουφοπετώ, αργοκοντοζυγώνω,
αργομπαινοβγαίνω, ασημοστραφταλίζω, αστραπολιθοβολώ, αστραποσυχναλλάζω,
αφροδροσολογούμαι, βαρυπνοκοιμάμαι, βοσκοσφυροκοπώ, γλυκοδροσολογώ,
γοργοπηγαινόρχομαι, κλωθοκυκλοφέρνω, κρουφοκαλοπιάνω, κρουφοκαλωσορίζω,
κυματοπηγαινοέρχομαι, μακρομπροσμουρώνω, φτεροσυρομαδιέμαι

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we have discussed the reciprocal interaction between Modern Greek
dialects, idiomatic words and the language of Kazantzakis’s Odys(s)ey. We have argued
that the study of our data provides a repertoire of many Cretan dialectal words and
phenomena that support the dominance of Cretan dialect, but we support that the
language of Odys(s)ey is Modern Greek and is supported by Cretan and Modern Greek
dialectal words and a huge corpus of neologisms and idiomatic words. Moreover, we
have demonstrated that dialectal data and neologisms can throw light on change and
language variation, since a number of morphological items and various patterns of
compounding and derivation are not part of the Modern Greek. Finally, we have
presented a language typology by examining his trends in compounding of CUWo and
analyzed specific phenomena, such as the Bare-stem constraint and compounds with
‘past’ stems. The focus of the present study was on morphology of CUWo, but there is

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no doubt that morphological studies could be improved if the scope of investigation

was broadened to cover all the dictionary of Odys(s)ey and was supported by a large
amount of dialectal dictionaries and lexica.

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