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Agile là gì

Agile is flexible way develop and manage software include interaction and collaboration between
developing team and customer. Its goal is serving the software to the customer as fast as possible

Bạn kể về quá trình làm việc của bạn ở team cũ?

We have 12 peoples. 3 QAs, and 9 developers. We have daily standup everyday to about: What we did
yesterday and percent of progression. Is there any issue? What we do today

Because daily meeting is last 15 minutes.

We just report the issue, if it can be solved fast, we will discuss directly in meeting. If not, we will have a
discussion with team lead after meeting

We use jira to manage tickets. There 2 types of tickets: bug and feature.

Dev will take non-assigned ticket to investigate and do estimation. In this time ticket status is TODO.
After finish estimation, ticket status will be changed to in progress.

When dev finish coding and testing on their tickeets, it will assigned to team lead for code reviewing.
When the leader finished reviewing, ticket will be assigned to QA for testing and then it will be assigned
to head quarter team lead. A ticket will be tested 2 rounds before it’s done.

What is node js?

Node.js is an free open source server environment

Node.js runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)

Node.js uses JavaScript on the server

Quá trình làm việc react js, node js

I worked with react js for 4 years in MVC hospital application. But it is pure
react, no redux in project. We use react context to pass data through the component
tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

We also use pure CDN javascript library and jquery. Every third party javascript component will
be rewritten with a react layer wrapping around them.

Frontend is the combination between webpack and cshtml. Page content is a page
component, utility components will be used inside page component. We will compile
and build bundle. Cshtml file will reference to that bundle.

Why webpack?

Because we can reference to another modules inside javascript file. And the time
spend on building bundles is not count in web starting time.

We use git for source control.

We create branch with ticket number. Everything we need to remember is pulling

before Committing to a branch.

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